Connect24 junjul singlepgs

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Encourage • Equip • Inspire • Ignite


What do you for your

Mandela's 3 SECRETS


Conforming or Transforming through Kingdom Economy

Trust in Transition 'NOT FAILING' and 'SUCCEEDING' are NOT the same thing

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Trust in Transition The 3 secrets of Mandela Conforming to the rules of world economics or Transforming nations through Kingdom economy? Time to wake up and smell the coffee 'Not failing' and ' succeeding' are not the same thing What do you wish for your future?

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Editor's welcome This month's contributors

PRODUCTS & SERVICES Business networking Master jeweller Business insurance, online admin services Cleaning services, graphic designer, travel agent, copy writing Corporate gifts, short term insurance, family church, financial services, electrical contractor, business services, health consultant, civil andstructural engineers, staff development, event Business strategies Social networker Funeral services, networking systems, IT solutions, labour consulting

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KB Connect magazine is produced by: Tracey Olivier Editor Elaine Young Sub-Editor Ruth Brophy Art Director Advertising Sales: 084 548 4720 • | 3

Editor's Welcome WAITING ON THE LORD


recently did Beth Moore’s Esther course. In one of the video lessons, she ended by quoting Isaiah 40:31 (New King James Version): “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” The gem that she uncovered (as only Beth can do) was this: in today’s world we are taught by the prevailing culture that we do not need to be patient. All our technology is geared toward achieving one thing: instant gratification, instant answers, instant everything. Yet it has been my experience that the things of the Kingdom are often all about waiting on God’s timing. We would be wise to take the time to understand the times and to be ready to act when only God is leading. Another thing she pointed out was that when we do wait, we often wait on the event, the person or the thing we desire. This is exhausting and we become weary. But Isaiah 40 says, “those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength”. The secret is that we WAIT ON THE LORD and not on the event, thing or person we are trusting for. Waiting doesn’t mean that we sit back, get complacent and disengage. We need to stay alert to what God is saying to us, receptive to new ideas and options, and ready to go when He says so. While you’re in transition, Andy Mason reminds us, you have to trust your loving Dad to bring you safely through to the other Kingdom Business Networking, Equip and Connect are:

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Connecting with Julie Beggs and Caron Nel to give them their prizes.

side. This issue has been like no other in that it has literally transformed as the articles came in. It was originally supposed to be an issue about something which I am incredibly passionate about, Coaching, and I even interviewed some coaches for an article. But as the articles came in, I started to realise that God has a different agenda. And so this issue doesn’t really have a set theme like every other issue we have produced (except the first, interestingly enough!), but each article spoke deeply to me. I want to gift you with each one and pray that they would encourage, inspire, ignite and equip each of you in your journey. Congratulations to our 3 winners of Cindy Norcott’s book, “How to be Unstoppable and achieve more in business and life”. They are: Julie Beggs, Caron Nel and Carryn Paikin.



This Issue's Contributors Andy Mason Redding, California Andy has over fifteen years’ experience helping individuals and organisations discover and align with their purpose, then develop practical steps to make their dreams a reality. He is the director of Heaven in Business and together with his wife, Janine, leads Dream Culture – a movement catalysing people to discover and live their dreams. Patrick Kuwana, Johannesburg, South Africa Patrick the founder of Crossover Transformation Group – a business focused on providing biblically based business leadership, entrepreneurship and transformational leadership training, consulting and coaching services. Bradley Schmidt Durban, South Africa Bradley runs a marketing consultancy that aims to help businesspeople turn their ‘nightmare’ clients into ‘dream’ ones by getting their marketing message and target market right. His company, Bradley Schmidt Small Business Marketing Alchemy, offers a series of dynamic workshops that empower people and ultimately companies to succeed against the odds.

Mark J. Chironna Orlanda, Florida Mark is uniquely gifted to train, mobilize, and ignite transformation in God’s people. His is a clear voice for the 21st century that resonates throughout our global society with the cause of Christ and the message of His Kingdom. Sandy Geyser Hamilton, New Zealand Sandy is the Financial and Sales Director of Allcopy Publishers, Author of Path of the Loin a book about EnQ which stands for entrepreneural intelligence. She will be in South Africa in July and will be the guest speaker at the KBN meeting on 8 July. Adam Bright Durban, South Africa Adam has been involved in organisational development for fifteen years. He is a Strategic Interventionist, Coach Trainer and active public speaker. He also coaches at an individual and organisational level, both nationally and internationally. Since his return to South Africa from the United States, he has started a key company around strength development, evaluating and re- establishing culture within companies. He is HR director of the Juiced Group and founded Juiced Strategies (Pty) Ltd, which he also directs.

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TRUST in Transition W

hen you are in transition, it feels like everything is moving but you don’t have control. It’s like one of those amusement park rides where you are spinning, the machine is spinning and you are going up and down…yet there is a line-up of people wanting to have a go! You pay a price to go round and round and up and down and inside out…but seemingly end up the same place you began. Or did you? You know there is a plan. This thing will stop, eventually. You can survive it, endure it, or you can choose to wave your arms wildly, scream madly and enjoy it. The core of transitioning well is trust. What you truly trust will become obvious and you will get the opportunity to change that, or build trust in something stronger. If your trust is in God, you will find Him to be a rock, a refuge, a sure foundation, and you won’t be disappointed. He never changes. He is the Everlasting God who never grows tired or weary. Will He be your God in transition? God is in your future; stick close to Him and you will be there also.

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Or, you can try to grasp something along know anyone where we were going – fellow the way (which is hard to do when you are students, staff or citizens. I tried to arrange a spinning in all directions) – a rental property for my family person, a false comfort, a when we arrived. Problem: support structure (which will no-one would rent to a The core of more likely hold you where foreigner. Perfect! In the end you are rather than help you I secured a vacation rental transitioning transition). How’s that working for one week, giving us 7 well is trust. for you? days to find something more When my family left New permanent. Zealand for the USA in 2008 it Then, just 10 days from was a bigger transition than our departure I got a message I had ever asked, thought or saying the vacation rental had imagined. I did everything I some plumbing issues and God is in your thought I knew to make the they would have to cancel. My future; stick change as smooth as possible. wife was already stressed out close to Him The problem was, I didn’t with the transition – I was just know much. Perfect! in denial. And I was leaving for and you will be We had seven weeks two days on a business trip. there also. between getting the final “go Perfect! for it” and leaving our shores I hid the email so I could of safety and certainty. I didn’t work out a plan before adding more instability (“transition”) to my family. As I drove on my business trip I madly called a couple of friends to get them to pray. Help! Then I lost cellphone coverage so all I could do was get anxious…or lean into God. Perfect! Anxiety is evidence of an inferior kingdom. I had a full schedule of meetings for the rest of the day so I had no time to do anything

about the problem. That evening I got into a the gym on mats, two of us in a single bed in hotel late and went to bed. I got up early the another room). Perfect! next morning and paced the floor praying. She helped us with getting around town – Help me Jesus. Help me Jesus. loaned us a car then a scooter Help me Jesus! for six months. She showed I then decided to look us where to get a household Anxiety is online again at the student full of furniture on student evidence of website for where we were budgets. She gave us a bunch an inferior going and see if there were of stuff for the kids and any rental properties listed introduced us to her friends. kingdom. there (ten days out?). I prayed, She was a gift from God in “God, guide my eye.”As I the midst of our transition. read down the list, one selfPerfect! furnished apartment caught my eye. It wasn’t So what’s your transition? Who are you ideal but maybe it would cover us for a week trusting? How does God want to reveal or a month. I shot an email off to the landlord, Himself to you in the midst of transition? Will explaining our situation. you trust Him? Thirty minutes later a reply popped up on my email. The random landlord said, “Sorry, 1. God was with you the apartment is already taken. But you could where you came from come stay with us [single mom with two Think back to previous transitions. How did kids at home].” I replied to this random lady, He help you? How did He provide for you? “Thank you, but there are six of us.” She again Remember. Feed on His faithfulness. responded, “I know my limits, my gifting is hospitality, you can stay for two weeks.” A complete stranger willing to take us in! Was she safe? Were we safe for her? Or had God just guided my eye? Could I really trust Him in this transition? It turned out she wasn’t going to be at home when we arrived so she arranged for her personal assistant to meet us with a key to the house. We couldn’t find a rental place for three-and-a-half weeks but she graciously extended her home to us (four of us in

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2. God is with you where you are going

When you gave your life over to Him, He promised to lead and guide you. He is the GOOD shepherd. He may lead you THROUGH difficult circumstances but He never LEAVES you in them. Keep walking. Every step you take is getting closer. Every day is one day nearer. Whatever you do, don’t stop. Your future is bright. Your future is full of hope.

3. God is with you right now You may not be able to control a whole lot of the instability and uncertainty right now but one thing is certain – God. Pause right now and increase your awareness of Him with you. What are you thankful for in your life right now? Write down five things you are grateful for. Where is He wanting to guide your eye?

Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring [it] to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. … The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. … I have been young, and [now] am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. … Wait on the LORD, And keep His way, And He shall exalt you to inherit the land; When the wicked are cut off, you shall see [it]. … And the LORD shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them, Because they trust in Him. Psa 37:3-6, 23, 25, 29, 34, 40 NKJV. ! Andy Mason Used with permission. http://idreamculture. com/trust-in-transition/#sthash.ZfRvZ4U5.dpuf.

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THE 3 SECRETS of Mandela


ow that the elections are over, I’m for enslaving, for destroying families… reflecting on what South Africa has yet, he chose not to. He chose not to become and where we are going blame but to forgive instead. as a nation. Mandela, along There are two quotes with a few others, set our which have always stood nation on a course which – if If we take those out for me from Mandela fully realised – will lead us to a on forgiveness. same secrets place of safety and prosperity. "Forgiveness liberates the soul. and apply As I look back over It removes fear." and "As I walked Mandela’s life I see three them to our out the door toward the gate secrets that he applied and that would lead to my freedom, lives, I believe which made him the man he I knew that if I didn’t leave became. If we take those same we can realise bitterness and hatred behind, secrets and apply them to our I’d still be in prison." the dream he lives, I believe we can realise His big secret was that he the dream he carried. carried. understood that blame keeps you imprisoned and bound Secret #1 by fear. It keeps you stuck in Mandela could have spent life. In order to unlock your life, blame must be his entire life blaming others for his condition removed from the table as an option for you. in life. He had every right to. He could have blamed them for torture, for lying, In its place, forgiveness must reside. | 15

Secret #2

a reality. The dream to unite white and black was so strong and yet rugby was a If you can no longer blame, then that leaves predominantly white sport. Mandela could you with only two other options. His second have fought it and not come to the game. He secret was to realise that his original boyhood could have said that it was not right for so dream (to be free and grow much money to be spent to up in his community) had entertain this certain segment to change. Especially once of the population, but he did he lost his father. His dream He chose not not. He changed his personal changed many times in life, to blame but to circumstances to align with eventually leading him into prison where his dream his dream. He walked onto forgive instead. changed one last time. He the field to support South came out a different man African Rugby and in return because he allowed his dream his circumstances lined up to to change. He didn’t get stuck facilitate his dream moving because of the circumstances one step further down the He came out of his life. He allowed his road. a different dream to change to fulfill the So…we find ourselves desires of his heart. His desires 20 years down the road of man because didn’t change but his dreams democracy. Take these three he allowed changed to connect his secrets that Mandela practised desires to his circumstances. his dream to to bring transformation to a nation, and apply them to change. Secret #3 your life and business. Stop Sometimes the dream blaming! Take control! If Mandela had so gripped you need to, change your his heart that he could dream. If your dream cannot not change it. Again, he He changed change, then change your could have become stuck circumstances to align with and started to blame his his personal your dreams. circumstances – but he did circumstances Either way, let’s continue not. He found a way to change the dream Mandela had (and to align with his circumstances. When the we all have) for a better place dream would not bend and his dream. to live that gives everyone his soul would not bend away a chance. No matter what from forgiveness, then his political party is in power. It’s circumstances would bend. time we control our lives and not rely on who In 1995 when South Africa hosted and won the Rugby World Cup, Nelson Mandela is in power. ! walked onto the field to congratulate the Adam Bright team. The day he walked out onto the rugby pitch he showed a determination to see the dream of a united country become the-3-secrets-of-mandela/

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Conforming Transforming through nations Kingdom economy?

to the rules of world economics or


tatistics show that +81% of the South African population is Christian, with 56% of the population attending church at least once a week. If this is so – why is South Africa not reflecting a Christian culture in every area of society? Why is South Africa listed 69th out of 169 countries in the 2012 corruption index report, with the highest gap between the rich and poor in the world, when Christianity is supposed to be built upon a foundation of righteousness and justice? Why does a nation like South Africa, which is blessed with so many resources, currently have one of the lowest

labour productivity rates in the world and one of the lowest economic growth rates in Africa? On the continental front, why is Africa the begging bowl of the world when we have been blessed with the most abundant natural resources – far more than any other continent? Africa is one of the most evangelised continents and yet is the most corrupt and poverty stricken, with 45 African countries occupying positions in the World Health Organisation’s list of the 50 countries in the world with the lowest life expectancy – a totally contradictory position to what the Bible says we should be experiencing | 17

ways) and (2) we are destroyed because We continue to put our of disobedience (to trust in intellectual God’s ways). A critical solutions that are based constraint that is on the flawed rules of stopping us from effectively dealing a man-made economic with these issues is system, instead of going that we just don’t back to the instructions know what God’s blueprint is for and divine solutions of the the economy, and architect of economics – hence we continue to put our trust in God our Father. intellectual solutions that are based on the flawed rules of a manas a result of the transforming and life-giving made economic system, instead of going back power of the truth of the Gospel. As African to the instructions and divine solutions of Christian leaders in both the church and the the architect of economics – God our Father. marketplace (business and government), these Africa (and every other continent for that are critical questions that we now need to matter) will continue to sink into a greater address. measure of darkness for as long as we think that we can find lasting solutions outside the So why are we in framework of God’s instructions (as written in the Bible and revealed by the Holy Spirit on an this position? ongoing basis. We are in this position because of two The first words God spoke to mankind clear biblical reasons: (1) we are destroyed were a Family, Government and Economic because of lack of knowledge (of God’s

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mandate (“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]” – Genesis 1:28 AMP). The rest of His words to us in the Bible are filled with instructions on how we should take dominion of these three critical foundational building blocks of society. When we implement His ways in these three areas, we will see restoration come into the economic value chain so that all people on earth will have sufficiency in provision (food, water, shelter, services, etc). For the purposes of this article I would like to address a single critical difference between the man-made systems of economics that we currently operate under today and God’s Kingdom economic system: scarcity versus abundance.

Scarcity versus Abundance

the notion of “unlimited human wants” as mentioned in the Wikipedia definition was birthed when the devil deceived mankind to desire and ultimately consume something in disobedience to God (the Fall). This is an integral part of the broken world economic system we face today. In the Garden of Eden, mankind fell by consuming a resource outside the will of God and today mankind continues to consume outside the will of God. This forms the basis of the form of capitalism that the world economic system currently operates under. I truly believe that our belief in this lie of scarcity is one of the greatest sins we need to repent of. It implies that God is unloving and effectively very ‘sadistic and sick’ because He created children and placed them in a world that does not have enough resources for them to survive (and hence created them to suffer)! The resultant behaviour of a scarcitydriven economic system is excess accumulation (because there might not be enough tomorrow), which drives greed (because I have to accumulate as much for myself as possible, even at the expense of others), which drives materialism (because the more I have, the more secure I am), which drives bribery and corruption (to acquire more through any means possible). It’s the Babylonian system of economy that is based on dependence on self apart from

Man-made economic systems are driven by the premise of scarcity whereas God’s Kingdom economic system is driven by the premise of abundance. Wikipedia defines scarcity as “the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants and needs in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfill all human wants and needs”. In other words God created us, His children, and put us into a world that does not have Every war that has ever enough resources for been fought on this planet us to survive. This is effectively what world is the result of mankind economics is saying trying to take ownership everyday about God! of scarce resources – in Sadly even we as the church buy into this direct disobedience to thinking and even God’s instructions for us contribute to the growth of this system to steward the abundant of deception that is resources He gave us on holding billions of people in captivity. this earth. By the way, | 19

this planet is the result of mankind trying Scarcity is the fruit to take ownership of scarce resources – in of mankind’s failure direct disobedience to steward the vast/ to God’s instructions for us to steward the abundant resources abundant resources that God created and He gave us on this earth. The day we (you has made available and I) as believers to us. of Jesus Christ take up our mandate to bring about economic restoration God because ‘God didn’t create enough so by bringing God’s economic system (the therefore why should I expect or even rely stewardship of abundance) back into the on Him to look after me?’ It’s the worship world, will be the day when we will see the of mammon and hence the worst and start of a season that will result in billions of most prevalent form of idol worship being people having the veil of systemic poverty practised 24 hours a day. removed from their eyes to reveal a good God This lie of scarcity is one of the devil’s who loves them so much and has provided most potent tools for creating disorder in an abundant life for them (naturally here on the world and blinding billions of people earth and also in heaven). I believe that when to the goodness of God. This one lie has we deal with the economic issue we will see a resulted in mankind being used by the devil multitude of souls streaming into salvation as to do his primary work of stealing, killing and they realise who God truly is. destroying so that billions remain lost as they Jesus came to restore the abundant life fail to see the love of their Creator. that God originally intended for all mankind. Every war that has ever been fought on (“I have come so that they may have life, and

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that they may have it more abundantly” – John 10:10b). Does the systemic poverty we see around us mean that Jesus failed to deliver on his mandate and promise of abundant life… or is it maybe that we as His disciples (who have been given the task to implement and model His ways and instructions) have failed to implement what He has told us to? Scarcity is the fruit of mankind’s failure to steward the vast/abundant resources that God created and has made available to us.

Wastage not scarcity

Research shows that a quarter of the world’s food is wasted. South Africa wastes 9 to 10 million tonnes of food each year. Rev Joel Edwards, International Coordinator of EXPOSED, the global Christian campaign aimed at exposing corruption, has said that “Over US$1 TRILLION goes missing every year from the global economy as a result of corruption and it’s predicted that illegal tax evasion alone will be responsible for 5.6 million children dying in developing countries between 2000 and 2015. That’s 1,000 children every day”. I therefore ask the question – is there really scarcity in resources? Sadly these 5.6 million children will probably die without knowing the truth that they have a loving Father who actually provided abundantly for them, but the resources could not get to them because of mankind’s failure to implement His economic system. I believe God’s heart is bleeding with grief as His children suffer in a world that He created with abundance, but in which we have accepted a scarcity-based economy as the norm.

the first time as a good God who loves them and has supplied abundance (spiritually and materially) for each person. It is time that we realise that we can’t keep doing the same things and expecting different results. We need to pray; humble ourselves (admit we have been doing it wrongly); seek the Lord’s face (seek His wisdom and ways) and turn from our wicked ways (replace our way of doing things with His way) so that He can hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land.

In closing

Presidents of Nations are desperately seeking answers to economic restoration and growth. It’s time for us as the collective body of Christ to take the wisdom of God’s Kingdom Economic blueprint to them. Could we be in the Kairos season right now where God will take the so-called ‘dark’ continent that has been last in the world economy, and lift it into the leading position to be a ‘shining ‘light’ demonstrating Kingdom Economy to the rest of the world? We are in the appointed time for Africa to ‘arise and shine’ and release the glory of God! ! Patrick Kuwana Crossover Transformation Group

So what is the solution? 2 Chronicles 7:14

The economy is the battlefield for the goodness of God. When we rise up to exercise Kingdom dominion in this area, we will create a ‘salvation pipeline’ that will usher in the end time harvest as billions of people see God for | 21

Time to

WAKE UP and smell the coffee


roverbs 23 offers life-changing wisdom, an idea held by the mind. Rather it is an idea especially for those in business. It talks that ‘holds the mind’”. about dealing with those in authority. It’s a brilliant observation. What ideas hold In a business context, this is your own mind? usually your potential client. The It’s convenient for us to chapter shoots straight, talking think that we look at the world about how you can end up with around us and, based on what For the fool, a “knife to your neck” before we see, draw conclusions. Old Age you realise what has happened. Conclusions that establish our will be the When you’ve read this beliefs [read: ideas that hold article, I highly recommend your mind]. But reality is often experience that you take the time to read and the opposite. finally rattles consider this chapter deeply. Our beliefs determine what The Amplified Version really we ‘see’ and ‘don’t see’ when his world view. helps bring out the meaty bits. we look at the world around One short sentence, buried us. They are filters that define in verse 7, grabbed my attention the world according to us. The and has held it in its life-transforming grip ever longer we’ve held those beliefs, the tighter their since: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” grip on our minds. And they will stay with you “A belief,” Elly Roselle has observed, “is not – limiting your life – until replaced with beliefs | 23

that let you see more of, and deeper into, the But when your near-death experience has world around you. happened, you’ll see things you couldn’t see You can ‘know’ that you ought to exercise, before. Your decisions change. Your behaviours eat well or lose weight, and still not do it. change. And best of all – your RESULTS will be Gripping your mind like a vice is something else entirely. a belief that a heart attack won’t I’ve had a few such happen to you. Or that you’ve experiences. Each has changed You can choose got time to change, and today me deeply and shattered other things are more pressing. strongly-held beliefs. Once I to join those That belief will stay in was slap bang in the middle who don't control until something – of a race-the-clock project wait for a often a sudden, near-death for Vodacom. The clock was experience like a health crisis winning. Our team was living catastrophe or a home invasion – finally on Mr Delivery pizza and strong to wake them shatters its vice grip. coffee. I was arriving home Weeks, months and when my family was asleep and up from their years of lost opportunities to leaving before they awoke. stupor. really live, will zip past until a Then that “suddenly” painful EXPERIENCE breaks you moment arrived. My wife called free. Only then will you see your me at the office and said, “Don’t limiting belief for what it is – a panic, but Daniel (my son) has belief, not reality. Only then will you see how just been hit by a car. The doctor is with him naïve you’ve been. That you’ve been drifting in a at the local hospital. They have stabilised him. bubble, not living. They cannot do any more and are now rushing 24 |

him to a bigger hospital that’ll be able to cope environment where your beliefs are challenged. with his injuries”. I’m talking about any experience that will stretch Suddenly, I no longer cared about the you. Try serving someone in the way they want all-consuming Vodacom deadline, my job or to be served. anything else. I just had to get to the hospital. To If a near-death experience does happen my wife and son. to wake you up, put yourself Hard as that experience was, in places where you will have it turned out to be a gift. near-life experiences. NearFor the fool, Old Age will life experiences help you Near-life be the experience that finally experience what it means to experiences rattles his world view. By then, really live. help you there will only enough time Live and act without fear and energy for regret. That’s of what others think. Do what experience depressing! you could and should be doing, what it means You can choose to join without concern for whether those who don’t wait for a you’ll fail or not. to really live. catastrophe to wake them up When you do that, you’ll from their stupor. If you don’t want more. want to wait for a near-death Live God’s dream for experience to wake you up, your only alternative you. Today. Ask for His wisdom, courage and is force yourself to experience new things. strength, then act. Carpe diem. ! When you actively engage in a new experience, rather than waiting for the Bradley Schmidt experience to happen, you create an

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talk to entrepreneurs than we would earn working for someone across many Succeeding means else, whilst carrying all industries, genders that we: • Lead our business to the the responsibility of our and cultures and there stage where we can place own business, is not an is a common ‘type’ of qualified people behind us entrepreneurial success entrepreneur that I and give them the space to at all. see most often. This is prove and earn their value. In his new book the entrepreneur who • Have sufficient income from Amplifiers (which I has ‘not failed’. Roughly a primary business to fund highly recommend to all translated, that means he additional ventures that business leaders), Matt or she has a business that allow us multiply our income Church points out that in on the surface appears to streams, invest and grow leadership, it is sequence function adequately, but our expertise and experience. that is critical. He argues finances are tight, time • Declare the same profit daily that leadership innovations is stretched and stress whether we are present in the are often deployed out of levels are extreme. office or not. sequence and suggests Does this sound • Are intimately in touch the following for effective with every influence on familiar? If so, don’t leadership: our bottom line at all times feel alone! Over 80% through open and accurate of business owners Believe that great information systems. worldwide find things are going to themselves in this space. happen. Despite the obvious Get the group struggles within such a space, these productive. business owners comfort themselves with the fact that they have ‘not failed’. Focus on team But working 24/7 for very often less engagement.


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Obsess about innovation.

As the building process relies heavily on the direction we provide as the entrepreneur, I think we need to give some thought to getting the sequence right too. Borrowing from Matt’s thinking about sequencing, I would suggest the following for effective entrepreneurial leadership:

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Believe that great things can happen. Get clear on our purpose – why are we doing this?

Understand our value to the organisation that we are building, and leverage that value through stakeholders and systems.


Working 24/7 for very often less than we would earn working for someone else, whilst carrying all the responsibility of our own business, is not an entrepreneurial success at all.

Fill the gap between what we can offer and what the organisation needs that we can’t (or don’t want to) offer, through stakeholders and systems.


Drive the sales function of the business personally. Please do not rely on or hide behind marketing and social media initiatives. These are best in support and not as the drivers to effectively communicating our value and relevance to our market.


Set up a system that renders us the closest that we can be to pro-active, which is “instantly reactive”. Reading this system accurately tells us what (and who) is and isn’t working.


Place qualified and trusted people in behind us to do the tasks so we can clear our headspace for innovation, diversification or additional business initiatives.

The sequence of these 7 steps matters to those wanting to move from “not failing” to “succeeding”. ! Sandy Geyser | 29


What do you for your


he “will of God” is always “good, acceptable, and complete (perfect/ mature)”, and there is only one “will” – not three. Also remember that it isn’t something you have to “find”. Paul makes it clear in Romans 12:1-2 that it is something you “prove”. To “prove” something requires a certain “sense” of what you think it is, and also requires experimentation (kind of like what you would do for science projects in school)… so the proving process requires faith. Faith gives you the freedom to improvise and even make “mistakes” and the course of it, correct ourselves. So this isn’t some heavy-duty, heavy-handed, “If I miss it I am in big trouble” sort of a dynamic. This is about a loving Father who wants to give GOOD gifts to His children; who invites them to walk by faith in childlike trust and rely on His eminent goodness in the midst of every conflict they face and EVERY DECISION they have to make. It is all about GRACE and FAITH. There come certain seasons in all of our lives when we realise certain things are no longer the same, even though we might have expected them to stay that way. We find ourselves in that marvellous place called “transition”. In that place of transition, we have to master moving from our current reality to a new reality that can actually be an “improved and more desired” reality. Between where you are and where that is, you have to 30 |

navigate the “gap” (which is what I do in the coaching profession with my clients all the time). One of the things we often fail to realise when it comes to the “will” of God, is that the word there for “will” actually means “wish” or “intent” or even in some cases, “dream”. So instead of thinking about the “will of God” being some hard-to-reach, difficult burden to bear that requires the absolute nullifying of any of your dreams and goals, think again. This is a loving Father, who as a Caring Parent “wishes” wonderful things for His children, including you. In fact, the key to finding out His “wishes” is getting in touch with yours. So, begin with “What do I really, really, really, really, really want at this season of my life?” And start dreaming again about your future. One thing always to remember: God wants you to be visionary, as well as responsible for your own future. That is important, because otherwise you will spend time waiting for God to “tell” you what your future is when He’s already built you and designed you just the way you are with your yearnings, longings, and giftings to move in the direction you were created for. In my series, “Blue Sky Jesus” I speak to this precisely because people are looking for a “Blue-Print” instead of looking under God’s big “BLUE SKY”. You have to lift your vision higher and look into the big blue sky of heaven over your head and gaze at all those beautiful stars to get a fix on where you are and then find your own true North. What you want right now in life isn’t the same as what you wanted years ago. You have matured, you have become more selective, you have become more scrutinising…and that’s great! The reason it’s great is because now you know more of what you don’t “want” or “wish” in your life. There is a certain “fire” that belongs to you alone, as well as a certain hope and passion. It is there and it is waiting to be reclaimed and honoured. When you are ready to see it, | 31

reclaim it and honour it. God is ready to give it back to you in “good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over”. It also doesn’t mean you have to leave your day job to find the new you. It just means you want to start looking at things in a new way. If that new way leads to certain shifts, they will all fall into place with little effort at all. So here are some of the things you can do to “prove” the “wish” of the Father for you in this season by faith: • SEE and ENVISION how you want your life to unfold and write down what you SEE without judging or prejudging it… let ! it just flow…you can eliminate the “fluff-stuff” later on.

Instead of thinking about the “will of God” being some hard-toreach, difficult burden to bear that requires the absolute nullifying of any of your dreams and goals, think again.

LOOK for the best possible choices you can make for who you are and where you want to be at this season of your life.

TRUST in God and in your VISION that you get from dreaming under His big blue sky (You are under an OPEN heaven not a closed one).

Create a SIMPLE STEP-BY-STEP “plan” once you have spent time meditating under that big blue sky and found your true North.

Remain totally responsible for everything you think, say, do, and feel, and manage your life one step at a time

Network with others and with the necessary resources that are available to you that will provide the enrichment, empowerment, and encouragement you need to arrive at your intended future.

Decide to become a life-long learner.

• Get out “on the living edge” of adventure and make your journey your grand adventure. ! Mark J. Chironna, MA, PhD 32 |

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