Strategist | December'20 | Healthcare Sector

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In Conversation with... 1.What’s new in Healthcare Tech? In recent times healthcare sector has been witnessing major changes. Application of technology in the form of artificial intelligence is making things real ‘Smart’. Now we have smart wrist watch that can keep an eye on heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, ECG, oxygen saturation in blood and can warn early if any of the parameters is abnormal. Real advantage of this technology is early diagnosis and treatment within the ‘Golden Hour’ (period of time during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical and surgical treatment will prevent death), thereby reducing chances of death, complications etc. Many more devices based on AI are in pipeline. In near future we may see ultra-sonography being done using mobile phones. Other novelties include robotic surgeries, artificial organs, nano technology. Application of technology in medical fraternity is changing the face of healthcare industry.

health set up the doctor cannot perform any of the clinical tests. Hence it is better, if a patient can personally visit the doctor at least at the first time and then uses Telehealth for the follow up visits. However in India, Telehealth will need some more time to get general acceptance due to one other reason – mind set of patients. Many patients feel relaxed or get psychological support when they personally meet the doctor. Hence, Telemedicine will be more popular as and when the patients will come out of the mind set and can see practical benefits of Telehealth. But Telehealth setups cannot completely replace clinics and OPDs.

In India, Telehealth system can be a boon to strengthen rural healthcare system. As number of specialists and super specialist doctors is limited and these experts are mainly saturated in big cities and metros, patients living in small cities and rural areas are deprived of their expertise. This can be overcome by connecting doctors practicing in rural areas and their patients with specialists in 2.As a person knowledgeable with India’s cities through Telehealth. So doctor and the pahealthcare infrastructure is it possible to distrib- tient in a small town can take opinion from speute any Covid-19 vaccine (eg: Pfizer, Serum Insti- cialist practicing in any part of the world. On Field tute etc) on a national scale? What would be the doctor can perform clinical tests, investigations as major hurdles in your opinion? suggested by the specialist and can also carry out COVID 19 vaccine is something that the world is the treatment. This system can have positive imwaiting for. Considering population of our coun- pact on healthcare status in rural parts. try it is a herculean task to make the vaccine avail- 4.We have been facing new strains of diseases able across the country in sufficient quantity. Ma- over the past decade. Allopathy has been the jor hurdle in the distribution of vaccine will be most agile stream of medical profession to remaintaining the cold chain. Vaccine developed spond to the new diseases. Do you think that in by Pfizer, which will be available in near future, future, allopathy might make other disciplines needs to be stored below – 70C. Even in developed such as homeopathy or ayurveda redundant? countries it is difficult to have such storage facilities in all hospitals, health centers with sufficient Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homepathy capacity. Transporting vaccine from one place to (AYUSH) system of medicine was the mainstream another while maintaining the cold chain is also medicine before the emergence of modern medidifficult. The Government will need to build lo- cine and according to WHO, 65 to 80% people gistic support and storage facilities in very short still use traditional medicine. Advances in sciperiod of time across the country. But I am hope- ence have undoubtedly made modern medicine ful that necessary arrangements will be made by as mainstream in healthcare system, but it canthe Government. not make AYUSH system redundant. Currently no healthcare system is complete to cater all the 3.What is the scope for Telehealth in India? aspects of human health. While modern medicine Telehealth/ telemedicine is witnessing boom af- has no alternative in treatment of emergency conter the world is hit by COVID 19 pandemic. Dur- ditions, infections, in long term management of ing lockdown patients who were suffering from diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, arthritis conditions other than COVID 19 were extensively etc. there is scope for AYUSH system due to side dependant on it. However, we need to understand effects of modern medicines. Advantage of AYthe importance of visiting a doctor as well. When- USH system is use of predominantly herbal (non ever a doctor treats a patient, before treating the chemical) medicines which don’t have side effects. doctor talks to the patient, sees medical reports AYUSH is time tested healthcare system based on and also conducts clinical examinations which oriental ways of scientific thinking. If these orienare very important to reach to a diagnosis. In tele- tal principles in AYUSH system are blended with Strategist


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