Jan. 26, 2011 Connect Savannah Issue

Page 1

city manager letters, page 6 | ga history fest kicks off, page 10 | hospital turmoil, page 11 are brown & green bottles really better for beer? page 13 | comedy @ wormhole, page 24 Jan 26 - Feb 1, 2011 news, arts & Entertainment weekly free connectsavannah.com

Key change

With In the Outside, guitarist Eric Culberson makes a bold musical statement

photo by geoff l. johnson

By Bill DeYoung | 18





The plot thickens in the search for a city manager| 8

Baseball comedy The Yankles kicks off Jewish Film Festival| 30

news & opinion JAN 26 - FEB 1, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


Highlights include: January 23-29 FREE WEEK @ the Jepson Center Thursday January 27, 6pm LECTURE BY BJÖRN SCHÜLKE Friday January 28, 7pm BEATBOXING PERFORMANCE BY ADAM MATTA

Through January 29, 2011 / Jepson Center*


Saturday, January 29, 2-5pm FAMILY DAY 3pm Wiitles performance

*Most events take place at the Jepson Center.

2011 Pulse programs are presented free of charge, thanks to project funding provided by the City of Savannah. Additional Sponsors: Connect Savannah, Georgia Tech, and Springhill Suites by Marriott.

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news & opinion






week at a glance

Freebie of the Week |


PULSE Art + Technology Festival Continues

The Telfair Museum’s free festival celebrating the convergence of visual art and digital and social media continues with a week of events, including lectures, exhibits, workshops, installations, and performances, made possible in part by funding from the City of Savannah. For a complete schedule visit www.telfair.org

Check out additional listings below



Free Week at the Jepson

What: The Jepson has free admission

through Jan. 29th.

When: Wed. Jan. 26, Thu. Jan. 27, Fri. Jan. 28 Where: Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. Cost: Free and open to the public Info: www.telfair.org/

Merle Haggard performs Satruday

Low Cost Pet Clinic



for a complete listing of this week’s music go to: soundboard.

What: Discounted Vaccines and microchipping

for pets belonging to seniors, students and military. Portion of proceeds benefits local rescue agencies. When: Wed. Jan. 26, 5 p.m.-6 p.m. Where: Tails Spin , Habersham and 61st St. Cost: $12/vaccine Info: www.TailsSpin.com/

end of life, and the impacts of cases like that of Terry Schiavo. When: Fri. Jan. 28, 12 p.m. Where: Skidaway Island Methodist Church, 54 Diamond Causeway Cost: Free and open to the public

Psychotronic Film Festival Day 3

What: The opening film, “The Man with the



for a list of this weeks gallery + art shows: art patrol

Golden Arm” got Frank Sinatra an Oscarnomination, and is followed by the horrorcomedy “Day of the Beast” in which a priest indulges in sin to try and find the devil. When: Wed. Jan. 26, 6:30 p.m. 9:00 PM, Where: Muse Arts Warehouse, 703 D Louisville Rd. Cost: $8/film, $15/both Info: www.psychotronicfilmsavannah.org/



Lecture: Bjorn Schulke

What: German sculptor discusses his

work, which combines science fiction, scientific and surveillance instruments and modernist design with interactivity. Part of Pulse Festival. When: Thu. Jan. 27, 6 p.m. Where: Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. Cost: Free and open to the public Info: www.telfair.org/



Go to: Screenshots for our mini-movie reviews



go to: happenings for even more things to do in Savannah this week


Poetry: Jim Warner

What: The author of “Too Bad it’s Po-

etry” does a reading presented by the Poetry Society of Georgia. When: Thu. Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m. Where: Telfair Academy, 121 Barnard St. Cost: Free and open to the public Info: poetryknows.blogspot.com/

International Guitar Night

What: Guitar virtuosity from Brian Gore, Clive

Carroll, Alexandre Gismonti and more.

Annual event ‘International Guitar Night’ happens Thursday

When: Thu. Jan. 27, 8 p.m. Where: Lucas Theatre, 32 Abercorn St. Cost: $20-55 Info: 912-525-5050. www.lucastheatre.com/

Psychotronic Film Fest Day 4

What: ‘70s Hong Kong superhero gem “Super Infra-Man” followed by Motorhead frontman’s documentary “Lemmy.” When: Thursday, Jan. 27, 6:30pm & 9pm Where: Muse Arts Warehouse, 703 D Louisville Rd. Cost: $8/film, $15 for both



Lecture: Infections that Changed

FREE the World

What: Professor Hassan Aziz addresses the historical and scientific aspects of selected infections. When: Fri. Jan. 28, 12 p.m. Where: AASU University Hall rm 156, 11935 Abercorn St. Cost: Free and open to the public Info: www.armstrong.edu/


Lecture: Law at the end of life What: UGA Prof. Paul Lombardo

discusses legal issues surrounding the


Film: Trouble the Water

What: An award-winner at Sundance

’08, the film takes an inside look at New Orleans during Katrina. When: Fri. Jan. 28, 1 p.m. Where: AASU Student Union Theater, 11935 Abercorn St. Cost: Free and open to the public

Psychotronic Film Fest Day 5

What: A Hitchcock-esque suspense film “La Moustache” paired with R.Kelly’s self-indugent masterpiece “Trapped in the Closet.” When: Friday, Jan. 28, 6:30pm & 9pm Where: Muse Arts Warehouse, 703 D Louisville Rd. Cost: $8/film, $15 for both



Old Fort Jackson’s 150th Occupational Anniversary What: Cannon firings and special programs

for all ages mark Old Fort Jackson’s 150th occupational anniversary. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 9 a.m. Where: Fort Jackson, 1 Old Fort Jackson Rd. Cost: Regular admission Info: www.chsgeorgia.org/


Water Fair

What: Learn how to lower your water

bill at day of workshops, demonstrations and exhibits about water saving devices, native plant landscaping. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Where: Tybee Gym, Butler Ave & 5th St. Cost: Free

Tech Expo/Family Day

FREE featuring Wiitles

What: Live demos and interactive exhibits for the whole family. Closing day of Pulse Festival. The Wiitles perform at 3 p.m. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 2-5 p.m. Where: Jepson Center Cost: Free, open to the public


week at a glance

week at a glance | continued from previous page


Savannah Jewish Film Festival Day 2


What: Recycled fashion hits the runway.

Presented by Savannah Arts Academy Visual Arts Dept. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 4 & 7 p.m. Where: Savannah Arts Academy, 500 E. Washington Ave. Cost: $5-15 Info: 912-395-5000.

ATC Finals

What: American Traditions

Competition’s best of the best compete for awards. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m. Where: Lucas Theatre, 32 Abercorn St. Cost: $49-59 Info: www.lucastheatre.com/

the Match,” “The Worst Company in the World,” “Nora’s Will,” and “La Rafle.” When: Sun. Jan. 30, 11 a.m. 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 7:00 PM, Where: JEA, 5111 Abercorn St. Cost: $7/members, $9/nonmembers (per film, w/out pass) Info: www.savj.org/


Junk 2 Funk Fashion Show

What: Screenings include “Blessed is

Vinyl Appreciation

What: Listening party featur-

ing eclectic analog musical selections by a group of DJs and record collectors. When: Sun. Jan. 30, 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Where: Muse Arts Warehouse, 703 D Louisville Rd. Psychotronic Film Cost: $3 Info: vinyl912.tumblr.com/ Fest continues

Contra Dance

What: Contra, square dancing

and waltzes. Music by Glow in the Dark String Band. No partner needed and newcomers welcome. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Where: Notre Dame Academy Gym, 1709 Bull St. Cost: $8/general, $6/members, students

Film: The Yankles (US, 2009)

What: An ex-con begins coaching an

Orthodox Jewish baseball team. Opening night of the SAV Jewish Film Fest. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 8 p.m. Where: JEA, 5111 Abercorn St. Cost: $7/members, $9/non-members Info: 912-355-8111. www.savj.org/

Live Music: Merle Haggard

What: The country music legend stops

in Savannah for an evening.

When: Sat. Jan. 29, 8 p.m. Where: Savannah Civic Center, 301 W.

Oglethorpe St. Cost: $37.50-57.50 Info: www.savannahcivic.com

Psychotronic Film Fest Day 6

What: “The Girl Who Kicked the Hor-

nets’ Nest” followed by the Japanese cult horror flick “House” When: Sat., Jan. 29, 6:30pm & 9pm Where: Muse Arts Warehouse, 703 D Louisville Rd. Cost: $8/film, $15 for both

Film: Rocky Horror Picture Show What: A boisterous midnight screening

of the perennial cult classic musical. When: Sat. Jan. 29, 11:30 p.m. Where: Westside Cinemas, Westside Shopping Center, Garden City Cost: $6.75 Info: www.westsidecinemas.com/

Savannah Songwriter Series

What: An up close and personal

concert by the fireplace. This month features Jefferson Ross, Stan Ray, Jere Myers, and April Kelly. When: Sun. Jan. 30, 6 p.m. Where: Cha Bella , 102 E. Broad St. Info: savannahsongwriters.com/



Lecture: Faith Ringgold

What: African American mixed

media artist will give a talk followed by a book signing. An exhibit of her work opens simultaneously at the SCAD Museum. When: Mon. Jan. 31, 7 p.m. Where: Trustees Theater, 216 E. Broughton St. Cost: Free and open to the public



Dayton Contemporary Dance Co. What: The opening night of the SBHF

features a performance from the noteworthy Ohio-based dance company and a ceremony for festival honorees. When: Tue. Feb. 01, 7 p.m. Where: Civic Center Cost: Free with ticket




Our Fall Sale On Selected Merchandise


Film: Stanley (US, 1972)

What: A disturbed Vietnam Vet returns

to his home in the everglades to fight a crime boss with snakes. When: Wednesday, Feb. 2, 8pm Where: The Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park Ave. Cost: $5

17 E. Broughton Street • 912.232.8161 5500 Abercorn Street • 912.352.1158

news & opinion

News & Opinion www.connectsavannah.com/news

Who’s really to blame for city manager fiasco? by Jim Morekis | jim@connectsavannah.com


editor’s note


10 Georgia History

Festival kicks off with lecture by Gary Moulton. by patrick rodgers

speech: Local 11 free physician weighs

in on turmoil in our hospitals. by ben hubby md

06 Feedback / letters 08 Politics 12 Blotter 13 Straight Dope 14 News of the Weird



There are two kinds of bullies in this world:

1) The bullies who swagger up to you, stick their finger in your chest, and take your lunch money; 2) The bullies who convene meetings, establish a “consensus” through groupthink, lecture you about “transparency” and “teachable moments,” and then take your lunch money. Truth be told, I prefer the former, because at least I know where they stand. Before we get into the thorny issues surrounding the search for a permanent Savannah city manager, let’s get a few facts straight: • You can’t blame acting city manager Rochelle Small–Toney for seeking a better position for herself in her chosen field. • While she shouldn’t be given the job solely because she’s an African American female, nor should she be penalized for that. • Small–Toney didn’t force Michael Brown to resign after 15 years and leave the job open. • Small–Toney didn’t force City Council to pay her a higher salary than Michael Brown. • Small–Toney didn’t hire the search firm that returned several compromised candidates (for more on that, read Patrick Rodgers’ story this issue). • Given the volume and complexity of city ordinances, it’s conceivable that Small–Toney was unaware she had to secure a $50,000 bond. • But there is a veteran city attorney for whom it is inconceivable he didn’t know she was required by City charter to secure a bond. • Small–Toney’s initial difficulty being underwritten — she was finally bonded last week after a week of ham–handed evasive tactics by

the City — doesn’t necessarily point to something in her past that should disqualify her. • But the fact that the entire apparatus of city government was mobilized to stifle dissent and seek out the source of the leak about the bond tells us it easily could be something that should disqualify her. The emergency bond, secured under duress, may or may not disprove this. Once we look at the picture more objectively, we have a much clearer idea of who is to blame for this unprecedented fiasco. Small–Toney is the focal point, but the blame lies with Mayor Otis Johnson and the majority of City Council who’ve made it clear they’ll do whatever it takes to give her the job, regardless of public outcry, regardless of whatever skeletons might or might not be in her closet, and possibly regardless of the City charter. By disposing of reasonable methods of hiring a city manager and essentially relying on political brute force, they are, in effect, bullying their constituents. The old dodge of “that’s why we have elections” rings particularly hollow in this case, because by the next election it will be too late to make sure Savannah has the city manager we need and deserve. The low point came last week when, in a move that was brazen even by local standards,

the mayor’s office said that a City Council meeting Wednesday which was illegally closed to the media and public was actually legal because it was an extension of the public forum held the night before. This childishly unbelievable excuse only reinforced the feeling that our leaders aren’t only ignoring us, they’re laughing at us. However, their sense of humor clearly doesn’t extend to themselves. The usual veil of feel–good “team” rhetoric was first cast aside when Mayor Johnson went ballistic, not over Small–Toney’s lack of a bond but because someone leaked the information to the media. Alderman Van Johnson then took the Nixonian step of calling for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to find the identity of the leaker so they could be punished. Going back to our handy list format, their reaction tells us three things: 1) Mayor Johnson and Alderman Johnson are either unaware or don’t care that there are potentially severe penalties for punishing whistleblowers who act in the public interest; 2) There is possibly something very damaging to be found out; 3) It’s a municipal election year. Savannah is old–fashioned, and it’s still run by old–fashioned machine politics. Just because the new machine looks different from the old machine doesn’t make life any easier for those who aren’t part of the machine. The simple truth is that, from a purely political standpoint, the absolute best thing to happen to Small–Toney and the self–labelled majority “team” on City Council in the Nocontinued on next page

feedback | letters@connectsavannah.com | fax (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404

City manager ‘comedy of errors’ comedy: Steve 24 Hofstetter on life,

love, and laughter. by bill deyoung

16 Music 27 Food & Drink 28 Art 30 movies

Editor, Regarding your story last week, “City manager search gets weird,” I couldn’t agree with you more. But I’d go an extra mile to say the whole procedure has been a comedy of errors. It might be an ideal pilot for a sitcom. I’m amazed, not amused. This has been a pitiful moment in the Hostess City of the South, and if CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and even the BBC were to pick up on this story, Savannah would be a laughingstock all over the country and all over the world.

While I am sure that Chris Morrill was an able assistant city manager, mentioning his name at this point in time underscores desperation as opposed to some kind of yearning for temporary relief. While Savannah is being touted as this charming, beautiful, vibrant city and a popular travel destination: it is not lost on me the fact that the residents of metropolitan, inner city, the ’hood Savannah are mere spectators to all the hype. Thanks to gentification and Section 8, they are being banished to the hinterlands of the southside. It speaks volumes that the local school system, while producing mayors and council, cannot pro-

duce a city manager. A slogan is going around saying “it pays to buy local in Savannah.” Apparently it does not pay to recruit local in Savannah for the top official who manages the day to day operation of the city. Ivan Cohen

Keep up reporting Editor, Regarding “City manager search gets weird”: Thanks Jim Morekis for the awesome reporting! Nobody else covers what we all need to know about basic issues of our city. I have to applaud all your hard work.

Thanks for keeping real political writing alive... a lost art. You always put in the extra effort to say something others would let slide. Jonathan Morgan

Search a ‘farce’ Editor, Since I’ve lived here only 23 years and am from Europe, I learned that true Savannahians don’t like newcomers but want their money, and they don’t want any input from some Northerners. The whole city manager search is a farce. I guess the mayor learned from his colleagues in DC. Aneli

Proud Sponsor of the Savannah Music Festival

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vember elections is for the local media, which is vastly white, and the local business community, also vastly white, to call for her to step aside. Don’t take my word for it. Mayor Johnson himself signaled the direction this was going to take when he responded to a reporter inquiring about Small–Toney’s lack of a bond thusly: “You know this is personal.” If you’ve lived in Savannah for a long time, as I have, it’s impossible to see this as anything else but code for “It’s racist to even ask these questions.” Whether he meant that or not is actually immaterial. Johnson is neither unintelligent nor naive, and couldn’t possibly think it would be interpreted any other way. Racial politics are nothing new here. But at no previous time in my years covering local politics have I seen the racial dynamic become so corrosive so quickly as with this city manager search. The 1991 Rousakis vs. Weiner campaign had racial issues surrounding crime and punishment, but at heart was about the community wanting change at the top. The 2003 Johnson vs. Liakakis campaign had the potential to be extremely divisive racially, but because of the maturity of the two men it never got truly out of hand. But we’re in new territory here. The mayor’s right: It really is personal. The hard feelings over this will not go away with the hiring of a city manager, any city manager. It has dire implications for the future of the community, and all who live, go to school, pay taxes, and do business within it. Good people can disagree on whether Small-Toney should be the next city manager of Savannah, and why or why not. What is much more damaging is that Mayor Johnson and company have completely squandered an opportunity for one of those “teachable moments” he’s so fond of. A chance to unite the community, black and white, around a clearly qualified candidate of any race or gender was thrown away to feed the beast of machine politics. The potential for Johnson to cement his mayoral legacy as a leader who believed in transparency and empowerment was trashed over the span of a few days by the gritty reality of power. Otis Johnson will be off the city stage in a matter of months, but we’ll all have to deal with the consequences of his poor judgment in this situation. As will the next mayor of Savannah, whoever that might be. cs

news & opinion

editor’s note | from page

news & opinion


Searching for a city manager Has misinformation derailed the chances of popular support for any of the candidates? by Patrick Rodgers


Savannah is a city with a history of messy politics, but over the past 10 days, there’s been more than the usual share of suspicion, misinformation and fear concerning the future of city management. Savannah’s search for a city manager has become such a disaster that government officials nearly 1,000 miles away in Columbia, Mo., heard about it and have begun to question the information they were provided on candidates. The city of about 110,000 is also currently searching for a City Manager using the firm Affion Public. An article from last week’s Columbia Daily Tribune quoted 6th District Alderman Tony Thomas as saying, “I am just not very comfortable with the process and not very comfortable with the search Affion did for us.” Two days earlier, Thomas and Alder-

Patrick Rodgers


The view of the city manager candidates at last week’s public forum; Mayor Johnson is at the podium

man–at–Large Jeff Felser were central voices in a Savannah Morning News article outlining concerns about the four remaining candidates for Savannah’s city manager position. “I believe the company did not do their due diligence,” Felser told writer Lesley Conn. This narrative was nothing new. In the 2005 search for a police chief, Michael Berkow was hired and within weeks council discovered he had pending lawsuits for professional misconduct – a piece of information that hadn’t been shared with members of City Council or the Chatham County Commission. There were calls for a GBI investigation that never got off the ground. This time around, however, the perceived failure to disclose pertinent background information on candidates, which some community members ascribed to not–so–secret intentions of council members to install an African American City Manager and others blamed squarely on the failure of the search firm, Affion Public, are the result of misinformation. That information wasn’t included in candidate bios distributed to the media or the public, but members of City Council were informed by Affion CEO Scott Reilly at a Dec. 17 meeting. “The newspaper printed an article that Affion did not make the council aware of the fact that [Wayne Cauthen]

was unemployed. That was not true,” says Larry Stuber, 3rd District Alderman. “Every single person was advised by Affion on that one issue that he had parted company with Kansas City.” “The information might have been a surprise to the public, but we were presented these candidates before when we had to pare them down,” says Van Johnson, 1st District Alderman. “We did our due diligence,” says Affion Public CEO Scott Reilly. “We provided that info.” Stuber and Reilly spoke about the firm’s methodology and the scope of their search and is satisfied that the company did its job correctly. “I asked questions of the guy Scott Reilly and I’m satisfied,” Stuber explains. “They did a national search and they produced national grade candidates.” In the brochure advertising the available city manager position, which was created by Affion after meetings with the mayor and council, there are several paragraphs of qualifications in the “Ideal Candidate” section. The skill set includes being “fiscally conservative,” “dynamic and visionary,” and able to “demonstrate knowledge of and familiarity with innovative funding and financial sources in order to assist the city with current and future economic development projects.” Near the bottom of the document: The ideal candidate must also have “experience serving a racially diverse

population and have a genuine interest in becoming a part of the community,” and “have a desire to help alleviate poverty in the community and have experience with poverty reduction efforts.” According to Reilly, the source of the “acrimony” stems largely from the need for experience with poverty reduction. “That has been one of the big differentiators in terms of looking at candidates that have had experience dealing with that,” he explains. “I’ve heard people say ‘we’ve got candidates with a checkered past,’ but that’s because they’re working in difficult communities... Poverty reduction is difficult.” Although critics have questioned specifically including poverty reduction rather than just economic development (which was also mentioned in the candidate brochure), Reilly sees them as very different skill sets. “Poverty reduction is more about education and workforce development,” he says. “Economic development is typically about driving business in your community... Poverty reduction can’t be done without economic development, but economic development can be done without poverty reduction.” In total, Affion received 80 resumes from applicants across the country, and they tried to recruit others, many of whom turned down the opportunity. One circumstance that significantly impacted the field of candidates, is the fact that the city is in an election year.

After getting the chance to question each candidate, attendees were able to submit comments for each. Those have been collected and given to members of council, along with other notes offered by senior staff members who also met individually with the candidates. Once City Council has had a chance to review all the documents, they will

further reduce the field of candidates. “We’ll do our due diligence to further investigate their backgrounds and do site visits to their respective cities, reference checking and other applicable checks,” says Van Johnson. “Then, from there, we’ll determine if we can get consensus on a candidate.” “In my opinion, there are qualified

candidates in that pool,” says Stuber. “We’re going to get the best, most qualified candidate we can find.” Barring additional delays, council expects the new city manager to be named by March. cs To comment email us at letters@connectsavannah.com


“As a city manager, you’re looking and saying, I could get hired this year and have nine new bosses by the end of this year,” says Reilly, explaining some feedback he heard from potential candidates who didn’t want to be considered. Because the city manager is hired and fired by mayor and council, the potential for a change in elected officials leaves many candidates too uncertain to leave current positions. The average tenure of a city manager in a city with a population of more than 100,000 is only about 3–5 years because changes in administration often lead to changes in management. Wayne Cauthen was removed from his position in Kansas City, Mo., after the election of a new mayor, Mark Funkhouser, who had been a former city employee and a candidate for the manager position along with Cauthen. Similarly, although much attention locally was given to the departure of Pat DiGiovanni from his position as city manager of Kalamazoo, Mich., that included allegations of creating “racial tension,” little attention was given to the fact that up to that point, he was the longest serving manager in that city’s history by several years. The mayor pointed out during last week’s public meeting in the Coastal Georgia Center that Savannah is unique in its experience with city management. Savannah had two managers, Don Mendonza and Michael Brown, who held the reigns for over three decades combined — more than half the time Savannah has had a manager system in place — a total anomaly in municipal government. “Obviously some of the aldermen want someone with spic ‘n span backgrounds — never being terminated, never having any sorts of issues — but in the world of city managers, it’s extremely difficult because of the nature of that beast,” says Van Johnson. Last week’s public meeting, which offered the public a chance to meet and ask questions of the four finalists, was unique in the history of the city. “Never has anything like this been held,” Mayor Otis Johnson told the audience during his introductory remarks. The crowd, which numbered close to 300, came prepared with questions for the potential future managers, and most (but not all) of those questions were grounded firmly in discussions of policies relevant to the future of the city. “It was such a diverse group. It showed me people were really engaged and really interested in this process,” says Van Johnson.

news & opinion

politics | continued from previous page

news & opinion

Community The Georgia History Festival kicks off next week with a talk by prominent historian Gary Moulton. He’ll discuss the internal and external struggles of the Cherokee nation in the early part of the 19th Century that culminated with the Trail of Tears. The talk will also touch on the significance of one this year’s History Festival honorees, Sequoyah, who created the syllabary that was the foundation of the Cherokee’s written language. We had the pleasure of speaking with Moulton last week to discuss the Cherokee, the Georgia Gold Rush, and how even at its unseasonably coldest, Savannah is still nicer than Nebraska (where he lives) in the wintertime.



Talking with historian Gary Moulton

Georgia History Fest kicks off with a talk about the Cherokee in the Peach State by Patrick Rodgers


For the first half of the 19th Century, leading up to the Trail of Tears, how big is the Cherokee Nation at that point? Gary Moulton: At its height, probably 20,000 people or more, and they spread over a territory that encompasses parts of several states: Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. They didn’t fill it with the sort of population we think of today, but they did have an incredibly large territory and they were a very influential tribe. Through linguistic studies, we know Cherokee weren’t original inhabitants of that territory, but by the time of the American Revolution and English colonization, the Cherokee were well established there. One hundred odd years and a few generations after landing in the New World are the American settlers just more brazen? What led to the shift from co–habitation to land grabbing?

Among the Cherokee there was an internal struggle between the full bloods and the mixed bloods. These mixed bloods saw themselves as accommodating to the American way. Gary Moulton: It’s a power struggle for one thing. Can we have an independent Indian government set alongside the American government? Who will determine the destiny of those people in a particular state? Is it going to be the state itself or is it going to be the federal government? The issue of states rights gets caught up in this as well. The Cherokees had the misfortune of having gold discovered on their land and that made it even worse for their future. People wanted that land and that gold. The state of Georgia began selling off gold certificates, land portions, to their citizens. It was a grand lottery to get land that potentially had gold on it. They disregarded Indian land ownership and rights. They simply went in and took over. What’s the significance of Sequoyah and the Cherokee syllabary? Gary Moulton: Among the Cherokee there was an internal struggle between the full bloods and the mixed bloods. These mixed bloods saw themselves as accommodating to the American way. This was partly the result of Sequoyah and the ability of Cherokee to become literate. A Cherokee could learn to read and write in three or four days. We take years to learn to read and

write, but if a Cherokee could speak the language, he could learn these 87 syllables and that would take care of him. Once you memorized those syllables, it was very easy to read and write. They formed a newspaper, the Cherokee Phoenix, which had news in English and Cherokee. They formed a Constitutional government with a court system, a principle Chief and a two house legislature. They had a school system. Among the Cherokee, there was one faction that said we’re going too far, too fast, and we need to keep the old ways. This is where the internal split is and what got them in trouble signing a treaty with the American government to allow removal. It was fraudulently made by a minority of the group, but it was still accepted by the federal government. It bound them to yield their lands and move out of Georgia and the other states. cs Georgia History Festival Kickoff Lecture with Gary Moulton When: Feb. 3, 7 p.m. Where: Trinity United Methodist Church, 225 W. President St. Cost: Free and open to the public Info: www.georgiahistory.com cs

The reason hospital board members rubber-stamp empires they wouldn’t approve for their own business is they’re spending other people’s money: ours.

Turmoil at our hospitals It has to be said there’s a lot of excellence at St. Joseph’s–Candler and Memorial Health; I know because my patients benefit from that excellence every day. Yet no hospital is as good as her boast, even Mass General. With the turmoil at the hospitals right now, we’re not achieving a hospital with a soul or world-class health care. Both hospitals tend to get into trouble by their respective boards okaying grand visions of their CEOS, without giving enough thought to whether the grand plans are needed. With much ballyhoo, Candler built a “cardiac institute� for about $55 million, which is now an office building without a cardiologist in it. And Memorial was prepared to build a hospital on Savannah’s westside which Memorial’s

leadership admitted wasn’t necessary. The reason hospital board members rubber-stamp empires they wouldn’t approve for their own business is they’re spending other people’s money: ours. We’ve had cycles of performance at both hospitals. Several years ago Memorial had a misadventure having to do with a colostomy and things went south — in my opinion — because too many doctors wrote orders in the chart and the nurses had trouble figuring who was in charge. Misadventures can occur at very fine hospitals, and it takes great attention to detail and clarity to prevent misadventures. The patient ultimately did fine and Memorial, to her great credit, instituted an excellent error prevention and detection program, definitely worthy of being boasted about.

Having supported these hospitals with its treasure, our community has been let down. Recently employees in Candler’s Radiology Department photographed a patient’s X–ray and posted it on Facebook. When this occurs at any hospital, that hospital is out of control, which is the responsibility of the CEO and the board. “The buck stops here,� President Harry Truman said. Two years ago Memorial brought in as CEO and president, Phillip Schaengold, to manage the health system’s debt, rung up with over–spending and uncompensated & charity care. As part of cost-saving, Mr. Schaengold addressed the expense of managing practices for 40 internists and gynecologists. When the doctors did not give in as much as Shaengold felt the mission

of the hospital required, he let the doctors go. Memorial’s board sided with the doctors and fired Schaengold for trying to do his job. The last time physicians at Memorial went to the mat with the CEO, they lost. This time they won, but at what cost if self interest higher in the food chain, along with Shaengold’s $900,000 separation packet, causes layoffs of front line workers, the heart & soul of the hospital? When Memorial was built her purpose was to serve those in need. I feel the hospital got off track a little. If Memorial wants to become a world class hospital, she should bring back her clinic patients, sent down to Urban Health to wait on benches all day, and our two hospital systems ought to build a comprehensive clinic for our community’s HIV patients, so persons with the modern plague can receive the best possible care. cs To comment email us at letters@connectsavannah.com

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news & opinion

by Ben Hubby MD


free speech

news & opinion JAN 26 - FEB 1, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


Blotter All cases from recent Savannah/ Chatham Police Dept. incident reports

A whole bunch of gun violence

An officer investigating a stolen car in the Paradise Park area was shot at by a suspect who drove by in another stolen car.

The officer drove off after the first shot was fired. Bullets shattered his rear windshield and struck the protective screen between the front and back seats of his patrol vehicle. The suspect then drove off, leading police on a lengthy pursuit that ended at about 8:45 a.m. in the Parkside neighborhood. The suspect was boxed in by police, who fired shots in an attempt to disable the vehicle. The suspect was taken into custody. No one was injured. The suspect’s motives are unclear. The first stolen car was rediscovered later, it had been crashed and abandoned near Dunwoody and Edgewater Streets. The 19 year old was charged with at-

tempted murder in addition to a slew of other charges, because he pursued the officer and fired additional shots. • Within an hour, three shootings were reported one night last week. At least two are unrelated. A 34 year old man was shot outside of Live Oak Plantation apartments on Waters Ave. He died from the injuries. Police were familiar with him, and he had 10 outstanding warrants against him. About 40 minutes later, police responded to reports on gunfire on the Westside, where a 32 year old man was found in an alley. Police suspect he had walked to the lane after being shot on Comer Street. He also died from the injuries. 10 minutes later, a 19 year old man was dropped off at an emergency room suffering from gunshot wounds he said he received on Mississippi Street. Police were unable to locate a crime scene in the area, but had to wait to further question the man because he’d been transferred into surgery. Police are trying to ascertain whether the third shooting is related to either of the first two.

• Police arrested a woman and charged her with four counts of aggravated assault after she fired shots during a confrontation outside Deja Groove. Earlier, a group of people had been fighting, and four women who instigated the incident were kicked out. Later, they were confronted by the other group, comprising active duty military stationed at Hunter Army Airfield. One suspect walked to her car and got a handgun. When she saw the suspects, she fired several shots, then jumped in a car and rode off. She was arrested after a cooperative investigation by SCMPD and the Hunter Criminal Investigations Division. • On January 8, a 79–year old man was shot to death outside of a convenience store. At 10 a.m., police were called to a convenience store in the 1000 block of Waters Avenue after an employee reported that a customer walked into the store injured. The man had been in the store a few minutes

earlier, made a purchase, then left. In the interim, he was shot and robbed of his wallet. The victim, John Green, was well–known in the neighborhood. Anyone with info should call Crimestoppers at 912–234–2020. • A man was found by police after he attempted to rob a Southside bank with a cap gun. The 25-year-old man entered the bank, demanding money from tellers. They complied and he ran from the scene. He unsuccessfully tried to carjack a mall customer who was exiting the parking lot. He continued running toward Ramsey Run Apartments. Officers responded quickly and found a man fitting the description. They also found a pillow case with an undisclosed amount of money. cs Give anonymous crime tips to Crimestoppers at 234-2020

The current ad campaign for Samuel Adams beer makes the somewhat dubious claim that the company’s beer, stored in brown bottles, is better preserved than beer in clear or green bottles. Tell me if there is any validity to this claim, or if it’s just the usual marketing babble. —David Despite the occasional introduction of civet feces (no joke) or other eccentric ingredients, beer is an essentially simple product, typically made from water, malted grains, yeast, and hops. These seemingly uncomplicated fixings give rise to more than 600 volatile compounds, with chemical reactions continuing the entire time the beer ages. As with most chemical reactions, heat speeds them up, as can the energy in light. Some of these reactions can yield a mellower flavor. Too much light, however, and your brew may be “lightstruck,” meaning you get skunky beer. The first reference to lightstruck beer dates from 1875, but the cause was unknown until the late 20th century. The culprit: hops. You may ask: what are hops, anyway? I confess to being a little vague on the subject myself. Hops are the conelike flowers of the climbing plant Humulus lupulus, used for its bitter flavor. When light reacts with certain hop-derived compounds, it creates a variety of unpleasant-smelling and -tasting chemicals, the biggie being 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, or MBT. There are several ways to prevent beer from becoming lightstruck: brew it without hops, use light-resistant hop extract, or add antioxidants. Since all these things affect taste, though, most brewers prefer to simply keep the beer away from light. Packaging beer in cans is one obvious solution, but beer snobs historically have shunned cans, claiming they impart a metallic taste. Modern high-tech coatings have largely allayed such concerns, and some now claim cans are the ideal way to package beer. But you asked about glass. Colored glass can filter out both visible and

by Cecil Adams

news & Opinion

ultraviolet light. Brown glass tends to block more light than green; clear glass, predictably, doesn’t block much at all. Since dark beers absorb more light than light beers, it’s essential to store stouts, bocks, and the like in brown bottles, while lighter beers can be happy in green ones. To see how things worked out in practice, we turned, as so often, to the lab. My assistants Una and Fierra, both experienced home brewers, cooked up a batch of extra-hoppy German-style beer which they dubbed “Cecil’s Dopetoberfest,” containing a modest 4.6 percent alcohol by volume. They bottled it in brown, green, and clear glass and let it age for six weeks in a cool basement. Next they grouped the bottles into five sets of three (each comprising one bottle of each color) and left them outdoors in direct sunlight for different lengths of time, keeping control samples hidden. The five groups of bottles were exposed to three, eight, 24, 48, and 72 hours of sunlight respectively. Thanks to cold weather, keeping the bottles cool while in the sun wasn’t a problem. After their time in the sun, the bottles from each group plus several control bottles were refrigerated to 35 degrees and sampled in a double-blind taste test. Results: •After three hours of sun exposure there was no significant difference among the beers, though both testers rated the control beer least palatable. Which isn’t so odd—some research suggests exceedingly small amounts of MBT can improve beer flavor. •After eight hours of sun the clearbottled beer developed a skunky odor and a bitter chemical taste. The other bottles were judged uniformly good. •After 24 hours of sun, the clearbottled beer produced a strong skunky odor and a taste Fierra noted as “Ewwwww!” The green-bottled beer started to taste metallic. •After 48 hours, the clear-bottled beer became still more disgusting, and upon opening could be smelled from six feet away. The green-bottled beer had acquired a strong metallic taste. The brown-bottled beer remained indistinguishable from the control. •After 72 hours in the sun, even the brown-bottled beer was starting to go. Conclusions: (1) In this world of mendacity, at least one ad claim has a basis in fact—brown bottles do protect beer better than green or clear. (2) Notwithstanding (1), in the war of beer vs. sun, don’t bet against the sun. cs

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news & Opinion JAN 26 - FEB 1, 2011 | WWW.CONNECTSAVANNAH.COM


news of the weird Lead Story

Do Ask, Must Tell (and Show): The Turkish military’s legendary homophobia (rare among NATO countries) comprises both zero-tolerance for homosexuality by service personnel and the requirement of rigorous proof by anyone applying for exemption from service by claiming to be gay. (Homosexuality is the only disqualifier from compulsory service for ablebodied men.) In personal experiences recounted for Foreign Policy magazine in December, some gay men seeking exemptions were ordered to verify their claims by producing witnesses to their homosexual acts, or by photographing themselves fully engaged -- and to be persuasive to authorities, the conscript had to be depicted in the “receiving” position in sexual intercourse.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit!

• Daring New Products: (1) Introduced at a New York food fair in January (and planned for U.S. distribution later this year): Great Scot International’s potatolike chips in the “flavor” of Scotland’s “national delicacy” (yes -- haggis chips!). (2) Burger King U.K.’s Christmas-season special this year (available briefly in December): a regular Whopper, garnished with a generous helping of brussels sprouts. • The notoriously isolated North Korean economy only permits new products to be sold as needs arise, and in December (according to a report by Agence France-Presse), the ministries began allowing Western-style “skinny jeans” (having relaxed the rule requiring female

workers to wear skirts). Also recently Science on the Cutting Edge for sale: human fertilizer (owing to the • Good to Know: Perhaps too many attrition of the animals that previously late nights at Japan’s National Institute for produced manure for family gardens). Materials Science led to the recent quix• The SEGA video company’s Japan diotic “testing” of superconductor metals by vision began test-marketing its new Toysubmersion in alcoholic beverages. Yoshilets game in January, designed for men’s hiko Takano and his colleagues developed urinals. With sensors in the basin and a experiments to soak the metals to see if video screen at eye level, men score points resistance to electricity is decreased (and, based on the strength and accuracy of thus, conductivity increased). They found their streams. Among the suite of games: success with whiskey, sake, beer and sumo wrestling (squirt the opponent out the vodka-like shochu, but red of the circle), graffiti-erasure (strong wine worked best, improving streams wipe out more graffiti), conductivity by 62 percent. and skirt-raising (the stronger the It may be cold, • Flip a Coin: Among hubut at least stream, the higher a woman’s skirt is man procreation technologies there’s no “blown” upward). soft-pedaled to tamp down snow! controversy is surgeons’ ability to selectively abort The Redneck Chronisome, but not all, fetuses in a cles womb in cases where in vitro (1) In a December incident near fertilization (IVF) has overproOrlando, a former Ku Klux Klan duced (usually involving mothers “Cyclops,” George Hixon, 73, and his expecting triplets or greater, son, Troy, 45, and Troy’s girlfriend which pose serious health risks). fought, resulting in Troy’s allegedly More controversially, according firing gunshots toward the woman’s to a December National Post feet and the subsequent arrests of report, a Toronto-area couple told their the two men. According to Osceola physician that IVF-created “twins” would County deputies, the altercation was be too much for them to care for and that precipitated by the girlfriend’s unhappithe doctor should terminate one fetus ness that she got the “cheap beer” while (randomly chosen?) and leave the other. the men kept the “good beer” (Budweiser) for themselves. (2) The County CommisWeird Animals sion in Jackson, Ga., delayed a vote in British researchers, writing in the jourDecember on new cell-phone towers at nal Evolution in November, described the request of one official with questions a species of birds in Africa’s Kalahari about the county’s contract -- CommisDesert that appear to acquire food by sioner Gator Hodges. running a “protection racket” for other birds. The biologists hypothesize that

because drongo birds hang out at certain nests and squawk loudly when predators approach, the nest’s residents grow more confident about security and thus can roam farther away when they search for food -- but with the hunters gone, the drongos scoop up any food left behind. (The researchers also found that drongos are not above staging false alarms to trick birds into leaving their food unguarded.)

Leading Economic Indicators Extreme: (1) The North Dakota Supreme Court ruled in September that the overdraft fee charged by Quality Bank of Fingal, N.D., to customer Lynette Cavett, of nearly $12,000, was nonetheless legal. The court found that the fee, which reached $100 a day, was disclosed to Cavett in advance. (2) Automaker BMW of Germany announced testing in December of a new technology (“flash projection”) in which an ultra-bright light sears the company logo into a viewer’s vision, where it lingers even if the viewer subsequently closes his eyelids tightly.

Fine Points of the Law

A Roman Catholic church tribunal in Modena, Italy, ruled in November that a marriage should be annulled on the grounds of the wife’s adultery even though she apparently only “thought about” having an affair. Her now-ex-husband believes she never actually followed through on her desires for an “open marriage.” cs By chuck shepherd UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE

news & Opinion


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by bill deyoung | bill@connectsavannah.com




sound board

Club owners and performers: Soundboard is a free service - to be included, please send your live music information weekly to bill@connectsavannah.com. Questions? Call (912) 721-4385.



At 11 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 26 Hang Fire Bar, 37 Whitaker St. One of Austin’s most beloved bands in its Savannah debut. For just four guys, TBLSH makes a mighty sound – it’s got a a guitar–based, classic rock and blues core, with intense flurries of funk (killer rhythm section) and psychedelia, too, topped off by piano and organ and the occasional heart–stopping four–part vocal harmony. “In college, the guitar player and I were into some artsy experimental, hardcore kind of stuff,” bassist Jack O’Brien tells us. “But once we started working with our current keyboard player and drummer, we started doing everything real naturally. And we kind of stopped forcing it, or doing what we thought we needed to do to be unique. The current music has come out of that; and we’re a lot more happy with that direction.” A good, strong sense of humor can add to an artist’s mystique (especially when the music’s this good). To finance their 2010 album sessions, the members of TBLSH started a “please send us money” campaign online (see jacksmoustache.com). In a hilarious video, they informed fans that, for specific donations, they’d bake cookies, wash cars, scrub toilets and/or write a love song using the fan’s name (of course, each scenario was appropriately acted out by a grateful band). Top prize was the privilege of shaving O’Brien’s trademark handlebar ‘stache (it would then be mounted, suitable for wall–hanging). “Usually, it’s just us joking around after practice,” says O’Brien, who still has his facial hair. “Like, ‘wouldn’t it be cool if the moustache talked?’” The band plugged the vinyl release of their new album with a video called “The Vagina Dialogues” (and yes, it’s what you think it is). “I’ve had some experience with editing video and stuff, so we’re able to do those things,” laughs O’Brien. “More for entertaining ourselves, really.” See thebrightlightsocialhour.com

At 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 Lucas Theatre, 32 Abercorn St. $20–$55 at scadboxoffice.com San Francisco six–string maestro Brian Gore has been the cog in the IGN wheel for 11 years; he utilizes open tunings, unique chordings and unexpected harmonic structures to make his acoustic guitar sing in most pleasant ways. This is IGN’s second visit to Savannah, but Gore – the event’s founder – is the only holdover from last year’s (incredibly well–received) program. The 2011 virtuosi are Great Britain’s poly–dextrous Clive Carroll, Brazilian guitar magician Alexandre Gismonti and the Italian melodicist Pino Forastiere. They’ll play individually, in small couplings and as a quartet, demonstrating that the acoustic guitar is both a dynamic and versatile instrument – in the right set of hands. It’s a concert, not a jam session, Gore told us last time around: “We don’t think anybody that’s part of IGN, myself included, should apologize for their chops. The players who are part of the show use their chops to support good music. And that’s really the main way you keep it from being out of control.” See internationalguitarnight.squarespace.com


Charleston’s Gaslight Street, playing Friday (Jan. 28) at Loco’s Grill & Pub, is a bluesy, swampy funk band – Southern Gothic blues with a Macon–in–the’–70s edge to it (that’s them in the photo below)... More live electronica and dance music Friday at the Livewire, with Thumbprint opening a show for The Polish Ambassador ... Savannah special: Our own Niche and Damon and the Shitkickers share the Saturday bill at the Jinx ...



Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Hang Fire The Bright Light Social Hour (Live Music) 11 p.m. Jazz’d Tapas Bar Eddie Wilson (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Harry O’Donoghue (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Eric Culberson’s Open Jam (Live Music) 10 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Trae Gurley (Live Music) From the Frank Sinatra songbook Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Tantra Lounge Open Mic Night (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Jeff Beasley (Live Music) 6 p.m. Wormhole Bar Ikarus Brurns, Counterfeit I (Live Music) 10 p.m. KARAOKE Augie’s Pub (Richmond Hill) Karaoke Club One Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke TRIVIA, DJ Jinx Rock ‘n’ Roll Bingo With DJ Drunk Tank Soundsytem Loco’s Grill & Pub Team Trivia Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill Trivia Night

! d e W iR

continues from p.16


Call fo R d eTailS


Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) Piano 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 6:30 p.m. Jazz’d Tapas Bar Trae Gurley (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Fran Doyle (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Bitch Please, Willrock (Live Music) 9 p.m. Lucas Theatre for the Arts International Guitar Night (Live Music) Guitar virtuoso Brian Gore and friends 8 p.m. Rocks on the Roof (Bohemian Hotel) Eric Culberson Band (Live Music) Ruth’s Chris Steak House Bobby Ryder (Live Music) Jazz saxophone 7:30 p.m. Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Sentient Bean Heather Maloney (Live Music) Acoustic 8 p.m. Wild Wing Cafe Liquid Ginger (Live Music) Wormhole Bar Dreamland Express (Live Music) 10 p.m.

haPPy ho uR daily 4 fR

ee Ping Po ng & Wi– 8pm i

weDNesDay JaN 26

RockNRoll BiNgo em with DJ DRuNk taNk souNDsyst

PRizes w/Nightlyust Ry Night

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open jam

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DRiNk sPec coveR! Buy 1, 2ND $1 oN eveRythiNg! No

hosted by eric culberson

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Jefferson Ross performs Sunday at Cha Bella, for the Savannah Songwriters Showcase KARAOKE Dew Drop Inn Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke Rachael’s 1190 Karaoke DJ, TRIVIA Bacchus Lounge Live DJ Jinx DJ Frost & Ragtime Pour Larry’s Live DJ Tantra Lounge DJ Basik Lee & DJ Valis of Dope Sandwich (DJ) Tybee Island Social Club Trivia Night



Bernie’s Oyster House (Tybee) Samuel Adams Band (Live Music) 6-10 p.m. Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) Piano 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 7 p.m. Doc’s Bar Roy & the Circuitbreakers (Live Music) 9 p.m. Fiddler’s Crab House (River Street) Eric Culberson Band (Live Music) Jazz’d Tapas Bar Bluesonics (Live Music) Jinx Dead Yet?, Slave Grave (Live Music) 11 p.m. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Fran Doyle (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. continues on p. 22

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ViP fo R 2011 iS h e R e!


ge T

sound board





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The boys in the band: Stuart Lusk, left, Eric Culberson and Nate Saraceno

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Key change

With In the Outside, guitarist Eric Culberson makes a bold musical statement by Bill DeYoung | bill@connectsavannah.com

What’s gotten into Eric Culberson?

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After two decades of kicking around every club in town, most recently as the blues player to beat, Culberson — inarguably, Savannah’s finest electric guitarist – has taken a hard left turn. His new CD, In the Outside, is a multi–colored rock record. The living, breathing ghosts of Jimi Hendrix and Duane Allman hover like guardian angels over its 11 tracks, which brim with melody, harmony, unusual chord changes — and, most importantly — four–alarm fire guitar playing. Culberson’s singing voice is both gruff and tender. In the Outside is not just a breath of fresh air, it’s a great, overwhelming gulp of pure oxygen. “I’ll tell you what it is — it’s what was bouncing in between my two ears,” Culberson explains. “It’s no conscious effort to go any direction, or a conscious angle, it’s just what I was hearing in my

head.” Culberson, 44, says he’s coming off of a rough couple of years. Divorce, family tragedy and financial problems had taken their toll. And the Eric Culberson Blues Band — including bassist Nate Saraceno and drummer Stuart Lusk — was gigging pretty much nonstop. “I kind of flat–lined creatively, for about 10 years, which felt like an eternity,” Culberson explains. “I quit writing songs. I was just beatin’ the highway, man, we were playing our asses off everywhere, up and down. I guess I was just too exhausted to feel anything.” As recently as 2007, he adds, “I was in a hole so deep, and I didn’t care any more.” Once things began to turn around — thanks, in part, to a new lady in his life — Culberson began to re–acquaint himself with the Muse. “I fell in love, the sun started shining,” he smiles. “I crawled out of the hole and I started writing music. Alive again. I started

feeling things again.” Another reason for the new guitar sound — indeed, for the multi–textural feel of the entire album — is the fact that Culberson put aside his trademark red Gibson Trini Lopez 335, his longtime blues instrument, and started playing a vintage Fender Stratocaster. He’d had the guitar, the same model played by both Hendrix and Eric Clapton in their glory days, since the 1980s. Once he started working with it again, his sound evolved. “It’s a little harsher sounding, a little thinner,” Culberson explains. “And I started using pedals again. “For 18 years, I had been plugging the Gibson straight into the amp. No effects. Any kind of effects that I wanted, I would just do with my fingers or my hands, to the extent that you could do them with your fingers and your hands. And a little bit of reverb every now and then.” He picked up the Strat, and soon discovered he just couldn’t put it down.

— is its seamless incorporation of blues phrasing into the mix — like Clapton’s seminal Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs, the album puts hardline blues right next to creative, exhilarating rock proudly, right there on the same shelf. And it works. Culberson is at a loss to explain it. “It’s confusing for me,” he says. “I’m a rock ‘n’ roller at heart, and I also like the blues. It’s kind of like coming out of the closet. “I felt like I’d always written really good blues songs. It’s just that the music, in blues, is not gonna change that much. But the message – the story – is, and that’s what makes a blues song. It’s the same music, re–hashed. Now, I’m not talking about the soul, and the feel, and the timing which is the deceptively simple part of the blues. That touch, you know? That’s the something you can’t ever take for granted; you have to bring that up every night. “In this case, this is the first time I’ve written these chord changes and bridges, and dynamically everything’s changing. Ten, 15 chords in a song – I’d never thought about doing that. I’m really amazed, and humbled, and I feel blessed by the whole creative process.” He, Saraceno and Lusk are now officially called the Eric Culberson Band (the word “Blues” was dropped from the moniker late last year). They’re a spectacularly tight unit; Lusk co–wrote two of the In the Outside songs with Culberson. They’re thinking of adding a second guitarist, or a keyboard player, to flesh out the complex new material onstage. Culberson loves his hometown, and he loves his devoted fans, and he knows people are talking about what he’s been up to. “I’ve heard people say ‘They’re doing this album because they don’t want to play blues any more.’ That’s not true. We’re just more now, musically. “It’s all a good thing, man. And when we play blues now, we’re playing blues better than we ever have. Because we feel refreshed and invigorated, just creatively stimulated. We have a better attitude. Everything in the band is just gelling across the board. It’s always been me, and now it’s a band. And I like that a lot.” CS Eric Culberson Band Where & when: Rocks on the Roof, Bohemian Hotel, 102 Bay St., at 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 Where & when: Fiddler’s Crabhouse, 131 River St., at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 28 and 29 Artist’s website: ericculberson.com

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In his teenage years, Culberson’s first guitar hero was Ace Frehley, from Kiss. “I had every single one of their albums,” he smiles. From there, he developed a lifelong love for Hendrix, and once he began to teach himself to play, his textbook examples were Lynyrd Skynyrd (for the band’s clean, swampy, triple–guitar attack) and the heavy blues–inflected riffage of Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page. An infatuation with the more molten–electric English guitar bands (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest) led, perhaps inevitably, to a discovery of the original American blues artists from whom they’d liberally lifted. “There was a common denominator in all those different musics,” he recalls thinking. “And it was the blues.” Music began to take over his days (he was a construction worker and electrician until he started falling asleep on the job) and nights (for seven years, his EROK Trio was the house band at a Savannah blues bar called Crossroads). By the end of the 1990s, as the expansion of SCAD brought more students downtown, the music scene was growing. Culberson and his then–wife bought the Crossroads, re–named it Savannah Blues, and ran it until 2003. Culberson had already been “discovered” by Florida–based King Snake Records, which promoted his “sex appeal and charisma” and dubbed him “The New King of Southern Blues” with two CDs, No Rules to the Game and Blues is My Religion. Despite numerous glowing reviews from national blues magazines, the King Snake years were a bust. Culberson and EROK were back in Savannah, playing the clubs. Music has always been his adrenaline, through hard times, hard living and assorted wheels of hard cheese. Once, the bones in his arm snapped during a particularly heated arm–wrestling match. That night, he was onstage, his limb in a sling, playing guitar (help upright like a cello) with his thumb. “When I’m not happy, I don’t really feel like playing,” Culberson says. “And I don’t. But as soon as I do, I feel better. “I don’t care if it’s the stomach flu, or a broken arm. It’s not like ‘I feel bad, I’m going to play great tonight.’ That’s not it. You have to feel bad all the time, long enough for it to register and come out the other side a little bit. You almost have to be over it to write about it. But you have to experience it.” One of the most exhilarating aspects of In the Outside — recorded locally at Kevin Rose’s Elevated Basement Studios


pour Larry'S

feature | continued from previous page





Merles of wisdom Selected words from country’s legendary Mr. Haggard by Bill DeYoung


One of the great misconceptions about Merle Haggard – who comes to the Johnny Mercer Theatre Jan. 29 – is that he was a right–wing, straight–arrow conservative hippie–basher at the turbulent end of the 1960s. To this day, Hag – who is, to be sure, an opinionated man and only too happy to tell you what he thinks – is asked by clueless “journalists” about American politics. All because of “Okie From Muskogee,” a song Haggard wrote, in less than 10 minutes, while passing through a small Oklahoma town on his tour bus in 1969. He made it all up. Coming up with lines like “Football’s still the roughest thing on campus/And kids here still respect the college dean” made him laugh, and made his band members laugh, but when the song became a chart–topping, award–winning, career–defining smash, Haggard found himself the poster boy for good old American values. For goodness’ sake, the man wrote “Workin’ Man Blues,” “Mama Tried,” “Today I Started Loving You Again,” “Are the Good Times Really Over,” “If We Make it Through December” and a dozen more of the greatest country songs in history. The 73–year–old native of Oildale, Calif. is an icon, a trailblazer, a legend. He is still the most imitated singer in country. President Obama gave him the Kennedy Center Honor last month, alongside Paul McCartney and Oprah Winfrey. Still, a lot of people still say “Merle Haggard? Oh, that stupid redneck Okie song. That guy.” Here are a few comments from an extensive interview I did with him in 1999. Hag discusses his earliest musical loves, his short stint as an inmate at San Quentin in the early ‘60s, his feelings on contemporary country music ... and how he turned ‘Okie From Muskogee’ to his advantage.

California’s Merle Haggard first hit the country charts in 1965 with ‘(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers.’

Earliest influences

On songwriting

“My mother would’ve said ‘Tennessee Ernie has a much better voice than Lefty Frizzell.’ I was pretty sure that most people probably agreed with her, ‘cause a lot of people would say well, Lefty sounds like he’s singing from his nose. And I’d say I don’t (care) if it’s comin’ out his ass, it sounds good to me. “When I was a kid, and there was Eddy Arnold and Bing Crosby, Tennessee Ernie Ford and all those great singers, my mother listened to all that. Well, she bought an album of Hank Williams. An album in those days was like four 78s. With eight songs. It included ‘They’ll Never Take Your Love From Me,’ ”I Can’t Help It,’ ‘Lovesick Blues,’ ‘Never Again Will You Knock At My Door’ and a couple of other ones. And I actually learned to play the guitar, I think, open chords, with Hank Williams and Bob Wills music. I had 78 records of Bob Wills, 78 records of Hank Williams, and I learned all those songs.”

“It seemed like every time I liked a song, I noticed that the same guy’s name was written real small down underneath the big name. And I put it together, and I said you know, I think he sings this song better because he wrote it. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that a man could play a part in a film a lot better if he was playing his own part. Than he would quit trying to learn and project and interpret the story from somebody else’s mind. I realized that, real young on, and I thought boy, there’s two or three things I need to do. And one of them’s write a song.”

On prison “It’s very, very claustrophobic. It’s like being smothered with a pillow. And I have recurring dreams, it’s been 40 years and I have recurring dreams sometimes as many as four or five times a month still yet. And I’m always there, and I’m always disappointed that I’m back in

there, and that I’ve somehow fucked up again. There I am and I can’t get out. “I think maybe it’s the involvement in this demanding, successful career that I have. I think psychologically I’m imprisoned. I have no choice, really. It would be impossible for me to retire from this business. And so it is, in fact, a prison in some way.”

Writing ‘Okie’ “It came from the shoulder; a lot of times, you contrive and you write. And that’s an art that you develop. But ‘Okie From Muskogee’ came too quick; it was like a picture appearing on a paper. And the artist standing there and saying hey, where did that come from? It came in a matter of seven or eight minutes, I wrote the thing down. And then read it back, and got up and sang it to a melody that’s still there. There was no work, no honing of any sort. “See, I was coming from the point of view, once again, of my father. I was coming from their point of view, all

Political following “If you’re a songwriter or if you’re a pole vaulter, and you do something right, by accident, only a fool would vary far away from that which is working. In other words, we’d had ‘Workin’ Man Blues,’ ‘Hungry Eyes,’ ‘Mama Tried’ and a few pretty nice songs that were autobiographical, but all of a sudden we had this ‘Okie From Muskogee’ which was controversial. Well, then all my years of songwriting went to work, don’t you see. Because hey, first of all, I’m a

songwriter. I said ‘Hey ...I have a following now. A political following.’ OK. “The song was written in a way that didn’t describe me. It made me mysterious. And the curiosity built up, and it’s been there ever since. “

Contemporary country “I’m glad they don’t play me among that shit. And I’m sorry whose feelings get hurt. I don’t want to be associated with that stuff that I’m hearing. I’m not built like those guys are, and I can’t make videos like they do, because they won’t be as sexy! But I’ll tell you what, I’ll match ’em on the stage anywhere in America. I don’t care if they play me on the radio or not. “If it never happened again, if they turned the lights out this minute, it’s been the greatest trip in the world.” CS

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of my family, the ones who had the religious orientation. The Arkansas/ Oklahoma attitude that I’d grown up with, not necessarily agreeing with. But I thought boy, I don’t necessarily agree with every word in this song, but this son of a bitch is a motherfucker! “Over the years, I’ve had people tell me five or six different messages out of the song I didn’t even know was there. One night Willie Nelson said to me, ‘Are you tired of singing Okie From Muskogee?’ I said, why? And he said ‘Well, if you are, I’ll take the son of a bitch for the next 30 years.’”



Interview | continued from previous page

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Merle Haggard Where: Johnny Mercer Theatre, Savannah Civic Center. 301 W. Ogelthorpe Ave. When: At 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 29 Tickets: $37.50–$57.50 Online: etix.com

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continues from p.17 Live Wire Music Hall Thumbprint, The Polish Ambassador (Live Electronica) 10 p.m. Loco’s Grill & Pub Gaslight Street (Live Music) 10 p.m. Molly McPherson’s Scottish Pub Chex EFX (Live Music) Randy Wood Guitars Monroe Crossing (Live Music) Bluegrass 7:30 p.m. Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Sentient Bean Oryx and Crake, Venice Is Sinking, Richard Parsons (Live Music) 8 p.m. Sugar Daddy’s Brandon Krocker (Live Music) Tybee Island Social Club TBA (Live Music) Warehouse Jeff Beasley Band (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Thomas Claxton, Eric Britt, Homemade Wine (Live Music) Wormhole Bar Consider the Source (Live Music) Sci-fi Middle Eastern funk 10 p.m. KARAOKE Chuck’s Bar Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke

McDonough’s Karaoke Steamers Karaoke DJ, OTHER Bacchus Lounge Live DJ Pour Larry’s DJ Old Skool Tantra Lounge Cairo on the Coast, Riot Hooping Bellydance and silk dancing



Billy’s Place Theodosia (Live Music) 6 p.m. Blowin’ Smoke BBQ John Emil (Live Music) Blues (Hawaiian lap guitar and dobro) 6 p.m. Broughton & Bull Gail Thurmond (Live Music) Piano & vocals 7 p.m. Doc’s Bar Roy & the Circuitbreakers (Live Music) 9 p.m. Fiddler’s Crab House (River Street) Eric Culberson Band (Live Music) Jazz’d Tapas Bar Gina Rene (Live Music) Jinx Niche, Damon & the Shitkickers (Live Music) 11 p.m. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Fran Doyle (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Live Wire Music Hall Kota Mundi, Kaos (Live Music) 9 p.m. Molly McPherson’s Scot-

tish Pub ’80s Academy (Live Music) Molly McPherson’s Scottish Pub (Richmond Hill) Jeff Beasley (Live Music) Rachael’s 1190 Train Wrecks (Live Music) Rock House Tybee Super Bob, Uncrowned (Live Music) 9 p.m. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Eddie Wilson & Trae Gurley (Live Music) Light jazz with vocals 7:30 p.m. Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos (Live Music) 8 p.m. Sentient Bean The Back Pockets, Lady Lazarus (Live Music) 8 p.m. Sugar Daddy’s Brandon Krocker (Live Music) Followed by DJ Tantra Lounge Yo Soybean, Magazine Avenue, Word of Mouth (Live Music) Tybee Island Social Club TBA (Live Music) Warehouse Outta Your Element (Live Music) Wild Wing Cafe Double J Band, Mark Carter, Sun Domingo (Live Music) KARAOKE Augie’s Pub (Richmond Hill) Karaoke Dew Drop Inn Karaoke Bernie’s Oyster House Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill Karaoke DJ, COMEDY Bacchus Lounge Live DJ

Electronic dance artist The Polish Ambassador (a.k.a Dave Sugalski) performs Friday, Jan. 28 at Live Wire Music Hall


continues from p.22 Pour Larry’s DJ Tapp (DJ) Wormhole Bar Steve Hofstetter (comedian) 9 p.m.



Cha Bella Savannah Songwriters Series (Live Music) Jefferson Ross, Stan Ray, April Kelly, Jere Myers. 6 p.m. Jazz’d Tapas Bar David & Alisha (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Fran Doyle (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Lulu’s Chocolate Bar Joe

KARAOKE McDonough’s Karaoke TRIVIA Murphy’s Law Irish Pub Trivia Sundays



Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Fran Doyle (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Tantra Lounge Luke Lander (Live Music) Tybee Island Social Club In the Round (Live Music) Jason Bible, Eric Dunn,

Eric Britt, Kurtis Schumm Wormhole Bar We Are the Willows (Live Music) Acoustic 10 p.m. KARAOKE, TRIVIA Dew Drop Inn Trivia Night McDonough’s Karaoke




Jinx Hip Hop Night with Basik Lee (Live Music) Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub Fran Doyle (Live Music) 8:30 p.m. Lulu’s Chocolate Bar Free Candy (Live Music) Wormhole Shadow of Creation (Live Music) KARAOKE, TRIVIA Club One Karaoke McDonough’s Karaoke Steamers Trivia Night cs

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Love means never having to say you’re funny




Comedian, writer and sports humorist Steve Hofstetter adds ‘married man’ to his resume by Bill DeYoung | bill@connectsavannah.com


Comedian Steve Hofstetter has been to Savannah before – it was just about a year ago, and he had a killer set at the Wormhole, the very same club he’ll be appearing at this weekend.

Steve Hofstetter and the Mrs., Sara Tenenbein.


You got engaged 51 days after you met – on those dating services, don’t you have to go through a lot of the wrong people before you get to the right one? Steve Hofstetter: I spent 30 years going through the wrong people. It was very quick, but it was 51 days of being inseparable. A lot of people are like “Well, we dated off and on for seven years, where we maybe saw each other a total of 51 days.” I mean, you’re not nearly as close ... even when I was on the road, we would just talk constantly. I joked with her when we first started talking, that our productivity was being destroyed. Because all day at work, she was IM’ing me, and I wouldn’t write any more because I was IM’ing her. And we finally went “OK, we gotta maybe do some work.”

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Steve Hofstetter: It was one of these things where I knew right away. The night of our first date, I came home and told my roommate, “I just met my wife.” Turns out I was right – which is good, because I’m wrong about a lot of things.

This time, however, there’ll be something different about Hofstetter. Not a warm, fuzzy glow, exactly – he’s much too quick–witted and acerbic – but the contented sense of a man who’s very much in love. Hofstetter married Sara Tenenbein just a month ago, in Manhattan. The 31–year–old comic, writer and sports humorist met Sara in June, 2009 through the online dating service JDate. He popped the question just 51 days after they met. “It’s a scary thought,” he says in his act, “that you’ve known your condiments in your refrigerator longer than your fiance.” Smitten, Sara said yes, of course. And here we are.

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Was it nerve–wracking the first time she saw your act? Steve Hofstetter: It was incredibly nerve–wracking, and it was on our first date! Which I didn’t want it to be ... we had a date before I was supposed to go onstage, and it was going so well that I was just “Hey, I gotta stop by work, and run in for 15 minutes.” But I didn’t want her to see me onstage, because I didn’t want her to have a false opinion of me. Or, if she was attracted to me because I was onstage, that would be bad. If she was unattracted to me because I was

Steve Hofstetter: It wasn’t intended to be an album. I was just intending to go up and have a good time, and it came out great. OK, I guess we can make an album. What’s a nightmare scenario for a club comic? You’ve got a nasty headache? Hecklers? Steve Hofstetter: Hecklers I could deal with. If I’m not funny, that’s my fault. The nightmare scenario, I think, is being unappreciated – I don’t mean by the crowd, I mean by the club staff. That ruins the show. When you walk into a club and they say “Hey, welcome, what can we do for you?” it’s not about feeling like you’re a superstar. It’s about feeling like you’re

Does your wife ever come on the road with you? Steve Hofstetter: She comes on the road a lot; it’s just that she has a Big Girl job. She’s the director of development for a Broadway company. She can’t just leave. But, when it’s a weekend, or when I’m away for more than a week, she’ll come in for the weekend or something like that. I’m going to Tahoe in March. That one, she’s coming with me. CS Steve Hofstetter Where: Wormhole Bar, 2307 Bull St. When: At 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 29 Opening: Mike Kaiser (comedy), Clouds and Satellites (music) Tickets: $10 Online: wormholebar.com

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Steve Hofstetter: Well, it is. It’s saying that she was the best. So it’s romantic in a very practical way.

You made an album, Steve Hofstetter’s Day Off, that was entirely ad–libbed onstage. Tell me why.

family. And that’s pretty important. There’s nothing worse than walking into a club and having an owner say “Don’t say this, don’t say that, don’t say this... you have exactly 45 minutes, if you do more, you’re gonna get docked,” all that stuff. Then you’re onstage nervous the whole time.


Wow, that’s romantic!

onstage, that would also be bad. Luckily, she really doesn’t care about comedy. People ask her, are you a comedy fan, and she says “No, I’m not a comedy fan at all. I’m a fan of Steve’s.” She’s said that many times, and I think it’s awesome.


I joke around with her about those dating sites: “When you go to a sale, there’s usually a lot of crap left because all the good stuff was picked through already. But every now and then, they put something new on the floor.” And I joke that that’s what happened – there’s a lot of crap on every site, and if you happen to get on there as something new was just put out on the showroom floor, then you might luck out.

S Wright quare Antique Mall


COMEDY | continued from previous page

Savannah foodie


by tim rutherford | savannahfoodie@comcast.net


Sweet Potatoes still rocks southside




Catfish with fresh tomato and diced onion relish, green beans with bacon and sweet, warm apples

OK, I’m a catfish snob. Growing up in Kentucky, catfish was meant to be fileted or in strips, breaded with cornmeal and fried to a golden, crispy exterior. That’s exactly what I found on my plate at Sweet Potatoes Kitchen last week. It was quite possibly the best piece of catfish I’ve had in Georgia since 1998. The rest of the daily specials looked awesome, too. And the word had apparently spread – even at nearly 1 p.m., the place was packed. I took one of four seats at the bar. The fish was firm, sweet, bone–free catfish and the nicely seasoned breading added flavor and texture. A topping of fresh tomato and diced onion relish was interesting, but I’d rather had the catfish “up” in order to get the full, crispy breading experience. I ordered green beans with bacon. In the interest of full disclosure, I’m not a green bean guy – having suffered through too many banquets and institutional meals where the “green” in green beans landed it in a place of vegetable honor.

Still, supporting the theory that bacon makes everything better, I admit that the green beans were spectacular. The seasoning was on the mark, the texture perfect – not too overcooked, not too undercooked. The only bobble to my order were the caramelized apples. They were apples, nicely heated, firm and sweet – but the apples ere not caramelized. Some disappointment, sure, but cooked apples are a comfort food for me – and I’m always gonna clean my plate. A plump, hot biscuit and attentive service to my sweet tea glass were bonuses. On previous visits, food has been slow to appear, but this time, even as the lunch crush waned, my plate hit the table hot and fresh within ten minutes of my order. Excellent meat–and–twos are tough to find on the Southside – which certainly explains the long– time popularity of Sweet Potatoes. They keep it simple, keep it honest and please the crowd. Sweet Potatoes Kitchen 6825 Waters Ave./352–3434 www.toucancafe.com/sweetPAbout.html

January value shopping Suspecting that the holidays have your vino budget in disrepair, I went trolling the aisles last week looking for some bargains. My first stop was World Market. This Costco division frequently has a stash of proprietary labels – wines made just for Costco by big wine makers with too much juice. Sometimes, it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but generally, I have good success with the second label projects – especially given the low price tag! Foodies Merlot, at $7.98, is one example I found. I tried this label last year and didn’t care for it....this tastes like different juice. You won’t score a massive, artisan Merlot with Foodies, but you will get plenty of rich fruit and a easy–drinking, medium–bodied Merlot for less than $10. It’s good party juice, especially when you’re serving a house full of folks who are there for mass quantities – not wine chat. At $19.99, which doesn’t sound like much of a bargain, I found a line of wines bearing labels from Maxwell Creek – Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Since I wanted an apples–to–apples comparison with Foodie, I snagged the Merlot. Why is a nearly $20 wine called a bargain? I strongly suspect that this is a second label for Napa Valley wine maker St. Supery. Why? First, Maxwell Creek runs through St. Supery (how’s that for geeky trivia); secondly, it’s the buzz around the ’Net and, lastly, a little Costco bird planted the seed. A St. Supery Merlot will set you back $25–$50, depending on its vineyard. For me, it was worth the gamble. Maxwell Creek Merlot is definitely fruit forward. The immediate sensation is that of ripe red raspberries but that quickly grows more complex, offering hints of chocolate and spice. Silky tannins indicate careful oak aging. It drinks slightly bigger than its price, making this a hidden gem exclusive to World Market. Combine this with a membership in the World Market wine club, and I saved another $30 off this purchase – paying $6.98 for Foodie and $17.99 for Maxwell Creek. Want to experiment with more Merlot? Try these, available at most local retailers: Swanson 2006 Merlot: Deep, luscious and silky Napa fruit powers this elegant Merlot of the first degree. Great with food, a winner with dark chocolates. About $26. Villa San–Juliette 2008 Merlot: Wine maker Adam Lazarre is a masterful Merlot crafter. This latest vintage from the Paso Robles vineyard is quintessential Merlot: blackberry, raspberry and black currant laced with silky mouthfeel and complex minerality. Adam will be at Noble Fare on Feb. 17 for a wine dinner. For information or reservations, call the restaurant, 443.3210.

Wine and chocolate

The two are a classic pairing and one of the most romantic of foodie Valentine’s Day gifts. You can sample three special wines paired with gourmet chocolates at a tasting I’m hosting on Tuesday, Feb. 8 in the cellar at Ruth’s Chris Steak House. These tasting are part wine class, part party –and attended by wine curious folks like yourself. I conduct the events to help walk you through interesting wines at a bargain price. Fee is $20 per person, call the restaurant at 721.4800 for reservations.

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Alchemy of the Soul — John Anderson uses experimental techniques to transform photos into abstract paintings focusing color, tone and texture rather than subject. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 34th St and Abercorn St.


All is well (Damn right it is) — New works by local artist Eric David Wooddell. Mandalas and collages inspired by the amazing times we live in. Opening reception: Jan. 28, 8-11pm. Ghost Town Tattoo, Montgomery & Congress Sts.



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Art in City Hall — A group show featuring work by SCAD students who used Savannah City Hall as a subject to explore the qualities that make a space memorable and rich with meaning. City Hall, 1st floor rotunda, Bay and Bull Sts. Birds in Flight — An installation by Matt Hebermehl of his signature, patterned bird forms hanging in the Jepson’s atrium. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. Digital Explorations in Sculpture — Savannahbased sculptor Andrew F. Scott einterprets traditional forms and ideas, bringing them into a modern context in works ranging from digitally-printed and lasercut sculpture, to wall reliefs and prints. Part of Pulse Festival. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. Dislocate: Reactions to Transition, Relocation and Identity — A group show of artists responding to the challenges of living in new places. Opening reception: January 22, 5-8pm Indigo Sky Community Gallery, 915 Waters Ave.

Faith Ringgold: Story Quilts and Freedom Quests — Features 60 pieces from across four decades, including a number of Ringgold’s most recent works. SCAD Museum, 227 MLK Jr. Blvd Featured Artist: Joel Cothran — The local artist is the artist of the month at Local 11Ten. His work features airbrushed messages that are often existential in nature. Local 11ten, 1110 Bull St. Kristen Allen & Chase Baltz — Work by two young artists. Allen is a painter interested in color and contrast. Baltz is illustration oriented with an eye toward editorialstyle work. JEA Art Gallery, 5111 Abercorn St. Lowcountry Perspectives — Paintings depicting African American life in the Lowcountry by local artists including Richard Law, Allen Fireall, Carol Lasell Miller and Amiri Farris. Hospice Savannah Gallery , 1352 Eisenhower Dr. Making the Invisible Visible — Two interactive installations by artist Zach Liberman: Manual Input Sessions allows to create digital shapes and sounds with their hands; Janus Machine processes 3-D portraits of gallery visitors. Through Feb. 6. Mixed Media by Preston Orr — Orr is a local artist who incorporates printmaking techniques with spray paint and natural materials preserved in resin. Reception: Jan 31, time TBA. Gallery Espresso, 234 Bull St. Modern Masters from the Smithsonian — Paintings and sculptures from mid-

20th century artists taken from the Smithsonian collection. Runs through Feb. 6, 2011. Jepson Center, 207 W. York St. New Work by Jerry Luke — A collection of paintings shaped in the form of hangers and sculptures. Luke is a local artist and member of the Savannah Art Assoc. SSU Social Sciences Building Gallery, SSU Campus, SCADDY Awards exhibit — A show featuring the best examples of advertising art created by SCAD students, in conjunction with their annual SCADDY awards program. Gutstein Gallery, 201 E. Broughton St. Second Line Mural — A large scale indoor mural by painter Adolfo Hernandez. Second Line , 306 W. Upper Factors Walk Stracts on tour — A collection of mixed media portraits by Raabstract. Ta Ca Sushi, 513 E. Oglethorpe Ave. , http://www.raabstract.com/ Structures of Chaos — A solo exhibition of work by Timothy Jackson. Runs through Jan. 28. S.P.A.C.E. Gallery , 9 W. Henry St. The Decisive Pixel — Photographer David Kaminsky explores the smallest piece of digital vision with a series of landscapes and portraits. Opening reception: Jan. 22, 5:30-8:30pm Chroma Gallery, 31 Barnard St. Things I Saw — An exhibition of work by Vancouver photographer Jim Roche. Runs through Jan. 27. Closing reception: Jan 26, noon. AASU Fine Arts Gallery

by Bill DeYoung | bill@connectsavannah.com

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Iron and Wine It’s been more than three years since the exemplary, Texas–based singer/songwriter Sam Beam – as Iron and Wine – put out a new studio record. It’s out this week. Kiss Each Other Clean will be followed by a reasonably large American tour, stopping into the Trustees Theatre April 23. Tickets, $25, are on sale now at scadboxoffice.com (they’ll go up to $30 day of show). Kiss Each Other Clean builds on the sonic mix – rich, California harmonies, spartan horns,‘70s synthesizer textures and the odd panpipe – of the last Iron and Wine album, The Shepherd’s Dog. Beam is an indie writer with little regard for trends – his music is honest and direct. That’s why he’s so cool. In an early review of the new album, the U.K. Guardian had this to say: “Beam comes across as a latterday prophet, casting his gentle eye over capitalist, warmongering western society with sorrow and kindness. His eccentric experimentation does much to temper the earnestness of his endeavour – and makes you appreciate all the more the direct loveliness of piano ballad ‘Godless Brother in Love’ and the honeyed nostalgia of ‘Tree By the River.’”

Stopover news Excitement continues to build for Savannah Stopover, the three–day (March 9–12) citywide spotlight on indie bands making their way to the big SXSW conference in Austin. More acts have been announced, including Murder By Death, Amen Dunes, Astronautalis, Savannah’s Aux

Arc, Gringo Star, Little Tybee, Reptar and Venice is Sinking. The hefty full lineup is a solid cross– section of all genres of music, and it’s expanding every day. A full venue list – it includes most of the live–music clubs in town – will be announced shortly. Meanwhile, festival passes ($45) are available now at savannahstopover.com (they’ll go up to $65 after the first 300). If there are tickets left for individual shows, they’ll be $15 at the door. Savannah is ripe for a music festival like this one. It’s about time.

Some other stuff • The SCAD Performing Arts Department will present La Traversée: The Promising Voyage, a multi-media dance piece conceived, directed and choreographed by Vincent Brosseau, Feb. 10-13 at the Lucas Theatre. Brosseau is a professor of performing arts at SCAD. His show (it means The Crossing) was inspired by stories of people who left their native land at the turn of the 20th century and came to America in the hope of finding a better life. Brosseau himself crossed the ocean 30 years ago from France. • Our friends at Columbia City Ballet will be at the Savannah Civic Center March 12 with a fully staged production of Cinderella. • Here’s a thought: We get wonderful windows into the world of independent film, via our many film series and one-off showings, but isn’t it interesting that many of the big award-season contenders - for example, Blue Valentine, Rabbit Hole and 127 Hours - have yet to screen at the Savannah multiplexes? CS

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Sam Beam (a.k.a. Iron and Wine) plays the Trustees April 23

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The oys! of summer

The baseball comedy The Yankles leads off the 2011 Savannah Jewish Film Festival by Bill DeYoung


Enlightenment, entertainment and everything that can be squeezed in between, that’s the programming goal of the Savannah Jewish Film Festival, which celebrates its eighth year in 2011 with a broad palette of movies. Co–sponsored by the Savannah Jewish Federation and the Jewish Educational Alliance, the festival has an impressive roster of hand–picked screenings, Jan. 29 through Feb. 6, at the JEA building on Abercorn Street. The opening night feature, The Yankles, has a special significance for Savannah in that its co–writer and producer, Zev Brooks, was born here.

dzb productions LLC




local film

David and Zev Brooks’ comedy The Yankles is about a yeshiva baseball team, well-intentioned but not exactly the best.

His father, Hershel Brooks, was the rabbi for Congregation Agudath Achim. Nine months after Zev was born, the family moved to North Carolina – where his brother David (co–writer and director of The Yankles) arrived. The Brooks family eventually settled in Orange County, Cal., which is where Zev, an attorney, still practices. His brother is a graduate of the San Diego State film school, where he’d been named Best Director in his class. The Yankles is a comedy about a baseball team consisting of yeshiva students – they’re young orthodox Jews who can’t fully grasp the concept of the game. But they love to play.

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According to Zev Brooks, the idea for the movie was hatched over Sabbath dinner at his parents’ home. The name is a play, of course, on Yankees. “I kind of latched on to the project,” Brooks says. “I was practicing a lot and I thought hey, this would be neat; I know a lot about Jewish things. I thought it would be a fun project to get involved in from a creative point of view.” The brothers formed a business partnership and got to work. First up: OK, there’s a funny title, and the humorous image of a team wearing black and white yeshiva uniforms, curly peyos (side curls) dangling from beneath their black hats. Now what? “My belief as producer is that any

good film needs a good story,” Brooks explains. “You can have great cast, great scenes, whatever, if you don’t have a good story it could leave the audience hollow. That’s really the challenge.” A story was developed about the Yankles’ reluctant coach, a disgraced professional player who must work with the yeshiva students as a form of community service. Brooks explains that giving the students strong characters – each of them is a person, not a stereotype – was important. And that the movie’s Jewish–ness didn’t ring false. “My father grew up in an orthodox family, so we’re very familiar with that,”

It was whatever it was.’ And that’s what we’re going for.” CS

Brooks brothers: David, left, and Zev

all Jewish festivals give out awards, but we did win the Los Angeles Jewish Festival; we got an audience rating of 4.83 out of 5. It was the highest–rated film there, and won for Best Comedy. That’s good, because L.A.’s got a huge Jewish community. It’s nice marquee value. As long as you’re getting good word of mouth, the film develops momentum. “We’ve played this movie in Hong Kong, Brazil, London, and we’ll be playing it in Croatia and Switzerland.” The Yankles scored the second–best attendance rating at Indianapolis’ Heartland Film Festival, out of 25 screened featured. More than a thousand people saw it at Heartland, Brooks explains. “I’m sure Jews went to see it. My brother was there, and he said ‘Zev, the majority of the people weren’t Jewish.

Savannah Jewish Film Festival Where: Jewish Educational Alliance, 5111 Abercorn St. Festival pass (all screenings): $50 JEA members and seniors; $65 public Individual screenings: $7 JEA members, seniors and students; $9 public Information and advance tickets: savj.org Jan. 29 8 p.m., The Yankles Jan. 30 11 a.m., Blessed is the Match 1 p.m., The Worst Company in the World 3 p.m., Nora’s Will 7 p.m., La Rafle Feb. 2 1:30 p.m., Letters For Jenny 7:30 p.m., Jewish Soldiers in Blue & Gray Feb 3 1:30 p.m., Beau Jest 7:30 p.m., Ahead of Time Feb. 5 8 p.m., Where I Stand: The Hank Greenspun Story Feb. 6 12 p.m., The Holocaust Tourist and Orders of Love 12:30 p.m., Me & the Jewish Thing 1:30 p.m., Oneg Shabbat


he says. “I have an uncle who’s one of the most prominent orthodox rabbis in the nation. “Even though my brother and myself aren’t as observant, it was important for us to show Jewish life and Jewish values in a positive light. As opposed to making fun of it.” However, they also needed to appeal to a wide audience. “We wanted to make sure we made the movie entertaining and fun. Because when people think of the name The Yankles, they’re not expecting Schindler’s List. So we knew going in we couldn’t just have heavy drama – the movie has to have a comic element to it. “So we had to walk this fine line. How do we write a story that’s going to be entertaining and funny, and at the same time not rely on cheap gags, or a play on stereotypes. Keep the characters interesting, and so on and so forth.” The brothers are hoping to land a distribution deal for their independent film. Thus far, it’s been extremely well–received at festivals, both Jewish and otherwise. “We’ve won six awards on this picture, and five of them have been from mainstream festivals,” says Brooks. “Not


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local film | continued from previous page



‘A small story within the big story’

Jewish Soldiers in Blue & Gray documents an important footnote in American history by Bill DeYoung | bill@connectsavannah.com

A little–known fact about the Civil War: About 7,000 Union soldiers were Jewish, and as many as 3,000 took up arms for the Confederacy. Ken Burns hasn’t made a 10–hour documentary about this bit of data, and there’s yet to be a big–budget, Glory– style movie dramatizing their sacrifices. Filmmaker Jonathan Gruber, whose past documentaries have included Pola’s March and A Deal With the Devil, took up the cause of Jewish involvement in America’s deadliest war. Along with historian Robert Marcus, he crafted the eye–opening documentary film Jewish Soldiers in Blue & Gray. John Milius narrates Jewish Soldiers, and Sam Waterston was brought in to read the words of Abraham Lincoln (whose Jewish podiatrist, we learn, was a spy for the Union who reported directly to the President). We spoke with Gruber about his project, which screens Feb. 2 as part of the Savannah Jewish Film Festival.

better for you than where you came from, you’re probably not going to rock the boat. That’s one thought. It’s not apologist, it’s just what happened. And what’s interesting that one of the strongest Jewish proponents of slavery was a rabbi from New York, Morris Raphall.

How did this project get started? Jonathan Gruber: The production company, Indigo Films, called me in and said there was a project. One of the writers and co–producers, Bob Marcus, was living in Virginia, and I lived in Washington, D.C. where many of the sites were. They said, would you be interested? And I said sure.

It seems inconguous that Jewish citizens would fight for the Confederacy, with slavery being a key issue. Did it seem odd to you? Jonathan Gruber: In the film, one of our historians says that because the welcome they received in the South was such a difference from what they had just come from, in Central Europe, it made them kind of overlook it on some level. As another historian says, they weren’t the low group on the totem pole. I guess when you’re coming to a country where things are

What was the process like? Were you involved in the research end of things? Jonathan Gruber: Because there were 10,000 or so Jewish soldiers, I went to Bob, who had all these photos and material, and said “Give me 20 stories in the North, and 20 stories in the South, that are just really compelling. And let’s see which ones have the best visuals to support them.” You could go on and on. This is a 90–minute film, almost, and we talk about a lot of people. But it really needs a book, or much more. It’s not comprehensive but it tells a lot. It’s a scholarly work – we had it fact–checked, I have a journalism background, and we wanted to make sure we weren’t just glossing over things, and that things were presented in the right way. Were there great stories that you just couldn’t find visuals for? Did you get everything you wanted into the film?



Local Film

Approximately 10,000 Jewish soldiers served in the Civil War. Jonathan Gruber’s documentary, Jewish Soldiers in Blue & Gray, screens Feb. 2 as part of the Savannah Jewish Film Festival 2011.

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Jonathan Gruber: I think so. We’ve been working on it for three years, so I’d have to go back to the beginning to find out what stories I nixed because of lack of imagery. I think if anything there were stories we took out because an hour and a half just isn’t long enough to tell a comprehensive story. As Bob said, you could do a whole film on the women on the Civil War. Or the Jewish women of the Civil War. There’s no shortage of stories. Ours is a small story within the big story. But there are bigger implications for everyone. CS


by matt brunson | myeahmatt@gmail.com

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ThUrS., Jan27 | 8:00PM |DOnaTIOn


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No Strings Attached, Country Strong, Little Fockers, True Grit, Yogi Bear, Black Swan, Tangled, The Chronicles of Narnia,The Tourist

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The Green Hornet, The Dilemma, The Heart Specialist, Season of the Witch, The Fighter, Tron: Legacy, The King’s Speech, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows



The Green Hornet, The Heart Specialist, Season of the Witch, Country Strong, Little Fockers, True Grit, The Fighter, Tron: Legacy, The King’s Speech, The Dilemma, Tangled


No Strings Attached, Season of the Witch, Gulliver’s Travels, Little Fockers, Tron: Legacy, The Chronicles of Narnia, The King’s Speech, The Tourist, Tangled, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

SaT., JanUary 29 | 8:00PM |$5 Seth Rogen and Jay Chou star as the hero and indispensable sidekick in The Green Hornet

The Green Hornet

SUn., JanUary 30 | 8:00PM |DOnaTIOn

Seth Rogen, superhero? It’s nearly impossible to wrap the mind around such an outlandish idea, almost on the same level as Sarah Palin as U.S. president or Ricky Gervais as the next recipient of the Golden Globe Lifetime Achievement Award. Yet it’s actually Rogen’s slovenly appearance and snarky asides that help transform The Green Hornet into not just another superhero movie. Having said that, this is still rough going in many respects. An update of the brief 1960s TV show starring Van Williams and Bruce Lee (and a long–running 1930s radio show before that), this finds Rogen (who also co–scripted) giving the Judd Apatow treatment to the role of Britt Reid, a wealthy party animal who, along with his ingenious employee Kato (Jay Chou), decides to protect the citizens of Los Angeles against criminal elements by donning a mask and becoming The Green Hornet. We’re not talking Dark Knight territory here: The plot doesn’t advance so much as lurch forward like an alcoholic making another trip to the bar, the villain of the film (played by Inglourious Basterds Oscar winner Christoph Waltz) is a cinematic zero, and the initially exciting action soon becomes redundant (especially during the endless climax). But the comic approach works more often than not, Rogen and Chou banter with ease, and some of the gadgets are indeed pretty cool.

THE BACk PoCkETs lAdY lAzArus

NO STRINGS ATTACHED Last fall’s underrated Love & Other Drugs was a movie of two parts, with the pieces as segregated as oil and vinegar floating in the same dipping dish. The frank and realistic relationship between the characters played by Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal was given its own space to breathe and grow, and the more sophomoric aspects of the film (for example, the scenes involving Gyllenhaal’s boorish brother) could easily be trimmed from the mind like so much steak fat. But such a delicate operation isn’t possible with No Strings Attached, which spends its entire running time slathering its fine points with so many idiotic additives that the whole enterprise ends up spoiled. The script by Elizabeth Meriwether starts with a good idea for a thought–provoking movie for adults: An emotionally blocked woman, continues on p. 34

THE suiTE uNrAVEliNg WeD., FebrUary 2 | 8:00PM |$5



FrI., FebrUary 4 | 6:00PM |

ExHiBiTioN oPENiNg rECEPTioN: Work BY PAiNTEr JoEl CoTHrAN SaT., FebrUary 5 | 8:00PM |$5

sAVANNAH soNgWriTErs iN THE rouNd W/ lAurEN lAPoiNTE MArk CArTEr Bill dEYouNg FrI., FebrUary 11 | 8:00PM |

lAuris VidAl & PAxiCo ViA MExiCo

“A haven for indie film, live music and literary readings.”-NYT




the sentient



screenshots | continued from page 33



Emma (Natalie Portman), and a perpetually peppy nice guy, Adam (Ashton Kutcher), find themselves attracted to each other, but because she’s afraid of commitment, they agree to function only as “f@#$ buddies,” satisfying each other’s carnal urges whenever the need arises. No Strings Attached could have been fascinating had it made an honest attempt at exploring whether such a union could really work – think of it as a Last Tango in Paris for the Internet generation, with cell phones instead of butter as the story’s chief accessory. But instead of Brando and Bertolucci, we have Kutcher and Ivan Reitman (who stopped mattering as a director after his partnership with Bill Murray in the 1980s), and the result is the usual rom–com ditherings, with the familiar assortment of stock supporting characters (annoying clod, check; cool black guy, check; sassy female roommates, check; lovable gay dude, check; and on and on) and one morally sound, preordained ending that again demonstrates the motto of hedonistic Hollywood is, “Do as I film, not as I do.” True, Hathaway and Gyllenhaal often kept each other at emotional bay in Love & Other Drugs, but there were le-

his supporting turn in Dreamgirls (Little Miss Sunshine’s Alan Arkin ended up taking home the award). I think this picture is too bland and forgettable to hurt Portman’s Black Swan Oscar campaign; at the same time, I imagine Portman’s primary competition, The Kids Are All Right’s Annette Bening, will be reading the negative notices with glee.


Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher star in No Strings Attached

gitimate reasons for their distance. The reasons for Emma’s standoffishness are never credible or even really established (here’s a woman who glibly refers to her father’s funeral as “some stupid thing I have to [attend],” although there’s no evidence that he was a rotten parent worthy of such a crack), which strips the central relationship of its credibility almost from the start. At least Portman’s

natural thespian talent keeps her character watchable; that’s more than can be said about the limited Kutcher, though his presence certainly doesn’t undermine a movie as trivial as this one. There’s been chatter that No Strings Attached might be Portman’s Norbit, a reference to the fact that Eddie Murphy’s critically reviled comedy opened when he was the Oscar frontrunner for

By now, it’s accepted by all but the most deluded Tea Party zealots that the insidious Bush administration took this country to war under false pretenses. There was a point when the vessel of justice could have been righted and a course for a better tomorrow could have been charted, but instead, lies were upheld, misinformation was spread like so much manure, and the moment was gone. Fair Game is a film about that moment. Naomi Watts stars as Valerie Plame, the CIA operative whose undercover status was blown in retaliation for her husband Joe Wilson (Sean Penn) writing a New York Times op-ed piece in

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Country Strong Jeff Bridges won an Academy Award this past year for playing a boozy country singer in Crazy Heart, but don’t expect Gwyneth Paltrow to win even so much as a People’s Choice Award for playing a similar part in Country Strong. It’s not that Paltrow is terrible – she does a valiant job trying to overcome the role’s predictable arcs through sheer force of tears and slurred words - but it’s unlikely many folks will remember a movie that for all I know might indeed be “country strong� but is most assuredly cinematically weak. Paltrow stars as country superstar Kelly Canter, who when the picture opens is being sprung from rehab a tad too early by her husband–manager James (Tim McGraw). Beau Hutton (Garrett Hedlund), an orderly at the clinic, thinks this is a mistake; luckily for all concerned, he also turns out to be an aspiring singer–songwriter, so at James’ insistence, he joins Kelly’s upcoming three–city tour to keep an eye on her as well as serve as her opening act. Also along for the ride is Chiles Stanton (Leighton Meester), another wannabe country star who’s tasked with splitting the opening bill with Beau. From here, the movie turns into a soap–opera version of musical chairs. Beau is interested in Kelly and Chiles and songwriting. Kelly is interested in James and Beau and the bottle. Chiles is interested in Beau and James and superstardom. James is interested in

Kelly and Chiles and Beau (wait, scratch that last one – this ain’t Brokeback Mountain). Consistency is hardly the strong suit of writer–director Shana Feste. Beau is constantly applauded by the other characters for being one of the “few good ones,� yet the way he ping–pongs between Kelly and Chiles makes him seem like merely a randy good ole boy. Chiles begins the picture as All About Eve’s Eve Harrington before transforming into The Sound of Music’s Maria. And even for a boozehound, Kelly’s actions rarely make sense from one scene to the next (this leads to a ridiculous WTF ending that left me cold). At least the unlikely character transitions allow the actors to provide some shadings to their portrayals. Hedlund is utilized far better here than in Tron: Legacy, while McGraw’s minimalist efforts work just fine for the part of James. And in the unlikely chance this proves to be a hit, it might provide Meester (TV’s Gossip Girl) with her breakout role, considering she makes the best impression of the four leads. At almost a full two hours, the film is criminally overlong and appears to have as many false endings as The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The soundtrack includes many country tunes both old and new, but the only one that kept racing through my increasingly bored mind was Willie Nelson’s “Wake Me When It’s Over.�

The King’s Speech Arriving on the scene like so much high–minded Oscar bait, The King’s Speech is anything but a stiff–upper–lip drama as constrained as a corseted queen. It is, however, perfect film fodder for discerning audiences starved for literate entertainment. Director Tom Hooper and particularly screenwriter David Seidler manage to build a towering film from a historical footnote: the debilitating stammer that haunted Albert Frederick Arthur George (aka the Duke of York and then King George VI) since childhood and the efforts of speech therapist Lionel Logue to cure him of his affliction. The film is careful to paint in the historical details surrounding this character crisis – the support of George’s wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), the abdication of his brother Edward (Guy Pearce), the buildup toward World War II (Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill; love it!), etc. – but its best scenes are the continues on p. 36





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which he revealed that the justification for going to war with Iraq - that Saddam Hussein was building weapons of mass destruction - was a complete fabrication on the part of the war criminals in the White House. Fair Game tracks the lives of the Wilsons both professionally and personally, showing how the political fallout was placing a severe strain on their marriage. The most fascinating element of this important picture is the philosophical difference that exists between the central characters. Joe is an idealist, honestly believing that he can take on the neocon thugs and win the battle. Valerie, meanwhile, is a realist, realizing the futility of any such efforts and initially preferring to keep her head down. It’s an interesting dichotomy, because while our hearts side with Joe, our minds know - and, more regrettably, our current history proves - that Valerie was right.


screenshots | continued from previous page


SCREENSHOTS | continued from page 35



ones centering solely on the unorthodox teacher and his quick–tempered student. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are accomplished actors on their own, but squaring off as, respectively, George VI and Lionel Logue elevates their game. It’s no wonder that they deliver the two best male performances of the year (Firth won the Golden Globe just this week for his performance).

True Grit It’s been well documented the the Coen Brothers’ take on True Grit isn’t a remake of the 1969 film that won John Wayne his only Academy Award but rather a more faithful adaptation of Charles Portis’ novel. That’s all well and good, but when it comes to making that Netflix rental selection, the choice will be between the two film versions. By that token, no one will lose out, as both pictures are of comparable value. Forced to choose, I’d actually go with the Duke’s at–bat, although Jeff Bridges is certainly more than capable in taking on the iconic role of boozy marshall Rooster Cogburn, hired by

young Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) to track down the desperado (Josh Brolin) who murdered her pappy. Sporting a sly sense of humor different than what was brandished in the ’69 model, this True Grit mines its colorful characters for off–kilter comedy, from talkative Texas Ranger LaBoeuf (Matt Damon) to scraggly outlaw leader Ned Pepper (Barry Pepper, superbly channeling the original’s Robert Duvall). Bridges is likewise amusing and might have been even funnier if we could understand his frequently slurred dialogue. As it stands, whenever he’s talking, the picture needs English–language subtitles as desperately as Bergman’s Persona or Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai.


Let me get this straight. Dustin Hoffman deemed the script for Little Fockers so awful that he refused to participate until new scenes were written for him. And here he is now, having agreed to a revised screenplay that has him uttering lines like “You can pick your nose, but only flick the dry ones, not the wet ones.” Little Fockers is pretty much the basement for most of the accom-

plished actors squirming up there on the screen. There’s admittedly a chuckle here and there, but they quickly get buried by painful sequences like the one in which Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) sticks a needle into father–in–law Jack Byrnes’ (Robert De Niro) erect penis, or when Greg’s young son projectile–vomits onto his dad. This franchise has run its course and made its millions, but now it’s time for it to fock off.

Black Swan Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan is a messy masterpiece. Like Apocalypse Now, Eraserhead and Aronofsky’s own Requiem for a Dream, it’s one of those films that will force viewers to either reject it outright or allow it, however reluctantly, to burrow into the brain and remain there for days, weeks, months on end. It’s a character study writ large, a juicy melodrama operating at a fever pitch. And at its center is Golden Globe winner Natalie Portman in an astonishing performance. Portman’s cast as Nina Sayers, a ballerina whose methods involve clockwork precision

but leave little room for true passion. Nevertheless, her director (Vincent Cassel) decides to take a chance by casting her in the lead role of his production of Swan Lake. But in true All About Eve fashion, just as she replaced an aging star (a knockout bit by Winona Ryder), she fears being usurped by a sexy troupe newcomer (Mila Kunis). Meanwhile, the home situation is equally strained, given the fanatical devotion of her mother (an excellent Barbara Hershey, in a twist on Piper Laurie’s mad mom from Carrie). Is Nina strong enough to withstand myriad challenges, or is she on the verge of cracking up? The answers are all there, but the film is complex enough to leave wiggle room for any theories. Examining the process of suffering for one’s art in a strikingly unique manner, this psychosexual thriller is by turns frightening, sensual, humorous and tragic. It’s a galvanizing picture that’s simultaneously elegant and coarse. CS

We reserve the right to edit or cut listings because of space limitations.

include an open bar and hors d’oeuvres. For more information call 912.790.8866.

Race for Preservation

Activism & Politics Chatham County Democratic Party

For info, contact Tony Center at 912-233-9696 or TonyCenter@comcast.net Chatham County Democratic Headquarters, 313 W. York St. , Savannah http://www.chathamdems.net/

Savannah Area Young Republicans

For information, visit www.savannahyoungrepublican.com or call Allison Quinn at 308-3020.

Savannah Tea Party

meets the first Monday (excluding Holidays) of each month from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the SRP offices located at 11 East 73rd Street. All persons interested in America’s Future are invited. Contact Marolyn Overton at 912-598-7358 for additional info.

Benefits Canned Food and Supply Drive

Park Place Outreach, youth emergency shelter is in need of canned food and household supplies. Household items needed include, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, fabric softer, paper towel and toilet paper. Donations accepted through January. Please visit www. parkplaceyes.org for directions.

Hope House of Savannah

A nonprofit housing program for homeless women and their children. Hope House is requesting donation of new or gently used furniture for its transitional housing program, Peeler House. Pick-up can be arranged and a tax deductible letter will be provided. Call 236-5310.

Household Supplies Drive

Park Place Outreach, youth emergency shelter is accepting canned food and household supplies. Household items needed include, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, fabric softener, paper towels and toilet paper. Please visit www. parkplaceyes.org for directions.

Life Jackets for Safe Kids

Safe Kids Savannah is accepting new and gently used life jackets that will be available for loan at popular boat ramps as part of their “Kids Don’t Float” campaign. There are several locations life jackets can be dropped off, including County Aquatic Center, the JEA and the Habersham YMCA. For more info visit www. safekidssavannah.org

Night at the Telfair

A silent art auction on February 24. Tickets for the party are $50 each for Telfair members and $85 for non-members (includes a firsttime one-year membership). The evening will

A 5K with proceeds benefiting the Historic Savannah Foundation. Starts and finishes at Forsyth Park. February 26, 8am. Registration: $30. Advance registration required. www. myHSF.org

Rape Crisis Center Incest Survivor’s Group

As part of its ongoing work with incest survivors, the Rape Crisis Center has built a cinderblock wall where incest survivors can throw plates as an anger management technique. In order to continue, donations of china are needed. Call 233-3000 to make a donation.

Wesley’s Love Walk/Run

a fundraiser to benefit Wesley Community Centers of Savannah, Inc. Saturday, February 12, 2011 in Forsyth park. 5 K run kicks off at 7:45am. Pre and post rallies, silent auction (payment due at event), door prizes, fellowship, and food. (912) 236-4226. www.wesleyctrssavh.org or active.com

Call for Entries The old Hotel Tybee

Harry Spirides is collecting stories and photos from the old Hotel Tybee, which stood on the island from the late 1880s until its destruction in 1960. He’s working on a book about the historic establishment. Anyone with memories, memorabilia or anything else related to the hotel is asked to contact: hoteltybeebook@ oceanplaza.com or call 912-786-7777.

Classes, Camps & Workshops $1 Gymnastics Class

Coach Wayne teaches gymnastics in the Savannah Mall every Saturday. Introductory class is $1. www.coachwayne.com, or call 912-925-0800.

Beading Classes

Learn jewelry-making techniques from beginner to advanced at Bead Dreamer Studio, 407A E. Montgomery Cross Rd. Call 920-6659. Bead Dreamer Studio, Savannah http://www.beaddreamer.com/

Coastal Savannah Writing Project

The CSWP will hold a series of “Super Strategy Saturdays,” designed to help area teachers improve their literacy teaching skills. 1/29: Digital storytelling strategies. 2/26: Memoir Writing & Reading Strategies. 3/26: Spring Strategies Conference for K-12 teachers. $25 per session or $60 for three sessions. A registration form is available at www.cswp.armstrong.edu.

Conversational Spanish

Do you want to practice your Spanish? Come to the mesa de espanol the second Thursday and last Friday of the month at 4:30 p.m. For information, e-mail cafecontigo@gmail.com. The Sentient Bean, 13 East Park Ave. , Savannah

Creating high performing teams for nonprofits

Learn how to create a cooperative workplace that will help your organization achieve its goals. Thurs., Jan. 27, 1-4pm at the United Way Building, 428 Bull St. Adv reg req’d. Limited scholarships are available. $90 for GCN members; $130 for non-members. Contact the Georgia Center for Nonprofits at (912) 234-9688 for more info.

DUI Prevention Group

Offers victim impact panels for intoxicated drivers, DUI, DWI, offenders, and anyone seeking to gain knowledge about the dangers of driving impaired. A must see for teenage drivers seeking a drivers license for the first time or teenage drivers who already received a license. The group meets once a month and the cost is $30.00. For more info: 912-443-0410.

Family Law Workshop

A 2-hour course for those representing themselves in a family legal action. 1st Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm. The fee is $20 and provides forms and assistance in the filing of divorce, child custody modifications,

Art Classes

Experimental and classical art. Draw and paint figurative or abstract. Choose the technique which interests you the most. Lean about other artists and art history. The teacher is a former art professor with two masters in art and 20 years of experience in teaching art. contact: 912-604-3281

legitimations or contempt legal actions. Preregistration is recommended. For info: www. mediationsavannah.com or call 912-465-6686.

Fany’s Spanish/English Institute

Spanish is fun. Classes for adults and children are held at 15 E. Montgomery Cross Rd. Call 921-4646 or 220-6570 to register. Savannah

German Classes

Ongoing classes for beginners and experienced adults. We read, learn and talk. Everybody who likes to learn German is welcome and will have a lot of fun. Individual training and translations are available too. For more info, please call: 912-604 3281

Guitar, Bass & Double Bass Lessons

New to the area teacher with 10+ years experience has available openings for all beginner/intermediate students. Studio located 2 blocks from Daffin Park. Call 401-255-6921 to schedule a 1/2 price first lesson!

Guitar, mandolin and bass lessons

Guitar, mandolin or bass guitar lessons. emphasis on theory, reading music and improvisation. Located in Ardsley Park. 912-232-5987

Housing Authority Neighborhood Resource Center

The Housing Authority of Savannah hosts a series of regular classes at the Neighborhood Resource Center. 1407 Wheaton Street. Adult literacy/GED prep: Mon-Thurs, 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm. Financial education: 4th Fri of month, 9-11am. Basic Computer training: Tues & Thurs, 1-3pm. Community Computer lab: Mon-Fri, 3-4:30pm. For more info: 912-2324232 x115 or www.savannahpha.com

Mindfulness Meditation Class

Instruction in mindfulness stress reduction meditation. Group practice with time for questions and comments. Wednesdays, 7:158:15pm. Yoga Co-op Savannah. 2424 Drayton St. $13/class (less with membership). www. yogacoopsavannah.com or 912-429-7264.

continues on p. 38

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Art,-Music, Piano and Voice-coaching

For all age groups, beginners through advanced, classic, modern, jazz improvisation and theory. Serious inquiries only. 961-7021 or 667-1056.

2for1 Lunch or Dinner

Second entree must be equal or lesser value. Offer excludes filet mignon & lobster. Coupon not valid with any other offer. Dine-in only. Valid for parties of 6 or less. One coupon per couple. Expires 02/04/11. 17% gratuity added to entire check.

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Happenings www.connectsavannah.com/happenings


submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404


happenings | continued from page 37



Music Lessons

New “mommy and me” music classes starting in Nov. Certified teacher with BA in Music Education. New classes offered for students ages 6 months-5 years. Private lessons also available for piano, woodwinds, brass, beginner guitar, and more! Contact Ms. Amy at msamyschoolofmusic@gmail.com or at 912-659-0993.

New Horizons Adult Band Program

A music program for adults who played a band instrument in high school or college and would like to have the opportunity to begin playing again. Dust off your instrument every Monday night at Portman’s Music Store (Abercorn) at 6:30p.m. The cost is $30.00 per month. All ages and ability levels are welcome. Contact Pamela Kidd at 912-354-1500 for more info.

Ossabaw Writers Retreat

The Ossabaw Island Writer’s Retreat will be held Feb. 14-17. The retreat spans four days and includes lodging, meals, ferried transportation to the island, writing workshops, one-on-one manuscript consultations with nationally recognized authors, craft seminars and readings. Workshop cost is $1,450. www. ossabawwritersretreat.org

Savannah Entrepreneurial Center

Offering a variety of business classes. Call 6523582. Savannah Entrepreneurial Center, 801 E. Gwinnett Street , Savannah

Savannah Learning Center Spanish Classes

Be bilingual. Call 272-4579. e-mail savannahlatina@yahoo.com or visit www.savannahlatina. com. Free folklore classes also are offered on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Savannah Learning Center, 7160 Hodgson Memorial Dr. , Savannah

SCAD Community Workshops

SCAD offers a series of creative continuing education programs open to the community. Classes include web design, painting, glass blowing and many other subjects. Classes run at various times through mid-March 2011. For more info on the schedule and registration, visit www.scad.edu/ce or call 912-525-5123.

Starfish Cafe Culinary Arts Training Program

This 14-week full-time program is designed to provide work training and employment opportunities in the food service industry, including food preparation, food safety and sanitation training, customer service training and job search and placement assistance. Call Ms. Musheerah Owens 912-234-0525 ext.1506 The Starfish Cafe, 711 East Broad Street , Savannah http://www.thestarfishcafe.org/

Telfair Community Art Classes

Telfair Museums Studio Art Classes start January 10 and run through March 10, 2011. There are classes for kids and adults. Discount on registration for museum members. Visit www.telfair.org or call 912-790-8823 for more info, or to register.

Clubs & Organizations Avegost LARP

Live action role playing group that exists in a medieval fantasy realm. Generally meets on the second weekend of the month. Free for your first event or if you’re a non-player character. $35 fee for returning characters. Email: Kaza Ayersman, godzillaunknown@gmail.com or visit www.avegost.com

Buccaneer Region SCCA

is the local chapter of the Sports Car Club of America. It hosts monthly solo/autocross driving events in the Savannah area. Anyone with a safe car, insurance and a valid driver’s license is eligible to participate. Visit http://buccaneerregion.org/solo.html.

| Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 Chatham County Association for the Deaf

The CCAD is the only organization for hearing impaired persons in Savannah, GA and meets monthly. The organization promotes access for hearing impaired persons in the Low Country area and seeks to remove barriers for the handicapped. The group will meet next on February 19, 2011. For more information, email templ7090ga@yahoo.com.

Coastal MINIs

Local MINI Cooper owners and enthusiasts who gather on the first Sunday of the month at 10 a.m. to go on motoring adventures together. Visit coastalminis.com. Starbucks, Victory Drive and Skidaway Road , Savannah

Coastal Readers & Writers Circle

A Creative Writing and Reading discussion group that meets the 3rd Sunday of every month, 3:30-5pm at the new Savannah Mall Branch Library. Bring: Passages from any of your writing that you would like to read and passages from a book, publication, or production that you would like to share with the group. www.TellingOurStoriesPress.com for more information

Energy Healers

Meets every Monday at 6pm. Meditation and healing with energy. Discuss aromatherapy, chakra systems and more. Call 912-695-2305 for more info. http://www.meetup.com/SavannahEnergyHealers/

Exploring The American Revolution in Savannah

Interested in exploring the role Savannah played in the American Revolution? It is the goal of this organization to attract a wide range of interested persons including, artists, writers, teachers and historians for discussion, site exploration and creative collaboration. Meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6pm. Email, Kathleen Thomas: exploretherevolution@gmail.com for more info.

Historic Savannah Chapter of ABWA

Rogue Phoenix Sci-Fi Fantasy Club

Members of Starfleet International and The Klingon Assault Group meet twice a month, on the first Sunday at 4 pm. at 5429 LaRoche Ave and the third Tuesday at Super King Buffet, 10201 Abercorn Street at 7:30 p.m. Call 308-2094, email kasak@ comcast.net or visit www.roguephoenix.org. Savannah

Safe Kids Savannah

Safe Kids Savannah, a coalition dedicated to preventing childhood injuries, holds a meeting on the second Tuesday of every month from 11:30am-1pm. Visit www.safekidssavannah.org or call 912-353-3148 for more info

Savannah Adventure Club

Dedicated to pursuing adventures, both indoors and outdoors, throughout the Low country and beyond. Activities include sailing, camping, skydiving, kayaking, hiking, tennis, volleyball, and skiing, in addition to regular social gatherings. Free to join. Email savannahadventureclub@gmail.com or visit www. savannahadventureclub.com

Savannah Area Sacred Harp Singers

The public is invited to come and sing early American music and folk hymns from the shape note tradition. This non-denominational community musical activity emphasizes participation, not performance. Songs are from The Sacred Harp, an oblong songbook first published in 1844. Call 655-0994.

Savannah Art Association

The non-for profit art association, the Southeast’s oldest, is currently taking applications for membership. The SAA offers workshops, community programs, exhibition opportunities, and an artistic community full of diverse and creative people from all ages, mediums, and skill levels. Please call 912-232-7731 for more info.

Savannah Brewers’ League

Meets the second Thursday of every month from 6-7:30 p.m. The cost is the price of the meal. RSVP to 660-8257. Tubby’s Tank House, 2909 River Dr , Thunderbolt

Meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Call 447-0943 or visit www.hdb.org and click on Clubs, then Savannah Brewers League. Moon River Brewing Co., 21 W. Bay St. , Savannah

Every Wed. 5:00PM at My House Consignments & More, 206 W. Broughton St. No fees. Wanna learn? We love to show what we know. Many different levels get together in the store. Talk, knit, share have fun! Call 912-236-4111

A dinner meeting held the fourth Tuesday of each month (except December) at 6 p.m. at the Hunter Club. Call John Findeis at 748-7020. Hunter Army Airfield, 525 Leonard Neat St , Savannah http://www.stewart.army.mil/

Knitters, Needlepoint and Crochet

Low Country Turners

This is a club for wood-turning enthusiasts. Call Hank Weisman at 786-6953.

Military Order of the Purple Heart Ladies Auxiliary Meets the first Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. Call 786-4508. American Legion Post 184, 1 Legion Dr. , Savannah

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

Join other moms for fun, inspiration, guest speakers, food and creative activities while children ages birth to 5 are cared for in a preschool-like setting. Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9:1511:30 am Call 898-0869 and 897-6167 or visit www.mops.org. First Baptist Church of the Islands, 6613 Johnny Mercer Blvd , Savannah http://www.fbcislands.com/

Old Time Radio Researcher’s Group

International fan and research group devoted to preserving and distributing old-time radio broadcasts from 1926 to 1962. Send e-mail to Jim Beshires at beshiresjim@yahoo.com or visit www.otrr.org.

Richmond Hill Roadies Running Club

A chartered running club of the Road Runners Association of America. For a nominal annual fee, members will receive monthly training sessions and seminars and have weekly runs of various distances. Kathy Ackerman,756-5865 or Billy Tomlinson 596-5965.

Savannah Council, Navy League of the United States

Savannah Fencing Club

Beginner classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings for six weeks. Fees are $40. Some equipment is provided. After completing the class, you may become a member of the Savannah Fencing Club for $5 per month. Experienced fencers are welcome to join. Call 429-6918 or send email to savannahfencing@aol.com.

Savannah Guardian Angels

Come meet the Local Chapter of the Guardian Angels on the 1st Monday of every month from 7pm-9pm at Elite Martial Arts in Pooler,GA. Free snacks and drinks and info on the Guardian Angels. For more info:www.SavannahGuardianAngels.com

Savannah Jaycees

Meeting and information session held the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6pm to discuss upcoming events and provide an opportunity for those interested in joining the Jaycees to learn more. Must be 21-40 years old to join the chapter. 101 Atlas St. 912-353-7700 or www. savannahjaycees.com Jaycee Building, Savannah

Savannah Newcomers Club

Open to all women who have been in the Savannah area for less than two years. Membership includes a monthly luncheon and program and, in addition, the club hosts a variety of activities, tours and events that will assist you in learning about Savannah and making new friends. Call 351-3171.

Savannah Parrot Head Club

Love a laid-back lifestyle? Beach, Buffet and no dress code. Check out savannahphc.com for the events calendar or e-mail Wendy Wilson at Wendyq1053@yahoo.com.

Savannah Sunrise Rotary Club

Meets Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at the First City Club. 32 Bull St , Savannah http:// www.savannahsunriserotary.org/

Savannah Toastmasters

Helps you improve speaking and leadership skills in a friendly and supportive environment on Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Memorial Health University Medical Center, Conference Room C. 484-6710. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah

Savannah Wine Lovers

A sometimes formal group that also sometimes just gets together to drink wine. Visit http://groups.google.com/group/savannahwine-lovers.

Savannah Writers Group

meets the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7pm at Books a Million to discuss, share and critique writing of fiction or non-fiction novels, essays or short stories. A meet-and-greet precedes the meeting at 6:30pm. Contact Carol North, 912-920-8891. 8108 Abercorn St , Savannah

Son-shine Hour

Meets at the Savannah Mall at the Soft Play Mondays from 11-12 and Thursdays from 1011. Activities include songs, stories, crafts, and games for young children and their caregivers. Free, no registration, drop-ins welcome. Call Trinity Lutheran Church for details 912-9253940 or email KellyBringman@gmail.com Savannah Mall,

Southern Wings

Local chapter of Women in Aviation International. It is open to men and women in the region who are interested in supporting women in aviation. Regular meetings are held once a month and new members are welcome. Visit www.southernwingz.com


Knit and crochet gathering held each Tuesday evening, 5pm-8pm All skill levels welcome. Free Spinning fiber into yarn group meets the first Monday of each month at 1pm. Wild Fibre, 6 East Liberty Street (near Bull St.) Call for info: 912-238-0514

Tarde en Espanol

Meets the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in different locations to practice spoken Spanish in a casual environment. 236-8566.

The 13th Colony Patriots

A Tea Party group that meets the 13th of each month at Logan’s Road House at 6pm. 11301 Abercorn St. Open to the public. Dedicated to the preservation of the United States Constitution and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. www.13thcolonypatriots.com or call 912-5965267.

The Peacock Guild

A literary society for bibliophiles and writers. Monthly meetings for the Writer’s Salon are held on first Tuesday and the Book Club meets on the third Tuesday. All meetings start at 7:30 p.m. at meet at 207 E. Charlton St (Flannery O’Connor’s Childhood Home). Call 233-6014, facebook Peacock Guild or email peacockguild@googlegroups.com for more info.

The Philo Cafe

A weekly discussion group that meets from 7:30pm-9pm at Books-A-Million, 8108 Abercorn St., each Monday. Anyone craving some good conversation is invited to drop by. No cost. For more info, email athenapluto@yahoo.com or look up The Philo Cafe on Facebook.

Theremin/Electronic Music Enthusiasts A club for enthusiasts of electronic music and instruments, including the theremin, synths, Mooger Foogers, jam sessions, play-

happenings | continued from page 38

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at the American Legion Hall located at 1108 Bull Street. For more info visit the VNA website at: vna.club.officelive.com

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 671 Meets monthly at the American Legion Post 135, 1108 Bull St. Call James Crauswell at 9273356. Savannah

Woodville-Tompkins Scholarship Foundation

Meets the second Tuesday of every month (except October), 6:00 pm at Woodville-Tompkins, 151 Coach Joe Turner Street. Call 912-232-3549 or email chesteraellis@comcast.net for more information.

Dance Abeni Cultural Arts Dance Classes

Classes for multiple ages in the art of performance dance and Adult fitness dance. Styles include African, Modern, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, & Gospel. Classes are held Monday through Friday at the St. Pius X Family Resource Center. Classes start at $25.00 per month. For more information call 912-631-3452 or 912272-2797. Ask for Muriel or Darowe. E-mail: abeniculturalarts@gmail.com St. Pius Family Resource Center,

Adult Intermediate Ballet

Mondays & Wednesdays, 7 - 8pm, $12 per class or 8 classes for $90. Class meets year round. (912) 921-2190 The Academy of Dance, 74 West Montgomery Crossroads ,

African Dance & Drum

Irish Dance Classes

Glor na h’Eireann cultural arts studio is offering beginner to champion Irish Dance classes for ages 5 and up, Adult Step & Ceili, Strength & Flexibility, non-competitive and competition programs, workshops and camps. TCRG certified. For more info contact PrideofIrelandGA@gmail. com or 912-704-2052. offers dance classes, including hip hop, modern, jazz, West African, ballet, lyrical and step, as well as modeling and acting classes. All ages and all levels are welcome. Call Mahogany B. at 272-8329.

Modern Dance Class

Classes for beginner and intermediate levels. Fridays 10-11:15am. Doris Martin Studio, 7360 Skidaway Rd. For more info, call Elizabeth 912354-5586.

Pole Dancing Class

Beginners pole dance offered Wednesdays 8pm, Level II Pole Dance offered Monday 8pm, $22/1 class, $70/4 classes, pre-registration required. Learn pole dance moves and spins while getting a full body workout. Also offering Pole Fitness Classes Monday & Wednesday 11am. For more info: www.fitnessbodybalance.com or 912-3984776. Nothing comes off but your shoes. Fitness Body & Balance Studio, 2127 1/2 Victory Dr. ,

Salsa Classes

Learn Salsa “Rueda de Casino” style every Wednesday, from 6-7pm Beginner, 7-8pm Intermediate, at the Delaware Recreation Center, 1815 Lincoln St. Grace, 234-6183 or Juan, 3305421. Delaware Recreation Center, Savannah

Salsa Lessons

Lessons Sundays 1-3:30pm. Open to the public. Cost $3.00 per person. Wear closed toe leather soled shoes if available. For more information call 912-925-7416 or email savh_tango@yahoo. com. Doris Martin Dance Studio, 8511-h Ferguson Ave. ,

Salsa Savannah offers beginner and intermediate salsa lessons on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at several locations. For more info, contact: salsasavannah@gmail.com, or call 8567323. www.salsasavannah.com

Beginners Belly Dance Classes

Instructed by Nicole Edge. Every Sunday, Noon-1PM, Tantra Lounge, 8 E. Broughton St., 231-0888. Every Thursday, 7PM-8PM, Fitness Body and Balance Studio 2127 1/2 E. Victory Dr., 398-4776 kleokatt@gmail.com or www.cairoonthecoast.com

Beginners Belly Dancing with Cybelle

The perfect class for those with little to no dance background. Cybelle has been formally trained and has been performing for over a decade. $15/class. Tues: 7-8pm. Visit www. cybelle3.com. For info: cybelle@cybelle3.com or call 912-414-1091 Private classes are also available. Walk-ins are welcome. Synergistic Bodies, 7724 Waters Ave.

C.C. Express Dance Team

Meets every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. at the Windsor Forest Recreation Building. Clogging or tap dance experience is necessary for this group. Call Claudia Collier at 748-0731. Windsor Forest Recreation Building, Savannah

Ceili Club

Experience Irish Culture thru Irish social dancing. No partner or experience needed. Learn the basics of Irish Ceili dancing. 7176 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Mondays at 7:30 p.m. For more info email PrideofIrelandGA@gmail.com.

Offered Saturdays 11:30am-1pm. $10.00 per class. Packages prices also available. Contact Kelly 912-398-4776 or www.fitnessbodybalance. com

Salsa Lessons

Salsa Savannah

Tuesdays at Tantra (8 E. Broughton St.), lessons from 7-9pm, open dancing 9pm-1am. Thursday at Saya (109 W. Broughton St.), lessons from 7-8pm, open dancing 9-11pm. Bachata lessons at Saya Thursdays from 8-9pm. For more info: www.salsasavannah.com, 912-704-8726.

Savannah Shag Club

Shag music every Wednesday, 7pm, at Doubles Lounge, 7100 Abercorn St. and every Friday, 7 pm, at American Legion Post 36, 2309 E. Victory Dr.

The Savannah Dance Club

The Savannah Dance Club hosts Magnificent Mondays from 6:15-11 p.m. FREE basic Shag and/or West Coast Swing lessons each Monday. Lesson schedule posted at Facebook/Savannah Dance Club. Dance lessons 6:15-7:45pm. Special discount on 2011 membership thru Feb 15. For info: Call 927-4784 or 398-8784 or visit Facebook/Savannah Dance Club Doubles Lounge, 7100 Abercorn St. ,

Tribal Fusion Bellydance Class

Christa teaches a beginners tribal fusion bellydance class downtown Savannah on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm for $10. Contact her for full info at christa.rosenkranz@gmail.com or www.cairoonthecoast.com

Home Cookin’ Cloggers

Meet every Thursday from 6-8 p.m. at Nassau Woods Recreation Building on Dean Forest Road. No beginner classes are being held at this time, however help will be available for those interested in learning. Call Claudia Collier at


Mahogany Shades of Beauty Inc.

Learn the rhythms of West Africa with instructor Aisha Rivers. Classes are held every Sunday - drums at 4pm, dance at 5pm Rhythms of West Africa, 607 W. 37th St. , Savannah http://www. ayoluwa.org/

Argentine Tango


Victorian Neighborhood Association

748-0731. Nassau Woods Recreation Building, Savannah

continues on p. 40

“Mix Masters”— they’ll get the party going by matt Jones | Answers on page 44 ©2011 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)


1 Magic spirit 7 Mrs., in Munich 11 Electrical unit 14 Some belly buttons 15 He clashed with O’Brien 16 Hip-hop’s ___-A-Fella Records 17 Currency in the Horn of Africa 20 Seahawks safety ___ Scott 21 Salary limit 22 Sleep aid once advertised to “help you get your Z’s” 23 ___-OZN (1980s group with the hit “AEIOU, Sometimes Y”) 24 “Reach for the ___!” 25 Seminole leader 27 Carve in marble 29 Hard to hold 31 Flee the premises 32 Took a break 34 Prefix meaning “times one trillion” 36 Speck in la mer 37 Star of “Amistad” and “The Tempest” 41 “Sprechen ___ Englisch?” 42 Second word of many fairy tales 43 Kissing in front of everyone, e.g. 44 Table scrap 45 Steven Tyler’s show, to fans 47 “That’s hilarious,” in Internet-speak 50 Settled 53 Hairy beast 55 Lutelike instrument 57 Snaggable fabric 58 Crocodile’s dinner, often 59 Paper towel roll leftover 60 Pioneering “hot” jazz guitarist 64 Colin Hanks, to Tom Hanks 65 Settled 66 Yom follower 67 Award bestowed by The Queen, for short 68 Go fast 69 Squeezable African drum


1 Ram maker 2 Fruity concession stand bit 3 Contradicting phrase 4 Pen ends 5 New beginning? 6 Self-defeating words 7 Go nuts 8 “The Crying Game” star 9 Curry of “Today” 10 Home of the Tar Heels, as sometimes abbreviated 11 Handel work 12 State capital that means “sheltered bay” 13 “Die Hard” main character John 18 Actor Diggs 19 Deli bread 24 SeaWorld star attraction 25 Bread spread 26 Coffeehouse additive 28 CBS show that sometimes features weird fetishes 30 Prefix before musicologist 33 Subject of debate 35 Late “Giant” wrestler 37 Someone’s gotta do it, it’s said 38 One way to leave, in song 39 Lymphatic mass 40 ___ Paulo, Brazil 41 Enemy to remain nameless 46 Clinton nominee Guinier 48 Time for afternoon tea 49 Heartbeat noise 51 One billion years 52 One of the deadly sins 54 Ashton Kutcher show 56 Raison ___ 58 It may be spliced 59 Cassette 61 Fertility clinic stock 62 DVR button 63 K leadup


ing techniques, compositions, gigs, etc. Philip Neidlinger, theremin@neidlinger.us.





answers on page44

“Kaidoku” Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words (HINT: since a Q is always followed by a U, try hunting down the Q first). Only lowercase, unhyphenated words are allowed in kaidoku, so you won’t see anything like STOCKHOLM or LONG-LOST in here (but you might see AFGHAN, since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). Now stop wasting my precious time and SOLVE!! psychosudoku@hotmail.com

happenings | continued from page 39


Belly Drills

British Fort at Old Ebenezer

This is an intense dance workout utilizing basic bellydance moves. Geared to all levels of ability. Dance your way to a better sense of well being. Bring water bottle. Thurs: 7-8pm. $15/class. Visit www.cybelle3.com. For info: cybelle@cybelle3.com or call 912-414-1091. Walk-ins welcome. Synergistic Bodies, 7724 Waters Ave.

Critz Tybee Run - 5K and Half-Marathon

The most fun class you’ve ever taken to get you in the best shape in the least amount of time. We provide bright colorful veils, jangling coin hip scarves, and exotic music. Every Wednesday, 6:30pm. $15 drop-in or $40 for four classes. Call 912-660-7399 or email ConsistentIntegrity@yahoo.com

Blessed Sacrament Open House

Blessed Sacrament School will welcome prospective students and their parents at the school’s Open House. Sunday, Jan. 30, 11am-2pm. 1003 E. Victory Dr. More info: (912) 356-6987 or visit www.bss-savannah.org P.T. Ashlock discusses the fort and colonial Salzburger life at 2pm, Feb 6 at the SavannahOgeechee Canal Museum, 681 Fort Argyle Rd. Other Super Museum Sunday activities at the site from 1-5pm, include 1930s Depression Era art, a native reptile exhibit and more. Info: 912-748-8068. Free and open to the public.

Bellydancing for fun and fitness

February 5, 8am. Benefits the Savannah Community Foundation and student scholarships. Race starts at 15th Street. Online preregistration available. www.critztybeerun.com

Boot Camp 2011

Music in the Parlour with Diana

An afternoon of music, with homemade scones and sweet tea. Saturdays and Sundays, 1-3pm. $30/person. Limited seating. Reservations required. Call Diana Rogers: 912-2362866 or email: DianaInSavannah@yahoo.com

Pirate Preview Open House

Open House on Saturday, Feb. 5, 8am-2pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium on the Armstrong campus, 11935 Abercorn St. Info about scholarships, financial aid, admission requirements, degree programs, student life and other services and programs offered at Armstrong.

Savannah Educational Consultants

SEC is hosting an open house at their new office, located at 149 Habersham St. on January 31, 5-7pm. They provide college counseling for juniors and seniors in high school, and counseling and life coaching for children, adolescents, and adults with Learning Disabilities

The Armstrong Center

The Armstrong Center is available for meetings, seminars, workshops or social events. Classrooms, meeting space, auditorium and 6000-square-foot ballroom. 344-2951. Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah

Film & Video Psychotronic Film Society

Hosts weekly screenings every Wednesday, 8pm, at the Sentient Bean. Offering up a selection of films so bad they are good, cult classics and other rarities. For upcoming schedule visit: www.sentientbean.com

Reel Savannah

Hosts screenings of critically acclaimed independent films from around the world at Victory Square Cinemas, 1901 E. Victory Dr. For schedule and more info, visit www. reelsavannah.org

Fitness A New Kung Fu School: Ving Tsun

VING TSUN (Wing Chun) is the world’s fastest growing martial arts style. Using angles and leverage to turn an attacker’s strength against them makes VING TSUN Kung Fu effective for everyone. Call Sifu Michael Sampson to find out about our free trial classes 912-429-9241. 11202 White Bluff Road. Drop Ins welcome. Savannah

Adult Dance & Fitness Class

Adult program featuring Beginner & Intermediate Ballet; BarreCore Body Sculpt; Barre Fusion; Gentle Tone & Stretch. Beginner through Advanced - something for everyone. Call for class times and info: 912-925-0903. The Ballet School, 10010 Abercorn St in Picadilly Square. www.theballetschoolsav.com

6 week indoor bootcamp. Times Available: Mon-Fri: 6:00pm, Sat: 10:00am. Each Boot Camp Session is 1 hour long. All sessions are conducted by a Certified Personal Trainer. 3 session/week for 6weeks: $180.00. 2 sessions/week for 6 weeks: $145.00. www. fitnessbodybalance.com or 912-398-4776.

Crunch Lunch

30 minute Core and ABs concentration class. Offered 11:30am & 12:15pm Mon, Wed & Fri @ Fitness Body & Balance 2127 1/2 East Victory Dr. www.fitnessbodybalance.com 912-3984776.

Curvy Girl Bootcamp

Exercise class assisting women of size to reach their fitness goal. Every Tues & Thurs, 6-7pm. Lake Mayer Community Center. $70 a month or $10 per session. For more info call 912-341-7710 www.preservethecurves. com/curvycamp

Fertility Yoga

Ongoing series of 6-week sessions of Fertility Yoga are held on Tuesdays, 6-7:15PM at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Dr. Participants relax and gain more confidence about themselves and their body on the journey toward parenthood. The instructor is Ann Carroll. Cost is $100 for the 6 week session. Please call Ann, 704-7650 or e-mail carroll3620@bellsouth. net for info.

Fitness Classes at the JEA

Spin, firm it up, yoga, Pilates, water aerobics, Aquasize, senior fitness, and Zumba. Prices vary. Call for days and times. 355-8111. Jewish Educational Alliance, 5111 Abercorn St , Savannah http://www.savj.org/

Mommy and Baby Yoga Classes

Mondays, 10-11am (crawlers and toddlers) and 11:30-12:45 (infants and pre-crawlers) at the Savannah Yoga Center. The cost is $14 per class. Multi-class discounts are available. Walk-ins welcome. Call 232-2994 or visit www.savannahyoga.com. Savannah Yoga Center, 1321 Bull St. , Savannah http://www. savannahyoga.com/

Pilates Mat Classes

Mat classes are held Tues & Thurs 7:30am8:30am, Mon 1:30pm-2:30pm, Mon & Wed 5:30pm-6:30pm, Thurs 12:30pm-1:30pm, & Sat 9:30am-10:30am. All levels welcome! Private and Semi-Private classes are by appointment only. Carol Daly-Wilder, Certified Pilates Instructor. Call 912.238-0018 Momentum Pilates Studio, 310 E. 41st St , http://savannahpilates.com/

Pregancy Yoga

Ongoing series of 8-week sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 6-7:15 PM at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Drive. Pre-natal yoga helps mothers-to-be prepare for a more mindful approach to the challenges of pregnancy, labor & delivery. Cost is $100 for 8 weeks. Call Ann Carroll at 912-704-7650 e-mail ann@aikyayoga.com.

Rolf Method Bodywork

by Rob brezsny | beautyandtruth@freewillastrology.com

For posture, chronic pain and alignment of body/mind/spirit. Jeannie Kelley, LMT, certified advanced Rolf practitioner. www.islandsomatherapy.com, 843-422-2900. Island Somatherapy, 127 Abercorn Street , Savannah

Squats N’ Tots

Stretch and strengthen overused body parts, as well as focus on muscle endurance, low impact aerobics, and abdominal work. Your baby (age 6 weeks to one year) can get in on the fun, or simply stay close to you on your mat. Call to pre-register 912-819-6463. St. Joseph’s/Candler Center for Well Being,

The Yoga Room

Visit www.thesavannahyogaroom.com or call 898-0361 for a schedule of classes, times and fees. Savannah Yoga Room, 115 Charlotte Dr , Savannah

Yoga for Cancer Patients and Survivors

Free for people with cancer and cancer survivors. 6.30 p.m., Tuesdays and 12:10 p.m., Thursdays, FitnessOne, 3rd floor of the Center for Advanced Medicine, Memorial University Medical Center. Call 912-350-9031.


Burn up to 500 calories per hour. Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm, at the Lake Mayer Community Center. $5/class. For info, call 912652-6782 or email segodfre@chathamcounty.org

Gay & Lesbian First City Network Board Meeting

Meets the first Monday at 6:30 p.m. at FCN’s office, 307 E. Harris St., 2nd floor. 236-CITY or www.firstcitynetwork.org. 307 E Harris St , Savannah

Gay AA Meeting

meets Sunday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at 311 E. Macon St. Savannah

Georgia Equality Savannah

The local chapter of Georgia’s largest gay rights group. 104 W. 38th St. 912-547-6263. Savannah

Savannah Pride, Inc.

Meets second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the FCN office located at 307 E. Harris St., 2nd floor. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Without the GLBT community, there wouldn’t be a need for Pride. Call 912-288-7863 or email heather@ savpride.com. First City Network, Savannah http://www.firstcitynetwork.net/

Stand Out Youth

A Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning youth organization. Meets every Friday at 7 p.m. at the FCN building located at 307 E. Harris St. Call 657-1966, email info@ standoutyouth.org or visit www.standoutyouth. org. First City Network, Savannah http://www. firstcitynetwork.net/

What Makes A Family

A children’s therapy group for children of GLBT parents. Groups range in age from 10 to 18 and are held twice a month. Call 352-2611.

Health Better Breathers of Savannah

Meets to discuss and share information on C.O.P.D. and how people live with the disease. For info, call Dicky at 665-4488 or dickyt1954@ yahoo.com.

Free blood pressure checks and blood sugar screenings

Conducted at three locations. From 8:30a. m.-12:30p.m. and 5:15p.m.-7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday at the SJ/C African-American Health Information and Resource Center, 1910 Abercorn St. Call 447-6605 for appt. Every Monday from 10a.m.-12p.m. at the Smart Senior office, No. 8 Medical Arts Center. No appt necessary. Every Monday-Friday from 10a.m.-2p.m. at St. Mary’s Community Center at 812 W. 36th St.

continues on p. 41


March 21–April 19 What rewards do you deserve for all the good living and the hard work you’ve done since your last birthday? And what amends should you make for the mediocre living and the work you’ve shirked since your last birthday? If you choose this week to take care of these two matters with purposeful clarity, you will ensure the best possible outcomes. The reward you earn will be the right one, and the amends you offer will provide the proper correction.


April 20–May 20 Sometimes I fly in my dreams. The ecstasy is almost unbearable as I soar high above the landscape. But there’s something I enjoy dreaming about even more, and that’s running. For years I’ve had recurring dreams of sprinting for sheer joy through green hills and meadows, often following rivers that go on forever. I’m never short of breath. My legs never get tired. I feel vital and vigorous and fulfilled. Does it seem odd that I prefer running to flying? I think I understand why. The flying dreams represent the part of me that longs to escape the bonds of earth, to be free of the suffering and chaos here. My running dreams, on the other hand, express the part of me that loves being in a body and exults in the challenges of this world. Given your astrological omens, Taurus, I think you’re ready for whatever is your personal equivalent of running in your dreams.


May 21–June 20 An interviewer asked me if there’s any special ritual I do before writing these horoscopes. I told her that I often say a prayer in which I affirm my desire to provide you with these three services: 1. that what I create will be of practical use to you; 2. that it will help you cultivate your relationship with your inner teacher; 3. that it will inspire you to tap into and use the substantial freedom you have to create the life you want. I hope I’m doing a good job, Gemini, because in the coming weeks your inner teacher will be overflowing with practical clues about the art of liberation.


June 21–July 22 “Spring dawn: Turning toward

the storm cloud, I lost sight of the bird.” Let this haiku–like poem by Julius Lester serve as a cautionary tale, Cancerian. You’re at risk of getting so fearfully fixated on a storm cloud that you may lose track, metaphorically speaking, of a rare and beautiful bird. And the thing is, the storm cloud isn’t even harboring that big a ruckus. It will pour out its flash and dazzle quickly, leaving virtually no havoc in its wake. That’s why it would be a shame for you to let your perverse fascination with it cause you to get separated from a potential source of inspiration.


July 23–Aug. 22 Shockwaves of toxic misinformation pulse through the Internet on a regular basis. One of the latest infections attacked the subject of astrology. An astronomer in Minneapolis proclaimed that due to the precession of the equinoxes, everyone’s astrological sign is wrong. He was perfectly mistaken, of course, for reasons I explain here: http://bit.ly/AstroHoax. But few journalists in the major media bothered to check the accuracy of the sensationalist allegation before publishing it, and soon the collective imagination was on fire. Hundreds of thousands of people suffered unnecessary identity crises and felt emotions that were based on a fallacy. In the coming week, Leo, you should be on high alert for a comparable outbreak or two in your personal sphere. Be vigorously skeptical –– not just toward the stories other people tell, but also toward the theories and fantasies that rise up in your own brain. Don’t believe everything you think.


Aug. 23–Sept. 22 You are usually conscientious about attending to the details. It’s one of your specialties to take care of little necessities. You often know what to do in order to fix mistakes and messes caused by the imprecision of other people. For now, though, I encourage you to take a break from all that. In my opinion, you need to regenerate and replenish yourself, and a good way to accomplish that is to let your mind go blissfully blank. At least consider it, please. Give yourself permission to space out about the intricacies. Steep yourself in the primordial ooze where

everything is everything.


Sept. 23–Oct. 22 I’ll be interested to see how you shift your attitudes about love in the coming weeks, Libra. Fate will be bringing you good reasons to move away from long–held opinions about the nature of romance and intimacy. Your subconscious mind will be stirring with new dispensations about how best to deal with and express your life–giving longings. All in all, the process should be pretty enjoyable, especially if you relish psycho–spiritual riddles that impel you to probe deeper into the mysteries of togetherness.


Oct. 23–Nov. 21 “Dear Rob: I am a professional obsesser. I mean I obsess on things a lot. But here’s the thing. When I do obsess on something and work with manic intensity to achieve it, I am changed in the process –– frequently to the point of no longer desiring what I was once obsessed by! This makes me crazy! Any advice? – Flagrant Scorpio.” Dear Flagrant: This is a gift, not a problem. Figuring out what you don’t want is a key factor in developing self–knowledge. And often the only way to do that is by pursuing what you think you want. Ultimately you’ll be purged of your lesser longings and superficial wishes and be able to crystallize a clear vision of what you truly desire more than anything else.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22–Dec. 21

“The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in such a way that will allow a solution,” said philosopher Bertrand Russell. In other words, the words you use to describe your dilemma are crucial. If you’re lazy or pessimistic about framing your big question, you minimize your chances for finding a useful answer. If you’re precise and creative, you’re more likely to attract the information and inspiration you need. This is always true, of course, but especially so for you right now.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22–Jan. 19

A “karma whore” is someone who performs an abundant number of favors and acts of kindness in the hope of accumulating extra good karma. Judging from the

astrological omens, I’m thinking this week will be prime time for you to flirt with being such a person. Why? Because the blessings you bestow in the near future are more likely than usual to generate specific blessings coming back your way. You don’t necessarily have to go to ridiculous extremes –– holding the door open for five people behind you, allowing ten cars to merge in front of you on the highway, flinging out casual but sincere compliments with reckless abandon. But from what I can tell, the more help you dole out, the more you’ll get in return.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18

You may have no idea of how much power you have right now to start fresh –– to escape the muddle of murky old failures. Your imagination might not yet be sufficiently lubricated to glide you into the expansive version of the future you deserve. But I’m hoping that this little horoscope of mine changes all that. I’m praying that you are already registering the pleasant shock I’m trying to jolt you with, and are awakening to the rampant possibilities. On your mark. Get set. Go!


Feb. 19–March 20 I’ve never been a fan of gurus. My view is that everyone should be his or her own guru. But there was one guy whose antics were pretty entertaining. He was one of those crazy wisdom types who borrowed liberally from the trickster archetype. This is what he told his followers about how to interpret their dreams in which he appeared. “If you dream of me and I’m not kicking your butt, it wasn’t really me.” I’ll say the same thing to you, Pisces: The only teachers worth listening to, studying, and dreaming about in the next two weeks will be those who kick your butt.


Free will astrology


happenings | continued from page 40


happenings | continued from page 41



Call 447-0578. Savannah

Free hearing & speech screening

La Leche League of Savannah

Hearing: Every Thurs. 9-11 a.m. Speech: 1st Thurs. of each month. Savannah Speech and Hearing Center, 1206 E. 66th Street. Call 3554601. 1206 E 66th St , Savannah http://www. savannahspeechandhearing.org/

Healthcare for the Uninsured

St. Mary’s Health Center is open for health needs of uninsured residents of Chatham County. Open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. For information or to make an appointment, call 443-9409. St. Mary’s Health Center, 1302 Drayton St. ,

Help for Iraq War Veterans

A method used at Fort Campbell to treat lack of sleep, anger, flashbacks, nightmares and emotional numbness in veterans is available in Savannah. 927-3432.

Hypnobirthing Childbirth Classes

Classes provide specialized breathing and guided imagery techniques designed to reduce stress during labor. Classes run monthly, meeting Saturdays for three consecutive weeks. To register, call 843-683-8750 or e-mail Birththroughlove@yahoo.com. Family Health & Birth Center, 119 Chimney Rd , Rincon http:// www.themidwifegroup.com/

HypnoBirthing Classes

Learn to birth in a calm and gentle environment without fear. Uses relaxation, meditation and guided imagery to achieve the birthing experience you desire. Tiffany, tiffany@savannahdoula.com.

Kidney Disease

| Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404

Mothers wishing to find out more about breastfeeding are invited to attend a meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm. La Leche League of Savannah is a breastfeeding support group for new and expectant mothers. 897-9544, www.lllusa.org/web/SavannahGA. html. Family Health and Birth Center, Savannah

Meditation and Energy Flow Group

The Quit Line

A toll-free resource that provides counseling, screening, support and referral services for all Georgia residents 18 or older and concerned parents of adolescents who are using tobacco. Call 1-877-270-STOP or visit www.unitegeorgia. com.

Nature and Environment

Meet with others who practice meditation or want to learn how, discuss techniques, & related areas of holistic health, healing, Reiki, Energy Medicine, CAM. Reduce stress, increase peace & health! For info: www.ellenfarrell.com or 912-247-4263

Dolphin Project of Georgia

Free every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30-9:30 a.m. at GenerationOne. 350-7587. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www. memorialhealth.com/

Offering a variety of fun educational programs including Beach Discovery Walks, Marsh Treks, Turtle Talks and the Coastal Georgia Gallery, which features an up close look at dozens of local species. Open daily, 10am-5pm. For more info, call 912-786-5917 or visit www.tybeemarinescience.org. Tybee Island

Memorial Health blood pressure check

Planned Parenthood Hotline

First Line is a statewide hotline for women who want information on health services. Open every night from 7-11p.m. 1-800-264-7154.

Pregnancy Yoga

Ongoing series of 6-week sessions are held on Thursdays, 6-7:15pm at 7116 Hodgson Memorial Dr. Helps mothers-to-be prepare for a more mindful approach to the challenges of pregnancy, labor & delivery. The instructor is Ann Carroll. Cost is $100 for the 6 week session. Call Ann, 704-7650 or e-mail carroll3620@ bellsouth.net for info.

Learn about causes, risks, symptoms and treatments at this class held every Monday. Call Leah Mitchem for more info: 912-232-2691

Presents: 5th Annual

Boat owners, photographers and other volunteers are needed to help conduct scientific research. Must be at least 18 years old. Call 727-3177, visit www.TheDolphinProject.org.or e-mail gadolphin@comcast.net.

Tybee Island Marine Science Center

Walk on the Wild Side

The Oatland Island Wildlife Center offers a 2-mile Native Animal Nature Trail that winds through maritime forest, freshwater wetland and salt marsh habitats, and features live native animal exhibits. Open daily from 10-4 except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. 8983980, www.oatlandisland.org. 711 Sandtown Rd , Savannah

Wilderness Southeast

Offers a variety of programs every month including guided trips with naturalists, canoe rides and more. Their mission is to develop appreciation, understanding, stewardship, and enjoyment of the natural world. For more


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A Walk in the Park

Professional pet sitting, boarding, dog walking and house sitting services offered in downtown Savannah and the nearby islands. All jobs accepted are performed by the owner to ensure the safety of your pets. Local references available. Please call 401.2211 or email lesleycastle@gmail.com to make a reservation.

Low Cost Pet Clinic

Tails Spin and Dr. Lester host low cost vaccine clinic for students, military and seniors on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 5-6pm. The cost for each vaccination is $12.00, with $2.00 from each vaccination to be donated to Savannah Pet Rescue Agencies. Habersham Village Shopping Center. For more info: www.tailsspin.com

Professional Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Insured, bonded, certified in pet first aid and CPR. 355-9656, www.athomepetsitters.net.

St. Almo

Savannah True Animal Lovers Meeting Others. Informal dog walks on sundays at 5pm (weather permitting). Meet at the Canine Palace, 612 Abercorn St. For info, call 912-234-3336.

Readings & Signings Children’s book signing

Award-winning author and illustrator, Phyllis Limbacher Tildes, will be signing her latest picture book at two local book stores. WILL

continues on p. 44

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happenings | continued from page 42



YOU BE MINE? A Nursery Rhyme Romance for ages 2-6. BOOKS-A-MILLION, Saturday, Feb. 5, 1-3pm, and E.SHAVERS BOOK STORE, Saturday Feb. 12, 1-3pm. To learn more about Tildes books: www.charlesbridge.com

Circle of Sister/Brotherhood Book Club

meets the last Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. at the African-American Health Information & Resource Center, 1910 Abercorn St. Call 4476605. Savannah

Savannah Book Festival

Three days of events in and around Telfair Square featuring authors from around the country. Feb. 18-20. All events are free and open to the public. For more info, visit www. savannahbookfestival.org

Tea time at Ola’s

A book discussion group that meets the fourth Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Ola Wyeth Branch Library, 4 E. Bay St. Call Beatrice Wright at 652-3660. Bring your ideas and lunches. Tea will be provided. 232-5488 or 652-3660. Ola Wyeth Branch Library, Savannah http://www. liveoakpl.org/

Religious & Spiritual Christian Businessmen’s Committee

Meets for a prayer breakfast every Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. at Piccadilly Cafeteria in the Oglethorpe Mall, 7804 Abercorn St. Call 898-3477. Savannah

DrUUming Circle

First Saturday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah on Troup Square at Habersham and Macon streets. Drummers, dancers and the drum-curious are welcome. Call 234-0980 or visit uusavannah.org. 313 Harris St. , Savannah http://www. uusavannah.org/

Gregorian Chant by Candlelight

For a peaceful end to your day attend the chanted service of Compline (Singing Good Night to God) sung at 9pm every Sunday night by the Compline Choir of historic Christ Church (1733) on Johnson Square; 28 Bull Street. Open to the public. All are welcome! Call 232-4131 for more info.

Live Web-streaming

Attend church from home Sundays at 9 and 11am with Pastor Ricky Temple and Overcoming by Faith Ministries. Log onto www. overcomingbyfaith.org, click ’Watch Now’. 927-8601. Overcoming by Faith Ministries, 9700 Middleground Rd. , Savannah

Metaphysics For Everyday Self-Mastery

A series of metaphysical/New Thought classes at The Freedom Path Science of Life Center, 619 W 37th St., Mondays 8pm, with Adeeb Shabazz. $10 suggested donation, 1-877-4948629, www.freedompathonline.org, freedom-

| Submit your event | email: happenings@connectsavannah.com | fax: (912) 231-9932 | 1800 E. Victory Dr., Suite 7, Savannah, GA 31404 path@yahoo.com. Savannah

Midweek Bible Study

Every Wednesday at noon at Montgomery Presbyterian Church. Bring your lunch and your Bible. 352-4400 or mpcsavannah.com. Montgomery Presbyterian Church, 10192 Ferguson Avenue , Savannah http://www.montgomerypresbyterian.com/

Music Ministry for Children & Youth

The children’s choir for 3 years through second grade will be known as Joyful Noise and the youth choir grades 3-5 will be known as Youth Praise. Joyful Noise will meet Sundays from 45 p.m. and Youth Praise will meet Sundays from 5-6 p.m. Call Ronn Alford at 925-9524 or visit www.wbumc.org. White Bluff United Methodist Church, 11911 White Bluff Rd , Savannah

Nicodemus by Night

An open forum is held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 223 E. Gwinnett St. Nicodemus by Night, Savannah

Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)

Meets Sundays, 11 a.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church. Call the clerk, 912-373-6276 Trinity United Methodist Church, 225 West President St , Savannah http://www.trinitychurch1848.org/


Liberal religious community where different people with different beliefs gather as one faith. Sunday, 11 am, Troup Square Sanctuary. 234-0980, admin@uusavannah.org or www. uusavannah.org. 313 Harris St. , Savannah

Unity of Savannah

Two Sunday morning Celebration Services - 9:15 and 11:00. (Children’s Church and childcare at 11:00.) A.W.E. interactive worship service at 7 p.m. every first Friday of the month. Noon prayer service every Thurs. To find out about classes, workshops and more visit, www. unityofsavannah.org or call 912-355-4704. 2320 Sunset Blvd. Unity Church of Savannah, Savannah

Women’s Bible Study

at the Women’s Center of Wesley Community Centers. Call 447-5711 1601 Drayton St , Savannah http://www.wesleyctrs-savh.org/

Sports & Games Savannah Bike Polo

Realizing The God Within

Like regular polo, but with bikes instead of horses. Meets weekly. Check out www. facebook.com/savannahbikepolo for more information.

Soka Gakkai of America

Free Texas Hold Em poker league is available to the public. Teaches new players how to play and advanced players can come and work on their skills. Prize tournaments for season points leaders. www.series7pokerleague.com

A series of Metaphysical/New Thought classes presented by The Freedom Path Science of Life Center, featuring metaphysical minister and local author Adeeb Shabazz. Mondays at 8pm. 619 W 37th St. , Savannah SGI is an international Buddhist movement for world peace and individual happiness. The group practices Nichiren Buddhism by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Introductory meetings are held the third Sunday of the month. For further information, call 232-9121.

The Savannah Zen Center

Soto Zen Meditation: Tuesday evenings 6-6:30pm with study group following 6:307:30pm; Sundays 8am-9:30am which includes Dharmatalk. Donations accepted. Rev. Fugon Cindy Beach cindy@alwaysoptions.com. The Savannah Zen Center, 505 Blair St. Savannah. More info: savannahzencenter.com The Savannah Zen Center, 505 Blair St. , Savannah

Unitarian Universalist Beloved Community Church

Services begin Sunday at 11 a.m. at 1001 E. Gwinnett St. Coffee and discussion follow each service. Religious education for grades 1-8 is offered. For information, call 786-6075, e-mail UUBC2@aol.com. Celebrating diversity. Working for justice. Savannah

Unitarian Universalist Church of

Texas Hold ’Em Poker League

Support Groups Al Anon Family Groups

A fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics meets Monday at 12:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., Thursday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 8 p.m. at 1501 Eisenhower Dr. and Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Goodwill on Sallie Mood Drive. Call 598-9860 or visit http://al_anon_savannah.freeservers.com. Savannah


Alanon is for families and friends of alcoholics. New group meeting on Isle of Hope at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 2 St. Thomas Avenue off of Parkersburg Rd. Monday nights at 7:30. Selma, 354-8550.

Al-Anon Meetings

Meetings for families and friends of alcoholics are held every Monday at 5:30pm and Saturday at 11am. Melissa, 844-4524. First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Ave , Savannah http:// www.fpc.presbychurch.net/

Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group

Senior Citizens, Inc. hosts a Caregiver’s support group for individuals caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia family members. Meets every second Monday at the Wilmington Island United

Psycho sudoku Answers

Conservatory for the Performing Arts

3000 Bee Rd · Savannah GA · Questions: 912-352-8366 Quality Arts Instruction at Affordable Rates Piano - Guitar - Visual Arts - Vocal $25.00 Registration Fee · $60.00 ten weeks of lessons Classes begin January 18th, 2010 salvationarmy.org

Methodist Church, 195 Wilmington Island Road. For more info, call 236-0363, ext. 143. Savannah

Amputee Support Group

Open to all patients who have had a limb amputated and their families or caregivers. Call 355-7778 or 353-9635.

Bleeding Disorders Support Group

Call Mary Lou Cygan at 350-7285. Memorial Health University Medical Center, 4700 Waters Avenue , Savannah http://www.memorialhealth. com/

Cancer support group

Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 11am-12pm. at the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion on Reynolds Street across from Candler Hospital. The group is open to anyone who is living with, through or beyond a diagnosis of cancer. Call 819-8784. Savannah

Citizens With Retarded Citizens

Open to families of children or adults with autism, mental retardation, and other developmental disabilities. Meets monthly at 1211 Eisenhower Drive. 355-7633. Savannah

Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association

Meets the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Candler Heart and Lung Building, second floor, Room 2. Call 355-1221; or visit www.coastalempirepoliosurvivors.org. 5354 Reynolds Ave. , Savannah

Couples Struggling with Fertility Challenges

Meets every Saturday at 6:45 p.m. at Savannah Christian Church, Room 250. This is a group for couples struggling with primary or secondary infertility, whether they have been on this journey for one year or many years. Call Kelly at 596-0852 or email emptycradle_savannah@ hotmail.com. 55 Al Henderson B;vd. , Savannah

Domestic Violence Hotline

The Georgia Human Resources Department and Georgia Coalition on Family Violence have a new number, 24 hours a day. 1-800-33-HAVEN.

Domestic violence support group

SAFE Shelter provides a domestic violence support group every Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Inc. Building at 3205 Bull St. Call Brenda Edwards, 629-8888. Savannah

Don’t Face Your Problems Alone

Are you between the ages of 11-18, or a concerned parent of a teen? We are here to help. Please call Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter 912-234-4048 or www. parkplaceyes.org

Fibromyalgia support group

meets the second Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Conference Room 2, Candler Heart and Lung Building, 5356 Reynolds St.. 819-6743. 5354 Reynolds Ave. ,www.sjchs.org/ cs

Crossword Answers

GaraGe SaleS 200

Yard SaleS 204

Upscale Garage Sale!

Savannah- 920 East Victory Dr., January 29th- 8am-1pm.Twin brass beds & mattresses,Artwork,Furniture, home goods, clothing, technology, sporting goods, books,much more! Items for sale 300

want to buy 390 BROKEN WASHER OR DRYER IN YOUR WAY? Call Eddie for free pick up at your home, 429-2248. Diabetic Test Strips Wanted Most types, Most brands. Will pay up to $10/box. Call Clifton 912-596-2275. Miscellaneous Merchandise 399


Chest-of-drawers $25. Nightstands $10. Overstuffed chairs & ottoman $20. Yellow and tan curtains 75x96 Lined $5. Bedspreads for $5 and $10. Refrigerators $50. Microwaves $20. Call Mr. Dan 964-1421 ServiceS 500

business services 501 Where is your ROMANCE? Book a classy, fun and informational party for all your relationship needs with me. Pure Romance consultant, Irene Vigo 912-604-5639. ivyzcomfortzone@gmail.com

EmploymEnt 600

General 630 Busy and growing collision repair facility in Savannah, GA is in immediate need for Car Detailers/Porters. I-Car certified estimator. Applicants must be 21yrs of age with good driving record. Reply to: bodyshopjobs@gmail.com.

CONNECT WITH HOT LOCALS Browse, Match and Reply FREE! Straight 912-344-9500 Gay or Bi 912-344-9494 Use FREE Code 7638, 18+

General 630 MYSTERY SHOPPERS earn up to $100 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. No experience required. Call 877-679-6781. Now Hiring Appliance & HVAC Repair Technicians in Savannah area Technicians troubleshoot, diagnose & repair laundry, cooking or refrigeration appliances in customers’ homes while giving outstanding customer service. Min 2 yrs exp req’d. Competitive pay based on exp starts at $16.00 plus sales commissions, benefit pkg, vehicle, computer & specialized tools. Preventative Main. Tech (Trainee Repair Tech) start at $11.60. Apply on-line at www.aefactoryservice.com/careers, fax resume to (847)747-1037 or call Barb Morris at (469)222-0021. EOE/AA. We support a drug free workplace. WELLNESS COACHES needed. PT/FT. $500-$5000 plus. Will train! Call 651-263-6677 Business OppOrtunity 690 MODULAR BLDG. currently licensed by Bright From the Start as a daycare center: 2 large furnished classrooms licensed for 36 children. Bldg has 2 large restrooms, central heat/air, new windows, handicapped ramp, fire alarm system and current state fire marshal’s certificate of occupancy. Asking $25,000 OBO. 912-655-7483. Publisher’s Notice of Ethical Advertising Connect Savannah will not knowingly publish false or misleading advertising. Connect Savannah urges all readers to be cautious before sending money or providing personal information to anyone you do not know, especially for advertising in the For Your Information, Help Wanted or Business Opportunities categories. Be especially cautious of advertisements offering schemes for “earning money in the home.” You should thoroughly investigate any such offers before sending them money. Remember, the Better Business Bureau can be a good source of information for you.

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Real estate 800

HOmes fOr sale 815

ads received by 5pm friday will appear in the Wednesday issue of the next week

HOmes fOr sale 815

for rent 855

for rent 855


PORTAL, Near Statesboro 3BR/2BA doublewide with halfacre of land. Excellent condition, wood floors, large master bath, appliances included. Move-in ready $63,000,$1,000/down. Owner Financing. 912-748-6831

1019 CARROLL, Carver Village 2BR/1BA Duplex,total electric, CH&A,furnished kitchen,off-street parking $600/month,$600/deposit. 8 OAK FOREST, APT. B 2BR/1BA,total electric,CH&A,newly remodeled w/alarm $650/month, $650/deposit.912-844-7932

•112 Lucian Circle: 3BR/2BA $950 •128 Marian Cir: 3BR/2BA,den $950. •6947 Hialeah Cir: 3BR/1BA $895 •15 Burke Ave: 2BR/1BA $550 •715 W.46th: 2BR/1BA $550 •5500 Montgomery St. Apt.D, 2BR/1BA $550. +DEPOSIT, NO-PETS NO-SMOKING Call Bill:656-4111

1108 E. 31ST DUPLEX 3BR/1-1/2 Bath, central heat/air, stove, refrigerator,washer/dryer hookup, alarm system downstairs, on busline. $700/month downstairs; $675/month upstairs. 912-356-1233

1200 EAST BOLTON Street: 2 bedroom, 1 bath upstairs apartment., all electric, central heat/air. $525/month + deposit. Call Daryl: 655-3637



What Are You Waiting For?!


Must sell!Large 4BR/3.5BA priced $80,000 below appraisal.Best buy on Henderson Golf Course. Owner Financing Available. 912-508-3637

Call 912-721-4350 and Gain New Customers! Call 912-721-4350 and Place Your Classified Ad Today!

Single wide with porch. 2BR 2BA. $6000 firm-as is. Located-lot #6 in Garden Acres Trailer Park in Pooler. $6,000 912-748-5672 commercial property for sale 845

4605 LANIER DRIVE Completely updated home in Sylvan Terrace. 3BR/2BA, LR/DR combo, bonus room, fully equipped kitchen, stackable washer/dryer, parquet floors, screened porch, total electric. Only $129,000. Call Alvin 604-5898 or Realty Executives Coastal Empire 355-5557 INVESTOR LIQUIDATION MUST SELL! MAKE OFFER. WILLING TO CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE OFFER


4BR, 2 Bath $69,000


3BR, 1 Bath, CH/A $50,000


3BR, 1 Bath, Ideal investment. Only $50,000


3BR/1BA, CHA $35,000

1021 W. 45TH STREET

3BR, 1BA, CH&A $35,000


3BR/1BA, CH&A $45,000


2BR, 1 Bath $35,000


2BR/1BA $50,000


2BR/1BA $35,000


2BR/1BA, sep. LR, sep. DR, den, total electric $50,000

1718 E. 39TH STREET

1BR/1BA Duplex $50,000

1714 E. 39TH STREET

1BR Duplex, 1BR/each side $50,000. Call Alvin at 604-5898 or Realty Executives Coastal Empire 355-5557

Laurelwood S/D off Quacco RD. 3BR/2BA, LR/DR, Eat-in Kitchen. Large Fenced Corner Yard. $127,400. Roberta Clarno, Clarno Realty, Inc. 912-354-8490


buy . sell . connect | Call call231-0250 238-2040 for business Businessrates rates| place your classified ad online for free at connectsavannahexchange.com

•111 EAST 39TH STREET• 2BR spacious,upstairs apt. located between Drayton & Abercorn. High ceilings, hardwood and carpeted flooring,CH&A, windows galore.$635/month. Call 441-3087.

NEED TO BORROW Money to pay off Mortgages - Need approx. $750K - Collateral includes: 2 Acres on Tybee Island, 2 Acres, commercial 1215 EAST 56TH STREET property in Savannah and one 1125 EAST 53RD STREET 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, all electric, house in Savannah. Duplex-2 small bedrooms, bath, washer/dryer connections, central 912-663-2574

Buy. Sell. For Free! www.connectsavannah.com

kitchen, LR, DR, central heat/air. $425/month plus deposit. 912-232-7750 for an application.

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heat/air $750 dep/$750 rent. Call 912-596-5642

12350 Mercy Blvd. Savannah, GA 31419


Start the new year off right! RELOCATE AT KINGS COVE! Great Specials!! Limited Time Only Call or Come in today

1309 E. ANDERSON: 1/2OFF FIRST MONTH! 2/3 Bedrooms, CH&A, furnished kitchen, washer/dryer connection, carpet. $650/month, $500/deposit. Section-8 Welcome. 354-1453 or 667-7993


2/3BR, CH&A, washer/dryer hookup, fenced backyard, security lights. $600/rent, $600/security deposit. Call Dawn,912-661-0409 1-3BR Houses and Apts. for Rent in Savannah.All are very nice, clean properties at reasonable rates. Please call,912-658-2422 or 912-658-3763 1408-1/2 E.38th, lower 2BR, eat-in kitchen, ceiling fan, window AC $750/month, $700/deposit. We pay all utilities. Serious inquiries only. 234-6150.


2BR Apartment for Rent. LR, DR, washer/dryer hook-up. $375/ per month. Call 912-354-0869.


for rent 855

for rent 855

for rent 855

2130 ADAMS AVENUE: 3BR/1BA, LR, den, kitchen/dining combo, washroom. $800/month, $800/deposit. Section 8 accepted. Call 912-658-1627

610 E. BOLTON STREET 3BR/1BA Duplex: Totally redone inside, back deck, W/D hookup. $650/per month plus deposit. Call Daryl, 912-655-3637

ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 1BR, kitchen and bath, private entrance, patio. $600/month, $600/security deposit. Near St. Joe’s and AASU. 912-925-4728

625 WEST 42ND STREET: 2BR/1BA, washer/dryer hookup, stove and refrigerator included. $475/month, $475/deposit. Call 912-844-2344

APART/CONDO Three Bedrooms


46 239 GODSELLS 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. All electric, washer/dryer connection, central heat/air. $650 dep/$650 rent. Call 912-596-5642

703 WEST 51ST STREET 2BR/1BA, LR, kitchen $825/month includes all utilities. Call 912-844-0694 or 912-508-2397 Submit Your Event Online and Place Your Ad Online www.ConnectSavannah.com

2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Apartment located at 1 East 60th Street. Nice neighborhood, central h e a t / a i r. $675/month. Call 912-658-0246 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Duplex for rent on Wilmington Island. $735/month plus water. Call 912-897-6722. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, 1-full bath, living room, kitchen, electric heat, washer/dryer, cable TV, telephone and computer connection. 206 Carolan Street,(Bay View) West Savannah. $425/month, $300/deposit. Call 912-659-2243 2BR/2BA, Southside condo, carpet, tile, pool, free water, screened porch, washer/dryer included. $675/month. Call Eric 912-220-1566

2 BR $475/MONTH

Lover 2BR Apt, Central heat/air, furnished appliances. 1411 Barnard Street. Call 912-657-0458 or 912-921-1774

301-1/2 W.39TH

2BR Duplex, furnished kitchen, washer/dryer connection, CH&A, fenced yard $495/month.

110 W.40TH

1BR Apt, furnished kitchen, w/AC wall heat unit, fenced yard $375/month. 355-7886/667-7347 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH Home, great Eastside location & 4 bedroom/2 Bath home. $650-$800/month. Call 912-376-1674 •3BR/1BA HOUSE brick, newly renovated, on 3 lots $700/month. •3BR/1BA, brick $700/month. •1BR/1BA $450/month. •LOTS for sale, 40x100, 41st Street, best offer. 912-224-4167 3BR/2.5BA Townhome in Richmond Hill. Total electric, garage, pool, clubhouse. No pets 975/month. Call 912-756-6289 or 912-312-1468 3 BR, 2 BA double wide. Private lot. CH&A. Total electric. $700/mo $700/deposit. Available February 1st. No pets. (912) 748-6504

Post Your EvEnt onlinE Community.ConneCtSavannah.Com

3BR Homes from $600, 2BR from $385, and 4BR from $625, many locations to choose from. Rent to own available. Call 912-352-7262 or see our homes at www.yoursavannahhome.net

•806 ALLEN AVE 2BR House, $500/mo +security •1021 WEST 41ST3BR, 1BA, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, $700+ security •23 CLEARWATER LANELaurel Green subdivision, off Quacco rd, 3BR/2BA, garage, fenced yard, $1000/mo +security. •1202 EAST 35TH3BR/2BA,large livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, washer/dryer included, garage, $1000 +security •2009 ATLANTIC AVE-7 room house, 3BR/2BA, LR, DR, kitchen, den, gas heat $600 +security. LANDLORDS: If you are in need of a good Property Manager, CALL US. Managing property is what we do best! Call Lester 912-234-5650 or 912-313-8261

A DEAL! Super Special for the month of January 2011

127 & 207 Edgewater Rd. Large 2BR/2BA, all electric, W/D connection, close to mall. $700/month;Special 200/dep. (Only 2 left) _________________ 1306B E. 67TH ST. 2BR/1BA duplex Near Memorial, W/D connection $675/month;Special $200/deposit. Special on 1BR Apts., walk-in closet, LR, all electric, W/D connection. $520/month, $200/deposit 11515 White Bluff Road. 1812 N. AVALON Townhome, 2BR/1.5BA, all electric, W/D connection. Special price of $650/month, $200/deposit. 1301 E.66TH STREET 2BR/2BA, Near Memorial Hosp., W/D connection, all electric. $700/month;$200/dep. DAVIS RENTALS 310 E. MONTGOMERY XROADS 912-354-4011 OR 656-5372

Pooler/Condo 303 Gallery Way $1100 Richmond Hill 139 Cypress Pt. $1050 Eastside 527 E.38th St. $725 Renovated 1102 E.33rd St. $795 ONE BEDROOM Near Daffin Park 740 E.45th St. #1 $725 Duplexes 2128 Clars Ave $495 1126 E.53rd St. $550 1320 E.54th St. $550 1203 E.54th St. $550 1234-A E.55th St. $550 FOR DETAILS & PICTURES VISIT OUR WEBPAGE WWW.PAMTPROPERTY.COM Pam T Property 692-0038

BNET MANAGEMENT INC. 2031 New Mexico St. 3BR/1BA, LR, Dining, Laundry room, CH&A, Large master bedroom $825, now $765/month. 22 Waterstone Circle Newly built Salt Creek Landing Subdivision 3BR/2BA, Southside, pool, LR, DR, laundry room, CH&A, fenced backyard $1200/month. 507-1489/844-3974 SECTION 8 WELCOME CAMPER LOT On Savannah River near Hardeeville, SC., water furnished $250/rent, $250deposit. Call 912-964-4451

What Are You Waiting For?!

Call 912-721-4350 and Gain New Customers!

•Caroline Drive- 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen, $650/month •Duane Court- 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen, $650/month •Bee Road: 2BR/1BA, kitchen furnished $595. 912-897-6789 or 344-4164

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ConneCtSavannah.Com COASTAL PLACE @ Tibet. 2BR/2BA Apt. Eat-in kitchen, large LR, washer/dryer connections, 6 closets, all elec tric. $725/month. 912-655-4303.

Buy. Sell. For Free! www.connectsavannah.com

EFFINGHAM, EDEN: Doublewide, 3BR/2BA, clean, neat. 173 Ridge Road, Fox Bow. $700/month plus deposit. 912-401-2620

for rent 855


OAK FOREST-2BR, 1BA Apt, furnished kitchen $500-$550 739-1/2 E. 39TH-2BR,1BA, furnished kitchen, duplex $675. WINDSOR CROSSING CONDO-total electric, 2BR, 2BA, $650. 206 PARKVIEW CT. 3BR, 2.5BA, furnished kitchen, Legacy Sq, Pooler $1300. Frank Moore & Co. 920-8560 FrankMooreCo.com

for rent 855

HOUSE FOR RENT 2BR, 1 Bath, central heat/air. $575/monthly, $575/deposit. Application fee $25. Serious inquiries only. Call 912-659-4565 HOUSE FOR RENT: 643 West 40th Lane (between Burroughs & Florence). 3-bedrooms with central heat/air. $650/month. Call 912-844-0694 or 912-508-2397

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SECTION 8 ACCEPTED PETS OK WITH APPROVAL 109 Zipperer Drive Little Neck Plantation area off Hwy. 17, Total electric, 3BR/2BA, modular home, LR,DR, kitchen w/appliances, CH&A, off-street parking, large backyard w/deck. Rent $775; Deposit $725 1524 E.32nd Street Off Bee Rd. 2BR/1BA, LR/DR, kitchen w/range & refrigerator, CH&A, off-street parking. Rent $675, Deposit $625 608 Virginia Ave. Historic Gordonston Area, 3BR/1BA, LR, DR, Kitchen w/appliances, W/D Connections, Utility Room, CH&A, Elect/Gas, on Large Lot, Off St Parking. Rent $850; Deposit $800. 2211 Pecan Dr. Fernwood Subdivision, 3BR, 1B, LR, DR/Den, Kitchen w/Range & Refrigerator, CH&A, Fenced yard. Rent $800/Deposit $750. References & Credit Check Required on Rentals


GREAT APARTMENT! Ardsley Park/Baldwin Park 1BR/1BA with separate living and dining rooms. $650/month. Call: 912-659-6206. GUYTON: 3BR/2.5BA 2-story home on 1.5 acres. Central heat/air, hardwood floors, appliances furnished, washer/dryer hookup. Quiet neighborhood, Nice school district. Section 8 Welcome. $1,000/month; $500/deposit. Available March 1st. 912-428-9637 or 912-401-3031, by appt. only Hardeeville 4BR/1BA, CH&A, large lot, $785 plus deposit. 234-0548 Fall Ave 2BR/1.5BA mobile home, near Buckhalter. Private lot, water included $525 plus dep. 234-0548 NO SECTION 8

for rent 855

LOW RENT-610 W.38th St.

HOUSE FOR RENT $900/month, $900/security deposit. 3BR/2BA, Thunderbolt location. 3108 Falligant Avenue, across from Sav’h State College. Available Feb. 1st. Call 844-3990 or 655-9121 IN POOLER: Brick 3BR/2BA, fenced backyard, storage building, covered patio $1000/month, $1000/deposit. Available Feb. 1st. Call 912-823-2955, 912-844-1825 or 912-844-1812 WEEK AT A GLANCE Does what it says. Only at www.connectsavannah.com

Buy. Sell. For Free!

Newly Renovated 2BR/1BA, New appliances, Fenced-in Yard, Central heat/air $555/month. 912-236-7563 or 912-228-1968


Search For And Find Local Events CHATHAM CITY APARTMENTS

★ Convenient to Gulfstream, Ga. Ports,Downtown & Westside Industries ★ Walking Distance to Grocery Stores, Banks & Restaurants ★ Appliances Included ★ Central Heat and Air ★ On Bus Line SPECIAL!!! MOVE IN NOW! Call for Details!!!

964-5783 964-0331 HWY. 21 GARDEN CITY



MOBILE HOME FOR RENT Very nice 3BR/2BA, Remodeled in nice Garden City MH Park. Pool, basketball court, playground, clubhouse. Low down affordable payments starting @$675, credit check required. Call Gwen at 912-964-7675

Call 912-721-4350 and Place Your Classified Ad Today!

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For Free! www.connectsavannah.com

MOBILE HOMES: Available for rent. Located in mobile home park. Starting at $450 per month and up. 912-658-4462 or 912-925-1831.

Please call 912-823-3302 or visit www.mtpisgahproperties.com Happenings: All the info about clubs, groups and events. Only at www.connectsavannah.com

NEW 3BR/2BA 2300Sqft. Home in Rincon, double car garage. Lease/Purchase $1200/month, $1200 deposit. $205,000. Call 912-823-2955, 912-844-1825 or 912-844-1812

Buy. Sell.

For Free! www.connectsavannah.com

NEWLY RENOVATED 2BR/1BA. No pets. Largo/Tibet area. $595 Rent, $350 Deposit. Call 912-704-3662 or 912-656-7842


First month FREE! Deposit only. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments & houses. Call 912-844-5996 OR 912-272-6820


CLEARVIEW HOMES One, Two & Three bedroom, Kitchen equipped, HVAC, Carpet. Rents from $399-$625.

912-844-9000 Sec. 8 Welcome

POOLER HOMES 27 Hartland Court: 3-bedrooms, 2-baths, double garage, Fitness center, Pool $1150. 174 Aquinnah Drive: 3-bedrooms, 2-baths $1100. BLOOMINGDALE HOME 110 Stillwater Rd: 3-bedrooms, 2-baths $850. SAVANNAH HOMES 1459 E.40th Street: 3-bedroom brick home $750. 1404 New Jersey ave: 2-bedrooms $600. DOWNTOWN APARTMENT 346 Price Street: $625 Section 8 Accepted Jean Walker Realty, LLC 898-4134


1104 E.31st Street: 3BR/1BA $600. 2027 E. 36th Street 3BR/1BA $650. 913 Carver 3BR/1BA $675. 216 Screven: 3BR/1BA $700. 930 Seiler: 3BR/2BA $800 Several Rent-to-own properties. Guaranteed Financing. STAY MANAGEMENT 352-7829


House & Apartment. Nice location. Will work with deposit. May include utilities. $850 & Up. Call 912-660-6477 RENT: DUPLEX 1204 E.53rd Street. 2BR/1BA $475/month plus $475/deposit. Two blocks off Waters Ave, Close to Daffin Park. Call 234-2726 Days/Nights/Weekends. Good Music Is Food For The Soul. Find it online in Soundboard at connectsavannah.com

Rivers Bend Court on Marsh Off Whitefield Ave; 3 BR/2.5BA, Great room, DR, Clarno Realty, Inc. 912-354-8490 SALT CREEK Small mobile home on private lot. $475/rent, $475/deposit Call 912-964-4451 SECTION-8 OK! 3BR/1BA house for rent:Newly remodeled 2005, w/cultured marble tub & marble surround wall.Hardwood floors, livingroom, dining-room,familyroom.Close to SCAD’s Montgomery Hall & Gulfstream Center. 912-308-1441 SOUTHSIDE •1BR apts, washer/dryer included. Water & trash included, $625/month. •2BR/1.5BA townhouse apt, total electric, w/washer & dryer/$650. Call 927-3278


2BR/1BA, furnished kitchen, $500 deposit/$500 rent. Military Specials - Call 927-4383 for more information OFF LAROCHE: Upper, lovely brick 2BR, kitchen furnished, washer/dryer connection, CH&A, all electric $550. No pets 912-355-6077

SOUTHSIDE: 3BR Brick family home on quiet street. Family room, LR, great kitchen with all appliances including washer/dryer, ceramic tile floors & carpet, fenced-in backyard. $1150/month. Call 912-657-8593

for rent 855 THREE BEDROOM/G-town 1 Snowy Egret Ct $1250 Southside 510 Red oak Dr. $895 15 Wilshire Blvd $875 TWO BEDROOM HOUSES Port Wentworth 814 Crossgate Rd. $795 Near Mall 6 Seneca St. $750 Westside 515 W.42nd St. $550 FOR DETAILS & PICTURES VISIT OUR WEB PAGE WWW.PAMTPROPERTY.COM Pam T Property 692-0038 TOWNHOUSE: 100 Lewis Drive, Apt 13D 2BR/1.5BA, 2-story. Washer/dryer connections, all appliances. No pets. $600/month, $600/deposit. Call 912-663-0177 or 912-663-5368. TYBEE - 2BR/1BA Apt., central-heat/air. Walk to beach, 1 block from AJ’s. $800/month, $800/deposit. Call 912-507-4637.

rooms for rent 895

Affordable,Clean in Safe Areas

DOWNTOWN near SCAD & SOUTHSIDE near Hunter. Fully furnished, cable tv, Wi-Fi, free laundry, offstreet parking. Priv. bath, fridge, microwave avail. Drug free. $125-$165/wk. Call 912-220-8691 or 912-604-1890 EFFICIENCY ROOMS Includes stove, refrigerator, private bath. Furnished! $180/week + deposit. Call 912-844-5995. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY: 1510 Lincoln St. $145/week or $155/week for double occupancy, Includes microwave, refrigerator, stove, & utilities! Call 912.231.0240


Rooming house on 38th & Drayton. Furnished apts., utilities included $150/week. Rooms $80-$90/week. Call 234-9779

VERY NICE 3BR/2BA mobile home single, on 1/2 acre. CH&A, new carpet, paint, etc. Available Feb.1st. $600/month, $600/deposit. 912-748-6504


410 Delores Ave. 4BR/1BA $850/mo. 301 Forrest Ave. 3BR/2BA $750/mo. 1319 E. 56th St. 2BR/1BA $650/mo.


•Wilmington Island Duplex: 2BR/1BA Livingroom/dining combo, kitchen, laundry. $750/month 912-897-6789 or 344-4164 rooms for rent 895



New Large Clean Carpeted Rooms, only 2-4 rooms per guest house. Quiet Areas, Busline. Cable, Fridge, TV, utilities, furnished rooms. Rooms with PRIVATE BATHROOMS available. $99-$159/Week. DISCOUNT FOR FOOD SERVICE AND HOTEL EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 2BR/1BA & 1BR/1BA APTS. LR, kitchen, refrigerator, stove, all utilities & cable included. Weekly $179, $215, $225. Monthly $880 w/utilities. No Credit check.

912-472-0628/341-6122 $150/WEEK + DEPOSIT

Large bright, clean room in my home w/bath. All amenities, no smoking. Call Kathy, 912-349-6563

SAVANNAH STATE Totally remodeled rooms for rent. Each room, has toilet, vanity and shower,w/d, cable, 10 steps from Sav’h State entrance. Perfect for college student. $125/week or $500/monthly, $150/dep. 844-3990 or 655-9121 SPACIOUS ROOMS FOR RENT Newly renovated on busline. 2 blocks from Downtown Kroger, 3 blocks from Historic Forsyth Park. $150/week w/No deposit. 844-5995 VERY NICE ROOMS Available near SSU & busline.All amenities, kitchen & washing facility.CH&A, offstreet parking.Safe/Quiet surrounding. $130/week.Call Sandra King, 912-428-3514,912-355-1359

ROOMMATE WANTED: 130 Alpine Drive. $500/mo. or $150/week. No deposit. Near Hunter AAF. share 1/2 electric. Available Now. 912-272-8020 transportation

UPCHURCH ENTERPRISES 912-665-0592 912-354-7737

32 GOEBEL Avenue: 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 Bath garage apt. $750/month.

rooms for rent 895


cars 910 LARGE VICTORIAN with windows on two sides, across from library, nicely furnished, all utilities. TV/cable/internet, washer/dryer, $140/week. $504/month. 912-231-9464 Other apts. avail. Looking for two responsible persons. 2 rooms available. Privatebaths, CH&A/cable/telephone. Immediate occupancy. $500/month each room, $125/security deposit. Mr.Brown: 912-663-2574, 912-234-9177.


Furnished, affordable room available includes utility, cable,refrigerator, central heat/air. $115-$140/weekly, no deposit.Call 912-844-3609 NEED A ROOM? STOP LOOKING! Great rooms available ranging from $115-$140/weekly. Includes refrigerators, cable w/HBO, central heat/air. No deposit. Call 912-398-7507. NICE ROOM for rent, Nice neighborhood. Liberty City area. For reliable, working person. No drugs! Contact 912-844-8716 or 912-272-6452 NO DEPOSIT-LIMITED TIME! NEAR MEMORIAL/ East &West Savannah & Bloomingdale •REDUCED RENT!• •Rooms $100 & Up. Furnished, includes utilities, central heat and air, Comcast cable, washer/dryer. Hardwood floors, ceramic tile in kitchen and bath. Shared Kitchen & Shared bath. Call 912-210-0181. ROOMS FOR RENT Completely furnished. Central heat and air. Conveniently located on busline. $130 per week. Call 912-844-5995.


MERCURY SABLE GS, 2005- with low, low, low mileage (29,800 miles); regularly scheduled maintenance; EXCELLENT condition inside and out; no dents or dings; no mechanical problems; never seen snow; no accidents; one owner (non-smoker); runs and handles GREAT. * Air Conditioning * Power Steering * Cruise Control * Power Windows * Power Door locks * Tinted Glass * Rear Window Defroster *Driver & Passenger Air Bags $7,400.00 (912)658-6334


Paint & Body Work. Reasonably Priced. Insurance Claims. We buy wrecks. Call 912-355-5932. FORD Explorer, 2003 Multi-purpose, gold. BMW 325CI Convertible, 2001 Call 912-925-8044 HONDA Accord EX-L, 2004- 74K miles, new tires, black w/leather interior. Great condition $9,900. Call 912-598-7059 Volvo 960 Sedan, 1995 VOLVO 960, 1995- Nearly new Michelin tires. Everything works but needs battery and engine runs rough $800.00 (912)352-7012 Boats & accessories 950 2002 Grady White 208 POWERBOAT Grady White, 2002ONLY 107 HOURS! Cuddy cabin with freshwater plumbed head, holding tank and electric pump out. Professionally maintained. $27,000.00 (912)507-7137

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Catch Connect Savannah's Bill DeYoung on 105.3 WRHQ every Wednesday at 6:30pm and Thursdays at 10:30am for a look at what's happening next around town. Sponsored by


Mt. Pisgah Properties Homes for Rent •9 Chamois Ct. Pooler 4/2 $1250mth •16 Lanvale Pt.Wentworth 3/2 $950mth LP Available •216 Greene Rincon 3/2 $925mth LP Available •218 Vale Royal Rincon 3/2 $850mth LP Available •113 Charlton Rincon 3/2 $850mth LP Available •230 Goebel Ave. Sav’h 3/1 $650mth •501 E. Hwy 80 B-dale 2/1 $650mth •298 Possum Trail Guyton 2/1 $400mth LP Available LP=Lease Purchase

for rent 855


for rent 855

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