Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty 6 Boat lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP Tel 0845 458 0630 email
There are many indicators of the campaign's progress at the moment and they are all very, very good. The pictures 01:1 this page are emotional and they are meant to be. On the left are pictures taken by SHAC inside numerous Japanese vivisection labs, the one on the right is of Barry Horne when he was a young fella. Can you believe that Dawn Hurst was imprisoned in Japan for taking the pictures like those on the left and trying to show the world just what is happening in Japan and their links with Huntingdon Life Sciences. Can you believe that Barry Horne had to die on hunger strike trying to bring to the public's attention the horrors of places like Huntingdon. People will judge us all one day and history will look back in horror that activists had to fight and die to save animals from the MURDERERS at Huntingdon Life Sciences, their customers and all the others involved with them. This campaign is a brilliant one to be involved in as it hits them where it hurts ie in the pocket. How many companies that have all the government and animal-killing industry support under the sun are called by senior bankers "crap", who then go on to say "No bank will deal with it (HLS). They can't get lending facilities because no bank will lend to them because if they did they would have pickets outside their front door. Merrill Lynch used to make a market in them but stopped because of the pressure." Scores of suppliers have ditched Huntingdon in the last few months alone and just as importantly look at Huntingdon's latest figures, the evidence that the customer campaign is succeeding is there for the whole world to see. 1) we have slowed Huntingdon's revenue increases, 2) we have now stopped them dead in their tracks, and now we need to reverse them. Take a good look at the pictures on this page, this is what we are fighting for and the path to success is ours. We know who we are, we know who our enemies are and we all know what really works. Barry died for the animals, no talk just action ... the rest is up to you.
FEEDBACK FROM JAPAN In April this year a British activist was arrested during a SHAC demonstration in Japan and charged with trespassing in various Japanese animal testing laboratories two years earlier in 2001. Trespassing on private property is a criminal offence in Japan, punishable by up to 3 years in prison. She was held for a total of 5 months and during this period she was questioned extensively about SHAC activities. lt became apparent that the Japanese authorities are extremely worried about the potential impact of the SHAC campaign on the Japanese pharmaceutical industry. She was told the following: • The police confirmed that Yamanouchi had closed their laboratory in Oxford as a direct result of the SHAC campaign against them. ·After the pictures and video from the investigation were published on the SHAC website last year, the Japanese police were so concerned that they visited England in order to find out all they could about SHAC. • The police were desperate to know what SHAC 's plans were for the future and wanted to know if SHAC were planning to continue to target Japanese customers of HLS, as the campaign against them so far has had such an impact. • The police and the Japanese customers of HLS were well aware about all the days of action and mobile demos against Japanese customers in the UK and across the world . They monitor the SHAC web-site on a daily basis to try and find out what is going on. • lt was made clear that the Japanese economy is still in a very fragile state and that the SHAC campaign could have severe consequences for Japanese industry. We believe that the above provides incontrovertible evidence of the enormous impact that the Japanese customer campaign is having. Never doubt that the effect SHAC has collectively is massive and far-reaching. Remember these companies do what you see in these pictures to hundreds of thousands of animals on a daily basis.
The current suppliers campaign being down the country is winning victory as companies nationwide are alerted to the fact they are dealing with animal killers. The list is impressive and HLS must be desperately scrabbling about trying to find companies immoral enough to deal with them. The support from employees of all these companies has been phenomenal with into being leaked left right and centre. HLS have been sending their people out to all these companies trying to persuade them to stick with them, but their powers of persuasion are not up to much (like everything else they do) and they have lost one supplier after another in quick succession. There are HLS suppliers up and down the country so this really is a battle for everyone to get involved in and win. SUNLIGHT CAPITULATE AND WITHDRAW SERVICES WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT As the last newsletter went to print SHAC learnt that Sunlight had attempted to double-cross everyone by sneaking back into HLS. The campaign restarted with a passion as activists up and down the country renewed their vow to get them to dump HLS. Finally enough was enough and as activists demonstrated in Leicester and blocked their site in Norwich preventing vehicles entering the depot, (with one lorry reversing straight into a police car as he tried to leave!) Sunlight made a statement to the campaign severing their links with HLS with immediate effect. A Sunlight worker at the Norwich office told an activist that HLS have started building work on their own laundry. If this is t rue, it is yet more expense they don't need when they are millions of dollars in debt. SHAC was contacted by Sunlight's union who have got an agreement now that Sunlight will not work for any vivisection lab nationwide. Another SHAC knock-on blow for the whole filthy, blood-soaked indus~ry.
Please be assured that no company in Group has any intention of trading with Huntingdon Life Sciences, either now or in the future. Also, all our franchises have been instructed not to trade with them." ANC Group Limited NB The letters referred to were not sent by SHAC. ANOTHER SUPPLIER BITES THE DUST Central Wood Growers were happy to supply HLS with wood shavings for the animals' cages- until they got caught out that is- then they dumped them. NEWEY & EYRE DROP HLS CONTRACT Newey and Eyre had been slipping in and out of HLS for some years supplying them with all sorts of electric equipment, but after demos at their shops and offices nationwide, they suddenly decided maybe it wasn 't such a good idea any more ... " The company has advised Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) that we will cease trading with t hem immediately. All of our Newey & Eyre branches have been instructed not to trade with HLS with immediate effect. Neither Newey & Eyre nor any other Hagemeyer (UK) Ltd company will trade with HLS now or in the future."
NLIGHT. 5¡UCKS ... t he
the clothing Kd e 5 at
PEACHMAN REFRIGERATION NEXT SHAC received the following statement from a company called Peachman Refrigeration who we didn't actually know supplied HLS. " From Peachman Refrigeration Ltd. Received your anonymous letter today and after discussions with my fellow directors and after reading your leaflets we will cease trading with Huntington Life Science from Monday 29th September 2003. NB Anonymous letters are not sent by SHAC. ANC NATIONWIDE PARCEL DELIVERY GROUP DUMP HLS SHAC received the following email from ANC: " We are aware you have sent letters to a number of directors of ANC Group Limited or ANC Limited. One of our franchises has been trading with Huntingdon Life Sciences - they have however been instructed to stop immediately and have complied with this
ARGONAUT DITCH HUNTINGDON Argonaut are a big global lab equipment supplier who didn't take long to decide HLS's contract was no longer an attractive one to them. One of their directors said that with an annual turnover of millions they were not interested in sticking with HLS, especially not with their record of animal cruelty. " Dear SHAC, Further to our call this morning I can confirm that Argonaut Technologies Ltd will cease t rading with Huntingdon Life Sciences with immediate effect. Argonaut Technologies Ltd will not be supplying Huntingdon Life Sciences via any other company or 3rd party."
' ' I f you
PLUMB CENTER NO LONGER SUPPLYING HLS- WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT The Plumb Center were quite happy to deal wit h HLS until demos started happening nationwide at their shops, and their staff started sending us loads of info on HLS's accounts! Shortly after, as if by magic: " Following concerns expressed to Wolseley Centers by members of SHAC, Wolseley Centers has decided it will no longer supply to Huntingdon Life Sciences. Wolseley Centers feel that they have responded fairly and reasonably to the concerns expressed by SHAC and also in awareness of the diversity of views among the wider public on the issues raised." Another supplier down for HLS. That's what happens when you get caught out over and over again for animal cruelty, fiddle experiments and have a criminal record from a court of law in Britain. Bad luck HLS, no-one wants to know you!
don't act then you
COn One. If d 't YOU On , . ht th •g en YOU don't Wl.
Bar:ry Horne 3
Here are 12 companies that work hand in glove with the animal killers inside Huntingdon Life Sciences. The companies listed here I wipe away the blood and faeces and vomit of animals slowly being poisoned to death, laboratory equipment to torture and kill then killers to carry out their evil trade. Please contact all the companies listed on these pages by telephone, email, fax or post and voicE abuse exposed at the labs, tell them about the puppies being punched in the face and the monkeys being cut open while they were
INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES This company supply all the cleaning products to HLS, used to clean away blood, vomit , and faeces from animals dying in fear and confusion. Industrial Supplies were first contacted in February last year and asked to sever their links with HLS. They have had ample time to make a moral choice to not deal with a company that has a shocking record of animal cruelty, and yet persist in making money out of animals dying. How sick is that. Contact Industrial Supplies and tell them what you think about their links with HLS. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Mrs S Bainbridge General Manager WATERWORKS LANE GLINTON, PETERBOROUGH PE6 7LP. Tel: 01733 252 771 F: 01733 252362
International Product Supplies Unit 5, Baird Court, Park Farm Estate, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire tei:01933 6BO 133 Fax: 01933 6BO 155 Email:
Unit 1, Auto base industrial park, Tipton road , Tividale, Old bury, West Midlands B69 3HU Tel 0121 520 6300 Fax: 0121 520 1391
INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES LTD Mrs R Hodgnan Depot Manager 4 Martin Court Blenheim Industrial Estate Bullwell, Nottingham Notts. NG6 BUS Tel 0115 927 26B1
Emai I :steve. joyce@rhysd u k He is the operations manager. This freight company have been spotted going in and out of HLS for some time- they deliver to HLS on behalf of other haulage companies too. Andy keeling on direct line 0121 521 4903 is in charge of deliveries to HLS.
Industrial Supplies are a long-term HLS supplier. When SHAC spoke to them last week offering them a big contract, they told the 'potential customer' that they were under intense pressure from the campaign and that although they really wanted to hang on to the HLS contract because it is a massive one for them, they may have to let it go. How disgusting to profit from animal abuse.
IPS International Product Supplies supply HLS with lab clothes -the same clothes the sick murderers put on before starting their day's work butchering animals for profit. They also supply Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm who supply HLS and are a distributor for a major lab animal food company. This disgusting company has been targeted by demos, phone calls, taxes and emails asking them to sever their links with HLS- keep the pressure up on them and show them that if you deal with HLS the heat is on!
They definitely deliver for Xerox and Mike Beer, and have 6 depots nationwide. MIKE BEER are a haulage firm in Dover who get their HLS deliveries done by Rhys Davies. Call them on 01304 B2B 600 or email them at Tell them all about HLS politely and ask them to stop taking any deliveries for them.
BROWN deliver for IPS. This company know exactly what they are doing as they make their deliveries in and out of labs up and down the country. Contact them and ask them to stop delivering for the animal killers IPS. David Bletsoe-Brown ltd Telford way, Telford way industrial estate, Kettering, Northants NN16 BUN Tel 01536 416 000 tax: 01536 417 4B9 Ashley BARR is the Sales Manager :
Otis are a lift and elevator supply and maintenance company that have been caught bang to rights dealing with the animal killers. Please contact Otis at their head office and politely voice your concerns to them and explain to them what sort of company HLS is. Head Office Otis Ltd Elevators & Escalators 1B7, Twyford Abbey Rd, London NW1 0 7DG Tel : 020B 955 3000 Fax: 020B 955 3001
HOBART STILL LTD 51 The Bourne, South gate, London N14 6RT Tel: 020B 920 2BOO Hobart Still service equipment for HLS and have been working with them for years. Please contact them and make them aware of what sort of company HLS is.
~p HLS functioning, providing a range of services such as security to keep the animals locked in their living hell, cleaning fluids to tith, haulage firms that deliver into the gates of hell, and companies that provide all the chemicals and poisons used by the animal our disgust at their involvement with Huntingdon life Sciences. Make them aware of the undercover investigations and the horrific 11 alive.
CED LTD This company is up to their necks with HLS. They deliver various reports and documents for them all round the country. This information was leaked to the campaign by one of their employee's partners! Contact CED and ask them to stop delivering documents full of details of animals mutilated to death. 2 NORMAN WAY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE OVER, CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE CB4 5QE Tel: 01954 231 957
Phenomenex supply lab equipment to HLS. Another company who think they can get away with profiting from HLS. Tell them what you think about their involvement with HLS and ask them to do the decent thing and sever their contract with HLS the animal abusers. PHENOMENEX Melville House, Queens Avenue, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BN Tel: 01625 501 367 Email:
Email: Web:
BAXTER HEALTHCARE Caxton Way, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 3SE Tel: 01842 767 000 Fax: 01842 767 099 Another longtermer, Baxter supply HLS with sterile water to use in experiments. How sick. Please contact them and ask them to act with compassion and ditch HLS. Email :
ROM DISTRIBUTION Unit 3, Santareen Road, long Stratton, Norwich, Norfolk NR15 2NZ TEL 01508 530115 Fax: 01508 532 550 Please contact ROM and ask them to stop delivering parcels to HLS. Explain to them that HLS have been caught out 5 times for animal cruelty and exposed for falsification of data to get products on the market.
VITECH SECURITY SYSTEMS Unit 4, Hawkwell Business Centre, Maidstone Road, Pembury, Kent TN2 4AG Tel: 01892 825111 Fax: 01892 825 222 Email: Please contact Mr Gordon Carter and Nick Pal mer- he owns half the company and ask them to stop providing security for the animals' hellhole.
ADT- FIRE AND SECURITY 69-75 thorpe road, Norwich, Norfolk NR11UA tel 01603 625 138 ADT- Bridgewater Plaza, Bridgewater Road, Thurmaston, Leicester LE4 8BL Tel 0116 260 3792 Another security company busy making money out of animal suffering. HLS have accounts with both these offices.
Shac Australia formed & start demos SHAC Australia are a newcomer on the SHAC global scene. Their first demo was very effective and sent out a strong message that Japanese HLS customers damage human health as well as kill hundreds of thousands of animals at HLS. Here is the report:
of Sumitomo's connections with the fraudulent Huntingdon Life Sciences, and also general info on vivisection and how scientifically flawed it is. We got into Sumitomo's building to hold our protest and then carried on the demo outside their offices drawing maximum attention to this Japanese company's
" We handed out masses of leaflets informing people
offices. How embarrassing for them, but then that's what happens when you are involved with HLS. We had an excellent speaker who delivered an articulate piece on the corruption of vivisection and Sumitomo's history with HLS. This will be the first of many demos Sumitomo, so get ready."
Shac Canada in action Between October 24th and 26th the International Society for Men's Health held their 3rd World Congress on Men's Health at the University of Vienna in Austria. The whole thing was sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, among them customers of Huntingdon Life Sciences, like Yamanouchi, Bayer, Glaxosmithkline and Roche. Wherever supporters of HLS appear in public, SHAC is not far away. So on Saturday afternoon animal rights activists gained access to the congress halls. They managed to inform congress participants with a megaphone, an airhorn and thousands of fliers in two other congress halls about the cruelties all HLS's customers are responsible for. They left behind thousands of No business with Huntingdon Life fliers spread all over two halls and congress participants from all over the world in the knowledge that there would not be any public appearance of HLS customers in Austria without the protest of animal rights activists.
ABBOTT LABS PRESIDENT IN CANADA "Don ut sales in the city of Montreal were at an all time low this morning as most of Montreal's finest followed a city bus full of activists for over an hour into the suburbs. The target: the home of Marcelo Vizio President and General Manager of Abbott Labs Canada. Eight police vans surrounded activists- SHAC's reputation preceded us. Neighbours were well informed as ~ll'll\l!!!fi!WIIIIIII!IIIIII., we left 'know your neighbour' door hangers which highlighted some of Marcelo's favourite activities: running marathons and killing puppies. " Yellow Marcelo" was too cowardly to come out and talk with us, and spent most of our demonstration whining to his lawyer who arrived shortly after we did, wielding cell phone and eyes bulging. Italian activists have been putting As one local10 year old put it "An evil man lives here". incredible pressure on dogYou bet he does son, and his whole neighbourhood knows breeders for vivisection Morini it too now. SMASH HLS" where loads of beagles were liberated from earlier this year. SHAC CANADA IN ACTION AGAINST SUMITOMO This campaign, like Hillgrove and "We realized that standing 28 floors below Sumitomo with Consort, looks set to win. For our signs would not get the job done. So three different more information look at their teams went to Sumitomo on the 28th floor. The first group website at: went and talked with Pierre Lemire (Sumitomo manager). and help them win. They have still We told him why we were there, and challenged him to put had time for HLS though! it in writing that Sumitomo Canada has no connections ITALIAN ACTIVISTS TARGET with Sumitomo Chemical Corporation and their support YAMANOUCHI of animal cruelty at HLS. He was not prepared to do this. " On the night of October 9th all A little later, team 2 went to the 28th floor. Leaflets were the walls in the town of Carugate thrown in the lobby and a noisy demo took place. Not (Milano) where is the headquarter too long after, team 3 went to the offices and also threw of Yamanouchi Pharma ltalia were leaflets everywhere and got the message across loud and covered by thousands of leaflets. clear: deal with HLS and you get SHAC in the package. " Now all the people in Carugate knows everything about the tortures to animals in HLS and why Yamanouchi is RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. "
SHAC ltalia
"One of the most important companies in the European primate trade is Centre de Recherches Primatologiques from Mauritius. Every year they sell more then 3000 primates to european vivisection labs. Their biggest german customer is the primate torturing lab Covance. We believe they also supply HLS. Their salesperson visited today the university of Dortmund, expecting to see some torturing labs and win a new customer. He couldn't find the laboratory, but instead found a group of angry animal rights activists that welcomed him, splashing 2 buckets of fake blood on him - a symbolic act for the daily bloodspill of his disgusting company. Covered in blood and looking quite shocked, he left." pictures:
SHAC Germany crash conference "Over a thousand of the world's leading suppliers and manufacturers of pharmaceutical ingredients were present in Germany at the 14th Convention of Pharmaceutical Ingredients -the CPhl Worldwide, the biggest of its kind. All the important customers of HLS were there: Asahi, Bayer, Covance, Daiichi, Dow, Otsuka, Rutgers and Sankyo. Two were missing off the list of exhibitors of this "biggest & most exciting event ever" as the CPhl-team promised: HLS and SHAC. While HLS even didn't turn up at the exhibition, which shows how weak HLS is, SHAC didn't miss the show and tried to make it really an exciting event for all these animal killers and especially for the HLS customers. Daiichi wasn't even listed but shared a stand. We know you are in financial crisis Daiichi, but we didn't realise it was this bad. Several activists from 'SHAC' and 'die tierbefreier .e. V'. went to the show. We decided to show one of the Japanese HLS customers our protest. In the afternoon the sound of an air horn broke business around the stands of Asahi and Otsuka. An activist poured a red organic chemical called Ketchup over the stand of Asahi Glass and their brochures while other activists threw leaflets against HLS, Asahi and other Japanese HLS customers and showed
TOCY,~~Worldwide 2003\
The protest was directed then by megaphone against Asahi and Otsuka and
=¡-:, _ __ . _.. __ ......... . .-.. .-
A big crowd of employees of the oth F companies formed a circle around us and listened carefully to what we said about HLS and the Japanese customers and we are sure they understood our warning. Left were hundreds of leaflets, a red painted stall of Asahi Glass and a bunch of irritated companies' representatives who picked up the leaflets to get informed about HLS, Asahi and other Japanese HLS customers. But this was not the end. When waiting for police around ten representatives from Asahi Glass and Asahi Kasei came into the room very surprised to find us there and not very comfortable about being again so close to us. We didn't hesitate to tell them again that we won't stop our protest unless they will stop abusing animals inside HLS or elsewhere and that no matter what they will try to do to stop us they will fail."
SHAC has received many pages of documents relating to HLS customer Daiichi's main global drug project that has failed miserably at the clinical trials phase. Our understanding is that these documents have been leaked from Daiichi's offices in the UK and USA and sent out to animal
possession of the full documents. The message with the leaked documents reads as follows: "The audit report is so confidential that numbered copies of the audit were distributed to staff and then collected back.
rights groups worldwide in prro~~t~es:t~a=t~[=:::=:;;:::=::::: Daiichi's use of Huntingdon ~fe Sciences. We have seen copies also translated into Japanese. This is parf of the letter we received:
Daiichi employees also said that Daiichi are in a financial crisis with costs going up and profits going down, and are currently reviewing the viability of their UK office where there is no loyalty to Japanese directors as they monitor senior staff unnecessarily and are very unpopular. These documents have been distributed for informative purposes to several thousand HLS customers, Japanese pharmaceutical and chemical companies, industry bodies, clinical trial labs, CRO's, shareholding banks, biotech analysts on investing banks, Japanese banks and to many media contacts worldwide with an interest in biotech. SMASH HLS ACTION GROUP"
"RE HUNTINGDON LIFE SCIENCES CONFIDENTIAL INFO ON DAIICHI'S MAIN GLOBAL DRUG PROJECT LEAKED: CLINICAL TRIALS FAIL AS PATIENTS DIE Please find enclosed parts of the final audit report on Daiichi's main global drug project for pancreatic cancer : DX 8951 E-PRT030 and TZT 1027-PRT001 and TZT 1027PRT002 carried out at Omnicare for Daiichi and under supervision of Daiichi, as well as a previous and Final Investigator Brochure for DX-8951f USA version and the final clinical study protocol UK version. We are in
you need to show that there is a big hole in our security system and our competitors will be getting access also."
lt is highly confidential. If you let Daiichi know, and prove to them that you have a copy, all hell will break out in Daiichi. lt does reveal major faults in a human study with people dying. Essentially
How many animals died to get this drug to the clinical trial phase? Many hundreds of thousands of lives brutally taken only for this drug to fail and actually kill people once they tried it. How long before these companies stop relying on the slaughter of animals and the useless data provided by animal tests that has been shown, yet again, to have no relevance to human beings.
Blow for HLS customer Bayer 8 activists stormed into a conference in central London where Andrew Heaton, Vice President of Chiron Blood Diagnostics was giving a talk. Chiron are an HLS customer who have been under considerable pressure in the USA. Well he was giving a talk, until we got there! The conference which was to discuss molecular diagnostics also attracted the likes of Bayer, Roche and Amersham Health, all Huntingdon customers. So in we went. The best dressed first, followed quickly behind by the backup. Heaton was just in the middle of his speech when we arrived, but quickly sat down looking embarrassed. The organisers trying not to look like there was a problem informed us we were not allowed in- OH REALLY! Leaflets were distributed and our disgust at Chiron and their involvement was made clear. Animals continue to suffer at Huntingdon because of the likes of them. Heaton eventually scurried out of the building via a side door. Bet he won't put his hand up next time they need someone to talk in the UK!
SANKYO DIRECTOR RESIGNS "Bala Balendra has resigned his position with Sankyo Pharma UK Ltd to take on new challenges elsewhere and leave Sankyo's employment on 1Oth October 2003. He no longer has any involvement with Sankyo Pharma UK Ltd or any other pharmaceutical organisation."
Great news came last month as HLS customer Bayer became the last GM company to pull out of crop trials of genetically modified plants in Britain. The move is seen as a major blow to the industry. The company blamed Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett for its decision. Her insistence that the locations of all trial sites be made public had forced its hand, a spokesman told The Observer. Bayer CropScience, Bayer's crop subsidiary had believed it was close to a deal that would allow GM crop test sites - which are regularly destroyed by protesters -to be kept secret. Instead of having to publish exact map references for fields, companies would only have to name the county in which it was holding a trial. At the last minute Defra told Bayer it would not support this change in regulations. 'In the absence of any moves to ensure the security for trials, Bayer CropScience has no choice, therefore, but to cease its variety trial activities in the UK for this coming season,' said the official. 'lt is disappointing the criminal activities of a small minority of people have prevented information on GM crop varieties being generated.' Most GM crop trials carried out over the past few years have been sabotaged, not only those of Bayer. Other companies have pulled out. Now Bayer, the last to continue with them, has decided to call it a day. The current 'brain drain' of UK agricultural scientists to the US and Canada is now only likely to intensify. But as long as test GM trials are exposed to sabotage, the prospects of commercial growing look remote. 'This is a back-door moratorium,' said an industry source. Robin McKie, science editor, Sunday September 28, 2003, The Observer
·o c
Huntingdon's latest financial figures released -
Huntingdon released their third quarter figures yesterday (late as usual) and they make very interesting reading. In quarter 1 of this year we first started to hear the previously unheard of words " softening of demand" from Huntingdon just as the Japanese customer campaign was getting going. Then in Quarter 2 we started to hear about "study cancellations " . Now in quarter 3 we are hearing about "Order levels were softer this quarter." The customer campaign still has to fully unfurl all its strategies and targets which we have talked about from day 1 of this facet of the campaign, but already you can clearly see that the customer campaign is biting Huntingdon where it hurts them most- their bottom line revenues. First the revenue growth was slowed and now it has been stopped in its tracks with last quarter revenues being the same as the previous quarter. HLS v COVANCE REVENUE COM PARISON
240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150
e 120
• 110 ~ 100 ' 90 ' 80 8 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
~llerrill Lynch
~- ~·JPMorgan
Interestingly their long term debt has increased to 84, 347 million dollars which is amazing when you consider that the company's market capitalisation is only 26 million dollars.
To highlight what small fry Huntingdon are even in their whole industry we have compared Huntingdon's revenues for the last three quarters with those of Covance. The idiots who took over Huntingdon are now in their sixth year of management and must have expected that after six years of being in charge Huntingdon's revenues would have been at least $200 million if not $300 million dollars and yet the reality is in fact stagnation. This after they have been rescued by the government from imminent liquidation several times, with all the pharmaceutical, chemical, biotech companies and industry bodies under the sun constantly banging the drum for Huntingdon and even after all that, the reality is the bottom line revenues are going nowhere. The message is you can bang all the drums you wish but you cannot escape financial reality ... Oh yes and you can't escape SHAC either.
Financial analysts' views of Huntingdon Life Sciences Have you ever wondered just what the money men really think of Huntingdon Life Sciences? Of course we all read snippets in the Ft and other financial outlets but what really goes through their mind when they hear the words HLS? SHAC set out to find out. We made appointments at some of the biggest investment banks and fund managers in the world, Merrill Lynch, UBS Warburg and JP Morgan, with their most senior biotech analysts. Armed with a hidden camera and dressed up in our Sunday best, with a story that we were a couple who owned horse-racing stables and had inherited £5 million pounds from a relative who worked in the biotech industry(!), we set off our meetings. Little did they know that Melanie and Arthur Simpson were in fact 2 people from SHAC! Would they tell us to invest our £5 million in Huntingdon? We asked for their opinion on the state of Huntingdon - here's what they had to say. MEETING ONE WITH MERRILL LYNCH Here we met two of the Vice Presidents of Merrill Lynch in the U.K. Vice Pres 1 "Huntingdon Life Sciences for instance are almost impossible to deal in." "As high risk goes you are at the leading edge of high
risk." SHAC "If you had to go for Elan or Huntingdon which would you go for?" (Elan are An Irish biotech company teterring on the edge of bankcruptcy). Vice Pres 1 "I would buy neither." Vice Pres 2 "I would stay in cash. If it was my money I wouldn't touch these two if my life depended on it." SHAC "Huntingdon Life Sciences would be worth looking at because they are cheap?" Vice Pres 1 "But you see cheap doesn't mean good. They are cheap usually for a reason - that they are crap." MEETING WITH UBS WARBURG Michael Bishop is a senior director at UBS Warburg. Michael Bishop "I am a banker. If I was to give you financial advice I think I would say those two (Elan & HLS) are very very high risk." M. B. " I think as a banker I could not recommend those two stocks to you ..those two are very very high risk ... off the scale high risk." MEETING WITH JP MORGAN "So I mean Huntingdon Life Sciences are a company we felt are far too high risk. I spoke to the analyst about this yesterday." A resounding vote of no confidence for HLS then!
NORFOLK The local animal rights group are known as SAFE. They hold regular meetings every month at The Great Hall, Oak Street, Norwich at 7.30. They cover all animal rights issues and do a number of demos, these being mainly SHAC ones. We have a lot of companies and suppliers in our area due to Oecoid being half an hour down the road and Huntingdon just over an hour. SAFE and other people from East Anglia often join ranks and demo together this a group called NARC standing for Norfolk Animal Rights Coalition. This group in time will be holding regular meetings and are currently in the
process of setting up a website, so watch this space. The companies Safe/Narc have demonstrated against are the ex-bank Natwest, Marsh the ex-insurers, Sunlight the ex-laundry service, and CPS Fuels the ex- supplier of fuel to HLS as well as Cambridge Pet Crematorium. I'm sure the list will go on. The demos have included run ins and office occupations. Some members also demonstrated outside Oakwood vets that sign the death warrant for the monkeys at HLS to be sold to other labs. The group also tries to get down to the gates of Oecoid
as often as it can to see the sickos out. I promise the list of successes will go on, so don't sit back and read what the others have been up to, get out there and get active and let's shut this hell hole down! Contact NARC at and S.A.F.E. on 07939 458 846
PETERBOROUGH Shac Peterborough was set up at the start of the main SHAC campaign in 1999.0ur motto was to 'Smash HLS'and expose them for their barbaric cruelty and their sloppy procedures. The idea was to support Shac's direct action campaign in every way. Our campaigning for most of us is part of our lives and the thought of those beautiful animals being tortured for nothing other than profit is permanently in our minds and nightmares. Everyone is welcome in our group from the young
to the old and sick and disabled - it is up to you how much you contribute to the group- even writing a letter to the local papers to handing out a few leaflets is a great help to the campaign. You can play your part in closing down HLS - it's up to you how you play your part in making history - you will be saving millions of animals from poisioning,burning, electrocution and death not to mention the human victims of vivisection. The Peterborough group do stalls to raise funds and hand out leaflets. Sometimes ex-workers will approach with their own horror story of what happens to the animals. People who work • for the supplier companies of HLS come up and give us details of their employers' involvement with HLS.
We always go to the national demos: they are always massive, passionate and give you a tremendous buzz. Sometimes we organise our own demos and join up with other Shac groups. Polite phone calls to customers and suppliers can have an amazing effect on them and putting up posters everywhere keeps HLS's dirty company in the public eye. lt's great fun and you will be surprised at the different places you can put them! To be part of the Peterborough group contact Shac on 0845 458 0630. SMASH HLS!!!!!!!!!!
connected to HLS. East Midlands Shac are a group of people who are committed to closing down Huntingdon life Sciences (HLS). We come from all walks of life and all age groups, from students through to pensioners. lt is a very friendly, informal group and newcomers are warmly welcomed. We arrange peaceful demonstrations at companies that are
We hold up posters, hand out leaflets, blow whistles and inform people about the cruelty at HLS. These demonstrations are very effective and anyone who attends really is playing a vital part in stopping the unimaginable animal suffering at HLS.
Sometimes after a demo we will go for a drink or something to eat. If you would like to join our group please ring Lorraine on 0795 655 3934 for a chat. I will happily answer any questions you may have. East Midlands Shac
Ipswich Animal Rights have been campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences since 1984. Back then the company was known as Life Science Research. As the company have been taken over and expanded, we at Ipswich Animal Rights have been a thorn in HLS's side every step of the way. One of our biggest successes was in 1997 when we succeeded in getting the Council to turn down HLS's application for a dog breeding unit at the Oecoid site. Just think, if HLS had got their way they would have been breeding dogs for six years now for themselves and for other laboratories. Ipswich Animal Rights have organised many peaceful protests at the Oecoid site over the years including demos on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Lab Animal
Day. As well as our weekly visits to greet the workers we have also held vigils and had demos outside Nat West Bank, Shell, Bayer, Oakwood Vets, Marsh and have supported SHAC on their national demos. If you feel you would like to get involved in the campaign to close HLS, why not come to one of our meetings. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 19 Tower Street, Ipswich at 7.00 pm and everyone is welcome.
WEST MIDLANDS Tel: 07870 911 573 West Midlands campaigners have supported SHAC since the very first demo and before that the campaigns to save Hillgrove Cats & Consort Beagles. During the Marsh Insurance campaign, we held weekly demos outside their offices in Birmingham City Centre. We now hold regular weekday demos against the Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank( see picture). And every time a supplier crops up in our area, we get there asap to expose them. Our demos are never huge but are constant, informative and always good fun.
There are regular minibus trips from Birmingham to the demos at HLS gates and transport is arranged to all the national events. West Midlands protesters also regularly attend Newchurch guinea pig demos and are active against all other forms of animal abuse. To get involved with stalls, leafletting and demos please get in touch: Tel: 07952 561652.
LONDON There have literally been too many demos taking place in London to report on over the last couple of months. Every week customers and their major shareholders are targeted in a sustained campaign to name & shame them in front of their corporate competitors. We are also always on the look out for conference events too. One recently took place at The Hatton in Hatton Gardens when a Vice President from Chiron in the USA thought he could be an invited guest at a two day event. Well he did speak but only until eight activists walked straight in and totally disrupted the beginning of his speech. We then held a very noisy demo outside for over two hours- don't think the Hatton will have them back again! We also have monthly meetings on the last Friday of the month, 7.30pm at the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square.
If you'd like to join in on any of the demos you can contact us via the office on 0845 458 0630 or email us at The Essex group is split into 2 or 3 small networks: Basildon, Southend and Colchester. We know there are lots of people in Essex would like to get more involved and we are looking at building up the group. There are a lot of SHAC targets in our area and we also aim to link up with Suffolk over the border. I know some of us work in the week and some are involved in other groups but if we want HLS to close we really have to unite and fight any company that supports them within our reach. If anyone is interested please contact me, Ann, on 07767 368 592 or email I can put people in touch with each other and we can get going on fighting HLS's support network. Look forward to hearing from you. Let's get at them!
One of the biggest successes of the campaigns to close down Huntingdon Life Sciences is how widespread the effect is having across the entire industrial spectrum. Any industrial or financial sector which has companies in some way involved with HLS has felt the effects of the campaign. For a long time it was considered that protesting against the vivisectors directly and letting everyone else off the hook was the way to do it. However, the vivisectors and their supporters were earning too much money and were too entrenched in the system to be shifted easily. Indeed, we now realize that they are in all likelihood going to be among the last to go.
Vivisectionists do not exist in isolation; they are not selfsufficient. They need money, supplies and customers. Thus the solution was to rip apart the supporting infrastructure, to truly isolate the animal abusers to the point that they had no legs to stand on. That way they could be pushed out of business. This has been the tactic adopted by various campaigns in the animal rights movement, and we are now seeing some phenomenal successes, far beyond our expectations, as a result in this change of focus. One of the commonest criticisms of
focusing on one target is that it is forgetting about the whole of vivisection. On the surface, this appears to be the case. However, it is not that simple. Imagine the vivisection industry as a giant boulder we need to break apart. Targeting vivisection as a single whole leads us to chipping off the edges, a long slow war of attrition. The HLS campaign and others are spikes going to the center of the boulder, shattering it from within and much more effectively. The closure of HLS will not be the end of vivisection in the UK; but what we have learned is that the campaign is doing tremendous damage to vivisection far beyond the scope of simply HLS.
At the top end, funding in the terms of billions is being withheld from animal research, even though that research would not have been done at HLS itself. Some. of the world's biggest drugs companies are pulling research out of the UK. The tottering Japanese economy sees the campaign as a danger. Meanwhile, debates in the House of Lords have noted that these campaigns have given Britain a reputation for being a hostile place for animal-based research, and research full stop in biotech and pharmaceutical industries. lt has got to the stage that Tony Blair now has to step in to stop the rot, though things are now
too far gone for him to be of much use. Even if it does go abroad, there is no respite. Campaigns are springing up all over the world now, taking on local animal abusers as well as companies associated with HLS. lt is clear that it is possible to run, but not to hide. This is true even in the UK, where the fear of another Huntingdon-like campaign led the police to speak out against Cambridge University's proposed primate lab. In the middle, a message is being spread through British industry that dealing with animal-testing companies is bad news. The great example of this is that having lost its bankers, insurers and auditors, HLS cannot find anyone to replace
them, and has to rely on the government for banking facilities and insurance. For a business, this looks exceptionally bad. The same is true of the City of London, where the lesson not to touch HLS has been very well learnt, to the point where the incredible happened: the shares were de-listed and forced to America. Finally, at the bottom, the little parasitic companies happy to service HLS to keep their work ticking over on a daily basis are also feeling the pressure. They are finding their feeding is being tainted by the spectre of animal rights activists calling them to account.
The word is spreading that HLS and the animal abuse industry is a poisoned chalice for those who would do business with them. Whereas once upon a time knocking out a supplier would have been greeted with the comment that they'll only find another, no more. Our reputation precedes us, so that when these parasites are exposed they jump of their own accord now, and even better, are very much harder to replace. When White Rose Environmental, who dealt with HLS's discarded animals, was first exposed as doing business, it demanded a hefty charge from HLS in order to continue doing business with them. HLS had no choice but to pay up. When
White Rose were finally forced out, HLS will have had to pay through the nose in order to secure another such service provider. That is directly impacting on their pocket and their ability to make money from animal abuse. Companies such as White Rose and HLS's former insurers Marsh are not going to lose money if they can help it; good capitalists as they are, the costs are going to have been passed onto their other animal abusing clients; this is another chip away at the vivisection industry. The campaigns against HLS and Newchurch will all be making vivisection in general in the UK more expensive to
practice. Though not enough to close vivisection establishments down in itself, it is a very useful blow against the structure that supports them. Finally, there is the public. Again, it is asked why people do not focus on educating people about the vivisection industry. This will not close down vivisection , plus people's attention needs to be grabbed first in order for them to listen to the arguments. Huntingdon Life Sciences is now a household name, so much so that house prices in Huntingdon itself are suffering from association with it, and it gets mentioned on
programmes such as "Have I got news for you". lt is an important part of creating the atmosphere for a national debate and questioning of vivisection in general. Standing up and shouting about it was not going to succeed by itself. Now that we have gained the public's attention, we have a forum for pushing the anti-vivisection argument forward. In summary, the campaigns against specific companies such as Huntingdon Life Sciences and Newchurch's guinea pig breeders are proving to be much
more than that. By taking on the one company we have ended up hammering the animal abuse industry on many more fronts than we ever thought possible. Weak points have been discovered where none were ever perceived, and successfully taken on. Before, important supporters of the vivisection industry thought they could hide behind their company doors safe in the knowledge that they could profit from animal abuse without ever taking responsibility for the pointless deaths. They thought they could hide behind the fact that others tortured and killed on their behalf so it was sufficient that there was no blood directly on their hands. They too have now learned that it is not possible to hide and that they can be made just as accountable; as a result they are re-evaluating their entire connection
with the animal abuse industry, another blow against them. Lastly, there is the impact on the public; the debate on vivisection is slowly being wrenched from the control of the fraudulent scientists and apologists, and is being dragged out into the public arena where the truths they are trying to hide are being exposed. HLS and Newchurch campaigns are making vivisection a cause of national news, and with that comes debate on the industry itself - a debate which they fear and we know we can win.
How to make a genetic time bomb bytl!M'It;'~Ufe/ s~
carcinogenic compound make money
causes cancer in humans
in train genetic disorders that will kill our children.
A TOXIC COMPANY HLS claim they test drugs and products on animals because they need to know whether the products are safe before humans use them. This allegation is totally unscientific. All animals are different. They metabolise chemicals differently, and at different rates. What's poisonous to one animal isn't to another, and a drug that's safe or effective in one species is dangerous or useless in another. Aspirin, penicillin, insulin and the heart drugs all would have been withheld if they'd been tried on animals first. Animals process poisons differently: bile is crucial in this process and is handled differently from species to species [1]. Even animals more similar to humans (monkeys) react differently. Isoproterenol, Carbenoxalone, Flosint and Amrinone all passed tests on monkeys, then killed humans [2]. Drugs known to cause human birth defects were tried on pregnant monkeys, and 70% were passed safe [3]. These are our closest relatives - rats, mice and dogs are even worse. In identifying what's going to cause cancer, rats and mice (which are the species used almost exclusively for these tests) are less effective than tossing a coin [4]. In identifying known human side effects, animal experiments fail over half the time [5]. On top of this, there are other effects that are impossible to detect in the animals (eg headaches, depression, nausea). Three quarters of side effects that are predicted by animal tests never happen in humans [6]. With failure rates like these, how can HLS claim animal experiments have anything to do with science? Their previous scientific executive admitted that animals methods were correctly predicting adverse reactions in humans "somewhere between 5% and 25%" of the time- so are wrong at least three quarters of the time [7], and a leading toxicologist commented that " Most adverse reactions which occur in man cannot be demonstrated, anticipated or avoided by the routine subacute and chronic (animal) toxicity experiment" [8]. No wonder HLS customers are releasing dangerous drugs.
GlaxoSmithKiine (GSK) released Lotronex to treat irritable bowel syndrome, but it caused more problems than it prevented. People had to have surgery, including the removal of the whole bowel, and it killed people. GSK's Seroxat has been linked to suicide, murders and other crimes by causing mental disturbances. GSK and another HLS customer (Bayer) released antibiotics Raxar and Avelox, which both killed people. Roche's Posicor killed more people. Bayer's Baycol also killed people and led to compensation payouts of millions. These are just a few of the dozens of drugs released by HLS customers, which over recent years have wrecked people's lives and killed others. lt's a massive problem. In 1998 questions were asked in the House of Lords over the fact that more people were dying from drug side effects than cancer [9]. A medical journal noted in 2000 that 70,000 people (one every eight minutes) were "killed or severely disabled" by medical drugs every year in England alone {10). The Journal of the American Medical Association
estimated that 106,000 Americans (one every five minutes) were killed every year, and 2.2 million hospitalised by drug side effects (one every 14 seconds) [11]. All these drugs must have passed animal tests, by law. HLS play a crucial role in this. The results of animal testing depend on the species used, test conditions, ages, sex and dose levels, so they data can be generated which says absolutely anything. They could prove arsenic, strychnine and hemlock are safe to eat (some species are unaffected by it) and that lemon juice, parsley and water are dangerous. HLS get away with it because they have sold the lie that animal experiments are done for you. They are not: they are done to approve drugs regardless of safety, and to make money. The losers are the men women and children routinely killed by them. Find out more about why vivisection is medically flawed and educate more people. When people realise, they will want to see HLS and the rest of the vivisection industry closed as much as you do. When they close, animals and humans will stop dying so people like those at HLS can make money. Referen ces available from SHAG.
DEC 6th - MARCH AGAINST THE MURDERER This is the day that every single person who wants to see HLS close turns out to voice their anger that this hell-hole is still open. We shall be in the home towns of the vast majority of the heartless people who couldn't care less about the agony and misery they inflict. So turn up and stand up and be counted. Today and every day, including December the 6th, animals are slowly dying in agony. Not to help people but so that companies can get new products on the market quickly to make a quick buck. We will not allow this to continue. The animals need you there. To turn up alone is good, but we need everybody to bring their family, friends and new people. Big demos are created through hard work in the preceding weeks. Here is what you can do. Putting up posters We can provide posters advertising the 'March Against the Murderers'. Get out there and put them up where they will be noticed eg libraries, health shops etc. Call us and order these so you get them up in time. If all of you put a few up we will get maximum coverage so give us a ring.
Distributing flyers We have had thousands of colour flyers printed and they are waiting to be ~~ sent to you. They have a picture of a beagle puppy on them so can be put up anywhere eg schools, waiting rooms, health shops, record shops etc or you could deliver them door to door. Don't underestimate how important this is as we are already getting calls from new people who have picked up a leaflet and are coming on the 6th.
Transport As usual we have organised transport from the main areas. Please call us and book your seats early. The seats are only £8 waged and £5 unwaged. Payment guarantees your seat. If we know early on how many want to go we can book extra coaches as needed. Organise your own transport If there isn't a coach near you then why not organise your own transport. You can hire a minibus. lt is so simple. Just charge people enough to cover the hire and petrol. The way forward is for people to work in autonomous groups and be self-sufficient. We are always on hand though if you need advice or help. Dogs Please don't bring dogs. Leave them at home snoozing happily on their beds. We ask this for their sakes as the demo will be very noisy. Why not leave one person behind to take care of everyone's dogs? Dress Up The theme of the demo is people who murder beautiful animals in laboratories. So get yourself a white lab coat or all in one suit from a DIY store and smear it in fake blood. Write a slogan on the back if you like and make an appropriate banner. How it Works We park up in Huntingdon Town Centre at Riverside car park. We march then gather for a rally to hear some speakers. Then we get back into vehicles and go a short distance to St Ives where we march again and have some more speakers.
So far ~~anspor~ is_ availa~le from •••~~ ring us
We march for her and-all- the other-s
Last y.... No Picnic There is a time and place for demos like World Day where we all get together, eat vegan food and see old friends, but this isn't it. This demo will be angry, fast-paced and noisy. We are there to work and show HLS, the media and local people that HLS will not be tolerated and that SHAC are a mighty force to be reckoned with. IF HLS MAKES YOU ANGRY THEN MARCH AGAINST THE MURDERERS.
If you don't tackle evil • • • Looking back through history is very useful when it comes to the SHAC campaign. lt is for this reason there is a quote from Martin Luther King on the cover of this newsletter. All change through history happened because people made it happen whilst the majority just stood and watched. The gas chambers at Auschwitz didn't run themselves -they were supplied just like Huntingdon with a whole variety of products from equipment to nerve gas and everything in between. Those 'links' in the Nazi's chain were as responsible as the SS guards for the death and torture of 6 million jews. Without those helpers and suppliers logistically running the gas chambers would have been impossible. In 1946 the Nuremberg War Tribunal concluded that without the IG-Farben Chemical Cartel {who supplied Cyclon B and other gases used in the gas chambers) the second world war would not have been possible. The War Tribunal dismantled the IG Farben Cartel into Bayer, BASF and Hoechst {now Aventis), all HLS customers. US-Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor concluded:"These companies, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will pose a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if he were alive." I picked up a book a few days ago called Freedom by Phaidon books. In it there is a picture taken in the deep south of America
of a gathering happening around two black men who had been lynched from a tree. The crowd were laughing and socialising with their w·ves and children whilst these two men were left dead swinging from a tree. This photograph (shown here) is truly shocking and shows the depth of the ignorance out there in the world.
who really want it enough. So the question we all need to ask ourselves every day is just how much do we want that change? lt's there. if we want it and if we fight with all our might to get it.
We have all seen the picture of the man holding the tank up en route to Tianamen square but who out there ever questions the fact that there are 5 million people in forced labour camps in China today. If you went out onto the streets and told that to most people who would care? Who cared about apartheid in South Africa? Some did but most people didn't care or didn't do anything to stop it which amounts to the same thing. Most people went along with the racism in the deep south of America and many still do. Most people quietly paid their Poll Tax or just grumbled to themselves. Most women didn't fight alongside the suffragettes and who really does much to stop the occupation of Palestine. I could go on. Hey! Enough of the negative stuff, what's your point I hear you say. My point is that most if not all those things have changed for the better but that change was enacted, fought for and brought about by relatively few people. lt doesn't take many to really make change happen but you really need to want it and you have to fight really hard. Change comes to those
Speciality Chemicals •
magazine article The campaign against Huntingdon turns ugly
The continuing campaign between animal rights activists on one hand and leading contract research organisation Huntingdon Life Sciences {HLS) and its customers in the chemical and pharmaceuticals industries on the other has taken several new twists in the UK, the US and Japan. In the UK, five Japanese companies that have been targeted extensively by SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty), the umbrella group of anti-HLS campaigners, have won extensive protection against harassment. Asahi Glass, Daichi Pharmaceutical, Eisai, Sankyo Pharmaceutical and Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals had been the subject of a special 'week of action' in late August. The companies have also been targeted in Switzerland, Austria and Japan of late, as has Asahi Glass subsidiary F2 Chemicals in Preston, UK. The protection includes wide-ranging exclusion zones - some up to several kilometres wide - around the companies' offices and factories. Protests will also be barred and/or heavily curtailed in areas surrounding the
homes of senior employees. These measures will last until a further court hearing in the autumn. In Emeryville, California, two homemade pipe bombs exploded at the headquarters of Chiron, a biotech that is believed to use HLS for animal testing, on 28 August, shortly after the company was named as a 'customer of the week' on the website of SHAC USA. The company was shut down for some time afterwards. The bombs followed a series of actions in which executives had rubbish dumped in their gardens, slogans spray-painted on pavements and protesters rallying outside their homes. A group called Revolutionary Cells - Animal Rights Brigade later claimed responsibility, saying that it was protesting against the company's connection to HLS. Meanwhile, however, legal cases against individual actions have had limited success. In the UK, Mark Moore and three SHAC activists were acquitted of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance and pursuing conduct causing fear of violence, for lack of evidence. Moore, a chauffeur who had been
dismissed by Eli Lilly, allegedly took his revenge by sending confidential details of 53 Lily staff to SHAC, leading to a series of incidents. Seperately, Dawn Hurst, a British animal rights activist, received a suspended sentence in Japan for breaking into a university laboratory that she believed was being used for animal experiments and stealing animals and videotapes. The prosecution had demanded a three-year sentence but the judge was apparently swayed by Hurst's genuine contrition. Back in the UK, the Department of Trade & Industry {DTI) has recently published a report recommending that the identities of investors in biotech should have their details withheld because of the potential for being targeted by animal rights extremists. "This has the potential to frighten off foreign biotechnology companies who might be considering the UK as a location ... and even young people from pursuing a career in bioscience," the DTI warned.
Since the launch of the StfEAC campaign in July the pressure on Cambridge tJniversity has been mounting as a result of a number of highly successful demos and actions. Whilst we await the final decision on the planning application from John Prescott activists have been busy making sure that the University and the Government are left in no doubt as to the strength and determination they face from the a/r movement. lt seems that the overwhelming evidence against the proposed primate lab at Girton (scientific, ethical & enviromental) account for nothing in the minds of certain government officials and University academics. SPEAC has a clear aim and purpose; to make certain that this animal torture centre never becomes a reality.
The next ARC meeting is to be held on the 30th November at the Long Knowle Community centre, Wood End Rd, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton WV11 1VG. Start time noon finishing at 5.00pm. lt has been decided to make ' local Group Structures' the focus for the meeting. When ARC last met, it was proposed that emphasis should be placed not only on the creation of local groups, but also, where neccessary, the possibility of regional group structure should be investigated. We have enlisted the support of Mike Nunn for the forthcoming meeting. Mike has had years of
The campaign has impacted on Cambridge University in a big way and in the last week the university council has publicly stated that the spiralling cost's of security have already added £8 million to the original estimate of the proposed primate lab and this continuing situation could lead to them abandoning the project. SPEAC targetted the inauguration ceromony of the new Provice Chancellor of the university and meetings of the Regent House. Activists have also carried out high profile actions in the city by occupying St Mary's Tower and going into the colleges to confront students with the facts about the proposed primate lab at Girton. On October 11th a National demonstration took place and 1500 people made it clear to Cambridge university and the government that they were ready to fight them all the way. This primate lab would be the biggest in Europe if it was allowed to become a reality. lt must surely be beyond anyone's comprehension that something like this could ever be allowed to happen. We have a unique oppurtunity to stop this proposed hell-hole and ensure a truly historic victory is won for the animals. Cambridge university and the government have made a huge mistake if they really believed we were not up to the fight, the campaign is gaining strength and support daily on a national and international level. People can keep in touch.with campaign via the website at or i)y r.nnt~•r.ti <2r·"".., _ _.~·u.• a<JJA 6712, Ntlort~IArirtni·nn,.,-NIN?
Newchurch Farm breeds guinea pigs for vivisection and sells them to HLS. Four years of determined campaigning ta close down the hellish David Hall and Partners and the Halls are definitely feeling the bite of the animal rights movement! John Hall's sheds are no longer incarcerating terrified guinea pigs and at least 10 workers have left the ranks of these notorious animal killers. In the last few weeks alone SEVEN companies have dumped on the Halls and their sick cohorts. All this has been achieved by YOU! Economically and socially the Halls are fast becoming pariahs - their business contacts are getting out fast, their friends are deserting them and even John Hall's daughter is left down and out because the company she worked for do not want to employ an animal abuser any more! Yes, Sally was sacked! And still the Staffordshire Police farcically try and mop up the mess and desperately try and thwart democratic protest in the area -well the Sunday demos keep raging on! And just as funds seem to be getting low another case gets dropped and another fat pay cheque from the Staffs Police lands on an activists' doorstep!
experience in both local and regional group structures and how to implement ideas and make them effective. He was one of the founders of the South East Animal Liberation League (SEALL) in the early 80's, a group responsible for some of the most daring daylight raids in liberation history. Their most notable successess were raids on the Royal College of Surgeons, Bios and Wickham Laboratories. The meeting is a must for those people interested in taking the fight to the animal abusers themselves and those to the future of the animal
But horrifically the abuse goes on - the Halls' continue to murder guinea pigs with their bare hands when they feel like it and the workers are still driving thousands of guinea pigs to HLS where more twisted perverts tear them to pieces. THIS HAS TO STOP! With your continued financial and physical support DAVID HALL AND PARTNERS WILL BE TRIUMPHANTLY DESTROYED! So please keep the pressure on them- Always for the Animals. WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT FAIL THEM! For SNGP News and Demo dates: Contact: Tel: 01902 564734
Obituary The Campaign has lost one of its longest burning lights. We got a call that John Lee had "passed over", as he would have it, on Wednesday night. John was a great animal lover and worked tirelessly to close HLS by demonstrating, writing thousands of letters and sending taxes (to the extent that the local Police confiscated his fax machine!) In all weathers and no matter what his physical condition John would always be there. Perhaps you remember John from Marsh in Witham, Shell Haven in Corringham, City of London demos or at the very gates of HLS. He would also turn out for the smallest picket including a local one that persuaded Barnard Nominees to relinquish half a million shares in HLS in just two days for which he was rightly proud. We miss John tremendously and demos won't be the same without his physical presence, though as a Spiritualist I'm sure that he would argue we will still feel his presence along with his two beloved cats William of Orange (Bill) and Blue. The best way to commemorate John's life is to redouble our efforts against HLS. CLOSE 'EM DOWN! SHAC DISCLAIMER : SHAC does not encourage or incite illegal activities. SHAC advises polite phone calls, taxes, emails and letters only to any companies mentioned. Do not contact them repetitively or be threatening or rude. If you have any legal queries just get in touch.
Merchandise order form Item
Merchandise is free unless stated. A donation is appreciated towards costs. Return order form to SHAC, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.
Dec 6th Flyers
NEW HLS leaflet this leaflet has just been designed. lt is a multi foldout leaflet that covers HLS, their Japanese customers, what we have achieved and the invalidity of animal experiments.
Dec 6th A4 posters
Animal Liberation poster A2
Airhorns £S each inc P+P
HLS A2 poster gory
Street maps of Cambs, London and Surrey - state which, £S inc P+P
HLS A2 poster fluffy
Collecting tins
Japanese customer A2 poster
Skull masks £1 inc P+P
Japanese customer stickers
NEW T-shirts and hooded tops T shirt size.................. £6 inc P+P Hooded top size ............... £1S inc P+P Colour is black with colour picture sizes are skinny fit, small, medium, large and X large. Old style monkey T shirts on sale £3
Huntingdon Life Sciences Kills People leaflet - a good scientific one Cruelty free booklets - lists what's tested and what isn't. SOp inc P+P
Videos 1 Time for action 1 or 2- this is footage from SHAC demos set to music 2 The truth short - cruelty footage shot inside HLS 3 The truth long - as above but with demo footage added on the end 4 Countryside Undercover: half hour Channel 4 programme filmed inside HLS
Science book 'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese' by Dr. Ray Greek £8 inc P+P
Michelle Rokke's diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS. This is a must read: £2 inc P+P
Healthcare professionals AS leaflet What nurses and doctors say about HLS
Booklet of HLS's customer in the U.K. company by company and county by county
PGP security CD and instructions
Megaphones £6S inc P+P
NAME ......................................... ADDRESS .................................................................. •••••..•••••••••........•••.••......••.•...................................•••••••.•........................•••••••••••••••••••......••••
POSTCODE .................... TEL NO ............................. EMAIL ..........................................
PGP security cd and instructions ~
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Science AS leaflet
Cambs, Surrey & London street maps
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HLS Poster a2
Meet Huntingdon town c•ntre, Cambs 12 noon
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Healthcare professionals leaflet
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List of all HLS customers in the U.K.
"a c "a CD
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HLS Poster a2
Japanese customer stickers- Daiichi, Yamanouchi, Sankyo & Asahi Glass New HLS t shirt and hooded top
NEW HLS leaflet. This leaflet folds out & covers HLS, action, the campaign & what we have acheived
Yamanouehi, Daiiehi & Asahi Glass maim, poison and kill animals at Huntingdon Life Sciences
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NEW Japanese customer a2 Poster
Skull mask back
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