Conscious Community Magazine - September 2020

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Award Winning

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SEPT. 1, 2020






Past Life Regression with Kasia Szumal Have you been struggling with: • Stress and Traumas • Fears • Negative Emotions • Anger • Addictions • Sexual Abuse • Anxiety, Phobias • Depression • Low Self Esteem • Low Energy • Money Problems • Insomnia

If so, Past Life Regression could be your answer. This powerfully transformative process will take you on a journey into yourself, allowing you to open the doors to your subconscious mind, so that you can resolve the root causes of problems which you may have difficulty resolving in your conscious mind. It can help you to understand the origins of any blocks you may have from underlying life experiences, and shed light on how they may influence you today. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, and is conducted on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person who will assist in the session. If you are ready to resolve the cause of your problems and let go of negative emotions, fears, addictions, obsessions and more, then call Kasia Szumal, a certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist.

847- 966-1110

or email:






by Monica Tunnell, RMT, RYT




Action and Reaction by Donna Stellhorn




For You And Your Skin by Janet Thompson

DEPARTMENTS 06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER Love and Light by Kasia Szumal



07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A

Ask Alecia – September 2020

by Alecia Rice

10 FROM THE HEART Somebody Needs the Wood by Alan Cohen

18 HEALTHY EATING Don’t Labor Over Your Food

Healthful Labor Day Recipes by Betsy Bruns




(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)



22 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives

September 2020

by Bernadette Evans

CONNECTIONS 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living 26 MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest

September 2020


REVIEWS 28 IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock


CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2020 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





he September issue of Conscious Community Magazine is here! I feel so privileged to announce that this issue marks our 41st anniversary!

People ask me all the time how I came to be the publisher of Conscious Community Magazine, and I am happy to share my story with you. I came to the U.S. from Poland when I was 19 years old. At first, I focused on studying English for a few years, and then I went to college. I had family here, but I felt quite lonely. I knew that we are meant to enjoy life and where I was emotionally at that time was not happiness. So, I began my search for happiness when I was 23 years old in 2006. I asked God to show me the way to a more meaningful and joyful life here. A few weeks later, I got the answer. I found Yoga Chicago magazine, and there was a schedule for the Spiritual Learning Center inside. They were holding a movie event there, The Shift by Wayne Dyer. This was how I met Walter Perschke, the previous publisher of Conscious Community Magazine.


Fast forward to 2012, when Walter bought The Monthly Aspectarian (from Guy Spiro, the founder of The Monthly Aspectarian) and became the publisher... I asked him one day who would manage the magazine. Much to my shock, his response was “YOU!” I said, “Yes.” And this is how I became the Circulation Manager of The Monthly Aspectarian, now Conscious Community Magazine. We had so much joy working together. Walter taught me a lot about running a business as well as spirituality. As many of you know, Walter Perschke passed on in May 2016, and he left me the magazine (and this community) in his will. I felt prompted to share this story to assure you that you are never alone, and you have all of the answers inside you. Just ask yourself for the things that you need, and they will appear to you when you are ready for change. There are no coincidences in life. You are on a spiritual journey in a human body; try to enjoy it even though sometimes the journey may be bumpy! This magazine would not exist without our advertisers, who fully support this magazine and our mission to help people live a more mindful, healthier and conscious lifestyle. Please support them and let them know that you saw them in Conscious Community Magazine. Thank you! Thank you to my Conscious Community Magazine team: Theresa Puskar, Julie Roberts, Susan Pluto, Janae Jean Almen, Jody Levitan and Elizabeth Tuckwell, for their collaboration and all the hard work they put in to make each issue vibrant and delightful for our readers around the world. Also, I want to thank all of you for being here in these evolutionary times. Even though we are meeting mostly online these days, we are connected through the internet, and most importantly, through our souls. There are no accidents in life, and I know that we chose to be here now together to co-create this world based on love, harmony and peace. Each of us is pure love that creates everything in this world. Let’s dream big and love all beings on this Earth! The Best,

Kasia Szumal




priate and what’s not, therefore it’s our responsibility to speak those needs.

ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice

Q: I feel so much pressure from my personal communications with texts, private messages, etc. that I feel like I’m on the hook with people 24/7. I’m stressed and need relief. I’d love some tips. — On Call A: Dear On Call,

Technology has grown up underneath us with so many different tentacles of communications that it can feel like it’s constantly driving us towards another response. Each “ping” can hijack our consciousness, taking us out of the moment. My response deals solely with private communications. It’s imperative that we learn to better manage our communications so that we’re not feeling a constant tug or guilt because we got that message an hour ago and still haven’t responded. Someone else’s timing isn’t necessarily ours, so it’s important to differentiate. We need priorities for getting back to people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean right now, unless it’s something really important. We don’t have to feel dominated by our devices. Websites like, teach us how to “take control” of our technology, so we can reclaim our lives by not being sucked into the black hole of notifications and lost time once we’ve engaged with our device. In digital relationships, it’s important to clearly convey our communication styles by setting boundaries for ourselves and others. Activating phone settings also gives us total control of our experience.

Communicating that we’ve set aside regular time for spiritual devotions in the morning or family time in the evening helps to put technology in its proper place working it around life priorities. Setting aside dedicated time each day to respond to emails, etc. also claims that time. When we know that we’ve communicated these boundaries clearly to others, it frees our consciousness up from things like guilt. Unless we’re being irresponsible, we don’t have to apologize for our communication habits. We get to construct our lives in ways that work for us. We’re looking to create a flow that syncs with our lifestyle so we can stay present with what’s important in the moment while staying connected to others in ways that feel right and good to us. Q: I have a friend whom I adore, yet she’s very demanding in her communications. She’ll call and text back to back, demanding a response, expecting me to drop everything because she messaged me. It’s draining and I’m not sure how to put an end to the cycle we’re in. Any suggestions? — Feeling Badgered A: Dear Feeling Badgered, “Your urgency is not my emergency.”

Consciousness means being clear on what we wish to experience. It’s a technological Wild West out there. No one teaches us digital etiquette, so we’re all operating with differing and often unspoken needs, rules and proclivities. Others can’t automatically know what’s appro-

At first glance, this appears to be a digital issue, but it’s also rooted in respect for desires that should be spoken. Speaking your digital boundaries is key for understanding and requires consistent application, otherwise your boundaries are worthless. I’d suggest having a conversation about this in person or by phone to properly convey your needs so as to not be misconstrued, since writing is so onedimensional. Too often we’ll type what we want to say, which is sometimes taken wrong. Talking about it conveys many things at the same time. Doing so in person gives physical cues that we can’t receive on the phone or in text. Voice allows tone, volume, pacing, etc., that give us more information than text itself. Text leaves the receiver room to read through their own filters, which can be misconceived—especially if there are wounds or issues in that relationship. Using emojis can be helpful to fill in those blanks, but conversations are the best path for clear conveyance of boundaries. Explain to your friend that you can’t always get back to her immediately, and it stresses you when she’s so insistent. Tell her that one text or call is enough, and if it’s an emergency, she needs to say so, otherwise you’ll get back to her when you’re able. You can also establish what I call a “code word” that you discuss the meaning of ahead of time so she’s clear what it means when she receives it. Something like “Later” or “Busy” is a simple one-word text that allows her to know you received the message but won’t be getting back to her until you’re ready. Alecia Rice is a Spiritual Alchemist and a personal advisor for those ready to unravel their issues with conscious choices. She offers grounded perspectives for energy management and sage insights in columns, videos, and podcasts. Visit for more information. Submit personal questions and quandaries to WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





There are essentially only two proactive postures for human beings to assume: exertion and listening.

caused many to believe that emoting and thinking are not exertions, but most of the time, they are.

Human exertion encompasses all manner of doing, working, accomplishing goals, expressing ourselves socially, as well as emoting and thinking. Doing, working, and socializing tend to be consciously instigated behaviors, while emoting and thinking often happen unconsciously. This distinction has

In contrast to all this exertion, human beings also possess the capacity for listening. Listening is our only real proactive alternative to exertion. When listening, we actually shift our posture—from one of expending and dispersing psychic energy to one of receiving and replenishing. It is no


secret that in today’s fast-paced world, we tend to exert most of the time and rarely shift to listening. The balance between these two energies has gone out the window with the scale tipped towards the side of exertion. The result of this imbalance is that we have become a people who are always psychically depleted and running on empty. We spend all day, every day pouring ourselves out without ever stopping to replenish the tank, and

then we wonder why we are stressed, unhappy, irritable, weak and sickly. All of the recorded spiritual masters stressed the importance of listening as a mode of psychic replenishment. Materialistic human culture, especially in the West, has countered this imperative by painting the picture that our happiness and well-being come to us primarily through getting and accomplishing. The art of listening has not only been neglected, it has been largely lost. As the new spiritual consciousness emerges, more and more individuals are gaining insight and are discovering the lost art of listening. Through the daily practice of meditation, they are experiencing the wonder of integral healing that can come from restoring this crucial balance of energies. Some may wonder: what is the connection between meditation and listening? Isn’t listening something we do with other people when they speak to us? Yes, that is a kind of listening, but the restorative benefits of listening are not generally unleashed by listening to others as they speak. Rather, these come from listening to our Higher Self. The Bible calls this function the “still small voice.” The fact that we all have this still small voice within us and can access it freely through the posture of listening means that we all have the potential to become vehicles for the divine will and life. This life restores and rejuvenates our psychic energies. It is not to be found “out there” somewhere, but rather, it is found inside of us. Listening is called for because this inner voice is anything but loud and ostentatious. It truly is small and still. It can also seem mysterious to us in the sense that it is not generally audible. Through the practice of meditation, we fine-tune our ability to listen and become increasingly adept at comprehending this new kind of inaudible speech. We come to understand that listening is more than just a posture, it is an art form. Another thing that makes this kind of inner listening an art form is that the

speech of the divine impulse may be without words. It may come through the subtler medium of thought or feeling impressions. As a medium of communication, words are invaluable. We have all become extremely comfortable with this medium, no matter what language we speak. Our cognitive minds have been trained to associate words with feelings and images, creating a feast of stimulation in our minds. This can be true of both the spoken and written word. The problem is that though intellectual stimulation has become one of the underpinnings of modern Western culture, it does not necessarily translate into restorative energy. Words tend to affect our minds a little like a sugar rush affects our bodies. They bring us a fleeting sense of euphoria, only to then leave us feeling flat and emptier than ever. But the art of listening fills us and recharges our batteries. As is commonly known, meditation involves the practice of stilling and quieting ourselves inwardly. What is not widely understood is the connection between stillness and the posture of listening. Once we attain stillness, we can be almost certain that we have ceased exerting and clicked into a listening mode. Getting still causes us to open our listening ear, while consciously listening increases our sense of stillness. Modern life is not conducive to the pursuit of inner stillness. Our lives are not only busy and given over to exertion, but they have also been highly conditioned and tend toward unconsciousness. Much of the time our inner world is inundated with subtle wavelengths of discord and disharmony. That is why the simple act of shining the light of conscious awareness into our inner world can be so powerful. It has the effect of not only exposing unconscious thought and emotion but also disarming the triggers that have been causing them. The more that we can do this, the less often our psyche will be given over to wavelengths of disturbance and discord. This will make the attaining of stillness less daunting.

Listening for and receiving the divine impartation may not solve every problem. God is not a genie that grants us our every human wish and desire. Listening for and receiving the divine impartation regularly will reverse the draining off of our vital psychic energies so that instead of always running on empty, we will be gradually filled on the inside and energized in a way we have never been before. This new influx of life and energy carries its own rewards. Encouragement and enthusiasm soon come to dominate our normal waking outlook, and we begin to live an inspired life. Once we master the art of listening, inspiration can become a common experience for us, infusing even the mundane aspects of our lives with a new sense of purpose and vitality. Only through becoming still and assuming the posture of listening can we receive the divine impartation, and only through receiving the divine impartation, do we become truly inspired. One day filled with inspiration will make us feel happier than a week spent accumulating and accomplishing. True listening is an art, and like any art, it takes time and practice to master. Structured times of meditation are invaluable because they set the table for the feast of divine impartation. They get us off of the treadmill of exertion and allow us to assume the posture of listening that replenishes our psychic energies. Though constant exertion may appear both necessary and sensible to those trying to make headway in this life, we must not lose sight of the fact that true life emanates from one source only—that being the divine impulse radiating at the core of our inner being. Without maintaining a vital connection to this source, all of our doing will ultimately be in vain. Jakeb Brock is the author of The New Consciousness: What Our World Needs Most. As a teacher and author, he emphasizes man’s present potential rather than mythical future glory. Visit for more. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




SOMEBODY NEEDS THE WOOD by Alan Cohen An eccentric and likeable guy in my town has literally taken upon himself the admonition to bear the cross. Years ago John fashioned a small crucifix out of wood, and since then he walks regularly along the side of a highway carrying the cross. He used to bear the cross on one shoulder while waving and blowing kisses to the folks in passing cars. Local people know John, and many blow kisses back, or toot their horn to say hello as they drive past him. Recently John performed a penance upgrade and fashioned
a much larger cross out of PVC pipe. Now he needs two hands to hold the cross rather than one. The sad result of his new format is that his arms are occupied with the cross and he is no longer free to wave and blow kisses. Personally, I was disappointed at his trade-in. I liked him better when he was broadcasting love. When your arms and shoulders are taken up carrying a cross, you can’t give 10


the love you are capable of sharing when they are free. Self-imposed suffering is not a gift to the world. It renders you less capable of loving, not more. Could it finally be time in the evolution of humanity to revisit our belief in the value of suffering? Many religions and belief systems accept suffering as an inescapable reality, and even glorify it. Christians stoically sing of bearing the old rugged cross. Hindus justify poverty and disease as the paying off of karma. The answer to the question, “How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?” is, “None—but that’s all right, I’ll just sit here in the dark.” By a bizarre twist of reason, pain has been forged into a breastplate for the downtrodden. Does suffering really lead to happiness? Does sorrow really grow peace? Does self-punishment really pave the way to heaven? Whatever we focus on,

we get more of. Attention is intention. Appleseeds do not grow oranges, pain does not beget peace, and fear does not lead to love. Sorrow is the parent of sorrow, and joy is the parent of joy. One does not create unlike itself. I saw an interesting movie that reveals a fascinating dynamic nestled in the recesses of the human psyche. The Brass Teapot tells of a young couple severely strapped for cash. Then they come upon a genie-type teapot that produces money for them— but only when they experience pain. A little pain begets a little money, and a severe pain begets big bucks. So the couple starts punishing themselves, then each other, then other people, to grow their bank account. I am not necessarily recommending the movie, which contains some silly violence, yet I did find the premise fascinating. Many people believe that they deserve good things only if they suffer to get them.

You must struggle and sacrifice to earn enough money to have what you want. If you don’t, you are a slacker. Ease equals cheating. Pain buys worthiness. Are we ready to emerge from the dark ages of crucifixion? Is there more to life than putting yourself down so you can build others up? Do you really have to lose to win?

telling him that his class above all others had prepared them for life. Crucifixion does not prepare you for life. It ends it. We are here to live, not die. When death comes, it should signal the end of a life well-lived. Today would be the perfect day to begin that life.

Alan Cohen is the author of the bestselling book: A Course in Miracles Made Easy: Mastering the Journey from Fear to Love. For more information about his programs, books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit

In the film Straight Talk, Dolly Parton plays a radio talk show host who gives listeners a dose of good old country wisdom. When one caller complains about her predicament to the point of glorifying it, Dolly’s character tells her, “Get down off the cross, honey. Somebody needs the wood.” There are better things you can do with the energy you invest in suffering. You could actually be happy. Strange as the concept sounds, you are not here to struggle. You are here to experience joy. If this notion seems confrontive or self-indulgent, you prove my point. To expect anything less of life than wellbeing is a compromise none of us can afford to make. When my friend Lou was a young man, he entered a monastery. There he was taught to mortify the flesh. The monks were given leather straps and instructed to beat themselves daily. They wore their undershorts while showering so as not
to rile their passions. Meanwhile, many of them were engaging in homosexual activities behind closed doors. You cannot beat yourself into goodness. What you suppress you empower. Lou left the monastery to become a public high school teacher, where he instituted a class called Humanities, in which he treated the students as important, intelligent, loving, capable people. He set up creative opportunities for them to express themselves and do community service. The students themselves became the curriculum, and they loved it. Lou’s goal was to find, draw forth, and celebrate the best in each person. As a result, he was voted best teacher every year. Lou and I shared a house, and during that time he regularly received phone calls from former students WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




“Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the Seer’s own form.” — Patañjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali In the Eastern world, the path through yoga has had a different road...the physical practice, or asana, a single limb of the practice, has always been one of the most minimalized portions, and meant to prepare the practitioner for the purpose of sitting
in long periods of meditation where one can evolve and grow spiritually and connect with the Divine. Yet here in the Western World, yoga has taken a different approach...a focus on the physical has been placed first, or has taken 12


priority to that of the deeper and spiritual pursuits of the other seven limbs. Despite this vastly different starting point for those who practice yoga in the West, I can say that it still serves as a window to the deeper, more esoteric practices that allow our souls to evolve and grow spiritually. In my years as a yoga teacher, as well as the producer of a yoga and music festival, I have seen one transformation after another as the result of a stumbling onto what one initially perceived as
a physical practice meant to improve the condition of the body.
It is always said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear, and I have seen this countless

times through the window of yoga. So many students have passed through my classes,
and I am always deeply touched by those who are new to the practice, as it is delightful to witness their transformation from the very first class they attend to where they end up landing on their journey. People on all journeys, from all backgrounds, all ages, all religious faiths and all ability levels enter the yoga room with one commonality: they will be spending the duration of the class engaging in asana practice, sharing the breath and the energy of those who share the class and practice with them for that given period of time. Sharing that energy; that breath; that collective consciousness; combined together in a small space and time, is indeed powerful and in many cases a springboard to an experience or journey that is transformational in nature. Such is the power of the window of yoga.

At a time when our culture is spiritually “hungry, but lacking enough outlets for that expression or experience, yoga can
serve as a bridge to heal this gap...a safe platform for spiritual exploration that goes way beyond our traditional religious institutions.

Regardless of what one is going through, or the reason one attends a class for the first time, there is always a trigger that begs the student to delve into a deep exploration of something new.
It could be an insight that comes during the pose, or perhaps a reading or poem, or a meditation shared at the end of the class, preparing the students for savasana, or deep relaxation. For another, it could be simply the community and camaraderie that is shared among the students of the class as one continues to attend. The sharing of those ideas among others who are also on a path of exploration can be profound, and often leads to the realization of the broad spectrum of options one has to explore. For others, it could just be the physical transcendence of boundaries previously created for or among themselves. Regardless of the trigger, the window will then open, and the student will inevitably grow. At a time when our culture is spiritually hungry, but lacking enough outlets for that expression or experience, yoga can
serve as a bridge to heal this gap...a safe platform for spiritual exploration that goes way beyond our traditional religious institutions. The spirituality of yoga is a refreshing encounter, for as with the physical practice, it meets you right where you are, encouraging exploration devoid of judgment and condemnation. Perhaps it is through traveling that bridge that one discovers a new and beneficial spiritual practice that can be applied to life, or perhaps it is simply that the exploration takes one back to a deeper connection with a faith foundation that has been challenged or

impacted in a negative way. It is different for everyone, but transformational nonetheless. It is challenging to find a community of like-minded, inquisitive spirits who are lacking judgment and open to discussing new ideas. Yoga builds a bridge of community that transcends both beliefs and borders. I watch it happen in studios, at events, on Facebook, on Twitter, and even in local communities, in places such as coffee shops, health food stores, bookstores, and more.
It is a beautiful sight to behold...that community created by the connector of yoga. It creates a space for new friendships, new community, new explorations and unconditional love. It provides a vast support system throughout the globe that is accessible in a single click. It gives us the foundation with which to begin to build a new humanity, raising conscious vibration. The soul of
a yoga community feeds the spirit and nourishes the collective consciousness, allowing seekers to springboard into lifechanging endeavors of body, mind and soul. We are blessed to have such a window to climb through...a window that will lead each climber out into the vast and open space of uncharted lands and soulful serendipity. Monica Tunnell, RMT, RYT is a Yoga Teacher, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Counselor. She is the author of the book, Soulful Serendipity: Insightful Discoveries on the Path to Awareness. For more information, please visit her website at

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FULL MOON - SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 Action and Reaction by Donna Stellhorn

Hello everyone, I hope you’re safe and well. There are some powerful energies for this Pisces Full Moon. The planet Uranus is at 10° of Taurus making an exact trine to the Sun at 10° of Virgo and a perfect sextile to the Moon at 10° of Pisces. This brings an urge to act independently, whether that be freedom from family rules or societal roles. Many people will be channeling their inner rebel spirit. The flipside of this is the benefits of adaptability. Sometimes operating within a restricted environment brings out your creativity and resourcefulness. This month, you get to choose which end of the seesaw you want to ride. Venus exactly opposes Saturn and these two planets square Mars forming a T-square. The higher octave of this energy is that when you find the way forward is blocked, you find another way through. This can be such a quick and fluid process that you barely notice there was a block at all. The lower form of this aspect is to feel blocked and to stop. A tantrum then ensues and this can cause disputes, arguments and separations. This month, when something blocks your path look for another way around. Mars goes retrograde on September 9. Mars is the planet of doing and the retrograde brings an opportunity to re-do. Now 14


you get a second chance at things. This will include opportunities you missed or things you attempted but weren’t happy with the results. Mars will be retrograde until November 13. The North Node makes an exact inconjunct with Saturn in Capricorn. The planet Saturn helps you grow by giving you both ambition and a feeling of inadequacy. Saturn helps you strive to conquer what you don’t understand or what you think you cannot do. The North Node is your life path. It’s a little bit scary— a little bit outside your comfort zone—and it’s the road to your happiness. This month, the hard things that take concentration and make you sweat are also your path to happiness. So, this month, act independently at times, but also remember being adaptable is a good skill to have. Move around blocks in your way and choose the uphill road, even though it’s more work, as it’s the road that leads to happiness.

Aries The Full Moon lands in your house of intuition and you’re quite psychic this month. You have lots of ability to take direct action as Mars is in your sign. As it goes retrograde, a missed love opportunity may return. Your desk at work may be overloaded with projects and reports, but there is an opportunity to delegate

some of these duties. Extra money comes your way through a side job or some overtime. Something important can be achieved if you will dive into the paperwork and get it completed.

Taurus The Full Moon lights up your area of friendships and you may have a sudden connection that turns into something very special. There could be a mountain of schoolwork to go through either for yourself or with your kids. You just have to take it one assignment at a time. Mars is rising in your chart, giving you extra energy and you may be up late several nights a week. This month, don’t let a lack of funds stop you from pursuing a dream. Look for creative ways to finance what you want to do.


retrograde in your house of relationships, and you could meet someone for a significant connection. You may be considering some further education, but it will mean some changes at home or some adjustments to make with your family.

Scorpio The Full Moon highlights your area of love and romance. Single Scorpio natives could fall head over heels, and those already in a love relationship could feel a renewed interest in the partnership they already have. You may have to rush to get a contract signed quickly. Mars goes retrograde in your house of daily routines, and you could make a successful shift to a healthier eating plan. Completing an application could lead to a financial benefit. A passive income source may become available.

The Full Moon at the top of your chart could bring you a new job opportunity or recognition from a supervisor. If you own a business, a collaboration could give you more reach. There’s a temptation to overspend this month, but first, check with friends as you may be able to borrow what you need. Mars goes retrograde in your house of associations, and it’s good to join groups again. Don’t wait for permission from someone else to act on a cherished goal. It’s time to look for a creative solution.




The Full Moon is in your house of family, and you may have a get-together after being separated for weeks or months. Single Sagittarius natives can break through and dissolve a block to love. If you’re already in a love relationship, you’ll likely have more intimacy. Mars goes retrograde in your house of risktaking, and someone could bring you a very interesting proposal. You and your family may come together to agree on how to handle money or a resource that has come into your possession.

The Full Moon could bring a contract you’ve been waiting for. This could be for employment or some other big lifestyle change. Your significant other is your mirror this month. Make changes yourself and their behavior will miraculously change. Mars goes retrograde in your house of career bringing you some recognition from someone you’ve known for a long time. The North Node is rising in your chart bringing magical synchronicity. Some wonderful opportunities can come this month.

The light of the Full Moon is in your house of communication and could bring you a beneficial experience around education or good results on a professional exam. Others seem to be lining up to tell you what a good job you’re doing. Mars goes retrograde in your house of home and you may be doing repairs or some renovations. Procrastination ends when you realize you really do want to work on your business, your novel or your new exercise plan. You’re able to complete a large project this month.



The Full Moon highlights your house of resources from others and someone could give you an unexpected helping hand in your career. You may have been working very hard the last few weeks, and it’s time for a break. Mars goes retrograde at the top of your chart, bringing you back to a beneficial spiritual practice you had in the past. A new opportunity may require you to change your schedule around to make time. A good friend may ask you to join them in a business venture.

The Full Moon lights up your house of money, and there could be an increase in cash flow from real estate, working at home or from something connected to your family. A job offer can come in that you secretly feel you’re not qualified for, but it would be a good idea to accept. Mars goes retrograde in your house of brainpower. You may be playing games to increase your mental awareness. A dream or an idea you wake up with gives you a solution to a problem. Your relationship with a sibling improves.



The Full Moon lights up your house of relationships, and you could make an unexpected connection with someone who’s on a similar spiritual path as you. There’s a desire to take a risk, to break out and do something new. As you do, the resources you need become available to you. Mars goes retrograde in your house of intimacy, and there can be some sexy fun this month. Your tight schedule may need some creative solutions when juggling child care, pet care, family care and your career.

The Full Moon marks the most significant four-week period of your year. You may have strong intuitive flashes—especially through meditation or journaling. You may find by letting go of a connection (or stuff) suddenly new opportunities open up to you. Mars goes retrograde in your house of money, bringing a sum of money that was owed to you. A new revenue stream is also possible. This month, you recognize some family traditions are worth keeping and some family rules are worth breaking.


Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, a Feng Shui expert and the author of 16 books. Her website is Read her weekly predictions at horoscopes/weekly and see her videos at DonnaStellhorn.

The Full Moon lights up your house of work, and there could be a new job with some terrific benefits coming your way. What you post out in the world could be seen by many. More people are supportive of what you’re doing than you realized. Mars is




THE BEST ANTIOXIDANTS For You And Your Skin by Janet Thompson

If you’re like most people you want smooth healthy skin, but maybe you don’t want to wade through hundreds of chemically-laden products to get it. That’s where antioxidants can help. Incorporating the right antioxidants into your diet and skin care routine can have a positive effect on your skin. Antioxidants are nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and enzymes (proteins inside your body) that can help to prevent and repair damage to your body’s tissue. Antioxidants do this by slowing or preventing the effect of free radicals, which start oxidation — a process that causes damage from oxygen that can lead to cell dysfunction. If you’ve seen a peeled apple turn brown, you’ve seen oxidation in action. As antioxidants block the effects of free radicals, they end up being oxidized. This is why it’s important to constantly replenish your supply of antioxidants. 16


When it comes to caring for your skin, antioxidants can help to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Unlike sunscreens and moisturizers, antioxidants can protect your skin from the inside out by guarding your cells from damage. Vitamins A, C and E and the mineral selenium are thought to be particularly helpful in skin care. In addition to helping fortify cells against free radicals, vitamins A and C also encourage cell and tissue growth, helping the body to repair itself. This is very helpful to the skin, which is constantly shedding and regrowing cells. For this reason, any antioxidants that protect cells and encourage cell growth could be helpful in an antiaging regimen, as they may help fight fine lines and wrinkles. Likewise, when adding any supplement to your diet, be careful when incorporating antioxidants into your daily routine. Though they are naturally good for you, antioxidants taken in excess can be harmful — so be sure to follow the recommended

amounts. In most cases, all you need to fulfill your body’s quota for antioxidants is a healthy and balanced diet. You should talk to your doctor before starting or increasing your intake of any supplement.

VITAMINS C AND E AND SELENIUM Research has found that vitamins C and E, as well as selenium, can help protect the skin against sun damage and skin cancer. And they may actually reverse some of the discoloration and wrinkles associated with aging. These antioxidants work by speeding up the skin’s natural repair systems and by directly inhibiting further damage, says Karen E. Burke, MD, PhD, of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology. Food sources rich in selenium are Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, and oats. The current daily value (DV) for selenium is 70μg (micrograms). It is important to note that the amount of selenium in any product varies greatly by the amount of selenium in the soil in which it was produced/grown/raised. Fruits rich in vitamin E are berries, avocado, tomatoes, pomegranate, pumpkin, kiwi, mango, papaya and guava. Vitamin E-rich vegetables include corn, asparagus, sweet potato, broccoli and dark green leafy vegetables. Citrus foods are known for being a great source of vitamin C. In addition to citrus foods, there are a host of other fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C. Most recognized as high vitamin C food sources are oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons and limes. Other fruits that contain high levels of vitamin C are kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, watermelon, guava and papaya. Vegetables that are rich in vitamin C include dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, bell peppers and Brussels sprouts. These vitamin C-rich nutrients are most potent when consumed fresh or raw. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ-10) Coenzyme Q10 is a natural antioxidant in the body that helps the cells grow and protects them from the ravages of cancer. A drop in natural levels of coenzyme Q10 that occurs in our later years is thought to contribute to aging skin. A study published in the journal Biofactors found that applying coenzyme Q10 to the skin helped minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Most studies conducted so far have used a 0.3% concentration of it. Alpha-Lipoic Acid This antioxidant, when applied topically as a cream, may help protect the skin from sun damage. Studies that have looked at creams with three to five percent concentration applied every other day, and building up slowly to once daily, have found some improvement in sun-induced changes in the skin. Retinoic Acid Retinoic acid is the active form of vitamin A in the skin and the “gold standard” in anti-aging skin care, according to

Burke. Topical retinoic acid (brand names Renova and Retin-A) treats fine wrinkles, age spots, and rough skin caused by sun exposure. In a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science, researchers found that treatment with retinoic acid restored the elastic fibers that keep skin taut, and reduced the appearance of wrinkles. It also works great for acne. Retinoic acid comes in gel and cream forms, which are typically used once a day. Although dermatologists used to believe that retinoic acid made the skin more sensitive to the sun, they now know that it actually protects against further sun damage. If you apply retinoic acid in too high of a concentration, and too often, it can cause redness, extreme dryness and peeling. Burke recommends starting with a low concentration (retinoic acid products range from 0.01% in gels to 0.1% in creams) and applying it once every second or third night to reverse photo damage more slowly. Do not use retinoic acid if you have rosacea or sensitive skin. References: WebMD, Journal of Dermatological Science, Biofactors Journal Janet Thompson is a licensed Esthetician and the owner of Spa La Vie, Organic Skin Spa, located in Genoa, IL, 847-8128648, Janet loves helping people achieve their skin care goals — the natural way.






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[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]

DON’T LABOR OVER YOUR FOOD Healthful Labor Day Recipes by Betsy Bruns

Labor Day has been a bittersweet holiday for most of my life. Sweet because we were usually having a barbeque, attending one, or off on a road trip. Bitter because it signaled the end of summer fun. What is Labor Day and why do we celebrate it? According to the U.S. Department of Labor, it was a creation of the labor movement and is dedicat18


ed to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It’s an annual national tribute to the contribution workers have made to the strength, prosperity and wellbeing of our country. The labor movement was incepted at the peak of the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s when the average American worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Children as young as five

or six worked in factories or mills, and most workers endured unsafe working conditions, unsanitary facilities and little break time. Reflecting on the difficult working conditions that were once normal in America, I am grateful that times have changed. Labor Day is typically celebrated in cities and towns across the United States with gatherings, parades, picnics

and barbecues. For many Americans, especially children, it represents the end of the summer and the start of the backto-school season. Labor Day 2020 may go down as one of the most unusual in history. Gatherings and celebrations are limited or have been canceled. Many Americans have changed their labor status because they are working from home or have lost work. Kids might go back to school, but it may be part-time or a virtual classroom situation.

Aquafaba, start with 2 tablespoons and add more to desired consistency. Add all the ingredients to food processer and blend until creamy, about three to five minutes. Play with the spices and texture to your liking. Optional mix-ins: chopped garden tomatoes, peppers, onions, salsa and green chilis.

Whichever way you choose to honor the last days of summer, I always recommend having tasty recipes on standby for nibbling and sharing.

So, if you are health-minded these days, yet want good noshing, you can nibble and share without regret or remorse. These plant-based appetizers are easy to prepare, flavor-filled, low in fat, yet high in fiber and nutrients. You will not labor to make them or enjoy them!

MOCKAMOLE East meets west in this “hummus vs. guacamole” experience. A dip that will remind you of guacamole, the ultimate party food, but will not tally up the fat and calories. Plus, there is a secret benefit to an ingredient in this appetizer. Health tip: Green peas are full of protein, fiber and help to lower levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. This helps with appetite reduction and cravings! 1 can chickpeas, liquid reserved (aquafaba) ½ cup frozen peas, thawed ½ teaspoon salt, or to taste (optional) ½ to 1 teaspoon cumin, or to taste 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon Spike or veggie seasoning

Place the meatballs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and cook for 15 minutes at 375°F, flipping once halfway through. Serve with toothpicks as an appetizer, on pasta, in a wrap, on pizza, or in any way you choose. Recipes and photos by Betsy Bruns

Life is kind of strange right now, and we can all use a reason to celebrate. Sounds like the perfect excuse to eat some good food!

Gathering with friends and family for holidays or special occasions, no matter how big or small, can often derail healthy eating. You want to eat delicious food, and you want to offer delicious food.

sun-dried tomatoes and thoroughly combine them in the skillet. You will have a meat-like mixture. Once cool enough to handle, roll into golf ballsized meatballs.

MILLET MEETBALLS Millet is a grain that has a hearty consistency, almost like polenta. Its stickiness brings the perfect consistency for a vegetarian meatball or “meetball.” Infusing with zesty sun-dried tomatoes makes for a filling and flavorful bite.

Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (, and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit

I stock up on sun-dried tomatoes that are oil-free and fat-free with very little sodium. Check your labels. You would be surprised how many brands are loaded with sodium and gobs of fat. 1 ½ cups cooked millet ¾ cup sun-dried tomatoes, no oil 1 large onion, chopped ¼ cup flaxseed 1 tsp. ground sage 1 tsp. dried basil 1 tsp. pepper ½ tsp. salt (optional) Cook millet. Soak tomatoes in warm water for five minutes or more and finely chop. Preheat oven to 375°F. Dry sauté chopped onion in a large skillet. Dry sauté means no oil. If the onion sticks, add water a tablespoon at a time. Once translucent, add the flaxseed and spices to the cooked onion and stir. Next, add the millet and WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



BUSINESS Directory

ASTROLOGY OMARI MARTIN, MAFM, LPMAFA - business professor and certified professional astrologer offers consulting services and strategic guidance for novice and professional astrologers and entrepreneurs desirous of developing a prosperous and profitable business. Contact: omari@soular, or 773-432-8308.

BODYWORK ANGELIC HEALING Ada Swanson LMT, offers holistic bodywork from massage & reflexology to reiki, chakra balancing & intuitive reading, to help bring your body into balance. Servicing Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin. 800 Main St., Suite 14, Antioch, IL 60002. Contact: or call 262-581-3606. SHARON M. VOGEL, CLT, LMT, LC, BCTMB, Clinic Director of National Lymphatic Centers. With 27 years in business, I am referred to by Juneo Clinic practitioners, national surgeons, physicians, and patients. The practitioners at NLC care for you with Myofascial release, Craniofascial, Lymph Drainage, Oncology Massage, and much more. 5002 Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515., 630-241-4100.

CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ARCHE MEDITATION CENTER OF PURPOSE AND JOY Using a simple, ancient philosophy, you’ll experience a shift in consciousness to reawaken your Soul’s 20


powerful connection with the Universe. Classes help align your vibration with your Authentic Self, to develop healthy relationships, empower natural self-healing abilities, eliminate sabotaging beliefs and create a life of purpose, peace, love, laughter and joy. 212 S. Marion St., Oak Park, IL 60302. Contact: Sandy Daliege, www.archemeditation or 708-622-8453.

ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE AMY CIANCHETTI, INTUITIVE HEALER - Intuitive healing provides guidance, insight, clarity, awareness and transformation. Receive supportive, intuitive messages from your Higher-Self & The Divine; release physical, mental and spiritual blocks. In-Person or Phone/Zoom sessions available. 3020 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago, IL 60618. 773-236-2460, REV. LINDSAY BATES. Usui/ Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Offering private sessions, Distant Reiki, animal Reiki, and classes for all levels. We focus on life issues, including stress management, fertility, oncology. 1211 Pershing Ave, Wheaton, IL 60189. Contact: or 630-464-1668. SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Contact:, or 224-293-2373.

CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact: carol.swanson@, carolswansonllc/ or 608-359-4720.

HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education center. Infinity offers Courses For Life,® providing you with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24hours a day: Infinity Foundation or 847-831-8828.

HYPNOTHERAPIST KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a certified Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each

session is 60-90 minutes long, on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, feelings and resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine, send Kasia an email at or leave her a message at: 847-966-1110.

MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER LOOKING FOR A MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER? Contact Michael “The Energizer” Applegate! The author of Work for God and The One Minute Energizers. Contact: or 773-326-8195.

PAST LIFE REGRESSION KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a certified Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, feelings and resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine, send Kasia an email at or leave her a message at: 847-966-1110.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICIATE: WEDDINGS & OTHER TRANSITIONAL EVENTS Ordained non-denominational minister officiates at transitional events (weddings, baptisms, funerals, birth rites, etc.). For further information on personally-tailored, magical and intimate experiences, contact Theresa Puskar. or 630-272-1805.

PSYCHICS PSYCHIC INTUITIVE READER My name is Michelle Gray and I am a Psychic Intuitive Reader. I give accurate, descriptive readings and help to validate relationships

and career decisions including intimate, family, and associations plus career and financial goals. Contact:, https://www. or 630-854-3175. BOTANICA - Open daily from 8 am – 11 pm. Solve all problems. Psychic Energy, Psychic life coach, Chakra balancing, Reiki, Ordained oracle, Divination, Denomination, Supplier of crystals, candles and oils. Readings in person, phone, emails, also parties. Free parking. Contact: 773-664-3620 or 773-202-7062.

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY ADVERTISERS Tap into an open and aware community by advertising your events, services, products in the Conscious Community Magazine Calendar and Business Directory listings. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Call Conscious Community Magazine or see website for advertising information. Distributed in Illinois and Wisconsin. Reach your potential with Conscious Community Magazine! Please visit: or call 847-966-1110.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! TAROT SUSAN BRADY. Experience the wisdom of the Tarot in the relaxed atmosphere of your own home by phone or email. Additionally, I am available for in person readings at Healing Arts Metaphysical Center in Batavia, and The Journey’s Path in West Chicago. Bring your questions and leave with answers. Website: I’ll be happy to schedule your appointment with me by phone at 630-209-7678.

WEIGHT CONTROL WEIGHT OUT OF CONTROL? MEDICAL HYPNOTISM can help you renegotiate your relationship to food. Backed by outcomes research and a long history of success. Visit us at for more information or call 630-668-1141.

WOMEN’S HEALING PROGRAMS RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE. A collective created by women, for women to do their inner work in a safe space with a community that is rooted in unconditional love and acceptance. We gather to share our stories, witness each other, heal together, and find our voices, truths, and soft power along journeys. We seek to engage the mind, physical body, energetic body, and soul spirit. Through Engaged Learning, Energy Work, and Group Work, we come together to exchange in meaningful and powerful ways. Founded and facilitated by Kristi Derkacy; Group Work Facilitator, Writer, Reiki practitioner. Location: Palos Heights, IL, 708-373-3874,

ARE YOU A MOVER AND A SHAKER? Are you an organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: Administration, Event Scheduling, Event Sponsorship, National Calendar Coordinator, IT Expertise or Conference Coordinator. Whether you can give one hour per month or 10 hours per month, we would love to have you join our team. Please call 847-966-1110 or email Kasia at:

BUSINESS Directory

The Business Directory provides listings of a wide variety of practitioners, products and services available to our readers. Business Directory listings are $1.00 per word with a 25 word minimum. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Copy may be submitted by email or regular mail. Check or credit card information must accompany your insertion unless you are submitting it by email. In that case, please call with your credit card information to finalize your listing.

Please call: 847–966–1110 or send your listings to: Kasia@ by the 10th of the month prior to publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



COSMIC DAILY WEATHER September 2020 by Bernadette Evans

Overview It’s the fall equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, a time where there are fewer daylight hours. It’s usually a time of human hibernation, but with the social distancing, that’s been happening for months now, who knows if that will still be the case. Will there still be the desire to wind down as our inner clocks tick away, or will everyone want to throw their clocks out the window and try to get outside? Either way, I do think things will slow down this month, which brings me to Mars…the big news for September is that Mars is going to retrograde. Mars retrogrades about every 22 months for approximately nine weeks. Mars just entered the sign of Aries, its home sign, on July 1. You may have been excited about your career and were putting in the extra effort and seeing tangible results. Maybe you’ve been inspired to pursue something new and are really excited about it. Mars in Aries can also turn up the heat in the bedroom. It all sounds good, right? You may have discovered either yourself being more irritated than usual or that you’ve been surrounded by others who are angry. When Mars retrogrades on September 9, you may feel everything start to slow down. It starts to lose its momentum which could be extremely frustrating if you were making headway in your career or another area of life. Doubts about work or your career may begin to plague you. You may even ask yourself if you were headed in the right direction. All I can say is if you were getting somewhere and then it slowed down, just keep going. This is a great time to fine-tune your plans. Maybe a little tweaking here and there will help in the long run. Then when Mars turns direct, you’ll be on the right track. Jupiter and Saturn both turn direct this month, but will take a while to build up momentum and get moving. Remember, if it’s working, keep going. It may feel like you’re going backward and some days it is two steps back, but the next day it’s two or three steps forward. Have a great month, my dear readers! Void of Course (VoC) Moon is explained in previous months’ issues. The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time (CDT).



Tuesday, September 1 When Mercury trines Pluto, there’s the chance of creating something really important with a partner. It could be with a business partner or with an intimate partner taking your relationship to another level. Maybe it’s about going deeper and getting to know yourself on a more profound level. When Mercury and Pluto get together, there’s the potential for discussions to become quite deep. There’s also the possibility that someone feels the need to be in control, whether it’s you or someone else. Someone could be flexing their muscles. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 4:34 a.m.

Wednesday, September 2 There’s a dreamy quality to the day with the Pisces Full Moon. Maybe you’re fantasizing about a relationship from the past or imagining how a relationship could play out if your dreams come true. This Full Moon not only focuses on fantasies but on how to bring them into the world. You’re trying to bring your dreams to life. Some of them could involve practical elements like how to

enjoy the finer things in life. Full Moon in Pisces at 12:22 a.m.

Thursday, September 3 There’s a time to work and a time to play. When Mercury trines Saturn, you’ve probably got your head down to concentrate on your work. You don’t have time to waste talking about what needs to be finished with colleagues; you focus on the job and get it done. Your work ethic is admirable, as is your pride in a job well done. Pat yourself on the back when you’re finished for the day and rest knowing you did a great job. Moon VoC at 9:34 a.m. until 3:22 p.m. when the Moon enters the sign of Aries.

Friday, September 4 Today, Venus squares Mars, while Mercury sextiles Venus, not to mention Mercury quincunxes Mars. These energies are at odds with each other. There may be some competition happening as well as one-upmanship. At times, your relationships are going well, and everyone is having a great time. Then someone says something and boom! A conflict is born. Hurt feelings could be the result, and it’s possible that someone just wants to escape the whole scene/situation. Have fun when hanging out with friends or your partner, but remember to play nice. Or, if you’re going to go toe to toe, at least bring a referee along so there aren’t any TKOs.

Saturday, September 5 When the Moon squares Pluto, you may feel like someone else is holding all the cards in a situation. It’s possible that someone is manipulating you or that you’re the one who’s doing the manipulating. Something is brewing under the surface, and with the Moon and Mars forming a conjunction by the end of the night, you or someone else may become irritable and blurt something out. Maybe go for a walk, count to 10, or tell them you’ll continue the conversation another day when cooler heads prevail. Mercury enters the sign of Libra at 2:46 p.m. Moon VoC at 11:45 p.m.

Sunday, September 6

Thursday, September 10

Taking things nice and slow and relaxing are on the agenda with the Moon in Taurus. Do you get the feeling you should be fed goodies while you recline on the sofa? Follow the energy and look after yourself. Whether that means getting outside for a walk, cooking up a sumptuous meal—and consuming it of course—or enjoying the company of good friends. This day speaks of indulging all your senses. Venus enters the sign of Leo at 2:22 a.m. Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 3:43 a.m.

When the Moon squares Neptune, your imagination could be on fire and you sit down to compose a beautiful poem or draw something amazing. It’s also possible that something isn’t totally clear—what you think you see could be a mirage. Just because you wish it to be true doesn’t make it so. Your sensitivity is heightened, and when it is used productively, you’re tapping into the cosmic consciousness and creating like mad. The other side is you could be more susceptible to alcohol and drugs, so be careful when playing with substances. Moon VoC at 11:48 p.m.

Monday, September 7 When the Moon trines the Sun, you could feel joyful and have a bounce in your step. Relationships seem to run smoother; you’re having fun hanging out with friends and partners. All feels right with the world, so be present in this moment and enjoy! Take advantage of this energy and connect or re-connect with loved ones. Do something nice for a loved one and remember to do something loving for yourself.

Tuesday, September 8 The Moon is Void of Course for a good portion of today. You may feel the energy building, but this is not the time to start a new project. You’re at the starting gate and ready to move when the time is right. Keep fine-tuning your plans and that includes financial planning. You want to make sure everything is in order before you make your next move. Moon VoC at 7:47 a.m. until 4:28 p.m. when it enters the sign of Gemini.

Wednesday, September 9 You may want to bask in the Sun trine Jupiter energy because it can feel like the lovely rays of the Sun are shining down on you. Enjoying this energy is wonderful, but so is taking actions towards a goal you have in mind. Find the balance between lazily soaking up the energy and doing nothing, and doing something that will produce lasting results. You’ll be happy you did. Mars stations retrograde at 5:22 p.m.

Friday, September 11 When the Sun opposes Neptune, there could be confusion or deception in the air. You may not be seeing a person, a relationship or a situation clearly. You may be wearing rose-colored glasses and are erring on the side of giving the person the benefit of the doubt. That’s lovely, but if it’s a big decision, hold off for a few days until the fog lifts. It will be so much easier for you to act when you’re clear-headed. Interactions with others may feel confusing. Communications may be so muddled; it is as if you and other people are speaking a different language. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 3:23 a.m.

Saturday, September 12 You’re feeling more optimistic than usual when the Moon opposes Jupiter. You’re feeling generous and are more than happy to help a friend out. Of course, it feels better when you offer to help of your own free will than when someone asks you. There’s also the potential for overindulging today. So, have fun! But, remember tomorrow is another day, and you’ll need to have money set aside. Jupiter stations direct at 7:41 p.m.

Sunday, September 13 What would you like to create today? When the Moon’s in Leo, you have an opportunity to be creative and playful. It’s up to you how you use the energy. There’s also the potential for some WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



drama. Try to sidestep the theatrics and express yourself in a healthy way. There’s no need to hog the spotlight. Have fun and no one will have to sit in the corner, not even Baby. Everyone will get their 15 minutes. Something unexpected may happen which could change everything. Moon VoC at 7:05 a.m. until 10:32 a.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.

Monday, September 14 Relationships with bosses or superiors are favored today. In fact, you could be recognized for a job well done when the Sun trines Pluto. If you’ve always been curious, this is also a great time to explore a subject like astrology. Whatever you put your mind to, you’ll research it and dig deep to find out all you can about it. You’ll be bound to learn more about yourself and others, taking your knowledge to a whole new level and a win-win.

Tuesday, September 15 You could be on the hunt for new experiences when Venus squares Uranus. Sometimes those new experiences are exciting and fun, and sometimes they’re exciting because someone is stirring the pot. It could be you or someone else, so be careful

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and avoid disagreements. Find your excitement in a new and healthy way that doesn’t involve a war of words. Moon VoC at 10:09 a.m. until 1:37 p.m. when it enters the sign of Virgo.

Wednesday, September 16 There’s the potential for confusion today when the Moon opposes Neptune. You may be feeling sensitive, and your feelings may get hurt as you misunderstand what someone said. All this could lead to saying something that isn’t in anyone’s best interest. Are you seeing danger and being overly suspicious when there is no need for it? Healthy excitement produces the same chemicals in our brains as unhealthy drama/excitement. Could it be you’re looking to get those same chemicals pumping through your brain/body? You may also want to be careful imbibing as that could make everything even more confusing and cloud your mind.

Thursday, September 17 The Virgo New Moon is at 6 a.m. This is a great time to put your ideas into motion. Saturn trines the Moon and the Sun, which makes it easier to get to work. It can give you the kick in the butt that you need to finish what you start. Now is the time to get started on building a solid foundation, the structure for what you want. Go ahead, bring your vision to life. Moon VoC at 6:42 a.m. until 1:56 p.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.

Friday, September 18 When the Moon conjuncts Mercury, you may feel the desire to connect with your loved ones. Having a conversation with them in person, over the phone or by Zoom, brightens your day. Seeing your friends and finding out how they’re doing and exchanging ideas gives you a boost of energy. It’s these moments with people you care about that help you get through the days that aren’t so easy. So, enjoy this one!

Saturday, September 19 You may feel a little off balance when the Sun inconjuncts Mars. How do you

reconcile your desires with what you need to do? Maybe you’re not seeing the whole picture. It’s as if something is just out of your view. So, let go of the need to see how everything is going to play out, pay attention to your intuition, and let it be your compass. Moon VoC at 9:29 a.m. until 1:33 p.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.

Sunday, September 20 Some days you may wonder why you got out of bed. This could be one of those days when the Moon squares Venus. It’s not that things are going bad or wrong, if there is such a thing as bad/wrong. It’s just that you may be thrown a few curveballs. Someone or something unexpected may appear and it throws you off. You weren’t expecting the person to behave the way they did. Or maybe a situation went the complete opposite of how you thought it would play out. Okay, breathe. You can adjust and adapt to whatever the Universe sends your way. I believe in you.

Monday, September 21 You may have felt the energy of the Mercury square Pluto building up the past few days. Communications could become heated if you’re trying to convince someone to come around to your way of thinking or if someone is trying to persuade you to their point of view. Everyone sees things through a different lens as they’ve had different experiences than you. Don’t try to twist their arm because their belief system is different from yours. Take the high road and let it go or you could end up losing a friend in the process. Do you want to be right or have your friend? This energy can help you if you’re studying something, especially if it is related to psychology or metaphysical studies. Moon VoC at 1:13 p.m. until 2:32 p.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius.

Tuesday, September 22 Today is the fall equinox as the Sun enters the sign of Libra at 8:31 a.m. Happy Birthday to all the Libras! When the Moon trines Venus, your nurturing side may emerge, bringing

up feelings of love and generosity. You want to connect with others, whether it’s in person, through Zoom or on the phone. You remember happy times and want to create more wonderful memories. There’s also some playfulness in the air, and if you’re in a relationship, you may be having some of those loving feelings. Put on some music, light the candles…you got this.

Wednesday, September 23 Your thoughts are focused when Mercury squares Saturn. You’ve got your head down and are ready to put in the time to get the job done. Right now, you prefer your own company and your own ideas to what others have to say. You can’t seem to see outside your own world now. There’s the potential for negative thinking which could start a downward spiral. Breathe. This is one moment in time and it’ll be over before you know it. Moon VoC at 12:31 p.m. until 6:16 p.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn.

Thursday, September 24 There’s a good chance you or someone else may say something combative. When Mercury opposes Mars, the words just bubble up from the depths, and you or the other person just can’t stem the flow. If you’re the one who feels you have to say something and the ramifications aren’t going to be pretty, think about this, “Is it true?” “Is it kind?” “Is it necessary?” If you’re the one who is taking the heat from someone else, just walk away. It could save a relationship. Another caution is when driving, pay attention and don’t give in to road rage. Breathe in, breathe out. Count to 10.

Friday, September 25 You may be looking for some alone time as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and then Saturn. This cycle has been happening for quite some time, but that doesn’t change how it feels. You could be working through some intense emotions and trying to process them. Examining what your internal method is can be a great way to move forward. Enlisting the help

of a trained professional never hurts. If that’s not possible, do what works for you, maybe journaling or getting some fresh air. If you are feeling controlled or manipulated in any way, remove yourself from the situation. Look after yourself. Moon VoC at 10:36 p.m.

Saturday, September 26 When the Moon trines Sun, you may feel you can finally let your hair down. It’s time to relax and enjoy the day. There’s an easy flow to the day, and you could be looking forward to socializing with friends. There’s the possibility of getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new! Whatever you decide to do today, have fun. Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 1:08 a.m.

Sunday, September 27 What do you feel like creating? When the Moon’s in Aquarius, you could have a ton of ideas about what you’d like to do next. Of course, with so many options, it can be tricky to settle on just one. Play around with the energy and do something out of the ordinary. You could also be drawn to a different group of people. With so many groups on Facebook or the internet, there is no shortage of new things or new groups that you could join. See what calls to you. If you decide it’s not for you, move on and try something else. One caution, when the Moon is in Aquarius, you may feel you have something to prove to the world. You want to show everyone that you don’t follow the rules and are being rebellious just because. It’s up to you, but you could use the energy more productively. Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio at 2:41 a.m.

Monday, September 28 You may feel that you’re having to make some compromises in your relationships when Venus inconjuncts Saturn. Things just aren’t going quite as smoothly as you’d like. So, try to balance the other person’s needs with your own. Later in the evening, Venus trines Mars, and everything seems to click into place. You’re able to initiate

and get things moving effortlessly. If you’re in a relationship, the two of you could enjoy a romantic evening. If you’re single, you may be especially charming and charismatic and attract someone you’ve been flirting with. If that’s not in the cards, use this time to create something beautiful. This energy is powerful and could produce a gorgeous sculpture, poem or dinner. All in all, it could be an exciting day! Moon VoC at 2:18 a.m. until 10:34 a.m. when it enters the sign of Pisces.

Tuesday, September 29 You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere when Mars squares Saturn. You know what you want to do but feel like you’re blocked at every turn. It could be a parent, a boss, or someone else who’s in a position to stop you or they’ve got in your head and are making you doubt yourself and your abilities. It’s a frustrating energy, and there’s a good chance that someone is going to lose their temper. If you think that person is you, leave the room and go for a walk. If you think its someone else, duck! Saturn stations direct at 12:11 a.m.

Wednesday, September 30 Maybe it’s time for some fun and adventure when the Moon’s in Pisces. It’s Void of Course for a good portion of the day, so if you can, you may wish to play hooky. Grab a friend, go for a hike, enjoy each other’s company. It’s a day of connecting with another soul and playing. Remember the joy you felt when you were younger and had no agenda other than having a good time and being in the moment. Well, my friends, this moment will never be here again. So, put your face up to the Sun, smile, give thanks and enjoy. Moon VoC at 12:30 p.m. until 9:47 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aries. Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counselor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or to schedule a consultation. Her website is WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Midwest Pulse Calendar Monday, August 31 Friday, September 4 THE FREE CREATIVE JUMP START CHALLENGE: Free. Five days of conscious creation and inspiration just for you. Have you been looking for inspiration and a way to feel better? This Creative JUMP START Challenge comes with meditations, creative assignments, and a network of like-minded creators just for you. Sign up today to Jump Start your Joy! Location: Online. Hosted by artist and healer Elizabeth Tuckwell, http://www.

Tuesday, September 1 DYNAMIC CONSTELLATIONS TWO FOR TUESDAYS: 10 am-5 pm. $20 for 15 minutes. Struggling with Self or Others; Personal or Business? Dynamic Constellations brings into focus what seems to be insurmountable regarding relationships, family, finance, career, and health. Bring about clarity so confusion, tension, anxiety & behavior patterns that sabotage your desired results are brought into harmony. Skype, Facebook Video. 312-945-8318 call or text. Facebook Dynamic Constellations

Fridays, Starting September 4 GUIDING YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: 7 pm CST. Free. Weekly exploration of all things metaphysical by intuitive healers and mystics Daniel & Kaaren Thomas. Location: online. Contact: 630-677-4049 or Website: 213552625?pwd=ZUk3M3NuT2VOUThoTXdHMG E2eC84QT09

Monday, September 7

Tuesday, September 15

ZOOM GUIDED MEDITATION: 7-8 pm. $5. Session opens with an attitude of gratitude, forgiveness ritual, breathing, guided meditation followed by silent meditation. Location: Online, from the comfort of your home. Contact Cell: 940-389-9284 or Website: https://www.

DYNAMIC CONSTELLATIONS TWO FOR TUESDAYS: 10am-5 pm. $20 for 15 minutes. Struggling with Self or Others; Personal or Business? Dynamic Constellations brings into focus what seems to be insurmountable regarding relationships, family, finance, career, and health. Bring about clarity so confusion, tension, anxiety & behavior patterns that sabotage your desired results are brought into harmony. Skype, Facebook Video. 312-945-8318 call or text. Facebook Dynamic Constellations

Friday, September 11 CARAVAN OF UNITY ACROSS AMERICA: 7am-7pm. Free. Unity Earth is a global network of organizations and individuals standing together in the quest to build a brighter future for humanity and the planet. The Caravan of Unity is a groundbreaking tour for peace and unity moving across the USA in September 2020. Arriving in Chicago on September 11th, 2020. Location: Livestream. Phone number 224676-1752. Website schedule and link. https://www.conscious for Chicago schedule and link.

Saturday, September 12 CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/resource forum for near-death, out-of-body, & spiritual experiences, losses. 2 pm. Tax-deductible donation requested: $20. Guest Speaker: SUZANE NORTHROP Internationally acclaimed Medium, Grief & Bereavement Expert, TV and Radio host, Author of 3 books, and NDE at age 5. Join us Online: Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our website at www.chicagoiands. org. You will receive an invitation with instructions. Send donation to Chicago IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL, 60091. For more info: 847-251-5758 or

Thursday, September 17 THE MASTER GAME OF LIFE: THE QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE: 7 pm. Richard Smoley will give a lively but profound account of the games of life and will show you how to recognize the one you’re in now. Richard Smoley’s 11th book, A Theology of Love: Reimagining Christianity through “A Course in Miracles,” was published in 2019. The Truth about Magic, will be published in February 2021, by G&D. Location: online. lecture-series/4862-the-master-game-of-lifethe-quest-for-knowledge

Friday-Sunday, September 18-20 7 CHAKRA POWERS WEEKEND: Friday, 7-9:30 pm, Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm, Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm. Join us at The Chakra Shoppe for the time of your life! Master Healer, Blanche Blacke leads your transformational self-discovery and healing. Uncover hidden blocks and self heal with crystals, aromatherapy, sound and core belief re-patterning. Enjoy stand-alone transformation or continue training

AT T E N T I O N A D V E R T I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.

For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: 26


to become Certified as a Chakra Healer. Limit 5 at Chakra Shoppe Chicago, 5034 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625.

Saturday, September 19 WOMEN’S AUTUMN EQUINOX DAY RETREAT: 8 am – 10 pm. Theme: The Chakras and Intuition! This intensive 14-hour day retreat will cover intuitive/psychic development and the Chakras. Includes lunch and supper. We will end the day with a two-hour Gallery Reading with a well-known Psychic Medium and an Autumn Equinox Ceremony. Space is extremely limited due to COVID-19 Prevention. Southeastern, WI. ; Contact: 608-393-7353, or mindsoulandself@; womens-wellness-retreats/

Sunday, September 20 CREATING MYSTICAL ART - WITH LORI DANIEL FALK, VISIONARY ARTIST & SPIRITUAL LIFE COACH: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, $100/85 payment 10 days in advance. This magical day integrates consciousness raising with creative artful expression and discover what your heart and soul reveal to you. Multi-dimensional, multi-sensory experience filled with guided visualizations, deep meditations, and Divine angelic guidance. Raise your vibration and uncork your intuitive artist. Hosted on Zoom by the Infinity Foundation. To register: http://www. creating-mystical-art.aspx

Saturday-Sunday, September 26-27

Monday, September 21 Sunday, October 4

THRIVE IN LOVE RETREAT: 9 am – 6 pm each day. $595. Join us for our renowned, unforgettable weekend to learn the proven roadmap for what it takes to thrive in lasting love. Renew your spark, break through your challenges, deepen your connection, and take your relationship to a whole new level at this consistently sold-out couples getaway retreat for those in every stage of the journey. Learn the proven secrets to effective couples and marriage communication, and experience fulfilling love. Location: 4307 S Leonard Springs Rd, Bloomington, IN 47403. Contact: 812-223-7186 or Website:

GLOBAL PEACE FILM FESTIVAL is now a single festival expressed locally, globally, in person and online. Since 2003, the Global Peace Film Festival has envisioned “peace” not as the absence of conflict but as a framework for resolving conflict through non-violence. Our mission is to connect expression – artistic, political, social, and personal – to positive, respectful vehicles for action and change. Location: Winter Park, FL or online. For details:

Thursday-Sunday, September 24-27 SACRED DIRECTIONS MEDICINE WHEEL-PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH SHAMANISM. Thursday-Saturday 9 am-9 pm, Sunday 9 am-6 pm CST. $555. Heal yourself at a deeper level while learning to help others. Remember who you are and your purpose. Gain tools of expansion. Experience shamanic practices for healing and strengthen your relationship with the Creator through ritual and ceremony. Face shadows, ancestral healing, soul retrieval, contracts, and more. Location: Online group with distance healing. Contact: hozhohealing@ or

Tuesday, September 29 DYNAMIC CONSTELLATIONS TWO FOR TUESDAYS: 10 am-5 pm. $20 for 15 minutes. Struggling with Self or Others; Personal or Business? Dynamic Constellations brings into focus what seems to be insurmountable regarding relationships, family, finance, career, and health. Bring about clarity so confusion, tension, anxiety & behavior patterns that sabotage your desired results are brought into harmony. Skype, Facebook Video. 312-945-8318 call or text. Facebook Dynamic Constellations


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In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock

Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Practical Tips and Tools to Heal Your Relationship, by Tina Gilbertson (New World Library, $17.95, Paperback) In this book, psychotherapist Tina Gilbertson shares how she counsels parents who have cut off contact with their children. She shares her techniques that are both practical and effective for just about any estrangement. Gilbertson also shares how she helps parents feel understood and empowers parents who have felt powerless, using scripts and various exercises.


How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Connected, by Jonah Paquette (Shambhala, $16.95, Paperback) We all know what it feels like to experience a breathtaking moment, but did you know that it is beneficial to your wellbeing to embrace magical moments? Jonah Paquette explains how the feeling known as “awe” has the power to transform our lives on multiple levels. Paquette discusses the many benefits of awe, including stress reduction, connection, purpose and joy. He shares over 60 practices that guide readers to embrace awe and its potential to change lives.

Meister Eckhart’s Book of Secrets: Meditations on Letting Go and Finding True Freedom, by Mark S. Burrows and Jon M. Sweeney (Hampton Roads Publishing, $16.95, Paperback) Written for contemporary spiritual seekers, this guidebook takes readers on a divine search for true freedom and connection. Translated by Mark Burrows and Jon Sweeney, the wise words of Meister Eckhart provide a roadmap to spiritual life that includes learning how to let go of what is no longer useful—including the desire to know everything. The mystic’s work has influenced that of Eckhart Tolle, Erich Fromm, Richard Rohr, and even the 20th century American Buddhist and Theosophical traditions. 28


Mindful Travelling:

Journeying the World, Discovering Yourself (Mindfulness series), by Sarah Samuel (Leaping Hare Press, $14.99, Hardcover)

There is an unlimited potential to learn about oneself and the world while travelling. This is mainly why Sarah Samuel believes intentionally planning trips is so important. Samuel explains how travelling may help us grow spiritually and discusses questions to keep in mind when planning excursions. Mindfulness exercises and prompts are included throughout the book to help readers rediscover how to stay open to life’s adventures and maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity for life.

An Energy Healer’s Book of Dying: For Caregivers and Those in Transition, by Suzanne Worthley (Findhorn Press, $14.99, Paperback) Even though death is the one thing we all have in common, many of us are unsure how to act when a loved one is making their way back to spirit. Thankfully, Suzanne Worthley provides an in-depth explanation of the nine levels of dying and how to support our loved ones through each of these stages. Furthermore, she emphasizes the importance of clearing energy blocks before the final stage and offers farewell rituals and strategies for after the death of a loved one.

Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: A Complete Guide to Your Child’s Stressed, Depressed, Expanded, Amazing Adolescence, by Dr.

John Duffy (Mango Publishing, $18.95, Paperback) With most of today’s children growing up with unlimited access to the internet, it’s no surprise that they are experiencing information from the web that they are not yet mature enough to process. This often results in depression, anxiety, lack of sense of self, and more. Dr. Duffy uses his 25 years of expertise in the field of parenting to lend advice to parents who wish to better understand how the internet may affect their children—for better or worse. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.






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