Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #23

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One of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies has been infiltrated by SHAG. A dedicated SHAG activist gained employment as an animal technician at Eli Lilly's research laboratory at Windlesham in Surrey and worked on cocaine experiments on rats and guinea pigs. The only reason we chose Eli Lilly is because they are a customer of HLS. The activist worked on a programme of disgusting experiments that was scheduled to kill 36 thousand rats, mice, gerbils and guinea pigs per year at the Windlesham site in experiments which are shocking in their cruelty and futility. Other experiments done as part of this programme include experiments on primates done in the USA by another Eli Lilly research lab at lndianapolis.

The experiments involved several parts: effects of compounds on simple behaviours, effects of compounds on food and fluid intake, effects of environmental and behavioural manipulations on subsequent responding in behavioural tests, effects of compounds on immobility in Forced Swim tests (7 thousand mice and rats), effects of the compounds on seizures, and effects of treatments on circadian rhythms. Some of these experiments were carried out on rats as young as 4 days old. In some of the experiments, the animals had various parts of their brains damaged prior to being experimented on, and many had substances injected directly into their brains, sometimes for as long as 90 days twice a day. Hamsters and rats were exposed to constant lighting for up to 8 weeks at a time. Mice were exposed to high-pitched sound to induce fits & seizures in them: the noise caused wild running, muscle clenching, and then respiratory failure and death . Reading all the details on these experiments, it is difficult to believe that the licence holder was ever granted a project license. The world is full of many thousands of people taking cocaine who would be more than happy to volunteer to be studied. At least humans could tell you what effect drugs are having on them and what they are feeling, unlike the thousands of animals killed in these experiments. At no stage throughout our insider's employment did any of the other employees realise that our undercover investigator was filming everything with hidden cameras. lt is evident from the video footage we received that the activist had free access to the offices and laboratories within the compound over weeks, as staff talked freely about what goes on behind closed doors and got on with their jobs oblivious to the fact it was all being caught on film . When the conversation was brought round to Huntingdon one employee who was working at Huntingdon at the time of the beagle punching scandal commented that it happened because of time pressure of

the experiments and that it happens at every establishment. The message this sounds out is loud and clear: SHAG is everywhere - we have shown yet again that security is no match for the determination of activists hell bent on exposing the truth, that we can and will go to any lengths to bring about the end of HLS and all those who deal with them , and that no-one is safe from this campaign if they are connected to HLS.

Our special thanks to the brave activist who undertook this project and carried it off with such success. We should never underestimate how difficult it is to go through with an investigation of this nature. From everyone in SHAG all over the world, thank you.

R YOUR CRIMES to SHAC?" business due to the animal rights activity. I visited Japan and every client company that I the appropriateness of conducting research in the UK because of animal rights pressure."

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"HLS has lost

orders and is not being considered for future orders as a result of direct and threatened action against some of its customers/potential customers. Others have contacted SHAC stating they will not do business with HLS to avoid further action against their organisation or their directors. lt is clear from some of the statements made to SHAC by some customers (and privately to HLS) that a considerable amount of orders have been and will continue to be lost due to the intimidatory nature of the activists calling themselves SHAC." Brian Cass, police statement We need to impact on HLS's bottom line and make sure they lose money hand over fist. One way of doing this is hitting HLS's customers so that they lose con-

tracts. We did not realise at the time what incredible damage was done to HLS when we are all hitting customers round the country. For instance Roche revealed in a court case that they had to spend 1 million pounds on security and move all their research animal department, and Yamanouchi closed down their Oxford site because of the campaign. Ligand also moved sites because of pressure from activists. Novartis said they would not build any more sites in the UK while SHAC was in existence. Japanese investors held off 1 billion pounds worth of investment into UK research because of the campaign. We must never underestimate the devastating effect we all had. Just because pharmaceutical companies did not wave the white flag and send in severance statements like the financial institu-

lions did not mean that they were not affected by the pressure, and that they did not give HLS awide berth because of it. lt is no coincidence that HLS's orders went up as soon as we pulled off the customers. Now it is time to drive those orders back down again. We are back for customers, but in a more focused way than last time. Eli Lilly have realised that if you deal with HLS, your lab is liable to be infiltrated, and this investigation sends out a clear message to customers - we are out here and we will do our damndest to get in to your labs. We are still researching a lot of definite and potential customers, so for now the first focus is Eisai - see below. One thing is for sure cutomers will be an integral part of the campaign from now on and there will be no let up on them.

We need to bear in mind that anything done against Japanese HLS customers is even more effective than pressure put on other customers, simply because of the Japanese mind-set. They are very well-mannered, courteous people not at all used to demonstrations, people shouting on megaphones and everything else that is part and parcel of what we get up to. Always bear that in mind. Eisai are a Japanese customer of HLS. They manufacture and market pharmaceutical drugs, over the counter drugs, chemical and food additives and veterinary products. They had several studies at HLS while Michele Rokke was working undercover there and have since refused to comment or answer any of our letters despite them being targeted in various ways by SHAC. Now is the time to put pressure on Eisai and make them realise that if they pay for animals to be killed at HLS, then they are going to get all the trouble that comes with it. Let's show Eisai that we mean business.

' ' Eleanor was talking to lrene and Rodney about an Eisai study where 48 dogs will be IV dosed a large amount of test material over several minutes each day. Because of the dosing requirements the dogs will be tied into slings. ' ' Michelle Rokke

describing an experiment at HLS

This picture was taken inside HLS.


We will be holding 5 regional meetings across the UK to bring everyone up to speed with what's going on, work on some skills and listen to your thoughts and ideas. Please make every effort to come to these, especially if you are involved in local groups and are active against HLS. If you are new and not in contact with your local group then please come too - you are really welcome and we would love to meet you - it will also be a good opportunity to meet local people that you can then do

Importantly, there will be a PGP workshop so bring your computer with you. PGP is an essential encryption programme which enables people to communicate in code. it is used by all the secret services worldwide, and whilst you should never send mad emails to people that will incriminate you or other people, it is definitely a safer method of communicating than standard email, text messaging or mobile phones. A computer expert will be able to install PGP for you and show you how it all works. An ex-prisoner who has been involved in the animal rights movement for the last 23 years will talk about the history of the struggle for animal liberation and the relevance of the current campaigns to the movement. There will also be a thoughts and ideas discussion so please have a think about this beforehand and bring up your ideas and questions on the day, no matter how controversial or mad you think they may be! Something SHAC is very keen on is hearing what people are thinking - if you have something to say, these meetings will be the time to say it! We always welcome peoples' ideas too - so have a think about novel ways of targeting HLS and all the fools who support them. There will be free food and drinks and all the campaign leaflets, posters, videos, T shirts etc. SEE YOU THERE!

For AU Your Laboratory Needs RL Slaughter have been spotted going in and out of HLS's lab at Oecoid in Suffolk on numerous occasions. We have checked them out and they are a supplier of laboratory equipment right on Oecoid's doorstep, selling instruments used to torture and abuse animals to all sorts of vivisection companies. RL Slaughter are yet another company who will find that SHAC is not prepared to stand by and let them deal with HLS. Now it's time to put pressure on them to sever their links with HLS. When you see pictures of mutilated animals in labs this company supplies the equipment to carry it out. In their price list there are prices for all sorts of equipment, including scalpels for cutting open animals. The catalogue is

called 'The dissection instrument price list 2003'. This is a disgusting business serving a disgusting industry. Below are some of the dissection cutting blades sold by RL Slaughter.

DELOITTE & TOUCHE AUDIT ANIMAL TORTURE Deloitte & Touche, one of the world's top 5 financial services providers, are the financial advisors and auditors for Huntingdon Life Sciences. They also work for several HLS customers and have a strong interest in biotechnology and life sciences. This company works hand in glove with HLS, coldly auditing the company's figures figures that consist of how much money has been made (or lost in HLS's case) from the abuse and murder of beautiful animals. Deloitte & Touche know exactly

Deloitte & Touche are a brilliant target for the campaign with a strong global presence and offices all over the UK conveniently situated within reach of all the strongest local groups - perfect for us,

Edinburgh - Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace Edinburgh , EH1 2DB Telephone Number: 0131 225 4554 Fax Number: 0131 226 3948

unfortunate for them. We have got a new Deloitte & Touche leaflet- please order them and organise demo's outside their offices. Remember that their employees could well be sympathetic, so demos when they are getting to work, going to lunch and going home are really important. We need to show Deloitte & Touche that dealing with HLS brings a lot more trouble than it's worth, so LET'S GET OUT THERE AND GET ACTIVE.

what goes on at HLS, and they couldn't give a damn. Like all the financial institutions we have taken on before, these people have no compassion and morals they will deal with anyone as long as they make money out of it.

Aberdeen , 2 Queens Terrace, Aberdeen AB1 1XL Tel 01224 625 888 Fax 01224 625025

Glasgow, Lomond House 9 George Square , Glasgow , G2 1QQ Tel Number:0141 204 2800 Fax: 0141 314 5893

Edinburgh - 39 George Street Edinburgh , EH2 2HZ Tel Number: 0131 225 6834 Fax Number: 0131 225 4049

Leeds, 1 City Square, Leeds, LS1 2AL Tel 0113 243 9021 and fax 0113 244 5580

Newcastle- upon - Tyne, Gainsborough House, 34-40 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6AE Tel no is 0191 261 4111 and fax 0191 232 7665


Liverpool, Martins Building, 4 Water Street, Liverpool, L2 8UY Tel: 0151 236 0941 and fax: 0151 236 2877

1 Woodborough Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FG Tel 0115 950 0511 and 0115 959 0060

Manchester - Bank House, 9 Charlotte St Manchester M1 4EU Telephone Number: 0161 228 2121 Fax Number: 0161 228 1421

Cambridge- Station Road, CambridgeCB1 2RN Telephone Number: 01223 460222 Fax: 01223 350839

Birmingham - Four Bridley Place, Birmingham B1 2HZ Tel 0121 695 5000 Fax 0121 695 5678

Manchester- 201 Deansgate Manchester M60 2AT Telephone Number: 0161 832 3555 Fax Number: 0161 829 3800

Reading, Abbots House, Abbey Street, Reading RG1 3BD Tel Number: 0118 950 8141 Fax Number: 0118 950 8101

Cardiff, Blenheim House, Fitzalan Court, Newport Road , Cardiff CF24 OTS Telephone Number: 029 2048 1111 Fax Number: 029 2048 2615

Crawley, Global House.High Street London - Stonecutter Court

Crawley, RH10 1DL Telephone Number: 01293 510112 Fax Number: 01293 533493 Southampton.Grosvenor Square, Southampton Tel 02380 334 124 Fax 02380 330 948

St Albans - Verulam Point, Station Way St Albans AL 1 5HE Telephone Number: 01727 839000 Fax Number: 01727 831111

Bristol - Queen Anne House 69-71 Queen Square, St Albans - 3 Victoria Square Bristol BS 1 4J P Victoria Street AL 1 3TF Telephone Number: 0117 921 1622 Telephone Number: 01727 815570 Fax Number: 0117 929 2801 Fax Number: 01727 815535

1 Stonecutter Street , London EC4A 4TR Telephone Number: 020 7936 3000 Fax Number: 020 7583 1198 London - Cedric House, 8-9 East Harding Street London EC4A 3AS Telephone Number: 020 7936 3000 Fax Number: 020 7583 8517 London, The180 Strand, London WC2R 1BL Telephone Number: 020 7438 3000 Fax Number: 020 7831 1133

STRONGER, FAS "The HLS campaign has been one of the most successful ever, resulting in a major quoted

INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL TECHNICIANS CONFERENCE 2003 Steve Owen, another big fish at HLS we have got in our sights, is Chairman of a disgusting organisation called the Institute of Animal Technicians, an association of all the sick people who work in animal labs in the UK. The IAT have an annual conference and this year the deviants think they are going to Ireland for a get-together out of SHAG's reach. The IAT had kept the venue secret but a wily Irish activist managed to bluff the hotel into admitting the conference is being held there. We need to get the conference cancelled - why should these animal murderers be allowed to congregate. These people spend their day at work murdering animals - they need psychiatric help, not a holiday in Ireland.

CAMBRIDGE PET CREM PULL FROM HLS After seeing White Rose pull out, Cambridge Pet Crematorium, the disgusting company local to HLS who were disposing of dead animals for them, have finally seen sense and also dumped HLS. In a bizarre statement to the campaign about peoples' democratic right to run a business, they confirmed that they had worked for HLS for the last four years and would no longer act for HLS with immediate effect. What about the animals' right to a life free from fear and pain? People do not have a right to m the sufferi animals and

NIGHT TIME HOME VISITS ON HLS WORKERS "On Saturday night members of the Cambridgeshire Animal Defenders (CAD) visited the homes of the following HLS employees: Peter Munt, St Ives, Paul & Amanda Brooker, St Ives, An drew Gay, Letchworth. During the visits audible warning devices were planted and activated ensuring that our presence was felt (and heard) for some considerable time after we left. Until these individuals sever all connections with HLS , or HLS closes, we will continue these visits by day or by night. There must be no peace for those who deal in animal cruelty." This report was received anonymously

TER& HARDER biotech company being brought to the brink of financial ruin." Business magazine, 31/1/2003

THREE DIRECTORS K.O.'D IN JUST 2 WEEKS it's a SHAG knockout! SHACUK and SHACUSA targeted two key directors in both countries, and forced them to leave HLS at the same time. Their resignation was covered by the Financial Times who ran an excellent article on it just what customers need to see! USA HLS director Kirby Cramer founded the notorious animal-testing lab Covance, where many key HLS personnel used to work, thirty years ago. He has known Cass, the USA HLS CEO Baker and HLS financial officer Julian Griffiths for many years now and was instrumental in getting the refinancing through. Cramer has extensive contacts and significant credibility in the vivisection industry and his departure will be a sore blow for HLS and widely viewed as a sign things are going really badly for the company. As if that wasn't damaging enough, just days after UK HLS director Professor John Caldwell went in the newsletter and on the website as a target, he pulled out

on the same day as Cramer! These people are all the same - bullies who can't wait to desert HLS as soon as they are in the firing line.

ENTER STAGE LEFT THE PAPER BAG MERCHANT FROM KARACHI. .. In an extraordinary turn of events, and because company law states that those 2 directors had to be replaced until the end of their agreed term of directorship, HLS persuaded a paper bag and cement manufacturer to agree to be a director. In a

WHITE ROSE DUMP HUNTINGDON White Rose, a new target in the last newsletter, dumped HLS as soon as they realised that SHAG were mobilising against them . SHAG activists invaded White Rose's offices in Nottingham and th e next day White Rose were waving the white flag and severing thei r connections with HLS. White Rose have deep-running connections with Cass and Covance and have done their 'waste disposal' ie. burnt the bodies of beautiful animals mutilated and killed by the perverts in the labs for years. Yet again we see Cass's connections deserting him - when push comes to shove who wants the hassle? Not White Rose that's for sure! Bearing in mind that if HLS cannot find a company to burn the dead animals they will not be able to operate, as this newsletter goes to press we are hot on the trail of White Rose's replacement. There is no escape from SHAG!

Hey! Us nuns ring Huntingdon too you know.

"In the night of 21-22 January 200[3] we attacked Novartis Pharma Schwitzerland AG in Bern, member of the World Economy Forum WEF and customer of Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). In the entrance area as well as at the exterior walls slogans against the WEF and Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) have been sprayed , windows have been broken in the entrance and a container was set on fire. smAsH HLS" This report was received anonymously

hilarious phone conversation SHAG taped Mr Mohammed Faruque saying that he had never heard of HLS before the Friday when they asked him to be a director, that he knew nothing about the pharmaceutical industry, did not know any of the HLS directors and that he had agreed to consider it because it would be a new experience being a director of a company outside Pakistan! After a few days of phone calls , taxes and emails to Mr Mohammed Faruque and various members of his extended family from SHAG activists worldwide, Mr Faruque decided a connection with HLS wasn't such a good idea and HLS was forced to pressrelease to say he had resigned - what a shambles! Cramer and Caldwell have now been replaced by 2 unknown supposed 'international businessmen'. Where are HLS's supporters in the British government and at the DTI? We don't see them queuing up to be directors - but then it's hardly surprising is it? WELL DONE TO EVERYONE WHO PUT PRESSURE ON THESE DIRECTORS -ALL OF YOU HIT 'EM HARD AND KNOCKED 'EM OUT!


WORLD DAY 2003 World Day isn't only about the animals at HLS. it's about every individual animal going through hell at the hands of monsters in every laboratory on this planet. This demonstration has to be massive. A couple of hundred people walking around Cambridge is not good enough. The number of people who turn up is in your hands. it all depends on how much work you put in. it is up to all of us to squeeze every last person out on April 19th. No excuses, it is time for people to come out in force against an evil that will be defeated.

are asking you to do and exceed that. HLS will close - it is only a matter of time. How long it takes is down to you. We know you are longing for that day as much as we are. World Day will be a show of strength. Here is how you can play your part.

1) We will provide you with as many World Day flyers and posters as you can use. Just let us know how many. Enclosed are samples of the cute ones and the gory ones.

2) Fly post for World day far and wide and when posters are taken down put them straight back up again. We have a good response from fly posting but your area needs to be saturated because one woman didn't ring the campaign until she'd seen her seventh poster. Some people take a little while to get the message. Every town needs to be plastered. 3) Do street stalls to raise funds and awareness. Every now and then you will meet someone who wants to do more than just sign the petition. These people want to get active and are precious but you won't meet them unless you get out there putting full days in. Again we can provide you with just about everything that you need.

This battle will only be won if we all start giving 11 0%. That means not waiting for somebody else to organise transport, somebody else to fly post and publicise demos, somebody else to get out there and talk to people on stalls, somebody else to get active. We hope you will take on board what we


Book a coach or mini bus now and start filling them. You have got plenty of time to find at least 50 people in your area to go to this huge gathering of people with one common purpose. If you live in a major town or city you should easily be able to fill several coaches. it is a good idea to get people to pay in advance as that means they are more likely to turn up on the day.

DEMO REPORTS & PHOTOS We need you to send in demo reports, photos and video footage for the newsletter, website and action videos . These are vital so please make an effort to give us some feedback. To send in demo reports if you wish to do so anonymously, you can email them from a hotmail account at a local library or internet cafe. You can also type them up and send them in by post. You could sort out PGP on your computer

and send them that way. We need good quality photos and video footage too- bear in mind we don't need loads of blurry photos of coppers or hours of video footage of peoples' feet - we get those on a regular basis! The most important thing is NEVER send anything that could possibly incriminate yourself or other activists - if in doubt leave it out.

5) Advertise World day in local pet shops, health food shops, book shops, alternative shops, libraries, cafes and anyone who is willing to put up a poster or have flyers in their shop. 6) Start preparing your banners now (you could do one with your town on it), get your air horns, whistles and drums ready to make some noise. 7) Get out there and work hard to make this year's World Day a huge success. Phone everybody you know and book them for World Day and get them to help you organise things in your area. We have a huge task just sorting out the whole day so please help us out. We guarantee amazing and inspirational speakers and a day you'll never forget. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED ON APRIL 19TH 2003. BE THERE IN FORCE!

Sawyer's in the dean of Cambridge University's office," "Kevin White's mum is shouting down some security staff here sarge." Mayhem -just what we're good at. This demo is going to be great and potentially cost HLS a lot of money BUT to work we need everyone to take part. We need HLS to foot the bill for their own security and if this demo is done right we can show that the police do not have the resources to cover all the targets and HLS

48 HOUR MARCH MAYHEM We are getting some good feedback for this demo and it seems that it has really caught peoples' imagination. Can you imagine the coppers: "ey sarge, there's 20 of them round at Cass's house", "err we got 10 at the gates sarge" "we saw the Iondon minibus heading towards Ramsey -follow em quick", ''we got a few in the fields at the back of Girton sir'', "Lynn

will have to pay for security to cover themselves and their potential targets. You need to send in your reports and photos afterwards too - we have heard reports of activists setting up teams and having competitons for the most flyposting and other competitons of activities sadly no longer allowed to be mentioned by our barrister! Points for each one! it's a knockout - last lot to be nicked wins! Only joking - keep on your toes and let's give them the runaround!

RECRUITMENT OVERDRIVE We are fighting a war against animal cruelty and we need to recruit new people to join that war. There can never be enough of us ready and able to fight the animal abusers with all our hearts. The animals need as many people as possible fighting for them, and we all need to take responsibility for recruiting new people, getting them involved and making sure they know the ropes and are made to feel welcome and part of our movement. There are many people out there just like us, who care about animals and would be ready to fight for their freedom if only they knew how. We need to reach those people and let them know how to get involved. They are out there - we just need to all go out and find them. We have spoken to a few of the local contacts recently, and they are getting back to basics with their groups and doing a lot of stalls to recruit new people and raise funds, as well as organising local demos for new people to come on and gain experience in campaigning. One group has also done an incredible amount of flyposting for World Day- we know because we have had several disgruntled calls from people in their area about 'posters all over the place' -that's what we like to hear!

one end of the country to the other and draw in some new potential activists. 'Hotheads' is what one local contact said she was after!

RECRUITING MONTH We are having a recruiting drive every Saturday in March - we need everyone to take part. Contact us for a stall pack, buy yourself a paste table from any DIY store, some petition boards and organise yourself to do a stall in your local town you'll be amazed at the response.

WORLD DAY STREET STALLS A really good way to get new people involved is street stalls. We can supply you with everything you need to do them. Ideally try to do stalls say every weekend or every fortnight as then people who may not stop the first time they see you will do when they keep seeing your cheery little face week after week! We need to spread our recruiting network far and wide from

World Day this year is going to be a march and rally in Cambridge City Centre - really. This has been chosen so that we can all advertise it widely months in advance and get loads of people to come. lt will be ideal for new people, with speeches and loads of stalls on Parkers Piece in Cambridge. This demo is also ideal for new people to come to.

FLYPOSTING TIME To make this a big success please contact us for fliers and posters. Distribute the fliers far and wide and put up as many posters as possible. Let's make it massive.

ACTION LEAFLET We have designed a new leaflet especially for getting new people involved. At its best ours is a strong, vibrant, angry movement ready, willing and able to get stuck in to the abusers -we hope this leaflet reflects this. Order loads and dish 'em out!


Here all in one booklet is every HLS customer site in Britain, shortly to be followed by a booklet with every HLS customer site globally for activists worldwide. These companies are all known to be HLS customers and need to realise that if you deal with HLS then you deal with SHAG. The sky really is the limit in how you target them -the important thing is to take action for the animals and put the pressure on the companies who coldly sign the death warrants for hundreds of thousands of beautiful animals to be killed at HLS's labs. REfmember these companies are all quite happy to use a laboratory that they kno1 has been caught out breaking the law, altering test results to suit the spo nsor, falfifying data, punching dogs in the face, a lab where workers have been caught 9ealing drugs on site and going to work drunk. HLS is a disgusting, criminal helli hole and the people who deal with them should all be viewed in the same way. \he message to these customers is simple - sever your links with HLS, make a statement to that effect and we will back off. Simple. ORDER ONE TODAY- IT'S FREE! '

The animal-free shopper is a brilliant bd,oklet produced by the Vegan Society every year! lt lists all the shops and companies and what products really haven't been tested on animals and are free of animal ingredients. When you are out and ·about visiting customer sites from the who's who you can call into the local supermarket and check out what's ok and what's not with this pocket size guide. Don't say we don't look after you . This little gem costs £4.99. lt is not avai lable from us but you can order it from The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN37 ?AA Tel 01424 717 064


AMOUNT of each _needed nut here ITEM ALF Poster A2 --..x HLS Poster hard A2 H LS Poster soft A2 Brian Cass is Evil leaflet Healthcare professionals leaflet Puppy what we have achieved leaflet HLS kills humans leaflet Dr Greek scientific book £8 HLS leaflet- Cat, Dog, Rabbit or Horse. Please state which if you don't want an assortment. PGP security CD & instructions Airhorns £7 each New Action leaflet Megaphones £75 inc P&P Collectina tins Petitions - Free Cambs street maps £4 Deloitte & Touche leaflet

ITEM Hooded tops - size ........... colour.......... £15 each


T - shirts £5 each - size .............. colour............... Hooded top and t - shirt sizes are skinny fit, small, medium, large and x large. Colours are White Grey & Black Booklet of all HLS's customer sites in the UK, county by county Videos: Time for action 1 or 2, Countryside undercover, SHAC short & long ........................ World dav A3 Poster - soft or aorv World Day Flyer - soft or gory DONATION




NAME ...................................................... ADDRESS ...................................................................................................................... POSTCODE................................ TEL NO ............................................. .


PGP security cd and Cambridgeshire Science leaflet instructions street map

ALF Poster a2

HLS Poster a2


What we have acheived leaflet

New Action leaflet

Air Horn Healthea re professionals leafl·e t

HLS t shirt and hooded top

HLS Poster a2

Brian Cass evil leaflet World Day a3 posters and leaflets



greet the workers 2pm HLS onwards

customer Eisai Tei:0208 6001400 & 0207 388 4746

leafletting villagesmeet HLS 11am

. - - - - Deloitte & Touche week of action




Scotland & Wales

leafletting villagesmeet HLS 11am



4 FRI MIDNIGHT- SUN MIDNIGHT 4 Phone HIS customer Eisai Tei:0208 600 1400 & 0207 388 4746

greet the workers HLS 2pm onwards

RL Slaughter demo- meet Upminster train station

recruiting day nationwide

leafletting villages & Brighton meeting 11-5

recruiting day nationwide

leafletting villages & Bristol meeting 11-5

recruiting day nationwide

leafletting villages & Manchester meeting 11-5

recruiting day nationwide

leafletting villages & B' ham

12 noon

greet the workers HLS 2pm onwards

Deloitte & Touche week of action


Phone HIS customer Eisai Tei:0208 600 1400 & 0207 388 4746



greet the workers HLS 2pm onwards

RL Slaughter demo- meet Stowmarket

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