Consett Magazine - May 2020

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May 2020

Consett Magazine We Love Consett





Front Cover By: Darren Dixon

Thank you to Darren Dixon for sending us these amazing pics! If you'd like your pictures published email: Disclaimer: Consett Magazine and make sure to only use reliable sources and we try to verify all content as much as possible. We cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions. All details are believed to be correct at the time of printing. We recommend that readers check information with any venue about times and dates of events in advance. Readers are welcome to send photographs, letters and other content to Consett Magazine and Firefly New Media UK but we cannot guarantee they will be featured in the publication. Firefly New Media UK reserves the right to neither use submitted material in print and online publications nor return it. The views and opinions expressed in advertisements and content do not reflect that of Consett Magazine and Firefly New Media UK. No part of this publication/website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without prior written permission from Firefly New Media UK. Permission is only deemed valid if approval is in writing. To reduce environmental impact, once finished with please recycle this magazine or pass it on to friends and family. Firefly New Media UK - All Rights Reserved

Dear Consett. Due to continued social distancing measures, this month we’ve rolled out the digital print edition and postponed the print edition for May 2020. We’ll be reviewing going back to print again in the coming weeks and months. We hope this month’s stories will find their way to our readers online and can’t wait to be able to pay a visit to all the local shops and businesses in Consett very soon with a new print edition. Let’s take a look at what we’ve got inside this month's edition of Consett Magazine: Local historian Brian Harrison tells us about his interest in local curio photos and places [(curio) noun - a rare, unusual, or intriguing object.]. Portrait photographer Debbie Todd showcases this month’s profile piece on local fashion student, McKenna Marsden. Lorraine Weightman is dancing in the moonlight and provides some nice advice. We also take a look at Ambron Radio, as they move to Glenroyd House and launch consett’s first community radio station. Ask the Vet this month covers heatstroke risks for your pets. We have local community announcements from Beveridge's Nursery, Gibside Art Club and Cameo Family history. We take a look at online shopping in the era of social distancing on pages 20-21. Puzzle corner is on page 23, where you’ll find the May crossword and the answers to last month's crossword (April Consett Magazine - Print Edition).

As always, you can access all the Consett Magazine stories past and present on where we’ve published 1744 articles to date. To read all 90 print editions of Consett Magazine from 2012 to today, visit: Warmest regards, Barry Kirkham, Marco Elsy and everyone who makes the Consett Magazine possible. PS - Given the situation with Covid-19 we encourage people to get in touch and tell us how they’ve been using the lock-down time? How has the lock down affected you? Let us know, email: editor@ or call 01207 438 292.


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Contributors Brian Harrison Barry Kirkham Marco Elsy Lorraine Weightman Debbie Todd Mark Tennant Christina Groves Steven Beveridge Darren Dixon Joan Wainwright Patrick (Paddy) McGough Catherine Meades Liam Cook Christopher Rea

The Front Cover

The front cover this month is by Darren Dixon send any drawings or photographs to:

Get Published Get your story, photograph, or adverts to us by the 15th May 2020! Contact us for 2020 Advertising in print and online. Reach 100,000+ people in the North East with our digital campaigns consettmagazine consettmagazine consettmagazine

To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292


Curio Photo's of People and Places - By Brian Harrison

Curio Photos of People and Places I, like many others into local heritage, love to buy curio's, pictures and postcards of the area. In the past year I have done just that. Most are straight forward and can be identified without problem. Some require a little research but are fairly straight forward and easily identified, but with some that is not always the case. One such item was a postcard which I had owned for quite sometime with the image of a Reverend and a scrawled message on front, saying “Yours Heartily” with a unrecognisable signature and the note “Best Xmas Wishes 1926” on the reverse. The signature just seemed too long and wasn't clear at all. The postcard itself had come with other items linked to the area but was quite an enigma. However, about 3 months ago the same image turned up on eBay with the same scrawled signature and greeting, only this time with a little extra information on reverse, “Came to Consett 1927, Married 1928”. The signature this time was also a little clearer. After a while I managed to decipher it to ? Matthewman so I began to look online. Initially I tried the all knowing Google search, with no results. I tried local Churches and couldn't initially find anything, but it was the old newspapers that eventually gave me my answers. An article in the Newcastle Journal dated 5th September 1927 stated “The Rev John Matthewman comes as superintendent to Shotley Bridge and Consett Circuit, and takes charge of Consett.” John had spent the previous 3 years in Tow Law and previous to that in Bath where his training as a Wesleyan Minister had began. The other part of the message mentioned a marriage in 1928, again the newspapers came to the rescue. John married Miss Emily Beatrice Coomb in April 1928 at the New King Street, Wesleyan Church, Winchester, Bath in a large gathering of over 500 guests. I have very little information after that but there are snippets about him here and there.


The second curio was a set of 2 photographs I purchased of a Victorian house interior with a small bit of writing on the reverse of one; “Oakfield Shotley Bridge” along with a note pertaining to selling some furniture, signed off with the initials “G.R.”. There were a few other items being sold which had links to the Renton family, a very well known and influential family of Doctors of the area. I was initial stuck with the Oakfield part so reached out to friend with a much greater knowledge of Shotley Bridge than myself and within a few minutes I had the location, "Oakfield House" the house that stands alone on Snows Green Road. The House itself was initially built by Dr John Renton and his wife Hannah (nee Siddell). John died in Oakfield in 1870 and Hannah died there in 1894. The property was left to there children. Some time between 1891 and 1901 the house was split into 2 premises as it still is today. So now having proved the Renton family connection it didn't take long to figure out that G.R. was in fact John and Hannah's second son George Renton

MD. George had lived on Cutlers Hall Road for a long time, but unfortunately around the same period as his mothers death, he fell into ill health himself. His illness was quite a long one and he was forced to sell his home at Cutlers Hall and move into the family home, Oakfield House, or one half of it at least. Maybe this is when the house was made into two, more research is needed to say one way or the other. What we do know is that during the years of 1895 to 1899 George sold off his furniture at Cutlers Hall and the house as well as items from Oakfield, probably due to his inability to work. George passed away 11th December 1899 in the family home of Oakfield. The photographs I purchased are probably some of the ones used to display the items for sale. However, they are also a beautiful time capsule of how homes would have been furnished in the late Victorian era, especially to those of the upper middle class.


Images courtesy of Debbie Todd

McKenna Marsden - By Debbie Todd

Consett teen set to rock the fashion world From a young age McKenna Marsden has always loved fashion and designing clothes. He not only designs and makes his collections but he models them too. The 19 year old fashion and textiles student has gained a level 3


qualification at Newcastle College and is now set to move to London to complete his degree at the University of Creative Arts. This is a dream come true for McKenna, who’s creative inspiration is Lady Gaga and David Bowie. He’s hoping to follow in the footsteps of Zandra Rhodes, who also studied there and designed for big names including Freddie Mercury, and make his mark in the world of fashion.

To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292

To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292


Dancing in the Moonlight - By Lorraine Weightman

Dancing in the Moonlight I have always been fascinated by the night sky. As a child I remember feeling comforted by the soft light of the moon shining through my bedroom window. Hearing stories about the man who lived there, I often wondered why he was alone. I was sure he wouldn’t have deliberately made that choice, as I felt happy and comforted being surrounded by my family. My child’s mind had no concept of isolation or loneliness. With age we meet with new ways of existing and we all encounter experiences that dictate the way we live. I have learned what it is to be alone, yet not necessarily lonely. In recent times we have had to forfeit some of the freedoms we may have taken for granted, and learned to cope with restrictions which have forced us to gain greater knowledge and compassion for others. However in a world where we can be constantly connected - which is a lifeline for most of the time - sometimes switching off all the noise and news is welcome relief, and we can stay safe with our thoughts, slow down to a bearable pace, recalibrate, while embracing the simple things - in life and nature - which we hold dear in our hearts.

My thoughts go back to the moon and the night sky. My Mam had biscuit cutters in the shape of the moon and the stars and I loved using them. Thinking back, she may have substantiated my ongoing interest, as while we baked she


sang songs that were around at the time, ‘On Moonlight Bay’ by Doris Day, as well as ‘Swinging On A Star’ and ‘Fly Me To The Moon’ by Frank Sinatra. I loved those songs and they remain with me on my list of inheritance tracks, along with Perry Como’s ‘Catch a Falling Star’. And although I’m reluctant to admit it, when Jiminy Cricket sings ‘When You Wish Upon A Star’ to Pinocchio, I still get a lump in my throat! Over the years I seem to have been attracted to songs with moon in the title, including ‘Moon Shadow’ by Cat Stevens and especially ‘Dancing In The Moonlight’, originally recorded by ‘King Harvest’, then covered by numerous artists including ‘Thin Lizzy’ and more recently ‘Toploader’ All cultures and generations have their own interpretations, stories, traditions, festivals and songs that celebrate the heavens as well as the cycles of the moon. May Day celebrations differ in many parts of the world. In Britain the ancient Celtic festival of Beltane or Beltain is celebrated on the first day of May, marking the beginning of Summer. And in the Buddhist lunar calendar, Vesak or Wesak, one of the most important festivals marking the Buddha’s birthday is celebrated on the day of the full moon, which this year happens to fall on May 7th. Recently over Consett we have had amazing sunsets and spectacular night sky’s which have been enjoyed and shared by many. They highlight and embrace the beauty that surrounds us, if we take the time to stop, stay still and look up. So on the night of the full moon in May, to celebrate my birthday, I’ll go outside, alone in my garden, and while attempting to wish upon a star, I’ll be dancing in the moonlight!

Your FREEToJanuary advertise 2020 in next Consett month's Magazine issue call: - 01207 438292

Nice Advice Bake banana bread, they said, Use up your store cupboard goods, Learn a language, while making the bed, After having one walk in the wood. Clean out your wardrobe, eat healthy food, And don’t overdose on the booze. Meditate at least three times a day, And try not to watch too much news. Exercise while you’re cleaning the pans, Meet your friends for a virtual quiz, Make sure you’re always washing your hands, Don’t forget to home school your kids. Write a novel or maybe a song, Sew a teddy bear, while hosting a blog, Grow your own veg, it won’t take long, Remember to stay off the grog. Deep clean your house, learn First Aid, In the morning tune in with Joe Wicks, Freeze all the soup and scones you have made, Don’t cut off your hair, try a flick! Perhaps volunteer, discover your roots, Up-cycle your clothes and shoes, Go in the garden and look at the shoots, Remember to stay off the booze. Improve your communication skills, Start up your own book club, Don’t take too many vitamin pills, Meet your mates in the virtual pub! Allow your mind to remain still and calm, Only shop for the things that you need, Learn to juggle, it will do you no harm, Once you can get up to the speed! Read every one of Shakespeare’s plays, Take a tour of Buckingham Palace, Watch musicals streaming throughout the day, Paint the Aurora Borealis! I’ve tried to follow this nice advice. To be fruitful, good and inspired, But to be honest, after drinking my wine, I’m far too flipping tired!

Mo There's




By Lorraine Weightman To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292


Consett's Own Radio Station - Ambron Radio Paddy started off as a disc jockey with a friend’s mobile disco business and covered if the owner got a couple of bookings on the same night. He has always had a very eclectic taste in music so has a vast array of music of his own from Abba to ZZ Top. About 17 years ago he began his internet show presenting although at the time he just locked himself in the loft away from the family and recorded voice tracks that the station he worked for then interlaced between songs. This was a bit restricting as he had to talk about things but as he recorded his links as requested on a Tuesday and his show aired on a Sunday he obviously couldn’t be too specific. Then he got the chance of a live presenting job with another station and took the leap bringing in the largest audience for that station they had ever had. His show consisted of an hour of music from the same year he called the timewarp and then


To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292

two hours of music dedicated or requested by the listeners, he also interacted with the audience through the website’s chatroom. The station manager would often call Paddy to cover shows where presenters have let him down and where possible Paddy would step in. He did a show on a Friday night every now and again and the server wasn’t let everyone on as the server wasn’t designed for many concurrent listeners. When the station manager decided to sell Paddy asked how much he wanted and what he would get for his money. When he saw what was on offer he realised he could build a station by himself for less than what the guy was asking and so he did. On 7th September 2018 Ambron Radio was born. The name is derived from the first 3 letters of Paddy’s daughters name (AMBER) and the last 3 of his Son’s (Aaron) something he used a lot for business purposes etc... When the station began it was just Paddy and he did two, three hour shows a week so with repeats that meant he covered 12 of 168. He had to obviously find more presenters. After trawling the internet for syndicated shows he set up an advert on Star Now and presenters then started applying and the schedule started to fill, the problem with a voluntary station is people have work and other commitments so he lost a few. Then the listener count started to rise

and then presenters were asking him to come to the station as they had not seen an internet station take off so well. Paddy was overjoyed and more than happy to take on presenters willing to give their own time and as such Paddy has always stated he will give anyone a chance regardless of experience. It is not as easy as some people have found putting a show together even if it is just an hour, but the reward is the feedback from listeners. Paddy is the first to admit you have to have a hint of narcissism as you are asking listeners to listen to your voice and get used to talking to yourself, because the listeners can’t talk back apart from a message in the chatroom but the station is on a ten second delay. Then this year he achieved one of his goals after a conversation with the committee from Glenroyd House in Consett. Co. Durham Ambron radio launched as the Community Station of Consett and the surrounding areas and although Paddy comes from Stanley (don’t tell anyone ha ha) he is proud and honoured to offer the station to the people around Consett and hopes that the station becomes an integral part of the community. With new local presenters coming on board and local businesses advertising with the station it can only get bigger and better and Paddy is looking forward to what the future has in store.

To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292


You don’t need a web designer You need a marketing specialist who can build a website

We don't sell websites We build websites that sell

Your website can work harder for your business. It can bring you new customers It can be your assistant & sales executive It can tell your business story And help build your brand awareness

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Ask the Vet May 2020 Heatstroke



Dog Walking | Dog Home Boarding | Puppy Care Cat Sitting | Small Animal Care Our Dog Boarding Service offers a kinder alternative to kennels – your dog stays with us or one of our experienced host families and is cared for walked fed and given all the love and attention they need whilst you are away. We are fully insured, and CRB checked, fully licenced and Certified in Canine First Aid

As the days start getting warmer it’s really important to remember that no animal should EVER be left in a car, conservatory or caravan on a hot day, even five minutes could prove to be fatal. Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds of dogs are particularly at risk, as well as those wearing muzzles, those with thick coats and nervous or excitable animals. Signs of heatstroke include excessive panting and drooling, in-coordination, vomiting, collapse, loss of consciousness and seizures. If you have any concerns an animal may be suffering from heatstroke, it is vital that you move them to a cool, shaded area immediately, wet them with cool water and call a vet straight away. You can reduce the risk of heatstroke by avoiding exercising your pet during the hottest hours of the day, avoiding strenuous activity, allowing free access to cool, shaded and indoor areas with plenty of water available and by calling your vet straight away if you have any concerns.

Email: Tel: 01207 771530 /client-advice Mobile: 07939139537 3-4 Park Cottages, Blackhall Mill, Newcastle NE17 7TF 1 To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292

Community Announcement: Community Announcement: Consett Magazine has been giving the opportunity for local businesses and community organisations to get their message out to the public. If you have a message you’d like published then just email: What is your name? Steven Beveridge What is your business or organisations name? Beveridge’s Nursery’s How long have you, your business or your family lived in the area? 110 years What role does your business or organisation play in the local community? Promotes outdoor health and well being via your garden Do you have a message you would like to communicate with your customers and Consett Magazine readers? Deliveries available now and longer (restricted opening hours) when reopening How has your business been affected during the Pandemic? Can you describe your experience? Closed to the public during peak growing and selling months resulting in huge potential losses How has your business adapted to the social distancing and lockdown measures? All social distancing can be observed with isolated till and payment area in an open outdoor environment as well as restrictions to the volume of customers How can local people support businesses like yours during this difficult time? Shop local and keep businesses alive in your area Do you have any website links you’d like to include in your guest post?

What is your name? Joan Wainwright What is your business or organisations name? The Gibside Art Club How long have you, your business or your family lived in the area? The Gibside Art Club – more than 50 years What role does your business or organisation play in the local community? Provides a social function as well as an opportunity to develop art and painting talents Do you have a message you would like to communicate with your customers and Consett Magazine readers? We usually meet in the Community Centre on Strathmore Road in Rowlands Gill on Wednesday nights but this is now on hold pending a decision by the government on when and how the lockdown will be eased. How has your business been affected during the Pandemic? Can you describe your experience? Most of our members are in the elderly category so are unable to leave their homes. The Community Centre at Rowlands Gill is also shut for the time being. It is possible we may have to cancel our annual exhibition due to take place in the first full weekend in October each year. We’ve also been forced to postpone an exhibition at the Land of Oak and Iron at Winlaton Mill which was to be held in May/June. How has your business adapted to the social distancing and lockdown measures? We are challenging our artists to paint to from home by setting them a new theme each week. They take photos of their pictures and we display them on our website. So if you can paint, take a photo of your picture and use ‘whatsapp’ or email, then you would still be welcome to join our club. You can get in touch via the contact page on Do you have any local hero stories or people that deserve a shout out for their efforts during this time? All the local businesses that are adapting their services to the new reality as well those working in the NHS, council workers, Civil Servants and others who are all going the extra mile. Not forgetting those people trying to work from home while, at the same time, looking after their schoolchildren. How can local people support businesses like yours during this difficult time? We would be happy if people just visited our website from time to time. And if things get back to normal, come and join us when we hold our annual exhibition in October. Email: đ&#x;“§ Book Your Advert To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292 Phone: đ&#x;“ž 0 1 2 0 7 4 3 8 2 9 2


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15 2

Richard Holden MP Slams Continued Closure of Consett Post Office Richard Holden MP slams continued closure of Consett Post Office as unacceptable and demands the Post Office provide an alternative service. Richard Holden, MP for North West Durham, has written to the Chief Executive of Post Office, Mr Nick Read, concerning the on-going closure of the Post Office in central Consett. The former Consett Post Office was closed in November 2019, despite a campaign by local people to keep it open. Following the example of replacement Post Offices across the country, its replacement was opened in the retailer PhoneHub, which sells phones and stationery. However, the store has now been closed for more than a month due to family circumstances, despite the Post Office being an essential service that people across North West Durham are reliant on. Richard has asked Mr Nick Read to confirm what plans are being put in place to ensure it opens as soon as possible and has stressed the importance of his constituents having access to a fully


operational alternative Post Office as long as the current one remains closed. Commenting, Richard Holden, MP for North West Durham, said: “It is unacceptable that my constituents in Consett have been left without access to a Post Office – a vital service particularly important for the elderly and vulnerable at a time when so many other services have not been able to open – for over a month. “I understand that coronavirus and staff illnesses led to the current closure and wish those affected a speedy recovery and a return to good health. I am however worried that no alternative provision has been put in place. I have written to the CEO of the Post Office to ask what the plans are for re-opening the Post Office and ensuring that my constituents have access to the services that they need. “If re-opening imminently isn’t possible then the Post Office should make an alternative mobile Post Office available until the town centre service can resume.”

To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292


Through out the North East

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Ivy Cottage Whittonstall Consett Co. Durham DH8 9JN

Consett Magazine has been giving the opportunity for local businesses and community organisations to get their message out to the public. If you have a message you’d like published then just email:

Tel: 01207 560681 Mobile: 07774 112753 Email:

Plant Hire

Martin Jewitt

Community Announcement:

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What is your name? Catherine Meades What is your business or organisations name? Cameo Family History How long have you, your business or your family lived in the area? I have been here 16 years, Cameo Family History has been active for about 3 years What role does your business or organisation play in the local community? I give presentations to local groups on family history Do you have a message you would like to communicate with your customers and Consett Magazine readers? Cameo Family History is operating largely as usual. How has your business been affected during the Pandemic? Can you describe your experience? Luckily, a lot of family history research can be undertaken online. However, there is still much that requires visiting the local archives. As these are all closed this can be frustrating. Thankfully, customers have been understanding regarding delays in projects which require such on-site research. How has your business adapted to the social distancing and lockdown measures? These have a relatively low impact, with the main problem being the closure of archives and libraries, which has resulted in delays to projects involving handson research. Do you have any local hero stories or people that deserve a shout out for their efforts during this time? As a member of Consett Afternoon WI, I would like to applaud all our members for the way they have been keeping in touch and supporting each other at this time. How can local people support businesses like yours during this difficult time? Please contact me if you are interested in research into your family history – or joining the WI! Do you have any website links you’d like to include in your guest post?


Thank you to Mark Tennant for these spectacular pics of the crimson sky over Consett in April.

If you have any pictures you'd like published in the Consett Magazine then email them to:

Online Shopping in the Era of Social Distancing Covid-19 and social distancing measures have brought in huge overnight changes to shopping behaviours. From buying in bulk to online shopping, people have drastically changed what they’re buying, when they are buying, and how they buy. 20 1

To advertise in next month's issue call: 01207 438292

E-commerce sales via a website amounted to 133.6 billion British pounds in 2017.

Beginning in March 2020, local media company Firefly New Media UK say they have noticed an increase in client requests for eCommerce website solutions.

• How do I get started selling online?

• How do I manage my product inventory and stock?

• How do I accept payment via credit or debit card online?

• How do I offer postage options on my site?

“The truth is, online shopping isn't something that’s new or particularly exciting to the majority of people. The only difference now with the Covid-19 pandemic, is the obvious need for more businesses to embrace selling online.” - Barry Kirkham at Firefly New Media UK For the majority of small businesses owners who have not yet launched their website or simply have not given much attention to their online presence in the past, now is the best time to start looking at options for selling online. Essentially you’re future-proofing your business as more consumers move to online shopping. Some of the most frequently asked questions for Firefly’s web team have included:

• How can I use digital marketing to increase sales?

• Do you provide technical

support for selling online?

+ All of the questions above have variable answers depending on your business situation and can be answered in a video conference with the Firefly web team. Every business day since the lockdown, Firefly have been discussing eCommerce projects via video meetings with clients around the world. If you’d like to arrange a meeting with the Firefly team to discuss how you can begin selling online, call 01207 438292 or visit:


Local photographer Debbie Todd arranged an egg painting competition online over Easter. Here are some of the entries. Which do you think should win?

Egg Painting Competition!


Your FREE January 2020 Consett Magazine -





8 10

Puzzle Corner

Quick crossword no 14,847 Across




1 Rid someone (of a mistaken idea) (8) 5 Burn slightly (4) 9 Enemy (anag) — country of Arabia (5) 10 Parentage (7) 11 Business of designing buildings (12) 13 With an unpleasant smell (6) 14 Participate (6) 17 Something to go back to when stuck (7,5) 20 Not strict (7) 21 Traffic light (5) 22 River in Hades (4) 23 Expressed agreement (8)









8 9


11 12 13



16 17

18 19





1 Time period(s) (4) 2 Member of the military 22 23 caste in feudal Japan (7) 3 Fist (slang) (5,2,5) 4 Pontificates — toss-up 18 Nark — nettle (5) (anag) (6) 19 Disgustingly foul 6 Stylised Japanese poem substance (4) of 17 syllables (5) 7 Tea (rhyming slang) (5,3) 8 Unhappy and unable to Across be comforted (12) 12 Wraps tightly in strips of 1. Rid someone (of a cloth (8) mistaken idea) (8) 15 Gymnast (7) 16 Pieces of impure quartz 5. Burn slightly (4) used as gemstones (6) 9. Enemy (anag) —

Solution no 14,846 Answers for April


May 2020 country of Arabia (5) Playthings (4) 10. Parentage (7) 11. Business of designing buildings (12) 13. With an unpleasant smell (6) 14. Participate (6) 17. Something to go back to when stuck (7,5) 20. Not strict (7) 21. Traffic light (5) 22. River in Hades (4) 23. Expressed agreement (8)

Solution no 14,846

1. 2.

PUNCHABOVE G E O I U I L A S TOUT TUL I P U K K M C N U TOY S HASHS I GN T W N E U I Down OUT L AY TRUS T S N O period(s) R B Y H Time F A L L I B L E (4) CA LM O K N ofOtheRmilitary B E Member RA I S E UN I CORN casteE inSfeudal S NJapan U T ON E SWE I GHT

(7) 3. Fist (slang) (5,2,5) 4. Pontificates — toss-up (anag) (6) 6. Stylised Japanese poem of 17 syllables (5) 7. Tea (rhyming slang) (5,3) 8. Unhappy and unable to be comforted (12) 12. Wraps tightly in strips of cloth (8) 15. Gymnast (7) 16. Pieces of impure quartz used as gemstones (6)

Answers for this puzzle will be published on the same page next month.


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