CONSIDERATIONS Volume XIX Number 2 May – July 2004
CONTENTS The Greater Malefic Prier Wintle
The 2004 Presidential Elections Isaac Starkman
Three Spring Full Moons Shelagh Kendal
Lunar Phases & Solar Flares Martin Piechota
Predicting the Dow Ken Gillman
Will My Sprained Hand Ever Get Better? Ruth Baker
Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003 Nicole Girard
Earthquake Alert for San Francisco Jonathan Pearl
Birth Time Validation Nicholas D. Sutherland
The Moon & Childbirth Margaret Millard
An Effective Epoch Ken Gillman
Predicting a Birth Margaret Millard
These Considerations Books Considered Let’s Consider Data Etcetera Who?
2 93 94 96 97
These Considerations
NOW THE PAST to learn the future. “Transit t crosses your u later this month. What happened two years ago, four years ago, around this time?” Astrologers question the past to illuminate what will come—at least those of us not totally empowered by our intuitions do. And this is the theme of the current issue of Considerations, just as it tends to be in each issue. Nicole Girard examines the major earthquakes of 2003 and, by relating them to the solar eclipses of the year, identifies a clearly defined connection between the two sets of phenomena, very much as she had noted in previous comparisons. Nicole also finds evidence that the formidable eclipse of August 1999 continues to influence matters in those places it darkened. Jonathan Pearl, a writer new to Considerations, picks up on some of these ideas to predict a coming quake, specifying its location and timing. Whether he is correct or not you’ll know by the time you read this. We have a description of how the positions and aspects of planets are being related to price changes in the stock market over a 116-year period. This analysis is being done to create a model that hopefully will predict future price movements. Isaac Starkman examines the charts of the two likely candidates for next November’s presidential election. He uses their transits, progressions and lunations to predict which of the two, Bush or Kerry, will occupy the Oval Office for the next four years. We’re not too thrilled about Isaac’s conclusions but fail to see where he may have gone wrong. Spring’s three full moons capture Shelagh Kendal’s interest. They relate particularly to the divinity within us and we can learn much by considering just what these charts imply. Interest continues in how to accurately calculate the pre-natal epoch (Isaac Starkman makes much use of it in his work). The approach of the British astrologer of earlier times George H. Bailey, which suggests a conception time different from the one obtained by the usual method, is the subject of Nick Sutherland’s article. As Nick refers to previous articles on the subject we reprint three of these so new readers can get up to speed. Ruth Baker provides an obviously accurate interpretation of a horary chart. Martin Piechota surveys reports of different findings that can be related to the w’s movement and to the q’s physical activity—all extremely useful for those needing evidence for their causality theorems. Finally, there’s some basic astrology, ever needful for beginners and old pokes alike, a reprise of Prier Wintle’s superb discussion of the ways and intent of the greatest and grandest malefic of them all. —Enjoy!
The Greater Malefic 1 PRIER WINTLE
OME YEARS AGO the humorist Milton Hayes began a lecture on the political situation in the Near East by reminding us of a vitally important point. “The Near East”, he said, “is not as far as the Far East”. It seems to me that we should begin this present study with a similar thought. The founders of astrology characterized t as the Lesser Malefic and u as the Greater. By this they meant of course that t wasn't as "far out", or bad, as u. u was worse than t. Let us consider this. t is associated with wars and commotions, disagreements, dissention, disharmony, anger, strife and discord. He rules hot feverish illnesses, inflammations, boils, ulcers and painful sores. He is unruly, arrogant and aggressive, and if someone characterized by him is present in a group or gathering, he tends to provoke a row or a fight. Sudden accidents must be looked for when his influence is strong, and these usually cause painful and bloody injuries which leave disfiguring scars. Upon women his way is to remove those qualities traditionally regarded as feminine and to make them loud and coarse. Militant feminism is ruled by t. Men instinctively call a persistently difficult, uncooperative and unfeminine woman a "battle-axe"; for t men are natural soldiers—the type who really love war and killing and who cultivate an aggressive masculine haircut and general facial expression and prefer to be in uniform or military-style clothing. They have an inward contempt for all forms of "softness", under which term they subsume concord, harmony and peace in general. Today of course the world is supposed to be seeking peace—World Peace—so the natural fighters (who are always in prominent places since they must kick others out of the way till they get to the top) pose as "defending the peace", or "fighting for peace", ignoring the absurd contradiction in terms. A dedicated t woman is just as intimidating as a dedicated t man. One could go on adding to this list almost indefinitely, but this is an article upon the Greater Malefic, not the Lesser. It has been a digression for a purpose, however, to make the point that astrologers of the past 1
Originally published in 1988, in Considerations V: 3
Wintle: The Greater Malefic
considered there was a very much worse evil than all of this Martian pain and discord. I consider traditional astrology to have been right in believing that certain types of people, situations and happenings were evils in themselves, and in singling out two planets in particular as indicators of such evils. This is not fashionable in the climate of present day astrology. t today has dropped almost completely out of the "baddie" list. Since the publication of Margaret Hone's Modern Textbook of Astrology at the beginning of the 1950s he has become synonymous with energy, the driving force or initiative-producing principle in human affairs and the world generally. In himself he is neither good nor bad but a perfectly neutral force like steam, which may be put to constructive or destructive uses. If you are careless with it you will be scalded but that is all you have to fear. There has been more hesitation and wariness in dealing with u. Even today no one really likes the prospect of a conjunction, square or opposition forming between u and the q, w or ruler of the chart. Nevertheless it isn't for want of trying. There is a general feeling that we ought to love him. Article after article appears assuring us that u is really a friend who can give us stability, security, a sense of proportion, peace at the close, and what not. Whole books have been written taking a new look at the old devil. The pity of it is that even though it never quite carries conviction, it does unfortunately have the effect of putting some readers off guard when a more realistic astrological prognosis might have helped them to prepare for trouble2. For trouble does happen. There is plenty of it in the world we live in, and in one form or another it comes to all of us at some time in our lives. u aspects, above all others, are the surest astrological warnings of it: part of the astrologer's responsibility should be to help his or her client realize this and face up to it, neither exaggerating nor minimizing but always helping the client to see the situation in true perspective. The fashion for never telling a patient in a hospital when his condition is serious is passing away and this article is written in what I hope is to be the new fashion. The worst characteristics of u are his coldness and his anonymity. He is the archetypal official, and it is officialdom that rules the world today. Of course if you read the newspapers or listen to the radio or watch TV 2
I remember being surprised two or three years ago when a lady friend of mine (not particularly erudite in astrological matters) told me she was hoping her troubles would clear up when y moved out of her q sign and u entered it in the following year. So and so's article in a popular astrological magazine had said that all the really good things happened under u. If this strikes you as funny at least you can congratulate yourself on not having been misled to quite that extent.
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you might be excused for thinking that t rules the world, since priority of reporting is always given to the latest war, insurrection, riot, murder or violent disaster. But don't be misled. There is another principle at work which wants to control you and everybody else and which believes that the best way to do this is not to let you know what is going on. At best it may tell you half truths. t events are useful to it because they tend to be spectacular and thus divert attention from other things. Sexual scandals and lurid happenings in the film or TV world (where t combines with r and o) come next on the list, followed by sport and the fortune, public or private, of prominent figures in the political, business or religious field (y). You are not supposed to know the really important things that are going on. Above all, you can be sure that the man or woman you vote for is not the one who takes real decisions and really holds the reins of power. It wasn't always so. In past ages there were kings who really were kings; kings whom everyone could see, who gave their own orders using their own words. Today the only kings and queens still in existence in the "advanced" nations are "constitutional monarchs"; that is, figureheads. They read speeches prepared for them by anonymous people and take no action before a whole hierarchy of other people with names receding further and further into the woodwork have been forewarned, and their approval secured. It isn't only the false kings whose words and actions are not their own words and actions. No president of the United States today could be elected simply by being who he is, speaking his own thoughts and (horror of horrors) taking action on his own initiative; nor could any president or prime minister anywhere else in the "civilized" world. Slowness, deadness and inhumanity are the main characteristics of that rule, Here I must digress for a moment to guard against a possible misconception. In a book sometimes called The Dawn of Magic and sometimes The Morning of the Magicians when it first appeared about 35 years ago, the authors, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, suggested that our planet was destined to be ruled by a "cryptocracy", that is, a secret government, the real members of which would always remain unknown but which would manipulate and govern through the existing forms of government, whatever these might be in any particular country. This is not what I am writing about. There may well be much justification for the idea. People and forces may exist which are capable of manipulating a system which is itself a manipulating system. Plutonic forces such as those which thrive in the underworld of most of the large cities in America and many other countries, and which organize crime, prostitution, the drug scene, etc., in syndicates or "families" are obvious candidates for the role. Nevertheless by themselves alone they could not set up all the conditions necessary. The evils which “ organizes are to a large extent derivative or parasitic. Organized crime is a parasite on society. It organizes murder and violence, but it can only do this because t
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copiously supplies murder and violence wherever it may be required, almost anywhere in the world. Similarly the coldness, hardness, selfishness and above all anonymity and repudiation of personal contact and caring which characterize u and which are the way things are at city and government level all over the world today are tailor-made for Plutonic manipulation. But we must recognize them first of all as u's work. u is stronger than t because his organization is much better and more far-reaching. Sometimes one reads descriptions that suggest he is the principle of organization, upon which we are therefore dependent. This is a misconception. In a sense every planet organizes in its own way but with some, like the q or r, the structure is more open and the bonds are those of loyalty or love. e’s organization is intellectual and logical classification. y’s is a legal hierarchy based on belief in spiritual justice. t and u are the two planets which set up organizations that are independent of and external to humankind and which therefore attempt to regulate humanity from outside. t doesn't do it as much as u. As I have pointed out in my article on the Lesser Malefic3, anyone who thinks that u alone represents the principle of discipline while t stands for individual freedom has obviously never been anywhere near the army. But u regulates, so to speak, for regulation's sake and in the end this is what wins out. In World War II Hitler's army was the most efficient and disciplined which had existed till that date; but in Russia it came up against an enemy in whom u's discipline pervaded the whole of society, governing every action and thought. Even those who hated it and wanted to rebel against it were carried along by it. Although the Russians lost 19 million killed, in the end their sheer weight of numbers and absolute totalitarian organization wore the Germans down4. And that victory spelt out something for the whole of the rest of the world, because gradually, even in those parts of the world most opposed to Communism, bureaucratic organization similar to that practiced in Russia is insidiously penetrating everywhere, even into the most private areas of life. Always bear in mind the externality of u's approach. It is of a piece with the behaviorism of B. F. Skinner, who first explicitly enunciated the principle that nothing reliable or of value can be derived from the statements made by people about their subjective beliefs, feelings or experiences, and that a true social science must be based upon an objective study of people's external behavior. Even though the origins of our modern world can be traced to a period long before Skinner, in him is found its ideal apologist and prophet. To be respectable in the intellectual field at university level today you must at least pay lip service to behavioral psychology and sociology, and to logical positivist philoso-
Considerations V: 1. The Saturnine cold of the Russian winters also helped.
Considerations XIX: 2
phy5. All other sciences which are called "applied" rather than speculative or "pure", that is, chemistry, biology, medicine, genetics, computer science, etc., also tend to be applied materialistically rather than with thought about their possible relevance to man's aspirations and destiny as a spiritual being. Orthodox science nowadays supposes that the sum of all that exists—our universe and all the others as far as Space extends—is simply one vast mass of inorganic, lifeless matter receding from a central source-point, each separate piece revolving under its own momentum as it does so. Life may exist here and there as a kind of anomaly: it seems to be an accidental by-product of electrical discharges through liquids or gases containing various large hydrocarbon molecules. In essence, therefore, it must obey the same laws as those which govern inorganic matter, which is regarded as the basic reality that gave rise to it. Sciences like physics, which are not explicitly concerned with life, simply ignore it. Those that do have to concern themselves with it, like biology and medicine, defer to the reputation achieved by 19th century physics, which began transforming the world and has continued to do so in the present century through its discoveries. They apply its methods, use the instruments it provides, and study and attempt to regulate life as an external physical process6. And the man in the street follows suit. Even the "born-again" Christian, who claims to believe in a God who created the universe and sent His Son to save those who would stand up and say they believed in Him, believes most of the time in a material world of automobiles and washing-machines and television sets, trusts a doctor to give him chemical drugs when his physical body is ill, consents to be treated as a statistic by an insurance company, drives his car on the right or left side of the road as the law provides, submits to other regulations, and pays taxes at the end of it all for the privilege of being so regulated. Of course there are exceptions. For example there are trans-personal psychologists, and a Jungian Psychological Institute. There are naturopaths and holistic healers who won't use drugs. Some theosophists are aware that Madam Blavatsky and her Masters taught that the q and planets are conscious beings. Eastern gurus and swamis are 5
Those with a different viewpoint prefer to call logical positivism "logical negativism" for it denies the existence of everything which cannot be demonstrated objectively just as steadfastly as behaviorism does. 6
There will be those who will object—with reason—that science as a whole is a Uranian rather than a Saturnian phenomenon. This is true, but the uncompromisingly materialistic way in which science has developed from the 18th century to the present day was certainly given its initial impetus by Saturnian materialistic economic theories current in the late 18th century and throughout the 19th. Remember too that u is still co-ruler of i' sign, b.
Wintle: The Greater Malefic
making inroads here and there. But these are oddities, and the rumor that physics itself, in its avant garde, is coming up with some rather weird notions concerning the ultimate nature of matter— notions which have been compared with the intuitions of both Eastern and Western mystics—has certainly not penetrated down to the man in the street. Today if you advise someone to treat his electric kettle or heater with respect because electricity is a living force you will, by and large, be regarded as a nut. "Them things is just things." It is generally accepted that we do not live in a world that, in its own way, is living and conscious as we are, and to which we must therefore relate, but in a world that is just a thing, to be pushed around and carved up and regulated. And 99% of our own selves are made of this same thingstuff, we believe, even though we are conscious, and possibly have a soul which can be saved. Consequently we too are ripe for regulation, which is what u wants, for this is his world-picture. Who could have thought two centuries ago, when 90% of the world's population, even in advanced nations, lived on the land and in contact with the land and its natural rhythms, that a complete transformation was about to occur and that shortly more than 90% of the people in the advanced nations would work either in factories or in offices, often in shifts throughout the day and night, with no contact at all with the natural rhythms of this world? In they come at certain appointed times, in cars, buses and trains, and back they go again at other appointed times, commuting daily from dormitory suburbs laid out in neat rows or from endless serial numbers in high rise apartments. Who rules time? Why, u of course; but not living time. Not the time that rises with the q in the morning and moves in rhythm through the days and nights and through the seasons, measuring its length not by hours and minutes but by the intensity with which we live our lives. u's time is the time of B. F. Skinner7, which has nothing whatever to do with our subjective feelings and experiences. It never varies its pace, for u is the archetypal, external, objective regulator. We have so much time for sleeping, and so much time for washing and dressing, and so much for eating and so much for getting to work. Even when we were younger it was so much time for getting to school and the time to be spent at school was precisely measured out and punctuated by bells. Exactly so many years had to be spent there and then we began our working life. The precise length of life is also specified and laid down. As the Department of Health and Social 7
I hesitate to state the obvious, but remind the reader that "skin" is traditionally ruled by u—Editor
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Security spelt it out in my own case recently: "For pension purposes Mr. Wintle's working life consists of 45 years of which 40 (90% of 45) must be reckoned before entitlement to British retirement pension can exist at the standard rate..."
The trouble is that we all want this. We are suckers for it because what we all want is security and u wins because he promises stable, secure conditions. It is no accident that recorded history, which is after all the study of human behaviorism in past centuries, consists on the one hand in a saga of wars and conquests (t) and on the other in a study of constitutional and legal development and the enforcement of law and order by this, that or the other authority over ever larger areas of the Earth's surface (u). People have an undeniable impulse to hit other people and grab what they own. It is evident in children even from the earliest age. This is t. But they also want to retain what they own, and for this reason law has always had its attractions: I mean law in the sense of strong police forces to guarantee property rights, the swift apprehension and punishment of malefactors, the hanging of thieves, etc. This is u. The earliest code of u law of which we have definite knowledge is that of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, dating from the 3rd millennium B.C. Its provisions were carved in stone and exhibited in the market place. It gave no quarter to anyone who trifled with other people's private property. In Roman times the magistrates would exhibit the laws they intended to enforce publicly on tablets and parchments for all to see. The Romans produced the best armies the world had seen up till that time, and also the best laws. The civil wars around the time of Julius Caesar and the end of the Roman Republic were so horrific, however, that when the emperors took over people were forced to submit to a system of controls that began to penetrate into almost every facet of life. In the centuries that followed the Roman bureaucracy became more and more the real government of the Empire, able to foment intrigues against the emperors and even to get rid of those it disliked. Significantly, it was composed mainly of freedmen (that is, men who had once been slaves, chiefly Greeks, chosen for intellectual subtlety) and of slaves. Unfree status is the unmistakable mark of u. These men came to be able to direct and control the old aristocracy, taxing them, decreeing forfeiture of their property and even imprisoning or proscribing them on what would be represented by them as the Imperial whim. They themselves remained always unnamed and nameless. This too is always u's way, just as he always yearns to bring down anyone who, either by birth or achievement, has attained prominence and power or made a name for himself in an open way. Under this rule the Roman Empire gradually declined and Roman character itself underwent a slow and subtle change for the worse. From being a proud and fearless Roman, with a reputation for standing by his word and always carrying out what he said he would do, the typical citizen of the
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empire became known for greed, rapacity, cynicism and the tendency to turn even on his closet friends in the pursuit of whatever he believed to be his self-interest. Palace revolutions and assassinations caused the death of emperor after emperor. Eventually the rot went so far that in the West the barbarian invaders could no longer be kept out. At least they put an end to the Roman bureaucracy when they sacked Rome and replaced its rule with a more primitive but also more robust kingly government. The system persisted in Constantinople where it became synonymous with fanatical fossilized rigidity and the most ferocious resistance to any form of change that has ever afflicted any government in the world. Eventually the Turks put an end to it in the 15th century. During the thirteen and a half centuries which followed after the fall of Rome in 410 A.D. until the latter half of the 18th Century, u's influence upon humanity in Western Europe was confined to what may be described as his normal activities. Even barbarian and feudal societies must have some organization, and so must churches which call themselves universal. The Catholic Church throughout the Middle Ages aspired to direct the spiritual life of every human being in Europe and inevitably therefore it began prescribing regulatory controls and restrictions which affected everyday life. As soon as it did so it was right up u's street. Take sacerdotal celibacy for instance, the decree that priests, monks and nuns must not marry. The practice of celibacy as an adjunct to the spiritual life was of course not something first invented by the Catholic Church or by Christianity in general. Several Buddhist sects advocate it, and it has been known in many religions. What was distinctive about it in Medieval Europe was its rigidity and the fact that it was imposed as a rule from outside, instead of being something to which a religious person might be intuitively led and wish to practice as part of his or her own spiritual development. Here we recognize u. For as long as the Catholic Church remained the one acknowledged spiritual head of Europe this rule produced abuse, cynical evasion and suspicion of the clergy by the laity. One of the first things Luther did at the time of the Reformation was to permit priests to marry. Indeed the Church went much further and decided that sex as a whole was, at best, only a necessary evil. It therefore fell fairly and squarely within Church jurisdiction. Innocent II and other Popes issued decrees that sexual intercourse between married persons was only to be permitted on certain days of the week and only in certain positions8. It sometimes seems a mystery how and why people en masse will put up with things like these, but we must never forget that basic human craving for security. The Middle Ages as a whole were violent and insecure times, and therefore there was a temptation to cling to anyone who, 8
In the East at the same time Mohammedism was making absolute the complete subjection of women to men.
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on whatever grounds, claimed to be in control. To some extent the more preposterous the demands it made the more holy and deserving reverence it might appear to be. After all, did not St. Augustine give as his reason for believing in Christianity itself, "Credo quia absurdum est"?9 In any case the laity did not fall behind the Church in giving u opportunities to express himself. In a warlike age, when a gentleman was expected to be acquainted with all the contemporary t weaponry, a thrust from a sword or lance, or a blow over the head from a mace, was a most natural form of death. Nevertheless provision had also to be made for times of peace and for preserving what had been conquered. The Medieval Age was therefore the age of the castle. Built with immensely thick walls in some prominent place dominating all the countryside around, and designed to be as nearly impregnable as possible, it symbolized temporal power and control, supplementing and complementing the spiritual power enshrined in the monastery and cathedral. The feudal u also created the dungeon and the instruments of torture associated with it. The fetters, manacles, and ball and chain, all designed to restrict movement, are almost symbols of u himself. The rack, the thumb-screw, and all the others you have heard of, just go to complete the picture. Don't dwell on them unnecessarily: but do realize that some principle operative in humankind prompted their invention and use. Stop white-washing it away. It is necessary to be aware of it so that you can recognize it when it turns up again, in this or some other form. We don't need to spend much time on Medieval justice, except to add that the stocks in which people were publicly confined by their feet for passers-by to torment and jeer at, and the gibbet, usually erected at a crossroads, on which people were hanged in chains and then left to rot so that the sight and the stink would scare others into due respect for the law, are both as good examples of u at work as you could wish for. What is significantly more worth remembering, though, is the plague, the Black Death, which periodically swept over Europe, sometimes wiping out practically the entire population of whole towns and villages, leaving no one to till the soil. Knowledge of hygiene was practically nonexistent then and religious people in particular prided themselves on living without consideration for the body. Experimentation and research in medicine were almost impossible because all education was in the hands of the Church, which was opposed to any form of study not directly authorized by itself. u always wants to limit what people are allowed to do or to know. Small wonder that whenever the plague struck, carried as it was in dirty condi9
I believe because it is unbelievable.
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tions by rats and fleas, there was no defense whatever against it. u loves dirty conditions. A nice example of t and u working hand in glove, so to speak, is the English revolutionary period of 1648-60, during which that nation was split into warring religious and political factions, the king was captured and beheaded, and a revolutionary government set up which ruled for eleven years. This was also the first definite appearance of i, an utterly modern influence, upon the European political scene. It was really before its time and the Old order resumed its sway with the restoration of Charles II in 1660; but the tendency of t, u and i to operate closely together, both as regards time and in the sense of subserving each other's interests, is something we should notice. Like the other two, i is a planet which tends to work mainly on the external plane, dealing with what it sees as objective realities. Superficially it may seem to bear more obvious resemblance to t than to u since what it does it does abruptly and quite often violently and, of course, the Martian use of Uranian inventions for military purposes is all too patent. However, u has climbed to a position of almost total control in our contemporary world—a control surpassing anything he has ever been able to achieve in the past and which he could never have achieved on his own—by riding on the back of the Uranian scientific revolution of the past two hundred years. One could say that by means of this revolution i has provided u and t with a convenient alias. It is no longer fashionable to speak of planets in quasi-personal terms. The older astrologers thought in terms of planetary dignities and detriments and told us, for instance, that u joys in the 12th house10. Today we have to be scientific and objective and must think of him only as an abstract principle. He is "limitation", "concretization", "resistance", and so on, as Mrs. Hone ably expounded in her Modern Textbook of Astrology. You can't blame him for these things because they are all obviously necessary stages in the working of some sort of impersonal machine in which we are all caught up. Indeed we seem to be actual component parts of it, despite our illusions of free will, emotions, personality, and so on. The astrological world has really been developing towards this idea or philosophical position quite slowly over the past thousand years. The Greeks saw the planets simply as gods ruling different spheres—beings with consciousness, personality and free will, who vied with one another and used their individual powers sometimes alone, sometimes in alliances, sometimes to trip each other up, sometimes aiding individual human beings or mankind in general and sometimes inflicting misfortune upon them; but always, in whatever they did, asserting themselves. By the 14th century European astrologers believed that the old Greek stories had to be interpreted symbolically, much as some schools of Biblical exege10
Of course he does—it is the house of prisons and secret enemies.
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sis, following St. Paul's hint in Galatians IV, 24, believe that the Old Testament histories are really spiritual allegories. They believed they had the key to the operating principle of the system revealed to them in the Tetrabiblos of Claudius Ptolemy, published in the 2nd century A.D. Fate was not simply the outcome of the capricious whim of irresponsible gods who could never be called to account. It could be calculated in advance by balancing one planetary position against another. True, it might still be fortunate11 or unfortunate in ways which seemed to bear no discernible relation to deservingness or undeservingness, but predictability was at least something. Charles Harvey develops the argument to its logical but unbelievable conclusion in the definitive 20th century political textbook Mundane Astrology12, when he states that all of our individual patterns are parts of one great pattern which was astronomically and mathematically decreed from the moment the universe came into being ten billion years ago. Moreover we have to realize that it is essentially a good pattern. Our freedom consists solely in our ability to understand it13. Then we can harmonize with it and make the best of it, however much it may rub our individual noses in the dirt. I personally consider that this approach makes nonsense of human life for it directly conflicts with the reality of living experience. The prevailing fashion of the age to see everything in terms of "processes working out"14 (cf. the Communist "scientific" view of history as part of the science of economics, with individual freedom an illusion totally subsumed within statistical probability theory) really turns everything upside-down. The part of us which is real is the part which is truly self-conscious and free, the part which can always become aware of and manipulate (handle) any situation we are in (including the astrological situation). Ultimately everything comes down to the individual. It is as individuals that we experience everything. Statistics are only of value to humanity insofar as they reveal patterns which we can make use of as individuals. As Dennis Elwell pointed out thirty years ago in a prolonged controversy
The fact that the old astrologers (as also we ourselves) still used words like "fortunate" and "capricious" is a clear admission to the discerning that at an instinctive, subconscious level we all still know that the Old Gods continue to rule in their old way. "Fortuna" is the Roman Goddess of Luck while "capricious" is derived from the Latin word for goat which is also the root of the Sign-name ÂŚ. It therefore implies not merely a tendency to leap unpredictably, like a goat, but also a penchant for landing just where it is most inconvenient (u). 12 Aquarian Press, 1984. 13 Such a definition of "freedom" is merely a get-out from an impossible selfcontradictory position. If there is a pattern which decrees everything that occurs it must decree our thoughts too since these spring from our past and present actions and decide our future ones. 14 Who works them out?
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with John Addey in the pages of the Astrological Journal15, statistical astrology, far from throwing into relief that which is important or significant, frequently obscures the vital individual character points. It is the single cases which stand out from the herd that tend to incarnate the true essence of a situation or period. There were many people born at times and places very close to those at which Napoleon, Beethoven, Einstein, Hitler or John Lennon entered Earth-life, but only these individuals actually "realized"16 the potential inherent in their individual nativities. Individualism is something that u dislikes, both as a theory and when manifested by individuals. Anonymity has always been a rule never to be deviated from in all his bureaucracies. I refer to him himself as an individual however because, even though it may be heretical and paradoxical, I feel that this way of describing him makes more sense and is much truer to what I experience in life and astrology than the contemporary "scientific" approach. Whether or not he is actually and literally an individual is a question I leave unresolved for the time being. The way in which the old astrologers always referred to u, y, t and the q as "He" while r and the w were "She" reveals pretty plainly what they knew they were dealing with and experiencing. Planets unquestionably work very much more like the descriptions handed down in the old Greek myths than as scientific principles. A planetary aspect or combination is never really a formula which can be weighed precisely so that its results can be forecast exactly. Certainly one can choose a good time or a bad time to start any undertaking, whether it be a business venture, a marriage, or simply being born, according to aspects in force at a particular time and place; but still there can be a virtual infinity of outcomes according to one's own attitudes and activities and, I venture to suggest, those of the planets concerned. What actually occurs is simply something we recognize as appropriate to the planet or planets concerned—that is, their likely choice17. Precisely because the scientific view of the universe seems to imply that as individuals we can have little or no effect upon it, we have been thrown back upon ourselves and become solipsists. We still believe we can make much or little of life but think this can only be as a result of our own positive or negative thinking. In reality however life as a whole is something we have to relate to outwardly, for it interacts positively with us and responds to us. I do not wish to advocate a return to an explicitly magical view of life and the universe, but I do suggest that there is more 15
Journal of the British Astrological Association. The word "realize" implies both inward understanding and external demonstration. 17 The really great astrologers such as William Lilly have always been people who developed an unerring "feel" for what a particular planet would choose. 16
Considerations XIX: 2
to the old shamanistic view of things than is usually allowed. Magicians and shamans in all countries and at all periods have always asserted that it is possible to place oneself in tune with a particular planet or god by procedures which are part psychological and subjective and part magical and objective. In this way one can make the planet or god either an ally or an enemy, and set definite forces to work which can accomplish objectives within its specific province. I would not venture to assert exactly how true this is in a literal sense, but if false it is certainly not more false than the prevailing "scientific" view of the way things are. The latter, far from being in precise accord with reality, is actually playing straight into the hands of forces, and of people on Earth who incarnate these forces, who are cynically manipulating us and controlling us. The Uranian scientific and industrial revolution began in earnest about the middle of the 18th century, thirty or forty years before i was discovered telescopically, since when it has been developing continuously and at an ever accelerating pace. It has proved to be the most farreaching revolution in the whole of recorded history. Other revolutions and conquests may sometimes have laid waste stretches of countryside or carried away the populations of towns into captivity, but this revolution has effectively taken the whole population of the Western World, which used to live on the land or in close contact with the land, and herded it into an entirely new type of town, completely unrelated to the land and its rhythms, and taught it a new life-style based on minerals, metals, plastics, electricity, numbers and theories, according to which everything that it used to live by, if it continues to exist at all, exists only to be exploited. u has come more and more into his element with each new stage of the process, no doubt rubbing his horny hands with delight—symbolically, of course. Everything has had to be monitored because every development has required to be externally organized and regulated. Along with every step we have taken towards the scientific paradise promised by i we have in effect been forced to take two steps towards u's cold classification and de-humanized regimentation of mankind. The Biblical writers knew that some such things were coming and warned against it. They had seen its beginning in the Roman Imperial bureaucracy. The Book of Revelation, XIII 16-17, tells us of a "beast" who: "Causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bound, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
The numerical system intrudes more and more inexorably each day into all our lives. It begins when our births are registered (as it also began to do at the time of the first Roman census) and does not cease till the row of digits we then receive is shifted to the death duties register when we die. True, it isn't complete yet. There are still areas of life which have
Wintle: The Greater Malefic
not been invaded and taken over where we can laugh and love and make our own choices whether to go up or down or right or left, but everywhere records and registers intrude more and more to monitor our every activity. As soon as we have given our first burp and can be fairly said to be alive medical registers specify what vaccinations or injections we are to receive and when. We must be visited and reported on by childwelfare inspectors and social workers and begin to go to school at age five or six. No harm in any of these things in themselves of course. No doubt there are loving injections and school inspectors in Paradise itself. But they are Satanic when they become automatic like the latest washing machines, or churn out on a ticker-tape recording just how many dividends we have paid and what our listing is when trading closes each day. Our exact whereabouts is always carefully computerized somewhere so that we can be traced for military service and taxation. You know that from the way a steady stream of advertising bumph continually reaches you, addressed to your full name, street number and post code, with even your age in code in the top right-hand corner. We are continuously bombarded with "information", through all the printed and broadcast media, so that we shall all think approximately alike, within certain well defined allowable limits. To travel from one part of the world to another requires even more careful registering and enumerating and the issue of special identifying documents. The days when Abraham and Sarah could pack their belongings on an ass's back, set out from Ur and wander into Canaan are well and truly over. Within more and more countries even local travel is monitored and if one moves one's apartment this fact too has duly to be registered with the police.18 Every tax return and population census asks for more and more personal details. Official forms and letters preserve a certain hypocritical pretense of emanating from human beings. "I am happy to inform you..." or "I regret to inform you..." they say, or "Kindly furnish the following information...� The tragedy is that there really are real human beings sending out these things, where computers and robot machines have not yet fully taken over their work. What they can write or say, however, is not what they themselves think or say but only what is laid down as sayable in 18
If this paragraph appears to be exaggerated, the reader should note that in Sweden, Finland and Norway, to give just three examples of advanced countries within the "free" world, it is required by law that any alteration of status such as a change of address be registered with the government within fourteen days. Information about each individual is maintained on computer tape at the government Census bureau, and includes details of his or her birth data and that of each member of the family, marital status, place of employment, number of rooms in the dwelling, etc. This data is updated every month. This is not repeating a rumor for, in my capacity as statistical consultant to a leading Scandinavian company, I frequently had hands-on access to this data bank—Editor.
Considerations XIX: 2
specified circumstances. Within the system itself, u's Brave New World is dispensing with human thought in as many levels as it possibly can. The tone is one of encouragement. "You don't need to worry—don't try to work it out for yourself. Just follow the procedure laid down. If there are any problems just return the form". It is becoming the pattern of "civilized" human life. Everything
that is advertised is advertised as being as simple as falling off a log. No one would try to sell something and advertise it as difficult! Big business is really part of the system. Before you can "qualify" for a housing loan, or buy a car, your identity and every number you've got is thoroughly scrutinized. Credit controllers inquire into the creditworthiness of all potential customers. Everyone now buys almost everything by means of credit cards, which are a mark of status within the system. There are cards for gas and cards for the telephone, cards to clock in and out of work, cards for hotels when you travel. But it is easy to lose a card. Very soon it will be a number invisibly printed in the palm of your hand, or on the forehead, which a computer beam can read. If you are going to "get on" in this modern world you've to accept the system and run like a preprogrammed rat in your allotted groove. Then you can carry a briefcase and drive or be driven in your Mercedes to your allotted and computerized parking area, ascend in a special numbered elevator to your numbered office, and spend your days phoning the numbers of similar people in identical air-conditioned cubicles with family photographs on the desk and a potted palm in one corner, while you ensure that meticulously typed and numbered pieces of paper circulate between you and them at precisely the right dates and times with precisely the right thoughts expressed on them which are not your thoughts but the system's thoughts which you have learnt to think. At the bottom of the ladder you may or may not have a car and if you do it won't be a Mercedes. You'll probably do something very repetitious in an office or factory with a lot of other people close beside you doing the same or very similar things. You may have enough to eat and somewhere bearable to stay but you'll be worried all the time in case you might lose the "security", for there are always plenty of people who don't have it—just to warn you to stay in line. These unemployed have to fill in endless forms to receive hand outs from the system just to stay alive. Outside the system there still remains that small part of all of us which somehow continues to find a way to continue to laugh and love. And of course there is always that small suspect minority which rate laughter and love as so important that they contrive somehow to exist always on the fringe of things. Apart from them (us?) there is no one in the Western World any longer completely outside it, and u is careful to remind everyone sufficiently regularly just how parasitic we really are. Then there is the Third World. Here a tiny minority are very rich and the majority are grindingly poor. These rich probably are rich enough to
Wintle: The Greater Malefic enjoy the world they live in but the rest long for justice, which u's media propaganda for more than half a century now had thoroughly convinced them means "life" within the system. It could be the Communist system. u wouldn't mind. Regulation and classification are all that matter. But the ironical thing about this whole Modern World set up, really, is its insecurity and vulnerability—the very things it claims to protect us from. We all know that t threatens it. Both the United States and Russia had sufficient "overkill" to wipe out all life on this planet several times over. Even if they didn't use the bomb they could still achieve the same result just as effectively with nerve gas or botulin toxin. But u's vaunted "security" is itself laying us open to annihilation just as surely. A major catastrophe which cut off regular supplies of food and power and destroyed housing on a massive scale would result in death to unthinkable numbers of the population of a civilization in which the majority no longer know the basic necessities for survival on this planet and who are encouraged never to think about real issues—a population which has in effect become an aged invalid. Vitality, initiative, resourcefulness and independence are the marks of real life. Vitality, initiative, resourcefulness and independence are anathema to u. Not that he doesn't want to keep us working. The more work we do the better. We still have to go to school and learn how to program computers and look through microscopes and classify minerals and go to the w and back and keep all the myriad wheels turning. But if we want to know what it's really all for and where we're really going then we're Hippies and drop-outs and wasting everybody's time. Just go on voting for your Representative and your Senator and your President as and when they're nominated and listed for you, for then you can look forward to a peaceful Old Age. u rules Old Age, and essentially all his organization and planning is for Old Age and reduces us to Old Age. His ultimate "freedom" really consists in the privilege of being able to contemplate your big bank balance as you sit in your wheelchair. A prominent u in a chart always gives an old look with something rather anxious and timorous about it, even in youth. There may not be a scar, as with t, but often there is a deformity of some sort such as a disparity in size between one side of the face and the other or a difference in the slant of the two eyes. The voice often has a rasp or crack in it. Whether prominent in our charts or not, however, u sooner or later begins to operate on all of us. His normal way is to begin by introducing the first white hairs. As time goes on (his time) the muscles, eyesight and hearing all weaken. Joints become stiff. Hair goes totally gray and falls out. Gums recede and teeth decay. The voice becomes querulous. All effort, including mental effort, becomes a strain and ultimately even the best mind becomes confused and childish. He has been preparing all the time for this. His insurance policies and Old Age Homes are ready--Homes that are infinitely worse than the prisons and hospitals and institutions he had for us when we were younger, for those admitted to them know there will be no discharge, no way out. Only the benefics can ameliorate things a little with visits from loving friends and relatives. Eventually o brings the only possible release: the final sleep which cancels our account.
The 2004 Presidential Elections Isaac Starkman My rectification for the charts of the two candidates: John Kerry1: Radix: 11th December 1943 at 14.07.24 UT; 39N44, 104W59. Epoch: 27th March 1943 at 14.42.36 UT; same coordinates George W. Bush2: Radix: 6th July 1946 at 11.24.16 UT; 41N18, 72W56. Epoch: 15th October 1945 at 15.37.18 UT; same coordinates John Kerry’s main Primary Directions in the Topocentric System3 (Dual Test) for the Presidential Election on 2 Nov 2004 are: ^ S o E/E 8’ apart k S o E/E 3’ t G u R/R 2’ u G o E/R 2’ 3 cusp D i E/E 3’ 3 cusp D “ E/E 6’ o S w E/R 9’ u D q E/R is exact on 17 Dec 2004 Kerry’s main secondary directions: Direct: t S o E/E 3’
Converse: e S cusp 12 R/E 5’ q F o E/R 5’ Cusp 12 A o R/R 6’ k G o R/R 4’
PSSR4: u D k E/R 11’ t G k R/E 8’ r D k R/R 3’ “ F k E/E 10’ w A t E/R 14’ w G t R/R 16’
The main source for Senator John Kerry’s events was: 2 The main source for events in the life of President George W. Bush was: 3 For details see my article: “Rectification Without Tears” in Considerations vol. 13, no.2. R indicates that the aspect is in the directed Radix, E that it is in the directed Epoch. 4 See my article on PSSR in Considerations vol. 14, no 3
Starkman: The 2004 Presidential Elections
John Kerry Natal. 2:07:24 pm UT 11th Dec 1943 39N44, 104W59
Starkman rectification
John Kerry Epoch 2:42:36 PM UT 27th March 1943 39N44, 104W59
Considerations XIX: 2
For Inauguration Day, 20th January 2005 Kerry has two negative PSSR aspects: w S u R/E 12’ w S t R/R 12’ Lunar Cycles are always one of the best tools for prediction. In Kerry’sLunar Return for 31 Oct 2004 15.36 UT: k 25º z A t23 z. In his Kinetic Lunar5 for 11 Oct 2004 10.26 UT: j 11ºz A t 9º z In his demi-Kinetic Lunar for 23 Oct 2004 10.01 UT: j 17º z A t 17º z k 20º f A u 27º f In his Converse demi-Kinetic Lunar for 17 Jan 1883 16.15 UT: j 24º ¦ A t 25º ¦ k 19º x A u 19º x A l 17º x S o 16º s And in his the Converse Asc-Lunar6 (6) for 3 Feb 1883 05.58 UT: j 17º x A l 16º x S o 16º s S u 19º s All of these Lunar Cycles are calculating for Boston, Massachusetts, and are precession corrected. The main Transits for 3rd November 2004, 04.00 UT: Transit Aspects to Radix Direct Prenatal e A cusp12 42’ y A u 45’ u F cusp12 5’ r A MC 37’ L Z Asc 7’(true) 30’ (mean) “ S w/u 5’ o A w/k 27’
Transit Aspects to Epoch Direct Prenatal u S k & ^ 25’ o A j 20’ t A u 40’
The analysis of his natal and epoch charts clearly indicates that Senator John Kerry has NO chance to win the 2004 Presidential Election.
These very effective Lunar Cycles can be calculate only in my program or in the oldie-goodie DOS program NOVA 6 For an explanation of these cycles see Alexander Marr’s book Prediction III
Starkman: The 2004 Presidential Elections
George W. Bush Natal 11:24:16 AM UT 6th July 1946 41N18 72W56
Starkman Rectification
George W. Bush Epoch 3:37:18 PM UT 15th Oct 1945 41N18 72W56
Considerations XIX: 2
George W. Bush’s main primary directions for 2nd November 2004: A j R/E 10’ w A j R/E 2’ w G y R/R 4’ j A i R/E 3’ y D t E/R 1’ q S i E/E 9’ l G y R/E 2’ q V j R/E 6’ Bush’s Secondaries: Direct: j F l E/R 7’ q F r E/R 9’ r A y R/R 11’
Converse: e S cusp3 E/E 10’
PSSR7: e F cusp 3 E/E 1’ y F i E/E 7’ w F l R/E 2’ w F q E/R 6’
In the converse Lunar Return for 28th March 1888, 11.06 UT: j 10º a A q 8º a S i 15º z S w 15º z In the converse demi-lunar return for 14th March 1888, 14.36 UT: j 5º d A “ 3º d S y 6º c In the Desc-Lunar for 21st October 2004, 14.32 UT: k 21º h A r 21º h Transits for 3rd November 2004, 04.00 UT: Aspects to Radix Direct Prenatal t S k 55’ y F j 47’ r G j 32’
l (mean) A j 60’ l (true) A e 40’ i A w 19’
Aspects to Epoch Direct Prenatal r A k 34’ y S ^ 44’ & F w 35’ l S e 25’ r F y 0’ e G y 60’
Transits to Bush’s Epoch for 20 Jan 2005: y A y, orb 28’ ! George W. Bush has y repeatedly present in the various systems demonstrated above with very few negative indications. Bush will win the 2004 election & be re-elected President of the United States.
See my article on PSSR in Considerations vol. 14, no 3
Three Spring Full Moons SHELAGH KENDAL
VERY YEAR, important celebrations are held at the time of three full moons. Important because they bring reflections of how humanity in general is fulfilling its obligation to protect our planet and develop spiritually. When the w is in a position to reflect the full light of the q it transmits the energy of personal will power more forcefully to where we want it to go. Yin and yang can work together and we can use them to our advantage. All full moons (the opposition of the q and w), are opportunities to reflect and see reality more clearly so are significant, but the three spring ones, in a, s and d, are times of long-established traditions that have special meaning for human development. Their dates are associated with festivals held world wide and the New World Servers, an international group which encourages simultaneous meditations every full moon, consider spring a time of particular importance for coordinating individual efforts to spread the Light.
a Full Moon
7:02:43 AM EDT, 5th April 2004 Washington DC: 38N54, 77W01
Considerations XIX: 2
The a full moon is the first one after the spring equinox and always marks the arrival of the "moveable feast" of Easter which is the following Sunday. Being the first sign of the zodiac, a is the time for a new start and the Christian celebration of resurrection and rebirth. Like the welcome home of the prodigal son, this festival offers the energy of unconditional love and an annual chance of a new beginning for all individuals whatever their culture or religion. Every spring is the start of a new seeding cycle. What is planted then will manifest in autumn. This year at the full moon on April 5, all the personal planets will be active. r is moving to a waxing square with i, changing ideas of what we want, and t has a waning square with y ready to assess results of past actions. A few days later e turns retrograde, so be ready for a three-week period for new thinking after Easter.
s Full Moon
4:33:24 PM EDT, 4th May 2004; Washington DC
The s full moon is the Buddhist festival of Wesak, when, it is said, Buddha returns to earth briefly to help the Forces of Enlightenment pour out both love and wisdom to the whole planet. Although sacred to the east, Buddha`s message is for the world. For those willing to pay attention and catch its wealth, it is a reminder of the need to
Kendal: Three Spring Full Moons
practice Right Human Relationships for peace and happiness. Adding to the significance of Wesak May 4 is a lunar eclipse just after e moves forward again. It is also a positive change for y as it goes stationary direct after being retrograde for four months. Therefore the focus is on two planets connected with minds (e and y) while the eclipse leads away from the past and old habits held by a stubborn w. That same time, the two planets of love (o and r) are being activated. The eclipse is in waxing square aspect to o and r comes in line opposite “. If ever there was an appropriate time to consider the need to coordinate the heart and mind—love and wisdom—this celebration in May is it. As well as being a crucial test for facing the mistakes of past illusion (o), May can bring a release of tension from anxiety or guilt, if we are ready to forgive ourselves and others.
d Full Moon
0:19:32 AM EDT, 3rd June 2004: Washington DC
At the time of the d full moon, a third stream of energy is available to convey a message of goodwill. This is the Festival of Humanity and Unification when personal will and intelligence can work together. It is an occasion to be aware of the power of words and thoughts. The June 3, Festival of Goodwill promises a continuing confrontation between love and possession with r still opposing “. Although 26
Considerations XIX: 2
retrograde, r in d will be very strong as it is the esoteric ruler of that sign, giving a spiritual dimension to human love and desire. With the emotional deepening of “, it will be time to reevaluate personal worth, financially and compassionately, and release negative feelings. Everyone can contribute positively by choosing to think and speak optimistically. These three festivals relate to the divinity (the spiritual potential) within us all and each year they open a new chapter of human understanding that transcends the dogma and rules of religions. Easter lasts for three days and the Wesak continues for five. Two days before are for preparation, getting into the right state of mind, then comes one day for silent concentration and another two days for sharing the new hope that has been acquired. The Festival of Humanity launches new resolutions of goodwill towards neighbors to last all year. The meaning behind all three festivals originated, or at least was strengthened, by messages known as the Ageless Wisdom, channeled through the Tibetan Master to H.P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, early last century, to teach us how to live in harmony with our planet. Mysterious centers of power beyond human understanding, known as the Shamballa and the Ascended Masters, are said to have contacted Earth to encourage humanity to grow spiritually and become aware of our individual Christ power before it was too late. Any crises forced in spring 2004 can be seen as important opportunities for Soul growth. After some emotional and material reorienting, this spring could launch us into a calmer year ahead, provided enough of us adopt positive, and peaceful, attitudes toward each other and the world in general.
Lunar Phases & Solar Flares MARTIN PIECHOTA
CIENTISTS dare not mention astrological aspects as part of their studies. When w studies are involved, phase will suffice. If the scientist should venture to mention astrology the establishment that governs their field of interest along with the financial resources vital to their existence will reflect the religious warning found in the Book of Revelation 22:18-19: I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto him these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
There is a fear by the established scientific community of starry malevolence and a return to the times when clergy found reason to describe storms as divine signs and political leaders found reason to translate these signs into national issues, like the funding of scientific studies. Nowadays, astrology is creeping back into scientific study under the guise of things like the effect of seasonal birth. For example, in the journal Sleep1, researchers identified a significant excess of narcolepsy in people born in March (11.85% in patients compared to 8.45% of the general population), with no differences based on gender, location or decade of birth. The risk of narcolepsy, according to the study, is at its minimum in September, with only 5.64% of patients experiencing narcolepsy. Astrologers would fine tune the survey to see if the two opposing signs, n and h are involved in the results. Lunar studies are ideal for transposing scientific studies into astrological fact because they usually involve lunar phases which can be interpreted as the q-w aspects that astrology is familiar with. In a report in the British Medical Journal, Chanchal Bhattacharjee and colleagues looked at 1,621 patients admitted to an English hospital in 1977-1999 suffering animal bites (95% from dogs). They reported that the number of bites more than doubled during a full moon.2 Researchers at British Telecom, after monitoring 2,000 customers over six lunar cycles, have discovered that households make 10% more 1
“Study: Birth Month Tied To Narcolepsy� reported in Citizens' Voice, WilkesBarre PA October 6, 2003. 2 British Medical Journal, 23-30, December 2000.
Considerations XIX: 2
phone calls, either to people or to log onto the Internet, in the days leading up to a full moon. Applied to all British Telecom customers, it could mean nine million extra calls a day before a full moon.3 A computer analysis of Toledo, Ohio, police reports over a three-year period adds credence to the age-old myth that more crimes are committed during the full moon. From 1999 through 2001, the crime rate rose five percent on the nights when the w was full. The analysis of 122,000 police reports for those three years offers a host of insights into crime in Toledo. The computer looked at all crime that occurred between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. for the 38 full moons involved in the period and compared them with the crime rate for all nights from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Those nights averaged 5.5% more violent crime and 4.6% more property crimes.4 In support of the Toledo study, Dr. Arnold Lieber, a psychiatrist, and clinical psychologist Carolyn Sherin, both of Miami, Florida, found that murders over a fifteen-year period (1956 to 1970) in Dade County, Florida clustered dramatically around full moons. In fact, when they subjected their data to mathematical analysis, they found the correlation was statistically significant. They also found a statistically significant cluster right after the new moon. When Lieber and Sherin turned their attention to Ohio's Cuyahoga County, they obtained similar results. Again, they found four peaks each lunar month in the murder rate, this time over a thirteen-year span (1958 to 1970), although none as high as Miami's. The highest peak was after the full moon. One thing, however, puzzled them. The peaks were shifted so they occurred after the quarters, rather than right at them. They found the delay between a full moon and its effect varies according to distance from the equator. 5 Astrophysicist James McCanney gave an explanation as to a force that may be related to the w's influence being delayed to just after its quarters in an interview with Rick Martin in the December 2003 issue of the Nexus magazine. The Russians were very aware of the electromagnetic part of our environment. They did statistical studies on the planetary alignments, and things related to astrology. And basically, they became convinced that there was a very definite association with people, their lives and the way 3
Financial Times, UK, December 16, 2000. Fate, October 2002, Quoting The Toledo Blade, Ohio 5 Paul Katzeff, Moon Madness, Citadel, NJ, 1981, P. 180, 181, quoting Arnold Lieber & Carolyn Sherin, "Homicides & The Lunar Cycle: Toward a Theory of Lunar Influence on Human Emotional Disturbance� in the American Journal Of Psychiatry, 1972, 129, (1) 69, 74. 4
Piechota: Lunar Phases & Solar Flares
they acted and the planetary positions. They did this with not just humans but plant life, animal life and on and on. They realized that there was something to this, but they didn't understand what it was. But when they realized that all of the planets are discharging the solar capacity that's built up around the q, due to excess currents of protons in the solar winds, then they could see that as these planets came into alignments this increased the flow of currents along these paths. And when you had many planets line up, it increased the currents 100-fold, not just two-fold. And so, as the w, for example, goes through a new moon phase and passes away, for a short while the new moon phase is blocking the solar wind. But as it moves out of the way, that solar wind comes pounding in and breaks our magnetic field down, causing tremendous pressure on the atmosphere. The new moon phase and the full moon phase are times when Earth is being basically crushed under a lot of electromagnetic pressure, which is just one way of talking about it. So, all of these effects that you are seeing is very real. This influence causes people who are not really in control of themselves to become more erratic and people who are very balanced become more balanced." 6
LECTROMAGNETIC fields are used in an interdisciplinary approach to remote conditioning by creating information processing effects. Dr. Ross Adey's work at the Loma Linda University Medical School in California shows these fields can induce "feeling" or "emotional" elements of cognition, such as excitatory reactions, subliminal stress and behavior arousal. Scientific studies have correlated exposure to electromagnetic fields with mental hospital admissions and the worsening of symptoms of mental patients.7 Lieber and Sherin also discovered that fatal traffic accidents peaked between first quarter and full moon and again at last quarter. Psychiatric emergency room visits peaked around first and last quarter, with a significant decrease at new and full moon.8 The dates of the samples were converted to lunar time to eliminate social periodicities in human behavior such as holidays, weekends, etc. The calendar is called the lunar-synodic decimal scale. The number of homicides occurring in the periods seventy-two, forty-eight, and twentyfour hours before and after each phase of the w were plotted. 6
Rick Martin, “What NASA Is Hiding” in Nexus, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2003, p. 51. 7 Anna Keeler, “Remote Mind Control Technology” in Secret & Suppresed, Feral House, Cal., 1993, P. 35, 37. 8 Arnold Leiber, M.D., How The Moon Affects You, Hasting House, NY, 1996, p. 58.
Considerations XIX: 2
There is a possibility of realities governed by laws that we do not and cannot understand. A combination of gravity, the alteration of Earth's magnetic field, followed by a surge of the q's energy can influence segments of the population at conjunction, opposition and square aspects between the q and w. The square aspect may cause fear which can galvanize or paralyze physical responses resulting in an increase of traffic fatalities. That the universe is organized by design and this design provides meaning to human experiences is evident and lunar aspects to the sun can be dangerous to human existence. The idea that one's mental attitude depends on physiological functioning makes sense. The possibility that small fluctuations in the quality of sunshine, its known electrical effects on Earth and its atmosphere may cause physiological change is also scientifically possible. Variations in the quality and quantity of sunshine can be indirectly associated with moods of optimism and pessimism. Nice days bring about an increase in human activity. Dr. A. K. Podshibyakin reported to the Popov Radio Engineering and Electrical Communication Society that research carried out over a number of years at the Tomsk Medical College had found a relation between road accidents and solar activity. The statistics showed that the day after the eruption of a solar flare, road accidents increased, sometimes by as much as four times above average. Podshibyakin also claimed that human response to stimulation is generally slower during a solar flare than at other times. 9 That there are more positive ions in the atmosphere when the w is full has been demonstrated.10 In laboratory experiments, high concentrations of positive ions seem to cause depression and irritability in human subjects. Statistical evidence that associates heart attacks with geomagnetic and solar activity exists. Malin and Srivastava have shown that the number of cardiac emergencies in their area of India is very closely tied to geomagnetic activity, which in turn is controlled by the q. Standard statistical tests confirm an especially strong correlation. The authors' concluding sentence in their article appearing in Nature reads: The possibility that there is some cause (or solar origin?) responsible for both magnetic and medical phenomena should not be ignored. 11
A unique prediction of seismic activity by Dr. Elizabeth Rausher and 9
“Solar Flares & Road Accidents” in New Scientist, 38:160, 1968. James Rotton & Ivan W. Kelly, “The Lunacy of It All: Lunar Phases & Human Behavior” in Mercury, 15:73, 1986. 11 S.R.C. Malio & B.J. Srivastava, “Heart Attacks & Magnetic Activity” Nature, 1979, Vol. 272, p. 646. 10
Piechota: Lunar Phases & Solar Flares
W. L. Van Bisc was made on 8th January 1994. They predicted that quakes would occur in or near the Los Angeles area within the next thirty days, based on an increase of superconductivity in the rocks. On 17th January the North Ridge, California earthquake struck, with a magnitude of over 6.0 on the Richter scale. The report went on to say that there were unusual low frequency electrical surges beginning two weeks before the quake. Two weeks before the shock would be 3rd January. Three planets were in a close group on 17th January, and they were almost in the same position on 3rd January. At that time t, r, e and the q were almost directly in line. To the nearest degree, the positions were: r 9º ¦, t 11º ¦, e 11º ¦, and the q 12º ¦, all within a 3º arc. 12 Accurate astrological statistics can open up a window into tomorrow so that the future becomes easier to understand, more predictable, and easier to make decisions about. The benefit of making sense of the unknown is that fear of the future is reduced.
ANY INDIVIDUALS involved in studying astrology become defensive to the point of hysteria when discussing their interests and look down on science with ineffable disdain because they fear they might find themselves to have been mistaken in their interpretations of the subject under scrutiny. Astrological researchers should be careful not to get caught up in what psychologists call Contagion. This is a condition when a person notices something, it is then expected to happen again. Each succeeding finding is anticipated and exaggerated until the finding becomes unbelievable. It is possible for multiple witnesses to share an imaginary experience based on expectations. One reason that human knowing is dependent on background expectations is that we must have some things in place, without examination, in order that we may prove things. If these place markers are missing, unambiguous connections among events are simply ignored. For example, even the strongest correlations between patterns of sun flares and fluctuations in the stock market must be dismissed in Western societies because these cultures have no mechanism to explain such connections. Contiguity is missing: nothing connects the two phenomena. But in a q culture that elevates the activity of our home star to a privileged standing in human affairs, such correlations might be clear and even perfect demonstrations of causal activity. There is no proof for either set of expectations. They each follow the background beliefs in how reality is ordered.13 The same is true for fatal accident victims coinciding with the 90º
Frank Glasby, Planets, Sunspots & Earthquakes, iUniverse, NE, 2002, p. 71. Fred M. Frohock, Lives Of The Psychics, University Of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 134, 135. 13
Considerations XIX: 2
aspect between q and w. The police, armed with this factual evidence can intervene by setting up sobriety checkpoints and speed traps to see if the data can be influenced with a positive result. Before this can happen, expectations of the police force must be established.
HE q appears to have full control of what happens in its domain. Every once in a while, an occupant of the asteroid belt between t and y strays into the inner part of the solar system and becomes a hazard to our planet. In the journal Science14, a team of researchers has now shed light on how this happens. When the q shines on an object in space, it exerts a force that pushes the object slightly. At the same time, some of the heat absorbed from the sunshine is radiated back into space. That radiation also exerts a little push on the object—a phenomenon called the Tarkovsky effect. The study was the first demonstration of the effect on a natural body in the solar system. Did expectations influence this discovery? There are people who believe we live in a discreet universe that contains everything they know in it. These individuals don't want to cope with anything beyond those boundaries because it is difficult to admit not knowing something. The study of astrology and its proven influences is a potentially rich source of information for our understanding of both ourselves and the surrounding universe in which we participate. To make this knowledge available, it is important to admit our great ignorance of the universe and the forces at work within it. Although man likes to think himself master of the planet, there are many mysteries yet to be solved. We tend not to think too deeply about such things for they are disturbing to our equilibrium. Podshibyakin's statistics indicated road accidents increased significantly after solar flare eruptions. Lieber and Sherrin discovered that fatal accidents peaked between first quarter and full moon and again at last quarter. While both studies are independent, both investigations involved different influences. The investigators may have come under the influence of the power of coincidence—in which two concurrent events can easily (and erroneously) be integrated into a single unsolvable mystery. While an obvious influence is obvious, it is important to astrologers to know which q sign is being affected. Research carried out by the England-based Zurich Municipal Insurance Company found drivers born under the sign a are more likely to 14
“Asteroids Use Light to Change Orbital Path” reported in the Scranton PA Tribune, December 11, 2003.
Piechota: Lunar Phases & Solar Flares
have accidents than those born under other signs of the zodiac. They are also most likely to overtake on the inside or jump a red light. The Zurich list of q signs representing the highest number of insurance claims15 is: a n h b z d
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
x g s f ¦ c
A poll of 1,002 people, conducted for Virgin, revealed that c and x speed more than drivers with other signs, while Pisceans are the most patient behind the wheel. d’s love their cars the most and Librans are the least bothered by traffic jams.16 The British Medical Journal found that silver-colored cars are the most popular and safest vehicles to drive. The most dangerous cars were colored brown, black and green.17 This author has on file the q signs of 1,985 auto accident victims. Those q signs most likely to die in an accident are: 1 2 3
a h x
4 5 6
g b z
7 8 9
¦ s f
10 c 11 n 12 d
Note that silver is associated with f and that sign scores low in both being killed and being involved in accidents. Astrologers allow for an orb of influence to aid them in making more accurate predictions. This would take into account the anomaly of incidents following lunar aspects. McCanney's explanation of the w disturbing the solar wind and the discharge of solar capacity being stored in the planets is the answer to why astrologers face difficulty in making accurate predictions when lunar aspects are included in interpretations. The position of the q at birth can be called a background explanation, a point of reference known to both the subject and the astrologer researching aspects. When the q returns to its original place in the Zodiac each year its power is momentarily blocked by the natal q in the natal horoscope. We know from the Yarkovsky effect that the q exerts a force that pushes an object slightly and some of the heat is radiated off into space. We also know that a body blocking the q's electromagnetic waves 15
Daily Telegraph, UK, March 23, 1995. New York Post, December 22, 2003. 17 “Silver Cars Get Gold For Safety” in the New York Daily News, December 21, 2003. 16
Considerations XIX: 2
can distort the magnetic field. On the day of the return and the day after, the person celebrating his date of birth is in peril. Deaths Within One Day of Birthday 70 60 50 previous day
same day 30
day after
20 10 0 AR TA GM CN LE
Birth Sun Signs
The above graph above and the following table demonstrate how this influence works on the population. Most of the individuals in the study died in old age and deaths at birth are not included. Birth q sign
Number of Deaths within Day of Birthday previous same day Deaths day day after total per 1,000
Total in sign
a s d f g h
45 38 42 44 34 38
61 52 51 64 65 56
45 36 46 42 45 51
151 126 139 150 144 145
11.6 9.6 10.3 11.0 10.4 10.4
13057 13113 13450 13619 13781 13925
z x c ÂŚ b n
49 44 42 39 38 44
58 54 53 58 55 46
45 51 40 47 44 41
152 149 135 144 137 131
11.6 11.6 11.2 11.5 10.5 9.9
13113 12823 12091 12482 12988 13299
Piechota: Lunar Phases & Solar Flares
Apart from the proclivity for people to die on anniversary of their birth rather than on the day before or after—a tendency most obvious with g and least so with n, both of which seem very appropriate—the variations in the above ‘Deaths per 1,000’ column are fascinating. There is no statistical difference between any of the signs and the expected 10.8 deaths per 1,000; even so s with 9.6 deaths per 1,000 and n with 9.9 are both significantly different from the 11.6 observed in this data for a, z and x. We live and move in a pulsating sea of energies in which our organisms serve as receivers, transformers and projectors. The electro-dynamic theory of life suggests a universal electric field affecting living matter, while, in turn, all life exerts its own influence upon the field while still responding to it. Each individual is thus related to all life, to Earth's magnetic field, and through it to the changes in the electrical fields of the w and q. We are a part of the universal whole, influenced by the ceaseless ebb and flow of the universe. Our responses to this universal electric field may have common characteristics, but each individual possesses a unique makeup, and his reactions to all influences will be unique.18 a is more susceptible to energies at the quarter phases of the w which make this sign more likely to suffer auto accidents. A common characteristic of the universal electric field is the snuffing out of life near the date of birth.
Vincent Gaddis, Mysterious Fires & Lights, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, California, 1994, p. 103.
Predicting the Dow KEN GILLMAN
HIS article describes some ongoing research that may improve our ability to use astrological factors to predict variations in the stock markets, especially in the Dow Jones Industrial Index. In the past, like many other researchers in financial astrology, I have used planets in signs and their aspects one to another to identify major changes in the directions of the markets. This approach is effective. It is described in the writings of Ray Merriman and others.1 Briefly, that approach is to identify those times when the market changes its direction after having gained or lost more than a specific percentage (usually 10%) of its value since the previous directional change, and to note the astrological factors current at the time. Those factors observed to be consistently present at such directional changes can then used to predict future changes. This does work but there can be lengthy intervals between such major turns, sometimes several years, during which the market may experience considerable fluctuation yet continue to trend in the same direction. For example, on 4th April 1994 after falling for a couple of months the market bottomed at 3593. On 18th February 1997 it peaked at 7067 and subsequently fell to 6357 in April 1997 before the bull market continued its long rise that culminated at 11723 in January 2000. Between 4/94 and 2/97 there was no period during which the market fell by as much as 10% from its previous high. Although a strong believer in the adage “If it works don’t mess with it”, I do believe we can do something more than simply identify these major trends in the market. In addition, by not using what many consider to be very important (perhaps the most important) factors in any horoscope, the angles and the houses, these trend prediction models have moved some distance away from astrology per se, which could be one of the reasons why Merriman describes his work as Geocosmic rather than Astrological. I wanted therefore to construct a prediction model that would do two things. It would be able to predict changes in the market over a short period and it would make full use of the astrologer’s basic tool: the horo1
See for example Raymond Merriman’s ongoing series of books entitled The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, especially Volume 2, subtitled Geocosmic Correlations to Investment Cycles, and Volume 3 Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles (MMA/Seek-It Publications, West Bloomfield, Michigan. 2000 & 2001).
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
scope with its circular portrayal of the different planets relative to each other and to a specific location. To this I added my belief that astrology relates to beginnings, the birth moment of something, and is also able to predict happenings in the life of an entity from that moment on into the future. I began therefore with the horoscope for the moment the stock market opened in New York on the first day for which I had information.
First data for New York Stock Market opening 10:00 AM, Monday, 24th February 1885 40N42’24”, 74W00’ 42”
What could this chart predict? The waxing f w, on the 10th from the l, is applying to F q and hence the ^ falls in the chart’s 5th house of speculation, while y, disposing both lights, is smack on the Placidus 5th cusp and closely squaring the rising “. In the short term, with u by the 2nd cusp having just been squared by the chart’s ruler, r, and t leaving the opposition to y, the chart suggests a down day; but as these are separating aspects this could well be a good time to invest for the long haul. The chart should certainly be able to predict events in the market over the course of that one market day. And perhaps it could predict events for a period longer than just the one day. Could this chart, set for the market opening on the first day of a new business week, predict market fluctuations throughout the ensuing week? That makes some sense. One could argue that market activity commences at the opening bell on Monday morning and continues
Considerations XIX: 2
through to the closing bell on Friday afternoon, that the week is a complete unit that continues for the five or six days (in earlier times the market was also open on Saturdays, only closing completely on the Christian Sabbath) with the nightly breaks being simply pauses in an ongoing process. Could this market-opening chart predict the market changes not only for the coming week but also for the coming month? As the w will have transited completely around this market-opening chart over the following four weeks, asking if the same chart could predict for a day or a week or a month may not be so utterly foolish. I decided to test these daily, weekly and monthly ideas and had the computer generate the planetary positions for the opening bell on each day the market was open between Monday, 24th February 1885 and Friday, 8th September 2001. There is a four-year gap between December 1885 and January 1900 for which I do not have market indices. The various astrological factors were then related to the market’s changes for each of these three different periods over these years. Each of these three different periods appears to be effectively predictable for these market-opening charts. Here I will deal only with the four-week period. Market changes are larger, both plus and minus, over a four-week period than they are over a week or a single day, and this enables one to better identify trends and meaningful astrological indicators Astrological positions were computed for the time of the opening bell on each Monday or, in those instances when the market was closed that day, for the first day the market opened during a week. These were tied to the difference of the Dow Jones Industrial Index at the prior market closing (the index at the previous Friday or Saturday closing) and the market closing four calendar weeks later, expressed in percentage terms. Table 1:
Saturday in 1885 22nd Feb 2nd Mar 9th Mar 16th Mar
Market’s closing 26.4 27.2 27.5 27.4
Saturday in 1885 28th Feb 7th Mar 14th Mar 22nd Mar
Market’s closing 27.2 27.5 27.4 26.1
Thus, the chart for the market opening on 24th February 1885 that was illustrated earlier was associated with a drop of 1.1%: the market having fallen from 26.4 at its closing on Saturday, 22nd February to 26.1 four weeks later at the market closing on Saturday, 22nd March. 26.1 ÷ 26.4 = 0.9886 or -1.1%. I should emphasize that the planetary positions at the market opening on the first day (usually a Monday) of each week the market was open have been calculated and these are related to the variation in the market
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
index over the next four weeks. Even though the Monday chart is related to market changes over the next four weeks, this is not a once-a-month situation; it is a once-a-week one. Thus between 1885 and 2001 the planetary positions and elongations present in 5,795 weeks and the market changes over 5,795 four-week periods are related. The four-week lead does initially present a slight problem of alignment. Should the astrological model predict a steady gain in the index over several Mondays and then follow with the forecast of a series of sharp drops, the indicators forecasting a Bull market that will peak and then turn Bearish, one must know the right time to sell. Table 2 uses the q in the Zodiac as an example to illustrate this minor problem. Table 2:
q longitude 10º - 14.9º g 15º - 19.9º g 20º - 24.9º g 25º - 29.9º g 0º - 4.9 h 5º - 9.9º h 10º - 14.9º h
Predicted Change in 4 weeks +0.648 % +1.058 % +1.036 % +0.406 % -0.372 % -0.598 % -0.586 %
The change in the market’s direction is forecast to occur four weeks after the q has crossed from g into h. The appropriate time to sell and maximize one’s gains would therefore be two to three weeks after the q’s entry into h. To sell earlier one would forego the gains indicated four weeks after the q was in the last decade of g. Note that a complete forecasting model would include several variables besides just
this one. The full observed distribution of the Dow’s changes associated with the location of the q in the Zodiac between 1885 and 2001 is illustrated in Chart 1. The annual pattern is well known. In Figure 1 the y-axis measures the percentage change in the Dow relative over the next four weeks.2 ‘0’ on the y-axis represent no change in the index. The x-axis represents the q’s longitude, 0 to 360º. The average four-weekly change in these years was +0.505%, hence ‘0.5’ on the y-axis is the average. The x- and y-axes of all of the charts illustrated in this article can be interpreted the same way as Figure 1. Using only the information illustrated in Figure 1, an investor could expect to come out well ahead in the long run (commissions ignored) by buying a representative bundle of Dow stocks three weeks after the q had moved past 5º d, i.e. going into the market a few days before the Summer Solstice; selling them three weeks after the q was around 25º g, thus avoiding the annual dip in October; and going back into the mar2
It is course tempting to amend the x-axis of Figure 1 so that the three- or fourweek mental adjustment is not needed. I have not done so here because such a simple change is not possible when dealing with other bodies in the Zodiac or with inter-planetary elongations (aspects).
Considerations XIX: 2
ket again three weeks after the q had crossed 5º c, to sell again three weeks after New Year’s Day, i.e. three weeks after the q passed 10º ¦. This last sale takes into account the usual market lift in the first three weeks of January. Such a simple strategy would have the investor in the market for a third of the year and his overall annual gain would be double that of the Dow. Figure 1: % Changes in Dow Index over the Next Four Weeks by q's position in the Zodiac 2.5 2 1.5
% Change
0 0
330 -0.5 -1 -1.5
Figure 1 confirms previous findings. Nothing seems to be awry with the data being used here.
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
HARMONICS By the law of Periodical Repetition, everything which has happened once must happen again and again—and not capriciously, but at regular periods, and each thing in its own period, not another’s, and each obeying its own law. The same Nature which delights in periodic repetition in the skies is the Nature which orders the affairs of the earth. Let us not underrate the value of that hint. —Mark Twain 3
HE British astrologer John Addey introduced the concept of harmonics into astrology in the 1960s. He demonstrated “that astrological ‘forces’ manifest as temporal rhythms which ebb and flow, rather than simple divisions of duration of time” 4 and argued that the frequency of particular events associated with the location of planets in signs, such as we see in Figure 1 with the changes in the Dow associated with the placement of the q in the Zodiac, could be explained by fitting trigonometric curves to the data. Figure 2:
Graph of a cosine function with mean level M, amplitude A, peak phase t0 and period T = 360º/w.
The general formula for such a trig curve is: Y = M + A cos w (t – t0) Here, t is the independent variable (the q’s position on a Monday) subject to a certain period T. The equation contains four parameters:
Quoted by Theodor Landscheidt in “Frequency Analysis” Astrological Research Methods. Los Angeles: International Society for Astrological Research. 1995, 240. 4 John M. Addey. Harmonics in Astrology. Wisconsin: Cambridge Circle. 1976
Considerations XIX: 2
M = the observed average. A = amplitude: how high or low the curve will vary about M. w = the frequency that a peak will occur over the 360º range, i.e. the harmonic number. 360º/w = T, the degree distance between successive peaks. t0 = the acrophase (Greek: akros = high) or peak phase, i.e. the value in the Zodiac at which the peak will maximize. The angular frequency w is related to the period T by the formula w = 2π/T or 360º/T depending on whether wT is measured in radians or degrees respectively. The acrophase t0 is measured in the same unit as t. It is a circular variable. Examining the fluctuations of the Dow Index by the q’s longitude at Figure 1, we observe three distinct peaks—when the q is in a, when it is in f-g and again when it is in c and early ¦—which suggests a curve with three peaks, a third harmonic. This is shown in Figure 3, where a 3rd harmonic has been fitted to the original data. The other three parameters we need are the mean, which is +0.505, and the amplitude and acrophase. The highest point of the curve is around 2.2 but on average it seems to fluctuate between -1 and +1.3, so we’ll set the amplitude at 0.8 (0.8 + mean = 1.3). The acrophase seems best placed towards the end of f. Locating it at 28º f, ensures the resulting curve has a reasonable correlation (R = 0.4146)5 with the observed data. The equation for the third harmonic is therefore y = 0.505+0.8*cos (3*(π/180)*(t-118)) this is illustrated together with the original data in Figure 3. Although the fit is far from perfect as the moderate 41% correlation tells us, it does seem to work fairly well for the movement of the q through the first half of the Zodiac, from 0 to around 210. It identifies the peaks in a and in f-g and also the drop in s and warns of the h fall—remember that all of these indicators are forecasting what will occur four weeks ahead. It does, however, fail to identify the January peak, and it falls when the q has just moved into c instead of moving higher as the original data shows. Something is lacking.
R, the correlation coefficient, can have a value from R=0 (absence of any correlation) to R=1 (perfect correlation). It should perhaps be mentioned that R values can be misleading as so much depends on how the data is grouped. An R value of 0.41 when the q’s position is defined in 5º groupings could be the equivalent of an R value of 0.6 or more had the groupings been each 10º wide, or 0.10 or less were 1º intervals being used. The wider the groupings the easier it is to attain fairly large values of R. It is a helpful yardstick; nothing more.
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
Figure 3: % Changes in Dow over the Next Four Weeks by 3rd Harmonic of the q's position in Zodiac 2.5 2
% Change
1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5
-1 -1.5
Figure 4: % Changes in Dow Index over the Next Four Weeks by 2nd Harmonic of the q's position in the Zodiac 2.5 2
% Change
1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5
Considerations XIX: 2
We can construct an alternative equation, one with just two peaks to cover the main peaks we observe, a second harmonic, see Figure 4. Unfortunately, if we again have it peak in f, which is where we see the broadest period of consistent high market gains, we again miss the 260270º peak. We therefore have placed it at 268º to ensure that peak is captured. Figure 4 shows this 2nd harmonic against the original data. Its equation is y = 0.505 + 0.8*cos(2*(π/180)*(t-268)). R = 0.405. Figure 5: % Changes in Dow Index over the Next Four Weeks by q in Zodiac & the Sum of 2nd & 3rd Harmonics 3.5 2.5
% Change
1.5 0.5 -0.5 0
-1.5 -2.5 -3.5
The two peaks in the original data occurred around 28ºf and 28ºc, roughly 150º apart. 150 goes into 360 2.4 times, so a curve that combines (sums) the 2nd and 3rd harmonics may be what we are looking for. The equation then becomes: y = 0.505 + 0.8*cos((π/180)*3*(t-118) + (2*(t-268))) Combining the two curves is an improvement but the resultant curve does not fully fit the observed data.6 Now R = 0.58. Despite its obvious inadequacies, this is sufficient for now as my intention is simply to demonstrate that underlying harmonics, alone or in combination, are present in this data, and that these identify meaningful correlations between astrological factors (here the position of the q in the Zodiac) and changes in the stock market. The fit is in fact somewhat 6
The best approach for finding extra harmonics to improve the fit beyond what has already been obtained is to work with residuals: to graph the difference between the original data and the already fitted harmonic(s) and identify the harmonic that best fits these residuals.
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
improved when the fifth and sixth harmonics are combined with the second and third.
Signs & Aspects HE q, w or a planet moving through the Zodiac is always in one sign or another. Astrologers are generally agreed that these bodies can and do act meaningfully and uniquely at different parts of the 360º Zodiac. The q, for example, is always a significant factor no matter where it is in the Zodiac. It doesn’t cease to have an effect some days, even when apparently absent from the visible sky. And the same applies to the w and the planets. Astrological factors, and this includes the angles, always have meaning when related to the Zodiac, to their presence in the various signs. There are no gaps, no moments in time when a planet lacks a position in the 360º Zodiac. The same is not considered to be so with aspects. On some days t, for instance, is said to be aspecting u; on other days the pair are considered to be out of aspect. This is so even when different lengths of orbs are taken into account. Mathematicians and statisticians once viewed the world in a like manner. They separated the characteristics by which something was known into continuous (akin to a planet in signs) and discrete (similar to an aspect being present or not) and analyzed them in different ways. In a series of observations over time, which is exactly what the changes in the Dow Jones Index are, the statistical analysis of discrete points caused great problems, while the evaluation of the frequency with which events periodically repeated themselves in wave-like forms advanced quickly. A major advance in mathematics occurred when it was perceived that all information observed over time could be transformed into a continuous mode, into what is known as the frequency domain. This change in their approach greatly improved scientists’ understanding of the underlying trends within the data they were examining. As a direct result predictions of future happenings in many fields of study quickly became much more accurate. In evaluating the repeated movement of the q through the Zodiac and relating this to changes in the stock market, we have been looking at the data in a frequency domain and identifying waves (harmonics) that repeat an integer number of times as the q’s position in the Zodiac changed through the full 360º. This same approach will also be taken when differences in longitude between pairs of planets are analyzed. Most astrologers who analyze stock market changes have restricted themselves to identifying the presence or absence of specific ‘aspects’ between planetary pairs coincident with particular Bull or Bear markets or with major turns in the market’s direction. Many of these aspects are meaningful and this also comes out with the approach being used here,
Considerations XIX: 2
but there is strong evidence that significant changes in the stock market occur and are repeated when particular pairs of planets are out of any traditional aspect. Mars & Saturn
HEN John Addey introduced harmonics into astrology, he did not say that planets could be considered to always be aspecting each other, no matter what their difference in longitude might be, and that traditional aspects should be ignored. Instead he argued for a different set of orbs based on the type of traditional aspect being considered. As a direct result of his work, aspects are often described in harmonic terms: the opposition as the second harmonic, the trine as the third harmonic, the square as the fourth harmonic, and so on. Similarly, I do not believe the traditional aspects should be ignored. There is enough evidence in these analyses to confirm the significance of the major five: the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. At the same time, however, fitted harmonics often peak or have their troughs at inter-planetary elongations that do not coincide with traditional aspects. The elongation in longitude of t from u is a representative example. The distance of the swifter moving body, here t, from the slower one, u, is always used, modulus 360. Table 3 lists the market changes associated with the varying longitudes t is distant from u. In the table both the left- and right-hand three columns list the angular distance of t to u in 10º intervals from the conjunction at the top of the table to the opposition at the bottom. The t-u elongation is tabulated here in 10º classes simply to provide some ease in reading the table. My own analysis initially used 5º classes to identify likely harmonics, while the final work utilized the actual elongation between the pair, correct to 6 arc minutes. The left-hand set of columns show what has happened to the Dow Jones Index when t has been separating from A u and moving towards the opposition, its waxing phase if you will; the right-hand columns depicts the associated % change in the market over four weeks as t has been moving from S u back through the waning period to the conjunction. There are some similarities across the two halves of Table 3: there appears to have been a Bear Market when t is 40-79º distant from A u, both coming and going; similarly, the market experienced relatively large gains for fairly lengthy periods before and after t S u, but less so within 10º of the opposition itself. This immediately suggest a 2nd harmonic: a curve that dips down twice, dropping down sharply when the elongation is around 65º and again when it is close to 295º, and peaking around the opposition. Figure 6 shows the 2nd harmonic (it is the smoother of the two curves in the diagram) fitted to the data.
Gillman: Predicting the Dow Table 3:
Elongation of t to u
t to u elongation
Average t to u # Average % elongation weeks % change change 0-9.9 192 0.47 350-359.9 175 0.83 10177 0.12 340186 0.83 20177 0.68 330176 1.02 30196 0.59 320167 0.83 40181 (0.15) 310155 (0.11) 50166 (0.46) 300145 (0.22) 60163 (0.30) 290150 (0.56) 70161 (0.21) 280136 (1.01) 80155 0.45 270132 (0.06) 90141 0.58 260144 0.09 100147 0.35 250151 (0.35) 110133 0.47 240157 (0.49) 120141 1.34 230150 0.39 130143 1.66 220163 1.14 140148 1.91 210160 1.40 150163 1.70 200161 0.84 160166 1.67 190166 1.62 170191 0.70 180180 0.16 Total weeks: 5,795 Average four-week change= +0.505% # weeks
Figure 6: % Changes in Dow over Next Four Weeks, by Mars-Saturn elongation, with Second Harmonic 2.0 1.5
% Change
1.0 0.5 0.0 0
-0.5 -1.0 -1.5
The second harmonic’s amplitude is 1.27, its acrophase is 170.5, and its correlation with the original data listed the in thirty-six 10º groupings of the t-u elongation is 0.604. This is a fairly good fit, but it misses the drop in the market at t S u.
Considerations XIX: 2
To partly achieve this we can try the sixth harmonic, which splits the 360ยบ range into six peaks and six troughs, with 60ยบ between successive turning points. Figure 7: % Changes in Dow over Next Four Weeks, by Mars-Saturn elongation, & Sixth Harmonic 2.0 1.5
% Change
1.0 0.5 0.0 0
-0.5 -1.0 -1.5
The sixth harmonic provides the required market drop at the opposition. However, it fails to reproduce the deep fall around the waning trine and square. Here the amplitude is 0.65, the acrophase 155.8 and the correlation a relatively low 0.313.
Figure 8:
% Changes in Dow over Next Four Weeks, by Mars-Saturn elongation, with First, Second, Third & Sixth Harmonics combined 2.0 1.5
% Change
1.0 0.5 0.0 1
-0.5 -1.0 -1.5
There are two other significant harmonics for t-u, the first harmonic, also known as the fundamental, and the third. It seems unneces-
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
sary to illustrate each of these individually. Figure 8 combines these four harmonics, the first, second, third and sixth. These generate a curve that comes quite close to resembling the original data. The correlation is now 0.917, which is getting very close to the magical value of 1.0. In this work, which involves the q to u and the l in the Zodiac, and the elongation between each pair of planets (q to “) plus the l, only the first twelve harmonics have been calculated. Only those harmonics that are statistically significant, which roughly means those with an amplitude greater than 0.65, have been considered. MOON-MARS
HEN forecasting the direction of the stock market over future periods financial astrologers usually ignore the w’s aspects. They will use the w’s aspects to determine market fluctuations during a single trading day but not for a longer period. They are too fleeting, too transient to be used. This makes good sense, yet even so it is contrary to the approach most astrologers might make when attempting to interpret a chart, a horary perhaps, concerning the future direction of the market. Does the different approach used here, casting a chart at the market opening each week, cause the w to become more meaningful? Do the w’s aspects to the different planets and angles on these Monday mornings indicate what will occur in the market over the following four weeks? Figure 9: w's elongation from t & % Change in Dow Jones Index 2.0 1.5
% Change
1.0 0.5 0.0 0-
-0.5 -1.0
Figure 9 illustrates the different four-week-ahead changes in the market when plotted against the w’s elongation from t. The latter are grouped into 72 classes each of 5º.
Considerations XIX: 2
At first sight there are to be just too many fluctuations. There is no obvious trend; each time the line goes up it appears to bounce back down. However, the Dow does go into the negatives when the w is distant from t by 90º, 180º and 270º; perhaps there is something hidden behind these apparently random fluctuations. To get a clearer view the data has been smoothed, the result of which is seen in Figure 10. A distinct rhythmic beat in the data now becomes apparent.7 Figure 10: Smoothed % Changes in the Dow against the w's elongation from t 1.2 1.0
% Change
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0-
A simple 4th harmonic has then been fitted to these smoothed fluctuations, as shown in Figure 11. The correlation between the smoothed % changes in the Dow Jones Index and the fitted curve is good, R = 74%. The amplitude of the fitted harmonic is 0.4; its phase is located exactly at 45º. Thus the A, S and both D’s of the w to t are associated with future drops in the market. But the peaks at the Z and the X may surprise many. Remembering that we are dealing with events in the market four weeks into the future, Figure 11 suggests that it will be a good time to consider buying stocks in three weeks or so whenever the Monday morning chart contains a tight w A t, w S t or w D t.
Details of how this smoothing was accomplished are provided later.
Gillman: Predicting the Dow Figure 11: w- t Fourth Harmonic on Smoothed % Changes in Dow Index 1.2 1.0
% Change
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0
IGURE 12 charts fluctuations in the Dow Index that are associated with y’s difference in longitude from the Ascendant. The fitted curve is the sum of several harmonics, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The correlation with the observed data in the 72*5º classes is 0.77.
Figure 12:
% Changes in the Dow Index & the y-j angle
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5
Considerations XIX: 2
Using equal houses from the Ascendant, we see that y is associated with particularly strong gains in the Index when it is positioned in the 11th and 12th houses, that is, when it has just risen in the eastern sky. It is also helpful when located in the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses. It is associated with a below-average return when in the 1st and 2nd houses, and is especially bad when located in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses. That y is associated with the greatest loss of all when placed in the 10th equal house will be contrary to many astrologers’ expectations. All charts are set for the market opening, 10 AM clock time until 30th September 1985 and 9:30 AM since (great care has been taken to ensure that Standard Time and Summer Time are correctly used). The q is usually located in the 11th equal-house. The large gains observed when y is located in the 11th relate to the closeness of y to the q. Interestingly, these gains occur when the q is distant from y by 315-339º, see Figure 13. At this elongation, which occurred during 469 of the 5,792 weeks, the average market lift has been more than double the average. Figure 13: % Changes in Dow & q- y Elongation 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5
Figures 12 and 13 are not identical. Although there is a strong correlation between the q-y elongation and that of y’s angle to the Ascendant, it doesn’t fully explain the effect of y in the twelve houses (these are also listed in Table 5).
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
Table 5:
y in the Houses
y-ASC # Average Range wks % Gain Index I 355-24.9 521 0.41 82.0 II 25-54.9 479 0.18 35.4 III 55-84.9 433 0.95 188.8 IV 85-114.9 405 0.76 151.0 V 115-144.9 401 0.62 122.4 VI 145-174.9 402 0.60 118.9 VII 175-204.9 444 0.17 32.7 VIII 205-234.9 494 0.17 34.3 IX 235-264.9 530 0.01 2.6 X 265-294.9 567 -0.10 -19.7 XI 295-324.9 571 0.88 173.5 XII 325-354.9 548 1.47 290.6 Each house begins 5º before its equal-house cusp.
The creation of the prediction model described here is ongoing, it is not fully complete. A preliminary model was created that intentionally omitted certain variables believed to be important. It was generated and tested to confirm that it was worthwhile continuing with the work necessary to prepare the missing factors. Table 6 shows how well this preliminary model fitted the original data: Table 6:
# periods when Dow increased in value Model % predicts Actual Agree
Average % gain per 4-wks Model predicts Actual
Predicted 4-wk % gain
# wks
4.24 & over 2.98 – 4.23 2.1 – 2.97 1.37 - 2.09 0.64 – 1.36 (0.09) – 0.63 (0.88) – (0.1) (1.75) – (0.89) (3.06) – (1.76) (3.07) & under
573 576 574 572 579 570 574 577 573 624
573 576 574 572 579 489 0 0 0 0
514 452 436 376 366 333 282 264 195 115
89.7 78.5 76.0 65.7 63.2 57.2 50.9 54.2 66.0 81.6
5.83 3.55 2.51 1.73 1.01 0.26 (0.48) (1.31) (2.36) (4.76)
5.52 2.92 2.16 1.23 1.16 0.43 (0.27) (0.74) (1.66) (4.79)
Results of Model Predictions using only Astrological Variables vs Actual % Gains Observed, Dow Jones Industrial Index, 1885-2001
Considerations XIX: 2
The partial model was most effective when predicting a particularly large percent gain or loss in the market over the coming four-week period. It was less accurate when the change was under 1%, plus or minus. I should clarify what is meant by the word ‘model’. Each potential variable (a variable here is the elongation in longitude of a planet from another planet, from 0º a or from an angle) is examined and, when necessary, transformed to maximize its correlation with the series of fourweek percentage changes in the Dow. Those planetary variables considered to be not random (i.e. those that meet specific statistical tests) are then input into a multiple regression program. This statistical program identifies the combination of planetary variables that best explain the different fluctuations of the Dow between 1885 and 2001. Those planetary variables included in this ‘best combination’ are each given a weight (or coefficient) that indicates their level of importance in the model—for example, in the preliminary model the q’s elongation from 0º a (indicating its position in the Zodiac) had a coefficient of +0.683, while the elongation of t from u had one of +0.605. In order to be included in this ‘best combination’ the planetary variable must add significantly to the predictive ability of the model and its coefficient must be significantly different from zero. The predictions given by this final set of weighted planetary variables are then compared against those observed during the 1885-2001 period (residual analysis) and those in the more recent 2002-2004 period (validation). Table 6 summarizes the first of these comparisons. Smoothing Data There are many different approaches for smoothing or filtering data. The method I favor is perhaps the simplest; it is a weighted binomial (121) approach. It is easy to apply and very effective. When there are an equal number of observations in each class, it is simply (A + 2B + C) ÷ 4, where B is the value to be smoothed, and A and C are the values on either side of it, A before B and C following it. For example: Class 20 - 24.9 25 – 29.9 30 – 34.9 35 – 39.9 40 – 44.9
# wks 80 80 80 80 80
Observed % change + 0.249 + 1.126 + 0.439 + 1.044 + 0.722
Smoothed value + 0.735 + 0.762 + 0.812
For class 30-34.9, smoothed value = (2*0.439+1.126+1.044) ÷ 4 = 0.762. A minor problem arises when dealing with the initial and the final values in a series. In an astrological situation, where the first value is invariably associated with an elongation following a conjunction (with the
Gillman: Predicting the Dow
difference from 0º a when dealing with a planet’s location in the Zodiac) and the final one an elongation immediately prior to the conjunction, this is easily resolved by combining the final value with twice the first plus the second, or the first value with twice the last plus the penultimate. Another minor problem occurs if there are unequal observations in the classes as these must be taken into account. Class 20 – 24.9 25 – 29.9 30 – 34.9 35 – 39.9 40 – 44.9
# wks 77 91 65 79 70
Observed % change + 0.249 + 1.126 + 0.439 + 1.044 + 0.722
Smoothed value + 0.797 + 0.807 + 0.833
For class 30-34.9, the smoothed value is then = (2*65*0.439+91*1.126+79*1.044) ÷ (2*65+91+79) = 0.807. If the initial smoothing follows the many twists and turns of the original data too closely, repeating the 121 smoothing on the smoothed values will usually resolve the problem.
Will My Sprained Hand Ever Get Better? RUTH BAKER DTAstrol. QHP. CMA
S A VIOLINIST I seem to have been singularly unfortunate lately regarding my hands. After getting over a badly damaged left hand (due to a fall) which resulted in having to cancel an important concert, I then found myself with a sprained right hand caused by foolishly carrying some heavy shopping. My last concert was painful to say the least, and I really wanted to know how long the discomfort was likely to last.
7:34 AM GMT, 11th November 2003: 51N48, 1E09
t hour t day, w from D t to D y
I was pleased to see planetary hour agreement—always a good beginning to a horary chart analysis. The hour ruler t rules the ascending sign of x. t is therefore my significator and the w is my cosignificator. Lilly says that when x ascends the illness (or in this
Baker: Will My Sprained Hand Ever Get Better?
case injury) is the querent's own fault—how very true. 1 e in the first house and close to the cusp also takes part in the signification—apt because e is the natural ruler of the hands. e weak, peregrine and under the q's beams rules my 10th house of career. My affliction is shown by the 6th house and its ruler. The sign on the cusp is s ruled by r. Lilly says that when the sign on the 6th is fixed, expect it to last some time. r in the 1st house shows that it will continue, but that the pain will slacken and sometimes appear to go. This is true as the pain is certainly variable. r is the strongest planet in the chart. This is not a good sign in a case like this because when the 6 th ruler is stronger than the 1st ruler, the disease is likely to increase. It is interesting that Al Biruni assigns hands and fingers to r.2
q w e r t y u ^
Sign t e t y y e w e
Essential Dignities Exalt Trip Term t r u y t u q r r t y e r y y t y u r
Face q t r w y r e t
Peregrine Peregrine
Detriment Detriment
r applies to a square with the Ascendant ruler, t—also a sign that the disease is increasing. The ever-important w is angular in d—hands again! 3 The w in a mutable sign shows that although the affliction will not be difficult to cure, it will be “somewhat long in curing”. In this chart the w is peregrine and slow in motion, also showing that the injury will not be making a speedy departure. She separates from a square with t, a hot and dry planet describing any form of inflammation , and applies to y, ruler of the end-of-matter 4th house. I took heart from the fact that y is the Greater Benefic, and in his own term although in detriment. Probably the worst is over and with y in the 10th and very close to the cusp, I thought that my future concerts might not be too badly affected. Also the Ascendant-ruler t in the 4th shows recovery but t is nevertheless a malefic. All in all, it seems as though the effects of this injury will be prolonged, but that I shall still be able to fulfill my concert engagements. And so it has proved. The hand is marginally better but still very uncomfortable.4 1
All statements concerning illness are taken from William Lilly’s Christian Astrology, (Regulus reprint) pp. 247-252. 2 Al Biruni. The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology, Ascella p.248. 3 Ibid., p. 94. 4 The above was written March 2004, fully five months after this horary was posed—Editor
Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003 NICOLE GIRARD
HREE solar eclipses governed the year 2003, those of 4th December 2002, 31st May 2003 and 23rd November 2003. In addition, I was astonished to discover, the solar eclipse of 11th August 1999 continues to have an affect on those locations that lay under its shadow. In previous articles I explained that when certain planets are aspected by the q at its eclipse, great events like earthquakes are observed to occur when the transiting q later moves to again aspect these same planets. There can also be other connections, usually due to the w’s transit, involving the place of the eclipse and these specific planets. This again occurred in 2003.
Figure 1:
Total Solar Eclipse 07:31 AM UT, 4th December 2002
The eclipsed q at 12º c is A “ at 17º c, F y at 18º g and G o at 9º b. Between this eclipse and the next there were five major quakes with a magnitude 6.0 or greater on the Richer Scale: These were:
Girard: Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003
Date 2003 20th Jan 22nd Jan 24th Feb 17th Mar 1st May
Time (UT) 08:43 02:27 02:03 16:36 00:27
Solomon Islands Off Colima, Mexico Southern Xinjiang, China Rat Islands in the Aleutions Bingol, Turkey
7.3 7.6 6.6 7.0 6.4
At the first two of these quakes, in the Solomon Islands and offshore from Colima, Mexico, the transiting q was again aspecting o, this time by conjunction. The February earthquake in China, which resulted in 266 deaths, occurred with the transit w back to within 1º of its December 2002 eclipse position. From there it was aspecting y, o and “. The quake in the Aleutions on 17th March 2003 had the transit q D “. Finally, the May 2003 quake in Eastern Turkey and its 177 deaths coincided with a new w that squared both y and o. Each one of these five major earthquakes clearly related back to the December 2002 solar eclipse.
Figure 2:
Annular Solar Eclipse 4:20 AM UT, 31st May 2003
The May 2003 eclipse at 9º d was S “ at 19º c, D i at 3º n, F o at 13º b and G y at 13º g. Eleven major earthquakes, each of which is associated with this annu-
Considerations XIX: 2
lar eclipse, occurred in the following six-month period. They began ten days before the May eclipse 2003, when the transit q came to A l. Date 2003 21st May 26th May 26th May 20th June 15th July 4th Aug 21st Aug 25th Sep 27th Sep 31st Oct 17th Nov
Time (UT) 18:44 09:25 19:23 06:19 20:28 04:37 12:12 19:50 11:33 01:06 6:43
Northern Algeria Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Halmahera, Indonesia Amazonas, Brazil Indian Ocean (Carlsberg Ridge) Scotia Sea New Zealand (South Island) Hokkaido, Japan SW Siberia, Russia Off east coast of Honshu, Japan Rat Islands, Aleutians
6.8 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.6 7.5 7.2 8.3 7.3 7.3 7.8
The Algiers’ quake on 21st May, which caused 2,266 deaths, occurred just after the q had passed over the l, exactly at the time the mean l was setting at the quake’s location. q D i. The two quakes five days later on 26th May, again prior to the eclipse, coincided with the same nodal phenomena: l A ASC for the Japanese quake, l S ASC for the Indonesian one. The 20th June quake in the Amazon occurred as the transit q came to F i and X o. The 15th July quake in the Indian Ocean in the Carlsberg Ridge did not have any appropriate aspects by the transit q; but transit w was aspecting the four planets that had been aspected by the eclipsed q: w A o, S y, G “ and widely A i. The 4th August quake in the Scotia Sea had the transit q exactly opposing o, and also A y and F i. The 21st August quake on the South Island of New Zealand occurred as transit q was exactly A y and S i. The largest quake of 2003 occurred on 25th September in the Hokkaido region of Japan. At that time both the transiting q and the transiting w, from different signs, were aspecting i (itself A t). 78 minutes later there was another large quake at the same location, measuring 7.4. The quake two days later, on 27th September, in south-west Siberia occurred as transit q was F o. When the transit q moved on to D o, there was the 31st October earthquake off the east coast of Honshu, Japan. Finally, on 17th November, as the transit q approached its next eclipse, it was A L and D i, , there was the quake in the Aleutians. Of the eleven quakes that can be associated with the 31st May 2003 annular solar eclipse, nine coincided with the transit q closely aspecting
Girard: Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003
a planet it had aspected at its eclipse. Six of these had it aspecting i, four time it aspected o, twice y and once “. i appears to have the role of transmitter of waves. By analogy it is the planet that causes the rupture we observe in the earth as the time of these quakes. The 4th December 2002 eclipse did not aspect i. That eclipse can be associated with five major earthquakes. By contrast, the 31st May 2003 eclipse closely aspected i, and it was followed by eleven major quakes. This suggests that when there is a qi aspect at the time of a solar eclipse the following six months will contain an above-average series of major quakes. The square from the q to i is particularly dangerous. We can forecast major quakes to occur when this is in the sky. The final eclipse of 2003, the solar eclipse of 23rd November, is a good example. The eclipse at 1º 14’ c had only two aspects, D i and the close opposition to the – (Dark Moon). The q D i is in orb but it is dissociate, from the beginning of a Fire sign to the end of an Air sign. As Air intensifies Fire, this square was expected to be more violent than usual.
Figure 3:
Total Solar Eclipse 10:59 PM UT, 23rd November 2003; Teheran, Iran: 35N50, 51E26 – 2º19’ d
The devastating earthquake at Bam in Iran on 26th December 2003,
Considerations XIX: 2
which killed some 30-thousand people and destroyed what had been the world’s largest mud-brick structure, occurred as the transit q was within orb of G i—the aspect had been within orb for eight days and 26th December was the last of these eight—and applying to quincunx the mean – Continuing the aspects of the transit q after the 23rd November 2003 solar eclipse, it is possible to forecast when future quakes are likely. 21st-22nd January 2004: q C i and F –, giving the possibility of a major quake. 22nd February-4th March: q A i is within orb from 11th February to 4th March. The maximum effect occurs on 22nd February when the conjunction is exact. During this period the – moves from 10º to 13º d and is within orb of being trined by the transit q between 22nd February and 11th March. 24th-26th March: q C i, but this time there is no aspect to the –. The next solar eclipse occurs on 19th April 2004 at 29º a. There is no aspect to i and the only aspect to the eclipse is the trine to “. “ is likely to awaken volcanoes but there is unlikely to be many major earthquakes.
OCALIZATION There is often a correspondence between the solar eclipse and/or transits at the time of an earthquake with the chart of the country concerned. This was so for the Bam earthquake, the chart of the prior eclipse making several difficult aspects to the chart for the Republic of Islamic Iran. When the Islamic Republic was proclaimed in a radio broadcast by Ayatollah Khomeini1 the – was at the g Ascendant, trine to the q (see Figure 4). i in x in the 4th house indicates that Iran is on an active fault and subject to sudden and unexpected seismic activity. Throughout December 2003 the L transited within orbs of Iran’s natal i, awakening seismic activity. On 26th December, the day of the earthquake (see Figure 5), the transit – was conjunct Iran’s natal w2, which is at the midpoint of the tight natal T-cross involving the w’s squares to the r-u opposition—natal w signifies the people; r S u points to the chilly, joyless existence they appear to have in this strictly fundamentalist religious country (q in 9th in a, S “). The 8th house of the natal chart of the Republic of Islamic Iran contains the triple conjunction of L A t A e in n. e was closely squaring t on 26th December, and their dispositor, o, natally at 20º28’ c was being transited by “. This is an indicator of death and destruction.
Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes. Cinnabar Books, 1995. The writer associates – A w in the 8th house of France’s 2003 solar return with the many deaths in that country from last August’s murderous heat.
Girard: Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003
Figure 4:
Republic of Islamic Iran 11:30 AM UT, 1st April 1979; Teheran: 35N40, 51E26
Figure 5:
Bam Earthquake 1:56 AM UT, 26th December 2003; Bam, Iran: 29N05, 58E22
Considerations XIX: 2
The solar eclipse of 23rd November 2003 has t S y, from 17º 38’ n to 16º 21’ h, exactly on the axis of Iran’s natal nodes, 16º 26’ h-n. t closely squares e at 17º 28’ c, forming a T-cross with y in the 12th house. The placement of the eclipse, close to the 3rd house cusp, signifies the importance of communication and movement during the period. The earthquake occurred when transiting t arrived at the eclipse’s Descendant and at the same time transiting q and e came to the eclipse’s IC. In the chart for the earthquake itself, at Bam, t is conjunct the IC and “ conjuncts the Ascendant; transit u is squaring Iran’s natal q; the transit – is conjunct Iran’s natal w; and the transiting ls square Iran’s natal –.
OW FOR a finding that is contrary to everything we have been told about how long the affects of an eclipse will last. The city of Bam was directly overshadowed by the total path of the umbra as the great solar eclipse of 11th August 1999 passed immediately overhead. The eclipse began at Bam at 10:57:13 and lasted until 13:18:49 (times in 24-hour UT), a period of 2 hours 21 minutes 36 seconds.
Figure 6:
August 1999 Solar Eclipse 11:09 AM GMT, 11th August 1999 Bam, Iran: 29N05, 58E22 (epicenter of seismic event)
Girard: Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003
Ptolemy and other authorities tell us that the affect of an eclipse lasts as long in years as it was experienced in hours. By this criteria the affects of the August 1999 eclipse should have continued for 2 years 4 months 10 days, namely until 21st December 2001. The interval between the solar eclipse of 11th August 1999 and the massive earthquake at Bam on 26th December 2003 is 4 years 4 months 15 days. How then can it be suggested that these two events, the eclipse and the four-year later quake, can have anything in common? Examine Figure 6, the horoscope of the August 1999 eclipse when experienced at Bam. Compare it to Figure 5, the chart of the Bam quake. First consider the two Ascendants: 22º 01’ c (1999 eclipse) and 18º 52’ c (2003 earthquake), midway between them is the position of “ at the time of the quake: 20º 17’ c. Then note how each component of the August 1999 Grand Cross of q S i square t S u was stimulated in the sky on 26th December 2003. Solar Eclipse, 11th August 1999 qSi qDt qDu tSu
Bam earthquake 26th December 2003 qGi qDt qSu tDu
Finally, at the time of the Bam earthquake t was at 5º 36’ a, which is just 3 arc minutes away—that is, no different—from the IC at the 11th August 1999 solar eclipse at this same location. It is really not necessary to mention that the quake’s ls closely square 18º g, the eclipse point in August 1999, or that the quake’s – opposes its own August 1999 position (where it was A “), or that the quake’s q A o is on the August 1999’s L. There is a distinct connection between this Bam earthquake and the solar eclipse of four years ago. Yes, there is a strong tie between this earthquake and the solar eclipse that occurred a month before it on 23rd November 2003, but that connection is much weaker than the one between the quake and the great eclipse of August 1999. This evidence clearly violates the classical rule about how long the affects of an eclipse last into the future. It argues for an extensive reevaluation of all astrological criteria concerning eclipse-related predictions that have been handed down to us.
Earthquake Alert for San Francisco1 JONATHAN PEARL
CIENTISTS OF GEOLOGY say the Bay Area is due for a big earthquake sometime in the next thirty years. Astrology can help determine periods of higher risk. Based on numerous signs all outlined below, I think this is one of those times. Anytime April or early May 2004 is possible, but the period of highest likelihood is 18th-27th April, and my best guess is 23rd April. Predicting earthquakes is tricky, and I do not have extensive experience or the time to research hundreds of earthquake sequences and charts. So I would happily be wrong. But the evidence for an earthquake here is compelling enough to warrant precaution - this is the main point. To follow is a detailed analysis using traditional mundane astrological methods that incorporates use of the modern planets.
Figure 1:
The Primary Alert: the 2004 a Ingress
10:48:36 PM PST, 19th March 2004; San Francisco: 37N48, 122W33 1
Received 5th April 2004. Coincidently, in the January 2004 issue of The Astrological Magazine (Bangalore, India) the editor Gayatri Devi Vasudev predicts a major quake in California between 18th and 26th May 2004—Editor
Pearl: Earthquake Alert for San Francisco
To anyone familiar with basic meanings of astrology, the 2004 a Ingress cast for San Francisco surely suggests an earthquake: • i is conjunct the IC, and widely S y. It is a warning bell already to have i on the IC. • “ is at the 2nd house cusp. It is likely that an earthquake will cause more economic damage than loss of life, so this is appropriate. Were “conjunct the 8th house cusp I'd more concerned about a terrorist attack. San Francisco has been in an economic malaise since the dot-com bust. But something is drastic here; “ is not just more of the same weakness. • u in f in the 8th.. u in detriment in the 8th house is never good. • In addition, note the w. The w rules the public, and we have a very weak dark of the w in n in the 4th. In a return chart, this would show unhappiness with home, loss and change of residence. This is added testimony: after a quake people would be freaked out or suffer economically and move away from San Francisco. Transits to the a Ingress chart: i transits the IC in late April. From 21st to 26th April it is within 10 arc minutes of the 4th cusp. On the 24th April it is exactly there. • t applying to D i. In the Ingress t is conjunct Alcyone in the Pleiades. Though descriptions for the fixed stars vary, a malefic setting in the Pleiades bodes ill. Robson writes (referring to natal charts) of the constellation with t: "Many accidents to the head, loss and suffering through fires." In addition, t will D i Uranus in 5º. Viewing this chart as a horary, we could give days, weeks or months. It is an angular house, yet t is in the fixed sign s. If we gave weeks, it would point to a danger day of 23rd April, exactly five weeks from the Ingress. As much as this chart suggests an earthquake, this is just the first step. We would need to see many signs before stating such a danger. Let's look at eclipse charts. The partial solar eclipse of 19th April 2004 occurs close to the Ascendant in San Francisco. The q and w at 29º a also hits the i A “ at 29º a in the California acceptance into the Union chart2. Something major is happening in California and with the eclipse so close to San Francisco’s Ascendant signs are pointing here. This eclipse also strongly hits the chart of the first city charter of San Francisco. •
Noon EST, 9th September 1850 according to Carolyn Dodson, Horoscopes of the US States and Cities.
Considerations XIX: 2
Figure 2:
Solar Eclipse 5:21:10 AM PST, 19th April 2004 San Francisco, California
Figure 3:
San Francisco: First City Charter 8:28 AM PST, 15th April 1850
Pearl: Earthquake Alert for San Francisco
t in the 19th April 2004 eclipse is at 18º41’ d, and the Ascendant for the San Francisco founding chart is 18º09’ d (see Figure 3). If this is not enough, the San Francisco foundation chart also has “ at 28º17’ a, just 1º away from the this eclipse degree. Since the eclipse degree is at the Ascendant at San Francisco, the Arabic Part of Durability, otherwise known as 'glory and constancy' and also 'merchandise' (ASC + ^ - Part of Spirit) is hit. In addition, the Part of Commerce (ASC + e - q) is A e, itself retrograding at 25º a, showing disruption and delays in business.
Figure 4:
Total Solar Total Eclipse 2:58:56 PM PST, 23rd November 2003 San Francisco
Let's back up. The 23rd November 2003 total solar eclipse, visible for about two hours and thus in effect for roughly two years, took place at 1º c. For San Francisco, this occurred in the 8th house. u is retrograde at 12º29’ f, slowing moving towards the IC at 13º31’ f. The q and w are conjunct the Arabic Part of the Father, otherwise known as the “father, fate and karma” and also “fatality” which is the first part of the 4th house3. So the eclipse is happening in the 8th house, and the 4th house is implicated by the conjunction of the Arabic Part. There is enough from these two eclipses to concern us.
Guido Bonatti, On the Arabic Parts, tr. Robert Zoller
Considerations XIX: 2
AST EARTHQUAKES There have been many, many earthquakes in California but there are two that stand out in memory. If we are due for a notable earthquake in San Francisco, these charts would show resonance.
Figure 5:
1906 San Francisco Earthquake 5:12 AM PST, 18th April 1906
The “Great San Francisco earthquake” of 1906 measured 8.25 on the Richter scale. It coincided with a major opposition of i in ¦ to o in f at the meridian. Their degree area, 8º f/¦, is in fact the most common degree area in earthquakes in California on record. With u at 7º56’ f at the 19th April 2004 eclipse, this degree area will be strongly activated. For those who like secondary progressions, we are seeing signs here too. Progressing the 1906 earthquake chart to 19th April 2004, we have t at 28º 41’ f conjunct the ASC at 28º 02’ f. More interesting is a tight yod: o at 10º 57’ f, r at 11º 03’ h, making the apex point the L at 11º 43’ b. Yes, r is a benefic, but she is at her worst in h. I take this to be another sign of the primarily economic losses of the quake: r in her Fall in an Earth sign means diminishment of value of resources. Ditto for the L at the apex, since the L indicates material loss. This progression wouldn't be in itself enough, but 2004 is the year of the formation of the yod, and this adds additional testimony.
Pearl: Earthquake Alert for San Francisco
Figure 6:
1989 San Francsico Earthquake 5:05 PM PST, 17th October 1989
The 1989 quake (7.1 on the Richter Scale) had u at 8º23’ ¦ A o at 9º48’ ¦, both S y at 10º41’ f. Again the 7-10º f-¦ opposition was set off. Progressions from this quake are ominous too. Progressed to 19th April 2004, u has moved to 9º22’ ¦, o to 10º04’ ¦, conjunct the Midheaven at 10º01’ ¦. y is retrograding at 10º51’ f, close to the IC. While these oppositions are close to the MC-IC for a few years, 2004 has the tightest configuration. If the city suffers economic devastation during Mayor Gavin Newsom's term it should show in Figure 7, his inauguration chart. We know this chart is 'hot' and active because e is conjunct the Part of Marriage within 1º, and r is opposite the Part of Sudden Advancement also within 1º. For those of you who do not live in San Francisco, have no TV and do not read American newspapers, Newsom has made nationwide headlines by allowing gay marriages. The IC of the inauguration chart is at 14º06’ f, strikingly conjunct to t in the San Francisco city charter chart at 14º22’ f. Where is the violence of t during his term? The home and lands: the 4th house. In the inauguration chart u is difficult, retrograding at 9º07’ f, within range of the IC. u itself is conjunct the Arabic Part of Violence. Because u was retrograding at the time of inauguration, Newsom's term as Mayor faces a “u return” in early May. Though the marriage issue has made head-
Considerations XIX: 2
lines, Newsom has said his primary task is "jobs, jobs, jobs" and he will certainly be facing Saturnian obstacles in this pursuit if the city suffers a major quake.
Figure 7:
Mayor Gavin Newsom’s Inauguration 12 PM PST, 8th January 2004 San Francisco
There are also signs of severe economic woes in this chart. The first aspect the w makes, always important because the w shows the movement of light and energy in the sequence of events, is a square to the part of fortune in x. The w does not like x and this signals financial struggle. Finally, since Gavin is our 'king' we also examine the 11th house, the resources of the king. o is on the cusp. All are weak. More considerations: antiscion of o falls on the L, showing major dissolution and loss. The antiscion of u is smack on “—devastation. We can again raise the question: earthquake or terrorism? Well, the charts do indicate loss, but more financial than death. If terrorists were involved we'd see more connections to the 8th and 12th houses. Instead we see afflictions to the 4th house and to the theme of resources, so earthquake remains the logical conclusion.
PCOMING TRANSITS In addition to everything above, we'd expect to see transits ominously setting off these themes and degree points. We can note that u at the 19th April eclipse is at 7º 56’ f, ticking off the o of the 1906 quake at 7º 51’ f. We can also take note of a wide y S 73
Pearl: Earthquake Alert for San Francisco
i. From April to mid June, they are within 5º of opposition. From 26th April to 28th May they are within 3º. Because y stations direct at 8º 55’ h, this opposition though never exact is in effect much longer than usual. The Ascendant of the San Francisco city chart is at 18º 09’ d. t hits this point on 18th April as it applies to an opposition with “ at 22º c. Looking to the w for timing, the dark of the w in a occurs on 18th April, the same day that t is conjunct the San Francisco Ascendant. I think this is the earliest possibility. Otherwise the w conjuncts t on 23rd April as t comes within 1º of the “ opposition. On that same day the q is rising conjunct the fixed star Sheratan. Robson writes of this star: "Of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It causes bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake." There are not too many stars Robson associates with earthquakes. Also of note on this day: t is partile A u by antiscia. Later possible days are 27th April with the w D q and q A Hamal, a star of violence. Perhaps the full w in x of 4th May with y direct is also a chance. Given all these considerations, though, the most likely date is 23rd April. The quake should be large enough to be noticeable and cause economic damage, but without the direct oppositions as in earlier quakes it will not be as devastating as those in 1906 or 1989. With all this evidence, it would be foolish to think that there is not at least a possibility of an earthquake in April. Mundane astrology is like watching dominos. One domino falling is no big deal. But when a row of them all fall in the same direction and point towards the same conclusion at the same time, it is worth taking note. I cannot claim to have sufficient experience to predict with 100% confidence, but as a resident of this wonderful city I see enough signs to prepare for the possibility of an earthquake. It is easy enough to get bottled water, canned food, batteries, candles and whatever else you want for urban camping. Thankfully we live in a part of the world where even a large earthquake will cause few fatalities. If you drive every day over the East Bay Bridge and can take Bart that week in April it might be worth doing so. Also animals can sense earthquakes so if your cat unexpectedly refuses to eat, or your dog starts going nuts, these would be additional signs. Many people with sensitive intuitions will also feel this coming on if it is indeed happening. Hopefully I will be wrong, but the odds are significant. Why take chances? Last comments: surely the right wing dogmatists in this country will see an earthquake as a sign from God that gay marriages should be stopped. Seeing the love beaming from faces in the paper, now squelched by the courts, I can only say that perhaps the earthquake will be the worse for having these marriages stopped. Positive energy is the always the antidote to difficulty; negativity and the denial of loving unions does not help.
Birth Time Validation NICHOLAS D. SUTHERLAND
IRTH TIME validation is a must for each and every birth. This point was brought home to me again with the recent birth of my grandson. I keep my wristwatch set to the Atomic Clock time. When I entered the delivery room, I noticed the wall clock was over two minutes fast. The delivery room nurse told me not to worry, because they use the computer time. So I checked the computer time and itwas more than seven minutes fast. Unfortunately, the doctor decided it was going to be a difficult delivery and asked everyone except the husband to leave. As a result, my grandson's official time of birth is 12:49. Not too many astrologers would question this time since it doesn't end in 0 or 5; but is it accurate? The George H. Bailey method pinpoints the time of birth at 12:47:13 PM CDT. As Ken Gillman pointed out in Considerations,1 the George H. Bailey method seems to provide the most accurate validation of a correct birth time for the physical birth. Bailey postulated a polar prenatalistic system as opposed to the earlier epoch w A Ascendant or Descendant system. We are indebted to Dr. Margaret Millard for providing three examples of family births that were accurately observed, timed, and recorded to the second at all three stages: extrusion, first breath, and cord cutting. There are two simple rules to observe. The RA of the Epoch w must equal the natal RAMC when calculated with latitude. And the natal RAMC should be in a 4 th harmonic relationship to the epoch RAMC; i.e. +0, +90, +180, or +270 degrees. In addition, I have observed that there are at least three distinct types of contacts. For convenience I refer to them as Type I, Type II and Type III, as follows: Type I: The birth and epoch Midheavens, Sidereal Times and East Points match. Type II: The birth and epoch Midheavens and East Points are opposite and the Sidereal Times are 12 hours different. Type III: The birth Midheaven is opposite the epoch East Point and the birth East Point is the same as the epoch Midheaven. The Sidereal Times differ by six hours. The first example is Dr. Millard’s grandson, Cameron. The time of his first breath was recorded at 8:17:32 PM EST. The George H. Bai1
See Considerations IX:2, pp. 3-5. Reprinted in this issue.
Sutherland: Birth Time Rectification
ley method corrects it to 8:17:35 PM EST, which is three seconds later. Table 1: Cameron Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 5th September 1982 8:17:32 PM EST 44N53 68W40 24º ¦ 19:42:08 295º 32’ +90º -90º 25º 32’ 205º 32’ 27º 30’ a
Corrected by Bailey method 5th September 1982 8:17:35 PM EST 44N53 68W40 23º 41’ ¦ 19:42:11 295º 33’ +90º -90º 25º 33’ 205º 33’ 27º 31’ a
Pre-natal Epoch 7th December 1981 2:10:58 PM EST 44N53 68W40 23º 41’ ¦ 19:42:11 295º 33’ w RA = 25º 33’ 27º 31’ a
This is a Type 1 match. The second example is Dr Millard’s granddaughter, Erzebet. The time of her first breath was recorded as 9:12:50 AM EST. The George H. Bailey method validates it precisely as 9:12:50 AM EST, confirming the recorded time to the second. Table 2: Erzebet Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 29th January 1995 9:12:50 AM EST 44N35 69W38 1º 46’ ¦ 18:07:44 271º 56’ +90º -90º 1º 56’ 1º 56’ 2º 06’ a
Corrected by Bailey method 29th January 1995 9:12:50 AM EST 44N35 69W38 1º 46’ ¦ 18:07:44 271º 56’ -90º -90º 181º 56’ 205º 33’ 2º 06’ a
Pre-natal Epoch 6th May 1994 2:48:32 PM EST 44N35 69W38 1º 46’ f 6:07:44 91º 56’ w RA = 1º 56’ 2º 06’ z
This is a Type II match. The third example is Dr Millard’s granddaughter, Maria. It is corrected to 11:57:49 AM EDT, which is 17 seconds earlier than the recorded time. Here the birth was recorded to have occurred at 11:58:06, the first cry at 11:58:25, and the cord cut at 11:59:26. Table 3: Maria Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 21st September 1984 11:58:06 AM EDT 44N35 68W40 20º 49’ h 11:26:17 171º 34’ +90º -90º 261º 34’ 81º 34’ 22º 15’ c
Corrected by Bailey method 21st September 1984 11:57:49 AM EDT 44N35 68W40 20º 45’ h 11:26:00 171º 30’ +90º -90º 261º 30’ 81º 30’ 22º 11’ c
Table 3 illustrates a Type III match.
Pre-natal Epoch 1st January 1984 10:18:46 AM EST 44N35 69W38 22º 11’ c 17:26:00 261º 30’ w RA = 261º 30’ 20º 45’ n
Considerations XIX: 2
As a further example of the accuracy of this method, I did five individuals (John Barrymore Jr., Mia Farrow, Natalie Cole, Ryan O’Neal and Liza Minelli) with regular hospital birth-certificate times. I selected them from a group whose birth times appeared to be accurate to the minute, i.e., they did not end in 0 or 5. In addition, I picked them all from the same city, Los Angeles. They cover a broad span of years from 1932 to 1950. All have an accuracy of less than a minute. Table 4: John Barrymore Jr. Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time
Corrected by Bailey method
Associated Pre-natal Epoch
4th June 1932 3:52 PM PST 34N04 118W15 10º 30’ g 8:51:48 132º 57’ +90º -90º 222º 57’ 42º 57’ 15º 25’ x
4th June 1932 3:51:49 PM PST 34N04 118W15 10º 27’ g 8:51:37 132º 54’ +90º -90º 222º 54’ 42º 57’ 15º 22’ x
2nd September 1931 9:58:58 PM PST 44N35 69W38 10º 27’ b 20:51:37 312º 54’ w RA = 42º 54’ 15º 22’ s
For John Barrymore Jr. the difference is 11 seconds before the recorded time. This is a Type II match. Table 5: Mia Farrow Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 9th February 1945 11:27 AM PST 34N53 118W15 10º 34’ b 20:52:05 313º 01’ +90º -90º 43º 01’ 223º 01’ 15º 29’ s
Corrected by Bailey method 9th February 1945 11:26:51 AM PST 34N53 118W15 10º 32’ b 20:51:56 312º 59’ +90º -90º 42º 59’ 222º 59’ 15º 27’ s
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 20th May 1944 4:50:45 PM PST 44N35 69W38 10º 32’ g 8:51:56 132º 59’ w RA = 42º 59’ 15º 27’ x
For Mia Farrow the difference is 9 seconds before the recorded time. This is also a Type II match.
Sutherland: Birth Time Rectification
Table 6: Natalie Cole Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 6th February 1950 6:07 PM PST 34N04 118W15 22º 32’ s 3:20:32 50º 08’ +90º -90º 140º 08’ 320º 08’ 17º 41’ g
Corrected by Bailey method 6th February 1950 6:07:46 PM PST 34N04 118W15 22º 44’ s 3:21:18 50º 20’ +90º -90º 140º 20’ 320º 20’ 17º 53’ g
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 18th May 1949 11:29:42 AM PST 44N35 69W38 22º 44’ s 3:21:18 50º 20’ w RA = 320º 20’ 17º 53’ g
For Natalie Cole the difference is 46 seconds after the recorded time. This is a Type I match. Table 7: Ryan O’Neal Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 20th April 1941 9:34 AM PST 34N53 118W15 23º 06’ n 23:34:38 353º 40’ +90º -90º 83º 40’ 263º 40’ 24º 11’ d
Corrected by Bailey method 20th April 1941 9:34:24 AM PST 34N53 118W15 23º 12’ n 23:35:02 353º 46’ +90º -90º 83º 46’ 263º 46’ 24º 16’ d
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 31st July 1940 2:52:24 AM PST 44N35 69W38 23º 12’ n 23:35:02 353º 46’ w RA = 83º 46’ 24º 16’ d
For Ryan O’Neal the difference is 24 seconds after the recorded time. This is a Type I match. Table 8: Liza Minelli Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 12th March 1946 7:58 AM PST 34N53 118W15 19º 21’ ¦ 19:23:47 290º 57’ +90º -90º 20º 57’ 200º 57’ 22º 39’ a
Corrected by Bailey method 12th March 1946 7:57:47 AM PST 34N53 118W15 19º 18’ ¦ 19:23:34 290º 53’ +90º -90º 20º 57’ 200º 57’ 22º 35’ a
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 19th June 1945 7:26:36 AM PST 44N35 69W38 22º 35’ a 1:23:34 20º 53’ w RA = 200º 53’ 19º 18’ ¦
For Liza Minelli the difference 13 seconds before recorded time. This is a Type III match, i.e., natal Midheaven is opposite epoch East Point, and the natal East Point is the same as the epoch Midheaven.
Considerations XIX: 2
My next area of research was the validation of rectified birth times, either given within a certain time span, or completely unknown. I have three charts (Edmund Hillary, Ian ? and Nelson Mandela) that were rectified by master astrologer Noel Tyl to the nearest minute. Obviously, the rectified chart must be shown to work correctly over a broad range of accurate dates (year, month and day). Table 9: Edmund Hillary Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Rectified birth time 20th July 1919 12:52 PM OZT (-11:30) 36S52 174E46 9º 36’ g 8:48:10 132º 02’ 30” +90º -90º 222º 2.5’ 42º 2.5’ 14º 30’ x
Corrected by Bailey method 20th July 1919 12:51:57 PM OZT (-11:30) 36S52 174E46 9º 35’ g 8:48:07 132º 02’ +90º -90º 222º 02’ 42º 02’ 14º 30’ x
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 4th November 1918 5:48:19 PM OZT (-11:30) 36S52 174E46 9º 35’ b 20:48:07 312º02’ w RA = 222º 02’ 14º 30’ s
For Edmund Hillary the difference is 3 seconds earlier than the rectified time. Note that Noel Tyl’s excellent rectification was made from the date only2. Table 10: Ian Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Rectified birth time 8th February 1946 3:00 AM NZT (-12) 36S52 174E46 26º 37’ h 11:47:35 176º 54’ +90º -90º 266º 54’ 86º 54’ 27º 09’ c
Corrected by Bailey method 8th February 1946 2:59:38 AM NZT (-12) 36S52 174E46 26º 31’ h 11:47:13 176º 48’ 15” +90º -90º 266º 48’ 86º 48’ 27º 04’ c
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 14th May 1945 7:44:13 AM NZT (-12) 36S52 174E46 26º 31’ n 23:47:13 356º 48’ 15” w RA = 266º 48’ 14º 30’ s
For Ian the difference is 22 seconds before Tyl’s rectified time. This is a Type II Match. Note that Noel Tyl’s rectification was from a known time span of between 3 and 6 AM.3
2 3
See Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs pp. 298-315. Ibid. p. 318.
Sutherland: Birth Time Rectification
Table 11: Nelson Mandela Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Rectified birth time 18th July 1918 2:45 PM EET 31S35 28E47 3º 38’ h 10:22:11 155º 33’ +90º -90º 245º 33’ 65º 33’ 7º 21’ c
Corrected by Bailey method 18th July 1918 2:44:41 PM EET 31S35 28E47 3º 33’ h 10:21:52 155º 28’ +90º -90º 245º 28’ 65º 28’ 7º 17’ c
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 1st November 1917 1:45:59 PM EET 31S35 28E47 7º 17’ c 16:21:52 245º 28’ w RA = 65º 28’ 3º 33’ n
For Nelson Mandela the difference is 19 seconds before rectified time. This is a Type III match. Note that Noel Tyl’s superb rectification was from date only, although other times had been proposed by other astrologers. 4
HE George H. Bailey method is not a guarantee that a rectification is correct, only that it could be correct. As other life events unfold, the accuracy of the rectification can be further verified. Ross Harvey, the well-known Australian astrologer, has given us a few thoughts about rectification: 1. Before attempting to rectify a chart, you must be able to show that the given time does not work. 2. In a hospital birth, the margin of error in the recorded time should be limited, i.e. some are rounded to the nearest five minutes. But, in a modern hospital times are unlikely to be 15 minutes or more off. 3. Any rectified chart should give consistently reliable results using several different methods of prediction.
See Noel Tyl. Astrology Looks At History, p. 18.
Considerations XIX: 2
Ross's own chart is a case in point. The hospital time is 9:15 AM. Using a variety of techniques, Ross rectified this to 9:15:45 AM, only 45 seconds later than the hospital time. Table 12: Ross Harvey Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 11th June 1949 9:15 AM AEST 33S50 151E12 11º 21’ s 2:35:42 38º 55’30” +90º -90º 128º 56’ 308º 56’ 6º 32’ g
Corrected by Bailey method 11th June 1949 9:16:14 AM AEST 33S50 151E12 11º 40’ s 2:36:56 39º 14’ +90º -90º 129º 14’ 309º 14’ 6º 50’ g
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 19th September 1948 2:59:48 PM AEST 33S50 151E12 11º 40’ x 14:36:56 39º 14’ w RA = 309º 14’ 6º 50’ b
For Ross Harvey the Bailey method gives a time of birth that is 1 minute 14 seconds later than hospital time and only 34 seconds later than Ross's rectification. Alexander Marr rectified Ross's chart from 9:15 AM AEST to 22h591m48s UT (8:59:48 AM AEST) with a maximum error of +/- 6 seconds (15' of arc) in Right Ascension on the MC using the Topocentric Domification system. This is 5 minutes 12 seconds before the hospital time. Ross states that he has not found Topocentric Primary Directions (TPD) on their own as being sufficiently reliable to be used as the principal means of rectifying a chart. Ross reports that he has found appropriate and accurately timed indications for everything in his life so far (within a few days or no more than six weeks). The TPD rectification shows several major aspects to the q and w that were either without any effect at all or mistimed by many months. I have looked at other TPD rectifications because they are timed to the second. So far, none of these exact times has been confirmed by the George H. Bailey method. In Margaret Thatcher's case, the recorded time of 09:00 AM GMT was rectified by Alexander Marr to 8:44:35 UT, which is 15 minutes 25 seconds earlier. The Bailey method gives a time that is much closer to the recorded time.
Sutherland: Birth Time Rectification
Table 12: Margaret Thatcher Date Time Place MC ST RAMC +&90º EP
Recorded birth time 13th October 1925 9:00 AM GMT 52N55 0E39 3º 51’ h 10:23:02 155º 45’ 30” +90º -90º 245º 46’ 65º 46’ 7º 33’ c
Corrected by Bailey method 13th October 1925 9:04:30 AM GMT 52N55 0E39 5º 03’ h 10:27:33 156º 53’ +90º -90º 246º 53’ 66º 53’ 8º 37’ c
Associated Pre-natal Epoch 20th January 1925 8:31:21 PM GMT 52N55 0E39 8º 37’ d 4:27:33 66º 53’ w RA = 246º 53’ 5º 03’ h
For Margaret Thatcher the Bailey method gave a difference that is 4½ minutes later than the recorded time. This is a Type III match. We have seen from these twelve examples that the George H. Bailey method can pinpoint the physical time of birth to the second. Apparently, the TPD system pinpoints some time other than the exact moment of physical birth. Thanks to Margaret Millard5 and Ken Gillman we now have a practical approach for determining the correct epoch time and birth time as demonstrated in this article.
Editor: It is easy to become muddled between two past students of the prenatal epoch: George H. Bailey and E. H. Bailey. The approaches of these two Baileys were quite different. George H’s methodology is used by Nick Sutherland in the above article while four methods associated with E. H. are included in the popular software package Solar Fire, where they are simply and somewhat misleadingly named the “Bailey Conception”, “Bailey Quickening”, “Bailey Birth (C)” and “Bailey Birth (Q)” methods. Solar Fire does provide complete details of their calculation in its explanatory book. We are of course always delighted to sell you copies of past issues of Considerations when these are still available. However, to complete Nick Sutherland’s very thorough research, we include here reprints of the original articles he references.
Margaret Millard, “The Moon & Childbirth” in Considerations, IX: 3. pp. 7377. Reprinted in this issue.
The Moon & Childbirth1 MARGARET MILLARD
HAVE two cases where the birth was timed to seconds with a watch set to the correct time. One was my grandson. Because this discovery by George H. Bailey is one the few things that really work in astrology, I will describe the method so that you know how to apply it. Finding the correct latitude and longitude is important. Ninety miles north or south is 1º of latitude. However, as the earth is not a sphere but bulges at the equator, the miles of longitude vary according to the distance north or south of the equator. In the United Kingdom, at 50° North, the difference of time due to latitude is 5.4" per mile east or west (see the following table). If a mile or so east or west of the town's post office makes a difference of six seconds of time, one cannot expect absolute agreement between the epoch w and the natal Midheaven, unless one has consulted an ordinance survey map with the birth place pinpointed. The Midheaven will not be correct if the longitude is not exact and the sidereal times (or RAMCs) will not match exactly.
Latitude in degrees 0 15 30 45 60
To estimate change by the distance & direction a location is from a known position Longitude change Latitude change Miles East or West Miles North or South 10 20 30 10 20 30 0’ 35” 1’ 44” 2’ 53” 0º 09’ 0º 26’ 0º 44’ 0’ 36” 1’ 48” 3’ 00” 0º 09’ 0º 26’ 0º 44’ 0’ 40” 2’ 00” 3’ 20” 0º 09’ 0º 26’ 0º 44’ 0’ 49” 2’ 27” 4’ 05” 0º 09’ 0º 26’ 0º 43’ 1’ 11” 3’ 34” 5’ 56” 0º 09’ 0º 26’ 0º 43’
When I calculated my grandson's birth time according to the Bailey Epoch method, it was four seconds from my observed time of his first breath after birth. I do not know how far away the post office was, and did not allow for it, but it could have been a mile or so east or west of his birth place. Here is how the Bailey Epoch is calculated: Begin with the birth time, the time of first breath. For my grandson the first breath after birth was recorded at 8:17:32 p.m. EST in Orono, Maine, 44'53'N and 68°40 W. He took one breath 1
Previously published in Considerations IX: 3July-September 1994, pp. 73-77
Millard: The Moon & Childbirth
24 seconds before birth—probably the first breath after birth coincided with extrusion. The Sidereal Time was 19h 42' 08". This gives RAMC 295°32'. Add and subtract 90°, and the Epoch w must be at RA 25°32' or 205°32'. The Sidereal Time of the Epoch should match that of birth. The date should be around nine months before birth and the w in a or z to correspond to the Epoch w. At 2h 10' 51" p.m. EST on December 7, the RA w was at 25°33' and the Sidereal Time was 19h 42' 12". The Epoch Sidereal Time must match the birth Sidereal Time, which was 19h 42' 08". Birth RAMC was 295°32'. Add 4" to the recorded birth time, making the RAMC 295°33' and the RA of the Epoch w will be exactly 90° more. The birth Sidereal Time is then 19 h 42' 12". The Epoch w for an RA of 25°33' has a Sidereal Time of 19 h 42' 12". We have rectified the natal chart from a time of 8h 17' 32" to a time of 8h 17' 36".
O WHAT is the Prenatal Epoch? It is not the time of impregnation, as I found out. This can be chosen in advance. It is not good to have the transiting q afflicted by transiting “, t or u at the time of impregnation. I have charts from the newborn intensive care unit where I used to work which demonstrate this. Is it the time the sperm penetrates the ovum and fuses with it? This is about twelve hours after impregnation, but can be as much as 72 hours later. The sperm has to "ripen" before it is ready to break into the ovum. Is it the time of hatching? It is not well known that the ovum rests for a time after fertilization. After 24 hours it has only divided once. At 30 hours it has divided twice, reaching the four-cell stage. At the eight-cell stage it seems to break out of a kind of shell and begin to divide rapidly. Test-tube baby clinics have found that for success the ovum must be implanted into the uterus at the four-cell or eight-cell stage before it hatches. From the scant data available, it seems that the w in a timed chart of coition is usually further on in the Zodiac than the degree of the natal ASC or its opposite position. Alexander Marr believes that the Epoch is the time of ovulation. If so, and since it is astrologically valid, are there other charts that are also astrologically valid, for example, the chart of impregnation? This is the big question. I have been studying the Epoch to find the answer to two questions:
Considerations XIX: 2
• First, is the chart of impregnation a valid astrological chart, that is, does it respond to progressions and returns in the same manner as other valid astrological charts? If it does this is important, since the time can be chosen. Naturally it must be a time near ovulation. The cycle can be changed, although it takes time. If a woman sleeps under the w, ovulation will become a little later each month. • The second big question is, now we have a method of finding the Epoch that is only a few seconds from the observed birth time is it the true astrological chart? In other words, is the actual birth time the astrological time that works? And at the time of the Epoch, what event is happening to the mother or perhaps to the egg? I still do not know, and conclude that very likely there is no event. I believe it is associated with ovulation. In my own case, where I knew the date of my ovulation, the Epoch was on the very day.
O ANSWER one of these questions, I took the chart of a wellknown astrologer, one who prided himself on his rectification skills. Indeed, he claimed to have rectified hundreds of charts. He had his own birth certificate giving the time, but had rectified his chart to almost four minutes earlier. I was certain that the Epoch calculated in the Bailey manner would show that his rectification was correct. Then I would know that this Bailey Epoch indeed gives a valid astrological chart. But it didn't! The Bailey Epoch rectified the birth to a time 23 seconds later than the actual time on his birth certificate. Could I believe his rectification, or should I believe the rectification by the George H. Bailey Epoch? I had one event, the astrologer's death. He died on December 31, 1985 at 8:32 p.m. EST in New York. One way to test a chart for proof that it is valid is by Topocentric Primary Directions. For his death there were convincing Primary Directions for both the Epoch chart and the natal chart rectified by the Epoch. Aspects to Natal j c 25º 28’ a D i 25º 25’ ¦ q c 25º 19’ f S i 25º 25’ ¦ i c 11º 29’ x S w 11º 29’ s
Aspects to Epoch k p 28º 16’ c D K 28º 13’ h y c 19º 47’ ¦ S o 19º 44’ f j c 0º 16’ g D u 0º 17’ s ^ c 15º 08’ d C l 15º 04’ s
As you can see, both the converse natal ASC and the converse Epoch ASC are afflicted: natal converse ASC by the square to natal i with an orb of 3' arc, and Epoch converse ASC by the square of Epoch u with an orb of 1' arc. If that's not an onslaught on the body then I don't know what is. The w is usually afflicted in death aspects. Here converse i at 11º 29' x, is opposite natal w exactly.
Millard: The Moon & Childbirth
So we are no further ahead. The chart rectified by the Epoch is only 23 seconds later than the birth certificate's time and the astrologer's rectification was four minutes earlier.
NOTHER WAY to validate a chart is to compare it to a parent's chart; there is always an exact contact, within a minute or so of arc, between the parent's and child's charts using the methods of the Topocentric system. In the case of my grandson Cameron, whose birth I earlier rectified for you, I have the rectified chart of his father, my son Peter, and also my own chart. Between Peter's chart and mine the exact contact is that my w and Peter's y form an exact contact. If four seconds are added to the time of Cameron's birth, as the Bailey Epoch rectification suggests, lo and behold! there is also an exact contact between two planets. Again these are the w and y. Cameron's y holds the same position relative to the meridian and the semiarc as Peter's w. The contact depends both on the Meridian Distance in RA from the RAMC or RAIC, and on the planet's semiarc (SA). The formula is (MD/SA) x 90° of the parent's planet = (MD/SA) x 90° of the child's planet. There have been two important events in Cameron's life, the births of his sister and his brother. The primary directions in his chart for these two events show that his chart responded to them—his converse for his sister's birth is F ^, and for his brother's birth the progressed 5th cusp is D o and the progressed l is sextile his Ascendant. To my mind, this is as much proof as one can ever get in astrology that this method of rectifying the time of birth gives a chart that is in every way astrologically valid. I believe, therefore, that the George H. Bailey Epoch is a valid chart, which can be progressed, examined for transits, have its solar returns done, and so on, just as can an ordinary natal chart. In fact many progressions and transits do not seem to work. Can that be because both epoch and birth charts must have aspects at the same time? If we ever reach the point when we can choose to have a child of the desired sex at the desired time it will be impossible to choose because there are so many factors to consider. One that is important is the w phase. The New w at conception is dangerous for the child. One of my children was conceived at the New w; she was born with a heart disease and died young. The Full w is also not advantageous. Less malefic are the squares between the w and the q. y is always active at the time of conception, and this is to be expected as y rules expansion. It can have aspects between planets at conception, and it can aspect the mother's chart by either transit or progression or in the Solar Return, which I consider is the master chart of the year.
An Effective Epoch?1 KEN GILLMAN
ARGARET MILLARD has explained2 the Polar Prenatalistic system of the English astrologer George H. Bailey. We've tested it on a dozen or so charts and it looks good; very good indeed. Bailey originally described the system in a two-part article published in 1954. 3 We have these articles but were never before able to fully understand the rules. Now, aided by Margaret's insights, we can do so. It appears that Bailey originally set out to define a prenatal epoch that would work in higher latitudes, where the usual Trutine of Hermes fails. He then discovered that his method does not identify the moment of conception but rather the probable time of ovulation. From her study of an invitro fertilization case, Dr. Millard has come to the same conclusion. There are two simple rules:
1. The Right Ascension (RA) of the epoch w (calculated with latitude) will equal the natal RAMC +/- 90°. That is, w RA is A or S the R.A of the natal East Point. 2. Natal RAMC (+ 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°) equals epoch RAMC. The appropriate geographical coordinates for the mother's location at the epoch and the birth are used. Example: Male born 24 June 1973 at 40N49, 74W13. Father recorded the time as 19:11 EST. RAMC 202º, MC 24º z. During the likely period of ovulation/conception the mother was residing at 41N39, 73W57. Birth RAMC +/- 90º = 112º & 292º. The w has these RA's (latitude ignored for the moment) when in 20° f/¦. 1
Previously published in Considerations IX: 2, April-June 1994, pp. 3-5. Reported in The Astrological Journal, November/December 1993, Vol. 35, No. 6 (pages 361-364). 3 Astrology, Volume 28 Number 4 (pages 142-149), and Volume 29 Number 1 (pages 6-11). 2
Gillman: An Effective Epoch?
Tracking back in the ephemeris 9-10 months before the birth, the w is found in these places on 3rd September, 17 th September, 30 th September, and 15th October 1972. B1ueStar's Rectification Assist program was then used to find each time and the corresponding MC: Date in 1972 3rd Sept 17th Sept 30th Sept 15th Oct
Time (EST) 8:09 AM 7:11 PM 1:32 PM 3:30 AM
20º f 20º ¦ 20º f 20º 6
15º f 15º ¦ 6º x 19º d
Each MC can be adjusted to square or conjunct 24° z, the recorded natal MC. We could calculate the epoch and associated birth time for each of these dates and then decide the most appropriate by its closeness to the recorded time of birth and/or its effectiveness when progressed to major events in the life. However, we may save time if we know whether the period of gestation was normal or not. When estimating the likely date of birth from the known onset of the mother-to-be's last menstrual period, a pediatrician assumes ovulation and fertilization were not separated by more than 12 hours, and that ovulation occurred 14 days after the onset of the last menstruation. The pediatrician counts back 3 months from the first day of that last menstrual period and then adds another 7 days to arrive at an estimate of the date of delivery. 25% of babies are born within four days before or after this estimated date; 50% within seven days; 95% within 14 days. Average period of gestation Days Weeks Calendar months Lunar months
from ovulation or fertilization 266 38 8¾ 9½
from last menstruation 280 40 9¼ 10
There are, as a rule, 266-270 days between ovulation and childbirth, with extremes of 250 and 285 days. To find the likely conception/ovulation date from the day of birth, we can reverse the physician's calculation to find the onset of the last menstrual period, and then add 14 days to arrive at the likely date of ovulation and the earliest probable date of conception. This amounts to adding 3 months 7 days to the birth date and then subtracting a year. For our example: Birth was on June 24, 1973. The birth was neither premature nor unduly late. We add 3 months to obtain September 24, 1973. Add 7 days we get October 1, 1973. And finally we subtract
Considerations XIX: 2
a year to arrive at October 1, 1972 as the expected epoch date. This is the day following the third of the four dates on which the transit w is in the position George Bailey's epoch requires it to be. We will use that date here. 30th September 1972 Epoch Time RAMC w RA 12:00 190º 35’ 110º 45’ 14:00 220º 40’ 111º 57’ 2:00 30º 05’ 1º 12’
Time 19:00 21:00 2:00
24th June 1973 Birth RAMC RAMC - 90º 198º 46’ 108º 46’ 228º 51’ 138º 51’ 30º 05” 30º 05”
The two RAMC's are to be conjunct in the 4th harmonic, and the RA of epoch w must be conjunct (or opposite) the RA of the natal East Point. A simple way to proceed is to find when the RA of epoch w is conjunct (in 4th harmonic) the epoch RAMC, and then match this epoch RAMC with the birth RAMC. 1. Find the proportion separating RA of epoch w from its square to epoch RAMC: (200°45' - 190°35') ÷ (30° 05' - 1º 12’) = 0.351991º then epoch w RA = 110°45' + (0.351991 * 1º 12') = 111º10' and epoch RAMC = 190°35' + (0.351991 * 30°05') = 201 °10' Epoch = 12:00 + (0.351991 * 2) = 12:42:14 EST, 30th September 1972; at 41N39, 73W57 2. Match the natal and epoch RAMCs to find time of birth: Epoch RAMC = 201º 10' Natal RAMC will make the required aspect when it is also 201º10'. Time of birth: 19:00 + [(201º 10' - 198º 46') * 2 ÷ 30° 05'] = 19:09:34 EST, 24 June 1973 Checking our calculations for this time, we get: RAMC = 201º10’, as required. We then have: Birth estimate: 19:09:34 EST, 24th June 1973; 40N49, 74W13. RAMC = 201º 10'; East Point RA = 291º 10' (19°¦33'48")
Gillman: An Effective Epoch?
Epoch estimate: 12:42:14 EST, 30th September 1972 (midday on a Saturday!); 41N29, 73W57. RAMC = 201'10', RA w = 111° 10', East Point = 19°¦33'48" which fulfill Bailey's requirements. In this instance, birth and epoch charts share an identical Midheaven, 22º53’ z. The Ascendants (28º 37’c for the epoch, 29º15’c for the birth) differ however as the location changed between epoch and birth. The suggested birth time is one minute and 26 seconds earlier than the time recorded by the father. The epoch found by the standard Trutine of Hermes method was at 17:46:30 EST on 16th September 1972. From the obstetric history, this 16 September date seems very close to the onset of the last menstrual period prior to ovulation. It is an unlikely date for conception, given the date of birth and knowing the baby was carried for a "normal term." The two epochs do not point to the same time of birth. From our limited experience with it, the George H. Bailey epoch may help rectify the time of birth. This is something we know the Hermetic prenatal epoch fails to do. Indeed, the consensus among astrologers is that the prenatal epoch (meaning the standard Hermetic one) must be rejected as a rectification tool. Perhaps use of the George H. Bailey epoch will prompt a change of mind. We plan to continue experimenting with this alternative approach to the prenatal epoch and urge others to try it.
Predicting a Birth1 MARGARET MILLARD, M.D.
HIS IS a follow-up to my earlier article on the Epoch. I believe the subject is of great interest. I think that the cusp of the 11th House indicates children in a woman’s chart, while the 5th does so in a man’s. When my daughter Tam was pregnant r by primary direction was conjunct her 11th cusp, so I predicted the child would be the girl she wanted. The midwife was sure it would be a boy because of the heart rate. Cyril Fagan believed wholeheartedly in the sidereal zodiac, and I was a siderealist for many years. In an article written in 1957 he said Wynne’s Key Cycle was useless. Wynne progressed the solar return by 1 minute 5.4 seconds daily, because he took the difference between successive returns to be six hours. Fagan pointed out that this difference between successive returns should actually be almost thirty hours since the q had really advanced 1 day 6 hours and he used an increment of 5 minutes 1 second per day which he added to the sidereal time of the progressed sidereal (or precessed) return to find the sidereal time of any date between it and the next progressed birthday. I tried a variation of his method (using birthday solar returns instead of the precessed solar return) to see if I could find the actual date of birth, and perhaps the actual time, of the birth of my granddaughter. She was born on 29th January 1995 to my daughter Tamsen. I had the exact birth time, which was noted by the father, who recorded the exact times of extrusion, the first breath and the cutting of the umbilical chord. I took the first breath as the astrological time of birth. The expectant mother’s precessed solar return prior to the birth of the child was set up. It was then progressed by the increment of 5 minutes 1 second per day to the known date and time of birth (the birth was a day before the estimated date of delivery). The mother’s precessed solar return on 29th April 1994 had an Ascendant of 14° f. At her daughter’s birth nine months later the solar return w had progressed to 14° ¦, marking the exact day of birth.
Previously published in Considerations XII: 1, now out of print.
Millard: Predicting a Birth
The progressed return’s Ascendant is 1° f. The baby was born with 1° ¦ on the MC. My calculation of the Epoch took me to 6th May 1994, which was thirteen days after the beginning of the last menses. 1° f is the MC at the Epoch. So Cyril was right! As Tam was born in Portland, Maine and her daughter Erzebet in Waterville, the actual degrees of the Waterville and Portland charts for birth and solar return are not exact but they are within a degree. Data: Tamsen, the mother: birth at 09:39:42 AM EST, 29th April 1963 in Portland, Maine: 43N39 70W15. Tamsen’s 1994 SSR: 08:39:20 AM EST, 29th April 1994, Portland. Her daughter Erzebet born on 29th January 1995 in Waterville, Maine: 44N35 69W38. Extrusion: 09:12:23 AM EST; First breath: 09:12:50; Cord cut: 09:14:18. Pre-natal Epoch: 02:48:32 PM EST, 6th May 1994 in Portland. Calculation of Sidereal Time of Progressed Return: Birth of Erzebet: 14:12:50 GMT, 29th January 1995 Mother’s prior SSR: 13:39:20 GMT, 29th April 1994 Difference: 275 days 00:33:30 hours, 275 days x 5’01” = 22:59:35 ST of prior SSR: 23:27:28 + ST of progressed SSR: 22:27:03
Books Considered What Evangeline Adams Knew
by Karen Christino Stella Mira Books, PO Box 3095, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11202 241 pages, 2004. $19.95
OWADAYS, were you to ask a passer-by for the name of an astrologer, chances are you’ll get a blank look and be told they don’t know of one. Back in the 1920s the same question posed to almost anyone, whether in New York City, LA, Houston or Omaha, a cosmopolitan city or rural boondocks, would almost certainly have been answered with the same name: Evangeline Adams. Evangeline Adams single-handedly popularized astrology in the United States, and did so by applying her astrological knowledge to make accurate and well-publicized forecasts of the outcome of public events, and at the same time she satisfied the needs of her many private clients by telling them what would occur to them later in their lives. She was accurate in what she did and she deservedly became rich and famous. What did she do? And how did she do it? Karen Christino has spent several years researching Adams’ life. She has identified her teachers, recreated the horoscopes she would have used to make many of her successful predictions, and by careful analysis of these charts and Adams’ published writings identified the astrological techniques this eminently successful astrologer used in her work. The result is a detailed explanation of Evangeline Adams’ astrology: what she knew, how she came to learn it, and how it was used in her extensive practice. In her previous book on Evangeline Adams, Foreseeing the Future, Karen Christino told the life and career of this fascinating lady. Now we have a description of Adams’ methods, with 85 horoscope examples carefully analyzed that, combined as they are with carefully selected quotes from Adams herself, will enable the reader to approach astrology in the manner of the astute Evangeline Adams. Adams was no advocate of psychological astrology. She did not attempt to relate astrology to Carl Jung or any other psychological teaching. Instead, she used simple, basic astrology with its sign rulers and its dispositors of houses and planets. In this splendidly written book Christino provides many examples of these and other natal techniques as well as Adams’ approach of Horary and her use of Electional charts. Evangeline Adams was an insightful, practical astrologer and a bright business woman. Anyone wishing to succeed as a professional astrologer will learn much by studying how Adams applied astrology in the ways she did. Karen Christino brilliantly describes these in this very readable book. Highly recommended —Ken Gillman 93
Let’s Consider Martin Peochota writes: In Considerations, Volume XVIII, No. 4, Bob Makransky quotes Carlos Castenada: People in the first class are perfect secretaries, assistants, companions. They have a very fluid personality, but their fluidity is not nourishing. They are, however, serviceable, concerned, totally domestic, resourceful within limits, well mannered, sweet, delicate. In other words the nicest people one could find, but they have one flaw: They can't function alone. They are always in the need of someone to direct them. With direction, no matter how strained or antagonistic that direction might be, they are stupendous. By themselves, they perish.
Makransky goes on to say that Marc Edmund Jones puts this definition in the Mutable astrological category. While Castenada and Jones have described what is to them the perfect secretary, in the real world this is not at all the case. I interrogated the total population of all occupations in my 157,741 data base and picked out the secretaries, sorting them by type of employment. 3,189 SECRETARIAL WORKERS BY SUN SIGN
10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 AR
Secretarial employees, as the accompanying graph clearly illustrates, are least likely to have their qs in the four contiguous signs: b-s. This type of employee is most frequently born in the other eight months. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Mutables as an astrological group (or any other quadruplicity or element) are associated with secretarial employment—in particular, n, surely the most mutable of the Mutables, is clearly the least likely q sign for a secretary.
Let’s Consider
3,145 Secretarial Employees by Category & Sun Sign Category
Admin Church Executive Finance Government Insurance Legal Medical School Secretaries
0 7 32 2 29 10 20 11 22 111
4 12 22 5 27 4 23 14 29 95
244 235 286 295 285 299 284 271 243 256 235 212
2 0 5 2 3 2 15 8 16 9 9 11 30 46 45 33 45 36 6 5 2 2 5 2 25 30 28 29 34 28 12 8 10 12 8 8 34 26 28 39 29 22 18 23 12 23 5 13 33 27 35 37 32 29 111 122 104 113 114 120
2 13 29 5 29 7 28 11 21 98
1 10 30 5 39 11 27 12 29 92
0 12 34 3 18 8 26 18 34 82
0 6 23 4 26 4 28 14 23 84
In the above table, the q sign most prominent in a particular category has been highlighted. d and h are placed high in legal and insurance skills. f, g and z excel in the executive category. ¦ enjoys being in its natural setting, the bureaucratic government. n, contrary to theory, is very low with the church crowd. h is strong when in schools or employed as a medical secretary, both very much as we might expect. As the data base increases in size, the results will be more dramatic in each category. —Dupont, Pennsylvania
Data Etcetera
Wedding of Britney Spears to Jason Alexander 5:30 AM PST 3rd Jan 2004 Las Vega Nevada 36N21 115W13
HE MARRIAGE of dance-pop singer Britney Spears (born 1:30 AM CST, 2nd December 1981; McComb, Missouri: 31N14, 90W27) to her long time friend Jason Alexander (no birth data available) is an excellent example of when not to marry. Readers should refer to “Marriage Elections: Comparing Different Rules” in Considerations XV: 3, pp. 46-69. Jason is signified by the q (S u & D t) and y (weak in h) ruling the ASC and the w’s last aspect; Britney by the weak retrograding e and by the w being Void of Course until it aspects the strong t in a. The aspect with reception from r, the MC ruler, to the l—r is at the 10th from the l—tells us there is agreement between the couple, they are happy with each other. This is confirmed by e MR y (e in 1st—Britney proposed; retrograde, she later rescinded this). Unfortunately both e and y are very weak: neither of the young persons is able to act on their own behalf. Marriage w is exalted but it is in the last decade of s, which all authorities say should be avoided, and the w is X q and at the t/u midpoint. c rising is not favorable for a lasting marriage; less so with “ there. r A o describes a love illusion, which is confirmed by transit o being conjunct Britney’s natal w. Her progressed MC (conjunct her natal l, opposite natal r and square to natal “) tells much the same story. The weak e indicates that no children will come of this marriage, and this is confirmed by the IC (the outcome) A t and squared by the q and u. By the evening of the same day arrangements were being made for the marriage to be annulled. This wedding chart informs us that this annulment was due to pressure on Britney from her mother, signified here by t, invincible in its own sign. Jason’s mother, signified by u the MC ruler by exaltation, would have also been cold to the marriage.
Who ? Ruth Baker, a regular and most welcome contributor on horary matters in Considerations, is a professional violinist. She lives on the Essex coast in England Ken Gillman is the editor of Considerations. When not saving oil-soaked birds along the seashore, Nicole Girard, a retired science teacher, associates solar eclipses with terrestrial upheavals from her home in Normandy, France. Shelagh Kendal, a consulting astrologer fascinated by personal and historical cycles, has lived in England, Canada and the United States. Currently she lives in rural Ontario. Her latest book Cycles & Spirals explains turning points in a person’s life based on aspects at different ages. Margaret Millard M.D. is now retired from her medical practice in Maine and, when not globe trotting, is living in Gloucester, England. Her books include Casebook of a Medical Astrologer and The Genetics of Astrology. Jonathan Pearl describes himself as “a beginning student in this most fine Art, the Queen of the Sciences.” Jonathan lives in San Francisco and can be contacted at Martin Piechota researches sun-sign astrology from his home in Pennsylvania. Isaac Starkman, a long-time collaborator and co-author with Alexander Marr, lives in Tel Aviv, Israel. Isaac specializes in rectification and is the creator of the software package Polaris. Nick Sutherland lives in Texas. He is, or so he modestly says, “a dilettante who enjoys exploring the different ‘what works what doesn't work’ aspects of astrology”. Prier Wintle is a consulting astrologer with many years’ experience. His writings have appeared in the leading astrological journals. Prier has worked in England, New Zealand and South Africa. He currently lives in Cape Town.