Connect Savannah 12-29-2010 Issue

Page 1

best scam e-mail of the year, page 6 | polar plunge, page 8 | new year’s eve fun, page 24 improving cultural infrastructure, page 28 | cooking classes @ the mansion, page 30 dec 29, 2010 -Jan 4, 2011 news, arts & Entertainment weekly free

Top 20 of 2010

wilco and pat controy photos by geoff l. johnson; BANDSHELL PHOTO BY LUKE ANDREWS

Stories of impact from the year that was

news & opinion DEC 29 - JAN 4, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM








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week at a glance

Events marked with this symbol are things we think are especially cool and unique.

Freebie of the Week |


Fireworks on the River

What: Ring

in the New Year with a bang at the midnight fireworks show sponsored by the Riverfront Association. Dec. 31, 11:59 p.m. Where: River Street Cost: Free When: Fri.

Check out additional listings below



for a complete listing of this week’s music go to: soundboard.

Dive into the New Year and cold water with the annual Polar Bear Plunge at the Tybee Pier and Pavilion on New Year’s Day


Wednesday Holiday Tours by Candlelight

What: Explore the holiday season during the

19th century: Food, music and more.



for a list of this weeks gallery + art shows: art patrol

When: Wed. Dec. 29, 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Where: Davenport House, 324 E. State St. , Cost: Adults: $8/adv, $10/door; Kids: $5/adv,

$7/door Info: 912-236-8097.

Film: Rare Patti Smith Documentary

What: Celebrate Patti Smith’s 64th b-day with

a screening of a rare documentary When: Wed. Dec. 29, 8 p.m. Where: Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park Ave. , Cost: $6 Info:



Go to: Screenshots for our mini-movie reviews



go to: happenings for even more things to do in Savannah this week

Ashram Savannah Open House

What: Got a resolution to be more fit? Drop in

and check out the Yoga Co-op. Wine and hors d’oeuvres. When: Fri. Dec. 31, 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Where: Savannah Yoga Co-Op, 2424 Drayton St. , Cost: Free and open to the public Info:

New Year’s Eve in City Market

What: Ring in the New Year at an outdoor

party featuring live music, confetti cannons at midnight and more. When: Fri. Dec. 31, 9 p.m. Where: City Market Cost: Free Info:

New Year’s Fireworks at Tybee


What: Ring in the New Year with a bang at the



Friday What: Ice skating in the Civic Center. Times

vary. Full schedule available at Civic Center website. When: Fri. Dec. 31, 10 a.m. 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM, Where: Civic Center, 301 W. Oglethorpe St. Cost: $7 Info: 912-651-6556.

island’s fireworks show. When: Fri. Dec. 31, 11:59 p.m. Where: Tybee Pier and Pavillion Cost: Free Info:

Saturday Polar Bear Plunge

What: Start the New Year off right

with a dip into the Atlantic. Proceeds benefit scholarship program. When: Sat. Jan. 01, 12 p.m.

Where: Tybee Pier and Pavillion Cost: $25 registration fee to join Tybee Polar




Sunday Cannon Firings at Fort Jackson

Live demonstrations of historic artillery are front and center. When: Sun. Jan. 02, 11 a.m., 2 p.m. Where: Fort Jackson, 1 Old Fort Jackson Rd. Cost: Museum admission Info:912-232-3945 What:


Wednesday Film: Captain Beefheart Tribute

What: The Psychotronic Film Society screens

a rare 1997 documentary about the avantgarde rock legend and Frank Zappa collaborator. When: Wed. Jan. 05, 8 p.m. Where: Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park Ave. Cost: $6 Info:

news & opinion DEC 29 - JAN 4, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM

January 20-29, 2011 / Jepson Center* Telfair Museums’ Pulse: Technology and Art Festival returns for its third year in 2011 at the Jepson Center and partner locations. The all-ages event includes art, workshops, lectures, and performances by international and regional artists working in new media. *Most events take place at the Jepson Center. 2011 Pulse programs are presented free of charge, thanks to project funding provided by the City of Savannah. Additional Sponsors: Connect Savannah, Georgia Tech, and Springhill Suites by Marriott. Zachary Lieberman with EyeWriter

Matthew Richard Estrella Instersects the Plane, 2009

Bora Yoon, with visuals by Luke DuBois; ( ((PHONATION)) ) performance; Photo by Laurie Olinder

Friend us @ Follow us @myTELFAIR


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News & Opinion

2010’s best Nigerian Scam e-mail by Jim Morekis |


editor’s note


Community: The

big chill: Charity benefits from Tybee’s New Year’s Day Polar Plunge.

As you enjoy our Year in Review special issue, I’d like to present to you something near and dear to my heart: My choice for the year’s best Nigerian Scam letter.



Year in review: From

the presidential visit to the smoking ban, the sudden death of Ron Higgins and the birth of the bandshell, here’s what got us talking in 2010. BY THE CONNECT STAFF

18 Blotter 19 Straight Dope 20 News of the Weird



28 Here’s to a very

good year - and hope for a cultural infrastructure to help makes things even better. BY PATRICK RODGERS

22 Music 30 Cuisine 32 Food & Drink 34 Art 36 movies

Longtime readers will know of my abiding love and connoisseur’s appreciation for the highly creative, if quite illegal, literary genre known as the “Nigerian Scam”: A time–honored technique – originating but not limited to Africa – of using creative writing to tug on the heartstrings, and wallets, of the gullible and the stupid. This year’s winning e–mail was forwarded to me by my main “connection” for Nigerian Scam letters, Savannah’s Jack Fitzgerald, who shares my curatorial affection for these wonderful gems of the writer’s craft –– all the more amazing in that they’re written by totally anonymous people for whom English is not a native language. While 2010’s winning e–mail was no doubt ghost–written by a professional scam writer somewhere in the Third World, for official purposes we give the award to the nominal author: Miss Roseline Laurent of the Cote d’Ivoire, “the only Daughter of my parents, late Mr and Mrs Laurent Roussel.” Like any well–established artistic tradition, such as a sonnet or a blues song, a true Nigerian Scam e–mail must follow a time–honored template to be authentic. The opening is crucial, setting the tone for the emotional appeal to come. Miss Roseline’s intro, while not great, does solidly combine modesty with a certain youthful bravado: It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country, though I have not met you before but I believe one has to risk, confiding in someone to succeed in this life. Indeed – why would I want to help someone who doesn’t have the guts to help themselves? The resilient young Roseline goes on: I am 22 years old, a Christian but I was meant to understand that a woman has no religion until she belong to a family, I can abide to any religious community as long as it is the same God. What a pleasure to be contacted out of the blue by a young person with such clear moral vision! So unusual these days! Now comes the heart of any authentic Nigerian Scam letter, what I call the “habeas corpus.” This is where the writer spells out the specific dollar amount of the funds they are trying to move out of their beleaguered home country.

Remember, without the habeas corpus – without a specific reference to the exact dollar amount – it’s not a real Nigerian Scam, it’s just a scam. Beware of cheap imitations! Here’s Roseline’s expert habeas, which she prefaces with a nod to the state of the world which is surprisingly wise for one so “young”: I have prayed for God’s direction to find a honest and truthful person to assist me with this, I know it will not be easy trusting one another this time around because of what is going on in the world today but I hope for the will of God to take place. I am seeking your attention to help me transfer the sum of Six Million, Three hundred and fifty thousand America dollars (US $6,350,000.00) in your account and to help me invest it in a lucrative business in your country. Please it is more than urgent. “I know it will not be easy trusting one another this time around because of what is going on in the world today.” One of the small but necessary literary touches that shows the real craftsmanship and sense of journalistic immediacy typical of the expert Nigerian Scam writer. Having able delivered the habeas corpus, Roseline now goes to what I term the “appeal to decency.” In other words, the reason why she, and not anyone else, is deserving of our help. This is generally the writer’s chance to really stretch, to push their scamming talents to the max. Here’s Roseline’s game–changing appeal to decency: Before the sudden death of my father in a private hospital here in Abidjan, he secretly called me at his bed side, when I sat down to listen to

him, he started crying and complained that I am too young to be managing my life now with no one to take care of me without knowing that he is leaving me all alone in this wicked world, That I have not finished my university education as he planned for me and he also revealed this to me. Notice the attention to detail, another hallmark of the best Nigerian Scam writers. It’s not just a hospital, but a “private” hospital. Her father didn’t just call her to his bedside, he “secretly” called her. And the pathos of a young woman leaving her father’s caring embrace to face the cruel world on her own, a poignancy put into even more stark relief by her inspired stream– of–consciousness writing style! Face it, if all Hollywood screenwriters were this skillful at painting a detailed picture of real human emotion, you’d go the movies every night of the week. Of course all this is a set–up for Roseline’s “ask.” Like Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross, the Nigerian Scam writer lives by the principle of ABC: Always Be Closing: I have decided to offer you 20% of the total amount of money as a compensation for your efforts input in this transaction, that is just for your honest and sincere assistance to me, then you handle and control the investment while I forward my education there in your country and joins you in the investment as soon as I finish my education under your guardian. I will fly to meet you there in your country for the investment and to start my new life with you after the success of this transaction. A bold and brilliant touch: “to start my new life with you.” This one line is what finally separated Roseline’s e–mail from the rest of the deserving finalists. This is a truly daring creative move for a Nigerian Scam writer, really pushing the typical envelope and taking the letter into a whole new place not limited to mere financial concerns. Genius! There were so many other entrants this year that could have won, such as Lewis, whose father, a “wealthy gold and cocoa merchant” was killed during “last year’s Rable attact.” Or Rose, who wants someone else to have her money since her “husbands relatives are into serious radical organization and I don’t want a situation where this money will be used in an unholy manner.” Or Justina, who wanted to escape her country “after my fathers second wife poisoned my mother to death.” But this year the prize goes to Roseline. She can claim her prize money from us by sending us 20 percent of the transaction up front, along with her contact info and Social Security number... CS

Connect Savannah is published every Wednesday by Morris Multimedia, Inc 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7 Savannah, GA, 31404 Phone: (912) 721-4350 Fax: (912) 231-9932 Administrative

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Staff photo

news & opinion DEC 29 - JAN 4, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


The aftermath of a previous Polar Bear Plunge. No natives were eaten in the making of this photo




Plunging into 2011

Tybee Polar Bear Plunge raises money for nursing scholarships by Jim Morekis |

On New Year’s Day a year ago, Tybee Island was cold and rainy. Still, that didn’t stop about a thousand people from lining up four and five deep to take the Polar Bear Plunge into the frigid Atlantic, celebrating the arrival of 2010. For 2011’s new and improved Polar Bear Plunge –– a charity event now beginning its second decade –– over 100 people have already preregistered at the website at “And we usually get at least four times the amount of preregistered people registering the morning of New Year’s Day,� says event organizer Don Ernst. Ernst says the event continues to grow, with attendees this year coming from as far away as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Kansas to ring in the New Year on Tybee Island and cap it all off with a bracing swim in the ocean. For Ernst the real fun is watching the diverse array of eccentric characters who show up every year, many in whimsical costumes. “We have a mummer that comes all dressed up in his costume every year and brings his whole family,� Ernst says. “At the end of the day my cheeks hurt from smiling so much at everybody having so much fun.� The Polar Bear Plunge this year will

raise funds for the The Forty & Eight, an invitation–only veterans organization that draws from groups like the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The organization will use the funds raised from the plunge for nursing scholarships. “AASU and South University are the two local schools that offer medical training,� says Ernst. “Last year we were able to provide four $1,000 scholarships to local nursing students.� As last year’s Plunge featured actual registration –– rather than just a loosely organized free–for–all –– there was some grumbling. However, there is no attempt made at exclusive use of the Atlantic Ocean. “We cannot stop people getting in the water without registering,� assures Ernst. “The people who do register will have their own area, and will be the ones that get the TV coverage.� And of course, they’ll get a chance to help the local community with their contribution. cs Tybee Polar Bear Plunge When: Noon New Year’s Day; pre–registration begins 9:30 a.m. Cost: $25 Info:

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Part of the fun of any “Top Whatever” list is arguing about it. You can get some of that action this year by hotly debating our own staff–picked list of the Top 20 local news and cultural happenings of the past year, presented here in order of impact, total buzzworthiness, and general all–around wow factor: 1. President Obama visits Savannah

Like him or not, undoubtedly the biggest overall story of the year was the president’s visit to Savannah, which drew supporters and protestors alike to line White Bluff Road on a cold, damp morning. On March 2, Obama came to Savannah to announce a new energy saving rebate program called HomeStar. Several hundred lucky attendees, including a bevy of state and local politicians, business leaders and prominent community members, packed the Savannah Tech campus for the announcement. The details of the new program were overshadowed by coverage of his traditional Southern lunch at Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House, a choice which seemed to be in conflict with Michelle Obama’s recently announced campaign against obesity. The meal, which included fried chicken, yams, black–eyed peas and banana pudding, was the closing story on several national networks’ evening news programs. Probably fighting the urge to nap after such a big lunch, the president also managed to make stops at the federally funded YouthBuild program office and the newly opened Meddin Studios production facility on Louisville Road. Though Obama’s was widely reported

President Obama at Savannah Tech during his March visit

in other local media outlets as the first presidential visit to Savannah since Truman, the easily documentable truth of the matter is that George H.W. Bush made a campaign stop on River Street when running for re–election in ’92 and George W. Bush held a press conference on Hutchinson Island following the close of the G–8 Summit in ’04. – Patrick Rodgers

2. City Manager Michael Brown resigns

He was such a civic institution for so long that it seemed like Michael Brown was originally hired by Oglethorpe himself. But the former city manager “only” held the job for 15 years before his resignation in May. During that decade and a half, the Virginia native brought a new professionalism and an expansive (though some would just call it “expensive”) civic vision to Savannah. Detractors will point out various Brown–authored boondoggles, such as Savannah River Landing, obligating city taxpayers to carry the debt of questionable investments (see item 20 on our list).

That said, Forsyth Park upgrades, the Ellis Square renaissance, the city/county police consolidation, and most especially the dramatic drainage improvements are very real and very overdue parts of Brown’s positive legacy. But after leaving Savannah, things turned a little strange for this technocrat of few words who largely eschewed the media spotlight. Just a few months after returning to Virginia to take a job as Arlington County city manager, Brown stepped down, citing his wife’s poor health. However, the news soon broke that the Arlington County Board actually forced him out, citing a “poor fit” (though that didn’t keep them from giving him a fat severance package.) For a brief time, the performance of his momentary successor, Acting City Manager Rochelle Small–Toney, prompted a few predictable cries of “Bring Michael Brown back,” given that Brown was apparently free to return. But cooler heads prevailed, and the truth has set in that for better or worse, Brown is gone, baby, gone. — Jim Morekis

The mint green house at the corner of Abercorn and 55th will forever be known as “the Extreme Makeover house,” after several weeks of Savannah’s collective life was taken over by the much–beloved reality TV show. A key portion of one of Savannah’s most–trafficked streets, Abercorn, was blocked off for the frenzy of round– the–clock construction and all–around amateur paparazzi activity. Local media gave breathless, up-to-the minute progress reports on framing and drywall. Lucky recipients of the show’s and the community’s largesse — which included not only the new house but college scholarships and iPads — were the Simpson family, whose adorable two–year–old special needs child was a focus of attention. In the meantime, host Ty Pennington enjoyed himself at local clubs, including the great Black Lips show at the Jinx. The truly massive outpouring of local volunteerism was proof positive that neighborliness isn’t dead — it’s just more or less entirely dependent on reality TV to get it going! — JM

The Extreme Makeover house at Abercorn & 55th

4. Tybee tasing

In one of the most “electrifying” stories of the year (sorry, too soon?), the tasing of an autistic teenager on Tybee led to the resignation of the police chief and the conviction of two local police officers for falsifying a police report — as well as a quarter million dollar civil settlement.

After this summer’s Beach Bum Parade on May 21, 18–year–old autistic man Clifford Grevemberg was outside a Tybee club when his unusual behavior led to him being tased twice by two officers. A witness, however, insisted that Grevemberg, who wasn’t intoxicated at the time, also wasn’t resisting the officers. (Charges against Grevemberg

5. Ron Higgins 1965–2010

Ron Higgins was one of those rare people who not only made something of himself, but was dedicated to self–improvement. To making something more. The news that the 45–year–old founder and CEO of Savannah Movie Tours had died sometime during the night of June 14, spread through the continues on p. 12


were later dropped.) The officers involved in the tasing, Travis Daniels and Timothy Sullivan, were suspended and later resigned; a third officer who was involved also resigned. Daniels and Sullivan also ended up pleading guilty to making false statements to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation about the presence of a third officer on the scene. (Their sentence was four years, but it was immediately suspended.) Veteran Tybee Police Chief Jimmy Price was also suspended in the wake of the incident. He retired right after the indictments of Daniels and Sullivan were announced, about three months after the fateful tasing. — JM

3. Extreme Makeover comes to Savannah

news & opinion

year in review | continued from previous page



city like wildfire. Higgins, it turned out, had made friends in every profession, every social stratum, of both sexes and all races. Even today, six months after his death, people are still writing “Miss you” and recounting Ron stories on his Facebook page. Although no autopsy was performed, the family believes he died of a heart attack. An older brother also had heart problems. “If you gave me a million guesses, Ron would not have been in the first million,” says sister Jaime V. Higgins, who lives in Washington, D.C.. “It was just unbelievable.” Ron and Jaime had exchanged text messages just the night before. “We were excited about True Blood starting,” she laughs. Obsessed with the movie business, Higgins started his own enterprise as an on–foot tour, taking customers around the city and pointing out where scenes from famous movies (some of which he’d worked on as a crew member) were shot. By 2008, he had an air–conditioned 16–seat luxury coach, with several DVD players, and ran other coach tours encompassing Savannah food, specialty shopping, ghosts and martini bars. Higgins was named Entrepreneur of the Year 2006: Most Unique Business, by the City of Savannah’s Entrepreneur Center, Tourism Entrepreneur of the Year 2007 from Cumulus Broadcasting, and Entrepreneur of the Year 2008 from the Savannah Chamber of Commerce. He was in the process of expanding his business – the family continues to keep it going by “capturing his vision and executing his plans” – and was determined to assemble a scriptwriting and film appreciation association. And there were other things on his mind, says Jaime Higgins. “Two years

The death of Ron Higgins was a huge blow to the local business community

ago, he told me ‘I’ve really put my heart and soul into my business, and I’ve neglected my health. I’m gonna start working out and I’m gonna start losing weight.’ “He said ‘I’m ready to get married. And hot chicks don’t like fat guys.’” He went to yoga five days a week, watched his calorie intake, exercised and lost 80 pounds. Jaime believes that if he hadn’t started looking after his health, he would have died sooner. “The Friday before he passed, several people saw him running,” she says. “And he told them ‘I’m training. I told my sister I was gonna run the Army 10–Miler with her this year.’” Meanwhile, she says, “We are hanging in there. We miss him dearly; I don’t even know how to describe it. My mom is, of course, still broken–hearted. That was her baby.” “But every time we talk about him, it’s always a funny joke. No one’s really weepy or anything like that. It’s always a funny story that kind of keeps us going. And if you knew Ron, there’s plenty of those.” – Bill DeYoung

6. Bandshell, baby!

Savannah has a new architectural landmark. The long–awaited, long–promised Forsyth Park Bandshell finally debuted in February with a community event,

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Photo Luke Andrews

news & opinion

year in review | continued from page 11

The new Forsyth Park bandshell has been eagerly awaited for years

but it wasn’t until the SCAD graduation concert – May 28, featuring G. Love and Special Sauce with Galactic – that the multi–million dollar structure was tested in front of a really big crowd. Technically, the bandshell itself is the retractable roof covering the ornate, white–columned stage. But the stage is new, too, as are the lighted water fountains and the visitor’s center. The $5 million renovation of the Forsyth fort – constructed in 1915 to train the Georgia National Guard – began in 2008. Its arrival was a cause for celebration at the Coastal Jazz Association, which had been using a temporary stage for its annual Savannah Jazz Festival in front of the rotting fort since the early ‘90s. “That probably ran us about $5,000 a year,” says festival chairman Skip Jennings. “And a lot of that was labor, because they’d have to start setting it up on Wednesday to have the stage ready for the sound systems on Thursday.”

Last September’s Jazz Fest, with Spyro Gyra headlining, was not without its production headaches. “We had to build the scaffolding on either side of the bandshell for flying thePA speakers.” The elaborate water fountain, too, made positioning equipment tricky. “I’ll say this: It looks really nice from out in the crowd,” Jennings says. “And it gives the performance space more identity. It’s almost like a new theater has opened up in town.” Both audience and performers, he adds, seemed to enjoy the first foray into festival jazz. However. “To me, it does not seem to have been designed with production in mind,” Jennings says. “The frustrating thing is, it could have been so much nicer, so much better. “The fountain in front of it is a horrible thing. Not only is it stupid, it’s dangerous. And it’s like having a moat between the performance space and the audience.” — BDY




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From the moment the 2010 budget passed, it was clear that the 2011 budget process would be one of the big stories of the year. It didn’t disappoint. With tax revenues in decline, the budget outlook quickly went from bad to worse, and by the end of summer City Council had to vote on a small increase in the millage rate to fill a gap in the current year’s budget. Around the same time, acting City Manager Rochelle Small–Toney told department heads to revise their budget requests to reflect an 18 percent reduction in funding for 2011. That might have gone over better except that news broke about a series of pay raises for executive city staff. City Council members responded that the raises had been cleared by former City Manager Michael Brown prior to his departure and without their knowledge. (The city’s charter gives the City Manager exclusive control over spending). Once it came time for the annual budget retreat in October, the meetings had to be delayed because the budget wasn’t ready. That led to an additional set of meetings and considerable grumbling the following week. When the smoke cleared, the changes that drew the most attention were recommendations not to fund Picnic in the Park and the annual Asian Festival (both had reduced funding restored at the request of council), the slashing of the Savannah Development and Renewal Authority’s budget by 60 percent and the restructuring the Film and Tourism Office (discussions of which were clouded by misunderstandings about the actual terms of the changes). Finally, the 2011 budget passed a vote during the City Council meeting on December 16. — PR

8. Smoke–free ordinance

New Year’s Eve will be the last chance for smokers at bars to light up indoors in Savannah – the result of a hard fought battle between public health advocates and local nightlife enthusiasts. The issue was first raised in May by the Healthy Savannah Initiative and within a matter of weeks, banning smoking had become a lightning rod at public meetings during the dog days of summer. Although smoking indoors, particularly at restaurants had been addressed by state legislation in 2005, that law left a loop hole for bars. Supporters of the new ordinance, which was backed by anti–smoking interest groups, argued that allow-

JinHi Soucy Rand of Muse

ing smoking was exposing employees – from bartenders to fire marshals – to dangerous second hand smoke against their will. The opposition, which consisted of a mix of bar owners and Libertarians, argued that besides being an affront on personal freedoms, pushing smokers outside would be bad for bar business and cause an increase in litter from cigarette butts. The new rule added fuel to the fire for opposition claims that the current city council has spent considerably more time regulating bars than anything else. Over the last several years, changes have included the bar card system, the hybrid liquor license and raising the age of admittance from 18 to 21 at clubs with live music that serve alcohol. After impassioned debate from both sides, the ordinance passed a vote by the mayor and council in late August. We’ll find out soon enough who was right. The ordinance, which only affects bars within the Savannah’s city limits, takes effect January 1. — PR

9: Muse: ‘Support Local Awesome’

It appears that JinHi Soucy Rand, who’s been working in the theater arts here for nearly 20 years, has become the performance stage’s guardian angel. Last March, she renovated the space at 703D Louisville Road – the old Freight Station – re–named it Indigo Arts, and invited anyone and everyone to rent the room and put on whatever kind of shows floated their boats. This occurred after the long–lived Little Theatre of Savannah went into hibernation, and the Savannah Community Theatre and others cut back on

productions. There have been more than 140 performances at Muse Arts Warehouse (as Rand re–named it) since the place opened. She happily reports that a new, one–year lease has been signed and secured. Rand says she’s been most enthused by the growing number of collaborations between artists and performers from different disciplines. “I am looking forward to seeing more of that in 2011,” she exclaims. “A friend (we all debate who it was – I say it was Darwin Hull) coined a phrase that many of us repeat: ‘Support Local Awesome.’ I’m encouraged by the growing number of people here who seem to be getting it.” Rand herself handles the bookings, upkeep and day–to–day dealings with Savannah’s creative types, along with her husband, actor Mark Rand. She directed just one show in 2010 – the recent hit A Christmas Story – but welcomed in plays from The Collective Face, Fair Weather Productions and numerous others. Jim Reed’s “Movies Savannah Missed” series found a waiting home at Muse, and has become one of the city’s most well–attended repeating events. There have been art and photography shows, many musical concerts and special one–time events; Mondays are reserved for the Odd Lot, an improv comedy group. “I really am constantly amazed and humbled by the amount of talent and creative energy there is in Savannah,” says Rand, “and I am very excited to be able to continue to provide our comfy little space to showcase it.” — BDY

continues on p. 14

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7. Budgeting and pay raises

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Haul Ass

year in review | continued from previous page

news & opinion

year in review | continued from page 13

10. Crime’s ups and downs

bob jones

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros at the Trustees - just one of the cutting edge concerts to hit town; below, Savannah’s Cusses at the Jepson Center

11. Micheal Elliott resigns from Union Mission

geoff l. johnson



Since Chief Willie Lovett took the SCMPD reins from predecessor Michael Berkow, there’s been a steady decrease in crime across most of Savannah. That’s something we were glad to hear in 2010. Through the first 50 weeks of the year violent crime is down 25 percent over 2009 levels to date and property crime is down 14 percent, according to stats provided by the police department. Most notable amongst the list of bad things people do to one another: Homicide and rape are both down almost 30 percent from 2009 levels; theft from vehicles is down more than 20 percent and commercial burglary is down more than 30 percent. That impressive accomplishment was offset, however, by a quick succession of highly publicized murders in the otherwise quiet Southside neighborhood of Windsor Forest. Those murders, and the resulting public outcry, lead to a community meeting at the Armstrong Center, hosted by 6th District Alderman Tony Thomas, that was so well attended it was standing room only and required a second meeting to accommodate those who couldn’t fit into the first meeting. Since then, re–vitalized efforts by neighborhood watches and community groups seems to have kept things under control for the most part. — PR

After 23 years with the homeless advocacy organization, Union Mission Executive Director Rev. Micheal Elliott (yes, that’s how he spells his first name) resigned in June after a prolonged difference of opinion with the board of directors. While Union Mission itself has been around since 1936, for most Savannahians it was virtually synonymous with the garrulous and eclectic Elliott, who combined a passion for serving the underserved with a born technocrat’s ability to manage details. Along the way Union Mission not only fed the homeless, but provided them with health care and job training to end their vicious cycle. One of his crowning achievements was helping to open the affiliated J.C. Lewis Health Center, one of a handful of local low–cost medical clinics serving the homeless and underprivileged. But in a move which directly contradicts Elliott’s holistic “one stop shop” philosophy, the Lewis Center was recently split off from Union Mission, a development

Elliott chalks up to an attempt to make grants more easily obtainable. “Governments operate and allocate money in silos from one another,” Elliott explained in a post at his blog at http://micheal– “It is ironic that government demands local efforts form collaborative partnerships to receive money but they themselves are incapable of working together. Their policies and rules conflict with one another.... Millions are wasted treating individual symptoms and the need never diminishes...if someone is trying to accomplish more than the policies call for then that is against the rules and funding is reduced. Do it the government way, funding can go up.” — JM

12: Truman Parkway final leg begins

After literally decades of being the punchline to a local joke about local apathy and incompetence, the Harry S. Truman Parkway had the last laugh this year when work began on the fifth and final leg of the north/south thoroughfare. Contrary to popular opinion, the new funding was not part of President Obama’s much–maligned stimulus package. The $128 million from the Georgia Department of Transportation was a Christmas present for Chatham County in 2009, with land–clearing beginning this year. One of only a few county–maintained freeways in the U.S., the Truman was originally named the Casey Canal Parkway for the adjacent waterway. However, the former president’s death in 1972 inspired the renaming. Yes, that’s how long the Truman has been a work in progress! — JM

13. Killer live shows!

Although it’s not yet the metropolitan cultural hub we’ve all been hoping for, Savannah is coming into its own as a town where more and more big–name and buzzworthy performers stop in with frequency. In 2010, we got three of the buzziest bands on the festival circuit (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic

Zeroes at the Trustees Theater, the Avett Brothers at the Johnny Mercer, and the Hold Steady at the Live Wire), an innovative electronica trio (Yeasayer, also at the Trustees) and, as part of the Savannah Music Festival, shows from the unassailable Wilco (Mercer) and the tres chic twosome She & Him (Trustees). G. Love and Special Sauce played the SCAD graduation concert in Forsyth Park, Spyro Gyra headlined the Savannah Jazz Festival in the park, and the country music juggernaut Sugarland paid a visit to the Martin Luther King Arena. Meanwhile, our downtown clubs steadily booked amazing rock, Americana, metal and electronica bands from all over the country, and Randy Wood Guitars had another great lineup of A–list acoustic and bluegrass performers. The Johnny Mercer Theatre, meanwhile, continued its streak of putting the spotlight on yesterday’s acts. Gordon Lightfoot, Kenny Rogers and B.B. King all played the theater this year – and folks, they’ve got a combined age of 228. — BDY

14. Eric Johnson’s gubernatorial run

After more than a decade and a half of service in the state legislature, including playing an integral role in the state Republican Party’s decisive power grab that’s pushed the Ga. GOP from also–rans to a dominant political force, local politician Eric Johnson made a run for the governor’s seat this year. Judging by the expansive field of primary candidates, a few colleagues also heard opportunity knocking with the departure of two–term incumbent Sonny Perdue. The primary field was seven deep, and included notables like Secretary of State Karen Handel, Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine and former Congressman (and current Governor–elect) Nathan Deal. Coastal Georgia candidates don’t have a great track record when it comes to running for state office –– lacking the name recognition and population base SCAD’s April Johnston made of North Georgia it far on Project Runway politicos –– but Johnson continues on p. 16

news & opinion

Thank you Savannah for helping us

build a stronger pet community this year ! Sincerely,

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Special recognition: Angela Hopper Photography Australian Shepherd Rescue of Georgia Barberitos Cantina Bar Food Bay Camera Company Bikram Yoga of Savannah Blue Buffalo Pet Food Bryan Animal Caregivers Catnip & Biscuits Chatham County Animal Control Chatham County Manager’s Office Clary’s Cafe Coastal Pet Rescue Connect Savannah Coastal K9 Services Coastal Therapy Dogs

Dachshund Rescue, Education, Awareness, and Mentoring Dachshund Rescue of North America Dave’s Pet Food David’s Dry Cleaners Diva Dogs Friends of Animal Control, Team Savannah First City Network Garden City Police Department Grateful Golden Retriever Rescue Habersham Beverage Warehouse Habersham Village Shopping Center

Holistic Select Pet Food Humane Society for Greater Savannah IAFF Local 574 Investment South Jacob G. Smith Elementary School & PTA Kenkel Design Kiwi Fleur Floral Design Studio Landmark Veterinary Services Marco’s Pizza Minuteman Press Natural Balance Pet Food Nutro Pet Food Oatland Island Wildlife Center

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Sandro LeGrand Stratton & Mary Leopold Dr. Stanley Lester Pete Liakakis Mike Lodzinski Tuquyen Mach Dr. Beth Martin Kelly McDaniel Amanda McGuire Judy McIntyre Kelly Meyer Robert Milie Dr. Doll Miller Aly Morita Gretchen Novak David O’Brasky Rebecca Page Greg Perkins Kari Phano Mary & Gil Peabody

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news & opinion

year in review | continued from page 14



fared better than most bookies would’ve given odds for his campaign. He placed third in the primary, just a couple percentage points shy of a spot in the run–off between Handel and Deal. Now that the dust of a rigorous election season has settled, even though Johnson won’t be seated in the legislature or the governor’s mansion, he won’t be far from the capital building’s gold dome. It’s been reported that he will have at least a part time gig lobbying the Republican–dominated state houses with a government relations firm called McGuireWoods Consulting. — PR

author Pat Conroy, who though making his fame writing about the South Carolina Lowcountry is actually a Georgia native himself. Calling the O’Connor home “sacred ground in one of the temples of world literature,” Conroy said “the day I read A Good Man Is Hard to Find on my porch in Beaufort, South Carolina, was the turning point in both my reading and my writing life. I was never the same after I began to read Flannery O’Connor. Great writing always changes people’s lives, and changes them forever.” — JM

15. April Johnston on Project Runway

17. Zarem honored at Film Festival

Savannah’s April Johnston was eliminated in the 12th episode of the just–finished eighth season of Project Runway. The spunky 22–year–old’s innovative black designs took her out in front of such also–rans as Casanova, Peach, Ivy and Valerie. But it was Gretchen Jones, the mouthy and much–disliked Oregonian “villain” of the season, who came away victorious. Ah, reality TV. “You know what you’re signing up for, so that’s the chance you take,” reflects Johnston, who’s back home now and preparing a collection for Charleston Fashion Week. “I took it. What I really wanted out of it was the exposure, and that’s what I got.” She also got plenty of the egotistical Gretchen. “Some of the things that she would say, I would think ‘Are you crazy? Why would you just say that?’” Johnston recalls. “She’d say something later, in the confession room, and we’d go ‘That’s completely different than what she told me to my face.’ But there are people like that in the world, unfortunately. It’s not just Gretchen.” Johnston believes the show – which was taped over six weeks last summer – is edited in such a way that contestants’ bitchiness – real or imagined – is over–emphasized. “But like I said, we all knew what we were signing up for.” She got the boot during the We’re in a New York State of Mind episode, which aired Oct. 14. “I was a little bit surprised,” she says, “because I thought that what I created for that challenge was really true to me. And I thought it was something that might not have been seen before. It was a little bit more complex than a few other things that were out there, and I thought that would have saved me at least, even if they didn’t like it – they

Robin Wright with the indispensible Bobby Zarem at a Savannah Film Festival afterparty (photo courtesy SCAD)

could see past that, and see the craftsmanship that was put into it.” But the judges showed her the door, leaving Mondo, Michael C., Andy and Gretchen to go the last few rounds. Several contestants, including Johnston, were given the opportunity to show their designs at a special Lincoln Center show, and again during New York’s Fashion Week. “I think that was pretty much the win for me right there,” she says. “I don’t care about winning – I want to be able to show.” For now, she’s selling her clothes at the BleuBelle Boutique on Broughton Street. “I’m just looking to do my own thing in Savannah, and stay local, and stay personal,” she explains. “And have clients that are interested in one–of–a– kind things.” — BDY

16. National Book Awards come to O’Connor Home

The unpretentious little townhouse on Lafayette Square where Flannery O’Connor grew up is still, through no fault of the people in charge of it, largely unknown to most Savannah residents. But that seems to be the fate of O’Connor, a Savannah native and one of the most influential of all American writers. Like so many successful Savannahians, she is more appreciated outside her hometown than she ever was within it. That national recognition led to the O’Connor Childhood Home receiving the altogether awesome honor of hosting the October announcement of finalists for the National Book Awards, which stands alongside the Pulitzer Prize as the highest literary honor the United States bestows. On hand to make the announcements in the charming but tiny parlor on Charlton Street was legendary

The beautiful bustling vista of Savannah River Landing — still vacant, and still costing city taxpayers a million dollars a year in debt payments. Happy New Year!

Native Savannahian and groundbreaking publicist extraordinaire Bobby Zarem received a Lifetime Achievement Award at November’s Savannah Film Festival, an event which quite literally wouldn’t be nearly the success it is without his hard work and expertise in the field. Though defiantly pushing back at the idea that he is retiring from the movie business, Zarem is indeed relocating back to his hometown from New York. During his tempestuous, historic career in the Big Apple, Zarem created the template for the hard–charging movie publicist – legend has it that Al Pacino played a character based on him in a movie – and was even responsible for dreaming up the immortal “I Love New York” advertising campaign. For Savannah, though, Zarem’s legacy will be the ongoing excellence of the SCAD–organized Savannah Film Festival, which like Zarem himself stakes its reputation on quality, informality, and most of all, a warm, friendly, and deeply personal appeal. — JM

18. Sand Gnats rise to glory

Having spent more than a decade as lovable losers – a.k.a. perennial underdogs – the Sand Gnats’ success in 2010 was definitely newsworthy. Fueled by some front office changes, as well as outstanding play from rising stars Mark Cohoon (pitcher) and Wilmer Flores (short stop), among others, the Gnats won the first half championship in the South Atlantic League Southern Division, edging out the Augusta Greenjackets for the title. It had been 16 years since they last won a championship. After a shaky second half, the Gnats went on to compete for the division championship in September, which they lost in a heartbreaker to the Greenville Drive. It was Savannah’s first appearance in the playoffs since 1996, when they

19. Jim Holt’s comeback and a local theatre renaissance

After a three–year hiatus, during which founder Jim Holt tried teaching school but couldn’t resist the siren song of the stage, City Lights Theater Company returned in 2010. Holt, who’d been a mainstay on the Savannah scene for many years, came out of the box with three of his own, self–penned, plays: Open House, Three Picassos and Sleeping Indoors. He directed the shows, and co–starred in

two of them. as designers,” explained co–founder As the new year dawns, Holt is Kristen Long. “Because it is a collective. weighing where to go next. “I’m hoping We want to make sure that lots of local to produce all original works, or at least artists, from different disciplines, know plays that haven’t been done in Savanthat they’re welcome with us and that nah before,” he says. we’re certainly seeking their talents.” “I’m looking at a pile of scripts right — BDY now – I wasn’t sure any would come in, but over the last three or four weeks 20. Savannah River Landing’s I got a stack of ‘em.” epic fail The year also saw the ascenIf you only saw the billboard dancy of The Collective Face, that still stands along President a theater co–op formed Street proclaiming “Move by Savannah State Here in 2010” you might have theater prof David thought that Savannah River Poole, actor Richie Landing had spent the year welcomCook and others. ing new residents to the developSeveral of the ment. year’s finest dramatic The sign also says “Make a stateshows – Frozen, The ment with your new office.” What Swan, Enchanted April it fails to mention is that the and, most spectacularly, statement you’ll be making The Glass Menagerie is that your office – were Collective Face exists in a Mad productions. Max–esque, “We’re hoping post–apocato attract peolyptic ant hill ple who want bordering a to work with multi–milPitcher Mark Cohoon was a crucial part of the us as actors, lion dollar Sand Gnats’ winning ways in 2010. as directors, “River Walk to

Nowhere.” What makes Savannah River Landing so notable in 2010 is its now certain designation as the area’s most epic fail. The retail portion of the development, once pitched as “The Shops at Savannah River Landing” by developers, was slated to open in 2009. It wasn’t the new development’s one year anniversary celebration but the river walk extension that made news in 2010. The City went back and forth with engineers about who was to blame for the tectonic shifting going on beneath the land where the sidewalk ends. Without development, the open field will cost local taxpayers more than a million dollars per year for the next 20 years. By the way, don’t bother trying to call the phone number on the sign, it’s been disconnected. — PR CS Any additions to or comments about our list? E-mail us at:


were the Savannah Cardinals. The team made headlines for more than just their exceptional play though. There was also the “Man on Fire” promotion, when world record holding stuntman Ted Batchelor ran the bases engulfed in flames. “Man on Fire” was recognized by ESPN the Magazine as Promotion of the Year amongst minor league baseball teams (and there was some tough competition, including a “Big Lebowski Tribute” by the Bowie Bay Sox). The success has earned the Gnats a two year extension of their player development contract with the Mets, so keep on eye on them in 2011. — PR

news & opinion

year in review | continued from previous page

news & opinion DEC 29 - JAN 4, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


Blotter All cases from recent Savannah/ Chatham Police Dept. incident reports

Not in Florida anymore

Police dispatch asked officers to be on the look out for a white truck with a motorcycle in the back that had been driving recklessly according to reports from several people. The driver had apparently run someone off the road near Hwy 17. An officer on patrol spotted the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop near Yong’s Country Club. The officer told the driver why he had pulled him over and the man denied having been driving recklessly. He said that he’d hit the curb once and then had stopped in the roadway at one point to figure out where he was. He told the officer that he was lost and looking for the “W Subdivision.” The officer, unfamiliar with any

subdivision by that name, asked him what he was talking about. The answer was “you know how the subdivisions go from A–Z.” After being asked where he thought he was, the man replied that he was most obviously in Palm Coast, Florida. He was advised that he was not in Florida, which confused him. The driver told the officer that he was just in Florida and had gone out to get something to eat. He told the officer that he had a gun, but was licensed. He was asked to step out of the vehicle and complied, but the officer noted that he was very unstable. When asked if he had taken any drugs, the driver answered that he had taken several doctor prescribed medications for his heart problems, stomach ulcers and herniated discs. EMS arrived. The man commented that he was confused how he’d ended up in Ohio from Florida. The man then made a comment about it being Saturday, when in fact it was actually Thursday. The officer conducted a field sobriety test, which the driver failed. He was arrested for DUI and given a blood test.

• A woman called police to report threatening phone calls being made to her residence. When she answered the phone a female voice asked her name and address. The caller then told her there was a bomb in her house. Nothing else was said. She told police that it had happened the previous night around 10 p.m. No explosions took place. She was given a CRN card. • A woman stopped by Precinct 4 to report a theft by deception. She told officers that she met with a friend of hers who said that his cousin worked at Wal–Mart and could get an employee discount on flat screen televisions. Believing that she’d found a hook up for her television needs, she gave the friend $350 in cash to make the purchase. Over the next several days, the friend gave her several excuses why he could not deliver the TV, and then eventually just stopped answering her calls. She was given a CRN card and advised to

follow up with detectives. • A reported larceny lead police to a woman who said that someone had stolen $100 from her purse. The woman’s friend told police that the woman was intoxicated and had been disorderly. The woman threw a glass bottle at her when she was asked to leave. No injuries were sustained thanks to some fast footwork. The self– proclaimed theft victim had bloodshot eyes and was slurring her speech. She told the officer “through spontaneous utterance” that she had thrown a bottle at the other woman. No one on the scene saw anyone get near the woman’s purse or take anything from it. The woman who called to report the crime was arrested for public drunkenness. CS Give anonymous crime tips to Crimestoppers at 234-2020

As one way to alleviate my otherwise simmering rage while crawling along the Eisenhower Expressway these days, I’ve been trying to figure out why they can’t make a highway that lasts forever. Aside from the need to preserve triple-overtime jobs for road construction workers, is there some other (possibly physical) reason why this can’t be done? —Dan Witte, Forest Park, Illinois Uh, yeah. It’s called reality. Eliminate that and you’ve got the problem licked. Since you seem like the can-do type, Dan, we’ll put you in charge of highway maintenance and see how well you manage. Here’s a rundown on the challenges you’ll face. Weather. I won’t dwell on this, since you’re from the Chicago area and thus presumably familiar with the concept. The principal phenomenon of interest is the infamous freeze-thaw cycle: snow falls, melts, seeps into cracks, and freezes again. The pressure of the expanding ice inexorably breaks up the pavement. Another factor is road salt, which can filter down into concrete and corrode the steel rebar within. So if you can do something about winter, half your problems disappear. Traffic. Roads would last a lot longer if it weren’t for all the vehicles driving on them. It’s not uncommon to hear of highways in U.S. urban areas carrying double or more the traffic they were designed for. Trucks are particularly problematic. The rule of thumb among highway engineers is that road deterioration is roughly proportional to vehicle axle weight to the fourth power. In other words, doubling the weight on an axle increases the wear and tear on the roads by 24, or 16 times. Roads are usually designed assuming that a single axle on a big truck carries a maximum of 18,000 pounds. Compared to a typical car carrying 2,000 pounds per axle, a fully loaded truck stresses the road surface 6,561 times as much. Minor

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overloading can make a big difference. Exceeding the maximum load by just 10 percent increases road stress by 46 percent—that’s why you see all those weigh stations on highways. So the next job on your list, Dan, is dealing with the damn trucks. Money. Or more precisely, lack of money. Generally speaking, U.S. highways were built on the cheap, meant to last just 20 years. Unfortunately, some parts of the Interstate Highway System are now 50 or more years old. Highways in Europe are built to endure much longer than those here - the Netherlands expects its roads to last 40 years. How do they manage it? Although European highway designers use a variety of advanced techniques, two things stand out: thicker, more durable roadbeds and greater reliance on concrete. This is something that as highway czar you’re going to need to know about, Dan, so pay attention. The two main paving materials are concrete and asphalt. Concrete is strong and durable, but building roads out of it is complex, expensive, and slow—you need a lot of rebar, the concrete has to cure, etc. Concrete roads also tend to be noisy, and slick when wet (although that can be remedied), and when they do eventually fail, they’re a pain to repair. Asphalt, by comparison, is cheap, forgiving, and fast. True, it tends to fall apart quickly, but you can easily patch it till things have really gone to the dogs, at which point you just resurface the whole road. You can spread and roll the paving in the morning and drive on it in the afternoon, minimizing complaints by impatient motorists. The drawback is that you have to do this every few years, leaving everybody cumulatively more pissed off. Don’t get me wrong. You can make long-lasting roads using asphalt; in fact some modern highways use a combination of asphalt and concrete to get the best of both worlds. But there’s no simple way to do this. You have to rip out the original excuse for a roadway and redo it from scratch. The National Highway System, consisting of all critical U.S. roads, is 160,000 miles long. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that the country’s roads and bridges will need $930 billion worth of work over the next five years. So that’s your final challenge, Dan. Once you’ve got the weather and the trucks under control, you’ll have to see if you can make money grow on trees. CS


slug signorino

the straight dope

news & Opinion DEC 29 - JAN 4, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


news of the weird Lead Story

Biologists Studying Rare Species Have to Be Quick: Researchers learned from reports in early 2010 of a new monkey species in Myanmar, with a nose so recessed that it habitually collects rainfall and constantly sneezes. However, according to an October National Geographic dispatch, by the time scientists arrived to investigate, natives had eaten the monkey. (The sneezing makes them easy for hunters to detect.) (Researchers studying a rare species of Vietnamese lizard had an easier time in November. After learning of the species and rushing to Ba Ria-Vung Tau province, a two-man team from La Sierra University in Riverside, Calif., found the lizards being routinely served in several restaurants’ lunch buffets.)

Can’t Possibly Be True

• Parents of the 450 pupils (aged 3 to 11) at Applecroft primary school in Welwyn Garden City, England, were given individualized yearbooks recently with all the children’s faces obscured by black bars over the eyes (except for photos of the recipient’s own children, which had no obstructions). The precautions (described by one parent as “creepy,” like kids were “prisoner(s)”) were ordered by headmistress Vicky Parsley, who feared that clear photos of children would inevitably wind up in child pornography. Last year, Parsley famously prohibited parents from taking photographs during school plays - of their kids or any others - for the same fear. • Among the few commercially successful enterprises in North Korea is

its General Federation of Science and tance at 2:40 a.m. and refused to leave, Technology’s video game unit, which complaining that a person who lived has produced such popular programs as there owed him something. According a bowling game based on the American to the deputy’s report, Hodge was cuffed cult classic movie The Big Lebowski, and while sitting on a toilet “in the kitchen.” another based on the Men in Black film The deputy added, “I’m not sure why they series. Bloomberg News revealed in Sephad a toilet in the kitchen.” tember that a major international partner • “Sex strikes” (the withholding of of the federation’s marketing arm Nosotek favors) are employed from time to time, is the News Corporation - the umbrella especially in underdeveloped countries, company of Rupert Murdoch’s vast enterto influence political leaders’ decisions. prises that include the conservative Fox However, these almost always appear in patriarchies in which News (which is generally provocative females have little influence toward the North Korean government). beyond the power of sexual Happy • Joy of Democracy! (1) The denial. In December, Stanley New Year! Kalembaye of Uganda’s Nawomen’s group Femen is growing in popularity in Ukraine (actional Resistance Movement, battling to unseat the ruling cording to a November Reuters dispatch), helped in large part by party, publicly called for its members’ willingness, during the nation’s men to withhold the group’s ubiquitous street protests, sex from their wives unless the to remove their tops. (2) The Socialist wives promise to vote for the Resistance. Party in Spain’s Catalonia region offered an election video in November Unclear on the Conon the joy of voting, in which an atcept tractive, increasingly excited woman • In November, outgoing simulates an orgasm as she fills out Florida Gov. Charlie Crist initiated her ballot, climaxing at the moment pardon proceedings (granted in Deshe drops it into the slot. (3) The nativist cember) excusing now-deceased singer Danish People’s Party called in November Jim Morrison of The Doors for his 1969 for an anti-immigration film that featured indecent-exposure conviction in Miami bare-breasted women sunbathing, as one Beach. However, Crist has ignored petiway to convince religious fundamentalists tions from still-living, still-incarcerated abroad not to immigrate to Denmark. convicts who almost certainly suffered


• Nicholas Hodge, 31, was arrested in Winona County, Minn., in November after he entered the home of an acquain-

unfair prosecutions. Orlando Sentinel crusader Scott Maxwell has reported on several dozen people convicted in part by trainer Bill Preston’s dogs, who supposedly tracked crime-scene scents through

water and other obstacles, sometimes months later and despite much site contamination, directly to the defendant on trial. Judge after judge permitted Preston’s “expert” testimony until one demanded a live courtroom test, which Preston’s dog utterly failed. In 2009 two convicts were released after DNA tests proved the dog’s sniffs were erroneous, but as many as 60 similar convictions still stand. • News That Sounds Like a Joke: The good news for investigators covering the November shooting of a 53-year-old man in Fort Bend County, Texas, is that there were several witnesses who helped an artist sketch the shooter’s face. The bad news was that the shooter was wearing a full-face “Halloween” mask the whole time. Nonetheless, the sketch of a man’s head, with the face fully covered by the indistinct mask, was distributed to the media by the Fort Bend Sheriff ’s Office. • Glenn Crawley, 55, who describes himself as a “man of the water,” flipped his catamaran off the coast of Newquay, England, in September for the 13th time and had to be rescued, running the costs of attending to his miscues to the equivalent of nearly $50,000. Although officials have pleaded with him to give up sailing (terming him “Captain Calamity”), Crawley said: “I do what no one else is doing. So I’d appreciate it if people would get off my case and give me some support.”

Least Competent Criminals

Not Ready for Prime Time: Walter Allen Jr. was arrested in Houston in November after attempting to purchase

The Jesus and Mary World Tour (allnew)

Recent Playdates: Mary, on a barbershop wall in Bakersfield, Calif. (Finder’s reaction: “like a miracle, actually”) (November). Jesus in an MRI image in Greer, S.C. (“I don’t care what anybody else thinks”) (October). Jesus in a cherry tree limb in Midway, N.C. (“(A)m I nuts or not, I don’t know”) (October). Jesus in a chicken’s feathers in Rowley Regis, England (Mom pointed out the “ring of thorns”). Jesus on a stone in the road in Granbury, Texas (“(E)ven the rocks will cry out,” Luke 19:40) (July). Jesus on a lifeguard flag in Candia, N.H. (July). Mary on spilled baby lotion in Riohacha, Colombia (July). The final tour date is now set for May 21, 2011, according to evangelist Harold Camping, who in July told his followers to prepare.


Alan Patton, 59, of Dublin, Ohio, was arrested again in November - this time under the state’s newly passed “Alan Patton” law (inspired by his earlier arrest) for hanging around men’s rooms to collect (and then consume) fresh urine from young boys. Earlier laws afforded insufficient punishment, legislators had said, leading to the new law. Explained one detective, after Patton’s 2006 arrest, “Listening to him describe (his fetish), it’s like listening to a crack or cocaine addict. He’s addicted to children’s urine.”

A News of the Weird Classic (2002) September (2002) reports in the New York Post and

the Toronto Star, quoting parents’ website “reviews” of the Mattel $19.99 Nimbus 2000 plastic-replica riding broomstick from the (then-)latest Harry Potter movie, highlighted its battery-powered special effect - vibration.

Wrote a Texas mother: “I was surprised at how long (my daughter and her friends) can just sit in her room and play with this magic broomstick.” Another said her daughter fights her son for it but complains that “the batteries

drain too fast.” Still another mother, age 32, said she enjoyed it as much as her daughter. CS



two Bentley cars at the Post Oak Motor Cars company. Allen, using his own driver’s license, presented a check for $500,000 from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (which was, of course, bogus since the Federal Reserve does not bank with checks).

news & Opinion

NEWS OF THE WEIRD | continued from previous page






sound board

by bill deyoung |


At 9 p.m. Dec. 31 (with Listen 2 Three), and 9 p.m. Jan. 1 Live Wire Music Hall, 307 W. River St. $10 Friday, $5 Saturday To understand the philosophy behind Jubal Kane’s fierce, take– no–prisoners roadhouse blues, one must first contemplate singer and harmonica player Ace Andersson, who huffs and puffs like smokestack lightnin,’ and is a galvanizing, hypnotizing, bearded and beast–like fireball onstage. He has the blood – and the crazy yellow beard – of a plundering Norse warrior. Anderson was born and raised in Sweden – he was called Varg Bland Kvinnor, if that helps – and he made music for a living, but got restless and gave up on trying to channel the Chicago gutbucket blues from the frozen tundra. In 1999, he came to America and eventually wound up in unincorporated Lizard Lick, N.C., where he met Buckwheat (bass) and Otis (guitar). With Richy Payce in the drummer’s chair, they started makin’ some noise – as the song goes – and called the unit Jubal Kane. “He was,” explained Andersson, “the first musician ever referenced in any kind of writing, as far as we know. He’s part of that Cain and Abel clan, that whole family. His brothers were doing weapons of war, and he felt like he should do something else. Something better for his family. And God told him, you can be a musician. He was actually the first harp player, but not the mouth harp, the stringed harp.” Jubal Kane has become a Savannah favorite over the last two years; they’ve played virtually every club on the downtown grid. People like the band because there are no frills, and no pretentious rambling, and no interminable “salute to the greats of blues” shtick. They just get up and play. And boil. “When me, Buckwheat and Otis started the band, our philosophy was that if we’re going to play covers, we’re going to play obscure covers,” Andersson told us. “And we’re going to do them our way. “We do a version of ”Going Down,“ and we listened to it one time in the van before we first went onstage and played it. We listen to it to get our bearings, and then we’ll do it to see how it works out.” See jubal–


At 10 p.m. Friday, Dec. 31 The Wormhole Bar, 2307 Bull St. Free The guys in Sinister Moustache call their music “cinematic nightmarish orchestrations,” which is a cool way of saying that they play heavy, avant–garde instrumental music, prog rock of the sort that ‘mares are made. The band, previously known as Gravy, sets up an atmospheric bat–cave of “art metal,” with guitarist Stephen Lester channeling the prince of the genre, King Crimson patriarch Robert Fripp. There’s also a lot of the dark, fleet–fingered semi–classical form of Frank Zappa at work. The band has put out a moody, impressive CD, Songs From the Super–Sargasso Sea, and since the tail–end of 2008 they’ve been frequent stage–tenders at the Wormhole Bar, which is where you’ll find them this week, holding court for a trippily opaque New Year’s Eve extravaganza. “Every note,” says the band’s website blast, “is analyzed, retooled, and sculpted into a part of a soundscape that can be visualized by the listener.” See

SEND IN YOUR STUFF! Club owners and performers: Soundboard is a free service - to be included, please send your live music information weekly to Questions? Call (912) 721-4385.



Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Eric Culberson’s Open Jam (Live Music) 10 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Trae Gurley (Live Music) From the Frank Sinatra songbook Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Tantra Lounge Open Mic Night (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Jeff Beasley (Live Music) 6 p.m. Wormhole Bar The Hundred Hands (Live Music) KARAOKE Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke Augie’s Pub (Richmond Hill) Karaoke TRIVIA, DJ Loco’s Grill & Pub Team Trivia Jinx Rock ‘n’ Roll Bingo With DJ Drunk Tank Soundsytem



Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. continues on p. 23


continues from previous Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) Piano 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 6:30 p.m. Fiddler’s Crab House (River Street) Eric Culberson Band (Live Music) Huc-a-Poos Tim & Steve (Live Music) Jazz’d Tapas Bar Jeff Beasley (Live Music) 7 p.m. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Greg Williams Band (Live Music) Rock House Tybee Jason Bible (Live Music) 9 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Bobby Ryder (Live Music) Jazz saxophone 7:30 p.m. Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Wild Wing Cafe Liquid Ginger (Live Music) Wormhole Bar Greyline, The North Coast, I. Amorette (Live Music) KARAOKE Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke Steamers Karaoke DJ Jinx DJ Frost & Ragtime Tantra Lounge DJ Basik Lee & DJ Valis of Dope Sandwich

Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) Piano 6 p.m. Blowin’ Smoke BBQ Interplay (Live Music) Jazz Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 7 p.m. Huc-a-Poos Thumbprint (Live Music) Electronica Isaac’s on Drayton Bottles & Cans (Live Music) Rock ‘n’ blues Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Jubal Kane/Listen 2 Three (Live Music) Rock and blues Molly McPherson’s Scottish Pub TBA (Live Music) Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Tantra Lounge A Nickel Bag of Funk (Live Music) R&B/soul, funk Tybee Island Social Club Train Wrecks (Live Music) 11 p.m. Americana, rockabilly Warehouse Hitman Blues Band (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Lloyd Dobler Effect (Live Music) Rock Wormhole Bar Sinister Moustache (Live Music) Intrumental prog-rock KARAOKE Chuck’s Bar Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonoughs Karaoke Steamers Karaoke



Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) 6 p.m. Blowin’ Smoke BBQ Bottles & Cans (Live Music) Rock and blues Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 7 p.m. Fiddler’s Crab House (River Street) Train Wrecks (Live Music) Americana, rockabilly Live Wire Music Hall Jubal Kane (Live Music) Blues Molly McPherson’s Scottish Pub TBA (Live Music) Ruth’s Chris Steak House Eddie Wilson & Trae Gurley (Live Music) Light jazz with vocals 7:30 p.m. Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Warehouse Jeff Beasley Band (Live Music) Blues, sould and classic rock Wild Wing Cafe Stereo Reform (Live Music) Wormhole Bar TBA (Live Music) KARAOKE Augie’s Pub (Richmond Hill) Karaoke (Karaoke) Bernie’s Oyster House Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke Jinx Karaoke. (With an continues on p. 26


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DJ Jinx New Year’s Eve Dance Party (DJ) Pour Larry’s DJ Zodiac Murphy’s Law Irish Pub Live DJ Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill Live DJ Rocks on the Roof Live DJ Seed Eco-Lounge Live DJ


sound board





Named for the protagonist of the film Say Anything, Maryland’s Lloyd Dobler Effect welcomes in the New Year at Wild Wing Cafe

Shoot the ’works!

Pyrotechnics, live music, dancing and more - it’s Savannah for New Year’s Eve by Bill DeYoung |

Should auld acquaintance be forgot? Certainly there are a few things about 2010 that some of us would like to put behind us. However, the party’s the thing, and as we go out with the auld, we also come in with the new, and there’s myriad opportunities for celebrating the calendar switch in the Hostess City.

Molly MacPherson’s


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at the Westin Harbor Resort, you’ll get a rockin’ live show from Mike & the Mixers for your merrymaking (and hey, you’ll also grab a great view of those fireworks over the Savannah River!). Should you be out Port Wentworth way, Bad Justice plays at Silverados Saloon, followed by a live DJ. And there’s a breakfast buffet at 2 a.m. There’s a masquerade party at J.J. Bonerz; belly dancing at the Casbah; and the “Eyes Wide Shut” Masquerade Ball at the Crypt Pub. When the noisemakers squawk and the champagne is raised at Murphy’s Law Irish Pub, the dancing – to a live DJ – won’t stop. In fact, look for DJs spinning everywhere you turn – at Rocks on the Roof, on the upper level of the Bohemian Hotel; at Molly McGuire’s on Wilmington Island; at Seed Eco– Lounge; and many, many others. See Soundboard for a complete listing. CS

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It’s New Year’s Eve. Let’s peruse our possibilities. Should you be on River Street – a distinct possibility, all things considered – the Savannah Riverfront Association’s big fireworks display, launched from a barge right there in the river, takes place at midnight. Savannah Riverboat Tours has a couple of packages that include birds–eye views of the pyrotechnics – one, at 8:30 p.m., is a full–tilt dinner cruise, with champagne and pretty much everything you’d expect, the other is a “party cruise,” launching at 10 p.m. Chatham County’s other fireworks show launches at the stroke of midnight from the Tybee Island Pier and Pavilion. Get a good spot – that shouldn’t be difficult – to watch the multicolored ‘works paint the frigid night sky over the ocean. Parking is free on Tybee through Dec. 31. At noon on the 1st, everyone is invited to participate (for a $25 entry fee) in the annual Polar Plunge – jump in the water, shiver, shake ‘n’ shimmy, and welcome 2011 with goosebumps of optimism. City Market rings in the new year with its always well–attended street party – with confetti cannons! Things start rolling at 9 p.m. There’s live music outside, and the Lloyd Dobler Effect – the Maryland band that’s been visiting Savannah for more than six of its eight years in existence – is onstage inside the warmth of Wild Wing Cafe. It’s a safe bet that every restaurant, club and nightspot in town will be celebrating with one sort of bash or another. Here’s a quick rundown of those that are featuring live entertainment – or some sort of musical merriment – for your New Year’s pleasure: A Nickel Bag of Funk has a party set at Tantra Lounge; Sinister Moustache is at the Wormhole Bar, while Jubal Kane is in residence at Live Wire Music Hall (see this week’s Noteworthy for more on these shows); The Jinx precedes its annual New Year’s Eve DJ dance party with an early set from Whiskey Dick & the Hard–Ons; Bottles & Cans have the stage at Isaac’s on Drayton; the Hitman Blues Band will be rocking the Warehouse; and Harry O’Donoghue will ring things as only he can at Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub. On Tybee Island the Trainwrecks play an 11 p.m. set at the Tybee Island Social Club, while the electronica duo Thumbprint is at Huc–a–Poos. If you sign up for the big NYE bash



NEW YEAR’S MUSIC | continued from previous page






sound board



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Doc’s Bar (Tybee) Thom Oliver (Live Music) Dinner music at 5:30 p.m. Lulu’s Chocolate Bar Bill Smith & Ellen Gross (Live Music) 8 p.m. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub TBA (Live Music) 8:30 p.m.

Dew Drop Inn Trivia Night 6:30 p.m. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub TBA (Live Music)



KARAOKE McDonough’s Karaoke TRIVIA, DJ Live Wire Music Hall Live DJ Mellow Mushroom Trivia Night 7:30 p.m. Steamers Trivia Night 9:30 p.m. CS

satuRDay JaN 1

[happy hour set w/]

damon & the shitkickers


keith kOzel e h t leidOscO ka



music & madness

Hip Hop Night

advance tix at


Jinx Hip Hop Night with Basik Lee (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub TBA (Live Music) 8:30 p.m Lulu’s Chocolate Bar Royal Noise Trio (Live Music) Sentient Bean Chastity Brown (Live Music) Wormhole Bar Caddywhompus, Son Hotel (Live Music)

7th annual new year’s eve dance party!

tues jan 4 – 10pm, $1

Coming Soon:

KARAOKE, TRIVIA McDonough’s Karaoke Murphy’s Law Irish Pub Trivia Sundays Tantra Lounge Karaoke 9 p.m.


Whiskey dick & the hard-ons

mOndays are service industry night

Col. Bruce • Frontier Ruckus • Papadosio • Zoogma

early set from Damon & the Shitkickers) McDonoughs Karaoke Steamers Karaoke Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill Karaoke


fRiDay Dec 31 [happy hour set w/]

1/2 price drinks for those in industry! PING PONG IS BACK! Tournaments @ 8pm


continues from page 23

Steamers Train Wrecks (Live Music) Americana, rockabilly Tybee Island Social Club Jason Bible (Live Music) 5 p.m. A solo set from the Train Wrecks frontman Warehouse Thomas Claxton (Live Music) 5:30 p.m.

drink specials fOr restaurant & Bar emplOyees

tuesDay JaN 4 @ 11pm

DJ D-Frost spins & BAsIK LEE hosts breakdancing, underground hip hop & MC freestyle battles!!!






Damon & the Shitkickers play a Happy Hour set Saturday at the Jinx








City Notebook

Festivals done right: The electronic act Caribou (left) performs at MoogFest in Asheville; Former Savannahians Dinko’s Bones (right) perform during A3C in Atlanta.

Investing in culture

Improving cultural infrastructure will be crucial to Savannah’s future by Patrick Rodgers |

Looking back on 2010, Savannah is coming off one of its most vibrant years, culturally speaking, in recent memory. Numerous times over the past 12 months I’ve found myself having conversations about the busy nature of the city’s events calendar. The Savannah Film Festival, Picnic in the Park, the Jazz Festival, and myriad theater productions, film screenings, art openings and live music events have all had fantastic support from attendees and made this year exhausting (in the best possible sense). With our success comes another challenge; not to rest on the laurels of our accomplishments, but to push farther and improve what has been developing. It will be an important component to our economic recovery. Patrons of the arts visit local businesses and eat at restaurants; visitors from out of town stay in hotels and take tours. One of the bright spots in the otherwise bleak City budget meetings last month was the discovery that the average spending per visitor is up significantly from the previous year. The Cultural Affairs Commission

designates funding specifically for this type of economic driver under the heading of “cultural tourism” – attracting visitors to the city using bait like the Savannah Music Festival, for example. Savannah’s leadership should be commended for their ongoing funding of the arts, even during hard economic times. They are certainly doing better than their counterparts at the state level. Although Georgia ranks 4th in the nation in residents per capita employed by creative industries (more than 88,000 people at 17,600 companies statewide), the state ranks 47th in per capita funding for the arts. The failure to support the arts at the state level is certainly not representative of their economic significance. The dollars generated in Georgia from cultural groups is conservatively estimated to be $387 million per year

(with $18.6 million in tax revenue) according to a study released by the Metro Atlanta Arts and Culture Coalition earlier this year. “The arts and cultural industries provide jobs, attract investments, and stimulate local economies through tourism, consumer purchases and tax revenue,” echoes a recent report by the National Governors Association (NGA) about the economic significance of the arts. The report failed to land on Sonny Perdue’s desk, or went unread. Georgia didn’t receive a single mention in the report. When it comes to the arts, we’re spending half to a third per capita in comparison to states like South Carolina and Arkansas. That lack of investment will leave us at a disadvantage in the long term. In same way we compete with other cities to attract businesses, we compete with them for cultural tourism dollars. With many pockets still pinched by the lingering effects of the Great Recession, the competition for cultural tourists will only get tougher. While Savannah has many natural advantages – the walkability of down-

town, historic beauty, and the open container law, among them – we are far from having won the war. If we are going to stay competitive we will have to invest wisely, take a few risks, and further develop our infrastructure. Keeping up with the Joneses One area we have yet to capitalize on is anything resembling the new vein of immersive multi–day music festivals that have grown dramatically in popularity around the U.S. over the past few years. Bonnaroo is a good example, but there are new ones sprouting up all over the Southeast. In October, thousands of people gathered at a venue known as the Masquerade in Atlanta for a three–day, homegrown hip hop festival called A3C. The venue is a former mill that’s been converted into a massive multi–purpose space, which featured five stages (two outside and three indoors) presenting a rotation of more than 200 acts that ranged from unknowns to legends. There were a surprising number of current and former Savannahians in attendance – some to see music and others to perform.

alcohol was served. There were few, if any, signs of rampant delinquency. Both cities seem to be developing a crop of young people who will support music and other events for decades to come. I don’t raise these issues to complain, but hopefully to provoke some thought on the subject. For example, the Savannah Civic Center held fewer ticketed entertainment events than expected in 2010. Ticket sales and attendance were also lower than expected. Some of that could be a result of the economy – big ticket events are likely the first things cut from tightened family budgets – but another reason might be that of the total events held (including ticketed entertainment and events like conferences) 85 percent were reported to be returning events. That doesn’t say much for innovation, or new experiences – that means we’re comfortable seeing a couple of things, but we might be growing tired of some of them. Could the gun show be twice a year instead of quarterly? Keeping priorities If arts and culture is something important, then we need to ensure that it continues to be part of city life, and as we stand on the precipice of major decisions about arena location and cultural arts facilities, those long term decisions need to be made with an eye toward maintaining a competitive edge against other cities in the region over the long term. If the downtown is what is attracting people to visit Savannah from around the world, then the new civic center should stay somewhere within walking distance of downtown. Second, the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard corridor needs a different kind of anchor if it’s going to succeed in the long term, and that should be the proposed cultural center. Without an evening attraction in the vicinity, the bars, restaurants and coffee shops that open there will always fight an uphill battle to succeed. If the Hall Street location isn’t economically viable, then it should be the location at Oglethorpe and MLK that gets the green light. Nightlife and culture made West Broad what it once was, and it only seems right that it should be those things which help resuscitate the corridor. It should be those things that continue to sustain Savannah as a whole for years to come as well. Our future depends on it. CS


Only a couple years old, the festival has seen impressive growth, and this was the first year that the event took place in one complex rather than scattered across a series of smaller venues. It has reached a point where it draws attendees (and sponsorship dollars) from across the country. Over Halloween weekend, MoogFest debuted in Asheville, NC. The three– day event, a collaboration between the Moog Foundation and AC Entertainment (who were also responsible for creating Bonnaroo), featured dozens of acts that all fit under the umbrella of electronic music. While Bob Moog was still alive, a similarly themed but much smaller event was held in New York City. The new incarnation was shifted to Asheville (Moog’s adopted hometown) because of the atmosphere the city offers. “It’s harder to create a destination event in New York,” explains Ashley Capps, President of AC Entertainment. “It was also very supportive setting for the festival because everybody who came had a sense of common purpose and shared experience.” The event drew 8,000 attendees per day, with about half of them coming from beyond Asheville, including many from far flung places like Australia, Europe and South America. As crowds moved through the streets from event to event there was an energy that is hard to describe – but it stems from a mix of common purpose and excitement. That feeling permeated downtown Asheville for a couple days, and was mentioned glowingly by both attendees and performers alike. “What the infrastructure is all about is walkability,” says Capps. “Being able to walk in a reasonable amount of time to all the venues is a critical ingredient of creating the kind of synergies we’re looking to create for a successful event.” Sound familiar? Most of the weekend was spent bemoaning the fact that I couldn’t carry a to–go cup with me. While the Savannah Music Festival brings in an impressive array of talent, because its schedule is so spread out, that same energy, having dozens of shows compacted into a non–stop frenzy of music, isn’t there. That’s not a knock against the Music Festival – it’s a completely different type of event with a completely different audience. The SMF is not drawing thousands of young people into town for the weekend, even if it does draw its fair share of visitors. Another striking difference: Both of the aforementioned festivals were all–ages shows, despite the fact that


city notebook | continued from previous page



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Chef Darin in action, teaching the essence of making fabulous dishes at 700 Kitchen Cooking School

Be your own favorite chef 700 Kitchen Cooking School offers year-round classes by Augusta Statz

Let’s face it – holidays are known for being fun and festive, but they can easily become overwhelming. For this reason, Chef Darin Sehnert’s recent cooking class offered through 700 Kitchen Cooking School at the Mansion on Forsyth Park focused on how to plan, prepare, and present your holiday meal with ease, making your holiday festivities, well, festive.



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cuisine | continued from previous page

Located on the lane just south of Oglethorpe. 495-0902 Tues 11:30-3 • Wed-Sat 11:30-6 Closed Sun & Mon The author receives personal instruction on the art of chopping onions. Not too many tears were shed.

Have no fear about the holidays being over – classes are offered year round, and there are typically six different class topics per month, with sessions about 4–6 times a week. Private classes are also available. I attended one of Chef Darin’s classes to experience it first–hand. The class I attended was hands–on right from the beginning. After a brief introduction of himself and the menu for the day, Chef Darin asked for volunteers for help in the beginning steps of preparing the meal, and the cooking began. The particular focus of this class was Savannah Christmas Brunch. On the menu was: ambrosia compote, corn and scallion muffins, eggs in a nest of creamy greens, savory grits souffle, and “banana pudding” crepes with a warm Bailey’s toffee sauce. Chef Darin taught the class valuable cooking skills that they can take home and use in their own kitchens. “Obviously, the focus is on the recipes, but the way I would describe it is: the recipes are the vehicle that I am using to teach the skills, to teach the confidence, and to teach the understanding of technique and recipes,” he says. Chef Darin stressed knife skills. After being taught how to cut properly, the class got to practice their cutting

skills while cutting the food for the day’s recipes. He also taught the class how to do simple things that commonly get done incorrectly, like measuring flour. “In each of the classes, I try to provide layers of learning,” he says. “So even if it’s just ‘Hey, this is a knife, and I need to know how to use it,’ or ‘I love to bake, and I know to use two bowls, but I don’t know why it is important,’ I try to provide different layers for people that are at different skill levels so that everyone can feel that they took something away from it.” After working on some individual cutting skills, the class broke up into stations, with each station working on a different recipe. The groups got to rotate through the stations, giving everyone an opportunity to do each different task. Somewhat unusually, the meal was completely prepared by our class. Nothing was pre–made for us by Chef Darin – as is the case in most cooking shows where they tell you how to make it, but have a finished dish already at hand. It was entirely up to the class to make the meal. At the end of the class, we went over some “buffet psychology,” which taught about how to make sure the guests get small portions so that there is enough

food to go around, etc. We also learned how to display our meal in a beautiful, yet functional manner. Finally, it was time to enjoy our creation. We each fixed ourselves a plate and relaxed after a busy few hours of cooking. Chef Darin has held a chef ’s position post formal education for 16 years. He has been teaching since 1994. “My first position after school was actually as a chef instructor for the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona,” he explains. “It was a total accident. I never intended on going down the route of teaching, but love it and am thrilled that it happened. “I fell in love with the personal enrichment aspect of teaching.” Although the holidays have come to a close, Chef Darin continues to offer classes that will help improve cooking skills, making life a little easier when it comes to preparing a meal, whether you are cooking for a small or large crowd. The classes offered in January range from cooking Lowcountry cuisine to cuisine suitable for a French bistro. CS For more information visit: Contact Chef Darin:

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Savannah foodie


by tim rutherford |





Making the holidays sparkle

Hallacas is your friend As much as I like the menu at Rancho Alegre, either location, I’ve always been far more intrigued by what Venezuelan–born owner and gourmand Juan Manuel Rodriguez eats when he cooks for himself. He’s shared plenty of those dishes with me over the years. It’s always a treat. That’s one more reason I was humbled in the week before Christmas to attend the family gathering to assemble hallacas, an exotic form of tamale that’s a traditional Venezuelan Christmas dish. It’s a process steeped in tradition and governed by the matriarchs - in this case, Juan Manuel’s wife, Ana Maria, and daughter Melody Rodriguez Schanely. The men have their part – like tying the neat bundle of plantain leaves around the hallaca, or toting heavy pans of prepped leaves ready for filling. But for this family, the assembly and the attention to heritage, falls to the women to sustain. The recipe is one handed down in Ana’s family. Recipes vary greatly from family to family. And while hallacas may be shared between families, the true recipe is never swapped – it’s a closely guarded secret. Without divulging too much of the proprietary information I was entrusted with, the Rodriguez family recipe calls for a dough, masa, moistened specifically with hen broth. Melted lard seasoned with annatto seeds is smeared on plantain leaves and the masa is hand patted into rough circular or rectangular shapes. Then comes the filling, in this case marinated hen meat, pork tenderloin and beef sirloin with mild seasoning. To that is added a topping of wine–soaked raisins, garbanzo beans, roasted red pepper, capers and Spanish olives pitted with pepper. The final product is carefully rolled inside a plantain leaf, wrapped with another leaf and meticulously tied, then boiled in water for four hours. The finished product is refrigerated and reheated – keeping Christmas day kitchen duty to a minimum. In all, it’s a two–day process of prepping, assembly and cooking. It’s a time when the families gather, wine is drunk, meals are shared and family stories pass from one generation to the next. To read a full–length story and see photos of hallacas–making with the Rodriguez family, download the PDF from–content/uploads/2010/12/hallacas1210.pdf.

Giving grandma a break My family traditions aren’t so romantic. After a couple of days of our large, exteneded family piling in on grandma’s house, it would be pronounced that it was time to give her a break – at least for breakfast.

Waffle House: The place to go to get away from family, at least for a little while, over the holidays

And off we would go – to a nearby truck stop or waffle joint. We didn’t eat out much, so these trips to juke–box fueled dives, rich with aromas of coffee and bacon, were highlights when I was a kid. And to this day, somewhere amid the holiday, I just gotta have a waffle. Back then, a waffle was an exotic creature, some royal relative of the lowly pancake. Wanna have your own holiday waffle? Here are some favorites of mine: Waffle House: Obviously. Here, you meet the hardest working, front line of the food service industry. These waitresses, who generally greet every diner with a “hon,” or “sweetie,” dish out the goods 24/7. Go for the waffle, stay for the smothered hash browns. Coffee? An endless cup my friend, an endless cup. Pancake Palace: Old school, short order dining at its finest. 24–hour–a–day breakfast, comfy booths – and one day I’m gonna order the quail, really. Sunny Side Up: Big, loud and bringing a party back to breakfast. I’ve seen plenty of fine dining chefs and foodies in the DeRenne Avenue location. I love to sit at the counter and watch these guys “throw” omelets. The burger is a winner, too. Just in case you’re in waffle overload. Did I miss some? Heck yeah! Find your own little breakfast dive, make it a New Year’s resolution. They’re everywhere – and the smaller, the better! CS

Nothing quite says New Year’s Eve like a tall flute of champagne. Effervescent bubbles are the trademark of champagne, and its non-French speaking step-sib, sparkling wine. Whichever you choose for your celebration – champagne or sparkling wine – you’ll be among millions of wine lovers world wine who ring in the New Year with a popping cork and a chink-chink of flutes. Want to do more than grab and go with the cheapest bottle of Brut you can lay your hands on? Here are some tried and true suggestions: Keep it Southern: Biltmore Estates Wines offers a range of sparkling wines – named for the palatial North Carolina estate from which it hails. The non-vintage Blanc de Blancs is brightly acidic, with hints of lemon, green apple and under ripe pear. Those are all good things – particularly if you don’t like sweet, sweet sparklers. About $20. Mumm’s the word: This Napa wine producer offers a large range of sparklers beginning at about $16. I’m partial to the Brut Rose – mostly due to the presence of Pinot Noir. That grape adds sweet strawberry notes and a hint of black cherry. A splash of Chardonnay in the blend adds backbone. Budget saver: Crane Lake NV Brut leaves plenty of change from a 10-dollar bill. Lower end sparklers won’t have the character of their higher priced teammates, but if it’s just about a toast and back to the cocktails – consider a lower-priced bubbly. Born in France, raised in America: The Gruet family has a long heritage in France’s Champagne region, but are making their mark in America with a vineyard in New Mexico. Critics are finally beginning to give this domestic made, non-vintage sparkler the attention it deserves. I’m partial to the toasty and berry-rich aromas of Blanc de Noirs, but can be lured down a sweeter path with Gruet Demi Sec. Want a sweeter sparkler, then Demi Sec is your go-to! Around $17. In the name of detente: Iron Horse Vineyards Russian Cuvee was served at the Reagan-Gorbacheve summit credited with ending the Cold War. It was just one more accolade for this Napa Valley producer whose sparkling wines are among the most frequent wines used for toasting everything from weddings and News Year’s Eve to, well, world peace. Around $30. Muy bueno: For something different, try Jaume Serra Cristalino. This is Cava, sparkling wine from Spain. Its grape varieties are unique to Spain and produce a wonderfully toasty aroma that leads to bright green fruit flavors and a cleansing minerality on the finish. About $10. CS



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art patrol




Birds in Flight — An installation by Matt Hebermehl of his signature, patterned bird forms hanging in the Jepson’s atrium. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. Fragmented Desires — A collection of new work by local artist Laurie Darby based off European damask patterns found on wallpaper, upholstery and other items. Runs through Jan. 23. Beach Institute, 502 E. Harris St. I have marks to make — An exhibition featuring work made by a diverse group of individuals from the community with disabilities or in a therapeutic context. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. Kristen Allen & Chase Baltz — Work by two young artists. Allen is a painter interested in color and contrast. Baltz is illustration oriented with an eye toward editorial-style work. Opening reception: Jan. 5, 7-9pm. JEA Art Gallery, 5111 Abercorn St.

Examples of work from Kristen Allen and Chase Baltz who are showing at the JEA Gallery this month. Modern Masters from the Smithsonian — Paintings and sculptures from mid-20th century artists taken from the Smithsonian collection. Runs through Feb. 6, 2011. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. http://www. New Works by Erin DeRosa — A collection of expressionist paintings from DeRosa. Opening reception: Dec. 7, 5-8pm. Seed Eco Lounge, 39 Montgomery St. http://www.

Open Windows and Doors — A collection of minimal, composition-focused paintings by Amanda Hanlon as well as ceramics by Neil Austing. Runs through Jan. 2, 2011. Hospice Savannah Gallery, 1352 Eisenhower Dr. Prints by Kent Ambler — Ambler is an SC-based print maker who hand carves blocks depicting everything from street scenes to nature. Closing reception: Dec. 30, 6-9pm. Gallery Espresso, 234 Bull St.

The Art of Kahlil Gibran — A collection of drawings and paintings by the visionary Lebanese-born artist and author. Runs through Jan. 23, 2011. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. When the world goes sour and the milk blows up — A colorful meditation on existential crises by Joel Cothran. Mr. Beast, 1522 Bull St.

by Bill DeYoung |


Mo’ Mountainfilm

KidSyc Congratulations and a tip o’the fedora to KidSyc@Brandywine, the Savannah hip hop act that won Sweetwater Music’s Gearfest Song Contest last June. They’ve done it again. Lloyd Harold’s group is in the final round of the Georgia Lottery’s All Access Music Search, beating out more than 2,000 other acts (there are 12 competing in the finals). If the Brandywine boys take this one, they’ll be flown to El–Lay for a recording session at the legendary studios inside the Capitol Records tower (home of the label started, in the ‘40s, by none other than Savannah’s own Johnny Mercer). The winner, determined in part by on–line voting (through Jan. 5), will be announced on a live television special on Jan. 14. Harold, 25, is an art teacher at Pooler Elementary. He’s also a songwriter, rapper/MC, record producer and graphic artist, and is the indispensable point man for AWOL’s sound design program. Check out for the guys’ videos and music. You can vote – once a day! at www.

It’s been almost a year since Mountainfilm, a touring festival of short movies that focus on environmental and adventuring issues, made its Savannah debut in front of a large, appreciative crowd at the Jepson Center. So it’s not all that surprising that it’s coming back for another round. This time, the films will screen at the Charles H. Morris Center. The dates are Jan. 21 and 22, and it has an official new name: Mountainfilm on Tour in Savannah. Mountainfilm began in the late 1970s in Telluride, Colo., as a sort of environmentally–friendly companion to the big ‘ol showbiz Telluride Film Festival. Once it began cross–country touring, the series enraptured even non–outdoorsy types with its cinematic tales of mountaineering, kayaking and wildlife escapades. That means you and me, fellow couch potatoes. Its longtime theme is “Celebrating the Indominable Spirit.” Although the full screening schedule for Savannah hasn’t yet been announced, titles will include Eastern Rises, Fish Out of Water, Nico’s Challenge and Bag It. The event’s first day starts with a 6 p.m. reception featuring complimentary food from local vendors (with wine and beer for purchase). The next day (Saturday, Jan. 22), there are screenings at 3 and 7 p.m. Former Savannah resident Justin Clifton, director of Mountainfilm’s touring arm, will moderate the film introductions and presentations as well as Q&As. Tickets for each show are $10 adults, $5 for children or students with student I.D. You can get them at Half Moon Outfitters on Broughton Street, and at

Two more • A few items in our immediate future: Cusses will ring in the New Year Saturday, Jan. 8 at the Jinx, with Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun and Death Cheetah. The Savannah Folk Music Society’s First Friday show for January features Grant Peeples and Jacob Johnson - that’s Jan. 7 at First Presbyterian Church. The organization’s first concert for 2011 puts the spotlight on Jonathan Byrd, Jan. 14. CS

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Featured Reviews



10 for ’10 by Matt Brunson

Glance at any two random critics’ 10 Best lists from 2010 and chances are the majority of the titles will match. What that means – at least to my way of thinking – is that truly fine films were in such short commodity during 2010 that the nation’s scribes were all forced to rally around the same pictures. As is often the case, coming up with the top eight films for my 10 Best list was easy; choosing among four worthy titles for those final two slots was painful. So I’d like to pay extra tribute to Mike Leigh’s Another Year, an exemplary achievement in writing, and Danny Boyle’s 127 Hours, an exemplary achievement in directing. 1. BLACK SWAN (Darren Aronofsky). The best picture of 2010. No other movie released during the last 12 months has gripped me quite like this penetrating piece set in the world of ballet, a pas de deux between director Darren Aronofsky and star Natalie Portman. Combining the sensibilities that defined his two equally great past films – the nerve–shattering approach of Requiem for a Dream coupled with the absorbing character study of The Wrestler – Aronofsky, working from a screenplay by Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz and John J. McLaughlin, examines with painstaking precision the process of suffering for one’s art. Yet the film goes deeper than that, functioning also as an incisive piece about the rites of passage endured by a young girl as she fully transforms into a woman. Heavy with symbolism and expertly staged by Aronofsky and crew, this psychosexual thriller burrows both under the skin and into the brain, and it showcases a magnificent Portman in what is clearly the performance of the year. 2. TOY STORY 3 (Lee Unkrich). Woody, Buzz and the rest of the gang bid a fond farewell in this emotional outing, the perfect final chapter in a trilogy that’s guaranteed to live on for generations (to infinity and beyond?). This superior sequel – funny, smart, gut–wrenching,

even scary – taps into the feelings all of us have encountered during our respective childhoods, when we employed our toys as a passageway to new worlds and new experiences. Toy Story 3 may look like a family film, but as it tackles issues of loss, identity and self–worth, it reveals itself as one of the most adult movies of recent vintage. 3. INCEPTION (Christopher Nolan). Dream weaver Nolan creates a moviegoing marvel that has the ability to get cineastes intoxicated on the pure pleasure and the pure possibility of the medium of film. Tackling such prominent themes as (to borrow from dream expert Salvador Dali) the persistence of memory, Nolan has fashioned a head–scratching one–of–a–kind that’s both knotty enough and ambiguous enough to lead to conflicting opinions down the years. It all adds up to a superb motion picture, one with the ability to infiltrate both our dream state and our waking life. 4. THE SOCIAL NETWORK (David Fincher). Exhibiting an extraordinary gift for gab, this relates the fascinating story of how Harvard nerd Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) created Facebook and in the process became the world’s youngest billionaire. Yet this isn’t an inspiring movie about an underdog beating the odds as much as it’s a prickly mishmash of how one person’s insecurities led to success even as his personality remained grounded in arrogance. Fincher keeps the proceedings moving at a rapid clip, a task made easier by Aaron Sorkin’s script and great performances by the entire cast. 5. THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (Juan Jose Campanella). The most recent Academy

Award winner for Best Foreign Language Film, this Argentinean import offers a dizzying mix of suspense, intrigue and romance. A midlevel employee (Ricardo Darin) in the Buenos Aires court system spends a quarter–century obsessing over an unsolved rape–murder, with his boss, his perpetually drunk colleague and the victim’s husband all figuring in his investigation. This exhilarating drama leads to a brilliant conclusion that will haunt – and satisfy –– just about anyone who’s ever mulled over the inadequacies of the world’s courts. 6. THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT (Lisa Cholodenko). A married lesbian couple (Annette Bening and Julianne Moore) aren’t sure how to react when they learn that their two teenage children (Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson) want to meet their biological father (Mark Ruffalo). Yet one more movie exploring family dysfunction might sound like a slog through well–trodden indie film terrain, yet writer–director Cholodenko’s film is written with such perception, directed with such sensitivity and acted with such brio that the result is not only a path paved with good intentions but also one lined with loving detail. 7. RABBIT HOLE (John Cameron Mitchell). Mitchell, best known for helming the raucous and sexually charged movies Hedwig and the Angry Inch and Shortbus (both of which made my 10 Best lists during their respective years), does an impressive about–face with this low–simmering drama about a couple coping with the death of their young son. The father (Aaron Eckhart) attempts to maintain a brave face – with wavering success – but the mom (Nicole Kidman) makes no effort to sugarcoat her bitterness or spare the feelings of others. Kidman’s astounding performance alone makes this a must–see. 8. THE KING’S SPEECH (Tom Hooper). Hooper and particularly screenwriter David Seidler manage to build a towering film from a historical footnote: the debilitating stammer that haunted Albert Frederick Arthur George (aka the Duke of York and then King George VI) since childhood and the efforts of speech therapist Lionel Logue to cure him of his affliction. The film is careful to paint in the historical details surrounding this character crisis, but the

meat of this satisfying movie rests in the dynamic interplay between Colin Firth (as George VI) and Geoffrey Rush (as Lionel Logue). 9. WINTER’S BONE (Debra Granik). Jennifer Lawrence delivers a breakthrough performance as 17–year–old Ree Dolly, who’s smarter than any of the rubes surrounding her in Missouri’s poverty–stricken Ozark terrain. Learning that her dad has skipped bail after putting up their house for collateral, she sets out to locate him, running into resistance from all manner of dangerous people. Suffused with pungent backwoods flavor, this assured directorial effort from Granik offers a rare look at a region that will seem as foreign to most moviegoers as the forest moon of Endor. 10. EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP (Banksy). The year’s best documentary may, in fact, not even be a documentary. A Frenchman named Thierry Guetta contemplates making a film about street art, but the enigmatic British street artist Banksy opts instead to make a movie about Thierry. Thierry eventually transforms into a successful hack artist named Mr. Brainwash, but is he a real person or is the film an elaborate hoax by Banksy? It’s a mind–bender to match Inception, but either way, the picture offers a delicious examination of haute monde hypocrisy as well as the subjective nature of criticism. Best Actor: Colin Firth, The King’s Speech; Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network; James Franco, 127 Hours; Matt Damon, Hereafter; Michael Douglas, Solitary Man Best Actress: Natalie Portman, Black Swan; Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole; Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone; Julianne Moore, The Kids Are All Right; Anne Hathaway, Love & Other Drugs Best Supporting Actor: Geoffrey Rush, The King’s Speech; John Hawkes, Winter’s Bone; Michael Shannon, The Runaways; Mark Ruffalo, The Kids Are All Right; Justin Timberlake, The Social Network Best Supporting Actress: Barbara Hershey, Black Swan; Amy Adams, The Fighter; Helena Bonham Carter, Alice in Wonderland, The King’s Speech and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1; Marion Cotillard, Inception; Ashley Bell, The Last Exorcism CS




Screenshots CARMIKE 10 movies

511 Stephenson Ave. (912) 353-8683

True Grit, Little Fockers, Yogi Bear, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Tourist, Tangled


by matt brunson |


1100 Eisenhower Dr. (912) 352-3533

Gulliver’s Travels, The Fighter, How Do You Know, Tron: Legacy, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Unstoppable

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True Grit, Little Fockers, Yogi Bear, The Chronicles of Narnia, Black Swan, Tangled, The Tourist


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The Chronicles of Narnia, Gulliver’s Travels, Tron: Legacy, Yogi Bear, Little Fockers, Due Date, Unstoppable, Tangled, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

WYNNSONG 11 1150 Shawnee St. (912) 920-1227

Gulliver’s Travels, The Fighter, The King’s Speech, How Do You Know, Tron: Legacy, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Unstoppable, Magamind

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Gulliver’s Travels, True Grit, Little Fockers, How Do You Know, Tron: Legacy, Yogi Bear, The Chronicles of Narnia, Tangled, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Tourist

True Grit

It’s been well documented the the Coen Brothers’ take on True Grit isn’t a remake of the 1969 film that won John Wayne his only Academy Award but rather a more faithful adaptation of Charles Portis’ novel. That’s all well and good, but when it comes to making that Netflix rental selection, the choice will be between the two film versions. By that token, no one will lose out, as both pictures are of comparable value. Forced to choose, I’d actually go with the Duke’s at–bat, although Jeff Bridges is certainly more than capable in taking on the iconic role of boozy marshall Rooster Cogburn, hired by young Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) to track down the desperado (Josh Brolin) who murdered her pappy. Sporting a sly sense of humor different than what was brandished in the ’69 model, this True Grit mines its colorful characters for off–kilter comedy, from talkative Texas Ranger LaBoeuf (Matt Damon) to scraggly outlaw leader Ned Pepper (Barry Pepper, superbly channeling the original’s Robert Duvall). Bridges is likewise amusing and might have been even funnier if we could understand his frequently slurred dialogue. As it stands, whenever he’s talking, the picture needs English–language subtitles as desperately as Bergman’s Persona or Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai.


Let me get this straight. Dustin Hoffman deemed the script for Little Fockers so awful that he refused to participate until new scenes were written for him. And here he is now, having agreed to a revised screenplay that has him uttering lines like “You can pick your nose, but only flick the dry ones, not the wet ones.” Needless to say, that’s a long way from the likes of “Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me ... Aren’t you?” and “I’m walking here! I’m walking here!” Then again, Little Fockers is pretty much the basement for most of the accomplished actors squirming up there on the screen. Even those charitable folks (like me) who didn’t think Meet the Parents’ first sequel, Meet the Fockers, was a sign of End Times will feel the comic desperation in this outing. There’s admittedly a chuckle here and there, but they quickly get buried by painful sequences like the one in which Greg continues on p. 40





screenshots | continued from page 38



Focker (Ben Stiller) sticks a needle into father–in–law Jack Byrnes’ (Robert De Niro) erect penis, or when Greg’s young son projectile–vomits onto his dad. As in How Do You Know, Owen Wilson proves to be an unlikely saving grace, but enough is enough. This franchise has run its course and made its millions, but now it’s time for it to fock off.

THE KING’S SPEECH Arriving on the scene like so much high–minded Oscar bait, The King’s Speech is anything but a stiff–upper–lip drama as constrained as a corseted queen. It is, however, perfect film fodder for discerning audiences starved for literate entertainment. Director Tom Hooper and particularly screenwriter David Seidler manage to build a towering film from a historical footnote: the debilitating stammer that haunted Albert Frederick Arthur George (aka the Duke of York and then King George VI) since childhood and the efforts of speech therapist Lionel Logue to cure him of his affliction. The film is careful to paint in the histori-

cal details surrounding this character crisis – the support of George’s wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), the abdication of his brother Edward (Guy Pearce), the buildup toward World War II (Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill; love it!), etc. – but its best scenes are the ones centering solely on the unorthodox teacher and his quick–tempered student. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are accomplished actors on their own, but squaring off as, respectively, George VI and Lionel Logue elevates their game. It’s no wonder that they deliver the two best male performances of the year.

Tron: Legacy

If the Disney–manufactured hype is to be believed, 1982’s TRON was the Gone With the Wind of its day, a Citizen Kane for the modern age, a blockbusting, award–winning blah blah blah. No. TRON was a lightly entertaining movie (and notorious box office underachiever) whose sole claim to fame was its groundbreaking, computer–generated effects. So not surprisingly, the primary focus for the makers of TRON: Legacy was to create visuals that take us

to the next level. But did they have to do so at the expense of virtually every other department? Certainly, the effects in this sequel are sometimes astounding (although the 3–D immersion is less pronounced than in Avatar), and, for the first hour, the film offers no small measure of fun. As he searches for Kevin Flynn (TRON star Jeff Bridges), the father who disappeared two decades earlier, Sam Flynn (wooden Garrett Hedlund) finds himself whisked into a digital landscape fraught with danger. The setup is sound, and the early action sequences are stirring, but then the film settles into a sameness that allows viewers to focus too intently on the feeble plotting, the tired dialogue, the unfortunate performances (as the opportunistic Zuse, Michael Sheen camps it up like a villain from the old Batman TV show) and the awful use of the character of TRON himself (returning Bruce Boxleitner). By the time this overlong feature arrives at the anticlimactic standoff between Kevin and his digital alter ego CLU (a creepily de–aged Bridges), most viewers will be wanting their quarters back.

Black Swan

Now opeN

Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan is a messy masterpiece. Like Apocalypse Now, Eraserhead and Aronofsky’s own Requiem for a Dream, it’s one of those films that will force viewers to either reject it outright or allow it, however reluctantly, to burrow into the brain and remain there for days, weeks, months on end. It’s a character study writ large, a juicy melodrama operating at a fever pitch. And at its center is Natalie Portman in an astonishing performance that surpasses even her work in such films as Closer and V for Vendetta. Portman’s cast as Nina Sayers, a ballerina whose methods involve clockwork precision but leave little room for true passion. Nevertheless, her director (Vincent Cassel) decides to take a chance by casting her in the lead

role of his production of Swan Lake. But in true All About Eve fashion, just as she replaced an aging star (a knockout bit by Winona Ryder), she fears being usurped by a sexy troupe newcomer (Mila Kunis). Meanwhile, the home situation is equally strained, given the fanatical devotion of her mother (an excellent Barbara Hershey, in a twist on Piper Laurie’s mad mom from Carrie). Is Nina strong enough to withstand myriad challenges, or is she on the verge of cracking up? The answers are all there, but the film is complex enough to leave wiggle room for any theories. Examining the process of suffering for one’s art in a strikingly unique manner, this psychosexual thriller is by turns frightening, sensual, humorous and tragic. It’s a galvanizing picture that’s simultaneously elegant and coarse – like its protagonist, it manages to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.


True to form for controversial director David O. Russell (Three Kings), The Fighter takes a real–life story and turns it into a scrappy, hard–edged motion picture. Its focus is the relationship between Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg), a boxer with real potential, and his brother–trainer Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale), a boxing has–been and crack addict holding his sibling back. Micky’s manager–mom (Melissa Leo) isn’t much better in looking out for her pugilist son’s welfare, leaving it to his new girlfriend (Amy Adams) to properly guide him. The Fighter is initially so raw in its approach that it’s a shame when it becomes less Raging Bull and more Rocky IV just in time for a conventional fadeout. And while the oversized theatrics of Bale and Leo have already generated Oscar buzz, I actually prefer the more subtle earnestness of Wahlberg and especially Adams (shucking her usual sunshine beaming for an unexpected toughness). Still, all four actors (plus Jack McGee

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Welcome Back StudentS! Best Selection of Imported & domestic Wine & Beer complete Bar catering for all occasions 5% discount with this ad on purchase of $30 or more 501 Habersham St. Savannah • • 912.233.3032


Often as likable as a frolicking puppy – and always as messy – How Do You Know is one of those pictures in which everyone is so gosh–darn charismatic that the battle – at least for the filmmakers – is already half over. When compared to writer–director James L. Brooks’ early efforts in television and cinema (Broadcast News and Mary Tyler Moore are two of the all–time greats, and Terms of Endearment and Taxi aren’t too shabby, either), this latest work is a mere trifle. But it’s a fairly clever one, with Reese Witherspoon cast as Lisa, a professional softball player forced to choose between two guys: a baseball star (Owen Wilson) who’s so smitten with Lisa that he agrees to a monogamous relationship (albeit one with the occasional “anonymous sex”) and a squeaky–clean executive (Paul Rudd) being bamboozled by his corrupt dad (Jack Nicholson) into taking the fall for the old man’s illegal activities. Witherspoon and Rudd are both adorable, and Nicholson has one killer scene set inside a hospital room. Yet given the occasional blandness of the former couple’s romantic interludes and the haziness of the latter’s business dealings, the movie works best when Wilson is front and center.

THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER On the sliding scale of Narnia adaptations, 2008’s Prince Caspian was slightly better than 2005’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but any hope for continued ascendancy in this franchise ends with The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. A costly franchise that switched studios midstream, the Narnia series (based, of course, on C.S. Lewis’ books) has always come across as timid fantasy fare, squeezing out all the danger and intrigue inherent in the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings film cycles. Such an overly cautious approach especially nullifies the content of this torpid installment and renders it toothless – just the opposite of what we should expect from a series featuring a

lion as its most powerful character. The protagonists – returning siblings Lucy and Edmund Pevensie (Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes) and obnoxious newcomer Eustace (Will Poulter) – are bruisingly boring (paging the Potter kids!), and their adventures aboard the title seafaring vessel are only slightly less moldy than their skirmishes on land. Forget the Titanic: The Dawn Treader is the real sinking ship.

The Tourist

With The Tourist, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp aren’t functioning as actors so much as they’re trying their hands at being slum lords. Hollywood royalty blessed with a substantial measure of talent, these A–list actors are merely coasting here, slumming in style as they enjoy exotic locales and continental cuisine at studio expense. The Tourist finds both stars sleepwalking through an exceedingly daft motion picture that insults moviegoer intelligence at an alarming rate. A smug and chilly Jolie stars as Elise, who’s being tracked across Europe by Scotland Yard due to her association with a wanted man named Alexander Pearce. The mysterious Pierce instructs Elise (via letter) to throw the authorities (repped by Paul Bettany) off his trail by befriending a complete stranger and making them think that he’s actually Alexander Pearce. Elise settles on Frank (a crushingly dull Depp, in a role reportedly handed first to Tom Cruise and then Sam Worthington), a vacationing math teacher who’s stunned that such a beauty would be interested in him. The ruse works too well, though, as a criminal kingpin (Steven Berkoff) also falls for the deception and thus orders his goons to kill Elise and capture Frank. It’s amusing to see former Agent 007 Timothy Dalton doing desk duty as a Scotland Yard superior, and equally pleasing to watch ’80s villain Berkoff threaten Depp just as he did Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop and Sylvester Stallone in Rambo: First Blood Part II. But when mere trivia footnotes such as these prove to be a film’s highlights, then something’s gone terribly wrong. I haven’t seen France’s 2005 Anthony Zimmer, but it’s hard to believe it’s as clumsily constructed as this idiotic remake. The Tourist is the sort of lazy picture that relies on an absolutely unbelievable coincidence to set the whole story in motion; from there, it only grows sillier, with characters behaving in illogical ways no matter what the situation. CS

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as Micky’s sympathetic father) work well in tandem, and Russell and his scripters make the shifting dynamics among the family members ring true. The Fighter doesn’t quite go the distance, but it’s good enough to last several rounds.

so w me ith ex th cl is us co io up ns o ap n pl y


10 %

screenshots | continued from previous page


submit your event | email: | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404




We reserve the right to edit or cut listings because of space limitations.

Activism & Politics Chatham County Democratic Party

For info, contact Tony Center at 912-233-9696 or Chatham County Democratic Headquarters, 313 W. York St. Savannah

Savannah Area Young Republicans

For information, visit or call Allison Quinn at 308-3020.

Savannah Tea Party

meets the first Monday (excluding Holidays) of each month from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the SRP offices located at 11 East 73rd Street. All persons interested in America’s Future are invited. Contact Marolyn Overton at 912-598-7358 for additional info.

Benefits Canned Food and Supply Drive

Park Place Outreach, youth emergency shelter is in need of canned food and household supplies. Household items needed include, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, fabric softer, paper towel and toilet paper. Donations accepted through January. Please visit www. for directions.

Hope House of Savannah

A nonprofit housing program for homeless women and their children. Hope House is requesting donation of new or gently used furniture for its transitional housing program, Peeler House. Pick-up can be arranged and a tax deductible letter will be provided. Call 236-5310.

Life Jackets for Safe Kids

Safe Kids Savannah is accepting new and gently used life jackets that will be available for loan at popular boat ramps as part of their

“Kids Don’t Float” campaign. There are several locations life jackets can be dropped off, including County Aquatic Center, the JEA and the Habersham YMCA. For more info visit www.

of $25 gets each artist 15 vinyl records to use in producing a piece of art that will appear in the show. No rules. Deadline for record pick up is January 14. Deadline for final work is Feb. 1. Email: for more info.

As part of its ongoing work with incest survivors, the Rape Crisis Center has built a cinderblock wall where incest survivors can throw plates as an anger management technique. In order to continue, donations of china are needed. Call 233-3000 to make a donation.

Veteran casting director Jackie Burch (Breakfast Club, Die Hard, among others) is conducting full day workshop for interested actors ages 8-80. Includes critique, Q&A and headshot appraisal. Cost is $150 for either of two sessions. Jan 8 or 9 from 9am-5pm. Call 310-560-8819 or email to reserve a space or get more info.

Rape Crisis Center Incest Survivor’s Group

Call for Entries Artists: Beyond the Fold

Desotorow Gallery announces a call to artists for “Beyond the Fold,” which examines artists who utilize paper in a way that exceeds the utilitarian, two-dimensional expectations of the material. $20 submission fee. Deadline for submissions is Jan 7 at 5pm. For info: 912-3558204 or email Desotorow Gallery , 2427 Desoto Ave. ,

Auditions: “Hairspray” & “Smokey Joe’s Cafe”

The Arts Center of Coastal Carolina is holding auditions for both shows on Jan. 8, 11AM2:30PM & 3:30–7PM. Seeking Equity and nonEquity performers age 14 to mid-50s who can sing and dance. Auditions by appt only. For info, contact Gail Ragland at 843-686-3945 ext. 236 or e-mail her at

Auditions: The Mikado

The Asbury Memorial Theatre will be holding auditions for Gilbert & Sullivan’s “The Mikado” on January 11 from 6:30-8:30pm. Come prepared to sing 32 measures of the music from the show. The show will run March 4-6 & March 11-13 (Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday matinees). 1008 E. Henry St.

Casting Workshop

Interns wanted

The Wooden Sheep is now accepting applications for interns. Background in architecture, design, fibers and/or fashion required. For more info contact: Woodensheepsav@gmail. com or stop in Monday-Friday 10am-5pm at 10 West Liberty St.

The old Hotel Tybee

Harry Spirides is collecting stories and photos from the old Hotel Tybee, which stood on the island from the late 1880s until its destruction in 1960. He’s working on a book about the historic establishment. Anyone with memories, memorabilia or anything else related to the hotel is asked to contact: hoteltybeebook@ or call 912-786-7777.

Volunteer Tax Prep Assistance

The City of Savannah is hosting several Volunteer Tax Preparation Assistance (VITA) sites from January 18 thru April 15, 2011. Volunteers will be trained with Internal Revenue Service tax materials to help people whose incomes are $52,000 or less with their federal and state of Georgia individual income tax returns. For more info about the service or volunteering, call 912-447-5577.

Call for Artists - “For the Record”

There is an open call for artists interested in participating in a show called “For the Record” taking place Feb 8-12, 2011. Submission fee

Classes, Camps & Workshops $1 Gymnastics Class

Coach Wayne teaches gymnastics in the Savannah Mall every Saturday. Introductory class is $1., or call 912-925-0800.

Art Classes

Experimental and classical art. Draw and paint figurative or abstract. Choose the technique which interests you the most. Lean about other artists and art history. The teacher is a former art professor with two masters in art and 20 years of experience in teaching art. contact: 912-604-3281

Art,-Music, Piano and Voice-coaching

For all age groups, beginners through advanced, classic, modern, jazz improvisation and theory. Serious inquiries only. 961-7021 or 667-1056.

Beading Classes

Learn jewelry-making techniques from beginner to advanced at Bead Dreamer Studio, 407A E. Montgomery Cross Rd. Call 920-6659. Bead Dreamer Studio, Savannah

Coastal non-profit bootcamp

All-day series of workshops designed to help build the capacity of coastal Georgia nonprofits to meet their missions. The event will offer separate training tracks on essential nonprofit management topics. January 11, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Savannah Civic Center, 301 W. Oglethorpe Ave. Pre-registration req’d. Cost is $75 and includes breakfast & lunch. for details.

Conversational Spanish

Do you want to practice your Spanish? Come to the mesa de espanol the second Thursday and last Friday of the month at 4:30 p.m. For information, e-mail The Sentient Bean, 13 East Park Ave. , Savannah

Culinary workshop with renowned pas-

continues on p. 44






118 East Broughton St. 234-6168




try chef


Offers victim impact panels for intoxicated drivers, DUI, DWI, offenders, and anyone seeking to gain knowledge about the dangers of driving impaired. A must see for teenage drivers seeking a drivers license for the first time or teenage drivers who already received a license. The group meets once a month and the cost is $30.00. For more info: 912-4430410.



happenings | continued from page 42

Savannah Technical College hosts a workshop with internationally renowned, award winning pastry chef Stephane Treand for a demonstration of chocolate technique on Jan. 11, 1-5pm. Cost is $50. To reserve space, contact Gail Eubanks:

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4604 Habersham St. Mon-Fri 9:30-6 Sat 9:30-5 'Ĺ?ǀĞ ƚŚĞ Ĺ?Ĺ?ĹŒ ŽĨ ŚŽƉĞ ĨŽĆŒ ĹśÄžÇ ĹŻĹ?ĨĞ͊

Music Lessons

DUI Prevention Group

New “mommy and me� music classes starting in Nov. Certified teacher with BA in Music Education. New classes offered for students ages 6 months-5 years. Private lessons also available for piano, woodwinds, brass, beginner guitar, and more! Contact Ms. Amy at or at 912-659-0993.

Family Law Workshop

A music program for adults who played a band instrument in high school or college and would like to have the opportunity to begin playing again. Dust off your instrument every Monday night at Portman’s Music Store (Abercorn) at 6:30p.m. The cost is $30.00 per month. All ages and ability levels are welcome. Contact Pamela Kidd at 912-354-1500 for more info.

A 2-hour course for those representing themselves in a family legal action. 1st Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm. The fee is $20 and provides forms and assistance in the filing of divorce, child custody modifications, legitimations or contempt legal actions. Preregistration is recommended. For info: www. or call 912-465-6686.

Fany’s Spanish/English Institute

Spanish is fun. Classes for adults and children are held at 15 E. Montgomery Cross Rd. Call 921-4646 or 220-6570 to register. Savannah

Guitar, Bass & Double Bass Lessons

New to the area teacher with 10+ years experience has available openings for all beginner/intermediate students. Studio located 2 blocks from Daffin Park. Call 401-255-6921 to schedule a 1/2 price first lesson!

Guitar, mandolin and bass lessons

Guitar, mandolin or bass guitar lessons. emphasis on theory, reading music and improvisation. Located in Ardsley Park. 912232-5987

Housing Authority Neighborhood Resource Center

The Housing Authority of Savannah hosts a series of regular classes at the Neighborhood Resource Center. 1407 Wheaton Street. Adult literacy/GED prep: Mon-Thurs, 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm. Financial education: 4th Fri of month, 9-11am. Basic Computer training: Tues & Thurs, 1-3pm. Community Computer lab: Mon-Fri, 3-4:30pm. For more info: 912232-4232 x115 or

Mindfulness Meditation Class

Instruction in mindfulness stress reduction meditation. Group practice with time for questions and comments. Wednesdays, 7:158:15pm. Yoga Co-op Savannah. 2424 Drayton St. $13/class (less with membership). www. or 912-429-7264.

New Horizons Adult Band Program

Savannah Entrepreneurial Center

Offering a variety of business classes. Call 652-3582. Savannah Entrepreneurial Center, 801 E. Gwinnett Street , Savannah

Savannah Heritage Emergency Response Workshop

Full day workshop on insurance and appraisal of cultural heritage collections, targeted to museums, galleries, historic houses and libraries. January 18, 2011, at the Metropolitan Planning Commission, 112 E. State St. Registration 8:30-9:30, Programs 9:30-3:30. $25. Contact: Beth Reiter, 912-234-9398; for more info.

Savannah Learning Center Spanish Classes

Be bilingual. Call 272-4579. e-mail or visit Free folklore classes also are offered on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Savannah Learning Center, 7160 Hodgson Memorial Dr.

Starfish Cafe Culinary Arts Training Program

This 14-week full-time program is designed to provide work training and employment opportunities in the food service industry, including food preparation, food safety and sanitation training, customer service training and job search and placement assistance. Call Ms. Musheerah Owens 912-234-0525 ext.1506 The Starfish Cafe, 711 East Broad Street , Savannah

Volunteer 101

A 30-minute course that covers issues to help volunteers get started is held the first and third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. The first Thursday, the class is at Savannah State University, and the third Thursday, at United Way, 428 Bull St. Register by calling Summer at 651-7725 or visit www.HandsOnSavannah. org. United Way of Coastal Empire, 428 Bull St , Savannah

continues on p. 46



January 1st at 1pm

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Bull Street Auctions

2819 Bull Street (behind Maggie’s Antiques) ¡ 443-9353 Always accepting quality consignments Auction Co. License #AU-C002680

happenings DEC 29 - JAN 4, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


Thanks for your support, Savannah! Voted best yoga center 4 years running! 40+ yoga classes weekly Teacher training programs Internationally known teachers/workshops Class fees to fit every budget Student discounts

“Peace of mind in an energized body” Get invigorated, energized & centered for the New Year! Coming Soon: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Led Primary Series & Meditation w/ Lisa Seago on Jan 1st. See website for details. Located just south of Forsyth Park • 1319 Bull St • Savannah Open 7 days a week • 912.232.2994 •


Hip yoga clothing, books, yoga mats & accessories


happenings | continued from page 44



Clubs & Organizations Avegost LARP

Live action role playing group that exists in a medieval fantasy realm. Generally meets on the second weekend of the month. Free for your first event or if you’re a non-player character. $35 fee for returning characters. Email: Kaza Ayersman, or visit

Buccaneer Region SCCA

is the local chapter of the Sports Car Club of America. It hosts monthly solo/autocross driving events in the Savannah area. Anyone with a safe car, insurance and a valid driver’s license is eligible to participate. Visit

Coastal MINIs

Local MINI Cooper owners and enthusiasts who gather on the first Sunday of the month at 10 a.m. to go on motoring adventures together. Visit Starbucks, Victory Drive and Skidaway Road , Savannah

Coastal Readers & Writers Circle

A Creative Writing and Reading discussion group that meets the 3rd Sunday of every month, 3:30-5pm at the Savannah Mall Branch Library. Bring: Passages from any of your writing that you would like to read and passages from a book, publication, or production that you would like to share with the group. for more information

Energy Healers

Meets every Monday at 6pm. Meditation and healing with energy. Discuss aromatherapy, chakra systems and more. Call 912-695-2305 for more info.

Historic Savannah Chapter of ABWA

Meets the second Thursday of every month from 6-7:30 p.m. The cost is the price of the meal. RSVP to 660-8257. Tubby’s Tank House, 2909 River Dr , Thunderbolt

Knitters, Needlepoint and Crochet

Every Wed. 5:00PM at My House Consignments & More, 206 W. Broughton St. No fees. Wanna learn? We love to show what we know. Many different levels get together in the store. Talk, knit, share have fun! Call 912-236-4111

Low Country Turners

This is a club for wood-turning enthusiasts. Call Hank Weisman at 786-6953.

Military Order of the Purple Heart Ladies Auxiliary Meets the first Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. Call 786-4508. American Legion Post 184, 1 Legion Dr. , Savannah

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

| Submit your event | email: | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 10201 Abercorn Street at 7:30 p.m. Call 3082094, email or visit www. Savannah

Safe Kids Savannah

Safe Kids Savannah, a coalition dedicated to preventing childhood injuries, holds a meeting on the second Tuesday of every month from 11:30am-1pm. Visit or call 912-353-3148 for more info

Savannah Parrot Head Club

Dedicated to pursuing adventures, both indoors and outdoors, throughout the Low country and beyond. Activities include sailing, camping, skydiving, kayaking, hiking, tennis, volleyball, and skiing, in addition to regular social gatherings. Free to join. Email or visit www.

Meets Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at the First City Club. 32 Bull St , Savannah http://

Savannah Adventure Club

Savannah Area Sacred Harp Singers

The public is invited to come and sing early American music and folk hymns from the shape note tradition. This non-denominational community musical activity emphasizes participation, not performance. Songs are from The Sacred Harp, an oblong songbook first published in 1844. Call 655-0994.

Savannah Art Association

The non-for profit art association, the Southeast’s oldest, is currently taking applications for membership. The SAA offers workshops, community programs, exhibition opportunities, and an artistic community full of diverse and creative people from all ages, mediums, and skill levels. Please call 912-232-7731.

Savannah Brewers’ League

Meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Call 447-0943 or visit and click on Clubs, then Savannah Brewers League. Moon River Brewing Co., 21 W. Bay St.

Savannah Browns Backers

This is an official fan club recognized by the Cleveland Browns NFL football team. Meet with Browns fans to watch the football games and support your favorite team Sundays at game time at Tubby’s Tank House in Thunderbolt. The group holds raffles and trips and is looking into having tailgate parties in the future. Call Kathy Dust at 373-5571 or send e-mail to or Dave Armstrong at or 925-4709. Tubby’s Tank House (Thunderbolt), 2909 River Dr , Thunderbolt

Savannah Council, Navy League of the United States

A dinner meeting held the fourth Tuesday of each month (except December) at 6 p.m. at the Hunter Club. Call John Findeis at 748-7020. Hunter Army Airfield, 525 Leonard Neat St , Savannah

Join other moms for fun, inspiration, guest speakers, food and creative activities while children ages birth to 5 are cared for in a preschool-like setting. Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9:1511:30 am Call 898-0869 and 897-6167 or visit First Baptist Church of the Islands, 6613 Johnny Mercer Blvd , Savannah

Beginner classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings for six weeks. Fees are $40. Some equipment is provided. After completing the class, you may become a member of the Savannah Fencing Club for $5 per month. Experienced fencers are welcome to join. Call 429-6918 or send email to

International fan and research group devoted to preserving and distributing old-time radio broadcasts from 1926 to 1962. Send e-mail to Jim Beshires at or visit

Come meet the Local Chapter of the Guardian Angels on the 1st Monday of every month from 7pm-9pm at Elite Martial Arts in Pooler,GA. Free snacks and drinks and info on the Guardian Angels. For more

Old Time Radio Researcher’s Group

Richmond Hill Roadies Running Club

A chartered running club of the Road Runners Association of America. For a nominal annual fee, members will receive monthly training sessions and seminars and have weekly runs of various distances. Kathy Ackerman,756-5865 or Billy Tomlinson 596-5965.

Rogue Phoenix Sci-Fi Fantasy Club

Members of Starfleet International and The Klingon Assault Group meet twice a month, on the first Sunday at 4 pm. at 5429 LaRoche Ave and the third Tuesday at Super King Buffet,

and, in addition, the club hosts a variety of activities, tours and events that will assist you in learning about Savannah and making new friends. Call 351-3171.

Savannah Fencing Club

Savannah Guardian Angels

Savannah Jaycees

Meeting and information session held the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6pm to discuss upcoming events and provide an opportunity for those interested in joining the Jaycees to learn more. Must be 21-40 years old to join the chapter. 101 Atlas St. 912-353-7700 or www.

Savannah Newcomers Club

Open to all women who have been in the Savannah area for less than two years. Membership includes a monthly luncheon and program

Love a laid-back lifestyle? Beach, Buffet and no dress code. Check out for the events calendar or e-mail Wendy Wilson at

Savannah Sunrise Rotary Club

Savannah Toastmasters

Helps you improve speaking and leadership skills in a friendly and supportive environment on Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Memorial Health University Medical Center, Conference Room C. 484-6710. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah

Savannah Wine Lovers

A sometimes formal group that also sometimes just gets together to drink wine. Visit

Savannah Writers Group

meets the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7pm at Books a Million to discuss, share and critique writing of fiction or non-fiction novels, essays or short stories. A meet-and-greet precedes the meeting at 6:30pm. Contact Carol North, 912-920-8891. 8108 Abercorn St , Savannah

Son-shine Hour

Meets at the Savannah Mall at the Soft Play Mondays from 11-12 and Thursdays from 1011. Activities include songs, stories, crafts, and games for young children and their caregivers. Free, no registration, drop-ins welcome. Call Trinity Lutheran Church for details 912-9253940 or email

Southern Wings

Local chapter of Women in Aviation International. It is open to men and women in the region who are interested in supporting women in aviation. Regular meetings are held once a month and new members are welcome. Visit


Knit and crochet gathering held each Tuesday evening, 5pm-8pm All skill levels welcome. Free. Spinning fiber into yarn group meets the first Monday of each month at 1pm. Wild Fibre, 6 East Liberty Street (near Bull St.) Call for info: 912-238-0514

Tarde en Espanol

Meets the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in different locations to practice spoken Spanish in a casual environment. 236-8566.

The 13th Colony Patriots

A Tea Party group that meets the 13th of each month at Logan’s Road House at 6pm. 11301 Abercorn St. Open to the public. Dedicated to the preservation of the United States Constitution and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. or call 912-5965267.

The Peacock Guild

A literary society for bibliophiles and writers. Monthly meetings for the Writer’s Salon are held on first Tuesday and the Book Club meets on the third Tuesday. All meetings start at 7:30 p.m. at meet at 207 E. Charlton St (Flannery O’Connor’s Childhood Home). Call 233-6014, facebook Peacock Guild or email for more info.

The Philo Cafe

A weekly discussion group that meets from 7:30pm-9pm at Books-A-Million, 8108 Abercorn St., each Monday. Anyone craving some good conversation is invited to drop by. No cost. For more info, email or look up The Philo Cafe on Facebook.

Theremin/Electronic Music Enthusiasts

A club for enthusiasts of electronic music and instruments, including the theremin, synths, Mooger Foogers, jam sessions, playing techniques, compositions, gigs, etc. Philip Neidlinger,

Urban Professionals

Meets first Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at Vu at the Hyatt on Bay Street. If you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. Call 272-9830 or send e-mail to Vu Lounge at the Hyatt, 2 W. Bay St. , Savannah

Victorian Neighborhood Association

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at the American Legion Hall located at 1108 Bull Street. See

Veterans of America Chapter 671

Meets monthly at the American Legion Post 135, 1108 Bull St. Call James Crauswell at 9273356. Savannah

Dance Abeni Cultural Arts Dance Classes

Classes for multiple ages in the art of performance dance and Adult fitness dance. Styles include African, Modern, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, & Gospel. Classes are held Monday through Friday at the St. Pius X Family Resource Center. Classes start at $25.00 per month. For more information call 912-631-3452 or 912-272-2797. Ask for Muriel or Darowe. E-mail:

Adult Intermediate Ballet

Mondays & Wednesdays, 7 - 8pm, $12 per class or 8 classes for $90. Class meets year round. (912) 921-2190 The Academy of Dance, 74 West Montgomery Crossroads

African Dance & Drum

Learn the rhythms of West Africa with instructor Aisha Rivers. Classes are held every Sunday - drums at 4pm, dance at 5pm Rhythms of West Africa, 607 W. 37th St. , Savannah http://

Argentine Tango

Lessons Sundays 1-3:30pm. Open to the public. Cost $3.00 per person. Wear closed toe leather soled shoes if available. For more information call 912-925-7416 or email

Auditions for Cinderella

Columbia City Ballet will hold auditions on Sun., Jan. 23, for its upcoming performance of Cinderella. Auditions begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Savannah Civic Center. Audition fee: $10. 5-6pm - dancers ages 6-9. 6-7pm - dancers ages 10&up. CC Ballet has an audition dress code. Call for more info: 803-799-7605 or 800899-7408.

Ballroom Dance Party

Frank G. Murray Community Center, 160 Whitemarsh Island Rd., Jan. 22, 2011. Waltz lesson starts at 7 PM. Social dance from 8:0010:30 PM. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Beginners and singles are welcome. Call 308-9222 for more info.

Basic Ballroom Class

Learn the Waltz! Learn to dance with the Moon River Dancers. St. Frances Cabrini Church, 11500 Middleground Road (near intersection with Dutchtown Road). Jan. 8, 2011, 1-3 PM. Cost: $5. Beginners and singles welcome. Call 308-9222 for more info.

Beginners Belly Dance Classes

Instructed by Nicole Edge. Every Sunday, Noon-1PM, Tantra Lounge, 8 E. Broughton St., 231-0888. Every Thursday, 7PM-8PM, Fitness Body and Balance Studio 2127 1/2 E. Victory Dr., 398-4776 or www.

The perfect class for those with little to no dance background. Cybelle has been formally trained and has been performing for over a decade. Tues: 6-7pm & Thurs: 7-8pm. Visit For info: cybelle@cybelle3. com or call 912-414-1091 Private classes are also available. Walk-ins are welcome.

C.C. Express Dance Team

Meets every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. at the Windsor Forest Recreation Building. Clogging or tap dance experience is necessary for this group. Call Claudia Collier at 748-0731. Windsor Forest Recreation Building, Savannah

Ceili Club

Experience Irish Culture thru Irish social dancing. No partner or experience needed. Learn the basics of Irish Ceili dancing. 7176 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Mondays at 7:30 p.m. For more info email PrideofIrelandGA@

Home Cookin’ Cloggers

Meet every Thursday from 6-8 p.m. at Nassau Woods Recreation Building on Dean Forest Road. No beginner classes are being held at this time, however help will be available for those interested in learning. Call Claudia Collier at 748-0731. Nassau Woods Recreation Building, Savannah

Irish Dance Classes

Glor na h’Eireann cultural arts studio is offering beginner to champion Irish Dance classes for ages 5 and up, Adult Step & Ceili, Strength & Flexibility, non-competitive and competition programs, workshops and camps. TCRG certified. For more info contact PrideofIrelandGA@ or 912-704-2052.

Mahogany Shades of Beauty Inc.

offers dance classes, including hip hop, modern, jazz, West African, ballet, lyrical and step, as well as modeling and acting classes. All ages and all levels are welcome. Call Mahogany B. at 272-8329.

Modern Dance Class

Classes for beginner and intermediate levels. Fridays 10-11:15am. Doris Martin Studio, 7360 Skidaway Rd. For more info, call Elizabeth 912-354-5586.

Pole Dancing Class

For exercise...Learn dance moves and spins while working your abs, tone your legs and arms, a total body workout. Ladies Only! The only thing that comes off is your shoes. Pre-registration req’d. Beginners Classes, Wednesdays 8pm. Level II Classes, Mondays 8pm. Pole fitness, Mon&Wed, 11am. 912398-4776 or visit www.fitnessbodybalance. com. Fitness Body & Balance Studio, 2127 1/2 Victory Dr. ,

Salsa Classes

Learn Salsa “Rueda de Casino” style every Wednesday, from 6-7pm Beginner, 7-8pm Intermediate, at the Delaware Recreation Center, 1815 Lincoln St. Grace, 234-6183 or Juan, 330-5421. Delaware Recreation Center, Savannah

Salsa Lessons

Offered Saturdays 11:30am-1pm. $10.00 per class. Packages prices also available. Contact Kelly 912-398-4776 or

Salsa Lessons

Salsa Savannah offers beginner and intermediate salsa lessons on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at several locations. For more info, contact:, or call 856-7323.

Salsa Savannah

Tuesdays at Tantra (8 E. Broughton St.), lessons from 7-9pm, open dancing 9pm-1am. Thursday at Saya (109 W. Broughton St.), lessons from 7-8pm, open dancing 9-11pm. Bachata lessons at Saya Thursdays from 89pm. For more info:, 912-704-8726.

Savannah Shag Club

Shag music every Wednesday, 7pm, at Doubles Lounge, 7100 Abercorn St. and every Friday, 7 pm, at American Legion Post 36, 2309 E. Victory Dr.

The Savannah Dance Club

The Savannah Dance Club hosts Magnificent Mondays from 6:15-11 p.m. FREE basic Shag and/or West Coast Swing lessons each Monday. Lesson schedule posted at Facebook/ Savannah Dance Club. Dance lessons 6:157:45pm. Special discount on 2011 membership thru Feb 15. For info: Call 927-4784 or 398-8784 or visit Facebook/Savannah Dance Club.

Events Music in the Parlour with Diana

An afternoon of music, with homemade scones and sweet tea. Saturdays and Sundays, 1-3pm. $30/person. Limited seating. Reservations required. Call Diana Rogers: 912-236-2866 or email: DianaInSavannah@

The Armstrong Center

The Armstrong Center is available for meetings, seminars, workshops or social events. Classrooms, meeting space, auditorium and 6000-square-foot ballroom. 344-2951. Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah

Film & Video Psychotronic Film Society

Hosts weekly screenings every Wednesday, 8pm, at the Sentient Bean. Offering up a selection of films so bad they are good, cult classics and other rarities. For upcoming schedule visit:

Reel Savannah

Hosts screenings of critically acclaimed independent films from around the world at Victory Square Cinemas, 1901 E. Victory Dr. For schedule and more info, visit www.

Savannah Jewish Film Festival

Passes are on sale for the 2011 SJFF, which takes place from Jan. 29-Feb. 6, 2011. Full week passes are available for $50/JEA Members and $65 for non-members. Individual tickets for screenings will be available at each screening. For more info, including schedule: or call 912-355-8111.

Fitness A New Kung Fu School: Ving Tsun

VING TSUN (Wing Chun) is the world’s fastest growing martial arts style. Using angles and leverage to turn an attacker’s strength against them makes VING TSUN Kung Fu effective for everyone. Call Sifu Michael Sampson to find out about our free trial classes 912-429-9241. 11202 White Bluff Road. Drop Ins welcome.

Belly Drills

Belly Drill your body with Cybelle. This is an intense dance workout utilizing basic bellydance moves. Geared to all levels of ability. Dance your way to a better sense of well being. Bring water bottle. Thurs: 6-7pm. Visit For info: cybelle@cybelle3. com or call 912-414-1091. Walk-ins welcome.

Bellydancing for fun and fitness

The most fun class you’ve ever taken to get you in the best shape in the least amount of time. We provide bright colorful veils, jangling coin hip scarves, and exotic music. Every Wednesday, 6:30pm. $15 drop-in or $40 for four classes. Call 912-660-7399 or email

continues on p. 48

“Kaidoku” Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words (HINT: since a Q is always followed by a U, try hunting down the Q first). Only lowercase, unhyphenated words are allowed in kaidoku, so you won’t see anything like STOCKHOLM or LONG-LOST in here (but you might see AFGHAN, since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). Now stop wasting my precious time and SOLVE!!


Beginners Belly Dancing with Cybelle

answers on page 52



happenings | continued from previous page

happenings | continued from page 47


Crunch Lunch

30 minute Core and ABs concentration class. Offered 11:30am & 12:15pm Mon, Wed & Fri @ Fitness Body & Balance 2127 1/2 East Victory Dr. 912-398-4776.

Curvy Girl Bootcamp

Exercise class assisting women of size to reach their fitness goal. Every Tues & Thurs, 6-7pm. Lake Mayer Community Center. $70 a month or $10 per session. For more info call 912-3417710



Fitness Classes at the JEA

Spin, firm it up, yoga, Pilates, water aerobics, Aquasize, senior fitness, and Zumba. Prices vary. Call for days and times. 355-8111. Jewish Educational Alliance, 5111 Abercorn St , Savannah

Mommy and Baby Yoga Classes

Mondays, 10-11am (crawlers and toddlers) and 11:30-12:45 (infants and pre-crawlers) at the Savannah Yoga Center. The cost is $14 per class. Multi-class discounts are available. Walk-ins welcome. Call 232-2994 or visit Savannah Yoga Center, 1321 Bull St. , Savannah

Pilates Mat Classes

“Prez Pet Parade”--livin’ in the White House. by matt Jones | Answers on page 52 ©2011 Jonesin’ Crosswords (


1 Bullets 5 Quiet assassin 10 Bucket of chicken piece 14 Short Tim Conway character in sports-themed videos 15 Dances at weddings 16 ___-Day vitamins 17 Undulating dance 18 Athlete’s superstitious footwear from Reagan and Clinton? 20 New Mexico or Colorado county 22 Grand ___ Opry 23 Former South Korean president ___ Tae-woo 24 Board game partner from Nixon and Clinton? 29 How the apathetic feel 30 “I hate ___ to pieces!” (Mr. Jinks catchphrase) 33 Major school of Buddhism 37 Pi, for instance 38 Bust ___ (laugh really hard) 39 Dumb male hunk from LBJ and Obama? 42 Poi base 43 Charlotte ___ (clothing store) 45 Handout at the doctor’s office 47 Does some tailoring 49 “Deal ___ Deal” 50 Pasta-corn concoction from Kennedy and Carter? 56 “Takin’ Care of Business” group, to fans 58 Direction opposite WSW 59 Response to “Swiper, no swiping!” on “Dora the Explorer” 60 Park worker’s hangout for Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.? 65 “___ Rock” (Simon & Garfunkel song) 66 Neighborhood 67 Couples, in the tabloids 68 Cub or Card, for short 69 A long time to wait 70 Oklahoma tribe 71 “What ___ is there?”


1 Improvised, like a committee 2 Roof location 3 1957 hit by The Bobbettes 4 Joan ___ 5 Home of the Penguins 6 Debt voucher 7 Govt. agency that oversees reactors 8 One of the Brothers Grimm 9 It may be sought 10 Do some courting 11 How some tableware is created or etched 12 “Hold On, Hold On” singer Case 13 Deep cut 19 Passover feast 21 “___ me” (“I’m fine with it”) 25 “In the Valley of ___” (2007 Tommy Lee Jones film) 26 Rajah’s wife 27 It’ll all come out in the wash 28 Companion of taxes 31 Dublin’s land 32 Chimney sweep grime 33 Johnny formerly of The Smiths 34 Chills and fever 35 Bribery of sorts 36 In a daze 40 Home with hay bales 41 Defunct science magazine 44 Pageant host 46 Comic strip possum 48 Company behind Hello Kitty 51 Takes five 52 River that starts in the Swiss Alps 53 “___ thumbs...” 54 Pacifies 55 Rimshot need 56 “Ratatouille” director Bird 57 “American Pie” actress Reid 61 Stove fuel 62 Princess’s problem 63 Astonished text 64 Mao ___-tung

Mat classes are held Tues & Thurs 7:30am8:30am, Mon 1:30pm-2:30pm, Mon & Wed 5:30pm-6:30pm, Thurs 12:30pm-1:30pm, & Sat 9:30am-10:30am. All levels welcome! Private and Semi-Private classes are by appointment only. Carol Daly-Wilder, Certified Pilates Instructor. Call 912.238-0018 Momentum Pilates Studio, 310 E. 41st St ,

Georgia Equality Savannah

The local chapter of Georgia’s largest gay rights group. 104 W. 38th St. 944-0996. Savannah

Savannah Pride, Inc.

Meets second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the FCN office located at 307 E. Harris St., 2nd floor. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Without the GLBT community, there wouldn’t be a need for Pride. Call 912-288-7863 or email heather@ First City Network, Savannah

Stand Out Youth

A Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning youth organization. Meets every Friday at 7 p.m. at the FCN building located at 307 E. Harris St. Call 657-1966, email info@ or visit www.standoutyouth. org. First City Network, Savannah http://www.

What Makes A Family

A children’s therapy group for children of GLBT parents. Groups range in age from 10 to 18 and are held twice a month. Call 352-2611.

Health Better Breathers of Savannah

Meets to discuss and share information on C.O.P.D. and how people live with the disease. For info, call Dicky at 665-4488 or dickyt1954@

Free blood pressure checks and blood sugar screenings

Rolf Method Bodywork

Conducted at three locations. From 8:30 a.m.12:30p.m. and 5:15p.m.-7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday at the SJ/C African-American Health Information and Resource Center, 1910 Abercorn St. Call 447-6605 for appt. Every Monday from 10a.m.-12p.m. at the Smart Senior office, No. 8 Medical Arts Center. No appt necessary. Every Monday-Friday from 10a.m.-2p.m. at St. Mary’s Community Center at 812 W. 36th St. Call 447-0578. Savannah

Squats N’ Tots

Hearing: Every Thurs. 9-11 a.m. Speech: 1st Thurs. of each month. Savannah Speech and Hearing Center, 1206 E. 66th Street. Call 3554601. 1206 E 66th St , Savannah http://www.

Pregancy Yoga

Ongoing series of 8-week sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 6-7:15 PM at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Pre-natal yoga helps mothers-to-be prepare for a more mindful approach to the challenges of pregnancy, labor & delivery. Cost is $100 for 8 weeks. Call Ann Carroll at 912-704-7650 e-mail For posture, chronic pain and alignment of body/mind/spirit. Jeannie Kelley, LMT, certified advanced Rolf practitioner., 843-422-2900. Island Somatherapy, 127 Abercorn Street , Savannah Stretch and strengthen overused body parts, as well as focus on muscle endurance, low impact aerobics, and abdominal work. Your baby (age 6 weeks to one year) can get in on the fun, or simply stay close to you on your mat. Call to pre-register 912-819-6463. St. Joseph’s/Candler Center for Well Being,

The Yoga Room

Visit or call 898-0361 for a schedule of classes, times and fees. Savannah Yoga Room, 115 Charlotte Dr ,

Yoga for Cancer Patients and Survivors

Free for people with cancer and cancer survivors. 6.30 p.m., Tuesdays and 12:10 p.m., Thursdays, FitnessOne, 3rd floor of the Center for Advanced Medicine, Memorial University Medical Center. Call 912-350-9031.

Zumba Fitness

Classes every week in the Pooler and Rincon area. Zumba is a fusion of Latin and international music dance themes that create a dynamic, effective fitness system. All ages and shapes are encouraged to attend. $7 per class. For info, contact Carmen at 484-1266 or calexe@comcast. net.

Gay & Lesbian First City Network Board Meeting

Meets the first Monday at 6:30 p.m. at FCN’s office, 307 E. Harris St., 2nd floor. 236-CITY or 307 E Harris St , Savannah

Gay AA Meeting

meets Sunday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at 311 E. Macon St. Savannah

Free hearing & speech screening

Healthcare for the Uninsured

St. Mary’s Health Center is open for health needs of uninsured residents of Chatham County. Open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. For information or to make an appointment, call 443-9409. St. Mary’s Health Center, 1302 Drayton St.

Help for Iraq War Veterans

A method used at Fort Campbell to treat lack of sleep, anger, flashbacks, nightmares and emotional numbness in veterans is available in Savannah. 927-3432.

Hypnobirthing Childbirth Classes

Classes provide specialized breathing and guided imagery techniques designed to reduce stress during labor. Classes run monthly, meeting Saturdays for three consecutive weeks. To register, call 843-683-8750 or e-mail Family Health & Birth Center, 119 Chimney Rd , Rincon http://www.

HypnoBirthing Classes

Learn to birth in a calm and gentle environment without fear. Uses relaxation, meditation and guided imagery to achieve the birthing experience you desire. Tiffany, tiffany@savannahdoula. com.

Kidney Disease

Learn about causes, risks, symptoms and treatments at this class held every Monday. Call Leah Mitchem for more info: 912-232-2691

La Leche League of Savannah

Mothers wishing to find out more about breastfeeding are invited to attend a meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm. La Leche League of Savannah is a breastfeeding

support group for new and expectant mothers. 897-9544, html. Family Health and Birth Center, Savannah

by Rob brezsny |

Meditation and Energy Flow Group

Meet with others who practice meditation or want to learn how, discuss techniques, & related areas of holistic health, healing, Reiki, Energy Medicine, CAM. Reduce stress, increase peace & health! For info: or 912-247-4263

Memorial Health blood pressure check

Free every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:309:30 a.m. at GenerationOne. 350-7587. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth. com

Planned Parenthood Hotline

First Line is a statewide hotline for women who want information on health services. Open every night from 7-11p.m. 1-800-264-7154.

The Quit Line

A toll-free resource that provides counseling, screening, support and referral services for all Georgia residents 18 or older and concerned parents of adolescents who are using tobacco. Call 1-877-270-STOP or visit www.unitegeorgia. com.

Nature and Environment Dolphin Project of Georgia

Boat owners, photographers and other volunteers are needed to help conduct scientific research. Must be at least 18 years old. Call 7273177, visit e-mail

Tybee Island Marine Science Center

Offering a variety of fun educational programs including Beach Discovery Walks, Marsh Treks, Turtle Talks and the Coastal Georgia Gallery, which features an up close look at dozens of local species. Open daily, 10am-5pm. For more info, call 912-786-5917 or visit Tybee Island

Walk on the Wild Side

The Oatland Island Wildlife Center offers a 2-mile Native Animal Nature Trail that winds through maritime forest, freshwater wetland and salt marsh habitats, and features live native animal exhibits. Open daily from 10-4 except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. 8983980, 711 Sandtown Rd , Savannah

Wilderness Southeast

Offers a variety of programs every month including guided trips with naturalists, canoe rides and more. Their mission is to develop appreciation, understanding, stewardship, and enjoyment of the natural world. For more information: 912-236-8115 or sign-up on our website www.

Pets & Animals A Walk in the Park

Professional pet sitting, boarding, dog walking and house sitting services offered in downtown Savannah and the nearby islands. All jobs accepted are performed by the owner to ensure the safety of your pets. Local references available. Please call 401.2211 or email to make a reservation.

Low Cost Pet Clinic

Tails Spin and Dr. Lester host low cost vaccine clinic for students, military and seniors on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 5-6pm. The cost for each vaccination is $12.00, with $2.00 from each vaccination to be donated to Savannah Pet Rescue Agencies. Habersham Village Shopping Center. For more info:


(March 21–April 19) “Just because everything is different doesn’t mean anything has changed,” said writer Irene Peter. That should be cautionary advice for you in 2011, Aries. From what I can tell, it will be relatively easy for you to rearrange the way things look, but trickier to transform them from the inside out. You will have to be vigilant to keep from getting swept up in the giddiness of big talk at the expense of practical action. You’ll have to push hard to make sure that seductive ideas are translated into concrete details. Can you do it? I think you can.


(April 20–May 20) In 1967, John McCain was a U.S. Navy pilot fighting in Vietnam. Shot down during a bombing mission, he was captured and jailed in the notorious Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was tortured. After being freed in 1973, he returned to the U.S. and eventually launched a political career. When he ran for president in 2008, his candidacy got an endorsement from an unlikely source: Tran Trong Duyet, the Vietnamese prison commander who had supervised his torture. In the coming months, Taurus, I expect you to experience a turnaround that will have comparable poetic justice. I’m not sure how it will unfold. Maybe an adversary will praise you, a person who wounded you will make amends, or a force of nature that once opposed you will come over to your side. Twenty–eleven will be a Year of Vindicating Reversals.


(May 21–June 20) Can you finally escape the pain you got imprinted with during adolescence? Is it a realistic possibility that you could triumph over the conditioning you absorbed before you knew how to talk? Do you have the power to do what few of us have done, which is to get out from under the weight of the past, shed the inertia of your memories, and live brave and free in the raw truth of NOW? If there will ever in your life be a time when you can accomplish at least some of this noble quest, Gemini, it will be in 2011.

CANCER continues on p. 50

(June 21–July 22) Decades ago, the U.S. built a

network of sleek expressways to make it fast and easy for cars to travel between cities. But like many of America’s impressive engineering feats, this one took little account of what the human soul might enjoy. Ugly buildings or empty spaces surround many of those roads. Visually, the difference between I–95 in Georgia and I–74 in Illinois is negligible. “The Interstate highway system has made it possible,” said Charles Kuralt, “to go from sea to shining sea without seeing anything.” You cannot afford to let this be your operative metaphor in 2011, Cancerian. Your potential for rapid, extensive progress is sizable, but it would be a mistake to barrel along with your eyes fixed on the prize in the distance as you neglect what’s happening along the way. Be both global and local; romance the details as you revel in the big picture.


(July 23–Aug. 22) Fixing people’s teeth is one of Dr. Peter Kertesz’s specialties. The British dentist has a thriving business in London. Now and then he’s also called on to practice an exotic variation: animal dentistry. Recently, he corrected the tooth problems of two tigers in a zoo. Other species he has helped include elephants, whales, and pandas. In 2011, Leo, I suggest you consider branching out like Dr. Kertesz. What would be the equivalent, in your domain, of expanding the ways you use your primary skills?


(Aug. 23–Sept. 22) “What can I do with this eternal longing?” That’s the first line of “Assouf,” a song by the African band Tinariwen. During the rest of the tune, the singer never offers a definitive answer to that plea, but as he tumbles and rumbles over the possibilities, the band plays a lot of righteous music. I suggest that you make Tinariwen’s cry your question of the year in 2011. It will be an excellent use of your time to meditate on how to call forth, nurture, and direct your ineffable, insatiable yearning. (Hear the song: http://tinyurl. com/Assouf.)


(Sept. 23–Oct. 22) In 2011, I believe you will have the chance to weave your fortunes together with an abundance of

allies who are good for you. They will be your equals, they will share at least some of your most important values, and they will respect you for who you are. That’s excellent news, right? My only worry is that you might shy away from the demands that such invigorating collaborations will make on you. It would be less work, after all, to fall back into reliance on more prosaic relationships that don’t ask so much of you. Please don’t take the easy way out, Libra. Rise to the occasion!

the last sixty centuries,” he concluded. Today this describes many Westerners, not just Americans. We are adrift in the Age of the Short Attention Span –– a time when the lessons of the past are becoming lost or irrelevant. But in 2011, I’ll be rooting for you to elude this curse, Capricorn. It’s crucial for you to be in close touch with both the lessons provided by the grand sweep of human civilization and by your own personal history.


(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

(Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Michelangelo didn’t think of himself as primarily a painter. Sculpture was his first love. Yet in 1508 he was coaxed into painting prodigious frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. As he worked for four years, covering 12,000 square feet with sublime images, he sometimes complained and felt resentful. The project took him away from two large sculptures he would have preferred to be working on. He feared his enemies had convinced the Pope to give him this task in order to demonstrate how mediocre his painting was. But today his work at the Sistine Chapel is regarded as a masterpiece. I suspect that in 2011 you may face a version of Michelangelo’s dilemma, Scorpio: being offered a job you don’t consider your forte. It’s quite possible, however, that accepting this “diversion” will yield interesting results.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

“When I became a man I put away childish things,” said Sagittarian author C.S. Lewis, “including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” I suggest you take up that attitude yourself in 2011, Sagittarius. One of your top assignments in the coming months will be to play with greater intensity and more frequency and a heightened imagination. If you want to achieve your adult goals, you’ll be wise to recreate your childhood wisdom on a higher octave.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

“We Americans are the best informed people on earth as to the events of the last 24 hours,” wrote historian Will Durant some decades ago. “We are the not the best informed as to the events of


“The third–rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority,” said author A.A. Milne. “The second–rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first–rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.” You will have an excellent chance to cultivate that definition of a first–rate mind in 2011, Aquarius. According to my reading of the astrological omens, life will be conspiring to strengthen your brain. You will have everything going for you if you make it your intention to sharpen your wits, use language more precisely, and see the world with greater clarity and objectivity. To get the fun started, make a list of what you could do to push your intelligence beyond its current limits.


(Feb. 19–March 20) “Anything you’re good at contributes to happiness,” said philosopher Bertrand Russell. If I had my way, Pisces, you’d write that on a note and tape it to your bathroom mirror for the duration of 2011. I think it would raise your appreciation for the power your personal gifts have to bestow blessings on both yourself and others. And I hope it would inspire you to spend a lot of quality time finding out all you can about what you’re good at and deepening your capacity to do what you’re good at.


Free will astrology


happenings | continued from page 48


happenings | continued from page 49



Professional Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Insured, bonded, certified in pet first aid and CPR. 355-9656,

Readings & Signings Circle of Sister/Brotherhood Book Club

meets the last Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. at the African-American Health Information & Resource Center, 1910 Abercorn St. Call 4476605. Savannah

Playwright Raymond Levin

The Savannah Writers Group hosts the coauthor of “Oh! Savannah don’t you cry” who has had several of his plays produced. He will discuss how stage-writing differs from other forms of fiction. A Q&A session will follow. Jan. 11, 7pm. Books-a-Million. 8108 Abercorn St. Free and open to the public.

Savannah Book Festival

Three days of events in and around Telfair Square featuring authors from around the country. Feb. 18-20. All events are free and open to the public. For more info, visit www.

Tea time at Ola’s

A book discussion group that meets the fourth Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Ola Wyeth Branch Library, 4 E. Bay St. Call Beatrice Wright at 652-3660. Bring your ideas and lunches. Tea will be provided. 232-5488 or 652-3660. Ola Wyeth Branch Library, Savannah http://www.

| Submit your event | email: | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404

Religious & Spiritual Christian Businessmen’s Committee

Meets for a prayer breakfast every Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. at Piccadilly Cafeteria in the Oglethorpe Mall, 7804 Abercorn St. Call 898-3477. Savannah

DrUUming Circle

First Saturday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah on Troup Square at Habersham and Macon streets. Drummers, dancers and the drum-curious are welcome. Call 234-0980 or visit 313 Harris St. , Savannah http://www.

Gregorian Chant by Candlelight

For a peaceful end to your day attend the chanted service of Compline (Singing Good Night to God) sung at 9pm every Sunday night by the Compline Choir of historic Christ Church (1733) on Johnson Square; 28 Bull Street. Open to the public. All are welcome! Call 232-4131 for more info.

Live Web-streaming

Attend church from home Sundays at 9 and 11am with Pastor Ricky Temple and Overcoming by Faith Ministries. Log onto www., click ’Watch Now’. 927-8601. Overcoming by Faith Ministries, 9700 Middleground Rd. , Savannah

Metaphysics For Everyday Self-Mastery

A series of metaphysical/New Thought classes at The Freedom Path Science of Life Center, 619 W 37th St., Mondays 8pm, with Adeeb Shabazz. $10 suggested donation, 1-877-4948629,, Savannah

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Midweek Bible Study

Every Wednesday at noon at Montgomery Presbyterian Church. Bring your lunch and your Bible. 352-4400 or Montgomery Presbyterian Church, 10192 Ferguson Avenue , Savannah

Music Ministry for Children & Youth

The children’s choir for 3 years through second grade will be known as Joyful Noise and the youth choir grades 3-5 will be known as Youth Praise. Joyful Noise will meet Sundays from 45 p.m. and Youth Praise will meet Sundays from 5-6 p.m. Call Ronn Alford at 925-9524 or visit White Bluff United Methodist Church, 11911 White Bluff Rd , Savannah

Nicodemus by Night

An open forum is held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 223 E. Gwinnett St. Nicodemus by Night, Savannah

Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)

Meets Sundays, 11 a.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church. Call the clerk, 912-373-6276 Trinity United Methodist Church, 225 West President St , Savannah

Realizing The God Within

A series of Metaphysical/New Thought classes presented by The Freedom Path Science of Life Center, featuring metaphysical minister and local author Adeeb Shabazz. Mondays at 8pm. 619 W 37th St. , Savannah

Soka Gakkai of America

SGI is an international Buddhist movement for world peace and individual happiness. The group practices Nichiren Buddhism by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Introductory meetings are held the third Sunday of the month. For further information, call 232-9121.


h y s t a s b a e t v e 's r a e y nefrwee champagne toast at midnight ls drink, dinner + dance specia age Sunday nFL Pack s 1pm-7pm • 4 Big screens 5 for $15 Beer Buckg)et (Bud, Bud Light, yuengLin

prime riB $10.95 m drink speciaLs 7pm-2a

monday night FootbaLL SPeciaLS 2-for-1 appetizers 50¢ wings draft Beer speciaLs

voted Best aduLt enter tain ment!

(during the game - Bud, Bud Light, amBerBock & yuengLing)

now hiring cLassy entertainers 12 n. Lathrop ave. savannah | 233-6930 | mon-sat 11am-3am • sundays 1pm-2am Turn right @ the Great Dane statue on Bay St. We’re on the left just past the curve!

ic s u m every week in

Soundboard Available only in

Stand for Peace

A sllent witness for peace that will be held in Johnson Square the fourth Sunday of every month from 1-2pm until the occupation ends. Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Social Justice and Action Committee. 224-7456, 231-2252, 234-0980, Johnson Square, Bull & Abercorn Sts. , Savannah

The Savannah Zen Center

Soto Zen Meditation: Tuesday evenings 6-6:30pm with study group following 6:307:30pm; Sundays 8am-9:30am which includes Dharmatalk. Donations accepted. Rev. Fugon Cindy Beach The Savannah Zen Center, 505 Blair St. Savannah. More info: The Savannah Zen Center, 505 Blair St.

Unitarian Universalist Beloved Community Church

Services begin Sunday at 11 a.m. at 1001 E. Gwinnett St. Coffee and discussion follow each service. Religious education for grades 1-8 is offered. For information, call 786-6075, e-mail Celebrating diversity. Working for justice. Savannah

Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah

Liberal religious community where different people with different beliefs gather as one faith. Sunday, 11 am, Troup Square Sanctuary. 234-0980, or www. 313 Harris St. , Savannah

continues on p. 52



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happenings | continued from page 50



Unity of Savannah

Two Sunday morning Celebration Services - 9:15 and 11:00. (Children’s Church and childcare at 11:00.) A.W.E. interactive worship service at 7 p.m. every first Friday of the month. Noon prayer service every Thurs. To find out about classes, workshops and more visit, www. or call 912-355-4704. 2320 Sunset Blvd.

Women’s Bible Study

at the Women’s Center of Wesley Community Centers. Call 447-5711 1601 Drayton St , Savannah

Sports & Games Savannah Bike Polo

Like regular polo, but with bikes instead of horses. Meets weekly. Check out www. for more information.

Texas Hold ’Em Poker League

Free Texas Hold Em poker league is available to the public. Teaches new players how to play and advanced players can come and work on their skills. Prize tournaments for season points leaders. for more info.

Support Groups Al Anon Family Groups

A fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics meets Monday at 12:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., Thursday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 8 p.m. at 1501 Eisenhower Dr. and Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Goodwill on Sallie Mood Drive. Call 598-9860 or visit Savannah

Al-Anon Meetings

Meetings for families and friends of alcoholics are held every Monday at 5:30pm and Saturday at 11am. Melissa, 844-4524. First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Ave , Savannah http://

Alcoholics Anonymous

If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol, call 912-356-3688.

Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group

Senior Citizens, Inc. hosts a Caregiver’s support group for individuals caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia family members. Meets every second Monday at the Wilmington Island United Methodist Church, 195 Wilmington Island Road. For more info, call 236-0363, ext. 143. Savannah

Amputee Support Group

Open to all patients who have had a limb amputated and their families or caregivers. Call 355-7778 or 353-9635.

Bleeding Disorders Support Group

Call Mary Lou Cygan at 350-7285. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth. com/

Cancer support group

Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 11am-12pm. at the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion on Reynolds Street across from Candler Hospital. The group is open to anyone who is living with, through or beyond a diagnosis of cancer. Call 819-8784. Savannah

Citizens With Retarded Citizens

Open to families of children or adults with autism, mental retardation, and other developmental disabilities. Meets monthly at 1211 Eisenhower Drive. 355-7633. Savannah

Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association

Meets the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Candler Heart and Lung Building, second floor, Room 2. Call 355-1221; or visit 5354 Reynolds Ave. , Savannah

| Submit your event | email: | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 Couples Struggling with Fertility Challenges

Meets every Saturday at 6:45 p.m. at Savannah Christian Church, Room 250. This is a group for couples struggling with primary or secondary infertility, whether they have been on this journey for one year or many years. Call Kelly at 596-0852 or email emptycradle_savannah@ 55 Al Henderson B;vd. , Savannah

Domestic Violence Hotline

The Georgia Human Resources Department and Georgia Coalition on Family Violence have a new number, 24 hours a day. 1-800-33-HAVEN.

Domestic violence support group

SAFE Shelter provides a domestic violence support group every Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Inc. Building at 3205 Bull St. Call Brenda Edwards, 629-8888. Savannah

Don’t face your problems alone

Are you between the ages of 11-18, or a concerned parent of a teen? We are here to help. Please call Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter 912-234-4048 or www.

Fibromyalgia support group

meets the second Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Conference Room 2, Candler Heart and Lung Building, 5356 Reynolds St.. 819-6743. 5354 Reynolds Ave. , Savannah http://www.

First Line

An after-hours referral and information line to talk confidentially about birth control, sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy options. A free service from Planned Parenthood, available nightly from 7 to 11 p.m. at 1-800264-7154.

Gray Matters Brain Injury Support Group

For traumatic brain injury survivors and their caregivers. Meets the third Thursday at 5 p.m. in the gym at The Rehabilitation Institute at Memorial University Medical Center. 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth. com/

Grief Support Group

Full Circle Grief and Loss Center, 450 Mall Blvd. Seven-week support groups for children and adults are offered by the bereavement counselors at no charge as a complementary service of Hospice Savannah. For information call 912.303.9442 or visit Savannah

Heartbeats for Life

A free support and education group for those who have suffered or want to prevent or reverse Heart Disease, and/or Diabetes problems. Contact, Jeff: 912-598-8457; email:

Hope House

Provides housing and support services such as life skills, resources and referrals, follow-up care and parent-child activities funded by DHR Promoting Safe and Stable Families. Please call 236-5310 for information. Hope House of Savannah, 214 E. 34th St. , Savannah

KidsNet Savannah Parent Support Group

meets on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at the Department of Juvenile Justice Multi-Purpose Center, 1149 Cornell Ave. Call Carole Kaczorowski at 598-7001, Lorr Elias at 351-6375 or Bruce Elias at 644-5916. Department of Juvenile Justice Multi-Purpose Center, 1149 Cornell Ave , Savannah

LD-AD/HD Support Group

Parents of children with learning disorders, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder are invited to join this professionally lead support group discussion problem solving, medication, alternative treatments and more. Pre-registration req’d. Call Laurel Brady at 912-659-4687.

Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma

Support Group

For patients with blood-related cancers and their loved ones. Call Jennifer Currin, 350-7845. Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah

Living without Violence

The SAFE Shelter offers free drop-in counseling to anyone who is in an abusive relationship. Meets every Thursday from 7-8:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church Education Building at Whitaker & McDonough St. 234-9999. First Baptist Church of Savannah, 223 Bull St.

confidential counseling for victims and their families.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Support Group

The group welcomes anyone suffering with this disorder, and family members or caregivers interested in learning more about it. For info, call Martyn Hills at 651-4094.

S-Anon Family Group

A fellowship for families and friends of sexaholics. For info, call 663-2565.

Memorial Health Focus

Self-Help Support Group for People with HIV/AIDS

Multiple Sclerosis support group

Senior Citizen’s Inc. Alzheimer’s Support Group

Focus is a program to encourage Sickle Cell patients ages 11 to 18 and their parents and caregivers to learn more about Sickle Cell disease. For info, call Saundra at 350-3396. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www. discusses topics that are relevant to anyone with a debilitating disease every fourth Thursday at 3:30 p.m. at St. James Catholic Church, 8412 Whitfield Ave. at Montgomery Cross Roads. 355-1523. St James Catholic Church, 8412 Whitfield Ave , Savannah

Narcotics Anonymous

Call 238-5925 for the Savannah Lowcountry Area Narcotics Anonymous meeting schedule.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

A recovery support group for people living with mental illness. Tuesdays: 6:30-8pm, Trinity Lutheran Church, 12391 Mercy Blvd. Thursdays: 6:30-8pm, Pine Woods Retreat, 1149 Cornell Ave. Suite 3A. Saturdays: 1:30-3:30pm, Candler Heart & Lung Building (2nd Floor). Call 912-353-7143 for more info.

Overeaters Anonymous

Meets weekly at several locations. Please visit to locate a meeting.

Pancreatic Cancer Support Group

Call Jennifer Currin at 350-7845. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth. com/

Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Meets the first Thursday of the month. 56:30pm in the Marsh Auditorium at Candler Hospital. For more info, call 355-6347 or 238-4666.

PRIDE Support Group

This is a support group for parents of children with bleeding disorders. Call Mary Lou Cygan at 350-7285. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://

For more information on a support group for men and women living with HIV/AIDS, please contact Mary Jackson at My Brothaz HOME, Inc. at 912-231-8727. These two groups are confidential and only for persons with verified HIV/AIDS.

For families of persons suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. Second Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Ruth Byck Adult Day Care facility, 64 Jasper St. Call ahead to reserve a seat. Call Stacey Floyd at 236-0363. 3025 Bull St , Savannah

Smoking Cessation Support Group

is open to anyone who has stopped smoking and needs additional support or to those who are considering trying to stop smoking. Call 819-8032 or 819-3368.

Spinal Injury Support Group

Meets every third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Rehabilitation Institute at Memorial Health. For info, call Jami Murray at 350-8900. Savannah

Support Group for Parents of Ill Children

who have a seriously ill child receiving treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis. A case manager facilitates the meetings, and a child life specialist provides an arts and crafts activity. Meets once a week. Call Donna at 3505616. Backus Children’s Hospital, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth. com/backus

Teens nurturing teens

Meets the third Sunday of the month at 3 PM on the 2nd floor of the Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion. This group is for teens who have a family member or loved one impacted by cancer. For more info, call 819-5704.

The Work of Byron Katie

assists survivors of rape and sexual assault. The Rape Crisis Line is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 233-7273. The center offers free,

The Work of Byron Katie ends unnecessary suffering. Let’s do some worksheets together. Looking for others who are interested in doing TW. I am a 2003 Graduate of the School for the Work with Byron Katie. Contact twwurs@gmail. com, or call Urs 912-484-0134 for more info; or read “Loving What Is” cs

Psycho sudoku Answers

Crossword Answers

Rape Crisis Center

Items for sale 300

want to buy 390 Diabetic Test Strips Wanted Most types, Most brands. Will pay up to $10/box. Call Clifton 912-596-2275. Miscellaneous Merchandise 399


Chest-of-drawers $25. Nightstands $10. Overstuffed chairs & ottoman $20. Call Mr. Dan 964-1421 Pets & AnimAls 400

Lost Pets 410 LOST: Gray & Black short hair male tabby cat, “Charlie”. 3 yrs. old. Red Collar. Lost on Cattle Run Way in The Farm at Morgan Lakes, Pooler, Dec. 22. Please call (912) 441-5435 if spotted. Beloved family pet.

EmploymEnt 600

General 630


Regale audiences with spooky tales of Savannah’s strange history on board the Trolley of the Doomed. REHEARSALS BEGIN IN JANUARY. Training and costumes are provided. APPLY TO: Hostess City Management Services, LLC. EOE. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. EXPERIENCED COUNTER CLERK needed for Part time/Full time work to wait on customers, process drop off and pick up orders, and help in assembly. Must be able to work quickly, have a good personality, and be a team player. Dependability is a must. Job not limited to these responsibilities. See Morgan 10-12pm, Mon-Fri at David’s Dry Cleaners at 640 E President St.

General 630 MYSTERY SHOPPERS earn up to $100 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. No experience required. Call 877-679-6781. Responsible person to be driver for elderly couple. Occasional evenings & weekends. Thunderbolt area. Call 354-3260 for details.

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Business OppOrtunity 690 Publisher’s Notice of Ethical Advertising Connect Savannah will not knowingly publish false or misleading advertising. Connect Savannah urges all readers to be cautious before sending money or providing personal information to anyone you do not know, especially for advertising in the For Your Information, Help Wanted or Business Opportunities categories. Be especially cautious of advertisements offering schemes for “earning money in the home.” You should thoroughly investigate any such offers before sending them money. Remember, the Better Business Bureau can be a good source of information for you. Real estate 800

HOmes fOr sale 815

1212 Delesseps: Renovated 3 bedroom bungalow w/den, fireplace & hardwoods, fenced, $68,600. Tom Whitten Realty Executives 663-0558 or 355-5557

EXPERIENCED Shirt Press Operator needed for full time work. Must be able to press high quality shirt at a fast pace. Dependability a must. See David between 8-9am Monday-Friday at David’s Dry Cleaners at 640 E President St.

CONNECT WITH HOT LOCALS Browse, Match and Reply FREE! Straight 912-344-9500 Gay or Bi 912-344-9494 Use FREE Code 7638, 18+

HOmes fOr sale 815

2424 HAWAII AVENUE 3BR home in East Savannah. Updated kitchen with appliances, hardwood floors, central heat/air, total electric, 2-car detached garage, storage shed. Only $86.900.Possible lease purchase. Call Alvin 604-5898 or Realty Executives Coastal Empire 355-5557

ads received by 5pm friday will appear in the Wednesday issue of the next week

for rent 855 •111 EAST 39TH STREET• 2BR spacious,upstairs apt. located between Drayton & Abercorn. High ceilings, hardwood and carpeted flooring,CH&A, windows galore.$635/month. Call 441-3087.

New Listing. 115 Blueleaf Court. 4beds/2baths, Wilmington Island. HARDWOODS. Granite. Stainless. 2-car. Den. Formal D i n i n g. Renovated. $249,900. 1973 feet/assessor. Tom Whitten Realty Executives Coastal 912-663-0558(Direct) or 912-355-5557(Office) for rent 855

1020 East Anderson

1 & 2 bedroom apartments. $450-$600 per month. Available now. On the busline, Anderson @ Waters. 604-9997 Homefinders Realty.

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Larchmont Estates (off Hwy.17 & Quacco Rd.) 3BR/2BA, LR, DR, eat-in kitchen, large den w/nice fenced yard. $895/month, $895/security deposit. Call Helen Miltiades Realty 912-231-1981

Buy. Sell. For Free!

for rent 855

135 EAST 63RD ST.

12350 Mercy Blvd. Savannah, GA 31419

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2/3 Bedrooms, CH&A, furnished kitchen, washer/dryer connection, carpet, backyard. $650/month, $500/deposit. Section-8 Welcome. 354-1453 or 667-7993 Call 912-721-4350 and Place Your Classified Ad Today!

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ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE WANTED Connect Savannah is seeking a full-time outside multimedia sales representative. You’ll be responsible for driving revenue through print and online marketing solutions to current and future clients. Our sales organization follows a client-centric, consultative approach, where we address the individual, specific business challenges and opportunities of clients. Our ideal candidate is aggressive and media savvy with a proven track record of success. Media sales experience is highly preferred including prior sales experience in newspaper, magazine, direct mail, online display advertising or online social marketing. Applicants must be hungry, confident, creative, passionate professionals. If selected, you will join a team of professionals that is fully supportive. You’ll be rewarded for your success and be able to focus on what you do best: building business relationships and selling. Please send resume and cover letter to

for rent 855 Great Midtown location, 3BR/2BA, LR w/fireplace, DR, sunroom, large den, updated kitchen, hardwood floors, CH/AC, fenced yard. $1100/month, $1100/security deposit. Call Helen Miltiades Realty 912-231-1981 1-3BR Houses and Apts. for Rent in Savannah.All are very nice, clean properties at reasonable rates. Please call,912-658-2422 or 912-658-3763 2216 AUBURN STREET, East Savannah.Beautiful brick home 3BR/1BA, new stove,refrigerator, carpet,paint. Huge backyard, washer/dr yer hookup. $800/month, $800/deposit.Section 8 Welcome. 912-844-2344 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Duplex for rent on Wilmington Island. $735/month plus water. Call 912-897-6722. 2BR HOUSE, Quiet neighborhood, Central heat/air, total electric, furnished kitchen, carpet. Convenient to schools. Section 8 welcome. 912-236-0165 3BR/2.5BA, 2 car garage, eat-in kitchen, formal dining-room, office/laundryroom, wood/tile floors, screened porch, 7 Barbour Drive, $950/month. 234-7019 or 719-440-0882 3BR HOUSE FOR RENT: 8 Nelson Street, Carver Heights, off Gwinnett Street.$500/month, deposit required. Needs TLC. Call 912-272-2330, after 5pm 47 KING HENRY COURT GEORGETOWN TOWNHOMES: 2BR/1.5BA, new kitchen, large pantry, private deck. Only $700/month plus security. Smokers okay. Chuck Seyle 659-4825. Shore, Bell and Seyle Realty 356-1653 4BR/2.5BA FOR RENT: 2017 DELESSEPS AVE. near Truman Pkwy. 4BR/2.5BA, brick house. Sep LR, sep DR, sep. den, washer/dryer hookup, CH&A, carport, no appliances, total electric. $1000/month. 507-8127


Located in Ardsley Park area-Lower apartment, 2BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen with w/d connections. LR w/fireplace, DR, sunroom $795/month, $795/security deposit. Call Helen Miltiades Realty 912-231-1981 5 NORWOOD CT. Isle of Hope area. 2-story home with 3BR/2BA, LR w/fireplace, DR, W/D connections, 2-car garage and nice fenced yard. $1,095/month, $1,095/security deposit. Call Helen Miltiades Realty 912-231-1981




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for rent 855 625 WEST 42ND STREET: 2BR/1BA, washer/dryer hookup, stove and refrigerator included. $500/month, $500/deposit. Call 912-844-2344

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54 •806 Allen Ave- 2BR House, $500/mo +security •920 E 39th St- 3BR window a/c, gas heat. $650/month+security •1021 West 41st- 3BR, 1BA, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, $700+ security •23 Clearwater Lane- Laurel Green subdivision, off Quacco rd, 3BR/2BA, garage, fenced yard, $1000/mo +security. •1202 E 35th St- 3BR/2BA,large livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, washer/dryer included, garage, $1000 +security LANDLORDS: If you are in need of a good Property Manager, CALL US. Managing property is what we do best! Call Lester 912-234-5650 or 912-313-8261

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near 516 & Hunter AAF. 3BR/2BA, LR, eat-in kitchen, stove and refrigerator furnished. Also has W/D hookup. $895/month, $895/security deposit. Call Helen Miltiades Realty 912-231-1981

A DEAL! Super Special for the month of December 2010 1301 & 1303 E. 66TH ST. 2BR/2BA, all electric, W/D connection, near Memorial Hospital. $700/month, $200/dep. _________________ 1304 E. 67TH ST. Near Memorial Hosp. 2BR/1BA, all electric, W/D connection. $675/month, $200/deposit 11515 WHITE BLUFF RD. 1BR/1BA, walk-in closet, LR, all electric, W/D connection. $520/month, $200/deposit 1812 N. AVALON 2BR/1.5BA Townhome, all electric, W/D connection $650/month, $200/dep. DAVIS RENTALS 310 E. MONTGOMERY XROADS 912-354-4011 OR 656-5372

Buy. Sell. For Free!

for rent 855

for rent 855

APART/CONDO Three Bedrooms Pooler/Condo 303 Gallery Way $1100 Eastside 527 E.38th St. $725 TWO BEDROOM Near Sav’h Mall 131 Hunt Club Ct $850 98 Hidden Lake $850 ONE BEDROOM Near Daffin Park 740 E.45th St. #1 $725 Furnished 116-1/2 E.Gaston St. $1100 Duplexes 2128 Clars Ave $495 1126 E.53rd St. $575 1128 E.53rd St. $575 1203 E.54th St. $550 1234-A E.55th St. FOR DETAILS & PICTURES VISIT OUR WEBPAGE WWW.PAMTPROPERTY.COM Pam T Property 692-0038


1315A E.67th: 2BR/1BA $675/month, $400/sec.deposit. 100 Lewis Dr:2BR/1.5BA,Apt.7B $575/month, $400/sec.deposit. Both have stove, refrigerator, CH&A,total electric. 912-308-0957 •Caroline Drive- 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen, $650/month •Duane Court- 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen, $650/month •Bee Road: 2BR/1BA, kitchen furnished $595. 912-897-6789 or 344-4164


OAK FOREST-2BR, 1BA Apt, furnished kitchen $500-$550 DUANE COURT-2BR, 1BA Apt, furnished kitchen, $625. 739-1/2 E. 39TH-2BR,1BA, furnished kitchen, duplex $675. WINDSOR CROSSING CONDO-total electric, 2BR, 2BA, $650. 11 PEACH CT. 2BR,2BA furnished kitchen, duplex $795. 113-A LADONNA Wil. Island, 2BR/1BA, furnished kitchen $650 21 WABASH CT. Paradise Park, Lg 4BR/2.5BA home on quiet cul-de-sac $1250. 118 W.WHITE HAWTHORNE DR. 3BR/2BA, furnished kitchen, Georgetown $1000. Frank Moore & Co. 920-8560

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SECTION 8 ACCEPTED PETS OK WITH APPROVAL 109 Zipperer Drive Little Neck Plantation area off Hwy. 17, Total electric, 3BR/2BA, modular home, LR,DR, kitchen w/appliances, CH&A, off-street parking, large backyard w/deck. Rent $775; Deposit $725 1524 E.32nd Street Off Bee Rd. 2BR/1BA, LR/DR, kitchen w/range & refrigerator, CH&A, off-street parking. Rent $675, Deposit $625 References & Credit Check Required on Rentals


Large stand-up tile-shower & bathroom,new H&A, all utilities included & cable.$700/month, $300/deposit. Taking applications for 1/1/2011. No smoking/pets. Dennis, 912-412-6738.


FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE 1117 Wilmington Is.Rd $1650 THREE BEDROOM HOUSES Georgetown 1 Snowy Egret Ct $1250 Ardsley Park 132 E.48th St. $1195 Southside 15 Wilshire Blvd $875 714 Beauregard $825 TWO BEDROOM HOUSES Port Wentworth 814 Crossgate Rd. $795 Near Mall 6 Seneca St. $775 Westside 637 W.42nd St. $595 Twickenham 310 Screven Ave $695 FOR DETAILS & PICTURES VISIT OUR WEB PAGE WWW.PAMTPROPERTY.COM Pam T Property 692-0038

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ConneCtSavannah.Com House for rent Daffin Park Area (Victory Drive)3BR/1BA, freshly painted inside, kitchen furnished, CH&A, new carpet, $765/month w/deposit. 441-5552 LARGO/TIBET AREA 2BR/1BA Apt, Rent $595, Security deposit $350. Call 912-704-3662 or 912-656-7842

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for rent 855

Near Sav’h Mall 3BR/2BA w/large den or 4th BR,All electric, $825 plus dep. 234-0548. Hibiscus 1BR Duplex,recently remodeled, all electric $475 plus dep. 234-0548. East 55th 2BR Duplex,carpet, fenced $525 plus dep. 234-0548. Fall Ave 2BR/1.5BA mobile home, near Buckhalter. Private lot,water included $525 plus dep. 234-0548 NO SECTION 8

Call 912-721-4350 and Place Your Classified Ad Today!

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for rent 855

DECEMBER SPECIAL First month FREE! Deposit only. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments & houses. Call 912-844-5996 or 912-272-6820

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for rent 855

LOW RENT-610 W.38th St.

Newly Renovated 2BR/1BA, New appliances, Fenced-in Yard, Central heat/air $555/month. 912-236-7563 or 912-228-1968 MOBILE HOMES: Available for rent. Located in mobile home park. Starting at $450 per month and up. 912-658-4462 or 912-925-1831.

Buy. Sell.

For Free!

OAK FOREST DRIVE 2BR/1B, furnished kitchen, $500 dep/$500 rent. WINDSOR CROSSING 2BR/2B, furnished kitchen, w/d, screened porch, downstairs unit. $500/dep/$650 rent GEORGETOWN CONDO 2BR/2B, furnished kitchen, w/d, fireplace, breakfast area. $500 dep/$795 rent Contact 927-4383 ZENO MOORE REALTY *No Application Fee Required* ONE BR APT. For Rent $500/month. Hardwood floors, washer/dryer connections. Call Mr. Gibbs, 912-257-3000

RECENTLY Refurbished 2BR/1BA, family room, large kitchen, hardwood floors, new CH&A, storage building, fenced yard. $695/month, $695/deposit. Eastside, 912-344-6455, 912-898-3636.

RENT: DUPLEX 1131 E. 55th. 2-bedroom, 1-bath $475/month plus deposit $475. Two blocks off Waters Ave., close to Daffin Park. Call 912-234-2726, Days/Nights/Weekends.


Mt. Pisgah Properties Homes for Rent •16 Lanvale Pt.Wentworth 3/2 $950mth LP Available •216 Greene Rincon 3/2 $925mth LP Available •218 Vale Royal Rincon 3/2 $850mth LP Available •113 Charlton Rincon 3/2 $850mth LP Available •348 Garden Acres Pooler 3/1 $800mth •501 E. Hwy 80 B-dale 2/1 $650mth •308 E. Hwy 80 B-dale 2/1 $550mth •298 Possum Trail Guyton 2/1 $400mth LP Available LP=Lease Purchase Please call 912-823-3302 or visit

2BR with central heat/air, on Eastside, fenced backyard. $650/month plus small down payment. 660-4296 or 507-7875


Large doublewide, private lot, $700/rent, $500/security deposit. Call 964-4451

SOUTHSIDE •1BR apts, washer/dryer included. Water & trash included, $600/month. •2BR/1.5BA townhouse apt, total electric, w/washer & dryer/$625. Call 927-3278

TOWNHOUSE: 100 Lewis Drive, Apt 13D 2BR/1.5BA, 2-story. Washer/dryer connections, all appliances. No pets. $600/month, $600/deposit. Call 912-663-0177 or 912-663-5368.

TWO 2BR APTS. FOR RENT 1511 East 33rd: 2BR w/ceiling fans, window AC, washer/dryer, stove, refrigerator. $525/month, $525/deposit. 1408-1/2, upper, E.38th. 2BR, eatin kitchen, ceiling fan, window AC $750/month, $750/deposit. We pay all utilities.Serious inquiries only. 234-6150

•Wilmington Island Duplex: 2BR/1BA Livingroom/dining combo, kitchen, laundry. $700/month 912-897-6789 or 344-4164 rooms for rent 895



New Large Clean Carpeted Rooms, only 2-4 rooms per guest house. Quiet Areas, Busline. Cable, Fridge, TV, utilities, furnished rooms. Rooms with PRIVATE BATHROOMS available. $99-$159/Week. DISCOUNT FOR FOOD SERVICE AND HOTEL EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 2BR/1BA & 1BR/1BA APTS. LR, kitchen, refrigerator, stove, all utilities & cable included. Weekly $179, $215, $225. Monthly $880 w/utilities. No Credit check.


Follow The Leader In Event Listings! Check Out Week At A Glance and Happenings!

AVAILABLE ROOMS: CLEAN, comfortable rooms. Washer/dryer, air, cable, HBO, ceiling fans. $110-$140 weekly. No deposit. Call Ike @ 844-7065 EFFICIENCY ROOMS Includes stove, refrigerator, private bath. Furnished! $180/week + deposit. Call 912-844-5995. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY: 1510 Lincoln St. $145/week or $155/week for double occupancy, Includes microwave, refrigerator, stove, & utilities! Call 912.231.0240


Furnished, affordable room available includes utility, cable,refrigerator, central heat/air. $115-$140/weekly, no deposit.Call 912-844-3609 NEED A ROOM? STOP LOOKING! Great rooms available ranging from $115-$140/weekly. Includes refrigerators, cable w/HBO, central heat/air. No deposit. Call 912-398-7507. NO DEPOSIT- Limited time East &West Chatham & Bloomingdale •REDUCED RENT!• •Rooms $100 & Up. Furnished, includes utilities, central heat and air, Comcast cable, washer/dryer. Hardwood floors. Shared Kitchen & Shared bath. Call 912-210-0181. ROOMS Available near SSU & busline. All amenities, quiet lifestyle. $85-$130/week. Call Sandra King, 912-428-3514 or 912-355-1359 ROOMS FOR RENT Completely furnished. Central heat and air. Conveniently located on busline. $130 per week. Call 912-844-5995.


Senior household has a very large clean, furnished ROOM w/private entrance. Share kitchen and bath with one. Includes utilities. Quiet neighborhood near shopping, restaurants, busline, etc. Available now. $400/month plus $200/deposit. Call Dorothy, 912-925-5832 SPACIOUS ROOMS FOR RENT Newly renovated on busline. 2 blocks from Downtown Kroger, 3 blocks from Historic Forsyth Park. $150/week w/No deposit. 844-5995 transportation 900

cars 910


Looking for two responsible persons. 2 rooms available. Privatebaths, CH&A/cable/telephone. Immediate occupancy. $500/month each room, $125/security deposit. Mr.Brown: 912-663-2574, 912-234-9177.

AQUASPORT, 25’, center console, leaning post, trim tabs,hull in good condition, interior needs a little TLC. Hull. Make offer. 912-572-2303

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Week at a Glance Looking to plan to fill your week with fun stuff? Then read Week At A Glance to find out about the most interesting events occurring in Savannah.

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Employment Real Estate Vehicles Miscellaneous Garage Sales


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Paint & Body Work. Reasonably Priced. Insurance Claims. We buy wrecks. Call 912-355-5932.

Activism & Politics

TOYOTA Celica, 2000- For sale: Black, excellent condition $4500 OBO. Call 912-658-0240


Motorcycles/ AtVs 940

LARGE VICTORIAN with windows on two sides, across from library, nicely furnished, all utilities. TV/cable/internet, washer/dryer, $140/week. $504/month. 912-231-9464 Other apts. avail.

Boats & accessories 950

02 HONDA REBEL 250 HONDA REBEL 250, 2002- This is a beautiful red Honda 250 Rebel. Only 11,950 miles and in mint condition. Has new front tire, windshield, saddle bags & sissy bar. $2,800.00 $2,800.00 (912)429-2446 Boats & accessories 950 2002 Grady White 208 POWERBOAT Grady White, 2002ONLY 107 HOURS! Cuddy cabin with freshwater plumbed head, holding tank and electric pump out. Professionally maintained. $27,000.00 (912)507-7137 Happenings: All the info about clubs, groups and events. Only at

Benefits clAsses cluBs orgAnizAtions DAnce events heAlth fitness Pets & AnimAls


tasty meveryusic week in

Sound board

religious & sPirituAl theAtre sPorts suPPort grouPs volunteers


Available only in


VICKSBURG DRIVE CLEAN 2 BR, 1-Bath house. Central heat/ac. New carpet & paint. Laundry connections. $650.00 (912)658-2072

rooms for rent 895


for rent 855

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$ 2011 RDX $440 per month*

for 35 months hereafter (for well-qualified customers; not available to residents of cA)

due at lease signing excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees

2011 TL $460 per month*

for 35 months hereafter (for well-qualified customers; only available to residents of AL, Ak, Az, ct, de, fL, gA, hi, id, iL, in, iA, me, mA, mi,mn, nv, nj, nm, ny, nd, oh, pA, ri, sd, ut, wy)

*Subject to limited availability. Through January 4, 2011, to approved lessees by Acura Financial Services, DBA of American Honda Finance Corp. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lower credit ratings. Closed-end lease for 2011 Acura RDX automatic transmission (Model # TB2H2BJNW). MSRP $33,480 (includes destination; excludes tax, title, license, registration, options and insurance.) Actual net capitalized cost $33,191.58. Requires dealer contribution, which could affect final negotiated transaction. Total monthly payments $15,400. Option to purchase at lease $19,753.20. Closed-end lease for 2011 Acura TL (Model #UA8F28JW). MSRP $36,165( includes destination; excludes tax, title, license, registration, options and insurance). Actual net capitalized cost $36,156.18. Requires dealer contribution, which could affect final negotiated transaction. Total monthly payments $16,100. Option to purchase at lease end $22,422.30. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive wear/tear and up to 20¢/mile over 10,000 miles/year. See participating dealer for complete details. ©2010 Acura. Acura RDX and TL are trademarks of Honda Motor Co. Ltd.


402 E. Broughton St. ∙ Savannah, GA 31401 ∙

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