No. 34
Vol. 4
THE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS The 150th Regular Monthly Meeting was held at The Magical Palace, 493 Sixth Avenue, New York City, on Saturday evening, Nov. 6, 1915, and was (INCORPORATED! opened at 8 130 p. m. by the Most Til. President Richard Van Dien in ceremonial form. There were present the First Yice-President, C. OFFICIAL ISSUED TO Victor Dealy; Second Yice-President, James T. Burrows; Treasurer, Leo Rullman; Secretary, G. G. MONTHLY MEMBERS Laurens, Jarrell, Rouclere, Schneider, Domitz, Powers, A. and F. J, Martinka, and Werner, and the Hon. BULLETIN ONLY Ill, Harry Kellar. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Application for membership was received from ILLUSTRIOUS MAGICIANS: William Meyenberg, 53 Richmond Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., endorsed by Clyde W. Powers and G. G. The next regular meeting will be held on Laurens. This petition being laid over for investiSaturday Evening, December 4th, 1915, at the gation and report. Magical Palace, 493 Sixth Avenue, at 7.30 o'clock The following having been reported as worthy by the Committee on Admission were ballotted for and sharp. declared duly elected: After the regular business meeting will be 472 William W. McWilliams, of Pittsburgh, Pa. a social entertainment for members and their friends. 473 Warren J. MacDonald, of Windsor, AT. 474 Charles Griffith Davis, of Plainfield, N. J. 111. Charles G. Davis, being in waiting, was inducted into the Mysteries in short form; a warm hand from E L E C T E D TO M E M B E R S H I P all greeted him. Correspondence brought a letter of appreciation for 472 WILLIAM W. Me WILLIAMS, Pittsburgh, Pa. the floral tribute of the Society to Mrs. Van Dien 473 WARREN J. MacDONALD, Windsor, Vt. from our Most 111. President, Richard Van Dien, who 474 CHARLES GRIFFITH DAVIS, Plainfield, N. J. was by the Mandate of the Mighty Magician bereft of his wife on Oct. 15, 1915. Charles Hout, of Johannesburg, South Africa, tells us he has been troubled with his sight. The post-office authorities A P P L I C A T I O N S F O R M E M B E R S H I P paid money order of James Brewer, of Plymouth, R e c o m m e n d e d b y England, which was lost throitgh an active war. Adrian Plate reports good business and sends his dues as WILLIAM MEYENBERG [ Clyde W. Powers does also "William A. Russell, of Batavia, N. Y., and Gulleck, of Dixon, 111. Mrs. Woodward, of Berkeley, 53 Richmond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ( G. G. Laurens Cal., thanks the S. A. M. for the kind words of condolence at the death of her husband, 111. Roll M. Woodward, M.D. W. G. Pauly writes us from faraway Zebu, P. I., and Dr. A. M. Wilson sends his monthly interesting letter. M. I. PRESIDENT Attest: Yen- 111. Andrew J. Waring, for many years archivist of our Society, forever laid down the wand on the stage of life on Oct. 7, 1915. Members of the S. A. M. acted as pallbearers, and accompanied his bodv to its resting place. A better man in the caR. I. SECRETARY pacity as archivist will be difficult to find. The tribute paid him by P. Most 111. Teale in the last issue of EDITED BY THE PRESIDENT M. I". M. while exhaustive, does not tell one word too much in praise of him. In coming from the cemSend contribuiions to : etery from the funeral of A. J. Waring, we visited R. V A N D I K N G. G. L A D R E N S the grave of Very 111. Imro Fox and in reverence unPRESIDENT SECRETARY covered in the memory of our lamented and once 230 DN1ON STRRKT 7 SOUTH 13TH STREET genial brother. JERSEY CITY. N J. NEWARK, N J
SOCIETY OF AMERICAN Very 111. Laurens, as a Committee of One, reports on the beautiful emblem wreathes sent to A. J. Warin ?; and Mrs. Van Dien as a token of our esteem and sympathy, which brought the response from First VicePresident Dealy, that his action met with the approval of the Society. Most 111. Van Dien spoke of the uniform kindness of the Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, the members of the Society and neighbors in the hours of the great trials he had just passed through. Horace Goldin sent us from Cairo, Egypt, where he is meeting with great success, a panel representing an Egyptian figure and bearing hieroglyphics, and was used to decorate our curtain. The archives in the possession of A. J. Waring have been delivered in part by P. Most 111. Teale to Secretary Laurens, and arrangements made by him to send the balance to the Secretary's home. Ladies' Night, or a Social, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 4, 1915, and the entertainment will be under the direction of I'. A. Vincent, and should be good. So bear this well in mind and invite your friends, not forgetting the ladies. The President's table was draped in mourning, and as is our custom, we stood in silence to honor our departed A. J. Waring, Rell M". Woodward, M.D., and Mrs. R. Van Dien. The Magic Circle, through its Hon. Sec. Henry Donn, sent us a fraternal greeting and hope for a continuance of our friendly relations, which was received with much pleasure. L'nder good and welfare, our Hon. 111. Harry Kellar, who visited us with his friend, Dr. Bosworth, gave us a nice talk on magic, impressing the necessity of orignality and the putting new clothes on old tricks, as he did with Ching Ling Foo's "Cut String Trick." which even Ching did not recognize as his. At the suggestion of C. W. Powers, Kellar performed this marvelous and keen sleight at the table, covered with a white cloth so the cut piece would be in evidence, but we all looked—so did he—and saw—nothing. Kellar was pleased with the applause this brought forth, and we with the sleight. Harry Rouclere told some interesting happenings in the field of magic. Bills were audited by Domitz and Jarrell, and ordered paid if found correct. DUES are due; do you owe dues? If you do, address the Secretary as follows: G. G. Laurens, 7 South Thirteenth Street, Newark, N. J., and receive from him the card you should have had some time ago, and his best wishes for your success. ] In Ceremonial P'orm the Most 111. President closed the meeting1 in harmony at 10:30 p. m. . LADIES NIGHT, DEC. 4, 1915. DON'T FORGET! KRANCTS J. WERNER. Official Correspondent.
aware that the Emperor of Germany was a great admirer of prestidigitation ? Conradi Horster, the Berlin dealer in tricks, was often called upon to distract the Kaiser in his yacht cruisings. Besides, William II stuck us (nous colla) with an ambassadeur in Paris, who was an amateur prestidigitator. No doubt he hoped that this undesirable 'Confrere' would succeed in 'pilfering away' La belle France. "In his October issue of 'La Revue,' Mr. Jean Finot tells us that Mr. von Schoen had made his first entry to the Court at Berlin as a tennis champion, and as prestidigitator of no mean skill, both qualities endeared him to the Emperor. Before he became Ambassador to Paris, Mr. von Schoen was sent there as First Secretary, and he became popular mostly through the magical effects that he was showing off with the skill of a real master. "At a convention of diplomats that was of great importance, he amused his associates by pulling peacock plumes from the nose, and billiard balls from the ears of one of the Triple Alliance Ambassadors. "Mr. von Schoen thus gave proof of exceptional talent, and no doubt this must have made his road easier among a convention of men 'who are all of solemn mien.' " 1 say, how is that for showing the French point of view? G. G. LAURENS.
An interesting feature of the last dinner of the S. A. M. was an exposure of the many ingenious methods resorted to by the professional gambler to rob the unwary. It was uncommonly interesting, for though most of us have heard of this villainy, very few of us have had the opportunity of seeing it in practice. Mr. Quinn, who was the exposer on that evening, scored an unmistakable hit. The only fault was that he did not give us enough of it, and too few of that large audience could see what was going on. His delicate manipulation of cards, dice and other of "the devil's playthings" need to be seen at close quarters to be appreciated fully, and while that was impossible in a large dining room, such as the McAlpin, his earnest manner impressed everyone, and the audience showed their appreciation by their hearty applause. For twenty-five years John Philip Quinn was a professional gambler, and in that time he learned and mastered all "the tricks that are vain" of the fraternity. Then he was led to see the errors of his ways, and since 1887 his life has been devoted to lecturing on and laying bare the nefarious schemes of these thieving scoundrels. His lectures are of the most practical character, for they are illustrated by an exhibit of the marked cards, loaded dice and other paraphernalia used to swindle the poor ensnared victims. All may look and learn how utterly impossible it is for anyone to win when the scoundrels are playing their tricks, My Dear President: Mr. Quinn has traveled over every part of the Among the bits ofrayprivate correspondence, I find country, and of England, and his lectures are received one gem that should not go to waste, but is rather with great enthusiasm. He has been in New York worthy of recording for history's sake. It emanates now for nearly a year, and makes his headquarters from A. Blanche, he who during the present terrible at the store of 111. Compere Clyde W. Powers, where conflict presides at the helm of the Association des he will be glad to see anyone who calls on him and Artistes Prestidigitateurs, in Paris; I will translate demonstrate with cards, wheels, dice, etc., the fuhim literally: tility of any straight man playing with a professional "Talking about the war, mayhap. You are already gambler.
SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS MACALLISTER, THE CELEBRATED WIZARD AND MAGICIAN (From Gleason's Pictorial Drawing Room Companion, Boston, Mass., Saturday, Nov. i, 1851.) This so-called "Wizard of the Age," came among us a few weeks since quite unheralded, and in the most quiet manner put up his magical apparatus at the Boston Theatre, Federal Street, where he has ever since been performing, aided by his wife, to a series of the largest assemblies, probably, that have ever convened within that house. There has been no evening that parquette, boxes and galleries have not been filled and overflowing with an audience that has universally retired, highly delighted and amused with the unique and puzzling character of the entertainments. It would be impossible for vis to enter into a detailed account of the elaborate and amusing experiments that are nightly performed by Mr. MacAllister; but suffice to say, that they are of the most unexceptional character, and calculated to interest, amuse and delight, without in any way offending' the delicacy of his audience. Our artist has given us herewith a very excellent picture of his utensils and automaton figures, as they
appear on the rising of the curtain, to the audience. The immediate feat represented as being performed by the wizard is known as the shawl trick, wherein he produces a whole brood of hens, chickens, ducks, pigeons, lap clogs, etc., from out a shawl, borrowed from one of the audience, and this, too, without being near any place of concealment, or any assistant of his company. But this is only one of his very curious and unaccountable representations, which to be appreciated must be seen. Probably no artist of this school ever visited Boston, whose mechanical arrangements were so perfect, and whose instruments and accessories are so elaborate and fine as Mr. MacAllister's. We are gratified to see that he is reaping a golden harvest by his efforts to please. We should not fail to mention that Mr. MacAllister is assisted by his wife, who is a most important auxiliary to him in the execution of his deeds of necromancy. She is dressed modestly, though in male attire, and attracts much interest and attention by her pleasing manners and prompt enacting of a part entrusted to her skill. To her husband, she is invaluable as a most adroit assistant.
To my great surprise, I was told recently that it is Very generally believed in the S. A. M. that I wrote the article published in the Sunday edition of the World of July 13, 1913, bearing the name of Dr. Ellison. Further, my informant added that he knew I wrote it, as he recognized my style ("a Daniel come to judgment"), and even when I desired the authorship, his manner left the impression that he did not believe me. He further told me that Dr. Ellison told him 1 was the author. This the doctor emphatically denies in a letter to me. When I tried to learn who originated the story, my informant fell back on the excuse, "I was told in confidence." Now I wish it distinctly understood that I had absolutely nothing to do with the article in any way, either by writing it or by furnishing information for it, and I have a letter from the writer of the article, a member of the World staff, attesting the truth of this. As for the one who first started the story, allow me to say here what I should be very glad to say to his face, that he is a mischievous busy body, and a contemptible liar, and, as far as I am concerned, he may take what Shakespeare calls "the primrose way to an everlasting bonfire." HENRY HATTON.
When a gink says: "I'll now turn this Jack t^ a King.' I don't b'lieve him, do you? When he says: "I'll now smash up this fine diamond King.'' 1 don't b'lieve him, do you? So when such guys say things that should not be said, And start knocking the game that is giving them bread : Worst of all, when they holler that magic is dead! I'm damned if I b'lieve them, do you? J. W. S.
ERRATA The attention of the members is called to certain errors in last month's M. U. M., which they will please correct for their files, viz.: No. anddate should have been: No. 33 October Vol. 4 The tribute by Past President Teale to our late archivist, Andrew J. Wearing, should have been entitled "Waring—as I knew him. A companion of forty years or more." There were several minor errors in the article which the readers may readily detect without having attention called to them.
PROF. CHARLES HUOT. Prof. Charles Huot writes from Johannesburg, S. A., under date of August 26th: "It has been impossible for me to go to France. The doctor of the French Consulate in Johannesburg didn't want to pass me on account of the fever which I contracted a year ago in the Congo, which affected my left eye, and I can hardly see at fifty yards. So I have to remain in South Africa, as I will be useless in the Army. "In here everything is very quiet, and most of the soldiers who have returned from Germany, south and west, are going to Europe. I wish the war was over. It is something terrible. I have some friends who have just come back on account of their health, and so I have known by them what a terrible state is in Europe at present." ANDREW G. WARING AN
A life with trials sore beset, A life of duties strictly done, A life of sorrows bravely met— A crown of glory nobly won.
T h e n i h t of D e c e m b e r 4th
wiH b e
dedicated to the entertainment of the friends of the members, ladies and gentlemen. This "Social" will follow the regular meeting and we will be ready with our welcome at about nine o'clock. The stage will be in charge of 111: P. Augustus Vincent who is an entertainer and has many entertaining friends—so a pleasant evening may be anticipated.