2 minute read
MEETING with Kasia Szumal and Theresa Puskar. Time: 7-8 pm. Each of you have a story to tell and a message to share. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. We will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited.
To sign up, go to: www.eventbrite. com/e/conscious-community-virtualconnection-gathering-tickets110048999520. Once you sign up, prior to the event, the Zoom ID and Password will be emailed to you.
(Don’t forget to check your junk mail.) These gatherings will be ongoing and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world!
Saturday, September 12
CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/ resource forum for near-death, out-ofbody, & spiritual experiences, losses. 2-5 pm. Guest Speaker: SUZANE NORTHROP - Internationally acclaimed Medium, Grief & Bereavement Expert, TV and Radio host, author of 3 books, and NDE at age 5. Join us Online: Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our website at www.chicagoiands.org. You will receive an invitation with instructions. Tax-deductible donation
requested - $20….send to Chicago IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL 60091.For more info: 847-251-5758 or www.chicagoiands.org
Bikram Hot Yoga Classes. Times: Mon-Fri: 6am, 9:30am and 6pm. Sat-Sun: 8am, 10am and 4pm. Bikram Yoga is a system of hot yoga, a type of yoga as exercise which consist of a fixed sequence of 26 postures, practised in a room heated to 105°F with a humidity of 40%. Bikram yoga improves muscle strength, flexibility, increases circulation and detoxfication, and can regulate your endocrine system, lymphatic system and digestive system with regular practice. This yoga works your entire person, inside out, bones to skin. We encourage you to join us and see for yourself how you can feel different.
Location: Burr Ridge Hot Yoga, 145 Tower Dr., Suite #2, Burr Ridge, IL Contact info: 630-819-5907 burrridgehotyoga@gmail.com, www.burrridgehotyoga.com RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOM
EN’S COLLECTIVE - Restore Your Relationships: A Journey of Learning, Knowing, Becoming & Embodying - a 4-Module Self-Directed Online Pr ogram. This program is for anyone, anywhere. Whether you are dating, in a committed partnership, or single, this program will work for you to create a deeper, more meaningful + intimate relationship with the most important person in your life: YOU. For all who desire deeper intimacy, this program will take you through how to restore your relationships to your highest vibrancy and deepest capacity for love, compassion + understanding. www.resonancerestorative.com/
Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.