8 Superfoods To Lower Your Cholesterol Level http://www.connectncare.com/foods-lower-cholesterol/
OATS • Contains Beta glucan, water-soluble substance that lowers the cholesterol • Two serving of oats can lower the cholesterol by 5.3%
GARLIC • It prevents blood clots & also lowers the cholesterol level • Maintains the blood pressure and also protect against infection
NUTS • Rich in monounsaturated fat that lowers the cholesterol • Contains vitamin E, magnesium, copper, and omega-3 which are good for health
BEANS • Contains monounsaturated fat that lowers the cholesterol • It contains fiber which helps to maintain the heart health
SPINACH • Contains lutein that shrug-off the cholesterol from the wall of the artery • It is a good source of vitamins A, B2, C, K and contains magnesium, iron & folate
FISH • Rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, which act as cholesterol fighters • Rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, and vitamins such as D and B2
GREEN & BLACK TEA • Flavonoids, major antioxidant that reduces the cholesterol & maintain the blood pressure • It boosts the immune system & helps in weight loss
AVOCADOS • Contains beta-sitosterol which lowers the cholesterol • Rich source of monounsaturated fat that lowers the cholesterol
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