The Connection A Magazine by Connect Global - August 2022 - Issue 7

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The st t rR ee s of us “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ‭Matthew‬‭11:28‬‭NIV‬‬ This time of year many of us are taking time to vacation, travel and use our time for things that don’t involve work. However, research shows that "768 million vacation days, up 9% from 2017 go unused— with more than half (55%) of

We must realize that we are in serious need of an overhaul in how

workers reporting they do not use all their

we rest. We need to find ways in our everyday lives to make time

allotted time off."

to rest. To rest and 'recreate' ourselves on a regular basis keeps us from having to 'vacate' our lives at not optimal times. We have to

During the year we have hard times finding

find ways to integrate quality rest into our lives.

balance between work and life and even harder times resting, Sleep is one of the most

As we look at our time that we have on this earth we certainly feel

elusive but also one of the most vital elements

the pull to make the best of the time we’re given but I would

in our health and yet studies suggest that we

argue that the way in which we can actually make the best of our

are getting less sleep than at maybe anytime

lives is to not forgo rest. Our family deserves to have us at our best

in history.

and our jobs demand a lot, but in order to give our best we need to find rest.

Rest gives us stronger mental health, can boost creativity, increase productivity, promote well-

We have to clear our schedule and clear our minds in healthy and

being, reduce stress, improve our mood, and

productive ways, so that we can be our best self to our families,

strengthen our relationships.

our work, and every endeavor we have decided is worth our time.

Adequate rest is needed to return our bodies

Time is our most valuable and finite resource. We need to be

back into a state of homeostasis allowing your

intentional with how we use this time and make every effort to

body to recover and repair from stress and

encourage those around us to do the same.


Time is something that is not promised. We do not know what Rest can be one of the most needed things for

tomorrow will bring therefore we need to stay focused on Today

true balance yet we stay so deprived of it most

and how our actions will make the best of what we have in front


of us.

How do we remain productive and keep up

I hope you remember that you can rest in God, after all He is the

with the pace that we have created for

creator of you, me, and the original "day of rest".

ourselves? The truth is we really can’t. THE CONNECTION MAGAZINE |


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