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FDI policy aims to promote growth and innovation in the ed tech sector while safeguarding the interests of Indian stakeholders.

Startup India initiative was launched in 2016 by the Indian government to promote and support startups in the country. The initiative includes various measures such as tax exemptions, funding support, and simplification of regulations to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in India. The edtechindustryhasalsobenefittedfromthis initiative, with several startups receiving funding and support from the government. Thegovernment'sfocusonpromotingedtech startupsisaimedataddressingthechallenges in the education sector and improving access toqualityeducationforall. .



The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy regulates the amount of foreign investment allowed in the ed tech sector in India. As per the current policy, up to 100% FDI is allowed in the ed tech sector, subject to certain conditions.Forinstance,foreigninvestmentis not permitted in companies that offer franchisee-based models or those that operate in the pre-primary and primary education sectors. The policy also requires that ed tech companies comply with certain reportingandcompliancerequirements.The

The Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA) is a government program launched in 2015 to promote digital literacy and digital empowerment among citizens in India. The program aims to provide training to around 60 million Indians in the use of digital technologies, such as computers, mobile devices, and the internet. The program includes several measures to deliver digital education and training, such as e-learning platforms, mobile apps, and online tutorials. DISHA also provides financial support to citizens for purchasing digital devices and availing internet services. The program has been particularly beneficial for people from ruralandmarginalizedcommunities,whohave limited access to digital technologies. DISHA is part of the government's larger vision of creating a digitally empowered society and leveraging technology to drive socioeconomicdevelopmentinthecountry.

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