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The Considerate Our January topic: Water
TRENDS THAT DRIVE US: Happy New Year to all our members, partners and supporters! While most of us were having a relaxing time and restorative time with our families or looking after our guests, a lot of the North of the country was battling with devastating floods, a consequence of climate change as we all know. We therefore decided to dedicate this issue to the topic of WATER, also because the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 is to "Ensure access to water and sanitation for all', which seems a bit ironic given the masses of water downpour experienced in the UK over the last month. However, according to the UN, clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in. There is sufficient fresh water on the planet to achieve this. But due to bad economics or poor infrastructure, every year millions of people,
most of them children, die from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene. Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for poor families across the world. Drought afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries, worsening hunger and malnutrition. By 2050, at least one in four people is likely to live in a country affected by chronic or recurring shortages of fresh water. This is something which affects us directly, given that there will be even more climate refugees and as a lot of this water missing for the poorer countries of the world is used in the production cycles of products we here in the Western World consume. A cup of coffee for example requires 140l for its production, 1kg of beef is over 15,500 l alone!!! 2016 will also prove to be another decisive year on this topic - given that all the states who committed to the COP21 agreement in Paris in December of 2015, no need to sign the actual agreement and show that action will follow on towords. What precisely this will mean for you as a hospitality business is something we will elaborate more in detail on over the coming months as the legislations and private sector goals get defined more clearly. You can however, already find some useful information here. Xenia zu Hohenlohe, Marketing Director Considerate Hoteliers
Sustainable Water Resource at Belmond Le Manoir Aux Quat'Saisons In 2006 Le Manoir commissioned a hydrologist to survey the grounds and conduct a water audit. The bore hole currently irrigates the grounds and gardens (27 acres) and sustains the main house for all water needs (kitchen areas, bedrooms and
restaurants) this was connected in October 2010. Le Manoir had investigated into connecting the bore hole to the courtyard rooms providing water for baths, showers and toilet facilities, however further work is to be carried out as to ensuring a consistent supply all year round. Having an own sustainable water resource is a huge benefit, not only in reduction of spends but reducing the environmental impact and carbon emissions. Read more
EcoPure Waters on filtered water: the eco-friendly solution Paul Proctor, Managing Director of EcoPure Waters, shows how hoteliers can offer drinking water in a more ecofriendly way that also saves them money. Considerate Hoteliers have, for a number of years, realised the importance of eliminating expensive, environmentally damaging bought-in bottled water in helping to reduce their carbon footprint, shrink costs and improve sustainability. More and more hotels are turning to in-house water filtration systems that allow you to create an endless supply of chilled still and sparkling drinking water to serve in reusable, own-brand glass bottles. Read more
Original Beans on Chocolate and hot showers Did you know that if you purchase 1 bar of this chocolate, you are not only investing into a delicious product that has zero emissions, but you are actually offsetting a bit of your own carbon footprint. You might be wondering how that works - well, buying 1 bar of Original Beans Chocolate equals out the emissions from 1 hot shower in the morning, for instance. Pretty good reason to choose Original Beans chocolate!
WHOLE WORLD Water Initiative Today over 1 billion people don’t have access to clean and safe water. WHOLE WORLD Water is a Campaign designed to unite the Hospitality and Tourism Industry on a non-competitive platform to eradicate this issue. We are creating a new way to do business – balancing environmental, economic and societal issues. Hotels and restaurants become members of WHOLE WORLD Water and begin selling high quality filtered water instead of branded bottles. 10% of the proceeds are donated to the WHOLE WORLD Water Fund. 100% of the funds raised through the sale of WHOLE WORLD Water will be invested in clean and safe water projects all over the world. WHOLE WORLD Water are using Con-Serve for all of their members to collect data on the sale of water at their properties. The platform is then translating that data into cost, carbon and waste savings so that these cumulative achievements can be communicated by WWW. Individual members also get use of the platform to keep informed about their own performance and track their reduction in CO2 emissions as a result of taking part in the initiative. Please contact us for further information on our data management system Con-Serve.
CDP Global Water Report 2015 According to the UN, in 15 years the planet may meet only 60% of the global water demand. Water insecurity is the highest risk to global society and threatens economic growth. Find out which companies responded to CDP's water questionnnaire 2015. Download CDP's Global Water Report 2015 here.
The WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Awards announces 2016 finalists
The Green Hotelier Awards 2016 are open Green Hoteliers is looking for the hotels in Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific and the Americas with the best environmental and responsible initiatives and practices. Following the success of 2015 when the Green Hotelier Awards were launched, Green Hoteliers is once again searching for hotels of any size or location which are working hard to be responsible businesses by reducing their carbon footprint, their water use and their waste output; which are positively impacting their local community and have fair labour
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has announced the 15 Finalists for its 2016 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards in the five categories; Community, Destination, Environment, Innovation and People. The 15 Finalists showcase the highest level of sustainability practices within the Travel & Tourism sector. The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards programme celebrates business leadership that works towards a more sustainable future of our sector by educating and inspiring governments, travellers and other tourism businesses. See who has been shortlisted here.
practices and good initiatives. Read more
Craig Sams - Co-founder & Executive Chairman of Carbon Gold Ltd Craig started life as a restaurateur, with a macrobiotic restaurant in Notting Hill in 1967. He went on to co-found Whole Earth Foods and Green & Black’s chocolate and has been Chairman of the Soil Association and Chairman of Slow Food UK. He founded and now runs Carbon Gold, a biochar company dedicated to soil regeneration and carbon reduction. Read more
World Water Week in Stockholm 27 August - 2 September 2016
World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing
World Water Week in Stockholm is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues. It is organized by SIWI.
Experts, practitioners, decision-makers, business innovators and young professionals from a range of sectors and countries come to Stockholm to network, exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions to the most pressing water-related challenges of today. We believe water is key to our future prosperity, and that together, we can achieve a water wise world.
Each year, it highlights a specific
freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
aspect of freshwater. In 2016, the theme is "Water and Jobs. CONSIDERATE COMMUNICATION: #Water #WorldWaterDay #WWWeek #WaterAndJobs #CleanWater2016 #WaterConservation
The Considerate Suppliers Directory is a list of approved suppliers assessed by Considerate Hoteliers to ensure that they follow a similar ethos; have ethical policies in place; and conduct their business responsibly. Most suppliers offer preferential rates to our members, but you will need to log in to the members area of our website. For further information please visit our Considerate Suppliers on our website.