Jan. 12, 2011 Connect Savannah Issue

Page 1




Forging new Savannah metalworks with Kylesa By Bill DeYoung | 18 CITY NOTEBOOK


MEMORIES OF CLINTON POWELL Savannah celebrates the life & times

KAHLIL GIBRAN Jepson features art exhibit, companion volume |24

of the ‘skinny man’ |8


LETTERS FROM THE FIRST GULF WAR Touching correspondence comes to light |27



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news & opinion




week at a glance

Freebie of the Week |


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade

What: Honoring

the Civil Rights icon. Jan. 17, 10 a.m. Where: Downtown, MLK Jr. Blvd to Broughton and south along East Broad St. When: Mon.

Check out additional listings below



When: Thu. Jan. 13, 9 p.m. Where: Starts at Spanky’s Beachside, 1605

Strand Ave. , Tybee Island Cost: Free (except drinks)

The stairs at the OwensThomas House

What: Lee Prosser talks about



for a complete listing of this week’s music go to: soundboard.

the finest stairs in England. Followed by reception. When: Wed. Jan. 12, 6 p.m. Where: Telfair Academy, 121 Barnard St. Cost: $20/members, $25/nonmembers



gallery + art shows: art patrol

tation flick starring Ray Parker Jr. When: Jan. 12, 8 p.m. Where: Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park Ave. Cost: $5

The Savannah Tire Hockey Classic happens Thurs.-Sat.


Buy Local Annual Awards Luncheon

What: Recognizing businesses and individuals

who’ve excelled at supporting local business. When: Thu. Jan. 13, 11:30 a.m. Where: Johnny Harris banquet facility, 1701 E. Victory Dr. Cost: $20/members, $30/non-members

cast by UGA’s Dr. Robert Sumichrast.

When: Thu. Jan. 13, 12 p.m. Where: Savannah Marriott Riverfront Cost: $35/members, $45/non-members Info: www.savannahchamber.com/

Savannah Tire Hockey Classic

What: Southern rivalries on ice featur-


our mini-movie reviews



go to: happenings for even more things to do in Savannah this week



Book Sale

What: Chamber of Commerce hosts this fore-


outing of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame. When: Friday, Jan. 14, 7pm Where: Victory Square Theater, 1901 E. Victory Dr Cost: $8 (cash only) Info: www.reelsavannah.org

What: A “lost” Blaxploi-

Economic Outlook luncheon

Go to: Screenshots for

What: Political thriller detailing the

Film: Enemy Territory (US, 1987)

13 for a list of this weeks

Film: Fair Game (US, 2010)

What: All books 25 cents. Benefits shelter animals. Rain date Jan. 22. When: Sat. Jan. 15, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Where: Humane Society of Greater Savannah, 7215 Sallie Mood Dr.


Westlake Reforestation Project What: Savannah Tree Foundation

needs 125 volunteers to plant 250 trees. Refreshments and community service hours provided. When: Sat. Jan. 15, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun. Jan. 16, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Where: Westlake Ave. at Oriole Rd. Info: www.savannahtree.com/


Author: Steve Bradshaw

What: The author of “Dear Diane: Let-

ters from the first Gulf War” stops in Savannah. When: Sat. Jan. 15, 12 p.m. Where: The Book Lady, 6 E. Liberty St. Cost: Free Info: http://www.thebookladybookstore.com/


Chili Bowl Championship

What: Savannah motorcycle clubs

compete for the title of best chili.

When: Sat. January 15, 2-4pm Where: Savannah Harley-Davidson,

ing Georgia, Georgia Tech, South Carolina, Florida, Florida State and the Citadel. When: Thu. Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m., Fri. Jan. 14, 6 p.m. 8:30 PM, Sat. Jan. 15, 5:30 p.m. 8:30 PM, Where: Savannah Civic Center, 301 W. Oglethorpe St. Cost: $8-15 Info: http://www.savannahcivic.com/


Pajama Party & Pub Crawl

Extreme Home Makeover Airs

What: Hard drinks and soft clothes out on Ty-

bee for a night. Awards at 12am for best PJs. Discount at Sea&Breeze hotel for the night.

6 Gateway Blvd. West

Cost: Free

Breakfast fundraiser

What: Proceeds benefit Frank Callen Boys and

Girls Club.

When: Sun. Jan. 16, 8 a.m.-11 a.m. Where: Moon River Brewery, 21 W. Bay St. Cost: $10/plate

Piano Concert

What: Local pianist Sanford Jones performs. When: Sun. Jan. 16, 3 p.m. Where: Unitarian Universalist Church, 313 E.

Harris St. Cost: $5 requested donation Info: /www.jinglebellschurch.org/

Comedy: Nephew Tommy

What: The radio personality with a spot on The

Steve Harvey Morning Show stops in Savannah with some friends. When: Sun. Jan. 16, 8 p.m. Where: Savannah Civic Center Cost: $27.50-47.50 Info: http://www.savannahcivic.com/



MLK Day Community Dinner

What: Savannah Feed the Hungry hosts a

community dinner. When: Mon. Jan. 17, 2 p.m. Where: Frank Callen Boys and Girls Club, 510 E. Charlton St. Cost: Bring 3 canned food items or $1



Solar Champions

What: A solar energy social event.

Discussions will focus on planning for Earth Day. When: Tue. Jan. 18, 5:30-7 p.m. Where: Sol Restaurant, 1611 Habersham St. Cost: Free



Public meeting w/ City Manager

FREE candidates


What: The episode of EHM filmed recently in

Savannah airs on ABC.

When: Sun. Jan. 16, 8 p.m.

What: A chance for the public to ask questions of 5 finalists for City Manager slot. When: Wed. Jan. 19, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Where: Coastal Ga. Center, 305 N. Fahm St. Cost: Free and open to the public cs

week at a glance JAN 12 - JAN 18, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM

January 20-29, 2011 / Jepson Center* Telfair Museums’ Pulse: Technology and Art Festival returns for its third year in 2011 at the Jepson Center and partner locations. The all-ages event includes art, workshops, lectures, and performances by international and regional artists working in new media. *Most events take place at the Jepson Center. 2011 Pulse programs are presented free of charge, thanks to project funding provided by the City of Savannah. Additional Sponsors: Connect Savannah, Georgia Tech, and Springhill Suites by Marriott. Zachary Lieberman with EyeWriter

Matthew Richard Estrella Instersects the Plane, 2009

Bora Yoon, with visuals by Luke DuBois; ( ((PHONATION)) ) performance; Photo by Laurie Olinder

Friend us @ facebook.com/telfairmuseums Follow us @myTELFAIR


news & opinion

News & Opinion www.connectsavannah.com/news

editor’s note

Ike’s chilling vision, 50 years later by Jim Morekis | jim@connectsavannah.com


city notebook:

08 Memories of

Clinton Powell dominate Savannah’s cultural life this week. by patrick rodgers

straight dope:

14 The eagerly

anticipated ‘bed sweat’ edition. by cecil adams

07 Feedback / letters 11 community 13 Blotter 15 News of the Weird



visual arts: The 24 Jepson Center

hosts a display of Kahlil Gibran’s artwork, and a companion volume is published. by jim morekis

16 Music 26 Food & Drink 27 Books 28 Art 30 movies

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. — President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jan. 17, 1961

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER is probably my favorite president. A patient, effective and wise Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II, he also deserves much more credit as a capable, drama–free president than he usually receives. Fifty years ago this Monday, Eisenhower made one of the most important and most prescient public statements ever made by an American president — indeed, by any world leader at any time. Despite all the other things going on both locally and nationally, I want to write about Ike’s speech here this week because, frankly, you’re unlikely to hear much, if anything, about this amazing statement anywhere in the mainstream media. Indulge me. Delivered as a farewell address to the nation after his eight years in the White House, the televised speech — the subject of furious editing and rewriting by Ike personally — was short on empty platitudes and long on far–seeing vision. By the standards of today’s dumbed-down, often violently-themed political talk, Ike’s gem is like Shakespeare to an ape’s grunting. But even by the higher standards of political comportment of the early ’60s, it was remarkable. Eisenhower’s predictive power in the speech is Nostradamus–like in its crystal vision of a national security state run amok, of the Pentagon tail wagging the national dog — a syndrome he immortally labelled the “military–industrial complex”: This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. This is no bundle of vague anxieties that Eisenhower has. Without actually saying the word “internet,” he nonetheless predicts the explosion of computer–driven technology

that would eventually render ethics nearly irrelevant, as well as the unholy matrimony of elected officials and the defense contractors that buy their influence: Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial–military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades. In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government. Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific–technological elite. Forgive me for the lengthy quote, but it’s important to read the words for yourself and realize that, in the ensuing five decades since they were spoken, hundreds of reporters and commentators have warned of the same problem — but never as effectively, as clearly, and as powerfully as Ike did himself, when first realizing it. “Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity.” Can you imagine a modern president saying anything so succinct, so unadorned by focus group shenanigans, so... correct?

I despise historical revisionism and I don’t want to be accused of it here. While Eisenhower bemoans the military–industrial complex and its potential to corrupt and destroy a great country, he’s certainly not making an argument for pacifism. He makes it clear that its formation was necessary to fight the scourge of communism. Likewise, though Eisenhower would be considered far too liberal to be nominated by his Republican Party today — even back then his loathing of his far–right vice president, Richard Nixon, was legendary — he was still a Republican. In the speech he opposes not only the expansion of the federal military apparatus, but all big government subsidies. Still, we shouldn’t downplay its impact either, and the fact that Ike’s speech is largely unremarked today and his advice almost completely unheeded by subsequent presidents shouldn’t negate its value. His point is not that he did the wrong thing in helping to form the military–industrial complex, but — in the same vein that Benjamin Franklin warned that the founding fathers gave us “a republic, if we could keep it” — that future generations should be vigilant about its influence and its effects. How’s that working out for us? Fifty years after Ike’s speech, American military spending equals that of the next 15 countries combined, and still expanding even in a time of severe recession. Even more stunning, the U.S. accounts for nearly half — 46 percent — of all the world’s military spending. The second–place spender, China, accounts for a mere 6.6 percent — a little more than one–tenth of our total. So is the world getting any safer? Do you feel any safer? Where does it end? As for the rest of the world, they now view America not as the avenging angel of Eisenhower’s time, the benevolent superpower who destroyed Germany and Japan and immediately helped rebuild them in the name of democracy and civilization. Today we’re known in other countries mainly by our unmanned drones high in their skies seeking out targets, our rendition and waterboarding of suspects without charge or trial, the secret prisons we build in their backyard so that our own beloved Constitution won’t apply, and unaccountable private contractors doing the job that conscripted citizen soldiers did in Eisenhower’s time. Clearly, Ike was right. If you want to see a great American in one of his finest moments, Google the speech and watch him deliver it for yourself. And then ask yourself how well we’ve followed his sage advice. cs

A poem for a poet A Poet is a Clinton D. Powell (acknowledging with love brother– poet Clinton) A poet is a verb that blossoms light in gardens of dawn, or sometimes midnight. From roots of nouns revered and legends told, the leaves of their passion feed and unfold. Like vines of flaming truth they embrace and renew, squeezing hope out of fears once poisonous and blue. Then came his miracles of immaculate metaphors–– Dreams unlocked genius, and faith opened doors. A poet is a Clinton D. Powell spreading wings of soul like a feathered river sparkling newly– minted gold. Like burning tambourines, waves dance to his rhymes. Eagles and angels measure his time. As he bids farewell, weeping hearts wonder: Why? “I’m a poet,” he sings, “I was born to fly.” — by Aberjhani, 1/4/2011 I still have my copy (three copies in fact) of the May 24, 2006 edition of Connect Savannah with brother–poets Clinton D. Powell and RenaZance on the cover. The image is a colorfully vibrant one with RenaZance striking the more extroverted pose (looking straight at the camera) and Clinton opting for an introverted style (possibly glancing in the direction of his unseen muse). Both, as cofounders of the Spitfire Poetry Group, represented like true keepers of this southern city’s eternal literary flame, what it meant at the time to endow poetry in Savannah, specifically in the arena of spoken word, with a renewed sense of creative intensity and relevant cultural urgency. I was not surprised to see them on the cover of Connect because their work as artist advocates whose faith in poetry’s ability to help heal individuals and communities had not only earned them this particular honor, but had taken them beyond Savannah to cities and classrooms where what they had to share was, and still is, highly valued. What did surprise me when I read the story was the announcement that I was conducting a poetry workshop for that weekend’s Second Annual Spoken Word Festival produced by Spitfire. If I was drinking tea or coffee at the mo-

ment I’m sure I choked on it. Without question, my friend had asked me to conduct the workshop. Also without question, I had explained to him my very important disposition at the time as a hypersensitive literary recluse and former caregiver in the process of privately reinventing myself — and therefore declined the request. As it happened, the week before his cover story came out I had actually interviewed Clinton for a different article and he had told me how “Theater was my first love, and then I got into poetry. But the two intertwine, so...” So that meant he (and maybe his poetry alter–ego as well) had decided to inject the theatrical elements of absurdity, tragedy, and comedy into the workshop situation with the hope that I would feel compelled to abandon my hermitage and participate after all. From his theatrical perspective, it would have been tragic as well as absurd if aspiring poets attending the festival were denied the opportunity to benefit from whatever insights I might have to share. Considering that I was a native of the city whose work had been published internationally and who, as he put it in the Connect article, “was one of the very early influences in Savannah spoken word,” my absence would be close to criminal. The comic part came from the uncertainty of how I might or might not react. Would I yell and curse some heartless power junkie or would I laugh at his daring and give in? He trusted that I would forgive any trespasses and ultimately smile about his boldness out of respect for two things: the poetic passion which had driven him to do it and recognition of the fact that he was working very hard to help keep alive an aspect of Savannah’s cultural identity forged by such amazing souls as Conrad Aiken, Gerald Chan Sieg, Hugh Poindexter, Beverly Herndon, Rosemary Daniell, Ja A. Jahannes, Vaughnette Goode–Walker, Receding Wave, and so many torch– bearing others. Could I really turn him down? No, I could not. And therein shines one major definition of what it meant to be Clinton D. Powell: someone who looked for, trusted in, and helped empower (if you will) the best in others. It takes a lot of beautiful love, uncommon sincerity, and spitfire courage to do that. It takes a Clinton D. Powell. Aberjhani

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news & opinion JAN 12 - JAN 18, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


‘Take the stage, skinny man’

Clinton Powell: Thoughts and memories from people whose lives he touched by Patrick Rodgers | patrick@connectsavannah.com


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Savannah has a habit of losing its most talented sons and daughters to the magnetism of bigger cities with bigger opportunities. That wasn’t the case with Clinton Powell. Rather than chase the personal glory his talents would have assured him elsewhere, he made the decision to stay and help others, particularly young people, to learn how to express themselves through poetry and spoken word. Along that journey he transcended the moniker of poet to become a teacher, director, organizer, friend, muse and catalyst. He was a co–founder of the Spitfire Poetry Group, the organizer of the Savannah Spoken Word Festival and an inspiration to every person who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Although he’d been battling illness, Powell’s death on Jan. 2 still came as a shock. His loss is a loss for Savannah, and his life has been lovingly remembered and celebrated by a large, diverse crowd that is testament to the breadth of lives he touched. Clinton appeared in the pages of Connect Savannah countless times over the years, and as a tribute to his life and work, we asked people who knew him to share their memories of that skinny dude with dreadlocks who helped shape Savannah’s poetry scene. • Ralph “RenaZance” Dillard: At the time, when we became Spitfire, there wasn’t a lot going on in the poetry scene. What we wanted to do was create a platform in Savannah so that people could express themselves. Clinton was always a fan of the stage.

It was something he naturally had a passion for. The spontaneity of spoken word and the genuine quality of people’s poetry – digging deep within themselves to think about things they probably hadn’t considered before sitting down with a pen and pad – that was where the passion lay for Clinton. He wanted you to deal with these things. He wanted them to become clear to you, and maybe by you expressing them to other people you could help other people. He was the mortar between the bricks of the poetry scene in Savannah. He was the person that brought everything together and held everybody together. There were so many poets that probably never would have graced the stage if it hadn’t been for him. There were so many people that would have never dealt with some of the problems they had, kids that never would have talked about some of the things that were going on in their lives, without Clinton prompting them and pushing them to tackle these emotions and thoughts. • Kesi “Epiphany” Shaw: Clinton was the reason I became a spoken word artist. He and RenaZance were hosting the first open mic I ever signed up to be a part of. That night (12/14/03), after leaving the stage, he pulled me to the side and thanked me for sharing. He told me he saw something in me and

wanted to help me share it. As a result of Clinton’s presence in my life I have written two chapbooks and recorded two full CDs. I have toured the east coast, conducted poetry workshops in various school systems, and had featured performances on regional and national television. I owe my entire poetic career to Clinton D. Powell, if it had not been for his thanks and insight, Epiphany would not exist. • Anthony Faris: I’d written poems about him and the creaking chairs off 37th street where he spoke. People sat still as the lights from the street lamps crept through the blinds – an occasional pause for an ambulance to pass – and then the melodic beat of his voice making its way across the room for all of us there, listen’n. He was elastic and loud – a high pitched presence with the power to draw each eye forward and make you want to write and read and speak and spit fire. He was as permanent as the bricks and when we all eventually moved away – to this land or that, away from the streets and statues of Savannah – he stayed because he was altogether too loyal. There is no need to make some long list of the days, the people and the places that bear some mark made by this man. There is no need to push this joy or his words or these memories into some paragraph that fits neatly on a page. If you need some soundbite, some torn piece of paper to keep in your wallet to remember him by – it might as well be this – Clinton was dangerous because he dared to think of the rest of us before himself.

news & opinion

City notebook | continued from previous page

JessICa oZMent



spitďŹ re poetry co-founders ralph “renaZanceâ€? dillard and Clinton powell

• Kim Gusby: I’ve known Clinton since he was a little boy. He was like a member of my family. In fact, he was at more family functions than most of my own relatives. Sometimes, he’d show up and he wasn’t even invited! I could tell you a million “Clinton stories,â€? but the one that sticks in my mind happened in May of 2008, when my oldest daughter graduated from Hampton University. Clinton drove us eight hours in the pouring rain to Hampton, Virginia because he knew that I don’t like bridges, I really don’t like bad weather, and I HATE that tunnel that runs under the Chesapeake Bay. It was a rough ride because he was good at a lot of things but driving wasn’t one of them! He occasionally crossed the center line, he wouldn’t slow down, and he kept stopping every two hours for coffee. Nevertheless, he refused to give up the wheel. The next two days, Clinton was right there with me for the family picnic and the parent appreciation banquet because he was just like family. You don’t find many friends like that. Clinton was truly one of a kind. I feel really blessed that God allowed him to be a part of my life for the short time he was here. • Leslie Adele: I met Clinton by chance or fate, whatever you want to call it, in 2004. I was teaching at Ellis Elementary and I took my kids on a field trip to the Telfair Museum. We were leaving the museum to have lunch in the square when one of my kids came to me complaining of a homeless guy trying to get their attention. I saw this very skinny guy with holey jeans, locks under a scarf, and a tweed blazer. He introduced himself as a poet and

a teacher and asked if I ever thought of introducing spoken word into my lesson plans. I invited him to slam for my students the following week. My students and I put on our best version of a poetry slam and invited the entire school. Clinton showed up in his best hobo chic outfit and did the peanut butter poem. The kids were giggling, smiling and hanging on his every word. You could see a man that was so in love with his art, and his passion for sharing that love. We all left inspired. I professed to Clinton that I was not a poet but a musician. He reminded me that a poem is just a song without a melody. So the little poem I wrote, I performed it like a song. He told me that everything in me lit up when I was performing and if something as simple as singing a 60-second poem could do that, then a performer is what I needed to be everyday of my life. I doubt he knew it at the time, but Clinton set into motion the chain of events that led me to being a full time musician. I can honestly say he changed my life. There may not be A Nickel Bag of Funk if that chance meeting with him never happened. He was truly an inspiration, a dear friend, and a constant supporter. I’m not sure how I’m going to sing a Prince song at my shows and not see his face singing along at the top of his lungs to every note. I’ll miss him every day and I owe a great deal of my success and future success to him. • Corey Houlihan: Clinton Powell was a walking life lesson. If your encounter with him was the length of a handshake, somehow, you were left a better person. Clinton was one continues on p. 10




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city notebook | continued from page 9

of the first people I met in Savannah. We couldn’t be any different — white Yankee lesbian and a straight Southern preacher’s son — but the bond of poetry created siblings of us. Upon our introduction he gave me his contact information, a poetry slam later I became a member of the Spitfire Poetry Group. Clinton and I shared stages and laughs. The lesson he left me through his openness and loving nature is that religion and homophobia are not always related. We exposed one another to worlds the other had never seen. Clinton spent countless hours introducing Savannah’s youth to poetry. Alongside writing he taught them the meaning of integrity, tolerance and self respect. His greatest gifts to Savannah have yet to be revealed.  • Kristin Russell: One of the many roles that Clinton Powell has played in Savannah has been as a primary influence on The Sentient Bean as a venue. I’m pretty sure that had Clinton not found us (which he did before we were even open), we would not be what we are today. He and Ren as the Spitfire Poetry Group were among the first people to perform on our stage; I believe Clinton performed at our grand opening in 2001. I’m not sure I had even heard of spoken word prior to meeting Clinton. When the Bean opened, my partner and I knew that we wanted it to be an open space for community use, but we didn’t really have a plan for accomplishing that ... Clinton did. He was a natural at bringing diverse people together; he did it everywhere he went. He packed the house with students and parents alike time and time again until the Spoken Word Festival wouldn’t fit anymore. My personal relationship with Clinton grew alongside our professional one and in the last couple years I stopped thinking of Clinton as an artist. I really just saw him as a friend ... one that will be sorely missed.  • JinHi Soucy Rand: Right now, there is still such sadness and loss that I find it hard to speak – funny that a man of words would inspire such a hush in me. So, I will speak of the thing about him that I am the most proud of, and the thing that has given me the most comfort in this time of sorrow: His devotion to children. He taught our young people to speak. He taught them that they have something important to say. He unlocked all Karen Abato

news & opinion JAN 12 - JAN 18, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


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of that young emotion, and energy, and hormones, and whatever else. He taught them how to bring it up, write it down and spit it out. He taught them to respect themselves and to respect others. He taught them these things throughout the day, not just during classes. He was there to listen whenever they called. He was there to witness the important times in their lives. He was there to inspire them to continue through the hard times. He was incredibly proud of them, and they know it. He truly was hands on and steadfast: Poet, teacher, example, leader, friend, father figure, big brother. I know that right now there is a lot of focus on this hole that has been left in the Savannah cultural scene, but what really takes my breath away is how much he has left with us in our children.  • Martina Allen: I’ll say a poem for you amidst prose and sweet similes that will hit the heavens for your ears – taking each solid word from your mouth as a blessing to curse away our fears. It’s sad that this will make me pick up a pen again, but I’ll write the words that only bittersweet metaphors can express through the stratosphere. I only wish flowers were given to you above ground so you could savor each scent, but since the garden couldn’t produce any as beautiful as your character, here’s your poem ripened just for you. If poetry needed a muse it would combine paper from your notebook to create its masterpiece, create rhymes with intellect from the tips of your dreads to the bottom of your feet. It will master your imagination and develop a rhyme pattern that only you had. You’ll make it your lullaby because only you can cradle an art form that some of us haven’t even conceived yet. Not even a mic can withstand how much power was within one voice, so the stage was your pulpit delivering sermons to spectators who concurred with each of your statements, because you only preached what needed to be practiced. Amongst claps and whistles, I’ll listen again and request that one about black eyed peas and ham because you were my soul and your words were my food that nourished each poetic fiber within me. Take the stage skinny man, take the stage. CS

True grit

news & opinion


by Meaghan Walsh Gerard


Sigmund Hudson, along with his wife Anne, have been volunteers with the Friends of the Library for several years. The support group helps with many projects including the semiannual large book sales. “We sort several thousand books into about 15 categories,” he notes. “We work the sale itself, helping count books, check people out. We do the same at author book signings.” The group also assists in the planning of the annual gala and mans the information tent at the Children’s Book Festival. When asked why he chooses to give his time to the library he recalls his own childhood in Memphis. “As a young kid, we always lived within a bicycle ride of the branch. As a teenager, I would catch the city bus and make three stops: the five and dime store, the magic store and the branch library. It overlooked the Mississippi River and it was a quiet place in the very busy city. When we moved to Savannah, we bought a house near the Bull Street branch and my two sons continued the tradition of riding their bikes to the library.”

By the numbers They are not alone in their enthusiasm for the Live Oak Public Libraries. In FY10 (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010) their circulation was just under 2 million (up 19.5% from FY09) and their visits were up 4.5% to more than 1.5 million; that from a population of about 400,000 in Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty Counties. 35,000 of them attended the Children’s Book Festival on November 13, a special annual event with authors, illustrators, storytellers, crafts, food tents and more. In FY10 alone, there were 1761 children’s events in 17 of the 18 branches, including the Summer Reading Program, weekly book readings, storytelling, art contests and game nights. One of the 12,811 children registered in the Summer Reading Program is Thomas Bordeaux, 8, a student at Charles Ellis. He goes to the library at


Live Oak Public Libraries host gala after banner year

least once a week. “Recently, I found some good books,” he said, “called ‘Loud Boy’, and I learned some new words, like ‘repel’.” His favorites are comics and construction books. His mother, Nelle, says the unsung heroes are the librarians in the children’s section. “They don’t just read the books aloud,” she explains. “They act, sing, bring them alive. They know many of the children by name and are masters at gently guiding them to new books.”

Return on Investment • About $34 of taxes from each citizen goes to library funding – comparable to one hardcover, new release book. The average library user checks out seven books a year. • Literacy has a dramatic impact on local demographics including crime, poverty and health. • Two–thirds of children who cannot read proficiently by 4th grade will be in jail or on welfare. • A Department of Justice report notes, “The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence, and crime is welded to reading failure.” More than 70% of U.S. prison inmates cannot read above a 4th grade level. • The low literacy level costs $73 million per year in terms of direct health care costs to America. A recent study by Pfizer estimated the cost to be higher. Clearly, a great library system is worth its weight in books. Any one of these statistics proves its value far beyond the price tag. Yet, Live Oak Public Libraries experienced a 2.8% drop in funding in FY10, and another 4.5% drop for FY11 budgets. Compared to similar libraries (same number of branches, similar demographic served), Live Oak Public Libraries receives an average of only two–thirds the amount of funding. At the same time, public demand for library use is up, not only for books, but for internet usage, job searches, and an ever–growing list of various media. Library Director Christian Kruse notes, “Our materials budget is smaller continues on p. 12

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news & opinion JAN 12 - JAN 18, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


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than it has been in the past. This is compounded by the fact that circulation continues to soar and there are now more formats to buy in than ever before. Aside from the traditional print versions: hardcover, paperback, magazine and large print, we are now asked about eBooks which come in a variety of formats also!” Not to mention mp3s downloads and DVDs.

Geeks and Cowboys

Voted best indie FilM Venue

“lost” blaxPloitation geM Featuring ray Parker Jr.

community | continued from page 11

Live Oak Public Libraries was one of two pilot sites in the country chosen for the nationwide Geek the Library Campaign. Kruse says it is too early to know the full effect of the campaign, but, “On the whole, I think the campaign had a positive effect because people were talking about libraries. Whether there will be a longer–term effect that includes increased funding is yet to be seen.” But what does the staff Geek? “Right now we all Geek Westerns!” He adds, “Some Geek Western Movies; some Geek Western novels; some Geek Western Art... Can you see a theme?” He’s referring to the annual gala fundraiser for LOPL Foundation. This year’s genre–based theme is “Wanted: Read or Alive. A Celebration of Westerns.” In addition to a vast silent auction, an iPad raffle and Western style entertainment, there is an open bar, full dinner, desserts, and a prize for the best cowboy boots worn by a guest. A portion of the $100 ticket for the event on January 21 is, of course, tax–deductible.

Other ways to help (Formerly Steamers) All New Menu Happy Hour Specials Live Music, Sat. 1/15 w/Lee Travis & The Bounty Hunters Open Tues — Sun 1190 King George Blvd. 920.7772

If you don’t have the budget to attend a gala, there are still plenty of ways to give to the library. For just $25, you can “Adopt a Book.” Dedicate a favorite novel to a friend or in memory of a

relative. Attend one of the book sales, or donate gently used books for them to sell. When my husband and I got married, instead of giving our guests party favors, we made a donation to Live Oak Public Libraries, and asked our guests to bring gently used books. We were able to give three boxes of books to the library. You can also volunteer your time to anything from large annual events to helping catalog and sort in the circulation department.

The sunny side It can seem daunting, but the staff of LOPL manages to not get mired down. Kruse says, “We – everyone at the library – have stories of why we come to work each and every day. Sometimes it’s the simple things: helping someone find the book they want when all they know is the author’s first name and that the cover was blue. Don’t laugh, it happens all the time! “Other days it’s about making a connection: a shy child doesn’t like books because he’s embarrassed with his reading skills until he’s introduced to one of our reading dogs and reads to the dog a few times and completely connects to reading,” he says. “And then, on those more rare occasions it’s about transformation: helping someone with a resume and job leads only to later find out that your work enabled them to get that job,” he says. “Or finding information on a disease that someone has just been diagnosed with and helping them educate themselves so that they are a little less scared of their new reality.” cs Visit www.liveoakpl.org for more info about the gala and how to volunteer. Also check out in2books.org and roycelearningcenter.com for further opportunities.


Unhappy New Year edition

The first robbery of 2011 was reported at 9:29 a.m. on January 1. An officer on patrol was flagged down by a man on the street who said that he’d been robbed by an unknown male and female. The man told the officer that he and the man who robbed him had been drinking beer and smoking crack behind a house on West 39th Lane when they decided to walk to a nearby convenience store. The complainant was going to take some money out of the ATM, as he’d already done several times, to go buy more crack and beer. The unknown companion showed up with a female who offered to have sex with the complainant for $20. The man objected and said he only wanted to pay $15. At that point, the male suspect came up behind him and told him

to hand over the money. The victim refused and a scuffle ensued. The man was restrained by the male suspect and the female suspect took the money out of his pocket. The two left together, but the complainant couldn’t say in which direction they’d headed. The man looked for them, but couldn’t find them, so decided to flag down a police officer. • The first officially reported crime of 2011, and the last officially reported crime of 2010 were both false alarms. • The third incident report of 2011 was a vandalism call. A man on West Waldburg Street called police to report that he’d heard a crash a few minutes after midnight. When he’d gone to investigate, he found a broken window and a bullet on the floor. The officer recovered the bullet off the floor and logged it as evidence. • At three o’clock in the morning New Year’s Day, an officer noticed a large crowd gathered at the intersection of Whitaker and West Bay Street. The officer saw two men engaged in

fisticuffs in the roadway. Upon seeing the officer, one man took off running and a foot chase ensued. He was caught several blocks away and both men were charged. • At 11:15 p.m. on New Year’s Eve an officer saw a man enter a convenience store without issue and then several minutes later exit the store shouting at the store owner. “I don’t give a f*** about that gun on your hip. No one disrespects me or my mother like that.” He continued yelling unintelligibly. The officer spoke with the store owner, who proved he was legally carrying the aforementioned firearm. When the officer stopped the upset guy, he refused to stop yelling even after he was asked several times. He was handcuffed and the officer noted that he smelled strongly of alcohol. While searching him, the officer found a red plastic cup with traces of alcohol. The man’s eyes were red and glassy. The store owner reported that he had wished the man’s

mother and father a happy new year. The officer guessed there was some confusion of the relationship to the man in handcuffs, whether it was his grandmother or his biological mother. • 15 minutes before the New Year began a man was pulled over nearVeterans Parkway. Using radar, the officer clocked the pickup going 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. The driver took a long time to pull over. When the officer approached the vehicle, she noted the driver had bloodshot eyes and he said he’d had a few drinks. He agreed to take a portable breath test, the results of which were positive. The man was placed under arrest and taken to the nearest precinct for the state test. The results were .166 grams, twice the legal limit. CS GIVE ANONYMOUS CRIME TIPS TO CRIMESTOPPERS AT 234-2020





news & Opinion

the straight dope

slug signorino



On the radio, a spruiker from a mattress company claimed it was “common knowledge” that a human sweats a liter of water every night, and for health reasons you should buy a new mattress every couple of years. Can this be true? —H.M.G. Wonderful word, spruiker (rhymes with “spook ‘er”)—slang in Australia and New Zealand for a tout or pitchman. In fairness, the idea that you sweat a liter or some other large amount per night isn’t limited to Down Under, but rather is common among mattress floggers all over the world—I found one huckster claiming you sweat two to five gallons a night.

(This same goof repeated the notion that a mattress is packed full of dust mites, which we’ve previously debunked.) One doesn’t want to get carried away, but let’s look at this in a positive light. Is there any scenario under which the claim about a liter of sweat could possibly be true? 1. Normal sleep. No luck here. Sweating while at rest is minimal below 85 degrees. You do lose a certain amount of moisture in your breath and by evaporation through your skin; the latter process, which doesn’t involve the sweat glands, is called insensible perspiration. Total water loss by both routes for an average healthy young male averages about 25 milliliters per hour, or 200 milliliters per eight hours of sleep, and much of that is simply exhaled, not absorbed by the mattress. 2. Energetic bed use. Sweat production kicks in once you start exercising. I found a chart from the Australian Institute of Sport giving typical sweat rates for activities ranging from cricket (0.5 liters per hour) to rugby (as much as 2.6 liters per hour). You may say strenuous exertion is incompatible with sleep. Piffle -I’ve seen the Chicago Bears’ offensive line play an entire game while unconscious. More broadly, I know of a nocturnal activity or

two that typically kicks up your perspiration output. But a liter’s worth? Every night? Ain’t seeing it. We’ll have to give this one up too. 3. Sleeping in a warm room. Once the temperature rises above 85, you start sweating even if you’re at rest. Tests conducted in the Sonoran Desert found that subjects sitting naked in the shade in 95-degree heat produced 220 milliliters of sweat per hour. Assuming comparable conditions were to prevail at night, you’d lose close to two liters over an eight-hour stretch. But then you wouldn’t even be thinking about a new mattress—you’d be shopping for an air conditioner. 4. Night sweats, also known as sleep hyperhidrosis. This one seems more likely. Night sweats are fairly common and can be triggered by lots of things, among them menopause; taking antidepressants or other meds; panic attacks; obesity; low blood sugar episodes in diabetics; eating spicy food; cancer, including Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins lymphoma; and other diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV. Or sometimes by nothing at all—they just happen. I couldn’t find any solid numbers on how much moisture is produced, but in extreme cases the sufferer’s bedclothes

are often described as being drenched in sweat, and I’m prepared to believe you could lose a liter. So let’s give the spruikers the benefit of the doubt and say it’s possible for you to sweat a liter a night under certain circumstances. Questions We’re Still Thinking About I was just reading your book Triumph of the Straight Dope and I ran across the stuff about equestrian statues and the raised-foot code [horse with one foot raised means rider was wounded in battle; two feet raised means killed; etc]. It got me to wondering—how come you never see a horse statue with all four feet off the ground? —Victor R. Stanwick Very funny, Victor. However, I disagree that you never see a horse statue with all four feet off the ground. Next time you‘re on a merry-go-round, look down. CS CECIL ADAMS

Send questions to Cecil via straightdope. com or write him c/o Chicago Reader, 11 E. Illinois, Chicago 60611.

A now-10-year-old church in Denver ministers to (as contemplated by 1 Corinthians 4:11-13) the homeless, the reviled, and the persecuted and formally named itself after the actual words in verse 13, the “Scum of the Earth” Church. The congregation touts nonjudgmental Christianity; owns an elegant, aging building (but holds services elsewhere because of fire code violations); and is a rough mix of anarchists, punk rockers, environmentalists and disaffected teens perhaps mainly keen on angering their parents. “Scum” (as church members matter-of-factly call themselves) tilt mildly philosophically conservative (though not nearly evangelical), connected only by the common belief that “God is love,” according to a December report in Denver’s Westword.

Great Art!

• Among the recent works funded by Arts Council England was a “painting” consisting of a blank canvas, for which artist Agnieszka Kurant was paid the equivalent of about $2,300 and on which she intends to paint something in the future. Rounding out her exhibition were a “sculpture” that was not really present and a “movie” that had been shot with no film in the camera. • In October, borrowing from the U.S. Air Guitar Championship (which honors self-made guitar “heroes” playing wild rock ‘n’ roll as if they were holding real guitars), the second annual Air Sex Championship was held in the Music Hall in Brooklyn, N.Y., and eventually won by Lady C. (whose performance could

not easily be described). Each contestant (solo only) had two minutes to cover “all the bases”: “meeting, seduction, foreplay, intercourse, and, if successful, afterglow,” and exposing body parts was not allowed.

Police Report

If You’re Not Safe in Your Own Home ...: (1) At 2 a.m. on Nov. 13 in Akron, Ohio, a 70-year-old woman was the victim of a home invasion when Cory Buckley, 22, broke in and robbed her. AcFine Points of the Law cording to the police report, the woman • Questionable Judgments: (1) The was seated on the commode at the time, New Jersey Government Record Council and Buckley was dressed in a clown mask. ruled in December that the town of (2) Melissa Wagaman, 33, was convicted Somerset had overcharged Tom Coulter in November in Hagerstown, Md., in 2008 by $4.04 on the $5 it collected for of a February home invasion in a compact disc of a council meeting which she broke into her neighand must issue a refund. The town bor’s house while wearing only estimates that it spent about $17,000 New Year, a bridal skirt and veil. She later fighting Coulter’s appeals (and payNew City blamed cold medicine and ing his attorney’s fees). (2) Brandi Manager marijuana. Jo Winkelman, 17, was charged in September in Juneau, Wis., Oops! with violating the state’s child • Among the Major abuse law after a schoolyard fight League Baseball players (averand risks a maximum of six years in age salary: about $3.3 million) prison. Authorities charged Winkelwho spent time on the disabled man even though her “victim” was a list in 2010: Kendry Morales classmate older than Winkelman. (Angels), who broke his leg jump• Police in Hyderabad, Pakistan, ing on home plate after hitting recently arrested a doctor for the a home run; Brian Roberts increasingly suspect crime of insult(Orioles), who was out a week with a ing Islam - after he merely tossed away concussion when he smacked himself in the business card of a man who happened the head with his bat after striking out; to have the last name “Muhammad.” Chris Coghlan (Marlins), who needed According to a December Associated knee surgery after giving a teammate a Press dispatch, “dozens” of Pakistanis are playful post-game shaving-cream pie; and sentenced to death each year for such Geoff Blum (Astros), who needed elbow tangential references to the holy name of surgery after straining his arm putting on Muhammad, but the government fears his shirt. that trying to repeal the law might incite Muslim extremism. Least Competent Criminals Fortunately for Police, Disguising His E-Mail Address Did Not Occur to

Him: Kyle D. Gore, 23, of Naperville, Ill., was arrested in December for allegedly downloading child pornography on his computer. Police identified Gore as the man trying to find people online who could help him have encounters with children, using the address “kdg31087@ aol.com” (an unimaginative identifier for someone of Gore’s initials and born, as Gore was, in 1987).

Recurring Theme

Anatomically Equipped Shoplifters: Ailene Brown, 28, and Shmeco Thomas, 37, were arrested in Edmond, Okla., in November and charged with shoplifting at a TJ Maxx store. Surveillance video revealed that, among the items stuffed in the pair’s belly fat and under their armpits and breasts were four pairs of boots, three pairs of jeans, a wallet and gloves.

Medicare In Action

The federal agency that administers Medicare acknowledged to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in November that the government often overpays for patient wheelchairs due to a quirk in its rules. Ordinary wheelchairs sell for $100 to $350, but Medicare cannot reimburse patients who buy the chairs; it can only pay for rentals (for up to 13 months), for $40 to $135 a month. (A 2009 audit found that Medicare allowed up to $7,215 for oxygen dispensers that were available for sale for $587 and $4,018 for a power wheelchair that cost suppliers $1,048.) CS By chuck shepherd UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE

news & Opinion

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news of the weird








sound board

by bill deyoung | bill@connectsavannah.com

At 10 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13 Live Wire Music Hall, 307 W. River St.

The name, if you need prodding, is an abbreviation for “Eight Planets Past Pluto.” This is a jam band from Atlanta that makes heavy use of electronic instruments – some folks call it livetronica – and they’re big on “inter–galactic travel” and “cosmic exploration,” with a lot of flashing colored lights and other ephemera. They’ve toured with such heavy hitters are Shpongle, Pretty Lights, Bassnector, Benga, Pnuma Trio and others. Make ‘em welcome, won’t you? See myspace.com/ep3band

SEND IN YOUR STUFF! Club owners and performers: Soundboard is a free service - to be included, please send your live music information weekly to bill@connectsavannah.com. Questions? Call (912) 721-4385.




Friday and Saturday, Jan. 14 and 15 Loco’s Grill & Pub, 301 W. Broughton St. With theremin right out of cheesy 1950s sci–fi movies, a cello, a rapper and other instruments augmenting the standard guitar, bass, drums and keyboard lineup, Word of Mouth is a musical mutt that’s quickly turning into the big draw at the Savannah pound. The band blends hip hop, reggae, folk, classical and rock ‘n’ roll in a fun, fascinating free–form–feeling musical hippie–style amalgam. With Lucia Arora Garcia, Miggs Son Daddy, Jeff DeRosa, Melissa Hagerty, David Ballantyne, Mike McCoy and Cameron Locke. See wordofmouthspeaks.com


North Carolina singer/songwriter Jonathan Byrd is in concert Friday (Jan. 14) at First Presbyterian Church, courtesy the Savannah Folk Music Society ... If you missed blues badboys Jubal Kane at Live Wire over the New Year’s weekend, catch them this Friday and Saturday at Fiddler’s on River Street ... The great Christabel and the Jons – playing terrific old–timey swing jazz and vintage acoustic swing tunes – return after a long absence. The band’s at the Wormhole Bar Wednesday (Jan. 12) ... At right: Jonathan Byrd, Christabel CS

Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Jazz’d Tapas Bar Eddie Wilson (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Eric Culberson’s Open Jam (Live Music) 10 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Trae Gurley (Live Music) From the Frank Sinatra songbook Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Tantra Lounge Open Mic Night (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Jeff Beasley (Live Music) 6 p.m. Wormhole Bar Christabel & the Jons (Live Music) Old-time acoustic swing jazz KARAOKE Augie’s Pub (Richmond Hill) Karaoke Club One Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke TRIVIA, DJ Hang Fire Trivia Night Jinx Rock ‘n’ Roll Bingo With DJ Drunk Tank Soundsytem Loco’s Grill & Pub Team Trivia Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill Trivia Night



Bernie’s oyster house (tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) Piano 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 6:30 p.m. Jazz’d tapas Bar Trae Gurley (Live Music) 7 p.m. Kevin Barry’s irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live wire music hall EP3, Willrock (Live Music) Livetronica 10 p.m. Pour Larry’s Eric Britt (Live Music) rocks on the roof Jason Bible (Live Music) 9 p.m. ruth’s chris steak house Bobby Ryder (Live Music) Jazz saxophone 7:30 p.m. savannah smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. wild wing cafe Listen 2 Three (Live Music) wormhole Bar Ikarus Burns, KAOS (Live Music) Electronica 10 p.m. KARAOKE Dew Drop inn Karaoke mcDonough’s Karaoke rachael’s 1190 Karaoke



Bernie’s oyster house (tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) Piano 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 7 p.m. Fiddler’s crab house (river street) Jubal Kane (Live Music) huc-a-Poos TBA (Live Music) 10 p.m. Jazz’d tapas Bar Bottles & Cans (Live Music) Jinx Kylesa, Fight Amp, Zoroaster (Live Music) Metal 10 p.m. Jukebox (richmond hill) Magic Rocks (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live wire music hall The Looters (Live Music) Loco’s Grill & Pub Word of Mouth (Live Music) molly mcPherson’s scottish Pub Jeff Beasley Band (Live Music) molly mcPherson’s scottish Pub (richmond hill) Hitman Blues Band (Live Music) 9 p.m. savannah Folk music

KARAOKE chuck’s Bar Karaoke Dew Drop inn Karaoke mcDonough’s Karaoke rachael’s 1190 Karaoke tailgate sports Bar & Grill Karaoke DJ Pour Larry’s DJ Old Skool tantra Lounge Drum & Beat (DJ)


Call fo R d eTailS haPPy ho uR daily 4 fR

ee Ping Po ng & Wi– 8pm i

Best Downtown Bar, Best Bar staff & Best Bar to spot a celebrity! weDNesDay JaN 12

RockNRoll BiNgo em with DJ DRuNk taNk souNDsyst

PRizes w/Nightlyust Ry Night

wed jan 12 – 8pm, fRee

open jam

hosted by eric culberson

wired wednesdays

red Bull specials, $4 Jager Bombs, $4 rBVs

thurs jan 13 – 10pm, $8

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the looters

too iND o stuDio emPloyees aND tatials foR tatto

DRiNk sPec coveR! Buy 1, 2ND $1 oN eveRythiNg! No



thuRsDay JaN 13 for the well drinks ladies!!!

revenge of the dance 21+ party

w/ dJ d-frost & ragtime

fRiDay JaN 14 dick & the hard-ons

[happy hour Whiskey set w/] [night set w/]

friday night lights


Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) 6 p.m. Blowin’ smoke BBQ Danielle Howle (Live Music) 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 7 p.m. cafe Loco Eric Culberson Band (Live Music) Fiddler’s crab house (river street) Jubal Kane (Live Music) continues on p. 23

est. 1980 Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub & Restaurant

LIve MusIc NIghtLy @ 8:30pm 1/12-1/16 - harry O’Donoghue 1/17-1/23 - Frank emerson

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s.i.n. night

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[night set w/]

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moNDay JaN 17

keith kOzel e h t leidOscO ka


1/2 price drinks for those in industry! free wii, ping pong & darts Crazy speCials all night

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music & madness

drink specials fOr restaurant & Bar emplOyees

Hip Hop Night @ 11pm

DJ D-Frost spins & BAsIK LEE hosts breakdancing, underground hip hop & MC freestyle battles!!!







society Jonathan Byrd (Live Music) Singer/songwriter at First Presbyterian Church 7:30 p.m. savannah smiles Dueling Pianos Live Music) 8 p.m. sentient Bean Brian McGee (Live Music) Acoustic country punk 8 p.m. tybee island social club TBA (Live Music) warehouse Bucketfoot (Live Music) wild wing cafe Eric Britt, Mark Carter, Moonshine Jenny (Live Music) wormhole Bar Convict Fiction, Midnight Chainsaw, Hickry Hawkins (Live Music) 10 p.m.


DJ, OTHER Bacchus Lounge Live DJ Jinx DJ Frost & Ragtime sentient Bean Open Mic Comedy Night 8 p.m. tantra Lounge DJ Basik Lee & DJ Valis of Dope Sandwich tybee island social club Outdoor Movie Night

continues from 16

Best IRIsh PuB

! d e W iR

ge T

sounD BoArD





Metallurgy Kylesa forges heavy music using the ‘no rule’ rulebook BY BILL DEYOUNG | bill@connectsavannah.com

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Voting ends Jan. 31 in Spin magazine’s online Readers Poll. There are seven nominees listed under Best Metal Band – mostly well–known international veterans of the headbanging wars. And then there’s Kylesa. “Being among Danzig, Ozzy and Iron Maiden is pretty wild,” says the Savannah–based band’s Laura Pleasants, “considering I’ve been listening to all those bands my whole life. It’s kind of odd.” Not so odd when you consider the mag’s 2009 love letter to Savannah’s heaviest bands, a story called Metal in the Garden of Good and Evil, or the rave reviews bestowed upon the two most recent Kylesa albums, Static Tensions and Spiral Shadow. This is a band unafraid to take chances: Molten hardcore darkness is soldered together with classic and stoner rock riffs and trippy psychedelia, sonically dense with textured inlays of abrasive, rhythmic punk and subtle but catchy pop sensibilities. Kylesa is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2011, and for that reason the band is playing its first local show in a year, Jan. 14 at the Jinx, before heading out for yet another of its marathon tours of Europe, Australia and all parts beyond.

“Really, when it comes down to music, there are no rules,” says Kylesa’s founder, singer, songwriter and guitarist Phillip Cope. “My personal tastes lie in all different genres. I love music, and I love all styles. If I find something that hits me, I like it, I don’t worry about where it comes from. I might listen to Miles Davis in the morning, and then when I get my car I’m gonna blast Slayer. I don’t find that weird. I have different moods throughout the day. “But I also like brutal music, too. And I like mellow music. It depends on my mood, and it also depends on where I’m at in my life. I can go through phases where I’m not feeling anything but dark and depressing music. Then I snap out of it and I want to listen to something happy.” Still, Cope concedes, many fans still swear by the pure sludge and black hammer of early Kylesa records. “And I think you have to be really respectful to your fans, and understanding of that. Maybe something you do hits them at the perfect point in time. I think it’s completely natural to want more of the same, if you find something you like.”

To that end, he and his bandmates are still doing many of their old songs in concert — albeit with the benefit of hindsight and 10 years of growth. Said Pitchfork in its wet kiss to Spiral Shadow: “They still admirably deliver when it comes to metal’s air–punching, meat–and–potatoes riffs, and they want to keep the energy as high as possible, which is perhaps why they’ve been able to hold onto much of the no–bullshit– allowed hardcore crowd, even as their music has become less uncompromisingly abrasive.” Cope chalks it up to a restless nature, maturity and an intense desire not to repeat themselves. “It’s not necessarily something we’re doing on purpose,” he explains. “It’s more ‘What do I want to discover about myself as a musician? What haven’t I heard yet that might be cool to try? What can we offer people that maybe other bands haven’t done yet?’” Raised in Savannah, Cope spent much of the 1990s as the lynchpin in a savage, proto–metal band called Damad that made two records and ruled the local roost for seven years. He worked tirelessly to bring hardcore and punk acts to the city — indeed, he is sometimes referred to as “The Godfather of Savannah Metal” — and when Damad split, he immediately began thinking of how to re–cast his

FEATURE | continued from previous page

Kylesa With Zoroaster, Fight Amp Where: The Jinx, 127 W. Congress St. When: At 10 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14 Tickets: $10 advance, $13 day of show Artist’s Web site: kylesa.com


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caveman stomp. On this record — released in 2006 — the band began to use two drummers. “Honestly,” Cope explains, “that was a pretty simplistic idea. It was just to be heavier. Back then, we were using lots of amps. We were really loud. And the place we were at as songwriters, we were still just trying to be this really heavy band. “It was really just ‘OK, we can’t bring any more amps. We can’t tune down any lower — our strings are flopping off the guitars. What can we do to be heavier?’ And I thought ‘Let’s do two drums. It’ll be even louder.’ Now, we’ve had time to think about it a lot more.’” Cope himself produces the records, at the Jam Room, a recording studio up in Columbia (he also produces Baroness, Savannah’s other world–renowned metal band, and numerous others). The band, which also includes drummers Tyler Newberry and Carl McGinley, and Corey Barhorst on bass and keyboards, finished a massive tour last year with fellow Georgians Mastodon. They’ll be on the road for most of 2011. Which begs the question: Why do they still live in Savannah? “You have to call someplace home,” says Cope. “Even when you’re out as much as us. “We formed the band here, and it’s a beautiful city. We do have a lot of good friends here, friends we’ve known for a long time. And even if you’re only here for a week, it’s nice to be somewhere comfortable.” There won’t be time to write and record a new record, although a live set is under consideration. One thing’s for sure, though: Kylesa will continue to ignore whatever musical boundaries are laid in front of them. “I think we could go wherever we want to go,” Pleasant says. “and it would make sense.” For Cope, it’s all a continuing evolution. “Laura and I were lucky to have enough foresight to know that, as we grew older, our tastes were going to change,” he explains. “We knew we weren’t going to want to do the same thing over and over. That was a pact that we made.” CS


musical vision. “I had a job working construction, and I remember this guy telling me ‘Savannah could be the next Seattle!’” Cope laughs. “He wasn’t talking about our kind of music. And I said to him ‘That could never happen.’” Enter Laura Pleasants, from Greensboro, N.C. Although she came to SCAD to study photography, she was mostly interested in live music. She’d started playing guitar, and bass, in high school, and upon her arrival here started a surf/ punk garage band called the Flys. Pleasants first met Phillip Cope at a Damad show; the band was sharing a bill with Extreme Noise Terror and Grief. He was wearing a Black Sabbath T–shirt — her all–time favorite band — which she complimented him on. They began jamming together, and with other friends. In fact, their first public performance was at a “free– form” concert ... at Red Lobster. Recalls Pleasants: “He said ‘You don’t seem that scared in front of crowds,’ and I was like, well, it was the Red Lobster employees. I don’t know how scary that is.’” From the start, there were no concerns that having Pleasants in the band – as second ripping guitarist, and dual vocalist – would upset the traditional boys–club balance. Although there were, and are, women in metal bands, in a lot of cases they’re considered eye (and ear) candy, icing on a classically masculine cake. “I never really took this angle of ‘OK, I’m going to do this now because I am a chick, and this is my cause,’” says Pleasant. “I just wanted to play music.” Adds Cope: “That’s one of the reasons I asked her to join. ‘OK, here’s this chick, we can put her in the band and have this angle.’ There was no angle. She played guitar good. Our styles gelled, and she could’ve been anybody. It didn’t matter that she was a woman.” Pleasants gets asked about it everywhere Kylesa travels. “Do I get sick of being around guys?” she laughs. “Yeah, sometimes, but I’m sure they get sick of being around me. And I’m not even talking about my bandmates – I’m just talking about men in general.” She will confess to growing a little tired of the occasional boorish catcall. Things always level off once she starts slashing power–riffs on her guitar. “She knows how to take care of herself,” Cope smiles. It was on the third Kylesa album, Time Will Fuse Its Worth, that Cope and Pleasants began to probe deeper lyrical abysses, and to finesse their band’s music with as much melody as crusty

pour Larry'S Music

The high priest of found sound Joe Craven can make music with just about anything



by Bill DeYoung

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You’d be hard pressed to find a more versatile musician than Joe Craven. He spent 17 years as the fiddler, percussionist and second mandolin player in the David Grisman Quintet, and is an ace guitarist, banjo and ukulele picker, and a high lonesome vocalist right out of the top drawer. There’s so much more to Joe Craven, though. He’s at Randy Wood Guitars on the 15th, and he’ll unpack – and play – a motley assortment of “instruments,” everything from spoons to squeeze toys, from to Jell–o molds and cake pans to old boots and garden tools. Craven’s professional partners in the string music universe have included Stephane Grappelli, Jerry Garcia,

‘The music,” says multi-instrumentalist Joe Craven, “is you. It’s not the object.’

Alison Brown and Psychograss, and he’s recorded loudly–praised CDs of cover tunes running the gamut from Django Reinhardt to the Stanley Brothers. He sees his mission, however, as spreading the gospel that music – art, expression and creative discovery – is in everyone. He’s a musicologist, historian and archivist whose shows are equal parts inspiring concert and motiva-

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tional speaking and you–can–do–it encouragement. And humor. Joe Craven is a very, very funny guy. I’ve heard your motivational talks; you’re passionate about art in all its forms. Tell me why? Joe Craven: I call myself a self–appointed arts activist. There are many,

How did the notion of “found sound” come into your sphere? Joe Craven: One of the things that’s really important with this is the notion of play – validating play, as in being playful, as in being experimental, as in that childlike wonder combined with the discipline of an adult. That beautiful marriage that can open up all these possibilities.

The “found sound” arena is a result of that kind of playful observation – the idea that the music is you, it’s not the object. It’s not the thing, it’s what you bring to it that makes for effective expression. It started in recording sessions, where we were needing certain percussive sounds. I’ve always had this playful sense about me. We were doing a Charlie Parker piece, some folks and I, and we needed a drummer to do brushwork, like on a snare. Swing a backbeat. And I had been playing, between takes, with my fiddle case. It had a Cordura covering, with a very pronounced texture, and I was rubbing it and creating brush sounds. I realized OK, there’s the snare, but I need a hi–hat sound. So I imitated it with my mouth. And basically I said “Hey ...how about this?” We tracked it, and everybody said “Damn. That’s great.” Not only is it really cool, but it’s sonically refreshing from the predictable. I watched a clip of you playing a bundt cake pan. Can you look at something and think, mathematically, it has some musical value? Or do you just start banging on it and see what happens?

Joe Craven: You bang on it and see what happens! There are visual things: You look at an angel food cake pan, a bundt pan or whatever, and it has this architecture – it has this bell–like quality. And the shaft down the middle, there’s the thing I grip. And I have a ring on my finger, so I can sit there as I’m holding it and tap that metal–on–metal. And my other hand beats the outside. And there’s a pitch to it, so I can sing to the pitch of the pan. But you never know. It’s like I tell my students: You can’t win if you don’t enter. And you must be present to win. It’s this thing of why not? And then really bring all your faculties to the process. Because the object is the object. What comes from the object is what you bring to it. So if you really want to see the potential of something, there’s a responsibility there to bring everything you can to it. When you do that, you either get “Nah.” Or you get “Holy shit, man, this is incredible.” Is fiddle your primary instrument? Is that how you started?

Joe Craven: I have no primary. It’s all part of my toolbox. To use the old cliche line, I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. I’m not real focused on any one thing, but I get around on all of ‘em, and I just delight in having them serve this bigger idea. You’ll be back in March, for the Savannah Music Festival. You’ve been there before — what will you be doing at this year’s festival? Joe Craven: I’m going to be curating some stuff with three other percussionists, all of them great. All of us are very diverse from one another. I’m also going to be interviewing Bela Fleck onstage, which will be fun too. And I’ve done some performing at the festival — the first time I was there was with Grisman. cs Joe Craven Where: Randy Wood Guitars, 1304 E. Highway 80, Bloomingdale When: At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15 Tickets: $20 Phone: (912) 748–1930 Artist’s Web site: joecraven.com


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many definitions for what art can be for people. And they all have validity. But I love the idea that it’s a problem–solving mechanism. And if you see that as its motus operandi, you begin to see how important having art in our education system really needs to be. But in our public education system, art for some people is an enhancement; it’s something tangential to more fundamental, important curriculum. Yet ironically, something that promotes critical thinking, flexibility and problem–solving really needs to be put at the bedrock of fundamental education, rather than this bottom–feeder activity that’s the first to get whacked on the chopping block. I fully subscribe to the notion that creativity is more important than literacy.


interview | continued from previous page

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Left, Mafmadix performs at an early Real Music show; right, founder and visionary Ina Williams

Keeping it Real

Ina Williams and friends celebrate two years of Real Music concerts by Bill DeYoung | bill@connectsavannah.com

Ina Williams is one of those people who sets her mind to something, goes after it, and inevitably gets what she’s looking for. She was a film and video major at SCAD a couple of years ago, while at the same time serving as artistic director at the Overcoming By Faith Ministries’ school of the arts. But Williams was also a vocalist, specializing in the cool, jazz–inflected music of artists like Lena Horne and Ella Fitzgerald. “I started getting this itch to perform a lot more,” she says. “I had been doing my independent music when I was younger, in Atlanta, and here I was hitting a wall – the venues are very genre–specific. There were only certain areas that kind of wanted the music that I was doing at the time, which was really a fusion of jazz, soul, R&B. Those venues where I would have been, I guess, ‘useful’ to their demographic, it was a much older crowd than what I wanted.” Rather than wait for the mountain to come to her, she created her own mountain: A collective of artists and performers she dubbed Real Music. “Just because those were passions of mine didn’t mean I didn’t appreciate and love hip hop and folk music, and alternative music,” Williams explains. “I really wanted to create a space where all of the different artists could share. “It’s OK for you to like other genres – just because you’re working in one doesn’t mean you have to be so isolated

that you can’t enjoy, and even be influenced by, those other genres.” Real Music celebrates its second anniversary Monday with a concert at Muse Arts Warehouse – a place that didn’t exist two years ago, but has since become Savannah’s all–inclusive home for eclectic creative collaboration. Williams will be joined by three other performers, including Lloyd Harold, a.k.a. KidSyc, who has been at her side since the organization was formed. “He was actually the first person I approached,” Williams says, “because I knew that he had a well–established fan base in Savannah. He was previously with the group S.O.L. Essential – they had a fan base and knew the venues in the area. I figured he would be a really great artist to start with.” KidSyc, who’ll perform with his band Brandywine, says anything Williams is associated with carries a trademark of quality. “I always knew she had this really genuine spirit about her,” he explains, “that there was nothing fake or phony about the person she put forth. “And because of that, when it came time to do the music thing, when she was interested in doing this concert series, there was no question in my mind about whether it would work or not, or who would benefit from it ... it was just ‘Ina’s doing something, and you know it’s going to be positive.’ That alone had me and everybody else on board.” Real Music’s earliest days were not without struggle, Williams laughs. “It’s about trying to introduce a completely

new concept to a city that is pretty well known for being set in its ways. “It was slow going; when we had audiences, they were always enthusiastic about what we were doing, but our audiences were really small in the beginning. Really small. But every time got better.” Monday’s afternoon concert, which follows the city’s Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday parade, will include performances by Savannah hip hop veterans Mafmadix (a rapper, producer and radio host) and RJ Temple (a multi–instrumentalist, songwriter and producer). Williams herself will sing with simplicity, accompanied by just an acoustic guitar. The show will close with a tribute to Stevie Wonder from Brandywine and all the other artists together. Although she’s now based in Atlanta again, Williams has big plans for her network of Real Music artists. “The goal of it is to bring together people through real music,” she explains. “So that spans genres, backgrounds, cultures, races ... and cities. “It’s not just supposed to be for one place. We’re working so that in March we’ll have a concert in Atlanta.” CS Real Music anniversary concert Where: Muse Arts Warehouse, 703D Louisville Road When: At 4:45 p.m. Monday, Jan. 17 Tickets: $5 Online: facebook.com/realmusicconcerts

Jazz’d Tapas Bar Bluesonics (Live Music) Jinx Damon & the Shitkickers, Shovels & Rope, Modern Skirts (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Leslie, the Accomplices (Live Music) 9 p.m. Loco’s Grill & Pub Word of Mouth (Live Music) Molly McPherson’s Scottish Pub Ashley Taylor & James Smith (Live Music) Rachael’s 1190 Lee Travis & the Bounty Hunters (Live Music) (Formerly Steamers) Randy Wood Guitars Joe Craven (Live Music) Multiinstrumentalist 7:30 p.m. Rock House Tybee Fur Elise, Misnomer, Wild Zero (Live Music) 9 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Eddie Wilson & Trae Gurley (Live Music) Light jazz with vocals 7:30 p.m. Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Tantra Lounge Howler,

KARAOKE Augie’s Pub Karaoke Bernie’s Oyster House Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke Tailgate Karaoke DJ Pour Larry’s DJ Tapp



Jazz’d Tapas Bar Trae & James (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Lulu’s Chocolate Bar Kyndra Joi (Live Music) 7 p.m. Tybee Island Social Club Jason Bible 5 p.m. Warehouse Thomas Claxton (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Bucky & Barry, Liquid Ginger (Live Music)


KARAOKE, OTHER McDonough’s Karaoke Murphy’s Law Trivia Sentient Bean AWOL Open Mic Poetry Night 7 p.m. Tantra Lounge Karaoke




Dew Drop Inn Trivia Night Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Frank Emerson 8:30 p.m. McDonough’s Karaoke Tantra Lounge Each and Every Opus (Live Music) Wormhole Bar Asbestos (Live Music)



Club One Karaoke Jazz’d Tapas Bar Josh Maul Trio (Live Music) Jinx Hip Hop Night with Basik Lee (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Frank Emerson (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Live DJ (DJ) Lulu’s Chocolate Bar David & Melissa (from Seawell) (Live Music) 8 p.m. Sentient Bean Death of Paris (Live Music) Electroindie pop 8 p.m. CS


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continues from p.17

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P e t e r S h a n n o n, C o n d u c t o r

sound board






Visual Arts

Self Portrait

The Vision of Adam and Eve

A Prophet in art as well as in letters

Kahlil Gibran exhibit at Jepson Center is accompanied by new volume Life

by Jim Morekis | jim@connectsavannah.com

Kahlil Gibran is of course best–known as the author of The Prophet, one of the bestselling books of all time and one of the few never to be out of print since it was first published.

The Blessed Mountain

What’s less well known is that Gibran was an accomplished visual artist as well. What’s even less well–known is that our very own Telfair Museums own the single largest holding of Gibran’s artwork, on display through January 23 at the Jepson Center. Still, “Gibran’s a real Savannah icon,” says Tania June Sammons, director of the Telfair–administered Owens-Thomas House and co–author of a beautiful new companion volume to the collection, The Art of Kahlil Gibran. “He’s up there with John Berendt, Paula Deen, and Bobby Zarem,” she says. “He brings people here.”

While the local community at large perhaps isn’t as aware of the Gibran collection as they should be, the rest of the world knows. Over the holidays an Australian film crew working on a documentary about Gibran–related sites all over the world stopped by the Jepson to shoot a segment. Born into a Christian family in Lebanon, Gibran’s first love was visual art. When he emigrated to the United States early in life, his plan was to pursue that as a career. But like one of his key influences, William Blake, Gibran would eventually be so consumed by a desire to communicate his spiritual philosophy that he determined to also set words to paper. “He went to study in Paris, but he said ‘this is not for me,’” says Dr. Suheil Bushrui, co–author of The Art of Kahlil Gibran and one of the world’s foremost Gibran scholars. “He didn’t care for Cubism or Picasso — he wanted to follow the spiritual art of Blake.” And like Blake, Gibran’s career would eventually be noted for a combination of spiritual poetry and simple yet evocative artwork. “His art was inseparable from his poetry,” says Bushrui. “He was making a statement in both.”


Visual Arts | continued from previous page

Left, Mother Earth; right, The Summit

Using what Bushrui calls “the eye of the heart as well as the eye of the mind,” Gibran was reaching for that melding of reason and spirituality that the great English poets called “Imagination,” with a capital “I.” “It’s a formidable combination,” Bushrui says. As a Christian in mostly Muslim Lebanon, Gibran had to learn “not the language of confrontation, but of identity,” Bushrui says. That said, the Lebanon of the early 20th Century was quite different from the Lebanon of the early 21st Century, with Muslims, Christians and Jews largely living in peaceful coexistence. Gibran’s Christianity was key to his future success, in that it gave him a link to the rich literary culture of the West. “Ever since the Roman emperor Constantine became a Christian, Christianity became the religion of Europe, and therefore the religion of the West,” Bushrui explains. While Gibran always tried to find the common ground between the great world religions, Christianity was his core belief system, with its core tenet of forgiveness and the opportunity for personal transformation. “What were Christ’s last words on the cross?” asks Bushrui. “‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ What is the main message of the Lord’s Prayer? ‘Forgive us our trespasses and forgive those who trespass against us.’” So how did the Telfair end up with so much Gibran art? That’s an interesting story in and of itself. From his first days in America, Gibran’s best friend and most energetic patron, both personally and financially, was Mary Haskell, who had a passionate connection to Gibran in many ways.

“Their relationship is very complicated,” laughs Sammons. “At some points they’re like lovers and at some points they’re like mother and son. But they always had a great friendship, and like most friendships it evolved.” While at one point there was a discussion of marriage, Haskell ended up marrying Jacob Minis, member of the influential Savannah/Lowcountry Minis family. The real Savannah connection, however, is through Haskell’s mother, from the local Alexander family. Gibran willed all his letters and art to Haskell upon his death, which came in 1931. While Haskell donated her personal correspondence with Gibran to the University of North Carolina, she chose the Telfair as recipient of his visual work, saying “There when I was a visiting child, form burst upon my astonished little soul.” Sammons says the reason the Gibran collection isn’t often displayed at the museum is because of the fragility of the paper. However, next summer the exhibit will come out again because of the visiting conferences of two important Lebanese heritage groups who are sponsors of the book. Sammons suggests that people, especially Telfair members, contact the museum to suggest the work be displayed more often. “It would be in the best interest of Savannah if more Savannahians wanted to see this art displayed more frequently,” she says. cs The Art of Kahlil Gibran exhibit is at the Jepson Center through Jan. 23. The book The Art of Kahlil Gibran is available at the gift shops of the Jepson Center, the Telfair Academy of Arts & Sciences, the Owens–Thomas House, and online.



Savannah foodie


by tim rutherford | savannahfoodie@comcast.net


A not so deadly Zin

Saigon Bistro




Broken rice topped with grilled pork and a fried egg

There I go, sneaking into a place barely open two weeks. But I had to: My “field researchers” had good things to say about the chow at Saigon Bistro. And, I’m a sucker for good Vietnamese food. The former location of Juarez was a ticky–tacky hangout of mine. The endless salsa and cheap margaritas were the lure. The proximity to my house was the deciding factor. Saigon Bistro has done quite a clean–up from the old Juarez days. It’s bright and shiny — and the kitchen doesn’t look nearly as scary. The menu is basic Vietnamese with hints of Thai thrown in for good measure.I played it safe, sticking with broken rice topped with grilled pork and a fried egg. It was good, but not revolutionary. Crispy bits of pork added interest to the rice and the over–easy egg yolk did its best to ramp up the party — to no avail. The plate was nicely presented, which gives me hope that the kitchen is finding its legs. A vinegar and fish sauce was remarkably without flavor when poured over

the pork and rice. Good portion size, sure, and a gratifying meal — but overall lacking pizzazz. A pair of pork skin rolls were big and fresh, but again not that flavorful — thank goodness for an ample dipping bowl of peanut sauce. The rolls were filling, the thinly sliced pork skins chewy. Hey, no “little frou–frou” neatly wrapped glass noodle rolls here — these are made for working guys and girls! And while the food may have been hot, the service was tepid. Our waitress was as tentative about the food as she was the delivery. Have patience, grasshopper. I like to give a new kid a break, and a new restaurant time to gain its momentum. If I could offer a word of advice, it would be the word “confidence.” This is food that has the potential to fill a void, to deliver on flavor and imagination. Drop the inhibitions and challenge my palate. Diners around us seemed to offer mixed feelings, from one audible “inedible” to young and old quickly cleaning their plates. Food truly is that subjective. I’ll be back. The menu promises that “coming soon” will be Banh Mi (the French–inspired Vietnamese sandwich) and Banh Xeo (Vietnamese crepe). Saigon Bistro/5700 Waters Ave.

Pity Zinfandel, woefully Dangerfield–esque: “I don’t get no respect.” Part of that critical disdain lies in Zin’s roots — or definitive lack of rock–solid lineage. It certainly has no genetic link to the great grapes of France, hence its shunning by the world’s most prominent oenology. There is speculation that it derives from a Croatian variety, and some DNA studies suggest relationship to Italy’s Primitivo — a prominent grape originating in the boot heel of that famous wine nation. Need more reasons to ignore Zin? Consider the pop wine White Zinfandel, please. White Zin comes form the same grape as luscious red Zin, but gets its blank color from having the black skins withheld during fermentation. Typically, it was cloyingly sweet. New releases are less so, but still, alas, white Zin languishes when the topic of “real wine” is bandied about. I will however, advocate a sampling of Zinfandel (red), which can proof as interesting and varied as a tasting of varied terroir Pinot Noir, Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon. Zinfandel pours a range of shades, from deep garnet red to a nearly inky black. At its best, Zin also varies across the palate, ranging from clean and juicy fruity to full–bodied, peppery and downright smoky. As a truly “American” wine, pair it successfully with our popular foods — pizza, burgers and red meat. When chilled slightly cooler than the recommended 65 degrees, is as refreshing as a Rose on a hot summer day When chilling Zin, look for choices with alcohol levels under 14 percent — otherwise, you’ll get nothing but an alcohol influence in the nose — and on the palate. What pushed my Zin button was the opening of Quivera 2008 Dry Creek Zinfandel on New Year’s Eve. I wanted something spicier to accompany a grilled porterhouse being served by the firepit. And I got it. This Zin is peppery and dark. The relatively warmer climate of Quivira’s vineyard yields notes of blackberry, anise and pepper. Its big body stood up to my porterhouse – and served to soothe my New Year’s evening as I finished the bottle by the fire. Vineyard owners Pete and Terri Kight hail from Atlanta, where they still have business interests. I met Terri at a trade tasting last year, and had my first taste of their bio–dynamically farmed wine grapes. The Healdsburg, Calif., vineyard is stunning property and continues to mature with each passing year. The same can be said of the wines. You’ll have to kick over rocks to find Quivira; it’s worth the effort. The wines are handled in Savannah by Empire Distributing. Dry Creek Zin is about $20. More recommendations you say? Consider Joel Gott Zin from Sonoma Valley or the budget friendly Michael David Seven Deadly Zins. cs

When Steve Bradshaw started cleaning out the basement in his house, he had no idea it would lead to publishing a book. He stumbled across a box of letters written while he was deployed to Iraq during Desert Storm. The letters uniquely highlighted the struggles of deployed service men and women to maintain relationships with their families back home, and with that in mind, he decided to publish the collection in his new book Dear Diane: Letters from the First Gulf War. Although he lives in Atlanta now, Bradshaw calls Savannah home – he’s an alumnus of Savannah High and AASU – and he still has family here. He makes a homecoming this week, and an appearance at The Book Lady book store. We caught up with him by phone last week to talk more about his new book.

separation from family really the side that gets overlooked more often than not, and something that this book really speaks toward? Steve Bradshaw: Soldiers get a lot of praise and credit, and rightly so, but I think the sacrifice of the families is the part that gets overlooked. When I was gone serving my country, my wife was here trying to just carry on, but without any clue about my well–being – what I would come like, if I did come home. The stress that that induces on family members is the story that is underreported. Going back through these letters, was there a lot of stuff that you’d forgotten? What sort of process was this for you personally? Steve Bradshaw: There were little things about day to day life that I’d forgotten. It’s amazing how adaptive we are as human beings. We lived in a desert for months. We didn’t have toilets. We didn’t have showers. I don’t want to paint too stark a picture, but the point is that environment became home. Life back in the United States was something else. You get home, and it’s not very long before you forget what kind of a Spartan existence you actually lived through. It rekindled a lot of feelings and thoughts that were in the rearview mirror. A lot of the feelings you go through, from first getting there and not knowing what’s going to happen, then coming to the realization that the only way we’re coming home is if we go to war with these guys. Either I’m gonna come home in a body bag or I’m gonna come home fine. To go through that roller coaster of emotions all over again, it was difficult. I’ll be honest. It was an interesting journey to re–take. CS

Why go back 20 years later and read these? Had you been saving them with this sort of project in mind? Steve Bradshaw: There was no thought of doing something with the letters. I didn’t even know my wife still had the letters. I happened to be engaged in a long overdue project – cleaning up our basement – and discovered this non–descript box with all these letters. Even at that time of discovery, my initial reaction was to leave them alone. After awhile, curiosity got the better of me and I started to read through them. It was eye opening to go back in time and read those. The reason that we decided to put it out there was two–fold. Number one: It’s been twenty years. That’s a nice round number. The other thing is, we’ve got soldiers deployed in two wars right now, and that, probably more than anything else, is what the impetus was because I wanted to highlight what that separation from loved ones is all about. Everyone is cognizant of the sacrifices inherent in military life, but is that

Steve Bradshaw will be signing copies of his book Dear Diane: Letters from the First Gulf War on Saturday at the Book Lady Bookstore.

Book Signing with Steve Bradshaw When: January 15, 12 p.m. Where: The Book Lady Bookstore, 6 E. Liberty St. Cost: Free Info: www.deardianebook.com

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BY PATRICK RODGERS | patrick@connectsavannah.com


A collection of wartime correspondence illuminates the challenges of being married to the military


Letters home

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Work by Timothy Jackson is in ‘Structures of Chaos’ at S.P.A.C.E.; reception Fri.

Alchemy of the Soul — John Anderson uses experimental techniques to transform photos into abstract paintings focusing color, tone and texture rather than subject. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 34th St and Abercorn St, http://www.stpaulsavannah. org/ Birds in Flight — An installation by Matt Hebermehl of his signature, patterned bird forms hanging in the Jepson’s atrium. Opening reception: Sept. 23, 6-8pm. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. ,http://www.hebermehl. com

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Featured Artist: Joel Cothran — The local artist is the artist of the month at Local 11Ten. His work features airbrushed messages that are often existential in nature. Local 11ten, 1110 Bull St. http://www.local11ten. com/ Fragmented Desires — A collection of new work by local artist Laurie Darby based off European damask patterns found on wallpaper, upholstery and other items. Runs through Jan. 23, 2011. Beach Institute, 502 E. Harris St. , http://www. kingtisdell.org/ Giant Monster Terror — A group show featuring work from local artists including Britt Spencer, Andrew Brodhead, Duff Yong, Ben Ward and more. Opening reception: Jan. 14, 7-10pm, including Live Kaiju Monster

Battle at 9PM. Mr. Beast, 1522 Bull St., http://www. mr-beast.com/ Kristen Allen & Chase Baltz — Work by two young artists. Allen is a painter interested in color and contrast. Baltz is illustration oriented with an eye toward editorial-style work. JEA Art Gallery, 5111 Abercorn St. , http://www.savj.org/ Lowcountry Perspectives — Paintings depicting African American life in the Lowcountry by local artists including Richard Law, Allen Fireall, Carol Lasell Miller and Amiri Farris. Opening reception: January 13, 5:307:30pm. Hospice Savannah Gallery , 1352 Eisenhower Dr. , http://www.hospicesavannahhelps.org/ Mixed Media by Preston Orr — Orr is a local artist who incorporates printmaking techniques with spray paint and natural materials preserved in resin. Reception: Jan 31, time TBA. Gallery Espresso, 234 Bull St. , http://www.galleryespresso. com/ Modern Masters from the Smithsonian — Paintings and sculptures from mid-20th century artists taken from the Smithsonian collection. Runs through Feb. 6, 2011. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. , http://www. telfair.org/

New Work by Jerry Luke — A collection of paintings shaped in the form of hangers and sculptures. Luke is a local artist and member of the Savannah Art Assoc. SSU Social Sciences Building Gallery, SSU Campus, Not My Mother’s Dream — New art from Randy Parker including paintings, etchings, sculptures and furniture. Black Dog Studio, 539 E. Liberty St. , http:// blackdogstudioinc.com/gallery.html SSU Selected Student Works — A multi-medium group show of selected student works from the Fine Arts Program of Savannah State University. The Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park Ave. ,www.sentientbean.com/ Stracts on tour — A collection of mixed media portraits by Raabstract. Ta Ca Sushi, 513 E. Oglethorpe Ave. , http://www.raabstract.com/ Structures of Chaos — A solo exhibition of work by Timothy Jackson. Runs through Jan. 28. Opening reception: Jan. 14, 5-7pm. S.P.A.C.E. Gallery , 9 W. Henry St. , http://www. savannahga.gov/arts Things I Saw — An exhibition of work by Vancouver photographer Jim Roche. Runs through Jan. 27. Closing reception: Jan 26, noon. AASU Fine Arts Gallery, http://www.armstrong.edu/

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New theatrical shows The Savannah Children’s Theatre’s new, starting–right–now mainstage production is the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Cinderella (dates are Jan. 14–30), with Caitlin Scott as the rags-to-riches heroine, and Richie Cook (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) as the charming Prince. SCT mainstage shows are the big ones, with mixed casts of adults and young people. Production standards are set extremely high, and a good time is pretty much always had by all. See savannahchildrenstheatre.weebly. com. Or call (912) 238-9015. Elsewhere, our 2011 live theater season is cranking up big time: Savannah’s community and college playhouses are getting ready to fire up some new shows, cutting a wide swath of drama, comedy and all things in between. The Tybee Arts Association’s recent production of Steel Magnolias was so successful, they were all ready to produce an encore weekend. Sadly, one of the actresses had to pull out at the last minute, so the “new” shows - set for Jan. 21-23 - have been scrubbed. Down the road: Words Between Two Reformers: Mary McLeod Bethune and Eleanor Roosevelt, an original two–person play dramatizing a meeting between two women dedicated to social change, is onstage at 7 p.m. Jan. 22 at Armstrong

Atlantic State University. Jewell Robinson’s show features Ysaye M. Barnwell as Bethune and Linda Kenyon as Roosevelt. The next AASU Masquers show is Pearl Cleage’s Flyin’ West, March 3–12 in Jenkins Hall. There’s a production of Eve Ensler’s The Good Body at Muse Arts Warehouse Feb. 3–13 from the Drama Bums, who brought you One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest in 2010. Jim Holt’s City Lights Theatre Co. presents Jason Greenough’s A Madrigal in Moonlight Feb. 18–20 at the city S.P.A.C.E. auditorium. Bay Street Theatre has a repeat performance of The Vagina Monologues Feb. 25–27. The Collective Face’s staged reading of Agnes of God is Feb. 25 and 26 at Muse. Sharon Ott directs SCAD’s theater students in a production of Ray Bradbury’s futuristic fable Farenheit 451 March 10–13 at the Lucas Theatre; Fair Weather Productions (The Odd Couple) is doing Peter Morgan’s reality–based Frost/Nixon at Muse the first two weekends in March, directed by Grace Diaz Tootle and featuring Christopher Blair (Hedwig and the Angry Inch) as British talk show host David Frost; also coming (April 1–10) is a Savannah Community Theatre production of the classic mystery Deathtrap And Asbury Memorial is doing another splendid Gilbert & Sullivan operetta March 4–13 – it’s The Mikado. Asbury’s 2010 production of The Pirates of Penzance was an enormous hit. CS

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511 Stephenson Ave. (912) 353-8683

Country Strong, True Grit, Little Fockers, Yogi Bear, Tangled, The Tourist, The Chronicles of Narnia


1100 Eisenhower Dr. (912) 352-3533 Season of the Witch, Gulliver’s Travels, The Fighter, How Do You Know, Tron: Legacy, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

REGAL SAVANNAH 10 1132 Shawnee St. (912) 927-7700

Country Strong, True Grit, Little Fockers, Black Swan, Yogi Bear, The Tourist, The Chronicles of Narnia, Tangled


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Gulliver’s Travels, Little Fockers, Tron: Legacy, Yogi Bear, Due Date, Unstoppable, The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Hotter and the Deathly Hallows, Tangled

WYNNSONG 11 1150 Shawnee St. (912) 920-1227

Season of the Witch, The Fighter, Gulliver’s Travels, The King’s Speech, How Do You Know, Megamind, Tron: Legacy, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


425 POOLER PKWAY. (912) 330-0777

Country Strong, Season of the Witch, Gulliver’s Travels, True Grit, The Fighter, Tron: Legacy, Little Fockers, The Tourist, Yogi Bear, The Chronicles of Narnia, Tangled, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Country Strong

Jeff Bridges won an Academy Award this past year for playing a boozy country singer in Crazy Heart, but don’t expect Gwyneth Paltrow to win even so much as a People’s Choice Award for playing a similar part in Country Strong. It’s not that Paltrow is terrible – she does a valiant job trying to overcome the role’s predictable arcs through sheer force of tears and slurred words - but it’s unlikely many folks will remember a movie that for all I know might indeed be “country strong” but is most assuredly cinematically weak. Paltrow stars as country superstar Kelly Canter, who when the picture opens is being sprung from rehab a tad too early by her husband–manager James (Tim McGraw). Beau Hutton (Garrett Hedlund), an orderly at the clinic, thinks this is a mistake; luckily for all concerned, he also turns out to be an aspiring singer–songwriter, so at James’ insistence, he joins Kelly’s upcoming three–city tour to keep an eye on her as well as serve as her opening act. Also along for the ride is Chiles Stanton

(Leighton Meester), another wannabe country star who’s tasked with splitting the opening bill with Beau. From here, the movie turns into a soap–opera version of musical chairs. Beau is interested in Kelly and Chiles and songwriting. Kelly is interested in James and Beau and the bottle. Chiles is interested in Beau and James and superstardom. James is interested in Kelly and Chiles and Beau (wait, scratch that last one – this ain’t Brokeback Mountain). Consistency is hardly the strong suit of writer–director Shana Feste. Beau is constantly

screenshots | continued from previous page

The King’s Speech Arriving on the scene like so much high–minded Oscar bait, The King’s Speech is anything but a stiff–upper–lip drama as constrained as a corseted queen. It is, however, perfect film fodder for discerning audiences starved for literate entertainment. Director Tom Hooper and particularly screenwriter David Seidler manage to build a towering film from a historical footnote: the debilitating stammer that haunted Albert Frederick Arthur George (aka the Duke of York and then King George VI) since childhood and the efforts of speech therapist Lionel Logue to cure him of his affliction. The film is careful to paint in the historical details surrounding this character crisis – the support of George’s wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), the abdication of his brother Edward (Guy Pearce), the buildup toward World War II (Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill; love it!), etc. – but its best scenes are the ones centering solely on the unorthodox teacher and his quick–tempered student. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are accomplished actors on their own, but squaring off as, respectively, George VI


and Lionel Logue elevates their game. It’s no wonder that they deliver the two best male performances of the year.

True Grit It’s been well documented the the Coen Brothers’ take on True Grit isn’t a remake of the 1969 film that won John Wayne his only Academy Award but rather a more faithful adaptation of Charles Portis’ novel. That’s all well and good, but when it comes to making that Netflix rental selection, the choice will be between the two film versions. By that token, no one will lose out, as both pictures are of comparable value. Forced to choose, I’d actually go with the Duke’s at–bat, although Jeff Bridges is certainly more than capable in taking on the iconic role of boozy marshall Rooster Cogburn, hired by young Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) to track down the desperado (Josh Brolin) who murdered her pappy. Sporting a sly sense of humor different than what was brandished in the ’69 model, this True Grit mines its colorful characters for off–kilter comedy, from talkative Texas Ranger LaBoeuf (Matt Damon) to scraggly outlaw leader Ned Pepper (Barry Pepper, superbly channeling the original’s Robert Duvall). Bridges is likewise amusing and might have been even funnier if we could understand his frequently slurred dialogue. As it stands, whenever he’s talking, the picture needs English–language subtitles as desperately as Bergman’s Persona or Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai.


Let me get this straight. Dustin Hoffman deemed the script for Little Fockers so awful that he refused to participate until new scenes were written for him. And here he is now, having agreed to a revised screenplay that has him uttering lines like “You can pick your nose, but only flick the dry ones, not the wet ones.” Needless to say, that’s a long way from the likes of “Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me ... Aren’t you?” and “I’m walking here! I’m walking here!” Then again, Little Fockers is pretty much the basement for most of the accomplished actors squirming up there on the screen. Even those charitable folks (like me) who didn’t think Meet the Parents’ first sequel, Meet the Fockers, was a sign of End Times will feel the comic desperation in this outing. There’s admittedly a chuckle here and continues on p. 32


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applauded by the other characters for being one of the “few good ones,” yet the way he ping–pongs between Kelly and Chiles makes him seem like merely a randy good ole boy. Chiles begins the picture as All About Eve’s Eve Harrington before transforming into The Sound of Music’s Maria. And even for a boozehound, Kelly’s actions rarely make sense from one scene to the next (this leads to a ridiculous WTF ending that left me cold). At least the unlikely character transitions allow the actors to provide some shadings to their portrayals. Hedlund is utilized far better here than in Tron: Legacy, while McGraw’s minimalist efforts work just fine for the part of James. And in the unlikely chance this proves to be a hit, it might provide Meester (TV’s Gossip Girl) with her breakout role, considering she makes the best impression of the four leads. At almost a full two hours, the film is criminally overlong and appears to have as many false endings as The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The soundtrack includes many country tunes both old and new, but the only one that kept racing through my increasingly bored mind was Willie Nelson’s “Wake Me When It’s Over.”


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there, but they quickly get buried by painful sequences like the one in which Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) sticks a needle into father–in–law Jack Byrnes’ (Robert De Niro) erect penis, or when Greg’s young son projectile–vomits onto his dad. As in How Do You Know, Owen Wilson proves to be an unlikely saving grace, but enough is enough. This franchise has run its course and made its millions, but now it’s time for it to fock off.

by turns frightening, sensual, humorous and tragic. It’s a galvanizing picture that’s simultaneously elegant and coarse.

The FighTer

Tron: LegAcY

If the Disney–manufactured hype is to be believed, 1982’s TRON was the Gone With the Wind of its day, a Citizen Kane for the modern age, a blockbusting, award–winning blah blah blah. No. TRON was a lightly entertaining movie (and notorious box office underachiever) whose sole claim to fame was its groundbreaking, computer–generated effects. So not surprisingly, the primary focus for the makers of TRON: Legacy was to create visuals that take us to the next level. But did they have to do so at the expense of virtually every other department? Certainly, the effects in this sequel are sometimes astounding (although the 3–D immersion is less pronounced than in Avatar), and, for the first hour, the film offers no small measure of fun. As he searches for Kevin Flynn (TRON star Jeff Bridges), the father who disappeared two decades earlier, Sam Flynn (wooden Garrett Hedlund) finds himself whisked into a digital landscape fraught with danger. The setup is sound, and the early action sequences are stirring, but then the film settles into a sameness that allows viewers to focus too intently on the feeble plotting, the tired dialogue, the unfortunate performances (as the

opportunistic Zuse, Michael Sheen camps it up like a villain from the old Batman TV show) and the awful use of the character of TRON himself (returning Bruce Boxleitner). By the time this overlong feature arrives at the anticlimactic standoff between Kevin and his digital alter ego CLU (a creepily de–aged Bridges), most viewers will be wanting their quarters back.

BLAcK sWAn Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan is a messy masterpiece. Like Apocalypse Now, Eraserhead and Aronofsky’s own Requiem for a Dream, it’s one of those films that will force viewers to either reject it outright or allow it, however reluctantly, to burrow into the brain and remain there for days, weeks, months on end. It’s a character study writ large, a juicy melodrama operating at a fever pitch. And at its center is Natalie Portman in an astonishing performance that surpasses even her work in such films as

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Closer and V for Vendetta. Portman’s cast as Nina Sayers, a ballerina whose methods involve clockwork precision but leave little room for true passion. Nevertheless, her director (Vincent Cassel) decides to take a chance by casting her in the lead role of his production of Swan Lake. But in true All About Eve fashion, just as she replaced an aging star (a knockout bit by Winona Ryder), she fears being usurped by a sexy troupe newcomer (Mila Kunis). Meanwhile, the home situation is equally strained, given the fanatical devotion of her mother (an excellent Barbara Hershey, in a twist on Piper Laurie’s mad mom from Carrie). Is Nina strong enough to withstand myriad challenges, or is she on the verge of cracking up? The answers are all there, but the film is complex enough to leave wiggle room for any theories. Examining the process of suffering for one’s art in a strikingly unique manner, this psychosexual thriller is

True to form for controversial director David O. Russell (Three Kings), The Fighter takes a real–life story and turns it into a scrappy, hard–edged motion picture. Its focus is the relationship between Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg), a boxer with real potential, and his brother–trainer Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale), a boxing has–been and crack addict holding his sibling back. Micky’s manager–mom (Melissa Leo) isn’t much better in looking out for her pugilist son’s welfare, leaving it to his new girlfriend (Amy Adams) to properly guide him. The Fighter is initially so raw in its approach that it’s a shame when it becomes less Raging Bull and more Rocky IV just in time for a conventional fadeout. And while the oversized theatrics of Bale and Leo have already generated Oscar buzz, I actually prefer the more subtle earnestness of Wahlberg and especially Adams (shucking her usual sunshine beaming for an unexpected toughness).

hoW Do You KnoW

Often as likable as a frolicking puppy – and always as messy – How Do You Know is one of those pictures in which everyone is so gosh–darn charismatic that the battle – at least for the filmmakers – is already half over. When compared to writer–director James L. Brooks’ early efforts in television and cinema (Broadcast News and Mary Tyler Moore are two of the all–time greats, and Terms of Endearment and Taxi aren’t too shabby, either), this latest work is a mere trifle. But it’s a fairly clever one, with Reese

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screenshots | continued from previous page

THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER On the sliding scale of Narnia adaptations, 2008’s Prince Caspian was slightly better than 2005’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but any hope for continued ascendancy in this franchise ends with The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. A costly franchise that switched studios midstream, the Narnia series (based, of course, on C.S. Lewis’ books) has always come across as timid fantasy fare, squeezing out all the danger and intrigue inherent in the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings film cycles. Such an overly cautious approach especially nullifies the content of this torpid installment and renders it toothless – just the opposite of what we should expect from a series featuring a lion as its most powerful character. The protagonists – returning siblings Lucy and Edmund Pevensie (Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes) and obnoxious newcomer Eustace (Will Poulter) – are

The Tourist

With The Tourist, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp aren’t functioning as actors so much as they’re trying their hands at being slum lords. Hollywood royalty blessed with a substantial measure of talent, these A–list actors are merely coasting here, slumming in style as they enjoy exotic locales and continental cuisine at studio expense. The Tourist finds both stars sleepwalking through an exceedingly daft motion picture that insults moviegoer intelligence at an alarming rate. A smug and chilly Jolie stars as Elise, who’s being tracked across Europe by Scotland Yard due to her association with a wanted man named Alexander Pearce. The mysterious Pierce instructs Elise (via letter) to throw the authorities (repped by Paul Bettany) off his trail by befriending a complete stranger and making them think that he’s actually Alexander Pearce. Elise settles on Frank (a crushingly dull Depp, in a role reportedly handed first to Tom Cruise and then Sam Worthington), a vacationing math teacher who’s stunned that such a beauty would be interested in him. The ruse works too well, though, as a criminal kingpin (Steven Berkoff) also falls for the deception and thus orders his goons to kill Elise and capture Frank. The Tourist is the sort of lazy picture that relies on an absolutely unbelievable coincidence to set the whole story in motion; from there, it only grows sillier, with characters behaving in illogical ways no matter what the situation. CS

5 food &$5beverage 5 off purchase

not valid for holidays

dine in only expires 2/12/11



bruisingly boring (paging the Potter kids!), and their adventures aboard the title seafaring vessel are only slightly less moldy than their skirmishes on land.

not valid for takeouts or lobster

1 per visit

RestauRant 1651 e. VictoRy DR. saVannah • 354-7810



Witherspoon cast as Lisa, a professional softball player forced to choose between two guys: a baseball star (Owen Wilson) who’s so smitten with Lisa that he agrees to a monogamous relationship (albeit one with the occasional “anonymous sex”) and a squeaky–clean executive (Paul Rudd) being bamboozled by his corrupt dad (Jack Nicholson) into taking the fall for the old man’s illegal activities. Witherspoon and Rudd are both adorable, and Nicholson has one killer scene set inside a hospital room. Yet given the occasional blandness of the former couple’s romantic interludes and the haziness of the latter’s business dealings, the movie works best when Wilson is front and center.

Voted Best Islands Bar!

featuring 10 different drafts including 7 imports plus full bar • pool table dart Boards • all your new Music

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happy hour Mon-fri 2-7pm

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140 Johnny Mercer Blvd. / Wilmington Island 912-898-4257


submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404



Happenings www.connectsavannah.com/happenings

We reserve the right to edit or cut listings because of space limitations.

January. Please visit www.parkplaceyes.org for directions.

Hope House of Savannah

Activism & Politics Chatham County Democratic Party

For info, contact Tony Center at 912-2339696 or TonyCenter@comcast.net Chatham County Democratic Headquarters, 313 W. York St. , Savannah http://www.chathamdems.net/

Savannah Area Young Republicans

For information, visit www.savannahyoungrepublican.com or call Allison Quinn at 308-3020.

Savannah Tea Party

meets the first Monday (excluding Holidays) of each month from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the SRP offices located at 11 East 73rd Street. All persons interested in America’s Future are invited. Contact Marolyn Overton at 912-598-7358 for additional info.

Benefits All in for the Tybee Theater

Get a chance to win big and help restore the Tybee Theater at the same time. $25/person includes lunch a trip on the Diamond Casino boat. First 50 tickets sold receive VIP goody bag. Tickets are on sale at the Crab Shack and the Desoto Beach Hotel. For more info, visit: www.tybeegoesallin.eventbrite.com

Boys and Girls Club Breakfast Fundraiser

$10 plates include pancakes, bacon, coffee, orange juice, homemade biscuits and gravy, and more. Bloody Marys available for $5. Proceeds benefit the Frank Callen Boys and Girls Club. January 16, 8-11am. Moon River Brewing Co. 21 W. Bay St. www. moonriverbrewing.com

Canned Food and Supply Drive

Park Place Outreach, youth emergency shelter is in need of canned food and household supplies. Household items needed include, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, fabric softer, paper towel and toilet paper. Donations accepted through

A nonprofit housing program for homeless women and their children. Hope House is requesting donation of new or gently used furniture for its transitional housing program, Peeler House. Pick-up can be arranged and a tax deductible letter will be provided. Call 236-5310.

Life Jackets for Safe Kids

Safe Kids Savannah is accepting new and gently used life jackets that will be available for loan at popular boat ramps as part of their “Kids Don’t Float” campaign. There are several locations life jackets can be dropped off, including County Aquatic Center, the JEA and the Habersham YMCA. For more info visit www.safekidssavannah.org

Rape Crisis Center Incest Survivor’s Group

As part of its ongoing work with incest survivors, the Rape Crisis Center has built a cinder-block wall where incest survivors can throw plates as an anger management technique. In order to continue, donations of china are needed. Call 233-3000 to make a donation.

Wesley’s Love Walk/Run

a fundraiser to benefit Wesley Community Centers of Savannah, Inc. Saturday, February 12, 2011 in Forsyth park. 5 K run kicks off at 7:45am. Pre and post rallies, silent auction (payment due at event), door prizes, fellowship, and food. (912) 236-4226. www. wesleyctrs-savh.org or active.com

Call for Entries Audition: “Deathtrap”

Auditions for the part of Clifford Anderson - a young studly upstart playwright with winning confidence - in the thriller “Deathtrap.” Looking for actors ages 21-40. Presented by the Savannah Community Theatre. Show dates - April 1-10, 2011. The audition will be held by 15-minute appointment from January 3-14. Call 912247-4644.

HUGe eSTATe AUCTiON January 16th at 1pm Preview Saturday, January 15th, from 11am-4pm For more info, visit bullstreetauctions.com

Coming Soon: Huge imported rug Auction on Jan. 23rd @ 1pm

Bull Street Auctions

2819 Bull Street (behind Maggie’s Antiques) · 443-9353 Always accepting quality consignments Auction Co. License #AU-C002680

Call for Artists - “For the Record”

There is an open call for artists interested in participating in a show called “For the Record” taking place Feb 8-12, 2011. Submission fee of $25 gets each artist 15 vinyl records to use in producing a piece of art that will appear in the show. No rules. Deadline for record pick up is January 14. Deadline for final work is Feb. 1. Email: thebrainchild@mac.com for more info.

Interns wanted

The Wooden Sheep is now accepting applications for interns. Background in architecture, design, fibers and/or fashion required. For more info contact: Woodensheepsav@ gmail.com or stop in Monday-Friday 10am5pm at 10 West Liberty St.

The old Hotel Tybee

Harry Spirides is collecting stories and photos from the old Hotel Tybee, which stood on the island from the late 1880s until its destruction in 1960. He’s working on a book about the historic establishment. Anyone with memories, memorabilia or anything else related to the hotel is asked to contact: hoteltybeebook@oceanplaza. com or call 912-786-7777.

Volunteer Tax Prep Assistance

The City of Savannah is hosting several Volunteer Tax Preparation Assistance (VITA) sites from January 18 thru April 15, 2011. Volunteers will be trained with Internal Revenue Service tax materials to help people whose incomes are $52,000 or less with their federal and state of Georgia individual income tax returns. For more info about the service or volunteering, call 912-447-5577.

Classes, Camps & Workshops $1 Gymnastics Class

Coach Wayne teaches gymnastics in the Savannah Mall every Saturday. Introductory class is $1. www.coachwayne.com, or call 912-925-0800.


jerseys $39.95 (compare @ $110 @ the mall)

Art Classes

Experimental and classical art. Draw and paint figurative or abstract. Choose the technique which interests you the most. Lean about other artists and art history. The teacher is a former art professor with two masters in art and 20 years of experience in teaching art. contact: 912-604-3281

Art,-Music, Piano and Voice-coaching

For all age groups, beginners through advanced, classic, modern, jazz improvisation and theory. Serious inquiries only. 961-7021 or 667-1056.

Beading Classes

Learn jewelry-making techniques from beginner to advanced at Bead Dreamer Studio, 407A E. Montgomery Cross Rd. Call 920-6659. Bead Dreamer Studio, Savannah http://www.beaddreamer.com/

Coastal Savannah Writing Project

The CSWP will hold a series of “Super Strategy Saturdays,” designed to help area teachers improve their literacy teaching skills. 1/29: Digital storytelling strategies. 2/26: Memoir Writing & Reading Strategies. 3/26: Spring Strategies Conference for K-12 teachers. $25 per session or $60 for three sessions. A registration form is available at www.cswp.armstrong.edu.

Conversational Spanish

Do you want to practice your Spanish? Come to the mesa de espanol the second Thursday and last Friday of the month at 4:30 p.m. For information, e-mail cafecontigo@gmail.com. The Sentient Bean, 13 East Park Ave. , Savannah

Creating high performing teams for nonprofits

Learn how to create a cooperative workplace that will help your organization achieve its goals. Thurs., Jan. 27, 1-4pm at the United Way Building, 428 Bull St. Adv reg req’d. Limited scholarships are available. $90 for GCN members; $130 for nonmembers. Contact the Georgia Center for Nonprofits at (912) 234-9688 for more info.

Creative Energy Workshops

Tools & ideas on how to create daily rituals in your life to feel good being you 24/7. Perfect for any age!Bring a friend and receive $5 off each of your workshop fees.



DUI Prevention Group

Offers victim impact panels for intoxicated drivers, DUI, DWI, offenders, and anyone seeking to gain knowledge about the dangers of driving impaired. A must see for teenage drivers seeking a drivers license for the first time or teenage drivers who already received a license. The group meets once a month and the cost is $30.00. For more info: 912-443-0410.

Family Law Workshop

A 2-hour course for those representing themselves in a family legal action. 1st Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm. The fee is $20 and provides forms and assistance in the filing of divorce, child custody modifications, legitimations or contempt legal actions. Pre-registration is recommended. For info: www.mediationsavannah.com or call 912-465-6686.

Fany’s Spanish/English Institute

Spanish is fun. Classes for adults and children are held at 15 E. Montgomery Cross Rd. Call 921-4646 or 220-6570 to register. Savannah

German Classes

Ongoing classes for beginners and experienced adults. We read, learn and talk. Everybody who likes to learn German is welcome and will have a lot of fun. Individual training and translations are available too. For more info, please call: 912-604 3281

Guitar, Bass & Double Bass Lessons

New to the area teacher with 10+ years experience has available openings for all beginner/intermediate students. Studio located 2 blocks from Daffin Park. Call 401-255-6921 to schedule a 1/2 price first lesson!

Guitar, mandolin and bass lessons

Guitar, mandolin or bass guitar lessons. emphasis on theory, reading music and improvisation. Located in Ardsley Park. 912-232-5987

Housing Authority Neighborhood Resource Center

The Housing Authority of Savannah hosts a series of regular classes at the Neighborhood Resource Center. 1407 Wheaton Street. Adult literacy/GED prep: MonThurs, 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm. Financial education: 4th Fri of month, 9-11am. Basic Computer training: Tues & Thurs, 1-3pm. Community Computer lab: Mon-Fri, 34:30pm. For more info: 912-232-4232 x115 or www.savannahpha.com

Mindfulness Meditation Class

Instruction in mindfulness stress reduction meditation. Group practice with time for questions and comments. Wednesdays, 7:15-8:15pm. Yoga Co-op Savannah. 2424 Drayton St. $13/class (less with membership). www.yogacoopsavannah.com or 912-429-7264.

Music Lessons

New “mommy and me” music classes starting in Nov. Certified teacher with BA in Music Education. New classes offered for students ages 6 months-5 years. Private

lessons also available for piano, woodwinds, brass, beginner guitar, and more! Contact Ms. Amy at msamyschoolofmusic@ gmail.com or at 912-659-0993.

New Horizons Adult Band Program

A music program for adults who played a band instrument in high school or college and would like to have the opportunity to begin playing again. Dust off your instrument every Monday night at Portman’s Music Store (Abercorn) at 6:30p.m. The cost is $30.00 per month. All ages and ability levels are welcome. Contact Pamela Kidd at 912-354-1500 for more info.

Savannah Entrepreneurial Center

Offering a variety of business classes. Call 652-3582. Savannah Entrepreneurial Center, 801 E. Gwinnett Street , Savannah

Savannah Heritage Emergency Response Workshop

Full day workshop on insurance and appraisal of cultural heritage collections, targeted to museums, galleries, historic houses and libraries. January 18, 2011, at the Metropolitan Planning Commission, 112 E. State St. Registration 8:30-9:30, Programs 9:30-3:30. $25. Contact: Beth Reiter, 912-234-9398; reitlatt@comcast.net for more info.

SCAD Community Workshops

SCAD offers a series of creative continuing education programs open to the community. Classes include web design, painting, glass blowing and many other subjects. Classes run at various times through midMarch 2011. For more info on the schedule and registration, visit www.scad.edu/ce or call 912-525-5123.

Starfish Cafe Culinary Arts Training Program

This 14-week full-time program is designed to provide work training and employment opportunities in the food service industry, including food preparation, food safety and sanitation training, customer service training and job search and placement assistance. Call Ms. Musheerah Owens 912-234-0525 ext.1506 The Starfish Cafe, 711 East Broad Street , Savannah http://www.thestarfishcafe.org/

Telfair Community Art Classes

Telfair Museums Studio Art Classes start January 10 and run through March 10, 2011. There are classes for kids and adults. Discount on registration for museum members. Visit www.telfair.org or call 912-7908823 for more info, or to register.

Savannah Learning Center Spanish Classes

Be bilingual. Call 272-4579. e-mail savannahlatina@yahoo.com or visit www. savannahlatina.com. Free folklore classes also are offered on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Savannah Learning Center, 7160 Hodgson Memorial Dr. , Savannah

continues on p. 36


Workshops take place on Tybee Island. Each workshop is $30 or $75 for all three. Sun, Jan 15 4-6:30pm or Mon, Jan 16 79:30pm. Call/Email for location and details. 917-676-4280 trickydame@gmail.com


happenings | continued from page 34 | Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404



HAPPENINGS | continued from page 35


tasty meveryusic week in

Sound board Available only in

Clubs & Organizations Avegost LARP

Live action role playing group that exists in a medieval fantasy realm. Generally meets on the second weekend of the month. Free for your first event or if you’re a non-player character. $35 fee for returning characters. Email: Kaza Ayersman, godzillaunknown@gmail.com or visit www. avegost.com

Buccaneer Region SCCA

is the local chapter of the Sports Car Club of America. It hosts monthly solo/autocross driving events in the Savannah area. Anyone with a safe car, insurance and a valid driver’s license is eligible to participate. Visit http://buccaneerregion. org/solo.html.

Coastal MINIs

Local MINI Cooper owners and enthusiasts who gather on the first Sunday of the month at 10 a.m. to go on motoring adventures together. Visit coastalminis.com. Starbucks, Victory Drive and Skidaway Road , Savannah

Coastal Readers & Writers Circle

A Creative Writing and Reading discussion group that meets the 3rd Sunday of every month, 3:30-5pm at the new Savannah Mall Branch Library. Bring: Passages from any of your writing that you would like to read and passages from a book, publication, or production that you would like to share with the group. www. TellingOurStoriesPress.com for more information

Energy Healers

Meets every Monday at 6pm. Meditation and healing with energy. Discuss aromatherapy, chakra systems and more. Call 912-695-2305 for more info. http://www. meetup.com/SavannahEnergyHealers/

Historic Savannah Chapter of ABWA

Meets the second Thursday of every month from 6-7:30 p.m. The cost is the price of the meal. RSVP to 660-8257. Tubby’s Tank House, 2909 River Dr , Thunderbolt

Knitters, Needlepoint and Crochet

Every Wed. 5:00PM at My House Consignments & More, 206 W. Broughton St. No fees. Wanna learn? We love to show what we know. Many different levels get together in the store. Talk, knit, share have fun! Call 912-236-4111

Low Country Turners

This is a club for wood-turning enthusiasts. Call Hank Weisman at 786-6953.

Military Order of the Purple Heart Ladies Auxiliary

Meets the first Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. Call 786-4508. American Legion Post 184, 1 Legion Dr. , Savannah

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

Join other moms for fun, inspiration, guest speakers, food and creative activities while children ages birth to 5 are cared for in a preschool-like setting. Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9:15-11:30 am Call 8980869 and 897-6167 or visit www.mops.org. First Baptist Church of the Islands, 6613 Johnny Mercer Blvd , Savannah http:// www.fbcislands.com/

Natl Assoc. of Women in Construction

The Coastal Georgia chapter hosts its monthly meeting on Jan. 24 from 5:307pm at the Exchange Tavern on Waters Ave near the intersection with Stephenson Ave. There will be two guest speakers.

$20/members, $25/non-members, $5 for those who don’t plan to eat. RSVP to tricia@elkinsconstructors.com

Old Time Radio Researcher’s Group

International fan and research group devoted to preserving and distributing oldtime radio broadcasts from 1926 to 1962. Send e-mail to Jim Beshires at beshiresjim@yahoo.com or visit www.otrr.org.

Richmond Hill Roadies Running Club

A chartered running club of the Road Runners Association of America. For a nominal annual fee, members will receive monthly training sessions and seminars and have weekly runs of various distances. Kathy Ackerman,756-5865 or Billy Tomlinson 596-5965.

Rogue Phoenix Sci-Fi Fantasy Club

Members of Starfleet International and The Klingon Assault Group meet twice a month, on the first Sunday at 4 pm. at 5429 LaRoche Ave and the third Tuesday at Super King Buffet, 10201 Abercorn Street at 7:30 p.m. Call 308-2094, email kasak@comcast.net or visit www.roguephoenix.org. Savannah

Safe Kids Savannah

Safe Kids Savannah, a coalition dedicated to preventing childhood injuries, holds a meeting on the second Tuesday of every month from 11:30am-1pm. Visit www. safekidssavannah.org or call 912-3533148 for more info

Savannah Adventure Club

Dedicated to pursuing adventures, both indoors and outdoors, throughout the Low country and beyond. Activities include sailing, camping, skydiving, kayaking, hiking, tennis, volleyball, and skiing, in addition to regular social gatherings. Free to join. Email savannahadventureclub@ gmail.com or visit www.savannahadventureclub.com

Savannah Area Sacred Harp Singers

The public is invited to come and sing early American music and folk hymns from the shape note tradition. This non-denominational community musical activity emphasizes participation, not performance. Songs are from The Sacred Harp, an oblong songbook first published in 1844. Call 655-0994.

Savannah Art Association

The non-for profit art association, the Southeast’s oldest, is currently taking applications for membership. The SAA offers workshops, community programs, exhibition opportunities, and an artistic community full of diverse and creative people from all ages, mediums, and skill levels. Please call 912-232-7731 for more info.

Savannah Brewers’ League

Meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Call 447-0943 or visit www. hdb.org and click on Clubs, then Savannah Brewers League. Moon River Brewing Co., 21 W. Bay St. , Savannah

Savannah Council, Navy League of the United States

A dinner meeting held the fourth Tuesday of each month (except December) at 6 p.m. at the Hunter Club. Call John Findeis at 748-7020. Hunter Army Airfield, 525 Leonard Neat St , Savannah http://www. stewart.army.mil/

Savannah Fencing Club

Beginner classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings for six weeks. Fees are $40. Some equipment is provided. After completing the class, you may become a

ing women in aviation. regular meetings are held once a month and new members are welcome. visit www.southernwingz. com

come meet the local chapter of the guardian angels on the 1st monday of every month from 7pm-9pm at elite martial arts in pooler,ga. free snacks and drinks and info on the guardian angels. for more info:www.savannahguardianangels.com

savannah Jaycees

Knit and crochet gathering held each tuesday evening, 5pm-8pm all skill levels welcome. free spinning fiber into yarn group meets the first monday of each month at 1pm. Wild fibre, 6 east liberty street (near bull st.) call for info: 912238-0514

savannah newcomers Club

storytelling is one of the fastest growing past times in america! savannah needs an informal group where people interested in telling their stories can come and perform, get feedback, and make friends. the first meeting will be at the sentient bean on sun., Jan 23 at 5pm. email to rsvp: thebulldawgbite@yahoo.com

savannah guardian angels


meeting and information session held the 1st tuesday of every month at 6pm to discuss upcoming events and provide an opportunity for those interested in joining the Jaycees to learn more. must be 21-40 years old to join the chapter. 101 atlas st. 912-353-7700 or www.savannahjaycees. com Jaycee building, savannah

story savannah

open to all women who have been in the savannah area for less than two years. membership includes a monthly luncheon and program and, in addition, the club hosts a variety of activities, tours and events that will assist you in learning about savannah and making new friends. call 351-3171.

tarde en espanol

savannah parrot head Club

love a laid-back lifestyle? beach, buffet and no dress code. check out savannahphc.com for the events calendar or e-mail Wendy Wilson at Wendyq1053@yahoo.com.

savannah sunrise rotary Club

meets thursdays from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at the first city club. 32 bull st , savannah http://www.savannahsunriserotary.org/

savannah toastmasters

helps you improve speaking and leadership skills in a friendly and supportive environment on mondays at 6:15 p.m. at memorial health university medical center, conference room c. 484-6710. memorial health university medical center, 4700 Waters avenue , savannah

savannah Wine Lovers

a sometimes formal group that also sometimes just gets together to drink wine. visit http://groups.google.com/ group/savannah-wine-lovers.

savannah Writers group

meets the second and fourth tuesdays at 7pm at books a million to discuss, share and critique writing of fiction or non-fiction novels, essays or short stories. a meet-and-greet precedes the meeting at 6:30pm. contact carol north, 912-9208891. 8108 abercorn st , savannah

savannah Writers group

meets the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in different locations to practice spoken spanish in a casual environment. 236-8566.

the 13th Colony patriots

a tea party group that meets the 13th of each month at logan’s road house at 6pm. 11301 abercorn st. open to the public. dedicated to the preservation of the united states constitution and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all americans. www.13thcolonypatriots.com or call 912-596-5267.

the peacock guild

a literary society for bibliophiles and writers. monthly meetings for the Writer’s salon are held on first tuesday and the book club meets on the third tuesday. all meetings start at 7:30 p.m. at meet at 207 e. charlton st (flannery o’connor’s childhood home). call 233-6014, facebook peacock guild or email peacockguild@ googlegroups.com for more info.

the philo Cafe

a weekly discussion group that meets from 7:30pm-9pm at books-a-million, 8108 abercorn st., each monday. anyone craving some good conversation is invited to drop by. no cost. for more info, email athenapluto@yahoo.com or look up the philo cafe on facebook.

theremin/electronic music enthusiasts a club for enthusiasts of electronic music and instruments, including the theremin, synths, mooger foogers, jam sessions, playing techniques, compositions, gigs, etc. philip neidlinger, theremin@neidlinger.us.

hosts professor and critic carey murphy who will discuss the link between reading and creative writing as well as share insights about what critics look for in writing. Jan. 25, 7pm. books-a-million, 8108 abercorn st.

victorian neighborhood association

meets at the savannah mall at the soft play mondays from 11-12 and thursdays from 10-11. activities include songs, stories, crafts, and games for young children and their caregivers. free, no registration, drop-ins welcome. call trinity lutheran church for details 912-925-3940 or email Kellybringman@gmail.com savannah mall,

meets monthly at the american legion post 135, 1108 bull st. call James crauswell at 927-3356. savannah

son-shine hour

southern Wings

local chapter of Women in aviation international. it is open to men and women in the region who are interested in support-

meets the 2nd tuesday of every month, at the american legion hall located at 1108 bull street. for more info visit the vna website at: vna.club.officelive.com

2for1 Lunch or Dinner

Second entree must be equal or lesser value. Offer excludes filet mignon & lobster. Coupon not valid with any other offer. Dine-in only. Valid for parties of 6 or less. One coupon per couple. Expires 01/21/11. 17% gratuity added to entire check.

One North Lincoln Street at East River Street • 651-9660

Conservatory for the Performing Arts

3000 Bee Rd · Savannah GA · Questions: 912-352-8366 Quality Arts Instruction at Affordable Rates Piano - Guitar - Visual Arts - Vocal $25.00 Registration Fee · $60.00 ten weeks of lessons Classes begin January 18th, 2010 salvationarmy.org


Buy 1, get 1 for $1 trivia on Wednesdays! PBr street gang KaraoKe is BacK!

vietnam veterans of america Chapter 671

dance abeni Cultural arts Dance Classes

classes for multiple ages in the art of performance dance and adult fitness dance. styles include african, modern, ballet, Jazz, tap, contemporary, & gospel. classes are held monday through continues on p. 38


37 Whitaker St DoWntoWn Savannah 912.443.9956


member of the savannah fencing club for $5 per month. experienced fencers are welcome to join. call 429-6918 or send email to savannahfencing@aol.com.


happenings | continued from page 36


happenings | continued from page 37



Friday at the St. Pius X Family Resource Center. Classes start at $25.00 per month. For more information call 912-631-3452 or 912-272-2797. Ask for Muriel or Darowe. E-mail: abeniculturalarts@gmail.com St. Pius Family Resource Center,

Adult Intermediate Ballet

Mondays & Wednesdays, 7 - 8pm, $12 per class or 8 classes for $90. Class meets year round. (912) 921-2190 The Academy of Dance, 74 West Montgomery Crossroads

African Dance & Drum

Learn the rhythms of West Africa with instructor Aisha Rivers. Classes are held every Sunday - drums at 4pm, dance at 5pm Rhythms of West Africa, 607 W. 37th St. , Savannah http://www.ayoluwa.org/

Argentine Tango

Lessons Sundays 1-3:30pm. Open to the public. Cost $3.00 per person. Wear closed toe leather soled shoes if available. For more information call 912-925-7416 or email savh_tango@yahoo.com. Doris Martin Dance Studio, 8511-h Ferguson Ave. ,

Auditions for Cinderella

Columbia City Ballet will hold auditions on Sun., Jan. 23, for its upcoming performance of Cinderella. Auditions begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Savannah Civic Center. Audition fee: $10. 5-6pm - dancers ages 6-9. 6-7pm - dancers ages 10&up. CC Ballet has an audition dress code. Call for more info: 803799-7605 or 800-899-7408.

Ballroom Dance Party

Frank G. Murray Community Center, 160 Whitemarsh Island Rd., Jan. 22, 2011. Waltz lesson starts at 7 PM. Social dance from 8:00-10:30 PM. Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Beginners and singles are welcome. Call 308-9222 for more info.

Beginners Belly Dance Classes

Instructed by Nicole Edge. Every Sunday, Noon-1PM, Tantra Lounge, 8 E. Broughton St., 231-0888. Every Thursday, 7PM-8PM, Fitness Body and Balance Studio 2127 1/2 E. Victory Dr., 398-4776 kleokatt@gmail. com or www.cairoonthecoast.com

| Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 Beginners Belly Dancing with Cybelle

The perfect class for those with little to no dance background. Cybelle has been formally trained and has been performing for over a decade. Tues: 6-7pm & Thurs: 7-8pm. Visit www.cybelle3.com. For info: cybelle@cybelle3.com or call 912-414-1091 Private classes are also available. Walk-ins are welcome.

C.C. Express Dance Team

Meets every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. at the Windsor Forest Recreation Building. Clogging or tap dance experience is necessary for this group. Call Claudia Collier at 748-0731. Windsor Forest Recreation Building, Savannah

Ceili Club

Experience Irish Culture thru Irish social dancing. No partner or experience needed. Learn the basics of Irish Ceili dancing. 7176 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Mondays at 7:30 p.m. For more info email PrideofIrelandGA@gmail.com.

Pole Dancing Class

Beginners pole dance offered Wednesdays 8pm, Level II Pole Dance offered Monday 8pm, $22/1 class, $70/4 classes, pre-registration required. Learn pole dance moves and spins while getting a full body workout. Also offering Pole Fitness Classes Monday & Wednesday 11am. For more info: www. fitnessbodybalance.com or 912-398-4776. Nothing comes off but your shoes. Fitness Body & Balance Studio, 2127 1/2 Victory Dr. ,

2011 membership thru Feb 15. For info: Call 927-4784 or 398-8784 or visit Facebook/Savannah Dance Club Doubles Lounge, 7100 Abercorn St. ,

Events Critz Tybee Run - 5K and Half-Marathon

Salsa Classes

February 5, 8am. Benefits the Savannah Community Foundation and student scholarships. Race starts at 15th Street. Online pre-registration available. www.critztybeerun.com

Salsa Lessons

An afternoon of music, with homemade scones and sweet tea. Saturdays and Sundays, 1-3pm. $30/person. Limited seating. Reservations required. Call Diana Rogers: 912-236-2866 or email: DianaInSavannah@ yahoo.com

Learn Salsa “Rueda de Casino” style every Wednesday, from 6-7pm Beginner, 7-8pm Intermediate, at the Delaware Recreation Center, 1815 Lincoln St. Grace, 234-6183 or Juan, 330-5421. Delaware Recreation Center, Savannah Offered Saturdays 11:30am-1pm. $10.00 per class. Packages prices also available. Contact Kelly 912-398-4776 or www. fitnessbodybalance.com

Music in the Parlour with Diana

Ossabaw Island Foundation Annual Meeting

Meet every Thursday from 6-8 p.m. at Nassau Woods Recreation Building on Dean Forest Road. No beginner classes are being held at this time, however help will be available for those interested in learning. Call Claudia Collier at 748-0731. Nassau Woods Recreation Building, Savannah

Salsa Lessons

Salsa Savannah offers beginner and intermediate salsa lessons on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at several locations. For more info, contact: salsasavannah@gmail.com, or call 856-7323. www. salsasavannah.com

Thurs. January 13, 6:30p.m. at the Coastal Georgia Center, 305 N. Fahm St. Armstrong President Dr. Linda Bleicken and museums consultant Dr. Deborah Mack will speak on science, technology, and African American history projects on Ossabaw Island. Two short films on the historic Genesis Project will wrap up the one hour meeting. Info: 912-233-5104, or www.ossabawisland.org.

Glor na h’Eireann cultural arts studio is offering beginner to champion Irish Dance classes for ages 5 and up, Adult Step & Ceili, Strength & Flexibility, non-competitive and competition programs, workshops and camps. TCRG certified. For more info contact PrideofIrelandGA@gmail.com or 912-704-2052.

Tuesdays at Tantra (8 E. Broughton St.), lessons from 7-9pm, open dancing 9pm1am. Thursday at Saya (109 W. Broughton St.), lessons from 7-8pm, open dancing 911pm. Bachata lessons at Saya Thursdays from 8-9pm. For more info: www.salsasavannah.com, 912-704-8726.

Open House on Saturday, Feb. 5, 8am2pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium on the Armstrong campus, 11935 Abercorn St. Info about scholarships, financial aid, admission requirements, degree programs, student life and other services and programs offered at Armstrong.

Shag music every Wednesday, 7pm, at Doubles Lounge, 7100 Abercorn St. and every Friday, 7 pm, at American Legion Post 36, 2309 E. Victory Dr.

SEC is hosting an open house at their new office, located at 149 Habersham St. on January 31, 5-7pm. They provide college counseling for juniors and seniors in high school, and counseling and life coaching for children, adolescents, and adults with Learning Disabilities

Home Cookin’ Cloggers

Irish Dance Classes

Mahogany Shades of Beauty Inc.

offers dance classes, including hip hop, modern, jazz, West African, ballet, lyrical and step, as well as modeling and acting classes. All ages and all levels are welcome. Call Mahogany B. at 272-8329.

Modern Dance Class

Classes for beginner and intermediate levels. Fridays 10-11:15am. Doris Martin Studio, 7360 Skidaway Rd. For more info, call Elizabeth 912-354-5586.

Salsa Savannah

Savannah Shag Club

The Savannah Dance Club

The Savannah Dance Club hosts Magnificent Mondays from 6:15-11 p.m. FREE basic Shag and/or West Coast Swing lessons each Monday. Lesson schedule posted at Facebook/Savannah Dance Club. Dance lessons 6:15-7:45pm. Special discount on

Pirate Preview Open House

Savannah Educational Consultants

Step Up Poverty Simulation

Jan. 20: The simulation is open to the public and will take place from 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Savannah State University,

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We specialize in birthday parties!


118 East Broughton St. 234-6168

happenings | continued from page 38

The Armstrong Center is available for meetings, seminars, workshops or social events. Classrooms, meeting space, auditorium and 6000-square-foot ballroom. 344-2951. Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah

Film & Video Psychotronic Film Society

Hosts weekly screenings every Wednesday, 8pm, at the Sentient Bean. Offering up a selection of films so bad they are good, cult classics and other rarities. For upcoming schedule visit: www.sentientbean.com

Reel Savannah

Hosts screenings of critically acclaimed independent films from around the world at Victory Square Cinemas, 1901 E. Victory Dr. For schedule and more info, visit www. reelsavannah.org

Savannah Jewish Film Festival

Passes are on sale for the 2011 SJFF, which takes place from Jan. 29-Feb. 6, 2011. Full week passes are available for $50/JEA Members and $65 for non-members. Individual tickets for screenings will be available at each screening. For more info, including schedule: www.savj.org or call 912-355-8111.

Fitness A New Kung Fu School: Ving Tsun

VING TSUN (Wing Chun) is the world’s fastest growing martial arts style. Using angles and leverage to turn an attacker’s strength against them makes VING TSUN Kung Fu effective for everyone. Call Sifu Michael Sampson to find out about our free trial classes 912-429-9241. 11202 White Bluff Road. Drop Ins welcome. Savannah

Adult Dance & Fitness Class

Adult program featuring Beginner & Intermediate Ballet; BarreCore Body Sculpt; Barre Fusion; Gentle Tone & Stretch. Beginner through Advanced - something for everyone. Call for class times and info: 912-925-0903. The Ballet School, 10010 Abercorn St in Picadilly Square. www. theballetschoolsav.com

Belly Drills

Belly Drill your body with Cybelle. This is an intense dance workout utilizing basic bellydance moves. Geared to all levels of ability. Dance your way to a better sense of well being. Bring water bottle. Thurs: 6-7pm. Visit www.cybelle3.com. For info: cybelle@cybelle3.com or call 912-4141091. Walk-ins welcome.

Bellydancing for fun and fitness

The most fun class you’ve ever taken to get you in the best shape in the least amount of time. We provide bright colorful veils, jangling coin hip scarves, and exotic music. Every Wednesday, 6:30pm. $15 drop-in or $40 for four classes. Call 912660-7399 or email ConsistentIntegrity@ yahoo.com


The Armstrong Center

Boot Camp 2011

6 week indoor bootcamp. Times Available: Mon-Fri: 6:00pm, Sat: 10:00am. Each Boot Camp Session is 1 hour long. All sessions are conducted by a Certified Personal Trainer. 3 session/week for 6weeks: $180.00. 2 sessions/week for 6 weeks: $145.00. www.fitnessbodybalance. com or 912-398-4776.


Crunch Lunch

30 minute Core and ABs concentration class. Offered 11:30am & 12:15pm Mon, Wed & Fri @ Fitness Body & Balance 2127 1/2 East Victory Dr. www.fitnessbodybalance.com 912-398-4776.


King-Frazier Student Center. Participants assume the roles of families living in poverty. The goal of each family is to survive for one month, which takes place in four 15-minute “weeks.” For info, contact Shawnte Tyler: 912-232-6747 or styler@ stepupsavannah.org.

Curvy Girl Bootcamp

Exercise class assisting women of size to reach their fitness goal. Every Tues & Thurs, 6-7pm. Lake Mayer Community Center. $70 a month or $10 per session. For more info call 912-341-7710 www. preservethecurves.com/curvycamp

Fertility Yoga

Ongoing series of 6-week sessions of Fertility Yoga are held on Tuesdays, 6-7:15PM at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Dr. Participants relax and gain more confidence about themselves and their body on the journey toward parenthood. The instructor is Ann Carroll. Cost is $100 for the 6 week session. Please call Ann, 7047650 or e-mail carroll3620@bellsouth.net for info.

Fitness Classes at the JEA

Spin, firm it up, yoga, Pilates, water aerobics, Aquasize, senior fitness, and Zumba. Prices vary. Call for days and times. 355-8111. Jewish Educational Alliance, 5111 Abercorn St , Savannah http://www. savj.org/

Marathon and Half-Marathon Training

Join the Savannah Striders training program for the upcoming Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon & 1/2 Marathon. All level of runners and walkers welcome. Free orientation mtg: Thurs., Jan. 20, 7 p.m. at the Exchange Restaurant meeting room. 6710 Waters Ave. For more info, call 912-6311532 or go to www.savystrider.com

Mommy and Baby Yoga Classes

Mondays, 10-11am (crawlers and toddlers) and 11:30-12:45 (infants and precrawlers) at the Savannah Yoga Center. The cost is $14 per class. Multi-class discounts are available. Walk-ins welcome. Call 232-2994 or visit www.savannahyoga. com. Savannah Yoga Center, 1321 Bull St. , Savannah http://www.savannahyoga. com/

Pilates Mat Classes

Mat classes are held Tues & Thurs 7:30am-8:30am, Mon 1:30pm-2:30pm, Mon & Wed 5:30pm-6:30pm, Thurs 12:30pm-1:30pm, & Sat 9:30am-10:30am. All levels welcome! Private and SemiPrivate classes are by appointment only. Carol Daly-Wilder, Certified Pilates Instructor. Call 912.238-0018 Momentum Pilates Studio, 310 E. 41st St , http://savannahpilates.com/

Pregancy Yoga

Ongoing series of 8-week sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 6-7:15 PM at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Pre-natal yoga helps mothers-to-be prepare for a more mindful approach to the challenges of pregnancy, labor & delivery. Cost is $100 for 8 weeks. Call Ann Carroll at 912-704-7650 e-mail ann@aikyayoga. com. continues on p. 40


answers on page 44

For this “Greater-Than Sudoku,” I’m not givin’ you ANY numbers to start off with! Adjoining squares in the grid’s 3x3 boxes have a greater-than sign (>) telling you which of the two numbers in those squares is larger. Fill in every square with a number from 1–9 using the greater-than signs as a guide. When you’re done, as in a normal Sudoku, every row, column, and 3x3 box will contain the numbers 1–9 exactly one time. (Solving hint: try to look for the 1’s and 9’s in each box first, then move on to the 2’s and 8’s, and so on). psychosudoku@hotmail.com

happenings | continued from page 39


Rolf Method Bodywork

For posture, chronic pain and alignment of body/mind/spirit. Jeannie Kelley, LMT, certified advanced Rolf practitioner. www. islandsomatherapy.com, 843-422-2900. Island Somatherapy, 127 Abercorn Street , Savannah

Squats N’ Tots

Stretch and strengthen overused body parts, as well as focus on muscle endurance, low impact aerobics, and abdominal work. Your baby (age 6 weeks to one year) can get in on the fun, or simply stay close to you on your mat. Call to pre-register 912819-6463. St. Joseph’s/Candler Center for Well Being,



The Yoga Room

Visit www.thesavannahyogaroom.com or call 898-0361 for a schedule of classes, times and fees. Savannah Yoga Room, 115 Charlotte Dr , Savannah

Yoga for Cancer Patients and Survivors

“The Big 500”— in honor of my 500th Jonesin’ puzzle

Free for people with cancer and cancer survivors. 6.30 p.m., Tuesdays and 12:10 p.m., Thursdays, FitnessOne, 3rd floor of the Center for Advanced Medicine, Memorial University Medical Center. Call 912-3509031.


©2010 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)

Burn up to 500 calories per hour. Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm, at the Lake Mayer Community Center. $5/class. For info, call 912-652-6782 or email segodfre@ chathamcounty.org


Gay & Lesbian

by matt Jones | Answers on page 44

1 “Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky” painter 11 Former Israeli prime minister Olmert 15 Gershwin musical that featured “Fascinating Rhythm” 16 Poi base 17 Quantity just enough to fill a donut box, perhaps 18 Bust a gut 19 1990s TV character with a notable yell 20 Early 1800’s prime minister of France 22 Advanced theological degree: abbr. 23 Make out, to a Brit 25 Reading on a tire: abbr. 26 Numbers posted on pumps 32 Bass hook-up 35 Augustus’s time 36 Jazz pianist Tatum 37 Drive-thru visitor 38 It’s a little over a yard 39 Realtor’s official gp. 40 Yell out 41 Miss in a cantina 42 Compass dir. 43 Article in Der Spiegel? 44 Like some magical practitioners 45 Gridiron measurements: abbr. 46 Search for gold 47 Enticing request 48 Beach policemen, for short 49 It flows through Ethiopia and Sudan 51 Coup d’___ 52 Send a schoolyard note for 53 Reason for sunglasses 54 Pitcher known as “Sal the Barber” 57 Additives to some hot dogs 60 Plays the ukulele 61 Omen 62 Surface shine 63 Takes in


1 Show off your guns 2 Highly successful reviews 3 I-9 form need: abbr. 4 Go-getter 5 Dance company once directed by Mikhail Baryshnikov 6 ___ Gardens 7 What tree rings denote 8 “Wait...” 9 Hit 2005 dance song by Bob Sinclar and Gary Pine 10 Adoring poems 11 “And others,” to Cicero 12 Use a big rig 13 The munchies, e.g. 14 Exclamations said by almost all of the Simpsons 18 Failed to run the fastest, perhaps 21 When hobbies get done 23 Their walls are sometimes built with mortar 24 Be a stoolie 27 Secondary legal actions 28 Vitamin A variety in medicine and cosmetics 29 They have too much government 30 Ozzie or Harriet, to Gunnar and Matthew 31 They may be taken on a treadmill 32 Take on 33 Carey with many Billboard Hot 100 records 34 She had a red letter day 50 89%, e.g. 51 Make happier 53 Bear warning 54 Controversial flavoring 55 Georgia airport code 56 Miracle-___ (plant food brand) 58 Beer variety 59 Rocky hill

Couples Preparation for Childbirth

2-hour class on January 19th, 6-8pm, offers a unique approach to birth preparation for couples. Participants will learn many techniques to use during labor to facilitate a faster delivery, in addition to hands-on comfort measures including massage techniques, positioning, visualization, breathing and relaxation techniques. Cost is $100 per couple. Please call Ann at (912)704-7650 for info.

Free blood pressure checks and blood sugar screenings

Conducted at three locations. From 8:30a. m.-12:30p.m. and 5:15p.m.-7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday at the SJ/C AfricanAmerican Health Information and Resource Center, 1910 Abercorn St. Call 447-6605 for appt. Every Monday from 10a.m.-12p.m. at the Smart Senior office, No. 8 Medical Arts Center. No appt necessary. Every MondayFriday from 10a.m.-2p.m. at St. Mary’s Community Center at 812 W. 36th St. Call 447-0578. Savannah

Free hearing & speech screening

Hearing: Every Thurs. 9-11 a.m. Speech: 1st Thurs. of each month. Savannah Speech and Hearing Center, 1206 E. 66th Street. Call 355-4601. 1206 E 66th St , Savannah http:// www.savannahspeechandhearing.org/

Healthcare for the Uninsured

St. Mary’s Health Center is open for health needs of uninsured residents of Chatham County. Open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. For information or to make an appointment, call 443-9409. St. Mary’s Health Center, 1302 Drayton St. ,

First City Network Board Meeting

Help for Iraq War Veterans

Gay AA Meeting

Hypnobirthing Childbirth Classes

Meets the first Monday at 6:30 p.m. at FCN’s office, 307 E. Harris St., 2nd floor. 236-CITY or www.firstcitynetwork.org. 307 E Harris St , Savannah

A method used at Fort Campbell to treat lack of sleep, anger, flashbacks, nightmares and emotional numbness in veterans is available in Savannah. 927-3432.

meets Sunday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at 311 E. Macon St. Savannah

Classes provide specialized breathing and guided imagery techniques designed to reduce stress during labor. Classes run monthly, meeting Saturdays for three consecutive weeks. To register, call 843683-8750 or e-mail Birththroughlove@yahoo. com. Family Health & Birth Center, 119 Chimney Rd , Rincon http://www.themidwifegroup.com/

Georgia Equality Savannah

The local chapter of Georgia’s largest gay rights group. 104 W. 38th St. 944-0996. Savannah

Savannah Pride, Inc.

Meets second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the FCN office located at 307 E. Harris St., 2nd floor. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Without the GLBT community, there wouldn’t be a need for Pride. Call 912288-7863 or email heather@savpride.com. First City Network, Savannah http://www. firstcitynetwork.net/

Stand Out Youth

A Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning youth organization. Meets every Friday at 7 p.m. at the FCN building located at 307 E. Harris St. Call 657-1966, email info@standoutyouth.org or visit www.standoutyouth.org. First City Network, Savannah http://www.firstcitynetwork.net/

What Makes A Family

A children’s therapy group for children of GLBT parents. Groups range in age from 10 to 18 and are held twice a month. Call 352-2611.

Health Better Breathers of Savannah

Meets to discuss and share information on C.O.P.D. and how people live with the disease. For info, call Dicky at 665-4488 or dickyt1954@yahoo.com.

HypnoBirthing Classes

Learn to birth in a calm and gentle environment without fear. Uses relaxation, meditation and guided imagery to achieve the birthing experience you desire. Tiffany, tiffany@savannahdoula.com.

Kidney Disease

Learn about causes, risks, symptoms and treatments at this class held every Monday. Call Leah Mitchem for more info: 912-2322691

La Leche League of Savannah

Mothers wishing to find out more about breastfeeding are invited to attend a meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm. La Leche League of Savannah is a breastfeeding support group for new and expectant mothers. 897-9544, www.lllusa. org/web/SavannahGA.html. Family Health and Birth Center, Savannah

Meditation and Energy Flow Group

Meet with others who practice meditation or want to learn how, discuss techniques, & related areas of holistic health, healing, Reiki, Energy Medicine, CAM. Reduce stress, increase peace & health! For info: www. ellenfarrell.com or 912-247-4263

Memorial Health blood pressure check

by Rob brezsny | beautyandtruth@freewillastrology.com

Free every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30-9:30 a.m. at GenerationOne. 350-7587. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www. memorialhealth.com/

Planned Parenthood Hotline

First Line is a statewide hotline for women who want information on health services. Open every night from 7-11p.m. 1-800-2647154.

Pregnancy Yoga

Ongoing series of 6-week sessions are held on Thursdays, 6-7:15pm at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Dr. Helps mothers-to-be prepare for a more mindful approach to the challenges of pregnancy, labor & delivery. The instructor is Ann Carroll. Cost is $100 for the 6 week session. Call Ann, 704-7650 or e-mail carroll3620@bellsouth.net for info.

The Quit Line

A toll-free resource that provides counseling, screening, support and referral services for all Georgia residents 18 or older and concerned parents of adolescents who are using tobacco. Call 1-877-270-STOP or visit www.unitegeorgia.com.

Nature and Environment Dolphin Project of Georgia

Boat owners, photographers and other volunteers are needed to help conduct scientific research. Must be at least 18 years old. Call 727-3177, visit www.TheDolphinProject. org.or e-mail gadolphin@comcast.net.

Tybee Island Marine Science Center

Offering a variety of fun educational programs including Beach Discovery Walks, Marsh Treks, Turtle Talks and the Coastal Georgia Gallery, which features an up close look at dozens of local species. Open daily, 10am-5pm. For more info, call 912-786-5917 or visit www.tybeemarinescience.org. Tybee Island

Walk on the Wild Side

The Oatland Island Wildlife Center offers a 2-mile Native Animal Nature Trail that winds through maritime forest, freshwater wetland and salt marsh habitats, and features live native animal exhibits. Open daily from 10-4 except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. 898-3980, www.oatlandisland.org. 711 Sandtown Rd , Savannah

Wilderness Southeast

Offers a variety of programs every month including guided trips with naturalists, canoe rides and more. Their mission is to develop appreciation, understanding, stewardship, and enjoyment of the natural world. For more information: 912-236-8115 or sign-up on our website www.wilderness-southeast. org.

Pets & Animals A Walk in the Park

Professional pet sitting, boarding, dog walking and house sitting services offered in downtown Savannah and the nearby islands. All jobs accepted are performed by the owner to ensure the safety of your pets. Local references available. Please call 401.2211 or email lesleycastle@gmail.com to make a reservation.

Low Cost Pet Clinic

Tails Spin and Dr. Lester host low cost vaccine clinic for students, military and seniors on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 5-6pm. The cost for each continues on p. 42


March 21-April 19“ Everything absolute belongs to pathology. Joyous distrust is a sign of health.” So proclaimed Friedrich Nietzsche. Note well that he used the adjective “joyous” to describe distrust, not “cynical” or “grumbling” or “sour.” The key to remaining vital and strong while questioning every so-called absolute is to cultivate a cheerful, buoyant mood as you do it. That’s one of your top assignments in the coming weeks, Aries: Practice joyous distrust.


(March 21–April 19) What empire are you building, Aries? What master plan are you in the midst of carrying out? As you gaze out upon your realm, are you content with the way it’s evolving? Judging from the current astrological omens, I’d say it’s an excellent time to ponder questions like those. And if your inventory reveals that you’re missing some pieces of the big picture’s puzzle, I suggest you set out on a quest to locate them.


(April 20–May 20) In a famous psychology experiment, test subjects watched a video of six people passing basketballs to each other. Their assignment was to count how many passes were thrown and caught by the three people wearing white shirts, while ignoring passes between the three wearing black shirts. But there was a trick embedded in the exercise. Midway through the video, a person wearing a gorilla suit ambled into the scene, thumped his chest, and quickly departed. Half of the test subjects did not notice this intrusion. They were too focused on the task of counting the passes made by the players in white. (Watch it here: tinyurl. com/TrickGorilla.) .Look for the unexpected.


(May 21–June 20) Astrologer Hunter Reynolds says that when you are at your best, you Geminis specialize in “enlightened impatience.” You don’t get trapped expressing polite deference in situations that drain your energy. You

don’t tolerate boring experiences just because they’re supposed to be good for you. You’d rather “err on the side of learning–through–too– much–movement” than get bogged down in “principled sluggishness.” You can also be susceptible to the dark side of this talent. Sometimes you abort a potential breakthrough by fleeing a useful but difficult scene. I suspect you may be prone to that kind of behavior right now. Be skeptical of your escape reflex.

undiscovered. With that in mind, consider these thoughts. Ernest Hemingway said a person had to have “the guts of a burglar” to develop his talent. And here’s novelist Erica Jong: “Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow that ‘talent’ to the dark place where it leads.” If you do venture into those dark places, you’ll uncover ten suns’ worth of illumination.


Back in 1962, an American company named Corning created a product that was so revolutionary, no one could figure out how to exploit it in practical ways. It was “Gorilla glass,” a glass that’s so strong it’s almost impossible to break or even scratch. Only recently has it found a commercial application, first in cell phones and other mobile devices and next in a new generation of ultra–thin TV screens. I foresee a comparable development in your immediate future, Libra: some ahead–of–its–time breakthrough you made a while ago that can finally be used to improve your life.

(June 21–July 22) In her poem “Heathen,” Lesley Wheeler describes a young boy who puts his ear up against his mother’s ear “so that the god in your head can talk / to the god in mine.” The coming weeks would be an excellent time for you to try something similar with people you care for. It’s a ripe moment to raise the stakes in your intimate life . . . to get closer than you’ve dared to get before . . . to retire the familiar stories you and your allies are in the habit of exchanging so that you can tune in to the deeper hum of each other’s wilder truths.


(July 23–Aug. 22) There’s a guy on the Internet –– calls himself Tian –– whose mission is to correct Westerners who misunderstand and misuse Chinese characters. Many of the people who write to him for advice are Americans who have come to suspect that the Chinese characters they got tattooed on their flesh don’t really mean what they were led to believe (bit. ly/WrongTat). Tian informed one person that a tattoo whose character supposedly says “to learn as much as possible” actually means “empty, hollow, bare, deserted.” Make sure you’re not under a misapprehension about what you’re taking on and taking in. Choose only the very best imprints –– and verify that they are what you think they are.


(Aug. 23–Sept. 22) I regard 2011 as an excellent time for you to cultivate your unique talents, some of which may still be latent or


(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)


(Oct. 23–Nov. 21) When I arrived at my acupuncturist’s waiting room, there were just two magazines on the table next to my chair: The celebrity rag People Style Weekly and the spiritually oriented Shambala Sun. The first offered articles on “hot new handbags and shoes under $99” and “easy ways to get gorgeous hair, skin, and nails.” The second provided a “guide to mindful living,” with advice about how to get centered. I thought that was similar to the choice you face in the coming week, Scorpio. It’s up to you: Which way do you want to go?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

I can almost categorically guarantee that in 2011 you will have no encounters with fire demons, wart–ridden vampires, two–headed dogs, moaning ghosts, wayward werewolves, or extraterrestrial robots. Nope. You can pretty much go ahead and make plans based on the assumption that you won’t have to account

for intrusions like that. But I can also assure you that the lack of crazy encounters with unhinged monsters does not mean your life will suffer from blahs or boredom.


(Dec. 22–Jan. 19) “Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past,” said comedian Lily Tomlin. I recommend that you make this a keynote during the next six months. According to my understanding of the astrological omens, you will have the best opportunity you’ve had in a long time to put some of your unsettling memories to sleep for good. This is your big chance to graduate from old anxieties that can never be resolved. You’re finally ready to declare your independence from messy burdens and maddening riddles that have haunted you.


(Jan. 20–Feb. 18) If you want to be healed, whether from a physical malady or a psychic wound, there’s one prerequisite you have to meet: You have to be willing to learn a lesson that your suffering has invited you to study. I would go so far as to say that no one, no matter how skilled a healer, can help cure you until you have taken that first step. So what teaching is it that you would need to explore in order to transform your distress into wisdom?


(Feb. 19–March 20) Ready to get the surprise you were promised in your dreams? I don’t think you are –– mostly because you’re not thoroughly convinced that you deserve these wonders. From what I can tell, your self–doubts are still more substantial than your self–worth. And as long as that holds true, you will continue to hold your just rewards at bay. So let’s make it your project to elevate your levels of self– worth. It doesn’t mean you’ll have to completely shed your self–doubts. All you need to do is adjust your self–worth to self–doubt ratio so it’s at least 51 percent to 49 percent.


Free will astrology


happenings | continued from page 40

happenings JAN 12 - JAN 18, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


happenings | continued from page 41 | Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com


fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 vaccination is $12.00, with $2.00 from each vaccination to be donated to savannah pet rescue agencies. habersham village shopping center. for more info: www.tailsspin. com

professional pet sitting and Dog Walking


insured, bonded, certified in pet first aid and cpr. 355-9656, www.athomepetsitters.net.

CODE 5484

readings & signings

912.544.0026 CheCk out Savannah’S BeSt online Calendar

BrowSe loCal eventS! SuBmit Your own!

Druuming Circle

savannah book Festival

for a peaceful end to your day attend the chanted service of compline (singing good night to god) sung at 9pm every sunday night by the compline choir of historic christ church (1733) on Johnson square; 28 bull street. open to the public. all are welcome! call 232-4131 for more info.

gregorian Chant by Candlelight

three days of events in and around telfair square featuring authors from around the country. feb. 18-20. all events are free and open to the public. for more info, visit www. savannahbookfestival.org

Live Web-streaming

a book discussion group that meets the fourth tuesday at 1 p.m. at the ola Wyeth branch library, 4 e. bay st. call beatrice Wright at 652-3660. bring your ideas and lunches. tea will be provided. 232-5488 or 652-3660. ola Wyeth branch library, savan-

e g a k c a P L F N y a d n u S s 1pm-7pm • 4 Big screen ckets 5 for $15 BeerenBu gLing) (Bud, Bud Light, yu

prime riB $10.95 drink speciaLs 7pm-2am

moNday Night voted Best aduLt enter tain ment!

meets for a prayer breakfast every tuesday at 6:30 a.m. at piccadilly cafeteria in the oglethorpe mall, 7804 abercorn st. call 8983477. savannah

the new orleans-native will read from her new book “herstory: revelations,” which focuses on the intertwined struggles of a mother and daughter. a portion of proceeds from sales of the book help the mlK branch library in the lower 9th Ward. Jan. 15, 1-3pm at books-a-million, 8108 abercorn st.

tea time at ola’s


Christian businessmen’s Committee

paulette Jones

meets the last sunday of the month at 4 p.m. at the african-american health information & resource center, 1910 abercorn st. call 447-6605. savannah

18+ www.interactivemale.com

religious & spiritual

first saturday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at unitarian universalist church of savannah on troup square at habersham and macon streets. drummers, dancers and the drumcurious are welcome. call 234-0980 or visit uusavannah.org. 313 harris st. , savannah http://www.uusavannah.org/

Circle of sister/brotherhood book Club

Find your local #: 1.800.777.8000

nicodemus by night

nah http://www.liveoakpl.org/

FootbaLL ciaLS SPe 2-for

-1 appetizers 50¢ wings draft Beer speciaLs

(during the game - Bud, Bud Light, amBerBock & yuengLing)

attend church from home sundays at 9 and 11am with pastor ricky temple and overcoming by faith ministries. log onto www. overcomingbyfaith.org, click ’Watch now’. 927-8601. overcoming by faith ministries, 9700 middleground rd. , savannah

metaphysics For everyday self-mastery

a series of metaphysical/new thought classes at the freedom path science of life center, 619 W 37th st., mondays 8pm, with adeeb shabazz. $10 suggested donation, 1877-494-8629, www.freedompathonline.org, freedompath@yahoo.com. savannah

midweek bible study

every Wednesday at noon at montgomery presbyterian church. bring your lunch and your bible. 352-4400 or mpcsavannah.com. montgomery presbyterian church, 10192 ferguson avenue , savannah http://www. montgomerypresbyterian.com/

music ministry for Children & youth

the children’s choir for 3 years through second grade will be known as Joyful noise and the youth choir grades 3-5 will be known as Youth praise. Joyful noise will meet sundays from 4-5 p.m. and Youth praise will meet sundays from 5-6 p.m. call ronn alford at 925-9524 or visit www.wbumc.org. White bluff united methodist church, 11911 White bluff rd , savannah

12 n. Lathrop ave. savannah | 233-6930 | mon-sat 11am-3am • sundays 1pm-2am Turn right @ the Great Dane statue on Bay St. We’re on the left just past the curve!

Quakers (religious society of Friends)

meets sundays, 11 a.m. at trinity united methodist church. call the clerk, 912-3736276 trinity united methodist church, 225 West president st , savannah http://www. trinitychurch1848.org/

realizing the god Within

a series of metaphysical/new thought classes presented by the freedom path science of life center, featuring metaphysical minister and local author adeeb shabazz. mondays at 8pm. 619 W 37th st. , savannah

soka gakkai of america

sgi is an international buddhist movement for world peace and individual happiness. the group practices nichiren buddhism by chanting nam myoho renge Kyo. introductory meetings are held the third sunday of the month. for further information, call 232-9121.

the savannah Zen Center

soto Zen meditation: tuesday evenings 6-6:30pm with study group following 6:30-7:30pm; sundays 8am-9:30am which includes dharmatalk. donations accepted. rev. fugon cindy beach cindy@alwaysoptions.com. the savannah Zen center, 505 blair st. savannah. more info: savannahzencenter.com the savannah Zen center, 505 blair st. , savannah

unitarian universalist beloved Community Church

services begin sunday at 11 a.m. at 1001 e. gwinnett st. coffee and discussion follow each service. religious education for grades 1-8 is offered. for information, call 7866075, e-mail uubc2@aol.com. celebrating diversity. Working for justice. savannah

unitarian universalist Church of savannah

liberal religious community where different people with different beliefs gather as one faith. sunday, 11 am, troup square sanctuary. 234-0980, admin@uusavannah. org or www.uusavannah.org. 313 harris st. , savannah

unity of savannah

two sunday morning celebration services - 9:15 and 11:00. (children’s church and childcare at 11:00.) a.W.e. interactive worship service at 7 p.m. every first friday of the month. noon prayer service every thurs. to find out about classes, workshops and more continues on p. 44


now hiring cLassy entertainers

an open forum is held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 223 e. gwinnett st. nicodemus by night, savannah

with sexy local singles

CODE 7932

912.544.0013 More Local #s: 1.800.210.1010 18+ www.livelinks.com





happenings | continued from page 42



visit, www.unityofsavannah.org or call 912355-4704. 2320 Sunset Blvd. Unity Church of Savannah, Savannah

Women’s Bible Study

at the Women’s Center of Wesley Community Centers. Call 447-5711 1601 Drayton St , Savannah http://www.wesleyctrs-savh. org/

Sports & Games Savannah Bike Polo

Like regular polo, but with bikes instead of horses. Meets weekly. Check out www. facebook.com/savannahbikepolo for more information.

Texas Hold ’Em Poker League

Free Texas Hold Em poker league is available to the public. Teaches new players how to play and advanced players can come and work on their skills. Prize tournaments for season points leaders. www.series7pokerleague.com for more info.

Support Groups Al Anon Family Groups

A fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics meets Monday at 12:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., Thursday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 8 p.m. at 1501 Eisenhower Dr. and Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Goodwill on Sallie Mood Drive. Call 598-9860 or visit http://al_anon_savannah.freeservers.com. Savannah


Alanon is for families and friends of alcoholics. New group meeting on Isle of Hope at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 2 St. Thomas Avenue off of Parkersburg Rd. Monday nights at 7:30. Selma, 354-8550.

Al-Anon Meetings

Meetings for families and friends of alcoholics are held every Monday at 5:30pm and Saturday at 11am. Melissa, 844-4524. First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Ave , Savannah http://www.fpc.presbychurch.net/

Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group

Senior Citizens, Inc. hosts a Caregiver’s support group for individuals caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia family members. Meets every second Monday at the Wilmington Island United Methodist Church, 195 Wilmington Island Road. For more info, call 236-0363, ext. 143. Savannah

Amputee Support Group

| Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 Association

Meets the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Candler Heart and Lung Building, second floor, Room 2. Call 3551221; or visit www.coastalempirepoliosurvivors.org. 5354 Reynolds Ave. , Savannah

Couples Struggling with Fertility Challenges

Meets every Saturday at 6:45 p.m. at Savannah Christian Church, Room 250. This is a group for couples struggling with primary or secondary infertility, whether they have been on this journey for one year or many years. Call Kelly at 596-0852 or email emptycradle_savannah@hotmail.com. 55 Al Henderson B;vd. , Savannah

Domestic Violence Hotline

The Georgia Human Resources Department and Georgia Coalition on Family Violence have a new number, 24 hours a day. 1-800-33-HAVEN.

Domestic violence support group

SAFE Shelter provides a domestic violence support group every Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Inc. Building at 3205 Bull St. Call Brenda Edwards, 6298888. Savannah

Fibromyalgia support group

meets the second Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Conference Room 2, Candler Heart and Lung Building, 5356 Reynolds St.. 819-6743. 5354 Reynolds Ave. , Savannah http://www.sjchs.org/

First Line

An after-hours referral and information line to talk confidentially about birth control, sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy options. A free service from Planned Parenthood, available nightly from 7 to 11 p.m. at 1-800-264-7154.

Gray Matters Brain Injury Support Group For traumatic brain injury survivors and their caregivers. Meets the third Thursday at 5 p.m. in the gym at The Rehabilitation Institute at Memorial University Medical Center. 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth.com/

Grief Support Group

Heartbeats for Life

A free support and education group for those who have suffered or want to prevent or reverse Heart Disease, and/or Diabetes problems. Contact, Jeff: 912-598-8457; email: jeff@heartbeatsforlife-ga.org

Hope House

Provides housing and support services such as life skills, resources and referrals, follow-up care and parent-child activities funded by DHR Promoting Safe and Stable Families. Please call 236-5310 for information. Hope House of Savannah, 214 E. 34th St. , Savannah

KidsNet Savannah Parent Support Group

meets on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at the Department of Juvenile Justice Multi-Purpose Center, 1149 Cornell Ave. Call Carole Kaczorowski at 598-7001, Lorr Elias at 351-6375 or Bruce Elias at 644-5916. Department of Juvenile Justice Multi-Purpose Center, 1149 Cornell Ave , Savannah

LD-AD/HD Support Group

Parents of children with learning disorders, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder are invited to join this professionally lead support group discussion problem solving, medication, alternative treatments and more. Pre-registration req’d. Call Laurel Brady at 912-659-4687.

Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Support Group

For patients with blood-related cancers and their loved ones. Call Jennifer Currin, 350-7845. Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah http://www. memorialhealth.com/

Living without Violence

The SAFE Shelter offers free drop-in counseling to anyone who is in an abusive relationship. Meets every Thursday from 7-8:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church Education Building at Whitaker & McDonough St. 2349999. First Baptist Church of Savannah, 223 Bull St. , Savannah

Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group

Full Circle Grief and Loss Center, 450 Mall Blvd. Seven-week support groups for children and adults are offered by the bereavement counselors at no charge as a complementary service of Hospice Savannah. For information call 912.303.9442 or visit www.HospiceSavannahHelps.org. Savannah

meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. on the second floor of the Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion. 355-5196. Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion, 225 Reynolds Ave. , Savannah

Psycho sudoku Answers

Crossword Answers

Open to all patients who have had a limb amputated and their families or caregivers. Call 355-7778 or 353-9635.

Memorial Health Focus

Focus is a program to encourage Sickle Cell patients ages 11 to 18 and their parents and caregivers to learn more about Sickle Cell disease. For info, call Saundra

Bleeding Disorders Support Group

Call Mary Lou Cygan at 350-7285. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www. memorialhealth.com/

Cancer support group

Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 11am-12pm. at the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion on Reynolds Street across from Candler Hospital. The group is open to anyone who is living with, through or beyond a diagnosis of cancer. Call 819-8784. Savannah

Citizens With Retarded Citizens

Open to families of children or adults with autism, mental retardation, and other developmental disabilities. Meets monthly at 1211 Eisenhower Drive. 355-7633. Savannah

Coastal Empire Polio Survivors

at 350-3396. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth.com/

Multiple Sclerosis support group

discusses topics that are relevant to anyone with a debilitating disease every fourth Thursday at 3:30 p.m. at St. James Catholic Church, 8412 Whitfield Ave. at Montgomery Cross Roads. 355-1523. St James Catholic Church, 8412 Whitfield Ave , Savannah

Narcotics Anonymous

Call 238-5925 for the Savannah Lowcountry Area Narcotics Anonymous meeting schedule.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

A recovery support group for people living with mental illness. Tuesdays: 6:30-8pm, Trinity Lutheran Church, 12391 Mercy Blvd. Thursdays: 6:30-8pm, Pine Woods Retreat, 1149 Cornell Ave. Suite 3A. Saturdays: 1:303:30pm, Candler Heart & Lung Building (2nd Floor). Call 912-353-7143 for more info.

Overeaters Anonymous

Meets weekly at several locations. Please visit www.oa.org to locate a meeting.

Pancreatic Cancer Support Group

Call Jennifer Currin at 350-7845. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www. memorialhealth.com/

Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Meets the first Thursday of the month. 56:30pm in the Marsh Auditorium at Candler Hospital. For more info, call 355-6347 or 238-4666.

PRIDE Support Group

This is a support group for parents of children with bleeding disorders. Call Mary Lou Cygan at 350-7285. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth.com/

Rape Crisis Center

assists survivors of rape and sexual assault. The Rape Crisis Line is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 233-7273. The center offers free, confidential counseling for victims and their families.

S-Anon Family Group

A fellowship for families and friends of sexaholics. For info, call 663-2565.

Self-Help Support Group for People with HIV/AIDS

For more information on a support group for men and women living with HIV/AIDS, please contact Mary Jackson at My Brothaz HOME, Inc. at 912-231-8727. These two groups are confidential and only for persons with verified HIV/AIDS.

Senior Citizen’s Inc. Alzheimer’s Support Group

For families of persons suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. Second Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Ruth Byck Adult Day Care facility, 64 Jasper St. Call ahead to reserve a seat. Call Stacey Floyd at 236-0363. 3025 Bull St , Savannah

Smoking Cessation Support Group

is open to anyone who has stopped smoking and needs additional support or to those who are considering trying to stop smoking. Call 819-8032 or 819-3368.

Spinal Injury Support Group

Meets every third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Rehabilitation Institute at Memorial Health. For info, call Jami Murray at 350-8900. Savannah http://www.memorialhealth.com/ cs

Items for sale 300

want to buy 390 Diabetic Test Strips Wanted Most types, Most brands. Will pay up to $10/box. Call Clifton 912-596-2275.

EmploymEnt 600

General 630 WELLNESS COACHES needed. PT/FT. $500-$5000 plus. Will train! Call 651-263-6677

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Business OppOrtunity 690 EXTRA INCOME OPPORTUNITY FOR 2011 Get Paid to Shop Online! Earn commissions & cash-backs! Your free website: zamzuufreeagent.com/976399 Call: 904-573-2550

Drivers WanteD 625 CLASS A OWNER OPERATORS NEEDED. Container hauling for local and regional deliveries. Requirements: Good Publisher’s Notice of MVR, minimum age of 25, veriEthical Advertising fiable 2yrs experience, no DWI in last 10yrs., must have TWIC Connect Savannah will not knowcard. Call Saul at Safety, ingly publish false or misleading advertising. Connect Savannah 713-780-4006. urges all readers to be cautious General 630 before sending money or providing personal information to anyone you do not know, especially for advertising in the For Your Information, Help Wanted or Business Opportunities categories. Be especially cautious of advertisements offering schemes for EXPERIENCED “earning money in the home.” PAINTERS-CARPENTERS Steady Part-time work on manu- You should thoroughly investifactured homes; Drywall, Floors, gate any such offers before sendRoofs, Kitchens, Decks, etc. Gar- ing them money. Remember, the den City, GA. References. Call Better Business Bureau can be a good source of information for 1-800-964-1935 after 10am you. MYSTERY SHOPPERS earn up to $100 per day. Undercover shop- Real estate pers needed to judge retail and 800 dining establishments. No experience required. Call 877-679-6781. HOmes NAIL TECHS Needed for estab- fOr sale 815

lished salon. Bull Street area.Must have experience in manicures, pedicures, tips, acrylics,etc. For more info,call 631-4559

1426 ELEANOR STREET 3BR/1.5BA, separate LR, kitchen/DR combo, CH&A. Possible short sale. Only $50,000. Call Alvin 604-5898 or Realty Executives Coastal Empire 355-5557 WEEK AT A GLANCE Does what it says. Only at www.connectsavannah.com

4605 LANIER DRIVE Completely updated home in Sylvan Terrace. 3BR/2BA, LR/DR combo, bonus room, fully equipped kitchen, stackable washer/dryer, parquet floors, screened porch, total electric. Only $129,000. Call Alvin 604-5898 or Realty Executives Coastal Empire 355-5557

Mobile HoMes For sale 830 16X80 REDMAN MOBILE HOME: 3BR/2BA, in Pooler. new carpet, new kitchen hardwood floors,total electric, washer/dryer included. $9995 OBO. Call 912-656-5997 Call 912-721-4350 and Place Your Classified Ad Today!

commercial property for sale 845

NEED TO BORROW Money to pay off Mortgages - Need approx. $750K - Collateral includes: 2 Acres on Tybee Island, 2 Acres, commercial property in Savannah and one house in Savannah. 912-663-2574

Buy. Sell. For Free! www.connectsavannah.com

for rent 855 •111 EAST 39TH STREET• 2BR spacious,upstairs apt. located between Drayton & Abercorn. High ceilings, hardwood and carpeted flooring,CH&A, windows galore.$635/month. Call 441-3087.

for rent 855

for rent 855


1200 EAST BOLTON Street: 2 bedroom, 1 bath upstairs apartment., all electric, central heat/air. $525/month + deposit. Call Daryl: 655-3637

1-3BR Houses and Apts. for Rent in Savannah.All are very nice, clean properties at reasonable rates. Please call,912-658-2422 or 912-658-3763

1214 EAST 57TH STREET 2BR/1BA, Large LR, DR & Kitchen, Central heat/air, fenced, driveway. $750/Rent, $850/deposit. 912-429-4446

12350 Mercy Blvd. Savannah, GA 31419

•2BD/1BA, Move in Bonus! Hardwood floors, washStart the new year off right! er/dryer, central Air/Heat, Upstairs New Bathroom, RELOCATE AT KINGS COVE! Off-Street Parking. Pet OK. 1 Bedrooms $497 $765/month, $985 all Crime Free Housing utilities PA I D . Call or Come in today 912-925-8590 or 1322 East 54th and 1308 East 53rd 912-713-7011 Streets: Both 2BR apts. washer/dryer included, total electric. 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Du$550/month.Section 8 Welcome. plex for rent on Wilmington Island. $735/month Call 912-308-3926 plus water. Call 912-897-6722.

912-925-4815 Phone

connect savannah DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! 504 Pinecrest Court, Pooler. Best buy $114,900 4Bedrooms/ 2Baths Brick. New Paint. Fenced. Tom Whitten, Realty Executives Coastal Empire. 912-663-0558.

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2BR/2BA, Southside condo, carpet, tile, pool, free water, screened porch, washer/dryer included. $675/month. Call Eric 912-220-1566 610 E. BOLTON STREET 3BR/1BA Duplex: Totally redone inside, back deck, W/D hookup. $650/per month plus deposit. Call Daryl, 912-655-3637

Basic RatEs

SAVANNAH LOCK & KEY now accepting applications for Auto Lock-out Tech. Must have clean MVR. Willing to work on call. Felony and drug test required. No phone calls. Apply in person: 1 Ti- 104 Burbank Blvd: 4 bedrooms, 2 bet Avenue. baths. Updated brick home, Privacy Fenced. Landscaped. TRAILER MECHANIC Assist in diagnosis and repairs of trail- $139,000. Tom Whitten Realty Exers. Assure all work is completed to ecutives Coastal 912-663-0558 satisfactory standards. Maintain clean and safe work environment. 2yrs. maintenance experience. Leadership management, Computer skill. Bilingual a plus. rleonard@trailco-online.com

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HOmes fOr sale 815

ads received by 5pm friday will appear in the Wednesday issue of the next week



1212 Delesseps: Renovated 3 bedroom bungalow w/den, fireplace & hardwoods, fenced, $68,600. Tom Whitten Realty Executives 663-0558 or 355-5557

EAST SAVANNAH HOUSE For Sale at 2162 Massachusetts Avenue: 4BR, 2 Baths. As Is. $88,000 OBO. Call 912-239-9486


Great swimming/fishing dock. Wonderful view of lake and fountain from large back porch. House is incomplete so can be finished to your taste. $129,000. 912-210-0166 PORTAL, Near Statesboro 3BR/2BA doublewide with halfacre of land. Excellent condition, wood floors, large master bath, appliances included. Move-in ready $63,000,$1,000/down. Owner Financing. 912-748-6831

Real Estate Employment services announcements Garage sales Miscellaneous


buy . sell . connect | Call call231-0250 238-2040 for business Businessrates rates| place your classified ad online for free at connectsavannahexchange.com

$12 per week $14 per week $12 per week $10 per week $10 per week $10 per week

HOW tO PlacE an ad • call our classifieds department at 912-231-0250 • ads Must Be Placed By 11am On Monday Prior to Publication • all ads Must be PrePaid (credit cards accepted) • Basic rate includes up to 25 words.

•806 ALLEN AVE 2BR House, $500/mo +security •1021 WEST 41ST3BR, 1BA, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, $700+ security •23 CLEARWATER LANELaurel Green subdivision, off Quacco rd, 3BR/2BA, garage, fenced yard, $1000/mo +security. •1202 EAST 35TH3BR/2BA,large livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, washer/dryer included, garage, $1000 +security LANDLORDS: If you are in need of a good Property Manager, CALL US. Managing property is what we do best! Call Lester 912-234-5650 or 912-313-8261


for rent 855



ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 1BR, kitchen and bath, private entrance, patio. $600/month, $600/security deposit. Near St. Joe’s and AASU. 912-925-4728 APART/CONDO Three Bedrooms Pooler/Condo 303 Gallery Way $1100 Eastside 527 E.38th St. $725 TWO BEDROOM Near Sav’h Mall 131 Hunt Club Ct $850 ONE BEDROOM Near Daffin Park 740 E.45th St. #1 $725 Duplexes 733-1/2 E.53rd St. $650 2128 Clars Ave $495 1126 E.53rd St. $575 1203 E.54th St. $550 1234-A E.55th St. FOR DETAILS & PICTURES VISIT OUR WEBPAGE WWW.PAMTPROPERTY.COM Pam T Property 692-0038 •Caroline Drive- 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen, $650/month •Duane Court- 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen, $650/month •Bee Road: 2BR/1BA, kitchen furnished $595. 912-897-6789 or 344-4164 CLOSE TO ARMSTONG BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED 3/4BR/OFFICE, 2 FULL BATH IS IN A SECLUDED NEIGHBORHOOD WITH POOL. IT HAS A DOUBLE GARAGE, PRIVACY FENCE, NEW APPLIANCES,CARPET AND ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOWS. $1,150.00 (912)748-8493

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Search For And Find Local Events 24/7/365



3BR/1.5BA, washer/dryer connections, fenced backyard, carport. Available Feb. 1st. $650/month, $500/deposit. Call only btwn 4pm-8pm, 912-695-2239.

for rent 855

for rent 855

FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE 1117 Wilmington Is.Rd $1650 THREE BEDROOM/G-town 1 Snowy Egret Ct $1250 Ardsley Park 132 E.48th St. $1195 Southside 15 Wilshire Blvd $875 TWO BEDROOM HOUSES Port Wentworth 814 Crossgate Rd. $795 Near Mall 6 Seneca St. $775 Westside 637 W.42nd St. $595 Twickenham 310 Screven Ave $695 FOR DETAILS & PICTURES VISIT OUR WEB PAGE WWW.PAMTPROPERTY.COM Pam T Property 692-0038


Very nice, includes utilities, cable, washer & dryer. $200/week. $200/deposit. 912-236-1952 GREAT APARTMENT! Ardsley Park/Baldwin Park 1BR/1BA with separate living and dining rooms. $650/month. Call: 912-659-6206. Hardeeville 4BR/1BA, CH&A, large lot, $785 plus deposit. 234-0548 Fall Ave 2BR/1.5BA mobile home, near Buckhalter. Private lot, water included $525 plus dep. 234-0548 NO SECTION 8 House for rent Daffin Park Area (Victory Drive)3BR/1BA, freshly painted inside, kitchen furnished, CH&A, new carpet, $765/month w/deposit. 441-5552

COASTAL PLACE @ Tibet. 2BR/2BA Apt. Eat-in kitchen, large LR, washer/dryer connections, 6 closets, all elec tric. $725/month. 912-655-4303.

LARGO/TIBET AREA 2BR/1BA Apt, Rent $595, Security deposit $350. Call 912-704-3662 or 912-656-7842

rooms for rent 895

EFFICIENCY ROOMS Includes stove, refrigerator, private bath. Furnished! $180/week + deposit. Call 912-844-5995.

OAK FOREST-2BR, 1BA Apt, furnished kitchen $500-$550 DUANE COURT-2BR, 1BA Apt, furnished kitchen, $625. 739-1/2 E. 39TH-2BR,1BA, furnished kitchen, duplex $675. WINDSOR CROSSING CONDO-total electric, 2BR, 2BA, $650. 11 PEACH CT. 2BR,2BA furnished kitchen, duplex $795. 21 WABASH CT. Paradise Park, Lg 4BR/2.5BA home on quiet cul-de-sac $1250. 206 PARKVIEW CT. 3BR, 2.5BA, furnished kitchen, Legacy Sq, Pooler $1300. Frank Moore & Co. 920-8560 FrankMooreCo.com


Buy. Sell. For Free!

for rent 855


IN POOLER: Brick 3BR/2BA, fenced backyard, storage building, covered patio $1000/month, $1000/deposit. Available Feb. 1st. Call 912-823-2955, 912-844-1825 or 912-844-1812

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for rent 855

Mt. Pisgah Properties Homes for Rent •16 Lanvale Pt.Wentworth 3/2 $950mth LP Available •216 Greene Rincon 3/2 $925mth LP Available •218 Vale Royal Rincon 3/2 $850mth LP Available •113 Charlton Rincon 3/2 $850mth LP Available •348 Garden Acres Pooler 3/1 $800mth •501 E. Hwy 80 B-dale 2/1 $650mth •298 Possum Trail Guyton 2/1 $400mth LP Available LP=Lease Purchase Please call 912-823-3302 or visit www.mtpisgahproperties.com


LOW RENT-610 W.38th St.

Newly Renovated 2BR/1BA, New appliances, Fenced-in Yard, Central heat/air $555/month. 912-236-7563 or 912-228-1968

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MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Forest Hills Subd. In Springfield. Little McCall/Courthouse Rd. 3BR/2BA, LR, DR, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer/dryer connections, fireplace, CH&A, nice big yard. $735/month, $735/deposit. 912-657-4583 or 912-495-1889

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MOBILE HOME RENT-TO-OWN Large 2BR/2BA & One 3BR home. Remodeled in nice Garden City MH Park. Pool, basketball court, playground, clubhouse. Low down affordable payments starting @$625, credit check required. Call Gwen at 912-964-7675 What Are You Waiting For?!

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Large stand-up tile-shower & bathroom,new H&A, all utilities included & cable.$700/month, $300/deposit. Taking applications for 1/1/2011. No smoking/pets. Dennis, 912-412-6738.

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NEW 3BR/2BA 2300Sqft. Home in Rincon, double car garage. Lease/Purchase $1200/month, $1200 deposit. $205,000. Call 912-823-2955, 912-844-1825 or 912-844-1812


First month FREE! Deposit only. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments & houses. Call 912-844-5996 OR 912-272-6820 OAK FOREST DRIVE 2BR/1B, furnished kitchen, $500 dep/$500 rent. WINDSOR CROSSING 2BR/2B, furnished kitchen, w/d, screened porch, downstairs unit. $500/dep/$650 rent Contact 927-4383 ZENO MOORE REALTY *No Application Fee Required*


Near Myers Junior High and Savannah State. 2230 N.Fernwood Ct. $750/monthly. Very Clean, new carpet. 3BR/1BA, small den, CH&A, washer/dryer. Available Now. $725/Deposit. 352-9931 OFF TIBET, Lovely 2BR brick apt. CH&A, carpet, blinds, kitchen furnished, washer/dryer connections. No pets. $550/month 912-661-4814 ONE BR APT. For Rent $450/month. Hardwood floors, washer/dryer connections. Call Mr. Gibbs, 912-257-3000

Oversized 2nd floor, 5-room apartment. 2BR/ 1.5BA, loads of closets, hardwood floors,stove, refrigerator, CH&A, No pets or smoking. Near everything! Shown by appt only. $675/mo +1 months deposit. 912-351-9129 or jacqui713@att.net RENT: DUPLEX 1131 E. 55th. 2-bedrooms, 1-bath $475/month plus deposit $475. Two blocks off Waters Ave., close to Daffin Park. Call 912-234-2726, Days/Nights/Weekends.

FURNISHED EFFICIENCY: 1510 Lincoln St. $145/week or $155/week for double occupancy, Includes microwave, refrigerator, stove, & utilities! Call 912.231.0240 Furnished Rooms 140.00wk. Furnished rooms for rent with tv,cable,central heat/air,enclosed porch, privacy fence and large sit-in kitchen. $140.00 (912)306-6776


2BR with central heat/air, on Eastside, fenced backyard. $650/month plus small down payment. 660-4296 or 507-7875


Large doublewide, private lot, $700/rent, $500/security deposit. Call 964-4451 SOUTHSIDE •1BR apts, washer/dryer included. Water & trash included, $625/month. •2BR/1.5BA townhouse apt, total electric, w/washer & dryer/$650. Call 927-3278 TOWNHOUSE: 100 Lewis Drive, Apt 13D 2BR/1.5BA, 2-story. Washer/dryer connections, all appliances. No pets. $600/month, $600/deposit. Call 912-663-0177 or 912-663-5368.

UPCHURCH ENTERPRISES 912-665-0592 912-354-7737

32 GOEBEL Avenue: 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 Bath garage apt. $750/month. VERY NICE HOUSES

410 Delores Ave. 4BR/1BA $850/mo. 301 Forrest Ave. 3BR/2BA $750/mo. 1319 E. 56th St. 2BR/1BA $650/mo.


•Wilmington Island Duplex: 2BR/1BA Livingroom/dining combo, kitchen, laundry. $700/month 912-897-6789 or 344-4164 rooms for rent 895

Affordable,Clean in Safe Areas

DOWNTOWN near SCAD & SOUTHSIDE near Hunter. Fully furnished, cable tv, Wi-Fi, free laundry, offstreet parking. Priv. bath, fridge, microwave avail. Drug free. $125-$165/wk. Call 912-220-8691 or 912-604-1890


AVAILABLE ROOMS: CLEAN, comfortable rooms. Washer/dryer, air, cable, HBO, ceiling fans. $110-$140 weekly. No deposit. Call Ike @ 844-7065

LARGE VICTORIAN with windows on two sides, across from library, nicely furnished, all utilities. TV/cable/internet, washer/dryer, $140/week. $504/month. 912-231-9464 Other apts. avail.

Looking for two responsible persons. 2 rooms available. Privatebaths, CH&A/cable/telephone. Immediate occupancy. $500/month each room, $125/security deposit. Mr.Brown: 912-663-2574, 912-234-9177.

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Furnished, affordable room available includes utility, cable,refrigerator, central heat/air. $115-$140/weekly, no deposit.Call 912-844-3609 NEED A ROOM? STOP LOOKING! Great rooms available ranging from $115-$140/weekly. Includes refrigerators, cable w/HBO, central heat/air. No deposit. Call 912-398-7507.

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NICE ROOM for rent, Nice neighborhood. Liberty City area. For reliable, working person. No drugs! Contact 912-844-8716 or 912-272-6452

NICE ROOM for rent, private bath, cable, electricity and water paid, $135/week +deposit. No drugs allowed. Call 912-428-6324

Rooms For Rent $125 Rooms for rent $125-140wk. Includes wireless internet, washer/dryer and, cable. Call Randy $125.00 (530)415-3129


New Large Clean Carpeted Rooms, only 2-4 rooms per guest house. Quiet Areas, Busline. Cable, Fridge, TV, utilities, furnished rooms. Rooms with PRIVATE BATHROOMS available. $99-$159/Week. DISCOUNT FOR FOOD SERVICE AND HOTEL EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 2BR/1BA & 1BR/1BA APTS. LR, kitchen, refrigerator, stove, all utilities & cable included. Weekly $179, $215, $225. Monthly $880 w/utilities. No Credit check.


ROOMS FOR RENT Completely furnished. Central heat and air. Conveniently located on busline. $130 per week. Call 912-844-5995. SPACIOUS ROOMS FOR RENT Newly renovated on busline. 2 blocks from Downtown Kroger, 3 blocks from Historic Forsyth Park. $150/week w/No deposit. 844-5995 transportation 900

cars 910

1996 Chevy S-10

CHEVROLET S-10, 1996- Extend. cab. Garage kept. 71,450 miles. Excellent condition inside and out. Needs AC. $2,500.00 (912)897-4981 1998 SLK 230 Mercedes Hard Top convertible white 80,000 miles $7,500.00 803-648-2019 or 239-777-2594 2001 Ford Super Duty. Runs Great. $6,000 Call 912-704-8016 2 CADILLACS, bought new, both white diamond/leather. Seville 65K miles, EHS 18K miles; also selling club car. Call 912-598-1691 BUICK Century, 1993- One owner, V6, Auto, power, PL, AC, AM/FM cassette, excellent condition. Asking $2200 OBO. 912-898-9685

TOYOTA CAMRY LE, 19984-cylinder, great condition $3100. Call 912-541-3181 or 912-541-2159 Boats & accessories 950 2002 Grady White 208 POWERBOAT Grady White, 2002ONLY 107 HOURS! Cuddy cabin with freshwater plumbed head, holding tank and electric pump out. Professionally maintained. $27,000.00 (912)507-7137

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21’ Party Barge Suntracker For Sale PONTOONBOAT Suntracker, 0821’ Party Barge Suntracker, Aluminum Deck, Live Wells, Depth Monitor/Fish Finder, 60hp Big Foot motor runs like 90hp due to larger lower unit/foot, with trailer. Price negotiable. $10,000.00 (912)256-6769

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CADILLAC Deville, 1993- 4-Door Sedan. Excellent condition, new tires, 4.9L. $4,000 OBO. 912-352-8744 Extremely Rare (Custom Cloud) ROLLSROYCE Silver Cloud Lookalike, 1976-Bought from museum, Jasper 350Hp engine w/only 2200 miles $9,000. 912-658-1939


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