Carbon trust triple certification for hotels

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Carbon Trust Carbon, Water, and Waste Triple Cer3fica3on Recogni(on for real resource reduc(on

Carbon Trust ›

Our mission is to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy

We are the independent, expert partner of leading organisa>ons around the world, helping them benefit from business opportuni>es in sustainable green growth

We measure and cer>fy the environmental footprint of organisa>ons, products and services

We advise businesses, governments and the public sector on their opportuni>es in a sustainable, low carbon world

We help develop and deploy low carbon technologies and solu>ons, from energy efficiency to renewable power

Carbon Trust Cer>fica>on Recogni>on for real resource reduc>on Organisa3onal Carbon Footprint Cer3fica3on

Organisa3onal Water Reduc3on Cer3fica3on

Organisa3onal Waste Reduc3on Cer3fica3on

Organisa3onal Triple Cer3fica3on

Organisa>onal Carbon Footprint & Reduc>on Cer>fica>on

Organisa>onal Water Footprint & Reduc>on Cer>fica>on

Organisa>onal Waste Footprint & Reduc>on Cer>fica>on

Organisa>onal Carbon, Water, & Waste Footprint & Reduc>on Cer>fica>on

Some of our clients

Carbon Trust Standard

The Carbon Trust Standard Process





Robust cer>fica>on based on strict criteria and detailed assessor audit

Prepare your organisa>on for the low carbon economy

Communicate your carbon creden>als with integrity

Measurement rules Based on GHG protocol terminology

Scope 1: Direct

Scope 2: U>li>es -­‐ indirect

Transport – business

Fuels Combus>on Owned Transport Process Emissions

Purchased electricity*, heat and steam

Transport – purchased product** Transport – product distribu>on** Waste disposal Transport -­‐ commu>ng Franchises and outsourcing Produc>on of purchased materials Use of products

Fugi>ve Emissions =

Scope 3: Other indirect

Minimum for Level 1 (ini>al cer>fica>on)

* Green tariffs are treated using average grid emissions factors ** From/to point of ownership transfer

+ =

Minimum for Level 2 (re-­‐ cer>fica>on)

Reduc>on rules

›  ›

All organisa>ons must show a footprint reduc>on



Current emissions are compared to the average for the previous 2 years Reduc>on must be shown in one of: ›  Absolute footprint in tCO2e ›  A rela>ve benchmark such as tCO2e/£m turnover (min 2.5% per annum improvement required)

Reduc>on: 20 ktCO2e

80 ktCO2e




0 Yr -2

Yr -1 Annual footprint Avg for previous 2 yrs

Yr 0

Carbon management rules ›

Qualita>ve ques>ons to assess the following areas ›  Governance ›  Carbon accoun>ng ›  Carbon management

All ques>ons should be supported by evidence

Pass mark is 60% (48 / 80)

Carbon Trust Water Standard

3 elements of the Carbon Trust Water Standard 1. Water use measurement ›  Accurate water use calcula>on and CTC data quality guidance 2. Water use reduc>on ›  Year on year reduc>on, on an absolute reduc>on or water intensity reduc>on 3. Water management and stewardship ›  Demonstra>on of good prac>ce water management

Water use measurement boundary sources Input sources of Water use Mains supply Surface water abstrac>on

Groundwater abstrac>on

Rainwater collec>on


Minimum for cer>fica>on

Output sources of Water use Domes>c Wastewater Trade Effluent Surface drainage (run-­‐off) Discharge to surface water Evapora>on Water in product Water in waste Other water losses

Water reduc>on summary ›

Organisa>ons must demonstrate reduc>on in water use over >me

Two measurements possible required (in order of preference) ›  Absolute water use reduc>on: m3 ›  Water intensity reduc>on: m3/£m turnover of 1.75% a year ›  Water intensity reduc>on: m3/product of 1.75% a year

Intensity benchmarks must be approved

Qualita>ve criteria under the Water Standard Governance

Measurement Water Management

1. Policy (5) 2. Responsibility (5) 3. Communica>on (5) 4. Data prepara>on & water scarcity analysis (10) 5. Monitoring (10) 6. Targets (5) 7. Reduc>on programmes (10) 8. Investments (10) 9. Training (5) 10. Supply chain and products in use (10) 11. Site visit (assessor) (10)

Carbon Trust Waste Standard

The types of waste covered by the Waste Standard ›

The Waste Standard will include ›  All forms of solid waste ›  All forms of hazardous waste; and ›  All other waste types and subtypes that organisa>ons are required to dispose of via waste contractors

The Waste Standard will exclude ›  Gaseous waste and liquid effluent that holders are not required to handle


We measure total waste by type, and by hierarchy des>na>on Metrics


Total weight of waste generated

•  Preference is tonnes of waste generated •  Depending on data availability, we can process volume of waste generated

Waste split according to types and subtypes

•  We use European Waste Codes (EWCs) •  We can help you classify your waste

Waste split according to des>na>on

•  We want to know where the waste is going so that we can classify its des>na>on according to the European Waste Hierarchy

Revenue, or other company metrics Waste intensity

•  As with Carbon or Water, we want to work out Waste Intensity expressed as tonnes of total waste generated per appropriate metric (e.g. per unit of output, per revenue)

Organisa>ons will be awarded the Waste Standard if they can demonstrate year-­‐on-­‐ year improvements in the following areas… Achievement/progress


Annual targets

Reduc>on in absolute waste

•  Reduc>on in total waste in an absolute sense •  e.g. tonnes of waste generated in 2012 versus 2013)

•  > 0

Reduc>on in waste intensity

•  Reduc>on in waste, >ed to an appropriate company metric •  e.g. tonnes of waste/£m turnover

•  1.4% (average UK economic growth 2003-­‐2013)

Overall movements in hierarchy

•  A net posi>ve movement of waste along the •  > 0 (percentage point hierarchy movement) •  e.g. if an organisa>on sent 5 tonnes of •  Annual improvements in plas>c to landfill and 1 tonne to the amount of waste recycling in 2012, but only 1 tonne to reused, recycled, and sent landfill and 5 tonnes to recycling in to energy recovery (by total 2013, that is a net posi>ve movement waste or waste stream) of 4 tonnes on the hierarchy

Qualita>ve criteria under the Waste Standard Criteria



Policy •  A waste policy has been developed Responsibility •  Clear accountability for waste management has been assigned Communica3on •  Waste management performance is effec>vely communicated both internally and externally

Waste accoun3ng

Monitoring, measuring and repor3ng •  Waste genera>on data are measured and documented Waste hierarchy •  Waste hierarchy is applied by organisa>on within defined boundaries and by waste handlers in the disposi>on chain


Targets •  Waste reduc>on and waste hierarchy targets are in place Training and competence •  Staff are sufficiently trained and are competent to fulfil their obliga>ons Waste reduc3on programmes and investments •  Measures are taken to reduce waste, and relevant investments are in place Upstream impacts •  A procurement policy that priori>ses waste minimisa>on has been developed Downstream impacts •  Considera>on is given to the downstream impacts of products and/or packaging Waste management services •  Organisa>on procures the services of registered and responsible waste handlers Completeness of data •  Organisa>on provides an adequate quan>ty and quality of data to allow for the comple>on of a robust assessmnet

*Detailed criteria available upon request

© The Carbon Trust 2014 Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this presenta>on are the copyright of the Carbon Trust and may not be copied or republished without the prior wriqen consent of the Carbon Trust. The trademarks, service marks and logos used in this presenta>on, and any copyright in it, are the property of the Carbon Trust (or its licensors) and no licence or right is granted to use any such marks, logos, copyright or proprietary informa>on. The Carbon Trust is a private company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with number 4190230. Registered office at: 4th Floor, Dorset House, 27-­‐45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT, United Kingdom. The Carbon Trust receives funding from Government including the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Department for Transport, the Scossh Government, the Welsh Assembly Government and Invest Northern Ireland. Disclaimer While the Carbon Trust has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure that the informa>on contained within this presenta>on is correct, the authors, the Carbon Trust, its agents, contractors and sub-­‐contractors give no warran>es and make no representa>ons of any kind as to the content of the presenta>on or its accuracy or completeness and accept no liability for any errors or omissions. Informa>on, advice and opinions expressed in this presenta>on are of a general nature and should not, therefore, be relied upon for personal, legal, financial or other decisions. YOUR USE OR RELIANCE ON THIS PRESENTATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional for advice tailored to your situa>on.

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