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The Vol. 12 Edition 1 Free Thursday January 5, 2017

Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd Headlines Annual Breakfast

Former President of Alabama State University Page 2 Guest Speaker

Introducing Our New Small Business Section

Greg Wilson Joins Our Staff As The Editor Of Connections Small Business Journal Page 9

2017 Alpha Phi Alpha Unity Awards

The List Of Past Unity Award Recipients. Who Will Be Next? Page 14


The Voice Of The Community







O F C O L U M B U S , F T. B E N N I N G & P H E N I X C I T Y


THURSDAY January 5, 2017

Republican Shenanigans? According to the street committee some northwest Georgia Democrats are blaming Joseph Brannan, the local GOP chair of the 2nd Congressional District of attempting to suppress the vote. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that several NW G e o r g i a Democrats received mailers advertising the wrong election date: January 17th instead of January 20th. The street committee spoke with Brannan and he insists that it was an honest mistake of failing to double-check the printer’s work. After the mistake was made known the mailers were reprinted with the correct information.

Our New Email Address

The Street Committee The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff�

Office Location The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 1300 Wynnton Rd, Suite 104 Columbus, Georgia 31906 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906 Visit Us Online At:




Discouraged, Disparaged, Disappointed And Dissuaded But Never Defeated ly. You have to be willing to confront discomfort, distractions and doubt, and act in spite of them.

There are numerous stories of people who have failed time and time again at different professions before finally succeeding. What inevitably sustained them through failure after failure was “Purpose and Persistence”. That’s what separates those who achieve from those who merely dream! It’s why Paul wrote: “Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.” Once you set your sights on your goal there will always seem to be obstacles popping up to prevent you from moving forward but you can’t give up and you must not give in.

For many of us a New Year comes with new resolutions, some personal, and some professional. Some are realistic and some are not. For those of you contemplating going into business for yourself I commend you. There is nothing better than economic independence. If you will, however, allow me to share some of what I’ve learned.

Most of us underestimate the time it takes to achieve anything of lasting value. What I’ve learned over these past years is that entrepreneurship is not easy and it’s not for everybody.

Every business owner, over the course of time, will inevitably be faced with what may appear

as insurmountable mountains, but no matter how tall and imposing it seems, you can overcome it by climbing one step at a time.

Many of the employees that start out with you may not be with you in the end. Some of them will be good people who you will want to hold onto when they come to you and say they are moving on. It will be hard, but you will have to learn to let them go realizing that people come into our lives either for a reason, a season or a lifetime and some times you have to “let go to grow.”

Often, to be successful in business, you will have to learn to do what doesn’t come natural-

Over the years I’ve shared many stories about how this business has been blessed in spite of. Some of you may have heard this one before but for those who haven’t here is one about the very first obstacle I faced.

Two weeks prior to printing our first paper I contacted our local paper, the Ledger-Enquirer, who at the time owned their own printing press and who printed many publications in the area. Having worked for the company for eight years I knew the staff and how they were always looking for new business. When I contacted the individual in charge of the printing department I shared with him that I was starting a newspaper and wanted to know what it would cost for them to print it. He immediately began with, “Why would you want to do that when there is already a minority newspaper, The Columbus Times?” He continued saying, “Aren’t you just going to be copying the same thing they

are doing?” Of course by this time “I’m five-ways hot” but I managed to maintain my composure. Finally after sharing with him our mission he said that the only way that they would be able to print our paper, for a Thursday distribution was if we were able to have the information to him on Mondays. I told him that I couldn’t accept that. I thanked him for his time and hung up the phone. I had no clue what to do. Here I am two weeks out and no one to print my paper. Two days later, still angry and still without a printer, I decided to call my “friend” again. This time I used a fictitious name, “Richard Green”, and said, “I am starting a newspaper and looking for a printer. I need to distribute it on Thursdays and can have the information to you by Wednesday evening”. Don’t you know my “friend” said, “Mr. Green, absolutely no problem we will be more than happy to accommodate you, when would you like to start?” I didn’t even get mad and until now I had only shared that experience with a handful of people. What I do know is when man closes a door in your face God will open a window and in this case it was obvious He knew something I didn’t. I found another printing company and we have had a wonderful relationship for the past twelve years. The LedgerEnquirer, on the other hand, has long been out of the printing business and is now having their paper printed by an outside source.

As I look back over these past twelve years there were times when my “money was funny, and my change was strange”. There were times when peo-

ple said I would never make it. I’ve been accused of printing a publication filled with gossip and lies, one that is good for no more than wrapping dead fish or toilet paper. And over the years I have been maligned, disappointed, discouraged, disparaged and dissuaded. In spite of it all I know I can make it because I use those same obstacles as spiritual landmarks in my life to remind me of the times when God intervened on my behalf.

My good friend and mentor, Dr. Robert “Bob” Wright once told me; “God takes us where He wants us to go and He equips us with the tools we need to make things happen if we use those tools correctly.” I believe that it is only because I have used the tools He has provided me correctly that I am able to stand here today with a business that is making a difference in this community.

Whether in business or life, before you give in to discouragement, disappointment, doubt or defeat, stop and recall what God has done for you thus far. Think of the times He guided you, or the doors He opened that you thought were permanently shut, or the scrapes He brought you through. Keep a record of these events and refer to it often. It will help you to remember His goodness when you tend to forget it. It will give you a sense of gratitude for yesterday’s blessings, and confidence to face whatever tomorrow brings. Finally, understand, life will throw you all kinds of curves but I’ve learned whatever I don’t allow to make me bitter will only make me better. Happy New Year

Wane A. Hailes

Page 4


Quality Speech

One of the biggest lies I have ever heard is sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. The words that you speak will permeate into the atmosphere while

A Shift in the Climate By: Anonymous Millennial

2016 was an interesting year to say the least. We lost Prince. We lost Muhammad Ali. Clowns were killing people. Phones were literally blowing up, and everybody was trying his or her best to be a mannequin, even though it was an election year and nobody could really keep still. The craziest part of 2016 was the election, and with president-elect Donald Trump preparing to take office this year will be quite insane.

Some of the things that probably popped into your mind when you read “president-elect Donald Trump” were


also dictating how you think, react and view life. Take some time and think of the negative words you have spoken to not only others, but yourself as well. How often did positive results come from speech that is not edifying, nor life affirming? Filthy communication corrupts good manners and it strips one of the desire to reach for every goal in front of them. Positive speaking will lead to positive actions; positive actions will lead to positive results; positive results will lead to a positive lifestyle and a positive lifestyle will lead to extraordinary change! Instead of leaving a hole in someone's heart with discouraging words, plant seeds of encouragement and life that will birth greatness! A graduate of Shaw High School and Auburn University Jonathan Rivers is a motivational speaker and TV host. Rivers can be reached at 706.593.7800 and TEAM B.A.M. at

race and gender issues, tax reform and the wealth gap, foreign policy, healthcare, immigration reform and Russia. But out of all of the issues that our country faces, the one that is affecting us the most is being talked about the least.

Climate change is real, and I noticed it during the wild ride called 2016 when we celebrated a Christmas in Columbus that was nearly 80-degrees. Global temperatures have steadily been increasing, and 2015 was the warmest year ever on record. Sea ice, glaciers, snow and even the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been melting and decreasing. The sea level is rising because of the added water from melting ice and expansion of warming seawater, and the oceans are becoming more acidic which makes it harder for marine organisms to grow and survive. These are all facts that can be found on NASA’s website, and they are facts that severely affect our present and future.

President Barrack Obama’s last year in office was 2016. He saw the significance of the environment and during his presidency, plans were pushed to grow wind and solar power, reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and most importantly, fight climate change. Both of President Obama’s


HI JANEE’ First off happy holidays to you! I'll get straight to the point, what is your take on a woman asking a man out? I'm 51 and in my day we didn't ask men out that was considered their "job". I ask this because I'm interested in my coworker and although we flirt back and forth all the time he has yet to ask me out and I feel weird about asking him. As far as I know he is a single man, so I don't understand why he has yet to ask.

appointed secretaries of energy are distinguished physicists with Dr. Steven Chu winning the Nobel Prize in physics in 1997, and President Obama’s current interior secretary is a fervent environmentalist.

Enter 2017. President-elect Donald Trump opposes President Obama’s energy-related executive orders and wants to eliminate the barriers to responsible energy production in order to increase economic output. Trump’s nominee for secretary of energy, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, is nowhere near as qualified as President Obama’s secretaries of energy and governed a Texas expansion of oil and gas development from 2000 to 2015. Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt, who denies climate change and has spent years trying to block President Obama’s policies to reduce carbon emissions, is Trump’s choice to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.

January 5, 2017 I haven't been on the dating scene in 10 years, I know the rules have changed. What should I do? What would you do? Maybe he's not interested, I don't know I'm starting to ramble...Lol Help!!!! MARJORIE

HI MARJORIE Let's see should you ask out "Keith"?? Honestly I have this conversation with my male friends all the time because I believe if a man is interested in you HE WILL ASK you out. He will pursue you, but as I keep being told we live in a different world now where women are going for what and who they want when it comes to a relationship. So you know it's really up to you, what do you feel? If you are interested in this man and he's not moving as fast as you would like then hey go for it. I'm not sure how long the flirting has been going on but maybe give it a little bit of time to feel him out he could just be one of those guys that flirt with all women (we've always met a man like that) or he could actually be interested in you but is trying to find the right time to make his move. Hope this helps Happy New Year!


You can email your questions to

Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke, Trump’s choice for interior secretary does not believe that climate change is proven to be fact, and Rex Tillerson, CEO of the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, ExxonMobil, is Trump’s choice for secretary of state. These appointments are important, for these men will shape the laws in order to support big business rather than actually taking the time to examine the effects that carbon emissions have on the atmosphere. They are going to fight to block and eliminate President Obama’s energy proposals, and there will be long-term effects on the climate due to carbon emissions. 97% of climate scientists agree that climatewarming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and as we continue to ignore the problem, the bigger it will grow.






O F C O L U M B U S , F T. B E N N I N G & P H E N I X C I T Y


Rev. Emmett Aniton Friendship Baptist Church

Judge Michael Bellamy Russell Cty. Circuit Court

Cong. Sanford D. Bishop 2nd District

Kia Chambers MCSD School Board

Dr. Brenda Coley

Russell County Superintendent

Dee Armstrong TV Personality

Jerry “Pops Barnes” City Council District 1

Kenneth Barnes Russell Cty School Board

Vivian Creighton-Bishop Municipal Court Clerk

Judge Mary Buckner Recorders Court Judge

Naomi Buckner MCSD School Board

Judge Zack Collins

Susan Cooper Director Urban League

Greg Countryman Marshal Muscogee County

Russell County District Court


Chief William Alexander Russell Cty. Sheriff Dept.


elcome to The Courier/Eco Latino newspaper’s Annual Guide to the 65 Most Influential AfricanAmericans of Columbus, Ft. Benning and Phenix City. To create our roster our editorial board drew from a variety of sources. From politicians to ministers, entrepreneurs to officers, on the following pages we have provided our list of African-American men, women or organizations whom we feel, according to the the definition of “influence” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “have the power or capacity in indirect or intangible ways to have an effect on the condition or development of the people of our community”. Our list this year includes many familiar names and some new faces. Individuals on the list – some who are very much in the public eye and some who choose to work behind the scenes – are selected for the power and influence they wield.


Greg Davis CEO Davis Broadcasting, Inc.

Arthur Day City Council Phenix City

Jamal De Saussure Omega Psi Phi

Belva Dorsey CEO Enrichment Services

Rosa Evans Director Metra Transit

Rev. Johnnie Flakes, III 4th Street Metropolitan Baptist

Valerie Fuller MCSD Dir. Communications

Petra Gertjegerdes Publisher Columbus Times

Pat Hugley Green MCSD School Board

Wane A. Hailes Publisher Courier Eco Latino

Ed Harbison State Senator

Lula Huff Tax Commissioner

Wallace Hunter City Manager, Phenix City

Carolyn Hugley State Representative

Stacey Jackson Attorney

Isaiah Hugley Columbus City Manager

Vernita Harris Delta Sigma Theta

Rev. Ralph Huling Inter. Ministerial Alliance

Vanessa Jackson MCSD School Board



Rochelle Jones Alpha Kappa Alpha


THURSDAY January 5, 2017

Cattie Epps Russell County Commissioner

Lisa Goodwin Deputy City Manager

Bruce Huff Columbus City Council

Julius Hunter Recorders Court Judge

Mel Long C.U.R.E.D Phenix City




Evelyn Turner Pugh Mayor Pro-Tem Columbus

Crystal Shahid Leaders of Today & Tomorrow

Audrey Boone Tillman General Counsel Aflac

Teresa White President Aflac

Rodney Mahone Publisher Ledger Enquirer

Rev. Corey Neal Mt. Calvary Association

Ronnie Reed Judge Ben Richardson Russell County Commissioner State Court Muscogee County

Melanie V. Slayton Attorney

Beverly Townsend, MD Dir. West Central Health

Joseph Williams Russell Cty School Board

Calvin Smyre State Representative

Trenna Trice United Negro College Fund

Rev. Noble Williams Phenix City Concerned Clergy


Eddie Lowe Mayor Phenix City

THURSDAY January 5, 2017

Zara Parham School Board Phenix City

Dr. Mesha Patrick School Board Phenix City

Oz Roberts Alpha Phi Alpha

Larry Screws Russell Cty Commissioner

Arthur Sumbry, Jr Russell County Coroner

Raymond Tillery Ass. Judge Municipal Court

Eugenia Upshaw Russell Cty School Board

Teresa Whitaker News Anchor WRBL TV 3

Shiann Williamson AKA Rho Rho Omega

Dr. Robert L. Wright Businessman



January 5, 2017

Page 9

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper Welcomes CSBJ

As our new year begins we, the Courier Eco Latino newspaper, continues our efforts to become the #1 media source for informing, inspiring and empowering our African American and Hispanic communities.

Toward that effort we are proud to welcome to our publication Greg Wilson the Founder and editor of Connections Small Business Journal.

According to the SBA, small businesses provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs nationally. Connections Small Business Journal exists for the sole purpose of connecting small business, entrepreneurs, and start-ups with people, resources, and information. Small business changes daily and small business owners must be able to readily receive this information, decipher its relevance and make the necessary adjustments. Like Greg we pride ourselves on being a local resource and conduit for this process to take place.

Connections Small Business Journal (CSBJ) is about the small business owner. The publication is provided for those individuals who are serious about small business and are equally as serious about making their small business a success. The aspirations, hopes, and dreams of the small business community are our inspiration and the fuel behind providing this information. CONNECT RADIO CSBJ Radio is a series of half hourlong podcasts and “live� broadcasts that feature interviews and open discussions with small business experts on a variety of topics. Guests include a mix of small business owners, entrepreneurs and experts who speak on topics of the day that are relevant and important to the small business market. The experts and guests alike offer great insider tips and advice that are beneficial to the small business community.

January 5, 2017


Ten Small Business Mistakes

Some of the most common practices are listed below yet, all too often, are not followed to the detriment of the small business. Avoid making these mistakes.

1. TEST MARKET: Many individuals fail to test market before business planning, before funding and even before launching a full-blown marketing campaign. The experience tells you more about how to deliver it, who will buy it, how to find them, where to reach them, what they’ll pay for it and if and how you can repeat the process profitably over time.

2. BUSINESS PLANNING: We’ve all heard it many times, yet many of us still resist developing a business plan. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” 3. SELL, SELL, SELL: Selling may sound like common sense to any small business owner, but many start-ups focus on everything else but sales.

4. MARKET, MARKET, MARKET: Marketing is often the first thing that gets cut during tough times, yet it is the most critical.

5. KNOW THE NUMBERS: Particularly for smaller businesses that have few products or services, bookkeeping often gets put on the back burner. This includes timely invoicing, payment tracking and knowing at any point in time how profitable the business is.

6. CASH IS KING: You can have new customers pounding down your door to do business with you, but if you don’t have the cash to support investing in the equipment and resources to deliver the orders, you can go out of business just as fast as if you had no customers.

7. FOCUS: If what you’re doing now is profitable and working stay focused and be very slow to change, just because someone asks for it or because you feel like it.

Mistakes Page 11

Thursday January 5, 2017


Mistakes From Page 10

8. HELP: Help is a word that some small business owners are afraid to admit that they need. Help is available for any small business if they do one thing, and that is ask for it.

9. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK: Networking and building relationships still remains at the heart of business growth. 10. CELEBRATE SUCCESS: Many successful small business owners are driven. Stop and take time to celebrate each success no matter how small it is. This will help to create balance between the business and the personal side of life. 10. CELEBRATE SUCCESS: Many successful small business owners are driven. Stop and take time to celebrate each success no matter how small it is. This will help to create balance between the business and the personal side of life.

Three Big Mistakes Companies Always Make On Social Media

As the use of social media continues to grow for all ages and backgrounds, it is essential that business owners stay on top of what they are posting or not posting on social media if they want to grow an online presence. Here are three major mistakes that companies tend to make when using social media.

1. Not posting content If you want to build any type of online relationship with your current customers or gain new customers, you should consider sharing great information or content that will benefit your customers. Consider creating content at least once a week either through a written or video blog. Blogs are a great way for you to put you, as a business, in the position of being an expert. Sharing good content also adds information that can increase the traffic to your social media profiles.

2. Constantly Selling Products or Services If you want to get your followers to

3 Big Mistakes Page 12

Thursday January 5, 2017


3 Big Mistakes From Page 11

If you don’t like to walk down the street and constantly have someone selling to you then imagine how your followers feel. No one wants to see a ton of ads as they scroll down their Twitter, Facebook or Instagram News Feed. Now this is not to say that you should not do any selling but you should keep it at a limit. Remember content is King and pictures are great too. You want your social media to be like a TV Show but with very limited commercial interruptions! 3. Not Responding to a Negative Post So you got an old customer that said some things about a bad experience they had at your place of business. You figure, if I ignore it then maybe no one will notice. Wrong! Or, you think if I erase it, then it will be ok. Wrong again! The best way to deal with a negative comment is with a positive response. It is highly unlikely you will please every customer. Your followers can be sympathetic with that. By responding with a positive message you let your followers know that you care for your customers no matter Lutalo Aryee NEXT ISSUE

Brand Your Business to Be Heard Above the Crowd!

Experts tell us that we’re exposed to more than 5,000 marketing messages every day. Your clients and prospects are on marketing overload, and getting your message heard above the crowd can be a challenge. Branding your company can help you do just that, and to survive and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace you need to be heard!

Contrary to what you might have heard, branding doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Large corporations certainly spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to brand products. However, soloprenuers and consultants, willing to invest the time and effort, can brand their services and products affordable.

Thursday January 5, 2017


January 5, 2017

Fire and Burglar Alarm Security Cameras Surround Sound 1124 Lockwood Avenue Columbus, Georgia 31906

1.800.769.0694 Curtis Stephens Cell: 706.888.8522

Request for Bids

RFB No. 17-0025 Radar Certifications for Public Safety Departments (Annual Contract) Due: January 25, 2017 – 2:30 PM Kevin Robertson, Buyer I

1514-5th Avenue Phenix City, AL 334.298.0364

$10 Off

With this Co


4D ultrasound

Ask about our 16 week gender determination Charlotte Chancey, RDMS Miriam Jackson, RDMS Toll Free: 1-877-653-2229 3601 Hilton Ave., Suite 122, Columbus, GA

RFB No. 17-0028 Melrose Drive, Boxwood Boulevard & Decatur Street Bridge Replacements and Waterford Road Bridge Improvements Due: January 11, 2017 – 2:30 PM Della Lewis, CPPB Buyer Specialist RFB No. 17-0029 Landscape Improvements – 2nd Avenue & 18th Street Due: January 4, 2017 – 2:30 PM Della Lewis, CPPB Buyer Specialist

Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the due date shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at ortunities.htm, notify the Buyer via email or, fax 706.225.3033 or telephone 706.653.4105.

Andrea J. McCorvey Purchasing Manager

? 2017

2011 Judge Michael Bellamy

2007 Phyllis Jones

2016 Senator Ed Harbison

2015 Sam Mitchell Marc Upshaw

2014 Lula Lunsford Huff

2010 Mayor Robert Poydasheff

2009 Judge John D. Allen

2008 Frank Brown

2005 Cong. Sanford D. Bishop

2004 Dan Amos

2006 James H. Blanchard

2013 Gen. Carmen Cavezza (RET)

2012 Evelyn Turner Pugh

2003 Rev. Robert Holston

2001 Mayor Bobby Peters

2002 Rev. Primus E. King

2000 Rep. Calvin Smyre

1999 Lyda Hannan

1998 Rev. J.H. Flakes, Jr

1997 Marvin Schuster

1994 Lonnie Jackson

1993 Judge Albert Thompson

1992 Ocie Harris

1991 George W. Ford, Jr.

1990 Metro Urban League

1989 M. Delmar Edwards

1988 John B. Amos

1987 A. J. McClung



1996 Margaret Belcher

1995 Robert Wright, O.D.





Carl Brown Representative

Life, Disability, Health, Dental, Mutual Funds, Annuities, Medicare Supplements, IRA’s, Critical Illness

Office: 706-653-1287 Fax: 706-653-1290 Cell: 706-718-7313 Email:

Evergreen Covington, CEO

4236 St. Mary’s Road

Columbus, Georgia


First African Baptist Church 901 5th Avenue

Columbus, Georgia

Sunday Worship Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship 11A.M. Transportation Provided

Call 706-323-3367 Sr. Pastor Roderick Green











(O FFICE )706.323-6996 (FAX ) 706.322.7596 (PASTOR ’ S HOME )706.561.6733 R EV. D R . E MMETT S. A NITON , J R PASTOR

Metropolitan Baptist Church

1635 5th Avenue . Columbus, Georgia 706.322.1488

Service Sunday School 9:30 A.M Monday Night Tuesday Bible Study Pastor Curtis Crocker, Jr.

Schedule Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M Prayer 6:00 P.M 12:00 P.M & 5:30 P.M

Mission Statement A growing church for growing Christians attempting to grow the Kingdom, one soul at a time.

January 5, 2017


Practice Areas: Misdemeanor . Felony . DUI . Personal Injurury . Auto . Divorce . Family . Juvenile . Probate . Wills

201 9th Street Columbus, Georgia 706.507.5425

Jueves 5 de Enero 2017


Fsueño From pagina 2

de la injusticia racial a la sólida roca de la fraternidad. Ahora es tiempo de hacer que la justicia sea una realidad para todos los hijos de Dios. Sería desastroso para la nación pasar por alto la urgencia del momento y subestimar la determinación de las personas negras. Este asfixiante verano del legítimo descontento de las personas negras no pasará hasta que haya un estimulante otoño de libertad e igualdad. Mil novecientos sesenta y tres no es un fin, sino un comienzo. Quienes esperaban que las personas negras necesitaran soltar vapor y que ahora estarán contentos, tendrán un brusco despertar si la nación vuelve a su actividad como si nada hubiera pasado. No habrá descanso ni tranquilidad en América hasta que las personas negras tengan garantizados sus derechos como ciudadanas y ciudadanos. Los torbellinos de revuelta continuarán sacudiendo los cimientos de nuestra nación hasta que nazca el día brillante de la justicia. Pero hay algo que debo decir a mi pueblo, que está en el caluroso umbral que lleva al interior del palacio de justicia. En el proceso de conseguir nuestro legítimo lugar, no debemos ser culpables de acciones equivocadas. No busquemos saciar nuestra sed de libertad bebiendo de la copa del encarnizamiento y del odio. Debemos conducir siempre nuestra lucha en el elevado nivel de la dignidad y la disciplina. No debemos permitir que nuestra fecunda protesta degenere en violencia física. Una y otra vez debemos ascender a las majestuosas alturas donde se hace frente a la fuerza física con la fuerza espiritual. La maravillosa nueva militancia que ha envuelto a la comunidad negra no debe llevarnos a desconfiar de todas las personas blancas, ya que muchos de nuestros hermanos blancos, como su presencia hoy aquí evidencia, han llegado a

ser conscientes de que su destino está atado a nuestro destino. Han llegado a darse cuenta de que su libertad está inextricablemente unida a nues tra libertad. No podemos caminar solos. Y mientras caminamos, debemos hacer la solemne promesa de que siempre caminaremos hacia adelante. No podemos volver atrás. Hay quienes están preguntando a los defensores de los derechos civiles: “¿Cuándo estaréis satisfechos?” No podemos estar satisfechos mientras las personas negras sean víctimas de los indecibles horrores de la brutalidad de la policía. No podemos estar satisfechos mientras nuestros cuerpos, cargados con la fatiga del viaje, no puedan conseguir alojamiento en los moteles de las autopistas ni en los hoteles de las ciudades. No podemos estar satisfechos mientras la movilidad básica de las personas negras sea de un ghetto más pequeño a otro más amplio. No podemos estar satisfechos mientras nuestros hijos sean despojados de su personalidad y privados de su dignidad por letreros que digan “sólo para blancos”. No podemos estar satisfechos mientras una persona negra en Mississippi no pueda votar y una persona negra en Nueva York crea que no tiene nada por qué votar. No, no, no estamos satisfechos y no estaremos satisfechos hasta que la justicia corra como las aguas y la rectitud como un impetuoso torrente. No soy inconsciente de que algunos de vosotros y vosotras habéis venido aquí después de grandes procesos y tribulaciones. Algunos de vosotros y vosotras habéis salido recientemente de estrechas celdas de una prisión. Algunos de vosotros y vosotras habéis venido de zonas donde vuestra búsqueda de la libertad os dejó golpeados por las tormentas de la persecución y tambaleantes por los vientos de la brutalidad de la policía. Habéis sido los veteranos del

sufrimiento fecundo. Continuad trabajando con la fe de que el sufrimiento inmerecido es redención. Volved a Mississippi, volved a Alabama, volved a Carolina del Sur, volved a Georgia, volved a Luisiana, volved a los suburbios y a los ghettos de nuestras ciudades del Norte, sabiendo que de un modo u otro esta situación puede y va a ser cambiada. No nos hundamos en el valle de la desesperación. Aun así, aunque vemos delante las dificultades de hoy y mañana, amigos míos, os digo hoy: todavía tengo un sueño. Es un sueño profundamente enraizado en el sueño americano. Tengo un sueño: que un día esta nación se pondrá en pie y realizará el verdadero significado de su credo: “Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes por sí mismas: que todos los hombres han sido creados iguales”. Tengo un sueño: que un día sobre las colinas rojas de Georgia los hijos de quienes fueron esclavos y los hijos de quienes fueron propietarios de esclavos serán capaces de sentarse juntos en la mesa de la fraternidad. Tengo un sueño: que un día incluso el estado de Mississippi, un estado sofocante por el calor de la injusticia, sofocante por el calor de la opresión, se transformará en un oasis de libertad y justicia. Tengo un sueño: que mis cuatro hijos vivirán un día en una nación en la que no serán juzgados por el color de su piel sino por su reputación. Tengo un sueño hoy. Tengo un sueño: que un día allá abajo en Alabama, con sus racistas despiadados, con su gobernador que tiene los labios goteando con las palabras de interposición y anulación, que un día, justo allí en Alabama niños negros y niñas negras podrán darse la mano con niños blancos y niñas blancas, como

hermanas y hermanos. Tengo un sueño hoy. Tengo un sueño: que un día todo valle será alzado y toda colina y montaña será bajada, los lugares escarpados se harán llanos y los lugares tortuosos se enderezarán y la gloria del Señor se mostrará y toda la carne juntamente la verá. Ésta es nuestra esperanza. Ésta es la fe con la que yo vuelvo al Sur. Con esta fe seremos capaces de cortar de la montaña de desesperación una piedra de esperanza. Con esta fe seremos capaces de transformar las chirriantes disonancias de nuestra nación en una hermosa sinfonía de fraternidad. Con esta fe seremos capaces de trabajar juntos, de rezar juntos, de luchar juntos, de ir a la cárcel juntos, de ponernos de pie juntos por la libertad, sabiendo que un día seremos libres. Éste será el día, éste será el día en el que todos los hijos de Dios podrán cantar con un nuevo significado “Tierra mía, es a ti, dulce tierra de libertad, a ti te canto. Tierra donde mi padre ha muerto, tierra del orgullo del peregrino, desde cada ladera suene la libertad”. Y si América va a ser una gran nación, esto tiene que lle-

gar a ser verdad. Y así, suene la libertad desde las prodigiosas cumbres de las colinas de New Hampshire. Suene la libertad desde las enormes montañas de Nueva York. Suene la libertad desde los elevados Alleghenies de Pennsylvania. Suene la libertad desde las Rocosas cubiertas de nieve de Colorado. Suene la libertad desde las curvas vertientes de California. Pero no sólo eso; suene la libertad desde la Montaña de Piedra de Georgia. Suene la libertad desde el Monte Lookout de Tennessee. Suene la libertad desde cada colina y cada topera de Mississippi, desde cada ladera. Suene la libertad. Y cuando esto ocurra y cuando permitamos que la libertad suene, cuando la dejemos sonar desde cada pueblo y cada aldea, desde cada estado y cada ciudad, podremos acelerar la llegada de aquel día en el que todos los hijos de Dios, hombres blancos y hombres negros, judíos y gentiles, protestantes y católicos, serán capaces de juntar las manos y cantar con las palabras del viejo espiritual negro: “¡Al fin libres! ¡Al fin libres! ¡Gracias a Dios Todopoderoso, somos al fin libres!”

Pagina 2

Tengo un sueño...I Have a Dream

Estoy contento de reunirme hoy con vosotros y con vosotras en la que pasará a la historia como la mayor manifestación por la libertad en la historia de nuestra nación. Hace un siglo, un gran americano, bajo cuya simbólica sombra nos encontramos, firmó la Proclamación de Emancipación. Este trascendental decreto llegó como un gran faro de esperanza para millones de esclavos negros y esclavas negras, que habían sido quemados en las llamas de una injusticia aniquiladora. Llegó como un amanecer dichoso para acabar con la larga noche de su cautividad. Pero cien años después, las personas negras todavía no son libres. Cien años después, la vida de las personas negras sigue todavía tristemente atenazada por los grilletes de la segregación y por las cadenas de la discriminación. Cien años después, las personas negras viven en una isla solitaria de pobreza en medio de un vasto océano de prosperidad material. Cien años después, las personas negras todavía siguen languideciendo en los rincones de la sociedad americana y se sienten como exiliadas en su propia tierra. Así que hemos venido hoy aquí a mostrar unas condiciones vergonzosas. Hemos venido a la capital de nuestra nación en cierto sentido para cobrar un cheque. Cuando los arquitectos de nuestra república escribieron las magnificientes palabras de la Constitución y de la

Declaración de Independencia, estaban firmando un pagaré del que todo americano iba a ser heredero. Este pagaré era una promesa de que a todos los hombres —sí, a los hombres negros y también a los hombres blancos— se les garantizarían los derechos inalienables a la vida, a la libertad y a la búsqueda de la felicidad. Hoy es obvio que América ha defraudado en este pagaré en lo que se refiere a sus ciudadanos y ciudadanas de color. En vez de cumplir con esta sagrada obligación, América ha dado al pueblo negro un cheque malo, un cheque que ha sido devuelto marcado “sin fondos”. Pero nos negamos a creer que el banco de la justicia está en bancarrota. Nos negamos a creer que no hay fondos suficientes en las grandes arcas bancarias de las oportunidades de esta nación. Así que hemos venido a cobrar este cheque, un cheque que nos dé mediante reclamación las riquezas de la libertad y la seguridad de la justicia. También hemos venido a este santo lugar para recordar a América la intensa urgencia de este momento. No es tiempo de darse al lujo de refrescarse o de tomar el tranquilizante del gradualismo. Ahora es tiempo de hacer que las promesas de democracia sean reales. Ahora es tiempo de subir desde el oscuro y desolado valle de la segregación al soleado sendero de la justicia racial. Ahora es tiempo de alzar a nuestra nación desde las arenas movedizas See sueño pagina 4

Jueves 5 de Enero 2017

Eco Latino Vol. 12


La voz de la comunidad hispana

Edición 1 Gratis

Jueves 5 de Enero 2017

The 65 Most Influential African Americans of Columbus, Ft. Benning & Phenix City

Tengo unsueño I Have a Dream

See Courier Pagina 5-7

Se Están Aceptando Nominaciones Para Los 25 Hispanos Más Influyentes En Columbus, Ft. Benning & Phenix City

Pagina 2

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