MARTINKA & CO. 4 9 3 Sixth York. PRICE, S1.OO
PREFACE. In presenting this little volume to my readers, I trust that it will meet with their approval. While neither profundity of matter, nor perfection of style is aimed at, it is written in every-day language, and a careful perusal of the following pages may both interest and be of value to my readers. Respectfully, W. H. J. SHAW. CHICAGO, I I I .
THE MYSTIC PERCOLATOR:A two gallon size glass percolator is used for this beautiful experiment. The percolator is shown to company perfectly empty, It is then covered with a shallow silver cover and given to a lady or gentleman to hold. A large silk handkerchief is thrown over it, to exclude the light. Performer now empties a cornucopia of paper roses which were produced mysteriously a few moments before into his blunderbuss "BANG" goes the pistol which performer hands to assistant. He then steps forward and removes the handkerchief and shows percolator full of beautiful flowers. Flowers were concealed inside the silver lid of percolator which is made on the same principal as the "Coin Cork" so that on pressing a small projecting pin on top of Cover, the trap door in bottom of lid gives way and releases the contents and is again closed by a spiral spring inside of cover. This is a wonderfully effective trick. WATER INTO ICE:A square tin box is brought on the stage and placed on a frame The box is shown empty and remains on the frame during the entire experiment. The box is now filled with water and covered with a thin cover. A candle is placed underneath the box for a few moments, the cover is removed and instead of the water is a large cake of ice, nearly filling the box. In the centre of the cake of ice are seen previously borrowed articles and the ice has to be broken to get them out. Explanations—The box is on the principal of the Inexhaustibal Box i. e. it has two bottoms and contains the cake of ice when brought on. Tip the box towards the company and show empty, tip in the opposite direction and show the bottom solid etc. The water runs down side of ice through the legs and into the double bottom of frame. There are two holes in the real bottom of the box for the water to pass through and these are concealed by the fingers when the box is tipped forward. Have a fake pail with a false bottom near the top. The cake of ice must not entirely fill the box as it could not be tipped forward then. The right size is best accertained by trial. To find articles in centre of ice have it sawed through, make a hollow space in it, then put in the articles and unite the two halves by spreading salt on the surface where cut. THE NATIONAL BALL TRANSFORMATION:A solid blue ball covered with gold stars is given to the audience for examination and is found to be made of wood and free
from preparation. After it is returned the performer rubs it between his palms and it changes to an orange. Explanation—The ball you give is made of hard wood painted blue and decorated with gold stars in imitation of the national flag. Underneath your vest you have another ball made as follows: procure an orange a trifle smaller than the wooden ball, wind the orange lightly with blue yarn and paste on some stars made of gilt paper. After having given the wooden ball for examination and while returning to the stage you vest it and produce the prepared one. Now all you have to do is to work off the yarn under cover of the hands, then palm the yarn and exhibit the orange. NEW SPIRIT GHOST SEANCE:This is one of the finest seance of its kind ever introduced. I will bring effect and explanation together. The medium is tied to a chair, and the assistant lifts him into the cabinet, (when second back of cabinet is in its place,) between the two backs of cabinet is a natural skeleton painted luminous; the head and arms of skeleton can easily be detached and attached at pleasure. The medium releases himself from the chair and takes off the arms and pushes them through the openings of curtains and lets them float high above the cabinet, by using a reaching rod. To the end of this apparatus is fastened an arm and medium waves it high in the air, at last a grinning skull shows itself through the opening of curtain, only to vanish again, finally a whole skeleton steps out of the cabinet and walks about the stage, moving arms and legs, at last it goes back into canopy; lights turned up and medium found in a trance, knots undisturbed. This last effect is managed by the medium taking the loose back ground and throwing it over himself, he then removes his shoes and with a strap buckles the skeleton to himself. The spinal column of skeleton is strengthened by a thin iron rod, the medium then puts his feet into half slippers, fastened to the skeletons feet, he then grasps the wrists of the skeleton with his hands and walks out of the cabinet and a/ound the stage, never turning his back to the audience, and walks backwards into the cabinet again. To the eyes of the audience the medium is absolutely invisible, being covered with the black background. After the medium returns be puts skeleton and back ground in their re spective places again, raps and simulates a trance. This has a most wonderful vivid uncanny effect upon the audience. SPIRIT BELL ON GLASS Top Table. For answering questions, etc. There are two bells used, one is concealed underneath the up-