Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #17

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About HLS Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is a contract animal testing laboratory. They test weedkillers, pesticides, drugs and household products on animals to enable big businesses to get their products on the market quickly and cheaply. HLS has been exposed five times in the last ten years for animal cruelty and incompetence. We proved them to be breaking the law on many occasions, but the government still do nothing. AboutSHAC SHAC was set up at the end of 1999 by the same activists who set up campaigns to close down Consort beagle breeders and Hillgrove cat farm . The campaign has grown since then with a huge mailing list, hun-

dreds of hits on the website every day and constant national publicity. By targetting shareholders, stockbrokers and bankers, SHAC has caused a collapse in HLS's shares. Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab, Winterflood Securities and Royal Bank of Scotland are among the institutions that have severed links with the firm. More recently, customers have been pulling out of HLS. SHAC will never turn its back on the animals in HLS . This is why the animal rights movement has pulled together and is targetting HLS both locally and internationally - the animals have no one else but us. We will not fail them.


TORTURE Huntingdon Life Sciences 50 years of shame Dogs














Other animals


Total lives lost

9 Million

Remember, your secret is our secret

2 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty



2002 The locals were in shock - the tiny town of Diss had never seen anything like it, hundreds of enraged people taking to the streets and demanding an end to animal abuse. People met in the town park and impassioned speeches were given by Dawn, Tom, Amanda and Kerry and as the last speaker fmished the determined crowd set off. With one sole aim in mind people set off carrying placards, waving banners, chanting "close down HLS" and making as much noise as possible. Hundreds of leaflets were given out, stickers were plastered everywhere and nobody in the area could have missed the demo. The result? Hundreds more people are now aware of the filthy laboratory tucked away at Oecoid and countless people have been put off ever applying for employment there. Job done, everyone sped off to the death camp itself and surrounded the place. Before long, people were running across the fields with bolt croppers in hand determined to get inside to wreak havoc. People got into the fields and some began to take down the

fence. The breathless coppers arrived and soon put an end to what was going on so off people went to visit the workers leaving a gaping hole behind them. Noisy demos took place right outside the blood money houses of workers. Oecoid employees perhaps now realise that activists don 't just stand outside their workplacethey take the message to their doorsteps and shame them before their whole community. People also sped off to the lab at Huntingdon and to the vet in Eye who helps HLS export mon-

keys telling them what they think of animal abusers. A brilliant day of letting this less attended HLS location know that the campaign is on top of them and will not let go until they are beaten.



Newsletter No. 17




Sleaze Figures released by the Electoral Commission this week reveal that HLS donated ÂŁ1 ,500 to the local Conservative Association on January 11th. "I would not accept any money from them," says former Tory minister Ann Widdecombe.


outside the Institute of Animal Technicians Conference in Edinburgh gave failing HLS director Brian Cass a piece of their minds when they saw him entering the event. Cass was clearly not expecting to have to put up with the abuse he faces as part of his daily life all the way up in Scotland!

50 YEARS OF DRUG DISASTERS Huntingdon Life Sciences 50 years of shame No of deaths















Remember, your is our secret




Huntmgdon Ammal Cruelty

SHAC ATTACK A group of persistent activists from Dorset have been busy targetting JP Morgan who own 8 million shares in HLS. In early February they launched a fourpronged attack on the company. Part A Five activists made a dash for the doors of the JP Morgan building in Christchurch road, but the security were quick (for a change) and thrust a plank of wood through the door handles. The demo continued on the street for some time, until eight police officers arrived, along with the heavies from the other branch of JP Morgan. Once it was clear th 't the police and security were out of he picture, a quick call was made to an ¡ her team of activists and PART H of the plan unfolded. Part B Four activists sauntered unchallenged into the colossal grounds of the huge JP Morgan complex at Chaseside. They marched straight to a section of scaffolding that soared way up to the top

of the building - and to the amazement of people working in the glass-fronted offices climbed to the top. Their banner was unfurled as security scuttled around below, looking like little more than ants. The prates tors stayed on the roof for quite a while before being escorted out of the building. When outside they held a noisy picket at the gates before moving on to part C. Part C Activists went back to the high street branch of JP Morgan in central Bournemouth and a lot of noise was made. Many leaflets were distributed. The police were already there when we arrived so the demo was kept outside. Part D Before calling it a day, a few protestors decided it was time for PART D of the master plan. They went to the home of one of the directors of JP Morgan, knocking on his door, ringing the bell, using a megaphone and horns to tell all his neighbours that he kills puppies at HLS.




verlOOprotestors arrived in Huntingdon with one thing in mind - to sort animal abusers. First stop was Parkers at Corby - they supply meat products for HLS' canteen, As soon as people got there they ran through the gates and into the warehouse shouting to the workers about their involvement with animal abuse, A helicopter hovered overhead and protestors who were late decided to have another run-in. They eventually managed to shut the gates so it was time to move on to no, 2 which was Interfauna, Sawtry Way, Huntingdon who supply beagles for HLS . As soon as everyone atTived they jumped out of their vehicles and ran down the lane which runs alongside the prison camp. As they ran along they could hear the puppies barking and howling which brought tears to demonstrators' eyes and made everyone feel extremely angry. As everyone looked at the fortress and thought about how impossible it seemed to climb over all the rolls of razor wire, they saw a black figure running over to the puppy unit. Protestors were overjoyed to see an activist standing on the roof of the kennels, It just shows that no matter how much security these places have got, activists will still gain access. The police constantly told people to "keep moving" and made several attempts to arrest activists trying to scale the fence. Activists went around the fence several times before moving on to no, 3. It was just around the corner: A.R. Cars, a taxi firm who have a contract to run HLS workers into 'work' , Activists who got here first left them in no doubt that they hadn't come to order a taxi, Police soon arrived screaming about 'Section 42. As they tried to get people to leave, yet more protestors arrived and got in the road outside the huge house. Residents were leaning out of their windows, one videoing, as protestors chanted "close down HLS" . Everyone soon moved onto the home of an HLS worker: Activists arrived without police (5 different police forces and they still couldn't keep up!) A group of activists got up to the house and started banging on the windows and shouting through the letterbox. Soon after they had been there a



usual bully boy tactics also employed by other police forces at other animal abusers in the past that are now no more. They failed then and they will fail now. Even though the maps had no further targets on them, everyone moved on to a demo at Cass' house. Some people also moved on to HLS and just caught some workers coming out. They ran in front of the cars and got dragged off the road by police, Other activists were still touring the workers into the night. Thirteen people were arrested and several official complaints were made against police officers. Even though many people had an extremely long and tiring day everyone seemed both motivated and determined to return to the next demo. Ask yourself this question: Do you think the police prefer demos where they know where activists are going in advance and have their tactics nicely mapped out to stop the demos being effective OR demos where they haven't got a bloody clue where people are going to pop up from one moment to the next giving everyone free rein to be EFFECTIVE!

neighbour started giving them the thumbs up and beckoning them to come over. She told them that she used to attend marches against HLS and supported the protests 100%. Another resident was directing people to the house, Apparently the house was covered in stickers and garden gnomes were ......~. . . . .. - smashed up which were around the back of the house. They soon moved onto the last two on the list which were two HLS workers. Activists got to both homes and screamed "animal abuser" through the letterbox. Both employees were standing in the bay window on their phones looking very shocked. Police started their

06/03/02 Marsh m Texas. USA have their locks glued up. Newsletter No 17 5


WHAT IF... IT WAS YOUR DOG? yself and a few other protestors arrived at Harlan Interfauna (one of HLS's beagle suppliers) ahead of the main demonstration. Going across the fields to the back of the building, so as to avoid unwanted police attention, we arrived at the perimeter fence. The cries of the beagles were so powerful and distressing I immediately began to look for a way over the razor wire. Unfortunately at this point several police arrived and began to follow us around. I was able to wander away from the main body of people and was only followed by one copper, who by some divine intervention received a call on his radio and ran off around the corner. By this point I had had plenty of time to suss out a way over the fence and I didn't waste a second. I climbed up over the razor wire and I was in the compound. My first instinct was to get on the nearest roof. This done however, I realised that the police/security were so slow and useless that I was the only person inside the compound - I had free rein to do as I wished. I jumped off the roof I was on and ran to where I could hear the beagles crying out. I clambered onto the beagle building, and looking down into a narrow passageway I could see the terrified animals jumping around with fright. As the full force of what


I was seeing hit me, tears came to my eyes, and I was forced to sit for a moment, contemplating the excrement lining the concrete floors, with urine running out from under the bars of the cages. The dogs had a shovel of sawdust scraped over the bottom of the cages, not even enough to soak up the urine that these poor animals were forced to live in. The smell was overpowering. I turned around and was pleased to see that the main body of demonstrators had arrived, and it was a real inspiration to see so many people defending themselves against the violent cops, and trying to get into the compound with me. The atmosphere was electric. Thanks to everyone for their positive support. I jumped down into the passageway where the beagles were kept in cages, at the front only protected from the elements by metal bars. It was clear to see how these animals were treated by their reaction to me. Most of the normally docile beagles ran to the back of their cages and hid, whining and sometimes shaking at the back of their cages underneath small wooden benches. A few ran up, but when I put my arm through the bars to reach them ran back petrified. The plight of these animals was so terrible that I had to repeatedly get back on to the roof to collect myself. I was horrified when I saw that one of the beagles had bloody stumps in her gums where her teeth should have been. She was trying to bark at me, but this was obviously causing her a lot of pain. There was one dog in particular who ran up to me and sniffed my hand through the bars.

She seemed to sense it was safe and began to wag her tail. I reached through to pet her and make a fuss of her, and it was clear by her excitement that this was the only affection that she had ever been shown. The thought that the animal that I had been playing with - who kissed me and who was so glad to be loved - will within months, weeks, be cut open on a sick scientist's table after many horrific experiments, is something, like so much else I saw that day, that will stay with me for ever. That is my reason for doing everything in my power to smash HLS once and for all. After about an hour of being in this hell hole the police arrived and asked me to get down. Conceding that there was nothing else I could do for these miserable dogs, and that the demo had moved on, I went up to every single cage, with tears pouring from my eyes and apologised to every single dog for not bringing them the liberation that they so desperately need and deserve. I made sure that the police had to see the animals when they escorted me from the premises, but they showed just what mindless bastards they are. They arrested me, despite clearly seeing everything that I had just seen. What had driven me to tears was unimportant to them. I was charged with aggravated trespass, but after what I had seen, four hours in the cells and a probable few hundred pounds fine was like staying in a ten star hotel. I have seen what is happening first hand. I now have so many fresh reasons to play my part in battering HLS into the ground, and that is exactly what I intend to do.

12/03/112 Three shareholders m Middlesex get their cars paintstrippered .tnd the1r houses painted c:ourtesy of the ALF

action GATECRASHING CONFERENCES The campaign to close down Huntingdon Life Sciences has always prided itself on being creative and original. In the latest line of attack activists have been fighting HLS on their own territory . This has involved demonstrations outside and inside any conferences which HLS are attending. This plays a crucial role in the campaign because HLS rely on these conferences to attract new business . It is important that we isolate HLS away from the rest of the industry, when they stand on their own they are a much easier target for us to conquer.

SHACIN JAPAN In mid April SHAC campaigners from Britain joined up with around a dozen Japanese activists to target HLS at the CPHI sales fair in Japan. These events are designed to enable vivisectors to promote themselves and are thus of vital importance to HLS, Before the demo, 2 campaigners approached the pathetic HLS stall posing as potential investors. The HLS sales manager Alex Cumrnins was shocked that anyone would want to buy shares in HLS, he said that it wasn't possible to do so at the moment and with no market maker he had no idea when it would be possible. Oh dear. Mr Cumrnins had lots of HLS literature. Some bragged about Studies in dogs and monkeys using mask or oropharyngeal tube dosing systems." The next day the campaigners reapproached the stall and handed Mr

Cumrnins some SHAC brochures to go with the HLS literature. He was shocked and refused to comment when told that HLS could not get a market maker because they are financially and morally bankrupt. The campaigners then distributed leaflet!' to hundreds of potential customers and INHAUnoN exhibitors inside the TOXICOLOGY conference.The demo definitely had a big impact - according to Japanese campaigners "Everyone in Japan is very nervous about SHAC." Japan is a very important market for HLS . Our message is simple- WE WILL FIND YOU WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD.HLS will be dismayed by the formation of SHAC Japan and with more demos planned for their sales offices in Tokyo this amounts to a major blow to Huntingdon's hopes for new business in the Far East.

When we found out that HLS were involved in the BioWise 2002 conference at the London Metropole Hotel we decided it was time to book ourselves some tickets! Two smartly dressed activists arrived, flashed their passes and were led inside this supposedly high security conference. For the first hour of the event the topic was animal rights campaigners and how to protect financial backers of HLS from demonstrators - you've done a cracking job so far boys! As soon as Lord Sainsbury got up so did the two activists. They began to loudly inform the whole conference that HLS were a disgrace to the biotech industry and that the animal rights movement will not let go of the failing laboratory who lets not forget have a criminal record for breaking company law. People were stunned as the duo wandered around the event handing out fact sheets before being removed from the building by security after a few moments of disruption.

Confere nce Program me 2002 I Conference Programme 2001 I

Conference Programme 2002

20/03/02 Activists mvadc a conference in Texas. USA and destroy Huntingdon's display stand leavmg behind one hell of a mess. Newsletter No. 17 7

I action

AGENTS OF DEAT'.Jhffr\~ HLS have sales offices and sales reps all over the world. These people help promote the work of Huntingdon and rope in new customers. HLS cannot recover financially without new customers so we need to make sure that these sales offices do not generate new businesses for the puppy killers. Remember that the people listed below go out into the business world and conspire to slowly poison animals to death. They talk about in a cold, calculated manner how many monkeys you can slaughter per thousand pounds, how many puppies you can poison per test and how many rats you can have gassed in forced inhalation tests.

KOREA : Shin Won Scientific Company, 303 Dong-Wha Building, 1580-11 Seocho3- Dong, Seocho Ku, Seoul, Korea 137073. Tel: 0082 2 3486 5302, Fax: 0082 2 598 8249, Email: INDIA : Dr Grover I Akhand Jyoti, Huntingdon Life Sciences Ltd, 8th Road, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 055, India. Tel: 0091 22 612 4426, Fax: 0091 22 619 2481. Email: also: Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India, B04, Anand Co-op Housing Society, Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim (West), Mumbai- 400 016, India.

Tel: 0091 22 437 5279. Fax: 0091 22 437 6859. Email: UK: Huntingdon Life Sciences, Tel: 01480 892 099 I 01480 892 000. Fax: 01480 892 205 I 01480 892 280 Email: USA : Huntingdon Life Sciences, Tel: 001 732 873 2550 Fax 001 732 873 3992 Email:

ACTION Contact all of the sales offices and show them that no amount of distance will allow them to escape the pressure of the animal rights movement. Remember that these people talk about animals as if they were lifeless objects, already dead. Overseas stamps and phone calls from phoneboxes are not as expensive as you would think and if you do not have a fax machine you can send free faxes from or www.ourfax.comlwebfax GERMANY : Mr Horst Enzenauer, Postbox 62, D-65595, Huenfen, Germany, Tel: 0049 6438 920 183, Fax: 0049 6438 71467, Em ail: HorstEnzenauer@ DENMARK: Huntingdon Life Sciences, Tel : 0045 45 934 283, Fax: 0045 45 934 280, Email: huntingdon.scandinavia@ JAPAN : Huntingdon Life Sciences Co. Ltd, Bancho Kaikan, 12-1 Gobancho, 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku. Tokyo, Japan 102-0076, Tel: 0081 3 3238 638 1-7, Fax: 0081 3 3238 6388-9 TAIWAN: Prisma Biotech Corporation, 3F 199, SEC. 2 Shin-Hai Road, Taipei, Taiwan. Tel: 00886 2 273 900 79 Fax: 00886 2 2739 0027. Email:


LS rely on their email and intemet system as a way of pulling in new clients and as a means of internal communication. Imagine if Pipex could be persuaded to terminate their contract - a major part of their advertising would be gone, customers would not be able to get through and communications between different departments would become a nightmare leading to 'more time wasted, more sloppiness and more of a mess for the animal killers. PIPEX are Huntingdon's Internet Service Provider (ISP) - they provide the service HLS need to have an internet system. Without PIPEX they would be in trouble. PIPEX are fully aware that HLS punch puppies in the face, that they push poison down the throats of rabbits and that they make guineapigs so sore that their skin cracks and bleeds yet they continue to supply HLS with this vital service.

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day ot act10n



' •.' cmpl<>:,ce, we,·e l,:rgettt'd ·11 !heir homes



well as all-day pickets and home demos. One thing is for sure - whatever they are doing, wherever they are doing it, SHAC Week in week out, up and down the UK people are out there hitting HLS and their Leicester always make sure that HLS and collaborators where it hurts. Insurers, directheir business partners get to hear about it as tors, suppliers and the lab loudly as possible. They themselves are facing continuhave even had the police They have even ous pressure to stop their abuse banning the use of their had the police of animals. noise-making equipment There are HLS collaborators in because Marsh could not banning the use every county and only when handle the noise! Mind you, of their noiseeach and every one of them has with sirens, whistles, making had the spotlight thrown their airhoms and up to three way will Huntingdon close and megaphones on the go at equipment stop slaughtering animals. By once anybody would be hard because Marsh pulling together and working in pushed to put up with the local groups, the movement can could not handle din! Needless to say people really pile on the pressure for soon got back on with the the noise! this hell hole to close. Here we demos! take a look at SHAC Leicester SHAC Leicster are a very who are out there several days a week ridinformal group and anybody who hates cruding their area of HLS abusers. elty and wants to stop it is made welcome. They have people of all ages involved in "HLS SCUM GET OUT OF OUR their group and there is something for TOWN! " everyone to do, be it going to demos, When the campaign against Marsh was fundraising or leafleting. launched and after seeing that their area is Some of the demos have taken a rather riddled with companies and individuals that 'interesting' turn. When you add up the kill animals at HLS, campaigners in the arrest tally it comes up to a grand total of 43 East Midlands decided it was time to put a arrests to date and SHAC Leicester are stop to it and SHAC Leicester was formed. proud to be a part of a movement that is Every week they demo various animal changing the world and making history. abusers be it suppliers, Marsh, shareholders They can lock you in a room for a few or the workers at the gates of HLS . So far hours but they cannot take away your voice there have been several days of action as and they cannot torture you to death, so onwards and upwards as the activists continue to keep up the pressure. The main Leicester focuses so far have been Marsh and Parker Fine Foods (HLS meat supplier) both of whom have had to face demos inside their offices and on their doorsteps on a regular basis. Parker Fine Foods have collapsed and Leicester SHAC are just waiting for them to put it in

02/04/02 HLS lose thc1r market makc1 after then offices were ransacked and the1r d1rectors had to deal w1th demonstrations ms1de then¡ homes'

writing that they have binned HLS forever before the demos stop. All it took was a couple of noise-making sessions, a couple of demos and a leaflet-laying session around the swimming pool of Mr Parker and HLS can kiss goodbye to one of their service providers. One of the early Leicester days of action involved lively pickets at various shareholders' offices and resulted in every single person on the demo getting nicked by the time the day was done but it was well worth it and they were all back outside the same offices a few days later - they don't get rid of SHAC so fast! Not every demo is as well-attended or as fast and furious as the rest but all it takes to crack these animal killers is persistence, the desire to see that place closed and the urge to hold those animals in safety the day it happens. Sometimes there are 15 people out, other times just 3. One thing is for sure, that is if everybody pulls together and steps up their campaigning on a local level, then the day that happens is pushed forward with every demo ... Yours for the animals, The Leicester Crew

Newsletter No 17 9


HAMMERING MARSH NO ESCAPE FOR HLS'S INSURANCE BROKER Since the last mailout, the campaign against HLS's insurance broker has gone international with an increasing volume of protests and pickets happening across the world. Everybody wants to play their part in persuading Marsh to sever their ties with HLS and Marsh will come to learn that we do not let go. The pressure will build until they dump HLS for ever.



Goodbye Marsh

Marsh received a nice slap in the face when sharp-eyed campaigners spotted in their local paper that they were to join Princess Anne at the opening event of a pharmaceutical factory in County Durham. A few phonecalls and suggestions of a demo later and the company Marsh were to help open decided that they were too much of a security risk and announced that Marsh would not be attending after all.

Bad news travels fast

When campaigners in the North East decided to demo their local Marsh office every day for a week news of this clamp-down on cruelty spread far and wide. Even Marsh employees in Exeter commented to protesters that they felt sorry for the Newcastle Office!

10 Stop Huntmgdon Am mal Cruelty


ON TOUR The Marsh Office Tour involved stormed buildings, home visits and plenty of noise. For five days in a row Marsh offices all over the place had it in the neck all day long.

noise-mak•----•ing implements they rushed through the door to floor number 6 where Marsh are located. The internal doors were locked so people made a load of noise causing untold disruption. People moved on to the other Marsh office and occupied the entrance making sure that it was blocked off. The demo continued all afternoon.

was demo ' d and invaded by 40 people. Protesters got up onto the •----~•roof, whilst others went running up the stairs to Marsh holding a noisy demo right outside their offices, stickering the corridors as they 25 people held anothwent before getting thrown outer noisy demo during which the side for the demo. Half the demo moved on to the other building was Marsh office where security plastered with panicked and shut up shop. This stickers and meant that 100 or so employees •----~•then followed on to hold a picket outside the were trapped inside reception home of the office manager. for around half an hour while police showed up to escort them outside.

Yet again various offices were targetted across the city and plenty of noise was made. Marsh • - - - - - • w e r e given the clear impression that if you abuse animals protesters come back time and time again to stop you.

harangued Marsh office •----~•did not get off lightly. Loads of noise and loads of stickers added to the hassle they have had to face in recent weeks which has included loads of demos, broken windows, stinkbombs and even the environmental heath department being called in to shut down demos because of the noise!

18/04/02 Hacktivists set up ptrate computer software m colleges and offices whtch caused over 34,000 nuisance phone calls to be made to HLS.





MOBILE ISHAC WORLDWIDE ! MANIA Listed below are the mobile phone numbers for various managers at Marsh. Text them, phone them and let them know your opinions on animal cruelty.

David Stripp 07887 800 697 Tony Hawksby 07785 297 788 Stephen Mooney 07776177 300 Mark Hudman 07787 565 346 Gareth Waite 07771 954 663 Nigel Cuniffe 07711 824 230 Graham N Peck 07831 595 701 Jon Clarke 07768 980 520 Barry O'Niell 07780 993 836 Patrick O'Connel 07889 709 697 David Dunn 07787 570 699 Richard Rycroft 07768 357 073 Sean Finnegan 07798 796 625 Ian Baker 07831400 655 Peter Grocock 07798 684 267


Activists worldwide have been getting their teeth into Marsh, strengthening the global network of people detehnined to put an end to HLS now. People are getting organised and long gone are the days when HLS collaborators could expect an easy ride in the rest of the world. Here is a roundup of some recent actions in just a few of the countries who are hitting HLS where it hurts. GERMANY On the 8th of April SHAC Deutschland activists descended on Marsh offices in Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Munich, Wein (Austria) and Zurich (Switzerland). Some offices had already received email, fax and phone blockades and the Berlin offices had been sprayed with slogans. On the 8th activists equipped with banners and leaflets held demos and run-ins leaving the message behind that HLS means bad publicity. SHAC Deutschland now have a web site at and their first newsletter has just come out. ITALY Meanwhile in Italy the 1-6th of April was declared open season on Marsh. All 12 offices in the country were targetted. Seven of the offices had to face demonstrations outside which were attended by around 25 people, while in Rome 50 people arrived to express their anger at animal cruelty. All other offices were phone, fax and email blockaded. This was the first coordinated week of action against HLS in Italy and what a week it was! Activists in Italy have said "The protests and blockades go on and will never stop unless Marsh drop HLS." NEW ZEALAND Activists targetted Marsh offices in Dunedin and

23/04/02 Marsh m Hnmmgham dtsrupted for several hours due to the dom s hetng d-lockcd shut by p10teste1 s Employees locked out Im hours and eventually brought m vta the ftre escape I

Wellington as part of Lab Animal Week. In Dunedin 10 people entered the offices and occupied the reception, plastering stickers all over the place. The receptionist fled, so they took it upon themselves to answer the phones for Marsh and tell their clients a few home truths until the police arrived and put a stop to the demo. The demo then went on to a local Shell garage to protest against their custom of HLS. In Wellington demoers entered the Marsh building via lifts and as paranoid Marsh had locked all of the internal doors, they wandered around stickering the premises before going down to reception and setting up the demo there. The megaphone was cranked up and employees from neighbouring offices came to see what was going on. Once made to leave, they continued outside and carried on the demo there.



SHAC-USA, in one week, found and 'convinced' the remote mountain-based company to drop service to Huntingdon. With the help of some anonymous activists, quick work was made of Spencer Edwards. The president received a surprise INHOUSE home demonstration on Easter Sunday, another executive had his laundry stolen, and their offices were left in a state of disarray after an impromptu demonstration. No other market maker has given HLS a second look since. Activists in Boston and San Francisco turned the heat up on State Street, a major HLS invest()r. 3AM wake calls with megaphones outside the president's house, constant phone calls and office disruptions made quick work of yet another company to sell HLS down the river.

SHAC U SA Editorial: To call SHAC-USA productive over the last two months would be a gross understatement. HLS got a nice big slap in face with campaigners across America achieving victory after victory in this epic fight to close them down. With HLS never anticipating the next target or their own vulnerabilities, US activists left them and their cohorts scrambling for refuge. Undeterred by lawsuits and police brutality, we are well underway to what promises to be the most exciting, dynamic, and forceful part of the campaign. Financially F#@'d HLS's Achilles heel, its inability to manage its books, was again exploited in the US . Attempting to salvage the US re-listing, HLS found itself a market maker (Spencer Edwards) to finally get its ticker symbol up and trading. Not having any of that ,

: ', 1


Always keeping long-term strategy in mind, SHAC-USA activists secured a major blow against HLS by convincing Charles Schwab, the world's biggest online broker, to no longer trade in HLS shares, killing any future volume or fluidity in shares. No money, no prospects, no future for you HLS ! Sabbing the Suppliers Attacking the infrastructure of HLS and driving up the operating costs has never seemed so easy. With a couple of quick demonstrations, phone calls and meetings, HLS 's janitorial services, food service provider, and employee healthcare provider ail gave this vile lab the boot. Marsh just as in the UK and Europe, has become the object of much scorn. Countless demonstrations, phone calls, emails and home visits have sent a clear message that insuring animal cruelty is not acceptable. Marsh, in its infinite lack of wisdom, is now attempting to sue US activists across the country. This did not work for Stephens, BNY or HLS and it will not work for you Marsh - it only strengthens our resolve and fortifies our anger.

Not 'Business as Usual' Attempting to peddle their crap services at the annual Toxicology Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, HLS and conference attendants were met with a rude surprise when activists cleared their tables, threw about anti-HLS leaflets -and left the event ringing with an extremely loud noise bomb. Sorry to have crashed your party ... And from the good people of the "Provisional HLS Campaign Internet Division" : Three abandoned computers were found, equipped with some pirated software and programmed to ring HLS and all its extensions. After going for four days undetected, the computer logs showed that 34,640 calls were made to HLS! WORLD DAY UPDATE From Coast to Coast, North to South, activists spent the third week of April smashing HLS in four large regional

demonstrations in San Francisco, Texas, Chicago and New York City. Marsh offices were protested at and the roof of E*Trade was taken over, anti-vivisection speakers spoke to thousands, and home demonstrations were brought to the abusers' door steps (and through the front windows of NYC Marsh employees!) . Companies that collaborate with HLS were left with little doubt that things are only getting faster and more furious in the US campaign until the doors of HLS slam shut forever.

27/04/02 Fencmg torn down at HLS Oecoid as hundreds of people gather to mark World Day ror Lab Ammals Hamsters liberated and damage caused at Wnghts Breedmg Centre who supply HLS


THEY SAY MONEY TALKS ... For anyone who ever doubted SHAC could take on the financial system behind HLS, it is time to eat your words. Huntingdon Life Sciences is now in an unprecedented situation for a public company and despite the spin, their recently released annual report shows that the decline in their business continues unabated. Frankly, we are winning. The last few months have been some of the most unusual in financial history for both sides of the Atlantic. HLS, in its new guise of Life Sciences Research Inc (LSR), has become no better than a private company, despite its numerous shareholders. The triumph of the US campaigners in scaring off the market maker Spencer Edwards, was a fundamental blow to HLS in their efforts to relist their shares out of Britain. They are now in a strange limbo, struggling to find someone else to take them on, which is very unlikely to happen. The beautiful part is that just before HLS anticipated having a new market for their shares, they were restructuring their finances in an effort to improve their debt problem. This involved issuing over 9 million new shares in LSR (reducing the stake of existing shareholders by half) in exchange for debt, in an effort to reduce their interest repayments. The new shareholders would have been expecting to make their money back on the new market which was supposed to develop in LSR shares in the US, away from UK animal rights activists. In the light of SHAC USA's achievements, they have lost badly and will be furious with HLS management for not delivering on their promises over the LSR deal. In other words, SHAC is scuppering the deal.

To clear up some confusion, LSR shares are not officially listed on the "Pink Sheets", and the "Other OTC" which the company says they are listed on is not a stock market. It is possible to trade shares, but it is exceptionally difficult, especially for small UKbased shareholders. It has become even harder with the world's biggest stock broker, Charles Schwab, refusing to hold these shares on behalf of their clients. HLS financials are also a joy to read. In their 2001 financial report they claim last year's orders increased by 3.38% and are proud of this figure. The truth is, that though doing slightly better than 2000, they are doing worse than 1999. This is not a company in recovery - the increase hardly exceeds inflation. They fail to highlight that expenses associated with these revenues grew at a much faster rate of 5 .17%, resulting in the largest operating loss since 1998 of $3,546,000. Operating costs are the costs associated with the day to day running of the business. However, the overall net loss, with all


expenses taken into account, is a massive $8,446,000- 21.8% higher than 1999. Total debt increased from $50 million in 2000 to a massive $88,123,000 in 2001, an increase of over 75%. For the first time the company is in the unhealthy position of where what it owes exceeds assets. Buried in the results is a potential $14,364,000 in deferred income taxes which ,combined with their disclosed operating loss, would make a total loss for the 2001 of $22,810,000 which is equal to ÂŁ1,329,254 a month! In order for HLS to break even, they need to increase business by a huge 22%, and that is if they can achieve the impossible task of keeping every other cost static. Not even their competitors come anywhere near that. There is no recovery as claimed. A few customers may have come back, but in nowhere near the numbers needed to keep HLS alive in the long run. Though management are racing to restructure their debt to ease the burden, it is not going to be enough to save them. As long as activists keep the pressure on, they are never going to reach profitability again. They have tried everything to stop it, but the campaign has defeated them, their situation is not sustainable and the money is starting to run out.

TO SHAKE THE MONEY MEN 08/04/02 Abbey Glen (HLS's 'waste disposal company') pull out of HLS in the USA Jcavmg them nowhere to dtspose of the bodies of thctr victims.

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty


Standing Order Form D


I would like to donate a regular sum by standing order to the "Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty" campaign.

Name ...................................................................................... . Address .................................................................................. . ...................................................... Postcode ........................ . Name of your bank ................................................................... . Address of your bank ................................................................ .

Sort code:


Account number:


Please pay the sum of £ ........... on the ........... day of every month as from ......../ ......../ ........ to the credit of "Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty". Signed .................................................... Date ........................ .

Please do not write below this line

··········································4 SHAC account details: I Sort Code .................................................................................. 1 Account number ........................................................ ·. ····...... ···


SHAC is run by volunteers who give up their lives in order to completely focus on closing down HLS. Without your help we couldn' t continue the campaign against the hellhole. Your support has brought about countless victories so far, such as the Natwest campaign and the shareprice down. Your money pays for stationery, postage costs, equipment, petrol costs, stunts such as banner drops and much more. All we ask is that you commit to donating a certain amount to us each month whether it is £1 or £100. I know many of you out there feel helpless because you are unable to actively take part in the fight against HLS but there are many other ways you can help the animals at HLS, fundraising being one of them. There are so many ways that you can raise money: street stalls, car boot sales, benefit CDs/gigs, sponsored walks. Use your imagination! We look forward to hearing from you ...


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All merchandise is free unless stated otherwise but if you can make a donation towards the costs we would be extremely grateful. Thanks Quantity HLS Leaflet HLS A2 Poster HLS Factsheet HLS Petition Liberation Poster £2 Scientific Leaflet Videos - HLS The Truth (Short 0 or Long 0) Video - Countryside Undercover Video- 'Time for action 2' NEW Collecting Tins Shell Leaflets Shell A2 Poster Please return order forms to: SHAC, PO Box 381, Cheltenham, Glos, GLSO 1YN


Quantity Airhoms £7 KIDS Unbleached T-Shirt 0 £5 NEW Unbleached T-Shirt m 0 ID xl 0£7.50 T-Shirt 1 Black s 0 mO 10 xl 0£5 T-Shirt 2 Black s 0 mO 10 xl 0£5 Hooded Tops (design as t-shirt 1) £15 Demo Leaflet NEW Donation

Name .................... ............................................. ......... Address ............. ....... ..... ................ .. ........ .... ..... .... ....... .................................................................................... Postcode .... .. ...... ......... .. .... Tel. .... ..... .. ..... ............ .... ...

SHELL KILLS ANIMALS at Huntingdon Life

Liberation poster


poster HLS leaflet

Marsh leaflet/poster

HLS sticker

Unbleached t-shirt

Monday 16th

Tuesday 17th

¡Wednesday 18th

Thursday 19th

Friday 20th

Satu 21!

Tel 3663 caterers on

0870 3663 100 AND 0870 3663 720





engineering on

01482 329996


28f Sat 28tt World D

An 01772 775 800 & 01253 861 800 ALSO 01604 67


Tues 24th-demo at Japanese embassy Meet 11am Green Park tube station


June 2nd


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

Mon 30th May - Sun 5th




Customers Global Weel\

Demonstrations against HLS customers on a global scale Call Novartls on

Call Rocheon

Call Roche on 01707

FCall orest labs on

Call Novartls on

01276 698 387

01273 480 444

36 6000

01322 550 550

01276 692 255



















.Important Numbers

rday •t

Roche on 01707 36 6000 & 01273 480 444 Novartis on 01276 692 255 & 01276 698 387 Forest labs on 01322 550 550 Chugai Pharma on 0208 987 5600 AND 0208 987 5680 Yamanouchi on 01932 342 291 Sankyo on 01494 766 866 Daiichi on 0207 936 2850 UPS on 08457-877-877, 0117-982-8221 & 01753-760100 Menlo Worldwide Forwarding on 0208 260 6465 Perkinelmer on 01494 874 515 Biocair 01223 245 223 Bachem on 01744 61 2108 Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe 0208 742 4300 CROMPTON UNIROYAL CHEMICALS 01753 603 053 Steris 01256 840400 Euro DPC Ltd 01286 871 871 Hamilton Rentals 020 8963 8080 and 020 8961 6777 Scarlet Couriers 01344 489099 and 01753 576777 Allport 020 8965 0678 and (020) 84536200 Data Sciences Tel: 01254 854918 Mob: 07799 833855 Donarbon 01223 860 000 and 01366 388 900 Huntingdon Plant Hire 01480) 454995 Nightfreight 01902 604000 and 01480 470777 Tool Hire Shops 01925 281000 and 01223 464367

Sunday 22nd



The Real

1y for Lab mala


- 12th

:h unedemos 1ents across ountry





19th !i' I!






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