BENEFITS OF ENS PROMPT Real-Time Notifications for your patient’s hospital visits This includes admissions, discharges, or ER visits for any patient that is active within the practice.
Free To any provider that is affiliated with a participating hospital in the HIE service area.
Proactive Coordination Providers and Patient coordinators can proactively coordinate patient care and schedule any necessary follow-up treatment plans or visits.
Works in conjunction with the Clinical Query Portal Providers and patient coordinators can view medical records from the patient’s hospital stay.
Encounter Notification Services and ENS Prompt ENS provides notices from patient’s health care encounters in real-time. Health care facilities can send admit-discharge-transfer (ADT) messages in real-time and ENS compares them to the patient list provided by the health care organizations sending data. When a patient that is listed receives care at a participating facility, subscribers will then receive an alert that includes details about the patient's care during that encounter. Subscribers are given the option to receive once or twice daily and sent in a batch format.
Special Features Encounter alerts stream continuously in real-time Advanced, custom filter options, with the ability to save custom filters for easy reuse Download alert data in spreadsheet format View data spanning the past 30 days Search patient by name of MRN Manage notifications by status ENS Prompt's real-time tracking feature to mark patients 'Complete' and streamline workflow View patients 'Complete' and streamline workflow View patient's readmission count View patients across multiple patient panels
WHAT IS A SMART ALERT? Smart Alerts provide real-time ENS alerts that notify a patient’s care team when their high-risk patients have hospital encounters for specific conditions (e.g. COVID-19, CHF, Asthma), procedures (e.g. Mammography, Joint Replacement) or key lab tests resulted (e.g. COVID-19, Pregnancy, Pre-Diabetes). The alerts leverage CPT, ICD10 and LOINC coding standards to identify specific healthcare events and alert the patient’s care team for improved care coordination, reduced readmissions, and a better patient experience.. © 2021 CONNIE • (888) 783-4410 • WWW.CONNIECT.ORG • INFO@CONNIECT.ORG
Smart Alerts Available in Connie Production There are many smart alerts available in Connie production to help improve Care Coordination please see the different options below: Care Team Updates: An alert that is received when a new Care Manager has subscribed to the patient. Observation Status: The alert gets triggered when a patient is admitted to the hospital and put on Observation status. Pregnancy Lab Alerts: A provider or care team member will get an alert when a patient has a positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy: An alert is received when the patient has one of the following diagnosis codes: Z3401, Z34.01, Z3689, Z36.89, Z3493, Z34.93, Z34.93, Z3492, Z3492, Z34.92, 00930, 009.30, 00933, 026843, and 026.843 (United Health Care). Eligibility for Health Choice Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP): Identify members who are eligible and enroll them in DPP which has been proven to guide patients to improve blood glucose control and weight in patients with prediabetes. Death Notice: Inform subscriber of patient status by alerting when a patient expires. Immunization Alert: Ability to trigger an alert when a patient misses an immunization. LANE Diagnosis Alerts: Ability to trigger an alert when the patient has one of the following diagnosis codes: J069, R0789, R51, N390, M545, R109, R05, R112, J101, and J111, M25561, Z760, J442, K529, R42. End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD): A notification when a patient/member with ESRD has an encounter. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA): Notification when a patient/member with diabetes has a DKA care event. COVID-19- A Public Health and CDC alert when a patient has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): An Alert is received when the patient has one of the following diagnosis codes: B20 or Z21.
Connie Technical Onboarding Process The first step in the process is to identify users that will be using the tool. Once users have been identified, our technical team will then prepare to discuss panel options that are the best fit for the organization. Once a portal asset is assigned to the organization, an ENS license is applied. The access configurations are based on the ENS license to connect the panel to the portal asset. The user will then be provisioned access to PROMPT through the Connie Portal. After users and panel options have been clearly defined, Connie can determine which Smart Alerts appropriate for the organization. Once the preferences have been selected, Connie can take the next steps to create the panel. A manual file will then be created with the patient roster and connected to the SFTP to load the panels. The rules of existing ADTs rules will be created based on diagnosis codes. During the Connie Technical Onboarding Process, we will advise on you and walk you through every step in the process to get you set up for success. During the process we will learn your preferences on the initial roll out of the service, define internal users, establish patient panels, and customizing the alert feed. We will also discuss smart alert preferences, so the alerts received align with your goals.
ADT TRIGGER EVENTS ADMISSION/REGISTRATION A01- Inpatient Admission A01E - Emergency Admission A04E Emergency Registration A010 - Outpatient Admission A040 - Outpatient Registration TRANSFER A061 - Outpatient to Inpatient A070 - Inpatient to Outpatient DISCHARGE A031 - Inpatient Discharge A03E - Emergency Discharge A030 - Outpatient Discharge CANCEL A11l - Cancel Inpatient Admission A11E - Cancel Emergency Admission A13l - Cancel Inpatient Discharge A13E - Cancel Emergency Discharge © 2021 CONNIE • (888) 783-4410 • WWW.CONNIECT.ORG • INFO@CONNIECT.ORG