Frank Myers Gets “The Boot”
The Voice Of The Community: Inspirational-Informative-Empowering
Vol. 13 Edition 11 Free Thursday May 24, 2018
A View From A Pew
Read This Weeks Commentary “The NAACP has Been Cleaned Out. Time To Put Up Or Shut Up” Page 3
The Clothes Connection
Owners Willam and Nola Rockemore Enjoy Giving Back To The Community
Page 9
Symposium Makes Donation
Dr. Bob Wright Donates Books To Rainey-McCullers School Of Arts Page 11
Dr. Lewis
THURSDAY May 24, 2018
A Lesson in Why You Should Never Celebrate Too Soon
According to the street committee the national board of the NAACP disagrees with James Gallman, the national NAACP board m e m b e r appointed by the national board to serve as an administrator of the local NAACP. In a recent news article G a l l m a n cleared the current president, Tonza Thomas, of any financial wrongdoing. At their national board meeting this past weekend it appears the national board felt com-
The Street Committee
pelled to reverse that decision voting instead to vacate all officers and committees of the Columbus branch of the NAACP. A special election will be held in the coming weeks for new leadership. According to the national board none of the current leadership are eligible to seek re-election.
New Car Wash Needs To Clean Up Its Act
The street committee has received calls
regarding the treatment of Black patrons at the new Peachtree Express Car Wash located at 2955 Warm Springs Rd (across from Peachtree Mall). Two Black patrons on separate occasions, after complaining they were dissatisfied with their initial car wash to the manager,
J. Randazza, were told they could take their business elsewhere. The individuals had only asked that their cars be re-washed when the manager took offense suggesting
that they don’t have to come back again. According to the street committee this is not the customer service you expect from a new business.
The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper
*Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff�
The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 1300 Wynnton Rd Suite 104 Columbus, Georgia 31906 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906 Visit Us Online At:
Now That The NAACP Has Been Cleaned Out..It’s Time To Put Up Or Shut Up On October 27, 2018 in my column; A View From A Pew I wrote “Our Local NAACP Branch Is In Desperate Need Of An Enema”. The article went on to say: “After sitting in a meeting that began at 10am, where the secretary of the organization came in 10-15 minutes late. Where an argument ensued about a nebulous slate of officers that was clearly put forth in an effort to oust the current president.
Where the process was obviously tainted with some members of the nominating committee lobbying a complaint that they were not given the opportunity to vote
ing on the back of the bathroom door when we were kids, that blue bottle of Phillips’ Milk of Magnesium, Dulcolax, the vintage Haley’s M-O laxative or you prefer the Jamie Lee Curtis touted Activia, our Columbus NAACP is in definite need of an enema.
That’s right I said it. In my opinion, in order for the organization to grow and become effective again, everybody currently associated with the organization in any leadership capacity from the president down to the committee chairman have to go. Forget about a leadership slate, our NAACP needs a clean slate.” This past weekend, at their nation-
Must Have The Following Qualifications
- An interest in civil and human rights issues.
- Strong oral and written communications skills
- A commitment to working with the community
- Articulate, professional yet fearless in the fight for justice on the slate.
Where it was brought to the attention that the by-laws were not and had not been followed in other instances. The entire discussion resembled the first presidential debate between Trump and Clinton.
When I looked up and realized it was 11:05 am and we were only on the second item on the agenda, I got up and left. When they asked me not to go I told them I had plenty to write about and exited the building. Nobody has time for that ‘Frackle Nackle Bull”. Why would anyone join an organization more intent on fighting ridiculous accusations than important social issues? So here’s my solution. I don’t care if you use that red colored hot water bottle “Big Mama” had hang-
al board meeting, they did just that. The national board of the NAACP voted that effective immediately all officers and committees associated with the Columbus branch of the NAACP be officially vacated. In the coming weeks the national board will select a date for a special election. These officers will hold office until the general election in November of this year.
Now is the time, and this is the opportunity for those Millenials who want to make their mark in this community to serve. It’s time to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. If you are tired of the “Old Guard” standing in your way, then step forward and lead. If not then sit down and shut up.
Wane A. Hailes
May 24, 2018
First African Baptist Church 901 5th Avenue
Columbus, Georgia
Sunday Worship 8am Early Morning Worship Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 11am Transportation Provided
Call 706-323-3367 Sr. Pastor Roderick Green
St. James Missionary Baptist Church
“Put God First”
5214 St. James Street Columbus, Georgia
Church 706.687.6420 Residence 706.563.3256 Cell 706.315.5749 Dr. Ralph W. Huling Senior Pastor
Metropolitan Baptist Church 1635 5th Avenue . Columbus, Georgia
Pastor Curtis Crocker, Jr.
Service Sunday School 9:30 A.M Monday Night Tuesday Bible Study
Schedule Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M Prayer 6:00 P.M 12:00 P.M & 5:30 P.M
Mission Statement A growing church for growing Christians attempting to grow the Kingdom, one soul at a time.
Fourth Street Missionary Baptist Church Corner of 3rd Avenue and 5th Street Rev. Dr. J.H. Flakes Jr. Way Columbus, Georgia 31901 706.324.2055 Rev. J.H. Flakes, III -Pastor Rev. Dr. J.H. Flakes, Jr. - Pastor Emeritus
4236 St. Mary’s Road Columbus, Georgia
THURSDAY May 10, 2018 By Wane A. Hailes The Courier
With another election under our belts it has become apparent that not much has changed with local politics. As usual and as expected, the turnout was abysmal. Despite the efforts of local Black Millenials use of social media to motivate Blacks to “Stay Woke and Vote” we just did not come out.
I know some of you are disappointed that we were unable to elect the first Black mayor. I too am disappointed, but for a different reason. I’m disappointed that some of you are so impatient to have a Black mayor that you were willing to disregard Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream and what many of us have fought so hard for, and voted “color” over “content of character”. It is my hope that regardless whom you voted for we can remain friends and understand it’s ok to disagree and that we can do so without being disagreeable. So often we fall out over political affiliations and the fact that you didn’t support the candidate I supported. We can’t afford to do that. Let’s take a page from the White community and understand that I may disagree with you, I may not even like you but if it is going to be beneficial to the both of us or what’s best for the community I will tolerate you for the greater good.
With that said congratulations mayorelect Skip Henderson. Always remember I have our entire conversation recorded and saved. I will use that from to time to hold you accountable if needed. To Zeph Baker, you had a good run. However, when the next election comes around and you decide to pop your head up out of the ground like a ground hog does once a year do yourself and this community a favor and resist the urge to run. I know you like to quote the political journey of our 16th president, but if your friends won’t tell you let me do so, you are no Abraham Lincoln. It’s time to take a seat. You can decide where: 40 Lantana Way Newnan, Georgia or 1091 Bolton Court Columbus, Georgia.
Some of the results did not surprise us. We expected Judy Thomas, Bruce Huff, “Mimi Woodson and Naomi Buckner to all be re-elected. Even though we did not endorse “Pops” Barnes we have to give “Pops” his
2018 Election Results
“props”. Obviously spending time at WalMart and walking the streets of District 1 continues to work for him. At least 2,230 of the 13,837 registered voters think so. Mark Cantrell’s win wasn’t a surprise to us either. When Robert Roth dropped out of the race that all but sealed Eddie Obleton’s fate. Although we know he is a much better candidate intellectually and given his knowledge as a former administrator. His best hope was to split the vote and hope for a runoff. However, given that Cantrell no longer has to worry about being under Frank’s control perhaps he will stop “flip-flopping” on the issues and we will find out if he owns some “ cajones”.
We still say it is a toss up for us between Mike Edmondson and Bart Steed. Either one will be fine especially now that Myers is out of the picture. History dictates that whoever ends up with the most votes in the primary most often wins the run-off so we expect Edmondson to end up the eventual winner. He will do a great job.
If there was one surprise it was in the at large race between Amy Bryan, John House and Tollie Strode. We expected the possibility of a run-off but we clearly expected it to be between Bryan and Strode. I guess the voters could care less if you graduated from West Point or Columbus State. If they don’t like you they won’t vote for you. Regardless, unfortunately I am sure we have not heard the last of “Tolliria”. Like the District 2 run-off we expect Amy Bryan to be the eventual winner of the at large seat and again it will be a breathe of fresh air.
Congratulations to Philip Schley. Finally we can expect some civility on the school board. I had entirely too much to say about my friend Frank so please read my letter to him on page 14. I hope no one takes his place in providing me fodder for my cartoonist.
Finally we want to congratulate Kia Chambers she garnered the most votes of every candidate in the race, 16,193 which is 81 votes shy of the total of all the votes cast in the mayoral race. With numbers like that as an at large candidate, perhaps we need to be looking at her as the first Black mayor of Columbus. Now let me speak directly to Kia. Ms. Chambers In spite of the
number of votes you received please don’t let them go to your head. Instead we would hope that you would take it as a vote of confidence and see it as an opportunity to show some true leadership. Please allow us to make a few suggestions and I pray you take them in the spirit they are given. You said in your interview you aren’t in the position for ego sake but for the children so I am going to put you to the test. I recommend that you make a number of phone calls today. Your very first call must be to Pat Hugley Green. It’s time to show that you are a true leader and reach out to her and put to rest whatever it is that has hindered the two of you from working cohesively. It’s time to dispel this myth that Black women can’t get along. As I said earlier you don’t have to love each other but you should be able to look past your differences and come together for the betterment of our school district. Besides Kia is still for the Kids right? Your second call should be to Naomi Buckner sharing with her that you have settled your differences with Pat and that you’d like to set up a meeting with the three of you and that you are going to invite Vanessa Jackson to attend. Right now, with Frank Myers gone, Vanessa Jackson is like a lost ewe without a shepherd. You can bring her back in the fold right now. If the three of you surround her with sisterly love I believe you can bring her back home. Her problem, like so many of us is that she has been “blinded by the White”. She just needs to see color again and be reminded who she is and where she comes from. If you do this right you will have a united front.
Your next call should to be to each of the current board members and those involved in the run-off. With the divisive elements gone you can set the tone for the board going forward. With four strong Black women working together for all the children in Muscogee County along with the support of the rest of the board who I truly believe want to “do the right thing” for our kids. You can’t lose. So your mission, if you choose to accept it has been laid before you. We want you to succeed. Our children need you to succeed. We look forward to reporting that you have chosen the path of leadership and not a path of cattiness.
Skip Henderson Mayor
Judy Thomas CC At Large
John House CC At Large Run-off
Amy Bryan CCl At Large Run-off
“Pops” Barnes City Council District 1
Bruce Huff “Mimi” Woodson City Council District 3 City Council District 7
Mike Edmondson MCSD 2 Run-off
Bart Steed MCSD 2 Run-off
Naomi Buckner MCSD 4
Mark Cantrell MCSD 6
Philip Schley MCSD 8
Kia Chambers MCSD At Large
Columbus Technical College is Hiring!
We are looking for qualified candidates for the following positions:
Bookstore Cashier (Part-time) Adult Education Instructor English as a Second Language (ESL) – Part-time Adult Education Instructor– Part-time History Adjunct Instructor Adjunct Instructor –Music Appreciation Speech Adjunct Instructor Anatomy & Physiology Adjunct Instructor Psychology Adjunct Instructor Chemistry Adjunct Instructor Art Appreciation Adjunct Instructor Instructional Aide (Part-time) - Esthetics Program Dental Assisting Adjunct Didactic Instructor Dental Hygiene Adjunct Clinical Didactic Instructor Instructional Aide – Machine Tool Technology Program (Part-time) Instructional Aide (Part-time) - Cosmetology Program Part-Time Technical Instructor– Barbering Esthetics Adjunct Instructor Instructional Aide – Carpentry (Part-time) Practical Nursing Technical Instructor-Adjunct Automotive Collision Repair Instructional Aide Part-time Physical Therapy Assistant Instructor/Program Director Part Time Instructor (Adjunct) - Cosmetology Program Welding & Joining Adjunct Instructor Part-time Pre-Engineering Part-time Instructor Interpreter (Part-time)
For more details and to apply for these positions, please go to and click “CTC Careers.” Columbus Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
NOTICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT HOLIDAY CLOSING Memorial Day Holiday Observance Monday, May 28, 2018 Notice is hereby given that the local Government of Columbus, Georgia will alter or suspend all services on Monday, May 28, 2018. This is with the exception of emergency services such as fire, police, and ambulance. For emergency services, please call the 911 Emergency Center. DIVISION Waste / Recycle
Memorial Day Holiday Observance Monday, May 28, 2018 NO PICK UP MONDAY, May 28th *See Alternate Holiday Schedule Below*
311 Citizens Service Center
May 28th
Landfills – Granite Bluff/Pine Grove Parks and Recreation
May 28th
Columbus Aquatic Center, Recreation Centers, Britt David Studios and Senior Centers Will Open From 9am-2pm Cooper Creek Tennis Center and Lake Oliver Marina Will Operate Normal Business Hours Parks and Recreation Administrative Office Will Be Closed
Civic Center Animal Control METRA Bus Service
Recorder’s Court
Administration Office Closed Columbus Ice Rink Open *Closed* May 28th
NO BUS SERVICE Normal Service will resume on Tuesday, May 29th Monday, May 28, 2017 8:00a.m. Session Only Normal Service will resume on Tuesday, May 29, 2018
May 24, 2018
Rho Rho Omega Chapter Awards Scholarships
Pictured 1st Row: Alaura Cunningham – Columbus High School; Mary Chen – Columbus High School; and Elisabeth White – Columbus High School. 2nd Row: Shiann Williamson, Chapter President; Shelbie Johnson – Calvary Christian; Nyla Graham – Northside High School; Thomas Cook – George Washington Carver; and Scholarship Chairperson Latrice Love.
The Rho Rho Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. awarded over $16,000 in scholarships to high school students in the tri-city area on Tuesday, May 8 during their Annual Scholarship Reception at Greater Beallwood Baptist Church. The scholarship funds were raised from the organizations’ 2018 Pink Ice Educational Ball held in April.
The recipients are: Alaura Cunningham – Columbus High School, Mercer University- $1,000; Mary Chen – Columbus High School, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill- $1,000; and Elisabeth White – Columbus High School, University of Georgia - $1,500. 2nd Row: Shelbie Johnson – Calvary Christian, Georgia Tech - $1,000; Nyla Graham – Northside High School, Clark Atlanta University - $1,000; and Thomas Cook – George Washington Carver, Clark Atlanta University - $1,000; Alexis Grier – Smith Station High
School, Auburn University - $1,500; Derek Hall - Columbus High School, Harvard University - $1,500; Elina Ebby – Columbus High School, Georgia Tech $1,000; Camdyn Neal – Marion County High School, Auburn University $1,000;Tiondra Grant – Columbus High School, Kennesaw State University $1,000; Ronnie Crimes – Marion County High School, Morehouse College $1,500 and a $250 HBCU Book Scholarship; Kimberly Kern – Russell C o u n t y, C h a t t a h o o c h e e Va l l e y Community College - $1,500; Jeremiah Jones – George Washington Carver, Georgia Tech - $1,000; Quenisha Baldwin – George Washington Carver, Clayton State University - $1,000. The Rho Rho Omega Chapter was founded in 1989 and has been giving out high school scholarships in excess of $130,000 since 1999.
THURSDAY May 24, 2018
Courier Career Woman
Mrs. Betty Boynton, Owner April’s Boutique Mrs. Betty (Brown) Boynton is the owner of April’s Boutique. Boynton is a native of Columbus, Georgia the oldest of two siblings born to the late Rev. Eugene F. and Isabell Brown who were the owners of Brown’s Cleaners located here in Columbus, Georgia. Mrs. Betty Boynton is a member of Holsey Chapel CME church where she is a member of the senior choir and the stewardess board and has served on various committees. She has assisted with and served with various civil and social and community organizations with local and statewide fashion shows and events through the tenure of her business profession.
Betty was born in to a family of entrepreneurs, which started, with her grandfather who had his own produce business. Her father was also inspired to start his own business, Brown’s Cleaners, one of the first black owned dry cleaners in the area. The cleaner was initially located in the Beallwood area, eventually relocating to the Wynnton area of Columbus. He also sold men’s clothing.
Betty and her brother Otis l. Brown (deceased), known affectionately as “Bubba” grew up working in the families businesses. It gave Betty aspirations of one day starting her own business. After graduation she married Matthew Boynton and to that union was born three children, Cassandra, Danny, and Matthew Jr. Betty continued to work in the family business and raising and devoting her time to her husband and her children. Once the demand of family was not as great and they became of school age, Betty began her path of entrepreneurship beginning with selling Home décor items from her home and car during the school hours and at flea markets. For the past 40 plus years Betty
has owned April’s Boutique, which specializes in selling ladies apparel. Mrs. Boynton, along with her parents and grandparents have been an inspiration to her children and grandchildren who have become entrepreneurs as well.
It has been said that when you do what you love you, it is never considered work, so I must say that Mrs. Betty Boynton has never worked a day in her life! Betty Boynton is truly a lady of fashion whether it is for the home or for the body!
THURSDAY May 24, 2018
The Clothes Connection...A Labor of Love
By Wane A. Hailes The Courier
William Rockemore, born and raised in Columbus, grew up in Booker T. Washington (BTW) housing projects. Today he is a successful business owner but at the age of sixteen he was more concerned about having a roof over his head and food to eat.
“I had just graduated from high school and my mother had moved to Cleveland, Ohio leaving me, my brother and sister here. When she left we were fine but a month later we were evicted because no one paid the rent. I found myself on the streets forced to fend for myself. Had it not been for coach Homer Davis who recruited me to play basketball at Selma University I don’t know what I would have done. When he offered me a dorm room and three meals a day I was sold. I started there and eventually ended up playing ball at FAMU (Florida A&M).
After working as a counselor for the state of Georgia with child and adolescence he caught the entrepreneurial bug and opened his first store in 1999. “I was at a point where I
wanted to be my own boss and work for myself. Here we are 19 years later still doing it.” William and his wife, Nola, who left her job three years ago with the Muscogee County School District as a paraprofessional, joined him in the business and together they complement each other perfectly with their pleasing personalities and understanding of the community they serve.
Today they own “The Clothes Connection” located at 3360 Buena Vista Rd, suite 19B. They provide a large variety of youth and men’s apparel. In addition to the stylish clothes they provide they also take great provide in giving back to the community.
“Over the years, said William, we have provided school uniforms for individuals who couldn’t afford them and winter coats for kids who need them. Stop by and visit William and Nola today.
THURSDAY May 24, 2018
Bob Wright Symposium Donates To Local School
On Thursday May 17, 2018 Dr. Robert L. Wright, on behalf of his annual event, “The Bob Wright Symposium on Business Empowerment” made a dona-
tion of books to the Rainey- McCullers School of the Arts library. The organiz a t i o n a l s o d o n a t e d a 1 9 2 0 ’s Victrola.Those in attendance also includ-
ed; Muscogee County School Board member Pat Hugley Green, Muscogee County School Superintendent Dr. David Lewis, Florene Dawkins, Student
Services, Muscogee County School District and members of Delta Iota Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
No Exams
(706) 304-8290 !
May 24, 2018
Request for Bids/Proposals
RFB No. 18-0055 Concrete Pipe (Annual Contract) Due:
May 30, 2018 – 2:30 PM
Kevin Robertson, Buyer
RFB No. 18-0057 Color Photocopiers (Annual Contract) Due:
June 13, 2018 – 2:30 PM
Heather Scheuttig, Buyer
RFP No. 18-0023 Legal Services for Real Estate Services and HOME Program (Annual Contract) Due:
June 8, 2018 – 5:00 PM
Sandra Chandler, Buyer
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Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the respective due date shown above, by the Finance Department /Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901
To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at https://www.columbusga.o rg/finance/purchasing/doc s/opportunities/Bid_Opport unities.htm, notify the Buyer via email BidOpportunities, fax 706.225.3033 or telephone 706.653.4105. Andrea J. McCorvey Purchasing Manager
THURSDAY May 24, 2018
The Power of Entertainment, Politics, and You election will occur November 6, 2018. Another historical moment relies on the gubernatorial elections for the democratic seat between Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans, who both have relentlessly sharpened their campaigns with their plans for general elections. Both women have the chance to create and serve as a part of monumental history. If either is elected to serve as a Democratic governor for the state of Georgia, which hasn’t happened since 1998, Abrams or Evans would be the first woman to be elected governor of Georgia, and Abrams would be the first black woman elected as governor of any state. With a Democratic victory for the governor seat, it would increase the Democratic Party’s influence above redistricting.
There is a thin blurred line between entertainment and politics. Continuously they are intertwined within another to spread a mass message, impose an idea, or create dialogue. Although politicians and entertainers are theoretically from completely different spectrums, they both share a prominent spotlight and responsibility to be compelling amongst their own platform. When used together, they have an ability to sway their audience into the ideals that they find important. Perhaps that is how former television and movie socialite, Trump, got into the white house without any formal prerequisites or experience.
As the agenda of politics is increasingly pushed through variations of art forms that we view as entertainment , we find entertainers from different realms of the industry expressing their concerns about injustices or their allegiance to a particular candidate, like Kanye West supporting the alt-right to “make America great again” and Childish Gambino’s spew against racism with ‘This is America.’ It seems as if every other day, more conversations are sparked on social media and within communities in result to a viral standpoint from a celebrity. Whether we choose to agree or disagree, it is impor-
tant to realize that we too possess a strong political power in the form of voting, especially within the state of Georgia. It is within our state and local elections that we ignite change and shifts the expired traditions of approach that have direct effects on our communities and our children’s futures.
Right now, we have the power to create history at this moment with just one vote. With the Georgia primary elections, you help decide who will serve in prominent local positions and who will be able to qualify for state positions. Chances to vote occurred from April 30th to the actual election day of May 22nd, and the results will be certified and officially announced May 25th. In terms of the local seats, whoever wins will take on their official positions unless there is a run-off. If no one candidate receives more than half of the votes cast, then the top two candidates will mêlée in a run-off election in July. For state official seats, a democrat and republican will be chosen for the ballot for the November election. The November election will determine the official vote for the official state offices; voting begins as early as October 15th until November 2nd, and the actual
During the process, Abrams has been a favorite and lead against Evans in multiple voter surveys. This past April 30th, Abrams took to the literal streets for her ‘Drive to History’ bus tour that featured cities: Macon, Fort Valley, Albany, Columbus, and Atlanta to kick off early voting for the Georgia primary elections. Prominent women within entertainment: Tracee Ellis Ross, Rashida Jones, Uzo Aduba, and Aisha Hinds accompanied Abrams throughout the tour and endorsed her. Contrary to Evans’ strategy to attract the white voters of rural and suburban areas, Abrams
sought to mobilize black, and other people of color, voters to be present for nonpresidential elections.
When we utilize our voice and choose to be present, we improve the quality of our tomorrows. We can decide to witness a conversation or shift it to highlight our concerns and match our values. If you didn’t get a chance to vote in the primary election, you still have the opportunity for your voice to be heard. Take advantage of your citizen’s rights, and use them to vote in the upcoming elections. All residents of Columbus, GA can visit and to learn more about: voting, how to register, poll locations, elected officials, sample ballots, and more. For information on elections, legislature, and the latest political Georgia news visit In today’s societal climate where the subtle crossing of entertainment and politics occurs repeatedly, we need to know about our civics and politics as much, if not more, than we know the works and opinions of our favorite entertainers. Because even with forces like Angela Rye, Childish Gambino, Jemelle Hill, Collin Kaepernick, and others on our side, our voice is still the one that makes a difference. Ensure your voice is heard by making sure your vote is counted in the next election.
A Letter To Frank Myers
Remember that letter Frank and John Thomas wrote to Superintendent Lewis in 2014 right after they were elected? We do. The following is our exit letter to him using his own words.
Dear Frank: You have failed as a political figure. Your apparent lack of understanding of the political state of affairs in Muscogee County is dumbfounding. We believe that you continue to be out of touch with the political climate in Muscogee County as evidenced by the fact that you at first said you weren’t going to run but then changed your mind. We discussed your decision to run for re-election with a number of people, and they were unequivocally amazed and appalled at the lack of political acumen you demonstrated. Did you think that the voters would be fooled FOR A SECOND TIME?
For the past four years we have shared your job description with you so it would be clear to you the messages upon which the people elected you. We have been quite concerned that you have thus far not demonstrated to us any understanding of your legal role as a Muscogee County School Board Member. As frustrating as this has been over the last few years, we cannot protect you from yourself politically, especially since you refused to meet with us. Had you sought out our advice or counsel we could have saved you from this embarrassment.
The bottom line is that we no longer will have to tolerate the continuation of your disrespectful mindset. Your “old” opponent, in his mid-eighties who has “never been in touch, won a mandate from the voters defeating you by 64.55% of the vote.
We appreciate your concession speech provided on Facebook and the fact that you did not try to dismiss what is clearly the will of the people. But make no mistake about it the voters have thrown a parade in Columbus, Georgia and unfortunately you will not be asked to be the Grand Marshall.
In closing we would like to say thank you for your service but we can’t because you didn’t provide any. What we will say is what the DJ says at the end of a party; “You don’t have to go home, but you got to get the hell up outta here!” Sincerely The Courier
May 24, 2018
Asistencia Legal para Víctimas de Violencia Familiar Si usted está siendo abusado, perseguido, agredido sexualmente o lastimado por una pareja del presente o del pasado, por personas que son los padres del mismo niño, padres y niños, padrastros o padres de crianza y niños, u otra persona que vive o vivió previamente en la misma casa usted puede pedir una Orden de Protección Temporera (TPO) para ordenarle a esa persona que permanezca lejos de usted. Yo soy una víctima de violencia familiar y quiero un TPO. ¿Cómo comienzo el proceso? Usted debe archivar una petición para un TPO: (1) Usted mismo puede archivar las formas del TPO al completarlas en la Oficina del Secretario de la Corte Superior o por internet en: (2) Usted puede ir a un albergue local de violencia domestica para que le ayuden a archivar; o (3) Usted puede obtener un abogado para que le ayude. ¿Qué sucede después que Yo archivo una petición? Un juez de la corte superior revisara lo que usted archive y decidirá si usted tiene derecho a un TPO. De ser así, el juez someterá un TPO de 30 Días y programara una fecha para una audiencia final. Usted puede preguntarle al juez por la custodia de sus niños, pensión alimenticia, la habilidad de permanecer en el hogar mientras que la otra persona es ordenada a irse, por el uso de un
vehículo, u otras cosas que usted necesite. ¿Qué sucede si el juez otorga un TPO de 30 días después que yo archivo una petición? El alguacil le dará una copia de su petición y el TPO de 30 días al agresor, y él o ella serán permitidos contestar. ¿Que sucederá en la audiencia final? Usted tendrá que traer cualquier y toda la evidencia que usted tenga con usted a la audiencia final para probarle al juez que usted está siendo abusado por la persona de quien usted archivo en contra. Su evidencia puede ser su propio testimonio, el testimonio de testigos, reportes de la policía, fotografías, grabaciones auditivas, correos electrónicos o mensajes de texto. Si usted pide por pensión alimenticia, usted debe completar y traer las hojas de trabajo de la pensión alimenticia que están disponibles en El agresor puede también traer un abogado con él/ella para la audiencia. Luego de escuchar ambas partes, el juez decidirá si el ordenara un TPO final, quien obtiene la custodia de los niños, y cuanta manutención alimenticia será ordenada. Vea para más información. ¿Yo soy una víctima de violencia familiar, y no creo que pueda hacer esto por mí misma. Que puedo hacer? Servicios Legales de Georgia es una firma de abogados proveyendo asistencia legal gratuita a personas que no pueden pagar a un abogado. Si a usted le gustaría pedir ayuda, contacte la oficina: Línea Gratuita de Violencia Domestica de 24-Horas de todo el Estado de Georgia 1-800-33HAVEN (1-800-334-2836) V/TTY
Pagina 5
Juan Martinez se compromete a tratar la comunidad hispana con respecto honradez e integridad
10 de mayo 2018
ership Juan continued working in the business finally ending up in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In February of this year the owner, Hank Phillips, recruited him to join the Sons Auto Group Family here in Columbus. “I speak fluent Spanish and I understand the fear you may have of being taken advantage of. That will not happen here. Regardless of who you are I do not believe in pressuring you to buy anything here. There has always been a fear of going into the finance manager’s office of a car dealer and leaving with something you don’t want. I don’t operate that way. I explain to you what your warranty covers and what additional services are available and you can decide for yourself if you want them.”
By Wane A. Hailes Eco Latino
Juan Martínez es el gerente de finanzas de sons Chevrolet situado en el 3 6 1 5 M a n c h e s t e r E x p r e s s w a y. Originalmente de La Habana, Cuba, llegó a los Estados Unidos en 1960 y sirvió en el ejército de EE.UU. entre 1968-1988. En 1988 comenzó a trabajar en el negocio de automóviles en un concesionario en Albany, Georgia. Él finalmente se mudó a Macon donde poseía un BMW concesionario desde 19922002. Después de vender su concesión Juan siguió trabajando en el negocio, finalmente, terminando en Chattanooga, Tennessee. En febrero de este año, el propietario, Hank Phillips, lo reclutó para unirse a los hijos Auto Group familia aquí en Columbus. "Yo hablo español con fluidez y entiendo el miedo puede tener de ser aprovechado. Eso no va a suceder aquí. Independientemente de quién eres no creo en presionar a comprar nada aquí. Siempre ha habido un temor de ir a la oficina del gerente de finanzas de un concesionario de coches y salir con algo que usted no quiere. Yo no
funciona de esa manera. Yo le explique qué cubre la garantía y qué servicios adicionales están disponibles y puede decidir por sí mismo si lo desea." Cuando se le preguntó qué es lo que él quiere que los hispanos en Columbus para saber dijo, "Uno de mis objetivos es que la comunidad hispana sepa que si usted habla inglés y un poco de inglés o no inglés en todos, en hijos Chevrolet, usted será tratada con respeto, honestidad e integridad. Queremos su negocio y todo lo que pido es que se nos dé la oportunidad de demostrarlo. Por favor visite y pregunte por mí, Juan Martínez".
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Juan Martinez is the Finance Manager at Sons Chevrolet located at 3615 Manchester Expressway. Originally from Havana, Cuba he came to the United States in 1960 and served in the U.S. Army from 1968-1988. In 1988 Juan started working in the
car business at a dealership in Albany, Georgia. He eventually moved to Macon where he owned a BMW dealership from 1992-2002. After selling his deal-
When asked what he wants the Hispanics in Columbus to know he said, “One of my goals is to let the Hispanic community know that whether you speak English, a little English or no English at all, at Sons Chevrolet you will be treated with respect, honesty and integrity. We want your business and all I ask is that you give us a chance to prove it to you. Please stop by and ask for me, Juan Martinez”.
Pagina 4
24 de mayo 2018
gubernatorial candidate Williams; “Besame el Culo”
A white student at Yale called police officers on a Black student who had nodded off in a common area; a white woman in Seattle called the police on a Black family barbecuing in a part of a park that allowed barbecuing; a white person called security on a “suspicious” Black man with a baby in a park in Washington, D.C. It just so happens that the Black father had taken the day off from work from practicing law to push his son in a stroller in the park. Two black men, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, were arrested for trespassing as they waited inside a Philadelphia Starbucks for a business partner. A black woman was violently arrested inside a Saraland, Alabama, Waffle House and had the front of her shirt pulled down by police officers after a manager called 911
because of a dispute over an extra charge on the woman’s bill. The owner of a golf club in Pennsylvania called police on a group of black women who he said were playing too slowly. On April 30, two Native American teenagers were pulled aside by police during a tour of Colorado State University after a white parent on the tour called them. On May 8, the president of Nordstrom Rack issued an apology after employees at a Missouri location called the police on three black men who were shopping for prom, accusing them of shoplifting. A white customer in the store called the men “a bunch of bums” as they looked through items. If “shopping while black” and “driving while black” have been long used to describe a tendency for people and police to treat black people with suspicion, what these incidents seem to show is that Blacks are not only being profiled by police but also by some ordinary white citizens.
Now you have Georgia Republican gubernatorial candidate, Michael Williams touring the state in his “Deportation Bus” with a painted sign that says “FOLLOW ME TO MEXICO”, DANGER: Murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters, and other criminals on board
Why should we as Blacks be concerned? Numerous quotes from the late Martin Luther King, Jr. come to mind that includes: “The time is always right to do what is right.” “Injustice anywhere
is a threat to justice everywhere.” “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” With that being said; on behalf of the entire Hispanic community in the state of Georgia let me say that Michael Williams can “Kiss My A%#.
Wane A. Hailes
Pagina 2
24 de mayo 2018
Eco Latino Vol. 13
Edición 11 Gratis
jueves 24 de mayo 2018
La voz de la comunidad hispana
Juan Martinez se compromete a tratar la comunidad hispana con respecto honradez e integridad
Normas y Reglamentos
Pagina 2
Publisher Tells Gubernatorial Candidate Williams to “Besame el Culo” Pagina 4
Pagina 5