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November 2016
Healthy Living & Conscious Lifestyles
c u a lture m r e P o r t P e d c e t e ion S
Access to Seed is a Basic Human Right, including the Right to Grow, Exchange, and Sell Seeds. Food Sovereignty Today & the Future of Our Species Depends on this Right.
• Mind • Body • Spirit • Earth • Heart •
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When Destiny Calls . . .
Look for our December 2016 Issue - Dec. 1st - Now in our 24th Year Arthur Faygenholtz, DC and Stick Yoga® page 15
. . . Increase Your Vision,
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Permaculture & Seed Protection page 16-18
Feature Index Arts & Entertainment..................................... 29 Astrology.......................................... Will Return PerAwareness............................................24-28 Compassion Flower Resource Guide....... 30-32 Dining Delights............................................... 37 Essential Living Guide ....................... 12,13, 20 Fitness & Sports............................................. 15
Health Notes.......................................................6-9
Standing Rock page 25
The Election page 10-11
Vaccines - pg 8 & 20
Cannabis Pages Page 30-32
Healthy Appearance........................................ 28 Healthy Planet............................................. 30-32 CY Diversity............................................Will Return Martial Arts....................................................... 14 CMY Massage / Bodywork....................................... 13 Movies.............................................................. 29 K Music ............................................................... 29 Parenting, Kids & Education.......................... 20 Pet / Animal Health........................................... 26 Letters.................................................Will Return Seed Theme . ............................................... 16-18 Spirit...................................................................27 Travel & Fun..................................... Will Return Wonderful Women.............................Will Return Yoga............................................................13 &15 Information in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information in this publication for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this publication. Information provided in this publication and the use of any products or services purchased from our publication by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our publication. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Blame Government, Not Markets for Monopoly by Ron Paul
When Time-Warner announced it planned to merge with another major communications firm, many feared the new company would exercise near-total monopoly power. These concerns led some to call for government action to block the merger in order to protect both Time-Warner’s competitors and consumers. No, I am not talking about Time-Warner’s recent announced plan to merge with AT&T, but the reaction to Time-Warner’s merger with (then) Internet giant AOL in 2000. Far from creating an untouchable leviathan crushing all competitors, the AOLTime-Warner merger fell apart in under a decade. The failure of AOL-TimeWarner demonstrates that even the biggest companies are vulnerable to competition if there is open entry into the marketplace. AOL-Time-Warner failed because consumers left them for competitors offering lower prices and/or better quality. Corporate mergers and “hostile” takeovers can promote economic efficiency by removing inefficient management and boards of directors. These managers and board members often work together to promote their own interests instead of generating maximum returns for investors by providing consumers with ditor’s NOTE: affordable, quality products. Thus, THANK YOU TO ALL OF laws THE making it difficultVOLUNto launch VALIANT a “hostile” takeover promote inefTEERS THAT EDUCATED PEOficient use of resources andOUR harm PLE ABOUT GMOs and investors, and consumRIGHT TOworkers, HAVE OUR FOOD ers. LABELED SO WE CAN MAKE Monopolies and THANK cartels OUR OWN CHOICES! are ONE creations government, not YOU ANDof ALL!!! markets. Did Prop 37For failexample, or win? the reason theThough media issupport dominated byballot a few at the large is that no57% one box wascompanies 43% pro PROP 37 and
can operate a television or radio station unless they obtain federal approval and pay federal licensing fees. Similarly, anyone wishing to operate a cable company must not only comply with federal regulations, they must sign a “franchise”
agreement with their local government. Fortunately, the Internet has given Americans greater access to news and ideas shut out by the government-licensed lapdogs of the “mainstream” media. This may be why so many politicians are anxious to regulate the web. Government taxes and regulations are effective means of limiting competition in an industry. Large companies can afford the costs of complying with government regulations, costs which cripple their smaller competitors. Big business can also afford to hire lobbyists to ensure that new laws and regulations favor big business. Examples of regulations that benefit large corporations include the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulations that raise costs of developing a new drug, as well as limit consumers ability to learn about natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals. Another example is the Dodd-Frank legislation, which has strengthened large financial intuitions while harming their weaker competitors. Legislation forcing consumers to pay out-of-state sales
tax on their online purchases is a classic case of business seeking to use government to harm less politically-powerful competitors. This legislation is being pushed by large brick-and-mortar stores and Internet retailers who are seeking a government-granted advantage over smaller competitors. Many failed mergers and acquisitions result from the distorted signals sent to business and investors by the Federal Reserve’s inflationary monetary policy. Perhaps the most famous example of this is the AOL-Time-Warner fiasco, which was a direct result of the Fed-created dot. com bubble. In a free market, mergers between businesses enable consumers to benefit from new products and reduced prices. Any businesses that charge high prices or offer substandard products will soon face competition from businesses offering consumers lower prices and/or higher quality. Monopolies only exist when government tilts the playing field in favor of well-connected crony capitalists. Therefore those concerned about excessive corporate power should join supporters of the free market in repudiating the regulations, taxes, and subsides that benefit politically-powerful businesses. The most important step is to end the boom-bust business cycle by ending the Federal Reserve. www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2016/ october/31/blame-governmentnot-markets-for-monopoly/ RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given. Please donate to the Ron Paul Institute.
“Prop 37 – Right to Know; Label GMO Campaign” Did It Win or Did It Lose?
against Prop 37, that ‘other side of crooks, lying liars and 1%’ did not GMOs cannot be considered really win. WHY? Because even if their products are not clearly labeled safe until there are valid, nonas to having GMOs, we now know propriatary, long-term studies WHO they are!. of their effects on humans and We hope you have saved our Connection Magazine from last the environment! month’s October 2012 Issue as the according to the California Secretary • Larabar and more. Cover has a chart from the Cornu- of State ballot measures results. The In many ways, the “YES on 37 There are answers in this book. copia Institute on it to spell out who GMO labeling ballot measure, which Campaign” was a huge victory for andfood Read is who (that is also online on our wouldBuy have required companies awareness. The campaign organized THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH website). And, with all of the Articles to label the GM content of foods, was over 10,000 volunteers in California that people have read in various defeated with the use of over $45 mil- alone and succeeded in achieving a By THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH magazines/newspapers, and all of the massive social media presence. lion in fraudulent advertising and dirty May youHUBBARD never be the same again. educating the marvelous Volunteers By The “YES on 37 Campaign” tricks funded by L.RON have done to inform us, etc.—let usMay you•never also forced Monsanto and the bioMonsanto, be the Foundation same again. Contact: Dianetics (831)426-2146 know who the greedy corporations tech giants to spend $45 million to • PepsiCo, Contact: Dianetics Foundation (831)426-2146 Buy with PayPal • $27.12 Free Shipping are (and with ulterior motives—we defeat the measure. That’s a record • Coca-Cola, Buy with PayPal • $27.12 Free Shipping are ‘in the KNOW’ ??!!. Below, e-mail: e-mail: buydmsmh@gmail.com expenditure by the world’s largest • Kellogg,buydmsmh@gmail.com you’ll © see number greedy 2016 CSMSC.of Allthe Rights DIANETICS and L.Mills, RON HUBBARD are trademarks and service marks owned toxic pesticide companies toand trybyservice to • General ©a 2016 CSMSC. AllReserved. Rights Reserved. DIANETICS and L. RON HUBBARD are trademarks marks Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Services relating to Scientology religious philosophy corporations. NOW,throughout people know!! prevent relating consumers from knowing DuPont, Religious Center are •used with its Services to Scientology religious philo are deliveredTechnology the world and exclusively by licensees ofpermission. the Church of Scientology International with the of Religious Technology holder of theand SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS trademarks. Printed in USA. Readpermission on and nd throughout out about Center, whatChurch they’re Remember: • Bayer areyou’ll delivered the world exclusively by licensees of the ofbuying. Scientology International with the lies.permission We encourage one and all of Religious Technology Center, holder DIANETICS trademarks. GMOs and are the only products that Printed • other food andof the SCIENTOLOGY to BOYCOTT the consumers accidentally purchase • pesticide companies. ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016 corporations and Over the last month, this cabal without knowing what they’re their GMO-poi- of deceptive companies has funneled buying. soned products. What’s clear from all this is that money into a campaign of criminal
Nightmares? Fears? Anxiety? Insecure? Depressed?
There are answers in this book. Buy and Read Nightmares? Fears? Anxiety?
Insecure? Depressed?
Page 4
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Naturopathic Medical Center
Are You Ready To Create Miracles In Your Life? I]ZiV=ZVa^c\œ ^h egd[djcYan Z[[ZXi^kZ Vi XaZVg^c\ WadX`h i]Vi a^b^i ndjg VW^a^in id i]g^kZ ^c a^[Z# 9d ndj ZkZg ldcYZg l]n jc]ZVai]n eViiZgch gZ\VgY^c\ lZVai]! adkZ! gZaVi^dch]^eh dg ]ZVai] gZeZVi ^c ndjg a^[Z4 HiVgi i]g^k^c\ cdl VcY WZXdbZ i]Z a^b^iaZhh WZ^c\ ndj VgZ YZh^\cZY id WZ
Enjoy Increased: • Happiness • Love • Health • Money • Career • Connection GdX]ZaaZ HiVcaZn ^h V/
™ BVhiZg I]ZiV =ZVa^c\Âœ >chigjXidg EgVXi^i^dcZg 7n [djcYZg K^VccV Hi^WVa ™ 8Zgi^Ă’ZY 6c\Za >cij^i^kZ 7n 9dgZZc K^gijZ ™ BVhiZg GZ^`^ EgVXi^i^dcZg ™ 8Zgi^Ă’ZY 6XXZhh 8dchX^djhcZhh 7Vgh egVXi^i^dcZg
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Are the Foods You’re Eating Making You Sick? other particles begin to “leak� into Do you suffer from asthma, aller- our bloodstream where our immune gies, eczema, acne, fatigue, inability system recognizes them as foreigners to lose weight, constipation or loose and develops antibodies. These antistool, brain fog, stiff or achy joints, body levels will continue to increase from repeated exposure. Most of migraines or a lowered immune this happens on a daily basis system? Does your child and we don’t have any symphave chronic ear infections, toms. However, when our complain of headaches, is immune system is conhyperactive or has ADD? tinually compromised, If so, you or your child over time we eventumay be suffering from ally become sensitive to Food Sensitivities and just about everything. all of these sympEver wonder why you toms are likely tied Dr. Tonya Fleck-D’Andrea get seasonal allergies together. This is We’ve all heard the saying, “You and your partner doesn’t? are what you eat�. And living in San- often the reason. So how do I know if I have food ta Cruz County, we have lots of opportunities to eat healthy. However, sensitivities and what can I do about did you know that you could possibly it? Since antibiotics attach themselves be eating “good� foods that are caus- to red blood cells, a simple blood test ing inflammation in your GI tract and can determine your sensitivities. It is important to work with a knowledgetriggering an immune responses? It’s first important to distinguish able practitioner to be sure that the the difference between a food sen- proper testing is being done. Once sitivity and a food allergy. A food your sensitivities are determined, it is allergy is an IgE mediated Type 1 recommended that you remove those immune response. These reactions offending foods from your diet for 3 usually occur within a few hours of months (remove the obstacles to cure) exposure to the offending food. Food and supplement with glutamine, high sensitivities cause a different immune quality probiotics and mucilaginous reaction. They cause an IgG mediat- herbs to heal the lining of the gut. ed Type 2 immune response and these After 3 months, your symptoms will reactions can vary from a few minutes have cleared and you should be able to a few days. Many of my patients to re-introduce those foods that you tell me that their doctor “tested� them were sensitive to, a little at a time, and for allergies but things they know that have no reaction. Bon apetite! Dr. Fleck is the Founder & they react to didn’t show up. This is because they were testing for IgG an- Medical Director of the Santa Cruz tibodies, not IgEs. Naturopathic Medical Center. She Here’s what happens. When received her doctorate in Naturwe consume a food that our gastro- opathic Medicine from the Southintestinal (GI) tract is ‘sensitive’ to, west College of Naturopathic Medithe same thing happens that happens cine, her BS in Psychology and on our skin when we rub up against completed graduate work in Marsomething - the cells become red and riage and Family Therapy at the inflamed which causes “leaky gut�. Univ. of MD. Dr. Fleck-D’Andrea In a healthy gut, our cells (entero- specializes in Family Medicine & cytes) are tightly packed together to Women’s Health as well as mediprotect us from invading toxins (this cal nutrition, fatigue, depression & is also where about 75% of our im- anxiety, detoxification, heavy metal mune system lives and also where chelation, homeopathy and botanithose good probiotics call home). So cal medicine. Call for a free 15 when the integrity of the lining of our minute consultation. 831.477.1377 GI tract is compromised, toxins and www.scnmc.com
by Dr. Tonya Fleck-D’Andrea
B12 and B-Beautiful!
We’re teaming up to bring you beauty from the inside out. Stop by for a Mini-Facial & a B12 shot! B12 Shots with Dr. Tonya Fleck-D’Andrea, ND BB Super Mini Facials with Lisbeth Boger, LE
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CONNECTION AD 3.75� x 3.75�
C H I R O P R AC T I C C O R N E R :
NHÀFK ' & DVW WDON ZH KDG FORVH WR WKLUW\ LQ QFH IRU &KDUOLH 6DYRFD /LFHQVHG FWXULVW VSHDNLQJ RQ ´8QGHUVWDQGLQJ by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. Q ¾ 0HWK\ODWLRQ LVVXHV DUH JHQHWLF ed with state of the art technology HVHQFH LQ DQ LQGLYLGXDO DQG FDQ EH ed for (i.e. dampening the genetic with certain diet choices and dietary s. Over half of the attendees at Chard taken the MY +HDOWK ´FKDOOHQJH ¾ at they get to come to every lecture month speakers series for absolutely tch? The only catch is that they have to join a momentum of energy that is king charge of one’s own health by o come to at least one health lecture
dogs are a challenge. Please conEvery person has a spine. So sider other training measures if you do our companion animals. I once find yourself: saw a TV show about â&#x20AC;&#x153;animal anâ&#x20AC;˘ Snapping at the leash. That gelsâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;Ś heartwarming or miracu- IS how the traditional chiropractic lous features of animals adjustment works to move helping others. One sega bone, by bypassing the ment highlighted a little muscular protection sysdog who, suddenly, and tem, using speed. without explanation, lost â&#x20AC;˘ Lifting the dog up ot too late to take the challenge and ttend allall remaining interestlectures in life. for Hefree. lay by his neck. The upper e also welcome for a $12 fee. The next in the rear bedroom DW of the neck (where this activ JLYHQ RQ )ULGD\ 0DUFK QH &HUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG +HUEDOLVW &HUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG 0DVhouse, and would barely ity strains) is much more SLVW % 6 LQ 1XWULWLRQ &UDLJ¡V WRSLF eat for weeks. He would unstable. Strain to the upSylvia Skefich, D.C not play or be cheerful, per neck is more likely to and just laid, head down. The vetcause problems and can influence RAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR VITAMIN AND erinarians found nothing wrong. &theCbrainstem. Depression, moods, RAL T HERAPY FOR ACUTE HRONIC ILLNESSES a Fleck-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Andrea systemand andbreathing to treat chronic Then, â&#x20AC;&#x153;miraculouslyâ&#x20AC;? a random poor digestion can be fatigue. Many people experihy would anyone consider using Indog ran into the open front affected ence froman misalignments here.in immediate boost ravenoussmall (IV) or Intramuscular (IM) their energy and vitality. herapies? Arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t IVsrear for really sick where he door to the bedroom â&#x20AC;˘ Using wire cable leashes for ,W LV YHU\ GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW LQ DQ\ KH DQVZHU LV \HV DQG QR <HV ,9V DUH tried to get the sick dog to play. Get- control. Just FRQGLWLRQ IRU WKH ERG\ WR heal O GXULQJ FDVHV RI H[WUHPH LOOQHVV EXW this month I saw someif the cells are not getting the ually use IV & IM therapies to avoid ting no reaction, random dogproper even nutrients one at a they beach repeatedly lifting that need. Taking nutrients R VWLPXODWH \RXU LPPXQH V\VWHP WR orally timedog and up money if the nutrients R[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ DQG on WR sick RSWLPL]H pulled dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sKHDOWK collar. Then theis a waste their of large by the neck with arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t actually being absorbed and transported into H V\PSWRPV RI LOOQHVV VWDUW WR DSSHDU random dog ran out again. Sick dog a wire and holding him up to reWKH FHOOV ,I QXWULHQWV GR QRW UHDFK WKH FHOOV WKH FRQmentation of vitamins and minerals VHTXHQFH LV WKDW RUJDQ WLVVXHV DQG RUJDQ V\VWHPV enough to restore the bodytook to balance. then suddenly a turn for the strain himâ&#x20AC;Śuntil I stood, pointing will be prevented from healing to their capacity. ? He gotinto up,our demanded food, &RQGLWLRQV WKDW EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W LQFOXGH DFXWH LOOQHVVHV we takebetter. a substance body and holding my neck. (Yes, that was VXFK DV WKH Ă X RU PRUH FKURQLF FRQGLWLRQV VXFK XEVWDQFH LV VWLOO FRQVLGHUHG ÂśRXWVLGH¡ and was his normal self again. What cable can compromise the DV FKURQLF me.) YLUDO The RU EDFWHULDO LQIHFWLRQV FKURQLF til we pass it through our stomach and IDWLJXH o our bloodstream our gastroa miraclethrough this â&#x20AC;&#x153;animal angelâ&#x20AC;? was to KLJK VWUHVV DGUHQDO IDWLJXH JDVWURLQWHVWLQDO GLVRUGHUV GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ FDQFHU DQG JHQHUDO GI) tract. If we have any disruption in set sick dog straight! Well, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d bet support. Glutathione IVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s are often given immune WKH OLQLQJ RI RXU *, WUDFW ZH SUREDEO\ VXSSRUW KHDY\ PHWDO GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ FKHPLFDO bing most of the that isnutrients exactlyweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re whattaking randomWR dog VHQVLWLYLWLHV PROG H[SRVXUH KRUPRQH LPEDODQFHV WLRQ WKH FHOOV RI WKH VWRPDFK DQG *, didâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;set 306 DQG OLYHU GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ *OXWDWKLRQH LV DOVR ly absorb so much him at oneâ&#x20AC;&#x153;straightâ&#x20AC;?! time. Most Random th
a great anti-aging agent as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s our body master antioxidant. It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always necessary to give nutrients intramuscularly or intravenously. Many imbalDQFHV DQG GHĂ&#x20AC;FLHQFLHV FDQ EH UHVROYHG XVLQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ RUDO VXSSOHPHQWDWLRQ +RZHYHU ZKHQ WKLV LV QRW HIIHFWLYH ,0 DQG ,9 WUHDWPHQWV SURYLGH JUHDW EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV Dr. Fleck-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Andrea received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, AZ. She completed her BS is Psychology & graduate work in Marriage & Family Therapy. She is the Founder and Medical Director of the Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center in downtown Santa Cruz. Dr. Fleck-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Andrea specializes in Family Medicine, Hormone Issues, Gastrointestinal & Thyroid disorders and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s +HDOWK DV ZHOO DV PHGLFDO QXWULWLRQ GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ fatigue, depression & anxiety, homeopathy and botanical medicine. Call for a free 15 minute consultation, (831) 477-1377, www.scnmc.com.
Do you wish you were getting more?
Series, February through November of 2 know what is happening. The after-effects are learn more, visit her website at ZZZ 9LW DSSDUHQW WKH GHFUHDVHG SDLQ WKH ´VSDFHG RXW Âľ com. Call (831) 475-1995 to sign up UHIUHVKHG DQG UHOD[HG IHHOLQJÂŤEXW ZKDW H[DFWO\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;challengeâ&#x20AC;? or to RSVP as a drop-in to a ´KDSSHQHG"Âľ 0DQ\ SHRSOH DVN LI WKH WHFKQLTXH in the series. Sylvia is now offering Nu LV ´HQHUJ\ ZRUN Âľ DQG LW LV QRW EXW FDQ EH XVHG JHQHWLF WHVWLQJ ZLWK LQGLYLGXDO VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F UH simultaneously with it). Christine will explain the of lifestyle recommendations. KLVWRU\ PHFKDQLVP DQG PHWKRGV RI FUDQLR VDFUDO therapy. It is a H ERBOLO GY 0 IETET ICS 0 CUPUNCT URE 0 ASS therapy with broad reaching L P S O L F D W L R Q V and is growing in popularity. Why not be able be conversant on it yourself? S y l v i a Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic who specializes in Cranio-Sacral Technique and Hendrickson Method Orthopedic Massage. She is sponsoring the MY Health 10 Month Challenge Speakers
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Chiropractic, Orthopedic Massage, Cranio-Sacral, Holistic assessments
Christine Cyr
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Evelyn VonNottbeck
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920 41st Ave., Suite G, Santa Cruz, 95062
Sylvia SkeďŹ ch, DC The MY Health challenge: Doctor of Chiropractic
(831) 475-1995
Sign up and commit to coming to at least one talk per month, and ever lecture is free! (See details below.) Or drop in, and pay just $12 per talk Â&#x201E; Friday, March 13, 6:30 pm
Â&#x201E; Friday, May 8, 6:30 pm
CMT, CertiƤed Herbalist, BS in Nutrition Easy Methods of Self Assessment : Learn to understand the signs the body gives. Simple observation of one's eyes, tongue, and skin can indicate an underlying organ weakness, allergy, or genetic predisposition.
Licensed Acupuncturist, Owner Tao Performance Acupuncture Spring Attunement--Upward Spiral Learn speciƤc ways to harness the energy of springtime though meridian stretching, qigon and nutrition
Â&#x201E; Wednesday, March 25, 12:00 pm
Â&#x201E; Wednesday, May 20, 12:00 pm
Cranio Sacral Therapist Cranio Sacral Therapy, De-MystiƤed: Learn about this powerful, natural mechanism in the body, and its implications on health and wellbeing
Chef, Author No Gluten, No dairy, No Sugar, No Problem! How to go gluten, dairy, or sugar-free in the healthiest, tastiest, easiest way possible.
Santa Cruz and the Central Coast
Craig Lane
Christine Bayless
Glenn Kazmierski, LAc
Lauren Hoover
Â&#x201E; Friday, June 12, 6:30 pm A Photographic Celebration Rachel Fresco, L.Ac., Ph.D. of Time and Place
Â&#x201E; Friday, April 10, 6:30
Sherri Betz
Physical Therapist, Owner of TheraPilatesÂŽ Physical Therapy Clinic Building Better Bones: Learn the best Pilates and Yoga moves that you can do at home to keep your bones strong and healthy for life!
Â&#x201E; Wednesday, April 15, 12:00 pm
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Sylvia SkeƤch photographer Tim Corcoran vascular system, can Doctor of Chiropractic Call 831-475-1995 to sign up Releasing Stored Emotions: We will practice easy damage soft tissue, and may for â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Challengeâ&#x20AC;? and methods to access and release the emotions that every lecture is free. can be stored in the body misalign bones. I DOO \RX GRQ¡W KDYH WR EH ÂśVLFN¡ WR JHW tion. Most of the IM injections given *If you miss a month, you can choose to make it up by going to two talks the following month, or â&#x20AC;˘ Using muzzle leads. I would pay $12 for any missed month. Drop-ins are invited to RSVP so we can prepare the space DUH % YLWDPLQV IROLF DFLG DQG KRPHRing high dose vitamins intramuscularly compare them to bear nose-ring All talks are located at 920 41st Avenue IIHFWLYH WRRO WR WUHDW IDWLJXHG DGUHQDO leashes. How uncomfortable! If you (rear parking lot, rear door) at the Shambhala Center. UHVVLRQ DQ[LHW\ HQKDQFH WKH LPPXQH pulled on sick dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collar just do ge 7 V dog The Connection Magazine V www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V March â&#x20AC;&#x201D; April 8, 2015 not have to use a muzzle leash, I the right way to set things straight beg you not to. The many bones of in the spine, and it resulted in a re- the face work differently from other newed interest in life for sick dog. bones. When they become misLikewise, pulling on a dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aligned, they are near impossible neck the wrong way has the poten- to reset themselves through natural tial to worsen a dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience of movement as other bones do, and life. As many dog owners know, it these misalignments can create setakes an awful lot of pain before a vere headaches. dog will express it. So how do we Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiroprac300 Limited know if we are harming them? We tic who practices at 920 41st Ave., Suite Editions available at G in Santa Cruz, 95062 www.Vital-You. may never know. That is why it is com, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Likeâ&#x20AC;? my professional Facebook www.TimCorcoranPhoto.com important to treat our dogs in a way page for inspirational tips and office Order at (530) 938-1304 that does not put them at risk. Some deals and specials. Page 7 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ November 2016
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CDC Police Will Eventually Arrest the Unvaccinated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Disease Criminalsâ&#x20AC;? by Jon Rappoport After 30 years as an independent reporter, I understand the machinations of the CDC. As a result, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been able to read their intentions for the future. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been able to see where theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re heading. Two parallel ops are going to intersect, unless they are stopped. And if they arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stopped, there is going to be BIG trouble. OP ONE: the CDCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imminent implementation of its new rules for controlling communicable diseases. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve covered these rules extensively. Here Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll sum them up: Americans traveling between states can be stopped, detained, and even quarantined, if they seem to have indications of an illness that could impact public health. If this sounds vague, it is. The CDC has even coined a new absurd category: â&#x20AC;&#x153;precommunicableâ&#x20AC;? illness. It means that with few or no symptomsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but merely the probability of having contacted someone who had or could have had an illnessâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a traveler in America can be picked up and held against his will. The CDC asserts it has police powers to do this. During the quarantine period, the person has no right to refuse medical treatmentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; which can include (toxic) vaccinations. After release, the person will be tracked electronically, and this surveillance can extend to an ankle bracelet. OP TWO: The CDC and its state allies are expanding the promotion of mandatory vaccines. The state of California now has such a law (SB277) for all public and private school children. There is a move to extend the mandate to adults. Soâ&#x20AC;Śsuppose you are spotted and detained as a person who may have a precommunicable disease. One of the first questions youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be asked is: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Are you up to date on your vaccinations?â&#x20AC;? If not, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll get them. Forcibly. Now suppose the disease
youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re suspected of having has a vaccineâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which you never got. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re bad. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re delinquent. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re essentially a criminal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sir, if you had been vaccinated against the disease, you wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the disease now, and you wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be in a position to infect others with it.â&#x20AC;? But why stop there? At
The Future???
some point up the road, the CDC will say: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those people who have not gotten the full schedule of vaccinations are AUTOMATICALLY PRECOMMUNICABLE.â&#x20AC;? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how the two ops will intersect. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where the CDC is heading. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where they intend to go: A person who isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fully vaccinated is by definition a threat to â&#x20AC;&#x153;the community,â&#x20AC;? and he can be arrested. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the perfect storm. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all the CDC will need to knowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not fully vaccinated. Therefore, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll fit the definition of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;precommunicableâ&#x20AC;? health threat, and you can be held and shot with the full complement of vaccines. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You see, Mr. Jones, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve detained you because we see you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had any vaccinations for a long time. This makes you a danger, because vaccines are the ONLY way to guarantee immunity from diseases. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re very vulnerable. You will get sick and spread that sickness to others. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re precommunicable. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a spreader. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to cut that off at the pass. In the next two days, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to give you the basic ten vaccinations..â&#x20AC;? The CDC is ALREADY
asserting that any unvaccinated human is a danger to those around him. All that remains is to put bigger legal and police teeth into the assertion. The mask and the cover story is: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We only want to detain people who could be spreading a highly dangerous disease like Ebola. We only want to stop the spread of pandemics.â&#x20AC;? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lie. The real op is eventual forced vaccination of everyone, carried out under police powers. Universal forced vaccination IS the epidemic. And the single antidote is freedom. The freedom to refuse medication or vaccination of any kind. That freedom is inherent. But it must be taken. Jon Rappoport
About Jon Rappoport: The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine (To read about Jonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s megacollection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.).
Page 8 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ November 2016
by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. nceL.patients decideM.A. to reby David Biles, D.D.S., move unhealthy teeth, the never thought that I would connext concern often becomes tinue to learn as much as I do what to replace the teeth with, and, I after so many years in practice as generally give the same answer. We dentist. As aBiles, matter DDS, of fact, one of bya David L.replace can ultimately the teeth MA with my early concerns was that dentistry devicesOne that are removable or pheÀxed, of the newest wouldn’t offer as much stimulation depending on their preferences and nomena to I might hitverythe dental as I thought need to be sufbudget, but in the beginning, I Àciently interested in my daily arena is the trickling tell my patients that we areexodus goingtoils, to decades into my career. I could not replace their teethtowith a Áipper. That’s of patients points hither havea device been more as time right, we insurprised the profession and yon in search of more hastounfolded. Treating trusting refer as a “Áipper” or anthe immedieconomical dental and grateful partial patients I dosoluenables ate temporary denture. The me Áto better understand how name ipper comes presumably from tions. Ads beckoning thethis operatescan in health theoral easesystem the appliance be Áipped traveling patient promising disease still keepswhen outand of the mouthand by the tongue quality dental necessary. It has no relationship to the my daily interest. Each day dolphin television of the 60’s. I hearin tales thatstar astound me, care paradise So what ismy a Áunderstanding ipper? Genchallenging performed by is a erally speaking, a Áipper of the mechanisms of disease American trained removable oral appliance with and dysfunction. I routinely 1-3 teeth attached to of a custom dentists are crophear from patients brain fog made hard pink acrylic platediclearing, whole body pain ping up in many that form-Àtsand to the palate or minishing, energy increastravel marketing lower arch utilizing theare ing. dental Sometimes the reports contours ofGet the teeth efforts. yourand the even more remarkable. arch for retention and stability. Recently, foraexample, teeth fixed for Some dentists have them made a woman returned with her fraction of forthe with metal clasps retention, sister for a second opinion though I have managed to vicost, while soaking up and examination, determined to help locate a small lab that does custamin D on the beach. Visit her sibling with her health concerns, tom work for me and provides touching all of the bases on possible India,Thailand, Mexico… metal free services. Since many solutions to helping her heal from of my ads patients present with The can be very apa myriad symptoms, difÀcult to signs of metalofallergies, having pealing and tempting. What label medically. As has been my a metal free removable option is custom, I thoroughly harm could beevaluated in hav-her paramount in mythere practice. I am mouth multiple levels, examinblessed toon have such acare skilled ing your dental needs ing her technician gums, TMJ, teeth, existing laboratory to service fulfilled in India, Stan; Mexico, restorations, posture, mydental patients. His name istongue he’s an orsoft elsewhere? After all…and tissue, materials, artist and has a dental wonderful grounded level oraltrained hygiene, utilizing digital sense ofof humor. I can always count on American dentists. Stan; he is,photographs, Stan the Man.a laser cavity x-rays, Again, what harm Back toand theilluminated topic—a Áhigh ippermagis detector, could there be? is to A identify lot… usually inserted upon ex-as niÀcation. Myimmediately goal traction of teeth forstressors multiple many potential intry theto oral and not, when I reallypurposes. It serves as immediate band-aid bythe cavityabout asan possible, believing that think the concept in placing direct pressure over the surginature, magnitude, and duration of anthe open honest way…if that cal wound site, aiding in healing bythe stressors’ existence impact stopping thesystem Áow like isimmune possible or oflikely… given in,blood, at themuch very least, what is donetheinattention a Àrst aid situation: diverting of the immune my obviously biased perdirect pressure the wound. The form system from to other maladies. spective now as a California of the Áipper also helps create and During the course of the examiguide the À nal tissue contour which trained American dentist… nation, the former patient revealed helps to assure a nice functional and to me that although she still no longer the naïve kidhad esthetic bony foundation for later posthe antibodies for Systemic Lupus from aMoreover, US Army enlisted sibilities. its presence limits Erythematosis, SLE, she had not food and family, other forces from disturbing man’s a background any making symptoms since theexperienced healing wound, healing where dentistry came as an completing in my less disruptive. treatment I particularly like ofÀ thece seven years That why intermittent luxury. stillshe design that Stan ago. creates for was my Ipatients had brought her sisterattention in for antoexbecause his meticulous remember the economic amination with me. detail enablesand my consultation patients to securely and physical hardships of Shetheir wondered if afor similar wear Áippers weeksapproach without to dental care might be cial for not receiving dental adding dental pastestimely andbeneÀ adhesives forher sister. Healthy mouth, body, retention. It takes a little healthy more extra care…so I understand the theand American Association time plaster toDental make the Áipper motivation, the draw. Afsays,without so… ofpastes, coursebut I agree, being retain it is well
lowing several hours of full mouth periodontal debridement with our skilled registered dental hygienists. Even though he was still slightly numb, he said,and later that evening his the results challenges was signiÀcantly improved, ofenergy having dentistry in a faras well as his mental clarity, includaway land and returning to ing a reduction of whole body pain. All of this fromcomes just having his teeth home. What to mind thoroughly cleaned, because he, like worth the beneÀ t in hygiene, healing, immediately is…account70-90% and hassle.of Americans suffer from unability. What do youwasdothe diagnosed One of gum the disease. biggest This concerns when need follow-up thirdpatients or you fourthhave timeisI had heard many how theirsuch ap- a revelation a patient, leading pearance willfrom be altered immediately care after you return homeme following the surgery. I tell them to from your dental vacation? relax; they will never leave the ofÀce without their smile after their surgical appointment. Moreover, we have spent
tongue space, but thinning weakens the plate, and should be minimized. immune systems. Our symptoms we Since the Áipper may be necessary experience and report to health care for an indeterminate amount of time, practitioners are the logical result of it is best to take good care of it. My this oral pollution. Unless the underrecommendation is that patients put up lying dental issues aredental strategically, than expected vawith thethe thickness for a week before safely, the andsupport, effectively reduced thinning and then only ifor cation benefits. better yet,Keeping eliminated, then wet the mediintolerable. Áippers and How is that cal treatment regime wepossible, are engaged cleaning them with a toothbrush and in will be little more than slightly youandask? Like the patient soap water also helps assure longeffective symptom management. Arterm use. If aone chooses to wear seeking bargain, thenottreattheImouth comes placing Àrst. it guably… for awhile, recommend ing This dentist was only too does not3% support the Áipper inconcept water with some hythe current perceived hierarchy happy to treat drogen peroxide. Arich wordAmerican to the wise:in health however, as dentists cover andcare, place the Á ipper away from travelers who had been sentdo pets, as cats dogs have been known notand intentionally do medically to him by his paid referral to chew up dental appliances. related dental care due to the sources. After Flippers are generally worn a restrictions placed on all, both minimum ofwhen approximately 10-12 professions, to mention itnot came to weeks to prothe before lack oftreatment communication performing denvide permanent restoranda more common understanding tistry a foreign ative option canin begin. It takes between the medical and denthattallong beforethis softNonetheless, tissue and land, Ameriprofessions. bone enough before it the mature few that do treat candentists trained dentist is the possible wise systemically to resume wholeormouth didFlippers not have treatment. can, by the oftentimes see healing ofthe apway, last for a long time, given overhead meet parently unrelatedto symptoms. the situation and the care the There many reasons for hisare fellow classpatient affords the appliance. I this, mates including the somewhat encountered have patients who have worn obvious economic reasons, these for years. Plus, Ihe have had in the USA, normore didlikely have where patients are to seek patients who wore nothing but to to the stringent careperform for a single tooth rather than Áippers for decades as it Àt best a whole Plus, itbudget, takes and much universal intomouth. their precautions lifestyle, and morehealth skill concerns. to restore a whole mouth sterilization requirements that one can years The only pink acquire materialafter in most imposed on his American of dedicated post-graduate removable appliances iswork. acrylic Detoxifying mouth counterparts. and is coloredanbyentire the heavy and metal, rebuilding it better are free techCadmium My cadmium. advice? Find a niques that are taught and in dental acrylics are not available, our darned good dentist from schools, necessitating specialized choice of materials for our patients. someone you who has Teeth are acrylic andtrust porcelain, though training, instrumentation, and travel. porcelain teethme areover athe bit15more costly. It has taken years of soul experienced dentistry Setting and adjusting porcelain teethwith is searching analysis, coupled from thatand dentist inpatients that formore challenging andmy time consuming, revelations from over eign land, justgain, you might with esthetic so I generally thatlittle time frame toas become comfortstay with theknowing acrylic teeth. the able with that when patients go about getting aBesides, referral acrylic bond to the plate, unifyteeth theirthis dentistry, healthwhereas beneÀts here in country. Otherthewill porcelain ones must mechanioccur. What thosebebeneÀ ts will wise… just the vacacally retained. Independs atake situation where I speciÀ cally be on the issues need to thin the tooth for clearance tion. the patient possesses along with other by opposing teeth, porcelain teeth can factors, including the willingness ac-to fracture.Dr. StickDavid with theBiles acrylic is teeth. make lifestyle changes, if they have cepting patients I hope new that by knowingintermore not also been examined and instituted about Áippers, the journey beyond exested already.in a comprehensive traction becomes less threatening, less Don’tapproach you think itthat is time we dental defearful. Remember, you can have your reconnected the teeth mouth dentistry toxifies mouths and restores smile the day your arefor extracted. andmuch medicine? I welcome patients How better can it get, given thea health. Dr. Biles brings who are willing to trails…. invest in their circumstances? Happy unique awareness to healhealth and educate themselves when Dr. David Biles is currently ac- it comes to understanding theof particular ing from a lifetime percepting new patients. He practices idestressors in mouths. Likewise, alsonal dentistry as their a Biological Bioesthetic experience, study, and I welcome testimonials that only Dentist with the a signiÀ cant background work many disciplines, serve toin validate a legitimate direction and perspective rooted in athletics, including dentistry, medifor the dental and medical professions physical education, cardiopulmonary to embark. We are and here to heal,reare medicine, dentistry, human cine, physical education, search in exercise physiology, www. we not? human research in exercise drbiles.com and (831) 423-0121. Dr. David Biles is accepting
Answer: visitrapidly a hometown to believe that lowering the dentist to remedy total amount of bacteria any in the ishead can have a signiÀ cant effect stay on our sues. Few vacationers health. Quickly. long (weeks to months) The previous hypothetical link orcame return oftena physician enough called to to me when to acknowledge that her patient was address sensitivity or bite now responding to her therapy folassociated problems from lowing a similar protocol. Prior to new treatment. thoroughly her mouth and years creating cleaning pretty smiles with our My personal experieliminating two cavities, this Áippers, and truly do work with anpatient arthad been non-responsive to all of the ist, Stan, who truly cares about people, ence with patients returnwhich is reflected in to hisstimulate work and physician’s efforts ing from distant lands hasher timeliness ippers immune when systememergency and heal. ÁShe was been mixed, primarily are needed to quickly helppatient’s a traumatic now thrilled to seebut the progsituation. people and labs negative. Into one situation, ress andSupporting called understand why this like Stan’s is why We we work with small was happening. concluded that the the patient received dental laboratories: webacteria have the was relationship reduction in enabling care onfavors a system par to ask immune for whencomparable necessary. her to Ànally direct I believe that a well-designed toitsAmerican standards. Hethe attention to other priorities in esthetic Á ipper than should provide bodylucky; rather deal with patients an was apparwas his dentist with a conÀdent smile after the surgery ent chronic low grade sub-clinical according isrecommended, complete, and that’s what we coninfection in the head, localized to the sistently In my prince— ofÀce, that tomouth, him,provide. by a Thai primarily between and around means that the smile is eye-catching, ergo, credibility and comthe teeth. With this awareness came but does not draw critical scrutiny. other implications, however. petency. My patients In many cases, the other smile we provide The surgery commonisdenominator? A following significant have not been soafortunate, systematic over approach improvement the onetotheachieving patient however. With two of them, a healthy on multiple levpresented withmouth at the beginning of the els, attending to all the possible virtually all of theofdentistry dental journey. stressors in the oral system, Speech isand generally affected had to onbe redone, costunderstanding that48 there are of multiple initially, but within hours use, ing thousands of dollars. typesadapt of stressors and returns each one people and speech to exerts norMoreover, them sufits though inÁuence in a of unique way. The mal, theone continual awareness stressors? Bacteria, number andpertype, of the appliance with the tongue fered serious psychological from decay, gum Occasionally, disease, bad the oral sists awhile longer. trauma from his ill advised Áipper can be thinned to create more hygiene, poorly contoured, rough and nutrition. and poorly executed treatfordable is it? new patients interested in a comprethat promote bac- physiology, the good dentistry…or supportive dentist I am, Pagedental 11 �restorations The Connection Magazine � www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com hensive approach a visittotohealth see created if an terial accumulation and proliferation, applauding the ADA for of the ment, necessitating psychi- Schedule I can fathom anysome arguin tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles inaccessible concave surfaces, plus ideal good work it does. approach to dentistry care and medication. ment justifying travel, care, atric Another case history? Last week the energetic effects of mixed metals, brings awareness to health from a is what your body requires emotional and financial and expense.suffering So, rather than including the out gassing of mercury lifetime of study. Schedule a visit to a gentleman from high The 831-423-0121. see if heal. an ideal approach to dentistry of the care, all facilitated would to focus on theobesity, reasoning of cost from silver colored Àllings, blood pressure, and shortness is what your body needs to heal, (831) by the presence gold. Allcostly of these www.DrBiles.com of breath staff that was farof more going or informed not, let’smyfocus on he agree, felt better than he had in years fol-
Page 9 ♥
physical inÁuences are impacting our
� May 2013
423-0121, www.drbiles.com.
Page 11 �Magazine The Connection Magazine � www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com � October – Nov. 8, ♥ 2012November Connection ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline
Assange Statement on the US Election
by Julian Assange That is our commitment to ourIn recent months, WikiLeaks and selves, to our sources, and to the public. I personally have come under enorThis is not due to a personal desire mous pressure to stop publishing what to influence the outcome of the election. the Clinton campaign The Democratic and says about itself to itRepublican candidates self. That pressure has have both expressed come from the camhostility towards whispaign’s allies, including tleblowers. I spoke at the Obama administrathe launch of the camtion, and from liberals paign for Jill Stein, the who are anxious about Green Party candidate, who will be elected US because her platform President. addresses the need to On the eve of the protect them. This is election, it is important an issue that is close to restate why we have to my heart because published what we of the Obama adminishave. tration’s inhuman and The right to redegrading treatment ceive and impart true of one of our alleged information is the sources, Chelsea ManJulian Assange guiding principle of ning. But WikiLeaks WikiLeaks – an organipublications are not an zation that has a staff and organizational attempt to get Jill Stein elected or to take mission far beyond myself. Our organirevenge over Ms Manning’s treatment zation defends the public’s right to be either. informed. Publishing is what we do. To withThis is why, irrespective of the hold the publication of such information outcome of the 2016 US Presidential until after the election would have been election, the real victor is the US public to favour one of the candidates above the which is better informed as a result of public’s right to know. our work. This is after all what happened when The US public has thoroughly en- the New York Times withheld evidence gaged with WikiLeaks’ election related of illegal mass surveillance of the US publications which number more than population for a year until after the 2004 one hundred thousand documents. Mil- election, denying the public a critical unlions of Americans have pored over the derstanding of the incumbent president leaks and passed on their citations to George W Bush, which probably secured each other and to us. It is an open model his reelection. The current editor of the of journalism that gatekeepers are un- New York Times has distanced himself comfortable with, but which is perfectly from that decision and rightly so. harmonious with the First Amendment. The US public defends free speech We publish material given to us more passionately, but the First Amendif it is of political, diplomatic, historical ment only truly lives through its repeated or ethical importance and which has not exercise. The First Amendment explicitly been published elsewhere. When we prevents the executive from attempting have material that fulfills this criteria, to restrict anyone’s ability to speak and we publish. We had information that fit publish freely. The First Amendment does our editorial criteria which related to the not privilege old media, with its corpoSanders and Clinton campaign (DNC rate advertisers and dependencies on inLeaks) and the Clinton political cam- cumbent power factions, over WikiLeaks’ paign and Foundation (Podesta Emails). model of scientific journalism or an indiNo-one disputes the public importance vidual’s decision to inform their friends of these publications. It would be un- on social media. The First Amendment conscionable for WikiLeaks to withhold unapologetically nurtures the democratisuch an archive from the public during zation of knowledge. With the Internet, it an election. has reached its full potential. At the same time, we cannot pubYet, some weeks ago, in a tactic lish what we do not have. To date, we reminiscent of Senator McCarthy and the have not received information on Donald red scare, Wikileaks, Green Party canTrump’s campaign, or Jill Stein’s cam- didate Stein, Glenn Greenwald and Clinpaign, or Gary Johnson’s campaign or ton’s main opponent were painted with a any of the other candidates that fufills broad, red brush. The Clinton campaign, our stated editorial criteria. As a result of when they were not spreading obvious publishing Clinton’s cables and indexing untruths, pointed to unnamed sources her emails we are seen as domain exor to speculative and vague statements perts on Clinton archives. So it is natural from the intelligence community to sugthat Clinton sources come to us. gest a nefarious allegiance with Russia. We publish as fast as our resources The campaign was unable to invoke eviwill allow and as fast as the public can Continues on Page 11 absorb it.
Page 10 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
Trump Declared the Winner by Jon Rappoport Before the polls are closed in the states. And already… The networks are tuning up viewers to expect a few key states to swing the election, as if they already know how the other states are likely to go. This is a story. This is a script… zRAAAAAAAAAAAP. Boom. The script has been shattered. Trump wins. And now, without pause, it’s time to hold his feet to the fire. Because the people who voted for him expect action to: • Turn back the grotesque job-sucking Globalist trade treaties. • Secure the borders against a migrant wave (Globalist op) that has been destabilizing the country. Vet potential terrorists. • Bring back jobs. • Prosecute Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and thereby drive a stake through the hearts of the dynamic duo of corruption. • Keep torpedoing the sold-out media. • Refrain from making any “bridgebuilding moves” that turn into bad compromises. • Especially refrain from appointing Washington insiders to important posts—this is where Trump could really go off the rails. (Here are a few more reasons people voted Trump. The Trump voters knew that no matter what Hillary might say, it would still be the same dirty business as usual, and that at least with Trump there is a chance for a fresh start and representation coming back to the average person, not the elite. Editor’s Note) • Stopping Mandatory Vaccine madness. • Keeping Second Amendment Rights. • Keeping Supreme Court balance. • Stopping Endless War and the wasting of Life. • Stopping the Weakening of American Military.
Assange Statement dence about our publications—because none exists. In the end, those who have attempted to malign our groundbreaking work over the past four months seek to inhibit public understanding perhaps because it is embarrassing to them – a reason for censorship the First Amendment cannot tolerate. Only unsuccessfully do they try to claim that our publications are inaccurate. WikiLeaks’ decade-long pristine record for authentication remains. Our key publications this round have even been proven through the cryptographic signatures of the companies they passed through, such as Google. It is not every day you can mathematically prove that your publications are perfect but this day is one of them. We have endured intense criticism, primarily from Clinton supporters, for our publications. Many long-term supporters have been frustrated because we have not addressed this criticism in a systematic way or responded to a num-
What Trump really says: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=d2s9AV910NY • Ending the selling-out of American Interests. • Stopping China and creating better relationships with Russia. • Taking care of our Veterans. • Ending stifling Political Correctness. • Negotiating better deals with other countries. • Stopping Monsanto/Bayer GMO’s and the Take-over of Agriculture. • Reducing the H-1B work visas used to bring in cheap labor to the computer and other industries. • Bringing back and re-asserting power for the common citizen and away from the less-than-1% Elites. • An end to the racial divisions that are being encouraged with financing from Soros. (If you look at the past performance and what has actually been said, in full context, Trump is not a racist. He has been maligned and lied about by the press and the Hillary campaign so much, that it has been easy for someone that does not study beyond sound-bytes to believe all the lies that he has been accused of.) • Stopping Agenda 21 and similar. • Keeping Alternative Websites free of censorship. (End Editor’s Note) The victory, as I’ve kept saying on radio interviews, is about the MOVEMENT that has coalesced around Trump. The people who are waking up to the scourge of Globalism and its agenda for destruction. THAT is what must stay alive. The movement.
ber of false narratives about Wikileaks’ motivation or sources. Ultimately, however, if WL reacted to every false claim, we would have to divert resources from our primary work. WikiLeaks, like all publishers, is ultimately accountable to its funders. Those funders are you. Our resources are entirely made up of contributions from the public and our book sales. This allows us to be principled, independent and free in a way no other influential media organization is. But it also means that we do not have the resources of CNN, MSNBC or the Clinton campaign to constantly rebuff criticism. Yet if the press obeys considerations above informing the public, we are no longer talking about a free press, and we are no longer talking about an informed public. Wikileaks remains committed to publishing information that informs the public, even if many, especially those in power, would prefer not to see it. WikiLeaks must publish. It must publish and be damned.
Election: Media’s Movie of Reality Failed by Jon Rappoport But… After Trump’s stunning victory, the media narrative will continue: Riots are okay. Now we are a nation “deeply divided.” This horrible reality (Trump) IS reality. Get rid of the Electoral College and give the election to the candidate with the larger popular vote. Forget the states. They’re outmoded. The polls weren’t rigged or wrong. Trump surged at the last moment. Trump and his plans can still be blocked. The Trump victory was a white backlash. (Never admit that Obama utterly failed to make life better for blacks and Hispanics.) (Never ever admit that many blacks and Hispanics saw that.) (Never admit that Trump is right about Globalists and their export of jobs further destroying inner cities.) (Never overtly criticize Globalism. Better to not mention the word “Globalism”.) (Do not claim the election was an acid test of how the people feel about Globalism.) Continue to say Trump is a racist. Bernie Sanders would have won/ might have won if he had run against Trump. Mention Trump having access to the nuclear codes. Under no circumstances observe that the millions of people who flocked to Trump want more freedom or are in
any way registering legitimate concerns about the future of America. NEVER GIVE THE PEOPLE CREDIT FOR WAKING UP TO THE TRUTH OR IMPLY THAT THIS MOVEMENT IS FAR LARGER THAN TRUMP. DO NOT BLAME OURSELVES, THE MEDIA, AND OUR MADE-UP COVERAGE FOR TRUMP’S VICTORY. —Those are some of the high points of the ongoing media narrative. They continue to invent the movie of reality they are paid to invent. They can’t stop now. They’re under the gun. About Jon Rappoport: The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews. com or OutsideTheRealityMachine (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.).
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Page 11 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
EssentialLivingGuide Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual
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Yoga: More Than Exercise - Part VIII by Christopher Love
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he first rains have come to the California coast. Grateful are we. It will take several good, wet years to replenish our ground water. Water is our lifeblood. Let’s do all we can to conserve and protect our fresh water and keep it untainted by toxins. Last month we dove into the Nine Practices of Bhakti Yoga. I stated that these practices have the power to alter lives, changing our overall life experience for the better. I also made a distinction as to what
Enter the gateway of your well-being with restorative bodywork with Shari Rose. Practiced with compassion, Shari utilizes the Rose Technique, creating a powerful Shamanic Healing Space for deep relaxation and subtle to profound shifts in the body’s energy field. For unifying body, mind & spirit, we’ll work with: U Polarity Therapy U Cranial Sacral U Massage & Breema Bodywork for greater balance & increased energy.
For more info, or to schedule an appointment, please call: (831) 246-4528.
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Licensed by the Council for Private PostSecondary and Vocational Education
I mean with the use of the word god, as this word may mean different things to different people. If you have not read parts 1 through 7 of this series, please visit back issues of the Connection Magazine. Let’s resume our discourse in sequence.
Practice #5
“Archanam” is offering through ritual. Throughout the ages humans have created and engaged in ritual. Ritual gives us the opportunity to do something that has no other purpose than to exemplify our faith, love and trust in God. Ritual is a powerful practice that does more than assist us in being close to God, it creates unity among people as well as rhythm and consistency for community. When we engage in ritual, we can allow our minds to relax and surrender to the heart. The ritual is set, most likely it has been done multitudes of times before and we even know what to expect. Although we may have done the physical aspects of the ritual a thousand times, this moment is different because it is the present moment. The framework of ritual offers the opportunity for something different and wonderful to occur, at the very
least, for us to have a succession of moments in which we are one hundred percent present to our life.
Practice #6
“Vandanam” is to surrender and offer obeisance. The concept of surrender is powerful in taming the ego mind and supporting the emergence of our true, “spiritual heart center”, as the deciding power in our lives. This concept deserves an entire article unto itself. We have heard the saying, “Let go and let God.” This is the practice that takes us there; to the place where we allow higher power (omniscient consciousness) to guide our lives. It is one thing to surrender the ego, it is quite another to do the work to hear the guidance of higher wisdom and have the courage to act on it. Vandanam holds many practices that assist the practitioner in achieving this necessary step on the path of becoming close with God.
Practice #7
“Dasyam” is being of service. Practice #4 has us practice being of service to God. Dasyam is being of service to the whole of creation, including that which you do not like. The practice of Dasyam can take us out of our comfort zone to help another person, animal or tree. Perhaps we know in our heart it is right to help in a given situation but social or religious taboo forbids it. Dasyam, when practiced seriously, gives us the power to do what we know is right in our hearts, even when others are against us doing so. Real saints and heroes of any age or tradition practice Dasyam, such as Ghandi, Mother Theresa and the Dalai Lama. Being this good is possible for all of us. Next month we will complete with practices 8 and 9. Until then make good choices for yourself. Christopher Love is a writer, educator and meditation instructor who welcomes correspondence: Love@ DevotionalLiving.org
Page 12 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
Massage & Bodywork
Movement, Postural & Structural Body and Education
How do we best allow the natural development of spinal curves in babies, so that they have a strong foundation to develop correct posture? When babies are born, their spines are in a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Câ&#x20AC;? shape. They have been curled in this fetal position for nine months. Many hospitals are now more attuned to natural births, and so are placed in a curled position on their mothers immediately following birth. We used to see babies being placed straight onto their backs after birth, which is stressful to them on many levels, including to their natural postures. The sudden effect of forcing the spine to be straight is harmful, not only to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Câ&#x20AC;? posture, but can also be damaging to their hips. Over the next six months, babies develop the muscle strength to be able to hold up and support their own heads. They do this by lying face down, and they begin to raise their heads and to turn from side to side. Therefore, the cervical (or neck) curve is the first to develop. As babies prepare to crawl, we then see the lumbar curve begin to strengthen; The spinal column begins to take on its distinct â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sâ&#x20AC;? shape. At this time, babies need a lot of floor time without any shoes on so they can use their feet, and their toes especially, to push forward and crawl. The hips are also developing rapidly at this point, and it is important to allow babies to do this learning without unnecessary constraints. There are a number of devices that are used for babiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; entertainment which are harmful to their developing bodies. The bouncy swing is an example, which when used before a baby is bearing its own weight on both spine and hips can be very detrimental to the joints. The
SOUND, SONG & 0(',7$7,21 WITH
muscular body is not yet developed to support this kind of activity. The same goes for exercise saucers and chairs where babies can push themselves around and bounce. Again, when used prematurely, babies are not ready to absorb the kind of force that is created with these devices. With backpacks and front packs, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good idea to use the ones that support the babiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bottoms with a wide base so that the legs donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dangle too much. Slings are excellent for the first few months or so since they do allow babies to curl up as they are naturally inclined to do. Strollers can be stressful on our young babies, as they typically are in a flat backed position, which again, is hard on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Câ&#x20AC;? curve and hips. If you have to use a stroller, then itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best to support a comfortable side-lying position with knees drawn up, at least until the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sâ&#x20AC;? curve has formed. An occasional short period of time on the back may be tolerated. But if we look at the total amount of time that babies spend in swings, strollers, car seats, cribs, etc., then we begin to see how the strains add up. It takes at least one year for the transition from â&#x20AC;&#x153;Câ&#x20AC;? curve to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sâ&#x20AC;? curve to take place. A huge change takes place in our infantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; spines in the first year of life. If we can support these changes properly, then we will be setting up our children for a healthier future with backs that are resilient, balanced, and strong. Evelyn von Nottbeck, R.M.T. can be reached at the office of Sylvia Skefich, D.C. Call (831) 475-1995 to book your appointment. Evelyn specializes in massage therapy with a focus on postural rehabilitation and integration, exercise therapy, and pain management. S AT U R D AY
NOV. 19 TH
Ç&#x203A; 30 $10 TO $20 SLIDING SCALE
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by Evelyn von Nottbeck, R.M.T.
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Natural Spinal Development in Infants
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Complementary Health
Dr. Gabriel Russo is Really Back, & with some New Revolutionary Tools! Have you given up hope of getting well?
Many people have expressed shocked appreciation that they have been able to get better with my care after suffering for so long and giving up hope.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have made a startling discovery and have new tools that have been helping people to restructure their spine and restore a youthful upright posture, without effort. Endonasal Cranial Correction is part of this new work and is literally like a breath of fresh air as the nasal passages are opened.â&#x20AC;? ~Dr. Russo â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can breathe again and my mind feels so clear, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even realize how blocked I had become. Thank you for this new lease on life. Everyone needs to know about this!â&#x20AC;? ~Recent Patient
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Page 13 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ November 2016
Martial Arts
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HZgk^c\ HVciV 8gjo BdciZgZn 7Vn 6gZV
I]Z BVgi^Va 6gih 9^gZXidgn Wujifa Qigong
Tiger Martial Arts est. 1990
Authentic Gracie jiu jitsu taught by the only teacher in Santa Cruz county to be awarded a black belt directly from a Gracie family member. (831) 661-0184 www.tigerbjj.com $ 3OQUEL $RIVE !PTOS
MINORSAN Self Defense & Fitness
Live your life with confidence and fearlessness. Martial Arts with power LEADERSHIP TRAINING KICK BUTT COMBAT SKILLS AND A HUMBLE ATTITUDE Love your life and your power in it. Clara E Minor, Master Instructor/Trainer 831.458.0900 minorsan.com info@minorsan.com facebook.com/minorsan
The Academy of Martial and Internal Arts:
Pathways Dojo
Head Instructor: Mark Roemke - Free Week of Training - All Ages Welcome Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Nei Gong, Judo path@PathWaysDojo.com or (831) 465-8236 or PathWaysDojo.com for more info Private instruction available. Facebook: Pathways Dojo or Santa Cruz Bujikan Dojo
Aikido of Santa Cruz
Standing in Hell, the Practice of Wujifa
by Paddy Easton Graves
hen you cease going somewhere or becoming someone, and just stand, the soul catches up to body and mind, and something inexplicable occurs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Discovering connection knows not the good or bad. It is there, it is awake and therefore alive.â&#x20AC;? Trevor Caruso, Owner/ Practitioner, Mirror Gate Integrative Therapy After a serious martial arts injury three years ago, I began re-exploring the Internal and Healing Martial Arts. Many years ago I trained in Shing Yi Chaun, and Bagua, but longed for the rush of the fight, which led to Kung Fu, kick boxing, Jiu Sool Do, and Jiu Jitsu. When the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capacity and the mindâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desire are out of align with spirit, all hell breaks loose. Be grateful. Recently, I began the practice of Wujifa, and Zhan Zhuang, which I have apply named: Standing in Hell. The first time I stood, with determined focus, I noticed very definite things beginning to occur. First came boredom that sent my mind on a pinball tour in my head, telling me what a silly, ineffective, waste of time this standing is. I kept standing, Then came the pain, which began like a light snowfall - little discomforts here and there, which I was able to escape, and greater justify my position. I kept standing. Then came the avalanche! Burning, searing pain everywhere, accompanied
by nausea. I kept standing. Old emotions of fear, abandonment, loss, anger, unworthiness crept into awareness, like little bubbles of darkness bursting into light. Each day, I stand a little longer, and go a little deeper, while listening to, and honoring the roar that comes from within. When my mind would search desperately for a reason to return to the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;realâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; world, I would interview myself. I would ask questions like: where am
Paddy Easton Graves
I resisting? What am I afraid of? What am I feeling? How am I breathing? Where am I restricting my breath? Is my anal sphincter relaxed or contracted? Is there Joy? As the body moves towards quiet, relaxed reception, cosmic osmosis takes place, and what the fearful mind was resisting, can now form the tao as a living, breathing artist who paints the dream, on and off the mat. Alchemy takes place, where homeostasis of the field, internal
and external flow all come together and play, like push hands, or dancing with God. The anatomy and physiology, the matrix, the pure intention of heart, and source energy all must be in harmony, synchronicity, coherence, interconnectedness, and free from ego, before the Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mouth can open, Fascia is broken down so musculature can rearrange itself around the skeleton. The bio-structure is consistent in maintaining balance, interconnectedness, and center of gravity; yet because it comes from a living organism, it is ever changing and moving, never to exactly replicate itself, or lose its structural integrity in movement, allowing the body to find its own wholeness and greatest strength, and creating a template for ancient wounds to be opened and released. The practice of standing may bring on the dark night of the soul; yet, by embracing it with opened hearted wonder, and infinite gratitude, it can lead to extraordinary inner strength, deep, ancient healing, and ballistic Joy! Paddy Easton Graves is a writer, author, Green Builder, and martial artist who teaches golf as a spiritual path. For more information contact: Harpertime@comcast.net For information about Wujifa and Zhan Zhuang contact: Mirror Gate Integrative Therapy: (831) 325-3587 http://mirrorgateintegrativetherapy.com
Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto Ages: 6-Adult Aikido The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art. Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Classes bi-monthly s WWW !IKIDO3ANTA#RUZ ORG s -ISSION 3T 3ANTA #RUZ
Rod Sanfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Traditional Martial Arts
Green Forest Temple
Instructor: Scott Ripke Ages 12 and older Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, Weapons s WWW GREENFORESTTEMPLE ORG &REEDOM "LVD !PTOS Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or awaken@ConnectionMagazineOnline.com to get your school listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or $250 yearly.
Page 14 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ November 2016
Fitness & Sports
Now in Santa Cruz!
Stick Yoga® for Healthy Aging & Body Fitness
I invite you to join the Stick Yoga® movement promoting easy fitness, healthy aging, and conscious living. It all started in 1979, Santa Cruz, and has expanded into a dynamic GLOBAL MOVE-
MENT reaching thousands of people in many countries. As a 68 year old Chiropractor and retired athlete, I personally use Stick Yoga®, in my daily exercise program, to stay energized, flexible, coordinated, strong, in great shape, and connected to Source. My motto is “to stay FIT means to be Forever In Training!” Stick Yoga® is composed of elite life skills training. It is a hybrid of traditional yoga poses, tai chi, soft martial arts, combined with my 39+ years of research and validated experience on; myself, patients, doctors, their patients, my certified teachers, personal trainers, and yogis. Stick Rx® utilizes Stick Yoga®, Stick Stretching to rehabilitate specific body regions, for prevention of injuries, and for enhancing sports performance. Stick Yoga® uses a Stick as a prop to leverage specific exercises that coordinate and enhance brain health, alignment, flexibility, strength, and balance. I have been innovating with Sticks, constantly learning, growing, and evolving in my awareness of this physical body. I am excited to share this creative and dynamic self-healing approach with you. As you learn more about Stick Yoga®, you will discover how revolutionary this new way of stretching & strengthening can be in assisting you to transform your condition and improve your overall mind/ body health. It is about balance and moving with ease, strength, and grace. I have found, that regular Stick Yoga® workouts help maintain overall function and connection with my inner and outer being. Stick Yoga® can immediately raise your energy level and reduce stress. It incorporates large and elongated movements to open and feel even more expanded space within the body. Stick Yoga® can be practiced indoors or outdoors. I prefer outdoors in nature, for all the benefits of being outside: fresh air, great open space in all directions, and the sky above. As a Chiropractor since 1980, I ob-
serve patients daily with postural muscles in chronic stress overload. Some causes are vertebral misalignment, stress, or injury that causes pain, loss of motion/ energy, and reduced health. These Stick Yoga® principles and ancient routines of traditional Yoga can be applied to improve and/or alleviate these problems naturally. Stick Yoga® exercises are simple, safe, and easy to learn. By taking this proactive approach to our health we choose to age with: • Less pain • Improved brain health • Balance (prevent falls) • Increased overall flexibility and function This is based on current neuroscience research. Stick Yoga® has helped me personally rehab quickly and effectively following two hip replacements. It has helped prevent shoulder surgery, improve chronic shoulder pain, and increase range of motion in many of my patients, doctors, and students.
massage* $50/hr.
Linda Gerson, CMT 831-334-7757
25 years of massage experience
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It has also helped:
• Reduce Stress in the Body • Improve Sleep • Created Relief from Prolonged Sitting • Faster Recovery from Surgery & Injury Stick Yoga® places attention on symmetry and alignment training to include balancing routines for range of motion of the spine, rib cage, extremities, and brain. I feel that the quality of our lives and physical health will continue to improve as we practice our personal disciplines. Stick Yoga® is my favorite ritual that helps me stay disciplined physically, mentally, and spiritually. Prevention is my way of living, built into daily good habits, such as quality nutrition and thinking, good sleep, & friends.
Arthur Faygenholtz, DC
Please check out www.StickYoga. com for more info and how to join the Stick Yoga® Movement. To Your Health, Arthur Faygenholtz DC, DrArthur@StickYoga.com, 831-6880361
Page 15 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
S e & e e d r P u t r l o u tectio c a m r e n
km away, OR we can make compost ture and Permaculture as an educaing, with these goals: on-site, even though it will take a little tion center and place where people by Zia Parker • Dedicating 70-80% of the land can come and learn in many differThere are so many compelling longer to get good production. We to growing food organically with Perent ways such as workshops, internreasons, that fuel the massive garden- can build our structures with cement, maculture and Biodynamic principles. ships and volunteer positions. ing movement worldwide: Food for the fire-brick and steel because these ma• Practicing social structures of table, food security, access to organic terials are subsidized, making mutual respect. food, supporting biodiversity, saving them “practical” in terms of the “bottom-line” that is dragging • Seeking new economic models & exchanging seed, good exercise, conthat do not involve exploitation nection with nature. Vandana Shiva re- us all down, OR we can honor of land and/or people. fers to seed saving as “the most impor- the triple bottom-line (social/ eco/economic) and build with • Making choices to enhance tant revolutionary act of our time”. mud, as people have done for ecological balance, social jusFor us, these are all good reasons. tice and spiritual fulfillment for It is a practice for us to make our choic- thousands of years. In Permaculture we say, those directly involved in our es with awareness of our connection to project, and beyond. the web of life. When we live with the “everything gardens”. Its all a form of gardening: how we eat, • Recognizing and respecting awareness that we are related to everymutiple forms of assets, such as: thing that is “Nature”, we can FEEL that how we prepare our meals, evsocial assets, living assets, expewhen we are wasteful, or excessive in eryday consumer choices, an riential assets, cultural assets, terms of inputs into the system that are internet business, relating to the taxi driver. spiritual assets, and financial unnecessary, that it hurts everything. And thus, we garden to assets. Therefore, “low carbon footprint” • Encouraging profit-sharing, is really important to us. Or, simply, learn about nature, and ouremployee-owned business, emlow “input”. But, especially, low input selves. We garden to experience co-creating and collaborating ployee-initiated businesses, and of anything that requires petroleum diverse forms of collaboration products in its fabrication. eg. Cement with nature. It is an immensely as found in cottage industry. & steel require very high temperatures fascinating ongoing study in re• Finding ways to move away to make, and thus lots of petroleum lationship. We believe in “Small is from labor being bought and products. And ultimately, hauling insold. puts with petro-fuel is not practical Beautiful”. We started our Per• Working with KINS Innovafrom a relational stance. We work to maculture model in Vilcabamtion Networking to evolve the create a system that eventually does ba, Ecuador with one acre, and it now is home to two modest goals and purpose of the project, not rely on petroleum at all. It recycles but very comfortable houses, and to serve as a communication and increases nutrients within itself. model http://www.kinsinnovaOne definition of sustainability a classrom with accompanying tion.org/ . is: input equals output. Better, is a sys- firepit, amphitheater and outdoor kitchen, a larger amphitheFor our first model tem where the yield is at least a little more than the input into the system, or ater with seating for 100, campproject adjacent to much greater. But, when we look deep- ing for 12 tents, a fish pond, and water storage for approximately Finca Vida Verde in er than “input equals output”, which is 20,000 liters and .75 acre of inSan Jose de Vilcaa little cold, like a formula, we realize that a truer definition of sustainability tensive garden beds. How do bamba, we envision: is something like “staying in balance you fit all of that on one acre? • Bio-construction model housPermaculture Design. Consider with the network of relationships that ing for three bioconstruction joining us for our next Permaculture is Life”. dwellings suitable for long-term A minimum of twenty percent of this Design Course in February, or better Thus, when we redefine sustainresidence. agricultural land will function as a ability in terms of relationship, in turn, yet, come help us extend our commu- native-forest preserve integrated with • A Community House for short term nity into new territory....read on....! we redefine what is “practical”. We are occupancy on a time-share or rental edible forest gardens which provides so conditioned to make the choice that Yupaichani Organic basis multiple functions of wild-life habitat is the cheapest financial cost, thinking Community • All buildings not to exceed 20-30% of for microbial, fungal, bird & native butcheap is practical. However, it is often Yupaichani Organic Land Foundation- terfly populations, vermiculture, bees, the square meters of the property. not at all practical in the long term. Yupaichani Organic Land Foundation • Integrating this model into our vision beneficial insects, as well as support of “We do it because we can” is for reforestation for Vilcabamba natural water cycles, shade, and nitronot practical in the web of our inter- Our purpose: Valley, and beyond. (Water Security gen fixation. Yupaichani means “thank you Parelationship with all things. Here are meets Reforestation.5.15) chamama, which includes Earth, Sky some examples. We can make cement and all the beings” in the Quechua lanThe organizational barriers around our garden beds to structure will support us deal with steep slopes OR, we can use guage. Our purpose is to create a reponsite materials to build temporary licable sustainable model of preserving in these ways: corridors of land that integrate human fencing while the Vetiver grass grows Now that we have realized the in. Vetiver is a great slope stabilizer. It settlement and organic regenerative purchase of the property, we plan to agriculture. To enhance mutual respect also serves many other functions. For form a business as an Ecological Eduexample, it is a bioremediator. That is, and interconnection between the peocation Center, which will hold the deed ple, the land and all the living beings it will uptake excessive nutrients, if you to the property. This will make it poson the land within the framework of a have an excess of nitrogen or phosphosible for people to join the project at productive farm. To create a model of rus, it will incorporate them and store differing levels of investment as busihumans and nature living in symbiosis. them making a nutrient-rich mulch for ness share-holders. As a share-holder To create a living demonstration of a later use. It is a forage for animals, and company, we will have the fluidity to balanced agro-ecosystem. has many medicinal properties. By usallow people to join the project as hoing Vetiver, we increase our harvest in Forming a small landmeowners or investors, and also to sell many ways. based cooperative with their “parcel”, whether it be a home, or • Making ongoing choices to help heal Other examples: We can haul in shares, at current market value, if they ourselves and heal the land. consensus decision-makquality top-soil from a rich valley 100 choose. New homeowners would join • Supporting local and organic argriculPage 16 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
Why Garden?
S e & e e d r P u t r l o u tectio c a m r e n
upon consensual agreement with all the seeds. And it also extends by rational reasoning: food sovereignty today other current land partners . • Our association with existing founda- depends on this right and the power of tions will help us qualify for grant the future of our species. via Seed exchanges via local hubs are funding. • There will be possible Options for in- very important here, and throughout South and Central America, as I know volvement and buy into the project. Here is the link for the article Con- they are in the States as well. This is nection Magazine ran on our seed man- how we empower ourselves to embrace dala action. http://connectionmagz. and uphold the basic human right to grow, share, exchange, give away com/santacruz/how-you-can-helpand sell natural seed. defend-seed-freedom-by-joinHere are the guidelines ing-this-global-action-on-octofor our local seed exchanges. ber-22nd/to connect with that, We do not exchange money, I want to invite people to conbut people can bring sometinue to make Art Action Seed thing other than seed to Mandalas to draw public exchange if they need attention educate about seed, and don’t have the heinous corporate any to offer. agenda to control seed worldwide. While The guideworking on this relines: cent campaign to Vandana Shiva refers to The purpose of protect seed saving as “the most Ecuadors pro- important revolutionary act our community seed exchanges is to help hibition of GMOs, of our time”. preserve the genetic I have learned that seed heritage of this corporate control of seed on a global level is much more advanced than I un- land, to advance the knowledge of orderstood. Thus, I am including a letter ganic growing here in Vilcabamba valI am writing to a high level official in ley, to respect the work of those who Ecuador, in hopes that some of the in- have cultivated and grown the seeds, formation and my strategy may prove and especially to respect the life force helpful to your readers. As you read, of the seeds! Bring your seeds, and if you will see that we have the advantage you don’t have seeds to exchange, bring of being able to congratulate the cur- something fun– a nice cake, or juice, or rent government on many wise poli- perhaps some music CDs or movies to cies that they have put in place. And exchange. (Saving seeds requires a lot also encourage them to hold strong of time and energy!) Let’s spread the against corporate bullying. I believe it seeds far and wide, and take good care is always very important to maintain of them. This time, we will spend a little polite respect. I have been very impressed with more time for each person to share the organization of organic and food their knowledge about how to grow the sovereignty activism in Ecuador. Over seeds they have brought. You may want 500 organizations collaborated over to take notes. It is really helpful to label a 2 year period to write a very strong your seeds with growing information, organic law. When that law was eroded if possible, (as one would find on the and replaced by the heinous proposed package if the seeds were purchased.) So, let’s keep sharing info on law described below, these 500 organizations went into action, and wrote how to keep our heirloom and organic the Declaratorio that you can find here strains going, as well as sharing the http://protectancientseeds.weebly. seeds. Below, is the letter to the governcom/declaration-of-collaboration. ment official, with my stance for mainhtml Our website has lots of relevant information for any seed activ- taining Ecuador’s brilliant protection ists, anywhere The heart of this beau- of food sovereignty and prohibition tiful document, which I wish every of GMOs. It is especially relevant for person on Earth could read, is this: anyone living in a country that is conSeed is a common good that belongs sidering or has already agreed to the to mankind. It can not can be an ob- UPOV 91 international treaty, that the ject of appropriation on the part of proposed EC law is mimicing that law, private interests, nor on the part of the which is a prerequisite to the TPP. We State. Similar to the air, the Sun, or the must stop the TPP. smile of our children, our seeds be- Seed Protection Letter to long equally to every human being on Ecuador Government the planet, and not can be treated as a Thank you for the opportunity to resource strategic from any nation or communicate directly with you on this interest in particular. Access to seed important issue. is a basic human right, and includes We are a group of friends that has the right to acquire, adapt, enhance, endeavored to raise public awareness multiply, exchange, give away and sell of this issue in collaboration with or-
ganizations of which we are members, such as the RED AgroEcologico de Provincia de Loja, Cooperativa Agroecologico de Loja, RED Guardianes de las Semillas, and MESSE. We are taking guidance from the savvy facilitators of those groups, and working to provide awareness of Ecuadorean political history and international dynamics around these issues for the multi-cultural population of Vilcabamba and beyond (please visit www.pasproteccionancestralsemillas. weebly.com), and since we have worked together as a team, three of us are contributing to this correspondence. As coordinator, I will provide a little about my background, as an example of our group, and why we are so concerned about this issue. My professional career has taken two tracks. My Master’s Degree thesis in Wellness Design, was a national study on holistic approaches to health in the U.S. in 1983, which was requested by Harvard Medical School for their archives.
Seed Mandala In my 35 years as a practitioner in the public health sector, I treated thousands of patients who were struggling with a range of symptoms (including digestive problems, skin problems, and fibromyalgia) which consistently and readily improved when I coached them to stop eating GMO foods. Studies also link GMO consumption to various types of cancer. GMO related health problems advance slowly and insidiously and rob individuals and families of their health. The risks to human health are wide spread, creating problems in nearly every human organ system. Here are more sources on this: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=jwK4nTHHdBc&feature=you tu.be 2) in Spanish: www.pasproteccionancestralsemillas.weebly.com http://responsibletechnology. 3) org/?s=health+risks My other career path has been Permaculture, a design method for deriving the optimal sustainability options for any given place. Since 1988, I have been working internationally in Permaculture consultation and design, and teaching the internationally certified Permaculture Design Course, which I have taught here in Vilcabamba
since becoming a Resident of Ecuador in 2013. The 2008 ban on GMOs and other Buen Vivir policies were major attractions in my choice to invest my life in Ecuador. We are including information in this letter that very well may be known to you, including information about the law itself. We have become familiar with the power of the unscrupulous biotech industrial giants. The evidence is clear that their financial prowess has usurped the objectivity that could be provided by the scientific community. Many scientists and professors have lost their jobs when they presented their scientific evidence regarding the negative health and environmental affects of GMOs, such as the story of Arpad Pusztai in Scotland. http:// responsibletechnology.org/allfraud/ are-you-critical-of-genetically-engineered-foods-watch-out/ To date, over 40 farmers have been sued because wind-born patented seed contaminated their crops. This is a heinous injustice, but an even greater crime to the biodiversity, which is the inheritance of all beings, including all species, not only the human species. The concept of “terminator seed” is clearly against life. Farming with GMOS and the accelerating proliferation of necessary accompanying poisonous pesticides have come to be known as “conventional farming”. Another interpretation of conventional farming is massive sexual abuse of the plant world, in which the reproductive capacity of plants is manipulated and altered, with results that are threatening all life. Do we need to remind ourselves that Mother Nature has brought us to a brilliant level of biodiversity and has maintained life on this planet throughout time? In the three decades since the biotech industry has emerged, the number of species of cultivated crops has plummeted. According to an FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Association) study in 1999, more than 90% of crop varieties have dissapeared from farmer’s fields world-wide. At the time of that study, 75% of the world’s food was generated from only 12 plants and 5 animal species. From that study, “the principle underlying cause for the decline in biodiversity includes the rapid expansion of industrial and Green Revolution agriculture. The main cause of genetic erosion in crops, as reported by almost all countries, is the replacement of local varieties by new or exotic varieties and species.” FAO 1996. This is an under-appreciated crisis! The type of seed law which is currently being considered by Ecuador, which requires “certification” of all seeds has caused a wide range of problems in various countries, and the most
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S e & e e d r P u t r l o u tectio c a m r e n
serious and long-duration threat is that of biodiversity loss. In India, this type of law has caused an epidemic of suicide. Over 250,000 farmers have committed suicide because over time, they cannot afford the “improved” seed, and their soil has lost its microbial life, and its ability to recover fertility. They cannot feed their families, and steeped in shame and despair, many drink the poisons that were supposed to improve on their way of farming –methods that had sustained their families for centuries. The really important factor here is that long-term studies have shown that agro-ecology farming can compete and sometimes perform better in terms of production than “conventional farming”, without the damaging effects on the environment and on human health. Perhaps the most convincing and important study was done by the Rodale Institute over a 30 year period, ein/wp-content/uploads/2012/ 12/FSTbookletFINAL.pdf which showed: • Organic yields match conventional yields. • Organic outperforms conventional in years of drought. • Organic farming systems build rather than deplete soil organic matter, making it a more sustainable system. • Organic farming uses 45% less energy and is more efficient. • Conventional systems produce 40% more greenhouse gases. • Organic farming systems are more profitable than conventional. Another study:http://news. berkeley.edu/2014/12/09/organicconventional-farming-yield-gap/ And another: h t t p s : / / w w w. r e s e a r c h g a t e . net / p ro f i l e / Pau l _ He p p er l y / publication/232683912_Environmental_Energetic_and_Economic_Comparisons_of_Organic_and_ Conventional_Farming_Systems/ links/55fc9d2508aeafc8ac4 b060b.pdf And of course, organic methods are far better in terms of less pollution and soil erosion. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1987Natur.330..370R
for decades, that this is their agenda. Thus, there is great cause for concern.
Ecuador inspired the whole world with the 2008 Constitution of Pais Alianza.
the resilience to express sovreignty. Ecuador does not need to bow down to corporate pressure. From the FAO, http://www. fao.org/fileadmin/templates/nr/ sustainability_pathways/docs/Factsheet_SMALLHOLDERS.pdf “Unlike widespread perceptions, sustainable smallholders can be really productive. A large study examining smallholder agriculture covering 286 projects, over 37 million hectares in 57 developing countries, found that when sustainable agriculture was adopted, average crop yields increased by 79 percent. Also, sustainable systems were found more diversified, with yields often composed of more than a dozen crops and various animal products, generating higher yields. Higher yields mean increased household food security and higher household income, especially when money was saved through less fertilizer and pesticide use (Pretty et al, 2008).” The topics of food sovereignty and seed policy are deep and can be complex, and currently have the attention of the global community. The studies and perspectives we are offering are our considerations. We thank you very much for considering them. ***End of Letter***
but also for your non-profit organization, business or social group. Vilcabamba, Ecuador is a Permaculture haven, with world citizens from over 30 countries, this small pueblo is known to inspire actualizing the Permaculture ethics of: Care for the Earth, Care for the people and Share the abundance. In this magically alive setting, we will integrate the international curriculum of the Permaculture Design Certificate Course with special attention to these themes: • Bio-construction: Earthbag/Superadobe, bareque, ladrillos de adobe, cob, bamboo, techo de paja. • Water management: water retention landscaping, keyline design, ferrous cement storage tanks, fish culture • Alternative energy: solar, biogas, etc. • Ancestral knowledge from the rich indigenous agricultural heritage of the Andes • Seed saving and Hub strategies for multiplying seed saving initiatives. • Community building
The inclusion of the concept of providing legal rights for nature was the beginning of a new era. The prohibition of GMOs caused many people to move here, as Ecuador was recognized as a haven of safe health from the increasing health threats of GMOs. The network of well-crafted safe-guards to protect food soverignty and biodiversity is brilliant in Rafael Correa’s constitution. According to the media sources that are available to us, the current Ecuadorean government is continuing to choose to not sign the UPOV91 agreement, and the TPP. We applaud this, and are relieved! Yet, the proposed seed law seems to be entirely congruent with the design of the UPOV91. This agenda is contrary to the concept of Buen Vivir and the 2008 Constitution that has inspired the world. It means short term profit in the hands of a few versus long term balance of the ecosystem and the good health More About Vida Verde status of the populace. At Vida Verde Farm in VilcabamWhy not continue in that position of global leadership in giving impor- ba, we offer both Permaculture and tance to public health and education Holistic Body Therapy, understanding Zia Parker, with 25 years of PC and being unwilling to bow to corpo- that recognizing the inter-relationships experience ranging from Equatorial rate bullying? Ecuador is one of two innate in whole living systems helps us Guinea (W. Africa) to the Navajo and countries in all of South, Central and heal both our bodies and the earth. Arapaho peoples of North America’s North America that has maintained a These therapy offerings help us shift plains and desert, and beyond, is the ban on GMOs. Don’t we have a respon- our way of being in the world to help team coordinator and primary teacher. sibility to keep Ecuador GMO free as develop a sensitive and balanced rela- Together with her husband, Roshni a source of non-contaminated, open- tionship with ourselves and the living McEldowney, both with their twin caworld around us. pollinated fertile and natural seed? reers in sustainable agriculture and huWe stay busy with our gardens, man movement expression, will guide Especially because of Ecuador’s extraordinary biodiversity, the entire our seed activism and annually, for us to connect with our senses to the country serves the world as a living over 25 years, we offer the Permacul- world around us, amplifying our obseed bank. Ecuador could benefit fi- ture Design Certificate Course, 2017 servation skills exponentially. nancially by becoming a commercial The teaching team is diverse, inPachamama is calling! world producer of much needed orcluding both Ecuadorean ecologists, Permaculture Design ganic seed. With the incredible numindigenous teachers as well as deeply Course ber of micro-climates here, Ecuador experienced teachers from the US, Permaculture Design Course could become the world champion in Canada and Switzerland. recuperating the diversity of food crop Dates: Jan 29-Feb 10, 2017 at “Vida Bilingual: Spanish/English. Degenetics, which has deteriorated dan- Verde” Farm, Vilcabamba, Southern pending on registration, simultaneous gerously in the last two decades, and Ecuador. translation with headphones may be Now is the time to step into the provided. would be under extreme duress under the UPOV91 and Ecuador’s proposed world we collectively long for. Our Per- http://vidaverde.info/vilcabambaseed law. Ecuador’s topography, except maculture Design Course is for people permaculture-design-certificatefor the coastal region, does not lend it- who want to learn to design for sustain- course-2017/ We need to consider the self to industrial agriculture. The slope ability, and create integrated holistic grandchildren!!! and the incredibly complex terrain designs that produce on-going high This is a global battle. The bio- doesn’t allow for big machines. That tech industry has shown itself to be could be a saving grace! enormously powerful, with a heinous Improvement in public health agenda that goes beyond financial prof- has been a crowning achievement of it. It is clear that the aim is “strategic the current government. However, the control” of the food supply. proposed seed law is a threat to public The inclusion of this term “stra- health. Due to the agricultural knowltegic control” in the proposed seed law edge, the high percentage of small was the first indicator to those of us farmers, and resilience of it’s people, as Roshni McEldowney & Zia Parker that have dealt with the biotech giants well as favorable climate, Ecuador has yields. Yes! For your garden or farm, Page 18 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
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>cigdYjXi^dc id GdX` 8a^bW^c\! -$, " -$&( HZeiZbWZg 6c 6Yjai G^iZ d[ EVhhV\Z! .$+ " .$&& DXidWZg 6Yjai K^h^dc FjZhi! &%$& " &%$8Vaa [dg 9ViZh I]Z 6gi d[ E]did\gVe]n Â&#x2122; CVijgZ GZigZVi Â&#x2122; <VgYZc Hepatitis B Vaccine: What Parents Should Know >haVcY d[ @VjV^ Â&#x2122; =^YYZc 8Vcndch d[ JiV] Â&#x2122; HdcdgVc percent market share. It was US by Dr. Joseph Mercola ne of the most9ZhZgi d[ 6g^odcV important decisions pharmaceutical corporation
that every new parent makes is whether or not their child should receive a vaccination. Regardless of what your stand is, it is highly recommended that you learn about the vaccine in questionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;esSHFLDOO\ LWV HIĂ&#x20AC;FDF\ DQG ULVNVÂłEHIRUH JLYLQJ it to your child. In the United States, the hepatitis B YDFFLQH LV RQH RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW YDFFLQHV D FKLOG receives. Regulation states that they get it ZLWKLQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW IHZ KRXUV DIWHU WKH\ DUH ERUQ Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola says that the hepatitis B vaccine is the OHDVW MXVWLĂ&#x20AC;DEOH of any vaccine there is. Hepatitis B is only transmitted via contaminated needles, blood transfusion, or contact with contaminated blood and/or ERG\ Ă XLGV ZKLFK SXWV EDELHV DW YHU\ OLWWOH risk of contracting it. If the mother does not have it, then it is very unlikely that her child can get this disease. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH KHSDWLWLV % YDFFLQH¡V effectiveness has been called into question when serious side effects, including sudden deaths, have been reported following its administration. INFANT DEATHS FOLLOWING HEPATITIS B VACCINATIONS In a span of two months, eight infants from China died within minutes or hours after receiving the vaccine. In late 2013, a total of 17 deaths were noted among ChiQHVH FKLOGUHQ DJH Ă&#x20AC;YH DQG \RXQJHU IROORZLQJ hepatitis B vaccination. Among the eight infant deaths, six died after receiving the vaccine manufactured by Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products. The other two occurred after vaccination with a product made by Beijing Tiantan Biological Products. Investigations have been conducted, and use of these vaccines has been suspended. According to preliminary investigation, no link between the deaths and vaccines KDV EHHQ IRXQG %XW D Ă&#x20AC;QDO FRQFOXVLRQ KDV \HW WR EH UHDFKHG SHQGLQJ WKH LQIDQWV¡ DXWRSVLHV WR Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH UHDO FDXVHV RI GHDWK %RWK drug companies deny the accusations, while &KLQHVH KHDOWK DXWKRULWLHV LQFOXGLQJ &KLQD¡V National Health and Family Planning Commission, report that nine of the 17 deaths are due to unrelated causes, such as acute pneumonia, suffocation, and kidney failure. 5HJDUGOHVV RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;QGLQJV VKDUHV of these companies have dropped by 10 percent following the incidents. Negative UHDFWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ WKH JRYHUQPHQW¡V analysis and conclusions have spread on social media, while a father of one of the 17 GHFHDVHG FKLOGUHQ EHOLHYHV WKDW WKH Ă&#x20AC;QGLQJV WKDW WKHLU FKLOGUHQ¡V GHDWKV DUH QRQ YDFFLQH related are â&#x20AC;&#x153;absolute rubbish.â&#x20AC;? DEATHS RELATED TO SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) According to Dr. Mercola, it is not XQXVXDO IRU DXWKRULWLHV WR UXOH RXW D FKLOG¡V death following vaccination as â&#x20AC;&#x153;coincidence.â&#x20AC;? Common cases have occurred in the United States, where deaths have been attributed to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), without any investigation on its cause. :KHQ DQ LQIDQW¡V FDXVH RI GHDWK LV listed as SIDS, it is rare for anyone to check WKH EDE\¡V YDFFLQDWLRQ KLVWRU\ WR GHWHUPLQH if his symptoms were vaccine-related, even if biomedical literature has highlighted this connection. However, in China, the deaths occurred close to vaccination and the connection could not be ignored. In the wake of these deaths, Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products issued a statement saying that the deaths may be associated with an underlying disease, and that â&#x20AC;&#x153;coincidental diseases are the easiest to misinterpret.â&#x20AC;? 6KHQ]KHQ .DQJWDL LV &KLQD¡V ELJJHVW hepatitis B vaccine producer and holds 60
Merck that granted technology to the Chinese drug company in the 1990s. Vaccines were established in China in an effort to improve food and drug safety. HEPATITIS B RISK BY THE NUMBERS Dr. Mercola Hepatitis B is a rare, blood-transmitted disease, with only 54 cases in the zero to one age group reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1996. Statistically speaking, the incidence of the disease in the said age group was just 0.001 percent. At the same time, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) states that there were 1,080 cases of adverse reactions, with 47 deaths, from the hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 within the zero to one age group. Dr. Mercola says that, in reality, vaccine-derived immunity is short lived. Around 30 to 50 percent of vaccinated individuals lose their antibodies within seven years, while 60 percent who respond to the vaccine will lose detectable antibodies within 12 years. This means that these vaccines will not be able to provide any protection against the real causes of hepatitis B: promiscuous sexual behavior and intravenous (IV) drug abuse. Dr. Mercola adds that 50 percent of people who contract hepatitis B develop no symptoms after exposure. An additional 30 SHUFHQW ZLOO GHYHORS RQO\ Ă X OLNH V\PSWRPV Both groups end up with lifetime immunity. Twenty percent of those exposed to the disease will develop hepatitis B symptoms; 95 percent of this 20 percent will fully recover with lifetime immunity. Further, the possibility of children developing the disease is very small, and only 1.25 percent of those who are exposed will experience a serious complication. R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S F R O M D R . MERCOLA Since 1991, the recommended US childhood vaccination schedule involves a series of three hepatitis B shots: 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW VKRW LV DGPLQLVWHUHG ZLWKLQ KRXUV DIWHU WKH FKLOG¡V ELUWK The second shot is given between one and two months of age. The third is given between six and 18 months of age. Even if this is a part of the federal vaccine regulations, Dr. Mercola says that it is solely up to you whether you want your child YDFFLQDWHG RU QRW ,I \RX¡UH H[SHFWLQJ D EDE\ soon, make sure you do enough research RQ WKH YDFFLQH ULVNV YHUVXV EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV If you decide against the vaccine, you can amend the â&#x20AC;&#x153;consent for medical treatmentâ&#x20AC;? forms you sign upon entering the hospital before childbirth. You should also inform every nurse or medical staff taking care of your baby about your choice. There are reports that some newborns are being vaccinated in the nursery DJDLQVW WKHLU SDUHQWV¡ ZLVKHV ,Q WKLV FDVH keep your newborn with you at all times, or have a relative stay with the baby while in the nursery. Dr. Mercola also stresses the importance of having yourself tested for hepatitis % LI \RX¡UH SUHJQDQW DV LW LV SRVVLEOH WR SDVV on the infection without developing any symptoms. If you are a carrier, your baby ZLOO GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ EH DW ULVN For more information about the hepatitis B vaccine, along with other vaccines for infants, visit the National Vaccine Information Center. http://www.drmercola.com/vaccines/ hepatitis-b-vaccine-what-parents-shouldknow/ Printed with permission.
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“Does Any one Th at Reads You r Bl og Actu all y Eat Fas t Food…?”
by Vani Hari, the Food Babe was having an interesting conversation about our latest Vani Hari campaign with a family member last night. She said “Does anyone that reads your blog actually eat fast food…?” And this brings up a struggle I hear often. We all tend to rely on fast or processed store-bought options when we are not prepared—even if we know it’s not good for us.
Here’s how to change that:
It’s Thursday night and you just got off of work. You’re feeling exhausted and starving. After you pick the kids up or run an errand, you head directly to the grocery store and speed through the aisles looking for something fast and easy for dinner. After you load up your cart with a store-brand rotisserie chicken and rolls, you remember that you have no plan for lunch tomorrow… “What do I have in the house to pack for lunch? ....and, what about breakfast?” You’re not sure, but it’s a pretty safe bet that the fridge is empty because you were too busy to go shopping last weekend. Your stomach is growling and you can’t wait to get home, so you start grabbing quick options for tomorrow’s meals… Yoplait Yogurt, Bumble Bee Tuna, Goldfish Crackers, Bread, Honey Nut Cheerios. You start rationalizing, “Are Lean Cuisines REALLY that bad? They are soooo easy….”. So, you decide to grab a few while rushing through the aisles and making a beeline for the checkout stand. While waiting to ring out, “Oh, yum… look at those Snickers bars!”. Better grab those too. As you look down at your cart, you know these are not the healthiest food choices, but you are tired and stressed. You tell yourself you’ll get it together next week—this is the best you can do right now. Have you ever felt this way? Everyone’s schedule and lifestyle is different, but I think pretty much all of us can relate to feeling TOO
BUSY to eat healthy. There is a way to eat healthy without giving up on the foods you love, no matter how crazy busy your life is.
filtered water to drink throughout the day. I love the insulated bottle from Thinksport. It works great for hot tea too! Don’t feel like you need to do everything all at once! Just start off with one or two of these tips and start
working them into your life. Over time, I think you will be amazed at how much easier it is for you to stick with a healthier diet! Xo, Vani http://www.FoodBabe.com Printed with permission.
The solution is to create a lifestyle that makes healthy eating natural and easy.
Like everything else in life, this can take some work to get going, but eventually you will create habits that last a lifetime. Below are some tips for creating a lifestyle that makes healthy eating a breeze! • Make your breakfast at night. If you leave early in the mornings, this will make sure that you start your day off right! Try preparing some Apple Pie Chia Pudding or an Avocado Banana Berry Smoothie. • Clean out the junk! If it’s not there, you won’t be tempted. • Stock your house (and to-go bag) with healthy snacks. Most people make bad food choices when they are in a hurry, so make sure you have healthy options within an arm’s reach! Check out this list here to help ya get started! • Make double batch of dinner and freeze the 2nd half for later. Do the work only once and have dinner waiting for you when you’re too tired to cook! • Keep quick whole foods on hand that you can make a meal out of. Eating healthy doesn’t need to be complicated. Think frozen quinoa and beans that can be heated up and mixed with chopped tomato and avocado for a quick southwesternstyle bowl. • Make a big pot of soup on Sunday to eat for lunch throughout the week. I love having a homemade soup leftovers waiting for me in the fridge! • Join a CSA to have fresh food delivered automatically. Many cities now have CSA programs available that will deliver organic, fresh local fruits, vegetables, meat, and eggs to a nearby pick-up spot every week! Check for any in your area here. • Break in your slow cooker. Create one-pot meals that will be ready when you get home. Little work and hardly any cleanup! • Invest in a good stainless steel water bottle and keep full of
Page 21 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
Personal Mastery:
Coaching for Success
Ho w t o Reall y Change: of your life, and then Pa rt T wo gradually implementing
by Karin Leonard ast month we explored how to create sustainable change, and turn self-criticism into support. Today we’ll further explore the nature of lasting transformation.
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Ecology of Change
As you shift and grow, all areas of your existence are affected. Therefore, consider how Karin Leonard shifts in your behavior will affect the entire sysSudden Jumps and tem you are part of. How you relate Steady Growth to your mate, children and coworkers Putting the hype of unrealistic might change. Your work, home expectations aside, we are able to and leisure could take on a new flair. take evolutionary leaps in our mental, Most of this will likely be positive, emotional and spiritual developyet don’t be surprised if the people ment. There is the great magic of a you interact with resist “the new you.” sudden flash of insight, or the Be patient and understandfar-reaching effects of ing with significant inner shifts deep in other’s reactions, the unconscious yet clear in your mind. communicaHowtion, and sole v e r, t h e id in your key to boundarmake such ies. In the profound long run, change taking care work, is of yourself the steady and cultivatgrowth and ing the change support that you desire, will follows. Internal benefit everyone transformation ripyou interact with. ples through the fabric of When you are happy and in who we are, and therefore, affects harmony with yourself, all else falls all aspects of life. To sustain developinto place. ment, set up structures of support. Having had the privilege to Systems of Support witness countless clients transform The foundation that nurtures themselves and their lives, in a relasuccessful change is self-acceptance. tively short period of time, I am in Success does not come about by will awe of human nature, and what we power alone. Pushing yourself too are capable of accomplishing – once hard, or a self-punishing attitude, we decide to do so, and believe that only goes so far. What works is we can. And it is my personal miscreating your best life because you sion (and sincerest pleasure) to be in care about yourself. Nonetheless, service of this marvelous process of making positive change last does human evolution. require attention. We are creatures Karin H. Leonard is a profesof habit, and without daily focus sional coach, personal consultant and and helpful systems, even the most seminar leader, with 26 years of exprofound inner shift loses momen- perience in coaching, hypnosis, NLP tum. For example, if work has been and conducting workshops. Karin is consuming your life, and you realize a popular speaker, and available for a that at the end of your life you want variety of seminars, including coachto remember more than stress at the ing skills. Office located in Santa office, that realization alone is not Cruz. (831) 724-5400. Visit Karin’s enough to alter your lifestyle. Next, website at wwwInnerEvolution.com. design a sustainable rhythm, balancArt: THE CHANGELING, ing work with other important aspects © 1979 Melanie Gendron
Page 22 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
Feng Shui Wisdom for Home & Personal Transformation
Feng Shui Books: Are They Helpful or Confusing?
that intricate by Megan Montero and it takes a ave you ever lot of training read a Feng and experiShui book and ence to get it felt confused? Overright. Books whelmed about how give the imto proceed? Worried pression that that everything in your it is easy but house is wrong and Megan Montero if you look where do you possibly begin? Feng Shui books can further, they also explain the be very confusing! They can difference between getting also be helpful if you know help from a professional how to read them. I hope to consultant.
help you navigate through the confusion so you can benefit in your learning about Feng Shui. I was inspired to write this article because of some of the experiences my clients had had before they called for help. Although they resonated deeply with the idea that there is a significant connection between our lives and our living spaces, after trying to apply Feng Shui from a book they felt confused and frustrated. It was more difficult then they thought. The confusion led to worrying over things in their home. It is very difficult to Feng Shui a home from a book! One of my teachers, Francine Peterson, says, “You wouldn’t do brain surgery from a book, would you?!” Feng Shui can be
There are many different schools of Feng Shui and some take different approaches to meet the same end goal of bringing harmony to a living space for the benefit of the occupants. Some schools contradict each other and this is what creates the most confusion for readers. Consultants also have their own style, experience and opinion. So if you read multiple books from different schools you will be very confused!! There is no right or wrong approach. Each one has value. I suggest that you choose the approach that you feel drawn to and stick with it. Mixing different approaches in your home will create confusion in your results. Most Feng Shui books do a good job at explaining the bagua map. When ap-
plied to your living space, the bagua will show you what part of your home connects to your wealth, relationships, career and other aspects of your life. Depending on your floor plan, some aspects may be missing and some will be enhanced. The bagua is a fun and transformative tool for positive change. It can be fairly easy to apply the bagua on your own but if you have a complicated floor p l a n , u n d e rstanding how to apply the bagua from a book can be challenging and confusing. Yo u c a n still benefit from the Feng Shui wisdom shared in books if you have realistic expectations. Have fun with your learning and call for help if you are confused or need assistance with a serious issue in your life. Visit my blog for a list of my favorite Feng Shui books. For Feng Shui and Home Organizing advice tailored to your specific situation contact Megan at (831) 588-5424. Megan Montero is a Feng Shui consultant, a Home Organizer, a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer and a Weather Worker in the Nahua tradition of Mexico. She practices in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas, and by phone or Skype. Learn more about her services and workshops at www.windandwaterblessings.com and to sign up for her Free Newsletter to receive Megan’s Top 9 Feng Shui Tips for Restoring Harmony to Your Home.
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by Joyce and Barry Vissell all the little touches we give hat if Joyce dies one another. before me? This is I would deeply miss one of my greatest the way she plays with me. vulnerabilities. She teases me with such 6XUH , FRXOG GLH Ă&#x20AC;UVW sensitivity and love. A few Statistically, women live lonweeks ago, we were leading ger than men. But this is not a workshop in Assisi, Italy. I P\ YXOQHUDELOLW\ 0\ G\LQJ Ă&#x20AC;UVW was telling the group about Joyce and Barry Vissell brings up other feelings, like a special place we were abandoning my true love, not being there DERXW WR YLVLW , VDLG ´$QG LI ZH¡UH OXFN\ ZH to help her when she needs me. Of course I can be there at a time when there are no NQRZ ,¡OO DOZD\V EH WKHUH IRU KHU MXVW ZLWKRXW tourists.â&#x20AC;? Joyce caught a subtle expression a body. I have full faith that, in the realm of of distaste on my face, a slightly wrinkled VRXO ,¡OO EH HYHQ PRUH SUHVHQW IRU KHU ZLWKnose, and a quick downward pointing gesout the distractions that are here on earth. WXUH RI P\ Ă&#x20AC;QJHUV ZKHQ , SURQRXQFHG WKH (YHQ WKRXJK ZH¡UH ERWK KHDOWK\ LQ WKH word â&#x20AC;&#x153;tourists.â&#x20AC;? It was so quick that no one important ways, we are still seventy years else in the room seemed to notice. Joyce old. We are now in our senior years. Death could have ignored it, but it was too rich a of our bodies is no longer something that moment. She stopped me and pointed out can be ignored. what I had done, but in a way that helped 6R KRZ LV -R\FH¡V SDVVLQJ VXFK D me see the humor in my actions. It became GHHS YXOQHUDELOLW\ IRU PH" ,W¡V EHFDXVH RI a precious moment for the whole group. how much I need her. In our early years ,W LOOXPLQDWHG DQ XQFRQVFLRXV MXGJHPHQW together, I tried hard not to need her. I I held for tourists. It became a delightful ZDV Ă&#x20AC;QH ZLWK ORYLQJ KHU %XW QHHG WKDW¡V D LQVLGH MRNH IRU WKH ZKROH JURXS :H EHJDQ different story. To need Joyce would prove to notice and bless those wonderful throngs my inadequacy as a human being. Yet need of tourists who mingled with us during outher I did. Eventually, I could no longer fool ings, while many in the group mimicked myself. I had to face my inadequacy, my my wrinkled nose and downward pointing dependence, my weakness. And I received Ă&#x20AC;QJHUV , ORYHG LW DOO a bonus. By accepting my dependence on Every so often I practice a very Joyce, I am becoming a stronger man (yes, unusual meditation, one that I wholeheartLW¡V DQ RQ JRLQJ ZRUN %\ SXVKLQJ DZD\ P\ edly recommend everyone practice with need, I was weakening myself. By pushing a loved one. I face my worst fear, that of away my humanity, I was also pushing away Joyce dying. I let it play out as a conscious P\ VSLULWXDOLW\ ,W¡V D SDFNDJH GHDO <RX FDQ¡W nightmare. I see it happening. I let myself have one without the other. JR WKURXJK DOO Ă&#x20AC;YH VWDJHV RI JULHI GHQLDO So with fuller awareness of my need DQJHU EDUJDLQLQJ GHSUHVVLRQ DQG Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ for Joyce, and opening to the fully human acceptance. I feel as deeply as possible my part of me, the thought of her death is a life without Joyce, alone in our bed without scary thing. In my deepest vulnerability, â&#x20AC;&#x153;pit time,â&#x20AC;? eating meals alone, coming home I feel like a lost child, unprotected by the to an empty house, and trying to take care ZDUPWK RI -R\FH¡V WHQGHU ORYH of her beloved rose bushes without her My higher mind knows I can survive, loving touch. even thrive. I know I will call upon her soul But to end there would only be a night and day, maintaining a spiritual conmorbid meditation. The next step in the nection. My soul knows our profound conmeditation is crucial. I then open to her QHFWLRQ FDQQRW EH ORVW DIWHU RQH SHUVRQ¡V ever-present soul. I feel her pouring her love transition. into me night and day without end. I feel her %XW , FDQ¡W LJQRUH WKH YXOQHUDEOH FKLOG more with me than ever, undistracted by within me. On that very human level, I am her busy life on earth. This gives me great VFDUHG DW WKH WKRXJKW RI -R\FH¡V GHDWK , comfort. It is after these special meditasee myself wandering the earth unprotected tions that I approach my beloved Joyce by her loving arms, and making decisions with more openness, vulnerability, and love without her feminine wisdom. than usual. My appreciation of her has blosThe grief I envision is not only the somed, and she thoroughly delights in it. grief of a child. It is also my adult self that Here are a few opportunities to bring would dearly miss my best friend in all the more love and growth into your life, at the world. On a recent solo backpacking trip, I following longer events led by Barry and VDZ PRUH FOHDUO\ WKH MR\ WKDW -R\FH EULQJV Joyce Vissell: Feb 5-12, 2017 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hawaii WR P\ OLIH ,W¡V HYHQ LQ KHU QDPH :KHQ ,¡P Couples Retreat on the Big Island DORQH ,¡P PRUH VHULRXV , KDYH SHDFH TXLHW Jul 16-21 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Shared Heart Summer DQG FRQWHQWPHQW EXW QRW MR\ 7KH MR\ FRPHV Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR with being with Joyce. Oct 11-17 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Assisi Retreat, Italy Some of the happiest moments of Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therour lives together have been in nature. apist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, 1RW MXVW EHLQJ WRJHWKHU EXW VKDULQJ *RG¡V are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who natural beauty with my beloved. When I see DUH ZLGHO\ UHJDUGHG DV DPRQJ WKH ZRUOG¡V Joyce being thrilled by a stunning sunset, top experts on conscious relationship and RU WKH UHĂ HFWHG OLJKW RQ D SRRO RI ZDWHU P\ personal growth. They are the authors of own heart is more thrilled by her reaction The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk than what we are observing. How I would to Be Healed, 7KH +HDUW¡V :LVGRP Meant PLVV WKDW to Be, and $ 0RWKHU¡V )LQDO *LIW. How I would miss our physical toCall 7ROO )UHH logetherness. We have a special ritual before cally , or write to the Shared going to sleep every night. We call it â&#x20AC;&#x153;pit Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA WLPH Âľ :H¡YH GRQH LW IRU GHFDGHV , UDLVH 95001, for further information on counseling my arm and she snuggles into my arm pit sessions by phone or in person, their books, ZLWK KHU OHJ DURXQG PLQH ,W¡V GHOLJKWIXOO\ recordings or their schedule of talks and comforting for both of us. I would especially workshops. Visit their web site at Sharedmiss our sexual connection, the wonderful Heart.org for their free monthly e-heartletter, XQLRQ RI RXU ERGLHV %XW , ZRXOG PLVV MXVW their updated schedule, and inspiring past as much the little physical connections, articles on many topics about relationship holding hands while walking or praying, and and living from the heart.
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Standing Rock “You can live without money. You can live without oil. But you can’t live without water.” - Standing Rock Youth
forts are being met with force and In May of 2016, a multioil production in North Dakota, violence at the hands of private billion dollar corporation, Energy making it the second highest oil security and law enforcement Transfer Partners, began conproducing state in the nation, secentities guarding the pipeline. struction on the Dakota Access ond only to Texas.It is this excesIn one incident on September Pipeline (DAPL) project, despite sive production that created the 3rd, DAPL construction workers long standing opposition from industry’s demand for pipelines. plowed through a piece of Tribal the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Oil and wastewater spills land, destroying sacred sites and of North and South Dakota. The from pipeline leaks are now tragiburial grounds. Water protectors DAPL, also known as the Bakken cally common in North Dakota. who attempted to stop the bullOil Pipeline, is designed to extend More than 18 million gallons of oil dozers were confronted by private 1,168 miles across North Dakota, and toxic wastewater were spilled security forces who deployed pepSouth Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois, from 2006-2014, steadily increascrossing through ing in the years communities, after the boom. farms, tribal lands, Fracking sensitive natural aroperations foul eas and wildlife habthe water supitat. It is intended to plies in a numcarry crude oil from ber of ways. The the Bakken oil fields water table can in North Dakota to be irreparably Illinois where it will damaged by the link with another hydro-fracking pipeline that will itself, which is transport the oil to a separate issue terminals and refinfrom contaminaeries along the Gulf tion from pipeStanding Rock: Thousands of Wild Buffalo Appear Out of of Mexico. line leaks in that. Nowhere - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fetub0FvEwk If construcLikewise, the tion is completed, groundwater can the pipeline is exbe tainted very per spray and attack dogs. Followpected to carry approximately quickly and profoundly by the dising news reports of the incident, 500,000 barrels of crude oil daily posal of fracking wastewater. the journalist who covered the from North Dakota to Illinois, The fracking process instory and filmed the attacks was crossing underneath Lake Oahe volves drilling wells thousands charged with trespassing and riotand the Missouri River a half-mile of feet deep into the earth, past ing by North Dakota authorities. upstream from the Standing Rock aquifers, to reach rock formaThe repression effort is Sioux Tribe’s reservation. The tions, and forcing them to release becoming increasingly more Missouri River is the main source oil and gas. Once the well is drilled militarized and there have been of drinking and irrigation water and encased, three to five milhundreds arrests, injuries, dog for the 8,200 residents of the lion gallons of water mixed with attacks, pepper spray, strip Standing Rock reservation. The chemicals and sand are pumped searches, and other violations of pipeline would pump an estimated at extreme pressure into the well, civil rights. On October 23rd the 17,000 gallons of oil per minute which shatters the rock, creating Morton County Sheriff’s office underneath this water source, multiple fractures. The sand and announced plans to escalate their which would be devastated by a chemicals seep into the cracks response by calling in additional spill or leak. This project poses and hold them open to release police forces from six states to serious environmental threats and oil and gas which is pumped to confront the Standing Rock water will disturb burial grounds and sathe surface. This process poses protectors. cred sites on the Tribe’s ancestral a high risk of ground water conOn October 27th several Treaty lands. On July 26, 2016 tamination. Once the fracking inhundred officers in riot gear surthe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jection fluids enter a natural aquirounded and moved in on one of gave its approval to run the DAPL fer or water course, the damage is the Standing Rock camps, firing underneath Lake Oahe, in violaextremely difficult to reverse. rubber bullets, bean bags, tasers, tion of federal law. One day later, As part of the fracking proand pepper spray, with support on July 27th, the Standing Rock cess, some of the fracking injecfrom helicopters, military HumSioux Tribe filed a complaint in tion fluid returns to the surface of vees, ATV’s, and a sound canon. federal court seeking an injunction the earth, mixing with groundwaOver 100 people were arrested. to halt construction. The Tribe’s ter to produce a toxic wastewater Several live streamed videos were legal action has been followed by by-product. Drilling companies recorded and are available here: a rapidly growing movement of then dispose of this contaminated Video 1, Video 2 peaceful support. A timeline and wastewater by injecting it back The Standing Rock Sioux collection of articles chronicling into the earth via wastewater disTribe is now calling upon the events is available here. posal wells. This procedure has federal Department of Justice to There are now thousands caused earthquakes in fracking intervene on behalf of their rights of people camped out at Standregions all across the country. to freedom of speech and religion, ing Rock, including international Earlier this year, in Oklaand to investigate civil rights viosupporters and representatives homa, state regulators shut down lations by state and local law enfrom hundreds of Indigenous more than 30 fracking wastewater forcement agencies. tribes across the North American disposal wells following a 5.6 Fracking and North continent. These water protectors magnum earthquake that was felt Dakota’s Oil and Gas Boom are engaging in daily peaceful, across 5 states. prayerful, non-violent actions to For full article and many The DAPL is a direct result stop construction. links to go deeper and to be of advances in hydraulic fracturPrayer, diverse Indigenous more active, go to: http://www. ing, or fracking, practices which spiritual practices, and a duty to greenmedinfo.com/blog/specialhave created a dramatic increase protect sacred sites and natureport-standing-rock-environin oil and gas production in North ral resources are central to this mental-and-social-justice-conseDakota. Beginning in 2006, frackmovement. In return, their efquences-dakota ing led to a ten-fold production in
Every 4th Monday
Santa Cruz
Join our Meetup for our monthly meetings as we explore what’s emerging as the World Awakens! Official Thrive Movement Site: http://ThriveMovement.com
Live Oak Grange 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz
This Meetup is for people inspired by the information and themes covered in the film "Thrive - What On Earth Will it Take.” We will continue to educate ourselves in the Big Picture of what's happening in the world: Deep Politics, Free Energy, the Co-optation of the "Green Movements," Global Domination, UN Agenda 21, Ending Debt-based Money Systems, Horizontal (Non-Hierarchical) Organizing, and how to support each other in promoting real change.
meetup.com/thrive-santa-cruz This Meetup is for people inspired by the information and themes covered in the film "Thrive - What On Earth Will it Take.” We will continue to educate ourselves in the Big Picture of what's happening in the world: Deep Politics, Free Energy, the Co-optation of the "Green Movements," Global Domination, U.N. Agenda 21, Ending Debt-based Money Systems, Horizontal (NonHierarchical) Organizing, and how to support each other in promoting real change.
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How Did These Breeds All End Up ‘Naked?’
by Dr. Becker ou may not be able to imagine your dog or cat without his soft, furry coat, but for some people, a hairless pet is far more alluring. With their unusual and striking appearances, hairless pets attract a lot of attention, but it's their personalities that make a lasting mark on their owners' hearts. Hairlessness in dogs and cats is actually a genetic defect that was purposefully propagated at some point in history. Today, while some people choose hairless pets simply because they like their appearance, they're most often chosen over their furry counterparts because they do not shed and are assumed to be hypoallergenic (which isn't necessarily the case—more on this later). Skin Problems Are More Likely in Hairless Pets There are some special considerations if you share your life with a hairless dog or cat, especially when it comes to caring for their skin. Hairless cats may need to be wiped down or even bathed regularly, because they don't have fur to absorb all the oil on their skin. Hairless dogs need regular baths RE U Q too — typically E O once a week or every other week. If you don't bathe them often enough, they CARING PEOPLE...CARING FOR PETS may develop acne, but if you bathe them too often or with the wrong shamOffer expires expires 12/1/16 5.18.16 Offer poo (best to use an organMust present coupon at time of visit ic, coconut-oilbased shampoo with no harsh chemicals) their skin may become dry and irritated. Coconut oil Now Seeing makes a good post-bath Smaller Pets! moisturizer. Birds Skin infections can Rabbits be common in Pocket pets hairless pets, including yeast overgrowth in cats. You'll also need to protect your * Daytime dog from the Emergency elements even 2505 S. Main St., Soquel Jason Miller, DVM more so than Services* a fur-covered www.soquelcreekanimalhospital.com Family Owned & Operated pet.
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Dr. Becker They are prone to sunburn (consider the use of an animal-friendly natural sunscreen when your pet will be outdoors for longer periods) and are also vulnerable to both hot and cold temperatures, as fur helps regulate the skin's surface temperature. Hairless dogs living in cold climates should wear a coat when they go outdoors and may also enjoy wearing a soft sweater when they're inside. Are Hairless Dogs and Cats a Good Choice for People With Allergies? Aside from the fact that they don't shed (or shed only slightly in those with tufts of hair), the other common reason why people choose hairless dogs and cats is because they're believed to be hypoallergenic. However, there are no 100 percent hypoallergenic cats or dogs. This is because the major cat and dog allergens (Can f 1 [dog allergen] and Fel d 1 [cat allergen]) are found not only in hair but also in saliva and dander and on the skin. For instance, all cats produce the Fel d 1 protein, and it's not related to the amount of dander or shedding. The Fel d 1 protein is quite small, so when it's attached to a piece of airborne cat skin, it can linger in the air for hours. Some of the best cats for people with allergies therefore have nothing to do with how much fur they have but with how much Fel d 1 protein they produce. The Balinese, which has a long shaggy coat, is actually one of the most "hypoallergenic" cat breeds because they produce less Fel d 1 protein than other breeds. That being said, with no fur to trap allergens from their saliva, hairless cats and dogs may not cause an allergic reaction as easily as other breeds. Keep in mind, however, that even without fur the Fel d 1 (or Can f 1) protein will still be present. 5 Hairless Cat and Dog Breeds There are several types of hairless dogs and cats. Each breed is as unique as its appearance implies. 1. Chinese Crested (Dog) Chinese Crested dogs may be hairless or coated (known as powderpuffs). The hairless type has a mohawklike strip of fur on his head and
long fur on his ears, face, tail, feet and lower legs. Chinese cresteds are intelligent, agile and affectionate dogs who love to be with their owners. Chinese crested may be at increased risk of inherited eye diseases, including progressive retinal atrophy and primary lens luxation, which may cause vision loss. They are also prone to developing blackheads and other acne and may suffer from dental abnormalities. 2. Sphynx (Cat) The Sphynx is a cross between hairless cats and rex cats. They're known for their large ears and wrinkly skin, which requires regular bathing or wipe downs because it's rich in oils. Some Sphynx cats have fine "peach fuzz" like fur while others may feel like suede. These cats tend to crave attention and like to show off for their owners. They're affectionate and often engage in silly antics. Aside from the potential for clogged pores in their skin, Sphynx cats are not prone to any serious health problems. 3. Peruvian Inca Orchid (Dog) This exotic-sounding dog is a cousin to the Chinese crested. He's a sighthound who is born without fur except for a small patch atop his head as well as on his toes and tip of his tail. Peruvian Inca Orchids tend to be loyal and affectionate dogs with a playful nature and good manners. They are not prone to any specific medical problems. 4. Peterbald (Cat) Peterbalds, which originated in St. Petersburg, Russia, come in four coat types ranging from hairless with slightly sticky skin (known as ultrabald) to "brush coat," which describes a variety of hair that may be fine, long, wiry or a combination. Peterbalds are affectionate, intelligent and extroverted cats that may vocalize loudly. The genetic mutation that causes hairlessness may be a cause of feline ectodermal dysplasia, which is associated with dental abnormalities. 5. Xoloitzcuintli Xoloitzcuintlis, or "showlows" for short, are a primitive breed that originated in Mexico, apparently without much help from humans. Known for being loyal, alert and calm, they're also good watchdogs that are wary of strangers. They tend to be a healthy breed, but may occasionally suffer from kneecap dislocation (luxating patellas). If you're interested in adding a hairless dog or cat to your family, seek out a pet in need first. Many rescue organizations catering to hairless breeds can be found throughout the U.S. and beyond. http://healthypets.mercola.com Printed with permission.
Page 26 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
No Matter Our Differences...
Intuitive Insights by M elanie G endron , C reator of T he G endron T arot
atching the contestants in current political drama, I am reminded of chimps slinging feces to prove who is more alpha. Does the one who throws the most poop win? It’s perplexing for a baby boomer from the love generation. I would prefer to be inspired and proud to be American, not embarrassed or afraid. Many of us have suffered various setbacks leaving us vulnerable financially, dependent on any help we can muster. Retirement remains an upper middle class dream with most seniors treading the waters hoping to survive, and students graduating college in deep debt at the beginning of a career. We learn to let go nonessentials as we keep dreaming of a better life. Yet our best life is the one we are living this moment; it’s what we have to build on. This is the life to cherish, the one to change and the one for which to be grateful. There will always be room for improvement. The soul’s garden flourishes when
pruned. Letting go what does not serve our Higher Self functioning grows our character. Expanding our consciousness, we transcend the ego’s need to sling feces as we fertilize our character with empathy and compassion. Cultivating respect for one another, we learn to tolerate differences and to accept that we are each uniquely deserving of our individual perception. No matter our differences, we can and must learn to work together to create a peaceful world. Blessings, Melanie
Melanie Gendron Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art, unique gifts, tarot services and products, (831) 335-9064, email http://gentarot@comcast. net, visit http://www.melaniegendron.com. There’s a new book on the horizon that spotlights Melanie’s Goddess artwork, The Elemental Goddess, published with River Sanctuary Publishing. Books available late Dec. 2016, early 2017. The personified tarot cards in This Fool’s Journey
this book a visual as well as consciously expansive treat. —John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
talk about themselves, making the archetypes accessible to the reader. The line drawings of the Gendron Tarot major arcana make
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The Relaxing Rejuvenation of an Aromatherapy Facial
by Cynthia Tanner, LE nvironmental aggressions such as the assaults of wind and sun, can cause a delicate visage to lose its youthful glow and moist radiance. Life’s stresses can cause us to feel devitalized and in need of restful rejuvenation. A professional aromatherapy facial is a wonderful way to revive and refresh your complexion and your spirit. Having a facial treatment is a chance to take
Cynthia Tanner, LE a break from your hectic activity — to relax and be transported to peaceful, heal-
ing renewal. The first important steps toward beautiful healthy skin are cleansing to eliminate impurities, and exfoliation, to remove dead epidermal cells. An aromatherapy facial begins with skin analysis to determine your skin type, and decide which essential oils to use for the facial treatment. For normal/sensitive skin, a lovely blend of camomile, lemon and sandalwood essential oils brings nourishment and bal-
ance, and for dry/dehydrated skin the blend of choice is basil, lavender and rosewood essential oils to energize and revitalize. A soothing massage with essential oils of the face, neck, and shoulders helps to induce deep relaxation, melting away stress and tension. Now a customized, herbal nutrient masque is applied with a silk brush, and remains on the skin while Jin Shin Do acupressure of the scalp allows for a deepening stress release. The masque is then gently removed with a warm lavender-infused towel, leaving the skin luminous and radiating health. Your skin is now pre-
Protect Yourself from Toxic Chemicals
by Linda Chaé Now, that doesn’t make a e’ve all lot of sense, but read about if we examine increases the ingredients in allergies and skin on the personal conditions like ecand skin care zema that seem to products we be increasing everyuse, we’ll find where. The question Linda Chaé a wide range of is “What’s causing this and how can I protect toxic ingredients in many myself and my family?” of them – including things Well, here’s a little known like sodium laurel or laureth secret – a lot of the cause may sulphate, parabens, PEGs, be the very products you’re fragrance, colors and dyes. exposed to in your own home. Does that matter? It does if
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you start every day by slathering on products filled with toxins. Recent studies suggest that we touch over 300 toxic chemicals before we leave the bathroom in the morning. And don’t forget that if your home has carpets and upholstered furniture, it probably contains chemicals like formaldehyde, glues, and other toxins. Add that to paints and varnish finishes and you have a cocktail of toxins to impact your health – and your skin may be the first place it appears. So, how do I start ‘cleaning out’ the offending items? You can easily begin to change out products with simple, small steps. Begin by reading the labels on every product you buy! The following list includes some of the most offensive ingredients to avoid – so choose products that do not contain these toxins.
Red Flag Ingredients (toxic synthetic chemicals) to Avoid:
• Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)
• Benzoyl Peroxide – found in many acne products •DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), & TEA (Triethanolamine) • Dioxin – extremely toxic, by-product of manufacturing Tirclosan, etc. • DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (Imidazolidinyl) • FD&C Color and Pigments • Fragrances – a term for all synthetics • Parabens—Methyl, Propyl, Ethyl, Butyl • PEG (Polyethylene glycol) with any number or addition • Phthalates - (often present with sunscreens and other ingredients on this list) • Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol • Quaternium 15 • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Sodium Methyl Sulfate • Sunscreen chemicals: avobenzone, benzphenone, methoxycinnamate, paba, etc. • Triclosan – antibacterial agent Take time to find the best natural, certified organic and/or wild crafted formula-
pared to optimize the absorption of a nutrient rich serum, then protective cream is applied to complete the experience. Cynthia Tanner, licensed esthetician since 1987, received training in advanced esthetics at Prima Facie Skincare Academy in San Francisco, and attended Sothys Institute in Burlingame, Ca. Additional studies include micro-current rejuvenation, aromatherapy, and energy healing. Cynthia offers facial treatments at her private beauty studio in the Seabright area of Santa Cruz. You can contact her at (831) 251-5570. tions. Look for certifications like: Certified ToxicFree® Product Seal, the EcoCert Seal or the USDA Certified Organic Seal. These products will provide a healthy alternative to help you eliminate chemical toxins. You’ll find personal care, skin care, baby care, household care – even pet care products – that are natural and organic. Even scented candles used to clear away bad odors put out toxic fumes that pollute the air in your home – with fragrances that can contain hundreds of separate chemicals to cover the smells you don’t like. No wonder air in our homes is typically 10 times more polluted than outside air! These are easy to follow, common sense suggestions. Not so secret, but very simple to begin making small changes with big results. About the Author: Linda Chaé is President & Chief Formulator for Chaé® Organics, Inc. and a pioneer in ‘go natural’ skin care for consumers. As a consumer advocate, protecting human beings from dangers in skin care products became personal when she became a cancer survivor—see www. lindachae.org or visit www. chaeorganics.biz Copyright © Chaé® Organics, Inc. 2008 Printed with permission.
Page 28 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ November 2016
Neil Young Announces New Solo LP ‘Peace Trail’ Due DEC 2ND.
by Meghann Finn fter releasing the video for new single “Indian Givers” last month, Neil Young has announced the upcoming release of a full new album, Peace Trail. Track titles include “My New Robot” and “Terrorist Suicide Hangliders”. Even at 70, Neil Young remains as prolific as ever. According to his press release, Young has announced a new solo album titled Peace Trail, set for release December 2 via Reprise. This album is described as “primarily acoustic” effort that “reflects an intimate, sparse approach that draws the listening into the heart of the songs in a personal way.” This will be his 38th studio album overall, and his second of this year after this past summer’s Earth, which was recorded during his 2015 tour with Promise of the Real and mixed with wildlife sounds. Some Music Highlights in Santa Cruz: Coconut Grove Historic Ballroom: The Chris Robinson Brotherhood, Ex-Black Crowes front man Chris Robinson has reinvented himself with a band more musical, soulful and downright fun than his previous brotherhood. Their latest is a mix between The
Grateful Dead and P-Funk, longer on vibes than songs but confirming their s p o t Meghann Finn on the j a m band top tier. It’s good-time music on an end-times mission: When the pedal-steelgilded “California Hymn” declares, “Let your cup overspill again—glory hallelujah!” it seems churlish not to answer back, “Amen.” Sun. December 11th 2016, tickets available on https://www.eventbrite. com/e/chris-robinson-brotherhood-santa-cruz-sun-dec11-21-tickets-27088050087, Please note: very limited seating in the back as this is a dance show. Catalyst Club: Fishbone, Nov. 6, 2016, Celebrating 25+ years, FISHBONE has been leading their way through the history of American Ska, Funk, Punk, Rock Fusion and (so called) Black Rock since starting their career in L.A. Slightly Stoopid, Hailing from Ocean Beach, California, this seven-man band is just as versatile as the crowd it draws. Their music delves into just about every genre, with elements of reggae, ska, laid-back hiphop, and psychedelic rock embedded in their works. Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Sat. Nov. 12, 2015. New Orleans native Trombone Shorty began his career as a band leader at the young age of six, toured internationally at age 12, and spent his teems playing with
Either in Theaters or Video Now by Karin Leonard and s ur pr is ing celebration of & Daniel Robin ach month, the empowered we select blue tang star our favorite in search of her or otherwise imparents portant films to that has Karin Leonard be featured on short& Daniel Robin this page. We t e r m rate them, subjectively, on a memory loss but scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 exception vigilance (awesome) in terms of their and drive. Utterly entertainment and message. charming, and eduWe leave the plot details and cational, such as storytelling to the filmmakers we have come to and instead attempt to char- expect from the Osacterize, highlight strengths car-winning team and, hint at purpose. Reach that wrote and prous at movies@innerevolution. duced it. Andrew com. Enjoy! Stanton, the same Finding Dory writer behind Toy Story 1 and 2 and With Ellen DeGeneres, WALL-E, delivers Albert Brooks, Ed O’Neill Entertainment: 3.5 a human-centered Message: 4 view of fish family Disney-Pixar swims bonds, the epitome a g a i n t h r o u g h a c l e v e r of teamwork, and
various brass bands throughout New Orleans and touring worldwide with Lenny Kravitz. He fronts Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, a funk/rock/ jazz/hip-hop band. Suicidal Tendencies, Fri. Nov. 18, Formed in Venice, CA, during the early ‘80’s, the groups leader from the beginning was outspoken vocalist Mike Muir. The outfit specialized in vicious hard-core early on— building a following among skateboarders, lending a major hand in the creation of skatepunk—before turning their focus into thrash metal. Gogol Bordello, Sun. Nov. 20, New York gypsy-punk favorites. Kuumbwa Jazz California Banjo Extravaganza, Fri Nov 11, This year’s annual norther California five-string banjo celebration features eclectic banjoist Danny Barnes, old-time music master, singer-songwriter and A Prairie Home Companion regular Joe Newberry and California favorite Bill Evans. Asleep at the Wheel & Hotclub of Cowtown (at Rio Theatre) At Rio Theatre for ever forty years, this band has been spreading countryjazz joy that is western swing across the globe Moes Alley: TAUK Wed. Nov. 2, dirty funk from NYC with special guests 7 Come 11. Pressure Busspipe, Thurs. Nov. 3, smooth, melodic reggae music. Pressure is an artist dedicated to consistently delivering conscience messages to teach and unite the masses through his musical talents. Scott Pemberton Band, Sun. Nov. 13, Portland’s Scott not letting the odds get you down (1 hr 37 min.) Check the online version for weekly updated current movies: http://connectionmagz.com/santacruz/moviereviews/
e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our
Pemberton is not your average guitarist. He’s a musical nomad. One moment, he’s shredding through the blues. The next, he’s living in a classic rock world. Check him out! Meg Finn is a Santa Cruz based live music enthusiast, photographer, bilingual educator, activist, Phish loving-dancing machine. She spends her weekdays teaching a full time Kindergarten class at Gault Elementary School in Santa Cruz. On her weekends she is running her small business, Show of Life Photo Booth, collecting jade in Big Sur or getting lost in the redwoods with her American Bulldog, mini cow, named Bamboo.
readers, tell all of the Arts & Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-429-4135 Tuesday, November 1 • Ages 16+
Tuesday, November 1 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus J.Lately
Wednesday, November 2 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Thriftworks
Thursday, November 3 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
Friday, November 4 • Ages 16+
COLT FORD Saturday, November 5 • A 16+ NGHTMRE ges
Saturday, November 5 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE Sunday, November 6 • Ages 16+
Sunday, November 6 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Monkey
Tuesday, November 8 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus DJ Shea Butter
Wednesday, November 9 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus The Young Wild
Thursday, November 10 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Mouse Powell
Friday, November 11 • Ages 16+
Friday, November 11 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
Thu. • Nov. 3 • 7:30pm • $15 Gypsy Soul Italian/Irish/So.African/ Ukranian Sun. • Nov. 6 • 7pm • $10 The Lonely Heartstring Band Soaring Bluegrass
Saturday, November 12 • Ages 16+
TROMBONE SHORTY & Orleans Avenue
Saturday, November 12 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Boogie
Sunday, November 13 • Ages 16+
Sunday, November 13 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Fri. • Nov.11 • 8pm • $20 • Dance Golden State-Lone Star Blues Revue w/ Mark Hummel, Anson Funderburgh, Jim Pugh, Wes Starr & RW Grigsby CA/TX Blues Supergroup
Monday, November 14 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Sun. • Nov.13 • 2pm Matinee • $15 Jeff Sanford’s Cartoon Jazz Septet w/ Cartoon Films + Robert Strong’s Comedy & Magic
Thursday, November 17 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Sun. • Nov.13 • 7pm • $10adv/$12dr Baby Gramps + Jayme Kelly Curtis & Ukulele Dick • Rags/Jazz/Blues Fri. • Nov.18 • 8pm • $20 John Craigie • Humble & Hilarious Singer/Songwriter + Mark Mooney Sat. • Nov.19 • 8pm • $20 Peter Rowan + David Addington & Scott Liess, The Wise Woman Channel Benefit Americana
plus Honeycomb
Tuesday, November 15 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
plus Black Fast
Wednesday, November 16 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
DIARRHEA PLANET Thursday, November 17 • Ages 16+
Escape the Fate
JOHN BROWN’S BODY Friday, November 18 • Ages 16+
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES Saturday, November 19 • Ages 16+
Saturday, November 19 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
TODOS TUS MUERTOS Sunday, November 20 • Ages 16+
Sunday, November 20 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Eko Zu
Monday, November 21 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Nov 23 The Expendables (Ages 21+) Nov 25 Rising Appalachia (Ages 16+) Nov 26 Minnesota/ Space Jesus (Ages 18+) Dec 2 Beats Antique (Ages 16+) Dec 3 SesHolloWaterBoys (Ages 16+) Dec 4 Living Legends (Ages 16+) Dec 5 Brothers Osborne (Ages 16+) Dec 8 Kabaka Pyramid/ Raging Fyah (Ages 16+) Dec 9 Hari Kondabolu (Ages 21+) Dec 16 IAMSU (Ages 16+) Dec 17 The Expendables (Ages 16+) Dec 30 & 31 The Devil Makes Three (Ages 21+) Jan 13 & 14 Iration/ Protoje (Ages 16+) Jan 27 Felly/ Gypps (Ages 16+) Jan 28 Y & T (Ages 21+) Feb 15 Riff Raff (Ages 16+) Feb 23 J Boog/ Jo Mersa Marley (Ages 16+) May 24 Robin Trower (Ages 21+)
Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.
Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online
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Prop. 64: Not the Legalization You’re Expecting
by Dragonfly de la Luz ith just days until one of the most controversial elections in history, California voters are faced with another initiative to legalize recreational pot. The media often incorrectly reports that Prop. 64 creates “full legalization.” It does not. Prop. 64 is a flawed initiative that calls for jail time for a host of harmless offenses, making being pro-legalization and pro-Prop. 64 two different things entirely. Several weeks ago, I published an article titled “12 Reasons to Vote KNOW on Prop. 64” on voteknowprop64.blogspot.com, a blog I set up for the express purpose of informing voters of some of the misconceptions, potential pitfalls, and unintended consequences of the initiative that the average voter is likely unaware of. More recently, a drastically redacted version of that article was republished by Connection Magazine, with substantial edits that fundamentally changed or misrepresented many of those arguments. Certain people took to rebutting it, without realizing they were “rebutting” the wrong article. As a result, my reasons to “vote know” remain completely unaddressed by Prop. 64 supporters – and completely valid. In fact, on Oct. 30, Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg), a pro-cannabis, pro-
legalization Democrat and one of the authors of the new law to regulate the state’s medical cannabis industry, announced that he will vote against Prop. 64—and the reasons he cites are both concerns that my article brings up: because it would “pour hundreds of millions of dollars into a state fund, but includes no direct revenue stream to local government,” and because it would allow mega-grows of unlimited size after five years. “That would ‘blow the lid off’ protections for the small, family pot farmers who make up the backbone of the North Coast industry, McGuire said,” according the Press Democrat. Countless people are hedging their votes on the misconception that some of the anticipated taxes would go toward building schools, as is the case in Colorado, or to cash-strapped local governments, as is happening in Washington, so it seems important to point out that this would not be the case.i And this component is not likely to be “fixed” by future legislation. If Prop. 64 passes, it will give the governor and his appointees power over potentially billions of dollars of tax revenue. That is not the kind of power any elected officials are likely to just give back. It is highly unlikely that any bill attempting to redirect tax monies would ever make it off the legislative floor.
missal of sentence before the trial court that entered the judgment of conviction in his or her case to request resentencing or dismissal.... But the initiative also says: (k) Nothing in this and related sections is intended to diminish or abrogate the finality of judgments in any case not falling within the purview of the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act. And that vague wording leaves a lot of unanswered questions. While it is clear which cases would fall within the purview of the initiative—possessing an ounce or less and cultivating six plants or less certainly would, but there is literally no one behind bars for simple possession since it’s already not an arrestable offense, and there is likely no one serving time for minor cultivation, either—it is not so clear which cases would fall outside the purview of Prop. 64. Suppose someone was convicted of growing a few dozen plants, but with aggravating factors like water diversion, pesticide run-off, or child endangerment? Surely, that wouldn’t fall under the purview of the initiative. How about someone who was convicted of intent to sell with an associated conviction of possession of a firearm? Or someone who was convicted of transporting, but also evading police? The reality is, prosecutors almost always find aggravating charges to apply; rarely is a conviction as cut-and-dried as simply “cultivation” or “intent to sell.” Can a judge determine that a more complex case, one with aggravating factors, falls outside the purview of Prop. 64, and is thus ineligible for resentencing? It would seem so, but I’m not an attorney; I don’t have the answer, I’m just posing the question. Although exactly who would get released from jail under Prop. 64 remains speculation, one fact that can’t be ignored is that almost no one is serving time in
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From a social justice standpoint, Prop. 64 also leaves much to be desired. Despite the rhetoric that the initiative would help those who have been unfairly targeted by the drug war (which, ironically, the initiative would perpetuate by leaving all cannabis laws except simple possession on the books, and by creating commercial regulatory hoops that most would fall short of jumping through), Prop. 64 disproportionately targets low-income communities with its three-strikes provision. Historically, these provisions are always selectively enforced, because who is likely to get arrested for the same offense multiple times? People who live in heavily-policed neighborhoods. A third offense in almost any category—transporting, selling any amount, and even sharing or gifting cannabis for adults over 21 who share with other adults under 21—carries a prison sentence of up to 4 years.ii It is no secret that most people are not exactly fans of Prop. 64. Even Dale Gieringer, Director of Cal NORML, concedes that “...it’s not the best initiative ever written” and “it has some problems.” But many have reported that they plan to hold their noses and vote yes anyway, for the sole reason that they believe Prop. 64 will release pot offenders from prison. While, on the surface, this appears to be an attractive feature of the initiative, it does not guarantee that anyone will be released. The text says: 11361.8 (a) A person currently serving a sentence for a conviction, whether by trial or by open or negotiated plea, who would not have been guilty of an offense or who would have been guilty of a lesser offense under the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act had that Act been in effect at the time of the offense may petition for a recall or dis-
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California for cannabis. According to the the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, only 3/10 of 1 percent are in prison for any cannabis-related offense. In cold, hard numbers, that amounts to 285 people. That’s not a typo. Proponents have been trying to sell Prop. 64 on the basis that it would let thousands, if not millions, of pot prisoners go free, but facts are facts: As of October 2015, there are only 285 people in the entire state of California serving time for any pot-related offense. While, of course, the freedom of every life is valuable and worth fighting for, it is clear now that there are far more people who are free today that would face incarceration under Prop. 64 than those who would be released under the initiative. Because of the new regulations Prop. 64 imposes, an estimated 2 million medical cannabis patients could become criminals virtually overnight for activity that is currently allowed under state law. So, should we vote for a severely flawed initiative on the hope that some of those 285 prisoners might be freed, or vote instead to save 2 million people from ever having to spend a day in jail over a plant? If going from 285 prisoners to potentially 2 million isn’t a step backwards for our clearly progressive state, then I don’t know what it is. For anyone who was considering a yes vote for the purpose of keeping people out of jail, this should be an easy decision to make.
Supporters insist Prop. 64 creates no new crimes, but the text of the initiative proves otherwise.
34016 (relating to commercial activity) (a)(2) Inspections may be at any place at which marijuana or marijuana products are sold to purchasers, cultivated, or stored, or at any site where evidence of activities involving evasion of tax may be discovered. (3)(b) Any person who fails or refuses to allow an inspection shall be subject to a misdemeanor. Each offense shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment not exceeding one year in a county jail, or both the fine and imprisonment.” Clearly this constitutes a new misdemeanor, as it is for a law that is currently not on the books. That goes for the three misdemeanors that follow, as well: 34014 (a) Any person required to obtain a permit who engages in business
as a cultivator, dispensary, retailer, microbusiness or nonprofit pursuant to Chapter 3.5 of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code or Division 10 of the Business and Professions Code without a permit or after a permit has been canceled, suspended, or revoked, and each officer of any corporation which so engages in business, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 34016 (b) Any person who fails or refuses to allow an inspection shall be subject to a misdemeanor. Each offense shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment not exceeding one year in a county jail, or both the fine and imprisonment. (d) Any person who renders a false or fraudulent report is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each offense. Furthermore, Prop. 64 creates harsher penalties for sharing cannabis with adults under 21 than exist today. Currently, sharing pot with an adult under 21 is a misdemeanor for those 21 and over, punishable by a mere $100 fine. Under Prop. 64, however, an adult over 21 who shares cannabis with another adult under 21 would face an infraction, true—but punishable by 6 months in jail and/or a $500 fine. Finally, it is not incongruous to be ideologically for legalization but opposed to Prop. 64’s poorly-worded attempt to legalize. In fact, given the long list of potential unknowns and unintended consequences, it is smart, reasonable, and sensible. Especially in light of the fact that misdemeanor cannabis arrests are down 93 percent since California downgraded possession of one ounce from a misdemeanor to an infraction in 2011, and even felony cannabis arrests dropped a dramatic 33.3 percent last year due to the passage of Prop. 47, the sense of urgency being propagated by supporters of Prop. 64 is clearly unfounded, if not outright deceptive. Because a recreational cannabis industry would make some people very rich, voting in this initiative would be extremely difficult to undo. We are already well on our way to ending prohibition in California—no convoluted recreational initiative necessary. If anything, our sense of urgency ought to be in defeating Prop. 64 before it’s too late. For more on Prop. 64’s unintended consequences, visit voteknowprop64.blogspot.com
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