Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Newsletter #22

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AS MARSH MOVE ON THE "If one or more members of our senior management team were unable or unwilling to continue be harmed ...The loss of one or more of these key employees could adversely affect our business."

The Department of Trade and Industry announced just before Christmas that they will provide insurance for HLS in the UK and the USA after a global campaign against HLS's insurance brokers Marsh. This is a massive victory and shows what the animal rights movement working together globally is capable of achieving. What a position to be in - HLS cannot find a single insurance company or broker worldwide to provide them with insurance cover, and without the UK government's interven-

AN INSURANCE I heard the other day that some anti-vivisection activists were downhearted at the news that the government has stepped in to provide insurance cover for HLS. They feel that it would be extremely difficult to persuade the government to stop insuring HLS - and this is, of course, very true - but there is no reason at all to be downhearted, as the move has been forced by the power of the SHAG campaign and can truly be seen as another milestone on the road to eventual victory. The government move is no surprise, coming as it does from an evil regime which has continually supported the HLS animal torturers and which has already provided banking services for them. What is significant is that the move has come as a result of an extremely effective SHAG campaign against Marsh, who had previously brokered HLS's insur-

tion would have been forced to close.

the British taxpayer who picks up the bill.

What next? Is the army now going to police HLS? This typifies the state the vivisection industry is in and how it is viewed by commercial companies in the supply sector. We have heard lots of nonsense about new legislation to stop us. Well it didn't help Marsh did it? They were forced to spend ÂŁ103,000 per week just to protect their directors in the UK alone!

The government say they can't afford a wage rise for the fire fighters BUT they can afford to insure Huntingdon who kill 500 animals every day - how sick.

How outrageous that if there is any damage to Huntingdon's lab in America it is

OF VICTORY Marsh is a multi-billion pound company, but they have been forced to cease their involvement with HLS through the courage, determination and dedication of SHAG campaigners. And if such a commercial giant as Marsh can be forced to surrender, surely there is no company in the world that cannot eventually be vanquished. This is the knowledge and belief which needs to be taken into the next phase of the SHAG campaign against Huntingdon's services, senior "scientists" and directors. The government may be able to supply banking and insurance for HLS, but directors and researchers are two things they cannot provide - and without these , the monsters of Huntingdon will be well and truly finished. Ronnie Lee

This shows the power we all have acting together and we pay tribute to all the SHAG groups across the world who have helped bring the world's largest insurance broker to their knees. Believe in what you are doing - it works and is incredibly effective.


Since leaving the Imperial College in London and moving to the Faculty of Medicine at Liverpool University HLS director John Caldwell has had nothing but trouble. On Friday the 6th of December activists decided to tell this killer that they will not tolerate his presence in their area: "Shae Northwest gathered together last Friday as part of the week of action against HLS. Disgusted to hear that a sick twisted animal killer, in the form of a HLS director, was working in our midst we decided to tell him what we thought of him!!

As predicted the coward replied 'no comment' to most questions asked, apart from when he was told not to underestimate our hatred for him and our determination to close down HLS. To that he replied 'Oh no, I certainly don't underestimate that!'

} This is a picture of John a dwe , :t .路.路 .路.路 vivisector and HLS director.


CALDWELL HIT YET AGAIN No let up on this HLS director ... SHAG was sent the following report: "We had an anonymous tip off that HLS sicko John Caldwell was to appear at a degree ce remony in Liverpool's Philarmonic Hall so we invited ourselves along to liven things up a bit - it would have been rude not to! Security was tight but as the killer slinked in th rough a side door an activist stood up and asked him if he has resigned from HLS yet. The killer rushed to seek aid from the nearby security as activists followed him telling him and everybody around as loudly as they could that we are determined to make him quit HLS and we will finish his career off in the process if that is what it takes . Caldwell, get out of HLS or get out of our town because we do not tolerate animal killers like you here."

Professor John Caldwell is now working as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Liverpool University. Angry and determined , 15 activists headed up to the Duncan Building , part of the University, and burst into his office where he was having a meet-

Activists then ventured into the corridor to inform surrounding staff and students of their Dean's involvement in cruelty and

ing with his secretary .

Staff appeared from all over the Duncan Building to see what the commotion was about and were horrified by the news that the man they are supposed to respect is

The activists surrounded him, pointed a camera at him and told him to justify his involvement in animal torture to us. He tried to tell us HLS is a legal business and therefore had to be reminded several times that what has come out in every investigat ion to date is far from legal! Punching animals, breaking home office laws, breaking good laboratory practice guidelines , taking drugs etc etc ... It seems Professor Caldwell is very confused and mistaken when it comes to the law!


nothing but a dirty little animal killer! Activists left the building with a vow to the animals inside HLS that Professor John Caldwell, a man responsible for their suffering, will receive relentless pressure until he severs his ties with HLS!!! Resign now Caldwell!!!"

As soon as we heard that HLS were attending the BCPC (British Crop Protection Council) conference at the Hilton Metro-pole Hotel in Brighton we leapt into action. Our aim was to cause as much disruption and embarrassment to HLS as possible and that is exactly what we did. Phone calls were made to alert activists and ask them to demonstrate outside the hotel on the first day of the conference . We had other ideas. No less than 4 very well-known SHAG activists managed to breach police and hotel security. Two activists even had passes! The 4 of us had the run of the hotel, access to every room and were mingling and chatting with scum from Bayer, Monsanto, Covance and other filthy companies . Obviously we were dressed smartly and fitted in perfectly. Each company attending the conference had their own hospitality suite in which to entertain potential clients and customers . A member of hotel staff thought that we were from HLS and scurried off to get a key to let us in to "our'' suite. When she returned the real HLS representatives had arrived looking relaxed and calm, which did not last long, laughing about some-

thing that Brian (Cass) would not approve of if he only knew! As soon as the door opened 2 of us barged in shouting and yelling throw- "'·\••••• ytfHP? u :·:••••• •••••WJ!kl • ing leaflets and telling these monsters exactly what we thought of them. There is no peace and no break for the animals at whom rapidly ducked in order to avoid HLS so why should HLS staff have any injury! peace? So many of their conferences at The activists were ejected but one of them home and abroad have been disrupted in who had a pass went back in was given this way and so it will continue. The the keys to the HLS hospitality suite (will stooges trying to drum up business for they never learn?) and barricaded herself their pathetic company were Andrew in. It is alleged that HLS beer was drunk James Wilson and Steve Owen (who was and that all in all HLS were not able to also subjected to an embarrassing SHAG "entertain" for 4 hours in total. The 3 fire lock on in Switzerland) . Steve Owen is engines which arrived proved surplus to also the chairman of the Institute of requirements! Animal Technicians. He was then met by the other 2 activists an hour later who tried to lock on to the I can't come on the next demo because ... HLS stand. The D lock was however apprehended by Owen who threw it into the crowd, all of


NATIONAL DEMO REPORT "Around 200 campaigners gathered in Cambridge City Centre on Sunday the 8th of December to protest against the existence of HLS and to warn Cambridgeshire that if the primate lab is built at Girton the disruption in the area will increase dramatically. Police arrived to try and stop the demo so off people charged though the city centre and out onto Huntingdon Road where the University want to build the lab. Police soon arrived in droves to put an end to the procession but at that point the only purpose they served was to clog things up even more and create an even bigger spectacle. A total of 19 arrests were made . The Girton lab will join HLS as a huge drain on local resources if it gets the go ahead because people are prepared to take direct action and risk arrest to stop it being built. People left the scene to carry on the demo at HLS or outside the homes of HLS workers. People gathered at the main gates of HLS to tell them what sickos they are whilst

others visited employees in their homes at Ramsey, Godmanchester , Letchworth and other locations. This was emailed to SHAG a couple of days after the national and shows the determination needed if we want to see the back of HLS :

□ Pm in side a cage at Huntingdon Life Sciences

I' m being potsoned with weedld!Jers

□ Wit hin 24 how-s l wm be dead


□ D

I can't

be bother&d

Oh H~ntlngdon wlH never close

t may get arrested

She doesn't have the choice but you do, so use it!

'Hi shac! Just to let you know 2 friends and I did a house demo to a worker at his house in Ramsey . It took us 3 hours to find it but it was worth it. We shouted with a megaphone and they closed their curtains and ran around the house. We were away before anyone could get us!' Extracts from a letter sent to SHAG read:

'We could see that the police had moved people out of Cambridge so we decided to go off and do our own thing ... There was

no point being hemmed in and followed by the police all day trying to mess up the demo ... We had come prepared with some worker addresses from the last demo so off the five of us went to give the vivisect ors a mouthful ... if the cops want to split everyone into little groups next time they can feel free to do so because there is no way our group will just give in, get pushed around and go home. We made plans to do the same in future . "

CAN --YOU HEAR US? On Sunday thre e of us decided to pay a visit to some HLS workers. First stop was Ralph Brodie in Fenstanton, where stickers informed the neighbours they have an animal abuser in their village. It would seem by the unwelcome and hostile reaction from many neighbours that they are becoming increasingly annoyed by the disturbance to their neighbourhood. Shame because we will definitely be back to this one. One irate woman came storming out shouting 'People are dying of cancer, don't you care?' Our point exactly decades of testing drugs on animals has not found a cure for cancer and never will. We moved on to our next target, Isobel Rolph In Stilton, Peterborough. We had our voices and horns to make noise with, so we decided the next visit would certainly

wake up the neighbours. Unfortunately we realised we were by now being followed by an unmarked police vehicle and had no choice but to give them the run around. Eventually after about half an hour, and a brilliant bit of escape artistry, we lost them in St.Ives. On to anothe r worker's house which displayed a sign stating there was 24 hr cctv cameras in operation (how expensive is that ?!) Having no stickers for that one we were forced to make as much noise as possible in order to let the neighbours know just what she does for a living. A group of teenagers came to see what the fuss was about and took some leaflets to hand out saying they thought what she did was disgusting . Last visit of the night was Mr .Robert Bodger in Peterborough,where again we left the whole neighbourhood in no doubt that demonstrations against such people would continue until they break their ties with HLS and animal abuse.

A successful day's demonstrating and all it took was a carload of us. We are more determined than ever now to CLOSE HLS and until we do anybody who has any connection with them will be a target. Keep the spirit alive, we will win, we always do." This report was sent in to SHAG.

Sarah Gisborne HR4337 back at Highpoint 1/1/03 How great to see the mighty crumble - if anyone still doubts that HLS will close you're not paying attention . Marsh was a campaign on its own and to bring them down so quickly is a credit to everyone who did their bit. Just think what shockwaves this is sending through all those connected to Huntingdon. When money and business are involved there is no loyalty. Our loyalty to the animals is far stronger and invincible. If I were a director, a scientist or a wor ker and my add ress was public knowledge I would be worried about who was going to turn up and what was going to happen.

WE KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING AND W E KNOW HOW TO STOP THEM. LET 'S GO DO IT. Always for them, Sarah Please write to the prisoners : Sarah Gisbourne, (HR4337) HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 9YG. Rae Schilling (formerly Newlands) (GN6613), HMP Winchester , Romsey Road, Winchester , SO22 5DF.

SHAG received the following anonymo us communique: "Over the Christmas period we watched then smashed the windows of Huntingdon's vet Helmut Ehall in Newmarket. Those who seek to profit from the animals' suffering will learn that ther e is a very heavy price to pay for it. Helmut Ehall is beginning to learn just what this price is. Ehall will be hearing from us again and again until he resigns, simple. For the animals . ALP ' Also in Nov 2002 the ALF in Italy broke into a breeding establishment in the North of Italy approximately 80 km west of Bologna and liberated 128 beagles destined for experimentation. The farm is called "Stefano Morini" in San Polo D'enza, Reggio Emilia, Bologna . About 118 puppies and 10 adult dogs were liberated by the ALF, who then proceeded to spray paint surrounding walls with the words "Murderers" and "The ALF will free all".

NEWS FROM SHAC "In England we have some problems with legislation that prevent us from buying certain products. But over excuse. You're allowed to bear arms, so why are you here now listening to me. You can go out and get the board of. Array Biopharma and Gary Steele of Landec have learned quickly about the art of guilt by association. And Kirby has already sold half his shares! SHAG USA is also very pleased to announce that two senior scientists have resigned!

Dec 1st Week From as far as 3000 miles away, activists travelled to New Jersey to smash HLS for HLS's 50th birthday . The weekend kicked off with a speaking event featuring Black Panther Party cofounder Bobby Seale, UK ALF Press Officer Robin Webb, and former ALF activist Rod Coronado. The theme of the evening was clear: ACTION! Rod Coronado said it best - if you don't have the stomach for direct action, you better go join the Humane Society because SHAG is about getting your hands dirty. Day two saw hundreds converge on HLS. Many activists had never set foot in front of the lab before. The rage and determination they felt upon that first visit made them feel the same anger and rage that they felt when they first heard of HLS, and vowed to do everything they can until HLS closes its doors forever! An injunction in New Jersey requires activists to give police 24 hours' notice of upcoming home demos , and limits the demos to 15 people at a time, 100 feet away from the homes. So after advertising a home demo for every single worker's home in New Jersey , activists headed to Pennsylvania to hold a home protest at Teresa Kusnir's (HLS's vet) house instead. Police were left standing outside homes in New Jersey for hours, waiting for activists who never came! Finally it was time for the Big Action in the Big Apple! Activists took to New York City on Day 3 and gave Andrew Baker, the evil bastard behind it all, his very first homedemonstration .

News from Robin Webb

The Final Days of Marsh In a turn on traditional strategy, Marsh USA worked with activists in the U.S. to bring about their own demise. Activists around the country continued disruptions , home demos and direct action in these final days. But the action that really plugged the U.S. into the worldwide victory against Marsh was the part Marsh USA played! They filed lawsuits against SHAG USA in five different cities! At up to $300 an hour for attorneys in each city, Marsh was paying a pretty penny to sue people that could never pay Marsh's judgments even if they won! For a time Marsh even paid for security guards to sit outside the homes of execu tives 24 hours a day. Luckily, security guards are people too - they have home addresses and we think they got a little piqued when activists started showing up at all hours of the night outside their homes . But it was when the ALF covered a Marsh executive's home in paint while the guard slept on the job that they were really pissed!

Getting To the (Cold) Heart of the Matter With Marsh out of the way, activists in the U.S. are ready to dig into HLS directors and senior scientists like never before! Actions are already under way with home visits at Andrew Baker 's lackey, Mark Bibi's, home. On November 7 the ALF stopped by and covered Bibi's house in paint and smashed up his car! Additionally , activists have started protesting at the non-HLS companies that Kirby Lee Cramer sits on

It all seemed so simple ... fly to the USA, speak at a conference on direct action organized by SHAG, take part in their protest against HLS in New Jersey the following day and then fly back to England the next evening . Well, the conference was held on the last day of November, it's now New Year's Day and I'm still in the USA ... so, what happened? In short, I went for a walk in the large public park adjacent to HLS, got slightly disorientated, but finally found myself within sight of a group that had been allowed up to HLS from the main protest. After a moment two police officers came over, said I hadn't come up with that group and to go back to the main protest or I'd be arrested. So began the walk down the road to the central demo. Nearly to safety when I was suddenly arrested , searched, hands taped together behind my back, bundled into a County Sheriff's van then off to the County Jail. No, we didn't stop on the way at anything so civilized as a police station! At the County Jail came the worst indignity - you have to pay $50 for processing through the custody area! At least being arrested in England is free ... What about bail? More madness ... Bail on the first night was set at a staggering $50,000. I then received a faxed letter from the Judge 's office, typed on the 2nd December, telling me that, unknown to my lawyer or me, a bail hearing (on the 30th November, the day before I was arrested!) had reduced the amount to $25,000 but they now wanted my passport and birth certificate. Another hearing reduced my bail to $10,000 and when I was finally released after 8 days the press were waiting in the snow and ice for us to take full advantage of my unkempt, unshaven appearance to highlight the need for animal-free toiletries. The HLS campaign and vegan diet also featured in the report, which was a nice bonus.

Hey! I may be a dumb guy but even I know that we should nuke Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Whilst in the gaol (Engl ish spelling at last) a nice FBI agent came in to see me, but that conversation didn 't last very long. SHAG USA then held a "Free Robin Webb" protest with activists from as far afield as California and Texas who had remained after the weekend activities. Social visits were allowed on Wednesday and Sunday only, limited to 15 minutes, divided by solid Perspex screens with only a telephone link to speak through . Walking across a piece of grass does seem to make a person a high-security risk in the USA! So the current situation is that while I'm here waiting for trial, SHAG has an extra office helper and we're also lining up talks from Boston on the east coast to San Francisco on the western seaboard (that one is with Rod Coronado, billed as the "Rod 'n' Robin Show") down on into Texas, home territory of that international terrorist, George Bush. Meanwhile, keep at Huntingdon use your imagination ... there have been plenty of press reports to give you ideas ... stop HLS "by whatever means necessary " ... you know it makes sense.

US MAGAZINES SHACUSA's inspiring, exciting newsletter comes out 5 times a year and is well worth getting. To subscribe from the UK, send an international money order for 20 dollars to: SHACUSA , PO Box 22398, Philadelphia, PA 19110 USA Email: Another brilliant american publication is BITEBACK - full of direct action - will give you a guaranteed kick in the butt to get out there and get active! Biteback comes out 4 times a year and costs 15 dollars. BITEBACK, 222 Lakeview Avenue, Ste. 160-231, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, USA

HUNTINGDON'S TRUE FINANCIAL POSITION You've got to hand it to Huntingdon . They are making every conceivab le effort to create the appearance of a profit. But just as this miserable company fails to retain "qualified " staff and make good on its promises and loans, HLS fails to pull the wool over anyone's eyes with its sad little spin on its financial woes. In November Huntingdon released its third quarter results just under the wire, hoping to avoid any press attention on their unimpressive performance. For the year up to September 30t h Huntingdon tried to sell us the lie that it has made a 1.5 million dollar profit. What HLS doesn't tell us is that this is the result of primarily two factors. First, HLS benefited to the tune of a million dollars from the Foreign Conversion Transaction, meaning that when transferring British Sterling to US Dollars, the exchange rate favored the pound . Typically this has hurt HLS and cannot be counted on for a continued source of income. Second , and the most pathetic, is that HLS took out of a short term loan of 1.7 million dollars and counted this as a part of their profit (which is permissible under US law, but not British.) Since this loan is not hard earned profits but money HLS

has to pay back, the real quarterly earnings for HLS are a negative $221,000.00 US dollars. Losing money - same as usual. HLS are in a financial crisis that is simply impossible for them to work their way out of. They have a standing debt of over 87 million US dollars that they must pay in three years. In order to achieve this impossible feat , Huntingdon must make 1.96 million per quarter as a profit just to cover what they spend on sales, travel, legal costs, etc, and an additional 7.25 million per quarter to pay off the debt (this is not counting interest.) Considering HLS cannot even muster one dollar of a profit, they are way off this . Huntingdon have transferred all their short term loans to long term loans, showing that despite the frequent stock issuances that generate badly-needed money but are unfavourable to long term supporters of the lab, HLS know they cannot pay off their debt. Beyond the debt crisis , HLS have significant cracks forming in their infrastructure . With no money having been put into the pension funds to date this year, a long list of top level positions remaining vacant, a major director halving his stake in the company, and relying on "financial engineering" to dress up their failing management and improvements, HLS are in trouble. Underneath their "forward -looking statements" and grey-zone accounting gimmicks lies a company teetering on the brink of collapse, saturated in debt , and with no promise of recovery.

WHITE ROSE ENVIRONMENTAL White Rose Environmental, he Clinical Waste Incinerator, Carleton Glen, off Friarwood Lane, Pontefract, WF8 1 PL Tel 01977 602 263 Fax 01977 602 461

White Rose Environmental, Bolton Incinerator Plant, Bolton General Hospital, Minerva House, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 0JR Tel 01204 398 613 Fax 01204 524 220

White Rose Environmental, East Croft Clinical Waste Incinerator, Incinerator Road, Nottingham, NG2 3AF Tel 0115 985 2295 Fax 0115 985 0983

White Rose Environmental, Salfor Service Centre, Units 1 & 2, Dakota Av, Salford, Manchester, M50 2PU Tel 0161 877 4772 Fax 0161 877 4016

White Rose Environmental, Ipswich Incinerator Plant, Woodridge Road East, Ipswich, IP4 5PG Tel 01473 713 803 Fax 01473 729 079 White Rose Environmental, Knostrop Treatment Works, Knowsthorpe Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 0PJ Tel 0113 391 8500 Fax 0113 235 1286

White Rose Environmental, Oldham Incinerator , Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Road, Oldham, OL 1 2JH Tel 0161 620 6762 Fax 0161 2693

White Rose Environmental, Swanley Service Centre, Unit 5, Mark Way, Swanley, Kent BR8 8NJ Tel 01322 614 018 Fax 01322 660 293

White Rose Environmental, The Incinerator, Queen Mary's Hospital, Frognal Avenue, Sidcup, Kent DA 14 6L Tel 0208 308 1970 Fax 0208 309 0473 Hidden on an industrial estate outside Leeds is a specialised incinerator housing one of the grisliest secrets in Britain . Its workers are responsible for disposing of hundreds of animals every week. Animals killed when fed highly toxic chemicals in vivisection laboratories throughout the country, and considered too dangerous to be disposed of elsewhere. The last people to see the torn and mangled bodies of the victims of HLS, Covance and all the other animal abusers are those who unceremoniously cast them into the furnace of this charnel house. Welcome to the world of White Rose Environmental, specialists in 'waste disposal'. Better known for running clinical waste incinerators at hospitals around the country, their Leeds plant is designed for disposing of the most toxic waste that cannot go anywhere else. Huntingdon Life Sciences have long been using them , the lorries arriving late at night in an attempt to hide their activities. However, they have not escaped the attention of animal rights activists, and the last time White Rose Environmental received the attention of protesters they landed HLS with a big charge for having to deal with the added nuisance.

White Rose Environmental, Ashford Incinerator , Kennington Avenue, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent TN24 0LZ Tel 01233 665 605 Fax 01233 665 604 Bournemouth Incinerator Complex, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth, BH7 7DW Tel 01202 594 224 Fax 01202 582 715

against HLS, there soon will be plenty to do closer to home . A mailout will be produced shortly, but in the meantime please contact the usual SHAC address for more details. HLS is going to have some more unexpected charges coming their way as the pressure is turned up on White Rose. HLS needs White Rose in order to dispose of their waste . Without them, they have no way of disposing of their dangerous waste and that will mean that they will be unable to carry out experiments , losing them to competitors. That with be a hard blow to HLS who need every penny they can get. In the meantime they are going to have to pay more money to keep White Rose on side. A new group, SHAG North, is being set up to focus on animal abusers connected with HLS in the north of England. They will be campaigning against White Rose Environmental and Liverpool University, among others. Protests and various actions based around north England are planned. So if you cannot make it all the way down to Cambridgeshire to protest

~ACTION Contact them and let them know you disapprove of their connection with Huntingdon: White Rose Environmental Ltd. Knostrop Treatment Works, Knowsthorpe Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 0PJ or PO Box 63, Leeds, LS9 0XH Tel: 0845 124 2020 & 0113 235 9132 Fax: 0113 235 1286 Email: & hel


"The secret

of success

In order to remain effective we need to constantl y eval uate our tactics and adapt them as the cam paign progresses, discarding those that are now redundant, and refining and building on those that work. Ideally we wo uld like to put out no calendar, so that you all 'did your own thing' as only all of you know how! The advertised nationals with speakers and marches have a feel good factor that many people seem to want, and are good for first demos for new people , but let's face it, it wasn 't marching round Cambridge that brought Marsh to their knees , and forced every other company from the Royal Bank of Scotland to British Biotech to Marsh to pull out since the beginning of the campaign. It wasn 't advertised demos that made Bill Fullager the CEO of HLS customer Novartis say that he was spending 25% of his time on animal rights activity and that Novartis would never consider opening any more UK premises while SHAG was in existence . It wasn 't dates on the calendar that made a Japanese consortium withhold 1 billion pounds of funding for animal research in the UK, stating the reason as SHAG. It isn't th e fear of publicised demos outside their offices that makes every insurance company and broker worldwide refuse to touch HLS with a barge pole. We all know w hat is effective - we've all had plenty of train ing and we all know what works. We need a massive shift in thinking and tactics , and a big step up in autonomous actions , and this needs to co me from all of you. Local groups need to orga nise themselves and do their own demos. If you want to get stuc k in and aren 't in touch with other activists , then call us if you

is constancy

of purpose."

don't want to go it alone , and we will put you in touch with your local group. Get a carload of people you know and get on the road. Everyone knows what the targets are, we have got everything on the merchandise list you need to be effective it doesn't take Einstein to work out what needs doing . The powers that be can try

and keep tabs on us here in the office and known activists around the country , but it is impossible for them to keep track of you all. By taking action yourselves you are widening the net, moving the goalposts , protecting other activists , and giving the police loads more work and stretching their resources to the limit. Imagine , as we often say, if there were different demos organised every day by different people around the country - how do they police that? Put 24 hour security on umpteen different SHAG targets? It becomes a nightmare, especially when you throw Girton and Cambridge University into the equation too. Bear this in mind - Cambridge police are very -short of funds, and do not have a bottomless pit to draw on . HLS will need to start footing the bill for more security guards if everyone puts pressure on the labs, Cambridge Pet Crematorium and the other Cambridgeshire targets , turning up at random times and on a ,('_,..,,-:;:;:;.-



frequent basis . HLS are 87 million dollars in debt and we need to cost them money - this is one highly effective way of doing it. Remember Marsh spent 103 thousand pounds a week spent on security - get the picture! We will build a far more effective campaign if we all do this , with individuals and groups , as many are already, using their own brains, drive and initiative to get the job done. We also all need to take on board that we need to really put our backs into the war against HLS, and wage that war on a united front. So far we have knocked out banks, insurance, private shareholders, some of the world's biggest financial institutions, market makers , their UK stock marker listing - the list of victories is phenomenal. The main targets for the first part of 2003 are the essen tial services of White Rose and Cambridge Pet Crematorium who dispose of the bodies of beautiful animals killed by the monsters inside HLS, and directors like John Caldwell who, disgracefully, has been employed by Liverpool Unive rsity. As we saw with Marsh , the key is to latch on to our target , every single one of us, and put the pressure on relentlessly until they break. Victory is within reach - it is up to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US how soon we achieve it. Let us wage war against HLS with renewed determination, drive and anger, let us fight together to overcome that filthy, evil, murdering company once and for all. NO EXCUSES , NO PUTTING IT OFF - JUST DO IT - YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE. WORLD DAY 2003 - 19TH APRIL By popular request World Day will be a rally and march in Cambridge with stalls and speakers. Start organising yourself now to make it MASSIVE. We will have flyers and posters soon - order now and dish them out.

I · aesse d and , ·1dere d following · da mage,Virgo has a fre sh head • ound that is wet and bleeding . As she cries out and tries to escape from the con fines of the incubator, fresh blood is splattered across the plastic sides." "In one experiment brain-damaged monkeys were trapped in tiny Perspex boxes to count how many times they would rotate. They would also be injected with amphetamine which made them rotate faster. Many monkeys could be seen crying out, foaming at the mouth , twisti ng frantically and desperat ely trying to escape ." undercover investigator at Cambridge University Cambridge University are trying to build a primate lab at 307 Huntingdon road. Fortunately , planning permission has been denied mainly on the grounds that the police can not cope w ith yet more demon~

strations in an area so close to the M 11. They have, however , launched an appeal which was heard in Nov/ Dec 1ith the result pending as we go o print. The vivisect ors argued that the demonstrations at Girton ere unlike SHAG demos and that SHAG were not in erested in ca mpaigning against Girt on, so heir faces we re a picture hen a SHAG representative arrived to give evidence which completely contradicted this. It was announced that SHAG are getting invo lved, and that the police cannot control mobile demos, surprise road blocks and other such innovations w hich will inevitabl y occur if planning permission is given. Needless to say Cambridge Univers ity is now a legitimate target unt il it is announced that planning per missio n will not be given . As the fina l decision lies w ith John Prescott who is likely to ok it, a cynic

• might assume that we will be quite active on Hunting don Road, at the Universit y, at University functions and arou nd Cambridge shire in the coming months. Make sure yo u have a Cambridge Street map whic h is ava ilable on the merchandise list and organise yourselves to put pressu re on Cambridge Univers ity as you see fit. Watch this space!


- AMOUNT - of each -needed out here ITEM ALF Poster A2. HLS Poster hard A2 HLS Poster soft A2 Brian Cass is Evil leaflet Healthcare professionals leaflet Puppy what we have achieved leaflet HLS kills humans leaflet Dr Greek scientific book £8 HLS leaflet - Cat, Dog, Rabbit or Horse. Please state which if vou don't want an assortment. PGP securitv CD & instructions Airhorns £7 each Cambridae Pet Crem leaflet Meaaohones £75 inc P&P Collectina tins Petitions - Free Cambs street maps £4


NAM E ............ ......................................... .

ITEM Hooded tops - size ........... colour ..........


T - shirts - size .............. colour ............... Hooded top and t - shirt sizes are skin ny fit, small , medium, large and x large. Colo urs are White Grev & Black Gree n Harvest Veaa n recipe book £5 Videos , Time for action, Countryside undercover, SHAC short & long ................... ..... World day A3 Poster World Day Flyer DONATION




All items are free unless stated. Donation appreciated.

ADDRESS .............................. ................. ..................... ........................... ...................... . POSTCODE ........ ........................ TEL NO................................ ............. .



ALF Poster a2

HLS Poster a2

- Tools for victory.

Science leaflet

What we have achieved leaflet

PGP security cd and instructions

Cambridgeshire street map

HLS leaflets, 4 kinds please state which one WORLD DAY POSTERS& FLYERS

and also

World Day Air Horn

Healthcare professionals leaflet


HLS t shirt

and hooded

HLS Poster a2


Brian Cass evil leaflet back







Every Sunday Jan 19th, Jan 26th, Feb 2nd, Feb 9th, Feb 16th, Feb 23rd, March 2nd Leafletting in HLS workers' villages - meet at HLS gates at 11am sharp or go early and greet the workers beforehand - up to you!

Monday Jan 13th to Friday 17th Jan : Phone/fax/email week for all the abusers Monday Jan 20th-Fri 24th Jan: White Rose and Liverpool University phone/fax/email week Tues 21 st Jan: Northern Day of Action Meet Central train station in Liverpool, Ranshaw Street exit, (not Bold Street) for 10am - if you live in the North get on this one and be part of the new Northern campaign - PHONE THROUGH YOUR MOBILE IF YOU ARE GOING.

Monday 27th -Fri 31 Jan: Phone/fax/email Cambridge Pet Crematorium and hold leafletting demos at your local vets if they use CPC Tel: 01763 208 909 and 01763 208 773/Fax: 01763 208885/

Friday 31st Jan: Cambridge Pet Crematorium demo - meet at CPC, A505 Main road, Thriplow Heath, Near Royston, Herts. SGS ?RR for 12 noon

Monday 3rd Feb-Fri 7th Feb and Monday 17th Feb-Fri 21st Feb WHITE ROSE WEEKS OF ACTION Monday 3rd and Mon 17th : meet Bolton train station 11am (Manchester) Tuesday 4th and Tues 18th: meet Swanley train station 11am, just off junction 3 of the M25 (Kent) Weds 5th and Weds 19th: Bournemouth: meet at Bournemouth train station, 11am and also Nottingham: meet at Nottingham train station , 11am

Thurs 6th and Thurs 20th: Ipswich: meet at Ipswich train station 11am Fri 7th and Fri 21 st: Leeds: meet at Leeds train station 11am GIVE US YOUR MOBILE NUMBER IF YOU ARE GOING ON THESE DEMOS. Monday 10th Feb-Fri 14th Feb - phone/fax/email Cambridge University Tues 11th Feb: Girton primate lab demo - meet Cambridge train station at 12 noon


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