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Today. 17 June 2003
ANIMAL rights activists have denied they were behind the planting of a hoax bomb outside a company in Northampton •
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week of the 18th to :••. •~ •:Jsth ·May CPS Fuels directors \ home demos which included jf 9 ~h;::en sii;t;s bu:::;s Ji • ; ifiraypainted with the word .i • HH.f~ERS . All the roads leading tq their houses and offices were ,· · sprayed with their name~ { ~ncl Killers, CPS .Fuels Kills · Animals, puppy killers and ALF ( and Dump HLS. ) Qn .the Monday ~ bolt-cropper j pfc,<>f ct:i.ain anrf~;tcJlock were pliiped aroun~ J'1egates and ap~rently tankers and staff were t locked out of tbi $ite for 4 hours.• 6
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The suspicious parcel , which was left in a box and wrapped up in a black dustbin bag outside Act Tech UK Ltd, on the Round Spinney estate, had a white label on the top saying 'a gift from the Animal Li beration Front'.The company, which manufactures automotive glass, has been the focus of a number of protests by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) recently. Richard Hussey, sales and finance director of the company, said: "We have been affected on a number of occasions by the animal rights groups because of our connections with Asahi Glass." He declined to comment further but said more than half a day's produc t ion had been lost because of the inc iden t . More t han 100 employees from Act Tech and other build i ngs in Edgemead Close were evacuated and roads sealed off for three hours while experts from the Royal Air Force Bomb Disposal Unit, dressed in white protective uniforms, blew up the package.
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YAMANOUCHI PAiNTWOMBED iN POR TUGAL SHAC Portugal received the following anonymous report: "On the n ight of May 30th, activists visited the offi ces of Yamanouchi. Dozens of leaflets were t hr own and spread through a ll the street of Yamanouchi offices, cans of red paint were thrown against the wall symbolizing the blood of the animals died inside the hells hole. Phone calls for UK have been made during the nigh t and when they answer, a tape recorder reproduces the screams of the beaten dogs. Have a good night to the sound of the HLS sound track. The message is clear ... your property will be attempted until you release the his!! We ask to activists all over t he world to act ... turn this fight more and more globalf! For the animals
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4-3-2-1 : IT'S A KNOCKOUT!
As we saw with CPS Fuels, knocking out key suppliers from HLS can cost them a lot of money and definitely adds to the pressure they are under. The SHAC sleuths have been hard at work again, and we have tracked down 4 key suppliers for you to put pressure on to sever their links with HLS. The suppliers we have confirmed 100% as supplying HLS are two waste companies, Enviro-Waste and Pearsons, their new lab equipment supplier LIG Supplies and Sunlight, the laundry company who wash all the lab clothes soaked in the blood of innocent animals. Remember we have already knocked out White Rose and Hales waste disposal this year as well and R&L Slaughter who supplied HLS with torture instruments, so they will find it even harder to replace these three. Sunlight are a nationwide company who will come to learn that if you collaborate with animal killers you must account to the public for your evil work. Please contact all these companies and demonstrate against them - there is no excuse for dealing with HLS. Fight for the animals -you are all the hope they have.
L.I.G. SUPPLIES Local activists had a tip-off from a disgruntled worker about this company, but when we contacted them they lied and totally denied their involvement with HLS. Like all the companies that deal with HLS, LIG are a bit stupid if they think they can fool us and one of their workers later confirmed HLS's account and told us they had an outstanding invoice number 311238 for June for £977.60p! Bang to rights as the saying goes! This company sells all the instruments of torture used to cut up and mutilate thousands of animals inside HLS every day - contact them and tell them about the horrific abuse they are a party to.
};,ACTION LIG Supplies, Westry Avenue, March Trading Park, March, Cambs. PE15 OBN Tel: 01354 650 078 Fax: 01354 654 876 Emails: shaun@lig-supplies.co.uk graham@lig-supplies.co.uk sales@lig-supplies.co.uk Graham Bayfield is the Managing Director of LIG Supplies -ask him to sever his links with HLS.
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SUNLIGHT This nationwide laundry company are up to their necks in it with HLS. We spoke to Ian Flack from Sunlight who negotiated the contract with HLS. He told us in a matter of fact way that they have a problem getting the blood off the lab clothes from HLS, and also the monkey hair where workers have been holding the primates. HLS are just another job to heartless, money-grabbing people like this contact them and show them what caring is all about.
ENVIRO-WASTE Enviro-Waste were fooled into admitting on tape that they remove 'biological sludge' from HLS which is then put on public land. These people will stoop to any level to make money and they don't care where it comes from. Show them that if you deal with HLS you deal with decent compassionate people nationwide prepared to fight for the animals. Contact them and voice your disgust.
~ACTION ENVIRO-WASTE, 6-14 Telford Way, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 1 HU Tel: 01842 820 920 Fax: 01842 820 921 Email: paul890@hotmail.com
PEARSONS Pearsons are another company local to Occold and they remove all the paper waste. They are a supplier of an important service to HLS who are fast running out of local firms prepared to deal with them. Contact them and tell them what sort of animal-abusing company they are dealing with and ask them to dump HLS.
JAPANESE. U.K.On Monday northern activists demoed Asahi Glass - "Black Special" security status alert, several police cars , dog units, riot vans and even a mobile CCTV unit for six protestors armed only with drums, megaphone & banners , while London activists held demos against Daiichi and Sumitomo, and Sankyo in Buckinghamshire was visited by activists . On Tuesday 6 keen activists turned up at the gates of F2 Chemicals, the subsidiary company of Asahi Glass yet again . Even the police had started wearing ear plugs. They were out in force with 1 riot van, 2 police cars and 1 unmarked police car. Talk about overkill! There was also another Sankyo demo on Tuesday and it was even louder than Monday's! Thames Valley Police brought in riot vans and loads of cops to make Sankyo an even bigger spectacle. Unable to find a good reason to arrest us they sent in someone with a decibel meter but couldn 't figure out how to work it! They moved us onto the road where about 15 school children joined in the demo holding signs, beating drums , and passing out information. The cops felt threatened by these younger and more compassionate citizens and most of them backed away from the 1O year olds besieging Sankyo. 15 decided to pay a visit to Daiichi's UK distributor, R.W. Unwin & Co. Ltd. We arrived to find extra security precautions being taken with an extra internal door being fitted. They had also taken off the external door. Normally when a demonstration takes place here the managers send the staff upstairs - however there being no doors on the
office the staff were sent home! Just as we were about to leave an enterprising activist noticed that with no staff and the door fitters absent the office was empty and the phone was ringing: Oh what a dilemma!! Naturally, SHAG activists, being helpful souls, sprang into action and occupied the office , answering the phone a number of times ensuring those who rang knew all about Unwin's dirty links with HLS!!! Friday saw more demos in London and_ Sankyo staff got to work to find that their gates have been D-locked.
AUSTRIA At Sankyo activists showed a movie on HLS, made speeches via the megaphone and informed the public with flyers. During the last days Sankyo was busy with spreading flyers in their neigbourhood, informing the people living there on the upcoming demo and that Sankyo does not do animal experim~nts. Sankyo may lie, but they know we will . keep on our protests as long as they give money to HLS! Then on the Friday we held another demo, starting at 7am this time. Besides leaflets we also used a megaphone to inform the public on the animal abuse SANKYO pays HLS for. Some SANKYO workers have been so nerved by our noise, that they were not able to keep on doing their work, as they said. By and by SANKYO seems to realise what it means to deal with puppy killers like HLS.
SWEDEN On friday afternoon we demonstrated against one of HLS's japanese customers SantenPharmaAB. We went up in the lift in the mall where Santen is located, and were met by a guard. He said that Santen was ~losed today because of the demonstration very good for business! After that we . stood in the mall where Santen has their office and held a demonstration . And later on outside the building , many people were interested and thought what HLS does is terrible. Santen we will be back soon!
GERMANY Several activists ran into the offices of CBC in Dusseldorf. The man at the reception desk ran after the activists but couldn't stop them from entering the offices of CBC.
With loads of noise the activists demanded CBC to close the HLS sales office in Japan and to sever all ties with HLS. When the activists shouted at some japanese employees and gave them the SHAG video and some leaflets, they immediately stopped their phone calls and ran out of the room. CBC was not very open for information and so it seems that we will have to return . Go-in at Sumitomo Deutschland in Germany: The employees of Sumitomo Deutschland in Dusseldorf have been visibly at the end of their tether. "Why we again?" they asked when activists ran into their offices yesterday . Demos also took place at Sankyo in Munich and Eisai.
ITALY Two demos against HLS Japanese customer Sumitomo Corporation were scheduled in front of their offices in Milano and Torino, Italy. Sumitomo
made the same excuse as always, that only one part of Sumitomo is involved with HLS and all the rest of the company is innocent. So we decided to go and take a look on the net. There we found out one more time that Sumitomo and Sumitomo Corporation share the same website, and therefore are connected. So we headed back to protest and more angry than before shouted as hell to let Sumitomo know we won't be cheated easily. A spray painted message has been left on the pavement as a remainder for them: Sumitomo liars associated with vivisection .
U.S.A. Southern California activists decided it was time our local CBC office knew what we think of their chummy relationship with HLS, so we performed a phone blockade from
9am to 5pm. The employees were unable to get anything done because the phone kept on ringing -and the employees kept taking turns picking it up and chatting with the activists instead of working. A dozen activists gathered at the US headquarters of Sumitomo Corporation to protest their continued shameful relationship with HLS. A large prominent red and white banner greeted Sumitomo executives, employees, and most importantly, Sumitomo's customers as they entered or left the posh headquarters building at 600 Third Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. The banner read: "SUMITOMO & HLS: PARTNERS IN SHAME." Sumitomo were forced to pay for security for every floor of their posh headquarters building in NY. Activists have promised to return to Sumitomo Corporation of America on a regular basis . Sumitomo is about to find out that their continued shameful alliance with Huntingdon Life Sciences comes with an expensive price tag. Activists assembled at the house of Kazuyoshi Sudo, Director of CBC Japan and Senior Vice President of CBC America.
TWO DIRECTOR CAMPS What better way to round up global week than two director camps in the villages of Japanese customer directors? After consultation with lawyers, 2 camps were set up, one in Poulton near Blackpool to protest at Asahi Glass's involvement with HLS, and a second one on the village green at Shamley Green, Surrey where a Yamanouchi director lives. Both camps were really well attended and gained a lot of local support and interest from the directors' neighbours who were
horrified to find out what sort of people live among them . We had quite a few emails and phone calls from local people wanting to find out more. Here is one response received by SHAG: "There is obviously a good amount of local concern regarding the issues you address . Protest groups are seen by the popular press as a thorn in society's side, who are unworthy of attention. The general inference is that the groups consist of radical communists and thugs. I however was received with nothing but courtesy and good humour. The level of research and knowledge involved with SHAC's protest is extremely impressive, the members who attended the Blackpool protest being amongst the most informed members of a movement I have had the pleasure to meet. Your arguments are well researched, well constructed and extremely well represented."
JAPANESE. U.K.On Monday northern activists demoed Asahi Glass - "Black Special" security status alert, several police cars, dog units, riot vans and even a mobile CCTV unit for six protestors armed only with drums, megaphone & banners, while London activists held demos against Daiichi and Sumitomo, and Sankyo in Buckinghamshire was visited by activists. On Tuesday 6 keen activists turned up at the gates of F2 Chemicals, the subsidiary company of Asahi Glass yet again. Even the police had started wearing ear plugs. They were out in force with 1 ri~t van, 2 police cars and 1 unmarked police car. Talk about overkill! There was also another Sankyo demo on Tuesday and it was even louder than Monday's! Thames Valley Police brought in riot vans and loads of cops to make Sankyo an even bigger spectacle. Unable to find a good reason to arrest us they sent in someone with a decibel meter but couldn't figure out how to work it! They moved us onto the road where about 15 school children joined in the demo holding signs, beating drums, and passing out information. The cops felt threatened by these younger and more compassionate citizens and most of them backed away from the 1O year olds besieging Sankyo. 15 decided to pay a visit to Daiichi's UK distributor, R.W. Unwin & Co. Ltd. We arrived to find extra security precautions being taken with an extra internal door being fitted. They had also taken off the external door. Normally when a demonstration takes place here the managers send the staff upstairs - however there being no doors on the
office the staff were sent home! Just as we were about to leave an enterprising activist noticed that with no staff and the door fitters absent the office was empty and the phone was ringing: Oh what a dilemma!! Naturally, SHAC activists, being helpful souls , sprang into action and occupied the office, answering the phone a number of times ensuring those who rang knew all about Unwin's dirty links with HLS!!! Friday saw more demos in London and_ Sankyo staff got to work to find that their gates have been D-locked.
AUSTRIA At Sankyo activists showed a movie on HLS, made speeches via the megaphone and informed the public with flyers. During the last days Sankyo was busy with spreading flyers in their neigbourhood, informing the people living there on the upcoming demo and that Sankyo does not do animal experiments. Sankyo may lie, but they know we will . keep on our protests as long as they give money to HLS! Then on the Friday we held another demo, starting at 7am this time. Besides leaflets we also used a megaphone to inform the public on the animal abuse SANKYO pays HLS for. Some SANKYO workers have been so nerved by our noise, that they were not able to keep on doing their work, as they said. By and by SANKYO seems to realise what it means to deal with puppy killers like HLS.
SWEDEN On friday afternoon we demonstrated against one of HLS's japanese customers SantenPharmaAB. We went up in the lift in the mall where Santen is located, and were met by a guard. He said that Santen was closed today because of the demonstration very good for business! After that we . stood in the mall where Santen has their office and held a demonstration . And later on outside the building , many people were interested and thought what HLS does is terrible. Santen we will be back soon!
GERMANY Several activists ran into the offices of CBC in Dusseldort. The man at the reception desk ran after the activists but couldn't stop them from entering the offices of CBC.
With loads of noise the activists demanded CBC to close the HLS sales office in Japan and to sever all ties with HLS. When the activists shouted at some japanese employees and gave them the SHAG video and some leaflets, they immediately stopped their phone calls and ran out of the room. CBC was not very open for information and so it seems that we will have to return. Go-in at Sumitomo Deutschland in Germany: The employees of Sumitomo Deutschland in Dusseldorf have been visibly at the end of their tether. "Why we again?" they asked when activists ran into their offices yesterday. Demos also took place at Sankyo in Munich and Eisai.
ITALY Two demos against HLS Japanese customer Sumitomo Corporation were scheduled in front of their offices in Milano and Torino, Italy. Sumitomo
made the same excuse as always, that only one part of Sumitomo is involved with HLS and all the rest of the company is innocent. So we decided to go and take a look on the net. There we found out one more time that Sumitomo and Sumitomo Corporation share the same website, and therefore are connected. So we headed back to protest and more angry than before shouted as hell to let Sumitomo know we won't be cheated easily. A spray painted message has been left on the pavement as a remainder for them: Sumitomo liars associated with vivisection.
U.S.A. Southern California activists decided it was time our local CBC office knew what we think of their chummy relationship with HLS, so we performed a phone blockade from
9am to 5pm. The employees were unable to get anything done because the phone kept on ringing -and the employees kept taking turns picking it up and chatting with the activists instead of working. A dozen activists gathered at the US headquarters of Sumitomo Corporation to protest their continued shameful relationship with HLS. A large prominent red and white banner greeted Sumitomo executives, employees, and most importantly, Sumitomo's customers as they entered or left the posh headquarters building at 600 Third Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. The banner read: "SUMITOMO & HLS: PARTNERS IN SHAME." Sumitomo were forced to pay for security for every floor of their posh headquarters building in NY. Activists have promised to return to Sumitomo Corporation of America on a regular basis. Sumitomo is about to find out that their continued shameful alliance with Huntingdon Life Sciences comes with an expensive price tag. Activists assembled at the house of Kazuyoshi Sudo, Director of CBC Japan and Senior Vice President of CBC America.
TWO DIRECTOR CAMPS What better way to round up global week than two director camps in the villages of Japanese customer directors? After consultation with lawyers, 2 camps were set up, one in Poulton near Blackpool to protest at Asahi Glass's involvement with HLS, and a second one on the village green at Shamley Green, Surrey where a Yamanouchi director lives. Both camps were really well attended and gained a lot of local support and interest from the directors' neighbours who were
horrified to find out what sort of people live among them. We had quite a few emails and phone calls from local people wanting to find out more. Here is one response received by SHAC: 'There is obviously a good amount of local concern regarding the issues you address. Protest groups are seen by the popular press as a thorn in society's side, who are unworthy of attention. The general inference is that the groups consist of radical communists and thugs. I however was received with nothing but courtesy and good humour. The level of research and knowledge involved with SHAC's protest is extremely impressive, the members who attended the Blackpool protest being amongst the most informed members of a movement I have had the pleasure to meet. Your arguments are well researched, well constructed and extremely well represented."
Listed on these pages are all the Japanese customers split up into regions. This is who they are and where as that. DEMOS, PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS ARE WHAT THESE COMPANIES REALLY DON'T WANT,
they are. If there are customers in YOUR area then get organised and get going against them, it's as simple SO JUST DO IT. FIGHT FOR THE ANIMALS.
J28 is ... ---
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"The main focus of the day's activity was a new one for us, the big shareholders in Japanese customers. Let's see if Daiichi, Sumitomo, Yamanouchi and all the other Japanese companies who use HLS think it's such a good idea when all their major shareholders are demonstrated against. One of the main ones is a company called Mizuho International PLC, who are major shareholders in certain Japanese customers of Huntingdon Life Sciences. The first stop for the group of activists was the home of Mr Charkham in Knightsbridge. Charkham, who is the director of Mizuho International PLC, lives in a quiet yellow painted terraced house, yellow being an apt colour for a coward who is only too happy to make a financial killing out animal abuse . Protestors let off the numerous air-horns and sirens while one activist repeatedly let Jonathon know that we are seeking a decision that benefits the animals inside Huntingdon. A group of 20 or so activists looks a bit suspicious wondering around the streets of London so we decided to break into two groups and visit different neighbourhoods. Group number two then found their way to the apartment block of a certain Ken Masuo. This disgusting little man is the director of notorious Japanese pharmaceutical company and Huntingdon Life Sciences customer, Daiichi. Their office has received countless demos in London and people have tried to speak to Mr. Masuo and yet they still haven't got the message: DROP HUNTINGDON. Ken lives in a very security conscious block, but after one activist tried their rather persuasive communication techniques the others managed to push the security guards aside and storm in through the front door. Access to the stairs was found and within a flash Ken had 8 activists on his doorstep, trying to speak to him through the letter box, and telling the whole corridor what sort of a cold-hearted business man he is. The message to Daiichi is simple, either you take your revolting experiments elsewhere or we will continue our campaign against you! The group then visited their second Mizuho director of the day, Mr. Seichiro
Sato who lives in a rather plush flat just off Baker street and only has one wirey old porter to act as security! Mr. Sato had better up his security, as there seems to be very little to deter activists from holding demonstrations against him. When the group had arrived they found that they had just missed Sato, as it seems he had gone for a golfing trip with another Japanese man . Obviously his friend needs to be told how Sato profits from a company who systematically abuses and torture five hundred defenceless creatures each day. The activists then proceeded to stick leaflets through doors and then finish with a speech through a megaphone detailing why Sato has become ---a target for the SHAG cam-
The penultimate demonstration of strength against the animal killers was outside the Hampstead home of Mizuho International director Nobuo Oya. The group proceeded to leaflet his neighbours and tell them with, with the aid of a trusty megaphone, what sort of creep is living below them. One neighbour peered over the balcony and had a conversation with the activists. The neighbour was shocked to learn about Oya's connections with Europe's largest animal killing company. For the last demo of the day the activists headed over to Hendon in North London. Just down the road from the fellow HLS collaborator CBC is the suburban home of Sumitomo finance director Mr. Akihiko Sakashita. As this was his first introduction to the rapidly growing campaign to close down Huntingdon Life Sciences the campaigners thought they had better pay a polite visit to their new friend. Information was posted through his door before his street received a speech through the megaphone about his connection with animal cruelty, which warranted a round of applause from one neighbour peering out of a window. Perhaps we can speak with them when we return in the not so distant future. Just as we were about to leave we were approached by another person who was interested to find out about our campaign against Japanese customers.
Apparently Mr. Sakashita has been out leafleting his local area with misinformation and a bunch of total lies. The truth is that Sumitomo Finance is part of the Sumitomo Corporation f course Family who do commission they're experiments at Huntingdon Life Sciences, and as a result of this, not just Sumitomo Finance and their directors will receive demos but every little branch of the family tree. A job well done, the activists headed home. It is always exciting to find new targets to add to the dwindling list. No doubt Mizuho International will become a firm target for the campaign now, unless they put pressure of the companies they hold shares in to drop out of Huntingdon Life Sciences." ALL THE DEMO REPORTS ON THESE 2 PAGES WERE SENT IN TO SHAG FOR PUBLICATION.
were let off, air-horns were blazing and John's whole street was told what a sad pathetic man is living at the bottom of their hill. With panic alarms blaring inside the house and almost all his neighbours coming outside to see what the commotion was all about the activists headed home.
Protesters from Brighton went out to visit the man below. We put the note reproduced below plus a small selection of SHAC leaflets in envelopes and put them through the doors of all the surrounding houses including his so that he'd know we'd been in the area. If the neighbours aren't sure why he's been visited a couple of times recently by people, now they know. Stephen Lightfoot of .. .... .... ... is a director of Sankyo Pharma UK. WHY ARE WE DEMONSTRATING AGAINST THIS MAN? The company he is a director of trades with Huntingdon Life Sciences. HLS has been exposed 5 times, both here and in the USA, for breaches of regulations and animal cruelty whilst conducting experiments. Contrary to popular belief HLS does not test so called 'wonder cures' for medical research. It is a contract testing laboratory and tests 'new, improved' floor cleaners, washing powders, agricultural chemicals (that are polluting our environment and making us ill), brake fluids and, in the past, Agent Orange for chemical warfare.
demos across Europe, Gate 0-locking at their office site , more home and car redecoration for their other senior staff, and god knows what through the mail, the activists thought it was about time they all went around and introduce themselves. When they arrived at this coward's house they found him outside in the front driveway attending to his car with a plain-clothes Sussex police officer in toe . Two campaigners approached Stephen with polite questions only to be told that he wasn't going to answer any questions and to be asked why should it concern us. We're concerned by how such a respectable and legitimate company such as Sankyo associates itself with a company such as Huntingdon Life Sciences, who have been caught out repeatedly for animal cruelty.
Since all species and even different human races, ages and genders react differently to drugs and chemicals, we maintain that this research is not only unethical but also poor science. There are companies that have already adopted non-animal research . Please read the accompanying leaflets. Thank you.
We've tried to speak with senior officials at Sankyo both at work and at home to discuss the issues that concern us all and every time our words have fallen on deaf ears. Well direct action is the last recourse so the activists started letting off sirens and telling the whole neighbourhood what sort of man Lightfoot is.
Simple yet highly effective.
The activists then went on to another customer director. This time it was the turn of Professor John O'Grady to receive a home visit from the friendly activists. With added security in the form of a bright white camera stuck on the roof the activists knew for sure that this was the right house. Sirens
J28 is J29! This Sunday a car full of Southern activists met together mid-day. They had enjoyed J28 so much that they decided to carry on into J29! Remembering the old phrase "If you don't fight, you don't win" the activists then proceeded to make two house calls. The first on their list was Stephen Lightfoot of West Sussex. This smarmy little man is the director of Sankyo Pharma UK Ltd. After receiving a house and car redecoration from the ALF, multiple office
Groups of protestors from across the Midlands met up at ACT Tech UK in Northampton, a subsidiary of Asahi Glass. When we arrived the gates were quickly closed . As the noise level from the protest grew, workers appeared from doorways and windows to see what was happening. Before long two ACT Tech bosses arrived at the site and were rushed in through the gates with shouts from protestors ringing in their ears. How inconvenient to have your weekend disrupted but that's what anyone who deals with HLS can expect. These decisive managers called in a bunch of bumbling goons from Shamrock Security (Shambles Security more like!) Within an hour of us arriving the all of the workers on site were sent home. Many took leaflets and others looked very uncomfortable at our presence . The managers were the last to leave and as they had done our job for us by sending the workers home we left soon afterwards!
EDITORIAL The Japanese campaign is really starting to bite with insider information coming from Sumitomo and Daiichi that the demo's are really embarassing these Japanese companies and they are sick and tired of being contacted by all of you. In this newsletter are 4 money-grabbing HLS supliers - please contact and demo them but remember Japanese companies are our main focus and we need to keep the pressure on to win. We really cannot repeat that enough times: THE JAPANESE CUSTOMERS ARE THE MAIN TARGET AND WILL REMAIN SO. THERE IS NO END TO THIS CAMPAIGN UNTIL THEY GIVE STATEMENTS - SIMPLE . Everyone is doing a brilliant job - we are constantly inspired and moved by everyone's actions. From Nathan in Swansea who raised 150 pounds with a sponsored silence, to Luke, 13 years old, who was arrested for making calls to CPS and told the police no way would he apologise because he knows what he is doing is right, to a senior citizen with a heart condition who writes to all the customers and posts his letters on his day trips to the seaside once a month, to the lady in her 50's who wrote us a wonderful letter saying sheis fed up of writing to her MP and feels 'all jittery 'when she makes phone calls, to Lorna, Kafiye , Donna and Stuart who do regular stalls for SHAG and got a brilliant article in their local papers, to Nicky who donated £500 towards the Big Issue ads from World Day, to all the people who give us a hand on stalls, to everyone who supports the campaign financially and to each and every single one of you who is fighting with all your heart to close HLS, you are a constant inspiration and YOU are the ones winning for the animals . Don't ever give in and don't ever give up - you are all the animals have and you have it within your grasp to destroy the hell-hole that is HLS once and for all. The animal killers inside HLS and all the sick , evil people who support them will come to realise that if you deal with HLS you deal with SHAC and that together we are a mighty, determined , committed, brave and resilient force that will keep fighting until the day the gates of HLS close forever . Please write to Sonia Hayward, HMP Cookham Wood, Rochester, Kent ME1 3LU - she for in prison for actions relating to HLS shareholders and customers and is enjoying the rest!
ITEM AMOUNT of each needed out here ALF Poster A2 HLS Poster hard A2 HLS Poster soft A2 Jaoanese customer A2 ooster Japanese customer leaflets. Daiichi, Sumitomo, Sankyo, CBC, Asahi Glass, Yamanouchi. Please state which ones. Japanese customer stickers HLS kills humans leaflet Dr Greek scIentmc book £8 Healthcare professionals leaflet PGP security CD & instructions Megaphones £65 inc P&P Collectina tins Petitions - Free Cambs street maos £4 Airhorns £5 each NEW HLS leaflet. This is a fold out leaflet that covers the cruelty inside HLS, what the campaign is about, what we have acheived anc what action people can take
1. Time for Action 1 is a compilation of demo scenes set to fast music 2. Time for Action 2 is the same as above only more recent demo footage 3. SHAC short is a shocking insight into what goes on inside Huntingdon with fo otage taken undercover inside Huntingdon's U.K. & U.S. labs 4. SHAC long same as above but with demo footage on the end 5. Countryside Undercover is the full half hour programme shown on Channel 4 that shows the full undercover investigation and what they found inside Huntingdon in
ITEM Skull masks - £1.00 Hooded tops - size ........... colour .......... £15 each T - shirts £5 each - size .............. colour ............... Hooded top and t - shirt sizes are skinny fit, small, medium, large and x large Colour is Black Booklet of all HLS's customer sites in the UK, county by county
Videos: Time for action 1 or 2, Countryside undercover, SHAC short & Iona ........................ Xeno factsheets Michelle Rokke's diary about her 9 months inside HLS £2 DONATION
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Merchandise is free unless stated. Donation appreciated.
NAM E..................................................... . ADDRESS .................................................................... ................................................. . ..........................................................................................
POSTCODE................. TEL NO .......................... EMAIL ............................................ .
ALF Poster a2
HLS Poster a2
Healthcare professionals leaflet
PGP security cd and instructions
Cambridgeshire street map
Japanese customer leaflets and A2 poster. For Daiichi, Yamanouchi, CBC and Sumitomo
rlmate.s &uffered and died inside HunUngdon>t
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HLS Poster a2
NEW HLS leaflet. This leaflet folds out & covers HLS, action, the campaign & what we have acheived
Japanese customer stickers - companies as above
New HLS t shirt and hooded top
Japanese customer a2 Poster
Skull mask back
I What do you do with suppliers of Huntingdon who don't care about the animals & will do anything for money?