·1. i
Tel: 0121·632 6460
e-mail: info@shac.u-net.com
CAMBRIDGE CITYCENTRE BROUGHT TOASTANDSTlll ~ The latest national demo at HLS saw up to a thousand demonstrators pack the streets of Cambridge and over 500 police officers 20 miles away at Huntingdon. Why the mix up? Maybe, just maybe we forgot to tell them where we were going. Oh well never mind. With the police chasing their tails (as usual) activists set about making the streets of Cambridge ring to our message and by the end of the day no one was left in any doubt that we are here to stay until HLS goes. We then marched around the city centre. I was at the front and the march stretched back as far as I could see. When the march reached the labs of Cambridge University at Downing Street the police thought it would be a good idea to block the march bad move. At this point Robin Webb gave a stirring speech filling everyone with fire. We had humoured the police enough and now was the time to brush them to one side and with a concerted push this is exactly what happened with the police lines scattering as we moved forward. After a few brief stops we gathered back in the city centre at 4pm. A highly successful day where HLS was yet again pushed to the top of the agenda and the lab was full of police officers and, as always , under siege! After the demo some activists made their way to the Babraham Institute animal labs. After an inspection of the labs the activists left with over 80 police on site and the force helicopter over their heads!
Newsletter No . 6
A Guided TourThroughHell Thi s letter was sent to us by a SHAC supporter . It is his account of his 'guided tour' around the labs of HLS . "After a telephone conversation with Tim Hooper in March of this year I received an invitation to visit Huntingdon Life Sciences on 14th April. At 2pm I entered the gates of HLS with my wife . The visit was obviously set up to be a PR exercise . For the first half an hour we were given a propaganda talk by Tim Hooper . However this talk was cut short when we began to question him on the ethics of using animals and why so many people died or were crippled after using drugs passed as safe. I was taken to one of the beagle house s where 105 beagles were being tested with drugs and chemicals for 7-8 week s. They would then be killed and cut up to assess the damage caused. The heartbreaking part was the fact that I was allowed to stroke, hold and make a fuss of these beaut iful little dogs. Imagine my agony at not being able to help them . The last stop was the primate house. One section alone was full of two-tier stainless steel cages which housed about 120 monkeys. I stretched my hand to the bars and immediately one of the monkeys came and caught hold of my harid and began to gently stroke the back of it with the tips of his fingers . I looked directly into his eyes and three hours of pent-up emotions boiled over. I broke into tears and told them what a lot of sick, sadistic
bastards they were and demanded they unlock the door and let me out. They just could not understand why I was so upset and tried to calm me down. My response was to tell them yet again what sick bastards they were and the day was not far off when one way or another HLS would be closed and I was now leaving to join my friends who were demonstrating outside the gate , which is where I spent the next hour before returning home."
THANK YOU to all of you who regularly donate or rai se funds for SHAC. It is vitally important that the funds keep coming in. Plea se continue the financial support . Here's how you can help : 1. STANDI NG ORDER- Fill in the enclosed standing order form and return to SHAC. 2. STALLS- We can supply you with leaflets, petitions , posters and collecting tins etc. for you to hold a street stall for SHAC. 3. WILLS - Please send the following words in to us and we will pass it on to our solicitors. "I bequeath unto Closing Animal Abusers Now, c/o Kieran and Co. Solicitors of 31 Clarence Road, Chesterfield, Derby shire, the sum of. .. ... . ..... free of tax and I direct that the receipt of an authorised officer of the group shall be a good and sufficient discharge of such a legacy. 4.
CHEQUE/POSTALORDER- Send cheque s/p .o.s payable to SHAC.
As you can see from the front cover NOW is the time to target Huntingdon Life Sciences's customers. The most public of these is SrnithKline Beecham who went back to HLS after initially dropping them after Countryside Undercover was shown on TV. Andrew G~y from HLS was quoted after the Royal Bank of Scotland decision to quit as saying at least it got HLS's name off the High Street. Oh , dear Mr. Gay I'm afraid you're about to be dragged straight back on to the High Street in a campaign that we predict will dwarf the NatWest campaign. We must not forget that it only takes a handful of customers to pull away from HLS and they are finished. Why put up with the hassle for HLS's sake? As mentioned in the last editorial the two main strands of the campaign are CUSTOMERS and SHAREHOLDERS. Firstly the customers will be targeted via yoÂľr local High Street (Tescos, Sainsbury's etc .). SrnithKline products are very well known by the public and we must link them with
the horrific cruelty at Huntingdon Life Sciences. Secondly you will find enclosed with this newsletter the booklet A-Z 'of HLS scum. This directory contru.ns the home addresses of very important shareholders and some customers. Please use this as¡ your bible arideveryday tool. These people must be hammered relentlessly by every single one of ils ! "' These are the tools we will use to dismantle HLS piece by piece. We are now 8 months into the campaign and are way ahead of where we expected to be at this stage. We really must step up the pressure and make ali our dreams a reality. Just close your eyes and picture the day when HLS closes because as night follows day it will come. Grit your teeth, get active and help SMASH HUNTINGDON.
The Huntingdon Campaign
HLS WORKERS FEEL.ING THE STRAIN Daily pickets at the gates are booming! The minibus runs three days a week collecting from all round the country on Morrdays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Local groups cover Thursdays and Fridays. Every day we are there with drums , whistles, megaphones and attitude! In the last few weeks alone the toll it is taking on the workers is quite apparent on their miserable twisted faces, a far cry from early on when they came out grinning and smirking. It seems that having a constant noisy presence of boisterous protesters running around all day isn't the laugh they originally thought it was! Reporters who have been inside the building say that wherever you go you can hear the persistent drumming and hollering . Staff say they find it difficult to concentrate! So far we've had protester s dressed as bunnies, wearing lab coats splattered in red and even a grim reaper standing alongside mock tombstones with worker's names on! Another day saw protesters dressed up in the same ridiculous gear as HLS security staff - black combat boots, black combat outfit, dark glasses and black caps (obviously they 've been watching too many American cop dramas!). We make use of the PA system with speakers on top of the van which we can play music over. So far we 've had the 'Mia mi Vice' and 'A-team' themes (especially for security) and 'Closing Time ' and 'Another One Bites the Dust' for the workers . What can you think of? Call for details of the free transport to HLS. Bring along any suitable tracks of music and costumes! Prize for the best costume idea when HLS closes ... watch this space!
Have Fun t~
The Freephon Stop
Homâ‚Ź' F.ivoritl.:'s History
Se.arch AutoFill
onthe Phone Would you like a job at Eye Research Centre (HLS), Occold? Why not phone them on 01379-672500 and ask for an application form. Remember, don't give your own address, give the address of a local shareholder - after all, if they're happy to fund the torture then maybe they would like to take part in it too.
0800 genius (or how to block HLS's phone system without it costing you a penny!)
Collect all the 0800/0500 (freephone) number s you can and then in the evening or late at night call them and leave a message. Ask them to call you back and leave the telephone number of your choice. It could be: a) HLS's main switchboard 01480 892000. b) An internal HLS number such as 01480 892368 (business services) or 01480 892042 (head of safety management) - see enclosed list for more numbers . c) A Director of the Bank of New York (a large shareholder in HLS) Gordon Lindsay 01403 741577 d) The Bank of New York itself 0207 5701784
To obtain a list of freephone telephone numbers just look in the back of the yellow pages. Alternatively, if you have access to the internet check out www.freephonedirectory.com for a list of over 20,000 freephone numbers. Some of the best 0800 numbers to use are: 0800 226237 - Cancer Research Campaign (fund vivisection) 0800 216847 - Fish Market 0800 436436 - Pet World
Newsletter No. 6
ANIMAL ABUSE = HUMAN ABUSE say Police The close connection between animal torture and human abuse has been glaringly obvious to people for a very long time - something that has been increasingly recognised by people as diverse as the NSPCC to the FBI. If you are upset by animal suffering you are often accused by animal abusers of not caring about people when the opposite is true . Animal abuse is the hallmark of sadists, cowards, bullies , yobs, muggers, child abusers, wife beaters, serial killers , rapists, perverts, and murderers. Undercover investigator at HLS , Michele Rokke , told SHAC that under no circumstances ever should an employee of HLS be allowed to babysit for anyone's children. She told us that employees of HLS fell into two categories: out and out sadists (who ran the show), and those that became totally desensitised to the inhumanity shown to the animals around them. The police are now admitting to recognising the link between sick people in society and animal abusers - they are one and the same thing! 'The Police Review ' May 2000 states uiat the RSPCA is spearheading research into links between cruelty against animals and the progression to violence against the person and child abuse. It is a link already accepted in the United States where some of the country 's most prolific serial killers began their reigns of cruelty with outrages committed against animals . The NSPCC says it has noticed a significant level of child abuse in families where animal cruelty has also been an issue. Dr. Lockwood has already been conducting research with the FBI which suggested that serial killers such as Ted Bundy who was executed in 1989 after a 4 year reign which involved 40 rapes and murders, began their careers hurting animals. Also Ed Kemper
had a history of abusing cats and dogs and killed 8 women in Santa Cruz. Other animal abusing murderers include Fred West, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, Jeffrey Dahmer, Michael Stone, David Berkowitz, David Harker, the Boston Strangler and Dennis Nielson. Sgt Bell of Durham Constabulary says: 'The link between cruelty to animals and against people is a power thing. The people who do it can exercise the power of life and death , which is the ultimate power. It desensitises people; if you can kill animals you can kill anything. These people enjoy killing and enjoy inflicting suffering, and the ability to exercise that power is what appeals to peopl~ like badger-baiter s, psychopaths and serial killers.' Sound s like HLS workers to us! FACT - animals suffer horrifically at HLS .
FACT - HLS workers find it funny - just ring them up and see what they say: "yes I do enjoy killing animals ... in fact the more you ring the more animals I will kill" "Let me put you on monitor so we can all have a good laugh." Take a good look at the undercover footage from inside HLS. While the animals scream in agony HLS staff laugh and lark about. Sgt Bell continues " .. . people whose work involves killing animals, such as slaughtermen, while accepting that the majority kill because it is their job, some employed in such profe ssions take the jobs because they allow them to indulge in their dark passions ... rather in the way paedophiles become teachers and social workers , the job allows them to hide what they are really about."
ey're worse hey are-all p ephiles. It's o smash the
Cambridgeshire PC in shock outburst
ADOPT AWORKER -THEN HAMMER THEM! Andrew Hose 6 Palmers Lane Alconbury Huntingdon Cambs PE28 4HE Ralph Brodie 11 Oaklands Fenstanton Huntingdon PE28 9LS Alistair Ballantine & Sharon 7 Hayling Close Godmanchester • ¡ Huntingdon Cambs PE292XB
Christine Parker 5 Lions Cross Godmanchester Huntingdon Cambs PE29 2DZ Richard Hall
.,, Huntingdon ... Cambs. PE29 lRZ 01480 457 238
8 Richmond Close
Ann C. Leach 13 Spring Close Huntingdon Cambs PE29 7ND 01480 435966
Roger Edmund Goodway 30 Cooper Thornhill Road Stilton Cambs PE7 3XD
Martin Norman Baker 16 Curlew Close St. Ives Huntingdon Cambs. PE27 6HL 01480 469966
The people listed above all work at HLS. They are crying out for letters and unwanted gifts. They probably all have good credit ratings at the moment - this must change. Please send a "send no money now" gift to the worker of your of your choice (or all of them) - DO IT TODAY. A regular supply of "send no money now" offers will make all the difference to these depraved peoples' lives.
Peter Lawrence Munt 9 Nursery Gardens St. Ives Huntingdon Cambs. PE27 3NL
The Huntingdon Campaign
SmlthKl1ne Beecham
The New NatWest Having successfully targeted NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland there is a new focus for your protests. SrnithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome are two of Huntingdon Life Sciences' biggest customer s and we need to HIT THEM HARD! We're talking office occupation s, phone blockades, home demos, demonstrations and blockade s at their labs and .offices and most important of all forcing a national boycott of all their supermarket and High Street products. SrnithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome are set to merge into one of the world's largest pharmaceutical giants - but no one's too big for you lot! Remember what you did to the NatWest and companies like Phillips and Drew. Remember Boots protests and South African produce actions where activists would fill their trolleys with goods and then reject them after they had gone through the check out. ¡ Stickers (always a favourite!) will be produced to inform the public about the horrific cruelty behind the product they were about to buy - no doubt some of you will make sure every SrnithKline and Glaxo product in your area is stickered i.e. properly labelled! People will naturally¡ reject a product which has a sticker on it saying: 'WARNING THIS PRODUCT IS TESTED ON ANIMALS.' Customers like SrnithKline/Glaxo keep HLS open and pay them to torture and kill animals - don't let them get away with it!
After "Countryside Undercov er-It's a Dog 's Life" was broadcast on Channel 4 on 26th March 1997, HLS lost a lot of their customers which almost closed them down. SrnithKline and Glaxo were among those customers. They showed no loyalty to HLS and promptly shunned them , vowing not to do business with them again. SmithKline Beecham said in July after the Home Office investigation that its confidence in Huntingdon was "completely dented " and that it would not "be giving them any further work." This was just a PR exercise on their part, caring more about their image ' than the animals being tortured on their behalf. On 5th July 1998 SrnithKline announced their complete utum by saying they had lifted their ban on further work for HLS in Februar y 1998. But the letter warned : "Any futur e failure to maintain good pra ctices in animal husbandry will lead SmithKlin e Beecham to p ermanently withdraw from working with HLS." We look forward to SrnithKline's announcement never to employ HLS again in the
& 6/axoWellcome
Other HLS customers .to target with the product stickers are Novartis and Monsanto whos products can often be found in garden centres. next few weeks when the big news breaks. GlaxoWellcome told campaigners at the time: "We had worked with them [Huntingdon] before the documentary and we were surprised by the programme, which was horrific. We have not placed any contracts there since." Glaxo went back on this comment and are currently customers of HLS. All customers of HLS are fully aware of the horrors taking place there every day. Nothing is more important to them than making a profit. This is where . you come in and force their profits down. Do not underestimate your power!
SmithKline Beecham, New Horizons Court,Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9EP Tel. 0208 9752000 SmithKline Beecham, FREEPOST TK.2018, Brentford, TW89BR Glaxo Wellcome, Glaxo Wellcome House, Berkeley Avenue, Greenford , Middlesex UB60NN Tel. 0208 9668000
Newsletter No. 6
SmithKline A taste of Beecham what's to come: Proaucts July 21st
On Friday July 21st, several activists from London met up with other protesters from the South East to make a day of targeting SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome. The demonstration started at Bury Green Farm, north of London near Stevenage. The farm is owned by Glaxo Wellcome, and breeds several different animals for vivisection at Glaxo's own laboratories. The buildings were very modem and comfortable looking. As one got close though the stark reality of what heinous crimes go on were made evident by the miles of razor wire, fences, security cameras that followed every move, and the sad sound of the beagles barking inside their prison . The demonstration quickly gained momentum as a few protesters jumped over one of the perimeter fences to get a better look into the car park. There they were able to effectively convey a message to all the employees passing through the compound, the message being that their headache had only just begun. Things became even more exciting when a rubbish collector and a parcel delivery v~hicle needed to gain access to the buildings. As the gates-briefly opened several scuffles ensued with the security goons and three protesters managed to make it inside, bringing with them placards displaying mutilated beagle puppies, the kind Glaxo pay for when they contract HLS to do testing for them. The second target for the day was SmithKline Beecham's corporate headquarters in West London . Surprised at the lack of security the protesters decided to keep their profile low and take a good look around. After walking the entire outside parameter and spending some time in the building (leaving a few HLS stickers in convenient locations) the demonstrator s walked away with a number of ideas on how to let SmithKline know that we don 't appreciate animals being tortured for crap products like Lucozade and Ribena. Stay tuned for updates on further actions here.
July 31st We arrived bright and early before 9am at the Queen Elizabeth the second Conference Centre to welcome in our own friendly way the shareholders of Glaxo Wellcome and later in the day SmithKline Beecham. These two companies will soon merge to become Glaxo SmithKline. The 'Close Down Huntingdon Life Sciences ' banner was quickly strung up between the conference centre flag poles. From start to finish there was a constant wall of noise made up of chanting, drumming and sirens. Many shareholders looked visibly shaken as they went in and by 12 noon our numbers had swelled to about 80 people who had travelled from all over the country to get to the demo. By 2pm the shareholders of SmithKline Beecham started to go in and the volume was really turned up. When the meeting was over shareholders were chased down the street by shouting demonstrators who left them in no doubt as to the consequences of investing in animal abuse. In fact in the Guardian newspaper they described the meeting as 'besieged by animal rights protesters' which it certainly was. By 5pm we had done our job and we left them shaken and definitely stirred!
Consumer Healthcare Analgesics Ecotrin, Grandpa, Hedex, Mejoral, Panadeine, Panadol, Solpadeine Respiratory Tract The Beechams range of cold and flu medications, Coldrex, Contac, Day Nurse, NicoDerm CQ, Nicorette, Night Nurse, Novahistine, Singlet, Sucrets, Valda Gastrointestinal Andrews Antacid, Andrews Salts, Citrucel, Eno Fruit Salts, Gaviscon, Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Sonrisal, Tagamet HB 200, Tums Vitamins and Naturals The Abtei range of dietary supplements and natural healthcare products, Cetebe, Eunova, Feosol, Geritol, OsCal, Scott's Emulsion Oral Healthcare The Aquafresh, Aquafresh Flex, Corsodyl, Dr Best, GlyOxide, Macleans, and Odo! range of oral healthcare products Dermatologicals ..__--,,u " Hinds, Lactacyd, Oxy
Debrox , Massengill, Sominex, Vivarin, Denavir
The Huntingdon Campaign
-zEROTO The following report demonstrates how a small number of organised activists can achieve amazing results. In Kent we have a successful zero tolerance policy and great teamwork. All new shareholders have a polite letter sent to them with a factsheet. We obviously do not write our own name and address on the letter but instead give the name and address of another shareholder , so any backlash from our letter is aimed at them and not at us. Meanwhile , we make the first phone call, which is the most important for getting information. They-may have both christian names on their answerphone message, or if a child answers and say mum/dad is at work we ask for the work phone number & mobile, etc. This is invaluable for later phone blockades. And intially they are off guard. When we do speak to them, they are either shocked to learn what HLS is all about, or they are obnoxious and tell us they are adamant they will not sell. But they always do in the end. From the list Kent is divided up into three sections , and people are allocated their set of shareholders to flypost. Meanwhile, the girlfriend of an estate agent is busy writing to the ten neighbours of each shareholder from a special computer program. The names , addresses and phone numbers are then circulated to all the active people from our group. The stubborn shareholders have home visits
and we set up phone blockades. We also ask other groups to publish their phone numbers in their newsletters. And that is where our zero tolerance policy works, because they are not left alone until they sell their shares. Most of us do our phoning, writing and fly-posting in the evening; and while most of us are fast asleep at night, one insomniac amongst us spends the early hours convincing shareholders it would be
'Iwo of HLS's shareholders - Mr and Mrs Edward Cozens of Chessington, are · advertising: 1. Used bricks to anyone who will take them away 2. Garden hose 30ft on winder - £10 3. Pine wardrobe plus two drawers - £20 I expect they have had a lot of phone calls.
Mr and Mrs Edward Cozens have also ordered: 1. Pack of ladies bras (3 in a pack) 2. The Diamond Fire Ring from Danbury Mint 3. Four books from LargePrint Swindon 4. Bamardos Centenary Bear from Compton & Woodhouse 5. One pair lemon curtains with .tiebacks 6. Grattan catalogue 7. Kays catalogue 8. Littlewoods catalogue 9. Details of Natural Digital Hearing Aid 10. The Queen Mother Centennial Plate from Lawrence -Seymour
In all 37 items should be delivered to their home. Should we warn them? I think the phone calls from builders, gardeners and bedless people will do that?
If everybody on our mailing list chooses a few HLS shareho lders to target, then you can be sure that a lot of people will be eager to get rid of their shares!
Demo in the City Thursday 13th August saw forty of us gathered in the City of London to hammer home the message. First we descended on Fleming Private Nominees at 20 Finsbury Street, London.They seemed rather shocked to have their office blockaded and the scrambling police officers only just managed to stop us"all barging inside. The next stop on our tour was just 100 yards down the road, Merrill Lynch who own 8.5 million shares through their subsidiary NY Nominees. Merrill Lynch are well-known and they looked aghast to have a wall of noise outside their British HQ . How very unsetttling for important clients of Merrill Lynch trying to get in to the building! Yet again hassle for dealing with HLS. Next were HSBC Global Custody on Pepys
a good idea to sell. These people are allowed no peace, after all their money keeps HLS in business. We also use the methods suggested by SHAC of parcels, etc . It is a reall y constructive use of time, as it only takes a few evenings to fly post and everyone has time to make a few phone calls , howe ver busy they are.
Street with 3,156,627 shares and yes, this is the same company as HSBC (formerly Midland) Bank. We then moved on to Hambros Bank Nominees on 41 Tower Hill with 250,000 shares and at 4pm we had a very noisy finale outside Fielding Nominees , 55 Mansell Street with 200 ,139 shares. We walked very, very noisily from target to target right through the heart of the City with many offices completely stopping to see what all the noise was about. Yet again the name Huntingdon Life Sciences was dragged through the mud in front of the very people HLS rely on to buy their shares - not too good for business! ·
Newsletter No. 6
----______ __ .. .
_......,__.... _
Activists besiege Charles Schwab - a shareholder of HLS
N~, fit
On sth August as part of the regional Day of Action against shareholders , Charles Schwab in Birmingham received a surprise visit at 6.45 am. A ladder was hastily erected against the 20 foot parapet of Charles Schwab and three activists in white suits, rabbit outfits and skull masks quickly climbed up and dropped a big banner saying 'Charles Schwab Fund Animal Torture' above their offices. Megaphones and drums were soon in action and for the next seven hours the noise was deafening. Demonstrators below handed out hundreds of leaflets to passers-by as those on the parapet played sirens through the air vents - great for staff concentration ! There was a massive amount of public interest and support from -passing motorists and pedestrians, and coverage on local radio and TV and also in local papers. This was a highly effective demo with no arrests, despite Charles Schwab staff pleading with police present to handcuff us and take us all away ! Bad luck - but at least they can look forward to plenty more surprise visits .... at home and at work !
NOTES: 1. Please note that the shareholder list is updated regularly. If you wish to receive it each time it is updated then please let us know. 2. If you can attend short notice shareholder derp.osplease send us your name, address and phone number so we can inform you of them
The Huntingdon Campaign
INSIDE INFORMATION Both workers , ex-workers and security guards from HLS have been providing us with inside information from Huntingdon Life Sciences for some time now. Although we can't say exactly how we are contacted we can say what we've heard. This is just the tip of the iceberg . This is an eye-witness account: "I just want to show my support for your campaign due to my personal experiences at HLS. At age 16 my school sent me to do work experience at HLS (not my choice of destinations). I was placed in the inhalation toxicology department hooking up rats and beagles to machines testing asthma drugs. Although this was unpleasant enough in itself it was actually the treatment of the monkeys which shocked me. One day my colleagues told me if I looked through this one glass door I could see the monkeys. I looked in and saw monkeys strapped into metal devices which looked more like an electric chair than anything else , struggling and generally freaking out. There was blood everywhere. The whole thing looked horrific. I was blatantly not meant to see this as I was told to go away and the glass was covered after this. I have no idea what they were doing to the poor creatures but I was disgusted. Tl:).ereis no excuse for subjecting them to this sort of torture . There can be no rational scientific explanation for the nightmarish conditions in which primates were experimented on . Every time I see HLS in the news I picture the expressions on the faces of the monkeys . They were like frightened children. HLS is a travesty against the animals and deserves to be exposed and closed. ACTION - If you are a student who gets a placement at HLS have a good snoop around
and send us any information you can! 2. A member of the public gave us the following information: "An acquaintance of mine who works at HLS and is a bit of a loudmouth has been showing off to us about his work with rabbits at HLS. Apparently he 'sandpapers' their eyes and then gives them cannabis to see if it kills the pain." Another pointless , cruel and unscientific experiment. 3. An employee of HLS told us that two security guards have left because they can't take the pace any more and one female security guard (Julie) was sacked for lying about her colleagues - ha ha!
4. We have spoken to countless ex-workers who agreed that HLS should be shut down. 5. A fax we received from inside HLS (see below) shows that in one experiment they will take 16 be agle puppies aged 20 to 24 weeks and poison them with varying doses of toxic chemicals for a period of 15 weeks. Then they will kill them for the customer for a mere £55,700. Dead before their first b1rthday. This is why we must all double our efforts to close HLS ANY WAY WE KNOW HOW the animals inside are rapidly running out of time. There are puppies being born today at Interfauna who are doomed to die.at HLS unless we ALL do something to stop it.
Attention of: Adrian Steward From : Peter Owen Sponsor : Novartis Animal Health Enquiry Number : 22067 A
Life Sciences
IMPREGNATED FLEA COLLARS TOLERANCE STUDY IN THE DOG Test substance : Impregnated flea collar Duration : 15 weeks Route : Dermal - via impregnated flea collar Age at treatment : 20-24 weeks Animals : 4 groups of 2 males + 2 females (1 Control (normal PVC collar to mime high dose level)+ 3 treated groups at xl, x3 and x5 normal usage rate) . Formulation : As supplied by sponsor Terminal observations : see below PRICE : Kill with no tissue retention £55,700 : Kill and retain skin £57 ,000 : Kill and take and examine dermal exposure area £57,700
ORDER FORM !.~ I! ~o_u _c~
All the merchandise below is free except for t-shirts which cost £5 and sweatshirts which cost £15. THE MERCHANDISE IS THE MAIN EXPENSE
__ _FS}~
~A-~~ ~~N~T1~N !~~A~S
ITEM HLS Leaflets HLS Factsheets HLS Poster (A2) Demo Posters Petitions Shareholder Posters-for flyposting in & around shareholder's areas Shareholder Leaflets-for delivering or sending to shareholder's neighbours Video: HLS - The Truth (Short) Video: HLS - The Truth (Long) Video: Countryside Undercover
_T~ c_o~T_T!!~N !~Ef~E _D9~~ !~~s
ITEM T-shirt (1) (£5) - state grey or black and state size (s,m ,l,xl) T-Shirt (2) (£5) - black only, state size Hooded Tops (t-shirt f design)(£15) SrnithKline Product Sticker SrnithKline Product Poster-this poster is for flyposting over SrnithKline adverts SrnithKline AS Leaflet SrnithKline Phone Sticker SrnithKline A2 Poster DONATION TOTAL COST
_ .. _~
Name ................................................... Address .................................................................. ,........... . ......................... ,.. ,...................... County ................................................. Post Code ........................ . Tel. ....................................................... E-mail. ............................................................................... . 10
Fii SCll!NC ------
Look her In tire eye Offd
tell her Yoll don't can