Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: Trapped in the Shadow Dimension: Disney Masters Vol. 19

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dr. einmug! what’s goin’ on?

[bleep!] wait…

♫ you have but naught to fear… ♫ ye cats! more of ’em!

…dot iss not him! it iss… a robot? ♫ it’s me, your friend benevolence…


[gulp!] millions?

[bleep!] hundreds!

an’ every one of ’em has their own… phantom blot?! to serve as a gold-carrier! [bleep!]

I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m gonna find out!

[bleep!] what are those sounds, mickey? Beats me -- but in this place, it can’t be anything good! this way…

happy now, peteykins?

heck yeah! finally a real game, wid real players!


oh, look! another goal!

goOal! an’ anudder one! too many! th’ teams are uneven!

another goal!

um, seven, eight, nine, and… waitaminnit! it’s only nine players vs. eleven!

sound th’ alarm! th’ mouse an’ dat atom-kid are here!

but sweetie, I took 22! really! I counted!

two missin’! just two, huh? [grrr!]

yipe! looks like we’ve been discovered! [bleep!] we can hide in der darkness!

attention all phantoms! intruders in the shadow dimension!

lights everywhere! run!

[gasp!] they’ve got us!


wot gives?

we’re surrounded!

all right, pete! show yourself! we’re waitin’!

what are ya waiting for, atomo? use your mesons on ’em! okay! oop! I plumb fergot [bleep!] about th’ li’l twerp’s powers!

lookin’ fer me, runt?

so here you are! turn his big nose into a cucumber, atomo! I’m afraid I haff bad news, Mickey…

mine mesons! they do not work in this place!

no kiddin’?


[har-har!] I’m likin’ dis dark dimension more ‘n’ more every day!

[oorg!] just where th’ heck are we, pete?

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