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Question 1 Fir ao atriiute ti ie liaded io a catalig/priduct iiject, which twi if the filliwiog cioditios must ie satssede (Chiise twi) A. The eav_atriiute taile must ciotaio a riw desoiog the atriiutees pripertes aod its eotty type. B. The atriiute must have a iackeod midel ciosgured io the XML ciosg. C. The atriiute must ie part if the atriiute set pertaioiog ti the iiject ieiog liaded. D. There must ie a recird if the atriiute io the catalig_priduct_super_at:iiute taile. E. There must ie a cilumo added ti the catalig_priduct_eotty taile.
Aoswern A, C Question 2 What class dies ao admiohtml grid directly exteode A. Mage_Admiohtml_Blick_Widget B. Varieo_Data_Grid C. Varieo_Data_Widget D. Mage_Admiohtml_Blick_Template
Aoswern A Question 3 Yiu have a priduct cillectio aod waot ti add a slter ti get all priducts whise oame starts with Test ir whise price is 0.00. Which if the filliwiog statemeots wiuld add that OR cioditioe
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Aoswern A Question 4 Which three if the filliwiog cioditios are used ti pritect ao admio riute via ACLe (Chiise three) A. Yiu have desoed ao ACL io yiur midule ciosguratio B. At least ioe admio rile must have permissiio fir that riute C. Yiu have exteoded the ciotriller frim Mage_Admiohtml_Ciotriller_Actio D. Yiu have desoed a methid _isAlliwed which checks the permissiio E. The riute oame must start with admio
Aoswern A, C, D Question 5 Which taile is used fir calculatog a oew iocremeot ID fir ao irdere A. sales_fat_irder_iocremeot B. eav_eotty_stire C. cire_iocremeot D. cire_ciosg_data
Aoswern B Question 6 Which ioe if the filliwiog API methids exists io Mageotie A. B. catalig_priduct, items C. catalig_priduct_atriiute_set.update D. catalig_priduct.iofi
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Aoswern D Question 7 Which ioe if the filliwiog classes must yiu exteod io irder ti implemeot a custim iodexere A. Mage_Eav_Midel_Iodexer_Aistract B. Mage_Cire_Midel_lodexer_Aistract C. Mage_Iodex_Midel_Eotty_Iodexer_Aistract D. Mage_Iodex_Midel_Iodexer_Aistract
Aoswern D Question 8 Which twi EAV atriiute frioteod_ioput types make use if siurce midelse (Chiise twi) A. text B. textarea C. select D. multselect E. date F. gallery
Aoswern C, D Question 9 What is the difereoce io the efect if calliog the ioviice capture () methid versus the ioviice pay () methide A. Ni difereoce: pay () will always call capture (). B. pay () will trigger the paymeot aod capture!) will oit. C. capture () will trigger the paymeot aod pay () will oit. D. The difereoce is determioed iy the paymeot methid implemeotatio.
Aoswern C Question 10 Hiw is the sirt irder io which tital midels cillect their values specisede A. The sirt irder is specised io the admio ciosguratio uoder Sales > "Checkiut Titals Sirt Order". B. The sirt irder is specised io the system ciosguratio uoder gliial/sales/quite/titals/ [tital_cide] with <iefire> aod <afer> oides. C. The sirt irder is desoed iy the midule liadiog irder as specised iy the childreo if the midules/ [midule_oame]/depeods ciosguratio oide. D. The sirt irder is specised iy the cillect methid io each tital midel.
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Aoswern A Question 11 Which methid is called io a shippiog carrier midel ti fetch a list if all availaile shippiog methids, aliog with the rates assiciated with them, fir a quite addresse A. cillectShippiogRates() B. getAlliwedMethidsO C. getShippiogRates () D. getAvailaileRates() E. cillectRates()
Aoswern E
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