Conscious Community Magazine - April 2021

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That Will Change the Way You Look at Stress






Past Life Regression with Kasia Szumal Have you been struggling with: • Stress and Traumas • Fears • Negative Emotions • Anger • Addictions • Sexual Abuse • Anxiety, Phobias • Depression • Low Self-Esteem • Low Energy • Money Problems • Insomnia

If so, Past Life Regression could be your answer. This powerfully transformative process will take you on a journey into yourself, allowing you to open the doors to your subconscious mind, so that you can resolve the root causes of problems which you may have difficulty resolving in your conscious mind. It can help you to understand the origins of any blocks you may have from underlying life experiences and shed light on how they may influence you today. Each session is 60-90 minutes long and is conducted on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person who will assist in the session. If you are ready to resolve the cause of your problems and let go of negative emotions, fears, addictions, obsessions, and more, then call Kasia Szumal, a certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist.

847- 966-1110

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by Sue Odland



That Will Change the Way You Look at Stress

by Marianne Clyde


by Kim Chestney


for April 2021

by Donna Stellhorn






06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER Four Ways to Deal with Everyday Stress

by Kasia Szumal

07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A

Ask Alecia – April 2021

by Alecia Rice

16 ACTIVATE AND ALIGN YOUR POWER How to Unstuck Yourself

by Ania Haas

20 HEALTHY EATING Springing to Life



with Vitamin D

by Betsy Bruns

APRIL 2021 VOLUME 42, NO.8

(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)



24 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives

April 2021

by Bernadette Evans

CONNECTIONS 22 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living 27 MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest

April 2021



by Kayla Hancock


CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2021 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





oday, I would like to talk with you about the stress that more and more of us live with each day. Stress is a normal part of our lives. But, if it is kept inside our bodies for days, months, or even years, it can cause a lot of problems to our physical body and our emotional body. I’ve seen this issue with many of my Past Life Regression hypnosis clients. At first, the symptoms that emerge as we accumulate stress in our bodies may look like tiredness, stiffness in the body, weight gain or weight loss, insomnia, nightmares, or a feeling of heaviness in the body. When we do not pay attention to those symptoms or to our stress level throughout the day, it can cause more serious problems. According to WebMD, stress can cause: heart disease; depression; ulcers and other stomach problems; back, neck, and shoulder pain; asthma; obesity; diabetes; or Alzheimer’s disease. I believe in and promote prevention and keeping our bodies in good condition for our whole lives. I would like to share with you some tips to prevent the accumulation of stress in the body:


Yoga: Squeezing and stretching is a great way to remove the stress and emotions from your physical and emotional body. All types of yoga are great for your body, and you can experiment and discover the style that suits you the best. Yin yoga is the most calming, relaxing yoga that I’ve personally ever practiced. If you need more movement, try Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, or Vinyasa yoga. Also, yoga is an active meditation that will calm the mind, as well as focus and sharpen the brain.


Grounding. Go to the woods or the park. Spending time grounding in nature has an instant stress-relieving effect. Singing birds, shimmering trees, green plants, and colorful flowers all have a calming effect on the nervous system, resulting in you being present and in the “now.” Meditation: Sit quietly and feel where the stress resides in your body. When you’ve located your stress, you can release it by breathing out and release that stress to Mother Nature, then try imagining filling your body with joy and happiness. Also, you can attend Conscious Community Gathering Meditation every Wednesday at 7 p.m., CST. Click on this link, or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731 Laughing: Call or spend time with a friend who is optimistic and has a great sense of humor, and start laughing. Or, watch a comedy that makes you belly laugh. Laughter strengthens the immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh! For more about stress and how to deal with it every day, read Marianne Clyde’s article, 10 Principles That Will Change the Way You Look at Stress. Additionally, you may wish to flip to Jakeb Brock’s article, Watching and Waiting, to learn more about mindfulness, meditation, and letting go of negative patterns. Then turn to Kim Chestney’s article, Living Insightfully, to learn how to tune into your intuition and let it guide you. Wishing you a Happy Easter, a joyous Passover, and a blessed spring! The Best,

Kasia Szumal




ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice

Q: My life is chaos! I lost my job. My

boyfriend left me. I have to move, and I feel like a complete mess! It seems that my life started unraveling immediately after making a spiritual commitment to my calling. I thought I was making the right choice, but now I’m unsure and afraid. Do you have insight? — Spiritually Threadbare A: Dear Spiritually Threadbare,

Chaos is a mechanism that redistributes power—both internally and externally. It’s a change agent that’s often accompanied by its cohort—fear—due to the mystery of uncertainty. We often feel most vulnerable and afraid when chaos is stirring because it keeps our egos and nervous systems on high alert due to constant change. This is happening in the current collective as well as on the individual level. As above, so below. When life gets chaotic and painful, we often think we’re doing something wrong, not realizing that we’re being dismantled and rearranged for a higher purpose. This may happen after going through a major shift, like aligning with our soul’s purpose. Shifts often create an energetic reverberation across all areas of our lives. When internal and external circumstances become really severe, it’s called the “dark night of the soul.” On our way to relocating closer to our next spiritual gig, course corrections can be challenging to navigate while

disentangling from the tight knots of previous choices and relationships that don’t serve us anymore. This unraveling of life circumstances sometimes brings with it the companions of pain, inconvenience, and loneliness which can cause us to question if we’re making a bad choice. We’ve been conditioned to view difficulty as doing something “wrong,” but remember, difficulty in the outside world doesn’t always directly reflect the purpose of the inside world. Sometimes it’s merely energetic realignment. This is where spiritual maturity comes in. As we’re asked to dig deeper to discern what’s true for us, an internal “knowing” arises which helps us to recognize where we’re in alignment and out of alignment. Continue to seek those internal clues to better discern whether you’re being spiritually revitalized, or if you are still out of alignment with your purpose. Q: I’ve changed over the last sev-

eral years. Never before would I have wished anything bad on someone else, but ashamedly, that’s not true anymore. I’m so angry that I’ve wished bad things would happen to others to make it go away. How do I keep from letting the current climate change who I am? — Who Is This Person? A: Dear Who Is This Person?,

If we pay close attention, many of us can find at least some subtle, if not

extreme, changes in ourselves over the last few years. The day-to-day tone of division on television and social media combined with the pandemic separation can have a strong impact on us if we don’t wrap ourselves with constant awareness. It’s a full-time, conscious job that’s not easy. As we consider the changes we might see in ourselves, it’s important to pay close attention to where our triggers and emotions come from. What content are we engaging in that gets our hackles up and makes us want to strike? If we’re aware of this, then we can start to question ourselves as to what’s actually triggering us. At first blush, it often feels like the issues lie with others. When we look further, it’s our uncomfortable feelings of fear and uncertainty that we want to go away. Unfortunately, projecting onto and blaming others is a lot easier than taking responsibility and trying to change ourselves. But once we are accountable for our fear, then we have something with which to work. We only have control of ourselves and can dig in to heal the root(s) of that fear. Once the fear has been neutrally seen, worked with, and healed, we won’t feel the need to strike at others because we’ve nurtured our inner peace. Healing our inner fears and wounds holds triggers at bay, and if there’s some residue left, we keep walking the spiral of the medicine wheel to heal it over time. Don’t let the outside world alter your inner world. When difficulty abounds, go deeper into your inner well to be peaceful on the inside, regardless of what’s happening on the outside. Alecia Rice is a Spiritual Alchemist and a personal advisor for those ready to unravel their issues with conscious choices. She offers grounded perspectives for energy management and sage insights in columns, videos and podcasts. Visit for more information. Submit personal questions and quandaries to alecia@ WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




There are many schools of meditation, but interestingly, they all take us to the same place. This place might be described as a state of stillness or relaxation, wherein our spiritual consciousness rises to the forefront of our awareness. It is like a landscape—a vast, wide-open, endless plateau—where being supersedes doing. The only things we find ourselves doing in this place are watching and waiting. From our plateau of being, it’s as if we have a bird’s-eye view of our inner realm. Little by little, we begin to discern inner activity that we may not have noticed before—thoughts and emotions that have been going on all along but without us paying much attention to them. This process is like shining a light into the dark hidden crevices of our psyche. That is why it is called “enlightenment.” It is also a process whereby we make the inner activities that have been happening unconsciously, conscious. We often refer to it under the broad heading: “consciousness.” 8


It is not long before this kind of watching (or observation of our inner workings) becomes second nature to us. It becomes a familiar process that requires little effort or discipline on our part. We click into it and go from there. Not only can it be an interesting and fascinating pastime; it can even be fun. There is an element of growth, progress, and positive discovery about it that we find strengthening and energizing. It is especially edifying when we come to recognize a particularly troublesome old pattern of thought or emotion—one that has been at work within us for so long that it has come to define an aspect of our personality. (For example, if it involves anger or jealousy, others come to look at us as if we’re angry or jealous.) Not only do we recognize that it has come to define us, but we also see that it has been controlling us. We come to understand that observing and recognizing inner workings such as these, and bringing them into the light of consciousness, can have a profoundly liberating effect. That is why we often feel exhilarated when this happens. It is as if the

simple act of watching has become a power in our lives. It does not require too much of us and can bring wonderful results. The second part of our meditative doing—waiting—might prove to be a little more challenging for us. It can be just as rewarding as watching. But, it is generally more difficult for us to practice and benefit from. Watching is something that we human beings can do simply as an act of our will. It is a natural human function and comes relatively easy for us. But, the ability to wait is in many ways a gift of grace. Waiting does not come naturally for us and is not something we generally like or choose to do. It is also a spiritual quality—one that involves those difficult conceptual realities of faith, belief, and trust. When we practice waiting, we must also believe and trust that the spiritual infusion we are waiting for is a real power and not merely imaginary or hoped-for. One of the things that watching accomplishes is a sort of emptying of our psyche’s content. It exposes our unwanted thoughts and emotions, which causes them to lose steam and gradually drop away. It is the unconscious hidden aspect of their operation that energizes them and lends them a degree of tenacity. When our watchful presence exposes them, they tend to become disoriented and lose that edge of tenacity. At that point, it is not long before they disappear. Like kids playing a game that no longer feels fun to them, these old unconscious patterns of thought and emotion, once exposed by the light of consciousness, no longer find what they have been doing very appealing. They quit the game altogether. Gradually, as we persist in our practice of mindfulness, our inner world becomes more and more emptied and stillness ensues. It is as if those old disturbing patterns of thought and emotion had been occupying a lot of space in our psyche, and when they vacate there is a vacuum that is created. It is at this point that waiting will come into prominence in our experience. We intuitively realize that we can’t refill that newly created vacuum inside of us with just any content. To do so would be inviting the old toxic patterns of thought and emotion to come back in and control us again. We also gain the vision that the fresh new content we are yearning for must be life-affirming and powerful; it must be inspiring and elevating; it must be healing and electrifying, and it must be eternal and holy. In short, it must be divine. Otherwise, there is little point in practicing mindfulness and emptying ourselves of those old negative mental patterns. We learn to wait rather than to take matters into our own hands. What are we waiting for? Often we are not sure. Something inside of us tells us that there is goodness and power inherent in this universe—spiritual goodness and divine power. If we can just be patient, they will come to us. It does not take long before we discover that taking this posture of waiting can be a little tricky and even debilitating. While we wait for the divine life to fill us, we find that we are confronted with many of our old systems of belief and must wade through them, sort them out and even revamp them, to be able to keep waiting gracefully. It is not uncommon for this predicament to effectuate an entire reexamining of our belief • 630-945-7356




systems. It may even spur a crisis of faith, in which we find ourselves wondering if universal divinity even exists. The problem involves the fact that once we have proceeded to empty ourselves through the practice of mindfulness or watching, nothing happens immediately. There we are, empty and waiting to be filled, but that filling does not necessarily take place according to our desire and timetable. We know better than to panic and try to fill the void ourselves, but at the same time, we will probably be asking ourselves: “What’s happening here? I have done the emptying out, now where is the promised filling?” The only answer that comes is: “You have to be patient and learn to wait.” We think it should happen instantly, but the universe has its own intelligence about such matters. It knows us better than we know ourselves. The temptation will be to try to make things happen in our own strength. That is why waiting can trigger a crisis of faith for us. Not only are we being called upon to wait and be patient, but we must also trust that there is something inherent in our universe’s created workings that will eventually fill us with the divine essence. Moreover, there are very few of us that have had recourse to nurture this kind of faith in our pasts. Our lives in this world have invariably been lived from a stance of Darwinian self-reliance. That is what we were taught to do from the day of our birth. But now our emptying process has demanded that we learn to wait and trust in a higher power—an unseen power that is greater than ourselves. We want to believe that such a power exists, but the actual hands-on trust element can prove elusive for us. Therefore, the posture of waiting may present us with a difficult challenge. It may cause us to search our hearts afresh about our long-held belief system. We may find ourselves asking questions such as these: Is there really a life force inherent in our universe that operates in this capacity and fills human beings with new divine content once they have emptied themselves of all the lifeless human stuff? And if so, what is it like? How do we recognize it? How can we know with certainty when this filling has taken place? These are valid questions that need truthful answers—answers that are there for the finding. The real dilemma for us is not grasping the answers; it is whether or not the answers will satisfy us. If the truth about the divine life and its operation does not line up with what we have previously thought or believed and if we are attached to those old beliefs, then we may face a roadblock up ahead. It is absolutely within our capability to learn the truth about the divine, but we have to be willing to let go of the untruths we’ve been clinging to. The good news is that there is a divine life force operating in our universe. The bad news is that it is not very easy for us to comprehend or relate to it. The divine life force is purely spiritual while we tend to be overly pragmatic, and at times, unspiritual. The divine life is quiet and unassuming while we, based on our former egoic orientation, might be looking for high drama and irrefutable signs. So even if we believe that such a life force exists, we often have trouble accepting how it operates and what it is like. 10


This universal divine life force is the essence of all that we call spiritual. It is the source of all spirituality. It might seem foreign to us. Humans tend to be forceful and imposing, but the Spirit does not force its way in. It never goes where it is not welcome. Humans tend to view everything through the lens of personalization, but the Spirit is strictly impersonal. So we come to find that the Spirit operates not according to whim or caprice but rather according to absolute immutable scientific principles. It does not judge whether we are deserving or worthy of interacting with the divine. Rather, it waits until we have fulfilled every requirement of receptivity and then moves according to a completely predictable pattern. What this means is that the promised filling we are waiting for happens with or without our efforts. It is not dependent upon the words we might utter in prayer or how we worship. Rather, it happens strictly based on universal law or principle. That is why waiting eventually pays off. According to universal law, our filling is activated by nothing more than the emptying of our psyche. Since the Spirit is better attuned than we are to recognizing when this emptying has been sufficiently accomplished, there may be more that we need to do in this arena. That is why we find ourselves waiting. It is not that the spiritual principle of emptying and refilling is faulty; it is simply that the conditions of our emptying must be just so. Then once we have made the necessary corrections, the filling will take place…just as morning follows night or summer follows spring. Another difficulty for us is that sometimes the filling takes place according to universal law, but we don’t recognize it as such. This usually happens because we were expecting something else to happen. It may be that we had our sights set on a more dramatic demonstration. This can be an almost comical predicament, as we continue to wait even when there is nothing left to wait for. So, how do we know for certain when the filling has taken place? This is where faith and trust come in. We must have faith in the universe’s immutable created workings and principles. We must trust that if we do our part and align ourselves correctly, the promised filling will invariably take place—whether we recognize it as having done so or not. As we do this, it will not be long before we begin to sense and discern the change in our inner realm. The more we exercise this sixth sense, the more adept we will become at recognizing the Spirit’s activity and influence. Our meditative activities of watching and waiting will have accomplished everything that they were intended to do. We will soon find ourselves moving regularly in the power of the Spirit, as it fills our vessel so full that it begins to flow outward from within us and thereby benefit others. Jakeb Brock is a spiritual teacher and the author of The New Consciousness: What Our World Needs Most. Visit or

ORGANIC GARDENING by Sue Odland Spring rains recede while sunshine warms the earth, and the time has come to plant a garden. This affordable, enjoyable activity brings fresh, flavorful offerings directly from nature to table. Developing the basic skills needed to grow your own food will always be in style. This season, turn off the TV and computer screens, take the family outside, and connect to Mother Earth. Here are some simple steps to create a successful, productive garden: Step 1: Pick a space with 6-8 hours of full sun to encourage strong plant growth and development. It can be an in-ground backyard garden, a raised bed, patio containers, or a community-shared garden. Measure the chosen space and keep the dimensions in mind when purchasing your plants or seeds. Step 2: Choose what you will use. Grow what you like to eat. Hone in on flavor favorites that you will enjoy growing, harvesting, and preparing. This can be a deliciously daunting task. From Brandywine tomatoes to Malabar spinach to Egyptian Walking Onions, the varieties are endless. Know your tastes and your space before you buy. For greater success, choose starter plants, especially for warmweather vegetables like tomatoes and peppers. If you’d like to grow from seed, try easy-to-grow vegetables, including beets, peas, beans, radishes, potatoes, and onions. Choose organic, non-GMO, heirloom varieties whenever possible for better flavor, and less chemical exposure. Purchase plants and seeds at the local garden center, nursery, or online. Step 3: Bring it all together. If using raised beds and patio containers, find a good organic soil mix at your local garden center or nursery and fill your container of choice. For different ideas on easy and inexpensive DIY raised beds, visit: For an in-ground garden, prepare the garden bed by loosening the soil and adding organic material like compost or dried leaves. Amending soil with organic matter will provide a strong foundation in which plants will grow and thrive. To test if the garden is ready for planting, pick up a handful of soil and squeeze it in your hand. If it crumbles and falls apart easily, it is ready. If it forms a small muddy ball, the soil needs more time to warm up and dry out.

If the chosen space is covered in grass, try this easy no-dig method. First, lay cardboard over the desired area. Then cover the cardboard with several inches of grass clippings, shredded leaves, bark, or weed-free straw. This mulch will keep pesky weeds at bay and hold precious moisture in the ground, thus reducing the need to water so often when your garden is established. In a few weeks’ time, cut straight through the cardboard to reveal soil ready for planting. Use a small hand trowel to break through the mulch and cardboard to create designated planting spots. Then add a few scoops of compost into each newly opened spot for plants or seeds. Step 4: Place the plants or seeds in the soil. Check labels or online for proper planting depth and spacing. Before placing plants in the ground, «tickle» their root system at the bottom of the plant to encourage the roots to stretch out after being so tightly wound in the plastic pots. After planting in the ground or container, give each plant a good soak. Do not spray water on the top of the plant; instead aim the water toward the plant’s base to soak the roots. Check the moisture level of your garden soil every few days. Spend some time each week communing with your new garden. Pick off bugs at first sight. Stake up fast growing veggie stalks and vines. Research organic pest control practices online. Once fruits and vegetables are ripe, simply pick, rinse, prepare, and serve. Remember to donate extra offerings to a local food pantry or church to help your neighbors in need. Raising your own fruits and vegetables is rewarding, enjoyable, and nothing short of miraculous. Find a few moments this month to put down the remote and pick up a garden tool for health and independence. Sue Odland is a freelance writer and Midwestern gardener. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




That Will Change the Way You Look at Stress by Marianne Clyde What do we do when it looks like the world is going to hell in a hand-basket? We change our focus. Not by putting our head in the sand, but by strengthening our own internal locus of control. So that rather than become part of the problem, we become the solution. The world is groaning for strong capable leaders. Leaders who are strong and compassionate, grounded and wise. Leaders who know better than to jump into the firestorm with everyone else just because “everyone else is doing it.” Leaders that are equipped with skills to enable them to pull others out of the firestorm and lead them in a more productive direction. We can’t do that if we are reacting to anger with anger, hate with hate, accusation with accusation. We must be able to display a strength that can’t be uprooted when the winds of circumstances whip all around us. We become the safe place in the storm. How can we do this? There are 10 simple-to-understand and easy-to-implement principles, that, if practiced on a regular basis, will strengthen your sense of self and sharpen the wisdom that already dwells within you. You will be able to respond instead of react, and be the voice of reason when chaos begins to ensue.



We cannot change all external stressors. They will continue to come. People will continue to have opinions—strong opinions— and continue to be unreasonable. Illness and strife will happen around you. But that doesn’t mean you have to be knocked off balance by any of that. You can be the leader you know you are called to be. How? 1. Connect with your creator on a regular basis, through meditation, prayer, and awareness of your connection to all that is. If you can’t do 20 or 30 minutes twice a day, start with 10 minutes. If you can’t do that, do two minutes in the shower or at a stoplight. But start quieting your spirit and learning to listen to the wisdom within you. It’s there, but it doesn’t shout; it whispers. 2. Know your true identity. By connecting to the wisdom within, you begin to see that you are one with your creator. All that love and joy and peace, all that kindness and creativity and abundance, that’s who you are. That’s your true nature, and when you are happiest. 3. Nurture awareness. You begin to become aware that while you may experience negative emotions, that is not who you are. You will begin to realize that when

you dwell on anger, hatred, and fear, you stir up stress within your body that creates physical health issues as well and mental health problems. You learn to discern where someone else’s anger starts and yours ends. 4. Just breathe. When you are stressed or experiencing strong negative emotions, just stop for a moment and take a deep breath. When you are angry or fearful or hateful, your heart beats fast and your breathing gets shallow, and the oxygen is not able to circulate properly in your body. Your IQ even actually goes down—not a great way to make good decisions. 5. Respect. When you begin to respect yourself fully, you will be better equipped to respect others, treating them as individuals, and seeing them for whom they are… not just labeling them according to race and gender, nationality, or sexual preference.






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6. Practice gratitude on a regular basis. When you are tempted to slide down the slippery slope of anger, blame, and/or reactiveness, stop for a second and think of three things for which to be grateful in the situation. Each day, think of things to be thankful for as you wake in the morning and go to sleep at night. It will help you sleep better because you are programming your mind and body for peace and joy.

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7. Limit judgments. Judgmental people are negative. Criticism and judgment comes from a false sense of superiority and creates an unhealthy stress response in the body.


8. Detach from unnecessary drama. Stop reacting to anger with anger and to hate with hate. Take a deep breath and detach. It will give you a minute to develop a thoughtful response that leads to better productivity. 9. Communicate effectively. Make no assumptions about what others know or should know. Tell people what you need. Share calmly how their actions made you feel. Ask for what you need. It just saves time, aggravation, and misunderstanding. 10. Forgive quickly. Don’t hold onto grudges, even if what they did was wrong. Forgiveness doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse bad behavior. It just allows you to release the burden of hate and revenge. These simple principles take focus and persistence, yet they can change your life and your view of the world. The world needs you to be the leader you are called to be. You’ve got this! Marianne Clyde, LMFT, best selling author of Zentivity™: How to Eliminate Chaos Stress and Discontent in Your Workplace and founder of the award winning Marianne Clyde Center for Holistic Psychotherapy and Be the Change Foundation.

Our Advertising Deadline for the May 2021 Issue is April 10, 2021.

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LIVING INSIGHTFULLY by Kim Chestney To live intuitively means honoring our inner voice over the voice of the world. Once we realize that we can trust our Self above all others, we live our lives differently. We make our choices differently. We aspire differently. We understand one another differently. We experience the world in a whole new way. When we follow our intuition, we participate in something that touches the depth of our being—something more profound than we know. We become extraordinary by making intuition an ordinary part of life, by relying on it so much that it becomes second nature. With every step of the way guided by higher insight, we are more aligned with our success, happiness, and personal growth. As more and more people around the world do this, we begin to normalize intuition. Any and all of us can use our intuition to improve all aspects of our lives. Intuition should be a normal part of life because learning to use your intuition is no different than learning to use your intellect. Intelligence and intuition are two sides of the same coin. When they work together, they create an extraordinary mind. We go to school to get smarter, so why shouldn’t we go to school to become more intuitive? Now that we are learning more about the 14


way intuition works, we can embrace new opportunities to rebalance the two complementary aspects of our cognitive nature. This revolutionary union of once-seeming opposites—bringing the thinking mind and the intuiting mind together—reflects the fusion that will define life in the years ahead. With this togetherness, we become wiser and more insightful as a collective people. With intuition in the mix, we move deeper into the experience of life and the connected awareness that unites us all. When we create a culture of intuition, we create a culture of unity, of inclusivity, of the interconnected human experience.

BEYOND MINDFULNESS INTO INSIGHTFULNESS In recent years, the practices of mindfulness, presence, and meditation have become the cornerstones of our culture and personal development. The power of being still has become a crucial counterpoint to the busy world in which we live today. In the stillness, we find our peace, but it is also in the stillness that we find our power.

To be mindful is to be aware. It is an awareness of life, an awakening from our unconscious habits, thoughts, and actions. Living consciously, we embody a new sense of presence in all we do—with an ability to fully embrace each moment. In the ever-present now, we escape the traps of the mind—habitual judgment, relentless thinking, fear. We move out of the constant flow of thought into the quiet space between those thoughts— the stillness. But the stillness is not empty; extraordinary things await there. In the silence of your quieted mind—the space between thoughts—the voice of intuition arrives. The stillness speaks. Only in the place of “no-mind” can you hear your intuition. The thinking mind is a bully; only when it settles down can your inner wisdom get through to gently touch you. Whether in meditation, in the shower, or during a walk in the woods, insight draws close when the critical mind is far away.

RADICAL INSIGHT Here, in the mindful place of peace, you can receive your greatest power—the extraordinary insight of higher awareness. First, we become mindful. Then we become insightful. Presence is the gateway to insight, insight leads us to the truth. All wisdom and creativity emerge from the still, quiet gap between your thoughts. This is why stillness, the silence of meditation, is not the final destination for those of us who are still at work in the world. We are not ready to retreat to the mountaintops; we still have work to do. We have a world to change. We have a life to live and a spirit to evolve. We can be, but we still have to do.

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This is not an either/or situation. Like Yin and Yang, our fulfillment comes with the union of complementary forces— the balance of existence and experience, of awareness and actualization. The completeness of our human condition requires us to be both mindful and insightful, to be aware and to become more aware. Insight brings the gift of more awareness. In the refuge of stillness, intuition is your guide. The practices of meditation and conscious living enable you to move into the calm center of your being. Then what? Out of the tranquility, your inner voice calls you to what’s next: the next thought that will change the way you understand your life, the next idea that will improve it, the next action you can take to further elevate your consciousness. Real illumination comes from both contemplative stillness and inspired action—the two complementary paths to enlightenment. Kim Chestney is the author of Radical Intuition. A globally recognized innovation leader and the founder of Intuition Lab, her work has been featured or supported by leadingedge organizations including SXSW Interactive, Carnegie Mellon University, Comcast and Hewlett-Packard. She lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Visit her online at This is an excerpt from the book, Radical Intuition. Copyright ©2020 by Kim Chestney. Printed with permission from New World Library, WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



[ A C T I VAT E A N D A L I G N Y O U R P O W E R ]


It’s Monday morning. You open your eyes and realize that you are again in the same reality, in the same home with the same people and the same problems. You’ve had enough. You are dragging yourself out of bed, starting your day and the only thing you want to do is to escape somewhere far away, maybe to an island, the mountains, or somewhere else in nature. Sound familiar? Before taking steps to get “unstuck,” let me help you to understand that the feeling of “stuck” is connected to you on the inside, not to other people or the problems that you’re tired of. Since you are feeling stuck, you project your internal state onto other people, events and your work, making the outside responsible for how you feel. It’s not the outside that makes you feel anxious, emotional, or depressed; it’s something on the inside of you that makes you feel this way. Know that the more you put yourself into a passive and unresourceful state, the more you feel stuck and victimized. It goes further. The more you alienate yourself, the less you want to accomplish, and the more you escape into your own world and feel stuck. This is a closed cycle; you can’t escape it by playing the same game. Instead, you must break free from it. The only way from this passive, frustrating state (water element) is to get into an active state (fire element). You can get there when you light up your inner fire and get in touch with your passions, goals, and life’s purpose. This inner fire can give you the power to jump out of the dense energy of your stuck state. In this fire energy, instead of feeling alone, you will find others who resonate with this higher frequency. This new vibration gives excitement and motivation to act—to finally get things done. I know that when you are in a stuck state, you feel lost, incapable, fearful, and alone. Until you decide to shake it off, you will return to this state over and over again…feeling lost. There is no better time than now to take a cool shower. Let it cleanse you. Let go of all the old stories and limiting beliefs and get in touch with your core—with who you really are. Be honest with yourself and feel what you would like to feel, do, and accomplish. Don’t think about how it will come… surrender fully into the excitement of creating something new. Sometimes, it involves feeling angry with yourself. Let yourself 16


release it. Let the fire element burn it out and create space for the new you. Imagine yourself acting according to a new vision of yourself. Make this vision of yourself active, bright, and big. Visualize yourself feeling cheerful, happy, fulfilled, and doing the things you like to do. Create a picture of yourself in your mind. Imagine how you look, what kind of words you use and who is around you. The more details you can imagine the better. For the best results, perform this visualization at least twice each day during the two most powerful times of day which are when you open your eyes and while you’re falling asleep. When you visualize yourself, add words to the picture; tell yourself out loud or in your mind that you are independent, resourceful, strong, beautiful, and capable. Remind yourself how much you love yourself. Tell yourself everything you’ve ever needed to hear from someone else. This is a very wonderful and empowering practice. While you are performing your visualizations daily and taking active steps to accomplish your goals, you will notice how quickly your stuck state disappears. Energy can be transformed by a mental shift, choice, and/or adjustment of vibration. Know that only you can make decisions about your life, and when you do, take charge. You got this! Ania Haas, M.S. is a psychologist, a holistic life and business coach and an expert in the body and mind connection. Ania is known for helping others to achieve their goals, clear emotional blockages and find clarity in life. Visit www.mindfulwaystudio. com and Share your experience or send questions to

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THE NEW FULL MOON for April 2021

by Donna Stellhorn


Hello everyone! I hope you’re safe and well. On March 28, there is a Full Moon in Libra—putting the focus on relationships of all kinds. You can attract new friendships, collaborate with others, and form business partnerships. There’s also an emphasis on finding balance or recognizing the areas where you do not have balance, such as between work and leisure or giving and receiving. People often think of Libra as being soft and easy-going, but this energy can be confrontational. There are times this month where you are walking sideby-side with someone. There are also times where it’s a chess game, and you’re matching moves and trying to win.

and you’re able to access the opportunity. This could take the form of getting an appointment with an expert medical practitioner or finding the natural cure you’ve been looking for.

On the day of the Libra Full Moon, the Sun, Chiron and Venus in Aries oppose the moon, and this brings the potential for healing energy. A method of healing yourself physically, emotionally, or spiritually may be revealed. Suddenly what you were looking for becomes available,

April 11 brings the New Moon in Aries. This energy focuses on self-care and connections. You might start an exercise program, change your hairstyle, or reach out to others to collaborate. During this time, you might find that you’re more confident. This is useful as you could


In April, the North Node will trine Saturn, creating harmony this month between the two. Saturn represents your expertise and the experience gained through hard work and diligence. The North node represents your life path—your soul’s journey. You may find that you end up working on what you needed to get done. These are likely practical skills, ranging from using specific computer programs to how to work a circular saw or how to fix a leaky faucet.

be quite busy during the second half of the month. On April 15, Venus enters Taurus and Mars trines Jupiter, providing a burst of creative energy. This is a great day to focus on enjoyable pursuits—since you’ve already finished your taxes. April 17 has Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, and the Moon all at 26 degrees, and the Sun is a mere one degree away (at 27 degrees). So, April 17 could be an exceptionally busy, frenetic day. Schedule your time thoughtfully and use extra care on the road as there may be many distracted drivers. And finally, on April 26, there is the Full Moon in Scorpio, so focus your energy on power and the ability to let go. We’ll talk more about this next month.

Aries This month, the energy is focused on relationships. You will likely meet a new friend. You may consider collaborating on a

business venture together though you have different ideas of what that would look like. Money from your career looks quite strong, and you may receive a new job or a raise at your current job. You may receive a visit or plan to visit a sibling or cousin. You’ll likely gain a new piece of technology, however, you may not have time this month to fully access its capabilities.

many areas. There is wedding energy around you. You might be getting engaged or getting an invitation to a friend’s nuptials. Revenue is flowing in, and your investments look profitable. It’s a good idea to look at phone and computer automated backup systems this month. A supervisor may agree to give you a letter of recommendation.

group. There is an abundance of friends and good times with your sweetheart. You can have exceptionally good luck with money matters, including asking for a raise or securing some large sales. Be careful about miscommunications or accidentally sending a group text. You may be shopping for a vehicle this month and get a good deal.




It’s wise to find some time to rest this month. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends, so leisure time is advised. There’s a surprise romantic connection with someone quite different than you are. You can do very well financially this month with one or more additional sources of income. You may be purchasing a new communication device or camera you’ve had your eye on. A supervisor is ready to compliment your work but also has more responsibilities in store for you.

Virgo native, this is a strong financial month for you. There are opportunities for you to gain more income as well as to access low-interest credit or government-backed loans. There’s some very romantic energy that could lead to some exciting intimate moments. In general, this is a busy month for you. You may be doing extra duties at work because someone is out on leave. You can eliminate a bad habit this month by creating a system or adjusting your environment so it supports your success.

This month, your career is highlighted, and you can gain a new job or better position. This is also a good time to start a business at home. You and your significant other are more unified, agreeing on some important matters, especially around a large purchase. Consider giving yourself a written budget or a new savings plan. There is an investment opportunity offered to you, but it will require serious investigation. You may start a new exercise program involving running or cycling.




Adventure and romance are highlighted this month. Someone who has been a friend may become much more. In general, your circle of friends is expanding as you get involved with a group of people with shared interests. You can do particularly well financially if you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone. Education requires your attention either for yourself or your children. You may be tutoring your kids or picking out a college. With the absence of a supervisor, you may be putting in more hours.

Libra native, this is your full moon, and so you are in the spotlight. This is an excellent time to look for love or to re-establish friendships that may have fallen by the wayside. Other people will go out of their way to give you support. Use caution when spending, or there will be much more going out than coming in. You may be finishing school or taking an accelerated course. This is also a good time to test for a professional license. There’s a lot of energy around children, and fertility energy is strong.

Learning and teaching are in the spotlight this month. It could be that you are finishing up a semester of school or helping your kids get through their classes. You may be planning a trip to see a special someone or taking a mini-vacation with your sweetheart. You have excellent financial prospects this month and are likely to receive more than usual. There’s a lot of creative energy now with writing or playing music. Someone you trust tries to boost your confidence. It would be good to believe them.




Your home life is in the spotlight this month. Some changes in your career may bring some changes at home. Additionally, you may be moving in with your sweetheart or renovating a house together. You can make more money this month, but it generally involves more effort or hours. You may be quite focused on saving money. Cancer native, it’s a good idea to look at recurring costs and see what can be eliminated. You’re quite noticeable over the next few weeks—especially in social media circles.

This is a good month to focus on getting quality sleep or on learning how to meditate. Single Scorpio natives may fall in love with someone who surprises and delights you. There is money to be made; however, currently, your interests lie in doing something else. You may turn down a financial opportunity. There’s a lot of emphasis on paperwork and getting records straight. You may be spending more time at home, or you’re working on the house. A relative may ask for a big favor requiring your signature.

Pisces native, there are many resources available to you this month. You may receive money from several different sources. A love from your past may knock on your door either for romance or to re-establish a friendship. There’s a lot of activity at home, and some repairs to an air-conditioner or window might be needed. Volunteering for something could saddle you with much more responsibility than you were expecting. You may disagree with a neighbor regarding a boundary.



The month of April puts a lot of attention on communication with others and how you talk to yourself. Shifting your inner dialogue to the positive will help you in

Sagittarius native, you could be getting involved with a cause, charity, or professional organization this month. Or, you could be starting your own Meetup

Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, a Feng Shui expert and the author of 16 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram @donnastellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]

SPRINGING TO LIFE with Vitamin D by Betsy Bruns I have a confession to make. I’ve been overdosing on vitamin D all winter. How does one get extreme doses of the sunshine hormone? One way is spending lots of time outside in the light. Five to fifteen minutes of midday sun exposure can be enough to meet many people’s vitamin D needs. That is the other part of my confession. I’ve been wintering in our Florida bungalow, walking, biking, and paddling outside for much more than 15 minutes each day. I must admit, it’s been nice— except that I didn’t even see snow this winter. 20


Sunshine indulgence is not without its effects. The immune system greatly benefits from healthy doses of vitamin D, which is not just a vitamin. Vitamin D is a hormone the kidneys produce that controls blood calcium concentration and elevates the immune system. Our friends at The Physicians Committee tell us that vitamin D consumption and supplementation may reduce the risk for viral infections, including respiratory tract infections, by reducing the production of proinflammatory compounds in the body. Increased vitamin D in the blood has been linked to the prevention of

chronic diseases including tuberculosis, hepatitis, and cardiovascular disease. Food sources of vitamin D include mushrooms, fortified cereals, plant-based milk substitutes, and supplements. As we emerge from what some have called a dark winter, and bounce into the season of renewal—ripe with opportunities to enjoy nature—we might feel like we are springing to life. Wishing you all a beautiful spring and Easter to those who celebrate. May the recipes I share with you liven up your holiday tables!



Makes 4 servings All mushrooms contain some vitamin D, but mushrooms have a distinctive ability to increase vitamin D amounts with UV light or sunlight exposure. Like humans, mushrooms naturally produce vitamin D following exposure to sunlight or a sunlamp. For the maximum amount of nutrition, eat the darker varieties. This dish is a cross between Thai drunken noodles and stroganoff. I was recently inspired to create this recipe when I had leftover lasagna noodles, lots of portabellas in the fridge and not much else. 8 ounces of pre-cooked noodles (I cut leftover lasagna noodles into strips.) 1 medium onion, chopped 8 ounces of mushrooms, chopped (about 4 portabella mushroom caps) 3 garlic cloves, chopped (3 teaspoons minced garlic) 1 cup warm vegetable broth in a medium jar or bowl 3 tablespoons liquid aminos 1 tablespoon cornstarch or arrowroot powder 1 teaspoon ground sage 1 teaspoon basil ½ teaspoon pepper Salt to taste, optional Vegan sour cream, optional Heat vegetable broth and liquid aminos in a small sauté pan or add to a medium bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Whisk in the cornstarch or arrowroot powder until it has dissolved. Then add the sage, basil, pepper and salt, if using. Set aside.





Testimonials QUICK RICE PUDDING** Makes 4 servings This is not only a wholesome sweet treat, the fortified soy milk in this recipe will boost the sunshine you hold inside. 1 ½ cups plain or vanilla soy milk 1 teaspoon cornstarch or arrowroot powder 2 cups cooked brown rice ¼ cup maple syrup 1/3 cup raisins ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon almond extract Pour soy milk into a medium saucepan and add the cornstarch or arrowroot powder. Add the rice, maple syrup, raisins, and cinnamon, and cook over medium heat. Cook the rice pudding for three minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and add the vanilla and almond extracts. Serve hot or cold. Top the pudding with sliced bananas for extra flavor and nutrition.

In a large sauté pan, cook onions for three to four minutes or until softened. Add the mushrooms and cook for a few more minutes. Stirring often, add the seasoned broth and cook down until the liquid evaporates. Once the vegetables have caramelized, add the cooked noodles and mix thoroughly.

Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (, as well as an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit

Serve with vegan sour cream, if using. (It adds creaminess, but I skipped this option.)

*Recipe and photo by Betsy Bruns. **Recipe and photo from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (

I love the up-to-date articles on where the vibrations of earth events are going. The information is truly given by forwardthinking individuals seeking an enlightened lifestyle. Also, the magazine provides a great forum where you can find practitioners, education, and events that are consciousness-based. — Ellie Stewart, Pathways To Light

Your readers seem avidly interested in spiritual products and services that heal and transform. We’ve had a great response to our ads with you over the years. Thanks!! — Phyllis Light, PhD. Owner of, Austin TX

Conscious Community Magazine has been an amazing networking resource for me, as it has helped to put me in touch with spiritually astute clients and students who are able to benefit fully from my services. — Sava Wolf, Clairvoyant Reader




BUSINESS Directory

AROMATHERAPY LINDA SCHULTZ, CERTIFIED AROMATHERAPIST, Ancient Origins Aromatherapy, Energy and chakra assessments. Custom essential oil blends for all types of issues and chakra balancing. Phone consultations possible. Packages available. Specialty Egyptian oils available. Chicago, IL. Call: 630-863-1029.

BODYWORK ANGELIC Healing Ada Swanson LMT, offers holistic bodywork from massage & reflexology to reiki, chakra balancing & intuitive reading, to help bring your body into balance. Servicing Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin. 800 Main St., Suite 14, Antioch, IL 60002. Contact: facebook. com/ or call 262-581-3606. SHARON M. VOGEL, CLT, LMT, LC, BCTMB, Clinic Director of National Lymphatic Centers. With 27 years in business, I am referred to by Juneo Clinic practitioners, national surgeons, physicians, and patients. The practitioners at NLC care for you with Myofascial release, Craniofascial, Lymph Drainage, Oncology Mas22


sage, and much more. 5002 Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515. www.lymphatics. net, 630-241-4100.

ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Contact: http://www.multiDtherapies. com, or 224-293-2373.

ENERGY MEDICINE AND CELLULAR HEALING CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact:, or 608-359-4720.

HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education

center. Infinity offers Courses For Life,® providing you with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24 hours a day: Infinity Foundation or 847-831-8828.

HYPNOTHERAPIST KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a certified Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each session is 60-90 minutes on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, and feelings, and want to resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine at 847-966-1110, and leave a message, or email Kasia at

PAST LIFE REGRESSION KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a certified Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each session is 60-90 minutes on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, and feelings, and want to resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine at 847-966-1110, and leave a message, or email Kasia at PAST LIFE REGRESSION with Gloria De Pietro. Regressed clients are released from the karmic wheel to resolve old patterns and a spirit that attaches to your energy field. It is a very healing process and freeing process from any lingering karma and/or residue. Appointments M - F, 9 - 5. $100.00 - $250.00. Sessions are online. 917-215-1179,

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICIATE: WEDDINGS & OTHER TRANSITIONAL EVENTS. Ordained non-denominational minister officiates at transitional events (weddings, baptisms, funerals, birth rites, etc.). For further information on personally-tailored, magical and intimate experiences, contact Theresa Puskar. www.theresa or 630-272-1805.

PSYCHICS PSYCHIC INTUITIVE READER My name is Michelle Gray, and I am a Psychic Intuitive Reader. I give accurate, descriptive readings and help to validate relationships and career decisions including intimate, family, and associations plus career and financial goals. Contact:, https://www. or 630-854-3175. BOTANICA - Open daily from 8 am – 11 pm. Solve all problems. Psychic Energy, Psychic life coach, Chakra balancing, Reiki, Ordained oracle, Divination, Denomination, Supplier of crystals, candles and oils. Readings in person, phone, emails, also parties. Free parking. Contact: 773-664-3620 or 773-202-7062.

WEIGHT CONTROL WEIGHT OUT OF CONTROL? MEDICAL HYPNOTISM can help you renegotiate your relationship to food. Backed by outcomes research and a long history of success. Visit us at for more information or call 630-668-1141.

WOMEN’S HEALING PROGRAMS RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE. A collective created by women, for women, to do their inner work in a safe space with a community that is rooted in unconditional love and acceptance. We gather to share our stories, witness each other, heal together, and find our voices, truths, and soft power along journeys. We seek to engage the mind, physical body, energetic body, soul, and spirit. Through Engaged Learning, Energy Work, and Group Work, we come together to exchange in meaningful and powerful ways. Founded and facilitated by Kristi Derkacy: Group Work Facilitator, Writer, Reiki practitioner. Location: Palos Heights, IL. 708-373-3874,

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organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: Administration, Event Scheduling, Event Sponsorship, National Calendar coordinating, IT Expertise, or Conference coordinating. Whether you can give one hour per month or 10 hours per month, we would love to have you join our team. Please call 847-966-1110 or email Kasia at:

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Please call: 847–966–1110 or send your listings to: Kasia@ by the 10th of the month prior to publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



COSMIC DAILY WEATHER April 2021 by Bernadette Evans


It’s a busy month. At least, it feels that way when the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Aries for the first half of the month. Plans are being made and thinking about the future can feel hopeful, depending on your viewpoint. It also takes strength and perseverance to keep moving forward. There are changes ahead—some of them you may like and some you may not. It will depend on your outlook. The New Moon is at 22 degrees of Aries on April 11. New moons are about dreams and planting seeds for the coming month, then watching them take root and sprout. This moon is very excitable, energetic, and impulsive. You’re feeling inspired and want to take chances. It feels risky but invigorating. You never know how something will turn out when you dare to go for it! The Full Moon is at seven degrees of Scorpio on April 26. This full moon is intense and passionate. Where are you holding onto something? What do you need to release? Let go of old baggage that is weighing you down. When you release something—whether it’s a past hurt, a person, or a situation—it opens up space for you to heal and transform. Make room for those new experiences to come forward and watch your life and your relationships expand. The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the twelve signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), it means the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign that it’s in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate, or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time. (CDT)



Thursday, April 1 There’s a lot of fiery energy when the Moon trines the Sun and Venus. Are you feeling daring and willing to take risks? Where are you feeling drawn? Follow the energy that leads to your heart’s desire. It’s not too big of a leap; you’ll be able to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. You’re recognized for your accomplishments. Like the Academy Awards acceptance speeches, if you owe your achievements to anyone, make sure to thank them. Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius at 12:59 a.m.

Friday, April 2 When the Moon squares Neptune, you’re sensitive and compassionate. You may want to lend a helping hand to others—share your thoughts, wisdom, and expertise. It’s also a great time to just play. Put on some fun music. Get out your paints or sketchbook. The Moon-Jupiter sextile may bring an opportunity to try your hand at something interesting. You feel generous and gracious, willing to go the extra mile for your friends and neighbors. One caution, with all this benevolent energy, be careful of people that want to take advantage of your good nature.

Saturday, April 3 The Moon trine Uranus is like a siren call, beckoning you to try something exciting and

invigorating. It could challenge you and get your blood pumping. Who knows what new experiences lay ahead when you answer the call of the Universe! As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” Mercury enters the sign of Aries at 10:41 p.m. Moon VoC at 12:24 a.m. until 3:13 a.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn.

questioning what you’re doing or if you’re on the right path. If you did some soul searching and still feel you’re on the right course, bravo, don’t lose faith. Chances are you’re still not raring to go and that’s okay. Take it easy; it’s allowed. Caution… to avoid accidents at this time, don’t get distracted either at home or out and about. Stay focused and be present. Moon VoC at 6:48 p.m.

Sunday, April 4

Saturday, April 10

Happy Easter to all who celebrate! You may feel stuck when the Moon quincunx Mars. You could be reliving old hurts and slights, not able to move forward. This thinking can leave you feeling trapped and isolated. Drop and leave behind what was said or done, so you can focus on the present and be happier. You’ll feel richer for it.

Venus sextiles Jupiter bringing opportunities for enjoyment, whether you’re socializing or staying home. Whatever the case, you probably feel confident and positive. Any obstacles or challenges you experience are easy to overcome with patience and planning. The biggest challenge you might face today is if you eat the whole piece of cake or just a bite. Moon enters the sign of Aries at 1:11 a.m.

Monday, April 5 You’re tuned into your intuition when the Moon sextiles Mercury. You can express your feeling of ease with others while being open to hearing what’s going on in someone else’s life. Your ability to see situations in a different light is helpful, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts. Moon VoC at 2:05 a.m. until 8:04 a.m. when it enters the sign of Aquarius.

Tuesday, April 6 What do you get when you combine a Venus-Mars sextile, with a dash of the Moon-Venus sextile and a pinch of Moon trine Mars energy? You get a recipe for an easy-flowing, juicy, abundant day. Whether it manifests through romance and sex, having fun with friends, or playing with some creative energy. Wherever you focus it, your energy may “wow” you!

Wednesday, April 7 The Moon is Void of course in Aquarius for a good part of the day. So go about your daily business as usual, and be aware of yourself, others, and your surroundings. Be an observer of yourself; you may discover some interesting things. Don’t do anything rash, such as break off a friendship. Once the Moon has moved into Pisces, take a step back and examine it more closely. Moon VoC at 5:05 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. when it enters the sign of Pisces.

Thursday, April 8 When the Moon in Pisces sextiles Uranus, you may be floating along peacefully. Then an idea, a person, or situation appears and you get excited and chase after it. Can you say…Squirrel!? Chasing after dreams, looking for that adrenaline boost especially with everyone being cooped up for so long…a “squirrel” sounds like great fun!

Friday, April 9 The Mars Neptune square is exact today. You may feel tired physically, mentally, and spiritually. You may feel discouraged and confused as well,

Sunday, April 11 The New Moon’s at 22 degrees of Aries at 9:31 p.m. There’s a lot of fiery energy during this New Moon in Aries, as well as a few planets in air, which fans the flames. You may be eager to begin a new project, excited and nervous at the same time. It takes courage to go after what you want. Others could be discouraging you, making you feel defensive about your plans. Don’t get into a disagreement, let them have their opinion. As long as you’ve done your homework—and this isn’t a spur-of-the-moment idea—keep moving forward. Remember to celebrate your achievements too. The Venus-Pluto square could transform your relationships in a consciousness-raising way. Or, your relationships may transform in an “I can’t breathe and I need room” kind of way. What needs to change in your relationships to help them climb to the next level?

Monday, April 12 This morning is a busy one as the Moon connects with Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto. You may be tired. Taurus Moon to the rescue, bringing it down a notch. Do something grounding that lets you expel some of that excitable energy. There are still a few planets in Aries, but this Taurus Moon is asking you to do something that nourishes you. It may be eating comfort food or putting on a lovely piece of music. Let go of the bustle for a while. Moon VoC at 7:06 a.m. until 12:44 p.m. when it enters the sign of Taurus.

Tuesday, April 13 The Sun sextile Mars is radiating energy. Your inner drive is propelling you forward, and you could accomplish quite a lot today. You enjoy stimulating conversations and may end up in a lively debate. Of course, the other person may think it’s a disagreement, not a debate. Your mind is flying off in a few directions, not settling on one. Everything is stimulating and exciting. Where to next? If you have time, get in some physical activity, you’ll probably

feel better once you do.

Wednesday, April 14 When the Moon squares Jupiter, you could be feeling flush with cash. Take care when making purchases, what looks shiny and pretty today may not have the same luster tomorrow. Use your resources wisely. Then, when the Moon trines Pluto, some drama is possible. It will depend on how you and others handle the energy. Emotions are felt more intensely, but that doesn’t mean you have to lose your temper. You could use this energy to explore your psyche or delve into mystical subjects. Whatever you do, you’ll feel passionate, capable, and confident. Venus enters the sign of Taurus at 1:22 p.m. Moon VoC at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 15 The Sun-Jupiter sextile marries assertiveness and confidence with optimism and good luck. Where are you putting your energy? Your determination and charm could help you achieve what you set out to do. Pay attention to all the opportunities that are presenting themselves. You have a unique vision, speak up and let the Universe help you in getting your message out there. Moon enters the sign of Gemini at 1:35 a.m.

Friday, April 16 When the Sun squares Pluto, power struggles are possible. It could be you or another person trying to exert pressure to get your/their way. When people’s egos become involved, someone wants to have the upper hand—to have control. Feelings are hurt resulting in defensiveness. A clash could also bring an ending. Whether it’s a job, relationship, or friendship, it’s painful but may be needed for your growth. Where do you feel you need control? What would happen if you relaxed and loosened the reins?

Saturday, April 17 The sky is falling; the sky is falling! Just kidding. But a lot is happening in the sky. Mercury is chattering away to the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto. Your mind may be going in a million different directions. So much so, you probably can’t keep up with all the noise. Yet you’re eager to get your ideas out in the world and to share your thoughts with others. You may think it’s necessary to sway others and get them to agree with your point of view. But must everyone agree with you? The world would be a boring place if everyone saw things the same way. Let others have their opinions while you have yours. Also, you could be looking for an escape. This could be a respite from the chaos around you. Or, perhaps, there’s something bigger at play. Moon VoC at 10:03 a.m. until 2:25 p.m. when it enters the sign of Cancer.

Sunday, April 18 The Moon’s in the sign of Cancer. Intuition and sensitivity are heightened. While you’re WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



picking up signals—thoughts from others and your environment—the Sun makes its exact conjunction to Mercury. With everything, there are many potentialities…you could be cheerful and wanting to play. Another possibility is that you or someone else says something upsetting and then disagreements erupt. Could you have a conversation where you both get to express yourselves without making each other feel bad or wrong and come to an understanding? Pay close attention to your intuition and choose which way you’d like your day to play out.

Monday, April 19 The Sun enters the sign of Taurus at 3:33 p.m. Happy Birthday, Taurus! When the Moon opposes Pluto, you may feel dizzy with the emotional ups and downs–happy and excited one minute, sad and depressed the next. Try not to control anyone or play any mind games, as it could backfire. Know that there are always ups and downs, so ride the waves and let go of all expectations and all desires, and see how freeing it feels. Mercury enters the sign of Taurus at 5:29 a.m. Moon VoC at 7:03 p.m.

Tuesday, April 20 When the Moon squares Venus, you may feel like running away—escaping a situation or a person. Maybe the demons you’re fighting with are your own. Don’t overthink things. It may be that you need some quiet time alone. Enjoy the space to replenish yourself, maybe by doing something creative. Moon enters the sign of Leo at 1:11 a.m.

Wednesday, April 21 When the Moon quincunxes Neptune, it may feel like you’re looking for love or attention in all the wrong places. There may be some confusion as to

Thursday, April 22 Happy Earth Day! Your confidence is brimming over when the Moon trines Sun. You have hopes and dreams and feel capable of manifesting them. If anything, you may have to focus on one thing at a time to not scatter your energy. The Venus-Uranus conjunction could bring in an unusual relationship. Maybe someone new and exciting has caught your attention! You’re independent and like to forge your own path. It may be an unusual one, but it’s yours! You’re feeling sure of yourself and may attract someone to help you financially or in business. Financial gains are possible…as are losses…if you don’t know what you’re doing. Moon VoC at 7:05 a.m. until 8:08 a.m. when it enters the sign of Virgo.

Friday, April 23 When the Moon opposes Neptune, you could feel emotional, picking up the vibrations of everyone around you. You may feel hopeful and dreamy one minute, and the next, think someone has done you wrong. Confusion about circumstances may cause you to retreat into yourself to avoid any slights or pain. You may want to lose yourself over drinks, either with friends or on your own. Be careful of numbing yourself; soon you will emerge from the fog. Mars enters the sign of Cancer at 6:49 a.m.

Saturday, April 24

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When Mercury conjoins Uranus, you could be surrounded by inspiration. Ideas/insights may come to you out of thin air and just as quickly evaporate. Follow these thoughts and see where they take you. It could be a fun ride. Caution…pay attention when you are out and about; be in your body to avoid any unexpected accidents. Moon VoC at 5:50 a.m. until 11:06 a.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.


Sunday, April 25

BUSINESS DIRECTORY.............................22

With the Mercury-Saturn square and the MoonSaturn trine, work before pleasure is the theme of the day. Your discipline will get you far, but remember to be flexible. If something isn’t working, look at it from a different perspective and be open to a new way of creating. When Mercury conjoins Venus, you may want to get together with a friend. You need connection and want to express your ideas and feelings.

CCM ADVERTISE WITH US..................13, 29 CCM SALESPEOPLE...........................13, 29 CCM SOCIAL MEDIA ............................9,29 HEART AND SOUL SKINCARE....................30 PAST LIFE REGRESSION WITH KASIA SZUMAL......................2,15, 29 LARRABEE HERBS......................................9 LIGHT UNLTD/THE REJUVENIZER..............17 LINDA HOWE..............................................3 PERENNIAL MUSIC & ARTS.........................9 RASHA.......................................................9 26

what someone says and how it feels. It’s lovely to be romantic and idealistic, but be careful of expecting the stars and the Moon from your loved ones and being disappointed when they can’t deliver what you want. Don’t get side-tracked by the next best, prettiest, and shiniest thing that grabs your attention. Focus on what’s in front of you.


Monday, April 26 The Full Moon is at seven degrees of Scorpio at 10:32 p.m. During this time your feelings may be intense. What is going on for you? How do you feel? Scorpio is about regeneration and transformation.

Where in your life do you feel like you need an overhaul? Uranus, the planet of the unusual and surprises, is also in the mix. Someone may show up out of the blue to help you. You may feel edgy and end up doing something rash. Full moons are about releasing energy. Is there a person in your life that you need to forgive or an old wound that has kept you stuck? Now could be the time to release past hurts. Only you know the answer to that. Moon VoC at 7:40 a.m. until 11:18 a.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.

Tuesday, April 27 Relationships could be strained today when the Moon opposes Venus. You or the other person could be easily offended. There may be a desire to go off on your own and lick your wounds, which is perfectly all right. You could need some time to be more loving and attentive toward yourself. A conscious retreat that replenishes your soul may be what you need. Look after yourself, and it will be easier to be present for others. Pluto retrogrades at 3:04 p.m.

Wednesday, April 28 When the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Sagittarius, you enjoy having a good time. You’re attracted to beautiful things as well as spiritual and intellectual pursuits. The earthy energy enjoys luxury while the fiery energy enjoys socializing with others. If you’re able to, enjoy a nice meal with good friends. The Sagittarius Moon can sometimes stick their foot in it. So, while having a good time, be careful that you don’t step in it. Moon VoC at 7:31 a.m. until 10:42 a.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius.

Thursday, April 29 Pay attention to your dreams when Mercury sextiles Neptune. You may want to write down your dreams and think about what they’re telling you. This energy is great for getting your creative juices flowing. Enjoy writing, singing, drawing, or whatever to which you feel pulled. It’s a soft energy that is also good for playing with tarot, channeling, healing, or meditating. You could also relax and bask in the energy.

Friday, April 30 Be prepared for the unexpected today when the Sun conjoins Uranus. It could come from you wanting to break free and do something that’s out of the norm. What are you passionate about? What quickens your heart? It could also come in the form of a surprise. It could come in any form: a person, a situation, love. It’s endless…be flexible and open to all the possibilities. Moon VoC at 8:27 a.m. until 11:16 a.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn. Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counsellor, and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or to schedule a consultation. Her website is Follow her on Instagram @bernadette_evans.astrologer.

Midwest Pulse Calendar April 2021

Wednesday, April 7

Wednesday, April 14

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm CDT, 8-8:40 pm EDT, 6-6:40 MDT, and 5-5:40 PDT. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/ visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heartopening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: conscious-community-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm CDT, 8-8:40 pm EDT, 6-6:40 MDT, and 5-5:40 PDT. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/ visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heartopening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: conscious-community-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.

Saturday, April 10

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm CDT, 8-8:40 pm EDT, 6-6:40 MDT, and 5-5:40 PDT. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heart-opening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world!

CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/resource forum for near-death, out-of-body, & spiritual experiences, losses. 2 pm. Tax-deductible donation requested: $20. Guest Speaker: Vincent Genna, “The Real Deal”, World Renown Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher; formerly professional actor and singer. Join us Online! Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our web site at www.chicagoiands. org. You will receive a free monthly email with links to our meeting. Send Tax-deductible donation to Chicago IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL, 60091 or use Zelle on your bank site. (Send to 847-251-5758 or info@ For more info, call 847-251-5758 or

Wednesday, April 21

Click on this link: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/conscious-community-virtualconnection-gathering-tickets-110048999520 or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.

Sunday, April 25 WELLNESS BODY, MIND, SPIRIT EXPO: 10 am 5 pm. Admission: $7, or $6 when you mention Conscious Community Magazine. Your one-stop event for the latest in health awareness, fitness, nutrition, natural healing, organic products, psychic readings, jewelry, healthy home advice, and much more. Free enlightening presentations & demonstrations. Location: Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 8900 North Kildeer Ct. Brown Deer, WI 53209. Contact: 414-349-4932 or WWW. WELLNESSBODYMINDSPIRIT.COM

Wednesday, April 28 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm CDT, 8-8:40 pm EDT, 6-6:40 MDT, and 5-5:40 PDT. Free. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself so worried about the future that you get lost in spiraling negative thoughts? Do you feel isolated and alone during these trying times? During this weekly virtual meeting, you will: Be taken through a calming and peaceful meditation/visualization; set intentions and join others to pray on your behalf; set your dreams and aspirations into motion; listen or dance to inspiring, heart-opening music; and do a pre-bedtime calming meditation and set intentions for a great night’s sleep! As you raise your vibration and increase your energy, you contribute to powerful transformation upon the earth. So join us as we spread goodness inside ourselves and throughout the world! Click on this link: or copy the Zoom Meeting ID and Password for access to the gathering: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731.

AT T E N T I O N A D V E RT I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.

For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock

Fierce Feminine Rising: Heal from

Be You, Only Better: Real-Life Self-Care for

Predatory Relationships and Recenter Your Personal Power, by Anaiya Sophia (Destiny Books,

Young Adults (and Everyone Else), by Kristi Hugstad

$16.99, Paperback)

Women and men alike are waking up to an energy that has long been suppressed—the Fierce Feminine or the Dark Mother. From this energy comes a sacred rage and the desire to seek justice and help those who can’t help themselves. Anaiya Sophia teaches readers how to gain control of this chaotic energy with traditional Eastern practices, audio meditations, sexual healing exercises, and more. She empowers those who feel the Fierce Feminine energy to embrace their mission to heal themselves, heal our planet, and recreate balance.

(New World Library, $15.95, Paperback)

As a trauma survivor herself, Kristi Hugstad wanted to do something that would bring hope and strength to others who are struggling. In this book, she provides science-based tools and practices that lay a foundation for success and wellness. She shares various physical, emotional, mental, social, and financial selfcare practices. Hugstad also shares illustrations and inspirational stories of real young adults overcoming their lives’ challenges through self-care.

The Journey: Mastering the Art of Slowing Down into a Beautiful Existence, by Cathy Trinh

Vibrational Nutrition: Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods, by Candice Covington, (Healing Arts Press, $16.99, Paperback)

Did you know that you can tell a lot about food simply by its color? According to Candice Covington, the color of a piece of food can give us helpful information about what chakra it is connected with. She explains how the foods we eat affect us on spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional levels. Covington offers recipes, stories, and helpful advice on eating intuitively to support one’s natural vibration. Furthermore, she details the energetic qualities of over 400 different foods to help readers fine-tune their energic bodies with a nutritious diet!

When I Was Someone Else: The Incredible True Story of Past Life Connection, by Stéphane Allix (Park Street Press, $24.99, Paperback)

While on a trip in Peru, journalist Stéphane Allix experienced a vivid waking vision. He saw a soldier dying on a battlefield along with his name and various scenes from earlier in the man’s life. After searching the German military archives, Allix learned that this man had actually existed. This book details Allix’s research into the life of Alexander Herrmann and how Allix realized that part of his purpose was to help the soul of this deceased German soldier to find healing and forgiveness. Allix takes the reader on a beautiful journey that explores divine synchronicities, healing after death and reincarnation. 28


(Balboa Press, $18, Paperback)

Cathy Trinh has faced many hardships throughout her life. She is a cancer survivor, a recovering addict, someone who has overcome sexual assault, and she has dealt with a myriad of challenges living in America as a refugee immigrant. Trinh explores her past to prove that anyone can overcome their challenging circumstances and create a better future for themselves. She also reminds readers of how important it is to slow down to experience the beauty of the Earth and allow it to heal you.

Coming Home: Finding Shelter in the Love and Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda, by Margaret Wolff (White Pearl Press, $16.95, Paperback) This collection of stories gives readers a firsthand view of what it’s like to have a profound connection to God. Margaret Wolff shares the stories of fourteen ordinary individuals seeking the divine who find themselves so deeply touched by their God-related experiences that “God” becomes synonymous with “home”. Not only do these accounts awaken faith in readers, but they also prove tribute to the powerful potential of the human spirit and the guru/ disciple paradigm. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.






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