Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #28

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Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP Tel 0845 458 0630 email:

Newsletter 28 Jan 2004

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human caretakers, but still they hoped. I know they did. One at a time, I picked up each of those reluctant hesitant pups, and when I held them in my arms I could feel their hearts pound as they pressed their bodies into mine, could feel their wet noses in my neck as they snuggled closer- to smell -to feel -to know human skin and human smells -something other than rubber and tyvex and plastic. A smell other than alcohol. A sensation other than pain. And when I delivered them safely to the exercise pen to play and romp with one of their own for those few precious minutes each week, oh how they danced. They ran circles of joy in the tiny cage and yipped with pleasure. A single, seldomknown moment of bliss within a product testing lab. And when I took them back to their now clean steel cell, again they pressed close- for comfort and warmth. Heads twisting backwards to touch my cheek, not wanting to be returned to the cold misery of isolation. Sometimes pressing back so hard they stumbled when their feet touched the cage floor. Forced to live for this moment with their noses nestled into a warm human neck. Forgetting for a few minutes the daily ritual when rubber tubes are jammed down their throats and the poison, someday to be called an over-thecounter drug, is pumped in. These young dogs keep an unfailing hopefulness that the confinement, the daily toxic dosing followed by hours of illness are but a window in time- a hurdle that must be crossed before they can settle into a happy life with a kind family and maybe a blanket of their own. They sit. And they wait. And they hope and they suffer. Taken from their cage one last time. Held down for one last needle. Darkness closes in. The dream of feeling soft grass underfoot fades. And then there is nothing .....

If I am taken to Scotland I will ask for an ambulance as I have just had another heart attack. If they refuse and I am taken ill in a police car, think of how much publicity this will give SHAC. I cannot think of a better way to go than in a blaze of publicity for the cruelty at HLS." People like Mr Barry and all of you who are fighting to close HLS are the reason we will win and see the day HLS is razed to the ground. We never give in and we never give up, no matter what.

to customers and he was harassing his response: "I tf threatened with call their bluff.

So we go into 2004 with the will to win, our hearts filled with the souls of all those animals that have suffered and died pitiful, sad, lonely, terrified deaths inside that evil hell-hole since it was set up in 1952. Their tortured souls are crying out for justice. Let's get on with it and CLOSE THE BASTARDS DOWN. Always for the animals, SHAC

The Dec 6th National March and Rally held in Huntingdon town centre was well-attended by SHAC supporters who travelled to Huntingdon from all over the UK.

movement. Met reminded everyone also of the activists who have lost their lives fighting the abusers: Jill Phipps, Barry Horne, Tom Worby and Mike Hill.

Greg Avery from SHAC gave a rousing speech about the campaign, and then everyone set off on one of the loudest marches any of us have been on in a long time. We marched into Huntingdon town centre with megaphones blaring, airhorns going off and everyone shouting and making a hell of a noise.

Mela from SHAC Germany finished off with a thought-provoking and moving speech about the animal rights movement in relation to other movements for change throughout history.

In Huntingdon town centre we stopped for speeches. Trish from London gave a moving, powerful speech about how she got involved in the campaign. As a mother of 5, soon to be a grand-mother, and working in a full-time job, Trish urged everyone to give 100% of their spare time as she does to destroying HLS. Trish made a lot of new people feel they can have an important input into closing HLS even if they work or have a family. Then Greg from SHAC gave an impassioned, angry talk about how everyone needs to stay focused on HLS, their customers and suppliers and keep piling on the pressure until they go under. He reminded everyone of HLS's precarious financial situation and inspired everyone to keep fighting til the bitter end. Mel Broughton from SPEAC was next on with a powerful talk on SHAC, SPEAC and the animal liberation


Everyone then marched noisily through the rest of Huntingdon town centre and back to the coaches and stalls at Riverside, where Amanda from the Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs campaign gave an inspiring speech about what a mess the Hall's guinea pig breeding business is in. All in all the Dec 6th demo was a passionate, angry, heartfelt demo uniting activists and campaigns from all over the country together to renew their determination and sheer will to close down HLS and all the other evil, disgusting hell-holes run by the worst filth of the earth. These filth are learning the lesson that if you are responsible for animals dying in fear and agony, then you will be held accountable for your crimes. SHAC has had unverified reports of home demos against directors of HLS suppliers taking place after the demo, as well as reports of damage caused to offices of companies supplying HLS.

Your shout is a new column for anyone who is active for SHAC to voice their opinion. If you have got something to say then send it to us, by email preferably but post is fine. Trish has been with the campaign for 2 years now and is an inspiration to us all. As a mother of 5 children, about to be a grand-mother and working full-time, Trish is living proof that nothing can stop you fighting to close HLS with all your heart if you want to badly enough- all you need is commitment and passion, and Trish has plenty of both. "I haven't got the time today. Oh it's raining. I'm too tired today, I've already done something this week ... " If these are the thoughts you've had at times remember we all have these thoughts too, BUT that's not going to help the anim<Jis in HLS -they are suffering day and night. (FOR WHAT) Their lives and their deaths will be meaningless unless we do something about it. I've listened and I've learnt about the campaign from some of the most dedicated animal rights people I have ever met, and I constantly, like them, wish I could walk into HLS and free all those sad and help¡ less animals. But I can't. What I can do though is to make sure life out there is not so good for companies, suppliers, and the shareholders that use and support Huntington Life Sciences. The more we ALL do the harder it is for HLS ta function, WE CAN FINISH THEM OFF AND WE WILL. My life has been saddened beyond words by the amount of animal .a buse in the world, my stomach hurts when I think of the pain the animals are in constantly tit their deaths. Can we all really put our hands on our hearts and say I've done my bit or I'm already doing enough. REMEMBER that little bit more just might be the finish of HLS. I'm sure that every animal rights person wants nothing more than to be at Huntington Life Sciences' gates when they close to be able to carry out every dog, cat, primate, pig and other . terrified animal away from the HELL HOLE to ttieir FREEDOM. Let's do it all together PLEASE. ¡ Trish x



The suppliers campaign last year was devastating with HLS losing 33 suppliers, many of them companies essential to them being able to carry on their animal-killing business. The companies listed below all provide services to HLS. The directors of these companies know exactly who they are dealing with and supply HLS week after week, month after month, year after year. Now it is time to show them that what we all think of their disgusting, immoral collusion with HLS and ask them to make a compassionate decision to sever their contracts with HLS. Remember a Jot of these companies ' staff are sympathetic and may have even given us the information themselves, so just explain exactly what sort of company HLS is and what they have been caught out for. You will find many of them joining forces with us to get their company to dump HLS.

Strike 1 VITECH SECURITY SYSTEMS Unit 4, Hawkwell Business Centre, Maidstone Road, Pembury, Kent TN2 4AG Tel: 01892 825 111 Fax: 01892 825 222 Em ail: This is a firm providing security to the animal killers and keeping the animals locked inside the hell-hole that is HLS. Please contact Mr Gordon Carter and Nick Palmer- they are the directors - and ask them to stop providing security for the animals' prison. Other emails are:, gordon@vitech

Strike 2 PHENOMENEX Phenomenex supply lab equipment to HLS. Phenomenex are another company who think they can get away with profiting from HLS, the only Jab to ever have its license revoked by the Home Office because of the shocking level of animal cruelty uncovered there. Tell them what you think about their involvement with HLS and ask them to do the decent thing and sever their contract with HLS the animal abusers. PHENOMENEX Melville House, Queens Avenue, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BN Tet: 01625 501 367 Fax: 01625 501 796 Email: Email: Email:


The President and founder of Phenomenex is Fasha Mahjoor. His email address is

Oakwood Veterinary Group Oakwood House, Fuller Road, Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA Oakwood Veterinary Group 19 Church Street, Eye, Tel: 01379 852146 Fax: 01379 854 293 These are a particularly nasty company. They go into Oecoid every weekend to pass dying animals as O.K. and have signed import and export certificates for buying and selling monkeys from HLS's Oecoid lab. wonder how many people taking their pets into these vets realise that they work for Huntingdon. What scumbags.

Strike 3 SECURJCOR Head Office Securicor Security Ltd Sutton Park House 15 Carshalton Road Sutton Surrey SM1 4LD Tel: 020 8770 7000 Fax: 020 8722 2531 Securicor provide security on the gates of HLS.

Strike 4 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT SUPPLIES International Product Supplies supply HLS with lab clothes, the same clothes the sick murderers put on before starting their day's work butchering animals for profit, and other lab supplies. They also supply Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm who supply HLS. This disgusting company has been targeted by demos, phone calls, faxes and emails asking them to sever their links with HLS. This company works hand in glove with animal killers all over Britain. Contact IPS and voice your disgust at their involvement with HLS: International Product Supplies Unit 5, Baird Court, Park Farm Estate, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire Tei:01933 680 133 Fax: 01933 680 155

Strike 5 BRAKE BROTHERS Head Office, Enterprise House, Eureka Business Park, Ashford, Kent TN25 4AG Tel: 01233 206 000 Fax: 01233 206 006

CAMBRIDGE EXPORT DOCUMENTS (CED LTD) This company is up to their necks with HLS. They deliver various reports and documents detailing all the disgusting experiments they do all round the country and overseas. Contact Cambridge Export Documents (CED Ltd) and ask them to stop delivering documents full of details of animals mutilated to death. There is no excuse for profiting from animal cruelty. CAMBRIDGE EXPORT DOCUMENTS LTD 2 NORMAN WAY, INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OVER, CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB4 5QE Tel: 01954 231 957 Fax: 01954 230 041 Email: Web:

Strike 7 Bright Instrument Co. Ltd, St Margarets Way, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE29 6EU Tel: 01480 454 528 Fax: 01480 456 031 HLS Invoices outstanding: Oct SIN 004206 566.47 MAGIC TAPE Dec SIN 004336 17.63 CLEANING FLUID Contact Alan Bright, MD and ask him to please stop supplying disgusting HLS.

Strike 9 Gregory Fryer Associates Ltd, e-space south, 26 St Thomas Place, Cambridgeshire Business Park, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4EX Tel: 01353 644 022 Fax: 01353 644 028 E-mail: Gillian Gregory's mobile is 07712 893 775 Emma Knight and Julie Wain also work there. This company was set up by an ex-HLS worker to provide consultancy and drug registration help to HLS. An important supplier for them- and us!

Strike 10 PTS - Plumbing Trade Supplies Is the replacement for The hich Plumb Centre. The o deals with HLS is irV'II~~>warn. ough. The MD is IIIIWaort~-an Peterborough~73~ However th~1e~ffice is located~ uccaneer Way, M a rk, ~erworth,

Lei~'Y1 re,~tt~,

Tel: 0~ 551 0. The overall~ S is Gavin Slark and h~ is Hilary James. Her d1rect line is 01455 551 256. His email address is

Strike 12 SIGMA-ALDRICH CHEMICALS The Old Brick Yard, New Road, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4XT Tel : 01747 833 000 Fax : 017 47 833 154 Email: Contact name: Oecoid account number: 35206509 Huntingdon account number: 3520717 Huntingdon School are a customer 30/10/01 -27/6/03: 13,542.94p outstanding HLS have 5 accounts with them and have been supplying them since at least 1997. Freephone: 0800 717181 and 0800 717117 Freefax: 0800 378785 Sigma-Genosys Ltd Sigma-Aidrich House Homefield Business Park, Homefield Road Haverhill, Suffolk CB98QP Tel: 01223 839000 Sigma-Aidrich Company Ltd Fancy Ad, Poole, Dorset BH12 4QH Tel: 01202 733114 Fax: 01202 740171

HLS ACCOUNT NUMBERS: 501 079, 630 596 and 645 144 CAROL APPS IS THE PERSON WHO DEALS WITH HLS You can reach her on 01233 206 217 or 206 369 The CEO is Bill Driscoll and his PA is Vicky Callister. Her direct line is 01233 206 276. Heremail is: His email is: This company provide the food for all the murderers to eat as they go about their daily animal-killing business. Ask Brake Bros to get a conscience and stop feeding people who murder animals for a living.

Strike 8 Charterhouse Clinical Research Unit Ltd Ravenscourt Park Hospital Ravenscourt Park London W6 OTN Tel 0208 741 7170 Fax 0208 741 5986 Email: corporate@ This company sell human plasma to HLS. Please contact them and ask them to stop dealing with a lab that has been caught out repeatedly for falsification of data in order to get products on the market.

Strike 11 SHAW BUILDERS Frenz Road, diss Tel 01379 642 581 Fax 01379 650 813 Invoice from 5/12/03 : 7630.45p Please contact this local firm and ask them to stop doing building work at the animals' death camps.

Strike 13 BH Ellis & Sons Holywells Close, Ipswich, Suffolk IP30AW Tel 01473 251 268 Please contact this fruit wholesalers and ask them to stop dealing with HLS. HLS owe up to the 3/1/04 ÂŁ3226.90p - let's hope thay can afford to pay their bill!

SHAC advocates and encourages polite and informative calls, taxes and emails only. Nothing in this newsletter is intended to incite illegal activities against companies or individuals dealing with HLS.

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Covance in Germany blown wide open by undercover expose - HLS is a carbon copy

For 5 months the BUAV had an undercover investigator inside Huntingdon's main rival Covance in their German lab at Munster. The catalogue of cruelty he uncovered is deegly shocking. Covance carries out exactly the same experinJentS:IfSC I'Jontin-g-d <nr l:life Sciences and all HLS's top management used to work for Covance. What you see here is a carbon copy of what is happening insipe Huntingdon right now. "For five months, a BUAV operative called 'Marcus' worked undercover as an animal technician at Covance, Munster, in Germany. This laboratory tests almost exclusively on non-human primates. This Covance facility is likely to be one of the largest users of non-human primates for vivisection in the whole of Europe. Working mainly with cynomolgus macaques (imported from Mauritius, China & Vietnam), Marcus witnessed the daily suffering of monkeys (including heavily pregnant females) subjected to the abhorrent routine of pharmaceutical toxicity testing. lt was to be a gruelling challenge, submerged in a world where the animals were treated with callous indifference, tormented by the staff, separated from each other, isolated in barren cages, regularly and forcibly pumped full of drugs and eventually killed. Globally Covance offers just about every conceivable method of animal poisoning available. Its list of 'services' makes sickening reading, including acute, subchronic & chronic toxicity, reproductive toxicology, neurotoxicity, as well as what are called 'speciality services' such as inhalation toxicology, primate toxicology, continuous infusion studies and ocular toxicity studies.

DIARY OF INVESTIGATOR "New arrivals were carried into the unit in groups of six to eight monkeys in each cage. They were extremely frightened. lt was easy to see the panic in their eyes. They desperately held onto each other crying as, one by one, they were forcibly dragged from the cage. Sometimes the struggling was so bad that as the monkeys were pulled out of the cage, the cage door would smash down cutting their tails of hitting a leg. The whole process was like a production line. First the monkeys were anaesthetised and tattooed on their chest. Next their abdomen was cut open and an optical fibre lens inserted to examine internal organs. No pain relief was given before they were placed in a tiny metal quarantine cage, which was to be

their 'home' for the next few weeks. The cages were bare. Slowly the monkeys started to come round f rom the anaesthetic. They would stumble around and often col¡ lapse, fallin"Spntd""ktrocking"llfeir heads on the metal bars: They would awaken to the awful sounds of blaring music and staff sho ting. In total shock at this horror, the monkeys would sit motionless and silent in their tiny prison. This had now become their hell. I found working in the Reproductive Toxicity Unit deeply upsetting. The unit was f ull of pregnant females and mothers with their infants. The cages were just as barren as those for the other monkeys. The infants were forcibly separated from their mothers on a regular basis to be weighed and for blood to be taken. The mothers would desperately try to protect thei r young, crying out and smashing themselves against the cage walls. lt was really difficult to watch the desperation in the mothers' eyes as they fought the inevitable. Two technicians would literally pull the mother and baby apart by pulling on their tails and arms. Every day hundreds of monkeys were dosed with test substances. On one occasion I watched as the other technicians stood around joking, laughing and talking to the researchers during the dosing of one monkey after another. Music was blaring in the background. One monkey resisted and the technician became aggressive and began shaking the monkey who started crying out. The researcher had problems trying to force the tube down his throat. She was chatting to the animal technicians and moving to the music. The technician holding the monkey began moving the animal to the rhythm on the radio. The researcher eventually got the tube into the animal and pumped the test substance into his stomach. The monkey appeared to go into a state of shock and stopped struggling. Only his eyes betrayed the panic and fear." Remember this is the reality of life every single day for the animals trapped inside HLS. This horror is the reason why there will be no let-up and no escape for companies who think it is acceptable to brutalise and abuse animals for profit. For all the terrified, suffering, innocent victims of the filthy deviants who work inside animal-testing labs please fight this war with every second of every day you possible can. The animals deserve nothing less than our utmost dedication and will to win. Their lives are in our hands - so let's go to war and WIN.

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ALF IN ACTION Two large liberations of animals in the U.K.

21 GOATS RESCUED FROM HLS's GOAT SUPPLIER " In the early hours of Sunday 14th of December the ALF entered Water Farm Goat Centre near Bridgewater, Somerset. Water Farm Goat Centre breed goats and supply them to laboratories. Earlier on in the year it was reported that 43 goats were liberated from this establishment. Judging by the filthy conditions inside the farm the time for a return visit was well overdue. This time twenty one beautiful goats, many of them pregnant, were carefully removed from the hell hole and ferried away to awaiting vehicles. These animals will now be able to live out their lives in caring homes free from the fear and pain of the vivisectors' scalpel." 700 MICE LIBERATED FROM U.K. LAB " In the early hours of Sunday morning, the ALF cut through the razor wire surrounding Wickham Labs in Hampshire, and made their way over the fence. A hole was cut into the roof of the animal unit. The security cameras within the unit were put out of action, and the liberators jumped down amongst the cages. The rooms within the animal unit contained nearly 700 mice, all of which were passed back up through the roof, and spirited to freedom. Documentation taken from the unit showed that these mice were liberated days before they were due to be experimented on. Instead of their last week before Christmas being one of pain, agony and death, for these mice it will be the best yule time ever. All of the animals found within Wickham have been placed in loving homes, where they are free to live out their natural lives free from pain, suffering and neglect. The documents taken also contained details of hideous experiments for such use-

less items as Botox, carried out on mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. At the time of the raid the only animals on the premises were mice. This is not an isolated incident, this is part of the a much wider war for total animal liberation. Until every animal is free we will continue to fight, whether it be Wickham, HLS, Cambridge University or anywhere else. This is a warning to you all!" This story has a tragic ending. Some days after this raid , the police raided the safe house that all the mice were in apart from 37 who had been rehomed elsewhere and took them all back again and arrested everyone there. Apparently they had been the subject of a surveillance operation. How obscene is it that with all the murders, robberies, rapes and other violent, disgusting crimes going on, the police see fit to spend public money on watching people whose only crime is compassion and valuable man hours taking these creatures that had been saved from fear and suffering back to be mutilated by perverts at Wickham labs?

They said it. .. No group is more dangerous and determined to end animal testing than the Europe-based Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. Journal of Life Sciences, Dec 2003

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Daiichi director & Chiron manager both resign

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In one week over Christmas SHAC received letters from two people high up in the animal suffering industry. First up was van der Kwaak (no I'm not making it up) who is the manager of Huntingdon customer Chiron in Holland. "TO SHAC I have resigned as Managing Director of Chiron B.V. in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. As of today, I am no longer an employee and I am not otherwise affiliated with Chiron or any other pharmaceutical company.

Amsterdam, December 22, 2003

Then we got a letter from the most senior person in the U.K. for Daiichi, Prof John O'Grady, saying he had left Daiichi due to ill health. Some of you may have seen in the press that O'Grady has been the subject of at least two bomb hoaxes by the ALF, one of which saw his road sealed off for over 10 hours.

ADT STAFF DETAILS LEAKED TO SHAC In the last days of December 2003 a member of staff from within HLS supplier ADT leaked information listing all their regional management structure giving their names, direct line numbers and mobile phone numbers. ADT maintain and install all the alarms etc on the animal units at Huntingdon. lt would seem that yet another person is prepared to put their job on the line to help out the campaign.

Let's put the bastards on the dole in 2004

Glaxo chief: Our d11ugs do not work on most patients By Steve Connor, Science Editor (l8 December 2003 The Independent A senior exect.ltive with Britain's biggest drougs company has admittect that most prescription medicines do no,t work .on Peol?!e take them. Alien Ros'*l, WOI'Jd vice-president of gtinQtles at Glaxo• · SmJthKiinetGSK}, ~id fewer than .h alf of tl'le patlent~{)l>'escribed some ·'ve drugs actui!!IIY from them. lt is ati:\O~Il secret within thli! drugs industry that most of its ,products are ineffective in mostpati~ts but this is tile first time that such a sentor drugs boss ha!il gone pu!>llc,

the jewellery boss, who fampusly said that his high street shap,. are i S!Jccessful because they sold."tota · crap". But others believe Or Roses deserves credit for being honest about a little-publicised fact known to the drugs industry for many years. "Roses is a smart guy and what he is saying will surprise the public b~\ no' his colleagues," said one industry scientist. The idea is to identify "responders" '' .,.peoPle wti~ benefit from the drug ~with a simple and cheap genetic test that can be used t6 eliminate those non-responders Who mi9ht benefit from anotl:ler drog. 1lfli$ goes against a marketing cultu~wlthin the industry that has relied on selling as many drugs as possible toithe interfere i Q way with the widest number of patients .. a ct,~lture medicine, he said. "T,!l,e vast majority that has made GSK one of the mqst of drugs - more than 90 per cent profitable pharmaceuticals compa~ - only work in 30 or 50 per cent of the nies, but which has also meant that people," Or Roses said. most of its drugs are at best USfil~~. and·even possibly dangerous, fe# · Some industry analysts said Or many patients. Roses's comments were reminiscent of tfte 1991 gaffe by Gerald Ratner,

These papers endorsing certain drugs are paraded in fr.ont of GPs as independent research to per. suade tbem to prescribe the drugs. '

.b!JIJQr<itorJM, a medical diagnostics company in Chicago, on the efficacy rates of a range of different drugs. lt found that drugs vary enormously in terms of how well they " WOrk, with efficacy rates varying from as low as 25 per cent for cancer drugs to 80 per cent for painkillers. For many drugs, however, the efficacy rates hover around 50 per cent or lower, meaning that, for most peaple, these drugs just don't work. Ed's note: I wond~r how many animals died at Huntingdon to test these useless drugs? . Demolished: the myth that allows drugs giants to sell more By Steve Connor, Science Editor 08 December 2003 For yews. tli~ drugs industry has grown fat on a myth.- the false belief that all drugs will work on Just abOut everybody. That has essentially been the rationale for a culfur.e that has enc<:~uraged doctors to prescribe fi~st apd ask questions later - at a cost to the NHS of £7.2bn a year in medicines. Yet it has been an open secret within the drugs industry that most.dfugs do not work for most patients, a secret that has now been publicly aired for the first time by A:lleg, the head of genetics at GlaxoSmithKiine, Britain's biggest drugs company. In· the past, drug companies have developed drugs aimed at the widest possible population. That was the most pretitable strategy but one that ignored a basic fact in bialogy - people are different. Bringing a new drug to market is an expensive bl:lslness costing tens of millions of pounds. it takes place ih a culture. of maximum possible sales for maximum possible profit - a culture that does not like to broadcast the fact that most arugs don't work for most people. Or Roses cited a study published three years ago by Brian Spear, a senior scienti~t at ~~bo~t ,, ,, ,,

Revealed: how drug firms 'hoodwink' medical journals Pharmaceutical giants hire ghostwriters to produce articles - then put doctors' names on them Sunday Dec;ember ?, 2003 The Obsfi!rver Hundreds ofarticles in tl'iedi~l j()urllals cU:Iirning to be written by academics or. doctor.s have been penned by ghostwriters in the pay qf (lrug cqmpanies, an Observer inquiry reveals. The journals, bibles of the profession, have huge influence on wnich drugs doctors t'tescribe and the treatment hospitals provide. But The Observer has uncovered evldenceithat many articles written by so-called independent academics may have been penned by writers working for agencies which receive huge sums from drug companies to plug their products. Estimates suggest that almost half of all articles published in journals are by ghostwriters. While doctors who have put their names to the papers can be paid handsomely for 'lending' their reputations, the ·g hastwriters remain hidden. They, and the invol~me~t of the pharmaceutical firms, are rarely revealed,


All ~rtitle published last February in the Joutnar .of A~tary PpQrmacology , which spEICialises·h'l ... stomach.J;Iisorder.s, involved a medical writer work ing for drug giant AstraZeneca - a factthat was not rf!!v.ealed by the author. Th@l'ticte, by a German doctor, acknowledged the 'eontribution' of Or Madeline Frame, but did . not admit that she was a senior medical writer for AstraZeneca. The article essentially supported the use of a drug called Omeprazole - which is manufactured by AstraZeneca - for gastric ulcer$, de~te suggestions that it gave rise to more ad· vets.e reactions than similar drugs. 011 Richard Smith, editor of the British Journal of Medicine, admitted ghostwriting was a 'very big pr.o&lem'. 'We are being hoodwinked by the drug cbmpanies', he said. Drugs for depressed children banned ,The Guardian, 10 December 2003. Moder:n antidepressant drugs which have made billibtl$. far tlle pJlarmac;eutical industry will be bape&fWRl use> in children today because of evitleJ:Ice, suppressed for years, that they can ca~Y9\Jng'patients to become suicidal. The decistbn 'tias big implications for drug regulation. The agency- which is the government's watchdog body on drug safety - has reached this point only after intense pressure from patients and campaigners. Public unease about these potential side-effects prompted the agency to investigate last year. lt has looked at the details of clinical trials of depressed children that were in the hands of the drug companies in the late 1990s. These studies revealed the problem of suicidal behaviour in children, but the companies did not draw it to the attention of the regulators in the US or the UK.





Huntingdon's website brought down by Russian activists website down for over 1 month

if you get caught out over and over again for animal cruelty and fraud, even activists in Russia target you ... As we go to press Huntingdon's website is still unobtainable.


HLS LOSE THEIR TRANSFER AGENT IN 5 HOURS FLAT The campaign against HLS rages on in the USA with one of SHACUSA'a victories being the removal of HLS's transfer agent in 5 hours, an all-time record even by SHAC standards! Here's what happened:

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" SHACUSA spent many weeks contacting Mellon in hopes of

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Bloody typical! Someone always goes that bit too far on home demos

starting a dialogue regarding

4 Groups, 4 messages for 04 SHAC NORTHWEST 2003 has been an amazing year for SHAC. We are motivated by thoughts of the torture, pain and suffering going on inside HLS, haunted by these images we commit ourselves to 2004. HLS collaborators had better watch out because this year we are on a mission to see the end of this hellhole. Here's to the bulldozing of HLS!!

HLS CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS KEEPING QUIET "Just to let you know something quite interesting. I sent 80 questionnaires out to organisations that had been listed in your newsletters and on your web site as target suppliers and customers of HLS with a view to analysing how they managed the business while under pressure from SHAC. The first response I got was from Special Operations at Cambridgeshire Constabulary asking me who I was and what I was doing! Needless to say I predict a very poor response and so far have received 9 replies from organisations saying they do not wish to share any information with me."

their relationship with Huntingdon as their transfer agent. Mellon ignored the repeated attempts. SHACUSA then moved on to phase 2 of the campaign, publishing office addresses of Mellon, with a call for letters, emails, phone calls and protests. 5 hours and multiple protests later, Mellon taxed over a statement saying they were halting all their services to HLS immediately."

SHAC LONDON There have been scores of demos against Daiichi despite what is now perceived to be a failed injunctive action taken by Daiichi & a handful of other customers of HLS, and also Sumitomo, and corporate shareholders in Japanese customers of

HLS in London. lt has been excellent to see the fruits of a strategy working. With the financial base of HLS all but wiped out, it was time to refocus on their customer base and supply chain. By the time the mid year figures came out, the results of regular demos naming & shaming customers & suppliers was clear for everyone to see: falling sales, revenue and share price. lt's simply a matter of adopting the right strategy & tactics and sticking with them to the end. PACAS As far as the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Animal Rights Coalition are concerned, 2003 was an amazing year for us. lt is beyond words to describe

our determination! And here is a message on behalf of all the animals you have ordered burnt, poisoned, electrocuted, disfigured and the babies born with defects and the children suffering from leukemia because of exposure to pesticides, FOREVER BURN IN HELL AND LET WHAT YOU HAVE DONE AND LIED ABOUT HAUNT YOU FOREVER! SOUTH COAST SHAC We storm into 2004 with renewed determination and energy to close HLS ... and soon! Armed with evidence and the truth on our side, we WILL win and NOTHING will stop us. The animals have no-one. We act, we are relentless and we will never give up!

They said it. .. The number of activists isn't huge, but their impact has been incredible. said Mr Cass at a London business conference, May 2003

Exercise 1: Who is the enemy? Yamanouchi, Daiichi, Sankyo and Asahi Glass

Exercise 2: Where are they?

SOUTI:IERN FQC!)S: _YAMANQUGHI Yamanouchi have b,ee_n c;hol:;en as a _global focus for the Japanese campaign for several reasons, the main- on·e-being popular demand f roin various groups worl dwide who want to focus their energies effectiveli as -pari: of the Japa-nese customer campai~n.- - -- -· -- ---- ---· -·

F2 CHEMICALS LTD. (subsidiary of Asahi Glass) Lea Lane, Lea Town, Preston, Lancs. PR4 ORZ Tel: 01772 775 800 Fax: 01772 775 808 Yamanouchi-has a long and vicious history of dealing with HLS · and paying them to murder animals on their behalf. -F-rom -1-989 when Sarah Kite-exposed a disgusting experiment they were -doingatHLS,to MichelleRokke's investigation in t99.7.thaL revealed .a leg-breaking experiment on 37 beagle puppies due to have.their legs snappedwith steel wire. with no anaesthetic, right throughto doc::umente~tion_ obtained that proves their recent involvement_ w.ithJ::f_L.S,Y!=ummo_!!chi ha1fe been close allies to the animal murderers at . liL~ for over 15 years

ASAHIGLASS FLUOROPOLYMERS UK LTD. (subsidiary) ' l:lillhouse International Site, PO Box 4, Thornton Cleveleys, Blackpool, Lancs. FYS 4QD Tel: 01253 861 800 Fax: 01253 861 950 ACT TECH UK LTD. (subsidiary of Asahi Glass) Unit B, Edgemead Close, Round Spinney, Northampton, NN3 4RG Tel: 01604 67 11 50 Fax: 01604 67 11 40 DAIICHI PHARMACEUTICALS International Press Centre, 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB Tel 0207 936 2850 Fax 0207 583 6035 Yamanouchi Blays House, Wick Road, Englefield Green, Nr Egham, Surrey TW20 OHJ EGHAM SWITCHBOARD: 01784 274 300 Yamanouchi Pharma Ltd Yamanouchi House, Pyrford Road, West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6RA Tei:01932 342 291 Fax:01932 353 458


SANKYO PHARMA UK LTD Sankyo House, Repton Place, White Lion Road, Amersham, Bucks. HP7 9LP Tel: 01494 766 866 Fax: 01494 766 567

humans . Fraud and disregard This company not only abuses animals, iCa.lso shows a gross disregard for the vel)l ni.lman beings iU:Iaims·lo want to save: Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical eo failed to report - - · to the Japanese Government 15 instances~· including two deaths, of adverse reactions relating to its ·Gaster 10 drug;· Shares in the company fell onthe·news in trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Exercise 3: Modus Operandi Demonstrations, phone calls, emails, faxes and publicity stunts will be part of these campaigns. We will aim to bring the world's media spotlight shining down on these companies and ensure everyone knows exactly who they are and what they do. We call on the japanese customers to sever their links with HLS, the fraudulent testing lab with a criminal record. We would like to make it clear that SHAG is not inciting or encouraging illegal actions against Japanese customers or their employees in any shape or form. However we will not be stifled and the campaign and its supporters worldwide will exercise their right to protest legitimately and effectively and do everything within our power to highlight their disgusting, shameful record of animal cruelty and close


Asahl Glass is an international glass rnanufacturing conglomerate with a sideline ~, , · ~!>' specialising· in fluorine-basea chemicals. ~.~-, ., ,:JJ,:!!''"- __ ,,._ . Several years ago, their chemical division paid HLS to do 'inhalation toxicology' experiments· on rats and· also six week old beagle puppies. These sick experiments -----·-· caused them-to be poisoned; all died, the lucky ones within·15 minutes. ·One dog dropped down dead from a-heart attack ·· in front of-all the others. For otheFs the suffering was much . longer.


Asahi Glass have.a number of sites in the UK. As part. oJ its____ _ glass division it controls Glaverbel in Rugby and Bradley.Gia.s.s in.Worthing.lts chemical division own AG Fluoropo!Yrnersin Fleetw.ooctan<:l F2 Ch~_mjcals in Preston. F2 Chemic:als wer~-­ heavily involved i_llJtl~ HLS experiments. For years__t~~y had .. anonymity, _lliding their dirty businesses out of sight. Now that has changed dralll<!_t!C?!l_l_l_~:


Last year ail four we-re regularly visited by outraged· activists, upsettin{flheir cosy ignorance with noisy, informative demos:· so panicked are they, lhat F2 Chemicals have been considering sacking staff to pay for more security guards. Elsewhere they have been six foot high letters announcing that they are animal -killers tothe·world, and thousands ·ofleaflets have been distributed throughout nearby estates. Gases-have · been reported where ordinary people have-started taking action against the company such is the dirt of Asahi Glass' now. Protest campswere .held at busy injunctions,..gaining ... much media coverage and pushing our message further, while injuncti.o ns taken out to stop the p.rotests hav.e had little effect.

LONDON FOCUS: DAIICHI DaiichLflbarmaceuticals who_bav.e. a _London_office _hJJY.e be_e_oJ~illjng_ Qntmals . · at HI,$ tor m<my y_~ars, _Tilil?_ Japanese customer is one of the five companies who-·have -decidec:iio-take out an injunction against ou-rTegitiniate-rigiif to protest. TheyliavEdafled. The Higfi Court fiave agreea thafwe can--protest albeit under certain coiiaitions:As ~f result Daiichi wm·now having rnote demonstrations than ttrey did before the injunction. Every·two weeks we· will· show Daiichi that we ·have not forgot• ten, we are not going away and-we will-not be silenced. lt is very important that people support these demonstrations . .. --Contact us with your phone number-ifyou would like to be on the ring. round list for.Daiichi demos. . MIDLANDS FOCUS: SANKYO Sankyo ar~ _another long-term Japanese HLS customer. As long as Sankyo are -- torturing and -killing animals at HLS then "they-will be -priority for demonstrations by Si-lAC. Come and pufthe pressure on · this lorig~fermllC~rcusfomer who have been commissioning experiments"there· for thiHast 15yeats.


If you would like· to know when -the· demos-are at Daiichi and Sankyo,··please ring through your phone-number to the SHAG office.-

The promise for 2004 is that there is going to be n()_let up ofthe pressure_,_and that Asahi Glass will have no idea ~_llen the_'!~xt their

Exercise 4: How evil is your enemy? Perhaps the most disgusting of Yamanouchi's animal-abusing activities came to light when the campaign was sent a delivery note for a mother beagle and her litter of two day old puppies from the notorious lab animal breeders Harlan to Yamanouchi's research centre in Oxford, now closed down thanks to SHAC. Just imagine the fear and confusion of that mother dog as she and her newborn puppies were packed into a travelling crate and driven across the country to end up in a cold metal cage waiting to be tortured and killed. How evil are these people, and how just that the world should know of their barbaric, inhumane activities.

When Michele Rokke cover at HLS in 1997 she reported that Yamanouchi were a customer. They were due to carry out a leg-breaking experiment on 37 beagles where their legs were due to be snapped with steel wire. Michele described these dogs as ill and extremely nervous and fearful. The HLS vet is quoted as saying: "These dogs are crap dogs. Rejects. They are not healthy dogs and should not be used and if they were used it would be a poor quality study." An HLS worker joked about the dogs, saying "they should just break all their legs so they'll be easier to work with."

The dog pictured above was one of the 37 that was due to have her legs broken by Yamanouchi at HLS. As you take action against these companies always remember this dog's face as it shows the pure evil we are fighting against, people who will poison and kill her.

2003 was a powerful year for SHAC and together we fought some hard battles and won some amazing victories. After Marsh finally dumping HLS in December after a hardfought war against them by

into a national fuel supply. In July CBC, HLS's Japanese sales office, decided the worldwide pressure on them that had been building up was too much to withstand and pulled out, forcing HLS to buy them out.

2003, USA director Kirby Cramer and UK non-executive director John Caldwell both resigned from HLS with immediate effect. Kirby Cramer set up the notorious animal testing company Covance, and his connections with senior management at HLS went back many years. Cramer was also instrumental in many financial deals negotiated on HLS's behalf. John Caldwell had worked for HLS since 1996 and with his contacts in the industry was a key director at HLS.

14/1/03 HLS release a hilarious press statement announcing their new directors: a Nigerian unknown man, and Mr. Mohammed Faruque, Chairman of the Ghulam Faruque Group, a paper bag merchant form Pakistan.

20/2/03 HLS's lab equipment supplier RL SLAUGHTER DUMP HLS 1/3/03- Deloitte & Touche ditch Huntingdon after only 10 days

3/3/2003 - RAID on HLS CUSTOMER MERIAL in the USA with 115 animals liberated 10/3/03 SHAC forces cancellation of the The Institute of Animal Technology conference due to be held in lteland 18/3/03 HLS customer Rohm & Haas make a statement severing their links with HLS 20/3/2003 HLS LOSE their STAFF PENSION FUND ADMINISTRATORS AON 20/3/2003 - HLS's

activists there was no stopping us and we went in~o 2003 in fighting mode in January, knocking out 2 key HLS directors in a matter of weeks. In January Hl:..S also Ios\ both companies that were taking away the bodtes of the 5'00 animals a day they mutilate in th~ir :l abs. '

International media in Augus~ reported bombs going off at HLS customf:!rS Chiron and Yamanouchi i" the USA and a massive blaze down in small Dole in Sussex that destroyed .h~•.ildineu;; and

17/1/03 Long-term supplier White Rose who took away all the bodies Oi the animals pull from HLS 24/1103 CAMBRIDGE PET CAEMATORIUM PUMP HLS


30/3/2003 -SWEDEN'S ONLY CAT FARM CLOSED after campaigners adopt Hillgrove-style tactics

were liberated from stinking battery units in two horse boxes and driven away to safety.

fire-bombed by animal rights activists

14/7/2003- Enviro-Waste waste company dump HLS

30/3/2003 - HLS's GOAT SUPPLIER raided with 43 goats rescued from disgusting conditions

22/7/2003 -Industrial Boiler Services dump HLS 31/7/2003- HLS lab equipment supplier L.I.G. make a statement

31/3/2003JAPANESE HLS CUSTOMERS Yamanouchi, Daiichi, Eisai get internet-paranoid and close down various worldwide email and internet systems 30/03/03 national newspaper announces that the government is considering auditing HLS after no auditor worldwide will work for them. Jeremy Newman, managing partner of account BOO Stoy Harward, said: "We will not seek to act as auditor for Huntingdon Life Sciences." Rival PKF said it was unlikely to approach HLS. "We value our employees over profits," said a spokesman. KPMG, Price-waterhouseCoopers and Erns1 & Young refused , to comment. 3/4/2003 -HLS lose another w~~eco•nPiinvasHa~dump

14/7/2003- Pearsons waste company dump HLS

5/8/2003 local Brighton press report massive blaze at Huntingdon premises - HLS vehicles and buildings used for primate imports firebombed 7/8/2003 Officeline dump HLS and demand to be paid the ÂŁ45,00 Huntingdon owe them

25/4/03 The Financial Times report that the Prime Minister is extremely concerned to receive a letter demanding action from the Tokyo-based Japanese Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association about the Japanese customer campaign. Kazutaka lchikawa, the director-general, told Mr Blair that Japalilese companies enjoyed working in Britain but wanted enhanced

30/5/03 Financial Times report on security conference starring Brian Cass "The number of activists isn't huge, but their impact has been incredible," said Mr Cass. Shac's efforts to isolate HLS and discourage other companies from associating with it have been highly suc.c essfl!l, l\llr Cass admitted.

13/8/2003 Cambridge Piped Services and the Roy Humphrey group ditch Huntingdon within 24 hours 15/8/20031.2 MILLION SIGNATURES HANDED IN TO CLOSE HLS shows the massive public support to destroy Huntingdon 16/8/2003 LAB ANIMAL BREEDER RAIDED IN NORWAY with several hounc;ls destined to b&abused bY viVisectors taken to safety - release states that been inspired

bySHAC 20/8/2003 EISA! staff personal tax details leaked in Germany from someone working for the tax office in protest at their

Peachman Refrigeration ditch Huntingdon 27/9/2003 SUNLIGHT DUMP HUNTINGOON WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT 27/9/2003 International media report U.S. subsidiary of Yamanouchi Shacklee attacked with a pipe bomb 1/10/2003 BLOWTOHLS CUSTOMER BAYER as they call off all GM trials in the UK

their clinical trials sent out to A.R. groups and CEO's of Huntingdon's customers and competitors worldwide 29/10/2003 Long-term HLS supplier The Plumb Center ditches Huntingdon 30/10/2003 Massive pharmaceutical industry conference CPHI disrupted by SHAC Germany who focus on HLS's Japanese customers, embarassing them in front of their global peers 30/10/2003 Activists storm conference Chiron are speaking at- Chiron Vice President is bundled off out of a side door

involvement with HLS 28/8/2003 National newspapers report the case of the sacked chauffeur form Eli-Lilly who handed over personal details of many staff members to SHAC 28/8/2003 International media report two bomb blasts at HLS customer Chiron's offices in America 31/8/2003 Two more suppliers Able Taxis and Big neat Ltd stop working for HLS 9/9/2003 Phoenix taxis dump Huntingdon 9/9/2003 HLS supplier Jencons is knocked out 9/9/2003 High profile SHAC court case with Eli-Lilly chauffeur and activists is thrown out of court due to lack of evidence 12/9/2003 SANKYO conference in Austria is interrupted 26/9/2003 HLS supplier

1/10/2003 HLS monkey dealer paint-bombed by German activists 1/10/2003 ANC NATIONWIDE HLS SUPPLIER DUMP HLS

4/11/2003 HUNTINGDON'S LATEST FINANCIAL FIGURES RELEASED showing that the customer campaign is starting to bite with Cass talking about

PORT SEVER ALL LINKS WITH HUNTINGDON 1/12/2003 and another freight company to go: ROM DITCH HLS 1/1212003 RUSSIAN ACTIVISTS TAKE DOWN HUNTINGDON'S WEB SITE 211212003 OTIS Lifts finally make a statement- see ya Otis! 8112/2003 HLS and Newchurch supplier IPS lose their haulage company 11112/2003 HLS supplier PIONEER CHEMICALS sever all links with HLS after 20 years of dealing with them -the term rats deserting a sinking ship springs to mind 12112/2003 MASSIVE UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATION OF COVANCE shows the horrific reality that is the animals inside contract labs' daily life

3/10/2003 Supplier Newey & Eyre ditch Huntingdon

19/1212003 700 MICE LIBERATED FROM U.K. LAB Wickham -tragically the police raid the safe house they are in days later and take them all back except 37 that had been rehomed

4/10/2003 HLS supplier CWG ditch Huntingdon

20/1212003 For the second time this year, 21 GOATS RESCUED, many of them pregnant, from Huntingdon's goat supplier

7/10/2003 6 suppliers gone in 10 days as Argonaut Technologies dump HLS 9/10/2003 3 JAPANESE CUSTOMERS' WEBSITES BROUGHT DOWN as 2 Asahi Glass websites and one Daiichi website taken off-line by Russian activists

'softening of orders' 6/11/2003 Main HLS supplier RENTOKIL dump the puppy killers 6/11/2003 An important financial link in the chain knocked out in the U.S. as HLS lose their transfer agent in just 5 hours 17/11/2003 MP's URGE INQUIRY INTO HUNTINGDON XENOTRANSPLANTATION

23/1012003 MASSIVE LEAK OF INFO FROM INSIDE DAIICHI Highly confidential

2811112003 Yet another supplier go as Baxter Healthcare ditch HLS 2811112003 RHYS DAVIES FREIGHT ALSO DITCH HUNTINGDON

2311212003 HLS customer Chiron's dutch managing director resigns from the company and leaves the vivisection industry after pressure in Holland 31/1212003 HLS supplier HOBART DITCHES HLS

To everyone who was part of this hard-hitting and incredibly effective year and made these victories happen, we know in our hearts that all that matters is ACTION, NOT WORDS. Waging war against HLS side by side we are invincible, together we can achieve this victory, we can and will win for the animals, let's get on and get at them and CLOSE THE BASTARDS DOWN.

japanese companies failed in their attempts the campaign. Your response was There is 5 thousand pounds .-else ···


-------~-------- -------.-..---·---

Save the Newc hurc h Gui:nea Pigs br ing sheds. Suppliers of materials and services necessary for the operation of the farm have prefer to the Halls

Guinea pigs are the third most commonly used victim of the British VIS<ect;lon industry. 70,000 guinea tortured to death inside UK year. HLS use and unknown amount of creatures many supplied to them by ~ft..,orrl•~hilr.. based David Hall and 'PArfn••r" one of the biggest guinea pig breeders in the country. To pledge further nee, David Hall and Partners shares in H.L.S.


Conditions breeding sheds of this family-run business show no respect for the families of guinea pigs exploited and abused there. Females who are treated as breeding machines are so stressed by the unnatural conditions that they frequently eat their own young. The mortality rate is so high in fact that it is a daily procedure for workers to remove the dead bodies from pens shared by the living.

Those that display hair loss, deformities or are not profitable breeders are granted an early release from the squalid conditions by "cervical dislocation" , another routine job the workers may prefer to call breaking necks. Those guinea pigs who are unfortunate enough to have survived this death camp are packed into boxes and sold to laboratories such as HLS where they are tortured and killed. David Hall and Partners were not unfamiliar with animal rights attention before Save The

Newchurch Guinea Pig Campaign was set up. Activists had not long liberated 600 guinea pigs from newly built sheds that stood on the site of their old mink fur farm, which is also rumoured to have received some action in the past.

The family were certainly not expecting a substantial and long running campaign to commence after the raid which cost them not only the 600 guinea pigs that were liberated but also the remaining thousands of unfortunates who were sadly left behind due to impossible circumstances. With the sterile status of the shed compromised the Hall family decided it would be more profitable to massacre the whole lot and did not even offer to let them go to re homing charities. Four years into the campaign a long list of small but vital victories has been achieved. Staff members (including one who had worked there for decades) have quit, forcing the business to shut down a third of the

animal right& pressure.

Although the Halls continue to profit from the abuse of sheep and a beef hetd,.the poultry fa~m previously owned by the Halls is now closed, presumably to afford more staff to the now struggling gUinea pig farm. Step by step the Halls Empire is falling and if Dove Fuels' previous display of commitment is an example of the only hope they cling to then it won't be long now until they accept defeat. Let's make it sooner rather than later. For the animals, get involved now.

Contact Save The Newchurch Guinea Pigs: pQ Box 74 Evesham worcs WR11 3WF

Tel: 01902 564734 e.mail:

SPEAC - Ston Primate Exneriments at Cambridge On 21st November we heard the long awaited but predictable news from John Prescott the deputy Prime Minister that the Government had granted planning permission to Cambridge university to build Europe's largest primate lab on the outskirts of the city. This undemocratic and shameful decision flew in the face of the independent inspector's report which in its conclusion stated that 'Cambridge University had failed to show that the proposed primate lab was in the national interest'. lt has been a continuing theme of this struggle that elements within this Government want to turn the U.K. into the vivisection capital of Europe and are prepared to ignore public opinion, scientific argument and ethics to achieve their disgusting aims. SPEAC responded to Prescott's announcement with an emergency demo. Activists descended on the colleges and caused serious disruption to lectures and the daily routine of

university life. Since then SPEAC has followed up with successful 'days of action' which have continued to give the university major headaches and have met with violence from an employee on a recent demo.

the message is clear and simple, we will continue to take the fight to Cambridge university and anyone else who is contemplating involvement in this underhanded and evil project.

After the Government announcement Stop Primate Experiments at Cambridge P.O. Box 6712 that the university had been granted Northampton planning permission a press NN26XR conference was quickly cobbled together by the university and a Tel 0845 330 7985 mealy-mouthed statement followed. email: What Prof Minson told the media sums up the position we now find ourselves in. He stated "it is conceivable this lab will not be built". This statement was not because ARC - Animal Rights Coalition The next ARC meeting will be on Sunday 25 the university had suddenly woke up to January at the Camp Hill Community Centhe scientific folly of deliberately brain tre, Dayrell Rd, Camp Hm, Northampton. damaging monkeys but to the spiralThe community centre is situated in the ling cost of building this primate torture grounds of Hunsbury school and can be centre. The original estimate of £24 MILreached via the A45 Danes Camp Way ring LION has now risen to £33 million and road. Guest speaker at the meeting will be Daniel continues to grow. As far as SPEAC from Sweden. Daniel is a very prominent goes and the campaign to stop this figure in the animal liberation movement in monstrous lab from becoming a reality, Sweden. All welcome.

in the leading lights in the newly·- t ormed s iiEllt!: i~ busy ~u~ting all his exje~iehce t o good use : 'Mel was sentenced to 4 years fo~ pessession of incendiary devices and was released only relatively recently. Mel didn't come out of prison with the attitude of 'I've done my bit now, I'm off.' Mel was a close friend of Barry Horne and he knows as Barry knew there is done my bit.' What does that mean to animals dying and suffering now? That's why Mel is s t i l l up at the front fighting, arguing and moving the forward towards victory which means no labs, no animal farms, no cirzoos , no slaughterhouses and NO ANIMAL SUFFERING ••• Only then can we all and go mountain climbing in Scotland and not a second before •• The animal rights movement has over the last two decades used a variety of tactics to highlight animal abuse and to make it impossible for those profiting from such abuse to continue. Whilst we have, as a movement, been successful in knocking out individual animal abusers, it is only in recent times that we have witnessed a campaign bring multi national animal abuse to its knees. SHAC have opened a new and dynamic chapter in the animal liberation struggle and demonstrated that no matter how big they are they cannot escape activsts who have made it their business to understand 'the business' of corporate animal abuse. lt has al ways been understood amongst a/r campaigners that profits drive the animal killers but SHAC took that premise and turned it into a truly groundbreaking campaign strategy. Right from the start of the fight against HLS, SHAC sought to take the fight to the doors of those who bankroll suffering and death and let it be known there was no hiding place. Despite the hidden hand of Government aiding and encouraging banks and financial institutions to bail HLS out, SHAC moved

to isolate and target such institutions with a variety of tactics. From the 'back down' of the Royal Bank Of Scotland to the Japanese customers campaign , SHAC have demonstrated that a handful of determined activists can impact on the 'business' of animal abuse in a serious way.

enemies can throw at them.

What SHAC have also achieved is the goal of giving rise to an international campaign which has seen a/r campaigners on the doorsteps of companies as far apart as America and Japan. Companies like HLS depend on suppliers and customers to make their 'dirty' profits and those who deal with them are not keen to have their businesses or comfy homes subject to demo's and unwanted press attention which could impact on other areas of their business interests. At the end of the day who really wants to associated with a bunch of animal torturers.

There can only be one outcome to this war and that is the destruction of HLS. When it

Prison sentences, injuctions and harrassment of activists have all been thrown at SHAC but none of this has stopped the methodical dismantling of an animal abuse institution.

SHAC activists have shown how it is possible to cut off the lifeblood that keeps companies like HLS alive and we all know that if it weren 't for Government involvement this animal death camp would be be no more. SHAC have shown that their tactics are not only highly effective but interchangable and as such able to withstand all that their

Ronnie Lee •• What can I say about him? Well I will start by saying that he is laughing in the picture but I don't think many animal abusers he has come into contact with are laughing. Ronnie has served 3 prison sentences, one for 18 months for destroying sealers' boats in the Wash in the late seventies •• yes they really were s t i l l seal hunting then. Ronnie was then sentenced to 3 years for amongst other things trying to burn down Hoeschst's new animal lab in Milton Keynes ••• Lastly Ronnie was sentenced to 10 years in jail for his part in the devastation of the Fur Industry in the mid to late eighties. This is why none of the major department stores today s t i l l stock fur ••• there are many be learnt from that campaign. All in all Ronnie has been a bit of a ••• haven't Ronnie? Four years after the start of the SHAC campaign, HLS is still operating. Some would say this means that SHAC has been a failure. That couldn't be further from the truth. There is no doubt that SHAC will eventually bring about the closure of HLS. This will be a great victory, but it will not be the only triumph of the SHAC campaign. The story of SHAC has been one of continual victory over those who support and take part in the vivisection industry. One by one, the props which support the HLS animal torture

machine are being relentlessly knocked away. And what of the hidden victories? The numbers of researchers and potential researchers who have doubtless shied away from animal experimentation, for fear of being targetted by SHAC or by other campaigns which have adopted SHAC's highly effective tactics. lt would be impossible to estimate the number of animals spared from torture because of this, but it could easily be many thousands.

I have been around for long enough in the animal liberation movement to know a good thing when I see it, and there is no doubt in my mind that the contribution made by SHAC to the struggle for animal liberation has been immense. Now, more than ever, is the time to support the SHAC campaign, to be part of the continual triumph over the monsters who torture innocent creatures. Ronnie Lee


one of



il:_~ple to· reatili a~light actions, t .h e Royal College ot Surgeons in documents were taken that proved periments. The picture below was a picture taken from the RCS, the word tattooed by the vivisectors on the small monkey's head was CRAP. They also raided a lab run by a company called BIOS in Surrey. Just as the police were arriving at the front, activists disapeared into the woods at the back with documents and 10 never to be seen ain •••

lt would safely fill this complete journal to adequately comment upon the numerous diversions of the SHAC campaign in detail. Therefore, I propose examining just one aspect of the operation - If you consider the reverberations that, still yet, are echoing, around Britain and elsewhere, within any of the companies and fellow associates, who have stopped supplying anything at all to HLS, as a direct result of the influences exercised by this serial protest, then, in assessing the level of the crusade's progress to date, the logical conclusion must be that SHAC have already excelled themselves as trail blazers in the fight to establish proper rights for animals, setting a high-wire template for others to aspire to.

throughout the country and beyond, regarding the considerable problems encountered when dealing with HLS- what then might be the response of any of these establishments- should they be approached, for whatever reason, by any animal abuser - be they factory farm, fox hunt, vivisection laboratory or whatever .. ......? Common

sense tells us that with profit their sole motivation, by far the majority of these commercial institutions simply would not risk being subjected to an examination by animal rightists- Whilst previous animal rights campaigns may have incorporated protestations to organisations linked to the target abuser; comparatively, SHAC, in quite legitimately exploiting the process far beyond any previous ambitions and expectations, have developed this arm of their intent to something approaching the level of a 'fine art'. In perusing the many and varied aspects of the overall protest, as currently exercised, it is difficult to find any feature at all worthy of criticism in depth. I also find it equally arduous to offer any constructive suggestion that may improve the quality or the diversity of the campaign.

Furthermore, with news spreading, as it surely will, to all the hundreds of thousands of other suppliers of goods or services,

Nancy Phipps will read this, but Nancy you could never know just what an inspiration you have been and not just in the U.K but all around the world. Nancy as you will all know tragically lost her daughter J i l l under the wheels of a lorry carrying calves for live export for the murdering bastard Barrett - Jolly, who is now doing over 20 years inside for drug importation. ROT IN HELL YOU BASTARD. Nancy has been an activist for well over 20 years and after the death of her daughter most people would have had enough to deal with their grief but Nancy knows that animals are s t i l l dying and she is s t i l l fighting as hard as ever •• •

When I look back over the last twenty years since I first became in the Animal rights movement I can't believe how much we have achieved, and how much our impression of our movement has changed and evolved over the years. In those far-off times very little was known about the callous cruelty that we know now is inflicted on the beautiful creatures of our planet, but thanks to the birth of the ALF or The Band of Mercy as it was first called, the obscene photos of the smoking beagles were first shown to the horrified world. The sight of those beautiful docile dogs being locked in a machine and forced to inhale the vile smoke down their throat says it all, as do the channel 4 pictures that were shown on screen of puppies being kicked and punched by thugs employed by the wonderful Huntingdon Life Sciences which is kept going by government money (our taxes by the way). Do any of us even dare to think of the obscenities that go on behind the scenes

that we don't see. I well remember going on my first national demonstration at Huntingdon. A boiling hot day it turned out to be. Speeches were made nearby on the back of a lorry, but I didn't hear them. I just remember staring at this building and the awful pictures it conveyed. lt was and still is the epitome of pure evil, and I remember the numbing horror which engulfed me. That never in a million years could we ever hope to see this fortress close. lt was too big. Those huge steel fences with barbed wire on top. The thugs roaming about going by the name of security men. lt was too big, too powerful. All the demos in the world wouldn't make a scrap of difference. A day seared into my memory for who could look at such a place and not feel the utter pain and terror of the animals inside and I remember the feeling of hatred I felt that I could live in a society that allowed such atrocities to happen.

However miracles do happen. A group called SHAC came along with new formats, new ideas. We couldn't storm the fortress but we could take it apart brick by brick, and the magic word is TARGETTING. These past years have seen the end of Hillgrove a place that had been breeding kittens for years for the vivisection industry, Consort went, a place that bred beagle puppies for vivisection, Shamrock farm went, they had been going for years breeding monkeys, Regal rabbits caved in straight away. Newchurch which breeds guinea pigs is on its knees. Nobody can withstand the onslaught of people who are fighting for justice. Not for themselves but for the helpless vulnerable creatures that politicians are happy to ignore. No votes in it for them. But I wonder at the end of the day how many human votes they've lost by their total callous indifference to what in a civilised society is totally morally and ethically wrong.

HLSAN This year HLS and their Japanese customers have attempted to use civil law to crush the right to protest. They have used the lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden who has also obtained similar injunctions in the past for Hillgrove cat farm, the BFSS, Harrison a mink farmer, Zwirns fur shop and other animal abusers - they were so effective that Hi

IONSban any form of demonstrating against their companies and their employees, an outrageous attempt at suppressing peoples' rights to demonstrate. They all


Harrison's mink farm atnn~d ;z;~w~:i~rn~'~s~~~r~:~ .."""closed down and they d of difference to the camntaor•The japanese customers ha,lfdllbeEm ,.,tt.. tmn.tinn to use the Harassment Act, dl!lll.latned stalkers, to actually outlaw tho!iW:Io,ht l.liloiiiUP!IIII$t!,


Much store has been put on measures, with the belief that will succeed where their own of the police have so sp,ect:aculatrllllllfailed thwarting the relentless campaig down HLS. They are desperate m ..,.., .... ,._ say that the init is a sign of their importance the campaigns against inspiring activists to seek out new pany is willing to spend up to £8 t0,00f•ge,tti!~-a!~11115;<ii'l these Injunctions. avenues of protest and engendering in people a fierce determination to stand up for their rights to protest. They have not squashed HLS and the Japanese companies wanted to

Merchandise order form Item


protest, but simply made activists more determined and more inventive. All round the UK we are seeing activists fighting for their right to highlight these companies' involvement in animal cruelty and carry on the campaigns against them. They may have thought that taking out civil injunctions against activists would kill the campaign against HLS; the reality is that it is becoming an expensive mistake with no sign of anyone giving up and the pressure increasing day by day against HLS and those who are their partners in the crimes of horrific animal cruelty and putting products on the market that poison, maim and kill human beings. If you have any questions about the injunctions, feel free to call the office anytime. Remember above all that no-one can stop you demonstrating against these companies involved in the most horrific animal cruelty imaginable and in a fraudulent industry whose purpose is to make maximum profit out of human suffering.

Merchandise is free unless stated but a donation is appreciated towards costs. Please return the order with cheques/P.O's where needed made payable to SHAC to SHAC 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.



Animal Liberation poster A2

PGP security CD and instructions

Dead puppy A2 poster

Megaphones £65 inc P+P

Cute puppy A2 poster

Airhorns £5 inc P+P

Japanese A2 poster

Legal advice booklet

Japanese customer stickers

World day flyers

Yamanouchi, Sankyo, Asahi Glass and Daiichi A5 leaflets

World day A4 posters

Yamanouchi A4 poster Cat killers - Yamanouchi poster 1 Puppy killers - Yamanouchi poster 2 Specify which one you want

T shirts and hooded tops T shirt size................. £6 inc P+P Hooded top size ..................... £15 inc P+P Colour is black and the sizes are skinny fit (t shirts only), small, medium, large and X large. Old style monkey t shirts on sale at £3

HLS general leaflet A5

New Yamanouchi t shirts and hooded tops. Colours, sizes and prices are the same as above t shirt size .............. hooded top size ...............

Healthcare professionals leaflet : what doetors and nurses say about HLS, featuring outspoken trauma surgeon Jerry Vlasak

Videos 1 Time for Action 1 and 2 -this is footage of SHAC demos set to music 2 The truth short - this is cruelty footage shot Inside HLS 3 The truth long - as above but with demo footage added on the end 4 Countryside Undercover - half hour Channel 4 programme filmed inside HLS

Scientific leaflet A5

Michelle Rokke's diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS, £2 inc P+P

Science book 'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese' by Dr. Ray Greek £8 inc P+P

Collecting tins

Cruelty free guides - lists what's tested and what isn't, 50p inc P+P






NAME ................................ ADDRESS .................................................................................................

.. ......... .. ........ ............ ....... .. .. ....... .............. ............ .. ... ...... .......... ......... .. ..... .. ... .. ......... ... .......... ............ .. . POSTCODE .................. EMAIL ADDRESS .......................................TEL No ...................................... .




PGP security cd and instructions

Animal liberation poster A2 Science A5 leaflet

ppy poster a2

.Japanese as leaflets Yamanouchi, Sankyo, Daiichi & Asahi Glass

Healthcare World Day flyer 2x Yamanou i & A4 poster A4 posters professionals leaflet The flyer is a joint Ut ::ro



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ppy A2 poster

Japanese customer stickers - Daiichi, Yamanouchi, Sankyo & Asahi Glass HLS t shirt and hooded top

HLS leaflet. This leaflet folds out & covers HLS, action, the campaign & what we have acheived

Yamanouchi, Daiichi & Asahi Glass maim, poison and kill animals at Huntingdon Life Sciences



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Japanese a2 Poster

Yamanouchi t shirt & hooded top



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