Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #40

Page 1


Stop Huntingdon Anir:c!Sf Cruetty, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 48P, Tel 0845 458 0630 email: .. We Hever give iK all:d we always win."'

H L S-F 1 N _

Welcome to SHAC Newsletter 40 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaigns against Huntingdon Life Sciences, Europe's largest animal testing laboratory. Huntingdon life Sciences experiment on lots of different animals: horses, rats , mice, dogs, cats, fish , birds, monkeys, mini-pigs, rabbits, ferrets, even donkeys and deer according to their own promotional material.

Here, s a clue. In the last quarter they

Huntingdon Life Sciences have been the subject of 5 undercover investigations at their 2 labs in the UK and one in America. These investigations revealed a catalogue of some of the wo rst animal cruelty ever caught on film, with workers in the UK punching beagle puppies in the face and pretending to have sex with them, and workers in the USA cuttin g open monkeys from neck to groin that were still alive. HLS workers have been exposed for falsifying experiments to get drugs on the market, being caught drunk on the way to work and dealing drugs on site. They even have a convicted sex offender working with animals in one of their Jabs. HLS experiments we have uncovered include testing s un tan lotion, artificial musk, artificial sweeteners, food packaging, paints, dyes and food additives. To get these toxic products on to the market HLS killed thousands of animals. SHAC is a global campaign with many thousands of supporters worldwide. SHAC campaigns within the law, holding demonstrations, making phone calls and emails, writing letters and doing everything we can to put the spotlight on HLS and those immoral enough to do business with them. HLS are 75 million dollars in debt and have lost hundreds of s uppliers and cust omers globally thanks to caring people worldwide. Please fight for the animals inside HLS - you are all they have.

Disclaimer This news letter is not intended to encourage illegal activity of any kind. SHAC 's intent is to close down HLS by legiti· mate means only, spreading information and disseminating the facts relating to HLS's record of animal cruelty, fraud and incompetence. We believe that there is more than enough evidence for the UK government to withdraw HLS's licence and close them down. Readers must bear in mind that certain demonstration s eg home demonstrations are now illegal in the UK although they are perfectly legal in other countries, and the inclusion of reports relating to these demos abroad does in no sense amount to encouragement to do similar demos in the UK.

Huntingdon recently revealed their 2005 figures. They were released way after after most other companies had brought out their own figures. When you read them it is easy to see why HLS delayed in releasing them . 2005 was a turbulent year for Huntingdon seeing them sell all their labs to a front company called Alcon bury Estates who are a basically a firewall to protect the identity of the new owners of the land. Huntingdon will now pay S5 million in rental each year to Alconbury Estates rising as time goes by. They signed a 30 year agreement and sold them for $40 million. Now you don't need to be Einstein to work out that it will cost HLS at least $150 million and more like $180 million in rental over that time. With a mark up for the new owners of 400% it can be seen that Huntingdon had to sell their labs to try and decrease their heavy debt burden. Huntingdon wanted to release themselves from this burden as in their eyes they were sizing up a juicy return to the New York Stock Exchange which would have seen their share price shoot up. HLS were well aware that they had $47 million in bonds to repay on September 23rd this year and with a listing on the NYSE and their debt burden reduced they would have been looking to get a good refinancing package off a major bank or investor. In fact the whole programme was planned as a roll out, fi rst the debt burden reduced then the NYSE listing then the refinancing and hey look at us chaps our share price soaring and orders climbing high but...

Readers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the law by sending off for our legal booklet and visiting the legal website Please contact SHAC if you have any queries.

• I

With things starting to really turn against them at the end of last year Huntingdon still had to sort out the Bonds issue as they knew from the Royal Bank of Scotland disaster that leaving questions over their future until the last minute has a really negative impact on business and so with this in mind they were keen to resolve the bonds issue early. The only problem was that whereas they had planned a nice comfortable run up to negoatiations over refinancing it had all gone wrong and HLS were forced into the position of accepting interest payments and terms that they really didn 't like and really cannot afford. They use an index called LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offering Rate) which is a moving index and is at present between 4- 5%. When Huntingdon agreed terms with Stephens in 2001 it was at a rate of 1.75% over LIBOR ie 1.75% over 4-5% or whatever the rate was at that time which was over the odds but reasonable.

Oh no those ghastly SHAC people have ruined things again! Huntingdon's sales hit a high in the second quarter of 2005 at $44.9 million but dropped to $43.8 million in the third quarter. Then the NYSE fiasco hit HLS with an immediate impact on their share price and their orders. In the last quarter of 2005 orders slumped to $40 million seeing them drop by nearly $5 million in just 9 months.

Company details are listed for the purposes of readers making informative and polite communications with the companies listed. The details are not intended for repetitive, rude or threatening call s.


seen demonstrations outside their HQ offices. There is a complete understanding of where we should be and you have to ask yourself should we be outside this office, what is the impact, is this where the decision makers are? If you cannot make it to anywhere else then great carry on but if you can then think about how targetted is your activism? One demo outside a HQ can have the same impact as scores pf demos at smaller offices outside that company's country of origin.


The graph above shows how their share price has dropped over the past few months and t he graph below shows just how their share price has fared against other indices like the Dow Jones Index etc.

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HLS The difference between SHAC and HLS explained in pictures SHAC---


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This is coupled with the fact that SHAC demos in Europe have mushroomed with many European countries now carrying multi day hard hitting demos at some of Huntingdon's largest customers. Could this be the real reason Brian Cass admitted in March 2006 that " ... cancellalions were unusually high this year... " .

» HLS are $1D million in debt » HLs·s orders dropped by nearly $4 millioa last quarter » HuaUagdoa hate aot liled accounts at c-ompuies House lor ·3 years . » Huatiagdoa han not been able to land a UK auditor lor our a years » Hutiagdoa made aloss last quarter This time though HLS were forced into accepting a rate that is 8.25% over LIBOR which means that at the moment interest payments on the $70 million will be between 12-13% which is a heavy burden for Huntingdon to carry. Also there are many penalty clauses in the refinancing linked to their performance and also things like the $70 million could be called in if Cass or Baker leaves. All this basically means is that Huntingdon are seen as high risk and for a company to insist on such high interest and clauses they are not certain of Huntingdon's future.

Huntingdon also posted their 1Ok form on the SEC website ( Securities and Exchange Commision) in the US This makes interesting reading although you have to do a lot of reading between the lines. It is also available in the financial section of the For the first time companies like Roche and SHAC website but we have listed a few choice Novartis who are massive HLS customers have~tes from the 1Ok.


The company's central laboratories operation, and to a lesser extent, its other businesses, are heavily reliant on transport for the movement of clinical trial kits and other material and a significant disruption to the transport systems could ' ' have a material adverse effect on the company's business. ' ' ' ' The company depends on third parties to provide it with services critical to its business. The failiure of any of these third parties to adequately provide the needed services could have a material adverse effect on the company's business.


' ' ,.. ""'m·· '''"" a0rnm,,, "··· '" ... harassed the financial community that trades



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in LSR shares including Market Makers and Stockbrokers.'As a result, LSR has had difficulty identifying market makers to make a market in the Voting Common Stock, which has greatly reduced liquidity in those shares. The liquidity and market price of the shares of LSR Voting Common Stock could be adversely affected in the future by such actions. ' '


pnc~ has come under mcreas1~g pres~ure w1th email act1on alerts and demos 1n the C1ty of London, Wall Street and Bank of America demos in Europe. These demos have seen many sharehold· ers dump their shares in HLS.

Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn sold all their 170,000 shares in HLS. Keane Capital sold their 270,000 shares in HLS commenting" ... While we generally do not comment on our portfolio positions, and undertake no obligation to do so in the future, after further review of the ethical issues, industry trends, and the ongoing application of our investment process, Keane Capital has since exited its position and does not currently hold any shares of LSRI." Ameriprise sold their 34,500 shares in HLS (see letter right) and well known city firm Gartmore sold their 10,000 shares in HLS. SHAC has also hit on a new tactic of targetting Huntingdon's two market makers Seaboard and Vertical's clearing and routing agents. This tactic saw the removal of Legacy as HLS's sole Market maker on the OTCBB after which they slipped onto the Pink Sheets (see last issue). The last 3 months

have seen two of these agents desert HLS's market maker Seaboard. On March 30th their routing agent Knights dumped them after demos in the City of London, an email action alert here and also by Win Animal Rights in New York all of which happened within 7 days. This is creating huge illiquidity in Huntingdon's shares with 3 days out of the last 7 seeing 0 shares traded which is practically unheard of, except for HLS that is! The more HLS and Cass crave normality, the more abnormal their position becomes. Ameriprise Hnunda /

HLS recently signed a refinancing reement that sees their interest shoot I· They have to pay over $1.0 million a •ar in rental and interest alone [ln the last 6 months HLS's share ·ice has dropped nearly $1.0 c-ash at hand dropped from $-3-3 :·mon to $15 million As an add on to this piece it is interesting to see just how badly HLS customer Phytopharm's share price is doing. This is the company that lied and said they were not a customer, then inadvertently admitted it in a court statement at a later date. Their share price is at its lowest point ever. Gone are the days of it being £5-60 as it struggles along at 38p. They are really strapped for cash and are continually issuing new shares to raise cash but they are rapidly running out of road and money. Now where have we heard that before? Phyt:ophann PLC (1p Ords) VII FT-SE AI Shan

For SHAC customer demos go to pages 4-5- -

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Oemo outside HLS supplier Fisher In Holland

Oemo outside HL8 cust Novartrs In Dublin. lre~~~r

More !lome demos In New York and two pictures Immediately right are office demos in New York

* All these pictures are taken from the last 2 months of SHAC protest$. Welcome to SHAC .. .It is good to demonstrate. .

&laxoSmithK\ine reeruit~ent day invaded, Hollan

HLS customer Syngenta demo in Holland

Getting the messilge ilcross Hew York style

This picture and immediate right are from a Roche demo in Sweden

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1 Axxora AXXORA (UK) Ltd. P.O. Box 6757 Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8LS United Kingdom Tel: 01949 836111 This company has supplied chemicals to HLS for experiments. Their HO is in Switzerland.

2 Amec Amec are a project management and services company. They have dealt with HLS on at least 3 occasions. Their HO is in London at: Corporate Headquarters AMEC 65 Carter Lane London EC4V 5HF United Kingdom Tel: 020 7634 0000 Fax: 020 7634 0001 AMEC Group Limited Paternoster House 65 St Paul's Churchyard London EC4M 8AB Tel: 020 7634 2222 Fax: 020 7634 2200

Guernsey Sea 3 Farms Pare Lane, Vale Guernsey GY3 5EQ Tel 01481 247480 This company supplies HLS with marine life for Toxicity experiments.

The companies listed here are ones that we have recently identified as supplying HLS globally. Some of them are US companies who deal with HLS's lab at Princeton, USA and also Huntingdon in England. Some of these are really nasty companies. The UK only suppliers will be back in the next newsletter with lots of new ones.

4 ARC American Radiolabelled Chemicals are a US company who have dealt with HLS repeatedly. Their UK office is at ARC - UK Limited M301 Cardiff Bay Business Centre Lewis Road, Ocean Park Cardiff CF24 5EJ, UK Phone: 029 20485001 Fax: 029 20460324 E-mail:

5 Bachem Bachem sell compounds for experiments and have dealt with HLS all through 2005 and 2006. Their UK office is at. Sachem (UK) Ltd. Delph Court Sullivans Way, St. Helens Merseyside WA9 5GL, England Tel 01744 61 2108

6 BAS BAS (Bioanalytical Systems Inc) Stoneleigh Deer Park, Building 28 Stareton, Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 2LO United Kingdom Phone 024 76639574 This company has supplied analytical equipment to HLS. They are based in the US and their UK office is above.

7 Betz Dearborn Betzdearborn Ltd Foundry Lane, Halebank, Widnes, Cheshire WAS SUD Tel: 0151 420 9595 This company is involved with Water Treatment/ Chemicals and Inhibitors.

8 Hummingbird EMEA Head Office 10th Floor Capital House Chapel St. London, England NW1 5DH Tel: 0207 723 0877 Fax: 0207 724 7028 Hummingbird UK - London 4 Harbour Exchange Docklands, London, E14 9GE. Tel : 020 7093 0444 Fax: 020 70931173 Hummingbird UK - Wokingham Mulberry Business Park Fishponds Road Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2GY Tel: 018 978 2800 Fax: 0118 978 2700 (81) 0118 936 0606 (Host Access) UK Support 0207 723 1777 Hummingbird have supplied computer software to HLS.

9 Lomir Lomir are one of the most evil companies we have ever come across. They supply disgusting equipment for animal handling, restraint and surgery. Their UK distributor is: ROYEM SCIENTIFIC 29 Silecroft Road LUTON Beds. LU2 ORN Tel: 01582 417295 Fax: 01582 457491 E-mail: Website: and also HARVARD APPARATUS Fircroft Way Edenbridge, Kent England Tel : 01732 86 4001 Fax: 01732 86 3356 E-Mail: Website:

10 Buxco Buxco Europe, Ltd. Micheldever Winchester S021 3BT Tel 01962 774551 email: This is a really sick company who supply lab equip11:1ent for really sick experiments on animals. Look at their website and you will see. They have supplied HLS repeatedly.

EUM 92 - a chance to make history A rare chance to make a historic stand against vivisection is now available. Demands for an inquiry into the medical value of v ivisection have been supported by doctors, researchers and hundreds of MPs. An Early Day Motion is currently available which requests an independent, open inquiry into the medical relevance of vivisection. An inquiry like this is bound to uncover enormous problems with animal testing for human medicine. Terrified supporters of vivisection have been urging MPs not to sign, but they're signing in numbers. Although support has been excellent, we need hundreds more MPs to sign if it's going to go ahead. Please ask yours to sign, and ask your friends to ask their MPs too. Please be polite. Most MPs are supportive, but as there are around 2000 EDMs currently, many MPs don't know about this one. Remember that this is a very reasonable EDM: it requests an assessment. Any backbench MP can sign (but not members of the cabinet or shadow cabinet). Many people have been shocked that their MP has supported this despite being unsupportive on other issues. If you don't think yours will sign, please ask. it just takes a few minutes, and you may be pleasantly surprised.



If your MP or one in a nearby constituency has NOT signed, you can ask for postcards from Europeans for Medical Progress. Can you give these to friends and supporters to be completed and sent to the MP? If you give them out on a stall, offer to collect them all in and send them together. Getting them done there and then will ensure people complete them .

>>Visit http://www.vote4animals. and enter your postcode at the top of the page. You will be told whether your MP has signed EDM92, and you can send a message to him or her from there. >> Write to them at House of Commons, London , SW1 A OAA. If you're not sure whether your MP has already signed check on the PAD site (above). If you have no internet access, call Protecting Animals in Democracy on 0114 272 2220.

Flyers are now available from Vivisection Information Networkvivisectionkills or P 0 Box 223, Camberley, GU16 5ZU Write to your local paper and ask people to contact t heir MP and ask him/her to sign.

>> You can also call your MPs office, either their local constituency office or the House of Commons on 020 7219 3000.

This is a crucial campaign and could make a massive difference. Contact Europeans for Medical Progress on or 020 8997 1265 if you have any ideas or thoughts about raising the profile and getting more MPs to sign.

Di d you see the poll on Sky News? -

BE POLITE MPs will not respond to rudeness. Just ask them to sign EDM92, Animal Testing of Drugs, which requests an inquiry into the value of animal testing.

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Now if HLSwere a use

Yet another HLScustomer busy killin g people Pharmaceutical· m. 17 March 2006. Eisai reports fatal ities in study of Alzheimer's drug. Japanese drugmaker Eisai Co. has reported the deaths of 11 patients during a large clinical trial testing its Alzheimer's disease drug Aricept against vascular dementia. Aricept is already approved in the US, Japan and the EU for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Eisai, which markets the drug with its partner Pfizer, has an application pending in the US for the use of Aricept to be expanded to include vascular dementia, the second

most co mm on form of dementia after Alzheimer's disease. A tota l of 11 patients from the 648 participants in the arm of the study receiving Aricept (donepezil) have died. There were no reported deaths in the 326 strong placebo group. Eisai said the deaths had been reported to regulatory authorities and that it would continue to discuss the Aricept VaD program with regulators. However, analysts are wary of the results, saying that even a small increased risk could have significance for the drug. As Aricept's efficacy in fighting Alzheimer's is relatively low, its risk profile is particularly important.





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These demos came in as we were about to go to print





Prisoner Support: ~~n we haven't got prisoners we have stopped fighting. If our prisoners are forgotten about they have beaten us.'' Keith Mann Don Currie has been remanded in custody on charges of

Sarah Gisborne was sentenced to six and a half years

arson in relation to PDP COuriers who are a major sup-

for conspiracy to cause criminal damage. This sentence

plier to Huntingdon Life Sciences and have also lied to SHAC in the past and the Wilton Box Company who make lab animal transportation boxes.

has since been reduced to five and a half years on appeal. She is well, strong and determined so please w rite letters of support.

Please write letters of support to Don to show that he is not alone. This is rea lly important. If you do not know Don then don't worry - your letters are still more than welcome. Just write about general things you do or demos you have been on. If you are really not a big writer then just send a card in support. You can also send Don stamps and sae's.

Sarah Gisborne [LT5393), HMP Cookham Wood Sir Evelyn Road, Rochester Kent MEt 3LU, England :: ::: ::: :: :: ::::::: ::::: ::::: ::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: A.R . Prisoners abroad US prisoner Update- Peter Young

Con's birthday is 13th April.

Peter Young was recently sentenced to 2 years for raiding 6 fur farms and releasing 8,000 mink. Peter was on the run for 7 years. Letters can be sent to: Peter Young #10269-111 FCI Victorville Medium II, Federal Correctional Institution PO Box 5700, Adelanto, CA 92301 , USA

Donald Currie, TN 4593, HMP Wood hill, Tattenhoe Street, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK4 4DA

.......... ....... ....... .. ........... .... .... ... .... ......... ...... ......... ...... ·········-···········································-···-························ Heather Nicholson has been remanded for an alleged offence against a hunting family. Please write hermessages of support. Heather Nicholson NR7271 HMP Bronzefield, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 3JZ Heather can receive sealed writing paper and envelopes.

......................................................... .... ...... ............ ... ..... ....... ............ ... ............................... .. .. ... ........... ......

................................................................................. . ..................................................................................

On December 16, 2005, Chris Mcintosh was sentenced to eight years in prison relating to a fire at a Seattle McDonald's in 2003. The action was jointly claimed by the E.L.F. & A.L.F. Christopher Mcintosh #30512-013 USP Hazelton, US Penitentiary P.O. Box 2000 Bruceton Mills, WB26525 USA

Merchandise order form Item


Merchandise is free unless stated. However donations to cover costs are appreciated. Return the order form below to SHAC, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.


HLS general leaflet AS

Direct Action- Punk Rock compilation CD £S

Combined Japanese customer leaflet

PGP security CD and instructions

UPS strip leaflet

'Green Harvest' vegan recipe book £S

UPS A2 poster

Legal advice booklet

Dead puppy A2 poster

Rabbit A2 poster


Japanese A2 poster Videos/DVD's (Please state which) 1 Action Video/DVD. This includes Times for Action 1, 2 and the New Time for Action 3 as well as the US Strikeback- £2 2 Cruelty footage. This includes the SHAC Short video and the Documentary Countryside Undercover of footage shot inside HLS. £2 With both these please state whether you want a VHS video or a DVD

NEW SHAC Direct Action T Shirt Black only Sizes Skinny Fit, Small, Medium, Large and X Large £10 each SIZE .......................... SHAC Global T-shirts and Hooded Tops Black only Skinny Fit, Small and XL only T-shirts £8 and Hooded Tops £12 SIZE ..........................

'Slaughter of the Innocent' by Hans Ruesch Classic scientific anti-vivisection book, £S

Michelle Rokke's diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS, £2

Book: 'Caught in the Act', £3 Undercover investigation on Prof Feldberg

Collecting tins

Science book 'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese' by Dr. Ray Greek, £8

Airhorns £S

'Campaign against cruelty' An activist's handbook - Covers all the basics, £S


Cruelty free guides - lists what's tested and what isn't, SOp



Active Slaughter Punk Rock CD, £S



NAME .............................. .. ADDRESS .................................................................................................

POSTCODE .................. EMAIL ADDRESS ....................................... TEL No ...................................... .


Many of the companies that trade shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences have offices in the ·c·ity of London. ·c·ome and make your voice heard in the money capital of E;urope. We will then move off into several themed demos. See A-3 map insert and decide which demo after the march you want to come on. T·he animals will be inside HLS. Will Y_O~U be in the ·c·ity?

April 28th • Alter the Mar Yet again we are a victim of our own success. Over the past few weeks and months we have seen all our targets for the March aginst the Money Men disappear as HLS have gone on to the Pink Sheets and have lost Key Financial companies. We will still be marching through the City though as we really want to get the message across to the Financial Capital of Europe. The March will finish in America Square in the City outside Cantor Fitzgerald who traded 1 million shares in HLS

in 2005 where we will hold a rally. After the rally there will be at least six minibuses waiting for the following demos. Before I explain I must stress that after all demos you will be able to get a lift back into London. Just read the teams below and choose which demo you want to take part in. Can you please let us know if and how many of you are coming so we know how many

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~HAC PA~ & RIDE

T'eam 1: Animal T'ested o·rugs Kill People I I I I I I I I I

This team will be travelling into Berkshire to demo outside HLS customers who killed animals inside Huntingdon in 2005. The theme of this demo will be highlighting the link between animal testing and the fact that these drugs go on to maim and kill people. The demo will finish about 6pm and then lifts will be offered back to Reading Services and back into London.

1-------· T'eam ~ a: Big HLS customers I I I I I I I I I

This team will stay within the M25 and carry out demos against major HLS customers. Huntingdon in their own documents say t~at 10 companies give HLS 45% of their business. These companies kill 81,000 animals at HLS every single year. The companies you will be demonstrating against will be amongst these 10 companies. The demo will finish between 6-6.30 and after lifts will be offered into central London.



T'h e Pjla n(Please read carefullyl

minibuses to book. All demos will either be happening within London or within 40 miles of London and as I said earlier after the demos lifts will be offered back into London. Most of the demos will be at customers of HLS who have killed animals at HLS in 2005. This is important as we will be doing demos against two sides of the same coin.


1 Marching on the Financial heartland of Europe to get the message across that dealing with HLS is financial madness. 2 Carrying out demos against those who pay for experiments at HLS. No customers- No HLS: it really is that simple... So get choosing and get ready to be effective!

If travelling into the City is your idea of a nightmare then jump on board! We will be picking up at the following points at Bam sharpie we will be gone by 8-10am. Reading Services London Bound, Fleet Services Northbound and Pease Pottage Services on the M23. You need to contact us for a lift. Please do not just turn up!

T'eam 2: Staying in the -C¡ity T'eam I I I I I I I I I -1

From America Square this team will stay in the City of London to carry on demonstrating outside those financial companies left in the City stupid enough to still deal with HLS.


This team will be travelling to HLS customers in Surrey and North Sussex. These companies are major HLS companies who also offer a major Bio Hazard risk to society. One of these sent dangerous samples to HLS in a Taxi!! This demo will finish about 6pm and lifts will be offered to Croydon train station.



1 1 I I I I I I



April Tuesday 18th

Monday 17th


Call HLS customer Bristol Myers Squibb on 01895 523000

Wednesday 19th

Thursday 20th

Call Biocair on 01223 245 223

Call Eagle Logistics 0208 755-5000, 01394 601-700, 0121 782 5561 01332 811-330, 0161 436-3191, 01925 250 500



Call GSK on 020 8047 5000, 0800 221441 & 020 8990 9000

Call Merck on 01992-467272


Call Sanofi Aventis on 1483 505 515

Friday 21st


Satu1 2211


Call Teva on 0129-6719768 & 0113-238-0099

May 2nd


Call HLS customer Actelion on 020 89 87 33 33

Call HLS customer Roche on 01273 480 444




Call Roche on 01707 36 6000



Call HLS customer Novartis on 01276 692 255




Call HLS customer Astra Zeneca on 020 7304 5000


13t Org;

Week of Action against the Mauritian Monkey Farms Call BioCulture on 00 230-626-2843




Call Monock freight 0208 894 5400


,I ----I!JIIIIIIIIICalllmpex 01832 275 404


Fetch Europe 01895 835 774 Mobile 07764 584 413


Demo at Maurotoan Embassy 12 noon.32-33 Elvaston Place, London SW7. Nearest tube Gloucester Road


Thorn prim; Gate email tt


See Overleaf for Apri I 28th F


At the end of the day it is her life on the line. This is where the argument begins and this is where it ends.



tay I

Sunday 23rd



14th ise demos outside your local ; Cook to highlight the trade in !S from Mauritius to labs. Call iY to Hell on 0845 458 3528 or n on for leaflets & posters.

--路路 ------路路 21st

Weeks of Action explained... Hauliers to Hell week. The companies listed and the demos happening are against companies who deliver to HIS on a regular basis. The most evil of all these companies is PDP who are in and out of HIS on a daily basis. World Week for Lab Animals & The following week of action against HIS customers. All the companies listed here are major customers in HIS.




Week of Action against the Mauritian Monkey farms. Huntingdon Life Sciences get almost 100% of their primates from BioCulture in Mauritius. The other companies listed in this week of action like Monock are involved in importing primates from Bioculture to Huntingdon. Week of Action against HIS suppliers. This section covers companies who supply goods and services to HIS. Hnnlmingbird supply HIS with computer software, BD biosciences with samples for experiments, Betz Dearborn supply chemicals and water treatment and Perkinelmer supply a whole host of goods for experiments at HIS. Phenomenex supply lab equipment to HIS.

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