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September 2020 by Bernadette Evans



It’s the fall equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, a time where there are fewer daylight hours. It’s usually a time of human hibernation, but with the social distancing, that’s been happening for months now, who knows if that will still be the case. Will there still be the desire to wind down as our inner clocks tick away, or will everyone want to throw their clocks out the window and try to get outside? Either way, I do think things will slow down this month, which brings me to Mars…the big news for September is that Mars is going to retrograde. Mars retrogrades about every 22 months for approximately nine weeks. Mars just entered the sign of Aries, its home sign, on July 1. You may have been excited about your career and were putting in the extra effort and seeing tangible results. Maybe you’ve been inspired to pursue something new and are really excited about it. Mars in Aries can also turn up the heat in the bedroom. It all sounds good, right? You may have discovered either yourself being more irritated than usual or that you’ve been surrounded by others who are angry. When Mars retrogrades on September 9, you may feel everything start to slow down. It starts to lose its momentum which could be extremely frustrating if you were making headway in your career or another area of life. Doubts about work or your career may begin to plague you. You may even ask yourself if you were headed in the right direction.

All I can say is if you were getting somewhere and then it slowed down, just keep going. This is a great time to fine-tune your plans. Maybe a little tweaking here and there will help in the long run. Then when Mars turns direct, you’ll be on the right track. Jupiter and Saturn both turn direct this month, but will take a while to build up momentum and get moving. Remember, if it’s working, keep going. It may feel like you’re going backward and some days it is two steps back, but the next day it’s two or three steps forward. Have a great month, my dear readers! Void of Course (VoC) Moon is explained in previous months’ issues.

The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time (CDT). Tuesday, September 1 When Mercury trines Pluto, there’s the chance of creating something really important with a partner. It could be with a business partner or with an intimate partner taking your relationship to another level. Maybe it’s about going deeper and getting to know yourself on a more profound level. When Mercury and Pluto get together, there’s the potential for discussions to become quite deep. There’s also the possibility that someone feels the need to be in control, whether it’s you or someone else. Someone could be flexing their muscles. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 4:34 a.m.

Wednesday, September 2 There’s a dreamy quality to the day with the Pisces Full Moon. Maybe you’re fantasizing about a relationship from the past or imagining how a relationship could play out if your dreams come true. This Full Moon not only focuses on fantasies but on how to bring them into the world. You’re trying to bring your dreams to life. Some of them could involve practical elements like how to

Thursday, September 3 There’s a time to work and a time to play. When Mercury trines Saturn, you’ve probably got your head down to concentrate on your work. You don’t have time to waste talking about what needs to be finished with colleagues; you focus on the job and get it done. Your work ethic is admirable, as is your pride in a job well done. Pat yourself on the back when you’re finished for the day and rest knowing you did a great job. Moon VoC at 9:34 a.m. until 3:22 p.m. when the Moon enters the sign of Aries.

Friday, September 4 Today, Venus squares Mars, while Mercury sextiles Venus, not to mention Mercury quincunxes Mars. These energies are at odds with each other. There may be some competition happening as well as one-upmanship. At times, your relationships are going well, and everyone is having a great time. Then someone says something and boom! A conflict is born. Hurt feelings could be the result, and it’s possible that someone just wants to escape the whole scene/situation. Have fun when hanging out with friends or your partner, but remember to play nice. Or, if you’re going to go toe to toe, at least bring a referee along so there aren’t any TKOs.

Saturday, September 5 When the Moon squares Pluto, you may feel like someone else is holding all the cards in a situation. It’s possible that someone is manipulating you or that you’re the one who’s doing the manipulating. Something is brewing under the surface, and with the Moon and Mars forming a conjunction by the end of the night, you or someone else may become irritable and blurt something out. Maybe go for a walk, count to 10, or tell them you’ll continue the conversation another day when cooler heads prevail. Mercury enters the sign of Libra at 2:46 p.m. Moon VoC at 11:45 p.m. Sunday, September 6 Taking things nice and slow and relaxing are on the agenda with the Moon in Taurus. Do you get the feeling you should be fed goodies while you recline on the sofa? Follow the energy and look after yourself. Whether that means getting outside for a walk, cooking up a sumptuous meal—and consuming it of course—or enjoying the company of good friends. This day speaks of indulging all your senses. Venus enters the sign of Leo at 2:22 a.m. Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 3:43 a.m.

Monday, September 7 When the Moon trines the Sun, you could feel joyful and have a bounce in your step. Relationships seem to run smoother; you’re having fun hanging out with friends and partners. All feels right with the world, so be present in this moment and enjoy! Take advantage of this energy and connect or re-connect with loved ones. Do something nice for a loved one and remember to do something loving for yourself.

Tuesday, September 8 The Moon is Void of Course for a good portion of today. You may feel the energy building, but this is not the time to start a new project. You’re at the starting gate and ready to move when the time is right. Keep fine-tuning your plans and that includes financial planning. You want to make sure everything is in order before you make your next move. Moon VoC at 7:47 a.m. until 4:28 p.m. when it enters the sign of Gemini.

Wednesday, September 9 You may want to bask in the Sun trine Jupiter energy because it can feel like the lovely rays of the Sun are shining down on you. Enjoying this energy is wonderful, but so is taking actions towards a goal you have in mind. Find the balance between lazily soaking up the energy and doing nothing, and doing something that will produce lasting results. You’ll be happy you did. Mars stations retrograde at 5:22 p.m. Thursday, September 10 When the Moon squares Neptune, your imagination could be on fire and you sit down to compose a beautiful poem or draw something amazing. It’s also possible that something isn’t totally clear—what you think you see could be a mirage. Just because you wish it to be true doesn’t make it so. Your sensitivity is heightened, and when it is used productively, you’re tapping into the cosmic consciousness and creating like mad. The other side is you could be more susceptible to alcohol and drugs, so be careful when playing with substances. Moon VoC at 11:48 p.m.

Friday, September 11 When the Sun opposes Neptune, there could be confusion or deception in the air. You may not be seeing a person, a relationship or a situation clearly. You may be wearing rose-colored glasses and are erring on the side of giving the person the benefit of the doubt. That’s lovely, but if it’s a big decision, hold off for a few days until the fog lifts. It will be so much easier for you to act when you’re clear-headed. Interactions with others may feel confusing. Communications may be so muddled; it is as if you and other people are speaking a different language. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 3:23 a.m.

Saturday, September 12 You’re feeling more optimistic than usual when the Moon opposes Jupiter. You’re feeling generous and are more than happy to help a friend out. Of course, it feels better when you offer to help of your own free will than when someone asks you. There’s also the potential for overindulging today. So, have fun! But, remember tomorrow is another day, and you’ll need to have money set aside. Jupiter stations direct at 7:41 p.m.

Sunday, September 13 What would you like to create today? When the Moon’s in Leo, you have an opportunity to be creative and playful. It’s up to you how you use the energy. There’s also the potential for some

drama. Try to sidestep the theatrics and express yourself in a healthy way. There’s no need to hog the spotlight. Have fun and no one will have to sit in the corner, not even Baby. Everyone will get their 15 minutes. Something unexpected may happen which could change everything. Moon VoC at 7:05 a.m. until 10:32 a.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.

Monday, September 14 Relationships with bosses or superiors are favored today. In fact, you could be recognized for a job well done when the Sun trines Pluto. If you’ve always been curious, this is also a great time to explore a subject like astrology. Whatever you put your mind to, you’ll research it and dig deep to find out all you can about it. You’ll be bound to learn more about yourself and others, taking your knowledge to a whole new level and a win-win.

Tuesday, September 15 You could be on the hunt for new experiences when Venus squares Uranus. Sometimes those new experiences are exciting and fun, and sometimes they’re exciting because someone is stirring the pot. It could be you or someone else, so be careful

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Wednesday, September 16 There’s the potential for confusion today when the Moon opposes Neptune. You may be feeling sensitive, and your feelings may get hurt as you misunderstand what someone said. All this could lead to saying something that isn’t in anyone’s best interest. Are you seeing danger and being overly suspicious when there is no need for it? Healthy excitement produces the same chemicals in our brains as unhealthy drama/excitement. Could it be you’re looking to get those same chemicals pumping through your brain/body? You may also want to be careful imbibing as that could make everything even more confusing and cloud your mind.

Thursday, September 17 The Virgo New Moon is at 6 a.m. This is a great time to put your ideas into motion. Saturn trines the Moon and the Sun, which makes it easier to get to work. It can give you the kick in the butt that you need to finish what you start. Now is the time to get started on building a solid foundation, the structure for what you want. Go ahead, bring your vision to life. Moon VoC at 6:42 a.m. until 1:56 p.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.

Friday, September 18 When the Moon conjuncts Mercury, you may feel the desire to connect with your loved ones. Having a conversation with them in person, over the phone or by Zoom, brightens your day. Seeing your friends and finding out how they’re doing and exchanging ideas gives you a boost of energy. It’s these moments with people you care about that help you get through the days that aren’t so easy. So, enjoy this one!

Saturday, September 19 You may feel a little off balance when the Sun inconjuncts Mars. How do you reconcile your desires with what you need to do? Maybe you’re not seeing the whole picture. It’s as if something is just out of your view. So, let go of the need to see how everything is going to play out, pay attention to your intuition, and let it be your compass. Moon VoC at 9:29 a.m. until 1:33 p.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.

Sunday, September 20 Some days you may wonder why you got out of bed. This could be one of those days when the Moon squares Venus. It’s not that things are going bad or wrong, if there is such a thing as bad/wrong. It’s just that you may be thrown a few curveballs. Someone or something unexpected may appear and it throws you off. You weren’t expecting the person to behave the way they did. Or maybe a situation went the complete opposite of how you thought it would play out. Okay, breathe. You can adjust and adapt to whatever the Universe sends your way. I believe in you.

Monday, September 21 You may have felt the energy of the Mercury square Pluto building up the past few days. Communications could become heated if you’re trying to convince someone to come around to your way of thinking or if someone is trying to persuade you to their point of view. Everyone sees things through a different lens as they’ve had different experiences than you. Don’t try to twist their arm because their belief system is different from yours. Take the high road and let it go or you could end up losing a friend in the process. Do you want to be right or have your friend? This energy can help you if you’re studying something, especially if it is related to psychology or metaphysical studies. Moon VoC at 1:13 p.m. until 2:32 p.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius.

Tuesday, September 22 Today is the fall equinox as the Sun enters the sign of Libra at 8:31 a.m. Happy Birthday to all the Libras! When the Moon trines Venus, your nurturing side may emerge, bringing

up feelings of love and generosity. You want to connect with others, whether it’s in person, through Zoom or on the phone. You remember happy times and want to create more wonderful memories. There’s also some playfulness in the air, and if you’re in a relationship, you may be having some of those loving feelings. Put on some music, light the candles…you got this.

Wednesday, September 23 Your thoughts are focused when Mercury squares Saturn. You’ve got your head down and are ready to put in the time to get the job done. Right now, you prefer your own company and your own ideas to what others have to say. You can’t seem to see outside your own world now. There’s the potential for negative thinking which could start a downward spiral. Breathe. This is one moment in time and it’ll be over before you know it. Moon VoC at 12:31 p.m. until 6:16 p.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn.

Thursday, September 24 There’s a good chance you or someone else may say something combative. When Mercury opposes Mars, the words just bubble up from the depths, and you or the other person just can’t stem the flow. If you’re the one who feels you have to say something and the ramifications aren’t going to be pretty, think about this, “Is it true?” “Is it kind?” “Is it necessary?” If you’re the one who is taking the heat from someone else, just walk away. It could save a relationship. Another caution is when driving, pay attention and don’t give in to road rage. Breathe in, breathe out. Count to 10.

Friday, September 25 You may be looking for some alone time as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and then Saturn. This cycle has been happening for quite some time, but that doesn’t change how it feels. You could be working through some intense emotions and trying to process them. Examining what your internal method is can be a great way to move forward. Enlisting the help of a trained professional never hurts. If that’s not possible, do what works for you, maybe journaling or getting some fresh air. If you are feeling controlled or manipulated in any way, remove yourself from the situation. Look after yourself. Moon VoC at 10:36 p.m.

Saturday, September 26 When the Moon trines Sun, you may feel you can finally let your hair down. It’s time to relax and enjoy the day. There’s an easy flow to the day, and you could be looking forward to socializing with friends. There’s the possibility of getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new! Whatever you decide to do today, have fun. Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 1:08 a.m.

Sunday, September 27 What do you feel like creating? When the Moon’s in Aquarius, you could have a ton of ideas about what you’d like to do next. Of course, with so many options, it can be tricky to settle on just one. Play around with the energy and do something out of the ordinary. You could also be drawn to a different group of people. With so many groups on Facebook or the internet, there is no shortage of new things or new groups that you could join. See what calls to you. If you decide it’s not for you, move on and try something else. One caution, when the Moon is in Aquarius, you may feel you have something to prove to the world. You want to show everyone that you don’t follow the rules and are being rebellious just because. It’s up to you, but you could use the energy more productively. Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio at 2:41 a.m.

Monday, September 28 You may feel that you’re having to make some compromises in your relationships when Venus inconjuncts Saturn. Things just aren’t going quite as smoothly as you’d like. So, try to balance the other person’s needs with your own. Later in the evening, Venus trines Mars, and everything seems to click into place. You’re able to initiate and get things moving effortlessly. If you’re in a relationship, the two of you could enjoy a romantic evening. If you’re single, you may be especially charming and charismatic and attract someone you’ve been flirting with. If that’s not in the cards, use this time to create something beautiful. This energy is powerful and could produce a gorgeous sculpture, poem or dinner. All in all, it could be an exciting day! Moon VoC at 2:18 a.m. until 10:34 a.m. when it enters the sign of Pisces.

Tuesday, September 29 You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere when Mars squares Saturn. You know what you want to do but feel like you’re blocked at every turn. It could be a parent, a boss, or someone else who’s in a position to stop you or they’ve got in your head and are making you doubt yourself and your abilities. It’s a frustrating energy, and there’s a good chance that someone is going to lose their temper. If you think that person is you, leave the room and go for a walk. If you think its someone else, duck! Saturn stations direct at 12:11 a.m.

Wednesday, September 30 Maybe it’s time for some fun and adventure when the Moon’s in Pisces. It’s Void of Course for a good portion of the day, so if you can, you may wish to play hooky. Grab a friend, go for a hike, enjoy each other’s company. It’s a day of connecting with another soul and playing. Remember the joy you felt when you were younger and had no agenda other than having a good time and being in the moment. Well, my friends, this moment will never be here again. So, put your face up to the Sun, smile, give thanks and enjoy. Moon VoC at 12:30 p.m. until 9:47 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aries.

Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counselor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or Bbevans001@gmail.com to schedule a consultation. Her website is mindshiftcounselling.com

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