/Vew:,lettev 29 /vlC'vV'ch/Apv;J; 2004 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP Tel 0845 458 0630 email: info@shac.net www.shac.net
" Wenevergiveittandwealwayswin'.'
many times?
Workmg for o better future
This article printed in the Observer on 22nd February 2004 was good but still doesn 't portray the true horror of what takes place behind the soundproofed walls of HLS labs every single day. It was my gruelling task to study the documents detailing these "experiments" that were leaked to us by a sympathetic scientist . These are some of my immediate thoughts that I wrote down at the time. Thoughts that will be with me forever. "1187, as they called him, is dead now. He was killed by HLS staff and he never stood a chance. Before they killed him they put him through hell. Ever since I read the so-called study it has been impossible to hold back the tears of anger and frustration at times. The anger and frustration is there because th is is a past event that we were unable to prevent and those dogs never knew that somebody does care and is working so hard to put an end to their suffering. There were 6 dogs used in this senseless experiment. They all suffered equally but for some reason my eyes were always drawn to the notes on 1187. All of the dogs were male and between 7 and 8 months old. Bantin and Kingman sold them to HLS for torture and made a profit. I don't use the word torture lightly or for emotive reasons. I use it as it is defined in the English dictionary. No other word comes close to describing what they put those animals through at HLS. The Japanese company Daikin Industries Ltd. commissioned HLS to do the experiments which in simple terms meant strapping the dogs into slings to keep them still and then forcing them to inhale HCFCs (the gases that come from fridges)
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via tubes and a face mask to see if they had a heart attack (cardiac sensitisation) . This was done day after day with increasing doses. Below is an account of 1187's suffering at the hands of HLS. The people who casually stood by and watched him struggle and fight for his breath and his life and took notes watched until he had no fight left in his little body. Just 8 months old remember. Read on and you will see why when we say these people are monsters we mean it from the bottom of our hearts. This is why we will never walk away. IN THEIR WORDS The study started on 31 st December 2002 and finished on 8th April 2003. The exposure sessions were carried out in the Department of Dog Toxicology (Building J24, Room 1005). Appropriate areas on the dog's limbs were shaved and electrode gel applied. During these tests the dogs were injected with adrenaline also. At least one calendar day was planned between each exposure session to allow the dogs to recover. Results of Stage 1 - Individual responses to adrenaline alone No description for 1187 but others were described as vocalising, trembling, nervous and struggling. Exposure then started with the gas at increasing concentrations. Gas concentration 2.39 - 1187 Pawing of mask, closing of eyes, leaning in sling
Gas concentration 4.05 - 1187 Closing of eyes, drooping of head, slow deep breathing, staggering in sling , semi-consciousness. (1179 had severe head tremors at this dose .) Gas concentration 4.46 - 1187 Pulling back , drooping of head, slight forelimb tremors, unresponsive to stimuli. Exposure stopped at 14 minutes. Gas concentration 5.16 - 1187 Slightly pulling back in sling, drooping of head, leaning in sling, closing of eyes , semi-consciousness. Unresponsive to external stimuli, vocalisation on mask removal. Exposure stopped at 13 minutes. Gas concentration 5.93 - 1187 Pulling back, closing of eyes, slight drooping of head, lying in sling, slow breathing , slight tremors, pawing of mask, staggering in sling, swaying in sling, eyes unfocused , unresponsiveness to external stimuli. Exposure stopped at 12 minutes. Dog appeared subdued after remova l of mask. At th is dose other dogs described with whole body tremors, head shaking, severe agitation, slow deep breathing and pawing of mask etc. Gas Concentration 6.89 - At this stage 1187 had difficulty keeping his head up and then became 1mconscious. There is no doubt in my mind that the people who d id this are sick and twisted individuals . They must be stopped.
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A small group of activists headed off to 4 targets today to bring home the message that suppliers and customers alike are tainted with the blood of animals murdered in HLS . First stop was BOC Edwards in Crawley , who supply gases to HLS to kill the animals no longer deemed any use for experiments. We marched up to the side door, expecting it to be firmly locked and nearly fell in when it opened. Good security here then. We were able to get into the canteen, all the offices and the factory floor with just one office staff member there who said "How did you get in?" At the far end of the firm's buildings a security man had his CCIV screens on, covering every area except where we were! Very efficient. As we headed off 2 riot vans passed us but we can't imagine anyone at BOC had called them ....
A large group of us paid visits to Huntingdon suppliers on Saturday . We went to Eyre and Elliston , a nationwide electrical firm who have since dumped HLS. Travis Perkins building supplies were next and in we went with megaphones informing their customers who they do business with . They have now made a statement and suspended HLS's account immediately after our demo. This would not have been the case if we were rr1arching round a town 80 miles away.
situated in a crumbly little shack. Terry's have also since pulled out of HLS. Other people went on to finish the successful day elsewhere, whilst the Cambs police even with their helicopter could not keep up with the speed at which we work. lnterfauna was also paid a visit and told how much we hate them. They now have Labrador puppies right by the front gate. This is a vile company. The ir day will come .
We then went to P J Turner Roofing Ltd, and then on to Terry's Private Hire at Wyton,
Did you have a good time yesterday? We did, we teamed up with London, got a police escort , but while on the M25 a few cars in front had a crash, so as the police were behind us they had to sort that out.
On to target 2 which was Novo Nordisk , a customer of HLS, also in Crawley. We put up posters and leafleted cars and buildings in the area so that this company will know just exactly who we are and that doing business with HLS is unacceptable.
We avoided Eli Lilly, where we had heard that the police had turned up to spoil everyone 's fun after being made to look like complete idiots in Staines, ready and waiting in full force with bikes and vans full of coppers for the march that never was! We did some customer demos and a home visit, which was made much more effective when at the end we had 3 riot vans turn up on it, and the police then kindly escorted us to London and waited in the car park while we went into the warm to have a nice drink. We even finished the day by saving a dog ,. from being run over by another car . .•,,1i Here's to more mobile demos! Nice ,,,<~ - .. one SHAC!
Into our cars and on to target 3 just outs ide Horsham - Travis Perkins, suppliers of building materials to HLS. There were staff from other firms around so we told them why we were there then covered every avai lable space around this firm's site with posters and leaflets, leaving the message loud and clear stop doing business with animal abusers!
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We were one of the 5 breakaway groups from the Staines march. Over 40 of us met up a couple of miles away from HLS supplier Amersham PLC. We have warned them that we would be back in force and so we were on Saturday. There were no police with us as we drove up to Amersham's plush offices. Soon we had put all the banners up and two of us got busy on the megaphones as the pol ice started to arrive looking a little bemused. Th is was obviously completely unexpected. The support from locals is grow ing with lots of them to oting the ir horns and waving and others coming over to chat and take leaf lets . Amersham PLC's image is being seriously damaged locally because of t hei r deali ngs w ith HLS. We play ed the ta pe of the beagles ' terrified screams at t he ha nds of Huntingdon workers at full volume and exp lained to the public nearby that th is is w hat Ame rsha m support and pay for. We told eve ry one that Amers ham stands shoulder to shoulder with a com pany th at employs convicted sex offenders and whose staff pretend to have sex
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with the animals and then shake them and punch them repeatedly in the head.
grimacing as HLS staff t ore his precious body apart?
Next on our list was HLS customer ScheringPlough on Breakspe are Road South, lckenham , Middlesex. It looks li ke th is disgusting company keeps its own animals there fo r experimentation . Again lots of support from locals and passing traffic and by now ou r numbers had swelled to about 60.
Of course the (terribly unfit) police officers came running into the garden quoting section 42 and threatening to arrest us if we didn't leave. We had done our job for now so we left slowly playing the beagle tape and leafleting and talking to the neighbours who seemed horrified to have an imal abusers living in their midst. Being involved in animal cruelty isn't something these people like to advertise. Well your di rty secret is out now. Everyone agreed that this was far better than being herded along by police and being prevented from marching through the town centre even and to top it all being told to keep the noise down! When you are as angry and determined as we are those kinds of restrictio ns and attempts to stif le us just won't work. Well done to every one who helped make this day a success . If you didn ;t manage to join up with us make sure you let ,us know your mobile nu mber in adva nce next time. We can be unpredictable at
Last visit was to a business called Sandown Sc ientific at 25 Oldfield Road, Hampton, Midd lesex . These monsters import the necropsy tables used by the sick deviants at HLS and other labs to dismember the innocent animals they have put t hrough such agony. Sometimes when the animals reach these tables t hey are still conscious. Who could ever forget Michelle 's eyewitness account of seeing tha t bea_glepuppy throwing her head back and nowling as the scalpel · sliced open her little body , and tf!e video footage of that little menkey 's tiny tist clenchi!'!.IJand unclenct,iRg and, hls tac&
times.bu t so-effectiv e"as a result. ~
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The companies liste d below all deal w ith Hunt ingdon Life Sciences even though t hey have been made aware of the shocking animal cruelty and unscientific practices occuring there . Contact them by phone , fax or ema il and explain to them exactly what sort of company Huntingdon Life Sciences are
ARAMARK Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank , London SW1 P 40P Tel: 0207 963 0000 HLS owe Aramark about 75 thousand pounds. Arama rk organise other suppliers to the site and are in charge of cleaning and catering amongst other things . They are a vital company to HLS. Bill Toner is the chap in charge: to ner-bill @aramark .co.uk
2 BOC GASES BOC Gases - p'borough 01733 344 422 thetford 01842 751 655 f reephone 0800 111 333 This company supply the gas used to murder animals at HLS. Nigel Abbott BOC Group Chertsey Road Windlesham , Surrey GU20 6HJ T: 01276 807594 Gary Williams BOC Gasses The Priestley Centre Surrey Research Park Surrey GU2 7XY T: 01483 244515 Michele Mervin - Gist Rosewood , Crockford Lane Chineham Business park Basingstoke , Hanis RG24 BUB T: 01256 891 111 Patrick Pearson BOC Edwards Ltd Manor Royal Crawley W Sussex RH10 9LW T: 01293 528 844 BOC Gases , Vicarage Farm Rd, Eastern Ind Est , Peterborough Cambridgeshire , PE1 5TP, Tel : 01733 344422 .
3 AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES Pollards Wood , Night ingales Lane , Chalfant St Giles HP8 4SP Marianne Mars hall Tel 01494 545 441 Credi t con tro l Switchboard is 01494 545 200 Freefax : 0800 616 927 Fax : 01494 498 282 They sell chemicals to HLS. AMERSHAM PLC Amersham Place , Little Chalfont , Bucks HP7 9NA Tel 01494 544 000 Fax 01494 542 266 This company has supplied amongst other things Sucralose used in poisoning experiments .
and ask them to sever their contracts with this disgusting company . You can also organise demonstrations at their offices to highlight these companies ' involvement in animal cruelty. Please check in with the campaign to find out wh ich supliers have made a compassionate choice and pulled
INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT SUPPLIES International Product Supplies supply HLS with lab clothes -the same clothes the sick murderers put on before starting their day's work butchering animals for profit. They also supply Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm who supply HLS . Contact IPS and voice your disgust at their involvement with HLS: International Product Supplies BCM IPS Ltd London WC1 N 3XX Tel 08706 001 616 Fax 08706 001 615 Emai l : customers @ipsl t d .biz
Chaterhouse Clinical Research Unit Ltd Ravenscourt Park Hospital Ravenscourt Park London W6 0TN Tel 0208 741 7170 Fax 0208 741 5986 Email : corporate @charterhou secjjnjcaL com Derek Sm ith is the head of Hammersmith hospitals NHS trust who own the building Charterhouse are in . His detai ls are: Phone: 020 8383 3000 Fax: 020 8383 4343 email: de reksmith @hhn t .nhs uk This company sell human plasma to HLS . Please contact them and ask them to stop dealing with a lab that has been caught out repeatedly for falsification of data in order to get products on the market.
6 SIGMA-ALDRICH CHEMICALS supp ly HLS with chemicals used to poison animals to death . The Old Brick Yard , New Road , Gillingham , Dorset , SP8 4XT Tel : 01747 833 000 Fax: 01747 833 154 Email: mbristow @europe.sial.com Contact name: ukcus tsv @eu rope.si al.com Free phone: 0800 717181 and 0800 717117 Freefax: 0800 378785 E-mail:ukorder s @eurnotes .sial.com Sigma- Genosys Ltd Sigma-Aldrich House Home f ield Busines s Park , Homefield Road Haverhill , Suff o lk CB9 BOP Tel : 01223 839000 Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd Fancy Rd, Poole , Dorset BH12 4OH Tel: 01202 733114 Fax: 01202 740171
out of dealing with HLS. Remember that a lot of staff are sympathetic to the campaign in these companies . Important: please note that SHAC advocates peaceful protests and polite communications to these companies only and that these details are published for that purpose .
ABBOTS RIPTON CARS HUNTINGDON GREAT STUKELEY CAMBRIDGESHIRE Tel: 01480 520 80 HLS have an account with this firm for taxis and courier services .
JOHN 'S TAXIS 66 Mount Street , Diss , IP22 400 TEL: 01379 640 000 Or freephone: 0800 5945646 This firm has been working with HLS for years. We have spoken to John Mitchell the owner and sent him lots of info on the shocking animal cruelty uncovered at HLS. When we spoke to him he said HLS was a big contract and he wanted to carry on working with them . Some people will do anything for money.
9 BAS LTD David Bowens , MD, Stonegate Business Park , Alconbury Hill , Alconbury Weston , Cambs PE28 5TS lei 01487 834 188 This company are working hand in glove with HLS. They rent skips t o them for animal bedding that comes out of the units. How convenient - they are just up the road from the animal killers but when asked to stop working with HLS SHAC was told that 'the animal cruelty was years ago ', even though we told the callous huma n being who works there about dogs being gassed to death inside HLS in December 2003 for HFC's that were banned 15 years ago . She also said 'everybody 's got a choice ' and that they are qu ite happ y w ork ing with HLS and don 't care w hat th ey do. The animals don 't have a choice abo ut whether they get poi so ned and ki lled th ough , do the y?
10 B and V Water Treat ment Ltd , Lampo rt Drive , Hearth lands Business Park, Daventry , N' hants NN11 5Y H Tel: 01327 871 967 This company treat th e water at HLS. The MD is Simon Ward - he refuses to speak to the camp aign .
11 PJ Turner Roofing Ltd , Seadyke Bank , Wisbech , Cambs PE13 4SB Tel and fax: 01945 410 263 Another local fi rm involved in the current building work going on at HLS.
12 PARKSIDE 15 Cheltenham Mount, Harrogate, HG1 1DW parkside construction@btconnect.com parkside telephone number is tel 01423 521 298 This company have worked for Cass for many, many years. They are in charge of the current building work being carried out at HLS , knocking down an animal unit and rebuilding it.
13 ACS OFFICE SOLUTIONS , ACS House , Oxwich Close , Brackmills Industrial Estate , Northampton NN4 7BH Tel: 01604 704 000 This furniture firm sold HLS 127 thousand pounds ' worth of office furniture last year . HLS currently owe them 5 and a half grand . The directors are John Thorpe and John Harley please make them aware of what sort of company HLS is.
14 A and A Builders , The Old Forge, Cross Street , Fassett , Near Peterborough PE7 3DE tel 01733 242 487 They are involved in current bui ld ing work at HLS. Please contact them politely and make them aware of w hat sort of company they are dealing w ith .
15 PHENOMENEX Phenomenex supply lab equipmen t to HLS . Another company who think they can get away with profiting fro m HLS, the only lab ever have its license revoked by the Home Office because of the shocking level of animal cruelt y uncovered there. Tell them what you think about the ir involvement with HLS and ask them to do the decent thing and sever their contract with HLS the animal abusers. PHENOMENEX Melv ille House, Queens Avenue, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BN Tel: 01625 501 367 Fax: 01625 501 796 Email: ukinfo@phenomenex .com Email: info@phenomenex.co.uk Email: kerryf@phenomenex.co.uk Email: fasham@phenomenex .com
The President and founder of Phenomenex is Fasha Mahjoor. His email address is: Email : fasham@phenomenex .com solennc @phenomenex.com.au jamunas @phenornenex .com au
16 SECURICOR Head Office , Secur icor Secur ity Ltd Sutton Park Hou se, 15 Carsha lt on Road , Sutt on Surrey SM1 4LD Tel : 020 8770 7000 Fax : 020 8722 2531 Securicor pro v ide sec urity on the gates of HLS. They have stated that the y w ill not renew HLS's contract at the end of March - make sure the y are aware that t he pres su re is on until that time.
SHAW BUILDERS Sawmills Rd, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GG Tel 01379 642 581 Fax 01379 650 813 Mobile 07860 136 013 This is Brian Shaw's mobile. Email: brianshaw@shawbuilders.frees erve .co.uk Lingwood Fitted Furniture Ltd Sawmills Rd, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4GG Tel 01379 650 040 This company does building work at the animals' death camps. Mr Shaw is particularly rude and unpleasant so be prepared.
18 FISHER SCIENTIFIC They supply HLS with laboratory equipment used to conduct vicious, barbaric experiments on animals trapped inside their labs. Fisher Scientific UK Ltd Bishop Meadow Road Loughborough Leics LE11 5RG Tel 01509 23 11 66 Fax 01509 231 893 Email: info@fisher.co.uk www.fisher.co.uk Mike Harper is the MD. Michelle Hallam is his PA. Orme Technologies, part of Fisher Scientific UK Ltd Whitbrook Way, Stakehill Industrial Park, Middleton, Manchester M24 2RH Tel: 0161 653 4589 Fax 0161 655 3011 May bridge {This company is a part of Fisher) Trevillett , Tintagel, Cornwall PL34 OHW, Telephone: 01840 770453 Fax : 01840 770111 Email: internetenquiries@maybridge. corn
19 WORMALD ANSUL (UK) LTD are anot her company w ho thought they co uld deal wit h HLS and get away w ith it, even t hough A DT a former HLS supplier we re part of the same group . Wrong. Please conta ct the m and ask them to mak e a compassionate decision and stop deal ing wi t h HLS. Head office Wormald Ansul (UK) Ltd , Wormald Park , Grimshaw Lane Newton Heath Manchester M40 2WL Tel: 01614554400 Tel: 01612052321 Mr Buckley is the managing director. You can email him at CBuckley@tycoint.com or his PA at mbrie rley@tycoint .com. Wormald Fire Systems 206 Bedford Avenue, Slough Trading Estate, Slough, Berks. SL 1 4RY tel: 01753 574 111 Tyco outlets in UK http ://www.tycoengineeringservices.com/ services / location/location.him
RHYS DAVIES are a freight company that made a statement to SHAC saying they would no longer deal with HLS. Rhys Davis thought they were being clever by getting a courier company to go into Huntingdon for them, but unfortunately for them an eagle-eyed SHAC supporter spotted the couriers going into the gates and did a bit of detective work! Bad luck Rhys Davies - your disgust ing greed shows exactly what sort of company you are. RHYS DAVIES Unit 1, Area 38, Autobase Industrial Park, Tipton Rd, Tividale , Oldbury, West Mids. B69 3HU Tel 0121 520 6300 Andy on 0121 521 4900 is the one who deals with HLS. You can also contact Peter Owen Telephone : 029 20 810587 Email: peter.owen@rhysdavies.co .uk info@rhysdavies.co.uk Head Office: Rhys Davies Freight Logistics, Moy Road Industrial Estate , Taffs Well, Cardiff, South Wales, CF15 7QR Telephone 029 20810587 FAX 029 20810717
21 CAMBRIDGE EXPORT DOCUMENTS (CEO LTD) This company is up to their necks with HLS . They deliver various reports and documents for them all round the country . There is no excuse for profiting from animal cruelty. CAMBRIDGE EXPORT DOCUMENTS LTD 2 NORMAN WAY, INDUSTRIAL ESTATE OVER, CAMBRIDGE , CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB4 5QE Tel: 01954 231 957 Fax: 01954 230 041 Email : sales @ced-packaging.co .uk Web : www .ced-packaging.co .uk Tyco Engineering Services Hewitt Road Gapton Hall Ind Estate Great Yarmouth , NR31 0NN Tel: 01493 44 0500 Fax: 01493 44 2639 Contact: Gerry Greene fdavis @tycoint .com Tyco Engineering Services Jarrold Way, Bowthorpe Norwich, NR5 9JD Tel: 01603 201 201 Fax: 01603 749118 Contact: Frances Davis Tyco Engineering Services Morley Avenue, Mapperley Nottingham, NG3 5FW Tel: 0115 955 1199 Fax: 0115 9551919 Contact: John Widdowson jwiddowson@tycoint.com Tyco Engineering Services Wormald park Grimshaw lane ' Newton Heath Manchester , M40 2WL Tel : 0161 455 4400 Fax : 0161 455 4630 Contac t: Kaye Robinson kayerobinson @tycoint.com
The rise and fall of PPL All of you will have heard of Dolly the sheep but how many I wonder will have heard of PPL Therapeutics? Not many I would have thought. PPL Therapeutics were the company set up to harness the technology behind the cloning of Dolly . The main players in PPL were Ian Wilmut (top left) and Ron James (below left). When PPL introduced Dolly to press ranks from all over the world they stood on the edge of a tidal wave of vicious animal cloning. PPL was valued at ÂŁ500 million and they had the world at their feet.
Many of our enemies proclaimed Dolly showed that animal experiments worked . Well , that was then and this is now. Dolly aged prematurely and became crippled with athritis at an early age and was killed . All the early promises and dreams were starting to come unstuck . PPL like most biotechs in the UK were and are living on promises that were failing to materialise . PPL had by this point simply run out of cash and went around the City of London frantically trying to raise more than ÂŁ20 million. No money was forthcoming , the dream was over and the lies of vivisection had been uncovered once again. In December and January all the stock at PPL was labelled , lolled and sold at public auction. Of course SHAC was on hand to photograph the happy occasion hence the photos on the right . What an amazing sight to see PPL washed up and expensive equipment sold for a fraction of the cost. A secu r ity guard tr ied to stop us filming but w e promised we would w ipe t he pict ures later. Yes dear of course we wi ll. Ha! Ha!
The Su ppliers Campa ign was launched in 2003 and succeeded in persuading 33 companies to sever their business links with HLS last year . This year it has got off to an incredible start with 24 suppliers going so far in just two and a half months. The suppliers campaign is an excellent opportunity to not only put pressure on HLS but also to highlight the viv isection industry and bring the cruelty and scientific invalidity of anim al experiments to the attention of many different sectors of industry , often w ith very positive results . Sunlight Laundry not only stopped working for HLS , but also introduced a ban on working for any animal testing lab after coming under pressure from their workers ' union. SHAC has been heartened by the reaction from many companies who , upon receiving material relating to HLS and the cruelty they have been caught out for , say they want nothing more to do with them . The Suppliers campaign has seen local groups really come into the i r own , putting pressure on local offices of national firms and individual suppliers up and down the country , and there has been loads of demos nationwide . From Sussex to London , Surrey to Cambridgesh i re, Bristol to Liverpool , Manchester to Leeds , Dorset to Essex and everywhere in between there is no escape for companies who think they can drive in and out of the gates of hell and get away with it . A special mention must go to 14 year old Luke from Leeds who has been visiting various suppliers in his monkey suit and persuading them to pull out!
Aramark shamed in front of their own industry There are so many suppliers demos happening that w e could fill the whole news letter with them , so instead here 's one as an example of the kind of demos that are happening against Huntingdon suppliers . Check out our w ebsite www .shac.net to keep bang up to date . Last night (Tuesda y) wa s th e biggest catering industry get together of the year , BallArena , Excel Centre , Doc kl and s. What better opportun it y to remind those who would profit from torture & abuse at HLS that it 's very bad for bus i ness to do so . With hundreds of guests from the UK's biggest catering companies w aiting i n the huge reception hall all in dinner suits and ball gowns (maybe we should have these on the merchandise list) we thought ii was Christmas . Activists
started handing out leaflets letting everyone know about Aramark 's involvement with HLS . Then ii was onto the megaphones . Several minutes of the beagle tape were played , then sirens , you get the picture , certainly everyone there did ! Heavy handed security guards just added to t he spectacle with their vain attempts to silence us (they didn 't).
What a commotion ii all caused , and just because of Aramark - do yo u feel a little emb ar rassed and as ha med Aramark? More su rpr ises are com ing y ou r way so long as you deal with HLS!
IYamanouchispeechinvadedl When will Yamanouchi learn that we will find out which conferences they are attending and we will turn up too. Our sources informed us that a certain Dr. John Bolodeoku from Yamanouchi Europe was speaking at an event called Clinical Trials in Europe 2004-2005 at the Commonwealth Institute in London. Of course we had to be there . We knew he was due to speak at 12.50pm so 2 of us went in early to check the place out. The receptionist showed us around and took us to the conference room itself. We left and waited in a nearby park. While we bided our time a friendly police officer came over and asked what we were doing. She must have been suspicious of our 8 foot banner resting on the park bench beside us! Anyway she strolled off satisfied that we weren 't going to cause any trouble.
arnanouc\1\ UPPY K\LLtRS
We timed our entrance down to the last minute . We wanted him to be about 5 minutes into his talk. Only three of us managed to access the building but it was enough! We raced up the stairs and burst into the conference room.
On Friday the 13th a march against Yamanouchi and HLS has been held in the small town of Carugate , Italy, where Yamanouchi has a processing plant and a research centre . Fifty protesters gathered to show their disgust against HLS and to inform about the horrors that Yamanouchi pays for . The protesters met in the town centre with a literature table and photo panels of vivisection labs , trying to talk with the people living in this small town. Unfortunately the big police presence , with 20 riot cops surrounding us, prevented many passers-by from stopping and seeing the photo panels . The march towards Yamanouchi has been very noisy, with almost 10 megaphones blaring , and has been something highly unusual for such a small town. Leaflets were given and most people supported the demo. A lot of police escorted the march , and arriving at the Yamanouchi factory we saw more riot vans wa iting for us. They had decided not to allow the demo to arrive near the buildings, thus lining in the street 100 metres before the crossroad towards Yamanouchi. The protesters felt angry for this , being kept far, unable to see the building
We then continued to demonstrate right outside the window where Dr. Bolodeoku was trying to speak. There was massive support from the public passing by on the busy street outside. One man said that they should all be shot which was a little drastic but he was very angry with Yamanouchi. Yamanouchi were told via the megaphone that we would find them wherever they are and that breaking beagles legs and experimenting on 2 day old pups would not be tolerated. It is about time Yamanouchi woke up to the fact that we are not going to get off their backs until they sever their ties with HLS for good.
and to be heard by the workers. Soon they began chanting "Forward! Forward! " and the police agreed to arr ive at the crossroad. Then protesters took to the grass near one of the Yamanouchi buildings and a lot of noise was filling the air, making it clear that it will continue until they have ties with HLS. For two hours the protest continued, with a sound system and leafleting to workers of nearby companies, but no-one ever came out of the Yamanouchi buildings . The storage centre on one side of the road was closed. This has surely cost them a lot of money . And they had also hired private guards looking at every corner of their prope rt ies , probably not feeling safe enough with 50 riot cops facing angry protesters! This is w hat HLS collaborators will face until they will not cut any ties with this horror lab! Smash Yamanouchi!
Your shout
Every one of them looked stunned but none more so than Dr Bolodeoku himse lf . There was complete silence for a few seconds and then we were off and there was no stopping us. We shouted and played a tape recording of the beagles screaming inside HLS . Everyone was given a Yamanouchi leaflet and they all read it.
In every just struggle there comes a time when it is more important to fight than gain sympathy. A resistance movement is only as strong as its ability to strike back without fear . The struggle for animal liberation will not be won legislatively where it is corralled and co-opted, but financially in the ledger books of the bus inesses who deal in animal abuse . It is for profit not popularity that these institutions exist and only when they can no longer be profitable will they cease to exist. The campaign against Huntington Life Sciences can best be described as a challenge and obstacle for the animal liberation struggle . With the history of every social change struggle as evidence, it is not through passive civil obed ience and disobedience that society ushers in change , it is when there becomes such rage against injustice that the people act against it. For the animals, that time has come . What remains to be seen is whether it will be us alone against the gates and fences of the torture chambers and us alone in the prison cells. No struggle can be won without such sacrifices though , as history again tells us . Too often we fail to recognize that our society survives on violence , think ing we can change its very nature. The struggle for animals and the entire natural world depends on campaigns like SHAC which strike at the very heart of the abusers. To be a true animal rights activist we must care more about the opinions of our constituents the animals , and less about the words of those who oppress them. One things for sure , as long as the society we live in sanctions the torture of sentient beings , there must be those willing to represent and fight for them . We know how to bring them down , we've done it before and we will do it again. At a time like now , the animal nations need more guerrilla strategists and less philosophical reform ists.
Whatever you do don't miss World day for Laboratory Animals this year. The rally and demonstration will take place in Cambridge on Saturday April 17th meeting on Parker's Piece at 12 noon. It is hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since the last World Day. Time just seems to fly by when we are all smashing Europe's largest animal test ing company. By contras t time must pass agonisingly slowly for the animals in the laboratories. Throughout the year you are all attacking HLS and other animal murderers in your own way, individually and sometimes in small groups. This is the opportunity for all of us to get together in one great public show of strength, a united force speaking out for every single one of those animals we are fighting for. What we need you to do now is:1. Communicate with us. Ring for transport details NOW. If there isn 't any in your area then organise something. 2.Put up World Day posters. We've got t housands of them but we need you to put them up . 3. Raise funds to help us to pay for all the coaches. 4. Above all else make sure you are there on the day . No excuses. Let 's shock HLS and the whole vivisection industry with a massive turn out. Outspoken trauma surgeon from the USA Je rry Vlasa k will be speaking on World Day, as will Mel Brough t on, Mike Nunn, 14 year old activist Luke and a special mystery guest. There will be stalls
from loads of different campa igns and cruelty-free goods on sale . Below is an extract from Michele's diary. She worked undercover at HLS's laboratories in New Jersey for 8 months. "I can't help but picture my favourites when I see a beagle running in the park. I see their sad faces when I close my eyes. I wonder what Spud, Joey, The Major and Ellie would be like, running through the grass and being held and loved, instead of held down and hurt. When I see the beagle in the park roll on her back, the image that won't leave my head is of a beagle in the necropsy room throwing her head back and scream ing as a knife entered her , slitting her throat." I met Michele and she is full of admiration for everyone who is fighting for lab animals. She broke down in tears and said not to let these _ animals' deaths and her undercover work be in vain. She did a job t hat most people admit they could not do and she wil l carry those images w ith her for the rest of her life. What she saw still continues today. IF A NYTHING YOU HAVE JUST READ MAKES YOU FEEL SAD , ANGRY OR LIKE YOU JUST HAVE TO DO SOMETHING THEN BE THERE ON WORLD DAY. NOBODY ELSE IS GOING TO HELP THE M. IT'S UP TO YOU.
The first thing to remember is that demonstrators don 't normally get nicked on demos at all. You might think that with all the legislation and police powers now available, SHAC protests had been made completely illegal. But on the contrary , it 's still perfectly legal to protest against HLS, their suppliers and their customers , and the chances of you being arrested on one of these demos are very slim. During the course of SHAC demos , however, you are likely to encounter the police and we know from experience that they will misquote the law and exercise their powe rs illegally, if they think that you do not know your rights . And of course it 's always poss ibl e that you could be arrested . So this brief legal guide is designed to give you a rough idea of your right s when dealing with the police on demos and w hat to do in the unlikely event of being arrested .
POLICE POWERS GIVING YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO THE POLICE • As a general rule , you never have to give your name and address to the police on demos.
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DEMOS-GENERA L • The police now have the po w er to imp o se co nditions on mos t demos as to how long the protest may last and where it may occur . • So if you don' t want the police to impos e con ditions on your demo, it's best not to tell them in ad van ce where you are going to hold it. There 's no legal obligation to inform the police of this unless y o u are planning to have a march. HOME DEMOS • Demos outside someone 's home address are not illega l. You only commit an offence if you refuse to comply with a police officer's direction to leave the scene. • So you can legally protest all day long outside people 's homes, and even if the police direct you to leave the area , they cannot stop you from going on to another demo elsewhere. HARASSMENT INJUNCTIONS • Several companies have taken out injunctions recently in an attempt to stifle protest against them. Although these injunctions do impose limits on protesting , they DO NOT prevent you from lawfully protesting against them . The High Court has ruled that the harassment legislation can be used to protect company employees, but not the company itself. This means that it is still perfectly lawful to protest against the company . • If an injunction specifies an "exclusion zone" which you are not permitted to enter, it is still perfectly legal to protest just outside the exclusion zone. • You can still politely w rite to, email and phone companies protected by the injunction. • NONE of HLS ' suppliers are protected by injunctions , and most of their customers are not protected either.
SILENT. Experienced activists may sometimes give a brief statement, but this is a dangerous tactic- once you start talking to them it's hard to stop . The sole purpose of the interview is to gain evidence against you. • ANYTHING you say can be used in ev idence, whether this is in the interview room or outside. So STAY SILENT at all other times and resist attempts by the police to engage you in small talk. • The police can now take the DNA, fingerp rints and photos of anyone who is under arrest for an offence. • Although you can be held for up to 24 hours (or 36 hours in certain cases) , you will usually be out within 6 hours, unless it is a serious offence or there are a large number of protesters. So stay calm during your time in custody and you'll soon be out.
· The onl y ti me you do have to give you r name and ad dress is w hen the police say they want to serve you wit h a su mmons . If so , they shou ld say what offen ce th e su mmons is for . · Typ ica lly th e pol ice w ill ask for your details if you are th e passenge r in a veh icle , or during the course of a search. If t hey do , you should politely refuse. SEARC HES • If the poli ce sear c h yo u either personally or in a ve hic le, th ey have to t ell y ou their name and police st at ion wher e th ey are based , the reason why they are searc hing yo u and w hat they are searching for. · Yo u are en titl ed to a w ritten copy of the search and you do no t hav e to gi ve y our name and address in order to get t his. ARREST • If you have been arr ested , DON'T WORRY. Most arrests do not res ult in a co nviction , and many are unlawful wh ich mean s th at y ou can sue for wrongful arrest aft erw ards. Even if yo u are charged and end up in cou rt , t he chan ces are that you w ill not be con v ict ed due to th e police 's incompetence and ignorance of the law. • The arres t procedu re is des igned to intimidate and scare you , b ut you shou ld really look upon it as a moneymaking oppo rtun ity - th e longer they keep you, the mo re you get! • At the po li ce stati o n yo u ar e enti tled t o speak to a lawyer , and have someone inf ormed t hat you have been arrested . You sho uld spea k to a lawy er straight away - initiall y this w ill be ov er the p ho ne so ramember that the police wi ll be list en ing. • If y ou are intervi ew ed, make su re yo u have a solic it o r presen t - yo u are enti tl ed ~ to on e fr ee of charge. You have the right to rema in silent so STAY
• We cannot over -emphasize how important it is to make compla ints against the police. If you think that the police have dealt with you unfairly or abused their powers, you have the right to complain. The pol ice are bound to formally investigate ANY complaint, so you should exercise this right whenever possible. · We know from experience that the police are fa r less likely to abuse their powers if they think that they are going to be inundated with complaints each time they do so . Complaints from activists in the past have resulted in changes to police policy. • All you have to do is write to the Chief Constable of the police force where the incident occurred and s/he will assign an officer to investigate. They may try to persuade you to resolve the issue "informally " eg in the form of an apology from a police officer , but remember that you have an absolute right to a formal investigation, whatever the nature of the complaint. This involves taking down written statements from you and all the other parties and generally a lot more work for the police. SUING THE POLICE • Most arrests do not result in a conviction, and many are unlawful. Ove r the years, activists have successfully sued the police for literally hundreds of thousands of pounds in damages for false imprisonment. • In one case recently, the police paid ou t over fifty thousand pounds to eighteen activists who had been detained for only 6 hours. • By suing the police you can not only raise money to plough back in to campaigning, but also make the police more reluctant to ma ke false arrests in the future. • A good solicitor to use is: IRWIN MITCHELL SOLICITORS, St Peter's House, Hartshead , Sheffield. S1 2ELTel: 0870 1500 100 Fax : 0114 275 3306 ,http://www .imonline.co.uk For more detailed legal advice, we can send you the Legal Advice booklet in handy AS format or you can download it from http ://www.freebeagles .org/. If you have a spec ific query , send an emai l to: info @shac .legal @virgin .net. If yo u have an urgent enquiry , phone Simon on 07932 547785. We also have a list of recommended solicitors - co ntact us if you would like a copy. See boxes to the left for the two best ones. SHAC uses Tim Gree ne f or all their cases - he is excellent.
Tim Greene Birnberg Pierce 14 lnvemess St Camden Town London NW1 7HJ Tel 0207 911 0166
Mike Schwarz Bindmans 275 Grays Inn Rd· London WC1X 8QB Tel 0207 833 4433
This scene is from a civil r ights marc h in t he U.S. in the 60's.
The SHAC boffin is here for this issue to answer your questions. If you have any questions that are not covered here please don't hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to answer your question. Also if you think we have got our advice wrong or it could be added to then let us know. One word of advice though whatever you do don't mention his dodgy haircut as he's a bit touchy about it. We had a phone call from SHAG activist David Barry saying he had been served with the Japanese injunction by sending perfectly polite letters of protest to the Japanese customers of Huntingdon.
This is a further example of these companies abusing their position. There is no legal basis for them doing this and it is perfectly legal for to write or ring the Japanese customers of Huntingdon (see page 2 for their details.) This does raise an interesting point nonetheless and my advice would be to stay anonymous. Cambridgeshire police's current strategy seems to be to harass as many campaigners as possible hoping they will give up and go and wash their hair instead . Don't let the police get away with it. Keep it simple and don't include your name and address. Then they can't find you! I have been warned on several demos that if I persist in shouting I may be arrested even though I wasn 't being abusive. I am sure they were acting illegally. What should I do?
Yes the police very often make things up and are acting illegally BUT the most important thing you need is a record of the conversation or their actions and yours if need be. Without a record of what was said then it is simply your word against theirs and unfortunately in the eyes of the law their word carries more weight than ours. One of the activist's most useful weapons is a camcorder and a stills camera if you can afford both. No local group in the UK should be without a camcorder. Digital camcorders can now be bought for less than ÂŁ300 across Britain. Then record what is happening and complain (see overleaf on how to do this). If a particular police officer or force persists then contact a solicitor and take legal action if necessary BUT you must have the evidence first. I can't attend the demos as all the targets are not in my area and also I work Saturday mornings. How can I still help? Diary dates are just a rough guide of what the current focuses of the campaign are, but why not be flexible about what you can do and when. With a little forthought and initiative, shopping trips & lunch breaks can be combined with phone calls. Are you going to another area for the day? Why not look to see if there are some suppliers you could visit to pop in and give some leaflets to? There is a contribution to be made from everyone who supports the campaign. Think about what you can do to help and do it today.
I have seen PGP mentioned in the newsletter before and didn't think about it at the time but now the more I think about it the more I am interested in computer security.
There are many products on the market that cover computer security BUT there is only one that we have personally seen that has been proved over court cases to be uncrackable and that is PGP. You can get PGP on a cd for free from the campaign or even easier you can download it for free from www.pgpi.org. Just download the one for you r operating system ie Windows 98 etc. PGP allows you to send and receive encrypted emails and to encrypt and securely delete files on your computer. You can also wipe the free space on your computer. You see when you trash a file or a folder normally on your computer you cannot see it when you have trashed it but it is still there on your computer and be electronically recovered by whoever at a later date. However if you PGP wipe files then they are gone forever. PGP can be a bit tricky to get your head round at first but please persevere as it is well worth it. You can see a step by step guide to installation at www .shac .net/pgp/index.html Another product worth looking at is evidence eliminator found at www .evidence-eliminator.com BUT we do not have personal experience of this so judge for yourselves. Lastly a website well worth checking for general advice on computer issues is http://security.resist.ca I have been making phone calls to customers of Huntingdon and I had the police round saying I had been harrassing them even though I was poilite. Surely this can't be correct.
Spot on. They are wrong and are in effect harrassing you . Here 's how with our help you can turn the tables on them. First thing is to stay calm. Secondly you must get their names and number and if possible which police force they are from. If you are arrested say nothing other than your name, address and date of birth and NO MORE.Then contact one of the solicitors on the legal page. The norm though is that they will turn up to your home wanting to speak to you or asking you to come down to the station for a 'talk ' . You should politely ask them who they are and then REFUSE. FACT if they had any evidence or a case then they would not give you the choice they would just arrest you and it is not in YOUR interest to co operate. Always let us know what is happening and we will happily arrange for legal action to be taken against the police officer. Unfortunately Dixon of Dock Green was an actor and real life cops are very different. They are not on your side and when they say they just want to sort it out they actually mean they want to take you to court but haven't got enough evidence so NEVER help them to screw you and lastly NEVER EVER let a copper into your house unless they have got a search warrant - they must show you this. Lastly do not even give them the opportunity to harrass you - use a phonebox , use an internet cafe and do not put your address on any correspondence. If they don't know who you are then they cannot illegally harrass you. This advice is given to protect you , and not to encourage you to do anything illegal. Remember SHAC only encourages pol ite communications and peaceful demos.
llllntSati&teurs Asm1~atiin As we're sure most of you will be aware, hunting has not been banned yet. Rumours abound that a ban could be in place as early as January 2005, although wildlife doesn 't deposit money in party coffers so you never can be sure if it will happen. In the meantime, approximately 500 hunts will take place in this country EVERY WEEK . This is what we are trying to stop happening. Hunt saboteurs are still regularly attending hunts and saving lives . Hunt sabotage saves lives here and now using simple yet effective tactics such as mimicking the huntsman 's horn and voice calls or spraying scent dulling sprays . It does not entrust the lives of animals to the whims of politicians. It has a long term effect on the killing ability of a pack if carried out regularly but it still saves lives of the individual animals - and each one counts . On 21 Feb sabs at a joint meet of the Cotswold Vale and Monmouth hunts saved a horse that a huntsman had ridden through boggy land in his desperation to catch a fox. It's not just the hunted animals ' lives that are at stake. The pie show sabs mid-rescue. As the prospect of a ban looms , policing levels have increased to a ridiculous level and have targetted saboteurs whilst ignoring blatant assaults by huntspeople . At a meet of the Crawley and Horsham hunt in January
7 saboteurs faced the wrath of 42 cops constantly trying to arrest them for using public footpaths. They failed to take action against hunters riding down sabs until it was too late and the sab in the picture on the right had to be taken to hospital. At the Hampshire Hunt , cops have been busy shoving sabs around and then assaulting anyone who tries to video it. A recent meet of the Surrey Union saw cops aiding hunt staff at a dig out by arresting everyone they could grab and even witnessed assaults by hunt members on sabs and fa iled to do anything. In the face of this adversity we carry on because we know the animals ' lives are worth fighting for and nothing beats the feeling when you see them run free thanks to our efforts . And the more of us there are , the more we can do ..... If a ban comes in, some hunters have vowed to break the law and we will have to be there to save lives where this happens. A hunting ban will not see an end to other bloodsports such as shooting of pheasants , grouse and partridge or angling so direct action against bloodsports will still be needed as much as ever. Bloodsports can be stopped in their tracks. If not you , who? If not now , when? If you aren't already involved you can help by joining the HSA as an active or supporting member.
Newchurch Farm in Staffordshire breed thousands of guinea pigs to sell to vivisection labs worldwide. They also supply Huntingdon Life Sciences. Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs Campaign are fighting to close down Newchurch with a brave and innovative campaign that needs support from every one of you. At the moment it seems that every new day brings another bit of bad news for the guinea pig breeders David Hall & Partners. So much so, that it must be getting quite difficult to get out of bed in the morning, not only because it's freezing cold after their gas supplier Calor Gas callously dumped them after one demo and a whole lot of e-mails , but also as they have received a few disturbing letters in the post , notably two by recorded delivery from two different breweries informing them that they
Hunt Saboteurs Association PO Box 5254 Northampton NN1 3ZA 0845 4500727 (24hr ansaphone) email :info @huntsabs.org.uk www.huntsabs .org.uk
are no longer welcome in their pubs. The Halls humiliatingly had to sign for these letters which came after a couple of demos and a few e-mails , letters and phone calls highlighted the kind of low life clientele these pubs were attracting.
Save the Newchurch Guineapigs PO Box 74, Evesham , Wares WR11 3WF Tel: 01902 564734 E-mail: info @guineapigs.org.uk www.guineapigs.org.uk
W.T Parker , a security installation firm, has also contacted the campaign to say that they will not be doing any more work for the Halls. But the biggest blow must have been the resignation of John Wright in January . One of their most local and vocal employees , Wright was responsible for driving guinea pigs to their deaths in the labs. He is now putting his feet up and beginning to remember what life was like before the campaign . And there's lots more to come. Week of action March 19th-25th, National demo at Darley Oaks Farm Saturday March 20th , World Day demo Satur-
day April 24th and of course all the usual Sunday and Wednesday demos . For more info on how you can help contact the campaign. One last point that many may not realise. All the Newchurch workers have all the windows and doors of their houses covered in metal roller shutters of the type you see on shop fronts in city centres. Just what you need isn 't ii on a nice summer 's evening ...er ...except they can 't see out of their windows cos of the shutters. Is th is as clear an indication as you need of the state Newchurch are in?
Wsrk tbisaneaut.If yauturnttbisouinea oioat bame it :-wauld te illeoal. Yau :,wauld te arrested , orsser.uted andmayte sentta ori86n.lt :,wauld te r.alled animal r.rnelt Y. llllwever if yauoet a lir.enr.e tram tbeMame Offir.e nstanly '.â&#x20AC;˘Âˇwauld it te leoalta turntbisouinea oiotut YIU:,wauld orstatlY rer.eive a orant tram tbetaxoaver. Tbisis r.alled sf'ienr.e.
Something that is rarely mentioned is the progress the animal rights movement has made in the last 25 years . I say 25 years because it was about then that direct action really took off. This is not to suggest that it 's all over and we should all go down the pub for a drink ..of course that is still a massive amount of work to do . Saying that , it is good for ourselves and also to explain to others that things are moving in the right direction and that a lot of progress has been made .
Nearly 20 years ago there was close on 150 fur farms in the UK and many of them had arctic foxes in them by the thousand. Some reading this will remember the notorious Cocksparrow fox fur farm and the ones in Yorkshire to name a few. At the start of last year fur farming was banned in the UK, gone forever.
Foxhunting is on its last legs , they know it and we know it. The sabs know more than anyone that now is the time to up the pressure and not to get complacent . Did you know that in the 70's on ITV's World of Sport they used to read out the hare coursing results from around the country along with the football scores on a saturday afternoon. Sounds incredible I know but it's true . This last point really rams home the fact that whilst we should all step up our actions , we are a movement that is forcing change , moving in the right direction and most importantly saving animals ' lives now
Who remembers department stores like House of Frasers etc with huge fur departments in them and walking down roads in city centres and there being five or six fur shops pretty much in a row? Whilst the fur industry is not dead it is still a shadow of its former self. In the late 60's there was close on 30 dolphinariums in the UK today there are none. Circuses were everywhere and were often on TV. Remember when one of the highlights of Boxing Day TV was the circus? No more . Circuses are dying and they know it with just a tiny handful left showing to dismal audiences. Zoos also are on the way out as more and more people realise that animals should be in the wild . We have seen several major zoos close in the last 3 years alone . 25 years ago the Home Office figures showed that around 6 million animals were used in labs . Today that figure is 2.7 million , which of course is 2.7 million animals too many and I also note that the last couple of years they have risen but still - it is less than half what it was 25 years ago .
The building belo w WAS an an imal testing lab called Worplesdon in Su rrey . Th ey used t o ex per iment for pesticides on fo xes , bad ger s, barn owl s , birds of prey , rabbits and oth er wild anim als . Most of these animals were caugh t in t he w ild . Worples don was burned do w n hence th e lac k of roof and is
; He cited theRoyaLSociely report that "quotes polio, kidney dialysis, stomach ulcers and cystic fibrosis as just four areas wh re1:t'le advances are clear. The evidence is in our liiospital wards, elini ls ahd homes with the effective medicines we take. "
Experiments on animafs should end, saY, doctors , By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
(Fil : 28/02/2004) Doctors 7lt e calling tor a moratori m on animal experiments until their contribution to health is properly evaluated.
Drug co 'mpany experts c1dvi~ d staff to yvithhold data about SSRI use in children
Prof Ian Roberts, of the London ~gbool of Hyg~ne and Tropical Medicine , and other memb ers of the "Reviewing Animal Trials Systematically Group" say there is "little evidence " that the research has contributed to treating human disease, adding that justification rests on-l;anecdotal evidence or unsupported claims " .
It also comes as Lord Sainsbury, the science minister,Js due to announce plans for a "virtual" nationarcentre , consis ing of a network of researchers, or The 'l'hree Rs - refinemen,t, recluction and rei>il cemen't of animal te_sting. Prof Roberts said yesterday that research on animals had not seen the same revolution as in human clinical trials, where ~ alyses are carried out on the totality of studie,s.
,The eanadianMedicalAssociation An internal document advised staff at thp · i;nternational drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to withhold clinical trial findings in 1998 {hat indicated the antidepressant paroxetine (PaxiNn North America and Seroxat in the UK) had no beneficial effect in treating adolescents:
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"You want a good overview of what alJ experiments show ,' ne said. 'When there have been sy~(ematic reviews of animal experiments , a lot have been very poorly designed, very small and contribute ne.11tto nothing. "Whatever your views on vivisection , you sh~o ld be against research that does not contribute any knowledge. ' i ?'
~ "ideally, new animal studies should not be conducted until the best use has been made of existing animal studies and until their validity and generalisability to clinical medicine has. been ..• assessed, "· sai .c;!Prof Roberts. "We are only asking that the same standards as are applied in human resea rch are applied to animal research. We would not tolerate haphazard potentially biased reviews of human research. So why should we tolerate this for animal research?" The report was attacked by the Coalition for Medical Progress , an umbrella group of un iversity scientists , research charities, patient groups, pharmaceutical companies and biotech firms to explain the need for animal research in biomedical studies. Philip Connolly , the coa lition director , said: "This paper misleads in imp lying there is little evidence to support research using animals. "
Sales for Seroxat amounted to almost $4.97 billion worldwide in 2003. Study 329, conducted in the US from 1993-1996, was the largest trial to date on us·Ag an SSRI in a pediatric population. ccording to the document, the results indica'f d paroxetine w<(s no more effective than placebo. In the other trial, Study ·377, carried out in Europe , South Ametica and 'elsewhere , placebo was actually more effective =.than the antidepressant. The CMAt document advised that " Positive data from Study 329 will be published in abstract form at the [European College of Neuropsychopharmacology] meeting" in November 1998 and that " a full manus\lript ... wiH be progressed. " It also stated that "It would bi commercially unacceptable to include a statement that efficacy had not been demonstrated ; as th· would undermine the profile of paroxetine."
f today's ·- Br itish Their call for the moratorium in Medical Journal is rejected bJ1the Royal Society, which says _in a report that vittually every med_ ical treatment dev_eloped in the past ce!:1!.uryrests in some way on vivisection. •
The doctors want a programme of research to review exisli ~g animal data, to ind out if the .animal research can be applied to humans, hoping to end the ng debate between pro rid antivjvisectionists abqut their value ifUlJlProvil)g human health.
"effectively manage the dissemina ion of these data in order to minimize any pot E!ntial negative commercial impact."
Paroxetine is 1 of 6 drugs in the class of selective serotonin reuptak! inhibitors (SSRls) that Britain and the US have,sin~ _banned for pediatric use because of increased risk of suicide. On Feb. 2 Health Canada issued a public warning that the ·pediatric yse of 'Nc1titi✓ epressants - : paroxetine, bupropion (V'{ellbutrin), citalopram (Celexa), fluvoxamine (Luvox), mirtazapine (Remeron), sertraline (Zolott) and venlafaxine {Effexor) ..:. should proceed_'only after ·i:onsultation ith the treating physician "to confirm that the benefits ,ii'fthe drug ·still outweigh itvotential risks ." The GSK internal document obtained by CMAJ offers a glimpse into -the inner workings of a drug giant. Entitled "Seroxat/Paxil Adolescent Depression: Position piece on the phase Ill clinical studies," the confidential document was prepared by the Central Medical Affairs team (CMAt) , a division of SmithKline Beecham (which subsequently merged with Glaxo Wellcome to form GSK). The document provides guidance on how to manage the results of 2 clinical trials conducted into the efficacy of paroxetine (Seroxat) . Given that the clinical trials results were, according to the document, " insufficiently robust " to support an application to regulatory authorities for a label change approving Seroxat for use in pediatric depression, CMAt recommended the firm
GSK spokeswoman Jill McKinlay-Morris said that "the memo draws an inappropriate conclusion and is not consistent with the facts. " She didn 't elaborate on that int, but went Of]te say "GSK abidecl by all"regulatory requlr8@_11ts for submitting safety data. We also commd iil catea safety and efficacy data t hysicians through posters, abstracts, and ther publicap .ons." Study 3~9 was event lly published (J Am Aca Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001 ;40[7]:762-72) in 2001. The authors concluded that paroxetine is "generally well tolerated and effective for major depression in adolescentS:" Among the 93 adolescents taking Serox~t , the-re ere 5 ser· s cases of "emotional !ability " (e.g., su cidal ideation1 gestures). Among the 95 patients taking the comparison treatment, imipramine (Tofranil), there was ·1 such case , and among the 89 subjects receiving placebo there was,a lso 'l . According to the article , ~ nly -1 serious adverse event - headache in 1 patient - was considered by the treating investigator to be related to paroxetine treatment. Britain 's Medic ines and Healthcare products Regulatory Author ity (MHRA) advised doc t ors in June 2003 that paroxetine should not be prescribed to patients under the age of 18 because evidence from various clinical trials showed that episodes of suicidal behaviour were between 1.5 and 3.2 times higher in children taking the drug than in those receiving placebo . Several nations , including the US, France and Ireland, quickly followed suit. The MHRA subsequently reviewed and banned the pediatric use of 6 other SSRls (exempting fluoxetine [Prozacl) and is now reviewing their use among adults . The US Food and Drug Administration is now reviewing pediatric trials of 8 antidepressants. It's been estimated that as many as 11 million American and 3 million Canadian children are taking antidepressants. Wayne Kondro, Ottawa , and Barbara Sibbald, CMAJ
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Two animal rights activists , Paul Holiday (ex-Hillgrove prisoner) and Paul Leboutillier , were found guilty of making phone calls to various animal abusers including Covance staff at work and at home, HLS share holders , hunt scum, farmers, agricultural suppliers, shooters and other low life. Paul Holiday received 18 months. Paul Leboutillier were sentenced to a highly outrageous 5 years . Please send letters of support to: Paul Holliday KA9328 HMP Hull Hedon Road Hull HU95LS
Paul Le Boutillier KA9326 HMP Hull Hedon Road Hull HU9 5LS
Amount Liberation
Merchandise is free unless stated but a donation is appreciated towards costs. Please return the order with cheques/P.O 's where needed made payable to SHAC to SHAC 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.
order form
Item A2
PGP security
CD and instructions £65 inc P+P
Dead puppy
A2 poster
Cute puppy
A2 poster
A2 poster
£5 inc P+P
Legal advice stickers
Yamanouchi, Sankyo, Daiichi A5 leaflets
This leaflet has been requested by many SHAG supporters and is excellent for giving to the general public who let us not forget are Huntingdon 's banker and insurer ..oh without their knowledge of course. This leaflet is excellent for recruiting new people because there is nothing that agitates people as thinking THEIR money , that they are spending as you are giving this leaflet to them, is being wasted. We have got thousands of posters and eaflets advertising World Day - please make a huge effort to put these up and distribute them. We always get lots of new calls from people who want to come on World Day and get involved in the campaign from areas where people have put the work into advertising the demo , so give us a ring and we ' ll ge them straight in the post to you . Libraries , health food shops , schools , colleges , public notice boards- the list of places you can out them is endless. The dog one is a picture inside HLS, the cat one is a cat being experimented on.
I tell you this for a fact if it wasn't for people like Paul Holliday the cats you are looking at in the picture on the right would be dead and Hillgrove farm would still be open. Paul Holliday got 12 months for a charge to do with Hi Ilg rove cat farm . These two deserve all our support. Don't worry if you don 't know them , just write . The best letters are ones that keep the prisoner up to date with what's going on, what you have been doing and funny letters are always good to get. One of the highlights of their day is getting letters and the more they get the more they realise they are not and will never be forgotten. Loads of letters also lets the prison see this and makes them realise that they are very very special people . For those writing please remember that all letters are read so please do not put in anything that is silly. SUPPORT THEM.
World day flyers
Asahi Glass and
World day A4 posters
Yamanouchi A4 poster Cat killers - Yamanouchi poster 1 Puppy killers - Yamanouchi poster 2 Specify which one you want
T shirts and hooded tops T shirt size ................. £6 inc P+P Hooded top size ..................... £15 inc P+P Colour is black and the sizes are skinny fit (t shirts only), small, medium, large and X large. Old style monkey t shirts on sale at £3
HLS general
New Yamanouchi t shirts and hooded tops . Colours, sizes and prices are the same as above t shirt size .............. hooded top size ...............
leaflet A5
Healthcare professionals leaflet : what doctors and nurses say about HLS. Skull mask - perfect
for demos
NEW Tony Blair leaflet, explains to the public that their taxes prop up HLS . Very good for stalls etc Science
Michelle working
Science book 'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese ' by Dr. Ray Greek £8 inc P+P Cruelty free guides - lists what's what isn't, 50p inc P+P Petitions
Videos 1 Time for Action 1 and 2 - this is footage of SHAG demos set to music 2 The truth short - this is cruelty footage shot inside HLS 3 The truth long - as above but with demo footage added on the end 4 Countryside Undercover - half hou r Channel 4 programme filmed inside HLS
Rokke 's diary of her 9 months undercover inside HLS , £2 inc P+P
NAME ............................... . ADDRESS .................................................................... ............................ .
POSTCODE ............ ...... EMAIL ADDRESS .................... ................... TEL No .......................... ............ .
GET IT AND THEN GET OUT THERE / ..t,.Yamanouchi '
Animal liberation poster A2
Japanese a5 leaflets Yamanouchi, Sankyo, Daiichi & Asahi Glass
Science AS leaflet
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~t~ 2x Yamanouchi A4 posters
Dead Puppy poster a2
- - I Healthcare professionals leaflet
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World Day flyer & A4 poster The flyer is a joint SHAC/Newchurch one ~ YAMANOUCHI ~ ~ KILL DOGS AT ~ HUNTINGDON LIFE SCIENCES
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C CD -• CD
Japanese customer stickers - Daiichi, Yamanouchi, Sankyo & Asahi Glass HLS t shirt and hooded top
HLS leaflet. This leaflet folds out & covers H LS, action, the campaign & what we have acheived
A2 poster Yamanouchi, Daiichi & Asahi Glass maim, poison and kill animals at Huntingdon Life Sciences 4
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Japanese a2 Poster
Yamanouchi t shirt & hooded