Thecourier11 19 15

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The Vol. 10 Edition 17 Free Thursday November 19, 2015

2 Sisters & A Brother


The Voice Of The Community


Counselor passionate about inspiring at-risk teens and young adults

Page 7

Local State Representatives Offer Their Opinion

Representatives Say Medicaid Expansion Is Important Page 9

On The Move

Meet Tomorrows Leaders Today Page 11

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THURSDAY November 19, 2015

Not Next But Now! According to the street committee there will be, at the very least, one new face entering the political scene in the next election. Our sources indicate that one of the young up and coming professionals in our community is committed to serving their community and will be attempting to do so by vying for a seat on city council. Stay tuned to the street committee as we will soon announce whom that individual will be. Get Ready Columbus! The street committee would like to be the first to announce that Columbus now has an upscale facility complete with a full kitchen that is currently available for hosting special events for small groups. Located on Buena Vista road this one time home, which is over one hundred years old, has been completely remodeled and is immac-

The Street Committee

ulately decorated providing the perfect ambiance for your next event. Get ready to schedule your next event Available dates will be announced in the very near future!

Make #BlackLivesMatter More Than Just A Slogan The street committee challenges any one who truly believes that #BlackLivesMatters to put their money where their mouth is. For your investment of $36 a year you can provide a minority child, 0-5 years of age in this community, one book a month for a year. 61% of low income families don’t have a single book in the home suitable for a child. It has been proven, young children who are read to regularly by parents develop better literary skills. If you want to make a difference in a black life invest t o d a y c a l l Wa r r e n S t e e l e a t 706.343.0177

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff Visit Us Online At

Office Location The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 416 12th Street Suite 201 Columbus, Georgia 31901 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906



The University of Missouri...All About The Benjamins #BlackLivesMatters But #AMillionDollarsMatteredMore

the street, chanted and sang.

Next the protesters circulated a list of demands, which the school paper published. The group called for Wolfe’s firing, more black faculty and an apology. In late October, another incident occurred: A swastika drawn with human feces appeared on the wall of a campus bathroom, further escalating the protests. The resignation of the top administrator at the University of Missouri, as the result of racial tensions, a strike by the football team and student demonstrations, no doubt has a number of institutions of higher learning considering how they can be proactive in addressing the concerns of their minority students.

While many individuals took to various forms of social media extolling the efforts of Payton Head, president of the Missouri Students Association, graduate student Jonathan Butler ’s hunger strike and the student group calling itself Concerned Student 1950 - named in part from the year that Missouri first admitted a black student, for being successful in achieving their demands, I for one disagree.

Don’t get me wrong I think it is commendable how the Black students stood united against the series of racial incidents that they alleged was mishandled by the university’s president. You can say and believe what you want, but trust me, the resignation of president Tim Wolfe had less to do with

#BlackLivesMatter and more about #OneMillionDollarsMatteredMore.

Not convinced? Let’s examine the timeline, shall we?

According to news reports racial tensions and incidents have been going on for months on the university campus. It wasn’t until September 12th of this year, however, when Missouri Student Association President, Payton Head posted a note on his Facebook page about how a man in a pickup truck repeatedly called him a racial epithet while he was on campus, that the outcry began.

On Oct. 5th, the Legion of Black Collegians, the school’s black student government, posted a letter about racism on Twitter. In response, Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin responded on Twitter by posting a video condemning racism. To many students, the chancellor's response was insufficient. The student group “Concerned Student 1950,” blocked President Tim Wolfe’s car during homecoming to protest the administration’s handling of racial issues. As a result the students blocked

On Nov. 2nd, graduate student Jonathan Butler announced on Facebook that he would be starting “an indefinite hunger strike until either Tim Wolfe is removed from office or my internal organs fail.” The Concerned Student 1950 protesters organized a boycott of University of Missouri merchandise, events and dining services, and on Nov. 5th, the group organized a protest before the MissouriMississippi State football game. On Saturday night, black members of the Mizzou football team announced their support of the protests, and said they would boycott Mizzou activities.

On November 7th, the Missouri football players announced they would boycott all practices and games. "We will no longer participate in any football related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students' experiences. Noted was that sixty of the 124 players on the roster are black. On November 8th, head football coach Gary Pinkel showed his support for players with a photo on twitter, tweeting; “The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP”.

In my opinion it was that action, the picture of coach Pinkel with all 124 of his players along with what was tweeted on November 8th, that sealed the fate of president Tim Wolfe.

Consider the following: 1. The football team, on most major universities, is the public face of the student body. The fact that most of the student athletes are well known and respected helped their cause. 2. Although graduate student Jonathan Butlers hunger strike may have been a concern it did not leverage the pressure of an immediate timeline such as the game scheduled between the Missouri Tigers a n d t h e B r i g h a m Yo u n g Cougars less than a week away. As the day of the game neared the school was under increasing pressure to resolve the dispute as public attention to the conflict continued to grow. 3. The fact that the entire football team, including the head coach stood united in protest of playing in the game threatened immediate economic damage to the university. According to a contract between Missouri and BYU cancellation, on the part of the Missouri Tigers, would have resulted in a $1 million fine to be paid to BYU within 30 days of the cancellation. What's particularly interesting is that the $1 million fine is a flat sum set because "actual damages — including those relating to public relations, radio and television broadcasts, lost profits, and other consequential damages — would be difficult or impossible to calculate," in the words of the agreement.

4. There's huge long-term economic power in college football programs. The football team wasn’t having a great season. Their win Saturday however, after four straight losses, keeps them in contention for one of college football's countless bowl games, assuming they close the season strong. If they do make a bowl game the school could make close to a six-figure payout. Politically it's easy to see where the leverage lies. There was no way the university was going to suffer that type of economic damage. Tim Wolfe had to go.

As you may have heard the head coach of the football team is resigning after the football season due to health reasons. Unlike others I don’t see him as a hero in this effort as many are claiming. Yes he stood by his players but he had no choice. According to sources close to the team the majority of the black players who were part of the boycott were starters and on scholarship. If they don’t play, the team doesn’t win. If they don’t win, he doesn’t have a job. The only choice he had was to join them. For all people of color in this community there is a valuable lesson to be learned from this. The next time we are faced with an opportunity to affect change we need to consider how we can capitalize on our collective economic worth. As the University of Missouri has proven, “It’s All About The Benjamin’s!”

Wane A. Hailes


Page 4

By James Washington Faith Columnist Special to the NNPA

Spiritually Speaking: He Who is Without, Shout!

My pastor preached on this Sunday and although the subject is not new as this column isn’t either, I thought some might need reassurance, as I certainly did. Do you have an addiction, a weakness, something you are aware of but just cannot shake on your own? It may be a secret, your secret, something you dare not reveal for it goes the complete opposite of who you believe yourself to be and counter to the person whom you are truly trying to become. 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 says, “To keep me from becoming conceited, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” If I’m the only one shouting right now, it’s okay. I know many of you are shouting silently, internally, privately. Read the full commentary on our website at:

By James Clingman NNPA Columnist

Blackonomics: Can I Get an Amen?

On December 3, 2015 the Collective Empowerment Group (CEG), formerly known as the “Collective Banking Group (CBG) of Prince George’s County and Vicinity,” will celebrate a milestone achievement: Its 20th Anniversary. The CEG was established in 1995 by twenty-one churches, in response to discrimination and mistreatment by banks, some of which had financed church buildings but refused to make loans thereafter for renovations and business development. Read the full commentary on our website at:

By Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. NNPA Columnist

ObamaCare Improves Health of Black America

Black Americans continue to face serious disparities in education, employment, and in economic development. While over 45 million Black Americans have made some type of progress during the past seven years of the Obama Administration, there is still much more to be done to end the vast racial and socioeconomic differences between Blacks and Whites in the United States. Read the full commentary on our website at:

By Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist

What’s Wrong with the Truth?

Award-winning film director Quentin Tarantino gets high props for stepping up to tell some truth about the many murders of African Americans at the hands of misbehaving police officers. How, after all, can you justify the killing of a baby boy, Tamir Rice? Or the illegal choking of Eric Garner? Michael Brown stole some cigarillos. Does that deserve the death penalty? We can call the roll and then we can describe a murder. That’s all Tarantino did.

Here’s what Tarantino said – “I’m a human being with a conscience, and if you believe there’s murder going on then you need to rise up and stand up against it. I’m here to say I’m on the side of the murdered.” Read the full commentary on our website at:

November 19, 2015 By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Contributing Writer

EXCLUSIVE: Russell Simmons Speaks Out on RushCard Glitch

Russell Simmons hasn’t slept much since news broke in mid-October that users of his RushCard couldn’t access their own money and were locked out of their accounts, due to a computer glitch, leaving some unable to make rent payments, pay utility bills or buy groceries for their families.

“Technology glitches happen, but this was a tsunami,” said Simmons in an exclusive, hour-long interview with the NNPA News Wire. Users began experiencing problems when Simmons’ company switched to a new transaction-processing provider, something that he said they’ve done successfully at least four times. Read the full commentary on our website at:

By Lynn Lee Special to the NNPA News Wire

First Lady Michelle Obama Praises Amazing Students

Students in Akron have a lot to look forward thanks in part to city’s own NBA legend LeBron James, who recently announced plans to help students pay for their college education. On Wednesday October 21, 2015 at the University of Akron’s James A. Rhodes (JAR) Arena, LeBron James and the First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama addressed this announcement to over one thousand students at a special event focused on education. In 2011, in partnership with Akron Public Schools, the LeBron James Family Foundation began working on the high school dropout crisis, through the foundation’s “Wheels for Education” (WFE) program, that targets third graders and following them through graduation. Read the full commentary on our website at:

Janaih X Adams and Michael Z Muhammad Special to the NNPA News Wire

Youth voices for justice rise at rally

The Justice or Else gathering held before hundreds of thousands of people on the National Mall Oct. 10 featured the voices of emerging new leadership in America. In fact, many said the overwhelming success of the gathering had the footprint of youth all over it. “The core organization of the gathering was done through social media,” observed Native American activist YoNasDa Lonewolf. “This Joshua generation is able to see through the falsehood and insincerity” demonstrated by some of the traditional and political leaders. Read the full commentary on our website at:

By Freddie Allen Senior NNPA Washington Correspondent

Nielsen Reports Untold Success Stories in the Black Community

Acquanetta Pierce Glass, president and CEO of Avance Communications in Detroit, Mich., used last year’s Nielsen report on Black consumers to convince one of her clients to run a 15second trailer in movie theaters during the holiday season. The Nielsen Company’s credibility in the data and research space helped to convince her client to launch the campaign, which was a phenomenal success, Glass said. Read the full commentary on our website at:

Page 5


The Tree Of Life Making A Difference profit medical and eye clinic designed to serve the needs of patients without the funds or medical insurance to cover initial doctor’s visits and other medical needs.

“As part of our relationship with Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Tree Of Life Healthcare works with the Emergency Department and Indigent Care Program.” Said Cliatt.

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

“Our mission, says Lowell Cliatt, is to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by providing quality healthcare to the uninsured and underserved of the Columbus c o m m u n i t y, West Georgia and East Alabama.” Rev. Lowell Cliatt, a man committed to serving the needs of others, is the pastor of Seeds of Faith Baptist Church and the founder and CEO of “Tree of Life Healthcare” a non-

Thanks to the generosity and insight of the Columbus Regional Healthcare System, their facility is located on their campus at 1968 North Avenue. In addition they have partnered with Troy University Nurse Practitioner Program and Mercer University Physician Assistant Program, to provide clinical training for students. Other affiliations include Columbus Technical College, West Georgia Cancer Coalition for Women, Columbus State University and MillerM o t t e Te c h n i c a l College. Just Like Your Doctor's Office Tree of Life Healthcare believes that allpeople, regardless of income or

insurability, deserve quality healthcare. With an emphasis on follow-up and service, we strive to create a comfortable, patient-friendly experience. Offering Eye Care In need of an eye exam? Is the prescription for your eyeglasses or contacts outdated? Tree of Life can help you. We can diagnose eye problems, prescribe new glasses or contacts and assist you in keeping your eyes in shape - all at no cost to you.

Names You Trust Through our unique relationships with Troy University, Mercer University and the Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Tree of Life H e a l th ca re o ffe r s medical expertise and cutting-edge technology typically found only at high-cost healthcare providers.

Community Supported Tree of Life Healthcare is more than just a health clinic - we are a ministry made up of loving neighbors who genuinely care. Whether you're a supporter or patient, it is our desire that Tree of Life be a blessing to you and the

November 19, 2015

Columbus community, West Georgia and East Alabama. “As you can imagine, explains Cliatt, providing a service such as ours takes a great deal of money. Healthcare costs and the growing unemployment rate have made affordable healthcare and insurance a thing of the past for many families. Even with the Affordable Care Act, there will continue to be a critical need for free healthcare. With your help, we believe our tithe to the community will be an outward expression of God's love for the world. All donations are tax deductible.” Scheduling an Appointment Because we offer our services at no cost, we frequently experience high volumes of appointments. To schedule an appointment that best fits your schedule, please call our offices at 706-5802206. We would love to speak to you! Our Commitment It is our mission to provide the highest quality of care and service to our patients. You can expect our service to meet or exceed that of a conventional physician’s office or medical facility. For more information visit their website at:

PAGE 6 Staff The Courier

The Wishing Well Foundation is going on its fourth year for the Bicycle Giveaway. This year it will be on Saturday, December 19, 2015 (9am12pm) at East Coast Body Shop located at 923 Farr Rd. Mr. Jackson still needs bicycles he is short his goal for this year. Help us to get the word out, anyone with an old bicycle can donate to the giveaway this year by contacting the shop (706) 685-0823. The foundation would like to thank their

T.Y.C.T., Inc. & Community Partners”

community partners for helping to make the bicycle giveaway possible. The managers at a couple area wal-marts have contributed over 50 brand new bicycles. AAA, the Columbus chapter donated over 50 bicycle helmets to the cause. Mr. Richard Patterson at the Family Dollar on Farr Rd. has collected over $300 in his store to help purchase

bicycle parts for the giveaway. Recently they received a call from west Texas, a bicycle club there has over 300 used bicycles that they are going to donate to the Wishing Well foundation. Those are just to name a few. Mr. Jackson, “so grateful to those who understand the cause and have contributed over the years. Words can not express my gratitude.” Anyone interested in donating

November 19, 2015 a new or used bike please contact Mr. Jackson at the shop: 706-685-0823. He will be more than happy to pick up any bicycles if they can not be dropped off. As Mr. Jackson says, “If you want to see a smile on a child’s face donate a bicycle today”. We look forward to all the smiles that will be on the faces of all the children on December 19, 2015. For more information on bicycle giveaway or to contribute to the cause, please call Nicole at 706-523-7551.



November 19, 2015

2 Sisters & A Brother, Inc. Provides A Positive Outlet For Youth

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier

Nakia Walker, founder and CEO of “2 Sisters & A Brother, Inc.” is an entrepreneur, counselor, and mentor. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Human Services and a Master’s in counseling from Troy University. It is because of her work in several arenas, such as youth development campuses, social organizations and churches; she has inspired and encouraged to start her company.

The mission of “2 Sisters & A Brother, Inc.” is to inspire and nurture atrisk teens and young adults in an enriching environment that promotes positive behaviors, improves academic performance and enhance social skills to ensure they reach their full potential as young adults. “Our fundamental focus is promoting abstinence, increasing self- esteem, selfefficacy and encouraging young peo-

ple to visualize their futures by creating goals and pursuing them,” says Walker.

Walker learned at an early age that she had to make choices and set goals in order to be successful. As a teen parent she learned that her decisions would affect the lives of her children. Nakia was determined to be a role model for her children and be the exception to life’s statistics. She was fortunate to have been surrounded by a supportive network that consisted of a loving mother, grandmother, father and wonderful sisters and brothers to help see her through the rough times.

Programs offered by “2 Sisters & A Brother, Inc.” includes; Teen Parenting Workshops for teen mothers and fathers age 12-21. The workshops are held as group and one on one in-home based workshop. They focus on creating a nurturing environment for the entire family. While participating in the program, the parents are encouraged to stay in school or work towards obtaining their GED/High School Diploma and going to college. Through their mentoring program they partner with community schools offering weekly sessions that focus on empowering youth, building up their self-esteem, reducing school altercations, bullying and promoting abstinence beginning in Middle School and continuing until High School. They encourage each participant to take the pledge to respect themselves and others. The sessions focus on encouraging and mentoring at-risk teens and young adults to express themselves in a positive manner through their creative talents like art, poetry, rhymes and etc.


Metropolitan Baptist Church 1635 5th Avenue . Columbus, Georgia 706.322.1488

Service Schedule

Sunday School 9:30 A.M Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M Monday Night Prayer 6:00 P.M Tuesday Bible Study 12:00 P.M & 5:30 P.M

Mission Statement A growing church for growing Christians attempting to grow the Kingdom, one soul at a time.

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Columbus, Georgia

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November 19, 2015


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Columbus, Georgia 31907



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November 19, 2015

As the legislative session approaches and elected officials begin having conversations about key issues that will arise in January, expanding Medicaid in Georgia will be one of the more compelling issues that Democrats put their weight behind next year. The folloing is an an op-ed on the importance of Medicaid expansion authored by our State Representatives Carolyn Hugley, Democratic Minority Whip (HD 136), Calvin Smyre (HD 135) and Debbie Buckner (HD 137)

From Arkansas to Michigan, both Republican and Democratic governors have chosen to improve their citizens’ health and economic security by expanding Medicaid. Likewise, legislators here in Georgia must reaffirm our commitment to protecting healthcare access for every Georgian. It is time for us to demand the General Assembly adopt Medicaid expansion during the upcoming legislative session. This is not just the compassionate thing to do; it is the only smart economic choice to move our state forward.

For the past two years, state legislators have refused to accept federal funds to cover 100 percent of the costs of expanding Medicaid in Georgia, available through 2016. Estimates show our state has missed out on $6 billion in federal health care dollars – dollars Georgians have already contributed towards with our taxes – simply by refusing to expand. Over time, the federal contribution decreases but is never less than 90 percent. Without Medicaid expansion, 300,000 people in our state who make too much to qualify for Medicaid and too little to qualify for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be without health insurance. Furthermore, an additional 178,000 who currently qualify for subsidies but cannot afford

them would stand to gain insurance coverage in our state if we expanded coverage. Over 20,000 Georgians in the Columbus metro area alone have already felt the daily impact of our refusal to claim funding that is rightfully ours. These are veterans, parents, construction workers and caregivers for our children or aging loved ones – hard working Georgians who are the backbone of our state but don’t have the basic medical care they need to stay healthy, and often to stay working. We can and must do better for them.

Economically, Medicaid expansion would create approximately 2,500 jobs and add $122 million in new income in the Georgia River Valley. Hospitals would also stand to benefit, further strengthening the local economy and the southwest region. When people without insurance get sick and cannot pay their medical bills, hospitals suffer and struggle to keep their doors open, resulting in job loss. Across the southern counties in Georgia, failure to expand Medicaid has already led to hospital closures and unacceptable wait times for ambulances.

After the nearby StewartWebster Hospital closed, EMS drivers of the two ambulances in the county reported 90-mile

round trips, which means patients who experience life threatening conditions like a heart attack or stroke may not make it to the hospital in time to receive critical, timely care. Some are coming to Columbus for service, missing options closer to home. We cannot allow this to continue. As more Georgians access insurance, they will be 80 percent less likely to experience a catastrophic medical bill, and hospital balance sheets will improve. Nonprofit hospitals in the 30 states that expanded Medicaid reported on average a 32 percent decrease in uninsured patients, and a 40 percent cut in unreimbursed costs of care for patients without the ability to pay. Those are results worth pursuing.

Georgia still has time for us to join the majority of the states across the country and bring healthcare to all Georgians – the citizens of our state are counting on us – regardless of party or position. We owe it to ourselves.

Members of the Georgia House Democratic Caucus representing Columbus and surrounding areas: Rep. Carolyn Hugley, Democratic Minority Whip (HD 136) Rep. Calvin Smyre (HD 135) Rep. Debbie Buckner (HD 137)

Request for Bids

RFB No. 16-0020 Trailhead Buildings for South Lumpkin Multiuse Trail (RE-BID) Due: November 18, 2015 – 2:30 PM Della Lewis, Buyer Specialist

Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the respective due dates shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. Plans, specifications and bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $50 from the Engineering Department, 2nd Floor – Government Center Annex, 420 10th Street, Columbus, GA, Telephone 706-6534441. Andrea J. McCorvey, CPPB Purchasing Division Manager


November 19, 2015


Who’s Got Next?...

November 19, 2015

Young Professionals On The Move

Nadine Haralson, provides up close and personal interviews with young professionals who are making a difference in our community. Join us each issue as we introduce, recognize, and celebrate those individuals in Columbus, Phenix City and Ft. Benning who are… “On The Move”

Antoine “Damodel” Davison

By Nadine Haralson The Courier

Antoine Davison (best known as Antoine Damodel), is a 25 year old Phenix City, Alabama native who currently resides in Columbus, GA. Having had to deal with several traumatic experiences during his childhood such as sexual molestation, bullying and suicidal thoughts; Antoine felt there had to be more to life than pain. The eldest of seven children Antoine graduated from Central High School in 2008 and began working as a Promotional Street Team Member at Davis Broadcastings Foxie 105. With the hope of pursuing an acting career he began taking modeling and dance classes at Barryne Richardson’s (Mz B) studio. Despite having no modeling knowledge or experience and often struggling with the negative beliefs instilled in him from his childhood Antoine approached his opportunity with openness and willingness to learn. In 2010 Davison participated in his first hair fashion show, “Hair Connection, hosted by Markeith and Roslene Horace. That same year he founded

“Toine D Photography” a freelance photography company that has enabled him to work with an array of models and celebrities. In both 2011 and 2012 Antoine was nominated for the Firm Grip Music Group Male Model of the Year at Columbus State University, and won. With his confidence at an all time high, and referring to himself as a “Survivor” Antoine took this time to focus on his true passion, acting. Within the last five years he has walked in a total of 12 fashion shows across Columbus, and Atlanta, Georgia. He has worked on various TV shows and movies such as BET’s The Game, Vampire Diaries, Sons 2 the Grave, and Zack Lee’s “The Domino Effect”. His upcoming screen roles include TV One’s Hit Crime Show: “Fatal Attraction (airing December 7th, 2015), Alvin and the Chipmunk’s “Road Trip” (Christmas 2015), Ambition (Atlanta, GA) in which he has an occurring role as a detective. And the new season of Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and Have Not’s” (January 2016). Currently signed to Oluree Management w i t h A r l o We s b y a n d B a r r y n e Richardson, he hopes to continue to pursue his acting career. “I never imagined I would be living out my dreams and goals, given the obstacles I’ve had to face and overcome”, shares Antoine who says he takes everything day by day. As for the future outside of acting, Davison hopes to one day start a nonprofit organization for sexually abused children and adolescents. With his non-profit organization his mission would be to help the youth get through their traumatic situation and to know they are not alone. “Being a survivor of abuse is what motivates me to strive to do better,” explains Antoine “with supporters, a positive outlook, and God. Anything is possible.”

Revonda Stevenson

By Nadine Haralson The Courier

Born and raised in South Carolina, Revonda Stevenson currently resides in Phenix City, Alabama with her husband and five children. Revonda is the founder and CEO of Cheesecake’s-NMore. What started out as a hobby of creating various treats for friends and family grew into a passion with samples tasted by many. The response of the delicacies she created, prompted Stevenson, in 2013 to become a business owner. Remembering the numerous amount

of hours spent with her grandmother and mother as a child; she uses those lessons taught in the kitchen in creating the perfect blend of treats. Revonda credits her upbringing and the need to give people the very best she has to offer, as the driving force of her baked goods and success. “I strive to be innovative and create fresh new ideas to keep my business at the cutting edge of my profession,” says Stevenson. Whether it’s treats for a mega event such as weddings, community events, or for a child’s party, Cheesecake’s-N-More has just the treat to soothe the taste buds of anyone, and they will cater to whatever brings a smile to her customers. Revonda’s greatest joy comes from catering women’s empowerment events. It is at these events where she takes full advantage of the moment to gain and share knowledge; and also the opportunity to share what she’s learned with young women helping them recognize their full potential. “I love giving back especially to those that have done so much to pave the way for where I am today.” Stevenson, who is a United States Army and Navy veteran, currently attends college for Medical Billing and Coding, with hopes of working in the field upon completion. As for the future of her business, Revonda says she would one day love to turn her business into a franchise and have it flourish. “My dream is to create a well-rounded brand and to leave a legacy to pass on to my family” shares Revonda. Until then she says she will continue to work hard and enjoy the time she spends with her family. For more information or catering contact: Revonda Stevenson FB & Instagram-Cheesecake’s-N-More (706)225-9105


November 19, 2015

Community Calendar

St. Paul A.M.E. Church

Community Benefit Concert Sunday, November 29, 2015, 4:00 p.m. $1.00 St. Paul A.M.E. Church 4900 St. Mary's Road Columbus, GA 31907 10% of all funds raised will go to the Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry, Inc. Anyone who would like to participate in the Community Choir, please call 678-6337380 Sponsored by The Alexander for Bishop 2016 Campaign Team of St. Paul A.M.E. Church

Reach 4 Your Dreamz Inc.

Reach 4 Your Dreamz Inc. and 98.3 The Beat 7th Annual Toy Giveaway and Christmas Dinner. At this event we give away at the minimum 1000 toys and feed 1000 individuals a traditional Christmas dinner. The event will take place on December 6, 2015 from 2pm till 5pm @ Shirley B Winston Recreation Center located at 5025 Steam Mill Rd Columbus, GA 31907. This event is free and a family event where we create a Winter Wonderland atmosphere and we have games, prizes, entertainment, and much more.

The House Of Mercy

1532 3rd Avenue Columbus, Ga 31901 The House Of Mercy Will Be Registering 500 Children From 1 Year To 12 Years Old Monday 30th Of November Thru Friday December 04th 1:00 Until 5:00 Pm, Saturday December 5, 2015 From 1:00-6:00pm. Monday December 7th Thru Friday December 11, 2015 From 1:00 – 5:00 Pm. Mother’s Please Bring Your Photo Id And Social Security Card And Social Security Card Of Each Child Being Signed Up For Toys.


November 19, 2015


Request for Bids

November 19, 2015

RFB No. 16-0020 Trailhead Buildings for South Lumpkin Multiuse Trail (RE-BID) Due: November 18, 2015 – 2:30 PM Della Lewis, Buyer Specialist RFB No. 16-0022 HVAC for Carver Park Recreation Center Gym Due: December 9, 2015 – 2:30 PM Sandra Chandler, Buyer

Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the respective due dates shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at, notify the respective Buyer via email, fax 706.653.4109 or telephone 706.653.4105.

RFB No. 16-0020: Plans, specifications and bid documents are available for a nonrefundable fee of $50 from the Engineering Department, 2nd Floor – Government Center Annex, 420 10th Street, Columbus, GA, Telephone 706-653-4441. Andrea J. McCorvey, CPPB Purchasing Division Manager

TEL: 706.507.9132 FAX: 706.507.9135

1435 54th Street, Suite 100 A Columbus, GA 31904


Columbus Technical College is Hiring!

We are looking for qualified candidates for the following positions: Adult Education Instructor (Part-time) Adult Education ESL Instructor (Part-time) Automotive Collision Repair Instructor (Full-time) Automotive Collision Repair Instructor (Part-time) Automotive Technology Instructor (Part-time) Barber Instructor (Part-time) Carpentry/Cabinetmaking Instructor (Part-time) Cosmetology Instructor Nail Tech Evening (Part-time) Culinary Arts Instructor (Full-time) Dental Hygiene Clinical Didactic Instructor (Part-time) Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor (Full-time) Driver’s Education Instructor (Part-time) Economics Adjunct Instructor (Part-time) English Instructor (Full-time) Esthetics Adjunct Instructor (Part-time) History Adjunct Instructor (Part-time) Instructional Aide Cosmetology (Part-time) Interpreter (Part-time) Maintenance Technician (Full-time) Medical Coding Adjunct Instructor (Part-time) Practical Nursing Instructor (Full-time) Science Support Center Tutor (Part-time) Sociology Adjunct Instructor –Jordan HS, Cols, GA (Part-time) Writing Center Tutor (Part-time) For more details and to apply for these positions, please go to and click “CTC Employment.” Columbus Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

November 19, 2015

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November 19, 2015

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November 19, 2015

MCSD Reaches Highest Four Year Cohort Graduation Rate

The Muscogee County School District (MCSD) and all nine high schools improve graduation rates. The district’s performance surpassed the state for the third consecutive year at a higher rate. Over the past three years, the MCSD graduation rate has increased by 11.8 percentage points, from 72.8 to 84.6. The state’s graduation rate has increased by 7.0 percentage points, from 71.8 to 78.8. The Cohort Rate is calculated using the data of students who graduate from high school within four years as required by the U.S. Department of Education. It is one of the indicators used in the calculation of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). The class of 2015 was not required to take the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) in order to receive a regular diploma.

The graduation rate is one of the most significant performance indicators for any school or district as it reflects successful completion and is the culmination of a child’s PreK – 12 educational experience,” said Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent. “As a large urban school system, the improvements by all schools, leading to the highest fouryear graduation cohort rate in the history of the district, represents a significant step forward for our students, their future and our community.”

Carver, Kendrick, Jordan, Shaw and Spencer show the most significant gains in graduation rate. These five schools have increased by eight percentage points or more. Columbus, Early College, Hardaway, Northside and Shaw surpassed the state average of 78.8 with Early College achieving a 100 percent cohort graduation rate. Carver, Kendrick, Jordan and Spencer also closed the gap with the state.

competitive upon graduation. We embrace the more rigorous standards and assess-

ments. We recognize the need for continuous improvement as we strive to maintain and

continue to improve our graduation rate.”

NOTICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT HOLIDAY CLOSING Thanksgiving Day Holiday Observance Thursday and Friday, November 26-27, 2015 Notice is hereby given that the local Government of Columbus, Georgia will alter or suspend all services on Thursday and Friday, November 26-27, 2015. This is with the exception of emergency services such as fire, police, and ambulance. For emergency services, please call the 911 Emergency Center.


Graduation rate increases are attributed to the hard work of our teachers, students, support staff and parents. Last year, Catapult Academy of MCSD was established to recapture drop outs. An online Early Warning System, which is accessible by parents and school personnel, provides real-time alerts for concerns related to grades, attendance, discipline and assessments. Through the district reorganization, additional region and school support personnel have been added to assist with increasing the graduation rate. School administrators and staff are using refined procedures for reviewing and monitoring student enrollment to accurately report graduation data.

Waste / Recycle

Thanksgiving Day Observance Thursday and Friday, November 26-27, 2015 Monday, November 23rd • Household Garbage and Recycling will be collected for Monday’s and Thursday’s routes. Tuesday, November 24th • Household Garbage and Recycling will be collected for Tuesday’s and Friday’s routes. Yard waste will not be collected the week of November 23rd thru 27th. Yard waste collection will resume their normal schedule beginning Monday, November 30, 2015.

311 Citizens Service Center Landfills – Granite Bluff/Pine Grove

Park and Recreation Facilities are Closed Administration Office Closed

Animal Control

*Closed* November 26th - 27th

Recorder’s Court Civic Center/Ice Rink



*Closed* November 26th - 27th

Parks and Recreation

METRA Bus Service

Superintendent Lewis added, “The new, more challenging Georgia standards and related assessments require continued focus to ensure all students are college and career ready and globally

*Closed* November 26th - 27th

Thursday, November 26th • No Bus Service Friday, November 27th • Saturday Bus Schedule • Administration Office Closed *Closed* November 26th - 27th

Thursday, November 26th • Civic Center/Ice Rink Closed Friday, November 27th • Administration Office Closed • Columbus Ice Rink Open with scheduled programming

November 19, 2015


El Papa Francisco es Político, Para Seguirlo, Nosotros Debemos Serlo También

Por Claire Markham Eco Latino El Papa Francisco, Sumo Pontífice de la iglesia Católica, con 1.2 mil millones de miembros mundialmente, es alguien muy admirado por miembros de muchas otras denominaciones religiosas. Días antes de su primera visita a los Estados Unidos, el hecho que su aprobación está al 59 por ciento entre adultos estadunidenses deberá causar envidia a los miembros del congreso – quienes solo tienen una aprobación de 14 por ciento entre la población. ¿Pero qué tiene el Papa Francisco que los miembros del Congreso no tienen? Sin duda, una variedad de muchas cualidades que no se ven en el congreso: su humildad, su alegría, su compasión, hacia los mayores de edad,

los discapacitados, los inmigrantes, y los presos. Pero no hay que dejarse engañar por su autenticidad o su desagrado hacia los partidos políticos: el Papa Francisco es un estratega político. En sus apariciones públicas y comentarios escritos, el Papa Francisco habla sobre nuestros problemas actuales. Sus opiniones sobre la economía, la inmigración, las crisis de migrantes, la corrupción institucional sistemática, el medio ambiente, y los conflictos armados, han sido basadas en más de 100 años de la doctrina Católica. El Papa Francisco se ha presentado como mediador en los conflictos internacionales más complicados de la era actual: orando por la paz con líderes de Israel y Palestina, y ayudando con el restablecimiento de las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y Cuba.

Este verano pasado, su publicación de la encíclica sobre el medio ambiente, imploró a los líderes reunidos en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático en París a reducir las emisiones de carbono a nivel mundial. En su visita a los EE.UU. esta semana, él dará a luz sus opiniones políticas. El Papa Francisco visitará la Casa Blanca, el Congreso, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, y las Caridades Católicas de D.C., una escuela en Harlem, y una prisión en Pennsylvania. Nos invita a seguirlo en su camino desde el centro del poder de la nación hasta los márgenes de nuestra sociedad, y en ese proceso también nos invita a unirnos a él para construir juntos una sociedad más justa.

De hecho, ya estamos presenciando un aumento en la actividad política gracias al llamado del Papa Francisco. El Vaticano está liderando con ejemplo en respuesta a la crisis mundial de refugiados y a las familias de refugiados de Siria. En Chicago, el Arzobispo Blaise Cupich ha refirmado el apoyo Católico para el pago justo y se ha enfrentado a leyes que debilitan los derechos de los trabajadores e sindicatos. Y a la luz de la publicación de su encíclica, más de 150 líderes de instituciones Católicas se han comprometido a priorizar el tema del medio ambiente. Durante la visita del Papa Francisco esta semana debemos resistir el cinismo de los críticos que insisten que su convocatoria a la transformación de las estructuras de injusticia no es digna de un

líder espiritual. Así como él dice, “un buen católico debe entrometerse en la política.” Es nuestra responsabilidad frenar la retórica de los políticos que se enfocan más en hablar sobre los problemas sociales que en trabajar para lograr sus soluciones. La visita del sumo pontífice nos desafía a mejorar nuestra nación para tener la compasión hacia aquellos que no tienen hogares, hacia nuestras familias, nuestros trabajadores, nuestros inmigrantes, y nuestros hermanos y hermanas presos. Si tanto como el Papa Francisco podemos ser fieles y valientes, nuestro testigo pontífice puede provocar la voluntad política para remodelar nuestra sociedad. Tomen notas mientras el Papa Francisco este aquí, y cuando se vaya tendremos una lista de inspiradoras tareas.

19 de Noviembre 2015

Pagina 6

Conectándote con el Padre Por: Pastor Leif I. Espinosa Iglesia Tabernáculo Familiar, Inc. / Family Tabernacle Church, Inc. 318 10th Ave. B-F, Columbus, Ga. 31901 706-761-4156 para oración

VEl Callejón sin Salida ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado en un callejón sin salida?, Donde por más que intentas, no encuentras solución a los problemas que afligen tu corazón y tu alma, llevándote a encontrarte preso de tus propios pensamientos, los cuales te hacen pensar que es el final y que de ahí no saldrás. Tengo noticias para ti, es cierto, que en nuestra jornada por la vida como seres humanos nos

encontraremos algunos escenarios compuestos por momentos hermosos en los cuales seremos llevados a disfrutar y a gozar pero también nos encontraremos dificultades que parecerán ser un lugar sin salida del cual parezca no haber solución alguna, no sé si te has encontrado ahí antes o por alguna razón te encuentras ahí ahora, pero de algo estoy convencido de que no es mera coincidencia, sino propósito del Eterno Dios el que hoy estés leyendo esta reflexión en esta

columna. La biblia está compuesta por grandes historias llenas de grandes significados y de gran riqueza, que nos pueden ayudar a depositar nuestra confianza en las promesas de un Padre amoroso, misericordioso lleno de compasión y justicia. Un padre que recurre a escenarios para tratar con sus hijos, llevándolos a desarrollar el carácter necesario ante cualquier circunstancia, haciéndoles entrega de herramientas y armas necesarias para enfrentar lo que vendrá

después. Por esa razón entiendo que esta historia que compartiremos hoy puede ser lo que catapulte tu vida de un estado de limitación y estancamiento a uno de posibilidades y oportunidades donde somos llevados a cambiar nuestra actitud como lo fue para cada personaje bíblico en ella, incluso también para la mí. La historia bíblica en Génesis 16:116, nos habla de una historia donde se ve reflejado lo que ocurre cuando nosotros como seres humanos nos desesperamos por algo que ha sido prometido pero a la vez parece tardarse. Es una historia que no podemos darnos el lujo de pasar por alto, ya que en ella podemos entender muchas veces él porque de cosas que pueden sucedernos a cada uno de nosotros en el camino. Una historia que muestra la insistencia de una mujer llamada Saraí para que su esposo Abraham tomara a Agar, una criada o esclava como esposa secundaria, de acuerdo con las costumbres de la época, después de haber estado en Canaán unos diez años. Según los textos legales de Mesopotamia indicaban que una mujer que no podía tener hijos podía buscar una madre sustituta, cuyos hijos serian legítimos y herederos legales. Vemos que cuando la desesperación toma dominio en nuestras vidas muchas veces nos lleva a tratar de hallar un camino que nos facilite el proceso de espera tratando así de ayudar al que prometió pero aquí el problema mayor no consistió en que Agar fuera la sustituta sino en que no consultaran a Dios. Cuando Agar supo que estaba embarazada, miro con desprecio a su ama ya siendo esclava era fértil mientras su Ama era estéril, que ironía, por ello Sara trato con dureza a su esclava por lo cual huyo al desierto. El verso 7 nos deja señalado que ella fue hallada por el Ángel de Jehová frente a una fuente de agua en el desierto, junto a la fuente que está en el

camino de (Shur), Shur significa “muralla” o “Pared” o callejón sin salida. Es evidente que no importa qué tipo de callejón sin salida te encuentres de frente siempre saldrá a tu encuentro el Dios que te ve (Jehová Roi), para hablarte. Sé que hay alguien hoy que necesita esta palabra, tu cautiverio no será suficiente como para que no concibas y el callejón con el que te encuentres no será lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que escuches al Dios que te ve. Y en medio de la conversación le dijo Dios vuelve a tu señora sumisa, pero eso no fue lo único que le dijo sino que le hablo de su hijo y de cómo se llamaría, que se llamaría Ismael, al que Dios ha oído. Jamás pensaste llegar a ese callejón sin salida, pero para cada callejón sin salida siempre habrá un Padre que te ve el cual te escuchara y te hablara, porque portas dentro de ti algo que no puedes abortar, algo que tiene que nacer. La biblia me habla de un hombre llamado Daniel fue un hombre con gracia y sabiduría pero la presión en su contra incrementaba pero también incrementaba la protección sobre su vida, un callejón sin salida puede ser la fosa de los leones, un callejón sin salida puede ser una situación económica que ha llegado a un punto donde no encuentras solución, puede ser una crisis matrimonial, una crisis familiar, pero para cada callejón sin salida siempre habrá un Dios disponible para hacer camino donde no hay. No te angusties por el callejón sin salida solo dispón tu corazón a escuchar y obedecer ya que 1 Corintios 10:13 nos dice que, No os ha sobrevenido ninguna tentación que no sea humana; pero fiel es Dios, que no os dejará ser tentados más de lo que podéis resistir, sino que dará también juntamente con la tentación la salida, para que podáis soportar. Tu Padre está pendiente a ti.


19 de Noviembre 2015

Consejos Para Elegir y Usar su Plan de Salud Medicare 2016 año pasado o ver sólo los costos mensuales de las primas. El objetivo debe ser elegir el plan que mejor satisfaga sus necesidades individuales”, dice Herb Fritch, presidente de CignaHealthSpring, la unidad de negocios de mayores de Cigna. “Comparar la asequibilidad junto con los beneficios y servicios del plan es un equilibrio importante”. Para ayudarle a elegir un plan y sacar de él el máximo provecho, tenga en cuenta estos cinco consejos:

(StatePoint) Es nuevamente esta época del año: el Período Anual de Elección (PAE) de Medicare comienza el 15 de octubre y transcurre hasta el 7 de diciembre. Medicare es una fuente esencial de atención a la salud para millones de estadounidenses, y los Centros para Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) establecen este tiempo para que la gente seleccione y realice cambios en sus planes cada año. Al acercarse el PAE, el viejo adagio “la buena salud no tiene precio” sigue siendo cierto. Según una encuesta realizada por Cigna, una empresa de servicios de salud líder y proveedora de

seguros de Medicare, la salud, el bienestar y la seguridad financiera están fuertemente ligados en la mente de los estadounidenses. Su investigación muestra que muchas personas tienen una ansiedad acerca de su salud financiera que va mucho más allá de tomar decisiones de beneficios de atención a la salud. Es por ello que resulta crucial que los usuarios de Medicare se planteen sus necesidades de salud y presupuesto al valorar las opciones de atención médica para el 2016. “Elegir un plan no es tan sencillo como simplemente conservar el que tenía el

1. Haga una lista de sus prioridades y úsela para comparar planes. ¿Se está centrando en la prevención? ¿En mantener bajos los costos de su bolsillo? ¿En mantenerse activo? Tómese su tiempo para evaluar las opciones de plan según las metas de salud y financieras que más valora. 2. Asegúrese de que su plan ofrece beneficios de atención preventiva integral y utilícelos. Muchos planes de salud ofrecen beneficios de salud preventiva con poco costo o sin él. Los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades calculan que se podrían salvar 100,000 vidas cada año si todos recibieran los cuidados preventivos recomendados. 3. Conozca su red. Muchos planes ofrecen opciones con una red de médicos. Elegir a médicos de atención primaria y especialistas que estén en la red puede proporcionar una mejor comuni-

cación y coordinación de la atención, y mantener bajos los gastos pagados de su bolsillo. 4. Obtenga recompensas por mantenerse activo. Mantener un buen estado físico es esencial para un envejecimiento saludable. Medicare original no cubre inscripciones en gimnasios ni programas de fitness, pero algunos planes de Medicare Advantage sí ofrecen tales beneficios como parte de su cobertura. Muchos de ellos son gratis y algunos lo recompensan por mantenerse activo. 5. Utilice recursos gratuitos. El Buscador de Planes de CMS le ayuda a comparar costos, medicamentos cubiertos y otros puntos. Muchos planes de seguro ofrecen seminarios gratuitos sin obligación de inscribirse. También puede revisar los sitios web de los planes o llamar a su número de servicio al cliente para obtener más información. Las oficinas locales y estatales dedicadas al envejecimiento también conectan a los adultos mayores y a sus cuidadores con recursos de la comunidad. Su plan puede ofrecer boletines con información útil acerca de sus beneficios. Al sopesar las opciones, Fritch ofrece este consejo: “Vale la pena que se tome el tiempo necesario para establecer sus prioridades y ver cómo las cubren los beneficios de los planes. Sólo entonces puede elegir un plan que realmente le ayude a aprovecharlo al máximo y alcanzar sus metas”.

5 mitos sobre la enfermedad renal desacreditados (StatePoint) ¿Cree conocer los hechos acerca de la enfermedad renal? Aquí hay cinco ideas erróneas comunes que han sido desacreditadas. Mito 1. La enfermedad renal es poco frecuente. Veintiséis millones de adultos estadounidenses tienen enfermedad renal y la mayoría de ellos no lo saben, de acuerdo con la La Fundación Nacional del Riñón. ¿El problema? La enfermedad renal puede ser fatal, matando a más personas cada año que el cáncer de mama y de próstata combinados, entre sus principales causas están la diabetes y la hipertensión arterial. La raza, la edad y los antecedentes familiares son todos elementos que pueden aumentar el riesgo que tenemos de desarrollar una enfermedad renal crónica.

Usualmente no hay síntomas visibles hasta que la enfermedad ha avanzado a una etapa tardía o hasta que hay un fallo renal. Hable con su médico si considera que esta en riesgo y pida que le haga una prueba de sangre en su próximo examen físico. Mito 2. Se puede curar el fallo renal. Si la enfermedad renal avanza hasta el fallo, las únicas opciones de tratamiento para mantenerse vivos son la diálisis durante toda la vida o un trasplante de riñón. Mito 3. La diálisis exige ir a una clínica para recibir tratamiento tres veces por semana. Dado que sólo uno de cada cinco centros de diálisis ofrece hemodiálisis portátil, la

mayoría de los pacientes visitan una clínica sin saber que pueden recibir tratamiento en casa, mientras viajan o incluso mientras duermen. La hemodiálisis portátil en el hogar (HHD) con el NxStage System One está asociada con beneficios para el estilo de vida. Sólo el 2 por ciento de los pacientes usan HHD pese al hecho de que nueve de cada 10 médicos elegirían la diálisis en el hogar para ellos mismos. Mito 4. No hay muchas personas esperando trasplantes de riñón. Doce personas mueren cada día esperando un trasplante de riñón que le salvaría la vida y cada 14 minutos alguien más se añade a la lista de trasplantes de riñón, según las estadísticas gubernamen-

tales que se encuentran en Actualmente hay más de 100,000 receptores esperando trasplante de riñón y sin embargo sólo aproximadamente 18,000 receptores obtienen un trasplante cada año Mito 5. No ha habido ningún avance importante en la tecnología de la diálisis durante los últimos diez años. La revolucionaria hemodiálisis portátil en el hogarha estado disponible por más de 10 años, dándole a los pacientes una opción de tratamiento que se puede adaptar para ajustarse a sus necesidades tanto clínicas como de estilo de vida. Los pacientes también pueden realizar la hemodiálisis durante la noche mientras duermen; esto se conoce como hemodiálisis nocturna en el hogar.


Jueves 19 de Noviembre 2015

Jose E. Guzman, P.C. Abogados Heridas Personales - Derecho Penal - DUI Derecho Familiar - Manutención de los Hijos 721 1st Avenue Columbus, Georgia 31901

706.984.8428 Georgiacares está aquí para ayudarle! La zona de River Valley Agency on Aging Georgiacares Programa responde a las preguntas acerca de: - Bajo Costo Medicamentos Recetados Programas Asistencia Mecánica y cómo aplicar (LIS) - Revisión de su Medicare Resumen - Programa Medicare (MSP) - Servicios Preventivos Medicare - Senior Medicare Patrol-SMP (Medicare Errores, fraudes y abusos

¿Su iglesia y/o organización basada en la fe o organismo de un grupo superior y/o alto cargo del ministerio? ¿Le gustaría saber más acerca de cómo proteger a los adultos mayores en su comunidad de medicare/Medicaid Errores, fraude, abuso y el robo de identidad? Medicare preguntas? ¿Está girando 65? Llame a la oficina hoy Georgiacares que prepare una presentación de su iglesia u organización a aprender sobre el programa de Medicare, ayuda extra para aquellos que califican, Medicare servicios de prevención y asistencia mecánica llamada prescripción oportunidades de trabajo voluntario llame al 1-866 -5524464, Opción 4 y pedir Shameika Averett, Coordinador Georgiacares

- LIS ( Low-Income Subvención) y MSP (Programa Medicare

Pagina 2

6 datos importantes sobre el voto Latino un 29 por ciento de la población total de los EE.UU.

Por Lizet Ocampo Eco Latino El 17 de septiembre de 1787 hace 228 años – los fundadores de nuestra nación firmaron la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Cada año en este día, los estadounidenses celebramos el Día de la Constitución, conocido como Día de la Ciudadanía. Con motivo a la ocasión, este año, la iniciativa para los nuevos estadounidenses de la Casa Blanca – establecida el año pasado por el Presidente Obama, con el objetivo de mejorar la integración cívica, económica, y lingüística de inmigrantes y refugiados – lanzo la campaña de Citizenship Public Education and Awareness. La campaña promueve la importancia de convertirse en un ciudadano Americano naturalizado. Las metas de la campaña son: invitar a los residentes permanentes a aprender más sobre la ciudadanía; asegurar que los residentes permanentes y las organizaciones comunitarias tengan acceso a fuentes de información de confianza; y proporcionar acceso a proveedores de servicios a quienes están trabajando hacia su ciudadanía. El proceso de naturalización le da a un individuo el derecho al voto, un derecho importante y es una responsabilidad civil

establecida por la constitución de EE.UU. Cuidadanos no tienen acceso al voto, hasta que se registren a votar después de los 18 años. El mes de la herencia hispana una colación de más de 100 organizaciones llamado, Hispanic Heritage Month of Action. La campaña tiene el fin de recordar a los latinos a registrarse para votar. Para celebrar la convocatoria aquí están, 6 datos sobre los latinos y su derecho al voto: 1. El número de Latinos está creciendo Se calcula que en el año 2016 habrá 58.1 millones en los Estados Unidos. Las cifras disponibles del 2014 indican que habían 55,4 millones de Latinos en los Estados Unidos, un 17,4 por ciento de la población total. Entre las elecciones presidenciales del 2012 y las próximas elecciones en el 2016, la población total de Latinos aumentará por 5 millones. Entre el 2014 y el 2060, se espera que la población Latina aumente un 115 por ciento. Los latinos constituirán

2. El elect o r a d o L a t i n o sigue creciendo En el 2016, los Latinos mayores de 18 años de edad constituirán el 16 por ciento de la población adulta total de los Estados Unidos. La Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos, estima que en el 2016 el número de Latinos mayores de 18 años de edad será 39,8 millones. Unos 800,000 de Latinos cumplen 18 años cada año – uno cada 30 segundos, o más de 66.000 individuos por mes. Noventa y tres por ciento de los niños Latinos nacieron en los EE.UU. y serán elegibles para votar cuando lleguen a los 18 años. En el 2014, uno de cada 4 niño en los EE.UU. – 17,6 millones en total – era Latino. Esto subraya el hecho que actualmente, las minorías en el país son casi la mayoría de la población total, menor de 18 años de edad. Se anticipa que el porcentaje de Latinos menores de 18 años aumentará de alrededor de 24 por ciento en el 2014 a más de 33 por ciento en el 2060. 3. El número de latinos elegibles aumenta Los Latinos constituirán el 13 por ciento de todos los votantes elegibles en el 2016, un aumento de 2 por ciento desde el 2012. Y estos números son

Jueves 19 de Noviembre 2015

mucho más altos en algunos estados. Por ejemplo, en la Florida, el porcentaje de Latinos elegibles para votar aumentara de un 17,1 por ciento en el 2012, a un 20,2 por ciento en el 2016. En Nevada, entre el 2012 y el 2016, el aumento de votantes elegibles Latinos será de 15,69 a un 18,8 por ciento. Se estima que el número de Latinos elegibles para votar a nivel nacional llegará a los 28,5 millones en el 2016. 4. Los Latinos no están suficientemente representados en las listas electorales En el 2012, 13,7 millones de Latinos estaban registrados para votar. Sin embargo, 23,3 millones eran elegibles para votar pero 9,6 millones – o el 41 por ciento – de quienes eran elegibles decidieron no registrarse para votar. Esto no incluye el número de Latinos elegibles para la naturalización que todavía no han decidido volverse ciudadanos. En el 2013, 8,8 millones de residentes permanentes legales elegibles eran elegibles para volverse ciudadanos, pero no se naturalizaron. Por lo menos 3,9 millones de ellos eran de países latinoamericanos, con más de 2,7 millones de México. 5. Los Latinos están acudiendo a las urnas en más números Más de 11,2 millones de Latinos votaron en la elección presidencial del 2012. Mientras que eso es impresionante, todavía significa que 2,6 millones de Latinos registrados no votaron. Es más, 12,1 millones – 52 por ciento – de los 23,3 millones de Latinos elegibles para votar tampoco votaron. Los votantes Latinos fueron un 8,4 por ciento del electorado votante en el 2012. Este porcentaje es 15 por ciento mas

alto que en el 2008, un aumento de 1,5 millones de votantes. Para el 2016, estimados demuestran que el candidato presidencial Republicano debe obtener el apoyo de entre 47 por ciento y 52 por ciento de los votantes Latinos para ganar la elección general. 6. La inmigración es el tema más importante para los electores Latinos Las encuestas demuestran claramente que la inmigración es el tema más importante para los votantes latinos, con un grande apoyo para una reforma inmigratoria integral con el camino a la ciudadanía, y la implementación de las recientes acciones administrativas. La inmigración se encuentra considerablemente por delante de los siguientes dos temas – la economía y la educación. Conclusión Después de las elecciones del 2012, analistas describieron el poder creciente del voto Latino. Cambios previstos y posibles podrían tener consecuencias electorales dramáticas: una creciente población Latina volviéndose mayores de edad cada año, muchos más residentes permanentes legales naturalizándose, un aumento en Latinos elegibles para registrarse para votar, y votantes Latinos acudiendo a las urnas. Estos números demuestran que no solo ya son los Latinos una porción creciente del electorado, pero también que existe un enorme potencial para que los Latinos adquieran mucho más poder político en el 2016 y más allá. Los legisladores y candidatos en ambos lados se beneficiarían del entendimiento de este poder electoral y político, y de la visión de la comunidad Latina para una unión más perfecta.

Eco Latino Vol. 10


La Voz de la Minoría

Edición 17 Gratis

Jueves 19 de Noviembre 2015

Consejos Para Elegir y Usar su Plan de Salud Medicare 2016

6 datos importantes sobre el voto Latino

Pagina 5 Pastor Leif I. Espinosa

Iglesia Tabernáculo Familiar, Inc. / Family Tabernacle Church, Inc.

Pagina 6

5 mitos sobre la enfermedad renal desacreditados

Pagina 2

Pagina 5

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