Graeme Lamb Senior Management 'Clinic'

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Since Sun Tzu, many lessons have been learnt by businesses from military strategy; Lieutenant General Sir Graeme Lamb sets a context for Innovation & Strategic Leadership in the 21st Century




Consalia ‘Clinics’ As Consalia’s network of prestigious conference speakers has grown, so too has the demand for a more intimate forum to leverage their insights & expertise within the corporate environment. As a result, Consalia will now be offering clients the unique opportunity of engaging with these high profile figures during half day or full day ‘Clinics’. These are intended to bring some of the world’s foremost professionals from a variety of fields to the private domain; the sessions will be held internally for Senior Management & Leadership Teams. Predefined challenges or ‘threats’ will shape the context of the ‘clinic’. This bespoke approach will allow senior management to maximise their engagement, and generate new perspectives on how to transform faster and more effectively than competitors, and drive greater levels of performance.

“ONE THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL & INSIGHTFUL LEADERS WE HAVE HAD ADDRESS OUR CONFERENCES” Dr Philip Squire, CEO Consalia Introducing Sir Graeme Lamb, KBE, CMG, DSO, former Lieutenant General in the British Army. As an expert authority in strategic military planning, Graeme has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he can bring to the corporate world. Consalia has therefore partnered with Sir Graeme to leverage this for the benefit of our clients.

Recently Sir Graeme was a guest speaker at Consalia’s Global Sales Transformation conference: ‘Intelligence in Sales: Driving Business Performance’. It would be well worth the time of any senior management team to take part in a talk with Graeme. This could be a seen as a development opportunity or as a part of a strategy review and or board meeting.

Biography Sir Graeme Lamb: KBE, CMG, DSO, Lieutenant General Graeme was commissioned into the British Army in 1973. For the following 38 years he was deployed in various theatres of war, during which he commanded on operations at every rank. Commissioned into the Queen's Own Highlanders he has served in numerous staff and operational appointments including Commanding the 5th Airborne Brigade, the 3rd Division, various doctrine and training posts and as Assistant Commandant at the staff of the Joint Services Command and Staff College. Graeme completed UKSF selection in 1977 and an extended Troop Commanders tour of duty, returning as a Squadron Commander for the Falklands Campaign. On completion of his Staff College Course he returned as the Operations Officer and again as a Lieutenant Colonel Special Forces in direct support of Lieutenant General Sir Peter De La Billiere for the 1st Gulf War. Graeme was selected as Director Special Forces in March 2001 and oversaw Global operations; specifically the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sir Graeme’s extensive experience could help to generate new thinking on many topics. This could include: Creativity, Team, Optimising Resources, Strategic Planning & Competition, Motivation, Logistics, Leadership etc

Graeme stepped down as Commander of the Field Army in July 2009 and returned to Afghanistan at the direct request of General David Petraeus and General Stanley McChrystal, of the US Army to scope a programme designed to repeat the success in Iraq, whereby insurgents are persuaded to give up their arms. In Iraq Graeme was instrumental in convincing his U.S. colleagues to adopt the principle of a process requiring: "patience, subtlety, and a willingness to accept that Iraqis' own proclivities were going to drive much of the war's outcome", and the need to talk to the insurgents, which led to a "strategic engagement initiative� that reduced violence.

For more information about our upcoming events, as well as an exclusive interview with Sir Graeme Lamb, please visit

Graeme was recognised with a Mention in Dispatches, an OCVS, MBE, OBE, CMG, DSO and KBE. He also holds the US Legion of Merit.

Clinic Objectives To share the expertise and insight of Sir Graeme Lamb in a unique and tailored clinic to generate new ideas and perspectives on how your management team could re-examine its concept of leadership in order to improve organisational productivity.

Target Audience Senior Leadership (suggested number of between 5 & 10 participants).

Bespoke Design Process Let’s have a chat and discover the burning issues of your senior leadership team. Where would you like to seek specific input? Who is the audience? Next we’ll discuss with Sir Graeme where his experience could add the most value; From these elements we’ll mold the clinic around your needs and present you with a proposed structure for the day. Following your response we will further tailor the session so that your participants will realise the maximum benefit from their interaction with Sir Graeme. The next step is participation - it’s that simple.


SINGAPORE: +65 9732 3181

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