Conscious Community Magazine - September 2020

Page 22

COSMIC DAILY WEATHER September 2020 by Bernadette Evans

Overview It’s the fall equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, a time where there are fewer daylight hours. It’s usually a time of human hibernation, but with the social distancing, that’s been happening for months now, who knows if that will still be the case. Will there still be the desire to wind down as our inner clocks tick away, or will everyone want to throw their clocks out the window and try to get outside? Either way, I do think things will slow down this month, which brings me to Mars…the big news for September is that Mars is going to retrograde. Mars retrogrades about every 22 months for approximately nine weeks. Mars just entered the sign of Aries, its home sign, on July 1. You may have been excited about your career and were putting in the extra effort and seeing tangible results. Maybe you’ve been inspired to pursue something new and are really excited about it. Mars in Aries can also turn up the heat in the bedroom. It all sounds good, right? You may have discovered either yourself being more irritated than usual or that you’ve been surrounded by others who are angry. When Mars retrogrades on September 9, you may feel everything start to slow down. It starts to lose its momentum which could be extremely frustrating if you were making headway in your career or another area of life. Doubts about work or your career may begin to plague you. You may even ask yourself if you were headed in the right direction. All I can say is if you were getting somewhere and then it slowed down, just keep going. This is a great time to fine-tune your plans. Maybe a little tweaking here and there will help in the long run. Then when Mars turns direct, you’ll be on the right track. Jupiter and Saturn both turn direct this month, but will take a while to build up momentum and get moving. Remember, if it’s working, keep going. It may feel like you’re going backward and some days it is two steps back, but the next day it’s two or three steps forward. Have a great month, my dear readers! Void of Course (VoC) Moon is explained in previous months’ issues. The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time (CDT).



Tuesday, September 1 When Mercury trines Pluto, there’s the chance of creating something really important with a partner. It could be with a business partner or with an intimate partner taking your relationship to another level. Maybe it’s about going deeper and getting to know yourself on a more profound level. When Mercury and Pluto get together, there’s the potential for discussions to become quite deep. There’s also the possibility that someone feels the need to be in control, whether it’s you or someone else. Someone could be flexing their muscles. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 4:34 a.m.

Wednesday, September 2 There’s a dreamy quality to the day with the Pisces Full Moon. Maybe you’re fantasizing about a relationship from the past or imagining how a relationship could play out if your dreams come true. This Full Moon not only focuses on fantasies but on how to bring them into the world. You’re trying to bring your dreams to life. Some of them could involve practical elements like how to

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