NeMJ~ev 39 Feb!MIM'c.1v2006 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 48P Tel 0845 458 0630 email:
.. We 1-1ever give In a11d we always witt:"'
Yet apparently purely on the basis of a perceived threat from SHAC, the NYSE postponed plans to list our stock. A handful of animal extremists had succeeded where usama bin Laden had failed ... The fact that our listing was postponed only after it had been made public has been nothing short of disastrous, quite frankly. Mark Bibi, HLS Counsel, Senate Committee Hearing U.S. Nov 2005
Welcome to SHAC Newsletter 39
You wanna watch? Then watch this ...
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaigns againast Huntingdon Life Sciences, Europe's
largest animal testing laboratory. Huntingdon Life Sciences experiment on lots of different animals: horses, rats, mice, dogs, cats, fish , birds, monkeys, mini-pigs, rabbits, ferrets, even donkeys and deer according to their own promotional material. Huntingdon Life Sciences have been the subject of 5 undercover investigations at their 2 labs in the UK and one in America. These investigations revealed a catalogue of some of the worst animal cruelty ever caught on film, with workers in the UK
punching beagle puppies in the face and pretending to have sex with them, and workers in the USA cutting open monkeys from neck to groin that were
still alive. HLS workers have been exposed for falsitying experiments to get drugs on the market, being caught drunk on the way to work and dealing drugs on site.
SHAC Canada have carried out scores of demo over the past few months against HLS. This on home demo against a HLS customer director.
They even have a convicted sex offender working with animals in one of their labs. HLS experiments we have uncovered include testing sun tan lotion, artificial musk, artificial sweeteners, food packaging, paints, dyes and food
additives. To get these toxic products on to the market HLS killed thousands of animals. SHAC is a global campaign with many thousands of supporters worldwide. SHAC campaigns within the law, holding demonstrations, making phone calls and emails, writing letters and doing everything we can to put the spotlight on HLS and those immoral enough to do business with them. HLS are 75 million dollars in debt and have lost hundreds of suppliers and customers g lobally thanks to caring people worldwide. Please fight for the animals inside HLS- you are all they have.
SHAC recently held 3 days of dem in Finland including many homed strip. A very succesful trip for SHA
Disclaimer This newsletter is not intended to encourage illegal activity of any kind. SHAC's intent is to close down HLS by legitimate means only, spreading information and disseminat-
ing the facts relating to HLS's record of animal cruelty, fraud and incompetence. We believe that there is more than enough evidence for the UK
government to withdraw HLS's licence and close them down. Readers must bear in mind that certain demonstrations eg home demonstrations are now illegal
in the UK although they are perfectly legal in other countries, and the inclusion of reports relating to these demos abroad does in no sense amount to encouragement to do similar demos in the UK.
Company details are listed for the purposes of readers making informative and polite communications with the companies listed. The details are not intended for repetitive, rude or threaten ing
SHAC Holland have again held many, many demos against HLS. This photo shows them marching on GSK in Holland.
calls. Readers are encouraged to familiarise themselves
with the law by sending off for our legal booklet and visiting the legal website www.freebeagles. org. Please contact SHAC if you have any queries.
to turn up the temp1
IS against customers of HLS
os: pictures 1, 2 and 4 of this and another bad one for HLS.
SHAC has always been busy in the City of London against Financial supporters of HLS.
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News in Brief 2 More Suppliers go Huntingdon hit the ground er... not running in 2006 by losing 2 more suppliers Atlas Testing and Bullimores
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SHAC Europe round up
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The Shac campaign in Europe is growing and unstoppable. Mobile demos happen every week at the customers of HLS, picket lines in front of their offices and demos at suppliers like UPS. The UK government tried to stop this by contacting the different countries asking them to act hard and efficient. Activists in Sweden, the Netherlands, Canada and of course in the UK have seen the other side of the prison door for demonstrating at these globally represented companies.
Shareholder Gruber McBaine lollow suit Hot on the heels of American Century followed Gruber McBaine who sold all their HLS shares worth $775,000.
New Jersey Society lor the Prevention of Cruelly to Animals sues HLSover animal cruelty
For activists throughout the whole of Europe, the Shac campaign has been truly inspiring and motivating. Never before in the Shac campaign has there been so much involvement from people across the nations. As our enemies have offices everywhere and are represented all over the world, so we have groups ready to shake them up. These people are amazing and know what to do. No corrupt government can stop us now. Never before in history have huge companies like Roche, Novartis and GSK have been in the middle of such a hard hitting campaign. These companies are bigger and more powerful then most states yet they are no match for the global AR movement.
Hang in there Heather- we'll redouble our efforts. The day we dance on the ruins of HLS is coming closer.
Filed in Middlesex County, The NJSPCA's lawsuit criticizes Huntingdon Life Sciences' use of animals in product research , and is based largely on incidents undercover activists said they videotaped in 1996 and 1997. Federal officials investigated those charges in 1998 and reached a settlement Huntingdon to improve conditions for animals at its Franklin Township lab. "The USDA did its investigation, but the NJSPCA has its own
-Imagine our surprise when a supporter emailed over the response she had from HLS supplier Altro in which they claimed: " Our routes to market are through distributor and flooring contractors and as such we have no direct control or knowledge of where our products are used ..... The SHAC website also accuses Altro of being a regular advertiser in " Vivisection magazines" . Although I do not know exactly what is meant by this description, as far as we are concerned we do no such thing." Altro regularly advertise in journals like the ones above which are a lab animal buyers guide and its quarterly cousin as well as the renowned US website Lab Animal. The fact of the malter is they actively seek work from labs and regularly advert~ tise in lab animal journals. Only a HLS supplier would be stupid enough to try to lie when such damning evidence is out there in the public domain. Stupid or what?
_______________ ...
Following hot on the heels of several other investors, Huntingdon shareholder American Century sold all their 90,000 shares in HLS.
... ,
Is this the end of Shac Europe? No way, this has just been the start of something much bigger! Activists have been more active then ever. 14 countries have taken part in Shac campaigning in 2005 and this year will see a rise of even more.
As Roche, Novartis, GSK provide most of HLS's business, we have no option than to chase them away from HLS. If we want to save the beagles, rats, monkeys and rabbits imprisoned, poisoned and abused, killed by the hundreds a day, we have to move forward and pick up the fight. The british media is jumping on the global train , again tipped off by our enemies, and is writing hysterical articles. So what. We read between the lines that the global campaign is having an impact. The orders for HLS have been stopped and went down last quarter, while the costs went up. That is all that matters to bring animal freedom.
American Century sell all their shares in HLS
" society spokesman Matt Stanton told The StarLedger of Newark for Thursday's newspapers.
Roche demo in Sweden On Tuesday January 31st, over 20 protesters turned up on the doorstep of Roche in Stockholm, Sweden, and held a very noisy protest for over an hour that could not be missed by anyone. The people working at Roche turned the lights off in their offices, strangely, but we informed them that there will be other days and more and more awareness raising of their connection to HLS and as long as they do business with HLS we will be back to highlight this.
This is the customary time when the defendant expresses regret for the crimes they committed. so let me do that because I am n also here today to be sentenced for my participation in the freeing of 8•.0.0.0 mink from those farms. I regret it More than anything. I regret my restraint. because whatever damage we did to those busir
r don·t wish to validate this proceeding by begging for mercy or appealing to the conscience of the court. because I know iltl Just as I will remain unbowed before this court- who would see me imprisoned for an act of conscience- I will also deny the fur la tell you directly for the first time. it was a pleasure to raid your farms. and to free those animals you held captive. nis to those a And to those farmers or other savages who may read my words in the future and smile at my late. ius let me thank everyone in the courtroom who came to support me today. ll is my last wish beiOI U.S. Animal Rights prisoner Peter Young's statement to the court before
News in Brief Customer & Financial demos in Philadelphia. U.S.A More demos in Philadelphia today against the companies working with HLS. We started off with a new one, Bank of America, which invests 3 million dollars in the lab. We held a noisy demo in front of their downtown office, and watched through the glass front of the building as they motioned angrily on the phone for a good half an hour, not sure what to do with us there. Some passersby were crying when they saw pictures from inside HLS, and they signed on to come to future events. After a while we decided we'd go in to have a little chat with them, but they had locked their doors ! Oh well , who needs customers anyway? Next a short visit to Fidelity Investments, which still invests in HLS as well. We went to their office and let our vocal cords loose, showing the staff and single customer the things Fidelity is investing in. After being ushered out by security, we headed on to GSK. The usua l GSK greet the workers demo followed: cop cars pulled up on the sidewalk, GSK workers were laughed at (greet the wo rkers demos are an excellent time f or polishing your stand up routine), flyers about HLS distributed to workers and passers by, and GSK security scurried around with their walkie talkies looking stressed out. We even split into two teams, with the second team setting up shop up the street at GSK 's parking garage, where they gave GSK emp loyees a second earful on their way home for the evening. We are sure they were well and tru ly educated about GSK's support of the cruel and fraudulent HLS.
STOP PRESS: 170 Activists carry out home demos in the U.S. in c GSKUSVie e President News reaches us as we go to press of a series of massive home demos in the U.S. against HLS customer execs including the Vice President of GSK USA where over 170 people took part.
without my regrets. I am here today to be sentenced for my participation in releasing mink from 6 fur farms. I regret it was only 6. r m was only 8,,0,0,0. 1t is my understanding of those 6 farms. only 2 ol them have since shut down. I regret it was only 2. sses. if those farms were left standing, and if one animal was left behind. then it wasn't enough. s system had a conscience I would not be here. and in my place would be all the butchers. vivisectors. and fur farmers of the world. rs in the room the pleasure of seeing me bow down before them. To those people here ¼/hose sheds I may have visited in 1997. let me imals I answer to. not you or this court. I will forever mark those nights on your property as the most rewarding experience of my life. remember: We have put more of you in bankruptcy than you have put liberators in prison. Don¡ t forget that. e prison that each of you drive to a nearby fur farm tonight tear down its fence and open every cage. s sentencing for mass mink liberations in the US for which he got 2 years in jail.
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strO!' ·PrR£s-; T'he real fight over the ~=-=-=-----=::---~-~Is lfi·AC -I)&!M 05-l I .Oxford animal lab begins: SHAC is becoming more and more of a
In November 2005 the stalemate over the part built animal lab on South Parks Rd finally came to an end and the next stage of this historic struggle began. For eighteen months supporters of the SPEAK campaign remained resolute in their determination to stop an arrogant minority and their friends in this corrupt government from resuming work on this centre of animal abuse. Often facing hostility from officers and employees of Thames Valley police and Oxford university activists kept up a constant pressure. lt was always going to be the case that Oxford university would with the aid of its government friends attempt to finish the shameful project it had begun almost two years previously. What Oxford university and Thames Valley police had failed utterly to understand was the determination and strength of the air movement to stand firm in the face of the intimidation and bully boy tactics that have come to typify all those connected to animal abuse at Oxford university. Since resumption of work at the South Parks Rd site almost two months ago we have witnessed the fortification of this animal prison site complete with steel fencing, razor wire and security lighting. But perhaps the clearest indication of how desperately low this so-called academic institution has sunk can be seen in the spectacle of balaclava wearing workmen escorted by masked security guards as they go about the business of doing the university's dirty work.
.. ~
SPEAK has said all along that we would pursue this battle brick by brick if necessary and already it is becoming clear that the net is closing on Oxford university and those willing to abandon principle and ethics for short term monetary gain. The collective intelligence and commitment of the a/r movement is already causing the elite of Oxford university and TVP to consider the wider implications of this struggle. Of course this battle will not be easy and we are now seeing the emergence of a group claiming to represent the majority who are in favour of this animal torture centre. This coupled with a slavish media content to represent the animal rights movement as extremists or terrorists without any serious attempt to exam ine the real issues of animal abuse and backward scientific thinking and you begin to realise just what is at stake. What must not be forgotten in all this is the suffering of the animals, victims of an institution that has used lies and deceit in a bid to hide the truth about the site on South Parks Rd. The coming weeks and months are going to see the battle lines drawn but Oxford university and all . . . those connected to this project must realise by now that the air movementis mobilising itself ready to take them on. Sadness or sympathy for the plight of animals suffering now or those who not yet born who would fill the laboratory walls on South Parks Rd is not enough. Those feelings and emotions must be turned into action that will ensure that the doors of this animal abuse centre are never allowed to open.
global force each and every year. Over 14 I different countries took part in SHAC GLOI BAL last year and at the beginning of February 2006, Austria joined the international I campaign . The Animal Rights movement is extremely alive and kicking in Austria, I a country that has banned battery farming I and dogs and cats in pet shops! The focus and determination from AusI trian activists was really portrayed well I through the demos that have happened there. On the first day, activists visited a I huge Novartis primate lab, the only lab to contain primates in the whole of Austria. I For over three hours the activists stood outside with huge banners and three very I loud megaphones, naming and shaming company for working with Hunting don I the Life Sciences. I Over the next few days activists in I Austria visited some amazing targets such as big Japanese puppy killers like I Sankyo Pharma and Astellas. The quality of all these demos is a real credit to the I I I I I I I I I I I
Demo Dates: Saturday 25th February, 24th March & World Day for Lab Animals Sat 22nd April (these 3 dates are all meeting at Carfax Tower, Oxford City Centre). Also All Night Vigil Fri 17th Feb from 9pm meeting at the edge of the injunction zone, South Parks Rd, Oxford. All the above demo dates are major dates so please attend. There are also regular demo dates in between - please check with SPEAK for dates and times. SPEAK: PO Box 6712, Northampton NN2 6XR Tel 0845 330 7985 email: info .uk
' ' Regrettably, it appears that the investment community is now losing our stock has now traded down to about $l0 a share. So roughly $tOiOr the listing, we would lose all the benefits that the New York Stock E)
Austrian AR movement, with even a group of unknown activists getting stuck in on the second day with their own HLS demos as the word of SHAC spread! Other targets that were on the receiving end of SHAC Austria this time around were companies such as HLS customer Abbott Labs. Activists stood outside of their huge building in Vienna with posters and megaphones letting everyone know that SHAC will visit every country that contains HLS supporters and let them know exactly who they are dealing with. Along with other HLS dealing companies such as Actelion and York Refrigeration , around 15 home demos took place against directors of customers of HLS. Many of these people worked for Novartis and with hundreds of leaflets the activists made sure everyone around their neighbourhoods found out about their connection to animal murder. 3 days of amazing action from Austria : SHAC GLOBAL is storming i nto 2006 and this is only the beginning !
U.S. Group W.A.R. launches _ O.peration Knockout against HLS investors Wednesday, January 25 , 2006 WAR Returns to Home of GSK's Deryck Maughan On Wednesday, January 25th WAR returned to the posh Fifth Avenue digs of Sir Deryck Maughan, who sits on the Board of Directors of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKiine (GSK). We have been to this location many times and no doubt we will keep returning until Deryck cuts his cruel ties to HLS or until GSK cuts its ties to the puppy killing scum at Huntingdon Life Sciences. This has to be one of our favorite locations. Each time we come to this building, Deryck's neighbors seek us out to ask questions and to express their horror and dismay at knowing that one of their neighbors is responsible for such abhorrent animal cruelty. We have had many of his friends and associates promise to share their feeling with Deryck. We will never back down until they stop the killing!
Thursday, January 26, 2006 WAR Goes to Wall Street On Thursday, January 26th a small group of dedicated WAR activists took to the streets of lower Manhattan to face two of the most prominent financial supports of Huntingdon Life Sciences which trades on the OTCBB (Over The Counter Bulletin Board or Nasdaq) as LSRI. (Or did!) An educational outreach table was set up at the 75 Maiden Lane, New York offices of Seaboard Securities, which is headquartered in Florham Park, NJ. WAR has printed a large quantity of a full calor flyers letting Wall Street folks know about Seaboard's loose to non-existent business ethics and shady practices. The header proclaims Seaboard as LIARS & CROOKS in large block letters. After spending the majority of the afternoon educating Seaboard's building neighbors and passersby, we began to wonder if we would see from Seaboard that day. Our patience was rewarded as 3 characters sauntered up to our table looking like they had just come from a casting call for the HBO mobster series, The Sopranos. The men lied (what did you expect?) when asked if they were associated with or employed by Seaboard Securities. We were suspicious, as they seemed to know why we were there. Activists offered the men the Liars & Crooks flyers and explained that Seaboard had more than once in the past sent written assurance that they were no longer trading LSRI stock, only to be found out to be lying about it. Couple this with the company's recent indictments and convictions for stock fraud and we feel that our Liars & Crooks headline is justified. When the men refused the flyers, we assured them that they could take as many as they wanted as we have 5,000 of them printed for distribution around the Wall Street area. This caused one of the men to approach the table in a menacing and aggressive manner only to shout: " You are a DOUCHEBAG". He then identified himself as Anthony DiGiovanni, the PRESIDENT of Seaboard Securities!!! President Tony then made the following threat to activists: You keep it up and I will have the FBI crawling up your ass. The threatened activists, shocked and disturbed by the outburst of gutter language and threatening behavior of the thuggish Seaboard executives, are wondering if they will one day awaken to a severed horse's head in their beds or a dead fish wrapped in newspaper sitting on their doorstep. Despite the threats, activists have vowed to distribute every single flyer. No wonder this company remains in bed with Huntingdon Life Sciences!!!
faith in the likelihood of the Stock Exchange doing the right thing, as illion of market value has been lost. As well, if we are ultimately denied change offers, in terms of increased liquidity, better stock platform. ' Mark Bibi, HLS Counsel, Senate Hearing, U.S. Nov 2005
- -I I I I
Who's Who .... TASL - HLS broker, traded over 1 million s hares in 2005 Cantor Fitzgerald & Co - HLS broker, traded 890,000 shares in LSRI in 2005 Penson Financial Services - Act as Clearing Broker to The Vertical Group, HLS's primary broker (traded 3.5 million shares in 2005) Amvescap plc - With subsidiary lnvesco own 35% of HLS customer Phytopharm Ajinomoto Pharma - HLS Customer Daiichi Pharmaceuticals - HLS customer Mitsubishi Pharma - HLS cu stomer International Assets Holdings Corporation - Part of HLS broker INTL who traded 107,000 shares in LS RI in 2005 1 Collins Stewart Tullett plc (Burlington Capital Markets) 9th Floor, 88 Wood Street London EC2V 7QR Tel: 020 7523 8000 Fax: 020 7523 8131 2 Tradition Asiel Securities Inc. (TASL) Part of Tradition Financial Services Ltd. 51-55 Gresham Street, 1st Floor London EC2V 7HQ Tel: 0207 600 9964 Fax: 0207 375 2170
3 Tradition Financial Services Ltd. East India House 109-117 Middlesex Street El 7JF London Tel: 0207 256 9594 Fax : 0207 374 2547
10-15 Queen St, London, EC4N 1TX Tel: 0207 213 0170 9 Daiichi Pharmaceuticals (not on map) International Press Centre,
4 Part of Tradition Financial Services Ltd. Tradition (UK) Ltd. Beaufort House 15 St. Botolph Street London EC3A 7QX Tel: 0207 422 3830 Tel: 020 74223500 5 Cantor Fi tzgerald & Co. International Headquarters One America Square
London EC3N 2LS Tel: 020 7894 7895
76 Shoe Lane, London EC 4A 3JB Tel: 0207 936 2850 10 Mitsubishi Pharma Europe Ltd . Jupiter House, Triton Court, 14 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1BR 11 Intern ational Assets Holdings Corporation, Nedcor House, 20 Abchurch Lane, London EC 4N 7AD Tel: 020 7220 6060
6 Penson Fin an cial Services Ltd.
2nd Floor, One Oliver's Yard , City Road, London EC1 Y 1 HQ Tel: 020 7549 1500 7 Amvescap plc. 30 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AG Tel : 0207 638 0731 Fax : 0207 065 3962
West End Targets 12 NYSE, 3 Old Burlington Street, W1S3AE Tel: 020 7025 7882 13 Embassy of Japan , 101 -104 Piccadilly, London W1 J 7JT, Tel: 020 7465 6668/6670, Fax: 020 7491 9347
------------8 Aj inomoto Pharma 5th Floor, Aldermery House,
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n. The Assault on their financials be ins. Figs 1- 3. Huntingdon demonstrate how to go from about to play football in the World Cup to playing in the Sunday league. And all within 5 monthsl Well well well what a financial fall from grace eh? So public too! Huntingdon last August press released about how they were about to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange - Fig 1. They were 45 minutes away from the bell going to start trading their stock when they were taken to one side to be told that their listing was .. errr.. postponed! The media descended on to Cass and Bakers's embarrassment with glee.
shares per order that they received but these market makers would not register as permanent dealers in HLS shares. So the OTCBB took the extraordinary step of making all the trades made by these companies and their details anonymous -see Fig 2.
So this left Huntingdon on the Nasdaq Over the
lr s always easy to spo t someone who has signed a contract with HLS...
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terms. lt would be like playing in the World Cup (NYSE) then a few months later playing Sunday League football (The Pink Sheets) or like running GlaxoSmithKiine one week and a corner shop the next.
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Little did the OTCBB know that we were able to still receive the information from several inside sources in the U.S., but this was a sign of their growing desperation to protect poor old HLS. Counter Bulletin Board, which is a very lowly version of the NYSE. They hoped they would only be left on the OTCBB a few weeks while the NYSE decided to relist them. Well as weeks turned into months this started to look like it would never happen. To stay on the OTCBB you need a least one market maker to register that they will make a market in your shares. For the last 3 or so years Huntingdon had held on to a listing on the OTCBB by having a company called Legacy Trading act as their market maker. Legacy had a lot thrown at them but refused to move. To give you some idea of what kind of company Legacy are, their owner said in a taped conversation with SHAC that "I would trade in child porn stocks if it w ere legal". You get the picture that they and HLS made very good bedfellows! Over the past few months we have stepped up our attention on HLS shareholders globally seeing about 10 large institutional shareholders dump thei r shares in HLS. We also targetted market makers who were buying HLS shares on an execution only basis ie they would buy their
Now some bright spark at SHAC (and remember I could have made out here it was me so that shows how honest I am!) had worked out that all market makers need a clearing broker to electronically clear through the system all that company's trades. Well Well well we thought, maybe Legacy who were in Hicksville USA and who had shown two fingers to the animals inside HLS were now vulnerable. With a bit of research we discovered that the clearing broker for Legacy was a company called Sterne Agee. We sent out an email action alert with details of Sterne Agee on the 9th of January and activists in the US prepared to carry out demos against them. On the 1st and 2nd Feb we noticed some odd goings on at the OTCBB listing for HLS (LSRI) and on Friday morning saw a new symbol appear that we didn't recognise. We contacted the OTCBB and they said it meant that HLS had been bumped off on to the Pink Sheets which was incredible news. This meant Legacy must have gone and HLS had been kicked off the OTCBB. Now let me try to put this into simple
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We contacted Skip Bourchin at Legacy (not as SHAC of course) to find out why they had left HLS and he confirmed that Sterne Agee had turned round to Legacy and told them that if Legacy didn't dump HLS, then they Sterne Agee would dump Legacy, meaning that Legacy were unable to trade in any company. So with HLS with no market maker, Nasdaq were forced to bump HLS on to the Pink Sheets. As Skip Bourchin said this will make HLS invisible to most investors. He went onto to say that th is was a massive blow to HLS and Legacy. We have outsmarted them yet again and taken activism on to another level with the campaign's understanding of clearing brokers. One thing is for sure and that is this: a bad day for HLS and Legacy means a good day for us and more importantly a good day for the animals inside HLS as it brings the demise of HLS ever closer.
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The companies listed on these two pages are all suppliers to Huntingdon Life Sciences, enabling them to carry out their business of killing animals and
Altro Ltd
Altro Ltd Works Road, Letchworth, Hertfordshire SG61NW Tel: 01462 480 4800 Tel: 01462 707 600 Fax: 01462 48001 0 email: Altro have supplied flooring for the labs at HLS. They are a vivisection industry supplier.
Parker Fine Foods
Parker Fine Foods Parker Fine Foods Belgrave House Baird Road Corby NN175ZA Tel: 01536 200 800 Fax: 01536 200 123 Parker Fine Food Services Winkadale House Knights Road Leicester LE4 1JK Tel: 0116 235 5666 Fax: 0116 235 5777 A long-term HLS supplier caught out bang to rights this time.
putting all kinds of useless and toxic products on the market. Please contact them all and explain to them about HLS's record of animal brutality, fraud
Mobrey Measurement
MOBREY MEASUREMENT 158 Edinburgh Avenue Slough Berkshire UK SL1 4UE Tel : 01753 756600 Fax: 01753 823589 E-mail : Mobrey.Enquiries@EmersonProcess. corn Website: MOBREY MEASUREMENT Crompton Way Crawley West Sussex UK RH10 9QR Tel: 01293 866000 Fax: 01293 530849 E-mail: Mobrey.Enquiries@EmersonProcess. corn Emerson Process Management Horsfield Way, Bredbury, Stockport SK6 2SU
and incompetence. You can be sure HLS won't, Keep all communications informative and polite of course!
KD Systems Ltd
K D Systems Ltd Unit 2 Felnex Close Cross Green Leeds, W, Yorkshire LS9 OSR Tel : 0113 249 8755 Fax : 0113 248 4565 Email: This Leeds firm have been spotted up at HLS.
Parkside Construction
Parkside/Most Constructio n Tel: 01423 565 572 and 01423 521 298 12a Park Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5AF Most construction alias Parkside have participated in the building of units to house animals in at HLS and have made themselves a fortune on the backs of animals dying inside HLS.
tel 0870 240 1978fax 0870 240 4389
Monock Freight
Monock Freight Ltd 14 Mount Road, Feltham, TW13 6AR Tel: 0208 894 5400
Fetch Europe
FETCH EUROPE IFetch Europe Ltd, 3 Woodhurst Drive, Denham, Bucks UB9 5LL Tel 01895 835 774 Mobile 07764 584 413 email: Fetch Europe are heavily involved in the lab an imal transport trade and think it's funny to send emails to the campaign saying how they couldn't care less about driving an imals to their deaths and how they really support HLS.
Monock Freight deliver lab animals to HLS,
9 BBC Fire Protection
BBC Fire Protection Limited St. Florian House, Ayton Road, Wymondham Norfo lk NR18 ORA Tel: 01953 857700 Fax : 01953 857750 Emai l: sales Website : A company local to HLS's lab at Eye but deals with both UK labs.
York Refrigeration
York Refrigeration are a key supplier to HLS and guess what? HLS owe them tens of thousands of pounds! York have met with HLS to discuss an early end to their contract. for nationwide sites Head office: YORK International Ltd Gardiners Lane South Basildon, Essex SS14 3HE Tel : 01268 246000 Fax: 01268 246001
~ ¡ ure 10
PHENOMEMEX Phenomenex supply lab equipment to HLS. PHENOMENEX Melville House, Queens Avenue, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BN Tel: 01625 501 367 Fax: 01625 501 796
BIOCAIR The Business Centre, Church End, Cambridge, CB1 3LB Tel: 01223 245 223 This is a vivisection industry freight company that have been spotted going in and out of HLS by local supporters on a regular basis.
Vet Way
VET WAY AND DGP 1 Harrier Court, Airfield Bus Park, Elvington, York Y041 4AU Tel 01904 607 600 Email: sales Vet Way/DGP have been lying. They made a statement but HLS now send their own vans as Vet Way's courier company won't go there. How stupid Vet Way are to think they wouldn't get caught out....
Industrial &
Industrial and Scientific Supplies The Grip Industrial Estate, Linton, Cambs CB1 6NR Tel: 01223 891 953 Email : sales @i
12 HRP
HRP, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9XA Tel: 01359 270 888 A local firm to HLS passing on equipment to HLS for Eastern Counties, listed below. Email: bedford SHAC has contacted this firm and the managing director of it sa id that it is a free country and people can do what they like. Of course it is, and we can carry on informing her staff of just who they are doing business with .
lmpex Trading
IMPEX TRADING, PO Box 187, Huntingdon, CAMBS PE28 4JF Tel 01832 275 404 Email: This evil company is heavily involved in the lab animal transport trade and is working hand in glove with HLS.
SJ Marlow
14 Pipework Services SJ Marlow Pipework Services Ltd Still Barn Farm, Upper Batley, Low Lane Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 OAW Tel : 01924 479168 This company are in and out of HLS like yoyo's.
STRAND TRANSPORT SERVICES Strand Transport Services Ltd, Strand House, Rugby Road Industrial Estate, Rochdale, Lanes OL 12 OEP Tel : 01706 868 486 Email: Strand do daily deliveries in the UK for major HLS supplier Perkinelmer and visit HLS on a regular basis.
16 Scientific Supplies
HLS owe them 36 thousand pounds!
HRP HRP, Unit B6, Manton Centre, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 Tel: 01234 272 702
19 Transport
PDP Couriers
POP COURIERS POP Courier Services Ltd Unit 10, Ashford Industrial Estate, Shield Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW151AU UK Head Office Tel: o1784 420466 Fax: o1784 246619 Email: POP have repeatedly lied to the campaign about their involvement with HLS. In a recent conversation when they were caught out yet again dealing with HLS, they tried to say that they deal with Centralabs, (who are the clinical trials part of HLS with all the same directors) and that therefore in actual fact they were not dealing with HLS. What liars.Oh yes I nearly forgot. and the fact that they go into Huntingdon regularly is a big part of their lying as wel l.
Tecniplast UK Ltd
Tecn iplast UK Lld Venture Park Kettering Venture Park Kettering Northamptonshire NN15 6XR Tel: 01536 312512 Fax: 01536 312505 Email : Website: This vile company make lab animal cages. They boast that they have been leaders in this field for over 50 years and that they regularly are involved in the design, construction and refurbishment of new and existing animal facilities.
Peterborough Pumps & Valves
Peterborough Pump and Valves The Old Forge, Cross Street, Farcet, Peterborough PE7 3DE Tel: 01733 242 497 HLS owe them at least 59 thousand pounds! What a great client!
Scott Nutritions
SCOTT NUTRITIONS Scott Nutritions, Sedge Fenn Road, Southerry, Downham Market, Norfolk Tel : 01353 676 234 This company supply HLS and lnterfauna beagle breeders for vivisection with animal feed .
Oil Don¡ t Puke on this page. Not such a good idea to deal with HLS now, is it ?
The Green Goddess,The Independent 16th Jan 2006
While the debate rages on, lab rats are still suffering The last time I visited the Houses of Parliament was seven years ago to have tea with my then romantic interest, who was a member of the House of Lords. lt was a comforting occasion , with homely waitresses, toasted teacakes and lashings of your lordships. This antiquated vision has fortunately been swept away and replaced by Blair's hand-picked cronies. Far more democratic! I only share this blast from my past because my most recent visit wasn't so comforting . For a start, the queues! it's easier to get through customs at Tel Aviv airport these days than th rough security at the House of Commons . This time I W<tS attending a debate: " Is animal experimentation helpful to medicine? " Provivisectionists Professor Col in Blakemore, chief executive of the Medical Research Co uncil, an d Dr Simon Festing, executive direct or of the Research Defence Society were ranged aga in st Dr Jarrod Bailey, science di rector of Europeans for Medical Progress, and Dr John Pipp in, consultant to the Physicians Committee for Respo nsible Medicine. Drs Bailey and Pippin explained how human tissue, imaging, computer models and microdosing offer more reliable data t han can ever be obtained from animals. Exciting developments like pharmacogenomics that use human DNA chips allow the right medicines to be prescribed for the right patients. This reduces adverse drug reactions, which kill thousands of people and cost the NHS £500m every year. Owing to habit and cost, most companies still rely on an imal tests - even though they often fail to predict hazards for humans. The arthritis drug Vioxx was linked with fatal heart attacks and strokes, though tests in mice and monkeys had shown it was " safe" . Testing on animal s tells us about animals, not people. Aspirin can be fatal to cats ; penicillin kill s gu inea p igs : arsenic poisons humans but not s heep; lemon juice poisons cats and rabbits; thalidomide can be hazardous to huma ns but is safe for most animals: 30 HIV vacc ines worked well in monkeys but all have failed in human trials ; 700 stroke trea1rnents ha e succeeded in animals but not one has succeeded in pa "ents. I was shocked th at instead of r g any o these arguments, Dr Festing (who as ev~ been a research sc ientist) suddenly bega accusing Or Pippin of being a radical an· - ts campaigner and connected to Peta. Or Pipp"n reiterated he had no links with any animal rig ts groups or charities, that he wa s a fully pa id-up scientist and comm itted to proving the ineffectiveness of animal testing throug h sci entific means only. lt makes me livid that anyone who arg ues against vivisection is branded a radica l (so me of us are quite reasonable). This tarnishes the fairminded guardians of animal welfare and makes it harder for them to get a fair hearing.
Interestingly, Or Festi ng 's father is a consultant for Harlan UK, w hich is one of t he world 's largest suppl iers of animals to research laboratories. He also holds fin ancial interests in a number of pharm aceuti ca l companies, including GlaxoSmithK iine and Cell tech. The trag ic thin g is that while we humans bicker and ph armaceut ical companies line their pockets, in laboratories all over the world animals are sufferin g unimaginably agonis ing deaths when there are already far more effective testing methods available.
The questionable rel iability of EPA carcinogenicity assessments w as also the topic of a 2000 Congressional investigation .
3 lt concluded that despite being advertised as quantitative, science-based classifications, some were, in fact, more grounded in EPA policy favoring classifications indicative of greater human risk. No agency responsible for protecting publ ic health is ever likely to be sued for excessive caution. As every medical
BMJ USA : Which drugs cause cancer? Despite President Nixon's War on Cancer, launched in 1971, and billions of dollars spent since then, cancer remains the second-leading killer of Americans. Around 40% of us will get cancer, and half of us will die from it.1 This cease-less tide of human suffering starkly questions the effectiveness of our strategies, includin g the accuracy of our methods for identifying human carcinogens. Millions of laboratory animals have been sacrificed for this purpose. Thousands of chemicals, including ever-increasing numbers of therapeutic drugs, are consequent ly described as potentially carcinogenic. Yet, are animal experiments really predictive of human carcinogenicity? The agency most responsible for protecting Americans from environmental contaminants is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the chemicals of greatest public health concern are described within its Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) toxic chemicals database. We recently su rveyed this database to assess the human utility of animal carcinogenicity data. Most chemicals lack human exposure data and possess on ly animal carcinogenicity data. In the majority of cases, however 58.1 % (93/160) we found that the EPA considered the animal data inadequate to support the useful human carcinogenicity classifications of probable carcinogen or non-carcinogen. 1 But at least the animal data were predictive for 42% of chemicals. Or were they? A comparison of EPA carcinogenicity classifications with t hose assigned by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) yielded disturbing results. For the 128 chemicals with human or an imal d ata assessed by both agencies, human carcinogenicity c lass ifi cations w ere similar on ly for those 17 possessing signifi cant human data. For the 111 pri marily reliant on animal data, the EPA was far li eliec than the IARC to assign carcir><>r..,.-,·..,.·ty class- 1cations indicative of greater
2 e recog - ed as e o d "s on carcinog~ c assessleading a ments. Such profound differences in caroincr genicity classifi cations of iden ·cal chemicals between the IARC and the EPA appear to indicate that in the absence of human data the EPA is over-reliant on an imal ca rcinogenicity data. Consequently, t he EPA tends to over- predi ct carcinogen ic risk.
professional is acutely aware, however, the converse in the case of medical mishap is not true. One cannot help but sympathize with the concerns of EPA policymakers in the world's most litigious nation. Nevertheless, the resultant EPA carcinogenicity classifications cannot be regarded as generally correct. On the face of it, the EPA's heavy reliance on animal carcinogenicity tests seems understandable. There is a longstanding tradition of animal testing, and virtually all human carcinogens, when tested in sufficient animal species, have generated positive results. 4 However, if enough animal testin g is conducted , it appears that carc in ogenesi s will eventua lly occu r in some species regardles s of human risk. 01 20 human non-carcinogens studied in animals 19 produc,ed carcinogenic effects. 5 The problem with animal carcinogenic ity t ests is not their lack of sensitivity f or huma n carc inogens, but rather t heir lack of human specifi city.
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A positive result has poor pred ictive value for humans. Reasons for th is include the predis· position of chron ic high-dose b ioassays for false-posit ive results due to the overwhelming of natural tissue repair mechanisms, and the unnatural eleva· l ion of cell division rates during ad libitum feeding studies.6 Such factors render accurate ex· trapolation from animals to humans vi rtually impossible. The protracted time frames of animal carcinogen icily studies, and their substantial drain on human, financial , and animal resources, present other important disadvantages. Standard rodent bioassays take at least three years to plan, execute, and interpret. 7 They have cost hundreds of millions of dollars 8 and have consumed millions of skilled personnel hours. 9 They also account for many of the ani· mals reported to be experiencing the highest levels of pain and distress in laboratories. 10 Modern al· ternatives exi st, such as quantita· tive structure-activity relationship (corn· puterized) expert systems, which predict biological activity based on chemical struc· ture; enhanced in vit ro assays; and cDNA microar· rays, which al· low detection of genetic expression changes long before the development of macroscop· ic lesions. These methods have the potential to yield superior human specificity results, in greatly reduced time frames, with greatly reduced de· mands on f inancial, personnel, and animal resources. 11 Inexplicably, however, regu latory agencies have been frustratingl y slow t o accept modernized testing p rotocols. With so me 400 new dru gs
now introduced annually, 12 a radical rethinking of our reliance on prolonged animal testing is required.
The development and implementation of rapid and predictive non-animal assays will minimize cancer losses to society, and might even restore our faith in the accuracy of the neoplastic warnings metastasizing throughout our medical formularies.
The American Chronicle: Ani mal Experiments Harm Human Health by Andrew Knight Industrial lobbyist Frankie Trull has once again trotted out her tired old claim that animal ex· periments are essential for the advancement of medical progress (American Chron icle Oct. 5,). With millions of dollars annua lly spent on such experiments unavailable for potentially lifesav· ing initiatives such as ep idemiological research or health and nutrition education, the true value of animal experiments warrants closer scrutiny.
Earlier this year we critically examined the value of animal experiments in safeguarding human health. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in developed societies, and many millions of dollars, an imal lives , and skilled personnel hours are spent an nually on an imal tests for human carcinogen icily. However, our surveys of major toxic chemical databases used by government regulatory authorities show that animal experiments yield useful human risk assessments for substantially less than half the chemicals tested. We found that over-reliance on animal data has commonly undermined predic· lions of the human risk of chemicals, with major implications for public health.[i],[ii]
Similarly, maternal exposures to teratogens during pregnancy cause thousand s of human birth defects annually. The medical costs are in the millions; the human costs are incalculable. Despite similar investments to those of cancer research, our survey of animal test results demonstrated widespread discordance among all species used. For known human terat ogens, mean positive predictivity barely exceeded 50%.[iii] Even sidestepping the ethical consid· erations of such profligate an imal use, reliance on animal test data for human publ ic health decisions constitutes bad science at best, and at worst risks human lives.
But ethical considerations relating to experimen· tal animal use must not be sidestepped. Millions of animals die every year in tox icity tests such as tl;lese, which are rated among the most painful and stressful of procedures. Nor is their suffering b rief. Dosing in the standard rodent test begins at six to eight weeks of age and continues for two years, after which any remaining survivors are killed and autopsied.
Even routine procedures such as handling, blood collection, and gavaging (insertion of a stomach tube for the delivery of test chemicals or drugs in toxicity tests) cause significant fear and st ress, that also affect experimental results. Our review of eighty published studies on rats, m ice, mon keys, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, bats,
or birds showed rapid, profound elevations in stress-related responses such as such as blood hormone levels and heart rate, for each of these procedures.[iv]
When not subject to human manipulation, laboratory animals spend most of their lives confined in small, barren cages, often in social isolation. Our review of one hundred and ten scientific studies found growing evidence that these conditions take a severe toll on the animals neurological and psychological health. Even so-called enriched environments fail to ameliorate most of these deficits.[v] Behavioural stereotypies repetitive, unvarying and apparently functionless behavior patterns that are believed to reflect animal suffering are common, occurring, for instance, in some 50% of all laboratory housed mice.[vi]
Finally, we examined alternative testing protocols, and found that data of superior human predictivity can be produced far more quickly and cheaply by expert computerized analyses of chemical structure, modernised cell culture tests, high-volume DNA tests for detecting genetic damage, expanded human clinical trials, and mandatory reporting of adverse reactions to pharmaceuticals.
If we are to consider ourselves an ethical , corn· passionate and intelligent society, our considerable scientific and medical resources should be directed at the best methods for alleviating both human and animal suffering. Animal experiments are unlikely to either cure human diseases nor eliminate ethical concerns. Instead, govern· ment and industry should redirect the enormous funds spent annually on animal experiments into the development and implementation of scientifically-based non-animal alternatives.
The Times. 1 September 2005. Pregnant women 'put babies at risk by taking antidepressants ' . Pregnant women who take antidepressants in· crease the risk of their babies suffering congenital birth defects such as high blood pressure in the lungs, a study claims. Research suggests that the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRis) antidepressants that include Seroxat and Prozac while pregnant increases the chance of having an abnormal baby by up to 60 per cent. The study, presented to the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology conference in Tennessee last month, found that use of SSRis in the first trimester of pregnancy increased the risk of congenital malformations by 40 per cent and cardiac defects by 60 per cent. The study of 1,054 women, first reported on the website of the medical newspaper Pu lse, also found an increased risk of premature birth by 40 per cent and of low birth weight babies. SSRis act within the brain to increase the amount of the 'feel-good' hormone, serotonin.
Prisoner ·upport: ~~~~we haven't got prisoners we have stopped fighting. If our prisoners are forgotten about they have beaten us.,, Keith Man n Hea!her Nicholson has been remanded tor an alleged section assault against a hunting family. Please write her messages of support. Heather Nicholson NR7271 HM P Bronzefield, Woodthorpe Road , Ashford, Middlesex TW15 3JZ Heather can receive sealed writing paper and envelopes.
.................................................................................. .... ........ ...... ... ....... ..... ....... ... ...... .. .... ........ ... ............ .... Sarah Gisborne was sentenced to six and a half years for conspiracy to cause criminal damage. This sentence has since been reduced to five and a half years on appeal. On the same day Sarah was sentenced a woman was sentenced to five years for killing her child. She is well, strong and determined so please write letters of support. Sarah Gisborne [LT5393], HMP Cookham Wood Evelyn Road, Rochester Kent ME1 3LU, England :::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::: A.R. Prisoners abroad US prisoner Update - Peter Young
Peter Young was recently sentenced to 2 years for raiding 6 fur farms and releasing 8,000 mink. Peter was on the run for 7 years. Letters can be sent to: Peter Young #10269-111 FCI Victorville Medium 11
Federal Correctional Institution PO Box 5700, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA info letters •. •••. . ••..•. . . . .... . . ...... .. ..... . .•.. .... •• •. .. •. .......... . •••••• . .••...• . . . . . ..• ........ . . .•.. ••....•• ...•..... . ..... ... ....... ... ... .... ......... .. ... . .... ...
On December 16, 2005, Chris Mclntosh was sentenced to eight years in prison relating to a tire at a Seattle McDonald's in 2003. The action was jointly claimed by the E.L.F. & A.L.F Christopher Mclntosh #30512-013 FTC Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center P.O. Box 898801 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 USA ::::::: :::::::: :: :::: :: :: :: :;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;; ;::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :::: ::::: Mikael clo DBF SG Box 919 114 79 Stockholm SWEDEN
In late October 2005, Mikael began an a-month sentence for criminal damage at the home of a chinchilla fur farmer. He is due to be released in April 2006. Mikael reads and writes English.
Emergency line for those who are in or about to go to jail : Tel 0208 292 8325
Merchandise order form Item
The VPSG -Vegan Prisoner Support Group are vital to any activist who finds themselves in police custody or prison. They are volunteer based and work tirelessly to make sure that those who have lost their liberty to save animals receive vegan food and cruelty free toiletries whilst behind bars. Please support them: VPSG, P.O. Box 194, Enfield EN1 3HD
Merchand ise is free unless stated. However donations to cover cost s are apprec iated. Return the order form below to SHAC, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.
HLS general leaflet A5
Direct Action - Punk Rock compilation CD £5
Combined Japanese customer leaflet
PGP security CD and instructions
UPS strip leaflet
'Green Harvest' vegan recipe book £5
UPS A2 poster
Legal advice booklet
Dead puppy A2 poster
Rabbit A2 poster
Japanese A2 poster Videos/DVD's (Please state which) 1 Action Video/DVD. This includes Times for Action 1, 2 and the New Time for Action 3 as well as the US Strikeback- £2 2 Cruelty footage. This includes the SHAC Short video and the Documentary Countryside Undercover of footage shot inside HLS. £2 With both these please state whether you want a VHS video or a DVD
NEW SHAC Direct Action T Shirt Black on ly Sizes Skinny Fit, Small, Medium, Large and X Large £10 each SIZE .................. ........ SHAC Global T-shirts and Hooded Tops Black only Skinny Fit, Small and XL only T-shirts £8 and Hooded Tops £12 SIZE ..........................
' Slaughter of the Innocent' by Hans Ruesch Classic scientific anti-vivisection book, £5
Michelle Rokke's diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS, £2
Book: 'Caught in the Act' , £3 Undercover investigation on Prof Feldberg
Collecting tins
Science book 'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese' by Dr. Ray Greek, £8
Airhorns £5
' Campaign against cruelty' An activist's handbook- Covers all the basics, £5
Cruelty free guides- lists what's tested and what isn 't, 50p
Active Slaughter Punk Rock CD, £5
NAME ................................ ADDRESS .................................................................................................
POSTCODE .. ... ............. EMAIL ADDRESS ....................................... TEL No ...................................... .
TH£ "£N ill
· OOITITUJ ~ ITOOIT [Lffi(!1 ffi~WJilliT@ lly, March & Oemos at Financial nomnanies funding HLS
riT~Ulill~ ~tOO~ illUJIT~IT eel 11am Finsbury Square, T'he ·c·ity of London lnearest tube Liverpool StreetJ
- .22 - .CO~