S t a r
Charles Glaubitz

a small larva is eating a strand of hair
on her grandmother’s skull, it was a great cosmic web weaver. of quantum entanglements.
a master creator
a portal opens...
it hesitates only for an instant. dark energy and dark matter coalesce.
light and matter reunite.
the larva will now become a cosmic weaver spider.
to an endless number inside the multiverse.
it will serve in her grandmother’s place to spin the web of connectivity between verses in the multiverse and membranes.
it begins to spin webbing.
in a vacuum inside a void of nothing,
One by one,
One by one, she spins another thread.
it builds
it weaves a field of probabilities so information can fully transfer from an infinite number
the cosmic web.
and connects everything.
a wormhole is opened, and information begins to pass through.
in this web, information will be materialized as particles.
the identical particle from parallel universes
it creates a field that permeates
they traveled from the edges of the multiverse to converge
as particle groups converge
appear and disappear.
to become a higgs boson, a “god particle.”
the quarks pop in and out of existence
they decay quickly into sub-quarks and into the void of nothingness.
as it enters before the birth of the new space time dimension.
and frequency that unlocks the passageway
everything in the universe is energy
for many strange quarks from the multiverse.
the particles get reconfigured and transcribed.
all space is brimming with universes within universes.