Merlin at the card table section two of and a packet of cards

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Merlin at the Card Table Jack Merlin

Section Ttfo of "and a Pack of Cards"

Cherished Secret s of a I "aster ivlaniyulator

Section Two "and a Pack of Cards." Second Revised Edition By JACK MERLIN.

ited. by A. W. C. Brumfield. Published 1928. By THE V/ELWORTK COMPANY. 36 West Pratt Street, Ind ianapoli s,Indiana. U. 8. A. Cherished Secrets of a Maeter Manipulator


Copyright 1927, 19 28.


EDITORIAL NOTE. The editor of this series wishes to express his thanks to Mr. Charles J. Maly, who has given us much valuable assistance in preparing these manuscripts. Several of the effects are written by the editor or Mr. Maly from memories of tricks " done by Mr. Merlin; hence, any slight variation from Mr. Merlin's routine must he charged to our sometimes faulty memories. This has occurred in only one or two instances, as the manuscript sub- • mitted us by Mr. Merlin was very complete. A few of the effects and sleights that were originated by Mr, Merlin have been "rediscovered" by some of the other writers on Magic. However, In most cases, the reader will be able to trace back the use of these to Mr, Merlin in the beginning. Of oourse, not all of the things in the manuscripts are original. Where possible, credit has been given to the originator. Some effects that are not in theirselves new have been given new presentation or improvement. In carefully rechecking the various sleights contained herein, we note that Mr. Merlin is ambidextrous; and some performers will have to reverse some of his instructions from left to right, and from right to left, as some performers.can use only the right hand for certain manipulations. A. W. C. BRUIIFIELD.

"and a Pack of Cards." The following three manuscripts comprise the Series entitles "and a Pack of Cards." Invaluable to any one who does card tricks and written by a Vaudevillian of many years experience. All workable stuff, no Padding. Concise and nothing held out. MERLIN'S MA5TZR MANIPULATIONS. Exclusive sleights and manipulations. Covers very thoroughly Theory, Passes, Second and Bottom dealing, False Shuffles and Cuts, Thumb and Finger Counting, Changes the G ii3e ; forcing and Crimps. Hi*. Merlin has in addition to explaining many exclusive sleights and methods, given many tricks based en these principles. MERLIN AT THE CARD TABL2. In this, Mr. Merlin has given a very clever routine of card tricks to do at a card table or in a club room. Just the thing to use when some one says, "I would hate to play cards with you." Contains quite a selection of card effects all based on Poker, Bridge, Pinochle or other card games. Enough material to give quite an entertainment as an expose of "How Gamblers Cheat" but really you expose nothing. •** work that has long been needed, by the Magician and treats entertaining by Magic in a new angle. IvIIRLIN'S MASTER IILxACLES Some of the tricks that have made Merlin the outstanding Card Conjurer of the World. Contains the explanation, so you can work it, of his famous Spread on the Table, ^his he has done at Club entertainments all over the world and it surely seems a miracle. ^Spread out the cards, face downwards, on the table. Look at a card. Replace it in the pack yourself. Gather up the cards." And then he locates the cards. This is only one of the Master Miracles that he explains for the first time. Each "Section complete in itself. Price per Section Qs.00 prepaid. The set of three, ordered at one time, ^5.00 prepaid. Foreign add lOjzf per Section. Order of your dealer or from the publisher.

36 'J7est Pratt Street.


Indianapolis, Indiana.

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