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Encourage • Equip • Inspire • Ignite

Courage Rising Marketplace

MERCY Great leaders

Keys of Courage:


faith, hope & love


Are enCOURAGEd Step out of the boat Demonstrate Kingdom Power Pursue & recover all

CONTENTS Christian Business Magazine

is available at the following locations: Amanzimtoti Sweetwaters Full Gospel Church Kingsway Church, Life Church Durban North Living Waters Church KingsNet Ministries Empangeni Christian Family Church Hillcrest GraceHill Church Focus On The Family Bookshop Christ Church Hillcrest Kloof/Gillitts Kloof Harvest Church, Sarepta Church Kloof Baptist Church, St. Agnes Church Kloof Methodist, Jooma, Piggly Wiggly Morningside The Olive Tree Lambert Road Baptist Church Musgrave/Glenwood Full Gospel Tabernacle Scripture Union St Olav’s Church His People Church Pinetown/Westmead Highway Christian Community Pinetown Baptist Church Doxa Deo NG Kerk Fourways Spar Pietermaritzburg African Enterprise The Coffeeberry Cafe All Saints Church Bible Centre Umhlanga Umhlanga Harvest Umhlanga Christ Church Waterfall Waterfall Baptist Church Westville Church on Route 5 St. Elizabeths Church Westville Methodist Church Westville Baptist Church Westville Presbyterian Church Please let us know if you wish to distribute CONNECT magazine in your church or business.

VOICE OF THE PROPHET Stepping out of the boat Mercy in the marketplace

8 12


Great leadership requires great courage


Pursue and recover all Risk versus reward Demonstrating: The power of the kingdom Be enCOURAGEd The keys of Courage: Faith, hope and love


Where to find CONNECT Letter from the editor Notice board

16 18 20 22 28 30 3 4 7


Printing services 2 Business networking 6 Spices 11 Copy writing, construction contractor, business insurance 15 Business systems, audiologist, graphic designer, life coach 21 Attorney, master jeweller, security products, networking systems 25 Financial planner, family church, events management, business systems, short term insurance, electrical contractor, health consultant, social networker, estate agent (Queensburgh), labour consulting, civil & structural engineering 26 Chiropractor, jewellery, financial services, travel agent 29 Kingdom Business Conference 32

Christian Business Magazine

is produced by: Tracey Olivier - Editor tracey@connectmagazine.co.za Belinda Peck - KBN Director of Operations info@connectmagazine.co.za Elaine Young - Sub-Editor elaine@copyeditpaste.co.za Ruth Plowman - Art Director zngirl@gmail.com Advertising Sales - 084 548 4720 sales@connectmagazine.co.za Steve Joubert - Ad Design steve.joubert@gmail.com and printed by: DNA Print (Pty) Ltd. www.kbnconnect.co.za | 3

courage | kərij, kə-rij|

noun the ability to do something that frightens one: strength in the face of pain or grief:

Editor's Welcome


t was a Facebook post that inspired this issue. You will find it on our KBN notice board – it’s worth a read. My favorite quote on courage is this: “Courage does not always roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” (Mary Anne Radmacher) Owning your own business, especially a Kingdom business, will soon get you in touch with courage. We celebrated Kingdom Business Networking’s 4th birthday in April and one thing that I have learnt is that courage doesn’t feel the way it looks in the movies. We have all watched the likes of Brave Heart, Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan and been inspired by their heroes’ courage and bravery. What they don’t show is the anguish, negative self-talk and looming fears that you have to face all by yourself before you surrender to your trust in the living God Who is urging you to take your promised land. I dedicate this issue to all of those who stood amidst the doubt of others, the well meaning advice not to take that “reckless” move, the “it will never work” and the “I told you so” when you hit your first bump in the road. I have learnt over these years that the initial courage required to take that first leap isn’t even close to the courage you will find deep inside of you on the days it looks like it is all over and those voices come back to haunt you. In these times it is so important to take the “words”, scriptures and journals from those beginning days of

ORIGIN Middle English (denoting the heart, as the seat of feelings): from Old French corage, from Latin cor ‘heart.’ excitement and read them over and over. Remind yourself why you started this journey to begin with. Never forget the WHY! When I reached a bump in my own road, a friend once told me, “Passion is a great starter, but not a great sustainer”. He didn’t mean you no longer need the passion, but that the business needs more than that. If you aren’t equipped to run a business, no amount of passion will sustain it. Since that day I have surrounded myself with great books, mentors and development opportunities to build on my strengths. Combined with the passion and purpose that started it, these skills will keep the business on the path where God is taking it. Please keep visiting our Facebook page to find out about opportunities we’d like to create to equip you and those who work for you. We will be running ongoing Biblical Entrepreneurship courses as well as one-day Kingdom Business Seminars and workshops. Why not email me on editor@connectmagazine.co.za with suggestions on what input you need.

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Patrick Kuwana, Johannesburg, South Africa is the founder of Crossover Transformation Group – a business focused on providing biblically based business leadership, entrepreneurship and transformational leadership training, consulting and coaching services.

Ed Ramsami, Johannesburg, South Africa Ed is the founder of SHIFT, a company that specialises in helping companies, churches and individuals to shift from their current reality to a vibrant, effective and productive future reality.

Michelle van der Westhuizen, Durban, South Africa. Michelle is the owner of a travel agency. Her heart is to see the body of Christ flow with the fullness of Christ – rising up and living the life we are meant to live, getting ready for the lost, and becoming a strong unity where the Church works as one whole body.

Gary Kelly, Pinetown, South Africa Gary is a Pastor and M.D. of an Energy Saving business situated in KZN which provides solutions country wide. Gary is a strong visionary and has a passion to develop leaders in their gifting areas. He is also a life coach and mentor to various businessmen and women throughout SA.

Adam Bright Adam has been involved in organisational development for fifteen years. He is a Strategic Interventionist, Coach Trainer and active public speaker. He also coaches at an individual and organisational level, both nationally and internationally. Since his return to South Africa from the United States, he has started a key company around strength development, evaluating and reestablishing culture within companies. He is HR director of the Juiced Group and founded Juiced Strategies (Pty) Ltd, which he also directs.

Download all 19 issues of KBNConnect for free! issuu.com/ connectbizmag

Adele Benvie Adele Benvie is the proud founder and owner of The Success Company. As a business woman, she has devoted her life to equipping people and businesses to discover their true potential for success.

Patrice Tsague, Portland, Oregon, USA Patrice is author of the Biblical Entrepreneurship Weekly Devotional, Biblical Entrepreneurship Certificate Course and Nothing but a Jar of Oil. He is an international speaker, author, business trainer and coach. Elizabeth Lawson, New York, USA Elizabeth is director of The Goldmine at New Hope Community Church in Rochester, New York.

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important tools

One of the most in business today is If nobody knows about your business you are

NETWORKING. invisible!

Networking group that is serious about Business Join a

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Encourage, Inspire, Ignite & Equip

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To grow, equip and encourage Christian business owners

To extend God’s Kingdom by using our unique market place gifting to bring finances into our local churches

To give exposure to each member’s product or service so that we can support and refer business to one another

To create a culture of excellence and integrity in Business

For more information call 084 548 4720 or email info@connectmagazine.co.za Follow us on www.facebook.com/ KingdomBizNetworking

Notice Board For more information contact Belinda on info@connectmagazine.co.za

This page is for you to write in with your business questions. We have a panel of Kingdom Business experts who can't wait to help you. Or just let us know how the articles have blessed you. We really would love to serve and CONNECT with you.

Biblical Entrepreneurship 1

12 and 13 July

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Kris Vallotton KVMinistries.com Somebody once said that courage is just fear that said its prayers. Our divine destiny always lies on the other side of the chicken line. Many people never actually come into the promise land of their souls because their greatest fears are strategically situated in the land of their promises. Others insist that they aren't living in fear but they have so reduced their destiny that they have literally bored the giant to sleep. If you stay in the land of "just enough" and stay out of the territory of abundance, you can usually pacify your fears at the expense of your crown. But we are exhorted to walk in the HIGH CALL of God in Christ Jesus. We weren't designed for retreat...in fact there is no armor on our backs. Therefore we must defeat our giants, take possession of our inheritance, and apprehend our royal crown. It is only then that we gain something worth throwing when we ascend to throne of our Great King. www.kbnconnect.co.za | 7


Stepping out of the Boat


t’s such an honour to be asked to write a word for Connect. It’s also very nerve wracking for me as there are such great writers out there that I feel I won’t match up to their standard. I think fear is what stops most of us from going into something new. We tend to put ourselves down, telling ourselves that there are bigger, better, cleverer and more skilled people out there. So we get excited about stepping out and take the first step on the water of newness ... then fear grips our gut and we stop. What if I write this and it’s not good enough? When the ‘what ifs’ start coming into your mind, this is when you must start speaking 8 | www.kbnconnect.co.za

God’s promises over your life. “Be still and know I am God.” This verse has been thrown at me from every angle in the wrong context. I have learned that it means simply this: “Cast those thoughts down in your mind and know that God is a good God.” I have kept Jeremiah 29:11–14 in my soul for five years now. I have declared this over my life and God has shown me over and over how His Word will never go void. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will

When the ‘what ifs’ start coming into your mind, this is when you must start speaking God’s promises over your life.

listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.’” (Jeremiah 29: 11–14)

Throwing off the wet blanket

It is difficult to step out of your boat. Your boat is like a security blanket, even though the water of trials keeps on splashing into it, covering you and making you live a lifestyle of apathy. We call it the ‘wet blanket lifestyle’. This is when the blanket around you in the boat is so wet that it’s a drag to start anything new as you would rather just carry on in this lifestyle of the known than step out into the www.kbnconnect.co.za | 9

water of the unknown. But the wet blanket around you is a blanket of lies and unforgiveness that is weighing you down. The lies are the words people have spoken to you over the years, convincing you to stay in the known and not to step out of the boat as it’s too risky. The kind of unforgiveness I’m referring to comes from not believing that your Father God is really a good God, and choosing to believe what people said instead. Like when you were a kid drawing your first picture and someone mocked it. Or when you were a kid and loved tap dancing lessons until one teacher told you that you have no beat. Those hurtful words spoken over your life must be forgiven. The door must be closed and the blood of Jesus wrapped around that door so it can never be opened again. It’s time to fly now; it’s time to be who God created you to be. You see, those dreams you had when you were a child were God’s desires He placed in you... His plans to prosper you, His plans to give you hope and a good future.

When you keep your eyes on our Lord, you will not fall.

began dreaming, and little by little God fed my hunger for Israel. People came into my life and prophesied over my life and strangers said to me, “You will go to Israel and you will hold the mantle of Faith once you step on the land. You will have the most amazing encounters in Israel, you must go.” People from overseas spoke to me about Israel as well. I knew I must get there but – yes look I have a “but” – how was I going to go there without money? My daughter caught the fire of Israel in her heart, so she also started to speak about it and that meant more money.

My conversations with God

God said clearly to me, “It’s not about the money, I will provide. It’s about what I have in store for you there that money cannot buy.” “Lord, I cannot just go to Israel as my kids need to be educated. My one child is going to high school and the other is going to college next year. I cannot be selfish and use money to go overseas and ignore my kids’ education. Lord what am I going to do?” I asked. “It’s not what you are going to do, Michelle, it’s what I am going to do. Rest in me and believe me.” How do we get the courage So I carried on with the excitement of Israel. to take action and step into Then out of the blue, out of my circle of thought altogether, someone came to me and said, “ God the unknown? put in my heart that you want to go to Israel so I Firstly, always keep your eyes on Jesus. Go into have come here to your home today to tell you your secret place and worship Jesus and He will that I am paying for you and Erin to go to Israel”. revive your dreams and give you courage and So you see: God gives us the dreams – and hope to pursue the plans He has for you. You see, they are not really your plans, they are His when we step out of the boat, He provides and plans that He gave you before you were born. we come face to face with Jesus in worship. When you keep your eyes on our Lord, you will I will pray that when you read this, you will not fall. The water will be stilled know that God is our provider, and waves of uncertainty will be God is faithful and God is our God gives us the protector. You will believe that rebuked because Jesus is jealous over you. His wings are around dreams – and you too can dream, take courage you. He has you covered...you and take action. 2013 is the Year when we step must just believe. of the Camel and the camel is a out of the boat, I have always had a heart carrier of provision and favour. He provides and Step into this yearof favour and for Israel but it faded as the years went by. Three years ago we come face to let God water your dreams . God said, “Remember my land face with Jesus Israel where you wanted to Michelle van der Westhuizen in worship. go? Dream about it again.” So I michelle@selectholidays.co.za 10 | www.kbnconnect.co.za

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MERCY in the Marketplace Elevate mercy over selfish ambition and you will take the land with your business.


lessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy,” Jesus said in Matthew 5:7. What matters at the close of the work day is not financial gain or decisions made thereby; rather it is the extent to which you exerted merciful influence upon the lives of others, sharing the wealth with those in greater need. I believe this is the word of the hour in the marketplace around the world. God is speaking, and as if you and He were standing at a fence looking out over much land, He is saying to you, “It’s time for you to take the land.” If your heart is for Him to make a mark upon this world and you’ve done all else, this is your next step. Risk taking is part of successful business. One cannot remain in the land of comfort and familiarity if one desires to succeed. Hard work is another aspect of success. Your and my prosperity is the prosperity of others as we allow mercy to govern our decision making. I read once about the inventor and entrepreneur R.G. LeTourneau and I was 12 | www.kbnconnect.co.za

struck by his benevolence. He tithed 90% of his income and lived on 10%. Do you know that one man’s testimony, when shared with others, multiplies into many more testimonies? It has been one of my dreams to do the same and while it has been on a very small scale (in that I am only paid for part-time employment in my field), I have had the joy of following in LeTourneau’s footsteps. The unexpected rewards have been astounding! Sharper focus for business development, favour even when I didn’t expect it, and so on. However, this was not the driving force for my ‘experiment’. There is glory due to Jesus and easily claimed by Him when we press into what He asks of us. In Matthew 25:40, He says, “whatever you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done it unto Me”. I believe the “least” are often men and women (and the children behind them) who are barely able to lift their heads because of their circumstances – and you and I are the ones Jesus is calling to reach out to them!

Your and my prosperity is the prosperity of others as we allow mercy to govern our decision making.

The year-long ‘experiment’ has turned my eyes to the One who is Provider and I have seen His hand literally move tens of thousands of dollars for our family because I acted mercifully with my business and gave to someone in greater need than myself. There are so many forms that mercy in the marketplace may take. Business owners creatively stretch their budget to take care of their employees in hard times by providing the employees with work that benefits their families but perhaps not the business directly. In the end, the business benefits from being able to keep solid employees on during hard times. Or perhaps the mercy shows itself in corporations that decide to join The Giving Foundation and give away 50% of their income to the poor. Perhaps mercy is revealed in companies hiring individuals who

are trying to get their lives back in order. Kingdom business in today’s marketplace requires that we stop for the one, that we love the unpopular, and that we ask God a very important question often: “What does mercy look like for this person? For the company today?” It requires resting in and relying on God’s love for ourselves. 1 John 4:16 says, “…we have known and believed the love God has for us”. Am I secure in God’s love for me, that He will take care of all my needs, or am I leaning on that business of mine that could evaporate tomorrow? Recently I heard a message about identity in the Kingdom of God, how important it is to know who I am and what I carry so that I can release those gifts to benefit others. We were designed for mercy. Matthew 6:33 mandates us to “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these www.kbnconnect.co.za | 13

things [food, clothing, shelter, income] will be added unto you.” Keeping me on the altar and keeping my business there too is a must in order to operate in the mercy of Heaven. At the end of the day, it’s not how much money I pulled in that attracts Papa God’s heart or that causes Him to say “Well done” to me. God is drawn to the merciful. You and I have amazing opportunities before us to extend mercy to others. Do not say that you are waiting until you reach a certain financial goal. You will never do it. Mercy that moves mountains starts today. I read a book many years ago entitled Working by Studs Terkel. It captured 14 | www.kbnconnect.co.za

The year-long ‘experiment’ has turned my eyes to the One who is Provider and I have seen His hand literally move tens of thousands of dollars for our family because I acted mercifully with my business and gave to someone in greater need than myself.

my attention because it was comprised of personal stories of hard-working, middle-class Americans. I would like to edit a book that shares the testimonies of people across the planet who have extended mercy in the marketplace. Knowing that one testimony breeds many others, I am excited to see this kind of book take shape. Will you help me? In fact, a column of such nature befits the excellence of this magazine. Will you help to fill it with your story so that together we may awaken the earth to mercy? You may send your testimonies to me through KBN Connect Magazine. Thank you! Elizabeth Lawson elizabeth4impact@hotmail.com


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Great Leadership requires

Great Courage

n all aspects of life, whether social, business or church, leaders are taking people on a journey – and this journey is often one that people are not willing to go on themselves. It is often difficult, with many obstacles along the way. If you are a leader and not leading people on a journey from where they are to where they need to be, then you are not leading and fulfilling your God-designed purpose. Godly leaders sometimes spend so much time seeking God’s guidance and direction that they forget to act. Most certainly there is a time to pray; in fact the Bible tells us never to quit praying and to pray about everything (Philippians 4:6). You must align yourself with God’s purposes every day. But there also comes a time when God says, “Why are you still praying about this? You know what you need to do!” This was the case with David. After talking, planning and preparing, it was time for him to face the giant, Goliath, alone (or so it seemed). The giant was covered in his armour, while David had a sling and five pebbles for a weapon. He took courage, slung the pebble at the giant and met his goal. Goliath fell down dead and Israel’s army was saved.

You need to take action, Alone!

When you are trying to achieve your goals, it’s always good to have the support and encouragement of others – in other words,

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get good counsel. But at some point after all the planning and practising, you will have to take action on your own. This is when you will ultimately have to exercise courage. Without the element of courage you will not achieve your goal, even if you’ve faithfully followed every step until action was necessary. God says in Hebrews 13:5 that he will never abandon us! Because many of us perceive ourselves to be alone, fear is a normal feeling at this point. But it’s what you do with this fear that counts. You can be like King Saul and his army when they were faced with Goliath’s threats: “When Saul and the Israelites heard this, they were terrified and deeply shaken” (1 Samuel 17:11 NLT). Or you can do as David did and face the enemy with the knowledge that God is with you. Let’s take a closer look at the difference between the two reactions. We read in 1 Samuel 17 that for forty days Saul and his men let their fear of being defeated keep them from facing Goliath. There’s no question that the young shepherd boy, David, had fearful feelings as he faced the giant. But David didn’t focus on his fear and let it paralyse him. Instead, he took courage from the living God and “ran quickly toward the battle line” to meet Goliath. “As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out

a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead.” – 1 Samuel 17:48-49 (NIV).

that is contrary to your natural understanding.

Step 3. Obey God – Matthew 7:24-25 (NLT) says, “Anyone who listens to my teaching Every person has been afforded the and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a opportunity to live out his or house on solid rock. Though the her God-given potential. To do rain comes in torrents and the Prayer may this we need to step out in faith. floodwaters rise and the winds beat God’s Word says in Hebrews 11:6 not change our against that house, it won’t collapse, that it is impossible to please situation, but it because it is built on rock”. Him without faith. This faith changes us. With all this being said, requires us to take certain steps I believe that uncertainty and fear If our request – steps of courage and action. often stop us from taking that is wrong, God first step and getting into action. Step 1: Ask God – David says “No”. If our We wait, research, plan, prepare, inquired of God, “Shall I go up timing is wrong, or just think and hope...when against the Philistines? Will You God says “Slow”. we should be asking ourselves, deliver them into my hand?” If we are wrong, “What am I waiting for?” Many Once God speaks to you then God says “Grow”. your faith is increased...the people will answer this question But if our request problem is, we don’t ask God by saying, “I am waiting to see, is right, our about our situations! find and feel certainty. I am timing is right, waiting to know that when Prayer may not change and we are right, I do XYZ, I will achieve my goal”. our situation, but it Yes, let’s do our initial God (usually) changes us. If our request planning and preparing – but says “Go!” is wrong, God says “No”. If our be conscious of when we get timing is wrong, God says “Slow”. to the point where we just have If we are wrong, God says “Grow”. to ‘let go’. As you read this, you know exactly But if our request is right, our timing is right, where you need to take action right now. You and we are right, God (usually) says “Go!” know where you are holding back, waiting for certainty. I ask you this: What is one step, that Step 2. Hear God – Romans 10:17 says first step you can take to get going, to get into that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the motion? I encourage you – do it! Look at the word of God”. We must set aside time to ask word inside of “encourage”...“COURAGE”. and listen. Most of our questions regarding circumstances are clearly defined within Take courage, take action, JUST DO IT! the word of God. God will not ask you to do something that is not endorsed in some way by Gary Kelly gary@enisave.co.za His Word – but He may ask you to do something Faith = Courage + Action

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&Recover All


“So David inquired of the Lord, saying ‘Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?’ And He answered him, ‘Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all." 1 Samuel 30:8b 18 | www.kbnconnect.co.za


ave the last few years been tough for you? Did you lose more than you expected? Are you wondering whether you should continue or not? My advice to you is not only to continue, but to press forward with greater intensity. You will not only thrive but you will recover all that you lost. Like you, David found himself in a situation where he had lost more than he could handle and even his life was in danger. After facing rejection and humiliation by the Philistines, he returned to his home to find that invaders had come, burned it to the ground and taken the women (including his wives) and children captive (1 Samuel 29; 30:1-6.) Instead of throwing a pity party, David strengthened himself in the Lord, sought God’s wisdom and then pursued the invaders. David was able to recover all that he lost without exception. The devil’s job is to attempt to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more (Romans 5:20); the greater the defeat, the greater the restoration. Nothing the devil can do to you will hinder you from reaching what God has planned for you. How do you pursue and recover what you have lost?

• Do not pursue out of anger or revenge • Do not rely on your own strength • Prepare yourself in the natural • Start with the low hanging fruits • Trust God for miracles • Do not be intimidated or afraid of failure • Do not be afraid of success. As you pursue, know that it will take faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Once you have recovered what you seek, do not become selfish. Be generous with the spoils and be a blessing to others – even those who may not have helped you along the way. When David had recovered his family and property, some of his men felt they should not share the spoil with those who hadn’t helped them. But David, being a man after God’s own heart, rebuked them and said they should all share alike (1 Samuel 30:2125.) Leadership is not how well you can protect and avenge yourself, but rather how you can be an instrument of inspiration and blessing to others – no matter what your circumstances are and regardless of what they have done to you. Are you ready for complete restoration? Are you willing to share with others once restored? Pursue and you will surely recover all. Copyright © 2012 Patrice Tsague ALL RIGHTS RESERVED www.kbnconnect.co.za | 19



Risk versus Reward

ow often have we thought about trying something in our businesses or personal lives but not had the courage to try it? How often have we seen someone else take exactly the same risk and succeed, leaving us kicking ourselves for not taking that step? Of course retrospective vision is always 20/20…. The question is, how many more future opportunities will pass you by because of a lack of courage? Every opportunity has risk attached. There are no promises of success in any venture, but as the saying goes, ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’. The art is to weigh up the risk with the reward. Ask yourself: 1. Is the risk worth it in comparison with the reward? 2. How much are you willing to give in order to try it out? 3. If it fails, will the potential reward have been enough of a motivator to have at least tried? Although not all ventures succeed, there are certain ventures that you know that you will always regret not trying. Here are my best tips: •

Work out how much you are willing to give up (finances, effort, time) in order to try the opportunity out, and stick to it.

Do your research thoroughly and don’t assume anything. Ask, ask and ask some more.

Plan smartly and use smart solutions to help you. If you are using people as part of the process, use only the best people that you believe in completely.

Do not be distracted. When you commit, commit 110%.

Do absolutely everything in your power to make sure that the venture is a success.
And then…

Celebrate! Celebrate your success if you succeed. Celebrate lessons learnt if the venture doesn’t work out as planned. Either way, you have walked away stronger and have added more value to your life through experience.

Those who have achieved nothing have attempted nothing. Those who have succeeded greatly have also risked greatly. What opportunities face you right now that you believe are worth the effort of at least trying? Calculate the risk. If it is not worth it, wait for the next opportunity. If it is worth it, step off the cliff…it could be the ride of your life! Adele Benvie adele@successco.co.za

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company success Moving forward for SUCCESS!

There is only one thing worse than fear of failure...regret at not attempting anything. A famous blind lady was once asked what was worse than being blind, to which she replied, "To be able to see and have no vision". If you have a vision for what you want to achieve, whether it be in your work or personal life, don't let the fear of failure hold you back. Live life with No Regrets for SUCCESS! We sometimes fear change, but a change of season may mean the dawn of a new era for you personally or in your business. If you are facing change ahead of you, celebrate what is in the past and embrace the new season. Maybe your 'season change' is a change in how you offer your products to your clients. Perhaps it is new staff. Perhaps it is a new leader in your company. Whatever the change is, focus on making a success of the new season instead of longing for the season that has past.



t times I worry that we as believers have become so focused on teaching (preaching the Word) that we have lost the aspect of demonstrating the power of the Kingdom (demonstrating the Word). Jesus not only taught about the Kingdom but He demonstrated its power through the miracles, signs and wonders he performed. It’s interesting to see that He trained the disciples in that exact methodology. After a period of teaching and demonstrating, Jesus sent out the disciples on a ‘practical mission’ so that they could go and demonstrate what they had learnt from Him. In Luke 10: 17-20 we see the disciples

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Jesus not only taught about the Kingdom but He demonstrated its power through the miracles, signs and wonders he performed.

joyfully coming to report back to Jesus, having been successful on their ‘assignment’: “Then the seventy returned

with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.’” What is so awesome is that Jesus

comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and Spirit and said, ‘I thank You, Father, Lord of sisters—yes, even their own life—such a heaven and earth, that You have hidden person cannot be my disciple. And whoever these things from the wise and prudent and does not carry their cross and follow me revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for cannot be my disciple. Suppose one of you so it seemed good in Your sight. All things wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit have been delivered to Me by My down and estimate the cost to see Father, and no one knows who the if you have enough money to Dying to self Son is except the Father, and complete it? For if you lay the who the Father is except the foundation and are not able is a prerequisite Son, and the one to whom the to finish it, everyone who sees to be able to move Son wills to reveal Him.’ Then it will ridicule you, saying, in the sphere He turned to His disciples and “This person began to build of Kingdom said privately, ‘Blessed are the and wasn’t able to finish.” eyes which see the things you ‘Or suppose a king is about to demonstration. see; for I tell you that many go to war against another king. prophets and kings have desired Won’t he first sit down and consider to see what you see, and have not whether he is able with ten thousand seen it, and to hear what you hear, men to oppose the one coming against him and have not heard it.’” with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he I believe Jesus today longs for this will send a delegation while the other is scenario to be played out in the life of still a long way off and will ask for terms of every believer. A scenario in which we peace. In the same way, those of you who sit at His feet to experience His love and do not give up everything you have cannot teaching and then go out and ‘practically’ be my disciples. Salt is good, but if it loses its demonstrate the power of that teaching saltiness, how can it be made salty again? in the world – and then come back to It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure celebrate the success with Him. pile; it is thrown out. Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.’ Himself also rejoices with them in Luke 10:21-24: “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the

Only true disciples can demonstrate power

Dying to self is a prerequisite to be able to move in the sphere of Kingdom demonstration – and herein lies the challenge that most churches and believers face. We have become too accustomed to our humanistic way of doing things, to our worldly comforts and to waiting to go to heaven instead of warring to bring heaven to earth. Jesus clearly gave this prerequisite when he talked about the ‘cost of being a disciple’ in Luke 14: 25-35:

“Large crowds were travelling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: ‘If anyone

There is no other way for us to bring a demonstration of Kingdom power other than by dying to self and following Jesus – exactly what a true disciple is.

The power to demonstrate the Kingdom The good news is that when we die to self and follow Jesus, we will also be raised up in His power and do great exploits (Daniel 11:32), not by our might or power but by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). In fact Jesus makes the startling statement in John 14:12 that we will not only do the same works as Him, but even greater ones www.kbnconnect.co.za | 23

because He will be sitting on His throne next to the Father.

The state of the nation = the level of saltiness of the church

good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”

Have we become a church with the form of godliness but lacking any demonstrative I truly believe that the state of a nation is a reflection of the saltiness of the church power? in that nation. As South Africans we claim Stinky manure or that this nation is 70% Christian and yet we are seeing the greatest life-giving nutrients? levels of moral decline right The state A great post I saw on Facebook now. What does this say about the other day said, ‘Christians of a nation is the state of the church at are like manure. When they are a reflection of the the moment? Paul talked together they stink but when about this sad scenario of a saltiness of the they are spread out they bring powerless church in his letter church in life-giving nutrients to the land.’ to Timothy. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 It’s time for us die to self, become that nation. he wrote, true disciples and then spread “But mark this: There will be ourselves outside the four walls of the terrible times in the last days. People church and give the world some life-giving will be lovers of themselves, lovers of nutrients. money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient Let’s arise and shine!

to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the 24 | www.kbnconnect.co.za

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veryone wants courage, an attribute of good character that makes us worthy of respect. For a long time I thought that courage was about being brave in the face of danger and difficulties. I am learning that courage is more than mere bravery and being macho. I am also becoming more aware of courage in historical heroes. Martin Luther birthed the Reformation. Mahatma Gandhi stood up to not one, but two unjust regimes. Martin Luther King Jnr. spurred a nation towards true civil rights without the use of force. These men lived courageously in the midst of great personal risk. I have also seen courage from entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Walt Disney. They took financial risks to follow their dreams, and these risks enabled them to innovate. The risk-averse rarely innovate, if at all. The risks Jobs and Disney took made them modern-day knights, demonstrating the rewards and accolades that courage can bring. Courage is necessary for innovation. Courage is about doing what you’re afraid to do. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Have the courage to act instead of react”.

and sustainable. Imagine if we were courageous enough to let what we’ve formulated in our minds come to fruition... What a difference that would make!

What Fuels Courage? Passion: I find that

the things I am passionate about are often the things I am talking about with excitement and enthusiasm. Issues that make me hit the table and say, “Someone has to do something about that!” If you want to know what your passion is, then answer this question: In what area are you making, or do you want to make, a difference?

Be Encouraged

Taking action

We celebrate the aforementioned heroes and others in history for their courage, but it’s only because their courage was evidenced by action in the midst of adverse circumstances. Many of us have great thoughts about doing something significant. We have thoughts of making a difference and standing out against the status quo, but few of us actually follow through with action. Just think for a moment if you and I followed through on all the courageous thoughts and ideas we had – all those ideas for change and those concepts for business opportunities that would make us profitable 28 | www.kbnconnect.co.za

Needs: As I read the historical accounts of men and women of courage, there is one common thread that runs through them all: a need that compelled them to action. Lao Tzu wrote, “From caring comes courage”. So if you care about something deeply and are moved by the injustices that you see around, and then you step up and do something about it – that’s courage! What are some of the needs that fuel courage in you? Conviction: An opinion is defined as

“a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty”. On the other hand, a conviction is defined as “a fixed or firm belief”. The question that I find myself asking over and over is, “Do I just have an opinion about that or am I deeply convicted about that issue?” Until my opinion shifts to conviction, there will be no action. We are all faced with moments of decision-making that will lead us to action – like Martin Luther who stood before his inquisition and boldly declared: “Here I stand, I can do no other!” Ed Ramsami ed@shiftthefuture.co.za

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t’s so high… I want to do it… no, no… I’m scared….” These are the comments of my youngest as he is about to jump off the rocks around our pool. “One, two, three… jump!” I say in the most assuring way possible. He stands there, desperately wanting to jump as he has seen the excitement of the other children jumping…but he’s afraid. Jadon did what most of us do. He put himself in a place that requires courage without winning an internal battle first. Like many of us, he assumed that if “they” could do it, then he could too. The

secret to having courage is to find it internally before it is required of you externally.

The keys of

courage: faith, hope & love

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Faith gives rise to courage and courage, when fully lived out, gives rise to action. This is the first internal factor. So again, the key to courage is internal. Back in the 80s the teaching that was popular among many churches was “name it and claim it”. This was based on the idea that speaking things into existence was part of the way of the Kingdom. Unfortunately this was only partly true. Many people went about speaking things and hoping they would happen – when in actual fact, speaking should only happen once the battle has been won internally. Once faith has come to life in our spirit, then we can speak. When faith has come to life in our spirit, then courage lifts its sleepy head and begins to roar with such ferocity that action happens. Yes, faith comes to life by “hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). It does not say that faith comes from speaking about what I want or desire. Hearing the word of Christ stirs faith! Again, this is an internal battle that must be won before courage rises to action. It is by immersing ourselves in the ancient words of God that fresh faith is stirred. Faith – and in turn courage – come to life when we hear stories of the faith, courage and miracles of others. “They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and

to pray for anyone for anything when I by the word of their testimony”, it says in Revelation 12:11. Hearing others’ stories know the love Christ has for them. My always stirs our faith. But if we are not son will jump from the rocks because careful, we will fall into the trap of “If he knows I love him. My love for him they can do it… so can I”. You see, it’s gives him courage. It is Christ’s love for not really about what they did or what us that gives us courage to step out they experienced. It is about our faith for Him. So whether it is love flowing being stirred by their faith to believe from us to others or others to us… love for something more. Faith is stirred to underpins our courage. When I know hope for the better. I am loved by my wife or by my sons, I Hope is “expectation of the feel invincible. When I know I am loved better… that to which one flees” (Strong’s definition of elpis number by my Father in heaven and 1680). Hope is the place where courage I feel that love, I am unstoppable! rests. If faith awakens courage, then I’m often asked where I find hope provides it with refuge. Abraham the courage in my business to take found the courage to sacrifice the actions I have. I find it Isaac because of his faith in internally before any external Abraham found the God. His courage ran toward action of courage. Faith in hope to find refuge. The pain courage to sacrifice the promises of God for his courage was causing him Isaac because of his me, my family, my friends must have been immense. faith in God. The pain and my business. Hope for (Imagine sacrificing your own his courage was causing a better way for these that son.) But the hope that God him must have been would make a way stilled his are close to me. Knowing immense. But the hope anxious soul. In the same way and experiencing the love that God would make God, our loving Father, must of Christ for me, my family, a way stilled his have known great pain in my friends and my business. sacrificing Jesus. Yet it was the anxious soul. Faith is the spark of life for my hope that all mankind would courage, hope is a place of come to have an intimate rest for my courage, and love relationship with Him that is the fuel that motivates provided a refuge. Hope my courage. Faith is the spark of life focuses on something better. Where is your business Hope shifts us from the current for my courage, hope or life? How is your courage? fear or pain and focuses us on is a place of rest for my the promise of what we believe Is it lacking? If it is, then go courage, and love is to be true. As we fix our eyes and find stories of others. Let the fuel that motivates on things above, our courage your faith spark your courage my courage. finds refuge in hope. Hope and to action. Let hope shift your faith are both underpinned focus from the difficult space by love. And love is ultimately you are in to the promises of God for where courage resides. your life, and let it provide a refuge Courage is, at its most basic yet for your courage. And finally, let love supernatural level, love. You will stand fuel your courage to produce massive and face almost anything when your action! actions are underpinned by love. I will fight anyone or anything that tries to Adam Bright harm my family. I will step out in faith adam@juiced.co.za www.kbnconnect.co.za | 31

nehemiah week 2013

Kingdom Business: A Family Affair Orlando, Florida, USA October 8 - 13

Are you a Christian business owner or a Christian in business? Do you know that family businesses have greater longevity than any other type of business? Are you struggling with how to engage your family in the business?

Those interested in Biblical Entrepreneurship (BE) will also: • Learn how to use Biblical Entrepreneurship to build and enhance kingdom businesses in your community

For more information or to register please email Debra Schlaht at info@nehemiahproject.org or go to www.nehemiahproject.org.

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the seas, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth” - Genesis 1:27-28

At this year's conference you will learn: • God’s original plan for the family and business • How to use your business to fulfill God's plan for your family • How to build a multi generational business • Biblical business succession and exit strategy • How to ensure that you and your mate are properly aligned in operating your business • How to engage your family in the business without cultivating the spirit of entitlement • How to protect the business from the family and the family from the business

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