The best tricks and how to do them

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C. Arthur Pearson Ltd. Henrietta Street, W.C.

First published 1931

Printed in Great Britain at Tht Mayflower Press, Plymouth. William Brendon & Son, Ltdj


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INTRODUCTION ONE way of discovering the worth of a trick is very simple. Test it by performing it to an audience. If the trick passes that test it is a good trick. All the tricks described in this book have been tested in that way and have passed the test. I have not attempted to describe all the good tricks in existence, for the simple reason that it would be impossible to do that in a book of this size. But I have selected my material very carefully. All the tricks I have explained are well within the reach of any amateur conjurer who wishes to give an entertaining performance to his friends. A word on that point. A trick is not necessarily a good trick because it is difficult; some of the best tricks are quite simple and easy—when you know them. To learn a trick properly it is necessary to look at it from two points of view—that of the audience and that of the conjurer. The conjurer has to make sure that the magical effect he is producing is perfectly clear to the audience ; otherwise, when the performance is over people will merely ask each other: " What is he supposed to have done ? " 11

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