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The Voice Of The Community

Vol. 10 Edition 2 Free Thursday April 16, 2015

Author Is Carver Graduate

A’zayler Novels


Governor Nathan Deal Signed And Approved HB91


Page 7

ShaLaJá Swimwear

Local Designer Brings her Swimwear Fashions To Columbus, GA Page 8

Our June Issue “Serving Our Community”

Order Your Subscription Online At

Page 11

HB91 is a retroactive law, which eliminates the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT), Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT) and Basic Skills Test. As a result, former students who enrolled in 9th grade for the first time on or after July 1, 1981, who met credit requirements for the state and the Muscogee County School District are eligible to earn a high school diploma. Page 5


THURSDAY April 16, 2015

The Battle Of The Budget

According to the street committee there is a battle brewing and it’s not going to be pretty. Mayor Tomlinson recently proposed the city’s 2016 budget that calls for reducing Sheriff John Darr and Marshal Greg Countryman’s budgets in order to eliminate “duplicative services” already provided by the Columbus Police Department. The sheriff’s budget would be reduced from $27.65 million in fiscal 2015 to $26.97 million in fiscal 2016, a cut of about $680,000, or about 2.5 percent. The marshal’s budget would be cut from $1.58 million to $1.23 million, a cut of about $350,000, or about 22 percent. To accomplish her goal means that eight positions would be eliminated in the Sheriff’s Office’s investigative services division and six positions would be eliminated from the marshal’s office. Those positions would be offset by an identical increase in the police department’s investigations division and the police department’s patrol division. On this past Friday

The Street Committee

Marshal Greg Countryman and Municipal court Clerk Vivian Bishop filed a motion with the court asking Stone Mountain Superior Court Judge Hilton Fuller to require the mayor to follow the charter on budget submissions and discontinue her efforts to circumvent the law. In a joint statement they said: "We are profoundly disappointed that the mayor, who is a lawyer and also familiar with this law, would so callously disregard it yet again as she did for fiscal year 2015," the officials said. "Her conscious disregard for the plain law is causing a waste of taxpayer dollars in legal fees and hampering the efforts of

law enforcement at a time when crime in Columbus is at an all-time high under her watch." There is no doubt this will be a hot topic in days to come.

Recognition Fit For A “King” The city recently unveiled the newest historical marker, which honors Primus King, who led the successful effort to open primary voting to black citizens in the 1940s. King’s sucessful lawsuit against the Democratic Party of Georgia broke the party’s firm stranglehold on state politics. The marker is located in front of the Columbus Government Center.

The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper is published bi-weekly *Any editorial content are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper, publisher or staff Member

Visit Us Online At Office Location The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper 416 12th Street Suite 201 Columbus, Georgia 31901 Email: Phone: 706.225.0106 Mailing Address P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Ga 31906


THURSDAY April 16, 2015



*A Letter To Our People *For Black Folks Eyes Only

man whatever he asks with no question, but as the “Brother man” I have to justify my prices and my knowledge?

Dear Black Folks: Why do you only approach the Black business owner for a “hook up”? Because we share the same pigmentation does that mean I am supposed to owe you? Who made up that rule? If you eat at my Blackowned restaurant I appreciate it, but don’t expect me to throw in my peach cobbler, or an extra piece of fish for free. Just because my restaurant is called “Grandma’s Café,” doesn’t mean I am your Grandma. If you want some free peach cobbler or fish you need to go home and ask your own Grandma to fix you some. Pay the price on the menu and please tip my waitresses more than a dollar. While it’s on my mind, why is it you would rather pay $300 to $500 for a name brand suit at Dillard’s, J.C. Penny or Macy’s rather than pay $150 to $200 for the same name brand suit from my Black-owned clothing store? Explain that to me “like I’m a four year-old.” And why, if you do decide to purchase the suit from me, do you still insist that I give you a “hook up,” a “discount” a “come on, help a brother out?” I tell you what, why don’t you try this; go to Macy’s and ask them for a “hook up,” a “discount,” a “come on, help a brotha’ out”. I am sure they’ll have no problem accommodating you by having security “help a brotha’” out the door.

And to my beautiful Black sisters, with all of the money you spend on various weaves, extensions and hair care products why do you bypass my black-owned beauty and barber supply store on your way to the Korean-owned store. Don’t you know that I have the same Yaky, Brazilian, Malaysian and Virgin hair care products as they do? More importantly I not only have my business in your community but I live and attend church here as well. What I’m trying to say is I give back to my community do they? To my black business owners, why, when it comes to advertising your business with my Black-owned radio station, or my Black-owned newspaper, it’s always; “your prices are too high or “Well if I do go with you can you “hook me up” with some extra spots or an additional ad? All I have is $150.” However, after all that whining and crying you will leave my office and immediately go down the street and miraculously come up with $1000 to advertise on the “Other” radio station, or in the “Other” newspaper because they somehow convince you that they know more about your “target market” and how to increase traffic to your place of business than me, the Black business professional with over thirty years of experience you just left. Why is it you have no problem paying the “Other“

I’m sure you already know this but just in case you don’t, there are nine, count them if you will, “Black-owned” Funeral homes in the area, five in Columbus and four in Phenix City, so obviously there is plenty “slow singing and flower bringing” going on in the tricity. As the only Black-owned floral shop in the two communities can someone kindly explain to me why you insist on passing by my business on your way to Teri’s, Albright’s, Lewis Jones or Publix to purc h a s e y o u r “ Va l e n t i n e s , Graduation or Just Because Day bouquet? But you want to come to me and ask to “borrow” a “Spray” to lay on your “Big Mamas” casket, talking about; “We only need it for a couple of hours, I’ll bring it right back after the ceremony.” Have you ever wondered where we get our supplies? When are you going to realize that just because it’s “White” doesn’t automatically mean it’s “right”. Tell me when did the “Other Man’s” ice become colder than the “Black Man’s” ice? Here’s a revelation. As a clothing storeowner I get my suits from the same wholesaler as the whiteowned retailers. As a beauty and barber supply storeowner I buy my products from the same wholesaler as the Korean stores. As a florist I get my flowers from the same whole-

saler every other white florist or grocery store in town gets theirs. As a radio station or newspaper I have the same amount of airtime ad space and circulation as the white owned stations and newspaper. You say our prices are too high? Well as the majority demographic in Muscogee County that means close to 100,000 of us are AfricanAmerican and of 15,425 businesses in our county 5769 are black-owned. If half of you would patronize my restaurant like you do Red Lobster or Cheddars on a Sunday; if half of you would purchase your “Easter and Father’s Day suits” from me like you do from Dillard and Macy’s on those holidays; if half of you would purchase your flowers from me like you do from Lewis Jones, Publix, Teri’s or Albright’s and if all 5769 businesses bought advertising on my radio station and placed ads in my newspaper like you do on Clear Channel and the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer then I could afford to not only lower my prices but hire more people who like me and you. If you supported “us” like you do “them” then we would be able to lower our own unemployment rate in Columbus, Georgia. Contrary to what you believe most Black business owners aren’t in business to become millionaires. We do it for the satisfaction we get from working for ourselves. We do it because we care about our community. The money we

make is not going toward buying an island in the Bahamas a fleet of Maserati’s or a Rolls Royce. Just like you we have house payments, insurance, childcare, dance lessons and sports equipment fees for our children. We do it in hopes of making a decent living. All we ask in return is that we do it with your support and without being hassled for a “hook-up”. Finally, I understand there have been times you may have been less than happy with the service you have received from us and for that I want to apologize and I ask, with all sincerity, you give us another chance. Just like you raise hell with the White folks and Koreans but continue to patronize them, give us the same respect, consideration and opportunity to right our wrong instead of writing us off to your family, friends, church members and anyone else you can share your “bad” experience with every time you get a chance to do so. We will never “get ahead” until we get it “in our heads” that we need to stop asking for a “hook up” and start “hooking up” our Black businesses with our financial support. When we can do this we all prosper. With Love,

Wane A. Hailes P.S. Some of you who read this won’t have a problem with it, others, on the other hand might be highly offended. Those of you who find yourself in the latter category are exactly who this letter is intended for because only a “hit dog will hollar”.

Page 4

Opinion/Editorial By Lee A. Daniels NNPA Columnist

By Brother Love Special To The Courier

‘Religious Freedom’ Scams Pity the poor, put-upon anti-gay bigots. Worried by recent steady march of federal court decisions advancing the right of gays and lesbians to marry, they tried to copy the Supreme Court majority’s flim-flam maneuver of last year in the Hobby Lobby case: By asserting a business is a “person,” they intended to enable business owners to discriminate against gay and lesbian prospective customers, and anyone else under the cover of “religious belief.” The blowback from corporate giants, religious denominations, cities and states, associations and organizations, and prominent entertainment and literary figures produced a thunderous roar succinctly expressed by the headline of the March 31 frontpage editorial of the Indianapolis Star newspaper. In huge letters, it blared: “Fix This Now” Suddenly, faced with the likelihood of devastating economic boycotts, the two states’ governors and state legislatures quickly complied. By week’s end last week they had amended those particular socalled religious freedom restoration laws to declare they couldn’t be used to discriminate against someone because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. (However, neither did either legislature enact specific statutes barring discrimination against, gays, lesbians and transgendered people.) But no one on the right side of history should think this ends the anti-gay rights campaign. Nor should they forget this episode’s lessons. For one thing, it’s underscored the true purpose of these “religious freedom” laws, which now exist in 19 other states and are being considered in an additional 14. That purpose, with the U.S. Supreme Court set to rule on same-sex marriage by this June, is to provide the anti-gay forces a means of escaping compliance with the seemingly inevitable affirmation of same-sex marriage by the federal judiciary. Secondly, these wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing laws offer further proof that the GOP down to its very roots in state and local communities has devolved from a political party ruled by the old traditions of give-andtake politics crucial to the functioning of a democratic society. It’s become one driven by an unceasing winner-take-all attitude that’s only barely concealed beneath a thin veneer of ultra-conservative religious dogma.

April 16, 2015

By Marc H. Morial NNPA Columnist

Single Parents Guide To Dating: 7 Tips That May Help

Brother Love, Are Good Christians To Be Good Citizens? Brothers and sisters, the answer to that question is very simple. Yes! The good Christian should absolutely be a very good citizen. A good Christian, or the Christian striving to be a better Christian and human being, is to be an example to other people. It goes with being a member of the Body of Christ. In other words, good Christians should naturally be good citizens, even model citizens, not that Christians are perfect human beings. The Christian is a faithful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, is conscious of the sin nature and dangers of sin, and just trying daily to do better and be better with the help of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. Christians are not perfect or flawless human beings. You do not wake up the next morning made perfect because you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior the day before. Conversion does not work that way. Furthermore, you are not going to stumble across the perfect Christian believer or the perfect church in this life, so stop thinking that you will. The Word of God does not teach sinless perfection. Satan tempts the Christian as well as the sinner. However, the Christian has been equipped or provided with the power and the tools to resist the Devil, not that every Christian is victorious against Satan every time they are tempted. There is a reason for God’s Forgiveness. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is often very weak. All human beings truly stand in need God’s Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. What one might call a good Christian is a constant work in progress. It does not happen overnight. The worldly sinner becomes a Christian and receives Salvation the moment the person believes in and accepts the Lord Jesus Christ in their life. The person, at the point of conversion, is saved and justified. Justification, or being justified, means the Christian has been made “right” with Almighty God. He or she starts off with a clean slate, as all sins have been forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ. The trick for the new Christian, as it is for all Christians, is keeping the slate as clean as possible.

Further, we should remember that the justifications for these laws are classic examples of the “hustle” used to pretend bigotry is not bigotry: those who want to discriminate against a particular group claim it’s that group, backed by “the government” who are “victimizing” them.

Keeping the slate clean is a constant work of setting one’s self apart, or Sanctification. There are a whole lot of Christians not living, or even trying to live, a victorious life over the sin nature. You see some of them sitting up or leaning over drunk in the nightclub on Saturday night before going to church on Sunday morning smelling of 90 proof whiskey. I am talking about those Christians that can easily be mistaken for the unbeliever that does not know Christ Jesus at all. Those Christians are the ones that have forgotten, or the pastor has never taught them, that they are supposed to live in this world but not walk in the ways of the world. Although not perfect

See Daniels Page 10

See Love Page 10

How do you do it? How do you balance working two jobs, running your own business, managing websites for clients, volunteering at church, mentoring young women along with working out, being a single mom and still some how finding time and energy to go on a date? Although I’d like to think I am superwoman, I realize people have a fake sense of who I really am. After hearing this question more times than I could count, I finally had an epiphany. It came to me after one of the women that I admire, asked me “how do you do it?” I realized at that moment that through social media many of us are falsely portraying to the world that we “have it all together”. The truth is that we are all a little unsure on how to manage the many demands and responsibilities in our lives. So how do I do it? The short answer is by faith. The in depth answer is, I don’t. At least not to the level of perfection that some assume. I say that bluntly in hopes of giving you encouragement that if you miss the mark sometimes, it’s “OK”. See, what I am about to say many people will never admit, but no matter how hard I try I am always dropping the ball on something. Whether it’s getting my daughter to school late or missing an after school activity, as a single parent you do the jobs of two people and from time to time, you will fall short on something. It’s unevitable. Unfortunately, too often the thing we are falling short on is in the love department. As single parents we neglect to invest time or energy in to our love lives. See, when you’re a single mother like myself, not only is it challenging to date but it’s complicated! From trying to figure out how to get back on the dating scene, trying to find the time and energy to date, discerning the right time to introduce your child to the person you’re dating and trying to master the awkward art of introducing your new boyfriend to your child’s father, it can all be overwhelming at times. The truth is, there is no easy answer. This is a complex issue and how you deal with it all depends on the type of person and parent that you choose to be. My daughter will be seven this year and I have been dating since she was one. Over these past six years I have dated long distance, I’ve fallen in love, had my heartbroken and most recently been celibate for nearly two years. Regardless of where you are in the process, here are seven tips that have helped me, that may also See Georgia Page 10



April 16, 2015

Your Diploma Is Now Available, No Strings Attached! Coleman, a white Republican from Duluth, Georgia, who said some students took the test 20 or more times and failed a section, depriving them of a diploma despite the fact that they got good grades. We might be wrong but we’ll go out on a limb and say he was not referring to African-American students. For the record, the population of Duluth is only 26,600 and the demographic make-up is; 68.65% White, 11.86% African-American and 9.5% Hispanic. You do the math.

By Wane A. Hailes Special To The Courier Because of a new law, House Bill 91, signed by Governor Nathan Deal on Monday March 30, 2015, thousands of former high school students who couldn’t pass the required Georgia High School Graduation Test can now obtain their high school diplomas. As the Courier Eco Latino has always noted, “It's never a probl e m u n t i l i t e ff e c t s t h e Caucasian community.� This bill was sponsored by House Education Chairman Brooks

We all know of many AfricanAmerican students who attended high schools in Muscogee County who received good grades some even straight “A� students but just couldn’t pass the graduation test, well now the law allows former students who failed the tests to petition for a diploma from the local school board where they were last enrolled. Deal said it could help thousands of former students who have been held back by their lack of a diploma. “This will hopefully be an opening of a

door for them,� Deal said. We suggest that we open the door of possibilities for our children. This bill may not have been intended for us but we must surely take advantage of it. If your child did not graduate from high school because they couldn't pass the graduation test tell them to go to the school board office and request their diploma. The Governor has made it retroactive for anyone who failed the test to be able to receive his or her diploma. You do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed any longer. It doesn't matter if you had to get a GED or became discouraged and just said the heck with it; you owe it to yourself to get your diploma. Don’t leave money on the table because to do so is exactly what you will be doing. District administrators are expected to share implementation procedures for HB91 by the end of this month with parents, employees and the community.

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April 16, 2015

Who’s Got Next?... Young Professionals On The Move Nadine Haralson, provides up close and personal interviews with young professionals who are making a difference in our community. Join us each issue as we introduce, recognize, and celebrate those individuals in Columbus, Phenix City and Ft. Benning who are… “On The Move”

Ardese “LilForty” Day

By Nadine Haralson The Courier Living by his favorite quote “If you’re not willing to go get in the rain, don’t be mad when you never see the sunshine”, Ardese Day also known as “Lil 40” has had his share of rainy days. Ardese attended both Hardaway and Carver High School as a teen. Often considered a “student athlete” but feeling as if the odds were stacked against him he decided to earn his GED in the 10th grade and join the United States Army at the age of seventeen. Having already served a 15-month tour in Iraq at the age of eighteen, Day returned to his hometown of Columbus, where he began studying Computer Networking at Columbus Technical College. Just as Day seemed to be getting back into the everyday routine of life, he found himself in a compromising situation with the law regarding the accidental shooting and death of his childhood friend. Having been given what seemed to be a second chance, Day found himself with a sense of humbleness and grace, which left him with an eagerness to do something more positive with his life and in the life of others. “That fact that I was born in a world

Brandi Phillips

that was not greatly designed for me and my people, is my motivation,” explains Day.

NAACP member of the CSU chapter is an unconditional passion of hers.

With that thought in mind Ardese hit the ground running Co-founding M.A.N. U.P (Musicians and Artist Now United in Peace), an organization of Musicians and Artist committed to reaching the youth and young adults by actively promoting unity and nonviolence throughout the Tri-City area. The organization was the recipient of the 2011/2012 Humanitarian of the Year award. How amazing it is to see young African American males who wake up every day knowing that even though the situation they are dealt with are not always meant to be in their favor, they choose to find the positive in the negative regardless with no excuses, learning from their mistakes or misfortunes, and seizing every opportunity.

Other organizations Phillips is involved with are; Diversity Peer Educator, Student Ambassador, and she is a recent inductee of the Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society for CSU Communications Department. It wasn’t until she got into college that she found her calling. An accurate calling that has landed her numerous achievements including but not limited to interviews with the first African American to walk into space, Dr. Bernard Harris, Holocaust survivor, Marion Blumenthal Lazan, and international broadcast journalist from CNN, Martin Savidge.

A self-employed Songwriter, Drummer Marketing Advisor, and Event Planner with TrackHuslaz Music Group LLC. Day may not be what some view as your typical role model, but he is just that. He is a young professional role model that relates to those on the other side of the tracks, those that are counted as “trouble makers”. The is a part of those young inspiring musicians who are looking to connect with someone who truly understands, is real and relatable. A person who no matter his future success will never forget where he came from, and you’ll always find him mentoring and staying heavily involved in the community. Currently working on his own line of glass drink wear called #40Shots, Ardese will soon make his acting debut in a play called “A Dirty Portrait” directed by Ms. Donna Charles in June. “I live to break barriers and show people that no matter how many are against you as long as you have faith in yourself and God,” shares Lil 40, “anything is possible.” It definitely is.

By Nadine Haralson The Courier There is something about Columbus, Georgia native, Brandi Phillips that makes you believe she is more than capable of filling the shoes of those African American female broadcasters like Robin Roberts or Jacque Reid she hopes to follow. Intelligent and driven, one can obviously see there’s more to this southern belle than her bright smile. A 2011 graduate of Jordan Vocational High School, Phillips is a Columbus State University senior majoring in Communication with a minor in Business Administration. With a soft spot for the African American and minority community, Phillips is fully aware, of the struggle and the road that has been paved before her. She is fully aware and understands the best way to continue the journey, and preserve history, is to insure the next generation is prepared. That is why it is important that she lead by example, which is why volunteering and mentoring students at George Washington Carver High School and being an active

“ I want to encourage and motivate the minority community through the media,” explains Phillips. I want to unite communities together, and I have a desire to see a positive change in people that could eventually spread across the world.” Brandi states that everyday she just walks in her destined path by faith, and not by sight, and gains more patience along the way. It is encouraging to see a young professional who’s spirit goes beyond her broadcasting and volunteering. While currently a student, model, and entertainment writer for Georgia’s Juice. Phillips, who is set to graduate in May of 2016 hopes to work for a local broadcast company, advance as a reporter for CNN, and eventually land at a broadcast company in Los Angeles, CA. “The only limitations you’ll ever have, are those that you place upon yourself” a quote from someone who’s limits are limitless, Brandi Phillips.



April 16, 2015

Local Author, A’zayler Gives You A Glimpse Of The Intense Desire And Raw Emotions Of Urban Fairytales In Her Enthralling Literary Content. In the cities of Columbus and

By Wane A. Hailes The Couirier

Atlanta GA, Author A’zayler pulls back the curtain on the modern day suspense filled dramas of the metropolitan love stories in her Urban Romance Novels, Love and Loyalty 1 & 2, Real Riders Never Die, and A Forever Kind of Love. Derived from her imagination and unique creativity, these four novels detail the hidden lifestyles of these fictional, yet very relatable street characters. From her debut novel Love and Loyalty, to her most recent work, A Forever Kind of Love, the stories have taken off, engaging readers in from the very first page to the very last.

lustful urges dominate the pages of these literary works while contrasting with the uncompromising and ruthless vengeance from the hearts of the inner city. Every premeditated quarrel, tattered heart, and die-hard exploit, draws you into the minds of the many unspoken and prejudged voices around the world. A’zayler shares and unapologetic view of the unknown love stories of the African American community. With the relentless protection, kind words, and kisses, the women in her world are given an alternate outlook on men and their leading life positions.

Author A’zayler wrote all four books within the last year incorporating a variety of personal aspects and situational life altering advancements. Passion and

Readers interested in urban love and literary works that appeal to their heart as well as their minds, will swoon over A’zayler’s dynamic writing.

Love and Loyalty 1 & 2, Real Riders Never Die, were all ranked amongst Amazons best sellers with the Love and Loyalty series hitting number one. With much anticipation and support, she’s more than positive A Forever Kind of Love is soon to follow. They’re all available on Amazon in print and kindle version. To learn more about A’zayler and her upcoming ventures, fell free to contact her through email or social media. If you would like more information on one of her novels, or to schedule an interview with A’zayler, please call the Author directly at 706-570-2023 or email her at

the pen name “A’zayler”, is a 2008 graduate of Carver high school and Columbus State University with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. She is currently a graduate student at Troy State and is expected to receive her Masters degree in Criminal Justice in 2016. She currently resides in Columbus, GA with her husband Latavius, and their three children. Being an Army wife isn’t her favorite job but she enjoys the traveling opportunities. When she’s not taking care of her family, online shopping, or working on her next project you can find her at church or in a book store. Patrice can be contacted at Facebook: Author Azayler, Instagram: Authoress_Azayler.

Patrice Watts, who writes under



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April 16, 2015


Shaquoya Jackson Is ShaLaJa´ Swimwear

By Wane A. Hailes The Courier On May 3rd, 2015 ShaLaJá Swimwear, in partnership with The House of Suavé, will pres

ent INCEPTION a Fashion Expo in Columbus, GA

swimwear that would appeal to style savvy women around the globe of all shapes and sizes.

Gary "with the tea" from The Ricky Smiley Morning Show and Angela Peterson from 98.3 The Beat will host what will be a night of entertainment, talent and fashion.

The collections feature different ranges of pieces in an array of prints, styles, textures, colors and embellishments – from simple to space age, and everything in between. All collection highlights include creative monokinis, twisted two-pieces and one-pieces that cinch your figure into svelte mode. Future plans for ShaLaJa’ include exotic wear, beach wraps, lounge wear, hats, t-shirts and a children’s line.

ShaLaJa’ Swimwear came to life in 2011 after founder and l o c a l d e s i g n e r, Shaquoya Jackson decided to stop searching for the ‘ s e x y, f l i r t y y e t sophisticated’ swimwear she desired and create it herself. Fueled by a lifelong passion for the art-and-craft of high fashion, Shaquoya set out to design a line of cutting edge

“My mission is to create all varieties and styles of swimwear, from small to plus size, to accommodate women of all shapes and sizes. From sexy styles, to simple styles, to wardrobe looking styles and everything in between. I want to have options and I want to have something for everyone! I want to make every women feel comfortable and beautiful in a piece and I want to make it easy.” -Shaquoya Jackson, designer

Requests for Bids RFP No. 15-0026 Soft Drink Concession/Columbus Civic Center & Ice Rink (Annual Contract) Due: May 8, 2015 – 5:00 PM Sandra Chandler, Buyer A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Site Visit/Walk-Thru is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Vendors shall convene in the Administrative Office of the Civic Center, Ground Floor - 400 4th Street, Columbus, Georgia. Vendors will be allowed a 10-minute grace period. Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the due date shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at, notify the Buyer via email, fax 706.653.4109 or telephone 706.653.4105. Andrea J. McCorvey, CPPB Purchasing Division Manager

Requests for Bids RFB No. 15-0027 Tennis Court Surfacing Supplies (Annual Contract) Due: April 29, 2015 – 2:30 PM Betty Hughey, CPPB Buyer Specialist Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the due date shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at, notify the Buyer via email, fax 706.653.4109 or telephone 706.653.4105. Andrea J. McCorvey, CPPB Purchasing Division Manager


April 16, 2015

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PAGE 10 Daniels From Page 4 So, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence could assert, shortly after he signed the original state law, that “many feel their religious liberty is under attack by government action” in forcing them to accept gays and lesbians as customers of their businesses. One doesn’t have to be that well-versed in the Southern massive-resistance campaign against the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s to note the tawdry similarity: That region’s politicians

Love From Page 4 by any means, there still is supposed to be something different and very attractive about the Christian example. The conduct of the everyday sinner and the saint should not be easily confused by any means. The Holy Spirit is the continuous agent of sanctification, who works within us to subdue sinful impulses and produce fruits of righteousness, or right actions (Rom 8:13; 2 Cor 3:1718; Gal 5:22). This process is sanctification. The basic meaning of sanctification is "to be set apart." The Hebrew word

Georgia From Page 4 help you. Do What Makes You Happy and Be Unapologetic About It: Society has it’s standards about what is acceptable and if you try to abide by them all, you will probably be miserable. Sure, society says you need to wait six months or a year to introduce your child to who you are dating. Well what do you do after you have been dating someone for two months and you really like them and you want to introduce them to your child? Or you don’t want to be away from your child but you still want to go on a date? At the end of the day, it is your life and you’ve got to do what makes you happy. I am not encouraging you to take your child on every date with every person you meet, but what I am saying is don’t live your life according to everyone else’s standards. Use your wisdom and discernment to do what is best for you and your child. Understand What You Want: Whether you are recently divorced, just broke up with your child’s other parent or

APRIL 16, 2105 also vociferously claimed that they were defending white citizens’ against attack by the federal government. And, as numerous other commentators have noted, many Southern Christians cited Biblical passages to justify their racism. The rationales for today’s antigay laws are just as despicable. Their advocates claim they’re needed because, as Eric Miller, executive director of the conservative group Advance America, said they could help Christian bakers, florists and

photographers avoid punishment for “refusing to participate in a homosexual marriage.” Got that? Miller contends that any business owner who sells an item to or performs a service for a customer thereby becomes a “participant,” and “involved” in whatever it is the customer proceeds to do with the item. If you think that’s silly, look up some of the segregationists’ rationales for all the grand and petty laws of Jim Crow for further proof that bigotry is impervious to logic

The historian Jarret Ruminski ended his recent column on this latest effort to cloak intolerance in law with these words: “If I wanted to argue from a religious standpoint, I’d point out that rabid anti-gay stances conflict with Jesus’ injunctions to ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ And to ‘Judge not, that ye be not judged.’ Finally,” he wrote, “if I wanted to argue from the standpoint of basic human decency, I’d argue that love is always better than hate, and that hate

(qadosh; ‫ )קדוש‬has a basic meaning of "separation." As a moral term, sanctification is translated as "holiness" or "purity." The term in Greek (hagios; ἅγιος) is translated as "holy", as in "Holy" Spirit, or "saint." In the spiritual sense of a believer's life, sanctification means "to be set apart for God," or to be made more holy through conforming to the image of His Son.

teaches that civil government is put in place by God. Respect for Government Authority

like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. 4 The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong.

13 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.

Respect for government and government authorities is a part of being a good citizen as well as a good Christian. The Word of God in the Book of Romans

2 So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. 3 For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you

have been single for a long time and now you are trying to get back in the game, you need to understand what it is that you want. Once you become a parent I don’t believe that you just date to have fun. Your time and finances don’t really permit it. Be honest with yourself. Are you looking for someone to be affectionate and intimate with, with no strings attached or are you trying to find someone that wants to be a family with you and your child? Once you are confident about that, dating will be much easier because you will be able to identify who you should and should not be dating. Be Responsible, but Listen To Your Heart: As much as that may seem like an oxymoron, I mean it. Be responsible as a parent first. Make sure you are doing what needs to be done for you and your child but also listen to your heart. If you are at a place where you feel like your life has become Disney movies with imaginary friends, then you need to push yourself to get out and date. On the other hand if you have been dating and it isn’t going

well, then you may need to take a step back and just focus on you and your kids. Life is about balance and in order to be the best parent you can be, you have to have that balance. Be Realistic: Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by being unrealistic. This applies to many dynamics of “Dating With Children”. Be realistic about your schedule, if you have a full plate than as hard and as unfair as it may seem, right now may not be the best time for you to start dating. Be realistic about who your dating, if you decide that you want to date someone that one day can step in and be apart of your family, be realistic about who they are, what their goals are etc. Finally, be realistic about your situation. If in your head you are imagining this perfect blended family, but you know the other parent of your child was vindictive and very hostile, do you really think they are going to accept your new spouse? Be realistic and make sure you work those issues out before you bring someone new into the pic-

5 So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.

shrouded under the banner of good intentions and blind moral absolutism is especially devious.” Lee A. Daniels is a longtime journalist based in New York City. His essay, “Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Great Provocateur,” appears in Africa’s Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent (2014), published by Zed Books. His new collection of columns, Race Forward: Facing America’s Racial Divide in 2014, is available at

same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they do. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor to those who are in authority. (Romans 13: 1-7 NLT) The Apostle Paul really covers the bases regarding civil government in these seven (7) verses. (To be continued)

6 Pay your taxes, too, for these ture. Even if it means filing for full custody of your kid(s). Be Patient: When it comes to meeting the right person, when it comes to introducing your kids to the person you’re dating, just be patient. Think about how much patience would have helped your last relationship. As simple as it seems, often times if we would just learn to exert patience we would avoid heartbreak and disappointment in our own and in our children’s lives. Learn From Your Mistakes: There is no rule book to life and there certainly isn’t one for parenting. So don’t get too hung up on mistakes that you’ve made in the past. Take Responsibility for your part in things not working out with your child’s mother or father and learn from it. Do not make that same mistake again. Whether it’s you taking more time getting to know the person you become intimate with, using birth control or choosing a partner who you have more in common with, be sure that you learn from your past experiences. Also, in mov-

ing forward each date will serve as a learning opportunity. You are bound to make mistakes, but you shouldn’t feel shame when you learn something from them. I feel that one mistake I made in dating was allowing my daughter to bond with someone I was dating and when it didn’t work out she was hurt. I learned that although I am ok with her meeting mommy’s “friend’, I am not comfortable with her building a relationship with him until our relationship is established. Your Kid(s) Always Come First: Yes it seems self-explanatory but I have met young single parents who do not prioritize properly. Your child or children always come first. If you are dating someone who does not honor that then it is only a matter of time before something catastrophic happens. Your child has already experienced the disappointment of his/her natural parents separating. Spare them the pain of any more heartache by always keeping them and their needs first and only dating someone who will support you in doing just that.

Next Issue June 2015! Courier Eco Latino, The Magazine is the premiere source for an authoritative perspective on the tricity’s African-American and Hispanic community. Specifically serving the African-American and Hispanic businessmen and women, professionals and concerned citizens our goal is to ignite conversation, promote empowerment and celebrate aspiration.

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Nominations Are Now Being Accepted COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD NOMINATION FORM Name of Nominee____________________________________________ Individual/Company___________________________________________ Title/Position________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City____________________________State___________Zip__________ Business Phone________________Home Phone__________________ Deadline May 1, 2015 Please complete the nomination form and mail to the address below : Courier / Eco Latino P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Georgia 31906 or Email to:

April 16, 2015


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April 16, 2015


the hip hop scene THE TEA! Hip Hop Artist Plies is the newest artist to participate in the WWE Smackdown! Over the weekend, the "Shawty " rapper and a fan exchanged words on stage during his concert. The male fan was expressing his admiration for Plies, but once he realized that his words were not being appreciated he grabbed the rapper and body slammed him off of the stage while other concert goers and security watched. The that see the

incident turned into a huge brawl went viral for the whole world to and judge. Immediately following incident, the fan released several videos explaining why he slammed Plies ,but still has respect for him as an artist. Plies, his hat that miraculously did not come off of his head during the altercation, and his security have been the jokes of several social media memes, videos and conversations. It appears that fans really take it personal when they aren't appreciated. There needs to be better security and luck next time for the rapper. Kanye Vs. The Bible Kanye West has been known for creating as much controversy as he can throughout his career in entertainment. He's not afraid to voice his opinion and let everyone knows exactly how he feels (hence his remarks about President

George W. Bush ), but it appears that this time he and his ego have gone a little too far.

really a fan? Congratulations to the Happy couple!

The Grammy Award winning Artist has a new "Holy Bible" that has replaced every word in the Bible that says "God" with "Kanye West" in it's place. This has a lot of people outraged and upset by his decision. The new Holy Bible is called "The Book of Yeezus " and is supposed to be the modern day version which was constructed by his fans from his latest album "Yeezus." According to FoxNews, the book is being retailed online for $20. Have crazed fans gone too far this time?

D30 Radio Indie Artist Concert: " I've Got the Juice"

Wedding Bells! Kendrick Lamar has a lot to celebrate this year already! His new album "To Pimp A Butterfly " is doing exceptionally well on all music charts, and now he's proposed to his high school sweetheart of 10 years! Lamar, who's very laid back and quiet about his personal life, revealed the information during a recent radio inter-

view. For him, the news came with a lot of support from his fans and peers, but also with a lot of disappointment. An activist for Black women has recently spoken out in disapproval of his engagement because his fiance is light skinned. She claims he's a fraud and hasn't practiced what he preaches about in his songs by being with her. The woman says she's no longer a fan. If whom your favorite entertainer chooses to be with affects you, were you

The Indie Artist concert for the month of March was nothing less of spectacular. The Indie Artist throughout the Southeast Region came out to Martinis on Broadway ready to show up and shout out. Who really had the "juice" was revealed in each performance by each Artist. They sung, they rapped, they danced, and rocked the crowd during their 5 minute show set. Families even came out to support the artists. The next Indie Artist concert will feauture an all female concert to perform register via Eventbrite.


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April 16, 2015

Page 17

April 16, 2015

Morehouse College Men Now Have A Distinguished Watch To Match Their Mystique Washington, DC (March 17, 2015). Howie Hodges, class of ‘82 at Morehouse College, took his commitment to “The House” seriously when he created a trademarked design for a signature watch to be exclusively worn by the formidable Morehouse Man. H o d g e s Wa t c h C o m p a n y (HWCo) donated one of the "luxury hand-assembled" watches to the college to be auctioned at the 2015 27th Annual Candle in the Dark Gala that was recently held in Atlanta, GA. The silent auction winner was Morehouse Alumnus Gregory T. Burrell, class of '90,

a prominent businessman from Philadelphia where he is president & CEO of the Terry Funeral Home. The HWCo watches are an élite and limited Morehouse College collection where only 350 will be offered for sale. Morehouse gets a percentage of all sales through an approved licensing arrangement. Watches are custom-made-toorder with a remarkable layered dial of iconic "Graves Hall" crafted from sterling silver, over iridescent mother-of-pearl. All movements are SWISS made and imported by HWCo.

Hodges, says, “I have a passion for watches, and I wanted to design and manufacture a “collectable timepiece” that could be passed down from generation-to-generation of Morehouse men and to help my Alma Mater and have fun doing so. And, to remind me of the momentous years I spent on campus.” For more detail about the various styles of watches in the Morehouse

Collection, one can visit the website at or contact

Hodges at the


April 16, 2015

Requests for Proposals RFB No. 15-0025 South Lumpkin Multi-use Trail Due: March 18, 2015 – 2:30 pm Della Lewis, CPPB Buyer Specialist RFP No. 15-0024 GIS Tax Parcel Map Database Due: April 10, 2015 – 5:00 pm Sandra Chandler, Buyer Sealed responses must be received and time/date stamped by the respective due dates shown above, by the Finance Department/Purchasing Division of Columbus Consolidated Government, 100 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901. To obtain specifications, visit the City's website at, notify the respective Buyer via email and, fax 706.653.4109 or telephone 706.653.4105. Andrea J. McCorvey, CPPB Purchasing Division Manager

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Representative Tyrone L. Brooks, Sr. Life Long Civil & Human Rights Warrior THE PRICE OF STRUGGLE By Jacquee Minor Special to The Courier In a concept known as ‘the law of the instrument,’ everything in the world can look like a nail to someone who views the world from a hammer’s point of view. We routinely process life events through the prism of our own experiences. When you’ve been a freedom fighter most of your life, nails protrude from every plank of wood. Assaults and personal attacks are commonplace and are, in fact, expected. An activist must always be prepared to strike. Such is life for Georgia State Representative Tyrone Brooks. Whether you can identify with the perils of being Brooks, or any of his colleagues for that matter, you have to acknowledge the experiences that have shaped who the lawmaker is today. Born in Washington, Wilkes County, Georgia in 1945 during the brutal Jim Crow Era of the Deep South, Brooks was eyewitness to indignities many have only read about. Blacks in his time were relegated to the back seat of every vehicle of society, systematically excluded

from participation in the most basic human rights. They were told in no uncertain terms they were unworthy of the privileges of citizenship. And resistance to change was steeped in violence and intimidation. When charges were brought against him in May 2013 alleging that he defrauded hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to his charitable organizations, the United States Attorney’s motivation was apparent to Brooks. “It’s a personal attack on me… a vendetta, retaliation. Plain and simple,” declares Brooks. According to McKinney, it’s one of the many tactics the government is known to use to wear down resistance. “They don’t have to win, just destabilize. I should never be surprised at anything my government does to its citizens,” she says. When he heard of the charges, Southern Christian Leadership Conference President Charles Steele famously proclaimed, “They after the brother. They after all of us, but this brother is targeted. They are trying to intimidate him.” A CHORUS OF SUPPORT After the federal charges were filed against him, many of Brooks’ supporters came forward to

defend his character. Among them was Roy L. Jackson, President of the Georgia Association of State Colleges and Black Universities, who was quoted in a recent article published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution as saying, “Brooks’ attitude is absolutely remarkable. You will not see the staging of any events on his behalf and you will not hear of raising funds for him because that’s not what he’s about,” declared Jackson. “Hundreds of delegates will gather (in Savannah, Ga for the GABEO Summer Convention) because we believe in his work. Whatever he has done over the years has been to the benefit of the state and not for him. . . ” There are a host of others who agree with him. The list of defenders reads like a ‘Who’s Who of Civil and Human Rights.’ From Dr. Lowery: “I have found him to be deeply committed to helping the 'least of these'. I am certain that Tyrone will be able to fully respond to the charges filed against him and he will be cleared,” says “Dean of the Civil Rights Movement”, SCLC co-founder and former president, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award from President Barack Obama. His friend of more than 40 years, Ambassador Andrew Young believes that any charges against Brooks are only a result of neglect of keeping a paper trail in his efforts to help people; not intentional or self-serving. After a motion for a resolution in support of Brooks at a recent luncheon for

Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials (GABEO), GABEO Vice President Elaine Lucas, a member of the Macon City Council, went on the record with this endorsement. “We stand here today united in our support for our president,” Lucas said of Brooks, who has headed the GABEO since 1993. “He is presumed innocent ... against these outlandish and untrue statements.” Johnny Smith, President of the NAACP of Winder, Georgia experienced many of the racial atrocities as Brooks. He admires the way Brooks has been instrumental in bringing perpetrators to justice. “I think the charges are pay back for the stand that Rep Brooks has taken on the flag, the Moore’s Ford Bridge and other incidents. He is one of the few people in the State of Georgia people can turn to when they have a problem that others think is impossible.” Four-term president of the Georgia Conference NAACP, Ed Dubose met Brooks in 1999 at a speaking engagement at a church in Butler Georgia. Calling him a “father figure,” DuBose says he’s learned a lot from Brooks about how to make everyone feel important, no matter their station in life. He says the man who fights for the underdog is not the person who would turn around and steal from them. With charges pending, Brooks just keeps working. He sponsored legislation during the 2014 session of the General Assembly to build a statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. The legislation passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and Governor Nathan Deal has signed it into law.

Pagina 5

¿Su Sándwich De Atún Es Malo Para El Medio Ambiente?

(StatePoint) En los Estados Unidos se consume más atún enlatado que en cualquier otro país del mundo. Desafortunadamente, la gran mayoría del atún que se vende en el mercado estadounidense no cumple con las normas fundamentales de sostenibilidad, de acuerdo con la guía de compras de Greenpeace 2015 sobre atún enlatado, la primera clasificación que se ha hecho jamás en los EE.UU. del atún enlatado. La clasificación revisó 14 marcas bien conocidas de etiquetas nacionales y marca propia a nivel de los EE.UU. a fin de evaluar sus políticas y prácticas de abastecimiento, lo que incluyó ver si el método de pesca empleado para capturar su atún perjudica a otras especies marinas, si evitan el corte de aletas de tiburón y si pueden hacer el rastreo de sus productos de vuelta al mar. Además, examinó qué tan equitativas y socialmente responsables son las marcas. La clasificación llegó a la conclusión de que la mayoría de las marcas no tienen en vigor las medidas adecuadas para abordar las cuestiones de sostenibilidad, bienestar humano y asuntos laborales. “Los consumidores deben saber que muchas marcas de atún enlatado están contribuyendo a la destrucción del océano a un ritmo alarmante”, dice el Responsable de Mercados de Productos Marinos de Greenpeace, Graham Forbes. “Sin embargo, el lado bueno aquí es que otras empresas están haciéndose presentes para proporcionar

a sus clientes opciones seguras para el océano”. Así que, ¿cómo ser un comprador de supermercado mejor informado? Aquí hay algunas sugerencias para asegurarse de que su atún es sostenible: • Piense más allá de la etiqueta. “Seguro para los delfines” no significa necesariamente que sea seguro para el océano. Las tortugas, los tiburones y otras especies vulnerables de vida en el océano son daños colaterales en las pesquerías de atún que abastecen al mercado de los EE.UU. Para averiguar cómo se compara su marca favorita, cómo descodificar el etiquetado en sus latas de atún o para firmar una petición pidiendo que las marcas cambien sus prácticas, visite usa/tunaguide. • La demanda del consumidor puede marcar la diferencia. Hable con su vendedor local de comestibles sobre la posibilidad de ocupar sus estantes con marcas que tengan un enfoque integral hacia los productos sustentables y equitativos. Es probable que usted no baje los ojos hacia su almuerzo muy a menudo y se pregunte qué tuvo que pasar para que llegara hasta su plato. Pero sus elecciones como consumidor tienen un impacto tanto en el medio ambiente como en la mano de obra involucrada en la producción. Al convertirse en un consumidor más informado, puede asegurarse de que su cocina sea más amigable para los dos.

Jueves 16 de Abril 2015

Jueves 16 de Abril 2015


Georgiacares está aquí para ayudarle! La zona de River Valley Agency on Aging Georgiacares Programa responde a las preguntas acerca de: - Bajo Costo Medicamentos Recetados Programas Asistencia Mecánica y cómo aplicar (LIS) - Revisión de su Medicare Resumen - Programa Medicare (MSP) - Servicios Preventivos Medicare - Senior Medicare Patrol-SMP (Medicare Errores, fraudes y abusos - LIS ( Low-Income Subvención) y MSP (Programa Medicare

¿Su iglesia y/o organización basada en la fe o organismo de un grupo superior y/o alto cargo del ministerio? ¿Le gustaría saber más acerca de cómo proteger a los adultos mayores en su comunidad de medicare/Medicaid Errores, fraude, abuso y el robo de identidad? Medicare preguntas? ¿Está girando 65? Llame a la oficina hoy Georgiacares que prepare una presentación de su iglesia u organización a aprender sobre el programa de Medicare, ayuda extra para aquellos que califican, Medicare servicios de prevención y asistencia mecánica llamada prescripción oportunidades de trabajo voluntario llame al 1-866 -5524464, Opción 4 y pedir Shameika Averett, Coordinador Georgiacares

Pagina 2

Jueves 16 de Abril 2015

INFOGRÁFICA: ¿Cuántas mujeres se están beneficiando de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible? Infographic: How Many Women Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act?

Cerrando La Brecha De Justicia Para Los Neoyorquinos De Bajos Ingresos Cada año, miles de neoyorquinos se encuentran en la Corte de Vivienda enfrentándose al desalojo. Todos los casos judiciales son importantes, por supuesto, pero las ramificaciones potenciales de los casos de desalojo son de gran alcance. Sabemos que las familias desalojadas experimentan desplazamiento dislocación y en muchos casos, la falta de vivienda. Este tipo de inestabilidad residencial aumenta la probabilidad de todo tipo de resultados negativos, incluyendo el fracaso escolar, la depresión y la pobreza. En pocas palabras, la evidencia sugiere que la vivienda estable es la base del bienestar de la familia. A pesar de las graves consecuencias potenciales, nueve de cada diez neoyorquinos de bajos ingresos van a la Corte de Vivienda sin el beneficio de un abogado. Tener que llenar el papeleo necesario, solicitar asistencia técnica y negociar con el abogado del propietario, no es nada fácil. Es difícil navegar los tribunales sin ayuda, especialmente cuando uno se enfrenta a la amenaza de perder su hogar. En un mundo perfecto, todos los que se enfrentan al desalojo recibirían representación legal. En muchos casos, la presencia de un abogado puede hacer la diferencia entre mantener su hogar o ser desalojado. Podemos y debemos hacer más para aumentar el número de abogados disponibles a servir a los litigantes de la Corte de Vivienda. Como muchos otros, he trabajado diligentemente en los últimos años para ampliar la financiación estatal de los servicios jurídicos que tienen que ver con los “elementos esenciales de la vida” como el desalojo. En la ciudad de Nueva York, el alcalde Bill de Blasio y el Consejo de la ciudad de Nueva York han

aumentado los fondos para programas de asistencia jurídica; la ciudad también ha tomado medidas para consolidar su administración de la financiación del servicio jurídico bajo el liderazgo de Steve Banks, el comisario de la Administración de Recursos Humanos. No nos equivoquemos: la financiación de los servicios jurídicos es fundamental para la capacidad de los tribunales de llevar a cabo nuestra misión constitucional. En estos tiempos de dificultades financieras, hablamos de las dificultades de mantener las puertas de las cortes abiertas. Pero el mantener las puertas abiertas simplemente no es suficiente. Si lo que está sucediendo dentro de puerta cerrada no equivale a la igualdad de la justicia, entonces sería mejor cerrar los tribunales. A pesar de los mejores esfuerzos de los tribunales, de la ciudad y de fundaciones privadas, todavía existe una brecha en la justicia en la ciudad de Nueva York, y ni que decir de los tribunales de todo el país. En las últimas semanas, hemos dado un paso para enfrentar este vacío en nuestra ciudad. El sistema de cortes de Nueva York se ha unido a Robin Hood, la Administración de Recursos Humanos, y el Centro de Innovación Judicial para crear un programa nuevo, Poverty Justice Solutions. La idea de este programa es simple. Cada año, Poverty Justice Solutions tomarán 20 recién graduados de la facultad de derecho y les dará becas de dos años para trabajar con los proveedores de servicios legales civiles en Nueva York. Estos abogados trabajarán en diferentes agencias, pero todos se dedicarán a un mismo objetivo: ayudar a neoyorquinos de bajos ingresos a conservar sus viviendas y evitar la falta de vivienda.

Eco Latino Vol. 10


La Voz de la Minoría

Edición 2


Jueves 16 de Abril 2015

INFOGRÁFICA: ¿Cuántas mujeres se están beneficiando de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible? Infographic: How Many Women Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act?

Cerrando La Brecha De Justicia Para Los Neoyorquinos De Bajos Ingresos Pagina 2 10th Annual COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS


Nominations Are Now Being Accepted

COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD NOMINATION FORM Name of Nominee____________________________________________ Individual/Company___________________________________________ Title/Position________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City____________________________State___________Zip__________ Business Phone________________Home Phone__________________ Deadline May 1, 2015 Please complete the nomination form and mail to the address below : Courier / Eco Latino P.O. Box 5747 Columbus, Georgia 31906 or Email to:




7:30 PM


Pagina 13 The Courier Pagina


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