Universidades UK Bath Spa University Birkbeck University of London Birmingham City University Bournemouth University BPP University College Cardiff Metropolitan University Heriot Watt University London Hutl, International Business School London Metropolitan University London School of Business & Finance Middlesex University South Bank University St. Patrick´s University of Bedfordshire University of East London University of Essex University of Greenwich University of Lincoln University of Sunderland University of Surrey University of the Arts WMG University of Warwick
Paginas 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
en Libras
MA e-Marketing and Social Media MA Advertising and Marketing Communications MA Advertising, Marketing and the Media (Full-time) MA Architecture MA Architecture: Sustainability and Design MA Architecture: Urban Design MA Art and Design MA Business and Management MA Business Translation with Interpreting MA Composition MA Creative Media Industries: Journalism MA Creative Sound and Media Technology MA Creative Writing (full time only) MA Design: Brand Development MA Design: Ceramics MA Design: Fashion and Textiles MA Design: Investigating Fashion Design MA E-Logistics and Supply Chain Management MA Education: Early Childhood Studies MA Education: Leadership and Management MA Education: Learning Technology MA Events and Exhibition Management MA Events Management MA Fashion MA Fashion MA Fashion Accessory Design MA Fashion Design MA Fashion Promotion MA Fashion Styling MA Film MA Graphic Design MA Graphic Design MA Graphic Design Communication MA Housing Studies MA Industrial Design MA Industrial Design MA Innovation Management MA Inter. Tourism-Hospitality Management MA Interior and Spatial Design MA Interior Architecture MA Interior Design MA International Events Management Ma International Human Resource Management MA International Human Resource Management MA International Relations MA International Tourism Management MA Management and Finance MA Management and Marketing MA Management/International Business MA Marketing Communications MA Marketing Management MA Media and Creative Enterprise MA Music Industries MA Music Radio MA Performance Design and Practice MA Personnel and Human Resource Management MA Photography MA Photography MA Planning Policy and Practice MA Public Relations MA Public Relations MA Strategic Marketing MA Strategic Marketing Communications MA Town Planning
8.400 11,000 12950 10,500 12,120 12,120 £10,500 10.535 £12,130 10.535 £5,670 10.353 10.535 10.535 10.535 10.535 10.535 £9.950 10.535 10.535 10.535 10,500 9.950 8.400 12,900 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 8.400 13,886 8.400 13,800 5,670 11,000 10,300 10,300 8.400 16,900 8.400 10,500 11.700 9.950 9,990 10,215 9.950 10,300 10,300 10,800 8.400 8.400 10,500 10,500 10,500 9,750 9.950 9,000 8.400 5,670 10,500 9.950 9.950 9.950 3,780
Pag. Universidad 26 10 36 28 34 34 8 4 42 4 28 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 4 4 4 8 16 26 44 8 8 8 8 26 38 26 44 28 10 44 44 26 44 26 8 24 16 34 24 16 8 8 8 26 26 8 8 8 44 16 44 26 28 8 16 16 16 28
Middlesex Bournemouth Essex South Bank UEL UEL Birmingham Bath Spa Surrey Bath Spa South Bank Bath Spa Bath Spa Bath Spa Bath Spa Bath Spa Bath Spa Greenwich Bath Spa Bath Spa Bath Spa Birmingham Greenwich Middlesex U of The Arts Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Middlesex Lincoln Middlesex U of The Arts South Bank Bournemouth U of The Arts U of The Arts Middlesex U of The Arts Middlesex Birmingham Metro Greenwich UEL Metro Greenwich Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Middlesex Middlesex Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham U of The Arts Greenwich U of The Arts Middlesex South Bank Birmingham Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich South Bank
en Libras
MA Transport and Logistics Management MA Urban Planning Design MA Urban Regeneration MA Writing: Imaginative Practice MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Brand Management MBA Entrepreneurship and Innovation MBA Global ( 16 differents areas ) MBA International Business MBA PR and Marketing Communications MIB International Business Management MRes Business Innovation with E-business MRes Chemistry MRes Electrical & Electronic Engineering MRes /MPhil/PhD Animal Behaviour and Welfare MSc Advanced Web Engineering MSc Architectural Design MSc Architecture: Computing and Design MSc Artificial Intelligence MSc Banking and Finance, MSc Building Services Engineering MSc Building Surveying MSc Built Environment Studies MSc Business Strategy and the Environment MSc Civil Engineering MSc Civil Engineering MSc Computer Systems & Networking MSc Construction Project Management MSc Criminology and Social Research Methods MSc Design & Manufacturing Management MSc Development and Urbanisation MSc Development Studies MSc Embedded & Distributed Sy MSc Engineering Project Manag. MSc Engineering Project Manag. MSc Events Management MSc Events Marketing MSc Finance and Investment MSc Finance and Investment ( differents areas ) MSc Finance with Risk Management MSc Financial Management MSc Financial Risk Management MSc Food Safety & Control MSc Forensic Archaeology MSc Forensic Science MSc Human Resource Development MSc Information Technology MSc Information Technology Management Business MSc Intelligent Systems and Robotics MSc International Accounting MSc International Business MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship MSc International Business Management MSc International Business Management MSc International Economics MSc International Event Management MSc International Finance
9.950 5,670 5,670 10,620 19,295 16,950 12,600 12,600 12,400 8.400 4.450 4,950 4,950 8450 13350 4,950 8.400 14.050 17,585 9,980 12,610 12950 9.950 12,120 12950 8.400 11,000 15,000 5,670 14.050 9.950 11,000 11,000 11,000 5,670 11,000 5,670 5,670 11,000 11,000 9.950 11,766 11,000 11500 7450 11,000 8.400 14.050 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,766 4.450 9.950 12950 13950 14.050 13950 4,950 16,315 12950 16,315 13950
Pag. Universidad 16 28 28 34 42 36 38 24 8 26 14 30 30 24 16 30 26 6 42 28 38 36 16 34 36 26 28 28 28 6 16 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 10 16 38 10 16 24 10 26 6 28 10 28 38 14 16 36 36 6 36 30 42 36 42 36
Greenwich South Bank South Bank UEL Surrey Essex Lincoln Metro Birmingham Middlesex Cardiff St Patrick St Patrick LSBF Greenwich St Patrick Middlesex Birkbeck Surrey South Bank Lincoln Essex Greenwich UEL Essex Middlesex South Bank South Bank South Bank Birkbeck Greenwich South Bank South Bank South Bank South Bank South Bank South Bank South Bank South Bank Bournemouth Greenwich Lincoln Bournemouth Greenwich LSBF Bournemouth Middlesex Birkbeck South Bank Bournemouth South Bank Lincoln Cardiff Greenwich Essex Essex Birkbeck Essex St Patrick Surrey Essex Surrey Essex
en Libras
Pag. Universidad
MSc International Human Resource Management MSc International Management MSc International Management MSC International Marketing MSc International Marketing MSc International Marketing and Entrepreneurship MSc International Marketing Communications MSc International Marketing Management MSc International Public Health Policy and Manag MSc International Relations MSc International Sports Management MSc International Tourism Hospitality Management MSc International Tourism Management MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology MSc Investment and Finance MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc Management MSc Management MSc Management Economics MSc Management with Banking and Finance MSc Management with HR MSc Management with Human Resources MSc Management with Marketing MSc Management with Project Management MSc Marketing and Brand Management MSc Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering MSc Mechanical Engineering MSc Mechatronics Engineering MSc Mobile and Satellite Communications MSc Operations and Logistics Management MSc Personal, Executive and Corporate Coaching MSc Petroleum Engineering MSc Petroleum Refining Systems Engineering MSc Planning Buildings for Health MSc Project Management MSc Project Management for Logistics MSc Project Management International ( Arq.) MSc Project Management, Engineering MSc Property Development and Planning MSc Radio and Audio Production MSc Real Estate MSc Real Estate Development and Investment MSc Refugee Studies MSc Renewable Energy Systems Engineering MSc Social Policy and Social Research MSc Software Solutions MSc Sport Management MSc Sport Management and Marketing MSc Strategic Management & Leadership MSc Strategic Marketing ( differents areas ) MSc Structural Engineering MSc Sustainable Energy Systems MSc Television Production MSc Tourism Management and Marketing MSc Transport Engineering & Planning MSc Transport, Sustainability and Society MSc Water and Environmental Engineering
8.400 13950 14.050 14.050 7,000 13950 10,665 16,315 4,950 12950 13,500 5,670 11,766 5,670 8.400 10,500 7,000 12950 12950 7,000 7,000 11,000 7,000 7,000 13950 9.950 11.700 11,000 10,215 16,315 12,610 13,140 15,570 10,500 10,500 9.950 9.950 8.400 15,000 10,500 15,000 9.950 5,670 15,570 5,670 4,950 11,000 14.050 4,950 6950 11,000 11,000 10,500 11,000 11,000 10,620 15,570
26 36 6 6 10 36 24 42 30 36 24 28 38 28 26 8 12 36 36 12 12 10 12 12 36 16 8 28 24 42 38 28 42 28 8 16 16 26 28 8 28 16 28 42 28 30 10 6 30 24 28 28 8 10 28 34 42
Middlesex Essex Birkbeck Birkbeck BPP Essex Metro Surrey St Patrick Essex Metro South Bank Lincoln South Bank Middlesex Birmingham BPP Essex Essex BPP BPP Bournemouth BPP BPP Essex Greenwich Birmingham South Bank Metro Surrey Lincoln South Bank Surrey South Bank Birmingham Greenwich Greenwich Middlesex South Bank Birmingham South Bank Greenwich South Bank Surrey South Bank St Patrick Bournemouth Birkbeck St Patrick LSBF South Bank South Bank Birmingham Bournemouth South Bank UEL Surrey
LLM Common Professional Exam):Law Conversion LLM Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM International Business Law LLM International Criminal Law and Procedure LLM International Human Rights and Development LLM International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law LLM International Human Rights Law
3,780 14.050 10,620 5,670 5,670 12950 12950
28 6 34 28 28 36 36
South Bank Birkbeck UEL South Bank South Bank Essex Essex