The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper Feb2

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The Vol. 12 Edition 3 Free Thursday February 2, 2017

An Apology Owed

The Courier Eco Latino Offers Kia Chambers An Page 2 Apology

Connection Small Business Journal


The Voice Of The Community


Dear Vanessa: Have You No Shame? It’s Bad Enough That You Have Aligned Yourself With Frank Myers, But A Ghostwriter? Hey Vanessa I’m Writing Some More Letters For You To Send Out. Now Don’t Forget Our Agreement. Remember I’m Working Behind The Scene This Time So Keep My Name Out Of It!

No Problem And Thank You But I Also Have A Request. If You Are Going To Continue Using That West Point Military Terminology, At Least Provide Me With A Glossary! Until Then Can You Please Tell Me What “Azimuth” Means?

GHOST Writer

This Week In Connections: Finding And Retaining Quality Help Is Always A Challenge Page 9

What’s The Truth?

They Say The Truth Will Set You Free. What’s Rep. Gerald Greene’s ‘Truth?

Page 13

Page 4


THURSDAY February 2, 2017

MCSD Vice Chairman Chambers, We Got It Wrong...We Apologize

The Street Committee

Arts. SHE DID NOT! She voted with Buckner, Green and McRae. There were three (3) votes surrounding the name, which was recommended by Mark Cantrell, which unfortunately was a part of our confusion. We would like to offer our sincere apology to Kia Chambers for the misrepresentation. Wane A. Hailes President/Publisher

We incorrectly reported, in the last issue of the Courier Eco Latino newspaper, that Kia Chambers, newly elected Vice Chairman of the MCSD, voted with Myers, Cantrell, Williams and Jackson to name the new performing School of Arts the Rainey-Cullers School of The

MCSD Attorney Responds According to the street committee the GBI was asked to look into criminal wrongdoing by the MCSD school board. Here is their response to the allegation: “The AllOnGeorgia indicates the GBI has been asked to look into a settlement that resolved a case pending against MCSD in November. The article says in part: “Sources in the school system tell All On Georgia-Muscogee that the latest accusations involve settlement of a $550,000 law suit involving a school bus driver who was involved in an accident with a motor squad officer in October 2015. At issue are claims that payment was made without school board approval of the expenditure.”

There was a settlement of a lawsuit filed by a motor squad officer. MCSD did not pay the settlement. The liability coverage provider, GSBA, paid the full amount of settlement. The settlement therefore did not require the approval of the Board. The argument in the article that there is something legally insufficient about the settlement is incorrect.” Thank you, Gregory S. Ellington, Esq. Mayoral Election... Who Wants Next? According to the street committee speculation is mounting as to who will run for Mayor in Columbus in the next mayoral election. Names that have been discussed for sometime are former State

Representative Jed Harris, City Councilors Jerry “Pops” Barnes, Skip Henderson, Bruce Huff and now we understand Councilor Glenn Davis is also considering throwing his hat into the ring. Somewhat surprisingly a new name has surfaced, that of State Representative Calvin Smyre. The street committee says it is surprising but not a bad choice for the first African American with an opportunity to be elected mayor of Columbus. The street committee will keep you informed and updated as the list is solidified.

Are Changes In The Local Judicial System Coming The street committee suggests that changes may be on the way regarding our court system.

Casino Challenges The street committee has learned that a bill was passed stating that only cities with populations of 290,000 or more can host a casino. That leaves Atlanta and Savannah. Our local delegates however have not abandoned the fight Our New Email Address

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff”

Office Location The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 1300 Wynnton Rd, Suite 104 Columbus, Georgia 31906 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906 Visit Us Online At:



Stay In Your Lane...And Stop Swerving There are certain things the African American community refuses to tolerate from our own, the worst being giving the appearance of “selling out to the man”. Recently a number of celebrities have taken a lot of heat for meeting with Donald Trump. None was more vocal than comedian D.L. Hughley who said:

“If Donald Trump cared about black people, he wouldn’t have denigrated the president with those claims of birtherism. He wouldn’t have stoked fears, racist fears by saying this man is less than and is not one of us, to become president.” Hughley continued his fiery rant explaining why he thinks Trump isn’t really interested with the concerns of the AfricanAmerican community, and says that meeting with a rapper, a football player and a comic (Kanye West, Jim Brown and Steve Harvey) is more telling of his views of black people in America. “Donald Trump takes pictures with black people… You know why you have a comedian, a rapper and a football player out to talk about the concerns of the community? Because that’s the positions you’re used to seeing us in. You’d rather have black people be football players, comedians and rappers than the president. You would rather see us run the ball than run the country.”

The truth of the matter is, no one really cared when Kanye West showed up at Trump Towers for a photo op with “The Donald”. In spite of claims that he is a musical genius, most of us have written him off years ago as, well, crazy. Once referred to as “part of


the holy trinity of athleteactivists with Muhammad Ali and Bill Russell, NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown’s interview on Fox News singing Trump’s praises, although disturbing, is not actually all that surprising if you look at his political history. In the 1950s and 1960s, Jim Brown was not a fan of Dr. King’s civil-rights movement. In that sense, he’s been at odds with John Lewis for over 50 years.

However, it was Comedian, T.V. Host and Radio personality Steve Harvey’s visit with then President-Elect Trump that set off a furious and fierce backlash from the African American community. We don’t care about what his intent was in meeting with Trump or that he did so because as he claims that; “Our president (Obama) asked that all of us sit down and talk to one another in order to move our country forward…” The overall consensus from the Black community is that Steve should have “stayed in his lane”. There have been numerous examples of how man’s ego and vanity have given one a false sense of importance.

We need our celebrities to exercise some discernment when they receive a phone call from politicians. The first question they should ask is why me? ”We want our comedians to tell jokes, our rappers to rap and our athletes to play ball. The next time leave the politics to a Roland Martin, Michael Eric Dyson, Byron Pitts, Van Jones Joy-Ann Reid or Melissa Harris-Perry.

Bottom line stay in your lane.

Wane A. Hailes


Page 4

February 2, 2017

Dear Vanessa: Have You No Shame? It’s Bad Enough That You Have Aligned Yourself With Frank Myers, But A Ghostwriter?

Hey Vanessa I’m Writing Some More Letters For You To Send Out. Now Don’t Forget Our Agreement. Remember I’m Working Behind The Scene This Time So Keep My Name Out Of It!

No Problem And Thank You. But I Have One Request. If You Are Going To Continue Using Your West Point Military Terminology, At Least Provide Me With A Glossary! Until Then Can You Please Tell Me What “Azimuth” Means?

GHOST Writer

Dear Vanessa: Since you have taken to sending letters to people we thought we would send you one.

First Vanessa, it is obvious that someone needs to remind you that you answer to the residents of District 3 and not District 8 or District 2 school board members Frank Myers and John Thomas respectively.

Our office has received a number of phone calls from residents of the Holly Hills, Mount Vernon, Quail Creek, Washington Heights and Cedar Hills areas who were stunned and disap-

pointed that you, as an African American female, would vote against Pat Hugley Green, electing instead to support the Myers/Thomas nomination of Mark Cantrell.

We are providing your contact information here (Vanessa Jackson, District 3, Phone: 706-617-7985) so those who you represent can contact you directly and you can explain to them why you have chosen to vote against their wishes.

Recently, as a result of that election, you sent Pat Hugley Green a letter voicing your concern that perhaps the

policy and procedures regarding the election process were not followed. I have provided your letter as well as a response from Chairman Greene. Judging from Ms. Green’s response, in the future, perhaps your time would be better spent researching the rules and regulations for yourself instead of allowing someone else to serve as your “Ghostwriter”.

It has become apparent, given your alignment with Myers and Thomas and now your use of a “Ghostwriter” who has an axe to grind you are just a pawn in their game and not a Queen.

Dear Pat, I’m writing you to voice my concern about how the School Board conducted Muscogee County School District business in the meeting on Tuesday. As the newly elected District 3 Board Member, I expected reasonable adherence to Roberts Rules of Order. However, the vote for Chairperson was preempted when the necessary “plurality” (5 votes) was

See Vanessa Page 5



Vanessa From Page 4 achieved. Consequently, I did not get a chance to represent my constituency by casting a vote. Furthermore, the procedural action was a clear deviation from RRO in that “A plurality never adopts a motion nor elects any one to office, unless by virtue of a special rule previously adopted.”

I bring this to your attention because of my concern that expediency in other matters could unintentionally expose the Board to litigation, costly legal fights and defeats, and a loss of public confidence. With this in mind, I intend to do everything in my power to move the Board forward on a positive azimuth. I recognize that there are deep differences of opinion on the Board. I’m acutely aware of the power struggles that sometimes get in the way of common sense and an exercise of civil discourse. As a citizen of this community and taxpayer, I expect better because we have critical work to accomplish.

Therefore, I request that we get back to a strict exercise of Roberts Rules of Order. Perhaps, we all would benefit from a class on the fundamentals. Also, I strongly suggest that we review and resolve the policies and procedures that are creating division on the board. We will be better served by listening to each other and hearing the message(s) versus acting in response to the messenger.

As context, School Districts across the State received a shot across the bow when the Governor pursed legal recourse to take over failing schools. We should be mindful that the challenges that motivated that action have not abated. More important, we should refocus on bringing all of our schools up to a performance level that benefits our children, families, and community.

I have a singular agenda to improve the ability of our schools to educate our children to compete and contribute in the emerging economy. I have a goal to ensure that our schools have the needed resources to educate our children.

To keep our individual and collective focus on education, we need demo-

cratic order. By following and maintaining order, we minimize distractions,

maximize focus, and set an exam-

Pat Hugley Green, MCSD Chairman Responds to District 3 School Board Representative, Vanessa Jackson Vanessa, Thank you for your patience awaiting my response to your concern. Please note that I am always available for direct contact if you have any further concerns or questions. In regards to the voting process, our meeting proceedings are guided by Roberts Rules of Order but do not super-

ple. In this regard, I’m voicing my concern and recommended change in course.

sede board policy or state laws. Further, after an agenda item has been moved and seconded there is always an opportunity for discussion to ask questions or express constituent concerns. Below is just one of the policy codes that may bring you further clarity as to why our voting method employs a Majority vote instead of a Plurality vote. Another reference source to consider is policy code BH Board Code of Ethics Domain V: Board Meetings

The January 17th board elections as you witnessed and participated were conducted by the Parliamentary Legal Counsel. This has been the practice because any board member who could be a nominee should not also be conducting the election. As in this case

February 2, 2017

Professionally yours,

Vanessa Jackson

I was a nominee and presiding over the meeting and therefore Mr. Ellington has provided you with the response at the end of my reply. Also, if you have any RRO questions during the regular board meeting the parliamentary legal counsel will be at the table to clarify any proceedings.

Going forward lets together expect and demonstrate professionalism, common courtesy and a keen focus on our common goal of providing access to public education for All students. I believe that together our collective efforts, skills and expertise will lead the way to modeling a premiere school district and board.

Thank you for your service and I’m delighted to work with you, Pat Hugley Green

Policy Code: BH Board Code of Ethics Domain V: Board Meetings

1. Attend and participate in regularly scheduled and called board meeting. 2. Be informed and prepared to discuss issues to be considered on the board agenda. 3. Work with other board members in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that may arise during the discussion and resolution of issues at board meetings. 4. Observe the letter and spirit of the open meetings law, and vote for a closed executive session of the board only when applicable law or board policy requires consideration of a matter in executive session. 5. Maintain the confidentiality of all discussions and other matters pertaining to the board and the school system during executive session of the board. 6. Make decisions in accordance with the interests of the school system as a whole and not any particular segment thereof. 7. A local board of education shall not adopt or follow any code of ethics which prevents the members of such board from discussing freely the policies and actions of such board outside of a board meeting. This shall not apply to any matter or matters discussed in executive session or which are exempt from disclosure under Code Section 50-18-72. 8. Abide by all decisions of the board.

Policy Descriptor Code: BCB Voting Method Voting during the public meetings of the Board shall be done in such a manner that each member's vote is recorded, generally electronically or by show of hands, unless a roll call vote conducted by the Board Secretary is requested by majority vote of the Board and duly recorded in the minutes. The record of each vote taken in a public meeting will be made available to the public. There shall be no representation by proxy of any member of the Board of Education at any meeting. Muscogee County School District Adopted Date: 3/21/2011 Subject: Muscogee County School Board Meeting Protocol The Chair was elected on January 17, 2017 by a majority vote. It was not a “plurality” vote. A plurality vote is the most votes cast for a choice where three or more have been nominated. (“A number of votes cast for a candidate in a contest of more than two candidates that is greater than the number cast for any other candidate but not more than half the total votes cast.” Plurality, Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2017.)

Board Policy BCBFA states: “Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Except as otherwise provided in the policies and procedures, the vote of five (5) members of the Board at a meeting shall constitute the action of the Board. Voting shall be by voice or show of hands.” That process is consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order.

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Build Your Brand

Branding has become a major part of society, especially in the sports and entertainment world. Shirts, shoes and logos are taking over and the biggest and most important tool of branding is being forgotten....YOUR ATTITUDE! Maya Angelou once said people may


forget what you said to them, they may forget what you did to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Developing your brand must involve the desire to create an environment of service and dedication to someone other than yourself. Your brand will only be as strong and desirable as the individuals whom helped you build it. As you walk out the door every morning, make sure you are wearing excitement, joy, ambition, triumph and resiliency. Self development has to be a part of your daily routine because what you knew yesterday may not be sufficient for what you need to know tomorrow. There are four stages in the product life cycle; Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. The more content you become once you've reached the third stage, the more likely you are to rapidly experience the final stage! God bless. A graduate of Shaw High School and Auburn University Jonathan Rivers is a motivational speaker and TV host. Rivers can be reached at 706.593.7800 and TEAM B.A.M. at

Six Decades of Dishonesty

14-year-old, Emmett Till was kidnapped from his uncle’s home, beaten, abused, shot in the head and found floating in the Tallahatchie River tied to a cotton gin fan by barbed wired. His face mutilated beyond recognition, and his life lost in Money, Mississippi. What could a 14-year-old boy possibly have done to receive such cruel treatment?

“Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him,” are the words of Carolyn Bryant Donham, who at the time of the murder was just Carolyn Bryant, the wife of Roy Bryant and the whole reason this murder ever happened.

By: Anonymous Millennial Special To The Courier

Black History Month starts this month, and one of the most notorious events in black history is the murder of Emmett Till by Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam in August 1955.

She was 21-years-old when she accused young Emmett Till of grabbing her, whistling at her and insulting her with lewd comments. Now she is 82-years-old and she has finally admitted her accusations were all lies.

Ms. Donham has lived the past 60 years without consequence. For six


February 2, 2017 I guess I just wanted to say it out loud to someone. Sincerely,


HI JANEE’ I really can’t believe I’m writing in to you well I guess I can because I can’t bring myself to speak about this with anyone else. Here it goes I’ve been cheating on my husband for four months now and I have no plans of stopping. The thing is I don’t want to leave my husband, I love him we’ve been together 13 years and I can’t see myself not being his wife but I also don’t want to stop having an affair. I don’t know if this is a phase of some sorts but whatever it is I’m enjoying it. You don’t have to tell me I’m wrong trust me I know it already.



HI WRONG AND LOVING IT Not “Wrong and Loving It”….Lol I really don’t know what you want from me because you didn’t technically ask a question. So even though you know you are wrong let me say it just to make sure you know. YOU MY DEAR ARE WRONG!!!! You took vows with your husband and it is your job to uphold those vows, through thick and thin, PHASE OR NO PHASE. There is obviously something missing in your marriage and you’ve chosen to step outside of it to fulfill the void. You say you want to stay married, well my advice is to end your affair NOW and figure out what it is that made you stray in the first place. You’re not going to like this but I think you need to let your hubby know about the affair and make great strides to fix your wrong. If he finds out from someone else I do believe the consequences will be worse than if you tell him yourself. That’s all I have for you since you really didn’t ask a question BUT I do want to know how it turns out so please keep me updated JANEE’ You can email your questions to

decades she has known a boy died because of her lies, now finally her guilty conscious can no longer rest on its cushion of falsehoods. She could have saved a life if she had told the truth.

What she did was immoral. Innocent people should not be punished nor should they die in result of a person that chooses to lie. It happens to often.

Maybe, Emmett Till would still be alive today. Till’s cousin, Wheeler Parker, seems to think so. “It’s important to people understanding how the word of a white person against a black person was law, and a lot of black people lost their lives because of it,” said the 77-year-old in a recent interview.

Some people may disagree, arguing that an 82-year-old woman is too old for jail; well a 14-year-old boy was too young to die. Justice has no age limit.

A boy was murdered. A mother lost her son. Communities were devastated. 60 years passed. Now the truth has come out. The motivation for the murder of Emmett Till was based upon deceit. What if she would have told the truth in 1955?

Carolyn Bryant Donham does not deserve sympathy for her actions. She should be held responsible for them. She is a criminal. Whether she waited six years or 60 years to tell the truth, the fact of the matter is when the life of a 14-year-old boy depended on the truth, she lied. She has lived her life without punishment and that is not right.




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February 2, 2017


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February 2, 2017


Thursday February 2, 2017


Thursday February 2, 2017


Thursday February 2, 2017

Page 13

Michael Reed Shoplifting Suspect

February 2, 2017

What’s The Truth Behind The Story?

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

Almost immediately State Representative Gerald Greene, R-Cuthbert’s account of where he was when he was shot in the leg became questionable. According to Greene initially he was a victim of a convenience store robbery on Victory Drive when he stopped in Columbus for gas on his way home from Atlanta, Georgia. After police suggested that his recollection of the incident didn’t match the evidence Greene reported he was sitting in his car behind the Foxes Cinema when an individual who attempted to rob him, shot him.

As soon as he changed his story we knew; as the old folks would say, “something in the milk ain’t right”.

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

Responding to a call on last Thursday January 26, 2017 to investigate a shoplifting in progress officers Aaron Hoffa and Richard Baran identified the suspect in the store who allegedly was opening packages and placing the stolen property in his clothing.

The suspect fled, and the officers chased him throughout Wal-Mart. According to witnesses he pointed a handgun at officers multiple times during the chase.

Columbus Police Chief Ricky Boren

stated; “The officers made it as far as the inside area before you get to the outside garden center within Wal-Mart at which time, Reed centered in on the officer and pointed the weapon.”

One of the responding officers shot twice at the suspect, who ran out of the store and into the Columbus Bank & Trust parking lot across the street on Benning Drive.

Reed was arrested in the CB&T parking lot with an injury to his left arm. The officer who discharged his weapon was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

There are a number of questions that arise from the report surrounding the State Representative’s account. Because we believe our readers are great at reason and deduction we will just lay out what we know according to our sources and let you make your own decision about what happened. 1. If he was just stopping for gas on his way home from Atlanta to C u t h b e r t , Georgia shouldn’t he have been on J.R. Allen Parkway? 2. If we give him the benefit of the doubt and he was coming off I-

185 on to Victory Drive are there are no less than four convenience stores with gas pumps prior to where he said he was shot? 3. The Foxes Cinema located at 3009 Victory Drive where the State Representative was shot is an adult entertainment store, which offers DVD’s, adult toys, magazines and video booths. According to neighbors behind the facility in the back parking lot is allegedly known to have a history of a certain type of activity, in and out of vehicles. 4. After being shot in the back parking lot of Foxes Cinema where his blood was found on the ground Greene found his way two doors down to the Liquor Store on the corner of 30th and Victory Drive. Why was he parked behind Foxes Cinema? 5. According to reports this was not the first time Representative Greene had been in the store. The storeowner said that Greene frequents his establishment 2 to 3 times a week. Does that mean that is his favorite liquor store on his way home to Cuthbert every week and his favorite parking spot when he does stop is allegedly behind Foxes Cinema? 6. According to a source close to the investigation Representative Greene allegedly had a bullet hole in his leg, but there was no visible sign of a bullet hole in his pants. How could that be? 7. According to a source close to the investigation allegedly State Representative Greene signed a waiver of prosecution, which means there will no prosecution, trial or punishment. On the other hand, the crime is recorded in the Criminal Records Registry, which could have consequences if the suspect were to commit a new crime. We will have to see how this story plays out. In the meantime we can’t help but wonder how many other politicians come to and through Columbus to purchase their liquor on Victory Drive two to three times a week?


February 2, 2017

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February 2, 2017


February 2, 2017


Cinco Consejos Para Mejorar Tu Rutina Matutina

Jueves 2 de Febrero 2017

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff”

Office Location The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 1300 Wynnton Rd Suite 104 Columbus, Georgia 31906 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906 Visit Us Online At:

(StatePoint) ¿Pasas la mayoría de tus mañanas saliendo a la carrera con el desayuno en la mano y aplicándote el maquillaje de camino? Es fácil dormir unos minutos más y luego apresurarte hasta llegar al trabajo, pero desarrollar una rutina que te dé una mañana tranquila y eficiente puede hacer que te sientas más preparada para enfrentar tu día. Si no lo has conseguido, ¡no te preocupes! Para celebrar los aspectos comunes y diferentes de las rutinas de las mujeres, Carefree ofrece algunos consejos para hacer más fáciles las mañanas.

cama puede hacer que tu sangre fluya más, ayudar a despertarte y aplicarle un impulso a tu metabolismo. Empieza el día con unos estiramientos y ejercicios de peso corporal, como arremetidas y planchas. 2. Actívate. Actívate con un ritual matutino que active tu mente. Disfruta de tu taza de café o té verde junto a un acertijo, Sodoku o crucigrama. O pasa el rato escribiendo una entrada en tu diario, revisando los titulares matutinos o leyendo un capítulo de un libro. Tomarte unos minutos para calentar la mente puede fomentar una mayor productividad durante todo el día.

1. Hora de levantarse. Le das al botón de “snooze” demasiadas veces? Evita llegar tarde otra vez. Pone tu reloj despertador lejos de tu alcance, de modo que, para desactivarlo, tengas que salir de la cama. Si usas el teléfono para despertarte, plantéate configurar el tono de alarma a un tema que te moleste… ¡le darás gusto salir de la cama para detenerlo!

3. Elimina el amodorramiento. Puedes recortarte minutos importantes a tu rutina de la mañana arreglándote el cabello la noche anterior. Después de lavar y acondicionar tus rizos, deja el cabello sujeto en rodetes o clips mientras duermes. En la mañana, deshace el recogido y usa un poco de spray antes de salir por la puerta.

Quizás no tengas tiempo para un entrenamiento completo en la mañana, pero moverte un poco al levantarte de la

4. Magia de maquillaje. Cuando no hay tiempo para hacer un maquillaje matutino completo, ajuste a lo básico.

Empieza con una crema hidratante con SPF de modo que puedas proteger la piel y mantenerla hidratada. Usa corrector bajo los ojos para eliminar fácilmente cualquier signo de fatiga. Si tienes que abreviar la rutina de maquillaje completo para los ojos, no omitas una rápida capa de máscara de pestañas, que puede ayudarte a tener un aspecto de ojos más grandes y más despierto con unos segundos de esfuerzo. Por último, dales un brillo a los labios y protéjalos de las grietas con un bálsamo labial que contenga preferiblemente SPF. 5. Sé tú misma libremente. El cuidado femenino es un elemento rutinario que une a todas las mujeres. Es parte de la vida y, como todos sabemos, no siempre es predecible. “¡Protégete!” todas las mañanas con protectores Acti-Fresh de Carefree, que son lo bastante suaves, finos y absorbentes como para pasar desapercibidos, ayudándote a sentirte segura mientras avanzas a lo largo de tu día. Es sencillo incorporarlos a tu régimen diario guardándolos en el cajón de tu ropa interior; nunca volverás a olvidar concederte una capa de protecc

Jueves 2 de Febrero 2017

Pagina 2

Tienes Alguna Problema? Llama a Tanya Bachelor Hoy officialmente reconocemos sus esfuerzos y la introducimos como la Ligazon para la communidad Hispana. En lo que parece ser el aumento de privación de derechos a nuestros cuidadanos Hispanos en Columbus. Tanya proveera el acceso a las fuentes de communicación en un esfuerzo, para asegurarnos que todos sus problemas sean publicados Si usted tiene alguno de estos problemas llame a Tanya Bachelor (706) 662-5508


Have A Problem Call Tanya Bachelor She is no stranger to the Hispanic community. If you have a problem she is the person to call. Need a translator, call her. Having a housing issue, call her. Have an immigration problem; call her. Have a problem with deportation, call her. Her name is Tanya Bachelor. Since 2007 Bachelor has been an integral part of the Courier Eco Latino newspaper as a columnist providing articles specific to the Hispanic community. Today we officially recognize her efforts and introduce her as our liaison to the Latino community in the area. In what appears to be an increasing disenfranchisement of Hispanic citizens in Columbus Tanya will provide the Hispanic community access to our media source in an effort to make sure their concerns are publicized. By Wane A. Hailes Eco Latino Ella no es una extraña para la communidad Hispana. Si

tiene un problema ella es la persona a quien debe llamar. Necesita un Interprete? Llamela, tiene problema de

Immigración? Llamela. Su nombre es Tanya Bachelor. Desde el 2007 ella a sido

parte del servicio integral del Eco Latino Proveyendo Articulos específicos para la communidad Hispana.

If You have a Problem call Tanya Bachelor 706.662.5508

Eco Latino Vol. 12


La voz de la comunidad hispana

Ediciรณn 3 Gratis

Jueves 2 de Febrero 2017

Tienes Alguna Problema? Llama a Tanya Bachelor

Cinco Consejos Para Mejorar Tu Rutina Pagina 3 Matutina

Se Estรกn Aceptando Nominaciones Para Los 25 Hispanos Mรกs Influyentes En Columbus, Ft. Benning & Phenix City

Pagina 2

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