Thecourier06 22 2017

Page 1

The Vol. 12 Edition 13 Free Thursday June 22, 2017

Who We Could Support In 2018


Columbus Black History Museum & Archives

New Owner Promises To Build On Founders Vision

Page 9

Camp Renaissance

Local Motivational Speaker and Coach offers Camp For Youth Page 11

The Voice Of The Community

Kia, You’re Doing Just Great! No Need

To Worry About What They Say, You’re

Part Of The Team Now! Keep Voting The

Way I Tell You And Remember You’ll Be Chairman of The Board Come January. I Promise!

With Municipal Elections Set For May 22, 2018 We Offer Suggestions Of Who Page 7 Could Win


Has Kia Chambers Sold Out Our Children For A Seat At The Head Of The Table? Page 4


THURSDAY June 22, 2017

Will Someone Please Tell Frank To “Have Several Seats”?

Definition: When somebody says/does something so unbelievably dumb that they need to just sit down, shut up, and not do anything else

According to the street committee once again we have Muscogee County school board member, Frank Myers attempting to micromanage the superintendent. At a recent board meeting superintendent David Lewis recommended hiring Angela Vickers, as the replacement for the retired Melvin Blackwell, who served as the MCSD’s student services chief for the past six years. Vickers, an African American, is currently employed as the supervisor of educational leadership development for the Hillsborough County in Tampa, Fla. Myers insinuated that Vickers resume was less than impressive even going as far as to calling it, amateurish and embarrassing. The street committee would contend what is truly amateurish and embarrassing is Attorney Myers lack of understanding and respect for the law that directs and

guides his actions as an elected board member. Perhaps this can be excused being that the law school he graduated from, Woodrow Wilson College of Law, no longer exists. Because of that the street committee decided to help him out by spelling out the statute here: Policy Board Code of Ethics Domain I: Governance Structure 3. Support the delegation of authority for the dayto-day administration of the school system to the local superintendent and act accordingly. 6.Not undermine the authority of the local superintendent or intrude into responsibilities that properly belong to the local superintendent or school administration, including such functions as hiring, transferring or dismissing employees. Domain VI: Personnel 2. Support the employment of persons best qualified to serve as employees of the school system and insist on regular and impartial evaluations of school system staff. Enough said? We can only hope.

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff” Office LocationThe Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 1300 Wynnton Rd, Suite 104 Columbus, Georgia 31906 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906 Visit Us Online At:

The Street Committee




Dear White People: Do You Not Know The Definition Of Insanity? Once again a white celebrity has sparked outrage for his use of the “N” word. In a recent interview with Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, Bill Maher jokingly referred to himself as a “house nigger”.

The talk show host later apologized for the remark, which he said he used in the “banter of a live moment”. For me, that’s some straight “BS”.

In this day and age of social media and political correctness you would think after Hulk Hogan, Paula Dean and Michael Richards aka Kramer from Seinfeld; every Caucasian celebrity would go out of their way to stay clear of the “N” word.

It doesn’t matter how many Jay-Z, Kanye West, or T.I. Cd’s you own. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve heard it in a rap song. And your attempt to justify using the word because we do is just straight “ignant”. Like everyone’s parent has said at least once: “if your friend jumps off a bridge are you going to jump too?” Ice Cube made a great point when discussing with Maher why some people cross the line with their use of the “N” word. His point, and I agree, there are a lot of white folks who have gotten too familiar or comfortable with our culture and think it’s ok.

Of course as we know, the use of the “N” word has never been confined to just celebrities so please hear me White folks: whether to use or not use the “N” word is not up for debate.

This is often true with white guys, like Maher, who has dated many black women as well as white girls with Black boyfriends. The bottom line is this; if you are white you need to keep the “N” word out of your mouth.

It doesn’t matter if you are proof positive that “white men can jump” or have been so lauded for your street ball skills that Black folks have given you the nickname, “White Chocolate”.

It seems that far too many of us have no problem using an offensive word born out of hatred and turning it into what they claim is an endearing word of love.

It does not matter how many Black friends you have or if you grew up in a neighborhood where you were the only white family.

You can be a white person adopted by a Black family and even then you need to understand you don’t get a pass to use the “N” word.

Realistically, regardless the effort by some in the African American community to ban the use of the “N” word, I am resigned to the fact that it will be an uphill battle.

By the way the definition of insanity: doing the samething over and over again and expecting different results.

Wane A. Hailes



June 22, 2017

Has Kia Chambers Sold Out Children Our For A Seat At The Head Of The Table?

Kia, You’re Doing Just Great! No Need To Worry About What They Say, You’re Part Of The Team Now! Keep Voting The Way I Tell You And Remember You’ll Be Chairman Of The Board Come January. I Promise!

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

“When we see a black man who is constantly being praised by the Americans, begin to suspect him. When we see a black man get honors and all sorts of decorations and the United States flatters him with fine words and phrases, immediately suspect that person. Because our experience has taught us that the Americans do not exalt any black man that is really working for the benefit of the black man” – Malcolm X

In an article appearing in our January 22, 2015 publication we reported; “Chambers Stays True To her Mantra; “Kia For Kids”... Maintains Integrity, Refuses Frank Myers; 30 Pieces of Silver” we wrote: “According to the street committee, Frank Myers has already begun reaching out to the new board members directly or through their associates in an attempt to gain control of the vote against the no-bid contract with Hatcher-Stubbs. The word is he is trying desperately to get Kia Chambers on his side...We’re guessing he will tell her he can deliver the votes to make her Chairman or Vice Chairman of the board. If so, will she take the bait? “As we have now learned, from an email she sent to newly elected board members... she was offered their support by virtue of their vote to make her Chairman of the Muscogee County School Board and Mark Cantrell, Vice Chair.” In her statement to them she wrote; "I would like to say thank you for your support and confidence in me. I really appreciate it and I look forward to working with each and everyone of you. After careful consideration I have decided that it is in my best interest and the interest of the board if I get in and learn first before taking on a Leadership position. My plans are to get a better understanding of what's going on first before making any changes." At the time we commended Kia Chambers for seeing through his façade and maintaining her integrity.

See Kia Page 5



This article appeared in the Ledger Enquirer 1/7/16 “Muscogee County School Board chairman not seeking re-election in May; new member on way to unseating leader this month” “The chairman of the Muscogee County School Board isn't seeking re-election in May -- and a new member seems to have enough support to oust him this month as the leader....What is clear is that Varner, who wants to continue as the chairman during his final year on the board, will have at least one challenger for the lead position when the representatives vote on their 2016 officers during the Jan. 19 meeting. Several members have said Kia Chambers, the nine-member board's lone county-wide representative, has contacted them to ask for their support in her bid for the gavel.” This article appeared in the Ledger Enquirer 1/4/17 “Last year’s surprise” “But don’t be surprised if the Jan. 17 meeting contains a surprise. Last year’s election of board officers certainly did. Leading up to that 2016 meeting, Chambers appeared to have enough support to unseat Varner from the chairmanship. But some of that support had slipped away by the time the members voted.” This article appeared in All On Georgia Muscogee County 6/4/17 “Rift Over Citizens Group Still Boiling” ...Chambers was going to be out of town and she asked her uncle, Tollie Strode Jr., to keep the process moving. Strode is a West Point graduate and a retired Army officer, who is active in local politics. On May 30th, he sent board chair Pat Hugley Green an email that referred to a charter for the advisory committee and included a list of appointments. He even mentioned a calendar of scheduled committee meetings...

Email sent to the Chairman of Muscogee County School Board Pat Hugley Green from Tollie Strode 5/30/17 Dear Mrs. Green, Greetings. Mrs. Chambers asked that I continue formation of the “Community Advisory Council” (CAC) during her absence. Mrs. Chambers provided the Board an overview document that outlined the CAC charter and an initial list of individuals that agreed to serve. She provided me the charter and the appointee names that she received from Board Members. I’m following up with you to confirm your appointment and their contact information, please... Email sent to Vice Chairman of the Muscogee County School Board Kia Chambers From Pat Hugley Green 5/31/17 Good morning, Please continue to use your email if you need for me to communicate to the board. If there are any instructions or direction it will come from the board to the citizens. Enjoy, Pat Hugley Green

Email sent to Muscogee County School Board Members From Pat Hugley Green 5/31/17 Good morning Board Members: In reference to the original email below. The board is in the process of forming a citizen advisory committee. This committee will work with MCSD similarly as the Citizen ESPLOST committee. All instruction, direction and Action will be completed by The Board. Such directions would flow from The Board to the citizens. Thank you for your patience, Pat Hugley Green

Email sent to Muscogee County School Board Member Frank Myers From Tollie Strode 5/31/17 Frank, Thanks for the heads up. Mrs. Green should understand that we are not employees of the board or school district. Furthermore, the committee is not serving as the unpaid consultant to the board. Are they still that pissed off that they want to stifle progress? Tollie Strode Jr.

Email sent to the Chairman of the Muscogee County School Board Pat Hugley Green From Frank Myers 5/31/17 Pat: You might as well go along with all this. Kia is going to be the Chair come January anyway. Let’s give Kia a head start! Thanks, Frank

Kia Continued From Page 4

That was 2015. Since then, as early as 2016, which is highlighted in our timeline, it appears Chambers has changed her tune and become an example of one whom Malcolm X was speaking. During the past two months, as the result of her stance and deciding vote against Camelot Education, Kia has been hailed by Caucasian online, mainstream news reporters as well as social media trolls as, a leader, a hero, a wise educator and a host of other accolades.

As a result of her no vote against a service provider that would have benefited students of the Muscogee County School District including 75% of which are minorities, it appears that she has garnered enough votes to unseat Pat Hugley Green as board chairman by aligning with Frank Myers and John Thomas, aka “Beavis and Butt-Head”; Mark Cantrell, “The Cowardly Lion who appears to be afraid of voting against Myers for fear of being “Booted off the Board” and newcomer Vanessa Jackson who is as “Clueless” as Stacy Dash with her head so far up Myers “hind parts” it’s like a bicycle without a seat. A recent exchange of emails not only confirms our suspicions about Chambers political aspirations but also demonstrates her lack of understanding regarding her role as a board member as well as board protocol.

On May 31st of last month MCSD Chairman Pat Hugley Green received an email from board member Frank Myers stating; “Pat: You might as well go along with all this. Kia is going to be the Chair come January anyway. Let’s give Kia a head start! Thanks, Frank.” This is the result of an initial email from Tollie Strode who is Kia Chambers uncle (see timeline).

“Uncle Tollie” contacted Green informing her that Kia, who was out of town, asked him to continue formation of the “Community Advisory Council. Green responded to Chambers, reminding her that it is not proper protocol for an elected school board or member to take direction from members of a committee even if formed of comunity leaders. The proper procedure would would have been for Kia to communicate board member to board member.

June 22, 2017

Uncle Tollie sends an email complaining to board member Frank Myers (see timeline), that the board is trying to stifle progress. Thus we have the email from Frank to Pat Hugley Green telling her that she might as well go along with Kia because she is going to be the next Chair come January anyway.

Our reliable sources tell us Kia was quick to deny having anything to do with Myers email. We would be more than happy to believe her but articles from the LE 1/7/16 & 1/4/17 say different. There is something she can do.

If Kia, has not “sold out” to Frank Myers we invite her to contact us prior to our next publication and publically state unequivocally that she will not seek the seat of Chairman of the Muscogee County School board as long as Pat Hugley Green wishes to serve. We ask that she go one step further and state if she is nominated she will decline and cast her vote for Pat Hugley Green.

While we wait patiently for her response we do have a question for Ms. Chambers. As a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., The Links Inc., Jack & Jill, Inc., the Rotary Club and any other organization you may be affiliated with can you tell us which of them would allow you to send your “Auntie”, “Big Mama” or “Cousin June Bug” in your stead? That’s right, none of them. So what in the world made you think, as an elected official, it would be appropriate to have your “Uncle Tollie” send an email to the board chair? Regardless how innocent you or he views it, it was still inappropriate and did not follow policy, procedure or proper protocol. While I’m at it, the word on the street has it that Kia Chambers name is circulating as a potential candidate for mayor in 2018. All I can do is refer back to the quote at the beginning of this article. and suggest to Kia, don’t let those folks in north Columbus have your nose open so wide that when you go outside in the rain you’ll drown.

Finally to the social media trolls of the Caucasian persuasion who will no doubt post their negative comments on facebook about this article, that’s ok because this is a Black thing and I don’t care or expect you to understand.

Page 6

June 22, 2017


By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

With the 2018 municipal elections set for May 22nd, only eleven months away, speculations regarding who will run and for what office continue to circulate throughout the community. With the mayoral seat wide-open names that have surfaced are Councilors Skip Henderson, Glenn Davis, Bruce Huff and Jerry “Pops” Barnes. Others include State Representative Calvin Smyre, State Senator Ed Harbison and former State Representative Jed Harris. Two names can now be crossed off the list. Jed Harris announced last month he would definitely not be a candidate for the mayoral seat. Likewise supporters close to State Representative Calvin Smyre say although he is humbled to be considered, due to his current state and national commitments he feels he would be derelict in his duty to not be able to offer the community he loves what it deserves, his full and utmost attention. With that said, unless Senator Ed Harbison is ready to “come back home” to serve, it is time for us to place our support behind some of the young people who have shown a willingness for public service.

For the record it’s time that we stop the excuses of; “they’re not old enough”; “they haven’t paid their dues” or “there not ready yet”. How old does one have to be if they want to serve? How much dues does one have to pay to satisfy you? Who are you to say when someone is ready? We tend to forget that we have a State Representative who started at the tender age of twenty-

Atty. Teddy Reese


Who We Could Support In 2018

seven. Calvin Smyre has been doing a pretty good job of serving this community for over 40 years. So it’s time to stop playing games and holding our young people down.

Here is a list of individuals we would be more than comfortable supporting if they chose to run for office. They are educated, articulate and intelligent young professionals who have accepted the responsibility toward being productive members of our community as they serve on various boards and committees in Columbus. Geniece Davis Granville, Crystal Pendleton Shahid and Katonga Wright are three young professionals who grew up here, went away to college, returned home and are already making a positive impact on this community. We believe they would be ideal as candidates for city council. The fact that they each have children makes them our perfect choice for the Muscogee County School Board as well if they decided to run. The at-large seat would be the perfect seat to run for. Attorney Teddy Reese, who lost his bid for city councilor at-large to the 20-year veteran councilor Skip Henderson, still managed to garner 42% of the vote as a newcomer to the political scene. If Henderson decides to run for mayor it would leave two at-large seats up for grabs. We hope Reese decides to try again. Now that he has more name recognition we believe he can pull off a win. We’ve been trying to convince Danita Gibson Lloyd to run for

Crystal Shahid

city council for sometime now. Also welleducated, articulate and possessing great communication skills, Danita has worked behind the scenes and been instrumental in providing consultation to many successful campaigns. It is time for her to step in “front of the camera”. This community would be well served by her.

Columbus born and reared, Dominick Perkins has been making a name for himself as political consultant. His company, Perkins & Associates has been an integral part of numerous local, statewide and national campaigns. He would rather be a “king maker” than the “king” but for one who knows and understands the intricacies of politics he would make a great city councilor. Jimmy Watts, a local State Farm agent is an individual we have had on our radar for sometime. He’s not a household name but he, like the others, is educated, articulate, intelligent and a respected businessman in our community. A family man with a wife who is Hispanic, Watts, with his “Obamaesque” crossover appeal would be an ideal mayoral candidate.

Atty. Geniece Granville

Jimmy Watts

June 22, 2017

During our last local election, more African Americans in Muscogee County went to the polls and voted than any other demographic. If we can duplicate that effort next May we have the opportunity to level the political playing field in Muscogee County. For this to occur two things need to take place. If more than one African American wants to run for the same seat, they must be willing to come together, set aside their egos and decide which of them has the best chance to win.

If and when the slate has been set, we, as African Americans, must come together as one. We also, must set aside our differences for the sake of what’s best for our community. There is no secret that we will very rarely have a candidate that everyone loves however, to advance an agenda that addresses our concerns, we need to find our way to agree to disagree. Finally, once we do that, we must not abdicate our responsibility to go to the polls and vote for the candidate we have decided has our best interest at heart.

Senator Ed Harbison

Danita Gibson Lloyd

Atty. Katonga Wright

Dominick Perkins


The Weekend In Photos

Request for Bids

RFB No. 18-0002 Wynnton Road Streetscapes – Phase I (Re-Bid) Due July 19, 2017 – 2:30 PM Della Lewis, CPPB Buyer Specialist Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the due date shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901.

Plans and Bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $100 from the Engineering Department, 2nd Floor Government Center Annex, 20 10th Street, Columbus, GA. 706-653-4441.

Andrea J. McCorvey Purchasing Manager

June 22, 2017






(706) 304-8290


Page 9

June 22, 2017

Under New Ownership, Columbus Black History Museum Seeks To Build On Founders Vision the museum and if he had acquired a new location he shared his vision.

“I am well aware that I have been entrusted with a task of expanding on the vision of someone who, for more than a decade, gave his blood, sweat, tears and soul as a labor of love for his people. Although we do have an internal deadline when we would like to be up and running again we would rather not be hurried in our effort to provide this community with a museum we all can be proud of.”

By Nadine Haralson The Courier

In March of this year Wane A. Hailes, president and publisher of the Courier Eco Latino newspaper, became the owner and acting director of the non-profit Columbus Black History Museum & Archives.

“I was humbled when asked by Johnnie if I would take over the museum. We have been friends for years and I have always respected his passion, commitment and sincerity toward preserving our history and the contributions of African Americans to Columbus, Phenix City and Ft. Benning.

Ironically one of the articles in my very first publication, twelve years ago, was of the grand opening of the museum on Hamilton Rd.”

Responding to the recent rumors of misappropriation of funds, Hailes had this to say, “What was reported as a “funding misappropriation dispute” was actually just a misunderstanding between Mr. Warner and Mr. Gillarm. After taking ownership of the museum I met with Mr. Gillarm and he turned over all of the funds associated with the museum without hesitation.” When Hailes took over the museum it had been closed down for several weeks.

“Our previous location, 315 8th St. was recently found to be infested with termites. Fortunately Johnnie was able to remove all of the artifacts in time so there was no damage.” When asked what his plans were for

“The Columbus Black History Museum & Archives is poised and ready to step up to the next level, says Hailes. I have a vision that we become a museum and educational resource of local stature. The two elements that will take the Columbus Black History Museum & Archives to this next level include the completion of a spacious new museum and the development of strategic partnerships with colleges, school systems, and other cultural and educational organizations that will expand the museums outreach and impact.”

“We were recently offered access to the facility located on the corner of 6th Ave. and 8th streets that is owned by the Lunsford family. It will need extensive work on the exterior and interior of the building but the finished product should include ample collection storage areas, extensive galleries for both changing and permanent exhibits, a multi-purpose room and a museum store.” “With recently renewed talks about the revitalization of the area, when the muse-

um is completed, I see it being the potential anchor and centerpiece of the Liberty District that already includes the restored historic Liberty Theatre. The impact of which will be felt in many ways and in many areas.”

Attorney Alphonso Whitaker, who has been a long time supporter of the museum and currently serves as the chairman of the museums board of directors shares Hailes vision.

“The Columbus Black History Museum & Archives presence will have a significant positive economic impact on Columbus, Georgia and the tri-city area. Before we can become a contributing factor, however, it’s going to take funds to bring this dream to reality. In the coming months, we will embark on a capital campaign that will be two pronged including a “Major Gifts” as well as a “Grassroots” effort asking for this community’s financial support. There will be levels of giving whereby everyone can participate.”

“The new Columbus Black History museums most important and wide spread impact, said Hailes, will come from its continuing role as a critical educational and cultural resource. The core mission of the Columbus Black History Museum – to educate people about African American art, history, and culture – is broad and inclusive. It is a museum for the city, the state, and the region. It began as the dream of one man, Johnnie Warner. With your help and contributions, it can become a priceless gift for everyone.”

Page 11

June 22, 2017

Local Coach and Motivational Speaker Jonathan Rivers Offers...CAMP RENAISSANCE CAMP RENAISSANCE

Mission: The Mission Of Camp Renaissance Is To Provide Fundamental Training In The Areas Of Football, Character And Mental Fortitude. Program Details: Each Player Will Be Provided A Two Hour Individual Training Session Customized To Fit His Position And Personal Development Needs.

Position Breakdown & Agenda: The Position Based Training Will Include Evaluations Predicated On The Following Skill Sets: QB- Footwork, Play Cadence, Strength, Agility, Pocket Awareness, Speed & Arm Development

RB- Footwork, Strength, Agility, Speed, Lateral Movement, Hole Assignment And Recognition, Blocking And Receiving WR/TE- Footwork, Strength, Agility, Route Running, Ball Skills, Blocking, Field Awareness And Speed

OL- Footwork, Strength, Agility, Proper Pass And Run Blocking Techniques, Stamina And Speed

DL- Footwork, Strength, Agility, Pursuit Angles, Proper Usage Of Hands, Speed, Disengagement Of Blocks, Tackling And Gap Recognition LB- Footwork, Strength, Agility, Gap Recognition, Pursuit Angles, Speed, Tackling, Lateral Movement And Disengagement Of Blocks

DB- Footwork, Strength, Pursuit Angles, Agility, Ball Skills, Back Pedaling, Speed, Tackling, Pursuit Angles And Field Awareness

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

As a freshman in high school Jonathan Rivers recently recalled how his football coach and English teacher commented on how well he played in a game.

“While I expected to hear that from him, what came next was a surprise; he continued to discuss my achievements in the classroom and overall character and attitude. He then explained to me what a Renaissance man was and informed me he considered me one.“

It was from that point, says Rivers that he made a conscious decision to become a well-rounded person that is versed in many areas, not just sports.

Today, after a successful high school and college career in football Rivers, who is affec-

tionately known as “Bam”, is a youth coach, mentor and well-known motivational speaker.

“I believe it is important to plant that seed into our young athletes. It is ok to be a great athlete, but it's better to be a great all around person.”

It is because of this belief “Bam” has developed “Camp Renaissance”. The camp is a two-hour individual session that provides fundamental training in the areas of football, character and mental fortitude. The program will be customized to fit each individuals position and personal development.

For information on the camp you can contact Jonathan “Bam” Rivers at Contact Information: 706.593.7800


Rivers Logic Session: Each Player Will Participate In A 30 Minute Session Containing Motivational Talks, Goal Setting, Self-Esteem And Character Development Director And Coach: Jonathan “Bam” Rivers

Experience & Accomplishments: All-Bi City, All Area And All-State LB In High School(Shaw) Member Of Auburn Football Team(2001) Youth Coach And Mentor(Two 5-6 Year Old Division Championships And One 7-8 Year Old Division Championship) Who’s Who Among High School Scholars Who’s Who Among High School Athletes Gatorade Athlete Of The Year Nominee Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society French Honor Society Deca State Competition Award Winner

Proper Attire: Each Player Will Be Required To Have Shirt, Shorts Or Pants, Cleats, Water Or Gatorade And A Positive Attitude

Desired Outcome: To Equip Each Young Man With The Principles And Mindset Of Becoming A Better Athlete And Person. Pricing: Each Two Hour Session Will Be $40 And There Is A Limit Of Two Sessions Per Week, Per Athlete. Contact Information: 706.593.7800 Or Jonathanrivers@Jonathanbamrivers.Com Www.Jonathanbamrivers.Com

Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." 1 TIMOTHY 4:8


St. James Missionary Baptist Church “Put God First”

June 22, 2017


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Dr. Ralph W. Huling Senior Pastor

Church 706.687.6420 Residence 706.563.3256 Cell 706.315.5749

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Columbus, Georgia

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Call 706-323-3367 Sr. Pastor Roderick Green











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1635 5th Avenue . Columbus, Georgia 706.322.1488

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Schedule Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M Prayer 6:00 P.M 12:00 P.M & 5:30 P.M

Mission Statement A growing church for growing Christians attempting to grow the Kingdom, one soul at a time.

Evergreen Covington, CEO

4236 St. Mary’s Road

Columbus, Georgia


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Pagina 2

Alternativas a la detención y al sistema de inmigración con fines de lucro

By Center For American Progress

Cuando Marco Tulio Hernández se fue de Nueva Orleans para visitar a su primo en Mississippi el 13 de marzo, no esperaba terminar esposado. Como un inmigrante inscrito en el programa de Supervisión Intensiva (ISAP, por sus siglas en ingles)—una alternativa al programa de detención para personas en procedimientos de inmigración—no tenía permitido salir de Louisiana sin autorización. Pero se había reunido con el oficial de ISAP unos días antes de su viaje, y de acuerdo con Hernández, ella le dio permiso para comprar el boleto de autobús e ir a Mississippi. Hernández, un solicitante de asilo de Honduras, dice que en sus cuatro años dentro y fuera de ISAP, él ha cumplido con todas las reglas del programa. Estas incluyen presentarse en la oficina cada semana, visitas domiciliarias sin previo aviso, y límites geográficos impuestos por un monitor colocado en su tobillo con capacidades de GPS. Él dice que la frecuencia de los check-ins le hizo difícil mantener un trabajo estable, pero como tenía miedo de ser deportado, nunca faltó a ninguno. Pero poco después de su regreso de Mississippi, oficiales del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en ingles) lo arrestaron, alegando que no tenía autorización para salir del estado. En lugar de mantener a Hernández fuera de la detención física, ISAP lo llevó directamente a ella. La oficina de ISAP de Nueva Orleans se negó a hablar sobre el caso de Hernández cuando se le pidió que hiciera comentarios. Alternativas a la detención ISAP es parte del empuje del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en ingles) para ampliar el uso de alternativas a la detención. Inicialmente, el DHS concebió alternativas a la detención como “estrategias de supervisión basadas en la comunidad” diseñadas para imitar los efectos de la detención de inmigración—en particular, para asegurar que las personas se presenten a sus citas en la corte—sin encarcelar a las personas. En teoría, las alternativas a la detención permiten que ICE ajuste el nivel de supervisión de los inmigrantes de acuerdo a su “riesgo evaluado”. En el 2009, DHS utilizó varios pro-

gramas de supervisión, todos los cuales incluyeron algún tipo de seguimiento y localización, y chequeos telefónicos o en persona. Con los monitores de tobillo, la verificación de empleo y vigilación de toques de queda, ISAP fue considerado “el más restrictivo.” Después de que DHS amplió el programa en el 2009 y lo renovó en el 2014, ISAP ahora es la alternativa más dominante a la detención, a tal punto que se convierte en sinónimo de la frase. DHS publicó un informe en el 2015, titulado “U.S. Immigration and Customs E n f o r c e m e n t ’s A l t e r n a t i v e s t o Detention,” y el documento completo se trata de ISAP—ningún otro programa es mencionado. Sin embargo, ISAP no es una alternativa basada en la comunidad. Está dirigido por BI Incorporated, lo cual es propiedad de Geo Group—una compañía con fines de lucro que posee una extensa red de prisiones y centros de detención, incluyendo el Pine Prairie Correctional Center, donde Hernández se encuentra detenido actualmente. La adquisición de BI Incorporated por parte de Geo Group en el 2011 le ha permitido adueñarse aún más del mercado de custodia, por lo que ahora puede obtener ganancias gracias a inmigrantes como Hernández incluso cuando no están detenidos. Cuando se aplican bien, las alternativas a la detención tienen mérito: por ejemplo, son más rentables que la detención. El sistema de detención de inmigración actualmente le cuesta a los contribuyentes más de $2 mil millones cada año. Los costos de la detención diaria varían entre $126 a $182 por persona, mientras que las alternativas son significativamente más baratas, yendo entre $0.70 a $17 por día. Más importante aún, las alternativas a la detención—si actúan como verdaderas alternativas—pueden mantener a las familias unidas y ahorrar a los inmigrantes los costos psicológicos de la detención. Los inmigrantes que estan detenidos frecuentemente reportan malos tratamientos médicos, comida estropeada y abuso físico o sexual particularmente en centros privados de detención, que a menudo carecen de la supervisión con la que cuentan las instalaciones de propiedad del gobierno. Hernández dice que se encontró con

estos abusos de primera mano. Cuando los oficiales de ICE lo arrestaron, le pidieron que firmara algunos papeles. Los papeles estaban en inglés, así que se negó a firmarlos antes de hablar con un abogado. Hernández dice que cuando se negó a firmar, los oficiales lo obligaron al piso y lo golpearon. Dice que un oficial pisoteó su rostro, otro lo golpeó en la espina dorsal y uno de los oficiales le ordenó que firmara los papeles “por su propio bien.” Así que lo hizo. En el momento de la publicación, la oficina de ICE en Nueva Orleáns no respondió a las repetidas peticiones de comentarios. Ganacias empresariales y la expansión de la detención de inmigrantes ICE detuvo a Hernández por primera vez poco después de que cruzó la frontera EE.UU.-México en marzo del 2012. Él solicitó asilo en los Estados Unidos después de presenciar una masacre de trabajadores agrícolas en su ciudad natal en Honduras. Sin antecedentes penales y un caso de asilo pendiente, no era un “peligro para la seguridad nacional,” asi que ICE finalmente lo liberó de la detención y lo inscribió en ISAP, poniéndolo en un camino de cuatro años que lo llevó de regreso a la detención. Muchos solicitantes de asilo de América Latina—incluyendo a Hernández—están huyendo de la violencia extrema y corren el peligro de enfrentarse a más violencia si vuelven a casa. Vienen a los Estados Unidos en busca de una vida mejor y más segura. Pero en lugar de recibir refugio, atención médica y la posibilidad de presentar su caso de asilo, son rastreados, detenidos y arrancados de sus familias, rebotando entre los programas de detención y supervisión que cada vez son más controlados por unas cuantas corporaciones grandes. La experiencia de Hernández ilustra los hallazgos de un informe del 2012 sobre alternativas a la detención, de la Rutgers School of Law y el American Friends Service Committee. El informe documenta la mala consistencia del ICE, la falta de transparencia y su “ejercicio arbitrario de la discreción” en programas como ISAP, que han “creado el potencial de abuso y la colocación arbitraria de individuos” en estos programas. “Muchas de las personas que están

en ISAP son personas que de otra manera no estarían en detención,” dice Jeremy Jong, un abogado de inmigración que representa a Hernández. “Esta es sólo una versión ampliada de la detención.” El crecimiento de alternativas a la detención no ha resultado en la disminución de la detención—ni siquiera la ha acompañado. Más bien, mientras que los fondos para alternativas a la detención se han disparado, también se han disparado fondos para la detención. El presupuesto de ICE para alternativas a la detención creció de $28 millones en el 2006 a más de $114 millones en el 2016. Durante el mismo período, el presupuesto de detención de ICE se ha aumentado más del doble, aumentándose de $1 mil millones en el 2006 a $2.3 mil millones en el 2016. Bajo el presidente Donald Trump, esta tendencia probablemente continuará. Su presupuesto propuesto pide unos $1.500 millones adicionales para que el DHS amplíe la “detención, transportación y remoción” de los inmigrantes sin autorización. Pero no ha habido una afluencia de inmigrantes correspondiente para justificar esta aplicación reforzada. Más bien, en la última década, la población de inmigrantes sin autorización ha ido disminuyendo—al igual que las aprehensiones en la frontera. No es sorprendente que las alternativas a la detención no hayan reducido el número de detenciones. La mayor parte del financiamiento de ICE para alternativas a la detención va a Geo Group, que se beneficia de la expansión de ambas alternativas a la detención y la detención en sí. Sus incentivos están desalineados—si ISAP fuera una verdadera alternativa a la detención, dos de las principales fuentes de ingresos de Geo Group estarían en competencia directa entre ellas mismas. Cuando se le preguntó a Geo Group si sus incentivos financieros no permitían que ISAP actuara como una verdadera alternativa a la detención, respondieron que nunca “abogaron ni a favor o en contra de ninguna política específica de inmigración,” y que su enfoque

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“ha sido y sigue siendo proporcionar servicios de alta calidad.” Por otra parte, BI Incorporated parecía distanciarse de su empresa matriz, diciendo que ISAP ha sido una “exitosa Alternativa a la Detención desde 2004, antes de que The Geo Group adquiriera BI Incorporated“. También enfatizaron que se asocian con “comunidades y organizaciones no gubernamentales en todo EE.UU.” Sin embargo, muchos activistas cuentan una historia diferente. Jong dice que ISAP y la detención van de la mano. “Todo el mundo conoce a alguien que estaba viviendo su vida en ISAP y luego fue recogido, por algo tan pequeño como ‘[el monitor del tobillo] se quedó sin pilas’” o “‘la cosa dejó de funcionar.’” Hernández hizo eco del sentimiento de Jong por teléfono. Cuando se le preguntó si había conocido a alguien en detención que había estado inscrito en ISAP, él respondió: “Hay dos personas aquí en la habitación conmigo ahora”. Las alternativas a la detención deberían impedir que inmigrantes como Marco Tulio Hernández pasen por los peajes físicos y emocionales del encarcelamiento. Pero la implementación actual de alternativas— dominada por el ISAP—es sólo otra parte de un sistema de inmigración punitiva cada vez más extensa que pone a los beneficios corporativos por encima de las vidas de los migrantes.

Eco Latino Vol. 12

Ediciรณn 13 Gratis

Jueves 22 de Juno 2017


La voz de la comunidad hispana

Alternativas a la detenciรณn y al sistema de inmigraciรณn con fines de lucro

Alternatives to Detention and the For-Profit Immigration System

Pagina 2

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