6 minute read
Monday, August 31 - Friday, September 4 THE FREE CREATIVE JUMP START CHALLENGE:
Free. Five days of conscious creation and inspiration just for you. Have you been looking for inspiration and a way to feel better? This Creative JUMP START Challenge comes with meditations, creative assignments, and a network of like-minded creators just for you. Sign up today to Jump Start your Joy! Location: Online. Hosted by artist
and healer Elizabeth Tuckwell, http://www. elizabethtuckwell.com/classes/
Tuesday, September 1
DYNAMIC CONSTELLATIONS TWO FOR TUESDAYS: 10 am-5 pm. $20 for 15 minutes. Struggling with Self or Others; Personal or Business? Dynamic Constellations brings into focus what seems to be insurmountable regarding relationships, family, finance, career, and health. Bring about clarity so confusion, tension, anxiety & behavior patterns that sabotage your desired results are brought into harmony. Skype, Facebook Video. 312-945-8318
call or text. Facebook Dynamic Constellations dynamic.constellations@gmail.com Fridays, Starting September 4
GUIDING YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: 7 pm CST. Free. Weekly exploration of all things metaphysical by intuitive healers and mystics Daniel & Kaaren Thomas. Location: online. Contact: 630-677-4049
or Website: https://www.us02web.zoom.us/j/88 213552625?pwd=ZUk3M3NuT2VOUThoTXdHMG E2eC84QT09 Monday, September 7
ZOOM GUIDED MEDITATION: 7-8 pm. $5. Session opens with an attitude of gratitude, forgiveness ritual, breathing, guided meditation followed by silent meditation. Location: Online, from the comfort of your home. Contact
Cell: 940-389-9284 or Website: https://www. meditationcenterchicago.com/ Friday, September 11
CARAVAN OF UNITY ACROSS AMERICA: 7am-7pm. Free. Unity Earth is a global network of organizations and individuals standing together in the quest to build a brighter future for humanity and the planet. The Caravan of Unity is a groundbreaking tour for peace and unity moving across the USA in September 2020. Arriving in Chicago on September 11th, 2020. Location: Livestream. Phone number 224-
676-1752. Website https://unity.earth/caravan/ schedule and link. https://www.conscious
chicagoland.com for Chicago schedule and link.
Saturday, September 12
CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/resource forum for near-death, out-of-body, & spiritual experiences, losses. 2 pm. Tax-deductible donation requested: $20. Guest Speaker: SUZANE NORTHROP - Internationally acclaimed Medium, Grief & Bereavement Expert, TV and Radio host, Author of 3 books, and NDE at age 5. Join us Online: Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our website at www.chicagoiands. org. You will receive an invitation with instructions.
Send donation to Chicago IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL, 60091. For more info: 847-251-5758 or http://www.chicagoiands.org Tuesday, September 15 DYNAMIC CONSTELLATIONS TWO FOR TUESDAYS:
10am-5 pm. $20 for 15 minutes. Struggling with Self or Others; Personal or Business? Dynamic Constellations brings into focus what seems to be insurmountable regarding relationships, family, finance, career, and health. Bring about clarity so confusion, tension, anxiety & behavior patterns that sabotage your desired results are brought into harmony. Skype, Facebook Video. 312-945-8318
call or text. Facebook Dynamic Constellations dynamic.constellations@gmail.com Thursday, September 17 THE MASTER GAME OF LIFE: THE QUEST FOR
KNOWLEDGE: 7 pm. Richard Smoley will give a lively but profound account of the games of life and will show you how to recognize the one you’re in now. Richard Smoley’s 11th book, A Theology of Love: Reimagining Christianity through“A Course in Miracles,” was published in 2019. The Truth about Magic, will be published in February 2021, by G&D. Location:
online. https://www.theosophical.org/program/ lecture-series/4862-the-master-game-of-lifethe-quest-for-knowledge Friday-Sunday, September 18-20
7 CHAKRA POWERS WEEKEND: Friday, 7-9:30 pm, Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm, Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm. Join us at The Chakra Shoppe for the time of your life! Master Healer, Blanche Blacke leads your transformational self-discovery and healing. Uncover hidden blocks and self heal with crystals, aromatherapy, sound and core belief re-patterning. Enjoy stand-alone transformation or continue training
Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.
For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: Kasia@ConsciousCommunityMagazine.com.
to become Certified as a Chakra Healer. Limit 5 at
Chakra Shoppe Chicago, 5034 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625. www.chakrashoppe.com Saturday, September 19 WOMEN’S AUTUMN EQUINOX DAY RETREAT:
8 am – 10 pm. Theme: The Chakras and Intuition! This intensive 14-hour day retreat will cover intuitive/psychic development and the Chakras. Includes lunch and supper. We will end the day with a two-hour Gallery Reading with a well-known Psychic Medium and an Autumn Equinox Ceremony. Space is extremely limited due to COVID-19 Prevention. Southeastern, WI. ;
Contact: 608-393-7353, or mindsoulandself@ yahoo.com; https://www.mindsoulandself.com/ womens-wellness-retreats/
COACH: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, $100/85 payment 10 days in advance. This magical day integrates consciousness raising with creative artful expression and discover what your heart and soul reveal to you. Multi-dimensional, multi-sensory experience filled with guided visualizations, deep meditations, and Divine angelic guidance. Raise your vibration and uncork your intuitive artist. Hosted on Zoom by the Infinity Foundation. To register: http://www.
infinityfoundation.org/courses/arts-ceremonies/ creating-mystical-art.aspx Monday, September 21 - Sunday, October 4
GLOBAL PEACE FILM FESTIVAL is now a single festival expressed locally, globally, in person and online. Since 2003, the Global Peace Film Festival has envisioned “peace” not as the absence of conflict but as a framework for resolving conflict through non-violence. Our mission is to connect expression – artistic, political, social, and personal – to positive, respectful vehicles for action and change. Location: Winter Park, FL or online. For
details: https://www.peacefilmfest.org Thursday-Sunday, September 24-27 SACRED DIRECTIONS MEDICINE WHEEL-PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH SHAMANISM.
Thursday-Saturday 9 am-9 pm, Sunday 9 am-6 pm CST. $555. Heal yourself at a deeper level while learning to help others. Remember who you are and your purpose. Gain tools of expansion. Experience shamanic practices for healing and strengthen your relationship with the Creator through ritual and ceremony. Face shadows, ancestral healing, soul retrieval, contracts, and more. Location: Online group
with distance healing. Contact: hozhohealing@ gmail.com or www.hozhohealing.com
Saturday-Sunday, September 26-27
THRIVE IN LOVE RETREAT: 9 am – 6 pm each day. $595. Join us for our renowned, unforgettable weekend to learn the proven roadmap for what it takes to thrive in lasting love. Renew your spark, break through your challenges, deepen your connection, and take your relationship to a whole new level at this consistently sold-out couples getaway retreat for those in every stage of the journey. Learn the proven secrets to effective couples and marriage communication, and experience fulfilling love. Location: 4307 S Leonard Springs Rd,
Bloomington, IN 47403. Contact: 812-223-7186 or Website: https://www.centerforthrivingrelationships.com/couplesretreat/ Tuesday, September 29 DYNAMIC CONSTELLATIONS TWO FOR TUESDAYS:
10 am-5 pm. $20 for 15 minutes. Struggling with Self or Others; Personal or Business? Dynamic Constellations brings into focus what seems to be insurmountable regarding relationships, family, finance, career, and health. Bring about clarity so confusion, tension, anxiety & behavior patterns that sabotage your desired results are brought into harmony. Skype, Facebook Video. 312-945-8318
call or text. Facebook Dynamic Constellations dynamic.constellations@gmail.com

www.facebook.com/ConsciousCommunityMagazine www.twitter.com/TweetCCMagazine www.instagram.com/consciouscommunitymagazine/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCla2b_NjCdjxQldeXCL1FjA In her new book,

8Ways to DeclutterYourBrain, All About Town author, Theresa Puskar provides

you with 37 assessments and guided meditations to quiet your mind, transforming stress & fear into compassion, self-love and creativity.