What I offer

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Helping eco conscious people work in line with their values by earning an income online.


IMAGINE THIS... Whatif...youwereabletotravelwheneveryou wanted,nomoreapplyingfortimeoff. Experiencingmoreofyourpreciouslife! Whatif...youwereabletohaveuncapped earningpotentialmaking10kmonthsandsome! Whatif...youcouldgofulltimeworkingonline, workfromhomeandstarteverydayhowever youchose,spendingitwiththoseyoulove, doingwhatyoulove! ...withoutcreatingafancywebsite,spendinga hugeamountonstartupcostsorhavean insaneamountoffollowers?

Are leveraging your family and friends Don't allow you to access real wealth, let alone generational wealth Don't utilise automation Are promoting over consumption of products Aren't environmentally conscious

Most online opportunities you get burnt out by all the work you ' re putting in for very little return and end up frustrated and upset that you can't reach your dreams of creating true time, location + financial freedom.



I'llgiveyouprovensystemsto accomplishyourgoalseveryweek Iam100%resultsdriven-my coachingistailoredtogiveyouthe toolstomakemoney Iofferdailysupportalongyour journey Youwillgainaccesstoacommunity oflikemindedindividuals Accesstoweeklytrainingsheldby peoplewhoaremaking6figures+in thisbusiness Ioffercoachinginorganicgrowth marketingalltheway,soyoudon't havetospendmoneyonads! Iamcommittedtoseeingyouwin WHY I AM DIFFERENT

Hi,I com health,reducingplasticpollution&lowtox living. Aftergraduatinguniversitywithan environmentalsciencedegree,Ifoundit impossibletofindajobthatalignedwithmy values&actuallytakesclimateaction.SoI tooktheleapandstartedworkingonline,fora companymakingarealdifferenceinpeople's lives&helpingtoeliminateplastic consumptioninhouseholds. Thisbusinessisallowingmeandmyfamilyto travelAustraliawhilestudyingmymastersin environmentalscienceinaconvertedschool bus.Aswellas volunteermytimeatwildlife charitiesthatotherwisecouldn'tpayme.I wantthisleveloffreedomforeveryone!



OnmyjourneytransitioningtoworkingonlineI havegainedsomuchinsightintohowto effectivelygrowaprofitableonlinebusiness andspentthousandsoncoachestoensureI canhelpyouwin.

ILOVEallthingssocialmedia,sales, networkingandmorethananything,helping womencreatemassivetransformationintheir livesbystartingabusinessthatalignswith theirvalues&lifestyle,whilemakinglife changingmoney.

Mymissionistohelpecoconsciouswomen workinlinewiththeirvalues,createtime, location+financialfreedom.Spendtheirdays w l

Step two: Mindset

We get into the juicy stuff! The root causes of self sabotaging thought patterns and beliefs. This is a profound practice to rewire your mind and get you out of your own way so you & your business can thrive!

Whenyouapplytoworkwithme,wewillgetonacalltogether, talkaboutyourgoalsandwhatyou'restrugglingwithcurrentlyto seeifthisbusinessistherightfitforyou.Then,wewilldevelopa customizedplantomoveyouthroughthefollowingsteps:

Step one: Integration

I guide you through the training modules about the business, help you to set up your landing page, social media setup & social media marketing training. I also add you into our community.


Step three: Finding your ideal client

Step four: Social media marketing + branding

Here we go through how to effectively grow your social media full of your target audience, grow engagement, write magnetising content & curate your offer.


This process is all about laying the ground work for your business. Helping you identify your target audience, pick your niche and master speaking directly to your ideal clients to guarantee sales and magnetise your social media.

Mastering(andunderstanding)theartof communicatingconfidentlyinsales,speaking directlyaboutpricepoints,howtoconfidently speakaboutyourofferinyourdm'sandsales calls.AswellasdivingintoSalesPsychologyso thatyoucanrunaprofitablebusiness.




Helpingyourunyourbusinesslikeareal systemstopreventyoufromgettingburnout andallowyoutoscaleyourbusiness.


Byworkingwithmeyouwillgetcoachingthat delivers1:1supportcoupledwithaprovenonline businesstohelpyouachievethelifeofyour dreamsfilledwithfreedom&abundancesothat youcandomoreofwhatreallymatters. OVERVIEW Extensive 6 week to Success business training 1:1 coaching whenever you need Access to a community of likeminded individuals Your own sales funnel + website Daily support via WhatsApp Weekly training calls from guest speaker An online business that you can create total time + location freedom You will receive:

To work from anywhere Be their own boss + create their own schedule Work with other likeminded individuals Breakaway from the 9 5 Work in line with their values in environmentalism Spend more time doing what they love, with the people they love Wanting to reduce their plastic consumption + environmental impact I work with eco conscious women who are seeking: WHO I WORK WITH READYTOREACH YOURGOALS?

Youaretheperfectfitfortheworkand theworkistheperfectfitforyourgoals Theworkdoesn'talignandwework togethertofindadifferentsolutionto yourgoals Ifthissoundsliketheopportunityyou'vebeen lookingfor,reachoutandI'llextendan invitationtobookacall!x Onourcallyoucanexpecttwooutcomes 1. 2. Eitherway,thereisabsolutelynoobligation andnohardfeelings,Iwillsimplyhelpguide youinabetter-fittingdirection. BOOK A CALL

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