Learn and earn with a degree apprenticeship

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THE FUTURE OF KAM Dr Beth Rogers & Professor Malcolm McDonald

MAY 2017 / ISSUE 3.2 / ISSN 2058-7341


 Reflection

Learn and earn  Nick de Cent

Can the forthcoming apprenticeship programme for B2B sales catalyse a new era of professionalism?


f anything underlines why we so desperately need the new Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship, it is the sustained effort a dedicated group of sales leaders and educationalists have had to put into educating government about business-tobusiness sales as a career and to convince the “powers that be” about its credentials as a profession. At an early stage during the yearlong process to gain approval for the standards underpinning the new apprenticeship programme there were questions from government about the level of the qualification and whether there was an overlap with a Level 2 trade counter sales role. “I think they just didn’t understand sales,” one source close to the process tells the Journal. “I think at the back of their mind they were unconvinced that there was a need for a sales degree.” All that quickly changed with positive dialogue between government and business, and the partnership between the Department for Education and the Trailblazer Group – made up of industry representatives, academics and training providers, with support and sponsorship from the Association of Professional Sales – has been fruitful. The initiative has progressed rapidly from conception in April 2016 to approval of the standards in May 2017, despite interruptions for the Brexit referendum and a subsequent ministerial reshuffle. The next stage involves approval of the assessment plan for the programme – consultation closed on 5 May – with the ultimate aim of employers being able to welcome their first intake of B2B Sales Apprentices in October this year.


Q2 2017

Who pays the apprenticeship levy? Employers with a pay bill over £3 million each year have been required to pay the apprenticeship levy from 6 April 2017. They report and pay the levy to HMRC through the PAYE process. The levy does not affect the way firms fund training for apprentices who started an apprenticeship programme before 1 May 2017. They need to carry on funding training for these apprentices under the terms and conditions that were in place at the time the apprenticeship started.

The apprenticeship service Levy-paying employers can create an account on the apprenticeship service to: • • • •

receive levy funds to spend on apprenticeships manage their apprentices pay their training provider stop or pause payments to their training provider

Non-levy paying employers Employers not required to pay the levy won’t be able to register for an apprenticeship service account until at least 2018. Non-levy paying employers will share the cost of training and assessing their apprentices with government – “co-investment”. From May 2017, they pay 10% towards to the cost of apprenticeship training and government will pay the rest (90%), up to the funding band maximum. More information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/ government/publications/apprenticeship-levy-how-itwill-work/apprenticeship-levy-how-it-will-work.

Benefits for participants Upon qualification, the apprentices will gain a Bachelor’s degree. However, the learning process is flexible and mainly work-based. Thus, unlike students who follow the traditional university route, participants won’t be burdened by fees – the employers pick up the fees through the levy system – and they will be paid as employees. So, no student debt! Equally, this vocational qualification will serve as a valuable grounding in B2B sales for a new generation of sales professionals. Employers are likely to recognise the apprenticeship as a benchmark standard for sales qualifications – and a commitment to a career in sales – so that holders of the degree will enjoy a considerable advantage in the jobs market. Because of the inherent flexibility built into the system, the apprenticeship opportunity will appeal both to school and college leavers and more mature entrants.

Benefits of the apprenticeship for employers An immediate benefit for employers will be a flexible training and development framework that can be tailored closely to their requirements – because the majority of the learning is workbased. For employers generally, the programme will rapidly enlarge the pool of qualified sales talent once the scheme gets off the ground: they can be sure that graduates of the programme will have covered and practised the fundamentals of B2B sales within a working environment over a number of years. Moreover, offering a sales apprenticeship programme provides the opportunity for employers to differentiate themselves in the jobs market with a view to attracting and retaining the best talent.

Benefits for learning providers Three universities have helped develop the standard, alongside specialist sales training providers: Anglia Ruskin University, Middlesex University, and Portsmouth Business School (University of Portsmouth). However, additional universities are expected to announce their intention to help deliver programmes as the scheme gains traction with employers. For the universities, the initiative has the potential to be a valuable source of new students and a substantial additional revenue stream, while specialist providers will benefit both from a potential boost to the number of individuals they train as well as the formal accreditation of their content by the system.

How will the sales apprenticeship work? The majority of the learning will be work-based and incorporate considerable flexibility, with specialist suppliers and universities teaming to deliver content in various formats – some choosing to provide formal classroom learning in blocks (day release or block release) while others deliver modules in the workplace or via various distance-learning options. Employers will be able to work with training suppliers to create programmes tailored to their individual requirements provided that the core standards are met and assessed and accredited by a qualifying organisation.

What various stakeholders say about the programme “The new apprenticeship programme will enable professional salespeople to gain a prestigious qualification from the many hours of personal development they invest in their careers. From an employer’s perspective, we will soon be able to

B2B Sales Degree Apprenticeship timeline April 2016 – The APS declared it wished to support the development of an apprenticeship, and to help its members benefit from the levy system. The decision aligns with its goal of professionalising sales and opening up sales as a career of choice. At the same time, the government is keen to support higher apprenticeships – at Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7. End of May 2016 – A bid to develop a Level 6 B2B Sales Degree Apprenticeship went in to government (Department for Employment) and the industry-led Trailblazer Group was formed. Mid-July 2016 – Announcement that the bid to proceed with the apprenticeship had been approved. September 2016 – First meeting of the Trailblazer Group. January 2017 – Standard submitted. May 2017 – Standard approved, and assessment plan (how organisations determine that apprentices have reached full competency against the standard) out for consultation. Universities are developing their programmes in parallel. June-July 2017 – Potential approval of assessment plan. October 2017 – Inaugural programmes expected to begin with pilots from members of the Trailblazer Group.

start recruiting people with a degree in sales, and this will undoubtedly improve the quality of the sales talent available.” Graham Davis, chair of the industry Trailblazer Group “It’s a real game-changer for sales. It’s a new dimension really.” Louise Sutton, who has been leading the bid for the apprenticeship programme. “We are very proud of this initiative. Universities and educational bodies are now able to provide a whole new range of opportunities for people to enter an extremely challenging and fulfilling business career.” Andy Hough, Chief Operating Officer, APS. “This is a catalytic moment for the sales profession. The synergy between employer, academic partner and training provider is going to bring huge practical benefits to all concerned. That combination is a very powerful one for providing an exceptional learning experience.” Dr Phil Squire, CEO, Consalia. “It’s a watershed for the profession. It puts the career that is sales much earlier into the minds of people going through further and higher education.” Will Matthews, Head of Sales Capability Development, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence.

International Journal of Sales Transformation



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