3 minute read
Reviews by Kayla Hancock
Ancestral Healing for Your
Spiritual and Genetic Families, by Jeanne Ruland and Shantidevi (Earthdancer Books, $15.99, Paperback) Your ancestors can be a great source of support and strength; however, they can also play a large role in karmic patterns that play out throughout your lifetime. Jeanne Ruland and Shantidevi explain how the energy of your ancestors influences your life, and why it is so important to connect with these beings. The authors explain how we can connect with our Aumakua, our ancestors and our higher self. They also provide practices, meditations, rituals, and more to help us all to awaken the fullest potential of our lineage while also initiating healing where it is needed.
The Monastery of the Heart: An
Invitation to a Meaningful Life, by Joan Chittister (BlueBridge, $13.95, Paperback) There is so much chaotic energy appearing in the world today. It can be easy to want to withdraw. In this spiritual guide, Joan Chittister redefines the Rule of Benedict so spiritual seekers of any faith (or no faith) can find new and intentional ways of living in our transforming world instead of feeling like they need to escape. Chittister invites readers to open their hearts to the teachings of the Rule of Benedict so that they can, as Benedict of Nursia once did, live in daily union with the divine and cherish the present moment.
Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart,
by Diane Musho Hamilton, Gabriel Menegale Wilson and Kimberly Loh (Shambhala, $16.95, Paperback) Currently undergoing deep healing and transformation, the world and its inhabitants could benefit from this book right now. Diane Musho Hamilton, Gabriel Menegale Wilson and Kimberly Loh provide a comprehensive conversation toolkit to enable us to tackle difficult discussions and help heal our relationships with others. The authors address the painful history of marginalized groups with regards to social privilege and power dynamics, and empower us to be more mindful in our conversations.
The Circle of the Way: A Concise History of Zen from the Buddha to the
Modern World, by Barbara O’Brien (Shambhala, $19.95, Paperback) How much do you really know about Zen Buddhism? Barbara O’Brien brings clarity to a large chunk of this practice’s history while she shares some of its fascinating lore. O’Brien finds a middle path between the traditional Zen Buddhism and the findings of present-day studies. She differentiates fact from fiction as she keeps close to the guiding principles of Zen doctrine.
Healing with Light Frequencies: The Transformative Power of Star Magic,
by Jerry Sargeant (Findhorn Press, $18.99, Paperback) After a series of life-altering events, Jerry Sargeant experienced his awakening to Star Magic Healing. Star Magic Healing aligns you with high vibrational codes that were around during ancient Egypt. Sargeant shares case studies to show how this energy has been used in his life to heal relationships and create massive success. He discusses holographic blueprints, pineal gland activations, different realities of existence, sacred geometry, and more. Finally, he shares tried-and-true healing tools and illustrations that will help you shift your vibration.
Know Your True Self: A Simple Guide for Raising Human
Consciousness, by James Petrossi (PTNL, $18.95, Paperback)
This guide was made to be simple! James Petrossi takes diverse life knowledge and simplifies it into concepts that are easy to understand. Each page asks a question and provides answers in a non-traditional format to enhance learning and memory.
Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.
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