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Adverse To Change

In a number of educational institutions, education and technology are not yet woven together particularly successfully. The overall opposition of administrators and teachers has slowed the introduction of technology in educational institutions. Despite the fact that the education business must continuously seek out new ways to expand and improve, it may be good to determine whether newly created concepts and technology assist the industry in advancing and becoming more relevant.


To successfully provide solutions in the education technology space, EdTech enterprises joining or stabilising in the educational sector must first understand the market and its challenges. The major function of education technology should be to demonstrate the actual value of its service or product, including the issues it can help solve, the aid it can provide, and the opportunities it may generate. Only then will we witness a greateruptakeofEdTech!


learning applications. They aid businesses in achieving improved efficiency and productivity.

Infrastructure And Technology Improvements

High bandwidth is frequently required for EdTech systems since video buffering and robust analytics are frequently required. For an EdTech product to function, high-speed Internet and a dependable gadget are required; yet, India has not yet fully commoditized this pair for its vast population. Slowly, EdTech businesses would build applications that address these challenges, and the technology surrounding connectivity would improve, giving EdTech a further competitiveedge.

Data Privacy And Security



Anysectorthatwantstoprosperandsurvive needs resources that keep up with internationaltrends,futurerequirements,and up-and-coming technological breakthroughs. Early EdTech was plagued by various obstacles, including a lack of technical expertise and the inability to compete with other enterprises. However, times are changing, and EdTech businesses are investing in high-quality resources and systemsforthedevelopmentofnoveldigital

There are growing worries regarding the privacy and security of data as more educational information is being saved and shared online. These concerns include the potential for data breaches as well as inappropriateuseofstudentinformation.

Training And Support

Teachers need training and ongoing support to effectively integrate technology into their lesson plans. This can include both technical training (e.g. how to use specific software or hardware)aswellaspedagogicaltraining(e.g. how to design effective lessons that incorporate technology). Without sufficient training and support, teachers may be hesitanttouseed-techormaynotbeusingit toitsfullpotential.

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